Y Cyfarfod Llawn



Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai
1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government

Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i’r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jenny Rathbone.

Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item on our agenda this afternoon will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government, and the first question is from Jenny Rathbone.

Safonau Gofal i Denantiaid
Standards of Care for Tenants

1. Pa safonau gofal i denantiaid y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu disgwyl gan gymdeithasau tai? OQ61604

1. What standards of care for tenants does the Welsh Government expect from housing associations? OQ61604

The regulatory standards set the Welsh Government’s expectations for housing associations. These standards require associations to provide high-quality services and safe homes, as well as requiring that tenants should be able to influence strategic decisions and service delivery. Compliance with the standards is monitored and reported on through regulatory judgments.

Mae’r safonau rheoleiddiol yn nodi disgwyliadau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer cymdeithasau tai. Mae'r safonau hyn yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gymdeithasau ddarparu gwasanaethau o ansawdd uchel a chartrefi diogel, yn ogystal â'i gwneud yn ofynnol i denantiaid allu dylanwadu ar benderfyniadau strategol a darpariaeth gwasanaethau. Caiff cydymffurfiaeth â'r safonau ei fonitro ac adroddir arno drwy ddyfarniadau rheoleiddio.

So, in the context of the need to try and get anybody who’s missing out on the pension credit in order to get the winter fuel payment, I’ve been speaking to the housing associations in my constituency of Cardiff Central to see what duty of care they have to the well-being of their tenants to make sure they’re actually getting what they’re entitled to and know how to apply for it before 21 December. I’m very pleased to say that Cardiff Community Housing Association is taking proactive steps to contact all relevant tenants, but others are only assisting residents when they get asked for information. And I just feel that this well-being issue, to ensure that people are getting the income that they need and are entitled to at this difficult time in terms of the fuel bills going up, is something we need to pursue. So, what discussions are you having with housing associations on your expectations about the well-being of tenants as well as local authorities to proactively ensure that anybody who’s in danger of missing out on pension credit and the winter fuel allowance doesn’t get missed out simply because they are not able to apply digitally or they don’t have a family member to do it for them.

Felly, yng nghyd-destun yr angen i geisio nodi unrhyw un sy'n mynd heb gredyd pensiwn i allu cael taliad tanwydd y gaeaf, rwyf wedi bod yn siarad â'r cymdeithasau tai yn fy etholaeth i yng Nghanol Caerdydd i weld pa ddyletswydd gofal sydd ganddynt i les eu tenantiaid er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cael yr hyn y mae ganddynt hawl iddo a'u bod yn gwybod sut i wneud cais amdano cyn 21 Rhagfyr. Rwy’n falch iawn o ddweud bod Cymdeithas Tai Cymunedol Caerdydd yn cymryd camau rhagweithiol i gysylltu â’r holl denantiaid perthnasol, ond nad yw eraill ond yn cynorthwyo preswylwyr pan ofynnir iddynt am wybodaeth. Ac rwy'n teimlo bod y mater llesiant hwn, i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael yr incwm sydd ei angen arnynt ac y mae ganddynt hawl iddo ar yr adeg anodd hon o ran biliau tanwydd cynyddol, yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni fynd ar ei drywydd. Felly, pa drafodaethau rydych chi'n eu cael gyda chymdeithasau tai ynghylch eich disgwyliadau ynghylch llesiant tenantiaid yn ogystal â bod awdurdodau lleol yn mynd ati'n rhagweithiol i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw un sydd mewn perygl o golli credyd pensiwn a lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf yn cael eu hamddifadu am na allant wneud cais digidol, neu am nad oes ganddynt aelod o'r teulu i wneud hynny drostynt.

Thank you for the question, Jenny—it’s a really important one, and I commend you on the work that you’re doing in your area in particular, and I’m sure other Members will be doing that as well to do everything we can to ensure that people claim everything that they’re entitled to. The Welsh Government is committed to ensuring that people in Wales claim every pound to which they’re entitled. We’ve got our flagship 'Claim what’s yours’ programme take-up campaign, which we’ve seen deliver some really positive results and we’re making sure that we keep on going in that vein.

We’re working collaboratively with the UK Government and our partners, including Community Housing Cymru, to increase that pension credit take-up in Wales, and CHC has developed a cost-of-living support hub to share learning advice and good practice across all housing associations to support tenants in financial difficulties. We would encourage all RSLs and local authorities to work with us and our partners to help maximise benefit take-up, as we know that this is often the gateway for people to access further financial support. So, it’s really important and I’ll continue to monitor this as well, along with Cabinet colleagues.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Jenny—mae'n un hynod bwysig, ac rwy'n eich canmol am y gwaith a wnewch yn eich ardal yn arbennig, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd Aelodau eraill yn gwneud hynny hefyd er mwyn gwneud popeth a allwn i sicrhau bod pobl yn hawlio popeth y mae ganddynt hawl iddo. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod pobl Cymru yn hawlio pob punt y mae ganddynt hawl iddi. Mae gennym ein hymgyrch flaenllaw i sicrhau bod pobl yn manteisio ar raglen ‘Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi’, sydd wedi sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol iawn, ac rydym yn sicrhau ein bod yn parhau i fynd ar drywydd hynny.

Rydym yn gweithio ar y cyd â Llywodraeth y DU a’n partneriaid, gan gynnwys Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru, i gynyddu’r nifer sy’n hawlio credyd pensiwn yng Nghymru, ac mae Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru wedi datblygu hyb cymorth costau byw i rannu cyngor dysgu ac arferion da ymhlith pob cymdeithas dai er mwyn gefnogi tenantiaid mewn trafferthion ariannol. Hoffem annog pob landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig ac awdurdod lleol i weithio gyda ni a’n partneriaid i helpu i gynyddu’r nifer sy’n hawlio budd-daliadau, gan y gwyddom mai dyma’r porth yn aml i bobl gael mynediad at gymorth ariannol pellach. Felly, mae’n bwysig iawn, a byddaf yn parhau i fonitro hyn hefyd gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet.

Housing associations have raised concerns with me that, because they’re taking more tenant allocations from priority lists and therefore working with people in crisis or post crisis, this is having a big impact, where the needs of tenants are becoming more complex and the demands on them are increasing as they work with affected families and maintain their homes, and that they’re also struggling with Welsh Government aspirations over decarbonisation, where their actual ability to deliver is, quote, 'a moot point', with a massive black hole in funding to do it the way they’re being asked to and that there’s a need to balance the ambition with what is realistic, working out with tenants the best way for individual homes. So, in determining the standards of tenant care that it expects housing associations to provide, what consideration is the Welsh Government therefore giving to these concerns?

Mae cymdeithasau tai wedi dweud pryderon wrthyf, am eu bod yn cymryd mwy o denantiaid oddi ar restrau blaenoriaeth ac felly’n gweithio gyda phobl sydd mewn argyfwng neu sydd wedi bod mewn argyfwng, fod hyn yn cael effaith fawr, lle mae anghenion tenantiaid yn dod yn fwyfwy cymhleth a’r galwadau arnynt yn cynyddu wrth iddynt weithio gyda theuluoedd yr effeithir arnynt a chynnal eu cartrefi, a'u bod hefyd yn ei chael hi'n anodd gyda dyheadau Llywodraeth Cymru i ddatgarboneiddio lle mae eu gallu i gyflawni mewn gwirionedd, a dyfynnaf, yn 'amherthnasol', gyda thwll du enfawr yn y cyllid i'w wneud yn y ffordd y gofynnir iddynt ei wneud, a bod angen cydbwyso'r uchelgais gyda'r hyn sy'n realistig, gan weithio gyda thenantiaid i bennu'r ffordd orau ar gyfer cartrefi unigol. Felly, wrth bennu'r safonau y mae’n disgwyl i gymdeithasau tai eu darparu o ran gofal tenantiaid, pa ystyriaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei rhoi i’r pryderon hyn?

Thank you, Mark. As I said, we’re working very closely with RSLs, and I think that’s an important partnership approach, as well as with local government, because we all want to see as many people gaining access to their entitlement, as they are. Community Housing Cymru, as I said, have developed a cost-of-living support hub to share that learning, advice and best practice to housing associations, giving essential cost-of-living support to their tenants. So, there is work ongoing. Social landlords do have a duty of care to their tenants though various landlord and tenant legislation, including the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. But, as I said, there is a lot of work going on in this area. We’re very, very alert to it. The Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice is chairing the next Interministerial Group on Work and Pensions, and she’ll discuss the importance of both Governments working together to address the reason why older people fail to take up their entitlements. There is a lot of focus in this area, and I’m sure Members will be kept up to date on this in due course.

Diolch, Mark. Fel y dywedais, rydym yn gweithio’n agos iawn gyda landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig, a chredaf fod hwnnw’n ddull partneriaeth pwysig, yn ogystal â llywodraeth leol, gan fod pob un ohonom am weld cymaint o bobl â phosibl yn cael mynediad at yr hyn y mae ganddynt hawl iddo. Mae Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru, fel y dywedais, wedi datblygu hyb cymorth costau byw i rannu dysgu, cyngor ac arferion gorau â chymdeithasau tai, gan roi cymorth costau byw hanfodol i’w tenantiaid. Felly, mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo. Mae gan landlordiaid cymdeithasol ddyletswydd gofal i’w tenantiaid drwy wahanol ddeddfwriaeth landlordiaid a thenantiaid, gan gynnwys Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016. Ond fel y dywedais, mae llawer o waith yn mynd rhagddo yn y maes hwn. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn ohono. Bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn cadeirio’r Grŵp Rhyngweinidogol ar Waith a Phensiynau nesaf, a bydd yn trafod pa mor bwysig yw hi fod y ddwy Lywodraeth yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i fynd i’r afael â’r rheswm pam nad yw pobl hŷn yn manteisio ar eu hawliau. Mae llawer o ffocws yn y maes hwn, ac rwy’n siŵr y bydd yr Aelodau’n cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am hyn maes o law.

Cyfleusterau Cymunedol yn Islwyn
Community Facilities in Islwyn

2. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda llywodraeth leol yn Islwyn i sicrhau bod cyfleusterau cymunedol yn cael eu diogelu? OQ61623

2. How is the Welsh Government working with local government in Islwyn to ensure that community facilities are protected? OQ61623

Our Transforming Towns regeneration programme provides a co-ordinated package of support, providing local authorities with the opportunity to invest in town centres across Wales. Individual towns can benefit by identifying the mix of interventions that best suits their specific characteristics, local strengths, culture and heritage.

Mae ein rhaglen adfywio Trawsnewid Trefi yn darparu pecyn cymorth cydgysylltiedig, gan roi cyfle i awdurdodau lleol fuddsoddi yng nghanol trefi ledled Cymru. Gall trefi unigol elwa drwy nodi'r cymysgedd o ymyriadau sy'n gweddu orau i'w cryfderau lleol, diwylliant, treftadaeth a nodweddion penodol.

Diolch. Caerphilly County Borough Council have stated that they have a £45 million deficit to plug in their finances. The Blackwood Miners' Institute has been threatened with closure as a result, and the timeline saw the first announcement at the end of July of a potential closure a mere five months later at the end of December. So, following a large-scale protest and march through Blackwood, and a petition of thousands, the proposal has paused as the council seeks legal authority of their legal decision-making powers due to the charitable status of the 'stute'.

Cabinet Secretary, the case study of the Blackwood Miners' Institute and the financial situation faced by Welsh councils demands urgent action and an interventionist approach into what is happening at local government level. Harold Macmillan once warned of the consequences of Thatcherism as selling off the family silver. The sale of assets is

'common with individuals or estates, when they run into financial difficulties.... First, the Georgian silver goes, then all that nice furniture that used to be in the saloon, and then the Canalettos go'.

So, what does the Welsh Government propose to do to ensure that safeguards are in place, so that local authorities have the expertise, support and requirements to work with external partners to ensure that highly treasured community assets are not sacrificed at the altar of accountancy?

Diolch. Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili wedi datgan bod ganddynt ddiffyg o £45 miliwn i'w lenwi yn eu cyllid. Mae bygythiad y bydd Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon yn cau o ganlyniad, gyda'r cyhoeddiad cyntaf ddiwedd mis Gorffennaf y byddai’n cau, o bosibl, bum mis yn ddiweddarach ar ddiwedd mis Rhagfyr. Felly, yn dilyn protest fawr a gorymdaith drwy Goed-duon, a deiseb wedi'i llofnodi gan filoedd, mae’r cynnig wedi'i oedi wrth i’r cyngor geisio awdurdod cyfreithiol i’w pwerau i wneud penderfyniadau cyfreithiol oherwydd statws elusennol y 'stiwt'.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae’r astudiaeth achos o Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon a’r sefyllfa ariannol a wynebir gan gynghorau Cymru yn galw am gamau gweithredu brys a dull ymyraethol o ran yr hyn sy’n digwydd ar lefel llywodraeth leol. Rhybuddiodd Harold Macmillan unwaith fod canlyniadau Thatcheriaeth fel gwerthu llestri arian y teulu. Mae gwerthu asedau

'yn gyffredin ymhlith unigolion ac ystadau pan fyddant yn mynd i drafferthion ariannol…. Yn gyntaf, mae'r llestri arian Sioraidd yn mynd, wedyn yr holl gelfi hyfryd a arferai fod yn yr ystafelloedd cyhoeddus, ac yna mae'r Canalettos yn mynd.'

Felly, beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ei wneud i sicrhau bod mesurau diogelu ar waith, fel bod gan awdurdodau lleol yr arbenigedd, y gefnogaeth a'r hyn sy'n ofynnol i weithio gyda phartneriaid allanol i sicrhau nad yw asedau cymunedol hynod werthfawr yn cael eu haberthu ar allor cyfrifyddiaeth?

Thank you for the question, Rhianon, and I am aware of the situation that you’ve mentioned. The Welsh Government does recognise the key role culture plays within communities across Wales, its contribution in terms of health and well-being, economic impacts, visitor attractions, resources for schools and life-long learning, and that’s all vital. The Welsh Government is aware of the very difficult options that must be explored in the current financial climate. The management and funding of venues such as the Blackwood Miners' Institute is a matter for the governing body. In this case, that’s Caerphilly County Borough Council. I know that the Arts Council of Wales have been in discussion with Caerphilly council regarding the consultation that the local authority has had, and I know that the officers there have been in regular contact with the team at the institute, and they’ve offered support and are keeping the Welsh Government updated on developments.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Rhianon, ac rwy’n ymwybodol o’r sefyllfa yr ydych wedi'i nodi. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod y rôl allweddol y mae diwylliant yn ei chwarae mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru, ei gyfraniad i iechyd a llesiant, effeithiau economaidd, atyniadau i ymwelwyr, adnoddau ar gyfer ysgolion a dysgu gydol oes, ac mae'r pethau hyn oll yn hanfodol. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymwybodol o’r opsiynau anodd iawn y mae’n rhaid eu harchwilio yn yr hinsawdd ariannol sydd ohoni. Mater i'r corff llywodraethu yw rheoli ac ariannu lleoliadau fel Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon. Yn yr achos hwn, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili yw hwnnw. Gwn fod Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru wedi bod yn trafod gyda chyngor Caerffili ynghylch yr ymgynghoriad y mae’r awdurdod lleol wedi’i gael, a gwn fod y swyddogion yno wedi bod mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â thîm y sefydliad, a'u bod wedi cynnig cymorth ac yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â datblygiadau.

Cabinet Secretary, I fully support Rhianon Passmore’s concern about Caerphilly Labour council’s lack of support for community venues. However, a quick look at the council’s accounts tells you the problem can be solved. Caerphilly Labour council are sitting on £220 million of reserves. By contrast, Monmouthshire council has £20 million in reserves. Nearly £0.25 billion is sitting in a bank doing nothing while people mourn the loss of important facilities, and, as you say, Cabinet Secretary, cultural assets. Does the Minister agree with me that it’s absolutely obscene that this much-loved community facility in Islwyn—both facilities in Islwyn—are due to close due to lack of funds, when there are huge amounts piling up in bank accounts? Will the Cabinet Secretary have a meeting with the arts council and Caerphilly council to make them try and get some money out of their bank and into the community where it belongs?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy’n llwyr gefnogi pryder Rhianon Passmore ynghylch diffyg cefnogaeth cyngor Llafur Caerffili i leoliadau cymunedol. Fodd bynnag, mae cipolwg cyflym ar gyfrifon y cyngor yn dweud wrthych y gellir datrys y broblem. Mae cyngor Llafur Caerffili yn eistedd ar £220 miliwn o gronfeydd wrth gefn. Mewn cyferbyniad, mae gan gyngor sir Fynwy £20 miliwn mewn cronfeydd wrth gefn. Mae bron i £0.25 biliwn yn eistedd mewn banc yn gwneud dim tra bo pobl yn galaru am golli cyfleusterau pwysig, ac asedau diwylliannol, fel y dywedwch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. A yw’r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn gwbl warthus fod y cyfleuster cymunedol poblogaidd hwn yn Islwyn—y ddau gyfleuster yn Islwyn—yn mynd i gau oherwydd diffyg arian, pan fo symiau enfawr yn cronni mewn cyfrifon banc? A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gyfarfod gyda chyngor y celfyddydau a chyngor Caerffili i wneud iddynt geisio rhoi rhywfaint o'r arian sydd ganddynt yn y banc i'r gymuned lle dylai fod?

Thank you, Laura. We understand how these are difficult decisions for local authorities. As I said, this is a matter for the local authority. I think there’s a conflation there about what the reserves are for, but we are aware of the situation. We know that the local authority has engaged with the public. There’s been a full consultation and effective scrutiny by those elected members, and that is an important element of local decisions on the provisions and the services that are provided. So, as I said, there are discussions within—. The Arts Council of Wales are involved—officers are there. We have been asked to keep in touch with those discussions, so I can assure you that that is happening.

Diolch, Laura. Rydym yn deall sut y mae’r rhain yn benderfyniadau anodd i awdurdodau lleol. Fel y dywedais, mater i’r awdurdod lleol yw hwn. Credaf eich bod yn cyfuno dau beth ynghylch pwrpas y cronfeydd wrth gefn, ond rydym yn ymwybodol o’r sefyllfa. Gwyddom fod yr awdurdod lleol wedi ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd. Bu ymgynghoriad llawn a chraffu effeithiol gan yr aelodau etholedig, ac mae honno’n elfen bwysig o benderfyniadau lleol ar y darpariaethau a’r gwasanaethau a ddarperir. Felly, fel y dywedais, mae trafodaethau o fewn—. Mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn rhan o'r trafodaethau—mae swyddogion yno. Gofynnwyd inni gadw mewn cysylltiad â’r trafodaethau hynny, felly gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi fod hynny’n digwydd.


Cabinet Secretary, the fate of Blackwood Miners' Institute hangs in the balance, and residents and staff are deeply worried, particularly after the news last week that Llancaiach Fawr was to close. Caerphilly council, as has been said, has had to pause their decision about the miners' future, but there are many questions that local campaigners are asking. The miners' institute has received funding from the arts council. It was meant to have been awarded money from the shared prosperity fund—the money earmarked for the institute may have already been given to other sources. What urgent support can the Welsh Government give—I do believe that this is something that the Welsh Government should be giving support to—to ensure that a cornerstone of cultural life in the community remains open? There is a real risk that productions will put out before a decision is even made because of the ongoing uncertainty, and staff morale is shockingly low, particularly, again, because of the decision last week about Llancaiach Fawr. Can urgent support be given by the Government, because national support should be given to venues that are of national importance?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae tynged Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon yn y fantol, ac mae trigolion a staff yn bryderus iawn, yn enwedig ar ôl y newyddion yr wythnos diwethaf y bydd Llancaiach Fawr yn cau. Mae cyngor Caerffili, fel y dywedwyd, wedi gorfod oedi eu penderfyniad ynglŷn â dyfodol sefydliad y glowyr, ond mae gan ymgyrchwyr lleol lawer o gwestiynau. Mae sefydliad y glowyr wedi derbyn arian gan gyngor y celfyddydau. Roedd i fod i gael arian o'r gronfa ffyniant gyffredin—efallai fod yr arian a glustnodwyd ar gyfer y sefydliad eisoes wedi'i roi i ffynonellau eraill. Pa gymorth brys y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei roi—credaf fod hyn yn rhywbeth y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ei gefnogi—i sicrhau bod un o gonglfeini bywyd diwylliannol yn y gymuned yn parhau i fod ar agor? Mae risg wirioneddol y bydd cynyrchiadau’n tynnu allan hyd yn oed cyn i benderfyniad gael ei wneud oherwydd yr ansicrwydd parhaus, ac mae ysbryd staff yn syfrdanol o isel, yn rhannol, unwaith eto, oherwydd y penderfyniad yr wythnos diwethaf ynglŷn â Llancaiach Fawr. A all y Llywodraeth roi cymorth brys, gan y dylid rhoi cymorth cenedlaethol i leoliadau sydd o bwysigrwydd cenedlaethol?

Thank you, Delyth. I understand, from all Members, the passionate views that they have on Blackwood Miners' Institute. I know there's been that consultation with Caerphilly County Borough Council that has been ongoing. As I said, the Arts Council of Wales are involved. As you mention, they have funded the Blackwood Miners' Institute, but I know those discussions are ongoing. So, I understand the importance of the building. This is very much a decision for Caerphilly County Borough Council, and, as I say, I really do appreciate the real financial backdrop to all of this as well.

Diolch, Delyth. Rwy'n deall y safbwyntiau angerddol sydd gan bob Aelod ynghylch Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon. Gwn fod ymgynghoriad yn mynd rhagddo gyda Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili. Fel y dywedais, mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn rhan o'r trafodaethau. Fel y soniwch, maent wedi ariannu Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, ond gwn fod y trafodaethau hynny’n parhau. Felly, rwy’n deall pwysigrwydd yr adeilad. Mae hwn yn benderfyniad i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, ac fel y dywedaf, rwy'n deall y cefndir ariannol i hyn oll hefyd.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Peter Fox.

Questions now from party spokespeople. The Conservatives' spokesperson, Peter Fox.

Diolch, Llywydd. Can I firstly welcome you to your new post, Cabinet Secretary? I sincerely wish you the very best, and I'll do my best to be as supportive as I can.

Cabinet Secretary, the First Minister has announced her priorities for this Government. I hope you will bring new ideas and perspectives on the matter of local government finances. Cabinet Secretary, what will your plans be for sustainable local government funding?

Diolch, Lywydd. Yn gyntaf, a gaf i eich croesawu i’ch swydd newydd, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet? Rwy'n ddiffuant yn dymuno'r gorau i chi, a byddaf yn gwneud fy ngorau i fod mor gefnogol ag y gallaf.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae’r Prif Weinidog wedi cyhoeddi ei blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y Llywodraeth hon. Rwy'n gobeithio y dowch â syniadau a safbwyntiau newydd ar fater cyllid llywodraeth leol. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth fydd eich cynlluniau ar gyfer cyllid cynaliadwy i lywodraeth leol?

Diolch, Peter. Thank you very much for the warm welcome and I look forward to working with you and other colleagues across the Chamber on this portfolio.

I'm early into this—it's really the first month, I think, or the first couple of weeks anyway. We're jointly developing with local authorities a real protocol, looking at how we can go forward in terms of if there was a significant financial challenge. So, we are trying to get some sort of bottom-out of that, really, with local authorities. I'm looking forward to having discussions with local authority leaders across Wales—I've already started that—and looking forward to working with the WLGA. So, I'm keen to get out and about and speak to local authorities directly and hear from them some of the challenges and the opportunities that they face.

Diolch, Peter. Diolch yn fawr iawn am y croeso cynnes, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weithio gyda chi a chyd-Aelodau eraill ar draws y Siambr ar y portffolio hwn.

Mae'n ddyddiau cynnar i mi ar hyn—yn wir, dyma'r mis cyntaf, rwy'n credu, neu'r ychydig wythnosau cyntaf, beth bynnag. Rydym yn datblygu protocol real ar y cyd ag awdurdodau lleol, gan edrych ar sut y gallwn symud ymlaen i weld a oes yna her ariannol sylweddol. Felly, rydym yn ceisio mynd at wraidd hynny, mewn gwirionedd, gydag awdurdodau lleol. Edrychaf ymlaen at gael trafodaethau gydag arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru—rwyf eisoes wedi dechrau ar hynny—ac edrychaf ymlaen at weithio gyda CLlLC. Felly, rwy’n awyddus i siarad ag awdurdodau lleol yn uniongyrchol a chlywed ganddynt ynglŷn â rhai o’r heriau a’r cyfleoedd y maent yn eu hwynebu.

Thank you for that, Cabinet Secretary. That's pleasing to know, and I encourage you to have those conversations as soon as possible. We only heard last week, didn't we, from the leader of Flintshire how the local authority there was in a position where it may end up having to declare bankruptcy at some point. And then we heard later on, didn't we, a few days later, similar messages from Neath Port Talbot. We know, and I know, that there will be many other authorities who are extremely concerned about the situation. We know that last year's budget levelled a real-terms cut of around 5 per cent on councils, and the implications of this, and the previous difficult years, are threatening the sustainability of local government in its current form. With this in mind, what actions will the Government be taking to ensure that all councils can continue to deliver the many vital services that our communities pay for and expect? Will you want to review current arrangements for the funding of local government? I know you've said you're going to talk to the WLGA and leaders, but is there an appetite within your portfolio, within the Government, to really look at that local government funding formula?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'n braf clywed hynny, ac rwy'n eich annog i gael y sgyrsiau hynny cyn gynted â phosibl. Yr wythnos diwethaf, clywsom gan arweinydd sir y Fflint ynglŷn â sut oedd yr awdurdod lleol yno mewn sefyllfa lle gallai fod angen iddynt ddatgan methdaliad ar ryw bwynt. Ac yna clywsom negeseuon tebyg yn nes ymlaen, oni wnaethom, ychydig ddyddiau'n ddiweddarach, gan Gastell-nedd Port Talbot. Fe wyddom y bydd llawer o awdurdodau eraill yn hynod bryderus ynglŷn â'r sefyllfa. Gwyddom fod cyllideb y llynedd wedi golygu toriad mewn termau real o oddeutu 5 y cant i gynghorau, ac mae goblygiadau hyn, a’r blynyddoedd anodd blaenorol, yn bygwth cynaliadwyedd llywodraeth leol ar ei ffurf bresennol. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, pa gamau y bydd y Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i sicrhau y gall pob cyngor barhau i ddarparu’r amryw wasanaethau hanfodol y mae ein cymunedau’n talu amdanynt ac yn eu disgwyl? A fyddwch chi eisiau adolygu’r trefniadau presennol ar gyfer cyllid llywodraeth leol? Gwn eich bod wedi dweud y byddwch yn siarad â CLlLC ac arweinwyr, ond a oes awydd yn eich portffolio, o fewn y Llywodraeth, i edrych yn agos ar fformiwla gyllido llywodraeth leol?


Thank you for that, Peter. I think there’s an opportunity here also to pay tribute to all those people who work in local authorities and the officers who work hard, day in, day out, to make sure that those services are provided for our local communities. So, I’m very pleased that I have the responsibility for local government within my portfolio, and I just want to pay tribute to the workforce who work hard in difficult situations.

As just mentioned, we are jointly developing with local authorities a protocol to apply in case of significant financial challenge. Once finalised, that protocol will be agreed through the finance sub-group. It’s going to set out a range of potential options for support. This will not include access, though, to additional funding, but rather to non-financial and technical steps, including, where appropriate, capitalisation directions. So, there’s something there that we’re looking at in case, because I recognise the stress on the system at the moment and what we’ve seen across the border as well. So, we’re making sure we’re working with local government to prepare. So, as I said, I’m really keen to have those discussions with local authority leaders and the WLGA, and I’m sure I’ll hear some of those points that you’ve raised today.

Diolch, Peter. Credaf fod cyfle yma hefyd i dalu teyrnged i’r holl bobl sy’n gweithio yn yr awdurdodau lleol a’r swyddogion sy’n gweithio’n galed bob dydd i sicrhau bod y gwasanaethau hynny’n cael eu darparu ar gyfer ein cymunedau lleol. Felly, rwy’n falch iawn fod gennyf y cyfrifoldeb dros lywodraeth leol yn fy mhortffolio, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged i’r gweithlu sy’n gweithio’n galed mewn sefyllfaoedd anodd.

Fel y nodwyd nawr, rydym yn datblygu protocol ar y cyd gydag awdurdodau lleol i'w ddefnyddio pan fydd yna her ariannol sylweddol. Pan fydd wedi'i gwblhau, bydd yr is-grŵp cyllid yn cytuno ar y protocol hwnnw. Mae’n mynd i nodi ystod o opsiynau posibl ar gyfer cymorth. Fodd bynnag, ni fydd hyn yn cynnwys mynediad at gyllid ychwanegol, ond yn hytrach at gamau anariannol a thechnegol, gan gynnwys, lle bo'n briodol, cyfarwyddiadau cyfalafu. Felly, mae rhywbeth yno yr ydym yn edrych arno rhag ofn, gan fy mod yn cydnabod y straen sydd ar y system ar hyn o bryd a’r hyn a welsom dros y ffin hefyd. Felly, rydym yn sicrhau ein bod yn gweithio gyda llywodraeth leol i baratoi. Felly, fel y dywedais, rwy’n awyddus iawn i gael y trafodaethau hynny gydag arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol a CLlLC, ac rwy’n siŵr y byddaf yn clywed rhai o’r pwyntiau a godwyd gennych heddiw.

Thank you for that. I’m sure those conversations will be productive. I think it’s important and incumbent on me to highlight the wider issues. As you know, with my past experience, I know there is a significant difference in the resilience that many councils have. We heard a case earlier about levels of reserves. I’m not going to talk about reserves, because I know they’re currently being used. However, there is a vulnerability that some have because they haven’t got the resilience, and that’s a result of the funding system and that is not sustainable.

Moving on, Cabinet Secretary, a massive headache for councils, as you’ll very well know, is the pressure surrounding social care. Local authorities faced, last year, around a £260 million financial black hole to address social care, but you’ll know that they received only about 10 per cent of the extra funding from the Welsh Government. That contradicted the need to address the well-being situation, recognising how much money went into health. Clearly, then, there’s a lack of a holistic approach by the Government when it comes to health and well-being. Local government plays an absolutely fundamental role in maintaining our communities' wellness. So, with this in mind, Cabinet Secretary, what can the local government family expect to see from you and your colleagues to put things right for social care?

Diolch. Rwy’n siŵr y bydd y sgyrsiau hynny’n gynhyrchiol. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig ac yn ddyletswydd arnaf i dynnu sylw at y materion ehangach. Fel y gwyddoch, o'm profiad yn y gorffennol, gwn fod gwahaniaeth sylweddol yn y gwytnwch sydd gan lawer o gynghorau. Clywsom achos yn gynharach am lefelau’r cronfeydd wrth gefn. Nid wyf am sôn am gronfeydd wrth gefn, gan y gwn eu bod eisoes yn cael eu defnyddio. Fodd bynnag, mae rhai mewn sefyllfa fregus am nad ydynt yn wydn, ac mae hynny o ganlyniad i’r system ariannu ac nid yw’n gynaliadwy.

Gan symud ymlaen, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, cur pen enfawr i gynghorau, fel y gwyddoch yn iawn, yw’r pwysau sy'n gysylltiedig â gofal cymdeithasol. Y llynedd, roedd awdurdodau lleol yn wynebu twll du ariannol o oddeutu £260 miliwn i fynd i’r afael â gofal cymdeithasol, ond fe fyddwch yn gwybod mai dim ond oddeutu 10 y cant o’r cyllid ychwanegol a gawsant gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Roedd hynny’n groes i'r angen i fynd i’r afael â’r sefyllfa o ran lles, gan gydnabod faint o arian sy'n mynd i faes iechyd. Yn amlwg, felly, mae yna ddiffyg ymagwedd gyfannol gan y Llywodraeth mewn perthynas ag iechyd a lles. Mae llywodraeth leol yn chwarae rhan hollbwysig yn cynnal lles ein cymunedau. Felly, gyda hyn mewn golwg, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth y gall y teulu llywodraeth leol ddisgwyl ei weld gennych chi a'ch cyd-Aelodau i unioni'r sefyllfa ar gyfer gofal cymdeithasol?

Thank you, Peter. Again, thank you for all the work that you’ve done in your past life, before coming here, in local government. You talk about the resilience of local authorities, and I know again that people are working really hard within those local authorities, against a difficult backdrop in terms of financial pressures, expectations of services and what local authorities deliver, and as you’ve mentioned, social care is such a crucial aspect of that. We know, and I’ve heard myself already from local authority leaders and councillors, about the pressures that local authorities are under because of social care. I’m keen to work with the Cabinet Member for social care as well, the Minister for social care, around this, and the Cabinet Member for health and social care, because if there’s a way that we can have a real focus in this area, especially in terms of getting people out of hospitals, I know that’s something the First Minister has talked about over time now. So, having that focus and working together across portfolios, I think, will be helpful, as well as with local government, which is really crucial.

Diolch, Peter. Unwaith eto, diolch am yr holl waith a wnaethoch yn eich bywyd blaenorol, cyn dod yma, ym maes llywodraeth leol. Rydych chi'n sôn am wydnwch awdurdodau lleol, a gwn unwaith eto fod pobl yn gweithio’n galed iawn yn yr awdurdodau lleol hynny, mewn cyd-destun anodd o ran pwysau ariannol, disgwyliadau gan wasanaethau a’r hyn y mae awdurdodau lleol yn ei ddarparu, ac fel rydych chi wedi'i nodi, mae gofal cymdeithasol yn elfen mor hanfodol o hynny. Fe wyddom, ac rwyf eisoes wedi clywed fy hun gan arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol a chynghorwyr, am y pwysau sydd ar awdurdodau lleol oherwydd gofal cymdeithasol. Rwy’n awyddus i weithio gydag Aelod y Cabinet dros ofal cymdeithasol hefyd, y Gweinidog gofal cymdeithasol, ar hyn, ac Aelod y Cabinet dros iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, oherwydd os oes ffordd y gallwn gael ffocws go iawn yn y maes hwn, yn enwedig i gael pobl allan o ysbytai, gwn fod hynny'n rhywbeth y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi sôn amdano dros beth amser bellach. Felly, credaf y bydd cael y ffocws hwnnw a chydweithio ar draws portffolios o gymorth hefyd gyda llywodraeth leol, sy’n wirioneddol hanfodol.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Siân Gwenllian.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Siân Gwenllian.

Diolch, Llywydd. Rydw innau’n edrych ymlaen at gydweithio efo chi ar y portffolio tai. Ddoe, fe fuon ni’n trafod canfyddiadau adroddiad Archwilio Cymru oedd yn dweud na fydd targed 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael ei gyrraedd heb wariant ychwanegol sylweddol. I fod yn benodol, mae Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru yn dweud bod angen cymaint â rhwng £580 miliwn a £740 miliwn o gyfalaf ychwanegol ar ben tybiaethau cyllidebol presennol i fynd yn agos at gyrraedd y targed erbyn mis Mawrth 2026. Ydych chi'n cytuno efo canfyddiadau'r adroddiad yma? A beth ydy eich ymateb chi i hynny?

Thank you, Llywydd. I also look forward to working with you on the housing portfolio. Yesterday, we discussed the findings of the Audit Wales report that stated that the Welsh Government target of 20,000 social homes won't be reached without significant additional expenditure. To be specific, the Auditor General for Wales states that there's a need for as much as between £580 million and £740 million of capital expenditure in addition to the current financial assumptions to get close to that target by March 2026. Do you agree with the findings of this report? And how do you respond to that? 


Thank you, Siân. Diolch. As I said, thank you again for your warm welcome as well—I look forward to working with you in this portfolio—and for the work that you've done in your previous capacity as well in local authorities. As I mentioned yesterday, I welcome the Audit Wales report and I put on record my thanks to them for the work that they've done. I have accepted all of the recommendations within that report and officials have responded to that.

Diolch, Siân. Fel y dywedais, diolch eto am eich croeso cynnes hefyd—edrychaf ymlaen at weithio gyda chi yn y portffolio hwn—ac am y gwaith awdurdod lleol a wnaethoch chi'n flaenorol. Fel y soniais ddoe, rwy'n croesawu adroddiad Archwilio Cymru, a hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch iddynt am y gwaith y maent wedi'i wneud. Rwyf wedi derbyn pob un o’r argymhellion yn yr adroddiad hwnnw ac mae swyddogion wedi ymateb i hynny.

Iawn. Ond dydy hynny ddim yn ateb y cwestiwn ynglŷn â'r cyllid maen nhw'n ei adnabod sydd yn hanfodol ar gyfer symud pethau ymlaen.

Fodd bynnag, fe nodwyd ddoe fod bron i 140,000 o bobl ar restrau aros tai cymdeithasol. Er bod y bobl yma yn aros am dai fforddiadwy, fydd yna lawer yn cael eu gwthio i ddigartrefedd, i ddyled ac i dlodi. Rydym ni yn gwybod bod y pwysau presennol ar wasanaethau digartrefedd yn aruthrol ac yn anghynaliadwy, ac rydym ni'n gwybod hefyd mai'r ffordd orau o helpu pobl a lleihau'r pwysau ar wasanaethau ydy symud pobl i lety hirdymor addas. Fydd hynny ddim yn bosib oni bai eich bod chi'n tyfu'r stoc tai cymdeithasol. Gaf i ofyn, felly, o faint ydych chi'n anelu at leihau rhestrau aros tai cymdeithasol erbyn diwedd tymor y Senedd yma? Neu, mewn geiriau eraill, faint o bobl ydych chi'n rhagweld bydd yn cael eu symud i dai cymdeithasol erbyn diwedd tymor y Senedd yma?

Okay. But that didn't answer the question on the additional finance that they've identified as being essential to move things forward.

However, it was noted yesterday that almost 140,000 people were on social housing waiting lists. Although these people are waiting for affordable accommodation, many will be pushed into homelessness, into debt and into poverty. We do know that current pressures on homelessness services are unsustainable and vast, and we also know that the best way of helping people and reducing the pressure on services is to move people to long-term appropriate accommodation. But that won't be possible unless you enhance the social housing stock. So, can I ask, therefore, by how many are you looking to reduce the waiting list for social housing by the end of this Senedd? Or, in other words, how many people do you anticipate will be moved into social housing by the end of this Senedd term? 

Diolch, Siân. And I should have said in response to the first question, in terms of the number that was referred to in the Audit Wales report, you know, it is a complex picture. They've talked about finance, but there are other aspects to the supply that are needed in terms of skills. It's not just a financial issue. I think the other point I'd like to make on that report, really, is that we have looked at that, we've accepted that, we accepted the recommendations within that. And in terms of how I see this part of the portfolio, it's how can we unlock the potential that we already have. You know, I wrote a letter, earlier in the summer, to ask all local authorities and RSLs about where they are, how we can do more, and what are the knotty bits within their areas, just to get some real granular detail, and I'm going to be looking at that very closely to see what else we need to do. So, I don't think all of it is necessarily financial. 

And in terms of the list, we do know we need more homes. You know, we all have a real appetite to see as many homes built as possible, and we want that to happen as quickly as possible, as I said in my statement yesterday, but we've really got to focus on some of the real issues that we're facing in different areas around Wales.

Diolch, Siân. A dylwn fod wedi dweud mewn ymateb i’r cwestiwn cyntaf, o ran y ffigur y cyfeiriwyd ato yn adroddiad Archwilio Cymru, wyddoch chi, mae’n ddarlun cymhleth. Maent wedi sôn am gyllid, ond mae agweddau eraill ar y cyflenwad sydd eu hangen o ran sgiliau. Nid mater ariannol yn unig mohono. Credaf mai'r pwynt arall yr hoffwn ei wneud ar yr adroddiad hwnnw, mewn gwirionedd, yw ein bod wedi edrych ar yr adroddiad, rydym wedi'i dderbyn, rydym wedi derbyn yr argymhellion ynddo. Ac o ran sut rwy'n edrych ar y rhan hon o'r portffolio, mae a wnelo â sut y gallwn ddatgloi'r potensial sydd gennym eisoes. Wyddoch chi, fe ysgrifennais lythyr, yn gynharach yn yr haf, i holi pob awdurdod lleol a landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig ynglŷn â'u sefyllfa, sut y gallwn wneud mwy, a beth yw'r mannau problemus o fewn eu hardaloedd, er mwyn cael y manylion, a byddaf yn edrych ar hynny'n agos iawn i weld beth arall sydd angen i ni ei wneud. Felly, nid wyf yn credu bod y cyfan yn ariannol o reidrwydd.

Ac o ran y rhestr, gwyddom fod angen mwy o gartrefi arnom. Wyddoch chi, mae gan bob un ohonom awydd gwirioneddol i weld cymaint â phosibl o gartrefi’n cael eu hadeiladu, ac rydym am i hynny ddigwydd cyn gynted â phosibl, fel y dywedais yn fy natganiad ddoe, ond mae'n rhaid inni ganolbwyntio ar rai o’r problemau real a wynebwn mewn gwahanol ardaloedd ledled Cymru.

Diolch yn fawr. Felly, rydych chi'n dweud bod yna yn fwy iddi na'r rhwystrau ariannol, ond mae'n hollol amlwg, onid yw, nad oes yna ddigon o arian ar gael i gyrraedd targed Llywodraeth Cymru, fel mae pethau ar hyn o bryd. Ac mae canlyniadau hynny eisoes yn hysbys i ni: mwy o bobl yn cael eu gwthio i ddyled a thlodi a digartrefedd. Yn ddiweddar, mae'r Dirprwy Brif Weinidog yn San Steffan, Angela Rayner, wedi bod yn awgrymu pecyn mawr o adeiladu tai cymdeithasol yn yr adolygiad o wariant fis nesaf. Mae hi wedi disgrifio hyn fel y don fwyaf o dai cyngor mewn cenhedlaeth,

Thank you very much. So, you're saying there's more to this than just financial barriers, but it's entirely clear, isn't it, that there isn't enough money available to reach the Welsh Government's target, as things currently stand. And the results of that are already known to us: more and more people pushed into debt and poverty and homelessness. Recently, the Deputy Prime Minister in Westminster, Angela Rayner, has been suggesting a major package of social housing building in the spending review next month. She's described this as,

'the biggest wave of social...housing for a generation.' 

'y don fwyaf o dai cymdeithasol ers cenhedlaeth.'

Mae'r elusen dai Shelter wedi dweud y byddai'n rhaid i Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig adeiladu 90,000 o dai a fflatiau rhent cymdeithasol yn Lloegr i fodloni ymrwymiadau adeiladu tai Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, sef 1.5 miliwn. Yn ôl Shelter, mi fyddai hynny'n costio £11.8 biliwn i'r Llywodraeth yn San Steffan. Felly, pa drafodaethau ydych chi yn eu cael efo'r Llywodraeth honno ynglŷn â'u bwriadau i gynyddu cyllideb adeiladu tai cymdeithasol? Ac yn bwysicach na hynny, yn hytrach na dim ond trafod, beth fydd y goblygiadau o ran cyllid canlyniadol posib i Gymru? Sef, beth fydd y consequentials tebygol all ddod, sydd ynghlwm efo’r don fawr yma o dai cymdeithasol sydd yn mynd i gyrraedd, yn ôl Angela Rayner?

The housing charity, Shelter, has said that the UK Government would have to build 90,000 homes and flats for social rent in England to meet the UK Government's house building commitments, namely 1.5 million. According to Shelter, that would cost £11.8 billion to the Government in Westminster. So, what discussions are you having with that Government about its intention to increase the budget for building social housing? And more importantly, rather than just having discussions on the issue, what will be the implications in terms of possible consequentials for Wales? That is, what will be the likely consequentials that could emerge in relation to this big wave of social housing that’s going to be built, according to Angela Rayner?


Diolch, Siân. You touched on some of the issues around people. As I said again yesterday, the numbers that we know in temporary accommodation, or people who are homeless, we hear the numbers and the figures, but it’s individuals behind this, and the stress that people are under as well cannot be underestimated.

One of the points I also want to make is around the taskforce that I’ve announced, and that will be happening, and we’ll have further details on that which I’ll bring to the Senedd again. That’s looking at how we can unblock certain areas and have a real focus on how we can build more social homes in Wales.

I have had discussions with colleagues in Westminster. I was at the British-Irish Council recently, and there, I was able to have a discussion with Baroness Stevenage, who’s in the housing portfolio there, and we discussed some of the issues, the challenges we were finding here in Wales. Similarly in England, and looking at how we can work together where we can.

In terms of the figures that you asked for, I don’t have those, and that’s something that I can share when I know more information.

Diolch, Siân. Fe sonioch chi am rai o'r materion sy'n ymwneud â phobl. Fel y dywedais eto ddoe, mae’r niferoedd y gwyddom eu bod mewn llety dros dro, neu'n bobl ddigartref, rydym yn clywed y niferoedd a’r ffigurau, ond unigolion yw'r rhain, ac ni ellir diystyru’r straen sydd ar bobl ychwaith.

Mae un o'r pwyntiau eraill yr hoffwn eu gwneud yn ymwneud â'r tasglu a gyhoeddais, a bydd hynny'n digwydd, ac fe gawn ragor o fanylion ynglŷn â hynny y byddaf yn eu cyflwyno i'r Senedd. Mae'n cynnwys edrych ar sut y gallwn ddadflocio rhai ardaloedd penodol a chael ffocws gwirioneddol ar sut y gallwn adeiladu mwy o gartrefi cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.

Rwyf wedi cael trafodaethau gyda swyddogion yn San Steffan. Roeddwn yn y Cyngor Prydeinig-Gwyddelig yn ddiweddar, ac yno, llwyddais i gael trafodaeth gyda’r Farwnes Stevenage, sydd yn y portffolio tai yno, a buom yn trafod rhai o’r problemau, yr heriau sy'n ein hwynebu yma yng Nghymru. Yn yr un modd, yn Lloegr, ac edrych ar sut y gallwn gydweithio lle gallwn.

O ran y ffigurau y gofynnoch chi amdanynt, nid yw’r rheini gennyf, ac mae hynny’n rhywbeth y gallaf ei rannu pan fydd gennyf fwy o wybodaeth.

Diolch, Llywydd. I welcome the Cabinet Secretary to her new role.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n croesawu Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i’w rôl newydd.

Safon Ansawdd Tai Cymru
The Welsh Housing Quality Standard

3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar safon ansawdd tai Cymru? OQ61597

3. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the Welsh housing quality standard? OQ61597

Diolch. The new Welsh housing quality standard was launched in October 2023 and implemented from 1 April 2024. Social landlords are already working towards meeting this bold and ambitious standard. The first reporting on progress towards meeting the standard will be in summer 2025.

Diolch. Lansiwyd safon ansawdd tai Cymru newydd ym mis Hydref 2023 ac fe’i rhoddwyd ar waith o 1 Ebrill 2024 ymlaen. Mae landlordiaid cymdeithasol eisoes yn gweithio tuag at fodloni'r safon feiddgar ac uchelgeisiol hon. Bydd yr adroddiadau cyntaf ar gynnydd tuag at fodloni'r safon yn cael eu llunio yn ystod haf 2025.

Diolch for that answer. The Welsh Government, we know, has led the way on setting out a robust set of standards that have helped to transform some of the social housing stock in my area in Mid and West Wales. The recent update to the standard, which, as you said, came into effect in April, will further improve the social housing stock. I welcome the investment from Welsh Government to local authorities and social landlords in my region for 2024-25, and I hope that will, in turn, help them achieve the changes set out by the updated standard. Cabinet Secretary, do you agree with me that it’s vitally important that the Welsh housing quality standard continues to reflect the way people live, work, and also feel about their homes?

Diolch am eich ateb. Gwyddom fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi arwain y ffordd o ran gosod set gadarn o safonau sydd wedi helpu i drawsnewid rhywfaint o’r stoc dai cymdeithasol yn fy ardal i yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru. Bydd y diweddariad diweddar i’r safon, a ddaeth i rym, fel y dywedoch chi, ym mis Ebrill, yn gwella’r stoc dai cymdeithasol ymhellach. Rwy'n croesawu'r buddsoddiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru i awdurdodau lleol a landlordiaid cymdeithasol yn fy rhanbarth ar gyfer 2024-25, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny, yn ei dro, yn eu helpu i gyflawni’r newidiadau a osodwyd gan y safon newydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi ei bod yn hollbwysig fod safon ansawdd tai Cymru yn parhau i adlewyrchu'r ffordd y mae pobl yn byw, yn gweithio, a hefyd yn teimlo am eu cartrefi?

Diolch, Joyce, and thank you for your question, and absolutely, I do agree that that is important. The last few years have brought about some real rapid and unexpected changes, not least with the global pandemic, and that’s fundamentally changed how people live and work and what they need from a home. I think we've all thought about our homes after sitting there through the pandemic. But appreciation of our homes is really higher than ever, which is why the new Welsh housing quality standard is so firmly focused on tenants, and I think that’s really, really important. The standard is about more than bricks and mortar, it’s about creating those homes that are safe, comfortable and sustain that healthy lifestyle. So, I'm really keen that this is followed. I'm glad to see this happening, and I think I wholeheartedly agree with your question.

Diolch, Joyce, a diolch am eich cwestiwn, ac yn sicr, rwy’n cytuno bod hynny’n bwysig. Mae'r ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf wedi arwain at newidiadau gwirioneddol gyflym ac annisgwyl, yn enwedig gyda'r pandemig byd-eang, ac mae hynny wedi newid yn llwyr sut y mae pobl yn byw ac yn gweithio a'r hyn sydd ei angen arnynt mewn cartref. Credaf fod pob un ohonom wedi meddwl am ein cartrefi ar ôl eistedd yno drwy'r pandemig. Ond mae gwerthfawrogiad o'n cartrefi yn uwch nag erioed, a dyna pam fod y safon ansawdd tai Cymru newydd yn canolbwyntio i'r fath raddau ar denantiaid, a chredaf fod hynny'n wirioneddol bwysig. Mae'r safon yn ymwneud â mwy na brics a morter, mae a wnelo â chreu cartrefi sy'n ddiogel, yn gyfforddus ac sy'n cynnal ffordd o fyw iach. Felly, rwy'n awyddus iawn fod hyn yn cael ei ddilyn. Rwy'n falch o weld hyn yn digwydd, ac rwy'n credu fy mod yn cytuno'n llwyr â'ch cwestiwn.

I’m grateful to Joyce Watson for raising the question on the housing quality standard because, Cabinet Secretary, the requirements within the standards are of course extensive and admirable, but you will know more than anybody that there are thousands of people, around 67,000 people, currently on a social housing waiting list, and the requirements in the housing quality standard, both in terms of retrofit and in terms of new build, are making it more difficult for new houses to be built, and for more houses to be built to support those people who are currently either homeless, living in bed and breakfast or desperately in need of a home of their own. Do you think you've got the balance right at the moment in terms of doing our bit to tackle climate change and ensuring that our houses are the right standard to support that for future generations, whilst also ensuring that today's generation have a house to live in?

Rwy’n ddiolchgar i Joyce Watson am godi’r cwestiwn ar y safon ansawdd tai oherwydd, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae’r gofynion yn y safonau yn helaeth ac yn gymeradwy, wrth gwrs, ond fe fyddwch yn gwybod yn well na neb fod miloedd o bobl, oddeutu 67,000 o bobl, ar restr aros am dai cymdeithasol ar hyn o bryd, ac mae’r gofynion yn y safon ansawdd tai, o ran ôl-osod ac o ran cartrefi newydd, yn ei gwneud yn anos adeiladu tai newydd, ac i fwy o dai gael eu hadeiladu i gefnogi’r bobl sydd ar hyn o bryd naill ai’n ddigartref, yn byw mewn gwely a brecwast neu angen eu cartref eu hunain yn ddybryd. A ydych chi'n credu bod y cydbwysedd yn iawn gennych ar hyn o bryd o ran chwarae ein rhan i fynd i’r afael â newid hinsawdd a sicrhau bod ein tai o safon briodol i gefnogi hynny ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol, gan sicrhau hefyd fod gan genhedlaeth heddiw dŷ i fyw ynddo?


Thank you, Sam. I think it is really important to think about that, but it's a real balance, because we mustn't compromise on the standards where we're asking people to live. As I said, this is a home, and we want people to live in good-quality homes and accommodation. The standard does build on the excellent achievements of its predecessor, but the new standard keeps that anti-poverty requirement at its heart and improves energy efficiency with the aim of putting more money into tenants' pockets and supporting their comfort and well-being. It is a bold and progressive standard. I think it's important that we don't compromise, but it is crucial to look at the balance, because we do, as you rightly say, need more homes.

Diolch, Sam. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn meddwl am hynny, ond mae'n gydbwysedd go iawn, oherwydd rhaid inni beidio â chyfaddawdu ar y safonau yn y llefydd y gofynnwn i bobl fyw ynddynt. Fel y dywedais, cartref yw hwn, ac rydym am i bobl fyw mewn cartrefi a thai o ansawdd da. Mae'r safon yn adeiladu ar gyflawniadau rhagorol ei rhagflaenydd, ond mae'r safon newydd yn cadw'r gofyniad gwrth-dlodi sy'n sail i'r gwaith ac yn gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni gyda'r nod o roi mwy o arian ym mhocedi tenantiaid a chefnogi eu cysur a'u llesiant. Mae'n safon feiddgar a blaengar. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig nad ydym yn cyfaddawdu, ond mae'n hanfodol edrych ar y cydbwysedd, oherwydd fel y dywedwch yn gywir ddigon, mae angen mwy o gartrefi arnom.

Mynd i'r afael â Chysgu Allan
Tackling Rough-sleeping

4. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i fynd i'r afael â chysgu allan? OQ61611

4. How is the Welsh Government working with local authorities to tackle rough-sleeping? OQ61611

Diolch, John. Rough-sleeping is a complex issue, and we continue to work with local authorities to provide supportive assertive outreach to not only assist people off the streets into accommodation, but to ensure they have the support to help them sustain accommodation.

Diolch, John. Mae cysgu allan yn fater cymhleth, ac rydym yn parhau i weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i ddarparu allgymorth dyfal cefnogol nid yn unig i gynorthwyo pobl oddi ar y strydoedd i mewn i lety, ond i sicrhau eu bod yn cael cymorth i'w helpu i aros mewn llety.

Thank you for that, Cabinet Secretary. One significant aspect of homelessness concerns prisoners released from custody. Thirteen per cent of prisoners in England and Wales are released without a home to go to, and the Chief Inspector of Probation says homelessness is the biggest driving factor in people reoffending or breaching their licence. Ministry of Justice figures show that some 332 people managed by the Welsh probation services were sleeping on the streets in 2022-23, which was a 210 per cent increase compared with the previous year. So, it's an important part of addressing rough-sleeping in Wales, Cabinet Secretary. Obviously, these people are vulnerable, and if we want them to be rehabilitated and not to reoffend, which would be such a boon to themselves, their families and their communities, we need to make sure that they have a stable and adequate home. Cabinet Secretary, I wonder, especially given the current UK Government's policy of early release from prison, which, obviously, is resulting in a lot more people coming out of custody and needing a home, whether you will look at working with local authorities, prisons and others to see what steps, what measures can be put in place to ensure that all of those released from prison in Wales have a home to go to.

Diolch am hynny, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae a wnelo un agwedd arwyddocaol ar ddigartrefedd â charcharorion a ryddheir o'r ddalfa. Mae 13 y cant o garcharorion Cymru a Lloegr yn cael eu rhyddhau heb gartref i fynd iddo, ac mae'r Prif Arolygydd Prawf yn dweud mai digartrefedd yw'r ffactor mwyaf sy'n gwneud i bobl aildroseddu neu'n dorri amodau eu trwydded. Mae ffigurau'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder yn dangos bod tua 332 o bobl a reolir gan wasanaethau prawf Cymru yn cysgu allan yn 2022-23, sef cynnydd o 210 y cant o'i gymharu â'r flwyddyn flaenorol. Felly, mae'n rhan bwysig o fynd i'r afael â chysgu allan yng Nghymru, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yn amlwg, mae'r bobl hyn yn agored i niwed, ac os ydym am iddynt gael eu hadsefydlu a pheidio ag aildroseddu, a fyddai'n gymaint o hwb iddynt eu hunain, eu teuluoedd a'u cymunedau, mae angen inni sicrhau bod ganddynt gartref sefydlog a digonol. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn enwedig o ystyried polisi presennol Llywodraeth y DU o ryddhau'n gynnar o'r carchar, sydd, yn amlwg, yn arwain at lawer mwy o bobl yn gadael y ddalfa ac angen cartref, a wnewch chi ystyried gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, carchardai ac eraill i weld pa gamau, pa fesurau y gellir eu rhoi ar waith i sicrhau bod gan bawb sy'n cael eu rhyddhau o'r carchar yng Nghymru gartref i fynd iddo.

Diolch, John. Absolutely, it's important, and, again, the figures that you raised are individuals, aren't they, and there are the pressures that we do know are on local authorities at the moment in terms of how many people are needing a home. As you've rightly said, there are a number of partners that have to work together on this, because it's not just one responsibility. I think one of the crucial elements is that timely sharing of the high-quality information between the prison service and local authorities that is crucial in ensuring that the housing options teams, who do such great work, can plan effectively to ensure people leaving the secure estate are not at risk of homelessness, so trying to do that at an early stage.

I know that the Welsh Local Government Association is reporting that the first tranche of releases under the UK Government scheme on 10 September went broadly well, so we are learning from that. That was supported by some really effective partnership. We know that devolved services like housing can play a really important role in preventing people from reoffending, and, as I said, we're working closely with HM Prison and Probation Service to give this as much thought as we possibly can. Local authorities are working at pace to source accommodation. I think, sometimes, it might seem a small number in each local authority area, but sometimes that can actually be a pushover, really. So, the presentations for homelessness assistance do remain high. But I know local authorities are working really hard in this area, lots of teams are, and I thank them for all the work they're doing on this, because it is really important that we do as much as we can to prevent that before people are at risk of homelessness.

Diolch, John. Yn bendant, mae'n bwysig, ac unwaith eto, mae'r ffigurau a nodwyd gennych yn unigolion, onid ydynt, ac fe wyddom fod pwysau ar awdurdodau lleol ar hyn o bryd o ran faint o bobl sydd angen cartref. Fel rydych chi wedi dweud yn gywir ddigon, rhaid i nifer o bartneriaid weithio gyda'i gilydd ar hyn, oherwydd nid un cyfrifoldeb yn unig ydyw. Rwy'n credu mai un o'r elfennau hanfodol yw bod rhannu gwybodaeth o ansawdd uchel rhwng y gwasanaeth carchardai ac awdurdodau lleol yn amserol yn allweddol er mwyn sicrhau bod y timau opsiynau tai, sy'n gwneud gwaith mor wych, yn gallu cynllunio'n effeithiol i sicrhau nad yw pobl sy'n gadael sefydliadau diogel mewn perygl o fod yn ddigartref, felly ceisio gwneud hynny'n gynnar.

Gwn fod Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru yn adrodd bod rhyddhau'r gyfran gyntaf o bobl o dan gynllun Llywodraeth y DU ar 10 Medi wedi mynd yn weddol dda, felly rydym yn dysgu o hynny. Cefnogwyd hyn gan waith partneriaeth effeithiol iawn. Rydym yn gwybod y gall gwasanaethau datganoledig fel tai chwarae rhan bwysig iawn yn atal pobl rhag aildroseddu, ac fel y dywedais, rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf EF i roi cymaint o feddwl i hyn ag y gallwn. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio'n gyflym i ddod o hyd i lety. Rwy'n credu, weithiau, y gallai ymddangos yn nifer fach ym mhob ardal awdurdod lleol, ond weithiau gall hynny fynd â nhw dros y dibyn, mewn gwirionedd. Felly, mae'r nifer sydd angen cymorth digartrefedd yn parhau'n uchel. Ond rwy'n gwybod bod awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio'n galed iawn yn y maes hwn, mae llawer o dimau'n gwneud hynny, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iddynt am yr holl waith a wnânt ar hyn, oherwydd mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn gwneud cymaint ag y gallwn i atal hynny cyn bod pobl mewn perygl o ddigartrefedd.


Thanks, John, for raising this important issue. Cabinet Secretary, sadly, we have seen a 65 per cent increase in the number of rough-sleepers over the past 12 months. In towns across my region, and indeed, Wales-wide, people are forced to sleep in tents on any scrap of available land. In Porthcawl, this includes the roundabout on the main route into the town. However, what shocked me more was yesterday's Sky News special report, which spoke to prisoners on early release who had been forced to rough-sleep. One man interviewed said that he was living in a graveyard in Bridgend and was considering reoffending before the winter so that he would have somewhere warm to stay. Cabinet Secretary, how are you working with local authorities across Wales and the Ministry of Justice to ensure that ex-offenders are provided with accommodation upon release from prison? Thank you.

Diolch, John, am godi'r mater pwysig hwn. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn anffodus, rydym wedi gweld cynnydd o 65 y cant yn nifer y bobl sy'n cysgu allan dros y 12 mis diwethaf. Mewn trefi ar draws fy rhanbarth i, a ledled Cymru yn wir, gorfodir pobl i gysgu mewn pebyll ar unrhyw ddarn o dir sydd ar gael. Ym Mhorthcawl, mae hyn yn cynnwys y gylchfan ar y prif lwybr i mewn i'r dref. Fodd bynnag, yr hyn a wnaeth fy synnu'n fwy oedd adroddiad arbennig Sky News ddoe, a siaradodd â charcharorion wedi eu rhyddhau'n gynnar a oedd wedi cael eu gorfodi i gysgu allan. Dywedodd un dyn a gafodd ei gyfweld ei fod yn byw mewn mynwent ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a'i fod yn ystyried aildroseddu cyn y gaeaf er mwyn iddo gael rhywle cynnes i fyw. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, sut ydych chi'n gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru a'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder i sicrhau bod cyn-droseddwyr yn cael llety ar ôl cael eu rhyddhau o'r carchar? Diolch.

Diolch, Altaf. As I said, there is a lot of work going on in this area and it's working across Governments, across partnerships. The local authorities are really playing their role within this, and the housing teams that are tasked to do this said that they might seem small in number sometimes, but actually, it can really be quite a critical point for local authorities.

As you know, offender management is the responsibility of the UK Government, but HMPPS are leading to ensure that people in custody and the community are effectively managed so that the risk of reoffending is reduced, and that they are supported towards rehabilitation. So, there is a lot of work going on on this. As I said, we're learning as we go here, because the first tranche of that scheme was on 10 September, so it's still early days, but we will keep a watchful eye on this and continue to work with all involved as closely as possible.

Diolch, Altaf. Fel y dywedais, mae llawer o waith yn digwydd yn y maes hwn ac mae'n waith ar draws Llywodraethau, ar draws partneriaethau. Mae'r awdurdodau lleol yn chwarae eu rôl yn dda, ac mae'r timau tai sydd â'r dasg o wneud hyn yn dweud y gallent ymddangos yn nifer fach weithiau, ond mewn gwirionedd, gall fod yn bwynt critigol i awdurdodau lleol.

Fel y gwyddoch, Llywodraeth y DU sy'n gyfrifol am reoli troseddwyr, ond mae Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf EF yn arwain ar sicrhau bod pobl yn y ddalfa a'r gymuned yn cael eu rheoli'n effeithiol fel bod y risg o aildroseddu'n cael ei lleihau, a'u bod yn cael cefnogaeth i adsefydlu. Felly, mae llawer o waith yn digwydd ar hyn. Fel y dywedais, rydym yn dysgu wrth inni fynd yn ein blaenau yma, am mai ar 10 Medi y cafwyd y gyfran gyntaf yn y cynllun hwnnw, felly mae'n ddyddiau cynnar o hyd, ond byddwn yn cadw llygad barcud ar hyn ac yn parhau i weithio mor agos â phosibl gyda phawb sy'n gysylltiedig â'r mater.

Toriadau Cyllid
Funding Cuts

5. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i ddiogelu awdurdodau lleol rhag toriadau cyllid? OQ61595

5. What is the Welsh Government doing to protect local authorities from funding cuts? OQ61595

As a Government, we have protected front-line public services as far as possible. Local authorities have a settlement of £5.72 billion this year, an increase of 3.3 per cent on a like-for-like basis compared to 2023-24.

Fel Llywodraeth, rydym wedi diogelu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen cyn belled ag y bo modd. Mae awdurdodau lleol wedi cael setliad o £5.72 biliwn eleni, cynnydd o 3.3 y cant ar sail debyg am debyg o'i gymharu â 2023-24.

Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. The Liberal Democrats that are running Powys County Council this year put council tax up by 7.5 per cent and are forecasting putting it up next year by 5 per cent. This has all come to light at a time when the number of senior managers in Powys County Council on over £70,000 a year has doubled. While they've doubled that number, they've decided to cut community cardboard recycling services, take away leisure services in towns and also revert some of our roads back to chippings, all to save money. Cabinet Secretary, what can you do to ensure that the Liberal Democrats in Powys County Council spend the money more wisely and protect front-line services from funding cuts? Because if something isn't done to protect Powys County Council from the Liberal Democrats, all we're going to have is senior managers and no front-line staff to deliver the services that we all need. 

Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Fe wnaeth y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol sy'n rhedeg Cyngor Sir Powys godi'r dreth gyngor 7.5 y cant eleni ac maent yn rhagweld y bydd yn codi 5 y cant y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae hyn i gyd wedi dod yn amlwg ar adeg pan fo nifer yr uwch-reolwyr yng Nghyngor Sir Powys sy'n cael dros £70,000 y flwyddyn wedi dyblu. Er eu bod wedi dyblu'r nifer honno, maent wedi penderfynu torri gwasanaethau ailgylchu cardbord cymunedol, wedi dileu gwasanaethau hamdden mewn trefi a hefyd wedi gadael i rai o'n ffyrdd fynd yn ôl i fod yn ddim ond cerrig mân, a'r cyfan er mwyn arbed arian. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth y gallwch chi ei wneud i sicrhau bod y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yng Nghyngor Sir Powys yn gwario'r arian yn ddoethach ac yn diogelu gwasanaethau rheng flaen rhag toriadau ariannol? Oherwydd os na fydd rhywbeth yn cael ei wneud i amddiffyn Cyngor Sir Powys rhag y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol, y cyfan a fydd gennym fydd uwch-reolwyr a dim staff rheng flaen i ddarparu'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen arnom i gyd. 

Diolch, James. I see what you're trying to do there, but thank you for the question. The core funding, as you know, is unhypothecated; it's for local authorities to determine the allocation of funding for its services. Local authorities have prioritised social care and education for many years, and this has inevitably meant that other services have borne greater pressure for savings and efficiencies. I look forward to visiting Powys County Council shortly and will hopefully see them soon. I look forward to working with them, as I will with other local authorities in Wales.

Diolch, James. Rwy'n gweld beth rydych chi'n ceisio ei wneud, ond diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae'r cyllid craidd heb ei neilltuo, fel y gwyddoch; awdurdodau lleol sydd i benderfynu ar ddyraniad cyllid ar gyfer eu gwasanaethau. Mae awdurdodau lleol wedi blaenoriaethu gofal cymdeithasol ac addysg ers blynyddoedd lawer, ac mae hyn yn anochel wedi golygu bod gwasanaethau eraill wedi bod o dan fwy o bwysau am arbedion effeithlonrwydd. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ymweld â Chyngor Sir Powys cyn bo hir a gobeithio y byddaf yn eu gweld yn fuan. Edrychaf ymlaen at weithio gyda nhw, fel gydag awdurdodau lleol eraill yng Nghymru.


Following over a decade of austerity, massive inflationary pressures and rising needs, councils are now, actually, on their knees. They've reorganised, restructured and reformed, with each council having to make millions of pounds of savings. The Welsh Local Government Association financial spokesperson, Anthony Hunt, said that this year is crucial. They're hoping that next year inflationary pressures will level out, so I would like to ask the Cabinet Secretary: would you agree that delegated ring-fenced funding direct to local authorities would help matters so they didn't have to go through long, resource-heavy grant submissions? Also, what representations are you making to the UK Government? They're talking about it taking a while to deal with the deficit and that the future will be better, but this year is absolutely crucial to local authorities, as councils right across the UK, not just in Wales, are facing bankruptcy. Thank you.  

Yn dilyn dros ddegawd o gyni, pwysau chwyddiant enfawr ac anghenion cynyddol, mae cynghorau bellach ar eu gliniau. Maent wedi ad-drefnu, ailstrwythuro a diwygio, gyda phob cyngor yn gorfod gwneud miliynau o bunnoedd o arbedion. Dywedodd llefarydd ariannol Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, Anthony Hunt, fod eleni'n hollbwysig. Maent yn gobeithio y bydd pwysau chwyddiant y flwyddyn nesaf yn lleihau, felly hoffwn ofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet: a ydych chi'n cytuno y byddai cyllid dirprwyedig wedi'i glustnodi'n uniongyrchol i awdurdodau lleol yn helpu pethau fel na fyddai'n rhaid iddynt fynd trwy broses hir a thrwm ar adnoddau o gyflwyno ceisiadau am grantiau? Hefyd, pa sylwadau a gyflwynir gennych i Lywodraeth y DU? Maent yn sôn y bydd yn cymryd amser i ymdrin â'r diffyg ac y bydd y dyfodol yn well, ond mae eleni'n gwbl hanfodol i awdurdodau lleol, gan fod cynghorau ledled y DU, nid yng Nghymru'n unig, yn wynebu methdaliad. Diolch.  

Thank you, Carolyn, for the supplementary question. We are very sympathetic to the financial pressures that local authorities are under, particularly from pay, including that real living wage in social care. We are doing everything we can, but we are really alive to the pressures that are on them. We are looking at reducing unnecessary burdens for local authorities. Within grants, there has been some work that's been done already, and I'm keen to look at other ways that we can do that. That will be done in discussion and in collaboration with local authorities, and I'm sure that this will be something that will be raised with me on my many visits that I look forward to in the coming weeks and months.

Diolch am y cwestiwn, Carolyn. Rydym yn cydymdeimlo'n fawr â'r pwysau ariannol sydd ar awdurdodau lleol, yn enwedig cyflogau, gan gynnwys y cyflog byw gwirioneddol mewn gofal cymdeithasol. Rydym yn gwneud popeth y gallwn ei wneud, ond rydym yn effro iawn i'r pwysau sydd arnynt. Rydym yn edrych ar leihau beichiau diangen ar awdurdodau lleol. O ran grantiau, gwnaed rhywfaint o waith eisoes, ac rwy'n awyddus i edrych ar ffyrdd eraill y gallwn wneud hynny. Bydd hynny'n cael ei wneud drwy drafod ac mewn cydweithrediad ag awdurdodau lleol, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd hyn yn rhywbeth a godir gyda mi ar yr ymweliadau niferus yr edrychaf ymlaen atynt yn ystod yr wythnosau a'r misoedd nesaf.

Adeiladau Preswyl Tal sydd mewn Perchnogaeth Breifat
Privately Owned Tall Residential Buildings

Sorry, I was waiting to be unmuted then.

Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, roeddwn yn aros i fy meicroffon gael ei agor.

6. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar waith adfer sy'n cael ei wneud ar adeiladau preswyl tal sydd mewn perchnogaeth breifat yng Nghymru yn dilyn tân Tŵr Grenfell? OQ61584

6. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on remediation works being carried out on privately owned tall residential buildings in Wales following the Grenfell Tower fire? OQ61584

Our remediation programme is progressing well. Works are under way on 50 private sector buildings, and all 12 major developers have signed up to our developers' contract.

Mae ein rhaglen adfer yn mynd rhagddi'n dda. Mae gwaith ar y gweill ar 50 o adeiladau'r sector preifat, ac mae pob un o'r 12 datblygwr mawr wedi ymrwymo i'n cytundeb datblygwyr.

Bellway Homes last September signed a legal agreement with the Welsh Government regarding the Altamar development. The agreement required an independent survey to be carried out, and this was done in February 2024. Bellway only released the survey results at the start of this month. Bellway have since advised that further surveys need to be done on fire doors and structural steel. When can people living in developments like this expect the remediation work to actually be started?

Fis Medi diwethaf, fe wnaeth Bellway Homes arwyddo cytundeb cyfreithiol gyda Llywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â datblygiad Altamar. Roedd y cytundeb yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol cynnal arolwg annibynnol, a gwnaed hyn ym mis Chwefror 2024. Dim ond ar ddechrau'r mis hwn y rhyddhaodd Bellway ganlyniadau'r arolwg. Ers hynny mae Bellway wedi dweud bod angen gwneud arolygon pellach ar ddrysau tân a dur adeiladu. Pryd y gall pobl sy'n byw mewn datblygiadau fel hyn ddisgwyl i'r gwaith adfer ddechrau?

Diolch, Mike, for that question, and I understand your long-standing interest in building safety here in the Senedd in particular. Our remediation programme has adopted a whole-building approach, which considers both the internal and external fire safety, so not just external cladding, and it really does put people's safety first. There are currently 238 private tenure buildings in Wales; three buildings have been confirmed as complete, and works have started onsite on those 50 buildings that I mentioned. We've been informed that seven buildings do not require fire safety work. Specifically on your point around Altamar in your constituency, officials are working closely with Bellway, the developer for Altamar, ensuring that progress is made and work is started as soon as possible.

Diolch am y cwestiwn, Mike, ac fe wn am eich diddordeb hirsefydlog mewn diogelwch adeiladu yma yn y Senedd yn arbennig. Mae ein rhaglen adfer wedi mabwysiadu dull o weithredu ar sail adeilad cyfan, sy'n ystyried diogelwch tân mewnol ac allanol, felly nid cladin allanol yn unig, ac mae'n rhoi diogelwch pobl yn gyntaf. Ar hyn o bryd mae yna 238 o adeiladau daliadaeth breifat yng Nghymru; cadarnhawyd bod tri adeilad wedi'u cwblhau, ac mae gwaith wedi dechrau ar y safle ar y 50 adeilad y soniais amdanynt. Rydym wedi cael gwybod nad oes angen gwaith diogelwch tân ar saith adeilad. Ar eich pwynt penodol am Altamar yn eich etholaeth, mae swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos gyda Bellway, datblygwr Altamar, i sicrhau bod cynnydd yn cael ei wneud a bod gwaith yn dechrau cyn gynted â phosibl.

Cabinet Secretary, I'm sure many of us here receive several e-mails every day from high-rise residents with concerns about fire safety, the slowness of remediation work and the costs that they are required to pay. They are at their wits' end and they, frankly, feel totally ignored. Following the frightening scenes at the end of August at a high-rise in Dagenham, the Welsh Cladiators wrote to you twice asking to meet. To say they were gutted by your refusal would be an understatement. They have said on several occasions that they don't believe that the stakeholder group is the proper forum to air their concerns, and those of us who have met with them can attest to the powerful testimony that they have, and the very moving testimony. I appreciate that you are very busy—you have a wide portfolio—but could you please reconsider and agree to meet with the campaign group of the building safety scandal here in Wales? Diolch yn fawr.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n siŵr fod llawer ohonom yma yn cael sawl e-bost bob dydd gan breswylwyr adeiladau uchel sy'n pryderu am ddiogelwch tân, arafwch y gwaith adfer a'r costau y mae'n ofynnol iddynt eu talu. Maent wedi cyrraedd pen eu tennyn, ac yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu hanwybyddu'n llwyr a dweud y gwir. Yn dilyn y golygfeydd brawychus ddiwedd mis Awst mewn adeilad uchel yn Dagenham, ysgrifennodd y Welsh Cladiators atoch ddwywaith yn gofyn am gyfarfod. Byddai dweud eu bod wedi eu siomi'n ddirfawr gan eich gwrthodiad yn danosodiad. Maent wedi dweud ar sawl achlysur nad ydynt yn credu mai'r grŵp rhanddeiliaid yw'r fforwm priodol i leisio eu pryderon, a gall y rhai ohonom sydd wedi cyfarfod â hwy dystio i'r dystiolaeth bwerus sydd ganddynt, a'r dystiolaeth emosiynol iawn. Rwy'n deall eich bod yn brysur iawn—mae gennych bortffolio eang—ond a wnewch chi ailystyried a chytuno i gyfarfod â grŵp ymgyrchu y sgandal diogelwch adeiladau yma yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr.


Diolch, Rhys, and, again, I recognise your work in this area as well. Just to say, I did attend a meeting of the building safety strategic stakeholder group yesterday, in which there were representatives from the Cladiators, as well as others within that group who participate, which is really helpful. I think it's a general feeling, as I did ask how people felt about the group, and if they were able to discuss things there, and I think there was a strong feeling that the group was working well. There was an update on developers and remediation works at that meeting. I thought that that was probably the best meeting to go to straight away, as I've only been in post for a short time. This gave me an opportunity to hear from everybody who's interested in this area and focused on that work. I'm always happy to meet with people on specific issues, but I think, for the first instance, the meeting was yesterday, and everybody had that opportunity to speak to me in that area. But I'm always happy to meet.

Diolch, Rhys, ac unwaith eto, rwy'n cydnabod eich gwaith chi yn y maes hwn hefyd. Mynychais gyfarfod o'r grŵp rhanddeiliaid strategol ar ddiogelwch adeiladu ddoe, lle roedd cynrychiolwyr o'r Cladiators, yn ogystal ag eraill yn y grŵp hwnnw sy'n cymryd rhan, ac mae hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn deimlad cyffredinol, gan imi ofyn sut oedd pobl yn teimlo am y grŵp, ac a oeddent yn gallu trafod pethau yno, ac rwy'n credu bod yna deimlad cryf fod y grŵp yn gweithio'n dda. Cafwyd diweddariad ar ddatblygwyr a gwaith adfer yn y cyfarfod hwnnw. Roeddwn i'n meddwl mai dyna'r cyfarfod gorau i fynd iddo ar unwaith mae'n debyg, gan mai ers amser byr yn unig y bûm yn y swydd. Rhoddodd hyn gyfle i mi glywed gan bawb sydd â diddordeb yn y maes ac sy'n canolbwyntio ar y gwaith hwnnw. Rwyf bob amser yn hapus i gyfarfod â phobl i drafod materion penodol, ond ar y cychwyn, rwy'n credu mai ddoe oedd y cyfarfod, a chafodd pawb gyfle i siarad â mi am hynny. Ond rwyf bob amser yn hapus i gyfarfod.

Grant Tai Cymdeithasol
Social Housing Grant

7. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet sefydlu cymuned ymarfer ar gyfer y grant tai cymdeithasol? OQ61614

7. Will the Cabinet Secretary establish a community of practice for the social housing grant? OQ61614

While we currently don't have a specific community of practice for social housing grant, we do have extensive collaboration and strong relationships across the housing sector, with both registered social landlords and local authorities. We are, however, open to exploring a more formal community of practice.

Er nad oes gennym gymuned ymarfer benodol ar gyfer y grant tai cymdeithasol ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym gydweithrediad helaeth a chysylltiadau cryf ar draws y sector tai, gyda landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig ac awdurdodau lleol. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn agored i archwilio cymuned ymarfer fwy ffurfiol.

Thank you for the answer. Communities of practice have been successfully used in different areas of Welsh Government activity, including the foundational economy and, in fact, the Welsh Government's decarbonisation programme, where, every other month, 70 participants from all sectors meet together to look at how they can spread and scale good practice. Given that the social housing grant accounts for some £250 million of spend every year, and the Government is being challenged to meet its target of 20,000 new homes, would the Minister consider setting up a specific task in order to support the sector, to drive the use of local materials, support the foundational economy, and help different actors to meet our target?

Diolch am yr ateb. Mae cymunedau ymarfer wedi cael eu defnyddio'n llwyddiannus mewn gwahanol feysydd o weithgarwch Llywodraeth Cymru, gan gynnwys yr economi sylfaenol a rhaglen ddatgarboneiddio Llywodraeth Cymru, lle mae 70 o gyfranogwyr o bob sector yn cyfarfod bob yn ail fis i edrych ar sut y gallant ledaenu a chwyddo arferion da. O ystyried bod oddeutu £250 miliwn o wariant ar y grant tai cymdeithasol bob blwyddyn, a bod y Llywodraeth yn cael ei herio i gyrraedd ei tharged o 20,000 o gartrefi newydd, a fyddai'r Gweinidog yn ystyried sefydlu tasg benodol i gefnogi'r sector, i yrru'r defnydd o ddeunyddiau lleol, cefnogi'r economi sylfaenol, a helpu gweithredwyr gwahanol i gyrraedd ein targed?

Diolch, Lee. Thank you for that. I know you raised with me this point generally in the Local Government and Housing Committee a couple of weeks ago, and, following that, I have asked my officials to review the existing networks and forums, and to explore whether a more formalised social housing grant community of practice would be something that could be of real value. So, I will keep you updated on that, but we are looking into that. So, thank you for the suggestion.

Diolch, Lee. Diolch am hynny. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi codi'r pwynt hwn gyda mi yn gyffredinol yn y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, ac yn sgil hynny, rwyf wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion adolygu'r rhwydweithiau a'r fforymau presennol, ac i archwilio a fyddai cymuned ymarfer grant tai cymdeithasol mwy ffurfiol yn rhywbeth a allai fod o werth gwirioneddol. Felly, fe roddaf y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am hynny, ond rydym yn ymchwilio i'r mater. Felly, diolch am yr awgrym.

Cwestiwn 8, yn olaf, Peredur Owen Griffiths.

Finally, question 8, Peredur Owen Griffiths.

Swyddogaethau Anstatudol
Non-statutory Functions

8. Pa gymorth y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei roi i awdurdodau lleol i gynnal swyddogaethau anstatudol? OQ61600

8. What support is the Government providing to local authorities to sustain non-statutory functions? OQ61600

Diolch, Peredur. In 2024-25, the Government is providing unhypothecated revenue funding of over £5.72 billion and over £1 billion in specific grant funding to support local authorities to deliver both statutory and non-statutory services. Local councils are directly elected bodies with responsibility for the choices they make on local service priorities.

Diolch, Peredur. Yn 2024-25, mae'r Llywodraeth yn darparu cyllid refeniw heb ei neilltuo o dros £5.72 biliwn a thros £1 biliwn mewn cyllid grant penodol i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol i ddarparu gwasanaethau statudol ac anstatudol. Mae cynghorau lleol yn gyrff a etholir yn uniongyrchol gyda chyfrifoldeb am y dewisiadau a wnânt ynghylch blaenoriaethau gwasanaethau lleol.

Diolch am yr ateb, a chroeso i'ch rôl.

Thank you for that response, and welcome to your role.

Another method for doing this could be a community right to buy. I note the recent Government statement on the community asset commission, which was issued on 24 September. My question is not in any way a criticism of the people or organisations involved in that commission, but I have to say how deeply disappointing it is that Wales, in 2024, is still without legislation giving communities the right to buy local assets. This is something that communities in England have enjoyed for nearly a decade and a half, and the SNP Government has also introduced similar but much stronger legislation in Scotland. Is it any wonder that the Institute of Welsh Affairs think tank has described Welsh communities as the least empowered in Britain when it comes to the protection of land and assets? This is of particular interest in the region I represent, where Caerphilly's Labour cabinet has just decided to mothball the magnificent Tudor mansion and living museum, Llancaiach Fawr. This type of legislation would have been an alternative option for the local authority and the local community. How long will Welsh communities have to wait to enjoy the rights and benefits of community assets that their counterparts in the UK have had for years? How long will local authorities have to wait for extra tools to be able to help in this field? And how many more buildings will our communities lose before this Government gets its act together?

Dull arall posibl o wneud hyn fyddai hawl gymunedol i brynu. Rwy'n nodi datganiad diweddar y Llywodraeth ar y comisiwn asedau cymunedol, a gyhoeddwyd ar 24 Medi. Nid yw fy nghwestiwn mewn unrhyw fodd yn beirniadu'r bobl neu'r sefydliadau sy'n ymwneud â'r comisiwn hwnnw, ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud pa mor siomedig yw hi fod Cymru, yn 2024, yn dal heb ddeddfwriaeth sy'n rhoi hawl i gymunedau brynu asedau lleol. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y mae cymunedau yn Lloegr wedi ei fwynhau ers bron i ddegawd a hanner, ac mae'r Llywodraeth SNP hefyd wedi cyflwyno deddfwriaeth debyg ond llawer cryfach yn yr Alban. A yw'n syndod fod melin drafod y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig wedi disgrifio cymunedau Cymru fel y rhai sydd wedi'u grymuso leiaf ym Mhrydain o ran diogelu tir ac asedau? Mae hyn o ddiddordeb arbennig yn y rhanbarth a gynrychiolir gennyf, lle mae cabinet Llafur Caerffili newydd benderfynu cau plasty Tuduraidd gwych ac amgueddfa fyw Llancaiach Fawr. Byddai deddfwriaeth o'r fath wedi bod yn opsiwn amgen i'r awdurdod lleol a'r gymuned leol. Am ba hyd y bydd yn rhaid i gymunedau Cymru aros i fwynhau hawliau a manteision asedau cymunedol y mae eu cymheiriaid yn y DU wedi gallu ei wneud ers blynyddoedd? Am ba hyd y bydd yn rhaid i awdurdodau lleol aros am ddulliau ychwanegol i allu helpu yn y maes hwn? A faint mwy o adeiladau y bydd ein cymunedau yn eu colli cyn i'r Llywodraeth hon fynd i'r afael â hyn?


Diolch, Peredur. Just on the community asset commission that you mentioned, a written statement was published on 24 September. The Welsh Government is committed to ensuring that, wherever possible, community facilities are protected. This commitment has led to the establishment of that commission, following the work undertaken by the Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee, which my colleague John Griffiths chairs. Ystadau Cymru developed and published a community asset transfer best practice guide in 2019, and this included a due diligence guide, a practical example of the transfer process and real-life case studies. The guidance is scheduled for review in 2025, in line with recommendations made by the community asset commission. So, there are initiatives ongoing. We know how important community assets are, and I've seen examples where that's worked really, really well. But as I said, there will be a review of that scheduled in 2025.

Diolch, Peredur. Ar y comisiwn asedau cymunedol y sonioch chi amdano, cyhoeddwyd datganiad ysgrifenedig ar 24 Medi. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod cyfleusterau cymunedol yn cael eu diogelu lle bynnag y bo'n bosibl. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn wedi arwain at sefydlu'r comisiwn hwnnw, yn dilyn y gwaith a wnaed gan Bwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai y Senedd, y mae fy nghyd-Aelod John Griffiths yn ei gadeirio. Fe ddatblygodd ac fe gyhoeddodd Ystadau Cymru ganllaw arferion gorau ar gyfer trosglwyddo asedau cymunedol yn 2019, ac roedd yn cynnwys canllaw ar ddiwydrwydd dyladwy, enghraifft ymarferol o'r broses drosglwyddo ac astudiaethau achos go iawn. Mae'r canllawiau i gael eu hadolygu yn 2025, yn unol ag argymhellion gan y comisiwn asedau cymunedol. Felly, mae yna gynlluniau ar y gweill. Fe wyddom pa mor bwysig yw asedau cymunedol, ac rwyf wedi gweld enghreifftiau lle mae hynny wedi gweithio'n dda dros ben. Ond fel y dywedais, trefnwyd adolygiad o hynny ar gyfer 2025.

Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.

I thank the Cabinet Secretary. 

2. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg
2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education

Yr eitem nesaf fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg. Y cwestiwn cyntaf, Janet Finch-Saunders.

The next item will be the questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education. The first question is from Janet Finch-Saunders. 

Unedau Cyfeirio Disgyblion yn Aberconwy
Pupil Referral Units in Aberconwy

1. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am y defnydd o unedau cyfeirio disgyblion yn Aberconwy? OQ61603

1. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the use of pupil referral units in Aberconwy? OQ61603

Conwy County Borough Council has one pupil referral unit, Canolfan Addysg Conwy, which provides education to children between the ages of five to 16. The pupil referral unit is set over three sites based in Penmaenrhos, Penrhos and Llandudno.

Mae gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy un uned cyfeirio disgyblion, Canolfan Addysg Conwy, sy'n darparu addysg i blant rhwng pump ac 16 oed. Mae'r uned cyfeirio disgyblion wedi'i lleoli ar dri safle ym Mhenmaenrhos, Penrhos a Llandudno.

Thank you. I understand that they were contacted for a response to this question, which is very interesting. According to Estyn's annual report, there are 22 pupil referral units in Wales supporting 969 students. PRUs were once the most commonly used setting, accounting for nearly 50 per cent of all enrolments. Estyn have noted that, since the pandemic, local authorities have reported an increase in referral rates. Having spoken to Conwy council myself, they have observed an increase in requests for local authority funded and moderated additional learning provision over recent years, and indeed on a visit around my local schools, they are saying that they're really struggling to get into the PRUs there. That means that these PRUs, and any support for additional need, requires additional funding.

Now, I've raised so many times here about the funding formula being totally inadequate for Conwy County Borough Council, both in the older demographic, but clearly here we need some targeted funding to support those children who really are struggling. What additional funding, therefore, will you provide in 2025-26 to assist with the increased demand for additional learning provision? Diolch.

Diolch. Deallaf fod rhywun wedi cysylltu â hwy am ymateb i'r cwestiwn hwn, sy'n ddiddorol iawn. Yn ôl adroddiad blynyddol Estyn, mae 22 uned cyfeirio disgyblion yng Nghymru yn cefnogi 969 o fyfyrwyr. Ar un adeg, yr unedau cyfeirio disgyblion oedd y lleoliad a ddefnyddid amlaf, gyda bron 50 y cant o'r holl gofrestriadau. Mae Estyn wedi nodi, ers y pandemig, fod awdurdodau lleol wedi nodi cynnydd yn y cyfraddau cyfeirio. Ar ôl siarad â chyngor Conwy fy hun, maent wedi gweld cynnydd yn y ceisiadau am ddarpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol wedi'i hariannu a'i safoni gan yr awdurdod lleol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac yn wir ar ymweliad o amgylch fy ysgolion lleol, maent yn dweud eu bod yn ei chael hi'n anodd iawn cael lle yn yr unedau cyfeirio disgyblion yno. Mae hynny'n golygu bod yr unedau hyn, ac unrhyw gymorth ar gyfer anghenion ychwanegol, angen cyllid ychwanegol.

Nawr, ar nifer o achlysuron nodais fod y fformiwla ariannu'n gwbl annigonol i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, yn y ddemograffeg hŷn, ond yn amlwg yma mae angen cyllid wedi'i dargedu i gefnogi plant sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn. Pa gyllid ychwanegol, felly, y byddwch chi'n ei ddarparu yn 2025-26 i gynorthwyo gyda'r galw cynyddol am ddarpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol? Diolch.

Can I thank Janet Finch-Saunders for that question, and also welcome her commitment to the young people who are receiving education in education otherwise than at school settings? I know that it's something she's had a long-standing interest in. As she knows, PRUs are an essential part of ensuring that children who cannot attend school receive a suitable education, and they support learners to overcome the challenges they face, to achieve their potential and to make positive transitions back to school, on to college or into work.

As she rightly said, we are aware that, since the pandemic, demand for places at PRUs has increased in Wales substantially, and local authorities are working to respond to this increase and are increasing the places available in PRUs. As you highlighted, officials did contact your local authority and I'm pleased to say that they don't currently have a waiting list for their PRU. [Interruption.] Well, that's what officials have been informed by your local authority. There are no learners waiting, we have been informed by the council, for a placement in Conwy. They have, however, observed an increase in requests for local authority-funded additional learning provision, and have also extended the specialist provision offer for neurodivergent learners in particular.

I'm sure the Member will be pleased to know as well that we're putting in place arrangements to collect data about waiting times for EOTAS and PRU placements nationally, and if the Member is aware of cases that she feels are waiting that the council aren't aware of, then can I suggest that she writes to me?

A gaf i ddiolch i Janet Finch-Saunders am y cwestiwn hwnnw, a chroesawu ei hymrwymiad hefyd i'r bobl ifanc sy'n derbyn addysg mewn lleoliadau heblaw yn yr ysgol? Rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn rhywbeth y mae hi wedi bod â diddordeb ynddo ers amser maith. Fel y gŵyr, mae unedau cyfeirio disgyblion yn rhan hanfodol o sicrhau bod plant na allant fynychu ysgol yn cael addysg addas, ac maent yn cefnogi dysgwyr i oresgyn yr heriau sy'n eu hwynebu, i gyflawni eu potensial ac i drosglwyddo'n gadarnhaol yn ôl i'r ysgol, i'r coleg neu i mewn i waith.

Fel y dywedodd yn gywir ddigon, rydym yn ymwybodol, ers y pandemig, fod y galw am leoedd yn yr unedau cyfeirio disgyblion wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol yng Nghymru, ac mae awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio i ymateb i'r cynnydd hwn ac yn cynyddu nifer y lleoedd sydd ar gael mewn unedau cyfeirio disgyblion. Fel y sonioch chi, fe gysylltodd swyddogion â'ch awdurdod lleol ac rwy'n falch o ddweud nad oes ganddynt restr aros ar gyfer eu hunedau cyfeirio disgyblion ar hyn o bryd. [Torri ar draws.] Wel, dyna a ddywedodd eich awdurdod lleol chi wrth swyddogion. Cawsom wybod gan y cyngor nad oes unrhyw ddysgwyr yn aros am leoliad yng Nghonwy. Fodd bynnag, maent wedi gweld cynnydd yn y ceisiadau am ddarpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol a ariennir gan awdurdodau lleol, ac maent hefyd wedi ymestyn y ddarpariaeth arbenigol ar gyfer dysgwyr niwrowahanol yn enwedig.

Rwy'n siŵr y bydd yr Aelod yn falch o wybod hefyd ein bod yn rhoi trefniadau ar waith i gasglu data am amseroedd aros ar gyfer lleoliadau addysg heblaw yn yr ysgol ac unedau cyfeirio disgyblion yn genedlaethol, ac os yw'r Aelod yn ymwybodol o achosion lle mae'n teimlo nad yw'r cyngor yn ymwybodol eu bod yn aros, a gaf i awgrymu ei bod hi'n ysgrifennu ataf?

Cyfleoedd Dysgu Proffesiynol
Professional Learning Opportunities

2. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ddarparu cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol i staff yn y sector addysg? OQ61609

2. What action is Welsh Government taking to provide staff in the education sector with professional learning opportunities? OQ61609

Ensuring all practitioners can access career-long professional learning is integral to our vision for education in Wales. The national professional learning entitlement, which launched in 2022, is already playing a key role in providing our practitioners with access to high-quality professional learning from early career to system leadership.

Mae sicrhau bod pob addysgwr yn gallu cael mynediad at ddysgu proffesiynol gydol eu gyrfa yn rhan annatod o'n gweledigaeth ar gyfer addysg yng Nghymru. Mae'r hawl i ddysgu proffesiynol cenedlaethol, a lansiwyd yn 2022, eisoes yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn darparu mynediad i'n haddysgwyr at ddysgu proffesiynol o ansawdd uchel o ddechrau eu gyrfa i arweinyddiaeth systemau.


Rai wythnosau nôl, gofynnais i gwestiwn ysgrifenedig i chi ar y mater hwn, gan ofyn yn syml: faint o gyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol sydd wedi bod ar gael i staff yn y proffesiwn addysg dros y bum mlynedd ddiwethaf? Nawr, fe ges i fy synnu'n fawr gyda'r ateb ges i wrthoch chi, sef, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:

'Nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn casglu’r wybodaeth y gofynnwyd amdani.'

Ac fe wnaethoch chi fy annog i gysylltu â rhanddeiliad eraill er mwyn cael yr ateb. Nawr, mae'n bwysig inni atgoffa ein gilydd bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwario bron i £36 miliwn ar gynlluniau datblygu dysgu proffesiynol, a bod y Gweinidog addysg blaenorol wedi gwneud dau ddatganiad yn y Senedd hon ar y pwnc yma, gan amlinellu gwaith y Llywodraeth yn y maes yma. Felly, sut ar y ddaear gall yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet fesur effeithiolrwydd ei chynlluniau o ran cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol os nad yw'r data mwyaf sylfaenol ar y mater yn cael ei gasglu a'i ddadansoddi? 

Some weeks ago, I asked a written question of you on this issue, asking simply: how many professional learning opportunities have been available to staff in the education profession over the past five years? Now, I was shocked by the answer that I received, namely, and I quote:

'The Welsh Government does not collect the requested information.'

And you encouraged me to contact other stakeholders to get a response to my question. Now, it's important that we should remind each other that the Welsh Government has spent almost £36 million on professional learning opportunities, and that the previous education Minister had made two statements in this Senedd on this issue, outlining the work of Government in this area. So, how on earth can the Cabinet Secretary measure the effectiveness and efficiency of her CPD provision if the most fundamental data on the issue isn't gathered and analysed? 

Can I thank Cefin Campbell for that question, and, obviously, I fully recall the written answer that I gave you? Professional learning is a priority for us; it is the absolute baseline for ensuring that we can raise standards in schools. The national professional learning entitlement outlines our commitment to ensuring that all education practitioners can access high-quality professional learning throughout their career. I do, however, recognise that particularly in the responses we received in the work around the middle-tier review, now the school improvement partnership programme, there was lots of concern amongst practitioners and school leaders about what was described as the 'white heat' around professional learning. And I think, in what you've highlighted in terms of the Education Workforce Council data, that is an example of that. 

We are starting to provide a more coherent centralised system, so we now have a single point of access to high-quality professional learning via a new professional learning area launched on Hwb last year. And we've also taken steps now to guarantee access to high-quality professional learning through a new rigorous endorsement process, launched in March this year, which is led by a national endorsement panel chaired by Professor Ken Jones. 

I'm grateful for your acknowledgement of the funding that we have invested in professional learning, and we have continued to sustain that with a further £12 million awarded directly to schools this year to enable all practitioners to take part in professional learning. And I know from my conversations with schools that they really value that opportunity. It is also the case, though, that we have more work to do in this space. As you're aware, we're working on the school improvement partnership programme. There'll be further announcements about that in due course, and I'll be in a position to say what more we're going to do around a coherent national professional learning offer in that space.

A gaf i ddiolch i Cefin Campbell am y cwestiwn hwnnw, ac yn amlwg, rwy'n cofio'n iawn yr ateb ysgrifenedig a roddais i chi? Mae dysgu proffesiynol yn flaenoriaeth i ni; dyma'r llinell sylfaen absoliwt ar gyfer sicrhau y gallwn godi safonau mewn ysgolion. Mae'r hawl i ddysgu proffesiynol cenedlaethol yn dangos ein hymrwymiad i sicrhau bod pob addysgwr yn gallu cael mynediad at ddysgu proffesiynol o ansawdd drwy gydol eu gyrfa. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n cydnabod, yn enwedig yn yr ymatebion a gawsom yn y gwaith ar yr adolygiad haen ganol, sef y rhaglen partneriaeth gwella ysgolion bellach, fod llawer o bryder ymhlith addysgwyr ac arweinwyr ysgolion am yr hyn a ddisgrifiwyd fel y cynnwrf ynghylch dysgu proffesiynol. Ac yn yr hyn a nodwyd gennych am y data Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg, mae hyn yn enghraifft o hynny. 

Rydym yn dechrau darparu system ganolog fwy cydlynol, felly mae gennym un pwynt mynediad bellach at ddysgu proffesiynol o ansawdd drwy fan dysgu proffesiynol newydd a lansiwyd ar Hwb y llynedd. Ac rydym hefyd wedi rhoi camau ar waith nawr i warantu mynediad at ddysgu proffesiynol o ansawdd trwy broses ardystio drylwyr newydd, a lansiwyd ym mis Mawrth eleni, sy'n cael ei harwain gan banel cymeradwyo cenedlaethol dan gadeiryddiaeth yr Athro Ken Jones. 

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am gydnabod y cyllid a fuddsoddwyd gennym mewn dysgu proffesiynol, ac rydym wedi parhau i'w gynnal gyda £12 miliwn arall wedi ei roi'n uniongyrchol i ysgolion eleni i alluogi pob addysgwr i gymryd rhan mewn dysgu proffesiynol. Ac rwy'n gwybod o fy sgyrsiau gydag ysgolion eu bod yn gwerthfawrogi'r cyfle hwnnw'n fawr. Mae hefyd yn wir, fodd bynnag, fod gennym fwy o waith i'w wneud yn y gofod hwn. Fel y gwyddoch, rydym yn gweithio ar y rhaglen partneriaeth gwella ysgolion. Bydd cyhoeddiadau pellach am hynny maes o law, a byddaf mewn sefyllfa i ddweud beth arall y byddwn yn ei wneud ynglŷn â chynnig dysgu proffesiynol cenedlaethol cydlynol yn y gofod hwnnw.

Cabinet Secretary, when I go and talk to teachers and school leaders across my constituency, and in my time on the Children, Young People and Education Committee, a lot of teachers and school leaders will say to me that the additional burdens that are placed on them are actually denying them time to do that CPD and professional learning, whether that's the additional requirements that teachers are having to do around additional learning needs, or around not having enough teachers or school support staff in the classroom to enable them to go and do that. So, what steps are you doing to actually try and reduce the burden on our teachers and school leaders so they can actually go and do the CPD, because if they're not doing that, the people who we are letting down are those teachers and the young people in the classroom who are not getting the most up-to-date methods of teaching that we want to see our young people having, so that they can come out being full and rounded citizens going into the workplace after they leave school? 

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pan fyddaf yn mynd i siarad ag athrawon ac arweinwyr ysgolion ar draws fy etholaeth, ac yn fy amser ar y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, bydd llawer o athrawon ac arweinwyr ysgolion yn dweud wrthyf fod y beichiau ychwanegol sy'n cael eu rhoi arnynt yn eu hamddifadu o amser i wneud y dysgu proffesiynol parhaus a dysgu proffesiynol, boed yn ofynion ychwanegol y mae'n rhaid i athrawon eu gwneud mewn perthynas ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, neu'n gysylltiedig â methu cael digon o athrawon neu staff cymorth ysgol yn yr ystafell ddosbarth i'w galluogi i fynd i wneud hynny. Felly, pa gamau rydych chi'n eu cymryd i geisio lleihau'r baich ar ein hathrawon ac arweinwyr ysgolion fel y gallant wneud y dysgu proffesiynol parhaus, oherwydd os nad ydynt yn ei wneud, rydym yn gwneud cam â'r athrawon hynny a'r bobl ifanc yn yr ystafell ddosbarth nad ydynt yn cael y dulliau addysg diweddaraf yr ydym am weld ein pobl ifanc yn eu cael, fel y gallant adael yr ysgol a chyrraedd y gweithle yn ddinasyddion llawn a chyflawn? 

Thank you very much, James. And you're absolutely right, high-quality professional learning is absolutely crucial, and we want our teachers and our support staff to be able to have access to that. And it is a challenge, and I've said numerous times in this Chamber that we are asking a lot of our schools with the mission to raise standards, curriculum reform and ALN, and I am extremely mindful of that. That's one of the reasons why we've provided the additional funding for professional learning that can be used in some schools, if they choose to, to release staff to take up professional learning opportunities and that’s very important.

But you also make a really important point about workload. You’ll be aware that this is something that we’re working on closely with our trade union partners. We have a strategic workload group in partnership with the trade unions in Welsh Government—that has three workstreams—and we’re also developing a workload impact tool, which we are using in Welsh Government so that we can assess the likely burden arising from any new duties that we’re going to place on them. So, we are working on this, but recognise there’s more work to do.

Diolch, James. Ac rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, mae dysgu proffesiynol o ansawdd yn gwbl hanfodol, ac rydym am i'n hathrawon a'n staff cymorth allu cael mynediad at hynny. Ac mae'n her, ac rwyf wedi dweud droeon yn y Siambr hon ein bod yn gofyn llawer gan ein hysgolion gyda'r genhadaeth i godi safonau, diwygio'r cwricwlwm ac anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, ac rwy'n hynod ymwybodol o hynny. Dyna un o'r rhesymau pam ein bod wedi darparu'r cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer dysgu proffesiynol y gellir ei ddefnyddio mewn rhai ysgolion, os ydynt yn dewis gwneud hynny, i ryddhau staff i fanteisio ar gyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol ac mae hynny'n bwysig iawn.

Ond rydych chi hefyd yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn am lwyth gwaith. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod hyn yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn gweithio'n agos arno gyda'n partneriaid yn yr undebau llafur. Mae gennym grŵp strategol ar lwyth gwaith mewn partneriaeth â'r undebau llafur yn Llywodraeth Cymru—mae iddo dair ffrwd waith—ac rydym hefyd yn datblygu offeryn effaith llwyth gwaith a ddefnyddir gennym yn Llywodraeth Cymru i asesu'r baich tebygol sy'n codi o unrhyw ddyletswyddau newydd a osodwn arnynt. Felly, rydym yn gweithio ar hyn, ond yn cydnabod bod mwy o waith i'w wneud.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Tom Giffard.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. Welsh Conservative spokesperson, Tom Giffard.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, ITV reported on Thursday last week that 20 per cent of our children in Wales are functionally illiterate at the time they enter secondary school. We also have the worst reading skills of anywhere in the United Kingdom. That's not a record to be proud of after 25 years of Labour running our education system in Wales. And part of the reason is the way in which reading is taught in Wales. 'Cueing'—the practice of teaching reading through using pictures as cues—is an internationally discredited practice, and yet that's how children in much of Wales are being taught to read.

Education expert Rhona Stainthorp, after looking at the way in which reading is taught in Wales, told ITV

'I'm speechless. I really am speechless. I think that is unbelievably awful.'

She went on to say:

'All the evidence from...America, Australia and the UK, is that you must teach young children to read the words. The pictures might be nice and pretty, but they don’t help you to read.'

So, why is cueing still being taught in Welsh schools?

Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, adroddodd ITV ddydd Iau diwethaf fod 20 y cant o'n plant yng Nghymru yn ymarferol anllythrennog ar yr adeg y byddant yn mynd i'r ysgol uwchradd. Gennym ni hefyd y mae'r sgiliau darllen gwaethaf yn unman yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Nid yw honno'n record i fod yn falch ohoni ar ôl 25 mlynedd o Lafur yn rhedeg ein system addysg yng Nghymru. A rhan o'r rheswm yw'r ffordd y caiff plant eu dysgu i ddarllen yng Nghymru. Mae dangos ciwiau—yr arfer o ddysgu darllen drwy ddefnyddio lluniau fel ciwiau—yn arfer sydd wedi ei feirniadu'n rhyngwladol, ac eto dyna sut y mae plant mewn rhannau helaeth o Gymru yn cael eu dysgu i ddarllen.

Dywedodd yr arbenigwr addysg, Rhona Stainthorp, ar ôl edrych ar y ffordd y caiff plant eu dysgu i ddarllen yng Nghymru, wrth ITV:

'Rwyf wedi fy synnu. Rwyf wedi fy synnu'n fawr. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n erchyll.'

Aeth ymlaen i ddweud:

'Yr holl dystiolaeth o... America, Awstralia a'r DU, yw bod yn rhaid ichi ddysgu plant ifanc i ddarllen y geiriau. Efallai fod y lluniau'n braf ac yn bert, ond nid ydynt yn eich helpu i ddarllen.'

Felly, pam mae ciwiau'n dal i gael eu defnyddio yn ysgolion Cymru?

Thank you very much, Tom. I think I’ve been very, very clear with everybody in this Chamber that raising standards is a priority, that improving literacy is a key part of that and that we are not in any way complacent as a Government about the work that we are doing in this. I’ve been clear that literacy’s a top priority for me, and I’ve also already set out in this Chamber a range of additional steps that we’re taking to support literacy, which you will recall from my curriculum statement back in the summer.

I want to be really clear with you, though, that phonics is an absolute expectation that we want to see taught in our schools in Wales. We expect all schools to be using phonics to teach reading. Can I also say that the report that you referred to, which was reported on the ITV piece, was the 2012 Estyn report, so that is now 12 years old. But that doesn’t mean that we’re in any way complacent about the challenges that we face. Our personalised assessment results were concerning, so, this is absolutely a focus, and I also recognise that we do need to do more to be clear with schools about the expectations around phonics.

Diolch, Tom. Rwy'n credu fy mod wedi bod yn glir iawn gyda phawb yn y Siambr hon fod codi safonau yn flaenoriaeth, fod gwella llythrennedd yn rhan allweddol o hynny ac nad ydym yn llaesu dwylo fel Llywodraeth mewn unrhyw ffordd ynglŷn â'r gwaith a wnawn ar hyn. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir fod llythrennedd yn brif flaenoriaeth i mi, a nodais eisoes yn y Siambr hon amrywiaeth o gamau ychwanegol a gymerwn i gefnogi llythrennedd, y byddwch yn eu cofio o fy natganiad cwricwlwm yn ôl yn yr haf.

Rwyf am fod yn glir iawn gyda chi, serch hynny, ein bod yn llwyr ddisgwyl i ffoneg gael ei addysgu yn ein hysgolion yng Nghymru. Rydym yn disgwyl i bob ysgol ddefnyddio ffoneg i ddysgu plant i ddarllen. A gaf i ddweud hefyd mai adroddiad Estyn 2012 oedd yr adroddiad y cyfeirioch chi ato, ac a nodwyd yn y darn gan ITV, felly mae hwnnw bellach yn 12 oed. Ond nid yw hynny'n golygu ein bod mewn unrhyw ffordd yn llaesu dwylo ynghylch yr heriau sy'n ein hwynebu. Roedd canlyniadau ein hasesiadau personol yn peri pryder, felly, mae hyn yn sicr yn ffocws, ac rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod bod angen inni wneud mwy i fod yn glir gydag ysgolion am y disgwyliadau ynghylch ffoneg.

I think the ITV piece was very clear that schools and teachers were not the problem and it was the advice given by Welsh Government that was the problem in this area. And part of that advice is the statement issued by the Welsh Government saying that it didn't advocate a particular method of teaching reading, which contradicts what you've just said about phonics. But that's exactly the problem: cueing, which is being widely taught in Welsh schools, has been actively described as not only an ineffective way of teaching young people to read, but even damaging for young children, confusing them, and even having the effect of cancelling the benefits of phonics. Cueing was banned in England in 2005 for this exact reason. 

The First Minister said yesterday that you'd make a statement on this in the coming months, but you've known about this problem for 20 years. And since abolishing cueing in England, reading levels there are one of the best in the world, and instead, in Wales, we have children going to school functionally illiterate—a record that your party should be ashamed of. So, having known about the impact that cueing is having on people for 20 years, why on earth hasn't the Welsh Government banned it sooner?

Rwy'n credu bod y darn gan ITV yn glir iawn nad ysgolion ac athrawon oedd y broblem ac mai'r cyngor a roddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru oedd y broblem yn y maes hwn. A rhan o'r cyngor hwnnw yw'r datganiad a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn dweud nad oedd yn hyrwyddo dull penodol o addysgu darllen, sy'n gwrth-ddweud yr hyn a ddywedoch chi nawr am ffoneg. Ond dyna'n union yw'r broblem: mae addysgu drwy ddefnyddio ciwiau, fel sy'n cael ei wneud yn helaeth yn ysgolion Cymru, wedi cael ei disgrifio nid yn unig fel ffordd aneffeithiol o ddysgu pobl ifanc i ddarllen, ond ei bod yn niweidiol i blant ifanc, gan eu drysu, a hyd yn oed yn diddymu manteision ffoneg. Gwaharddwyd defnyddio ciwiau yn Lloegr yn 2005 am yr union reswm hwn. 

Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog ddoe y byddech chi'n gwneud datganiad ar hyn yn ystod y misoedd nesaf, ond rydych chi'n gwybod am y broblem hon ers 20 mlynedd. Ac ers diddymu ciwiau yn Lloegr, mae'r lefelau darllen yno ymhlith y goreuon yn y byd, ac yn lle hynny, yng Nghymru, mae gennym blant yn mynd i'r ysgol yn ymarferol anllythrennog—record y dylai eich plaid fod â chywilydd ohoni. Felly, ar ôl gwybod am yr effaith y mae ciwiau yn ei chael ar bobl ers 20 mlynedd, pam ar y ddaear nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwahardd hyn yn gynt?

Well, first of all, can I say that I didn't say that schools and teachers were the problem—those are your words, not mine? I have said that we have a clear expectation that all schools will use synthetic phonics to teach reading. I've also said that we are looking at what more we can do to re-emphasise that expectation. If you’d been here for my curriculum statement back in the summer, you would recall that one of the things I announced was that we’re reviewing our literacy and numeracy framework and we’re putting that on a statutory footing. That will provide a further opportunity to strengthen the expectations of schools around phonics. The actual curriculum has it written in law as part of the curriculum framework that phonics have to be taught in languages and communication. So, that is very clear.

Now, in terms of cueing, I think it’s important to recognise that teachers are professionals, they know their learners, and there will be some children who may not be ready for phonics. There might be children—. We know that we’re seeing more children with speech and language problems, especially since the pandemic, so there might be children coming to school who haven't got sufficient knowledge of speech to be able to break down words in the way that synthetic phonics requires. So, on that basis, teachers will have other tools in their toolbox to support the learners, who they know best, but, again, we’re absolutely clear—synthetic phonics is what we expect as the building blocks of reading in Wales.

Wel, yn gyntaf oll, a gaf i ddweud na ddywedais mai ysgolion ac athrawon oedd y broblem—eich geiriau chi oedd hynny, nid fy rhai i? Rwyf wedi dweud bod gennym ddisgwyliad clir y bydd pob ysgol yn defnyddio ffoneg synthetig i addysgu darllen. Rwyf hefyd wedi dweud ein bod yn edrych ar beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i ail-bwysleisio'r disgwyliad hwnnw. Pe baech chi wedi bod yma ar gyfer fy natganiad cwricwlwm yn ôl yn yr haf, byddech yn cofio mai un o'r pethau a gyhoeddais oedd ein bod yn adolygu ein fframwaith llythrennedd a rhifedd ac rydym yn rhoi hynny ar sail statudol. Bydd hynny'n rhoi cyfle pellach i gryfhau disgwyliadau ar gyfer ysgolion mewn perthynas â ffoneg. Mae hyn wedi ei ysgrifennu mewn cyfraith yn y cwricwlwm ei hun yn rhan o fframwaith y cwricwlwm fod yn rhaid dysgu ffoneg ar gyfer ieithoedd a chyfathrebu. Felly, mae hynny'n glir iawn.

Nawr, o ran ciwiau, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod bod athrawon yn weithwyr proffesiynol, eu bod yn adnabod eu dysgwyr, ac y bydd rhai plant efallai nad ydynt yn barod ar gyfer ffoneg. Efallai fod yna blant—. Rydym yn gwybod ein bod yn gweld mwy o blant â phroblemau lleferydd ac iaith, yn enwedig ers y pandemig, felly efallai y bydd plant yn dod i'r ysgol heb ddigon o leferydd i allu hollti geiriau yn y ffordd y mae ffoneg synthetig yn galw am ei wneud. Felly, ar y sail honno, bydd gan athrawon ddulliau eraill yn eu harfogaeth i gefnogi'r dysgwyr hynny y maent hwy'n eu hadnabod yn well na neb arall, ond unwaith eto, rydym yn hollol glir—ffoneg synthetig yw'r hyn rydym yn ei ddisgwyl fel y blociau adeiladu ar gyfer darllen yng Nghymru.


You said you had clearly advocated for phonics. This is your statement from last week. Quote: the Welsh Government

'do not advocate any one specific method to teach reading'.

That’s your quote from last week. No wonder schools don’t think you’ve been clear, Cabinet Secretary. I can tell you, though, why reading standards in Wales are so poor. It’s the Welsh Labour Government continuing to prioritise ideology over evidence, a desire to do things differently, even if the outcome is worse. Again, to give you an idea of the scale of the issue we’re talking about here, Professor Rhona Stainthorp again—quote—

'That is not something that I would expect to read about teaching in a school in the 21st century. We’ve just moved light years away from that'.

And when concerned parents watched that ITV report on our paltry reading standards in Wales, looking for reassurance from the Welsh Labour Government, what did they see? A Cabinet Secretary who was asked multiple times to speak to ITV to discuss the matter, but refused. They also sent a list of questions to your department and they were not answered. Where were you? I’ll tell you where you were: complacent, missing in action, asleep at the wheel, burying your head in the sand and pretending it isn’t a problem. And that’s just not going to work. It will fail our young people. So, will you commit, for once, to follow the evidence over the ideology, change the guidance today, so no more pupils are the victims of Labour’s educational incompetence?

Fe ddywedoch chi eich bod wedi hyrwyddo ffoneg yn glir. Dyma eich datganiad yr wythnos diwethaf. Dyfyniad: nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru

'yn hyrwyddo unrhyw un dull penodol ar gyfer addysgu darllen'.

Dyna oedd eich dyfyniad yr wythnos diwethaf. Nid oes ryfedd nad yw ysgolion yn credu eich bod wedi bod yn glir, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Serch hynny, gallaf ddweud wrthych pam fod safonau darllen yng Nghymru mor wael. Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru sy'n parhau i flaenoriaethu ideoleg dros dystiolaeth; awydd i wneud pethau'n wahanol, hyd yn oed os yw'r canlyniad yn waeth. Unwaith eto, i roi syniad i chi o raddfa'r broblem yr ydym yn sôn amdani yma, rwy'n dyfynnu yr Athro Rhona Stainthorp eto,

'Nid yw hynny'n rhywbeth y buaswn yn disgwyl ei ddarllen am addysgu mewn ysgol yn yr 21ain ganrif. Rydym wedi symud yn bell eithriadol oddi wrth hynny.'

A phan oedd rhieni pryderus yn gwylio'r adroddiad hwnnw gan ITV ar ein safonau darllen truenus yng Nghymru, gan chwilio am sicrwydd gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, beth a welsant? Ysgrifennydd Cabinet y gofynnwyd iddi siarad ag ITV sawl gwaith i drafod y mater, ond a wrthododd wneud hynny. Fe wnaethant hefyd anfon rhestr o gwestiynau at eich adran ac ni chawsant mo'u hateb. Ble oeddech chi? Fe ddywedaf wrthych ble oeddech chi: yn llaesu dwylo, yn absennol o'r gwaith, yn cysgu wrth y llyw, yn claddu eich pen yn y tywod ac yn esgus nad yw'n broblem. Ac nid yw hynny'n mynd i weithio. Bydd yn gwneud cam â'n pobl ifanc. Felly, a wnewch chi ymrwymo, am unwaith, i ddilyn y dystiolaeth yn hytrach na'r ideoleg, a newid y canllawiau heddiw, fel nad oes rhagor o ddisgyblion yn dioddef oherwydd anghymhwysedd Llafur ym maes addysg?

Well, Tom, I think if you knew me better, you would know that I am the very last person you could describe as being missing in action. I’m also the last person you would expect to put ideology over the needs of children and young people. I have been really clear since coming into this post that that is the only thing I am interested in delivering in this portfolio: what is best for children and young people. That’s why, when I came into post, one of the first things I did was identify that schools needed more support with the curriculum, and that includes literacy and numeracy, and we announced in July that we are delivering that support. Part of that work is nationally-intensive support with literacy that we are rolling out now right across Wales.

And if we can just get away from the political point scoring for just a moment, I do think it is important that we also recognise the very good work that happens in our schools. For instance, Estyn’s most recent, 2022-23, annual report identified that most primary schools planned effectively to develop pupils’ speaking, listening and reading skills, and that the reading and writing skills of many pupils were developed appropriately by practitioners. In secondary schools, the report noted that many pupils demonstrated sound basic reading skills.

But I don’t have a complacent bone in my body. We recognise there’s more work that we have to do. That’s why we are not just rolling out this intensive national support, but we are placing the framework on a statutory footing. We are gathering data through our personalised assessments, which isn’t something that they do in England. We are publishing that information, so that it is open and accessible. And I’m confident that, working together with our excellent teaching professionals, we will make progress.

Wel, Tom, rwy'n credu pe baech yn fy adnabod yn well, y byddech yn gwybod mai fi yw'r person olaf y gallech ei disgrifio fel rhywun sy'n absennol o'i gwaith. Fi hefyd yw'r person olaf y byddech yn disgwyl iddi flaenoriaethu ideoleg dros anghenion plant a phobl ifanc. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn ers dechrau'r swydd hon mai dyna'r unig beth y mae gennyf ddiddordeb yn ei gyflawni yn y portffolio hwn: yr hyn sydd orau i blant a phobl ifanc. Dyna pam mai un o'r pethau cyntaf a wneuthum pan ddechreuais yn y swydd oedd nodi bod angen mwy o gefnogaeth ar ysgolion gyda'r cwricwlwm, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys llythrennedd a rhifedd, ac fe wnaethom gyhoeddi ym mis Gorffennaf ein bod yn darparu'r gefnogaeth honno. Rhan o'r gwaith hwnnw yw'r gefnogaeth genedlaethol ddwys ar gyfer llythrennedd yr ydym yn ei chyflwyno ledled Cymru nawr.

Ac os gallwn osgoi'r sgorio pwyntiau gwleidyddol am eiliad, credaf ei bod yn bwysig ein bod hefyd yn cydnabod y gwaith da iawn sy'n digwydd yn ein hysgolion. Er enghraifft, nododd adroddiad blynyddol diweddaraf Estyn ar gyfer 2022-23 fod y rhan fwyaf o ysgolion cynradd yn cynllunio'n effeithiol i ddatblygu sgiliau siarad, gwrando a darllen disgyblion, a bod sgiliau darllen ac ysgrifennu llawer o ddisgyblion yn cael eu datblygu'n briodol gan addysgwyr. Mewn ysgolion uwchradd, nododd yr adroddiad fod llawer o ddisgyblion yn dangos sgiliau darllen sylfaenol cadarn.

Ond nid oes gennyf asgwrn hunanfodlon yn fy nghorff. Rydym yn cydnabod bod rhagor o waith y mae'n rhaid inni ei wneud. Dyna pam ein bod yn gwneud mwy na chyflwyno'r gefnogaeth genedlaethol ddwys hon yn unig, rydym yn gosod y fframwaith ar sail statudol. Rydym yn casglu data drwy ein hasesiadau personol, sy'n rhywbeth nad ydynt yn ei wneud yn Lloegr. Rydym yn cyhoeddi'r wybodaeth honno fel ei bod yn agored ac yn hygyrch. A thrwy gydweithio â'n gweithwyr addysgu proffesiynol rhagorol, rwy'n hyderus y byddwn yn gwneud cynnydd.


Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Cefin Campbell.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Cefin Campbell.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Sawl blwyddyn gyfunol o brofiad sydd wedi gadael y proffesiwn addysgu yng Nghymru ers 2016?

Thank you very much, Llywydd. How many combined years of experience have left the teaching profession in Wales since 2016?

How many combined years of experience have left—

Sawl blwyddyn gyfunol o brofiad sydd wedi gadael—

Yes—have left the teaching profession since 2016.

Ie—sydd wedi gadael y proffesiwn addysgu ers 2016.

Well, I don't believe that we would have that data, Cefin.

Wel, nid wyf yn credu bod y data hwnnw gennym, Cefin.

Well, if you haven’t got the data, I can give you the data right now. According to your own statistics, almost 100,000—well, about 92,000, to be precise—of combined years of experience have left the teaching profession in Wales in the last eight years. Those are your statistics. That leaves a huge gap to fill. But, in that time, the Welsh Government has consistently failed to meet its own recruitment targets, and the number of teachers leaving the profession early in their career is at its highest level ever—over 1,200 since 2016 alone. Cabinet Secretary, my question is very simple: 'yes' or 'no', is this sustainable?

Wel, os nad oes gennych y data, gallaf roi'r data i chi nawr. Yn ôl eich ystadegau eich hun, mae bron i 100,000—wel, tua 92,000, i fod yn fanwl gywir—o flynyddoedd cyfunol o brofiad wedi gadael y proffesiwn addysgu yng Nghymru yn ystod yr wyth mlynedd diwethaf. Eich ystadegau chi yw'r rheini. Mae hynny'n gadael bwlch enfawr i'w lenwi. Ond yn y cyfnod hwnnw, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu cyrraedd ei thargedau recriwtio ei hun yn gyson, ac mae nifer yr athrawon sy'n gadael y proffesiwn yn gynnar yn eu gyrfaoedd ar y lefel uchaf erioed—dros 1,200 ers 2016 yn unig. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae fy nghwestiwn yn syml iawn: 'ydy' neu 'nac ydy', a yw hyn yn gynaliadwy?

Well, in terms of the figures that you've presented, I will certainly go back and look at those, although I find it very hard to believe that the figures are presented in that way in terms of years of experience, because my experience of Welsh Government data is that the granular detail doesn't go down that far, but I will take a look at that. But, of course, I am not in any way disputing that we face challenges in terms of recruiting and retaining our teachers, and that is something that we've discussed on numerous occasions here in this Chamber. That is a complex picture, isn't it, especially since the pandemic, and there is no one silver bullet in terms of retaining our teachers. It's about well-being support, it's about making sure that our schools are appealing places for teachers to work, it's about how we remunerate them, how we reduce the pressures on their workload.

Now, in terms of recruitment targets, as you call them—. They're actually called allocations now, but we do specify allocations, particularly for shortage subjects. You'll be aware from the response I sent the Children, Young People and Education Committee recently that we're doing really well on primary recruitment; secondary recruitment is much more challenging. It's not just much more challenging in Wales; it's much more challenging across the border as well. That's why we have the priority subject incentives, which provide additional money for subjects like science, technology, engineering and maths, Welsh language, modern foreign languages. But there is always more that we can do, and I very much welcome the inquiry that the committee is doing, and I'm looking forward to hearing your views, based on the evidence that you've taken, about whether there's anything further that we can do in this space.

Wel, o ran y ffigurau yr ydych wedi'u cyflwyno, byddaf yn sicr yn mynd yn ôl i edrych ar y rheini, er fy mod yn ei chael hi'n anodd iawn credu bod y ffigurau'n cael eu cyflwyno yn y ffordd honno o ran blynyddoedd o brofiad, oherwydd fy mhrofiad i o ddata Llywodraeth Cymru yw nad yw'r manylion yn mynd i lawr mor bell â hynny, ond fe edrychaf ar hynny. Ond wrth gwrs, nid wyf yn dadlau mewn unrhyw ffordd nad ydym yn wynebu heriau o ran recriwtio a chadw ein hathrawon, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth yr ydym wedi'i drafod sawl gwaith yma yn y Siambr. Mae hwnnw'n ddarlun cymhleth, onid yw, yn enwedig ers y pandemig, ac nid oes un ateb syml ar gyfer cadw ein hathrawon. Mae'n ymwneud â chymorth llesiant, mae'n ymwneud â sicrhau bod ein hysgolion yn fannau apelgar i athrawon weithio ynddynt, mae'n ymwneud â sut rydym yn eu gwobrwyo, sut rydym yn lleihau'r pwysau ar eu llwyth gwaith.

Nawr, o ran targedau recriwtio, fel rydych chi'n eu galw—. Fe'u gelwir yn ddyraniadau bellach, ond rydym yn nodi dyraniadau, yn enwedig ar gyfer pynciau â phrinder. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r ymateb a anfonais at y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yn ddiweddar ein bod yn gwneud yn dda iawn ar recriwtio cynradd; mae recriwtio uwchradd yn llawer mwy heriol. Mae'n llawer mwy heriol yng Nghymru, ac mae'n llawer mwy heriol dros y ffin hefyd. Dyna pam y mae gennym y cymhellion ar gyfer pynciau â blaenoriaeth, sy'n darparu arian ychwanegol ar gyfer pynciau fel gwyddoniaeth, technoleg, peirianneg a mathemateg, y Gymraeg, ieithoedd tramor modern. Ond mae mwy y gallwn ei wneud bob amser, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ymchwiliad y mae'r pwyllgor yn ei wneud yn fawr, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed eich barn, yn seiliedig ar y dystiolaeth a gasglwyd gennych, i weld a oes unrhyw beth pellach y gallwn ei wneud yn y gofod hwn.

Wel, dwi ddim yn siŵr iawn a ydw i wedi cael yr ateb 'ie' neu 'nage' roeddwn i'n chwilio amdano fe, ond, jest ar gyfer y cofnod, mae Plaid Cymru a'r undebau'n gwbl glir nad yw'r sefyllfa bresennol o ran recriwtio a chadw athrawon yn gynaliadwy o gwbl. Nawr, mewn atebion i gwestiynau ysgrifenedig a gyflwynais i i chi dros yr haf, mae'n rhaid i fi gyfaddef i mi gael sioc o glywed bod bwrdd cynghori recriwtio a chadw athrawon Llywodraeth Cymru, a sefydlwyd i ffanffer fawr yn y Senedd ddiwethaf i roi cyngor arbenigol i chi ar y mater hwn, wedi cael ei ddiddymu y llynedd, yn dawel bach, heb yna siw na miw. Hefyd, trwy eich cyfaddefiad chi eich hunan, dyw Llywodraeth Cymru ddim yn casglu hyd yn oed y data mwyaf sylfaenol ar effeithiolrwydd eu cynlluniau cymhelliant hyfforddi athrawon.

Well, I'm not sure if I got the simple 'yes' or 'no' answer I was looking for, but, just for the record, it’s Plaid Cymru’s view, and the unions' view, very clearly, that the current situation when it comes to teacher recruitment and retention is not sustainable at all. Now, in answers to written questions that I tabled to you over the summer, I must admit that I was shocked to learn that the Welsh Government’s teacher recruitment and retention advisory board, which was set up to much fanfare in the last Senedd to provide expert advice to you on this issue, was disbanded last year, quietly and without a trace. Also, by your own admission, the Welsh Government doesn't gather even the most basic data on the effectiveness of its teacher training incentive schemes.

Cabinet Secretary, how many incentive schemes have to be left unmeasured, experts ignored, recruitment targets missed and years of teaching experience lost before this Welsh Government will admit that what they've been doing for the last 25 years hasn’t been working?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, faint o gynlluniau cymhelliant a fydd heb eu mesur, arbenigwyr a fydd yn cael eu hanwybyddu, targedau recriwtio a fydd yn cael eu methu a blynyddoedd o brofiad addysgu a fydd wedi'u colli cyn y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyfaddef nad yw'r hyn y maent wedi bod yn ei wneud dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf wedi gweithio?

Thank you for those questions. Obviously, the panel that you've referred to was disbanded before I came into post. That doesn't mean that we don't have expert advice on the recruitment and retention of teachers. We're currently doing a piece of work, actually, with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to look at some of the issues around why it’s difficult to recruit and retain teachers. So, we are taking advice, and we’re taking advice from a range of sources. It’s also not the case to say that the priority subject incentives are not measured, because, as I’ve said to you in a previous answer, that is something that we are doing. It’s not something that you can do really quickly. So, for example, with the Welsh-medium incentives, it’s going to take a little while for Welsh-medium teachers to go through the system, do their training, get their qualified teacher status, do their induction. But I am very committed. I think data is incredibly important—it really is. It’s something I learnt in my previous role. I’m constantly asking for more data and looking at what we can do to improve the data so that we can measure progress.

Diolch am y cwestiynau hynny. Yn amlwg, cafodd y panel y cyfeirioch chi ato ei ddiddymu cyn imi ddod i'r swydd. Nid yw hynny'n golygu nad ydym yn cael cyngor arbenigol ar recriwtio a chadw athrawon. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn gwneud gwaith gyda'r Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd i edrych ar rai o'r problemau'n ymwneud â pham ei bod yn anodd recriwtio a chadw athrawon. Felly, rydym yn derbyn cyngor, ac rydym yn derbyn cyngor o amrywiaeth o ffynonellau. Nid yw'n wir dweud ychwaith na chaiff y cymhellion ar gyfer pynciau â blaenoriaeth mo'u mesur, oherwydd, fel y dywedais wrthych mewn ateb blaenorol, mae hynny'n rhywbeth yr ydym yn ei wneud. Nid yw'n rhywbeth y gallwch ei wneud yn gyflym iawn. Felly, er enghraifft, gyda'r cymhellion cyfrwng Cymraeg, mae'n mynd i gymryd ychydig o amser i athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg fynd drwy'r system, gwneud eu hyfforddiant, cael eu statws athro cymwysedig, dilyn eu proses sefydlu. Ond rwy'n gwbl ymrwymedig. Rwy'n meddwl bod data yn bwysig—mae'n eithriadol o bwysig. Mae'n rhywbeth a ddysgais yn fy rôl flaenorol. Rwy'n gofyn yn gyson am ragor o ddata ac yn edrych ar yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud i wella'r data fel y gallwn fesur cynnydd.

Ysgolion Annibynnol
Independent Schools

3. Pa asesiad y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'i wneud o'r cyfraniad y mae ysgolion annibynnol yn ei wneud i addysg disgyblion yng Nghymru? OQ61587

3. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the contribution that independent schools make to the education of pupils in Wales? OQ61587

Independent schools make up 5.3 per cent of the total number of schools in Wales and contribute to the education of 2.1 per cent of all pupils. Estyn inspect all independent schools to evaluate the quality of education and to ensure each school maintains their compliance with the independent school legislative standards.

Ysgolion annibynnol yw 5.3 y cant o gyfanswm yr ysgolion yng Nghymru ac maent yn cyfrannu at addysg 2.1 y cant o'r holl ddisgyblion. Mae Estyn yn arolygu pob ysgol annibynnol i werthuso ansawdd yr addysg ac i sicrhau bod pob ysgol yn cydymffurfio â'r safonau deddfwriaethol ar gyfer ysgolion annibynnol.

Thank you. Cabinet Secretary, independent schools like Haberdashers’ in Monmouth make an enormous contribution not just to the education of children, but also to the local economy, being the town’s largest employer and drawing in visitors who support local businesses. Labour’s proposal to levy VAT on school fees poses a direct threat to the future of this school and other like it, which could force more pupils into the already overstretched state sector. In Monmouthshire, we’ve seen issues with overcrowding, underfunding, lack of teachers in state schools, with pupils in Caldicot, for example, being taught in a maths class of 60. Does the Cabinet Secretary recognise the critical role that independent schools play in alleviating the pressure on the state sector? Where would all these children go if Haberdashers’ in Monmouth, for example, and other schools like it, close? Will you commit to opposing any policies that threaten the viability of independent schools in Wales, which would exacerbate the existing challenges that you’ve already outlined today? Thank you.

Diolch. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae ysgolion annibynnol fel Haberdashers yn Nhrefynwy yn gwneud cyfraniad enfawr nid yn unig i addysg plant, ond hefyd i'r economi leol, gan mai nhw yw cyflogwyr mwyaf y dref ac mae'n denu ymwelwyr sy'n cefnogi busnesau lleol. Mae cynnig Llafur i godi TAW ar ffioedd ysgol yn fygythiad uniongyrchol i ddyfodol yr ysgol hon ac eraill sy'n debyg iddi, a gallai orfodi rhagor o ddisgyblion i fynd i'r sector gwladol sydd eisoes dan bwysau. Yn sir Fynwy, rydym wedi gweld problemau gyda gorlenwi, tanariannu, prinder athrawon mewn ysgolion gwladol, gyda disgyblion yng Nghil-y-coed, er enghraifft, yn cael eu haddysgu mewn dosbarth mathemateg ag ynddo 60 disgybl. A yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cydnabod y rôl hanfodol y mae ysgolion annibynnol yn ei chwarae yn lliniaru'r pwysau ar y sector gwladol? Ble fyddai'r plant yma i gyd yn mynd os byddai Haberdashers yn Nhrefynwy, er enghraifft, ac ysgolion eraill tebyg iddi, yn cau? A wnewch chi ymrwymo i wrthwynebu unrhyw bolisïau sy'n bygwth hyfywedd ysgolion annibynnol yng Nghymru, a fyddai'n gwaethygu'r heriau presennol yr ydych chi eisoes wedi'u hamlinellu heddiw? Diolch.

Thank you very much, Laura. Well, I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that investment in our mainstream public education system and schools is my priority. As you've highlighted, there are plans to levy VAT on private schools. That is a UK Government policy that is not devolved, but one that we are liaising with them closely on to make sure that we get the best possible deal and have the needs of our pupils in Wales taken fully into account.

In terms of those pupils who may not continue to go to private schools putting pressure on the state sector, that’s not really something we are particularly worried about at the moment, because there are 10,126 independent school pupils in Wales, and our latest figures show we have 78,970 surplus places in our state schools in Wales. Can I also say to the Member that she may wish to look at the Institute for Fiscal Studies report on this policy proposal, which concluded that there was likely to be little impact in terms of numbers of people going to private schools as a result of this policy. But you’ll also be pleased to know that we have written to all private schools in Wales and all local authorities, encouraging them to respond to the UK Government’s consultation on this, which has now closed. I know that there was an impact assessment undertaken and that the outcome of that will be made known at the budget on 30 October.

Diolch, Laura. Wel, rwy'n siŵr na fyddwch yn synnu clywed mai buddsoddi yn ein system addysg gyhoeddus ac ysgolion prif ffrwd yw fy mlaenoriaeth. Fel y gwnaethoch chi nodi, mae cynlluniau i godi TAW ar ysgolion preifat. Polisi gan Lywodraeth y DU yw hwnnw, ac nid yw wedi'i ddatganoli, ond mae'n un yr ydym yn cysylltu'n agos â nhw yn ei gylch i sicrhau ein bod yn cael y fargen orau bosibl a bod anghenion ein disgyblion yng Nghymru yn cael eu hystyried yn llawn.

O ran y disgyblion na fyddant efallai'n parhau i fynd i ysgolion preifat yn rhoi pwysau ar y sector gwladol, nid yw hynny'n rhywbeth yr ydym yn arbennig o bryderus yn ei gylch ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd mae 10,126 o ddisgyblion ysgolion annibynnol yng Nghymru, ac mae ein ffigurau diweddaraf yn dangos bod gennym 78,970 o leoedd gwag yn ein hysgolion gwladol yng Nghymru. A gaf i ddweud hefyd wrth yr Aelod y gallai fod eisiau edrych ar adroddiad y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid ar y cynnig polisi hwn, a ddaeth i'r casgliad nad oedd yn debygol y byddai fawr o effaith ar niferoedd y bobl sy'n mynd i ysgolion preifat o ganlyniad i'r polisi hwn. Ond fe fyddwch hefyd yn falch o wybod ein bod wedi ysgrifennu at bob ysgol breifat yng Nghymru a phob awdurdod lleol, yn eu hannog i ymateb i ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth y DU ar hyn, ac mae'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw wedi dod i ben bellach. Rwy'n gwybod bod asesiad effaith wedi'i gynnal ac y bydd canlyniad hwnnw'n dod yn hysbys yn y gyllideb ar 30 Hydref.

Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol
Additional Learning Needs

4. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar waith grŵp llywio cenedlaethol anghenion dysgu ychwanegol cyfrwng Cymraeg? OQ61588

4. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the work of the Welsh medium additional learning needs national steering group? OQ61588

The Welsh-medium ALN steering group advises on matters relating to improving and increasing Welsh-medium provision for learners with ALN. The Welsh language ALN national implementation lead has been in post since the spring and will take over as chair of the group this month to drive forward priorities.

Mae'r grŵp llywio anghenion dysgu ychwanegol cyfrwng Cymraeg yn cynghori ar faterion sy'n ymwneud â gwella a chynyddu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg i ddysgwyr ag ADY. Mae'r arweinydd gweithredu cenedlaethol ADY cyfrwng Cymraeg wedi bod yn ei swydd ers y gwanwyn a bydd yn cymryd yr awenau fel cadeirydd y grŵp y mis hwn i yrru blaenoriaethau yn eu blaen.

Diolch yn fawr am yr ateb hynny. Diolch i waith arloeswyr fel Michael ac Ethni Jones, a'r ddiweddar annwyl Beryl Williams, a fu farw bythefnos yn ôl, ac a roddodd ddegawdau o waith yn y maes yma, mae yna draddodiad clodwiw o addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg i blant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yma yng Nghaerdydd. Cyn hynny, gall nifer o deuluoedd, gan gynnwys fy nheulu i, roi esiamplau i chi o blant gafodd eu gwrthod i dderbyn addysg yn eu mamiaith. Ond, yn anffodus, dangosodd rhaglen deledu ddiweddar, Y Gymraeg: Hawl Pob Plentyn, fod y frwydr yn parhau. Dyw'r ddarpariaeth Gymraeg ddim byd tebyg i'r ddarpariaeth yn Saesneg. Dwy enghraifft yn unig i chi, Weinidog: mae yna uned benodol Saesneg ar gyfer awtistiaeth yn ne Cymru, ond does dim un Cymraeg; a does dim ysgol arbenigol ddwys cyfrwng Cymraeg yma yn ne Cymru. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i sicrhau bod pob plentyn, beth bynnag yr anghenion, yn gallu derbyn addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg? Diolch.

Thank you for that response. Thanks to the work of pioneers like Michael and Ethni Jones, and the late beloved Beryl Williams, who died two weeks ago, who worked in this area for decades, there is a commendable tradition of Welsh education for children with additional learning needs here in Cardiff. Before then, a number of families, including my own family, can give you examples of children who were rejected from receiving education in their native language. Unfortunately, the recent tv programme, Y Gymraeg: Hawl Pob Plentyn—every child's right—showed that the fight continues. The Welsh provision is nothing like the English provision. Two examples for you, Minister: there is a specific English unit for autism in south Wales, but there is no Welsh-medium unit; and there is no intensive specialist school through the medium of Welsh here in south Wales. So, how is the Welsh Government going to ensure that all children, whatever their needs, can access Welsh-medium education?


Thank you for those important points. My early experience of the local authority in Cardiff is that they are working very hard on their Welsh-medium provision. I was at an immersion unit last week and they were pulling out all the stops, and it was really very impressive to see the commitment that was there. You're aware that, if a child or young person needs additional learning provision in Welsh, that should be documented in their individual development plan and all reasonable steps must be taken to secure the provision in Welsh. I am, of course, aware of the challenges in relation to ALN and the Welsh language. Welsh-medium providers and families continue to express concerns around the availability of Welsh language workforce, assessments and resources to support ALN identification and provision. That's why the appointment of our Welsh language ALN lead is really important, because that will help join up this provision across Wales. That lead is focused on mapping the availability of Welsh language ALN provision and resources across Wales, improving the quality and availability of resources and supporting the workforce in pursuit of better educational experiences for children and young people with ALN who are accessing Welsh-medium education.

Can I say as well that the Welsh Government are also working with partners, including Adnodd, which is the bilingual educational resources company, to improve Welsh-medium additional learning provision, so that all learners have got the same opportunity to learn and develop, and to also add that I'm very pleased that we've got work being developed on a much called for literacy assessment tool, which is being developed by Cardiff Metropolitan University, to help with standardised tests aimed at improving the identification of literacy difficulties in secondary school pupils who speak Welsh. So, you know, I recognise there's more work to do and ALN is a priority for the Government. And you'll also be aware that the Welsh in education strategic plans are key to this and also have to set out how the local authorities are meeting their additional learning provision demands as well. All the WESPS are now in with the Welsh Government for this year, they're being assessed, and local authorities will have feedback on that, and I can assure you that if we find any particular shortcomings, I will be pursuing those with the local authorities.

Diolch am y pwyntiau pwysig hyn. Fy mhrofiad cynnar o'r awdurdod lleol yng Nghaerdydd yw eu bod yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar eu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg. Roeddwn mewn uned drochi yr wythnos diwethaf ac roeddent yn rhoi pob gewyn ar waith, ac roedd yn drawiadol iawn gweld yr ymrwymiad a oedd yno. Os oes angen darpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol ar blentyn neu berson ifanc yn Gymraeg, rydych chi'n ymwybodol y dylid cofnodi hynny yn eu cynllun datblygu unigol a rhaid rhoi pob cam rhesymol ar waith i gael y ddarpariaeth yn Gymraeg. Wrth gwrs, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r heriau mewn perthynas ag ADY a'r Gymraeg. Mae darparwyr a theuluoedd cyfrwng Cymraeg yn parhau i fynegi pryderon ynghylch argaeledd gweithlu, asesiadau ac adnoddau cyfrwng Cymraeg i gefnogi'r gwaith o nodi ADY a darparu ar eu cyfer. Dyna pam y mae penodiad ein harweinydd ADY Cymraeg yn bwysig iawn, oherwydd bydd hynny'n helpu i gydgysylltu'r ddarpariaeth hon ledled Cymru. Mae'r arweinydd hwnnw'n canolbwyntio ar fapio argaeledd darpariaeth ac adnoddau ADY Cymraeg ledled Cymru, gwella ansawdd ac argaeledd adnoddau a chefnogi'r gweithlu i fynd ar drywydd gwell profiadau addysgol i blant a phobl ifanc ag ADY sy'n cael addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg.

A gaf i ddweud yn ogystal fod Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid, gan gynnwys Adnodd, sef y cwmni adnoddau addysgol dwyieithog, i wella'r ddarpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol cyfrwng Cymraeg, fel bod pob dysgwr yn cael yr un cyfle i ddysgu a datblygu, ac ychwanegu hefyd fy mod yn falch iawn fod gennym waith yn cael ei ddatblygu ar offeryn asesu llythrennedd y mae â galw mawr amdano, sy'n cael ei ddatblygu gan Brifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd, i helpu gyda phrofion safonol gyda'r nod o wella'r broses o nodi anawsterau llythrennedd ymhlith disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd sy'n siarad Cymraeg. Felly, rwy'n cydnabod bod rhagor o waith i'w wneud ac mae ADY yn flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth. Ac fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol hefyd fod y cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg yn allweddol i hyn a bod yn rhaid iddynt nodi sut y mae'r awdurdodau lleol yn bodloni eu gofynion o ran y ddarpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol hefyd. Mae pob un o'r cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg bellach yn nwylo Llywodraeth Cymru am eleni, maent yn cael eu hasesu, a bydd awdurdodau lleol yn cael adborth ar hynny, ac os down o hyd i unrhyw ddiffygion penodol, gallaf eich sicrhau y byddaf yn mynd ar drywydd y rheini gyda'r awdurdodau lleol.

Darpariaeth Addysgol yn Islwyn
Educational Provision in Islwyn

5. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o ansawdd y ddarpariaeth addysgol yn Islwyn? OQ61622

5. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the quality of educational provision in Islwyn? OQ61622

I was pleased to read Estyn's recent inspection of Caerphilly education service, which, according to the report, put the best interests of children and young people at the heart of the decisions they make. The report highlights positive findings regarding the authority's education provision, approaches and practices.

Roeddwn yn falch o ddarllen arolygiad diweddar Estyn o wasanaeth addysg Caerffili, a oedd, yn ôl yr adroddiad, yn rhoi buddiannau pennaf plant a phobl ifanc wrth wraidd y penderfyniadau a wnânt. Mae'r adroddiad yn tynnu sylw at ganfyddiadau cadarnhaol yn ymwneud â darpariaeth, dulliau ac arferion addysg yr awdurdod.

Diolch. Caerphilly County Borough Council has 27,576 pupils across 86 schools, including 73 primary schools and one special school. As you said, Estyn, the education watchdog, carried out an in-depth inspection of the council's education services in June. In September, Estyn published their conclusions. Caerphilly County Borough Council's education service received a glowing review. Estyn stated: 

'Caerphilly’s education services are led very capably by the Chief Education Officer and her senior team. The team put the best interests of children and young people at the heart of the decisions they make. The education service receives effective support from the corporate management team. The service makes a strong contribution to the Council’s vision to secure "better futures for all" in Caerphilly.'

Cabinet Secretary, will you join me in congratulating the Labour-run Caerphilly County Borough Council's leadership in ensuring high educational standards for Islwyn children, and will you visit with us in Islwyn to see first-hand the good work taking place?

Diolch. Mae gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili 27,576 o ddisgyblion ar draws 86 o ysgolion, gan gynnwys 73 o ysgolion cynradd ac un ysgol arbennig. Fel y dywedoch chi, fe gynhaliodd Estyn, y corff gwarchod addysg, arolygiad manwl o wasanaethau addysg y cyngor ym mis Mehefin. Ym mis Medi, cyhoeddodd Estyn eu casgliadau. Cafodd gwasanaeth addysg Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili adolygiad disglair. Dywedodd Estyn: 

'Mae gwasanaethau addysg Caerffili yn cael eu harwain yn alluog iawn gan y Prif Swyddog Addysg a’i huwch dîm. Mae’r tîm yn rhoi pennaf les plant a phobl ifanc wrth wraidd y penderfyniadau a wnânt. Mae’r gwasanaeth addysg yn cael cymorth effeithiol gan y tîm rheoli corfforaethol. Mae’r gwasanaeth yn gwneud cyfraniad cryf at weledigaeth y Cyngor i sicrhau ‘dyfodol gwell i bawb’ yng Nghaerffili.'

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i longyfarch arweinwyr Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili dan arweiniad Llafur am sicrhau safonau addysgol uchel i blant Islwyn, ac a wnewch chi ymweld â ni yn Islwyn i weld drosoch eich hun y gwaith da sy'n digwydd?


Thank you very much, Rhianon, and you've done a better job than I could there of highlighting the positive points from the inspection report. I'd just like to thank all the teachers, support staff, headteachers and local authority staff collectively in the local authority for their work, which has led to this excellent report, which was really lovely to read. As you said, there's a clear strategy for school improvement. It was great to see the feedback on the leadership of the chief education officer, who provides

'strategic, empathetic yet firm leadership',

and also great to hear about their approach to managing vacancies among leaders in schools, which means that the schools are working very sustainably in terms of staffing. So, I'm very happy to come to Islwyn to talk to the local authority and maybe visit one of your schools. And, I'd just place on record again my thanks to the authority and everybody else in the area for their hard work.

Diolch, Rhianon, ac rydych chi wedi gwneud gwaith gwell nag y gallwn i ei wneud yn tynnu sylw at y pwyntiau cadarnhaol o adroddiad yr arolygiad. Hoffwn ddiolch i holl athrawon, staff cymorth, penaethiaid a staff yr awdurdod lleol gyda'i gilydd yn yr awdurdod lleol am eu gwaith, sydd wedi arwain at yr adroddiad rhagorol hwn, a oedd yn hyfryd iawn i'w ddarllen. Fel y dywedoch chi, mae yna strategaeth glir ar gyfer gwella ysgolion. Roedd yn wych gweld yr adborth ar arweinyddiaeth y prif swyddog addysg, sy'n darparu

'arweinyddiaeth strategol, empathetig, ac eto cadarn',

ac roedd hefyd yn wych clywed am eu dull o reoli swyddi gwag ymhlith arweinwyr ysgolion, sy'n golygu bod yr ysgolion yn gweithio'n gynaliadwy iawn o ran staffio. Felly, rwy'n hapus iawn i ddod i Islwyn i siarad â'r awdurdod lleol ac efallai i ymweld ag un o'ch ysgolion. A hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch eto i'r awdurdod a phawb arall yn yr ardal am eu gwaith caled.

Cabinet Secretary, as you know, swimming and water competence is part of the national curriculum for all key stage 2 schoolchildren in Wales. In the curriculum it details that 

'Pupils should be taught to:

'develop skills of water safety and personal survival

'swim unaided for a sustained period of time'.

However, Cabinet Secretary, a report co-produced by Disability Sport Wales and the fantastic charity Sparkle in my region of south-east Wales has revealed that children with additional needs in Wales are not being taught these essential skills. The report evaluates specialist swimming lessons offered to children with disabilities in Serennu, in Newport, in comparison with parents' experiences when trying to access school or community swimming lessons for those children without these specialised facilities. So, Cabinet Secretary, currently there are 100 children on a waiting list for swimming lessons in Gwent alone. So, given the curriculum states that all children should have access to these essential skills within their education, what can you do to support organisations such as Sparkle in providing access to this part of curriculum and ensure that children with significant disabilities or learning disabilities are not excluded from this vital task of swimming? Thank you.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel y gwyddoch, mae cymhwysedd nofio a dŵr yn rhan o'r cwricwlwm cenedlaethol ar gyfer pob plentyn ysgol yng nghyfnod allweddol 2 yng Nghymru. Yn y cwricwlwm, mae'n nodi:

'Dylai disgyblion gael eu dysgu i:

'ddatblygu sgiliau diogelwch yn y dŵr a goroesi personol

'nofio heb gymorth am gyfnod penodol o amser'.

Fodd bynnag, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae adroddiad a gyd-gynhyrchwyd gan Chwaraeon Anabledd Cymru a'r elusen wych Sparkle yn fy rhanbarth yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru wedi datgelu nad yw'r sgiliau hanfodol hyn yn cael eu haddysgu i blant ag anghenion ychwanegol yng Nghymru. Mae'r adroddiad yn gwerthuso gwersi nofio arbenigol a gynigir i blant ag anableddau yn Serennu, yng Nghasnewydd, o'i gymharu â phrofiadau rhieni wrth geisio cael mynediad at wersi nofio ysgolion neu gymunedol ar gyfer y plant hynny heb y cyfleusterau arbenigol hyn. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ar hyn o bryd, mae 100 o blant ar restr aros am wersi nofio yng Ngwent yn unig. Felly, o ystyried bod y cwricwlwm yn nodi y dylai pob plentyn gael mynediad at y sgiliau hanfodol hyn yn eu haddysg, beth allwch chi ei wneud i gefnogi sefydliadau fel Sparkle i ddarparu mynediad at y rhan hon o'r cwricwlwm a sicrhau nad yw plant ag anableddau sylweddol neu anableddau dysgu yn cael eu heithrio o sgìl allweddol nofio? Diolch.

Thank you, Natasha, and, just for transparency, I'm aware of the report that you refer to because I met Sparkle myself, in my MS capacity, to discuss their concerns about disabled swimming. I was very concerned to hear about the situation, and I will be discussing that with officials and will also discuss it with my colleague Jayne Bryant. I understand that the issues around it are quite complex, because it's around temperature of water, staffing, appropriate hoists, but I am really keen that disabled children have the same opportunities as non-disabled children, so I will follow that up with officials and write to you.

Diolch, Natasha, ac i fod yn dryloyw, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r adroddiad y cyfeiriwch ato oherwydd cyfarfûm â Sparkle fy hun, yn rhinwedd fy swydd fel Aelod o'r Senedd, i drafod eu pryderon am nofio i blant anabl. Roeddwn yn bryderus iawn o glywed am y sefyllfa, a byddaf yn trafod hynny gyda swyddogion a byddaf hefyd yn ei drafod gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, Jayne Bryant. Rwy'n deall bod y materion sy'n codi yn ei gylch yn eithaf cymhleth, oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â thymheredd dŵr, staffio, offer codi priodol, ond rwy'n awyddus iawn i blant anabl gael yr un cyfleoedd â phlant nad ydynt yn anabl, felly byddaf yn mynd ar drywydd hynny gyda swyddogion ac yn ysgrifennu atoch.

Codi TAW ar Ysgolion Preifat
Charging VAT on Private Schools

6. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU, sef codi TAW ar ysgolion preifat, ar ysgolion yng Nghymru? OQ61615

6. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact on schools in Wales of the UK Government’s decision to charge VAT on private schools? OQ61615

Policies around value added tax are non-devolved, and Welsh Ministers do not have any powers in this area. Details of the UK Government’s assessment of the expected impacts of these policy changes are expected to be published at the autumn budget on 30 October.

Nid yw polisïau ynghylch treth ar werth wedi'u datganoli, ac nid oes gan Weinidogion Cymru unrhyw bwerau yn y maes hwn. Mae disgwyl i fanylion asesiad Llywodraeth y DU o effeithiau disgwyliedig y newidiadau polisi hyn gael eu cyhoeddi yng nghyllideb yr hydref ar 30 Hydref.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, and I'm conscious that you've answered some of my points in your previous response to Laura Anne Jones. But, contrary to common belief, private schools are not just for children of millionaires; many aspiring parents want the best education for their children and have sacrificed and saved up for years to put their children into these schools. Unfortunately, the VAT, which will be levelled from, we know, 1 January next year, will put a burden on schools. I was with Haberdashers' in Monmouth yesterday, and they are under no illusion this will have an implication for people, especially on partial bursaries and the like, and it will force some parents to pull their children out of schools. And, whilst the numbers may be small for individual schools, state schools, that may have to receive children, it will no doubt still be a significant amount when collected across Wales. And, as we heard earlier, we know that a school even, next to where I live in Caldicot, is currently operating with 60 students in a maths class, so they're under immense pressure. So, with that in mind, Cabinet Secretary, what assurances have you been given that money raised via VAT from schools in Wales will be passed on to the Welsh Government and not redistributed into schools in England?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac rwy'n ymwybodol eich bod wedi ateb rhai o fy mhwyntiau yn eich ymateb blaenorol i Laura Anne Jones. Ond yn groes i'r gred gyffredin, nid pethau ar gyfer plant miliwnyddion yn unig yw ysgolion preifat; mae llawer o rieni uchelgeisiol am gael yr addysg orau i'w plant ac wedi aberthu a chynilo am flynyddoedd i roi eu plant yn yr ysgolion hyn. Yn anffodus, bydd y TAW, a fydd yn cael ei osod o 1 Ionawr y flwyddyn nesaf, fel y gwyddom, yn rhoi baich ar ysgolion. Roeddwn gyda Haberdashers yn Nhrefynwy ddoe, ac nid ydynt o dan unrhyw gamargraff na fydd hyn yn effeithio ar bobl, yn enwedig ar fwrsarïau rhannol ac ati, a bydd yn gorfodi rhai rhieni i dynnu eu plant allan o ysgolion. Ac er y gallai'r niferoedd fod yn fach yn achos ysgolion unigol, ysgolion gwladol, a allai orfod derbyn plant, fe fydd, heb os, yn swm sylweddol pan gaiff ei gasglu ledled Cymru. Ac fel y clywsom yn gynharach, gwyddom fod ysgol yn agos at ble rwy'n byw yng Nghil-y-coed, ar hyn o bryd yn gweithredu gyda 60 o fyfyrwyr mewn dosbarth mathemateg, felly maent dan bwysau aruthrol. Felly, gyda hynny mewn golwg, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa sicrwydd a roddwyd i chi y bydd yr arian a godir drwy TAW gan ysgolion yng Nghymru yn cael ei drosglwyddo i Lywodraeth Cymru ac na chaiff ei ailddosbarthu i ysgolion yn Lloegr?


Thank you very much, Peter. As I've said, officials have been having discussions with UK Government officials on this, to make sure that we get the maximum benefits for Wales from this policy. I myself met with one of the Treasury Ministers shortly after the election, and have obviously emphasised to the UK Government that any money that is spent from this policy on devolved services, we would expect to receive a consequential for in Wales. That's very, very important to us. We're also aware that there are provisions being made for those children who are in private schools because of IDP ALN placements, and we've been really clear with the UK Government that it's vital, where local authorities are funding those places because of ALN, that they're able to claim back the money. So, we're very focused on proactively protecting the interests of Wales and making sure that we benefit from any funding that arises from this policy.

Diolch, Peter. Fel y dywedais, mae swyddogion wedi bod yn cael trafodaethau gyda swyddogion Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â hyn, i sicrhau bod y polisi hwn yn arwain at y manteision mwyaf sy'n bosibl i Gymru. Cyfarfûm ag un o Weinidogion y Trysorlys yn fuan ar ôl yr etholiad, ac yn amlwg, rwyf wedi pwysleisio wrth Lywodraeth y DU y byddem yn disgwyl cyllid canlyniadol yng Nghymru yn sgil unrhyw arian a gaiff ei wario o’r polisi hwn ar gyfer gwasanaethau datganoledig. Mae hynny'n bwysig iawn i ni. Rydym hefyd yn ymwybodol fod darpariaethau’n cael eu gwneud ar gyfer plant sydd mewn ysgolion preifat oherwydd lleoliadau ADY cynlluniau datblygu unigol, ac rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn wrth Lywodraeth y DU ei bod yn hanfodol, lle mae awdurdodau lleol yn ariannu’r lleoedd hynny oherwydd ADY, eu bod yn gallu hawlio'r arian hwnnw yn ôl. Felly, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar fynd ati'n rhagweithiol i ddiogelu buddiannau Cymru a sicrhau ein bod yn elwa o unrhyw gyllid sy'n deillio o'r polisi hwn.

Y Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008
The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008

7. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi’u cael ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru ynglŷn ag effaith y Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) ar ddisgyblion yn y de-ddwyrain? OQ61586

7. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales regarding the impact of the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure on pupils in the south-east? OQ61586

The Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales and I have discussed a range of issues relating to learner travel on different occasions. We met again earlier this week to discuss this important issue, and we recognise how important it is for effective learning.

Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru a minnau wedi trafod amrywiaeth o faterion yn ymwneud â theithio gan ddysgwyr ar wahanol achlysuron. Cyfarfuom eto yn gynharach yr wythnos hon i drafod y mater pwysig hwn, ac rydym yn cydnabod pa mor bwysig yw hyn ar gyfer dysgu effeithiol.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am hynna. Mae gormod o rieni ar draws y de-ddwyrain yn ei ffeindio hi'n anodd danfon eu plant i ysgolion Cymraeg, a gall newidiadau i gynlluniau teithio i'r ysgol ychwanegu at yr heriau. Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili yn ymgynghori ar gwtogi'r rhaglen cludiant i'r ysgol, sy'n debyg i ymgynghoriadau a welwyd dros yr haf mewn siroedd eraill, fel yn sir Fynwy. Mae risg real yma y gall cwtogi ar y cynlluniau danseilio blynyddoedd o waith yn y cymunedau hynny i roi cyfleoedd i blant i gael mynediad at addysg Gymraeg. Mae cymaint o rieni yn yr ardaloedd yn bobl sydd ddim yn siarad yr iaith eu hunain, ond maen nhw wedi brwydro i roi'r cyfle hwn i'w plant—cyfle na chawsant eu hunain. Ond heb fynediad at gludiant saff, rhad ac am ddim, gall mwy a mwy o rieni benderfynu peidio cymryd y naid honno. Dyw e ddim yn realistig, nac yn saff, nac yn deg i ddisgwyl i blant gerdded milltiroedd i'r ysgol ym mhob tywydd, a chofiwn, mewn lot o'r ardaloedd hyn, mae cyfraddau'r teuluoedd sydd â char preifat yn is. Felly, beth fydd y Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i wella'r sefyllfa, i roi hyder newydd i rieni, a rhoi'r cyfle euraidd hwn i'r plant i allu dysgu trwy'r iaith Gymraeg?

Thank you very much for that. Too many parents across the south-east experience difficulty in sending their children to Welsh schools, and changes to school transport schemes can exacerbate these challenges. Caerphilly County Borough Council is consulting on curtailing its home-to-school transport programme, which is similar to consultations seen over the summer in other counties, such as Monmouthshire. There is a very real risk here that cutting back on these schemes could undermine years of work in those communities to give children opportunities to access Welsh-medium education. So many parents in these areas are people who don't speak the language themselves, but they have fought to give their children this opportunity—an opportunity they didn't have themselves. But without access to safe, free transport, more and more parents may decide not to take that step. It's not realistic, safe, or fair to expect children to walk miles to school in all weathers, and we remember, in many of these areas, the rates of families who own a private car are lower. So, what will the Government do to improve the situation, to give new confidence to parents, and to provide this golden opportunity for children to be able to learn through the medium of the Welsh language?

Thank you very much, Delyth. As you're aware, the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008, which my Cabinet colleague leads on, sets out the duties for the local authority to assess the travel needs of learners in their area and provide free learner transport if eligible, based on age, distance, aptitude and safety criteria to the learner's nearest suitable school as determined by the local authority in accordance with the schools admission policy.

Local authorities are responsible for assessing the needs of learners in their area, and they do have discretionary powers to provide transport according to these needs, for example, below the mileage thresholds to a Welsh-medium school or even for post-16 learners, and it is up to local authorities to decide on their transport provision. As you know, funding for school transport is through the revenue support grant, so local authorities can prioritise their funding according to local need, and we recognise the financial challenges faced by local authorities with regard to delivering learner transport.

As I think you're probably aware, work has commenced on updating the statutory operational guidance document that accompanies the learner travel Measure, setting out legal duties as well as best practice for the provision of transport to schools. This updated guidance reflects the feedback from stakeholders, as well as children and young people and their families, to provide greater clarity on roles and responsibilities and to further amplify relevant legislation.

Diolch, Delyth. Fel y gwyddoch, mae Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008, y mae fy nghyd-Aelod o'r Cabinet yn arwain arno, yn nodi dyletswyddau'r awdurdod lleol i asesu anghenion teithio dysgwyr yn eu hardal a darparu cludiant am ddim i ddysgwyr os ydynt yn gymwys, yn seiliedig ar oedran, pellter, cymhwyster a meini prawf diogelwch i ysgol addas agosaf y dysgwr fel y'i pennir gan yr awdurdod lleol yn unol â'r polisi derbyn i ysgolion.

Awdurdodau lleol sy’n gyfrifol am asesu anghenion dysgwyr yn eu hardal, ac mae ganddynt bwerau disgresiynol i ddarparu cludiant yn unol â’r anghenion hyn, er enghraifft, islaw’r trothwyon milltiredd i ysgol cyfrwng Cymraeg neu hyd yn oed ar gyfer dysgwyr ôl-16, mater i awdurdodau lleol yw penderfynu ar eu darpariaeth cludiant. Fel y gwyddoch, darperir cyllid ar gyfer cludiant i'r ysgol drwy’r grant cynnal refeniw, felly gall awdurdodau lleol flaenoriaethu eu cyllid yn ôl angen lleol, ac rydym yn cydnabod yr heriau ariannol a wynebir gan awdurdodau lleol o ran darparu cludiant i ddysgwyr.

Fel y gwyddoch, mae'n debyg, mae gwaith wedi dechrau ar ddiweddaru’r ddogfen canllawiau gweithredol statudol sy’n cyd-fynd â’r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr, gan nodi dyletswyddau cyfreithiol yn ogystal ag arferion gorau ar gyfer darparu cludiant i ysgolion. Mae’r canllawiau diwygiedig hyn yn adlewyrchu’r adborth gan randdeiliaid, yn ogystal â phlant a phobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd, i roi mwy o eglurder ynghylch rolau a chyfrifoldebau ac i ymhelaethu ymhellach ar ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol.


Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.

I thank the Cabinet Secretary.

3. Cwestiynau Amserol
3. Topical Questions

Yr eitem nesaf yw'r cwestiwn amserol, i gael ei ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Newid Hinsawdd a Materion Gwledig heddiw, ac i'w ofyn gan James Evans.

The next item is the topical question, to be answered by the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, and the question is to be asked by James Evans.

Y Tafod Glas

1. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cael gyda'r Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion i roi arweiniad i ffermwyr, ac i leihau lledaeniad y tafod glas, yng ngoleuni canfod yr achosion cyntaf mewn defaid yng Nghymru? TQ1185

1. What discussions is the Welsh Government having with the Animal and Plant Health Agency to provide guidance to farmers, and reduce the spread of bluetongue, in light of the first cases being found in sheep in Wales? TQ1185

Huw Irranca-Davies 15:05:29
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs

Diolch, James. I have issued a statement today setting out the latest position in Wales and my advice to farmers. My officials are in daily contact with the Animal and Plant Health Agency and other partners to control bluetongue. Although the virus has been detected in some sheep bought in to north Wales, we currently have no evidence of active infection here, and my policy goal continues to be to keep Wales free of this new disease.

Diolch, James. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi datganiad heddiw yn nodi’r sefyllfa ddiweddaraf yng Nghymru a fy nghyngor i ffermwyr. Mae fy swyddogion mewn cysylltiad dyddiol â'r Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion (APHA) a phartneriaid eraill i reoli'r tafod glas. Er bod y feirws wedi’i ganfod mewn rhai defaid a brynwyd i mewn i ogledd Cymru, nid oes gennym unrhyw dystiolaeth o haint actif yma ar hyn o bryd, a fy nod polisi o hyd yw cadw Cymru’n rhydd rhag y clefyd newydd hwn.

Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. I also thank the Presiding Officer for accepting this very important topical question today. I did notice, as you say, after my topical question was accepted, that the Welsh Government released a written statement on the spread of bluetongue, which was great timing, I must say. But it was a shame that the Welsh Government couldn't bring forward an oral statement yesterday, because it's a very important issue for farmers across Wales, and it's a shame that we've had to come this way to get you to the Chamber.

As outlined in your response, Cabinet Secretary, and indeed in your written statement, the spread of bluetongue is extremely concerning for our farming community, and it is crucial that we deal with this head on. I welcome the actions that have already been taken, including extensive sampling and laboratory testing, which has been carried out by APHA and the Pirbright Institute.

Nevertheless, Cabinet Secretary, there have been cases of bluetongue in the south-east of England since August, and plans and precautions have been put in place in England by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and APHA, but, regrettably, this doesn't seem to be the case in Wales. In light of this, can you elaborate on what discussions you're having with your counterparts in DEFRA regarding the spread? And will you be putting in any biosecurity measures, such as restricted zones and infected areas, which have occurred in England? Because I think that's something we could see in north Wales, and I wonder if you're willing to take that.

Also, we're actually at the height of the stock-buying season at the minute, on breeding stock. So, I'm just interested in what advice you're going to be giving to farmers, through Farming Connect or other agencies, around the purchasing of stock from those high-risk areas in England, because an awful lot of farmers in my constituency are heading off into England to buy their stock ready for next year.

And, in addition to this, something I've heard from farmers is about the messaging from the Welsh Government, that they're getting lots of updates from APHA about cases in England, but there's actually nothing coming through from the Welsh Government. So, I'm just interested in whether you would consider sending mobile alerts to farmers in Wales about cases that are emerging, because I think that would be something that we do need to hear about.

And also, finally, about the compensation regime for our farmers in Wales. Can you explain how that is going to work to make sure that our farmers in Wales are compensated properly for the stock that they lose to bluetongue? Thank you, Llywydd.

Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Diolch hefyd i’r Llywydd am dderbyn y cwestiwn amserol pwysig hwn heddiw. Sylwais, fel y dywedwch, ar ôl i fy nghwestiwn amserol gael ei dderbyn, fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig ar ledaeniad y tafod glas, a oedd yn amseru gwych, rhaid dweud. Ond roedd yn drueni na allai Llywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno datganiad llafar ddoe, gan ei fod yn fater pwysig iawn i ffermwyr ledled Cymru, ac mae'n drueni ein bod wedi gorfod dod y ffordd hon er mwyn dod â chi i'r Siambr.

Fel yr amlinellwyd yn eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac yn wir, yn eich datganiad ysgrifenedig, mae lledaeniad y tafod glas yn peri cryn bryder i’n cymuned ffermio, ac mae’n hollbwysig ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â hyn ar unwaith. Rwy'n croesawu'r camau a gymerwyd eisoes, gan gynnwys samplu helaeth a phrofion labordy, a wnaed gan APHA a Sefydliad Pirbright.

Serch hynny, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae achosion o’r tafod glas wedi'u nodi yn ne-ddwyrain Lloegr ers mis Awst, ac mae cynlluniau a rhagofalon wedi’u rhoi ar waith yn Lloegr gan Adran yr Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Materion Gwledig (DEFRA) ac APHA, ond yn anffodus, nid yw'n ymddangos bod hyn wedi digwydd yng Nghymru. Yng ngoleuni hyn, a allwch chi ymhelaethu ar ba drafodaethau rydych chi'n eu cael gyda'ch swyddogion cyfatebol yn DEFRA ynglŷn â'r lledaeniad? Ac a fyddwch chi'n cyflwyno unrhyw fesurau bioddiogelwch, megis parthau dan gyfyngiadau ac ardaloedd heintiedig, sydd wedi eu cyflwyno yn Lloegr? Oherwydd credaf fod hynny'n rhywbeth y gallem ei weld yng ngogledd Cymru, ac a ydych chi'n fodlon gwneud hynny.

Hefyd, rydym ar anterth y tymor prynu stoc ar hyn o bryd, stoc bridio. Felly, mae gennyf ddiddordeb yn y cyngor y byddwch yn ei roi i ffermwyr, drwy Cyswllt Ffermio neu asiantaethau eraill, ynghylch prynu stoc o ardaloedd risg uchel yn Lloegr, gan fod llawer iawn o ffermwyr yn fy etholaeth yn mynd i Loegr i brynu eu stoc yn barod ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf.

Ac yn ogystal â hyn, clywais gan ffermwyr nad oes unrhyw negeseuon gan Lywodraeth Cymru, er eu bod yn cael llawer o ddiweddariadau gan APHA am achosion yn Lloegr. Felly, hoffwn wybod a fyddech chi'n ystyried anfon hysbysiadau ffôn symudol at ffermwyr yng Nghymru ynglŷn ag achosion newydd, gan y credaf y byddai hynny'n rhywbeth y mae angen inni glywed amdano.

A hefyd, yn olaf, y drefn iawndal ar gyfer ein ffermwyr yng Nghymru. A allwch chi egluro sut y mae hynny’n mynd i weithio er mwyn sicrhau bod ein ffermwyr yng Nghymru yn cael iawndal priodol am y stoc y maent yn ei golli i’r tafod glas? Diolch, Lywydd.

James, thank you for those questions, and, Llywydd, just to clarify, we had, in discussion with the chief veterinary officer and officials from APHA, planned to bring to bring forward a statement today, which we brought forward—the written statement—when we knew all the details of the current infected animals that had been brought into Gwynedd, and not before, because we wanted to have a proper statement when we could give all the facts and details. So, I hope you'll understand that the timing of bringing forward the written statement was to bring it forward with the full information, rather than premature information. So, I was glad to bring that statement forward.

You raised a number of questions. First of all, it's not the case in any respect whatsoever that the Welsh Government or APHA or the CVO are late to the game. In fact, a Great Britain bluetongue control strategy has been in place since August 2014, and it's been reviewed regularly. We, in Welsh Government, and our officials and our CVO have had intensive engagement with our UK counterparts and disease experts in the UK, and indeed across Europe, intensifying in fact since the BTV-3 incursion into the Netherlands in September 2023, which brought it closer to us. So, the intensity of engagement stepped up.

We've been raising awareness with the farming and the veterinary community since the incursion into the Netherlands, and more intensively since the disease incursions into England last November and this August. The CVO has established an industry stakeholder workshop. It meets regularly to discuss the risks and the Welsh Government response to an incursion or an outbreak of bluetongue in Wales. I'm making clear, once again, Llywydd, this is not a midge-borne outbreak in Wales: these are three animals that we've identified, because of the efficacy of the whole tracking system here, that have been brought into Wales at this moment. It's not midge borne. This group, the stakeholder group, is updated on the disease picture in Europe, in England, and the increasing risk to Wales at every meeting, and the decision to allow movements from restricted zones to slaughter only at designated abattoirs was taken in consultation with this group.

We're in regular close contact with farming unions and organisations like the National Sheep Association. They're very important partners with us on this group, and they cascade information on the risks to their members. We're very grateful for their co-operation and for their reach into the agricultural communities. We've also run, through the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer, Llywydd, webinars for vets in practice, to raise awareness, to share details of the clinical signs, so that vets can discuss the disease with their clients. And we do encourage keepers to seek veterinary advice before sourcing animals from high-risk areas, so they can make an informed assessment.

But crucially, Llywydd, currently we have no evidence of active bluetongue infection in Wales. In recent days, what we have is a small number of sheep brought into Wales from the east of England. This does not constitute an outbreak or a midge-borne infection in Wales. And we have to reinforce that message, but we are asking people to be very vigilant.

You mentioned, I think, the issue of compensation. For the three animals that have been culled, compensation has been paid to the farmer affected. Farmers will receive compensation if bluetongue is diagnosed and the chief veterinary officer or the deputy chief veterinary officer orders the killing of affected animals, and that's in line with our normal protocol. I hope that helps to answer some of your questions. I can go into more detail, of course, but I'm conscious of the time as well.

James, diolch am eich cwestiynau, a Lywydd, dylwn egluro, mewn trafodaeth gyda'r prif swyddog milfeddygol a swyddogion APHA, roeddem wedi bwriadu cyflwyno datganiad heddiw—datganiad ysgrifenedig—pan oeddem yn gwybod holl fanylion yr anifeiliaid heintiedig presennol a gafodd eu prynu i mewn i Wynedd, ac nid cyn hynny, oherwydd roeddem yn awyddus i wneud datganiad priodol pan allem roi’r holl ffeithiau a manylion. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn deall mai'r rheswm dros yr amseru o ran cyflwyno’r datganiad ysgrifenedig oedd er mwyn ei gyflwyno gyda’r wybodaeth lawn, yn hytrach na gwybodaeth gynamserol. Felly, roeddwn yn falch o gyflwyno’r datganiad hwnnw.

Fe ofynnoch chi nifer o gwestiynau. Yn gyntaf, nid yw'n wir mewn unrhyw ffordd fod Llywodraeth Cymru neu APHA neu'r prif swyddog milfeddygol wedi bod yn hwyr yn ymateb i hyn. Mewn gwirionedd, mae strategaeth Prydain ar gyfer rheoli’r tafod glas wedi bod ar waith ers mis Awst 2014, ac mae wedi’i hadolygu’n rheolaidd. Rydym ni yn Llywodraeth Cymru a’n swyddogion a’n prif swyddog milfeddygol wedi ymgysylltu'n ddwys â’n swyddogion cyfatebol ar lefel y DU ac arbenigwyr clefydau yn y DU, a ledled Ewrop yn wir, gan wneud mwy o hynny, mewn gwirionedd, ers ymlediad BTV-3 yn yr Iseldiroedd ym mis Medi 2023, a ddaeth â'r clefyd yn nes atom. Felly, cynyddodd dwyster yr ymgysylltu.

Rydym wedi bod yn codi ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith y gymuned ffermio a milfeddygol ers yr ymlediad yn yr Iseldiroedd, ac yn fwy dwys felly ers ymlediad y clefyd yn Lloegr fis Tachwedd diwethaf ac ym mis Awst eleni. Mae'r prif swyddog milfeddygol wedi sefydlu gweithdy ar gyfer rhanddeiliaid y diwydiant. Mae’n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd i drafod y risgiau ac ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i ymlediad neu brigiad o achosion yng Nghymru. Nodaf yn glir, unwaith eto, Lywydd, nad yw hwn yn haint a gludir gan wybed yng Nghymru: tri anifail yw'r rhain a nodwyd gennym, oherwydd effeithiolrwydd y system dracio gyfan yma, fel rhai a brynwyd i mewn i Gymru ar hyn o bryd. Nid yw'n haint a gludir gan wybed. Mae’r grŵp hwn, y grŵp rhanddeiliaid, yn cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y darlun o’r clefyd yn Ewrop, yn Lloegr, a’r risg gynyddol i Gymru ym mhob cyfarfod, ac fe wnaed y penderfyniad i ganiatáu symud anifeiliaid o barthau dan gyfyngiadau i gael eu lladd mewn lladd-dai dynodedig yn unig mewn ymgynghoriad â'r grŵp hwn.

Rydym mewn cysylltiad agos rheolaidd ag undebau ffermio a sefydliadau fel y Gymdeithas Ddefaid Genedlaethol. Maent yn bartneriaid pwysig iawn gyda ni yn y grŵp hwn, ac maent yn rhaeadru gwybodaeth ynglŷn â'r risgiau i'w haelodau. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn am eu cydweithrediad ac am eu hymwneud â'r cymunedau amaethyddol. Rydym hefyd wedi cynnal gweminarau drwy Swyddfa'r Prif Swyddog Milfeddygol, Lywydd, ar gyfer practisau milfeddygon er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth a rhannu manylion am yr arwyddion clinigol, fel y gall milfeddygon drafod y clefyd gyda'u cleientiaid. Ac rydym yn annog ceidwaid anifeiliaid i geisio cyngor milfeddygol cyn caffael anifeiliaid o ardaloedd risg uchel, fel y gallant wneud asesiad gwybodus.

Ond yn hollbwysig, Lywydd, ar hyn o bryd, nid oes gennym unrhyw dystiolaeth o haint tafod glas actif yng Nghymru. Yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf, yr hyn a welsom yw nifer fach o ddefaid a brynwyd i mewn i Gymru o ddwyrain Lloegr. Nid yw hyn yn gyfystyr â brigiad o achosion neu haint a gludir gan wybed yng Nghymru. Ac mae'n rhaid inni atgyfnerthu’r neges honno, ond rydym yn gofyn i bobl fod yn wyliadwrus iawn.

Rwy'n credu eich bod wedi codi mater iawndal. Am y tri anifail sydd wedi eu difa, talwyd iawndal i'r ffermwr yr effeithiwyd arnynt. Bydd ffermwyr yn cael iawndal os ceir diagnosis o'r tafod glas a bod y prif swyddog milfeddygol neu’r dirprwy brif swyddog milfeddygol yn gorchymyn lladd anifeiliaid yr effeithiwyd arnynt, a hynny’n unol â’n protocol arferol. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n helpu i ateb rhai o'ch cwestiynau. Gallaf fanylu ymhellach wrth gwrs, ond rwy'n ymwybodol o'r amser hefyd.


Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.

It's heartening to hear what you say about confirming that compensation will be available for those who are directly impacted and where they experience, maybe, the culling and disposal of infected animals, but there is a wider question about the impact within a restricted zone or a controlled zone, isn't there, really, because I'm aware from examples in England—. There was a farm in Suffolk, for example, who say that they've lost upwards of £50,000 this year, due to operating within that bluetongue restriction zone. They haven't had any cases directly on their own farm, but of course they say it's impossible to sell animals, and of course the restriction on movement does have a knock-on effect. So, I'd be interested in understanding your thinking around the potential of working with the industry, maybe, to try and support them through those more indirect impacts, potentially, because thankfully with this case, we have a little bit of time, potentially, to consider those issues.

Similarly with the vaccine, I understand that three unauthorised vaccines have been approved by DEFRA. Can you confirm whether those are available in Wales, if required? And we know the vaccine isn't 100 per cent effective. I believe it's quite expensive. So, what can you tell us about the availability and the affordability of vaccines for Welsh farmers?

And I would reiterate the point about the communications. I think this is an opportunity, isn't it, really, to really hammer home the messages, because people will be much more mindful about the potential impacts of bluetongue after this isolated case in Gwynedd. Some farmers have told me, for example, that they hadn't realised how large the restricted area is in England, and when that comes to, as you mentioned, informed purchasing et cetera, that's very, very critical.

Mae’n galonogol clywed yr hyn a ddywedwch ynglŷn â chadarnhau y bydd iawndal ar gael i’r rhai yr effeithir arnynt yn uniongyrchol a lle maent o bosibl yn gorfod difa a chael gwared ar anifeiliaid heintiedig, ond mae cwestiwn ehangach yma ynghylch yr effaith o fewn parthau dan gyfyngiadau neu barthau dan reolaeth, onid oes, gan fy mod yn ymwybodol o enghreifftiau yn Lloegr—. Roedd yna fferm yn Suffolk, er enghraifft, sy'n dweud eu bod wedi colli mwy na £50,000 eleni, gan eu bod yn gweithredu o fewn parth dan gyfyngiadau tafod glas. Nid ydynt wedi cael unrhyw achosion uniongyrchol ar eu fferm eu hunain, ond wrth gwrs, maent yn dweud ei bod yn amhosibl gwerthu anifeiliaid, ac wrth gwrs, mae'r cyfyngiad ar symud anifeiliaid yn cael effaith ganlyniadol. Felly, hoffwn wybod beth yw eich barn ynglŷn â photensial gweithio gyda'r diwydiant, efallai, i geisio eu cefnogi drwy'r effeithiau mwy anuniongyrchol hynny, oherwydd diolch byth, gyda'r achos hwn, mae gennym rywfaint o amser, o bosibl, i ystyried y pethau hyn.

Felly hefyd gyda’r brechlyn, deallaf fod tri brechlyn anawdurdodedig wedi’u cymeradwyo gan DEFRA. A allwch chi gadarnhau bod y rheini ar gael yng Nghymru pe bai eu hangen? A gwyddom nad yw'r brechlyn yn effeithiol 100 y cant. Credaf ei fod yn eithaf drud. Felly, beth y gallwch ei ddweud wrthym ynglŷn ag argaeledd a fforddiadwyedd brechlynnau i ffermwyr Cymru?

A hoffwn ailadrodd y pwynt ynglŷn â chyfathrebu. Credaf fod hwn yn gyfle, onid yw, i bwysleisio'r negeseuon, gan y bydd pobl yn llawer mwy ystyriol o effeithiau posibl y tafod glas ar ôl yr achos ynysig hwn yng Ngwynedd. Mae rhai ffermwyr wedi dweud wrthyf, er enghraifft, nad oeddent wedi sylweddoli pa mor fawr yw’r ardal dan gyfyngiadau yn Lloegr, a phan fo hynny'n ymwneud â phrynu gwybodus ac ati, fel y sonioch chi, mae hynny’n allweddol.

Indeed. Absolutely. And I think one of the biggest services we can do to our constituents, and to keep Wales free of this disease, is to ram home these messages today, and it is the work we've been doing over not just several months, but since we've been aware of this disease approaching us from the near continent. We should emphasise that this is a midge-borne disease. The purpose of us taking the decisive action that we have taken—and my thanks for the work being done by APHA and our CVO and his officials as well—is to take decisive action. The tracking is very effective. What we have been doing is recognising that the situation is very, very different at the moment in the east of England, and our sympathies go to them as well, because they're having to deal with large areas where they've had to lock down movements entirely, but that's part of the response. The animals that have arrived in north Wales, unfortunately, have not arrived there out of the rules or out of the protocol. It's been identified subsequently, when those livestock in the east of England, that it's been identified that it is circulating there, including midge-borne infection, then we've done the tracking of where those have been sold through auction and where they've gone to, and we'll keep on doing that as well.

But it is important that the emphasis of our ongoing campaign of communications is on the safe sourcing of livestock—I think that a lot of farmers around Wales are now going, 'Well, we can see the extent of this in the east of England, we must take care to not bring in from high-risk areas.' We'll keep on reinforcing those through our regular meetings with stakeholders, representatives, veterinary professions, Gwlad, other news articles, other social media posts. The chief vet himself, in fact, has been regularly putting this on social media over the run of the last year as well, on his own Twitter account. So, we're trying to use every possible way of doing it.

In terms of compensation, I can only reiterate that there are very well-established protocols. So, where there has been extensive infection and circulatory infection from midges in the east of England, they have paid a substantial amount of compensation out. We are trying to avoid that situation here in Wales, of course, by keeping the disease out. But, if this were to happen, then clearly those same protocols and compensation would apply. But we have to be cognisant as well of the added trauma for the farmers involved, because if you have lockdown areas, that's quite significant. 

Just to say on vaccination, the situation is very different in the near continent, it's very different in the east of England at the moment. The advice at the moment from our CVO, and in his discussions with UK counterparts as well, is that there is very little purpose in using and deploying the vaccine in Wales while Wales is actually disease free. What we've got are animals who have introduced the disease into a herd, and we're taking the right measures. There are significant issues, and you alluded to this, with the use of some vaccines that are out there at the moment, including, I have to say, unauthorised vaccines. We need to consider this properly. We are keeping the use of vaccines under review, particularly looking at the status of the disease in Wales, which is not the same as it is in England currently. But licensing the use of vaccine in Wales would be considered if there is evidence of circulating bluetongue virus. There is no evidence at the moment that the virus is circulating locally in midges, but we will keep that under review, Llyr. 

Yn sicr. Yn hollol. Ac rwy'n credu mai un o’r cymwynasau mwyaf y gallwn eu gwneud â'n hetholwyr, ac i gadw Cymru’n rhydd rhag y clefyd hwn, yw pwysleisio'r negeseuon hyn heddiw, a dyna’r gwaith y buom yn ei wneud nid yn unig ers sawl mis, ond ers inni ddod yn ymwybodol fod yr afiechyd hwn yn dod atom o'r cyfandir agos. Dylem bwysleisio mai clefyd a gludir gan wybed yw hwn. Diben cymryd y camau pendant a gymerwyd gennym—a diolch am y gwaith a wnaed gan APHA a’n prif swyddog milfeddygol a’i swyddogion hefyd—yw gweithredu'n bendant. Mae'r gwaith tracio'n effeithiol iawn. Yr hyn y buom yn ei wneud yw cydnabod bod y sefyllfa’n wahanol iawn ar hyn o bryd yn nwyrain Lloegr, ac rydym yn cydymdeimlo â hwy hefyd, gan eu bod yn gorfod ymdrin ag ardaloedd mawr lle maent wedi gorfod cyfyngu'n llwyr ar symud unrhyw anifeiliaid, ond mae hynny'n rhan o'r ymateb. Nid yw’r anifeiliaid sydd wedi cyrraedd gogledd Cymru, yn anffodus, wedi cyrraedd yno drwy dorri rheolau na phrotocol. Ni chafodd ei ganfod tan yn ddiweddarach, wedi i'r da byw hynny ddod o ddwyrain Lloegr, a chanfod bod y clefyd yn lledaenu yno, gan gynnwys haint a gludir gan wybed, ac yna fe wnaethom dracio ble y cawsant eu gwerthu drwy arwerthiant ac i ble yr aethant, a byddwn yn parhau i wneud hynny hefyd.

Ond mae'n bwysig fod ein hymgyrch gyfathrebu barhaus yn rhoi pwyslais ar brynu da byw yn ddiogel—credaf fod llawer o ffermwyr ledled Cymru bellach yn meddwl, 'Wel, gallwn weld maint y broblem yn nwyrain Lloegr, mae'n rhaid inni ofalu nad ydym yn prynu o ardaloedd risg uchel.' Byddwn yn parhau i atgyfnerthu hyn drwy ein cyfarfodydd rheolaidd â rhanddeiliaid, cynrychiolwyr, proffesiynau milfeddygol, Gwlad, erthyglau newyddion eraill, negeseuon eraill ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Mewn gwirionedd, mae'r prif filfeddyg ei hun wedi bod yn nodi hyn ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn rheolaidd dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ar ei gyfrif Twitter ei hun. Felly, rydym yn ceisio defnyddio pob ffordd bosibl o'i wneud.

O ran iawndal, ni allaf ond ailadrodd bod yna brotocolau wedi’u hen sefydlu. Felly, lle cafwyd heintio helaeth a heintio cylchredol gan wybed yn nwyrain Lloegr, maent wedi talu swm sylweddol o iawndal. Rydym yn ceisio osgoi’r sefyllfa honno yma yng Nghymru, wrth gwrs, drwy gadw’r clefyd allan. Ond pe bai hyn yn digwydd, yn amlwg, byddai'r un protocolau ac iawndal yn berthnasol. Ond mae'n rhaid inni fod yn ystyriol hefyd o'r trawma ychwanegol i'r ffermwyr dan sylw, oherwydd os oes gennych ardaloedd dan gyfyngiadau, mae hynny'n eithaf difrifol.

Ar frechu, mae'r sefyllfa'n wahanol iawn ar y cyfandir agos, mae'n wahanol iawn yn nwyrain Lloegr ar hyn o bryd. Y cyngor ar hyn o bryd gan ein prif swyddog milfeddygol, ac yn ei drafodaethau gyda swyddogion cyfatebol ar lefel y DU hefyd, yw mai ychydig iawn o ddiben sydd mewn cyflwyno a defnyddio’r brechlyn yng Nghymru tra bo Cymru'n rhydd rhag y clefyd. Yr hyn sydd gennym yw anifeiliaid sydd wedi cyflwyno'r clefyd i fuches, ac rydym yn cymryd y camau cywir. Mae materion sylweddol yn codi, ac fe gyfeirioch chi at hyn, gyda’r defnydd o rai o'r brechlynnau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd, gan gynnwys, mae’n rhaid imi ddweud, brechlynnau anawdurdodedig. Mae angen inni ystyried hyn yn ofalus. Rydym yn parhau i adolygu’r defnydd o frechlynnau, gan edrych yn arbennig ar statws y clefyd yng Nghymru nad yw yr un fath ag yn Lloegr ar hyn o bryd. Ond byddem yn ystyried trwyddedu'r defnydd o frechlyn yng Nghymru os ceir tystiolaeth fod feirws y tafod glas yn lledaenu. Nid oes tystiolaeth ar hyn o bryd fod y feirws yn lledaenu'n lleol mewn gwybed, ond byddwn yn parhau i adolygu hyn, Llyr.

4. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
4. 90-second Statements

Eitem 4 sydd nesaf, datganiadau 90 eiliad, ac yn gyntaf, Russell George. 

Item 4 is next, the 90-second statements, and the first is from Russell George. 

Just imagine not just running up each of Wales's three peaks, but running to and between each one of them, all within 34 hours. Well, that's what six people did as part of a relay to raise awareness and highlight the work of the charity Max Appeal. Max Appeal's mission is to increase awareness of, the understanding of and the co-ordination of care for people who have been diagnosed with the genetic disorder 22q11.2 deletion or DiGeorge syndrome, which affects as many as one in 1,000 people in Wales. The disorder can affect health and quality of life from birth, through childhood and into adult life, with over 180 physical, functional and psychological associations having been reported. 

Six of my constituents completed the Welsh three peaks challenge as part of a relay team. They started from Plas Robin Rural Retreats in Llandyssil, Montgomeryshire, to Pen y Fan in the beacons, to Cadair Idris, and finishing with Snowdon—not only tackling these three mountains as quickly as possible, but they ran the whole route from start to finish. That's 200 miles, which is the equivalent of seven and a half marathons performed back to back. Congratulations to Jordan Powell, who led the team, and also to Ria Davey, Connor Parry, Cameron Parry, Huw McGrath and Tim Davies. They have almost raised £2,000, I think, which is a fantastic achievement, as well as raising awareness of this condition. And thanks should also be given to the sponsors and the many people who supported them to complete the challenge in aid of Max Appeal.

Dychmygwch redeg nid yn unig i fyny pob un o dri chopa Cymru, ond rhedeg i a rhwng bob un ohonynt, i gyd o fewn 34 awr. Wel, dyna a wnaeth chwech o bobl fel rhan o daith gyfnewid i godi ymwybyddiaeth a thynnu sylw at waith elusen Max Appeal. Cenhadaeth Max Appeal yw cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth, dealltwriaeth a chydgysylltu gofal ar gyfer pobl sydd wedi cael diagnosis o anhwylder genetig dileu 22q11.2 neu syndrom DiGeorge, sy'n effeithio ar gymaint ag un o bob 1,000 o bobl yng Nghymru. Gall yr anhwylder effeithio ar iechyd ac ansawdd bywyd o enedigaeth, drwy blentyndod ac i fywyd fel oedolyn, gyda thros 180 o effeithiau corfforol, gweithredol a seicolegol wedi'u nodi.

Cwblhaodd chwech o fy etholwyr her tri chopa Cymru fel rhan o dîm cyfnewid. Fe wnaethant gychwyn o Plas Robin Rural Retreats yn Llandysul, sir Drefaldwyn, i Ben y Fan yn y Bannau, i Gadair Idris, a gorffen gyda’r Wyddfa—gan ddringo'r tri mynydd mor gyflym â phosibl, a rhedeg y llwybr cyfan o’r dechrau i’r diwedd. Mae'n 200 milltir, sy'n cyfateb i saith marathon a hanner gefn wrth gefn. Llongyfarchiadau i Jordan Powell, a arweiniodd y tîm, a hefyd i Ria Davey, Connor Parry, Cameron Parry, Huw McGrath a Tim Davies. Maent wedi codi bron i £2,000, rwy'n credu, sy’n gyflawniad gwych, yn ogystal â chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r cyflwr hwn. A dylid diolch hefyd i’r noddwyr a’r llu o bobl a’u cefnogodd i gwblhau’r her er budd Max Appeal.

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish the New Saints well, in what is a historic moment for both the club and, of course, for Welsh football, because the Cymru Premier champions, TNS, have become the first Welsh team ever to qualify for the group stages of European club football. And, as a consequence, tomorrow night, of course, they will face Fiorentina in the UEFA Conference League.

As we all know, TNS is one of the most successful teams in the history of domestic Welsh football. They've won the Cymru Premier title a record 16 times. The current squad are full-time professionals, of course, led by manager Craig Harrison. And whilst the club almost invariably qualifies for European competitions, it has always been the dream, particularly of the club's chairman, Mike Harris, to qualify for the group stages, and this time, of course, they've done it.

In becoming the first Cymru Premier team to qualify for the group stage, they now face the daunting prospect of playing some of the big names in European football, and the first historic game, of course, will be played tomorrow night against Italian giants Fiorentina at the Stadio Artemio Franchi, with a capacity of 43,000 fans, some away off the 2,000 capacity of TNS's Park Hall ground. And Fiorentina, by the way, have been the losing finalists in this competition for the last two seasons, so it's going to be one mighty experience for Craig Harrison's team.

Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddymuno’n dda i’r Seintiau Newydd, ar foment hanesyddol i’r clwb, ac wrth gwrs, i bêl-droed Cymru, gan mai pencampwyr Uwch Gynghrair Cymru, TNS, yw'r tîm cyntaf erioed yng Nghymru i gyrraedd cymal y grwpiau yng nghystadlaethau pêl-droed y clybiau Ewropeaidd. Ac o ganlyniad, nos yfory byddant yn wynebu Fiorentina yng Nghyngres UEFA.

Fel y gŵyr pob un ohonom, TNS yw un o’r timau mwyaf llwyddiannus yn hanes pêl-droed domestig Cymru. Maent wedi ennill teitl Uwch Gynghrair Cymru 16 o weithiau. Mae'r garfan bresennol yn chwaraewyr proffesiynol amser llawn dan arweiniad y rheolwr, Craig Harrison. Ac er bod y clwb yn cyrraedd cystadlaethau Ewropeaidd bron yn ddieithriad, mae wedi bod yn freuddwyd o hyd, yn enwedig gan gadeirydd y clwb, Mike Harris, i gyrraedd cymal y grwpiau, a’r tro hwn, maent wedi llwyddo.

Fel y tîm cyntaf o Uwch Gynghrair Cymru i gyrraedd cymal y grwpiau, maent bellach yn wynebu’r posibilrwydd anodd o chwarae rhai o enwau mawr pêl-droed Ewrop, a bydd y gêm hanesyddol gyntaf, wrth gwrs, yn cael ei chwarae nos yfory yn erbyn y cewri o’r Eidal, Fiorentina, yn y Stadio Artemio Franchi, sydd â lle i 43,000 o gefnogwyr, tipyn mwy na'r lle i 2,000 sydd gan TNS yn stadiwm Neuadd y Parc. Ac mae Fiorentina, gyda llaw, wedi colli yn rownd derfynol y gystadleuaeth hon yn y ddau dymor diwethaf, felly mae’n mynd i fod yn dipyn o brofiad i dîm Craig Harrison.

Mae sawl un yn cofio Bangor yn curo Napoli nôl yn 1962. Bydd ambell un yn cofio Merthyr yn curo Atalanta yn 1987. Wel, ai’r Seintiau, ys gwn i, fydd y tîm nesaf o Gymru i guro un o gewri’r Eidal yn Ewrop? Pob lwc i'r Seintiau Newydd gan bawb yn Senedd Cymru. Rhowch hell iddyn nhw, hogia. [Chwerthin.]

Many will remember Bangor beating Napoli back in 1962. Some will remember Merthyr beating Atalanta in 1987. Well, will the New Saints be the next Welsh team to beat an Italian giant in Europe? All the best to the New Saints from everyone in the Welsh Parliament. Give them hell. [Laughter.]

5. Dadl Aelodau o dan Reol Sefydlog 11.21(iv): Gofal iechyd menywod
5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Women's healthcare

Eitem 5 heddiw yw dadl Aelodau o dan Reol Sefydlog 11.21 ar ofal iechyd menywod, a galwaf ar Delyth Jewell i wneud y cynnig.

Item 5 today is a Member debate under Standing Order 11.21 on women's healthcare, and I call on Delyth Jewell to move the motion.

Cynnig NDM8566 Delyth Jewell, Jenny Rathbone, Jane Dodds, Carolyn Thomas

Cefnogwyd gan Cefin Campbell, Hannah Blythyn, Lee Waters, Llyr Gruffydd, Mabon ap Gwynfor, Peredur Owen Griffiths, Rhianon Passmore, Rhun ap Iorwerth, Rhys ab Owen, Russell George, Samuel Kurtz, Siân Gwenllian, Sioned Williams

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn gresynu bod poen corfforol ac emosiynol menywod yn cael ei normaleiddio yn eu gofal iechyd, yn ogystal â'r disgwyliad bod poen yn agwedd anffodus ar iechyd menywod ond yn un na ellir ei hosgoi.

2. Yn credu, drwy ymgynghori â gynaecolegwyr, bydwragedd a grwpiau iechyd menywod, y dylai gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol anelu at leihau sefyllfaoedd lle y mae poen yn ddisgwyliedig ac yn cael ei dderbyn fel rhywbeth normal yng ngofal iechyd y GIG.

3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i:

a) cryfhau'r disgwyliadau ar gyfer gwasanaethau'r GIG yn y Datganiad Ansawdd ar gyfer iechyd menywod a merched;

b) sefydlu gofyniad cyfreithiol i ddarparwyr gofal iechyd gasglu adborth yn rheolaidd gan gleifion benywaidd am eu profiadau a'u bodlonrwydd â'r gofal a gânt, yn enwedig mewn perthynas ag apwyntiadau gynaecolegol, bydwreigiaeth a gwasanaethau ôl-enedigol, iechyd meddwl amenedigol a menopos; ac

c) cyflwyno rhwymedigaethau statudol ar gyfer datblygu, cydgysylltu a gweithredu'r Cynllun Iechyd Menywod a ddatblygwyd gan GIG Cymru y mae gynaecolegwyr, bydwragedd a grwpiau iechyd menywod wedi ymgynghori arno, a ddylai gynnwys mesurau i fynd i'r afael â normaleiddio poen ym maes gofal iechyd menywod, ac atal y normaleiddio hwnnw.

Motion NDM8566 Delyth Jewell, Jenny Rathbone, Jane Dodds, Carolyn Thomas

Supported by Cefin Campbell, Hannah Blythyn, Lee Waters, Llyr Gruffydd, Mabon ap Gwynfor, Peredur Owen Griffiths, Rhianon Passmore, Rhun ap Iorwerth, Rhys ab Owen, Russell George, Samuel Kurtz, Siân Gwenllian, Sioned Williams

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Regrets the normalisation of women’s physical and emotional pain in their healthcare, as well as the expectation that pain is a regrettable but unavoidable aspect of women's health.

2. Believes that by consulting with gynaecologists, midwives and women's health groups, health professionals should aim to reduce situations where pain is expected and accepted as normal in NHS healthcare.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) strengthen the expectations for NHS services in the Quality Statement for women and girls’ health;

b) establish a legal requirement for healthcare providers to regularly collect feedback from female patients about their experiences and satisfaction with the care they receive, especially in relation to gynaecological appointments, midwifery and postnatal services, perinatal mental health and menopause; and 

c) introduce statutory obligations for the development, coordination and implementation of the Women’s Health Plan developed by the Welsh NHS and consulted on with gynaecologists, midwives and women's health groups, which should include measures to address and counter the normalisation of pain in women’s healthcare.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Most women at some point in their lives will hear the words, 'This might hurt'. Not from an aggressor, but from their doctor or nurse, because too many intimate procedures in women's healthcare involve pain. Women are expected to tolerate that pain. And this isn't the fault of individual doctors or nurses, it's because not enough focus or resource has been given to challenging that expectation. The procedures we have, be they smear tests, coil fittings or hysteroscopies, are painful, they're uncomfortable, and all too often as a result, women put off getting the help they need, because they are worried about that pain.

This isn't the only way in which women are expected to put up with pain. The stubbornly grim statistics for gynaecological cancers can partly be put down to the fact that when women talk to their doctors about the pain they're feeling in those parts of the body that are more awkward to talk about, they are not believed. Target Ovarian Cancer research has found that one quarter of women in Wales report visiting their GP three or more times before being referred for tests, and one third report waiting more than three months from their first appointment with the GP to receiving a diagnosis.

Doctors either don't have the training to recognise symptoms of some cancers, or not enough research has been done into finding more accurate ways of interpreting those indistinct types of pain. And then, there are those debilitating conditions affecting women that we still don't know enough about, because of a lack of research or understanding. Endometriosis is a condition that affects roughly one in 10 women and occurs when the tissue inside the uterus begins to grow outside it, leading to chronic pain.

As the British Pregnancy Advisory Service points out, despite the prevalence of endometriosis, it remains underdiagnosed and too often misunderstood. With this condition and so many others, women are too often either gaslit, told not to worry, to wait to see if things get worse, or they're psychologised, asked whether they suffer with anxiety. And all of that makes women, again, less likely to seek out help, because their pain is, if not trivialised, then minimised, played down. They are told not to trust their own gut instincts that something is wrong.

How many women's lives are lost or made miserable through pain because they fall into a gap in our healthcare system where their words aren't trusted, their instincts dismissed, where women are told that they don't understand their own bodies and how they work? In procedures, the pain that is inflicted on women is accepted as normal or downplayed, and the pain women speak about or seek help for is also lessened.

Why should we have to put up with so much pain? Why is that normal? There was a letter in a mainstream newspaper a few years ago where a woman spoke about the pain she endured when having a hysteroscopy—that is where a camera is inserted into the vagina and cervix, into the uterus. No anaesthetic or sedation was offered to her, but some years later when that same woman had to have a colonoscopy for another condition, it was done under sedation. As she said in her letter, 'There was no question of doing it without.'

With more regular procedures too, like smear tests, a certain amount of pain is just expected as normal. We have had debates in this Senedd in recent years focused on the alarmingly low take-up rates of smear tests. The awkwardness and uncomfortableness of the procedure will surely play its part in driving down those figures. I'm not a medical professional, and what's more, I have the utmost respect for those who dedicate their professional lives to helping others. I'm sure the vast majority of doctors, of nurses and healthcare professionals find this situation deeply concerning too.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Bydd y rhan fwyaf o fenywod, ar ryw adeg yn eu bywydau, yn clywed y geiriau, 'Efallai y bydd hyn yn brifo'. Nid gan ymosodwr, ond gan eu meddyg neu nyrs, gan fod gormod o driniaethau personol mewn gofal iechyd menywod yn rhai poenus. Mae disgwyl i fenywod oddef y poen hwnnw. Ac nid bai meddygon neu nyrsys unigol mo hyn, ond oherwydd nad oes digon o ffocws nac adnoddau wedi'u rhoi i herio'r disgwyliad hwnnw. Mae'r triniaethau a gawn, boed yn brawf ceg y groth, gosod coil neu hysterosgopi yn boenus, maent yn anghyfforddus, ac o'r herwydd, yn rhy aml o lawer, mae menywod yn oedi rhag cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt am eu bod yn poeni am y poen hwnnw.

Nid dyma'r unig ffordd y disgwylir i fenywod oddef poen. Mae'r ystadegau ofnadwy ar gyfer canserau gynaecolegol yn deillio'n rhannol o'r ffaith nad yw menywod yn cael eu credu pan fyddant yn siarad â'u meddygon am y poen y maent yn ei deimlo mewn rhannau o'r corff sy'n fwy lletchwith i sôn amdanynt. Mae ymchwil gan Target Ovarian Cancer wedi canfod bod chwarter menywod Cymru yn dweud eu bod wedi ymweld â’u meddyg teulu dair gwaith neu fwy cyn cael eu hatgyfeirio am brofion, a thraean yn dweud eu bod wedi aros mwy na thri mis ar ôl eu hapwyntiad cyntaf gyda’r meddyg teulu cyn cael diagnosis.

Mae meddygon naill ai heb gael yr hyfforddiant i nodi symptomau rhai canserau, neu nad oes digon o ymchwil wedi'i wneud i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd mwy cywir o ddehongli'r mathau aneglur hynny o boen. Wedyn, mae gennych y cyflyrau gwanychol sy'n effeithio ar fenywod nad ydym yn gwybod digon amdanynt o hyd, oherwydd diffyg ymchwil neu ddealltwriaeth. Mae endometriosis yn gyflwr sy'n effeithio ar oddeutu un o bob 10 menyw, ac mae'n cael ei achosi pan fydd y meinwe y tu mewn i'r groth yn dechrau tyfu y tu allan iddi, gan arwain at boen cronig.

Fel y mae Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Feichiogrwydd Prydain yn ei nodi, er mor gyffredin yw endometriosis, nid yw'n cael ei ddiagnosio'n ddigon aml, ac yn rhy aml, caiff ei gamddeall. Gyda'r cyflwr hwn a chymaint o gyflyrau eraill, yn rhy aml caiff menywod eu dibwyllo, eu cynghori i beidio â phoeni, i aros i weld a yw pethau'n gwaethygu, neu cânt eu seicolegu, a gofynnir iddynt a ydynt yn dioddef o orbryder. Ac mae hyn oll yn gwneud menywod, unwaith eto, yn llai tebygol o ofyn am gymorth, am fod eu poen yn cael ei fychanu, os nad ei ddiystyru. Dywedir wrthynt am beidio ag ymddiried yn eu greddf eu hunain sy'n dweud wrthynt fod rhywbeth o'i le.

Faint o fywydau menywod sy'n cael eu colli neu eu gwneud yn annioddefol oherwydd poen am eu bod yn syrthio drwy'r rhwyd yn ein system gofal iechyd lle nad yw eu geiriau'n cael eu credu, lle caiff eu greddf ei hanwybyddu, lle caiff menywod glywed nad ydynt yn deall eu cyrff eu hunain a sut y maent yn gweithio? Mewn triniaethau, mae'r poen a achosir i fenywod yn cael ei dderbyn fel rhywbeth sy'n normal, neu'n cael ei fychanu, ac mae'r poen y mae menywod yn sôn amdano neu'n ceisio cymorth ar ei gyfer hefyd yn cael ei fychanu.

Pam y dylem orfod dioddef cymaint o boen? Pam y mae hynny'n normal? Roedd llythyr mewn papur newydd prif ffrwd ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl lle roedd menyw'n sôn am y poen a ddioddefodd wrth gael hysterosgopi—lle caiff camera ei roi drwy'r wain a cheg y groth i mewn i'r groth. Ni chynigiwyd unrhyw anesthetig neu dawelydd iddi, ond rai blynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach, pan fu'n rhaid i'r un fenyw gael colonosgopi ar gyfer cyflwr arall, fe'i gwnaed dan dawelydd. Fel y dywedodd yn ei llythyr, 'Nid oedd unrhyw gwestiwn o'i wneud hebddo.'

Gyda thriniaethau mwy cyffredin hefyd, fel profion ceg y groth, disgwylir i fenywod oddef rhywfaint o boen fel pe bai'n normal. Rydym wedi cael dadleuon yn y Senedd hon dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf sy’n canolbwyntio ar y niferodd brawychus o isel o bobl sy’n manteisio ar brofion ceg y groth. Bydd lletchwithdod ac anghyfforddusrwydd y driniaeth, heb os, yn rhan o'r rheswm pam fod y ffigurau hynny mor isel. Nid wyf yn weithiwr meddygol proffesiynol, ac yn fwy na hynny, mae gennyf y parch mwyaf at y rheini sy'n rhoi eu bywydau proffesiynol i helpu eraill. Rwy'n siŵr fod y sefyllfa hon yn peri cryn bryder i'r mwyafrif helaeth o feddygon, nyrsys a gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol hefyd.

Again, this is not about individuals; it's about the systemic lack of research, resource and thoughts given over to lessening the need for pain in gynaecological procedures. The absence of a dedicated women and girls' health plan in Wales is unquestionably part of the problem. Other Governments, like the Scottish Government, the Norwegian Government, the Swedish Government, the Canadian Government have published women and girls' health plans, and those have allowed those countries to focus more on ensuring that women's voices are central to their healthcare. Wales is lagging behind. Our first female First Minister has laudably spoken about tackling this issue at long last, but it should not have taken so long. Again, how many women have been lost or have had to endure unacceptable levels of pain because of this delay? It is a delay that has surely cost lives.

Figures sent to me by Claire's Campaign highlight the magnitude of the problem. The target for women starting their gynaecological cancer treatment within 62 days is 75 per cent, yet in July of this year, only 26.9 per cent of women in the Aneurin Bevan health board area managed this. That is only seven in every 26 patients. Between 20 and 30 patients receive a gynaecological cancer diagnosis every month, but the health board only manages to get seven or eight women through to treatment within the target. This is only one reason why I'd agree with Claire's Campaign that the women's health plan must include a specific focus on gynaecological cancers. I'd be grateful to know whether this will happen and whether the plan will also look at clinical culture and some of the hindrances that are costing women's lives.

The women's health plan must learn from the experiences of patients, gynaecologists, midwives and women's health groups. That is why my motion would ensure establishing a legal requirement for healthcare providers to collect feedback from female patients about their experiences, especially gynaecological appointments, midwifery and postnatal services, perinatal health and menopause. Too many women are left feeling isolated, violated and in pain after these appointments. It shouldn't be normal. We have an obligation to ensure that it isn't.

There are so many levers within the Welsh Government's control that they can take to address this endemic problem. The Welsh Government has the ability to influence the curriculums of healthcare courses that are delivered and funded within Wales to provide additional training in women's healthcare. It can influence national regulatory bodies like the General Medical Council and the Royal College of General Practitioners to tailor aspects of its training standards or to implement initiatives to better address women's health.

It can issue guidance as well, Dirprwy Lywydd, to NHS institutions within Wales, and I'd want that guidance in particular to focus on addressing gender bias in pain management. That guidance must surely be coupled with the legal requirement for NHS institutions in Wales to collect feedback from female patients, as I've already mentioned, to identify areas for improvement on addressing the physical and the psychological pain that is accepted as normal in women's healthcare. The Welsh Government should support research into women's health issues, particularly into pain perception and gynaecological cancers. We should be learning from other parts of the world that have found innovative ways of tackling low and late diagnosis rates, like introducing mail-in testing kits for cervical cancer. That happens in Denmark.

I know that some other Members will also be focusing remarks on how we must improve treatment for women going through the menopause and women suffering with postnatal depression. The pain suffered by women in their healthcare can be physical; it can also be psychological. And it is unacceptable, it is costing lives. I hope that if this motion passes it will result in improved guidance, in changes in procedures and better training for health professionals. Women make up half our population. Their suffering should not be treated as normal.

Unwaith eto, nid yw hyn yn ymwneud ag unigolion; mae a wnelo â'r diffyg ymchwil, adnoddau a meddwl systemig a roddir i leihau'r angen am boen mewn triniaethau gynaecolegol. Heb os, mae absenoldeb cynllun iechyd penodol i fenywod a merched yng Nghymru yn rhan o'r broblem. Mae Llywodraethau eraill, fel Llywodraeth yr Alban, Llywodraeth Norwy, Llywodraeth Sweden a Llywodraeth Canada wedi cyhoeddi cynlluniau iechyd ar gyfer menywod a merched, ac mae’r rheini wedi caniatáu i’r gwledydd hynny ganolbwyntio mwy ar sicrhau bod lleisiau menywod yn ganolog i’w gofal iechyd. Mae Cymru ar ei hôl hi. Mae'n ganmoladwy fod ein Prif Weinidog benywaidd cyntaf wedi siarad am fynd i’r afael â’r mater o’r diwedd, ond ni ddylai fod wedi cymryd cyhyd. Unwaith eto, faint o fenywod sydd wedi cael eu colli neu wedi gorfod dioddef lefelau annerbyniol o boen oherwydd yr oedi hwn? Mae’n oedi sy'n sicr wedi costio bywydau.

Mae ffigurau a anfonwyd ataf gan Ymgyrch Claire yn amlygu maint y broblem. Y targed ar gyfer menywod sy'n dechrau eu triniaeth ar gyfer canser gynaecolegol o fewn 62 diwrnod yw 75 y cant, ac eto, ym mis Gorffennaf eleni, 26.9 y cant yn unig o fenywod yn ardal bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan a lwyddodd i wneud hyn. Dim ond saith o bob 26 claf yw hynny. Mae rhwng 20 a 30 o gleifion yn cael diagnosis o ganser gynaecolegol bob mis, ond dim ond saith neu wyth o fenywod sy'n dechrau eu triniaeth o fewn y targed yn y bwrdd iechyd. Dyma un rheswm yn unig pam y buaswn yn cytuno ag Ymgyrch Claire fod yn rhaid i gynllun iechyd menywod gynnwys ffocws penodol ar ganserau gynaecolegol. Buaswn yn falch o wybod a fydd hyn yn digwydd ac a fydd y cynllun hefyd yn edrych ar ddiwylliant clinigol a rhai o'r rhwystrau sy'n costio bywydau menywod.

Mae'n rhaid i'r cynllun iechyd menywod ddysgu o brofiadau cleifion, gynaecolegwyr, bydwragedd a grwpiau iechyd menywod. Dyna pam y byddai fy nghynnig yn sefydlu gofyniad cyfreithiol i ddarparwyr gofal iechyd gasglu adborth gan gleifion benywaidd am eu profiadau, yn enwedig apwyntiadau gynaecolegol, bydwreigiaeth a gwasanaethau ôl-enedigol, iechyd amenedigol a menopos. Mae gormod o fenywod yn cael eu gadael i deimlo'n ynysig, yn doredig ac mewn poen ar ôl yr apwyntiadau hyn. Ni ddylai hyn fod yn normal. Mae dyletswydd arnom i sicrhau nad yw'n normal.

Mae cymaint o ysgogiadau o fewn rheolaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd i’r afael â’r broblem endemig hon. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru allu i ddylanwadu ar gwricwlwm cyrsiau gofal iechyd a ddarperir ac a ariennir yng Nghymru i ddarparu hyfforddiant ychwanegol mewn gofal iechyd menywod. Gall ddylanwadu ar gyrff rheoleiddio cenedlaethol fel y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol a Choleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol i deilwra agweddau ar ei safonau hyfforddi neu i roi mentrau ar waith i fynd i'r afael ag iechyd menywod yn well.

Ddirprwy Lywydd, gall gyhoeddi canllawiau hefyd i sefydliadau'r GIG yng Nghymru, a buaswn am i'r canllawiau hynny ganolbwyntio'n arbennig ar fynd i'r afael â rhagfarn ar sail rhywedd mewn perthynas â rheoli poen. Rhaid i’r canllawiau hynny ddod law yn llaw â’r gofyniad cyfreithiol i sefydliadau’r GIG yng Nghymru gasglu adborth gan gleifion benywaidd, fel y crybwyllais eisoes, i nodi meysydd y mae angen eu gwella o ran mynd i’r afael â’r poen corfforol a seicolegol sy'n cael ei dderbyn fel elfen normal o ofal iechyd menywod. Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi ymchwil i faterion iechyd menywod, yn enwedig i ganfyddiad o boen a chanserau gynaecolegol. Dylem fod yn dysgu gan rannau eraill o'r byd sydd wedi dod o hyd i ffyrdd arloesol o fynd i'r afael â chyfraddau diagnosis isel a hwyr, fel cyflwyno pecynnau profion canser ceg y groth i'w hanfon drwy'r post. Mae hynny'n digwydd yn Denmarc.

Gwn y bydd sylwadau rhai o'r Aelodau eraill hefyd yn canolbwyntio ar sut y mae'n rhaid inni wella’r driniaeth ar gyfer menywod sy’n mynd drwy’r menopos a menywod sy’n dioddef o iselder ôl-enedigol. Gall y poen a ddioddefir gan fenywod yn eu gofal iechyd fod yn gorfforol; gall fod yn seicolegol hefyd. Ac mae'n annerbyniol, mae'n costio bywydau. Os caiff y cynnig hwn ei dderbyn, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn arwain at ganllawiau gwell, at newidiadau mewn triniaethau a gwell hyfforddiant i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol. Menywod yw hanner ein poblogaeth. Ni ddylid trin eu dioddefaint fel rhywbeth normal.


I would like to thank the Member, Delyth Jewell, for bringing this important debate here today. Throughout life, women have to put up with a lot: periods, childbirth, often being the main carer, the organiser, and then the menopause comes along. And it’s often seen as a weakness rather than, actually, showing how strong women are, putting up with it all and doing all that they do. All these can be debilitating, physically, mentally and hormonally, all while trying to keep up appearances, juggling responsibilities and trying to look after dependents. When, as a woman, you may be feeling unwell, the presumption is down to one of these, and then it’s okay, because it’s considered normal for women to live in discomfort and pain. Many illnesses have been hidden behind these presumptions.

Many of you will know about Claire’s campaign for policy changes for gynaecological cancers. Claire was diagnosed with cancer in her uterus two years after first raising her symptoms with her GP, and she was misdiagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. The survival rate of this aggressive cancer is 65 per cent. If caught at a later stage, then only 14 per cent of people survive up to five years. And very sadly, Claire’s cancer is incurable, and she is bravely fighting for a much-needed culture change within our healthcare system. Women need to be listened to and heard and I pay tribute to Claire for all that she does.

Hormonal changes throughout a woman’s life can have a huge impact on your body. It makes it even harder to cope with the amount of pressure society puts on women’s appearances. During childbirth, hair can thicken, and then you lose it afterwards when going through the menopause. During periods, stomachs can swell. After giving birth, society expects you to soon fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes. The pain of periods, the awkwardness, the frustration that stops you from functioning normally. I’ve spoken to several women who have been told by a doctor that they likely have endometriosis, but that being diagnosed is a painful process and will make little difference to their condition due to a lack of treatment options. 'Grin and bear it' shouldn’t be the default advice for women struggling with menstrual problems.

The expectation that women should be responsible for contraception, giving up time for multiple doctor appointments, having to deal with hormonal repercussions and sometimes undergoing painful procedures without pain relief, is also something women have to bear. And I totally agree with the motion’s premise that healthcare professionals should aim to reduce situations where pain is expected and accepted as normal in NHS healthcare. This would make such a difference to the experience of so many women.

Above all, we need to recognise that women understand their bodies and the changes they are experiencing—they should be taken seriously. It’s so important in healthcare that patients feel listened to and understood, not feel dismissed and unheard. When I had a baby in hospital, nobody accepted that I was in labour. I knew it, but they didn’t accept it. So, I coped mostly on my own. And I decided to have my last one at home. I remember in the hospital being praised for giving birth without pain relief. Suffering pain is not a badge of honour. In reality, giving birth can be extremely traumatic. The mental health repercussions can be devastating. Unfortunately, many women dislike going for health checks because they don’t like to waste time—I think I’m one of those people as well—both their own, as often the main carer as well, or that of the health professional, who can be dismissive.

At Petitions Committee this week, petitioner Delyth Owen of Ynys Môn wanted to raise awareness of a lack of services in Ysbyty Gwynedd. They have to travel to Wrexham, which could mean a three-hour round trip. And so, if you are a carer, that’s really difficult, trying to juggle all of that, and so, very often, they just don’t bother.

I think women should be invited for regular health checks, if they haven’t seen someone in a while, with someone who’s sympathetic. It would make them actually go and discuss things with somebody. It would be an opportunity to raise issues without a woman thinking they might be wasting their own time or the professional’s time. Whilst check-ups may be routine for the doctor or nurse carrying them out, it can be an uncomfortable experience for women.

We also need to see the women’s health plan come forward, as promised. Taking time to explain the procedure and listening to concerns can make a huge difference to whether someone will come back for their next appointment. And I think that regularly collecting feedback after appointments would hopefully encourage a positive patient-led change in how appointments are run, and I’d like to see that being carried forward.

My daughter gave birth to her second child last week. Both are doing really well, and she’s beautiful—well, my daughter and her baby [Laughter.] But I was upset to hear a young mother in the bed next to her sobbing. It was really sad, and she had the curtains around. So, my daughter said that she’s become her friend and she was going to make sure she’s okay, but that was, you know—

Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelod, Delyth Jewell, am ddod â'r ddadl bwysig hon yma heddiw. Drwy gydol eu bywydau, mae'n rhaid i fenywod ddioddef llawer: y mislif, genedigaeth, bod yn brif ofalwr yn aml, y trefnydd, ac yna daw'r menopos. Ac yn aml caiff ei weld fel gwendid yn hytrach na dangos pa mor gryf yw menywod, sy'n goddef y cyfan ac yn gwneud popeth a wnânt. Gall y rhain i gyd fod yn wanhaol, yn gorfforol, yn feddyliol ac yn hormonaidd, gan geisio dal i fynd ar yr un pryd, jyglo cyfrifoldebau a cheisio gofalu am ddibynyddion. Pan fydd menyw'n teimlo'n sâl, y rhagdybiaeth yw mai un o'r rhain yw'r rheswm, ac felly mae popeth yn iawn, oherwydd fe'i hystyrir yn normal i fenywod fyw mewn poen ac anghysur. Cafodd llawer o afiechydon eu cuddio y tu ôl i'r rhagdybiaethau hyn.

Bydd llawer ohonoch yn gwybod am ymgyrch Claire dros newidiadau polisi ar gyfer canserau gynaecolegol. Cafodd Claire ddiagnosis o ganser y groth ddwy flynedd ar ôl sôn wrth ei meddyg teulu gyntaf am ei symptomau, a chafodd gamddiagnosis o syndrom coluddyn llidus. Cyfradd oroesi canser y groth, sy'n ganser ymosodol, yw 65 y cant. Os caiff ei ddal ar gam diweddarach, dim ond 14 y cant o bobl sy'n goroesi hyd at bum mlynedd. Ac yn drist iawn, nid oes modd gwella canser Claire, ac mae hi'n brwydro'n ddewr dros y newid diwylliant sydd ei angen yn fawr yn ein system gofal iechyd. Mae angen gwrando ar fenywod a'u clywed ac rwy'n talu teyrnged i Claire am bopeth a wna.

Gall newidiadau hormonaidd trwy gydol bywyd menyw gael effaith enfawr ar eich corff. Mae'n ei gwneud hi hyd yn oed yn anos ymdopi â'r pwysau y mae cymdeithas yn ei roi ar ymddangosiad menywod. Yn ystod genedigaeth, gall y gwallt dewhau, a byddwch yn ei golli wedyn wrth fynd trwy'r menopos. Yn ystod y mislif gall y stumog chwyddo. Ar ôl rhoi genedigaeth, mae cymdeithas yn disgwyl i chi allu ffitio'n ôl i'ch dillad cyn beichiogrwydd yn fuan. Poen mislif, y lletchwithdod, y rhwystredigaeth sy'n eich atal rhag byw'n normal. Rwyf wedi siarad â sawl menyw y dywedwyd wrthynt gan feddyg ei bod yn debygol fod ganddynt endometriosis, ond bod cael diagnosis yn broses boenus ac na fyddai'n gwneud fawr o wahaniaeth i'w cyflwr oherwydd diffyg opsiynau triniaeth. Ni ddylai 'dioddefwch a daliwch i wenu' fod yn gyngor diofyn i fenywod sy'n cael trafferth gyda phroblemau mislif.

Mae'r disgwyliad y dylai menywod fod yn gyfrifol am atal cenhedlu, neilltuo amser ar gyfer apwyntiadau meddyg lluosog, gorfod ymdopi ag ôl-effeithiau hormonaidd a chael triniaethau poenus weithiau heb gyffur lleddfu poen, hefyd yn rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid i fenywod ei ddioddef. Ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chynsail y cynnig y dylai gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol anelu at leihau sefyllfaoedd lle caiff poen ei ddisgwyl a'i dderbyn fel rhywbeth normal yng ngofal iechyd y GIG. Byddai hyn yn gwneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i brofiad cymaint o fenywod.

Yn anad dim, mae angen inni gydnabod bod menywod yn deall eu cyrff a'r newidiadau a brofant—dylid eu cymryd o ddifrif. Mae mor bwysig mewn gofal iechyd i gleifion deimlo eu bod yn cael eu clywed a'u deall, heb deimlo eu bod yn cael eu diystyru a bod neb yn eu clywed. Pan gefais fabi yn yr ysbyty, nid oedd neb yn derbyn fy mod i yn y broses o esgor. Roeddwn i'n gwybod hynny, ond nid oeddent hwy'n ei dderbyn. Felly, fe ymdopais ar fy mhen fy hun i raddau helaeth. Penderfynais gael fy mabi olaf gartref. Rwy'n cofio cael fy nghanmol yn yr ysbyty am roi genedigaeth heb gyffur lleddfu poen. Nid oes unrhyw anrhydedd mewn dioddef poen. Mewn gwirionedd, gall rhoi genedigaeth fod yn hynod o drawmatig. Gall y sgil-effeithiau iechyd meddwl fod yn drychinebus. Yn anffodus, mae llawer o fenywod yn casáu mynd am archwiliadau iechyd am nad ydynt yn hoffi gwastraffu amser—rwy'n meddwl fy mod i'n un o'r bobl hynny hefyd—eu hamser eu hunain, fel prif ofalwr hefyd, neu amser y gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol, sy'n gallu bod yn ddiystyriol.

Yn y Pwyllgor Deisebau yr wythnos hon, roedd y deisebydd Delyth Owen o Ynys Môn eisiau codi ymwybyddiaeth o ddiffyg gwasanaethau yn Ysbyty Gwynedd. Mae'n rhaid iddynt deithio i Wrecsam, a allai olygu taith o dair awr i gyd. Felly, os ydych chi'n ofalwr, mae hynny'n anodd iawn, a cheisio jyglo hynny i gyd, ac felly, yn aml iawn, ni fyddant yn trafferthu.

Rwy'n credu y dylid gwahodd menywod i gael archwiliadau iechyd rheolaidd, os nad ydynt wedi gweld rhywun ers tro, a hynny gyda rhywun sy'n cydymdeimlo. Byddai'n gwneud iddynt fynd i drafod pethau gyda rhywun. Byddai'n gyfle i leisio pryderon heb i fenyw feddwl y gallai fod yn gwastraffu ei hamser ei hun neu amser y gweithiwr proffesiynol. Er y gall archwiliadau fod yn brofiadau cyffredin i'r meddyg neu'r nyrs sy'n eu cyflawni, gall fod yn brofiad anghyfforddus i fenywod.

Hefyd, mae angen inni weld cynllun iechyd menywod yn cael ei gyflwyno, fel yr addawyd. Gall rhoi amser i esbonio'r driniaeth a gwrando ar bryderon wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i barodrwydd rhywun i ddod yn ôl ar gyfer eu hapwyntiad nesaf. Ac rwy'n credu y byddai casglu adborth yn rheolaidd ar ôl apwyntiadau yn annog newid cadarnhaol wedi ei arwain gan gleifion yn y ffordd y caiff apwyntiadau eu cynnal, a hoffwn weld hynny'n cael ei barhau.

Fe wnaeth fy merch roi genedigaeth i'w hail blentyn yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae'r ddau'n gwneud yn dda iawn, ac mae hi'n brydferth—wel, fy merch a'i babi [Chwerthin.] Ond roedd yn ofidus clywed mam ifanc yn y gwely drws nesaf iddi'n beichio crio. Roedd yn drist iawn, ac roedd y llenni wedi'u tynnu o'i chwmpas. Felly, dywedodd fy merch ei bod wedi dod yn ffrind iddi a'i bod hi'n mynd i wneud yn siŵr ei bod hi'n iawn, ond roedd hynny—


Carolyn, I'm going to ask you to conclude because we've got a lot of speakers. 

Carolyn, rwy'n mynd i ofyn i chi ddod i ben oherwydd mae gennym lawer o siaradwyr. 

Yes, I will, sorry. I'm just proud to be co-submitting the motion, and I hope others in the Chamber will support it. Thank you. 

Iawn, fe wnaf, mae'n ddrwg gennyf. Rwy'n falch o gyd-gyflwyno'r cynnig, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd eraill yn y Siambr yn ei gefnogi. Diolch. 

Mae yn siomedig, mae’n rhaid imi ddweud—. Dwi’n gwybod bod y Gweinidog yma sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros iechyd menywod, ond fe wnaeth y Prif Weinidog ddweud wrthon ni, a gwneud sioe fawr o’r ffaith, ei bod hi’n gwrando, a bod iechyd menywod yn rhywbeth roedd hi wedi clywed, ond, yn anffodus, dyw hi ddim yma y prynhawn yma i glywed y ddadl bwysig hon.

Mae gan Lywodraeth SNP yr Alban gynllun iechyd menywod ers 2021, ac er inni gael addewidion gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a’r Prif Weinidog ei hunan, oedd yn gyfrifol, wrth gwrs, am iechyd ers y flwyddyn honno tan Awst eleni, rŷn ni’n dal i aros.

Hoffwn i ganolbwyntio yn fy nghyfraniad i ar effaith y diffyg blaenoriaeth, pwyslais a chyflawni o ran gofal iechyd menywod o safbwynt un peth sy'n taro pob un sydd â chroth—dros hanner ein poblogaeth, felly—sef y menopos. Mae nifer o ymgyrchoedd uchel eu cloch wedi bod, yn rhoi sylw i'r symptomau, ceisio sicrhau bod gweithleoedd a chyflogwyr yn ystyriol o bobl sy'n eu profi, ac rŷn ni wedi cael sawl trafodaeth yn y Siambr hon am bwysigrwydd addysgu pobl am y menopos ac i dorri'r tabŵ hanesyddol yn ei gylch. Ond mae'r diffyg cynllun penodol o ran sut mae'r gwasanaeth iechyd yn cefnogi cleifion sydd â symptomau menopos, ac yn cynnig triniaeth amserol a phriodol iddynt, yn creu sefyllfa cwbl annerbyniol.

Er y clywon ni Eluned Morgan, er enghraifft, yn mynnu na ddylai neb yng Nghymru bellach gael eu gorfodi i aros yn y ciw 8 o'r gloch yna ar y ffôn os ŷn nhw am weld eu meddyg, dyw hynny ddim yn arfer cyson dros Gymru, os ydych chi'n moyn apwyntiad o flaen llaw ac nid apwyntiad brys, ac mae nifer o feddygfeydd yn dal i fethu â chynnig modd i bobl fwcio apwyntiad wyneb yn wyneb o flaen llaw. Mae nifer o'm hetholwyr wedi cysylltu â fi yn cadarnhau ac yn cwyno am hynny. Achos os nad ŷch chi off gwaith yn sâl, gallwch chi ddim aros am oriau ac oriau am yr alwad ffôn yna i ddod yn ôl atoch chi, ac wedyn oriau ac oriau i gael y sgwrs yna gyda’ch meddyg, achos rŷch chi’n gorfod gweithio. Ac os ŷch chi am drafod y menopos, mae’n ddealladwy hefyd eich bod chi eisiau gwneud apwyntiad gyda’ch meddyg, wyneb yn wyneb, i allu gwneud hynny, yn unol â’r rhesymau gwnaeth Carolyn osod mas.

Rwyf am rannu profiad un fenyw oedd am gael sgwrs gyda'i meddyg teulu am y symptomau, gan eu bod yn effeithio ar ei hiechyd corfforol a'i hiechyd meddwl. Roedd hi wedi aros yn y ciw boreol yna, ac wedyn fe wnaethon nhw ddweud wrthi hi nad oedd modd iddi fwcio apwyntiad o flaen llaw. Cafodd hi alwad ffôn nôl gan y meddyg ar yr un dydd, er doedd dim modd rhoi ryw fath o slot amser iddi hi o awr neu ddwy, felly roedd hi wedi methu â sicrhau ei bod hi mewn man preifat i dderbyn yr alwad. Ac roedd rhai o'r symptomau oedd ganddi hefyd yn rhai corfforol roedd hi am eu dangos i'r meddyg. Dywedwyd wrthi fod angen i'r meddyg, wedyn, orffen yr alwad ar ôl rhai munudau gan fod ganddo restr hir iawn o bobl i'w galw. Gofynnodd hi a oedd yna ryw fath o glinig neu nyrs y gallai hi fynd atyn nhw i gael sgwrs ynglŷn â'r symptomau ac unrhyw driniaethau posib. Dywedwyd wrthi nad oedd.

Dywedodd wrtha i ei bod hi wedi cael ei gwneud i deimlo fel ei bod hi’n niwsans, ei bod hi’n poeni'r meddyg am ddim byd. Doedd hi ddim yn beio’r meddyg am hyn; roedd hi’n dweud ei bod yn gallu clywed y blinder a'r straen yn llais y meddyg. Ond mae’n amlwg nad yw'r modd rŷn ni’n cynnig gwasanaethau menopos yn iawn. Rhoddodd hi’r gorau i geisio cael triniaeth, ac mae hi nawr jest wedi penderfynu rhoi lan gyda'r poenau yn ei chymalau, y trafferthion cysgu, y cyfnodau o fwd isel. Yr hyn oedd waethaf, meddai, oedd ei bod yn gwybod bod rhai o'i chyfeillion oedd yr un oedran wedi cael profiad hollol wahanol ac yn cael gwellhad yn sgil derbyn therapïau a meddyginiaeth gan eu meddyg. Felly, mae yna ddarlun anghyson iawn dros Gymru.

Y meddyg teulu yw'r allwedd ar gyfer y drws at ofal iechyd cyson, safonol, sy'n ystyried ac yn cwrdd yn effeithiol ag anghenion penodol menywod. Ond mae'r pwysau sydd ar y system gofal sylfaenol, ynghyd â'r diffyg cynllun yna i sicrhau cysondeb a thegwch i bob menyw yng Nghymru, yn golygu bod yr un hen stori yn dal i fod yn wir i nifer o fenywod, sef gorfod rhoi lan gydag effeithiau y menopos heb gymorth—dioddef yn dawel, sydd wrth gwrs yn medru cael effaith ddifrifol ar iechyd meddwl, ynghyd ag iechyd corfforol, y gallu i weithio a llwyddo yn eich gwaith, y gallu i ofalu, y gallu i gadw'n heini, y gallu i chwarae rhan lawn mewn cymdeithas.

Felly, dyw hi ddim yn ddigon i drafod y menopos, i gynnal ymgyrchoedd gwleidyddol i godi ymwybyddiaeth, heb gynllun iechyd penodol i sicrhau bod y dyddiau o ddioddef yn dawel ar ben am byth.

It is disappointing, I have to say—. I know that the Minister with responsibility for women’s health is here, but the First Minister told us, and made a great show of the fact, that she was listening, and that women’s health was an issue that she’d heard, but, unfortunately, she’s not here this afternoon to hear this important debate.

The Scottish SNP Government has had a women's health plan in place since 2021, and although we’ve had pledges from the Welsh Government, and the First Minister herself, who had responsibility, of course, for health from that year until August this year, we are still waiting.

I’d like to focus in my contribution on the effect of the lack of priority, emphasis and delivery in terms of women's health from the point of view of one thing that affects everyone who has a womb—over half of our population, therefore—namely, the menopause. There have been a number of high-profile campaigns seeking to draw attention to the symptoms, and trying to ensure that workplaces and employers are considerate of people who experience them, and we’ve had several discussions in this Chamber about the importance of educating people about the menopause and to break the historical taboo about it. But the lack of a specific plan in terms of how the health service supports patients with menopause symptoms, and offers them timely and appropriate treatment, has created an entirely unacceptable situation.

Although we’ve heard Eluned Morgan, for example, insisting that nobody in Wales now should be forced to wait in that 8 o'clock queue on the phone if they want to see their GP, that isn’t the norm across Wales, if you want an appointment in advance rather than an emergency appointment, and many surgeries are still failing to provide a way for people to book a face-to-face appointment in advance. Many of my constituents have contacted me to confirm and complain about that. Because if you're not off work sick, you can't spend hours and hours waiting for that phone call to get back to you, and then wait further hours to get that conversation with your doctor, because you have to work. And if you want to discuss the menopause, it’s also understandable that you want to make an appointment with your GP, on a face-to-face basis, to have that discussion, for the reasons that Carolyn set out.

I want to share the experience of one woman who wanted to have a chat with her GP about the symptoms, as they were affecting her physical and mental health. She’d waited in that morning queue, and then she was told that she couldn’t book an advance appointment. She was then phoned back by the doctor on the same day, although they couldn’t provide her with a time slot within an hour or two, so she failed to ensure that she was able to receive that call in a private area. And some of the symptoms that she had were also physical, and she wanted to show the doctor. She was then told that the doctor would have to conclude the call after some minutes as he had a very long list of people to call. She asked if there was some sort of clinic or nurse that she could go to to discuss her symptoms and any possible treatment. She was told that there wasn’t.

She told me that she had been made to feel like she was a nuisance, that she was bothering the doctor over nothing. She didn’t blame the GP for this; she said she could hear the stress and fatigue in the doctor’s voice. But it’s clear that the way we’re providing menopause services is not right. She gave up trying to seek treatment, and she has now just decided to put up with the joint pain, the difficulty sleeping, the periods of low mood. What was worse, she said, was that she knew that some of her friends who were the same age had had an entirely different experience, and were recovering as a result of therapies and drugs provided by their GP. So, there’s a very inconsistent picture across Wales.  

The GP is the key to the door in terms of consistent, standardised healthcare that meets the specific needs of women effectively. But the pressure on the primary care system, together with the lack of a plan to ensure consistency and fairness for every woman in Wales, means that it’s the same old story that’s the true for many women, namely having to put up with the effects of the menopause without support—suffering in silence, which of course can have a grave impact on mental health, as well as physical health, the ability to work and to succeed in your work, the ability to care, the ability to keep fit, the ability to play a full part in society.

So, it is not enough to discuss the menopause, to have political campaigns to raise awareness, without a specific health plan to ensure that the days of suffering in silence are gone forever.


I'm really grateful to Delyth Jewell for bringing forward this debate today on women's healthcare, in which the motion highlights the need for recognition of the unique and often considerably painful aspects of women's health. In all areas of women's health, our anatomy often brings unique struggles and complications, which are just accepted as the norm and something women and girls must just suck up and deal with. Whether it's instrusive tests, undiagnosed symptoms or monthly struggles, we are inclined to accept an inordinate amount of pain, hormonal fluctuations and general discomfort, due to the incredible, often arduous, and severe journey our bodies go on, and, of course, over the course of our lifetime as well. From conditions such as premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis, to pregnancy, fertility, pelvic health and the menopause, there are an abundance of conditions as well as physical and mental challenges that come with them too. We often see them accepted within society, and, quite frankly, they aren't discussed enough. Whilst I do believe that it is important to note advancements to women's healthcare in recent years, not only technical aspects, such as testing, but even discussions around an increasing number of options we now have are indeed improving, we still have a long way to go.

There are so many points I could raise within this debate. However, I want to focus my contribution on one specific area here today. Just this week I had the pleasure of meeting with Breast Cancer Now, a fantastic organisation supporting people going through breast cancer diagnosis, as well as their families. We spoke about the greater need for discussion around the science and symptoms of breast cancer, alongside the need for a holistic approach towards women's healthcare, and screening for conditions such as breast cancer within health hubs. Improving data collection for breast cancer patients specifically, as well as increasing sites where the tests can take place, in tandem with boosting awareness of the signs and symptoms, would not only alleviate pressures on GPs and hospitals, but would ultimately help so many people catch the signs of cancer earlier on, and, therefore, hopefully prevent the later stage diagnoses.

Something else we touched upon was the need for surgery—in many women's cases, this is reconstructive surgery, following breast cancer treatments and procedures—to be seen and included in part of the treatment, and, ultimately, the healing journey as well. Otherwise, if not, we risk many women being left waiting years for their reconstructive surgery, as it is seen often as a separate entity in the healthcare system, and it's something that can have a severe impact on their mental health as well as overall well-being following such intensive treatments.

This conversation led us naturally only to the Welsh Government's proposed women's health plan for Wales and the difference between healthcare plans being created in Northern Ireland, Scotland and England. In Wales, as we know, the NHS Wales Executive and health boards are creating and implementing the women and cancer improvement healthcare plans. However, in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, the Governments facilitate these plans. I do sincerely believe we do need accountability in this area, and where the Welsh Government have come up with the health plan initiative, there should be a strategic direction that they can then provide to health boards, as well as the NHS Wales Executive team, to help guide and implement this critical piece of work, which could benefit so many women and girls all across Wales.

In addition, it is important to note that these aspects, such as reconstructive surgery, were not included in the cancer improvement plan from 2023 to 2026, and, as I understand it, cancer is not set to be included in the women's healthcare plan either. I do strongly believe it should be, as there are many female-specific cancers that we must continue to raise awareness around and support those going through them. Many see that the outcomes of those could be improved through inclusion being within the plan itself.

So, in conclusion, Deputy Presiding Officer, I would just like to close by again thanking Delyth Jewell for tabling this incredibly important debate here today. I hope that we collectively hold the Government to account in this area, to ensure that the best possible care and outcomes are in place for women and girls, from all corners of Wales. Thank you.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Delyth Jewell am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw ar ofal iechyd menywod, lle mae'r cynnig yn amlygu'r angen am gydnabyddiaeth i'r agweddau unigryw a phoenus iawn yn aml ar iechyd menywod. Ym mhob maes iechyd menywod, mae ein hanatomeg yn aml yn creu anawsterau a chymhlethdodau unigryw, sy'n cael eu derbyn fel y norm a rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid i fenywod a merched eu dioddef ac ymdopi â hwy. Boed yn brofion ymwthiol, symptomau heb eu diagnosio neu drafferthion mislif, rydym yn dueddol o oddef gormodedd o boen, amrywiadau hormonaidd ac anghysur cyffredinol, oherwydd y daith anhygoel, llafurus ac anodd yn aml y mae ein cyrff yn mynd arni, a hynny ar hyd ein hoes. O gyflyrau fel syndrom cyn mislif, syndrom ofari polysystig ac endometriosis, i feichiogrwydd, ffrwythlondeb, iechyd y pelfis a'r menopos, fe geir llu o gyflyrau yn ogystal â heriau corfforol a meddyliol sy'n dod gyda nhw hefyd. Rydym yn aml yn eu gweld yn cael eu derbyn mewn cymdeithas, ac a dweud y gwir, nid oes digon o drafod arnynt. Er fy mod yn credu ei bod yn bwysig nodi bod datblygiadau i ofal iechyd menywod yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, o ran agweddau technegol, megis profion, a thrafodaethau ynghylch y nifer gynyddol o opsiynau sydd gennym bellach yn gwella, mae gennym ffordd bell i fynd.

Mae cymaint o bwyntiau y gallwn eu nodi yn y ddadl hon. Fodd bynnag, rwyf am ganolbwyntio fy nghyfraniad ar un maes penodol yma heddiw. Yr wythnos hon cefais y pleser o gyfarfod â Breast Cancer Now, sefydliad gwych sy'n cefnogi pobl sy'n cael diagnosis o ganser y fron, yn ogystal â'u teuluoedd. Buom yn siarad am yr angen am fwy o drafodaeth ynglŷn â gwyddoniaeth a symptomau canser y fron, ochr yn ochr â'r angen am ddull holistaidd o fewn gofal iechyd menywod, a sgrinio ar gyfer cyflyrau fel canser y fron mewn canolfannau iechyd. Byddai gwella trefniadau casglu data ar gyfer cleifion canser y fron yn benodol, yn ogystal â chynyddu nifer y safleoedd lle gellir cynnal y profion, ochr yn ochr â hybu ymwybyddiaeth o'r arwyddion a'r symptomau, nid yn unig yn lleihau'r pwysau ar feddygon teulu ac ysbytai, ond yn y pen draw byddai'n helpu cymaint o bobl i nodi arwyddion o ganser yn gynharach, ac felly'n atal diagnosis ar gam diweddarach, gobeithio.

Rhywbeth arall y gwnaethom gyffwrdd ag ef oedd yr angen i lawdriniaeth—i lawer o fenywod, llawdriniaeth adluniol yw hon, yn dilyn triniaethau a llawdriniaethau ar gyfer canser y fron—gael ei gweld a'i chynnwys yn rhan o'r driniaeth, a'r daith iachau hefyd yn y pen draw. Fel arall, os na wneir hynny, rydym mewn perygl y bydd llawer o fenywod yn aros blynyddoedd am eu llawdriniaeth adluniol, gan ei bod yn aml yn cael ei hystyried fel rhywbeth ar wahân yn y system gofal iechyd, ac mae'n rhywbeth a all gael effaith ddifrifol ar eu hiechyd meddwl yn ogystal â'u llesiant cyffredinol yn dilyn triniaethau dwys o'r fath.

Arweiniodd y sgwrs hon yn naturiol at gynllun iechyd menywod arfaethedig Llywodraeth Cymru a'r gwahaniaeth rhwng cynlluniau gofal iechyd sy'n cael eu creu yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, yr Alban a Lloegr. Yng Nghymru, fel y gwyddom, mae Gweithrediaeth GIG Cymru a byrddau iechyd yn creu ac yn gweithredu'r cynlluniau gofal iechyd i fenywod a gwella canser. Fodd bynnag, yn Lloegr, Gogledd Iwerddon a'r Alban, y Llywodraethau sy'n darparu'r cynlluniau hyn. Rwy'n credu'n ddiffuant fod angen atebolrwydd yn y maes hwn, a lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dyfeisio'r cynllun iechyd, dylai fod cyfeiriad strategol y gallant ei ddarparu wedyn i fyrddau iechyd, yn ogystal â thîm Gweithrediaeth GIG Cymru, i helpu i arwain a gweithredu'r gwaith hanfodol hwn, a allai fod o fudd i gynifer o fenywod a merched ledled Cymru.

Yn ogystal, mae'n bwysig nodi na chafodd yr agweddau hyn, fel llawdriniaeth adluniol, eu cynnwys yn y cynllun gwella canser 2023 i 2026, ac yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, nid yw canser yn debygol o gael ei gynnwys yn y cynllun gofal iechyd menywod ychwaith. Rwy'n credu'n gryf y dylai, gan fod llawer o ganserau menywod y mae'n rhaid inni barhau i godi ymwybyddiaeth yn eu cylch a chefnogi'r rhai sy'n eu cael. Mae llawer yn gweld y gellid gwella canlyniadau'r rheini drwy eu cynnwys yn y cynllun ei hun.

Felly, i gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn ddiolch unwaith eto i Delyth Jewell am gyflwyno'r ddadl hynod bwysig hon yma heddiw. Rwy'n gobeithio ein bod gyda'n gilydd yn dwyn y Llywodraeth i gyfrif yn y maes hwn, er mwyn sicrhau bod y gofal a'r canlyniadau gorau posibl ar gael i fenywod a merched ym mhob cwr o Gymru. Diolch.

Fedraf i ddim dirnad beth mae merched yn gorfod ei ddioddef. Wrth gwrs, mae gennym ni yma yng Nghymru ddeilliannau gwaith mewn gofal canser, iechyd y llygad—a byddaf i'n cyfeirio at hynny maes o law, mewn dadl arall. Rydyn ni'n gweld gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn gwegian, a gwasanaethau erthylu sydd ddim yn bodoli mewn sawl ardal yng Nghymru. Ond mae gen i empathi, ac mae gen i gariad—cariad at wraig, dwy ferch, mam a chwaer, a'r holl ferched eraill sydd wedi bod yn rhan mor bwysig o’m mywyd i. Mae clywed straeon y merched sydd yn dod i fy nghymorthfeydd i yn gyrru ias lawr fy nghefn.

Cyn cael fy ethol i’r lle yma, doeddwn i byth wedi clywed am endometriosis. Ond, yn fuan iawn ar ôl cael fy ethol, fe ddaeth etholwraig i un o fy nghymorthfeydd a rhannu ei stori. Roedd hi wedi dioddef mewn poen ers blynyddoedd maith, a’r meddyg yn methu adnabod y gŵyn. Oherwydd ei bod hi’n dioddef o ffibro hefyd, fe gymerodd y meddygon yn ganiataol mai dyma oedd gwraidd y broblem a’i chyfeirio at arbenigwyr yn y maes yna ym Manceinion. Ond doedd yna ddim gwellhad i’w chyflwr. Fe gafodd hi ddiagnosis pellach o IBS, ac yna ME, ond eto doedd dim gwellhad. O ganlyniad, mae hi wedi gorfod talu miloedd o bunnoedd am wahanol sganiau a chyngor meddygol preifat. Y pen draw oedd ei bod hi wedi gorfod cael hysterectomi llwyr—a hynny yn erbyn ei hewyllys, gyda llaw. Ond, wrth gario allan y driniaeth yna, bu iddyn nhw ddarganfod ei bod hi’n dioddef o endometriosis, sydd bellach wedi lledaenu. Mae’r ddynes yma bellach yn ei 50au. Mae hi wedi bod yn dioddef ers ei bod hi’n 18 oed, ac wedi talu dros £12,000 yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf er mwyn ceisio cael diagnosis. Mae’r cyfan yn deillio o gamddiagnosis gwreiddiol, a methiant y proffesiwn meddygol i adnabod ei symptomau.

Mae gen i ferched yn eu harddegau wedi dod ataf yn byw efo endometriosis. Mae un ohonyn nhw newydd orfod talu £8,000 am driniaeth, ac un arall ar restr aros o bron i ddwy flynedd, a hithau eisoes wedi aros dros chwe mis. Nid yn unig mae eu cyflwr nhw’n cael effaith niweidiol corfforol, ond maen nhw’n dioddef yn feddyliol hefyd, ynghyd â’u hanwyliaid, a hefyd yn methu â chadw gwaith i lawr, er eu bod nhw yn ferched dawnus ac abl. Ond ym mhob un achos—o’r fferyllfa drwy’r feddygfa ac ymlaen i’r ysbyty ac arbenigwyr clinigol—mae’r merched yma, dro ar ôl tro, wedi cael eu gadael i lawr, a hynny oherwydd y diffyg dealltwriaeth a chydnabyddiaeth o ddifrifoldeb eu sefyllfa. Ac un cyflwr yn unig ydy endo, wrth gwrs.

Roedd y dystiolaeth a dderbyniodd y pwyllgor iechyd ar ganserau gynaecolegol yn hynod bwerus, a phob un yn adrodd stori debyg o sut yr oedden nhw’n cael eu hanwybyddu ac yn cael eu pasio o biler i bostyn oherwydd naill ai sexism systematig yn y system neu ddiffyg dealltwriaeth elfennol o’r corff benywaidd. Dylai’r ffaith bod ystadegau diagnosis canser yn parhau i fod yn beryglus o isel mewn rhai ardaloedd, gyda merched yn cael ei heffeithio yn arbennig o wael oherwydd y methiant i adnabod y clefyd, fod yn bryder anferthol i’r Llywodraeth yma, ac mae angen dysgu gwersi ar fyrder.

Oherwydd dydy’r cynnig yma ddim yn gofyn am lawer, mewn gwirionedd. Bobl bach, os edrychwch chi ar y cynnig, mae’n sôn am gasglu adborth am brofiadau merched, ac mi ddylai hynny fod yn rhan gwbl elfennol o unrhyw broses iechyd. Mae eBay, Amazon a bron i bob cwmni yn casglu adborth am brofiadau eu defnyddwyr. Mae’n synnwyr cyffredin os ydy rhywun am ddysgu a gwella. Ond nid, mae’n ymddangos, pan fo’n dod at brofiad merched o’u triniaethau meddygol.

Data cyfoethog a defnyddiol ydy sylfaen unrhyw fusnes neu sector neu fudiad llwyddiannus. Mae hyn wedi bod yn arferiad ers i’r Swmeriaid gasglu data am gynaeafau ar dabledi clai dros 5,000 o flynyddoedd yn ôl, ond dydyn ni ddim yn ei wneud o yn y sector iechyd yng Nghymru. Ac mae'n resyn ein bod ni’n dal i aros, felly, am gynllun iechyd merched cynhwysfawr heddiw. Felly, diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyflwyno’r cynnig yma—diolch i Delyth am y geiriau agoriadol—a hyderaf y bydd y Senedd yma yn gweld yn dda i’w gefnogi.

I can't comprehend what women have to endure. Of course, here in Wales we have work outcomes in cancer care, eye care—and I'll be referring to that later, in another debate. We see maternity services creaking, and abortion services that don't exist in many areas of Wales. But I do have empathy, and I do have love—love for my wife, two daughters, mother and sister, and all the other women who have been such an important part of my life. Hearing the stories of the women who come to my surgeries sends a cold shiver down my back.

Before being elected to this place, I had never heard of endometriosis. But, very soon after being elected, a constituent came to one of my surgeries and shared her story. She had been suffering pain for many years, and the doctor could not identify the complaint. Because she also suffers from fibro, the doctors assumed that this was the root cause of the problem and referred her to specialists in that area in Manchester. But there was no improvement in her condition. She was further diagnosed with IBS, and then ME, but, again, there was no improvement. As a result, she has had to pay thousands of pounds for different scans and private medical advice. The end result was that she had to have a complete hysterectomy—against her will, by the way. But, when this procedure was carried out, it was discovered that she was suffering from endometriosis, which has now spread. This woman is now in her 50s. She has been suffering since she was 18, and has paid out over £12,000 in recent years to try and obtain a diagnosis. This all stems from an original misdiagnosis and the failure of the medical profession to recognise her symptoms.

I have had teenage girls come to me living with endometriosis. One of them has just had to pay £8,000 for treatment, and another is on a two-year waiting list, having already waited for over six months. Not only does their condition have harmful physical effects, but these women also suffer mentally, as do their loved ones, and they are also unable to hold down a job, even though they are talented and able women. But, in every case—from the pharmacy through to the surgery and on to the hospital and the clinical specialists—these women are repeatedly let down because of a lack of understanding and acknowledgement of the severity of their situation. And endo is just one condition, of course.

The evidence received by the health committee on gynaecological cancers was extremely powerful, with all of the witnesses telling a similar story of how they had been ignored and passed from pillar to post, either because of systematic sexism in the system or a basic lack of understanding of the female body. The fact that cancer diagnosis statistics continue to be dangerously low in some areas, with women being particularly badly affected due to a failure to identify the disease, should be a huge concern for the Government here, and there are lessons that need to be learned urgently.

Because this motion doesn't really ask for much, in truth. Goodness me, if you look at the motion, it speaks of gathering feedback about women's experiences, which should be an absolutely fundamental part of any health process. Amazon, eBay and almost all companies collect feedback about their users' experiences. It's common sense if someone wants to learn and improve. But not, it seems, when it comes to women's experiences of their medical treatments.

Comprehensive and useable data are the foundation of any successful business or sector or organisation. This has been routine since the Sumerians gathered data about harvests on clay tablets over 5,000 years ago, but we don’t do it in the health sector in Wales. It’s such a shame that we're still waiting, therefore, for a comprehensive women's health plan today. So, thank you to everyone who has brought forward this motion—I thank Delyth for the opening remarks—and I trust that this Senedd here will see fit to support it.


I want to thank Delyth and her co-submitters and supporters for raising what is an incredibly important issue. We all know that, for too long, women’s experience of pain, be it menstrual, reproductive or chronic, has been dismissed or trivialised. It’s not a matter of individual health, but it’s a systematic failure that impacts the well-being of over half our population. Women often face longer waiting times for diagnosis and treatment and their concerns are frequently overlooked in clinical settings. This normalisation creates a culture where women feel unheard and often unsupported and, in turn, exacerbates the problems that they are presenting with.

One specific women's health condition where this is often the case concerns period pain. The normalisation of pain around periods can cause severe delays in diagnosis for gynaecological conditions, particularly like endometriosis, and those delays can have extremely serious repercussions, impacting the women's physical and mental well-being, their day-to-day life and potentially their chances of conceiving, if they want to have children. I appreciate that Welsh Government is working to address some of these issues and, in the case of endometriosis, a specialist nurse has been employed for each health board region. Of course, I would question whether one specialist health nurse for each healthcare region is a serious commitment. But, above anything, we have to challenge the stigma around women's pain and ensure that healthcare professions are trained to recognise and address it properly. We are developing a women's healthcare plan, and we must have a focus in that plan for this particular area.

But I'm also going to raise a question that hasn't been raised yet, and that is the difference in treatment and expectation of pain when it comes to black and Indian women. There have been many, many reports—multiple reports—and the BBC have also done investigations into it in England, where women have been called 'princess', where they are being referred to in a different way than white women would be, where their pain has been trivialised and where they have been completely ignored. So, what I would call for today, as well as those things in this report, is that we speak with that community or communities of women and get an understanding of their feeling, and also let their voices be heard, because ultimately this is only a form of racism when you are referring to people in a way you wouldn't refer to white people, when you are denying them their voice and when you are ignoring their concerns. It's not an area that we've looked at on the health committee; it wasn't looked at when we were doing our investigation. But I think if we're going to truly represent not only the 50 per cent of the population, but all the people within that 50 per cent, we've got to change our focus and widen it as well. 

Hoffwn ddiolch i Delyth a'i chyd-gyflwynwyr a'i chefnogwyr am godi mater hynod o bwysig. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod, ers gormod o amser, fod profiad menywod o boen, boed yn fislif, yn atgenhedlol neu'n gronig, wedi cael ei ddiystyru neu ei fychanu. Nid mater iechyd unigol mohono, ond methiant systematig sy'n effeithio ar les dros hanner ein poblogaeth. Mae menywod yn aml yn wynebu amseroedd aros hirach cyn cael diagnosis a thriniaeth ac mae eu pryderon yn aml yn cael eu hanwybyddu mewn lleoliadau clinigol. Mae'r normaleiddio hwn yn creu diwylliant lle mae menywod yn teimlo nad oes neb yn eu clywed ac yn aml heb eu cefnogi ac yn ei dro, mae hynny'n gwaethygu'r problemau iechyd sydd ganddynt.

Mae un cyflwr iechyd menywod penodol lle mae hyn i'w weld yn aml yn ymwneud â phoen mislif. Gall normaleiddio poen mislif achosi oedi difrifol cyn cael diagnosis o gyflyrau gynaecolegol, yn enwedig endometriosis, a gall yr oedi hwnnw gael ôl-effeithiau difrifol iawn, gan effeithio ar les corfforol a meddyliol menywod, eu bywyd o ddydd i ddydd ac o bosibl eu gobaith o feichiogi, os ydynt am gael plant. Rwy'n derbyn bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion hyn ac yn achos endometriosis, mae nyrs arbenigol wedi'i chyflogi ar gyfer pob ardal bwrdd iechyd. Wrth gwrs, buaswn yn cwestiynu a yw un nyrs iechyd arbenigol ar gyfer pob ardal gofal iechyd yn ymrwymiad difrifol. Ond yn fwy na dim, mae'n rhaid inni herio'r stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â phoen menywod a sicrhau bod proffesiynau gofal iechyd yn cael eu hyfforddi i'w adnabod a mynd i'r afael ag ef yn briodol. Rydym yn datblygu cynllun gofal iechyd menywod, ac mae'n rhaid inni ganolbwyntio yn y cynllun hwnnw ar y maes penodol hwn.

Ond rwyf hefyd am godi cwestiwn nad yw wedi ei godi eto, sef y gwahaniaeth mewn triniaeth a'r disgwyliad o boen yn achos menywod du ac Indiaidd. Cafwyd llawer o adroddiadau—adroddiadau lluosog—ac mae'r BBC hefyd wedi gwneud ymchwiliadau iddo yn Lloegr, lle cafodd menywod eu galw'n 'princess', lle cyfeirir atynt mewn ffordd wahanol i'r ffordd y cyfeirir at fenywod gwyn, lle cafodd eu poen ei fychanu a lle cawsant eu hanwybyddu'n llwyr. Felly, yn ogystal â'r pethau yn yr adroddiad hwn, rwyf am alw heddiw am inni siarad â'r gymuned honno neu'r cymunedau hynny o fenywod a chael dealltwriaeth o'r hyn a deimlant, a gadael i'w lleisiau gael eu clywed, oherwydd yn y pen draw math o hiliaeth ydyw pan fyddwch chi'n cyfeirio at bobl mewn ffordd na fyddech chi'n cyfeirio at bobl wyn, pan fyddwch yn eu hamddifadu o lais a phan fyddwch chi'n anwybyddu eu pryderon. Nid yw'n faes yr ydym wedi edrych arno ar y pwyllgor iechyd; ni chafodd ei ystyried pan oeddem yn cynnal ein hymchwiliad. Ond os ydym o ddifrif eisiau cynrychioli nid yn unig yr 50 y cant o'r boblogaeth, ond yr holl bobl o fewn yr 50 y cant, mae'n rhaid inni newid ein ffocws a'i ymestyn hefyd. 


Firstly, I'd like to thank Delyth Jewell for bringing this debate forward today, and I'm grateful to be able to contribute to it and support it also as well. Despite women and girls making up more than half of the Welsh population, women's health and well-being is often undervalued and under-resourced, and there is a dire need to reduce health inequalities, improve equity of service and improve health outcomes for women in Wales, which begins by giving parity of attention and deference to women's health. 

I'd like to begin by discussing birth trauma, which can be devastating to a woman's life, particularly with the added responsibilities that come with motherhood and is often something that is minimised or marginalised. One in 25 develop post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth, yet it still does not garner the attention or consideration it deserves. A report by the all-party parliamentary group on birth trauma had a recurring theme of poor postnatal care, with women often reporting that they were left to lie on blood-stained sheets or that they had rung the buzzer for help without having a response; some were berated for not being able to breastfeed, whilst not receiving any help to do so. Dr Kim Thomas from the Birth Trauma Association said that women they heard from had told maternity professionals that they were concerned that something had gone wrong in labour only to be dismissed as being over-anxious. This failure to listen to women then resulted in catastrophic outcomes; in one instance in a baby being, tragically, stillborn. These distressing testimonies drive home how important it is that birth trauma is recognised, legitimised and addressed, and I'd be keen to know how the Welsh Government is working with health boards to address these issues in postnatal care on a regional basis across Wales.

I'd also like to note that Wales is the only nation in Great Britain without a women's health plan. The UK Conservative Government published its women's health strategy for England in August 2022, and the Welsh Government have committed to publishing their women's health plan by the end of 2024. The Senedd should be updated as to the progress of this commitment. This motion also calls for a requirement for healthcare providers to collect feedback regarding a patient's satisfaction with the care they received in specialities that involve women's health. I think this is an excellent idea that will allow healthcare providers to identify where services can be improved and I hope this will be part of the Welsh Government's women's health plan.

Finally, I'd also like to discuss the national shortage of hormone replacement therapy, which I have raised in the Senedd before and is a long-standing issue affecting many of my constituents. Again, like many of the other issues raised in this debate, it's not treated with the level of seriousness that it deserves, with many unaware just how unpleasant undergoing the menopause is without HRT. Due to the national shortage of HRT, alternatives are often dispensed by pharmacies, but, due to oversights in the serious shortage protocols, many women are not able to check the availability of alternative HRT products across different pharmacies, which has left some of my constituents at times without medication. The results of this can include symptoms such as hot flushes, rapid weight gain, panic attacks, risks to bone and cardiovascular health and much more. I would also argue that someone with hypertension should not be left without blood pressure medication under the same circumstances. So, the shortage of HRT needs a parity of deference in this regard.

Despite women and girls making up more than half of the Welsh population, as previously stated, women's health and well-being is often undervalued and under-resourced. There is a need to reduce health inequalities, improve equity of service and improve heath outcomes for all women in Wales. Thank you.

Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i Delyth Jewell am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar fy mod yn gallu cyfrannu ati a'i chefnogi hefyd. Er mai menywod a merched yw mwy na hanner poblogaeth Cymru, mae iechyd a lles menywod yn aml yn cael eu tanbrisio a'u tanariannu, ac mae gwir angen lleihau anghydraddoldebau iechyd, gwella tegwch gwasanaeth a gwella canlyniadau iechyd i fenywod Cymru, sy'n dechrau trwy roi sylw a pharch cyfartal i iechyd menywod. 

Hoffwn ddechrau trwy drafod trawma genedigaeth, sy'n gallu bod yn ddinistriol i fywyd menyw, yn enwedig gyda'r cyfrifoldebau ychwanegol sy'n dod gyda bod yn fam, ac yn aml mae'n rhywbeth sy'n cael ei leihau neu ei ymyleiddio. Mae un o bob 25 yn datblygu anhwylder straen ôl-drawmatig ar ôl rhoi genedigaeth, ac eto nid yw'n denu'r sylw na'r ystyriaeth y mae'n ei haeddu o hyd. Roedd adroddiad gan y grŵp seneddol hollbleidiol ar drawma genedigaeth yn cynnwys thema gylchol ar ofal ôl-enedigol gwael, gyda menywod yn aml yn dweud eu bod yn cael eu gadael i orwedd ar gynfasau ag arnynt staeniau gwaed neu eu bod wedi canu'r seiniwr am help a heb gael ymateb; cafodd rhai eu ceryddu am fethu gallu bwydo ar y fron, a hynny heb gael unrhyw gymorth i wneud hynny. Dywedodd Dr Kim Thomas o'r Gymdeithas Trawma Genedigaeth fod menywod y clywsant hwy ganddynt wedi dweud wrth weithwyr mamolaeth proffesiynol eu bod yn poeni bod rhywbeth wedi mynd o'i le gyda'r esgor, ddim ond i gael eu diystyru ar y sail eu bod yn orbryderus. Arweiniodd y methiant hwn i wrando ar fenywod at ganlyniadau trychinebus; at farw-enedigaeth mewn un achos. Mae'r tystiolaethau trallodus hyn yn cadarnhau pa mor bwysig yw hi i drawma geni gael ei gydnabod fel rhywbeth dilys, a'i fod yn cael sylw, ac rwy'n awyddus i wybod sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda byrddau iechyd i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn mewn gofal ôl-enedigol ar sail ranbarthol ledled Cymru.

Hoffwn nodi hefyd mai Cymru yw'r unig wlad ym Mhrydain heb gynllun iechyd menywod. Cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU ei strategaeth iechyd menywod ar gyfer Lloegr ym mis Awst 2022, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i gyhoeddi eu cynllun iechyd menywod erbyn diwedd 2024. Dylai'r Senedd gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch y cynnydd ar yr ymrwymiad hwn. Mae'r cynnig hwn hefyd yn galw am ei gwneud yn ofyniad i ddarparwyr gofal iechyd gasglu adborth ynghylch bodlonrwydd cleifion â'r gofal a gawsant mewn arbenigeddau sy'n gysylltiedig ag iechyd menywod. Rwy'n credu bod hwn yn syniad ardderchog a fydd yn caniatáu i ddarparwyr gofal iechyd nodi lle gellir gwella gwasanaethau ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hyn yn rhan o gynllun iechyd menywod Llywodraeth Cymru.

Yn olaf hefyd, hoffwn drafod y prinder cenedlaethol o therapi adfer hormonau, rhywbeth a godais yn y Senedd o'r blaen ac mae'n fater hirsefydlog sy'n effeithio ar lawer o fy etholwyr. Unwaith eto, fel llawer o'r materion eraill a godwyd yn y ddadl hon, nid yw'n cael ei drin â'r lefel o ddifrifoldeb y mae'n ei haeddu, gyda llawer yn anymwybodol o ba mor annymunol yw'r menopos heb therapi adfer hormonau. Oherwydd prinder cenedlaethol ohono, mae fferyllfeydd yn aml yn darparu dewisiadau amgen, ond oherwydd diofalwch yn y protocolau ar gyfer prinder difrifol, mae llawer o fenywod yn methu gwirio argaeledd cynhyrchion therapi adfer hormonau amgen ar draws fferyllfeydd gwahanol, sydd wedi gadael rhai o fy etholwyr heb feddyginiaeth ar adegau. Gall canlyniadau hyn gynnwys symptomau fel chwiwiau poeth, magu pwysau cyflym, pyliau o banig, risgiau i iechyd esgyrn ac iechyd cardiofasgwlaidd a llawer mwy. Buaswn hefyd yn dadlau na ddylid gadael rhywun â phwysedd gwaed uchel heb feddyginiaeth pwysedd gwaed o dan yr un amgylchiadau. Felly, dylai prinder therapi adfer hormonau gael sylw cydradd yn hyn o beth.

Er mai menywod a merched yw mwy na hanner poblogaeth Cymru, fel y nodwyd yn flaenorol, mae iechyd a lles menywod yn aml yn cael ei danbrisio a'i dangyllido. Mae angen lleihau anghydraddoldebau iechyd, gwella tegwch gwasanaeth a gwella canlyniadau iechyd i bob menyw yng Nghymru. Diolch.


Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i Delyth am gyflwyno’r ddadl hollbwysig hon, ac am y cyfle i’w chefnogi hi ar lawr y Senedd.

Fel rŷn ni wedi'i glywed yn barod, mae’r heriau a'r siomedigaethau mae’n rhaid i fenywod eu hwynebu wrth frwydro am ofal iechyd teg a thrylwyr yn aml yn rhai sylweddol a rhwystredig iawn. Yn amlach na pheidio, mae’r ffactorau hyn yn anghymesur o amlwg yng Nghymru wledig. Yma, yn llawer rhy aml, ceir diffyg arbenigedd mewn iechyd menywod, gyda'r gallu meddygol a'r gefnogaeth yn amrywio’n sylweddol iawn o ardal i ardal. Wrth gwrs, mae’r sefyllfa wedi gwaethygu yn ddiweddar, wrth inni weld mwy o feddygfeydd gwledig yn cau a hefyd toriadau i wasanaethau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, sy'n gwneud mynediad at wasanaeth iechyd menywod yn fwy anodd, ac mae hyn yn golygu bod gormod o'n menywod, o ganlyniad, yn dioddef yn dawel.

Nawr, rhyw ddwy flynedd yn ôl, fe wnes i amlygu, ar lawr y Siambr, esiampl o'r dioddefaint mae etholwraig 23 mlwydd oed ar y pryd yn fy rhanbarth i wedi dioddef oherwydd y cyflwr endometriosis ac adenomyosis. Er iddi fynnu sylw meddygol, dro ar ôl tro, roedd ei chyflwr yn cael ei esgeuluso gan ddoctoriaid, yn cael ei ystyried fel cyflwr iechyd meddwl ac yn cynnig cyffuriau iddi am wrth-iselder ac yn y blaen, yn hytrach na mynd i wraidd y broblem. Yn y diwedd, bu’n rhaid iddi droi, wrth gwrs, fel rŷn ni wedi'i glywed gan Mabon yn barod, at wasanaeth preifat, ar ôl dioddef artaith gorfforol a meddyliol am flynyddoedd maith, a hynny ar gost ariannol sylweddol iawn i'r teulu. A hyn i gyd er mwyn medru adnabod cyflwr sy’n effeithio ar un ymhob 10 o fenywod ledled Cymru. Ers hynny, mae'r mater yma wedi dod yn fwy agos ataf i'n bersonol, gan fod un aelod o fy nheulu i erbyn hyn wedi cael diagnosis o adenomyosis. Pan oedd hi'n ferch ifanc, mi oedd hi'n dioddef poenau adeg y mis ac yn cael tabledi dofi poen am flynyddoedd. Mi oedd hi'n gwybod, achos ei bod hi'n adnabod ei chorff, fod hynny ddim yn ateb y broblem. Wedyn, yn emosiynol iawn, aeth hi i weld doctor a chael awgrym y dylai hi gael cefnogaeth iechyd meddwl, a oedd yn beth difrifol iawn i ferch a oedd yn gwybod nad dyna beth oedd ei angen arni hi.

Rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud erbyn hyn ei bod hi wedi cael y diagnosis ar ôl blynyddoedd o ddioddef, a, gobeithio, mae hi'n aros, ac wedi aros yn rhy hir a dweud y gwir, i glywed—ac yn dal i aros—beth yw'r camau nesaf. Pan aeth hi i edrych ar wefan y Llywodraeth sbel fach yn ôl, doedd adenomyosis ddim wedi cael ei restru ymhlith y cyflyrau oedd merched yn debygol o ddioddef; mae hynny, yn dilyn deiseb gan nifer o fenywod, erbyn hyn wedi cael ei gywiro.

Felly, beth rydw i'n ei ddweud yw, fel rŷn ni wedi clywed gymaint: mae'r problemau yma wedi bod gyda ni, ac mae'r menywod wedi dioddef, ers blynyddoedd lawer a does dim byd wedi newid. Gallaf i ddweud wrthych chi o brofiad personol gymaint o boen mae hynny wedi golygu i fi, fel rhiant, a hefyd i aelod agos o fy nheulu i. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni symud yn gyflym er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r cyflyrau yma a rhoi tegwch i fenywod er mwyn gwella iechyd menywod yn gyffredinol, yn enwedig, efallai, yn ein cymunedau gwledig ni, ond ym mhob man hefyd.

I'm extremely grateful to Delyth for bringing forward this vital debate, and for the opportunity to support it here on the floor of the Senedd.

As we've already heard, the challenges and disappointments that women have to face when fighting for fair and thorough healthcare are often significant and very frustrating. More often than not, these factors are disproportionately prominent in rural Wales. Here, far too often, there is a lack of expertise in women's health, with medical capacity and support varying greatly from area to area. Of course, the situation has deteriorated recently, as we see more rural surgeries closing and also cuts in public transport services, which makes access to women's health services more difficult, and that means that too many women are suffering in silence.

About two years ago, I drew attention, on the floor of the Chamber, to an example of the suffering that a 23-year-old constituent at the time had suffered in my region, because of endometriosis and adenomyosis. Despite demanding medical attention, time and time again, her condition would be disregarded by doctors, who considered it a mental health condition and offered her antidepressants and so forth, rather than investigating the root cause of the problem. In the end, she had to turn, as we've already heard from Mabon, to private services, having endured physical and mental suffering for many years, and at a very significant financial cost to the family. All in order to be able to identify a condition that affects one in 10 women throughout Wales. Since then, this issue has hit closer to home for me personally, because one member of my family has been diagnosed with adenomyosis. When she was a young girl, she suffered period pains and was given painkillers for years. She knew, because she knew her own body, that that wasn't a solution to the problem. Then, in a state of high emotion, she went to a doctor and it was suggested that she should receive mental health support, which was a very serious thing for a girl who knew that that wasn't what she needed.

I'm very pleased to say that by now she has had a diagnosis after years of suffering, and, hopefully, she's waiting, and has waited for far too long in all honesty—and she's still waiting—to hear what the next steps are. When she looked on the Welsh Government website a little while ago, adenomyosis wasn't listed among the conditions that women were likely to suffer; that, following a petition submitted by a number of women, has been rectified.

So, what I'm saying is, as we've heard so often: these problems have existed, and women have been suffering, for many years and nothing has changed. I can tell you from personal experience how much pain that has caused me, as a parent, and also a close family member. So, we have to move quickly in order to tackle these conditions and give women fairness in order to improve women's health generally, particularly perhaps in our rural communities, but also everywhere.


Wales has some of the worst survival rates for ovarian cancer in Europe. Over 300 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year in Wales, and more women die as a result of ovarian cancer in the UK than any or all other gynaecological cancers combined, yet this disease continues to be overlooked. Speaking here in January 2022, I urged the Welsh Government to respond to the call for an ovarian cancer awareness campaign in Wales. I noted that the earlier ovarian cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat, yet in Wales only 15 per cent of women would make an urgent GP appointment if they were to experience the symptom of persistent bloating, and that needs to change.

In April last year, I hosted Target Ovarian Cancer's Pathfinder Wales Senedd reception, where I emphasised, or expressed disappointment, that despite the then-National Assembly for Wales's Petitions Committee producing a report in 2017 calling for a public-facing ovarian cancer awareness campaign in Wales, there had, to date, been no specific awareness campaign for ovarian cancer. 

Too often, women's pain and discomfort have not been taken seriously, and they've not been equipped with the information they need on gynaecological conditions and cancers. The 'Women's Health in Wales—A Discovery Report: Foundations for a Women's Health Plan' notes that women's health and well-being are 'often undervalued and under-resourced'. The report also shows that research suggests that many women also feel uncomfortable discussing health issues or struggle to be heard when they do.

The Welsh Government must strengthen the expectations for NHS services in the quality statement for women and girls' health, helping improve awareness and GP education. The Welsh Government must consider how it will take action to improve awareness around gynaecological cancers that have no viable screening programme, such as ovarian. Women must feel empowered in their health and have the confidence to visit their GP if they feel something is wrong.

As stated, over 300 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year in Wales; over 150 women lose their lives to ovarian cancer each year in Wales; just over a third of women are diagnosed at an early stage, when outcomes will be better; just 36 per cent of women are diagnosed at an early stage in north Wales; and 64 per cent of women are diagnosed at a late stage in north Wales, when the disease is more difficult to treat.

Target Ovarian Cancer's 'Pathfinder 2022: Faster, Further and Fairer' report found that symptom awareness remains worryingly low and that there are still too many delays in the diagnostic pathway, and that GPs need more training and support. Just 27 per cent of women can name bloating as a symptom. Forty-two per cent of women in Wales wrongly believe that cervical screening will detect ovarian cancer. A quarter of women in Wales reported visiting their GP three or more times before being referred for tests. Forty-three per cent of GPs surveyed in Wales believed incorrectly that symptoms only present in the late stage of the disease. New ways of working are also proving challenging, with 70 per cent of GPs in Wales telling them that they think remote consultations can hinder diagnosis. Target Ovarian Cancer are, therefore, rightly calling for a Government-funded awareness campaign, so everyone knows the symptoms of ovarian cancer, and a shorter diagnostic pathway for ovarian cancer with support and training for GPs. I urge the Welsh Government to heed their call.

I also urge the Welsh Government to heed Marie Curie's findings that gender can affect experiences of palliative and end-of-life care. If current trends continue, approximately 37,000 people will die with palliative care needs each year by the 2040s. Being free of pain is people's biggest priority at the end of life. However, research shows that factors relating to sex and gender have led to discrepancies in how some women report symptoms, the pain they experience and the treatment they receive as they approach the end of life. Some research suggests that women's understanding and views of palliative and end-of-life care can be affected by social norms and gender bias, which could result in inequalities in the way women are approaching, deciding on and, ultimately, accessing treatments that could improve their quality of life. Improved access to data and evidence about women's access to and experience of palliative and end-of-life care is, therefore, needed to ensure that services are meeting women's needs. And palliative and end-of-life care must be included in the women and girls' health plan.

Mae gan Gymru rai o’r cyfraddau goroesi gwaethaf yn Ewrop ar gyfer canser yr ofarïau. Mae dros 300 o fenywod yn cael diagnosis o ganser yr ofarïau bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru, ac mae mwy o fenywod yn marw o ganlyniad i ganser yr ofarïau yn y DU nag unrhyw un neu bob canser gynaecolegol arall gyda’i gilydd, ac eto mae’r clefyd hwn yn parhau i gael ei anghofio. Wrth siarad yma ym mis Ionawr 2022, anogais Lywodraeth Cymru i ymateb i’r alwad am ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth o ganser yr ofarïau yng Nghymru. Nodais hefyd, po gynharaf y gwneir diagnosis o ganser yr ofarïau, yr hawsaf yw hi i'w drin, ac eto yng Nghymru, dim ond 15 y cant o fenywod a fyddai’n gwneud apwyntiad brys i weld meddyg teulu pe bai ganddynt fol chwyddedig parhaus fel symptom, ac mae angen i hynny newid.

Ym mis Ebrill y llynedd, cynhaliais dderbyniad Braenaru Cymru Target Ovarian Cancer yn y Senedd, lle gwneuthum bwysleisio, neu fynegi siom, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod Pwyllgor Deisebau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru fel y'i gelwid ar y pryd wedi llunio adroddiad yn 2017 yn galw am ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth o ganser yr ofarïau ar gyfer y cyhoedd yng Nghymru, hyd hynny, nid oedd unrhyw ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth benodol wedi bod ar gyfer canser yr ofarïau.

Yn rhy aml, nid yw poen ac anghysur menywod wedi cael eu hystyried o ddifrif, ac nid ydynt wedi cael y wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt am gyflyrau a chanserau gynaecolegol. Mae 'Iechyd Menywod yng Nghymru—Adroddiad Darganfod: Sylfeini Cynllun Iechyd Menywod' yn nodi 'yn aml ni roddir digon o bwys ar iechyd a lles menywod ac ni ddarperir digon o adnoddau ar eu cyfer'. Mae'r adroddiad hefyd yn dangos bod ymchwil yn awgrymu bod llawer o fenywod hefyd yn teimlo'n anghyfforddus wrth drafod materion iechyd neu nad ydynt yn cael eu clywed pan fyddant yn gwneud hynny.

Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru gryfhau’r disgwyliadau ar gyfer gwasanaethau’r GIG yn y datganiad ansawdd ar gyfer iechyd menywod a merched, gan helpu i wella ymwybyddiaeth ac addysg meddygon teulu. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ystyried sut y bydd yn cymryd camau i wella ymwybyddiaeth o ganserau gynaecolegol nad oes rhaglen sgrinio hyfyw ar eu cyfer, fel canser yr ofarïau. Mae'n rhaid i fenywod deimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso mewn perthynas â'u hiechyd a bod ganddynt hyder i ymweld â'u meddyg teulu os ydynt yn teimlo bod rhywbeth o'i le.

Fel y nodwyd, mae dros 300 o fenywod yn cael diagnosis o ganser yr ofarïau bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru; mae dros 150 o fenywod yn colli eu bywydau i ganser yr ofarïau bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru; mae ychydig dros draean o fenywod yn cael diagnosis yn gynnar, pan fydd canlyniadau'n well; dim ond 36 y cant o fenywod sy’n cael diagnosis yn gynnar yng ngogledd Cymru; ac mae 64 y cant o fenywod yn cael diagnosis yn hwyr yng ngogledd Cymru, pan fydd y clefyd yn fwy anodd ei drin.

Canfu adroddiad 'Pathfinder 2022: Faster, Further and Fairer' gan Target Ovarian Cancer fod ymwybyddiaeth o symptomau yn parhau i fod yn ddifrifol o isel a bod gormod o oedi o hyd yn y llwybr diagnostig, a bod angen mwy o hyfforddiant a chymorth ar feddygon teulu. Dim ond 27 y cant o fenywod a all enwi bol chwyddedig fel symptom. Mae 42 y cant o fenywod yng Nghymru yn credu, yn anghywir, y bydd sgrinio serfigol yn canfod canser yr ofarïau. Dywedodd chwarter menywod Cymru eu bod wedi ymweld â'u meddyg teulu deirgwaith neu fwy cyn cael eu hatgyfeirio am brofion. Mae 43 y cant o feddygon teulu a arolygwyd yng Nghymru yn credu, yn anghywir, mai dim ond yng nghamau hwyr y clefyd y ceir symptomau. Mae ffyrdd newydd o weithio hefyd yn heriol, gyda 70 y cant o feddygon teulu yng Nghymru yn dweud wrthynt eu bod yn credu y gall ymgynghoriadau o bell lesteirio diagnosis. Mae Target Ovarian Cancer, felly, yn galw yn gywir ddigon am ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth a ariennir gan y Llywodraeth, fel bod pawb yn gwybod beth yw symptomau canser yr ofarïau, a llwybr diagnostig byrrach ar gyfer canser yr ofarïau gyda chymorth a hyfforddiant i feddygon teulu. Rwy’n annog Llywodraeth Cymru i wrando ar eu galwad.

Rwyf hefyd yn annog Llywodraeth Cymru i wrando ar ganfyddiadau Marie Curie y gall rhywedd effeithio ar brofiadau o ofal lliniarol a gofal diwedd oes. Os bydd y tueddiadau presennol yn parhau, bydd oddeutu 37,000 o bobl yn marw gydag anghenion gofal lliniarol bob blwyddyn erbyn y 2040au. Bod yn rhydd rhag poen yw blaenoriaeth fwyaf pobl ar ddiwedd eu hoes. Fodd bynnag, mae ymchwil yn dangos bod ffactorau'n gysylltiedig â rhyw a rhywedd wedi arwain at anghysondebau yn y modd y mae rhai menywod yn adrodd am symptomau, y poen y maent yn ei ddioddef a'r driniaeth a gânt wrth iddynt nesáu at ddiwedd eu hoes. Mae rhywfaint o ymchwil yn awgrymu y gall normau cymdeithasol a rhagfarn ar sail rhywedd effeithio ar ddealltwriaeth a barn menywod am ofal lliniarol a gofal diwedd oes, a allai arwain at anghydraddoldebau yn y ffordd y mae menywod yn meddwl am, yn gwneud penderfyniadau ynghylch, ac yn y pen draw, yn cael mynediad at driniaethau a allai wella ansawdd eu bywydau. Felly, mae angen gwell mynediad at ddata a thystiolaeth am fynediad menywod at ofal lliniarol a gofal diwedd oes, a'u profiad ohono, er mwyn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau'n diwallu anghenion menywod. Ac mae'n rhaid cynnwys gofal lliniarol a gofal diwedd oes yn y cynllun iechyd menywod a merched.


Mark, you need to conclude now, please.

Mark, mae angen ichi ddirwyn i ben, os gwelwch yn dda.

That's it. Thank you. Diolch. [Laughter.]

Dyna ni. Diolch. [Chwerthin.]

A gaf i ddiolch o galon i Delyth Jewell am ddod â'r ddadl bwysig hon gerbron? Mae yn fy nhristáu bod yn rhaid dod â hi gerbron. Yn adeiladu ar yr hyn ddywedodd Cefin: dydy'r rhain ddim yn bethau newydd inni fod yn eu trafod. Yn Nhachwedd 2022, fe gyhoeddwyd yr adroddiad, 'Iechyd Menywod yng Nghymru—Adroddiad Darganfod: Sylfeini Cynllun Iechyd Menywod'. Mi ddylai'r cynllun fod wedi cael ei roi mewn lle yn 2023. Mi ddylen ni fod yn dechrau gweithredu ar hynny erbyn hyn. Dyna a gyhoeddwyd yn 2022. Roedd 3,800 o fenywod wedi rhoi o'u hamser, wedi rhannu eu profiadau, ac mae cymaint o'r pethau rydyn ni wedi bod yn eu trafod heddiw, a'u clywed, yn bethau oedd yn yr adroddiad hwnnw. Mae'n fy nhristáu i ein bod ni'n dal yn cael—. Mae'n amlwg bod pawb ohonom ni'n dal i dderbyn gwaith achos yn rheolaidd—yn sicr, mi ydw i—gan ferched lle, yn anffodus, mae naill ai'n rhy hwyr iddyn nhw—bod y diagnosis wedi dod yn llawer rhy hwyr a'u bod nhw'n edrych ar farw gymaint yn iau nag y dylen nhw—. Hefyd ein bod ni'n clywed am bobl sydd, fel roedd Mabon yn sôn, yn methu gweithio.

Rydyn ni hefyd yn clywed am ferched ifanc sydd yn colli cymaint o ddyddiau yn yr ysgol. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod absenoldebau dysgwyr yn rhywbeth sydd wedi bod yn y penawdau eto ddoe. Faint ydyn ni'n holi o ran faint o ddyddiau ysgol mae merched ifanc yn eu colli oherwydd y cyflyrau yma? Mae'n rhaid inni hefyd gysylltu efo'r system addysg, oherwydd mae'n eithriadol o bwysig ein bod ni'n dysgu merched o oed ifanc fod poen ddim yn normal. Dyna pam mae pethau fel gwneud cynhyrchion mislif am ddim yn beth hynod o bwysig. Mi fyddwn i'n hoffi gweld hynna'n dod yn Ddeddf, ein bod ni'n normaleiddio hyn, oherwydd y mwyaf rydyn ni'n siarad, y mwyaf yn y byd mae pobl yn dod yn ymwybodol. A dwi'n gweld mai un o'r unig bethau da—un o'r ychydig bethau da—i ddod allan o gyfryngau cymdeithasol ydy bod mwy o ferched yn rhannu profiadau fan hyn, eu bod nhw'n rhannu symptomau, a bod pobl yn meddwl, 'Dwi ddim yn od; mae yna rywbeth posib yn bod arnaf fi', a'u bod nhw'n mynd at y doctor. 

Mae yna ddau beth dwi eisiau inni fod yn edrych arnyn nhw fan hyn, oherwydd mae yna un peth sydd wedi dod yn amlwg, ac rydyn ni i gyd yn ei weld drwy ein gwaith achos hefyd, o ran y merched hynny sydd ddim yn cael eu credu pan fyddan nhw'n cymryd y cam hwnnw o fynd at y meddyg—diystyru hynny. Roedd Carolyn yn sôn bod pobl ddim yn credu eich bod chi ar fin rhoi genedigaeth—mae honno'n stori dwi wedi'i chlywed gan gymaint o bobl. Mi ddylech chi allu adnabod eich corff eich hun, a phan fo rhywun yn dweud wrthych chi, 'Na, dydych chi ddim yn cael babi', rydych chi'n teimlo'n od. Ac mae'n amlwg o ran yr effaith ar iechyd meddwl pobl hefyd. Os ydy rhywun yn dweud wrthych chi, 'Na, na, chi sy'n methu ymdopi', neu 'Does yna ddim byd yn bod arnoch chi', mi ydych chi'n dechrau cwestiynu'ch hun—y gaslighting yma—ond mae'n digwydd yn llawer rhy aml. Ac mae effaith wedyn o ran iechyd meddwl. Faint mae hynny'n costio'r gwasanaeth iechyd wedyn o gael pobl yn cael meddyginiaeth i fynd i'r afael efo'r ffaith eu bod nhw'n gorbryderu? Dydy o ddim yn gwneud dim synnwyr. A phobl yn colli dyddiau yn y gwaith, hefyd. Mae'n rhaid i ni fynd i'r afael â hyn.

Ond yr elfen bwysig arall hefyd—Cefin, gwnaethoch chi sôn ynglŷn â mynediad at feddygfeydd, ac ati. Rydyn ni'n gwybod yr hyn oedd Sioned hefyd yn ei ddweud, ynglŷn â phobl—. Rydyn ni'n gwybod mai merched sy'n gorfod gwneud y mwyaf o ofalu. Dydyn nhw ddim yn mynd at y doctor heblaw bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw. Maen nhw ofn gwneud ffys, ond mae yna gymaint o rwystrau wedyn. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod yna gymaint o dai ac aelwydydd yng Nghymru lle does yna ddim ceir, neu un car, ac yn aml mae'r un car yna gyda'r dyn sy'n mynd i'r gwaith. Efo'r toriadau sydd wedi bod i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, dwi'n gwybod drwy waith achos faint o fenywod sydd wedyn yn ei chael hi'n anodd cyrraedd apwyntiad mewn pryd. Felly, hyd yn oed os ydych chi'n cael apwyntiad a bod rhywun yn fodlon gwrando arnoch chi, mae cyrraedd yna yn gallu bod yn rhwystr. A gyda'r argyfwng costau byw hefyd, dwi'n pryderu'n fawr fod pobl yn ei gadael hi'n rhy hwyr, eu bod nhw'n meddwl, 'Mae'n ormod o drafferth, mae'n rhy anodd i fi gyrraedd y meddyg.' Felly, mae yna gymaint o rwystrau fan hyn.

Dwi jest eisiau crybwyll yn fyr hefyd ynglŷn ag ADHD ac awtistiaeth. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod y symptomau yn wahanol i ferched, ac yn aml mae hyn yn cael ei ddiystyru. Mae yna gysylltiad clir rhwng hormones merched a sut mae ADHD ac awtistiaeth yn gallu amlygu ar wahanol adegau o'u bywydau nhw. Mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau ein bod ni'n deall yn well sut mae gwahanol gyflyrau yn effeithio yn wahanol ar ferched a dynion.

Felly, dwi'n falch iawn o fod yn cefnogi dadl Delyth heddiw. Ond pam ydyn ni'n dal i siarad am hyn? Rydyn ni angen gweld y newid hwnnw, a dwi'n gobeithio y clywn ni bryd fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn dechrau gweithredu, fel nad ydym ni'n gorfod parhau i ailadrodd y dadleuon hyn.

May I thank Delyth Jewell for bringing this important debate forward? It saddens me that it's necessary to bring it forward. Building on Cefin's comments: these aren't new issues for us to be discussing. In November 2022, the report, 'Women's Health in Wales—A Discovery Report: Foundations for a Women's Health Plan', was published. The plan should have been put in place in 2023. We should be starting to implement that now. That was what was announced in 2022. Three thousand eight hundred women gave of their time, shared their experiences, and so many of the issues that we've been discussing today, have been hearing about, are issues that were contained in that report. It saddens me that we're still having—. It's clear that every one of us still has regular casework—certainly, I have casework—involving women where, unfortunately, it's either too late for them—that the diagnosis came far too late in the day and that they are looking at dying so much younger than they should—. And we also hear of people, as Mabon mentioned, who are unable to work.

We're also hearing of young women who are missing so many days of school. We know that learner absence is something that's been in the headlines again yesterday. How much do we ask about how many school days young women miss because of these conditions? We must also link with the education system, because it's extremely important that we do teach girls from a young age that pain is not the norm. That's why things such as providing free period products is so important. I would like to see that being enshrined in legislation, and that it's normalised, because the more we talk, the more people become aware. And I think that one of the only good things—one of the few good things—to have come out of the social media phenomenon is that more women and girls are sharing their experiences, sharing their symptoms, and people are thinking, 'Well, I'm not strange; there may be something wrong me', and they then go to see their doctor.

There are two things that I want to focus on here, because there's one issue that has emerged, and we all see this through our casework too, in terms of those women who aren't believed when they take that step of approaching their GP—they are ignored. Carolyn mentioned that people didn't believe you were about to give birth—that's a story I've heard from so many different people. You should be able to know your own body, and when somebody tells you, 'No, you're not having a baby', well, you're bound to feel strange. And clearly that's going to have an impact on people's mental health too. If someone tells you, 'No, no, it's just you that can't cope', or 'There's nothing wrong with you', then you do start to question yourself—it's gaslighting—and it happens far too often. And then there's that mental health impact. How much does that cost the health service in having people on medication to deal with the fact that they are anxious? It makes no sense at all. And people lose days in work, too. We have to tackle this issue.

But the other important element—Cefin, you mentioned access to surgeries and so on. We do know and Sioned mentioned this too, about people—. We know that women have to do most of the caring. They don't go to the doctor unless they really have to. They don't want to make a fuss, but then there are so many barriers. We know that there are so many houses and households in Wales where there is no car, or just one car, and very often that one car is used by the male who is going to work. With the cuts in public transport, I know from my own casework how many women find it difficult to get to an appointment on time. So, even if you get that appointment and someone is willing to listen to you, actually getting there can be a barrier. And with the cost-of-living crisis too, it's a huge concern of mine that people are leaving it too late, that they think, 'It's just too much trouble, it's too difficult for me to get to the doctor.' So, there are so many barriers here.

I just want to briefly mention ADHD and autism. We know that the symptoms for women are different, and very often this is ignored. There is a clear link between girls' and women's hormones and how ADHD and autism can become manifest at different times in their lives. We have to ensure that we better understand how different conditions have different impacts on women and men.

So I'm delighted to be supporting Delyth's debate today. But why are we still talking about this issue? We need to see that change, and I do hope that we will hear when the Welsh Government will start to take action, so that we don't have to continue to repeat these arguments time and again.


Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant, Sarah Murphy.

I call on the Minister for Mental Health and Well-being, Sarah Murphy.

I'm very grateful to Delyth Jewell and all Members who have contributed to this important debate today. Personally, I think the more that we talk about it, the better. Sioned Williams, you talked about the taboo that still exists, and I think that we're doing a lot of good here in the Chamber by talking about these issues as much as possible.

Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i Delyth Jewell a’r holl Aelodau sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl bwysig hon heddiw. Yn bersonol, credaf mai gorau po fwyaf y byddwn yn sôn am y mater. Sioned Williams, fe sonioch chi am y tabŵ sy’n dal i fodoli, a chredaf ein bod yn gwneud llawer o ddaioni yma yn y Siambr drwy siarad am y materion hyn gymaint â phosibl.

Will you take an intervention?

A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?

I completely agree, but the point I was trying to make was, the more we talk about it, you're raising expectations then, and currently the health service is not meeting those expectations.

Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr, ond y pwynt roeddwn i'n ceisio ei wneud oedd, po fwyaf y siaradwn amdano, rydych chi wedyn yn codi disgwyliadau, ac ar hyn o bryd, nid yw’r gwasanaeth iechyd yn bodloni’r disgwyliadau hynny.

Absolutely, and I will come to that later in my statement, but point noted. But it is also positive, I think, to hear that Mabon ap Gwynfor hadn’t heard of endometriosis before he came into this role, and actually, by many women speaking out here, raising the voices of other women in Wales, I do think that we're making a difference.

The First Minister recently confirmed in the Senedd that women's health continues to be a priority for this Government. We have made a clear commitment to improving health services for women and girls, to ensure women are listened to, that they can access the care they need in a timely way, and they receive health services that respond to their needs.

Many of you have raised conditions today—[Interruption.] Of course I can.

Yn hollol, a dof at hynny yn ddiweddarach yn fy natganiad, ond fe nodaf y pwynt. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn gadarnhaol clywed nad oedd Mabon ap Gwynfor wedi clywed am endometriosis cyn iddo ddod i’r rôl hon, ac mewn gwirionedd, drwy gael llawer o fenywod yn siarad yma, yn rhoi llais i fenywod eraill yng Nghymru, rwy'n credu ein bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth.

Cadarnhaodd y Prif Weinidog yn y Senedd yn ddiweddar fod iechyd menywod yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i’r Llywodraeth hon. Rydym wedi gwneud ymrwymiad clir i wella gwasanaethau iechyd i fenywod a merched, i sicrhau bod menywod yn cael eu clywed, y gallant gael mynediad at y gofal sydd ei angen arnynt mewn modd amserol, a’u bod yn cael gwasanaethau iechyd sy’n ymateb i’w hanghenion.

Mae llawer ohonoch chi wedi nodi cyflyrau heddiw—[Torri ar draws.] Wrth gwrs.

Thank you, Minister. I'm really pleased with this debate today, and a lot of what Delyth Jewell said chimed with the Health and Social Care Committee's report on gynaecological cancers. So much of it was in common with what Delyth said. Of course, Minister, you were part of that committee, and in fact you were one of the instrumental Members that was very keen for us to do that work as well. Now, the committee weren't particularly keen on the Government's response. I'm probably being polite there. They were very unhappy with the response, I can say—and the Minister’s nodding—with the response to our 26 recommendations. So, do you think, given that you're a new Minister, and having a new casting eye over this work again, whether it would be appropriate to re-evaluate those 26 recommendations and bring forward a new Government response to those recommendations? I wonder if you'd be open to that.

Diolch, Weinidog. Rwy'n falch iawn o'r ddadl hon heddiw, ac roedd llawer o'r hyn a ddywedodd Delyth Jewell yn cyd-fynd ag adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar ganserau gynaecolegol. Roedd cymaint ohono'n cyd-fynd â'r hyn a ddywedodd Delyth. Wrth gwrs, Weinidog, roeddech chi ar y pwyllgor hwnnw, ac mewn gwirionedd, roeddech chi'n un o’r Aelodau allweddol a oedd yn awyddus iawn inni wneud y gwaith hwnnw hefyd. Nawr, nid oedd y pwyllgor yn arbennig o fodlon ar ymateb y Llywodraeth. Mae'n debyg fy mod yn bod yn gwrtais wrth ddweud hynny. Roeddent yn anhapus iawn â’r ymateb, gallaf ddweud—ac mae'r Gweinidog yn nodio—gyda’r ymateb i’n 26 o argymhellion. Felly, o ystyried eich bod yn Weinidog newydd, a'ch bod yn edrych o'r newydd ar y gwaith hwn, a ydych chi'n credu y byddai'n briodol ailwerthuso'r 26 argymhelliad a chyflwyno ymateb newydd gan y Llywodraeth i'r argymhellion hynny? Tybed a fyddech chi'n agored i hynny.

I would say, just to answer that question very firmly, not at the moment, because I have such a hard deadline of making sure that I come before all of you on 10 December, and that I am delivering this plan. So, at the moment I wouldn't, but I hope that you understand that so much of what was in that report, which I was part of producing, will be incorporated into it. It was a seminal, I think, investigation that we did, that came out in December 2023. Many of you will have been on committees with me. I'm very forthright about the responses that we received, and I remember my own frustration, because I was like, 'Why is it going to take another year for this to come forward?' However, it takes time because this has to be led clinically; this has to come through from the NHS. Otherwise, it's not going to be true and it's not going to be real, and it's not going to be sustainable. But as I will also come to later in my speech, it does not mean that things have not been happening. So, I do want to assure everybody of that, but I also really appreciate everybody who's talked about that inquiry, and also about Claire's Campaign. 

Many of you have raised many conditions related to, as we were just talking about, gynaecological and reproductive health, but it is also important that we strengthen these aspects of healthcare, and also just women's experiences in general—the fact that it can be difficult, it varies widely, symptoms can be undervalued, downplayed, overlooked or even dismissed, like cardiovascular, like migraines, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. So, we will very much be taking a life-course approach when this plan is brought forward. I also want to thank my colleague Joyce Watson for discussing the diversity that needs to be embedded in this. I was at the St Fagans museum on Saturday at the Race Council Cymru Black Lives Matter celebration. There was so much talk there of mental health, but also women's health, and that's going to be incorporated. 

I also share Members' concerns around the experiences that have been raised in this debate today about the normalisation of women's physical and emotional pain. Evidence about the treatment of pain, whether it's symptomatic, post-operative or in emergency settings, suggests women can wait longer than men for pain relief, and many women report having their symptoms dismissed as normal, or they are just wrongly attributed to psychological causes. The First Minister, while Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, started the process of improving services for women's health and women's experience of health services, and almost 4,000 women and girls have shared their experiences of healthcare in Wales, telling us what really matters for them. A key theme of this motion is about receiving that feedback about their health concerns and how they weren't taken seriously, including pain and it being dismissed or normalised. 

I want to assure everybody that the report will contain clear recommendations that will be supported through the development of the 10-year women's health plan. A call for research will also be included, with a focus entirely on women's health priorities, and will be launched next year, and we have committed £750,000 towards crucial women's health projects. Given the importance of women's health and the strength of my commitment to improve health services for women and girls, I am pleased to be able to support the thrust of this motion. However, I do not agree at the moment that there is a need for legislation on this, or statutory obligations for this area. And that is because, coming to what Natasha Asghar mentioned earlier on—[Interruption.] Of course, Gareth. 

Buaswn yn dweud, i ateb y cwestiwn hwnnw’n gadarn iawn, nid ar hyn o bryd, gan fod gennyf derfyn amser mor llym i sicrhau fy mod yn dod gerbron pob un ohonoch ar 10 Rhagfyr, ac yn cyflwyno'r cynllun hwn. Felly, ar hyn o bryd, ni fuaswn yn agored i hynny, ond rwy'n gobeithio eich bod yn deall y bydd cymaint o’r hyn a oedd yn yr adroddiad hwnnw, y bûm yn rhan o’i gynhyrchu, yn cael ei ymgorffori yn y cynllun. Credaf inni gynnal ymchwiliad arloesol, a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Rhagfyr 2023. Bydd llawer ohonoch chi wedi bod ar bwyllgorau gyda mi. Rwy'n ddi-flewyn-ar-dafod ynghylch yr ymatebion a gawsom, ac rwy'n cofio fy rhwystredigaeth fy hun, gan fy mod yn teimlo ar y pryd, 'Pam fod hyn yn mynd i gymryd blwyddyn arall?' Fodd bynnag, mae’n cymryd amser am fod yn rhaid i hyn ddigwydd o dan arweiniad clinigol; mae'n rhaid i hyn ddod gan y GIG. Fel arall, nid yw’n mynd i fod yn wir ac nid yw’n mynd i fod yn real, ac nid yw’n mynd i fod yn gynaliadwy. Ond byddaf yn dod ato yn nes ymlaen yn fy araith hefyd, ac nid yw’n golygu nad yw pethau wedi bod yn digwydd. Felly, hoffwn roi sicrwydd i bawb o hynny, ond rwyf hefyd yn gwerthfawrogi pawb sydd wedi siarad am yr ymchwiliad hwnnw, a hefyd am Ymgyrch Claire.

Mae llawer ohonoch chi wedi nodi llawer o gyflyrau sy’n gysylltiedig ag iechyd gynaecolegol ac atgenhedlol, fel rydym newydd fod yn trafod, ond mae hefyd yn bwysig inni gryfhau’r agweddau hyn ar ofal iechyd, a phrofiadau menywod yn gyffredinol—y ffaith y gall fod yn anodd, ei fod yn amrywio'n fawr, nad oes digon o bwys yn cael ei roi i symptomau, y gallant gael eu bychanu, eu hanwybyddu neu hyd yn oed eu diystyru, fel symptomau cardiofasgwlaidd, fel meigryn, fel anhwylder diffyg canolbwyntio a gorfywiogrwydd. Felly, byddwn yn sicr yn defnyddio dull cwrs bywyd pan gaiff y cynllun hwn ei gyflwyno. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i’m cyd-Aelod, Joyce Watson, am drafod yr amrywiaeth y mae angen ei hymgorffori yn hyn o beth. Roeddwn yn amgueddfa Sain Ffagan ddydd Sadwrn yn nathliadau Mae Bywydau Du o Bwys Race Council Cymru. Roedd cymaint o sôn yno am iechyd meddwl, ond am iechyd menywod hefyd, ac mae hynny’n mynd i gael ei ymgorffori.

Rwyf hefyd yn rhannu pryderon yr Aelodau ynghylch y profiadau a godwyd yn y ddadl hon heddiw ynghylch normaleiddio poen corfforol ac emosiynol menywod. Mae tystiolaeth am drin poen, boed yn boen symptomatig, ar ôl llawdriniaethau neu mewn lleoliadau brys, yn awgrymu y gall menywod fod yn aros yn hirach na dynion am feddyginiaeth lleddfu poen, ac mae llawer o fenywod yn dweud bod cael eu symptomau wedi eu diystyru yn normal, neu'n cael eu priodoli, yn anghywir, i achosion seicolegol. Pan oedd yn Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, dechreuodd y Prif Weinidog y broses o wella gwasanaethau ar gyfer iechyd menywod a phrofiad menywod o wasanaethau iechyd, ac mae bron i 4,000 o fenywod a merched wedi rhannu eu profiadau o ofal iechyd yng Nghymru, gan ddweud wrthym beth sy’n wirioneddol bwysig iddynt. Mae a wnelo un o themâu allweddol y cynnig hwn â chael yr adborth hwnnw am eu pryderon iechyd a sut na chawsant eu cymryd o ddifrif, gan gynnwys poen a sut y caiff ei ddiystyru neu ei normaleiddio.

Hoffwn roi sicrwydd i bawb y bydd yr adroddiad yn cynnwys argymhellion clir a fydd yn cael eu cefnogi drwy ddatblygiad y cynllun iechyd menywod 10 mlynedd. Bydd galwad am ymchwil yn cael ei chynnwys hefyd, gan ganolbwyntio'n llwyr ar flaenoriaethau iechyd menywod, a bydd yn cael ei lansio y flwyddyn nesaf, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo £750,000 tuag at brosiectau iechyd menywod allweddol. O ystyried pwysigrwydd iechyd menywod a chryfder fy ymrwymiad i wella gwasanaethau iechyd i fenywod a merched, rwy’n falch o allu cefnogi byrdwn y cynnig hwn. Fodd bynnag, nid wyf yn cytuno ar hyn o bryd fod angen deddfwriaeth ar hyn, na rhwymedigaethau statudol ar gyfer y maes. A'r rheswm am hynny, os caf ddod at yr hyn y soniodd Natasha Asghar amdano yn gynharach—[Torri ar draws.] Wrth gwrs, Gareth.


Thanks very much. In my speech, I was talking about the disparity across the UK nations. Do you think that it's acceptable that England have had a women's health plan since 2022, and yet in Wales we're still waiting? And we've got now, with your remarks, a Government that's not supporting this motion. What message do you think that sends out to women across Wales?  

Diolch yn fawr. Yn fy araith, soniais am y gwahaniaeth ar draws gwledydd y DU. A ydych chi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n dderbyniol fod gan Loegr gynllun iechyd menywod ers 2022, ac eto yng Nghymru, rydym yn dal i aros? A nawr, gyda'ch sylwadau, mae gennym Lywodraeth nad yw'n cefnogi'r cynnig hwn. Pa neges y credwch y bydd hynny'n ei hanfon at fenywod ledled Cymru?

As I've already said, we support the thrust of this motion, and we'll be voting in favour of it today because of that—because we take it so seriously—but we do not support the need for legislation at this point. We have set out a quality statement—coming back to what Natasha Asghar raised earlier on—that we're not just leaving this; there is absolutely oversight from the Welsh Government. The now First Minister set out that quality statement. We've been very clear on what we expect. There have been 4,000 pieces of feedback that have come through that are being taken extremely seriously. 

You also mentioned England. Interestingly, on Monday, we had a big meeting of the women's clinical network that came together. We had three presentations from clinicians from England, talking about how things have actually played out in England, and there has been good but there has also been a lot of negative. I think that we're actually very fortunate in Wales that we are going to learn from those experiences now. 

It is not possible to take what has been done in England and completely transpose it onto Wales. We heard today about our rural communities; things are very different here. We have 60 GP clusters across Wales. All of those, really, should be able to give the support that is necessary for women. And there is so much good that is happening out there—there really, really is. We do have somebody now, as was mentioned, for endometriosis in every health board, as well as to have pelvic health checks. It's not as if nothing has been done. 

When this plan is produced in December—as promised, as assured—everything that you've discussed will be incorporated into it. But I also want to say that this is going to be a live document. We're not just going to drop this at the end of the year and then that's going to be it; this is going to be a live document, there's going to be feedback coming through constantly. I really see this as an opportunity for us here in Wales to really listen to women and to really make a difference. We're up against historical, really systemic inequalities here that have been here for absolute generations, that have come from a history of medication, of treatments being tested on men and then just being put onto women. We have been dismissed—and Delyth Jewell mentioned the example of just not being given pain medication for examinations that are obviously painful.

To conclude, let me just assure you I'm glad and welcome this conversation today. I hope that we continue to have more of them, and I look forward to presenting to you the women's health plan, which will have those measurable metrics in in it, and everything that you've discussed today, and the voice of the women of Wales coming through loud and clear. Diolch.

Fel y dywedais eisoes, rydym yn cefnogi byrdwn y cynnig hwn, a byddwn yn pleidleisio o’i blaid heddiw oherwydd hynny—gan ein bod o ddifrif yn ei gylch—ond nid ydym yn cefnogi’r angen am ddeddfwriaeth ar hyn o bryd. Rydym wedi cyhoeddi datganiad ansawdd—i ddod yn ôl at yr hyn a godwyd gan Natasha Asghar yn gynharach—nad ydym yn gadael hyn i fod; yn sicr, mae trosolwg gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Lluniwyd y datganiad ansawdd hwnnw gan y Prif Weinidog erbyn hyn. Rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn beth rydym yn ei ddisgwyl. Rydym wedi cael 4,000 darn o adborth ac rydym yn gyfan gwbl o ddifrif yn eu cylch.

Fe sonioch chi am Loegr hefyd. Yn ddiddorol, ddydd Llun, cyfarfu'r rhwydwaith clinigol ar gyfer menywod. Cawsom dri chyflwyniad gan glinigwyr o Loegr, yn sôn sut y mae pethau wedi digwydd yn Lloegr mewn gwirionedd, a chafwyd pethau da, ond cafwyd llawer o bethau negyddol hefyd. Credaf ein bod yn ffodus iawn yng Nghymru ein bod yn mynd i ddysgu o’r profiadau hynny nawr.

Nid yw'n bosibl cymryd yr hyn a wnaed yn Lloegr a'i efelychu'n llwyr yng Nghymru. Clywsom heddiw am ein cymunedau gwledig; mae pethau'n wahanol iawn yma. Mae gennym 60 o glystyrau meddygon teulu ledled Cymru. Dylai pob un o’r rheini allu rhoi’r cymorth sy’n angenrheidiol i fenywod mewn gwirionedd. Ac mae cymaint o bethau da yn digwydd. Bellach, mae gennym rywun ar gyfer endometriosis ym mhob bwrdd iechyd, fel y soniwyd, ac ar gyfer cynnal archwiliadau iechyd y pelfis. Nid yw fel pe na bai unrhyw beth wedi'i wneud.

Pan gynhyrchir y cynllun hwn ym mis Rhagfyr—fel yr addawyd, fel y sicrhawyd—bydd popeth a drafodwyd gennych yn cael ei ymgorffori ynddo. Ond hoffwn ddweud hefyd fod hon yn mynd i fod yn ddogfen fyw. Nid ydym yn mynd i'w chyhoeddi ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn ac yna dyna ni; mae hon yn mynd i fod yn ddogfen fyw, bydd adborth yn dod drwodd yn gyson. Rwy'n ystyried hyn yn gyfle gwirioneddol i ni yma yng Nghymru wrando o ddifrif ar fenywod ac i wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn. Rydym yn wynebu anghydraddoldebau hanesyddol, systemig iawn yma sydd wedi bodoli ers cenedlaethau, sy'n deillio o hanes o feddyginiaeth, o driniaethau'n cael eu profi ar ddynion ac yna'n cael eu defnyddio ar fenywod. Rydym wedi cael ein diystyru—a soniodd Delyth Jewell am yr enghraifft o beidio â chael meddyginiaeth lleddfu poen ar gyfer archwiliadau sy’n amlwg yn boenus.

I gloi, gadewch imi roi sicrwydd i chi fy mod yn falch o'r sgwrs hon heddiw ac yn ei chroesawu. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn parhau i gael mwy ohonynt, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gyflwyno’r cynllun iechyd menywod i chi, a fydd yn cynnwys y metrigau mesuradwy hynny, a phopeth a drafodwyd gennych heddiw, a bydd llais menywod Cymru yn cael ei glywed yn uchel ac yn glir. Diolch.


Galwaf ar Delyth Jewell i ymateb i'r ddadl.

I call on Delyth Jewell to reply to the debate.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon.

Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. I thank everyone who has taken part in this debate.

Carolyn, thank you so much. You spoke about how the life cycle of women can be broken up into episodes of pain and how, yes, it's often seen as a weakness. Actually, it is a testament of strength, but, as you say, we shouldn't have to go through this. You talked about how there is this expectation that women should just have to grin and bear the pain and, absolutely, it is not acceptable. As you say, we should trust women. We should listen to them. Why are women praised for giving birth without pain relief? It is something that has always bothered me as well. Why should that be seen as a badge of honour? I can't imagine any other major medical procedure, or whether it sometimes involves some surgery aspects—. Why should it be seen as, 'Oh, and she did it without drugs'? Oh, my goodness me, this is a major thing. Why should that be praised? Diolch, Carolyn.

Carolyn, diolch yn fawr. Fe sonioch chi sut y gellir rhannu cylch bywyd menywod yn gyfnodau o boen a sut y mae’n aml yn cael ei ystyried yn wendid. A dweud y gwir, mae’n brawf o'u cryfder, ond fel y dywedwch, ni ddylai fod yn rhaid inni fynd drwy hyn. Fe sonioch chi sut y ceir disgwyliad y dylai menywod orfod gwenu a goddef poen, ac yn sicr, nid yw hynny'n dderbyniol. Fel y dywedwch, dylem gredu menywod. Dylem wrando arnynt. Pam y mae menywod yn cael eu canmol am roi genedigaeth heb gyffur lleddfu poen? Mae'n rhywbeth sydd bob amser wedi fy mhoeni innau hefyd. Pam y dylid ystyried hynny'n rhywbeth anrhydeddus? Ni allaf ddychmygu unrhyw driniaeth feddygol fawr arall, neu os yw weithiau'n cynnwys agweddau ar lawdriniaeth—. Pam y dylid ei weld fel, 'O, ac fe'i gwnaeth heb gyffuriau'? O, bobl bach, mae hyn yn beth mawr. Pam y dylid canmol hynny? Diolch, Carolyn.

Dwi yn cytuno gyda Sioned y byddai hi wedi bod yn dda i'r Prif Weinidog fod yma i glywed y ddadl hon; dwi'n gobeithio'n wir y bydd hi yn gwylio nôl. Canolbwyntiodd Sioned ei chyfraniad ar y menopos a'r angen i dorri'r tabŵ hwnnw. Mae angen apwyntiad wyneb yn wyneb i drafod pethau sensitif. A'r fenyw yma oedd yn cael ei gwneud i deimlo ei bod hi'n niwsans—dŷn ni'n clywed pethau fel hyn o hyd, a'r ffaith roedd hi nawr wedi rhoi lan ac mae hyn jest yn rhan o'i bywyd hi; mae'r boen yn rhan o'i bywyd hi. Mae ein gwasanaeth iechyd yn methu menywod fel hon, y rhai sydd yn dioddef yn dawel. Dyw e ddim yn ddigon da. Dyw e ddim yn dderbyniol.

I do agree with Sioned that it would've been good for the First Minister to have been here to hear this debate; I hope that she will watch this back. Sioned focused her contribution on the menopause and the need to break that taboo. Face-to-face appointments are needed to discuss sensitive issues. And this woman who was made to feel that she was a nuisance—we hear this all the time, the fact that she had given up and that this is just part of her life; pain is part of her life. Our health service is failing women like this, those who are suffering in silence. It's not good enough. It's not acceptable.

Natasha spoke about the expectation that women have to suck it up and deal with the pain. Thank you, Natasha, for talking about Breast Cancer Now's work—a fantastic organisation. We do have to make it easier to get tested. And, yes, your point about reconstructive surgery and how maybe it's treated as though it's cosmetic, nice to have, but, actually, no, it's about women being able to recognise their own bodies again after they've gone through this trauma and the horrors of cancer. It should be able to feel like their own body, so I can completely understand and agree with your points there.

Soniodd Natasha am y disgwyliad fod yn rhaid i fenywod dderbyn ac ymdopi â phoen. Diolch, Natasha, am sôn am waith Breast Cancer Now—sefydliad gwych. Mae'n rhaid inni ei gwneud hi'n haws i gael eich profi. Ac ie, eich pwynt ynghylch llawdriniaethau adluniol a sut y cânt eu trin o bosibl fel pe baent yn driniaethau cosmetig, rhywbeth braf i'w gael, ond na, mewn gwirionedd, mae'n ymwneud â menywod yn gallu adnabod eu cyrff eu hunain eto ar ôl iddynt fynd drwy'r trawma hwn ac erchyllterau canser. Dylai allu teimlo fel eu corff eu hunain, felly gallaf ddeall yn llwyr a chytuno â'ch pwyntiau yn hynny o beth.

Diolch, Mabon, am siarad. Mae'n bwysig bod dynion wedi bod yn rhan o'r ddadl hon. Y fenyw roedd Mabon wedi sôn amdani, oedd yn dioddef o endometriosis—y blynyddoedd o aros, ac wedyn popeth ofnadwy wnaeth ddigwydd iddi hi. Ac fel roedd Mabon yn ei ddweud, mae'r cyfan wedi bod yn ganlyniad i fethiant yn y gwasanaeth roedd hi wedi'i gael. Pam ddylai menywod orfod talu'n breifat, cael eu 'gaslight-io' achos doedd pobl ddim yn eu credu nhw? Dyw e ddim yn ddigon da, fel roedd Mabon yn ei ddweud. Mae casglu'n data'n rhywbeth normal yn ein byd cyfalafol; pam yn y byd y byddem ni ddim yn gallu gwneud hwnna yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd ni?

Thank you, Mabon, for speaking. It's important that men have been part of this debate. The woman that Mabon mentioned, who was suffering from endometriosis—the years of waiting and then the terrible things that happened to her. And Mabon said all of it has been a result of a failure in the service that she received. Why should women have to pay privately and get gaslighted because people didn't believe them? It's not good enough, as Mabon said. Data gathering is normal in our capitalist world; why on earth could we not do that in our health service?

Joyce talked about the systemic, systematic failures that affect the lives of half our population, and normalising period pain is one of the things that Joyce talked about. I think that normalising period pain is particularly cruel, because it means that, from a very young age, girls are taught that pain is just going to be part of their life and that it's unavoidable, that it's inescapable. And the stigma that surrounds women's periods, their bodies—why should it be more difficult to talk about? So, thank you, Joyce, very much. We always say, don't we, 'We have to tackle that'. We know what we've got to do. So many of the messages we've heard time and again are the same. But, Joyce, thank you in particular for talking about the layered exacerbated problems that black and Indian women face, that their trauma can be even more hidden. Their voices must be heard. Thank you so much, Joyce.

Thank you, Gareth, for talking about birth trauma. One in 25 women develop PTSD after giving birth. That's a stark statistic. And what you were talking about, the notion of women being left to lie on blood-stained sheets, that is harrowing, it is not acceptable. Women have to be believed about their own bodies. Again, it's coming up time and again.

Soniodd Joyce am y methiannau systemig, systematig sy’n effeithio ar fywydau hanner ein poblogaeth, ac mae normaleiddio poen mislif yn un o’r pethau y soniodd Joyce amdanynt. Credaf fod normaleiddio poen mislif yn arbennig o greulon, gan fod hynny'n golygu, o oedran ifanc iawn, fod merched yn cael eu haddysgu bod poen yn mynd i fod yn rhan o’u bywyd a’i fod yn anochel, ac na ellir ei osgoi. A'r stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â phoen mislif menywod, eu cyrff—pam y dylai fod yn anos siarad amdano? Felly, diolch yn fawr, Joyce. Rydym bob amser yn dweud, onid ydym, 'Mae'n rhaid inni fynd i'r afael â hynny'. Gwyddom beth sy'n rhaid inni ei wneud. Mae cymaint o'r negeseuon a glywsom dro ar ôl tro yr un fath. Ond Joyce, diolch i chi yn arbennig am sôn am y problemau dwysach a haenog y mae menywod du ac Indiaidd yn eu hwynebu, y gall eu trawma fod hyd yn oed yn fwy cuddiedig. Mae'n rhaid i'w lleisiau gael eu clywed. Diolch yn fawr, Joyce.

Diolch, Gareth, am siarad am drawma genedigaeth. Mae un o bob 25 o fenywod yn datblygu anhwylder straen wedi trawma ar ôl rhoi genedigaeth. Mae hwnnw'n ystadegyn llwm. A'r hyn roeddech chi'n sôn amdano, y syniad o fenywod yn cael eu gadael i orwedd ar gynfasau wedi'u staenio â gwaed, mae hynny'n dorcalonnus, nid yw'n dderbyniol. Mae'n rhaid credu menywod pan fyddant yn sôn am eu cyrff eu hunain. Unwaith eto, mae'n codi dro ar ôl tro.

Soniodd Cefin am, fel roedd e'n dweud, y profedigaethau a siomedigaethau, a sut mae hyn yn waeth fyth mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Dwi wedi sôn yn barod bod menywod yn cael eu hynysu gan eu triniaeth gan y gwasanaeth iechyd; gwaeth fyth yw hi yng nghefn gwlad. O ran y profiad mae rhywun yn eich teulu, Cefin, wedi'i gael, dylai hi byth fod wedi gorfod brwydro am y diagnosis yna—mae'n hollol annerbyniol. Fel rydych chi'n dweud, mae pethau fel endometriosis, am y fenyw arall, mor, mor normal yn ein bywydau ni ac mae'n effeithio ar gymaint o fenywod—pam roedd hi'n gorfod brwydro? Mae'n ofnadwy.

Cefin talked about the bereavements and disappointments, and how those are worse in rural areas. There is a risk, as I mentioned, that women are isolated in the wake of NHS treatment, and it's worse in rural areas. In terms of the experience that somebody in your family has had, Cefin, she should never have had to battle for that diagnosis—it's entirely unacceptable. As you said, things such as endometriosis are so normalised within our lives. It affects so many women—why did she have to battle? It's terrible. 

Mark spoke about ovarian cancer, one of those diseases where symptoms are so stubbornly misunderstood, where women aren't taken seriously; too often they're not believed. You said, Mark, that women struggle to be heard. As you know, it isn't through lack of trying. Women in their own way have been screaming for help, so much so that so many have lost their voice. They should be believed.

Soniodd Mark am ganser yr ofarïau, un o’r clefydau hynny lle caiff symptomau eu camddeall mor aml, lle nad yw menywod yn cael eu cymryd o ddifrif; yn rhy aml, nid ydynt yn cael eu credu. Mark, fe ddywedoch chi nad yw menywod yn cael eu clywed. Fel y gwyddoch, nid yw hynny oherwydd diffyg ymdrech. Mae menywod yn eu ffordd eu hunain wedi bod yn sgrechian am help, i'r fath raddau nes bod llawer ohonynt wedi colli eu llais. Fe ddylid eu credu.

Soniodd Heledd am y miloedd o fenywod oedd wedi rhoi testament, eu llais nhw, ond mae dal oedi. Mae cost i hyn i gyd, fel roedd Heledd yn dweud—y diwrnodau ysgol coll, y diwrnodau gwaith coll. Rhaid cysidro hynny: cyfri'r gost hwnnw'n economaidd ond hefyd o ran safonau byw. Dwi'n ymwybodol fy mod i'n rhedeg mas o amser. 

Heledd talked about the thousands of women who had given testimony. There is a cost to all of this, as Heledd said—the lost school days and lost work days. We have to consider that: count the economic cost, but also in terms of living standards. I'm aware that I'm running out of time. 

Thank you to the Minister. I look forward to the plan. I'm glad to hear that you agree with needing to challenge the normalisation of pain. I am disappointed to hear that you don't think there's a need for legislation, but I'm not precious about how these changes are brought about, I just want there to be changes. I do fear that without legal obligations to collate feedback we won't see change, but this issue is so endemic—I am closing, Dirprwy Lywydd, I promise—it's such an endemic issue, if this motion passes today, I hope very much it will be reflected in the plan in December. Thank you to everyone who has taken part, and if there's one thing where we can please bring about change, women's voices should be heard and women must be believed. Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch i’r Gweinidog. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y cynllun. Rwy'n falch o glywed eich bod yn cytuno â'r angen i herio normaleiddio poen. Rwy'n siomedig nad ydych yn credu bod angen deddfwriaeth, ond nid wyf yn pryderu llawer sut y caiff y newidiadau hyn eu cyflwyno, rwyf eisiau newidiadau, dyna i gyd. Heb rwymedigaethau cyfreithiol i goladu adborth, rwy'n ofni na fyddwn yn gweld newid, ond mae'r mater hwn mor endemig—rwy'n dirwyn i ben, Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n addo—mae'n fater mor endemig, os caiff y cynnig hwn ei basio heddiw, rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y caiff ei adlewyrchu yn y cynllun ym mis Rhagfyr. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan, ac os oes un peth lle gallwn sicrhau newid, dylai lleisiau menywod gael eu clywed ac mae'n rhaid credu menywod. Diolch yn fawr.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

6. Dadl ar Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith, 'Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru—Gwaith Craffu Blynyddol 2023-24'
6. Debate on the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee Report, 'Natural Resources Wales—Annual Scrutiny 2023-24'

Eitem 6 heddiw yw'r ddadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith, 'Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru—Gwaith Craffu Blynyddol 2023-24'. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig—Llyr Gruffydd.

Item 6 today is a debate on the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee report, 'Natural Resources Wales—Annual Scrutiny 2023-24'. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion—Llyr Gruffydd. 

Cynnig NDM8678 Llyr Gruffydd

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith, 'Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru—Gwaith Craffu Blynyddol 2023-24', a osodwyd ar 21 Mai 2024.

Motion NDM8678 Llyr Gruffydd

To propose that the Senedd:

Notes the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee report, 'Natural Resources Wales—Annual Scrutiny 2023-24', laid on 21 May 2024.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Hwn yw'r trydydd adroddiad blynyddol ar Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru y mae'r Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith wedi'i gyhoeddi yn ystod y Senedd yma. Er i ni weld rhywfaint o gynnydd yn y blynyddoedd blaenorol, mae arnaf i ofn bod yr heriau ariannol sylweddol y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn eu hwynebu, a'r effaith bosib y byddai hynny wedyn yn ei gael ar allu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i gyflawni ei rôl, yn bwrw cysgod dros y ddadl unwaith eto. Rwy'n gobeithio, serch hynny, y bydd y ddadl yn rhoi cyfle pwysig i Aelodau i drafod yr heriau a'r cyfleoedd allweddol y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn eu hwynebu'n ehangach hefyd.

Yn gyntaf oll, mae angen i ni wynebu realiti llwm sefyllfa ariannu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Ers dechrau’r Senedd hon, mae'r pwyllgor wedi mynegi pryder, dro ar ôl tro, ynghylch y pwysau ariannol cynyddol ar Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Eleni, mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn wynebu bwlch o £13 miliwn yn ei gyllideb, ac mae yna ragweld y bydd y bwlch hwnnw'n codi i £17 miliwn erbyn 2026-27 os na fydd unrhyw gamau'n cael eu cymryd.

Bydd yr Aelodau'n gwbl ymwybodol bod y diffyg cyllid hwn eisoes yn arwain at ganlyniadau difrifol. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn bwriadu torri, fel rŷn ni'n gwybod, 265 o swyddi. Mae ymgyrchwyr wedi galw'r toriadau yma yn 'greulon', ac mae pryderon y gallai colli'r swyddi hyn adael Cymru heb ddigon o staff ar lawr gwlad i orfodi rheoliadau, i warchod bioamrywiaeth, ac i ymateb i ddigwyddiadau.

Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. This, of course, is the third annual report on NRW that the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee has published during this Senedd. Although we did see some progress in recent years, I'm afraid that the significant financial challenges faced by NRW and the potential impact that that will have on NRW's ability to fulfil its role has cast a shadow over the debate once again. I hope, however, that the debate will provide Members with an important opportunity to discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing NRW more broadly. 

First of all, we need to face up to the stark reality of NRW’s financial situation. Since the start of this Senedd, the committee has repeatedly raised concern about the increasing financial pressures on NRW. This year, NRW faces a funding gap of £13 million in its budget, and that is projected to rise to £17 million by 2026-27 if no action is taken.

Members will be fully aware that the funding shortfall is already having serious consequences. NRW is planning to cut 265 jobs. Campaigners have described these cuts as 'brutal', and there are concerns that the loss of these jobs could leave Wales without enough staff on the ground to enforce regulations, to protect biodiversity, and to respond to incidents.

Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.

The Llywydd took the Chair.


Nawr, rŷn ni wedi clywed y bydd y pwysau ariannol yn arwain at gau canolfannau ymwelwyr, o bosib, a'r rheini, wrth gwrs, yn rhoi cyfle pwysig, fel y maen nhw ar hyn o bryd, i bobl gysylltu â byd natur a phrofi’r manteision llesiant sydd yn dod yn sgil hynny. Dwi’n ymwybodol bod y Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi bod yn ystyried deiseb yn ymwneud â chau canolfannau ymwelwyr Bwlch Nant yr Arian, Coed y Brenin ac Ynyslas. Dwi eisiau diolch i’r deisebwyr hynny, a hefyd i’r pwyllgor, am eu gwaith ar y mater yma.

Rŷn ni hefyd wedi clywed yn uniongyrchol gan Sefydliad Siartredig Llyfrgellwyr a Gweithwyr Gwybodaeth, sydd wedi mynegi pryderon ynghylch y posibilrwydd o gau gwasanaethau llyfrgell a gwybodaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, ac wedi esbonio wrthym ni sut y bydd hyn yn effeithio ar uniondeb a hygrededd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, a’r darlun ehangach o ran gwybodaeth ac ymchwil arbenigol o fewn y Deyrnas Unedig.

Mae'n bwysig i’r Aelodau wybod fod y rhain yn doriadau dwfn ac yn doriadau pellgyrhaeddol, ac mae’r effaith bosib ar wasanaethau allweddol yn peri cryn bryder i ni fel pwyllgor. Rŷn ni wedi annog Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru i ystyried pob opsiwn i liniaru’r toriadau hyn, ond mae’r rhagolygon, wrth gwrs, yn parhau i fod yn ansicr iawn. Ar adeg pan ddylai Cymru fod yn cymryd mwy a mwy o gamau i ddod â natur yn ôl o’r dibyn a chyflawni ei hymrwymiadau bioamrywiaeth byd-eang, allwn ni ddim fforddio colli unrhyw gapasiti hanfodol oddi mewn i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.

Cyn i fi symud ymlaen, mi licien i, ar y nodyn yna, estyn fy nghefnogaeth i i aelodau staff Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy’n mynd drwy gyfnod anodd tu hwnt ar hyn o bryd, cyfnod ansicr iawn ac, fel pwyllgor, rŷn ni jest eisiau nodi ein cefnogaeth i chi fel tîm o staff rŷn ni'n gwybod sydd yn ymroddedig iawn i'r rolau rŷch chi’n eu cyflawni, ac maen nhw'n rolau rŷn ni i gyd yn eu gwerthfawrogi yn fawr hefyd.

Dwi'n troi nawr at ran allweddol arall o’n hadroddiad ni, sef trefniadau llywodraethu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Nawr, y llynedd, fe wnaethon ni groesawu’r cam o gyflwyno cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth rhwng Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru. Fe wnaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ar y pryd ganmol y cytundebau yma fel mecanwaith clir a gwerthfawr i helpu i unioni adnoddau yn erbyn y dyletswyddau statudol y mae disgwyl i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru eu cyflawni. Roedd y pwyllgor yn cefnogi hyn fel ffordd o helpu i sicrhau sefydlogrwydd, a'r sefydlogrwydd yna sydd ei angen yn ddirfawr ar Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.

Flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach, mi oedd hi yn syndod gweld bod y dull hwn wedi cael ei roi o’r neilltu yn dawel bach. Ni fydd yna gytundebau lefel gwasanaeth newydd, mae'n debyg. Yn lle hynny, rŷn ni wedi cael gwybod y bydd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn canolbwyntio nawr ar fframwaith cyllidebu amlflwyddyn. Yn ôl Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru, mae’r dull newydd hwn yn rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd iddyn nhw. Wel, efallai fod hynny’n wir, ond rŷn ni'n teimlo nad oes unrhyw reswm pam na all cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth gael eu defnyddio ochr yn ochr â fframwaith cyllidebu amlflwyddyn. Mi fyddem ni felly yn ddiolchgar am esboniad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet o ran pam ei fod e’n teimlo nad oedd modd parhau â’r dull cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth.

Beth bynnag am hynny, mi fyddwn ni, wrth gwrs, yn monitro'r broses cynllunio ariannol newydd hon yn agos, a dwi'n siŵr bod hyn yn fater y byddwn ni’n ei drafod ymhellach gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ystod y cylch nesaf o waith craffu ar y gyllideb ddrafft.

Ar nodyn mwy cadarnhaol, rŷn ni yn falch bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi derbyn argymhelliad y pwyllgor ar ddangosyddion perfformiad strategol. Nawr, mae'r mesurau hyn, wrth gwrs, yn hanfodol i asesu cynnydd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wrth gyflawni ei nodau a mynd i'r afael â heriau amgylcheddol. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi ymrwymo i fireinio’r dangosyddion hyn, a bydd yn rhoi diweddariad yn ddiweddarach eleni i ni. Mi ddisgwylir i’r dangosyddion yma gael eu gweithredu’n llawn yn 2025-26, ac mi fydd y pwyllgor, unwaith eto, wrth gwrs, yn parhau i graffu ar y datblygiadau yma er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw’n rhoi cipolwg ystyrlon i ni ar berfformiad y corff.

Yn olaf, mae adroddiad y pwyllgor yn ymdrin â sawl maes polisi pwysig sy'n ymwneud, wrth gwrs, â chyfrifoldebau Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. A duw a ŵyr, mae'r rheini’n gyfrifoldebau eang iawn. O ran llygredd amaethyddol, rŷn ni i gyd, wrth gwrs, yn gyfarwydd â'r safbwyntiau gwahanol sydd gan randdeiliaid ac Aelodau'r Siambr yma ar y dull mwyaf effeithiol o reoli llygredd maetholion. Wel, gan roi hynny o’r neilltu am funud, efallai, os yw’r dull rheoli maethynnau uwch presennol am fod yn effeithiol, mae’n hanfodol cael adnoddau digonol ar gyfer monitro ac ar gyfer gorfodi. Mae'n destun pryder, felly, fod yr agwedd hon ar waith Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn destun cytundeb lefel gwasanaeth a fydd yn dod i ben ddiwedd y flwyddyn eleni. Felly, mi fyddem ni'n gwerthfawrogi diweddariad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ar y mater yma a ble rŷn ni'n mynd nesaf gyda hyn.

O ran plannu coed, mae'r pwyllgor wedi pwysleisio pa mor bwysig yw cynnal adolygiad rheolaidd o gynlluniau adnoddau coedwigaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Rŷn ni wedi annog Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i ganolbwyntio ar gynyddu'r defnydd o rywogaethau brodorol a phlannu cymysg er mwyn gwella bioamrywiaeth a gallu coedwigoedd, hefyd, gyda llaw, i wrthsefyll clefydau. Rŷn ni'n falch bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi derbyn yr argymhelliad yna.

Yn olaf, fe wnaethon ni fynegi pryderon am y drefn o reoli ardaloedd draenio mewnol, sy'n chwarae rhan hanfodol, wrth gwrs, wrth reoli perygl llifogydd, a hefyd wrth ddiogelu'r amgylchedd. Nawr, yn ei ymateb, fe ddywedodd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wrthon ni na fu unrhyw drafodaethau ffurfiol rhwng y corff ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ond fe allai fod yn amserol cynnal adolygiad. Dyna maen nhw wedi'i ddweud. Nawr, rŷn ni'n deall bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi rhoi gwybod i Bwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig y Senedd yma ym mis Mai ei fod wedi penderfynu peidio â chynnal adolygiad ar hyn o bryd oherwydd cyfyngiadau adnoddau. Mi fyddem ni, felly, yn gwerthfawrogi cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am hyn pan fydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymateb i'r ddadl.

Llywydd, i gloi, mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn wynebu un o'i heriau anoddaf erioed. Mae cwestiynau difrifol yn cael eu gofyn am ei allu parhaus i gyflawni ei gyfrifoldebau. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn chwarae rhan hanfodol yn y gwaith o ddiogelu amgylchedd Cymru, ac mae'n hanfodol inni ddod o hyd i ffordd o sicrhau'r adnoddau a'r capasiti sydd eu hangen arno fel corff i gyflawni'r gwaith yma. Nid oes angen i fi atgoffa'r Aelodau ein bod ni'n wynebu argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur, a dim ond hyn a hyn y gallwn ni ofyn i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ei wneud gyda'r gyllideb sydd ganddo.

Mi fyddwn ni wrth gwrs yn parhau i graffu ar gynnydd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru dros y flwyddyn nesaf, a dwi yn gobeithio y bydd y ddadl y flwyddyn nesaf, efallai, yn fwy cadarnhaol. Ond am y tro, mae'r llwybr o'n blaenau ni yn edrych yn anodd, ac mae'n rhaid inni fod yn gefn i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru mewn modd priodol, wrth iddyn nhw wynebu'r heriau yma sydd i ddod. Ond dwi'n sicr yn edrych ymlaen at glywed yr hyn fydd gan Aelodau i'w ddweud fel rhan o'r ddadl yma, ac yn bendant yr hyn fydd gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i'w ddweud, wrth iddo fe egluro, efallai, nes ymlaen, pa gamau y bydd e yn eu cymryd i gyflawni hyn. Diolch.

Now, we've heard that the funding pressure will lead to the closure of visitor centres, possibly, which provide an important opportunity for people to connect with nature and to reap the well-being benefits that that brings. I am aware that the Petitions Committee has been considering a petition relating to the closure of Bwlch Nant yr Arian, Coed y Brenin and Ynyslas visitor centres. I want to thank those petitioners, and also the committee, for their work on this issue.

We have also heard directly from the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, the library and information association, which has expressed concerns about the potential closure of NRW’s library and information services, and they've explained how this will impact on the integrity and credibility of NRW, and on the wider fabric of specialist knowledge and research within the UK.

It is important for Members to know that these are deep and far-reaching cuts, and the potential impact on key services is deeply concerning for us as a committee. We have urged both NRW and the Welsh Government to explore all options to mitigate these losses, but the outlook remains uncertain. At a time when Wales should be ramping up action to bring nature back from the brink and to deliver its global biodiversity commitments, we cannot afford to lose any critical capacity within NRW.

Before I move on, I'd like to, on that note, take this opportunity to extend my support to NRW staff members who are going through a very difficult and uncertain period at the moment and, as a committee, we just wanted to put our support to you, as a team of staff, on the record, because we know that you are very committed to your roles, and they are roles that we all appreciate.

I will now turn to another key part of our report, namely NRW's governance arrangements. Now, last year, we welcomed the introduction of service level agreements between NRW and the Welsh Government. The Cabinet Secretary and NRW praised these SLAs at the time as clear and valuable mechanisms to help to align resources with NRW's statutory duties. The committee supported this as a means of helping to provide that stability that NRW so desperately needs.

A year on, it was surprising to see that this approach had been quietly abandoned. There will be no new SLAs. Instead, we've been told that NRW will focus on multi-annual budgeting frameworks. According to NRW and the Welsh Government, this new approach provides more flexibility for them. Well, that might be the case, but we don't see that there's any reason why SLAs couldn't function alongside a multi-annual budgeting framework. We would therefore be grateful for an explanation from the Cabinet Secretary as to why he felt that the SLA approach could not continue.

In any case, we will, of course, be monitoring the new financial planning process closely, and I'm sure that this is an issue that we will discuss further with the Cabinet Secretary during the next round of draft budget scrutiny.

On a more positive note, we are pleased that NRW has accepted the committee's recommendation on strategic performance indicators. These measures are vital for assessing NRW's progress in meeting its goals and addressing environmental challenges. NRW has committed to refining these indicators, and will provide an update later this year. And it's expected that these indicators will be fully implemented in 2025-26, and the committee will, once again, continue to scrutinise these developments to ensure that they provide meaningful insights into NRW's performance.

Finally, the committee's report covers several important policy areas that relate to NRW's responsibilities and, lord only knows, those are very broad indeed. In terms of agricultural pollution, we are all familiar with the differing views held by stakeholders and Members in this Chamber on the most effective approach to managing nutrient pollution. Now, putting that aside for a moment, if the current enhanced nutrient management approach is to be effective, then it is crucial that there are adequate resources for monitoring and enforcement. It is a cause for concern, therefore, that this aspect of the work of NRW is the subject of an SLA that will run out at the end of this year. So, we would appreciate an update from the Cabinet Secretary on that particular issue and where we go next on this.

On tree planting, the committee has emphasised the importance of regular reviews of NRW's forestry resource plans. We have encouraged NRW to focus on increasing the use of native species and mixed planting to promote biodiversity and forest resilience. We are pleased that NRW has accepted this recommendation.

Finally, we raised concerns about the management of internal drainage districts, which play a vital role in flood risk management and environmental protection. Now, in its response, NRW told us that there have been no formal discussions between the body and the Cabinet Secretary, but that a review might be timely. That's what they've told us. Now, we understand that the Cabinet Secretary advised the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee of this Senedd in May that he has ruled out a review at this time due to resource constraints. We would be grateful, therefore, for an update on this when the Cabinet Secretary responds to the debate.

To conclude, Llywydd, NRW is facing one of its toughest challenges yet. Serious questions are being asked about its ongoing ability to deliver on its responsibilities. NRW plays a crucial role in protecting Wales's environment, and it is vital that we find a way of securing the resource and capacity needed by the body to carry out this work. I don't need to remind Members that we are facing climate and nature emergencies, and there's only so much we can ask NRW to do within its current budget.

We will of course continue to scrutinise NRW's progress over the next year, and I do hope that next year's debate may be more positive. But for now, the road ahead looks difficult, and NRW must be supported appropriately to face the challenges ahead. But I certainly look forward to hearing the comments of Members during this debate and certainly the comments made by the Cabinet Secretary as he explains later what steps he will take to deliver this. Thank you.


I thank Llyr Gruffydd for introducing this report to this Chamber, but also for his able chairmanship of our committee. Now, of course we know that the delayed—much delayed—corporate plan landed in 2023, and we had been asking and asking and asking for this. This is the first one since 2018. That is the first one since the Welsh Government declared a climate emergency, the first one since COVID, the first one since different varying announcements by UK Government in terms of how seriously they were taking climate change. So, whilst we were quite relieved as a committee to receive this report, I've got to be honest, this delay doesn't bode well, nor does it reflect the level of commitment we would expect from Wales's primary environmental regulatory body. Now, some of the points you made there, Chairman, were about their ability to do their work, and given the number of complaints that I receive from all sorts of farmers, in terms of land pollution, in terms of water pollution and things—. I know the resources are stretched, but at the end of the day, we need an environmental enforcement team that actually is able to work, and work appropriately.

Now, we're concerned at the abolishment of service level agreements and how that will impact on NRW's ability to ensure their resources reflect their full statutory duties and functions. In our report, we highlighted that SLAs can serve a valuable purpose for prioritisation, and that we would like NRW to share with us an outline of the next phase of the SLA work, including the areas to be covered and a timeline for their development and implementation. However, the Welsh Government feel that they should be abandoned, and I am worried now that we will not be able to effectively identify and scrutinise the 10 areas that NRW themselves consider priorities. The Welsh Government explain that they will be taking learning from the development and implementation of the SLAs. I'm not really sure what that means. I would like to know how this is going to be possible, especially considering, as was pointed out by Prys Davies in committee, that SLAs had been paused

'partly because of financial pressures'.

And financial pressures, in my book, should never mean less scrutiny. If financial constraints have previously hindered the development and implementation of these SLAs, how does NRW now intend to clearly define the resources needed to ensure the successful achievement of this corporate plan, which has taken so long to achieve? Additionally, how will the Welsh Government determine the necessary resources to deliver various service levels across the 10 priority areas?

In line with recommendation 3, and based on what I've just mentioned, the committee does look forward to receiving the much-promised, after 31 October, update on the progress of developing the final strategic indicators and performance metrics and how they align with this new corporate plan. But we also need assurances. NRW is facing a significant shortfall in its budget and, as such, is having to make sweeping cuts to vital areas. And I'll endorse a point that you made there, Llyr—this is not about the NRW staff. They work incredibly hard, and quite often they're seconded to different projects. And you can tell that this is an organisation that is juggling its priorities. 

I've already been contacted by the UK MTB Trail Alliance, who are deeply concerned because we have 500 km of mountain bike trails across Wales, and NRW have hinted that some of these activities and things—whether they will be able to maintain those trails. That's a really good healthy sport, isn't it, people going off into the forest on mountain bikes. So, it will greatly reduce public access to outdoor leisure activities, which in turn could have a serious negative impact on health and well-being. So, you've got to look at the costs of that on the tourism industry, which north Wales so heavily depends on. I understand from NRW's response that they've identified certain areas where they've decided to cease activities altogether, believing that they are no longer best positioned to deliver them. So, then, how are those areas going to be—where's the transition? Who is going to be picking up the slack for those areas that have been prioritised in the past? Have you as the Cabinet Secretary been updated on what areas these are? If this is the case, will NRW clarify how they plan to hand over these responsibilities? Will it be other organisations, community groups and volunteers that will need to step in?

NRW is expected to report to this committee within six months on the status of its visitor centres. Again, I've had concerns raised by people who really value them. That's recommendation 7. But they sadly appear to be significantly lacking in awareness of nearly half the features on sites of special scientific interest—and we value those in Wales—because of insufficient staff and resources to maintain the required conservation levels. Simply put, there are many areas of responsibility falling within the remit of NRW, and the lack of funding appears to be putting so many of these, now, at serious risk, with further job cuts—

Diolch i Llyr Gruffydd am gyflwyno'r adroddiad hwn i'r Siambr, ond hefyd am ei gadeiryddiaeth alluog i'n pwyllgor. Nawr, wrth gwrs fe wyddom fod y cynllun corfforaethol wedi glanio wedi oedi—llawer o oedi—yn 2023, ac roeddem wedi bod yn gofyn ac yn gofyn amdano. Dyma'r cyntaf ers 2018. Dyna'r un cyntaf ers i Lywodraeth Cymru ddatgan argyfwng hinsawdd, yr un cyntaf ers COVID, yr un cyntaf ers y gwahanol gyhoeddiadau amrywiol gan Lywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â pha mor ddifrifol yr oeddent yn ystyried newid hinsawdd. Felly, er ein bod ni'n teimlo rhyddhad fel pwyllgor wrth dderbyn yr adroddiad hwn, mae'n rhaid imi fod yn onest, nid yw'r oedi hwn yn argoeli'n dda, ac nid yw'n adlewyrchu lefel yr ymrwymiad y byddem yn ei ddisgwyl gan brif gorff rheoleiddio amgylcheddol Cymru. Nawr, roedd rhai o'r pwyntiau a wnaethoch chi yno, Gadeirydd, yn ymwneud â'u gallu i wneud eu gwaith, ac o ystyried nifer y cwynion a gaf gan ffermwyr o bob math, ynglŷn â llygredd tir, ynglŷn â llygredd dŵr a phethau—. Rwy'n gwybod bod yr adnoddau'n brin, ond yn y pen draw, mae angen tîm gorfodaeth amgylcheddol arnom sy'n gallu gweithio, a gweithio'n briodol.

Nawr, rydym yn pryderu ynglŷn â ddiddymu cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth a sut y bydd hynny'n effeithio ar allu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i sicrhau bod eu hadnoddau'n adlewyrchu eu dyletswyddau a'u swyddogaethau statudol llawn. Yn ein hadroddiad, fe wnaethom nodi y gall cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth gyflawni diben gwerthfawr ar gyfer blaenoriaethu, ac yr hoffem i CNC rannu amlinelliad o gam nesaf y gwaith ar gytundebau lefel gwasanaeth gyda ni, gan gynnwys y meysydd sydd i'w cynnwys ac amserlen ar gyfer eu datblygu a'u gweithredu. Fodd bynnag, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn teimlo y dylid cefnu arnynt, ac rwy'n poeni nawr na fyddwn yn gallu nodi a chraffu ar y 10 maes y mae CNC eu hunain yn eu hystyried yn flaenoriaethau. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn egluro y byddant yn dysgu o ddatblygu a gweithredu'r cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth. Nid wyf yn hollol siŵr beth y mae hynny'n ei olygu. Hoffwn wybod sut y bydd hyn yn bosibl, yn enwedig o ystyried, fel y nodwyd gan Prys Davies yn y pwyllgor, fod cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth wedi cael eu hoedi

'yn rhannol oherwydd pwysau ariannol'.

Ac yn fy marn i, ni ddylai pwysau ariannol fyth olygu llai o graffu. Os yw cyfyngiadau ariannol wedi rhwystro datblygiad a gweithrediad y cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth yn flaenorol, sut y mae CNC yn bwriadu diffinio'n glir yr adnoddau sydd eu hangen nawr i sicrhau bod y cynllun corfforaethol hwn, sydd wedi cymryd cymaint o amser i'w lunio, yn cael ei gyflawni'n llwyddiannus? Yn ogystal, sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n pennu pa adnoddau sy'n angenrheidiol i ddarparu gwahanol lefelau gwasanaeth ar draws y 10 maes blaenoriaeth?

Yn unol ag argymhelliad 3, ac yn seiliedig ar yr hyn rwyf newydd ei grybwyll, mae'r pwyllgor yn edrych ymlaen at dderbyn y diweddariad a addawyd, ar ôl 31 Hydref, ar gynnydd ar ddatblygu'r dangosyddion strategol terfynol a'r metrigau perfformiad a sut y maent yn cyd-fynd â'r cynllun corfforaethol newydd. Ond mae angen sicrwydd arnom hefyd. Mae CNC yn wynebu diffyg sylweddol yn ei gyllideb ac o'r herwydd, mae'n gorfod gwneud toriadau ysgubol i feysydd hanfodol. Ac rwyf am gymeradwyo pwynt a wnaethoch chi yno, Llyr—nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â staff CNC. Maent hwy'n gweithio'n anhygoel o galed, ac yn aml iawn, cânt eu secondio i wahanol brosiectau. Ac fe allwch ddweud bod hwn yn sefydliad sy'n jyglo ei flaenoriaethau. 

Mae Cynghrair Llwybr MTB y DU eisoes wedi cysylltu â mi yn bryderus iawn am fod gennym 500 km o lwybrau beicio mynydd ledled Cymru, ac mae CNC wedi awgrymu bod rhai o'r gweithgareddau a'r pethau hyn—a fyddant yn gallu cynnal y llwybrau hynny. Mae honno'n gamp iachus wirioneddol dda, onid yw, pobl yn mynd i'r goedwig ar feiciau mynydd. Felly, bydd yn lleihau mynediad cyhoeddus at weithgareddau hamdden awyr agored yn fawr, a gallai hynny yn ei dro gael effaith negyddol ddifrifol ar iechyd a llesiant. Felly, mae'n rhaid i chi edrych ar gostau hynny i'r diwydiant twristiaeth, y mae gogledd Cymru mor ddibynnol arno. Rwy'n deall o ymateb CNC eu bod wedi nodi rhai meysydd lle maent wedi penderfynu rhoi'r gorau i weithgareddau yn gyfan gwbl, gan gredu nad nhw sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i'w darparu mwyach. Felly, sut y mae'r meysydd hynny'n mynd i fod—ble mae'r pontio? Pwy sy'n mynd i ysgwyddo'r baich yn y meysydd a gafodd flaenoriaeth yn y gorffennol? A ydych chi fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ba feysydd yw'r rhain? Os felly, a fydd CNC yn egluro sut y bwriadant drosglwyddo'r cyfrifoldebau hyn? A fydd angen i sefydliadau, grwpiau cymunedol a gwirfoddolwyr eraill gamu i mewn?

Mae disgwyl i CNC roi gwybod i'r pwyllgor o fewn chwe mis ynglŷn â statws ei ganolfannau ymwelwyr. Unwaith eto, mae pobl sy'n eu hystyried yn werthfawr wedi mynegi pryderon wrthyf ynglŷn â hyn. Argymhelliad 7 yw hwnnw. Ond yn anffodus, mae'n ymddangos eu bod yn hynod o anymwybodol o bron i hanner y nodweddion ar safleoedd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig—ac rydym yn gweld gwerth y rheini yng Nghymru—am nad oes digon o staff ac adnoddau i gynnal y lefelau cadwraeth gofynnol. Yn syml, mae llawer o feysydd cyfrifoldeb yn disgyn o fewn cylch gwaith CNC, ac mae'n ymddangos bod y diffyg cyllid yn golygu bod cymaint o'r rhain, nawr, mewn perygl difrifol, gyda thorri swyddi pellach—


I've been very generous already, Janet, so if you could draw your comments to a close. 

Rwyf wedi bod yn hael iawn eisoes, Janet, felly os gallwch dynnu eich sylwadau i ben. 

Okay, thank you. So, basically, I'm asking you, Cabinet Secretary: give us some assurances here today as to how some of the priorities they're going to be downscaling now will be taken forward. Diolch.

Iawn, diolch. Felly, yn y bôn, rwy'n gofyn i chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet: rhowch rywfaint o sicrwydd i ni yma heddiw ynglŷn â sut y bydd rhai o'r blaenoriaethau y byddant yn cyfyngu arnynt nawr yn cael eu cyflawni yn y dyfodol. Diolch.

Diolch i’r tîm pwyllgor, Cadeirydd y pwyllgor a’r Aelodau am y gwaith ar yr ymgynghoriad hwn. Hoffwn i ddechrau drwy gydnabod y rôl hanfodol y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ei chwarae wrth ddiogelu ein hamgylchedd, rheoli ein hadnoddau naturiol a mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng hinsawdd. Nawr, mae'n amlwg bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn wynebu diffyg ariannol sylweddol. Mae hwnna wedi ei waethygu gan gostau cynyddol. Mae hyn yn codi pryderon niferus am allu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i gyflawni'r dyletswyddau craidd sydd ganddo.. 

Rydyn ni yn deall bod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru a Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru weithio gyda'i gilydd i liniaru effeithiau negyddol y gyllideb gyfyngedig hon. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n bryderus iawn am y realiti y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru bellach yn ei wynebu, yn enwedig, fel sydd wedi cael ei sôn amdano, y rhewi recriwtio. Gallai hynny danseilio ei allu i ddarparu gwasanaethau allweddol. Sut yn union mae'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu mynd i'r afael â'r rhewi recriwtio hwn i sicrhau nad yw swyddogaethau amgylcheddol hollbwysig yn cael eu peryglu? Ac os ydym yn graddio neu yn tynnu gwasanaethau yn ôl mewn unrhyw ffordd, pa fecanweithiau sydd ar waith i sicrhau bod yr ardaloedd mwyaf agored i niwed a risg uchel yn cael eu gwarchod?

Mae penderfyniad Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i flaenoriaethu rhai gwasanaethau a lleihau eraill, mae hynny'n ddealladwy, ond mae'n hanfodol bod hyn yn cael ei wneud mewn ffordd strategol a thryloyw. A ydy Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi gweithredu proses flaenoriaethu gynhwysfawr, tybed, sy'n sicrhau bod y gwasanaethau hanfodol, fel rheoli llifogydd, er enghraifft, yn cael eu gwarchod? Fe fuaswn i'n annog Llywodraeth Cymru i bwyso am hyn, i ffeindio mas, a hoffwn wybod sut bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn bwriadu eu cefnogi nhw yn hyn o beth.

Un mater sy'n fy mhoeni i ydy’r diffyg ymgynghori â'r cyhoedd sydd wedi digwydd am y newidiadau hyn. Mae'r cyhoedd, dwi'n meddwl, yn haeddu bod yn rhan o'r sgwrs hon, yn enwedig y cymunedau hynny sydd yn fwyaf dibynnol ar wasanaethau Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Felly, a allai'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, pan fydd yn ymateb, plis, gadarnhau a oes unrhyw gynlluniau i wneud yn siŵr bod ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus yn digwydd am benderfyniadau'r gyllideb a gwasanaethau yn ymwneud â Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn y dyfodol? 

Dwi hefyd am dynnu sylw at y mater parhaus o fylchau cyllido, yn enwedig gan ei fod yn ymwneud â staffio. Mae hyn wedi cael ei grybwyll yn barod gan y Cadeirydd. Mae pryderon difrifol am allu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i gyflawni nodau cadwraeth, yn enwedig pan ystyriwn fod hanner y nodweddion ar safleoedd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig yn parhau heb eu monitro. Rydym ni wedi clywed y gallai fod angen i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ddyblu ei lefelau staffio i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau hyn yn effeithiol, felly sut y bydd y Llywodraeth yn cysoni'r anghenion staffio ychwanegol â'r cyfyngiadau cyllidebol presennol? Ydy'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn cytuno y gallai methu â buddsoddi yng ngweithlu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru arwain at ganlyniadau hirdymor difrifol i'n hamgylchedd naturiol ni? 

Ac fe fuaswn i jest eisiau dweud yn olaf, wrth gloi, Llywydd, fe fuaswn i'n hoffi ategu yn union beth mae'r Cadeirydd wedi ei ddweud ynglŷn â'r pwysigrwydd o ddiolch i staff Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am y gwaith hollbwysig maen nhw'n ei wneud. Fe fuaswn i'n hoffi gwybod pa gynlluniau sydd mewn lle i gefnogi eu lles nhw, achos mae’n rhaid bod y cyfyngiadau hyn yn anodd eithriadol i aelodau staff, a hoffwn i roi, eto, ar y record ein diolch iddyn nhw. Maen nhw'n clywed straeon negyddol o hyd, maen nhw'n gorfod rhoi lan gyda rhwystredigaeth pobl am y pethau allen nhw ddim eu gwneud, felly pa gymorth sydd ar gael i’r rhai sydd yn stryglan neu sydd dan bwysau ychwanegol, a fydd dan bwysau ychwanegol yn y misoedd i ddod? Diolch.

I would like to thank the committee team, the committee Chair and the Members for their work on this consultation. I would like to start by acknowledging the vital role that NRW plays in protecting our environment, managing our natural resources and tackling the climate crisis. Now, it's clear that NRW is facing a significant financial shortfall, which has been exacerbated by rising costs. This raises numerous concerns about NRW's ability to fulfil its core duties. 

We understand that the Welsh Government and NRW must work together to mitigate the negative effects of this restricted budget. However, I am very concerned about the reality that NRW now faces, particularly, as has been mentioned, the recruitment freeze, which could undermine its ability to provide key services. How exactly does the Government plan to tackle this recruitment freeze to ensure that critical environmental functions are not compromised? And if we scale back services in any way, what mechanisms are in place to ensure that the most vulnerable and high-risk areas are protected?

NRW’s decision to prioritise certain services and reduce others is understandable, but it is essential that this is done in a strategic and transparent way. Has NRW implemented a comprehensive prioritisation process that ensures that essential services, such as flood control, for example, are protected? I'd encourage the Welsh Government to press for this, to find out, and I’d like to know how the Cabinet Secretary intends to support NRW in this regard.

Now, one issue that concerns me is the lack of consultation with the public that has taken place regarding these changes. The public deserves, I think, to be part of this conversation, particularly those communities that are most dependent on NRW services. So, could the Cabinet Secretary, when he responds, confirm whether there are any plans to ensure that public consultation happens regarding budget decisions and services relating to NRW in the future?

I also want to highlight the ongoing issue of funding gaps, particularly those relating to staffing. This has already been mentioned by the Chair. There are serious concerns about the ability of NRW to achieve conservation goals, particularly when we consider that half of the features on sites of special scientific interest remain unmonitored. We have heard that NRW may need to double its staffing levels to address these challenges effectively, so how will the Government reconcile these additional staffing needs with the current budget constraints? Does the Cabinet Secretary agree that failure to invest in the NRW workforce could have serious long-term consequences for our natural environment?

And I’d like to say finally, in closing, Llywydd, that I’d like to echo what the Chair has said about the importance of thanking staff at NRW for the vital work that they do. I’d like to know what plans are in place to support their well-being, because it must be a very difficult situation for staff, and I’d like to place on record again our thanks to them. They hear negative stories all the time, and they have to put up with people’s frustration about the things that they cannot do, so what support is available for those that are struggling or who are under extra pressure or will be under extra pressure in the future? Thank you.


I would also like to pay tribute to NRW staff and all they’re doing in difficult circumstances. NRW’s most recent corporate plan, ‘Nature and People Thriving Together’, was published in April last year, and aligned with the terms of Government remit letter and is centred around the three well-being objectives: nature is recovering, communities are resilient to climate change and pollution is minimised. But I am concerned that all these can be met. NRW’s performance report for 2022-23 emphasised that recruitment continued to be a significant challenge, particularly in flood risk management and engineering. I’m aware that local authorities face the same challenges—all this at a time when flooding is a significant concern.

From early August last year, recruitment had, effectively, been frozen and the response was that NRW had become better at moving staff around the organisation to areas where staffing resource was needed. But, with ongoing inflationary pressures and a lack of public funding from the UK Government, they are now facing brutal cuts, as was described, and environmental campaigners are very concerned.

The workforce want to be part of planning the solution to these pressures and we believe that NRW must respond to these budgetary constraints by enhancing internal staff development and mobility to ensure these business-critical vacant posts can be filled quickly. If not, staff with years of experience will be lost and there will be no succession or continuity of planning, which is really important. Our committee is currently doing an investigation into biodiversity and whether the Government is on target to halt the decline by 2030. So far, it's depressing, and we need to strengthen environmental conservation, and I'm worried that this will happen.

Residents and organisations want to be part of a consultation regarding the visitor centres, and as Chair of the Petitions Committee, I want to say that the committee is currently considering two petitions relating to the visitor centres, and we'll be holding our own debate on this issue next Wednesday. Petition P-06-1474 is 'Stop Natural Resources Wales closing Bwlch Nant yr Arian, Coed y Brenin & Ynyslas visitor centres' and also petition P-06-1447 is 'Stop Natural Resources Wales closing the visitor centre at Ynyslas National Nature Reserve'. The first petition has 13,245 signatures, and the second one has 2,422 signatures. I believe the volume of signatures demonstrates the deep public concern arising from the proposals and the potential impact these decisions might have on the future of these sites.

The committee received correspondence from NRW yesterday that puts a greater emphasis on maintaining these facilities now, but bringing in external expertise to run catering and retail facilities. However, time is important, as is continuity, so we have concerns about that. I will be visiting Ynyslas at the weekend, and I look forward to seeing for myself the current facilities and hearing what users think about the changes we might see.

NRW's dedicated environmental library in Bangor is set to close, and is used to help with planning applications and monitoring rare species. I'd like to know if an impact assessment has been done regarding this and if there are alternatives available, such as using Cofnod. Environmentalists are concerned that there will be crime that doesn't go detected and incidents that NRW do not have the capacity to deal with.

I understand public bodies right across Governments, including councils, right across the UK are facing terrible decisions after so many years of austerity and massive inflationary pressures, but Wales and the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. SSSIs need to be monitored, we have polluted rivers, and marine life is suffering. Planning applications are being held up waiting for responses from NRW, and, when developing legislation such as the sustainable farming scheme, we need experts to be able to work with farmers. Thank you.

Hoffwn innau hefyd dalu teyrnged i staff CNC a'r cyfan y maent yn ei wneud mewn amgylchiadau anodd. Cyhoeddwyd cynllun corfforaethol diweddaraf CNC, 'Byd Natur a Phobl yn Ffynnu Gyda'n Gilydd' ym mis Ebrill y llynedd, ac mae'n cyd-fynd â thelerau llythyr cylch gwaith y Llywodraeth ac yn canolbwyntio ar y tri amcan llesiant: mae natur yn ymadfer, mae cymunedau'n gallu gwrthsefyll newid hinsawdd ac mae llygredd yn cael ei leihau. Ond rwy'n poeni na ellir bodloni'r rhain i gyd. Pwysleisiodd adroddiad perfformiad CNC ar gyfer 2022-23 fod recriwtio'n parhau i fod yn her sylweddol, yn enwedig ar gyfer rheoli risg llifogydd a pheirianneg. Rwy'n ymwybodol fod awdurdodau lleol yn wynebu'r un heriau—hyn oll ar adeg pan fo llifogydd yn destun pryder mawr.

O ddechrau mis Awst y llynedd, roedd recriwtio, i bob pwrpas, wedi ei rewi a'r ymateb oedd bod CNC wedi dod yn well am symud staff o amgylch y sefydliad i feysydd lle roedd angen adnoddau staffio. Ond gyda phwysau chwyddiant parhaus a diffyg cyllid cyhoeddus gan Lywodraeth y DU, maent bellach yn wynebu toriadau difrifol, fel y disgrifiwyd, ac mae ymgyrchwyr amgylcheddol yn bryderus iawn.

Mae'r gweithlu eisiau bod yn rhan o gynllunio'r ateb i'r pwysau hyn a chredwn fod yn rhaid i CNC ymateb i'r cyfyngiadau cyllidebol hyn trwy wella datblygiad a symudedd mewnol staff i sicrhau y gellir mynd ati'n gyflym i lenwi'r swyddi gwag hyn sy'n hanfodol i'w waith. Os na wnaiff hynny, bydd staff sydd â blynyddoedd o brofiad yn cael eu colli ac ni fydd olyniaeth na pharhad cynllunio, sy'n bwysig iawn. Ar hyn o bryd mae ein pwyllgor yn cynnal ymchwiliad i fioamrywiaeth ac i ystyried a yw'r Llywodraeth ar y trywydd iawn i atal y dirywiad erbyn 2030. Hyd yn hyn, mae'n ddigalon, ac mae angen i ni gryfhau cadwraeth amgylcheddol, ac rwy'n poeni na fydd hyn yn digwydd.

Mae trigolion a sefydliadau eisiau bod yn rhan o ymgynghoriad ynghylch y canolfannau ymwelwyr, ac fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau, gallaf ddweud bod y pwyllgor yn ystyried dwy ddeiseb yn ymwneud â'r canolfannau ymwelwyr ar hyn o bryd, a byddwn yn cynnal ein dadl ein hunain ar y mater ddydd Mercher nesaf. Deiseb P-06-1474 yw 'Atal Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru rhag cau canolfannau ymwelwyr Bwlch Nant yr Arian, Coed y Brenin ac Ynyslas' a hefyd deiseb P-06-1447 yw 'Atal Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru rhag cau’r ganolfan ymwelwyr yng Ngwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Ynyslas'. Mae'r ddeiseb gyntaf wedi casglu 13,245 lofnodion, a'r ail wedi casglu 2,422 o lofnodion. Credaf fod nifer y llofnodion yn dangos y pryder cyhoeddus dwfn sy'n deillio o'r cynigion a'r effaith bosibl y gallai'r penderfyniadau hyn ei chael ar ddyfodol y safleoedd hynny.

Cafodd y pwyllgor ohebiaeth gan CNC ddoe sy'n rhoi mwy o bwyslais ar gynnal y cyfleusterau hyn nawr, ond gan ddod ag arbenigedd allanol i mewn i redeg cyfleusterau arlwyo a manwerthu. Fodd bynnag, mae amser yn bwysig, fel y mae parhad, felly mae gennym bryderon ynglŷn â hynny. Byddaf yn ymweld ag Ynyslas dros y penwythnos, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld y cyfleusterau presennol drosof fy hun a chlywed barn defnyddwyr ynglŷn â'r newidiadau y gallem eu gweld.

Mae llyfrgell amgylcheddol bwrpasol CNC ym Mangor ar fin cau, ac fe'i defnyddir i helpu gyda cheisiadau cynllunio a monitro rhywogaethau prin. Hoffwn wybod a oes asesiad effaith wedi'i wneud ynglŷn â hyn ac a oes dewisiadau eraill ar gael, fel defnyddio Cofnod. Mae amgylcheddwyr yn pryderu y bydd troseddu'n mynd heb ei ganfod a digwyddiadau nad oes gan CNC gapasiti i ymdrin â hwy.

Rwy'n deall bod cyrff cyhoeddus ar draws y Llywodraethau, gan gynnwys cynghorau, ledled y DU yn wynebu penderfyniadau ofnadwy ar ôl cymaint o flynyddoedd o gyni a phwysau chwyddiant enfawr, ond Cymru a'r DU yw un o'r gwledydd lle mae natur wedi teneuo fwyaf yn y byd. Mae angen monitro safleoedd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig, rydym wedi llygru afonydd, ac mae bywyd morol yn dioddef. Caiff ceisiadau cynllunio eu hoedi wrth aros am ymatebion gan CNC, ac wrth ddatblygu deddfwriaeth fel y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy, mae angen i arbenigwyr allu gweithio gyda ffermwyr. Diolch.


I'm not on this committee, but I do welcome the opportunity to speak in this debate today. It'll just be a short contribution on something that's playing on my mind. Obviously, there's a lot to talk about when it comes to NRW, and I concur with everything that my colleagues have said right across the Chamber, actually, so far on it.

But I just wanted to talk about something that I've done recently. Last week, I had the pleasure of attending a welcome to off-road wheeling event deep in the Wye valley woods. It was a really enlightening and uplifting event, where you saw wheelchair users try out wheelchairs that have been adapted to go over the terrain to make walkways in forests and woods and stuff more accessible. It was all fantastic stuff. NRW were there and many other relevant organisations, and it was all about improving that access for wheelchair users.

My question to you, Cabinet Secretary, was that I spoke to these relevant organisations on this visit, and they raised a point, a good point, and were concerned about the fact that they'd heard that the NRW website would be taken away because of staff cuts. They said that on the NRW website at the moment it highlights the accessible routes that are accessible for wheelchair users, and, if this website is taken down, who else is going to fill the shoes of that, who else is going to do that job and promote and let wheelchair users know which routes will be accessible to them? So, it's something to bear in mind when we're talking about funding, but also, as a result of that, I'm also concerned about the continuation of much-needed adaptations to walkways, getting rid of kissing gates and that sort of thing, simple things that will make our walkways more accessible to wheelchair users in the future. Thank you.

Nid wyf ar y pwyllgor hwn, ond rwy'n croesawu'r cyfle i siarad yn y ddadl hon heddiw. Bydd yn gyfraniad byr ar rywbeth sy'n chwarae ar fy meddwl. Yn amlwg, mae llawer i'w drafod mewn perthynas â CNC, ac rwy'n cytuno â phopeth y mae fy nghyd-Aelodau wedi'i ddweud ar draws y Siambr hyd yn hyn.

Ond roeddwn i eisiau siarad am rywbeth a wneuthum yn ddiweddar. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cefais y pleser o fynychu digwyddiad 'croeso i olwyno oddi ar y ffordd' yn ddwfn yng nghoedwigoedd Dyffryn Gwy. Roedd yn ddigwyddiad dadlennol a dyrchafol iawn, lle roedd defnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn yn rhoi cynnig ar gadeiriau olwyn wedi'u haddasu i fynd dros y tir i wneud llwybrau cerdded mewn coedwigoedd a phethau'n fwy hygyrch. Roedd yn anhygoel. Roedd CNC yno a llawer o sefydliadau perthnasol eraill, ac roedd y cyfan yn ymwneud â gwella mynediad i ddefnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn.

Fy nghwestiwn i chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, oedd fy mod wedi siarad â'r sefydliadau perthnasol ar yr ymweliad hwn, ac fe wnaethant godi pwynt, pwynt da, ac roeddent yn poeni am y ffaith eu bod wedi clywed y byddai gwefan CNC yn cael ei cholli oherwydd toriadau staff. Roeddent yn dweud bod gwefan CNC ar hyn o bryd yn tynnu sylw at y llwybrau hygyrch sy'n hygyrch i ddefnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn, ac os caiff y wefan ei cholli, pwy arall sy'n mynd i wneud hynny, pwy arall sy'n mynd i wneud y gwaith hwnnw a hyrwyddo a gadael i ddefnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn wybod pa lwybrau a fydd ar gael iddynt? Felly, mae'n rhywbeth i'w gofio pan fyddwn yn siarad am gyllid, ond hefyd, o ganlyniad i hynny, rwy'n poeni am barhad addasiadau mawr eu hangen i lwybrau cerdded, a chael gwared ar gatiau mochyn a'r math hwnnw o beth, pethau syml a fydd yn gwneud ein llwybrau cerdded yn fwy hygyrch i ddefnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn yn y dyfodol. Diolch.

Gaf i hefyd ddiolch i’r pwyllgor am eich gwaith ar hwn? Dwi’n meddwl dylen ni fod yn pryderu’n fawr am y sylwadau wnaeth y Cadeirydd wrth gyflwyno yr adroddiad a’r ddadl hon am y pwysau cynyddol sydd ar Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Os edrychwch chi, yn dilyn llifogydd dinistriol 2020, ar adroddiad Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ar y llifogydd hynny, mi ddaeth hi'n glir bod diffyg staff wedi bod yn broblem ddirfawr. Mi oedd yr adroddiad hwnnw yn glir bod yna 70 yn fwy o staff eu hangen er mwyn diwallu'r anghenion sydd gan y corff hwnnw. Felly, mi oedd Delyth Jewell yn crybwyll hwnna, ond mi hoffwn i wybod ar ba lefel ydyn ni erbyn hyn o ran y staff sydd yn ymwneud efo llifogydd, oherwydd, fel clywsom ni ddoe yn dilyn datganiad gan y Gweinidog, mae hon yn mynd i fod yn broblem gynyddol oherwydd yr argyfwng hinsawdd. Dŷn ni'n gwybod bydd yna fwy o dywydd eithafol, dŷn ni'n gwybod bydd yna fwy o lifogydd; mae hynny'n amlwg i ni i gyd. Ond ydy Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru efo'r adnoddau i ymdopi efo'r her honno? Oherwydd dwi ddim eisiau gweld adroddiad arall ar ôl llifogydd dinistriol ar y raddfa welsom ni—oherwydd mi fydd yna, ar ryw bwynt, yn anffodus; dyna realiti'r sefyllfa—yn dweud unwaith eto ein bod ni ddim jest yn brin o un neu ddau o staff, ond 70 o staff ar y tîm hwnnw.

Mae pwysau aruthrol ar staff, a dwi yn falch ein bod ni wedi cydnabod, yn y Siambr hon heddiw, y staff gwych sy'n gweithio i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, a'n bod ni'n cydnabod hefyd y straen aruthrol sydd arnyn nhw. Mae hi'n glir iawn bod yna gymaint o bobl o fewn y sefydliad hwnnw sydd yn pryderu'n fawr am ein cyfoeth naturiol ni, ond eu bod nhw hefyd yn gwybod eu bod nhw methu gwneud rhai o'r pethau. Os edrychwch chi ar y gwaith cefnogi grwpiau llifogydd lleol, bach iawn ydy'r tîm hwnnw yn Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. A'r hyn sy'n fy mhryderu fi fwyaf o'r toriadau rŵan hefyd ydy gweld y bydd peth o'r gwaith ymgysylltu hwnnw'n gorfod dod i ben, bydd peth o'r gwaith addysgu hefyd, a'u bod nhw hefyd yn dweud y byddan nhw'n methu gwneud cymaint i fynd i'r afael efo'r argyfwng hinsawdd. Wel, ni, yn y Siambr hon, wnaeth ddatgan argyfwng hinsawdd a natur ac o ran bioamrywiaeth. Felly, mae'r ffaith dydyn nhw ddim yn mynd i allu gwneud yr hyn dyn ni wedi gofyn iddyn nhw ei wneud a phleidleisio arno fo fel blaenoriaeth, mae o'n bryder.

Felly, mae yna gymaint o feysydd fan hyn, a dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n hen bryd i ni gael sgwrs, oherwydd, yn amlwg, mi wnaed y penderfyniad i greu un corff mawr, i uno'r holl gyrff unigol yma, a'r hyn dyn ni wedi'i weld ydy torri a thorri a straen aruthrol. Felly, dwi'n falch o waith y pwyllgor, ond o ran y gwaith wedyn sydd yn cael ei drosglwyddo i'n cymunedau ni ac ar lawr gwlad, dwi'n meddwl ein bod ni angen dechrau cael datrysiadau, nid dim ond derbyn bod y sefyllfa gyllidol yn heriol a'n bod ni'n mynd i golli rhai o'r swyddi pwysig yma.

Felly, gaf i ofyn i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn benodol, o edrych ar y gwaith lliniaru effaith llifogydd, cefnogi cymunedau, ydych chi'n hyderus bod gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, ers adroddiad i lifogydd Chwefror 2020, y staff sydd eu hangen, fel y gwnaethon nhw rybuddio pe na fyddem ni yn gwneud hynny fydden nhw ddim yn gallu ymateb yn y dyfodol? Felly, buaswn i'n hoffi sicrwydd ar ran y cymunedau hynny bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwrando ar Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.

May I also thank the committee for its work on this? I think we should be gravely concerned, given the comments made by the Chair in introducing this report and opening this debate in terms of the increasing pressures on NRW. If you look, following the destructive floods of 2020, at the NRW report on that flooding incident, it became clear that a shortage of staff had been a grave problem for them. That report was clear that 70 more staff were needed in order to meet the needs of that body. Delyth Jewell mentioned that in her contribution, but I would like to know where we are now in terms of the staff dealing with flooding, because, as we heard yesterday following the statement by the Minister, this is going to be an increasing problem because of the climate emergency. We know that we're expecting more extreme weather, we know that flooding will become more prevalent; that's obvious to us all. But do NRW have the resources to cope with that challenge? Because I don't want to see another report following destructive flooding on the scale that we have seen in the past—because there will be at some point, unfortunately; that's the reality of the situation—saying again that we're not just short of one or two staff, but 70 staff on that team.

There is huge pressure on the staff, and I am pleased that we have recognised, in this Chamber today, the excellent staff working for NRW, and that we also acknowledge the huge pressure upon them. It's quite clear that there are so many people within the organisation who are gravely concerned about our natural resources, but they also know that they're unable to do some of the things that they would want to do. If you look at the work in supporting local flood groups, that team within NRW is very small. And what concerns me most, given the cuts they're now facing, is to see that some of that engagement work will have to come to an end, some of the educational work will cease, and they're also saying that they won't be able to do as much in tackling the climate emergency. Well, it was us, in this Chamber, who declared that nature, climate and biodiversity emergency. So, the fact that they're not going to be able to do what we've asked them to do and that we voted on as being a priority, is a real concern.

So, there are so many areas here, and I do think it's about time we had a conversation, because, clearly, the decision was made to create a single body, bringing all those individual organisations together, and what we have seen is cut and cut again and huge pressure. So, I'm pleased to see the committee's work, but in terms of the follow-on work and the work done in our communities and on the ground, I do think we need to start to find solutions, not just accept that the budgetary position is challenging and that we are going to lose some of these important posts.

So, could I ask the Cabinet Secretary specifically, having looked at the flood mitigation work and supporting communities, are you confident that NRW, since the report into the flooding in February 2020, have the staff necessary, because they did warn that, if they didn't have those resources, they wouldn't be able to respond in the future? So, I would like an assurance for those communities that the Welsh Government has listened to NRW.


Es i ati i ddarllen yr adroddiad yma. Dwi, fel Laura, ddim yn aelod o'r pwyllgor, ond mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn codi'n gyson yng ngwaith achos. Fel sydd wedi cael ei ddweud, mae'r cyfrifoldebau'n eang ac mae'r disgwyliadau yn uchel gyda phobl. Fel mae pawb sydd wedi cyfrannu'n barod wedi'i ddweud, mae'n glir o'r adroddiad bod y toriadau llym yma'n tanseilio'r gwaith bron a bod yn llwyr.

I read this report. Like Laura, I am not a member of the committee, but NRW comes up regularly in my casework. And as has been said, the responsibilities are broad and expectations are high. As everyone who has contributed already has said, it's clear from the committee's report that these harsh cuts are undermining the important work done.

Three areas struck me; three areas of interest to me, also. The first is the point that Janet has alluded to already with regard to the features on sites of special scientific interest—this is a matter that's been raised in the Pentyrch area of Cardiff—and that half of those features are of unknown condition. Well, I find that incredible.

The current level of staffing is inadequate for conservation purposes. Wales Environment Link states that the current levels of staffing at Natural Resources Wales would probably need to be doubled—not just increased, but doubled—in order to address the biodiversity challenges here in Wales. Well, as Heledd Fychan mentioned, there's no point in us declaring emergencies if we don't put the resources there to tackle these problems. Words are simply not enough. The lack of funding is destroying, by omission, areas of scientific interest that would improve academic understanding of the environment here in Wales and, with that, across the world.

Secondly, Heledd has already mentioned flooding. As Clare Pillman states in her evidence to the committee, drainage districts in Wales are now experiencing increased flooding—it's getting worse. Part of the cause, according to her, is a lack of strategic re-evaluation, with some areas not as efficient as others in using what limited funding they have.

Thirdly, tree planting. Now, we've heard a lot in this Senedd about tree planting, and that being one of the key priorities of the Welsh Government's climate change plan—the planting of trees to capture carbon. But this has also been stunted by budgetary cuts. Progress on new tree planting is not nearly as far along as it should be, if we want to reach net zero by 2050.

Again, there's no point having targets if we just cannot, simply, achieve them. The budget cuts that the Welsh Government has handed out to Natural Resources Wales have, essentially, shot its own climate targets in the foot. Unless we take action now to improve recruitment and retention of expert staff who can look after the environment, I worry that this will be perpetuated year after year, as has already been alluded to by others.

Fe wnaeth tri maes fy nharo; tri maes o ddiddordeb i mi hefyd. Y cyntaf yw'r pwynt y cyfeiriodd Janet ato eisoes am y nodweddion ar safleoedd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig—mae hwn yn fater sydd wedi ei godi yn ardal Pentyrch yng Nghaerdydd—a bod hanner y nodweddion hynny mewn cyflwr anhysbys. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n anhygoel.

Mae'r lefel staffio bresennol yn annigonol at ddibenion cadwraeth. Dywed Cyswllt Amgylchedd Cymru y byddai angen dyblu'r lefelau staffio presennol yn Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, mae'n debyg—nid yn unig yn cynyddu, ond dyblu—er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r heriau bioamrywiaeth yma yng Nghymru. Wel, fel y soniodd Heledd Fychan, nid oes unrhyw bwynt datgan argyfyngau os nad ydym yn rhoi'r adnoddau i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau hyn. Nid yw geiriau'n ddigon. Mae diffyg cyllid yn dinistrio meysydd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol a fyddai'n gwella dealltwriaeth academaidd o'r amgylchedd yma yng Nghymru a chyda hynny, ar draws y byd.

Yn ail, mae Heledd eisoes wedi sôn am lifogydd. Fel y dywed Clare Pillman yn ei thystiolaeth i'r pwyllgor, mae ardaloedd draenio yng Nghymru bellach yn profi mwy o lifogydd—mae'n gwaethygu. Rhan o'r achos, yn ei hôl hi, yw diffyg ailwerthuso strategol, gyda rhai meysydd heb fod mor effeithlon ag eraill am ddefnyddio'r cyllid cyfyngedig sydd ganddynt.

Yn drydydd, plannu coed. Nawr, clywsom lawer yn y Senedd hon am blannu coed, gan mai dyna un o flaenoriaethau allweddol cynllun newid hinsawdd Llywodraeth Cymru—plannu coed i ddal carbon. Ond cyfyngwyd ar hyn hefyd gan doriadau cyllidebol. Nid yw'r cynnydd ar blannu coed newydd wedi datblygu agos cymaint ag y dylai, os ydym am gyrraedd sero net erbyn 2050.

Unwaith eto, nid oes unrhyw bwynt cael targedau os na allwn eu cyflawni. Yn y bôn, mae'r toriadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu gwneud i gyllideb Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi peryglu ei thargedau hinsawdd ei hun. Oni bai ein bod yn gweithredu nawr i wella recriwtio a chadw staff arbenigol sy'n gallu gofalu am yr amgylchedd, rwy'n poeni y bydd hyn yn parhau flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn, fel y mae eraill wedi nodi eisoes.

Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog newydd wrth iddi gael ei hethol y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru fynd i'r afael â sawl her, fel yr argyfwng hinsawdd, tra'n canolbwyntio ar iechyd. Ond, fel y dywedodd Llyr Huws Gruffydd wrth agor, mae ein hamgylchedd yn hanfodol i'n hiechyd; does dim iechyd heb yr amgylchedd. Oni bai ein bod yn cefnogi Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ddigonol, yna rŷn ni mewn perygl o niweidio nid yn unig yr amgylchedd, nid yn unig ein cefn gwlad a'n dyfroedd, ond ein cenedl ac, yn bwysicach fyth, ein plant a chenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Diolch yn fawr.

The new First Minister said on her election that the Welsh Government could tackle many challenges, such as the climate crisis, whilst focusing on health. But, as Llyr Huws Gruffydd said in opening the debate, our environment is essential to our health; there is no health without a healthy environment. Unless we support Natural Resources Wales sufficiently, then we are at risk of damaging not only the environment, not only our countryside and our waters, but our nation and, more importantly, our children and future generations. Thank you.


I'm grateful to Llyr Gruffydd and the committee for their work in producing the report that we are debating here today. Also, I want to echo comments made by Members already, in terms of the work carried out by NRW teams up and down Wales. I'm just speaking briefly today, Llywydd, in my capacity as chair of the cross-party group on outdoor activities—as the Cabinet Secretary will be well aware—with a vast array of groups and individuals who do great work to promote the outdoor sector in Wales. And I know that the Cabinet Secretary's personal support and involvement in this area are important to him as well, and he'll know that that sector does a huge amount of work alongside Natural Resources Wales as they go about their work.

We had a meeting just a couple of weeks ago here in the Senedd, and it was primarily around the existing proposals around the restructure and the cuts involved with Natural Resources Wales. I just wanted to be clear that there are serious concerns that have been expressed by the members of the cross-party group about NRW's future operational capacity, about the proposed cuts that Members in this Chamber have already outlined this afternoon, but particularly the impact on public access and recreation provision—Janet Finch-Saunders mentioned this as well—in addition to the management and maintenance of existing infrastructure at these sites.

Cabinet Secretary, you'll be aware that those organisations in the cross-party group certainly understand some of the issues and reasoning behind some of this, and they also want to be part of the solution to provide support as well. But they have expressed concerns that there's excessive bureaucracy within NRW when it comes to community groups supporting some of these sites, and I think they'd be grateful to understand how some of that bureaucracy could be removed. Because we know that it's important that people are able to access these spaces, many of which NRW have control of, because we know that they play a huge role in promoting physical and mental health, in addition to making the Welsh tourism offer even better and more attractive.

I was struck by the comments of the Chair of the committee, and, rightfully, he spoke about the important role that NRW have in protecting the environment. That's absolutely right. But NRW also have a role to promote the environment that we have around us, and the use of that environment, so that people are physically healthy, and can access those spaces to help their mental health as well.

Llywydd, the Cabinet Secretary will be aware that the cross-party group has written a letter—it's on its way through to him now, if it's not already arrived—just outlining these points in more detail. But I'd be grateful to hear today from the Cabinet Secretary, in his response, his thoughts on what work the Welsh Government have done to look at the impact of cuts in the areas, as have been described, and if he'd be willing to meet with myself, in my capacity as chair of the cross-party group, to discuss these points in more detail. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i Llyr Gruffydd a'r pwyllgor am eu gwaith yn cynhyrchu'r adroddiad yr ydym yn ei drafod yma heddiw. Hefyd, rwyf am adleisio sylwadau a wnaed gan Aelodau eisoes, o ran y gwaith a wnaed gan dimau CNC ledled Cymru. Rwy'n siarad yn fyr heddiw, Lywydd, yn rhinwedd fy swydd fel cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar weithgareddau awyr agored—fel y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gwybod—gydag amrywiaeth eang o grwpiau ac unigolion sy'n gwneud gwaith gwych i hyrwyddo'r sector awyr agored yng Nghymru. Ac rwy'n gwybod bod cefnogaeth bersonol a chyfranogiad Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn y maes yn bwysig iddo hefyd, ac fe fydd yn gwybod bod y sector hwnnw'n gwneud llawer iawn o waith ochr yn ochr â Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wrth iddynt wneud eu gwaith hwy.

Cawsom gyfarfod ychydig wythnosau yn ôl yma yn y Senedd, ac roedd yn ymwneud yn bennaf â'r cynigion presennol ynghylch yr ailstrwythuro a'r toriadau sy'n gysylltiedig â Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Roeddwn eisiau bod yn glir fod yna bryderon difrifol wedi'u mynegi gan aelodau'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ynghylch gallu gweithredol CNC yn y dyfodol, ynghylch y toriadau arfaethedig y mae Aelodau eisoes wedi'u hamlinellu yn y Siambr y prynhawn yma, ond yn enwedig yr effaith ar fynediad cyhoeddus a darpariaeth hamdden—soniodd Janet Finch-Saunders am hyn hefyd—yn ogystal â rheolaeth a chynnal seilwaith presennol ar y safleoedd hyn.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod y sefydliadau yn y grŵp trawsbleidiol yn sicr yn deall rhai o'r problemau a'r rhesymeg y tu ôl i rywfaint o hyn, ac maent hefyd am fod yn rhan o'r ateb i ddarparu cefnogaeth. Ond maent wedi mynegi pryderon fod biwrocratiaeth ormodol o fewn CNC mewn perthynas â grwpiau cymunedol i gefnogi rhai o'r safleoedd hyn, ac rwy'n credu y byddent yn falch o ddeall sut y gellid dileu peth o'r fiwrocratiaeth honno. Oherwydd fe wyddom ei bod hi'n bwysig fod pobl yn gallu cael mynediad at y mannau hyn, gyda llawer ohonynt dan reolaeth CNC, gan y gwyddom eu bod yn chwarae rhan enfawr yn hyrwyddo iechyd corfforol a meddyliol, yn ogystal â gwneud cynnig twristiaeth Cymru hyd yn oed yn well ac yn fwy deniadol.

Cefais fy nharo gan sylwadau Cadeirydd y pwyllgor, ac yn briodol ddigon, fe siaradodd am y rôl bwysig sydd gan CNC yn diogelu'r amgylchedd. Mae hynny'n hollol gywir. Ond mae gan CNC rôl hefyd yn hyrwyddo'r amgylchedd sydd gennym o'n cwmpas, a'r defnydd o'r amgylchedd hwnnw, fel bod pobl yn gorfforol iach, ac yn gallu cael mynediad at y mannau hynny i helpu eu hiechyd meddwl hefyd.

Lywydd, bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymwybodol fod y grŵp trawsbleidiol wedi ysgrifennu llythyr—mae ar ei ffordd ato nawr, os nad yw eisoes wedi cyrraedd—yn amlinellu'r pwyntiau hyn yn fanylach. Ond hoffwn glywed heddiw gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn ei ymateb, am y gwaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud ar edrych ar effaith toriadau yn y meysydd, fel y disgrifiwyd, ac a fyddai'n fodlon cyfarfod â mi, yn rhinwedd fy swydd fel cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol, i drafod y pwyntiau hyn yn fanylach. Diolch yn fawr iawn.


Diolch i Llyr Gruffydd, y pwyllgor a'r tîm clercio ac ymchwil am y gwaith cynhwysfawr maen nhw wedi'i wneud yn yr adroddiad yma. Pan oedd y Llywydd presennol yn Weinidog dros Faterion Gwledig, sawl blwyddyn yn ôl bellach, fe ddangosodd Cymru weledigaeth ac arweiniad sydd wedi esgor ar ddiwydiant sydd yn werth cannoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd bellach i'r economi Brydeinig, sef beicio mynydd lawr elltydd—downhill mountain biking. Oherwydd gellir dweud i hyn ddechrau yng nghanolfan godidog Coed y Brenin, ger Ganllwyd, Meirionnydd. Os nad ydych chi wedi bod yno, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, yna mi fuaswn i'n eich annog chi i ymweld â'r lle. Mae o'n wirioneddol odidog o le, ac mae o wedi magu statws ac enw sydd yn cael eu hadnabod yn rhyngwladol. Yn ôl Llywodraeth yr Alban, mae beicio mynydd lawr allt yn cyfrannu hyd at £150 miliwn at economi'r wlad. Does yna ddim asesiad cyffelyb wedi cael ei wneud yma yng Nghymru eto, ond gellir bod yn sicr bod y sector yma yn cyfrannu gwerth degau o filiynau o bunnoedd, beth bynnag arall, i economi Cymru.

Ond mae man geni'r sector yma, crud y sector, sydd yn parhau i fod yn atyniad poblogaidd, sef Coed y Brenin, bellach o dan fygythiad. Pan ysgrifennwyd yr adroddiad yma, roedd yna ansicrwydd ynghylch dyfodol y canolfannau ymweld. Mae pethau wedi newid bellach, ac mae'r corff, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, yn edrych i gau canolfannau ymwelwyr Coed y Brenin, Nant yr Arian—canolfan beicio arbennig arall, gyda llaw—ac Ynyslas, er mwyn gwneud arbedion o £1.2 miliwn y flwyddyn ariannol yma. Er mai edrych i gau'r canolfannau ymwelwyr mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, y gwir ydy y byddai cau'r canolfannau ymwelwyr yn cael effaith andwyol ar y llefydd yma fel atyniadau i ymwelwyr, ac yn effeithio ar waith cynnal a chadw'r llwybrau hefyd. Er nad ydym ni'n gwybod beth ydy gwerth ariannol beicio mynydd lawr allt i economi Cymru, mae asesiad wedi cael ei wneud o werth economaidd y canolfannau yma i economi canolbarth Cymru, ac maen nhw'n cyfrannu hyd at £67 miliwn i economi'r rhanbarth.

Rwy'n deall bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru o dan bwysau ariannol sylweddol, ond mae grwpiau lleol, profiadol a deallus yn barod i gydweithio efo'r corff er mwyn cymryd yr asedau yma ymlaen. Y drafferth ydy fod amserlen dynn iawn wedi cael ei gosod ar Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, a bydd staff y canolfannau ymwelwyr yn cael eu gwneud yn ddi-waith erbyn mis Ebrill. Unwaith y bydd hyn yn digwydd, a'r canolfannau'n cau, yna bydd yn anos ailagor y canolfannau, ac felly, wrth gwrs, mae amser yn brin.

Os ydym ni am warchod y perlau yma, sydd yn denu cynifer o bobl, a sicrhau eu bod nhw yn parhau i gyfrannu dwsinau o filiynau o bunnoedd i economi'r rhanbarth, yna mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth gamu i'r adwy. Y cais, felly, sydd gen i i chi, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, ydy i chi a'r Llywodraeth roi'r £1.2 miliwn angenrheidiol yma i Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru er mwyn cynnal y canolfannau am y flwyddyn hon, a rhoi amser i'r cwmnïau roi cynllun busnes ynghyd, ac i fynychu a bod yn rhan o'r broses dendro, heb fod y canolfannau yn cau. Rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno mai cyfraniad bach iawn fyddai hynny er mwyn cynnal yr atyniadau gwerthfawr yma.

Yn olaf, dwi am ddiolch i'r pwyllgor hefyd am gymryd yr amser i edrych ar yr ardaloedd draenio mewndirol. Mae arnaf ofn fod polisi'r Llywodraeth ar amddiffyn rhag llifogydd wedi profi i fod yn wrthgynhyrchiol. Wrth flaenoriaethu eiddo a phobl yn unig, canlyniad hynny ydy nad ydy afonydd a nentydd yn cael eu carthu. Mae hyn yn niweidiol ar draws Cymru gan ei fod yn golygu bod dŵr yn bacio yn ôl a ddim yn llifo allan i’r môr i’r graddau y dylai, gan fod gwely a cheg yr afon yn llawn silt. Ond mae’n waeth fyth mewn ardaloedd draenio mewnol. Mae'n rhaid, felly, edrych unwaith eto ar y polisi yma, a sicrhau buddsoddiad cyfalaf ar gyfer gwaith hirdymor neu edrych eto ar yr holl gyfundrefn gan rymuso tirfeddianwyr er mwyn iddyn nhw fedru cario allan y gwaith angenrheidiol.

Felly, fe hoffwn glywed beth ydy bwriadau'r Gweinidog yn y meysydd yma. Diolch, Llywydd.

I thank Llyr Gruffydd, the committee and the clerking team, and the research team, for the comprehensive work that they've done on this report. When the current Llywydd was the Minister for Rural Affairs, many years ago now, Wales showed vision and leadership that has given rise to an industry that is now worth hundreds of millions of pounds to the British economy, namely downhill mountain biking. Because it can be said that this started at the magnificent Coed y Brenin centre, near Ganllwyd in Meirionnydd. If you haven't been there, Cabinet Secretary, then I would encourage you to visit the place. It is a wonderful place, and it has grown in status and has a reputation that is internationally renowned. According to the Scottish Government, downhill mountain biking contributes up to £150 million to the country's economy. No similar assessment has been made here in Wales yet, but we can be sure that this sector contributes tens of millions of pounds to our economy in Wales.

But the birthplace of this sector, the cradle of a sector, which continues to be a popular attraction, namely Coed y Brenin, is now under threat. When this report was written, there was uncertainty about the future of the visitor centres. Things have now changed, and the body, NRW, is looking to close the visitor centres at Coed y Brenin, Nant yr Arian—another excellent cycling centre, by the way—and Ynyslas, in order to make savings of £1.2 million in this financial year. Although NRW is looking to close the visitor centres, the truth is that closing the visitor centres would have a detrimental impact on these places as visitor attractions, and would affect the maintenance of the trails as well. Although we do not know what the financial value of downhill mountain biking is to the Welsh economy, an assessment has been made of the economic value of these centres to mid Wales, and they contribute up to £67 million to the region's economy.

I understand that NRW is under significant financial pressure, but there are local, experienced and informed groups that are willing to collaborate with the body in order to take these assets forward. The trouble is that a very tight timetable has been imposed on NRW, and the staff at the visitor centres will be made unemployed by April. And once this happens, and the centres close, then it will be more difficult to reopen them, and so time is very short.

If we want to protect these pearls that attract so many people, and ensure that they continue to contribute tens of millions of pounds to the region's economy, then the Government must step in. The request that I have for you, therefore, Cabinet Secretary, is for you and the Welsh Government to provide the necessary £1.2 million to NRW in order to maintain the centres for this year, and to give time for these companies to put together their business plans, and to be part of the tendering process, without the centres having to close. I am sure that you would agree that this would be a very small contribution in order to maintain such valuable attractions.

Finally, I want to thank the committee also for taking the time to look at the inland drainage areas. I'm afraid that the Government's policy on flood protection has proven to be counterproductive. In prioritising property and people only, the result of this has been that rivers and streams are not dredged. This is harmful across Wales, as it means that water backs up and does not flow out into the sea to the extent that it should, as the bed and mouth of the river have silted up. But the situation is even worse in internal drainage areas. We must look again, therefore, at this policy, and secure capital investment for long-term work, or look again at the whole system and empower landowners to carry out the necessary work.

So, I would like to hear what the Minister's intentions are in these areas. Thank you, Llywydd.


Yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet nawr i gyfrannu i'r ddadl, Huw Irranca-Davies.

The Cabinet Secretary now to contribute to the debate, Huw Irranca-Davies.

Huw Irranca-Davies 17:10:37
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you very much to the Chair and the committee, and also the other speakers today who've spoken very eloquently and passionately, either on local issues or on particular issues of interest, but also on strategic issues to do with NRW as well. And let me say at the outset, can I just echo the comments that have been made about the NRW staff, who do work hard every day, day in, day out, to help protect our natural environment? Many speakers have made that point today and I would echo it. The other thing I would echo is that actually tackling the climate and nature emergencies is fundamental to the objectives of this Government, to me personally, and also to this and future generations here in Wales and across the world. We have a part to play in what we do.

We're painfully aware, as we've seen in debates earlier this week, of the risks that people and nature are facing, from flooding to river pollution, to more extreme weather patterns and more, and it's the NRW staff that are at the front line of dealing with these crises in our own nation. I welcome, by the way, the committee's scrutiny and the remarks that have been made today, particularly in light of those climate and nature emergencies. We have to have a strong and effective regulator to protect the natural world. It's of the utmost importance, and that's also why it's important in terms of the reporting function that NRW and its leadership team are scrutinised and are held to account on the exercise of its legislative and statutory functions, even in, including in, particularly in challenging times. So, let me turn first of all to the detail of the report, and I'll try and address some of the matters that have been raised, Llywydd, but I won't be able to do all of them within the time available to me, I don't think. We've had a number of speakers, but I'll do my best.

The committee has made 13 recommendations, 10 of which we've accepted, and the remaining three have not been accepted, but we think with reasons that we've laid out within our written response. We published that full written response to the committee's report on 4 July, and firstly, just let me cover recommendations 1, 2 and 9, which were the ones that were not accepted. Recommendation 9 related to NRW providing the committee with an update on progress of developing statutory biodiversity targets. This has not been accepted because the responsibility for this lies with Welsh Government rather than NRW, and we've gone into more detail in the written response about how we'll take that forward.

Recommendations 1 and 2 focused on NRW's service level agreement, the SLA process. As we've explained, because the focus is now on multi-year planning, Welsh Government has agreed with NRW to discontinue the SLA process. Therefore, these two recommendations associated have not been accepted, and Janet, you referred to the evidence given by Prys Davies, that he said this was 

'partly because of financial pressures'.

He went on to say it’s also to do with 

'the work that we want to do in terms of embedding the corporate plan,'

which the chair, when he appeared in front, said to the committee was a seismic moment—long awaited, as people have said, but a seismic moment. And Prys Davies goes on to say,

'developing the strategic indicators, looking again at our performance framework arrangements and how we report.'

So, just to say that we'd agree with that. NRW will identify the level of resource required to enable the successful delivery of its corporate plan objectives, and my officials will test this approach through 2025 and 2026. NRW will provide the committee with an update on the development of the strategic indicators and the performance metrics later this very year, which relates to recommendation 3 of the committee's report, which has been accepted, and that ties that together in our rationale.

A significant part of the committee's report focused, understandably, on NRW's financial position, which has been picked up by many Members today, and relates to recommendations 4 to 7, all of which we have accepted. There is no doubt that NRW's budgetary position has been and continues to be challenging, but Members will be aware that this is not in a void that we're having this discussion. The budgetary pressures that face all of our public sector bodies, due to a UK-wide economic picture—and there are no organisations, including NRW, that are exempt from the extremely tough budgetary conversations and decisions that must be made.

So, as we know, in July, NRW started the formal process of consultation with the trade unions in relation to its proposed case for change programme. This came after the report, and so on and so forth, but they've embarked on that. The programme outlines the reshaping of NRW so that it can operate within its available budget. A key part of this work is focusing that resource on its statutory and regulatory functions—the ones that deal with the nature and climate emergency. These essential services, essential for nature and for people, are protected, or as protected as can possibly be done. NRW has undertaken a detailed assessment of its current activity against the priorities—those that were laid out in the corporate strategy—to assess where capacity can be scaled back to address a funding gap that is a real funding gap of £13 million for the financial year 2025-26. 

NRW's formal consultation with its trade unions closed on 13 September. It's now reviewing the feedback to determine if any changes are required, whilst still responding to its budget challenges. My officials are continuing to work with NRW to understand the impact and the ramifications of its proposal, and particularly in relation to the delivery of these front-line services and their legal and statutory obligations, on which so many Members have said to me, 'That's where the focus has got to be'. 

Included within its case for change is the proposal to cease its provision of retail and catering services at its visitor centres. This is indeed something that has received a lot of attention over the past few months, with many local users—echoed in the debate today—raising concerns over the perceived closure of the centres. Just to say from NRW's perspective, they've made clear—they've reiterated—that its visitor centres are not closing and that the sites will remain open for all those activities described—walking, biking, play areas, car parking and toilet provision.

But they are considering a raft of possible options that they've made clear for retail and catering, including opportunities for local businesses and partnership working with, for example, social and community groups—some of them are interested—who will be better placed to provide these services to keep those activities going. I'd like to see them be kept going, without a doubt. But again, given the tight budgets constraining public services that our public organisations are facing across the board, there is a real necessity—[Interruption.] Just a moment. There is a real necessity for NRW to focus on and protect the core statutory and regulatory functions. Sam, I give way.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i'r Cadeirydd a'r pwyllgor, a hefyd i'r siaradwyr eraill heddiw sydd wedi siarad yn huawdl ac yn angerddol iawn, naill ai ar faterion lleol neu ar faterion penodol o ddiddordeb, ond hefyd ar faterion strategol yn gysylltiedig â CNC. A gadewch imi ddweud ar y dechrau, a gaf i ategu'r sylwadau sydd wedi'u gwneud am staff CNC, sy'n gweithio'n galed bob dydd i helpu i ddiogelu ein hamgylchedd naturiol? Mae llawer o siaradwyr wedi gwneud y pwynt hwnnw heddiw ac rwy'n ei adleisio. Y peth arall yr hoffwn ei adleisio yw bod mynd i'r afael â'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur yn rhan allweddol o amcanion y Llywodraeth hon, i mi yn bersonol, a hefyd i genedlaethau'r presennol a'r dyfodol yma yng Nghymru ac ar draws y byd. Mae gennym ran i'w chwarae yn yr hyn a wnawn.

Rydym yn boenus o ymwybodol, fel y gwelsom mewn dadleuon yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, o'r risgiau y mae pobl a natur yn eu hwynebu, o lifogydd i lygredd afonydd, i batrymau tywydd mwy eithafol a mwy, a staff CNC sydd ar flaen y gad yn ymdrin â'r argyfyngau hyn yn ein gwlad ni. Gyda llaw, rwy'n croesawu gwaith craffu'r pwyllgor a'r sylwadau a wnaed heddiw, yn enwedig yng ngoleuni'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur. Mae'n rhaid inni gael rheoleiddiwr cryf ac effeithiol i ddiogelu'r byd naturiol. Mae o'r pwys mwyaf, a dyna pam ei bod hefyd yn bwysig o ran y swyddogaeth adrodd fod CNC a'i dîm arweinyddiaeth yn cael eu craffu a'u dwyn i gyfrif ynghylch y modd y mae'n cyflawni ei swyddogaethau deddfwriaethol a statudol, a hynny mewn cyfnod heriol yn enwedig. Felly, gadewch imi droi yn gyntaf at fanylion yr adroddiad, ac fe geisiaf fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion a godwyd, Lywydd, ond nid wyf yn credu y gallaf wneud pob un ohonynt o fewn yr amser sydd ar gael i mi. Rydym wedi cael nifer o siaradwyr, ond fe ngwnaf fy ngorau.

Mae'r pwyllgor wedi gwneud 13 o argymhellion, gyda 10 ohonynt wedi'u derbyn, ac ni chafodd y tri arall eu derbyn, ond gyda rhesymau a nodwyd gennym yn ein hymateb ysgrifenedig. Fe wnaethom gyhoeddi'r ymateb ysgrifenedig llawn i adroddiad y pwyllgor ar 4 Gorffennaf, ac yn gyntaf, gadewch imi ymdrin ag argymhellion 1, 2 a 9, sef y rhai na chawsant eu derbyn. Roedd argymhelliad 9 yn ymwneud â CNC yn rhoi diweddariad i'r pwyllgor ar gynnydd y gwaith o ddatblygu targedau bioamrywiaeth statudol. Nid yw wedi'i dderbyn am mai Llywodraeth Cymru yn hytrach na CNC sy'n gyfrifol am hyn, ac rydym wedi rhoi rhagor o fanylion yn yr ymateb ysgrifenedig ynglŷn â sut y byddwn yn bwrw ymlaen â hynny.

Roedd argymhellion 1 a 2 yn canolbwyntio ar gytundeb lefel gwasanaeth CNC. Fel yr eglurwyd, oherwydd bod y ffocws bellach ar gynllunio aml-flwyddyn, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cytuno â CNC i roi'r gorau i broses y cytundeb lefel gwasanaeth. Felly, nid yw'r ddau argymhelliad cysylltiedig wedi eu derbyn, a Janet, fe gyfeirioch chi at y dystiolaeth a roddwyd gan Prys Davies, ei fod yn dweud bod hyn

'yn rhannol oherwydd pwysau ariannol'.

Aeth ymlaen i ddweud ei fod hefyd yn ymwneud â'r 

'gwaith y mae CNC eisiau ei wneud o ran ymwreiddio’r cynllun corfforaethol,'

y dywedodd y cadeirydd wrth y pwyllgor, pan ymddangosodd o'i flaen, ei bod yn foment seismig—y bu hir ddisgwyl amdani, fel y dywedodd pobl, ond moment seismig. Ac aiff Prys Davies yn ei flaen,

'datblygu’r dangosyddion strategol, edrych eto ar ei drefniadau fframwaith perfformiad a’i brosesau adrodd.'

Felly, byddem yn cytuno â hynny. Bydd CNC yn nodi'r lefel o adnoddau sydd eu hangen i'w gwneud hi'n bosibl cyflawni amcanion ei gynllun corfforaethol yn llwyddiannus, a bydd fy swyddogion yn profi'r dull hwn trwy gydol 2025 a 2026. Bydd CNC yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r pwyllgor am ddatblygiad y dangosyddion strategol a'r metrigau perfformiad yn ddiweddarach eleni, sy'n ymwneud ag argymhelliad 3 o adroddiad y pwyllgor, sydd wedi'i dderbyn, ac sy'n clymu hynny gyda'i gilydd yn ein rhesymeg.

Roedd rhan sylweddol o adroddiad y pwyllgor yn canolbwyntio, yn ddealladwy, ar sefyllfa ariannol CNC, rhywbeth a nodwyd gan lawer o'r Aelodau heddiw, ac sy'n ymwneud ag argymhellion 4 i 7, y mae pob un ohonynt wedi'u derbyn gennym. Nid oes amheuaeth fod sefyllfa gyllidebol CNC wedi bod ac yn parhau i fod yn heriol, ond bydd yr Aelodau'n ymwybodol nad ydym yn cael y drafodaeth hon mewn gwagle. Mae'n bwysau cyllidebol sy'n wynebu pob un o'n cyrff sector cyhoeddus, oherwydd y darlun economaidd ledled y DU—ac nid oes unrhyw sefydliadau, gan gynnwys CNC, wedi'u heithrio o'r sgyrsiau cyllidebol a'r penderfyniadau cyllidebol anodd iawn y mae'n rhaid eu gwneud.

Felly, fel y gwyddom, ym mis Gorffennaf, dechreuodd CNC y broses ymgynghori ffurfiol gyda'r undebau llafur mewn perthynas â'i raglen arfaethedig ar gyfer yr achos dros newid. Daeth hyn wedi'r adroddiad, ac yn y blaen, ond maent wedi dechrau arni. Mae'r rhaglen yn amlinellu sut y gellir ail-lunio CNC fel y gall weithredu o fewn y gyllideb sydd ar gael. Rhan allweddol o'r gwaith hwn yw canolbwyntio'r adnoddau hynny ar ei swyddogaethau statudol a rheoleiddiol—y rhai sy'n gysylltiedig â'r argyfwng natur a'r argyfwng hinsawdd. Mae'r gwasanaethau hanfodol hyn, sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer natur ac i bobl, yn cael eu diogelu, neu wedi eu diogelu i'r graddau y bo'n bosibl gwneud hynny. Mae CNC wedi cynnal asesiad manwl o'i weithgarwch cyfredol yn erbyn y blaenoriaethau—y rhai a nodwyd yn y strategaeth gorfforaethol—i asesu lle gellir lleihau capasiti i fynd i'r afael â bwlch cyllido sy'n fwlch cyllido real o £13 miliwn ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol 2025-26. 

Daeth ymgynghoriad ffurfiol CNC gyda'i undebau llafur i ben ar 13 Medi. Mae bellach yn adolygu'r adborth i benderfynu a oes angen unrhyw newidiadau, gan barhau i ymateb i'w heriau cyllidebol. Mae fy swyddogion yn parhau i weithio gyda CNC i ddeall effaith a goblygiadau ei gynnig, ac yn enwedig mewn perthynas â darparu'r gwasanaethau rheng flaen hyn a'u rhwymedigaethau cyfreithiol a statudol, y mae cymaint o Aelodau wedi dweud wrthyf amdanynt, 'Dyna lle mae'n rhaid canolbwyntio'. 

Wedi'i gynnwys yn ei achos dros newid mae'r cynnig i roi'r gorau i ddarparu gwasanaethau manwerthu ac arlwyo yn ei ganolfannau ymwelwyr. Mae hyn yn sicr yn rhywbeth sydd wedi cael llawer o sylw dros y misoedd diwethaf, gyda llawer o ddefnyddwyr lleol—rhywbeth a adleisiwyd yn y ddadl heddiw—yn mynegi pryderon ynghylch y perygl o gau'r canolfannau. O safbwynt CNC, maent wedi dweud yn glir—maent wedi ailadrodd—nad yw ei ganolfannau ymwelwyr yn cau ac y bydd y safleoedd yn aros ar agor ar gyfer yr holl weithgareddau a ddisgrifiwyd—cerdded, beicio, mannau chwarae, cyfleusterau parcio a thoiledau.

Ond maent yn ystyried llu o opsiynau posibl y maent wedi'u gwneud yn glir ar gyfer manwerthu ac arlwyo, gan gynnwys cyfleoedd ar gyfer busnesau lleol a gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda grwpiau cymdeithasol a chymunedol er enghraifft—mae gan rai ohonynt ddiddordeb—a fydd mewn sefyllfa well i ddarparu'r gwasanaethau hyn i gadw'r gweithgareddau hynny i fynd. Hoffwn eu gweld yn cael eu cadw i fynd, heb amheuaeth. Ond unwaith eto, o ystyried y cyllidebau tynn sy'n cyfyngu ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus y mae ein sefydliadau cyhoeddus yn eu hwynebu yn gyffredinol, mae gwir angen—[Torri ar draws.] Un eiliad. Mae gwir angen i CNC ganolbwyntio ar y swyddogaethau statudol a rheoleiddiol craidd, a'u gwarchod. Sam, rwy'n ildio.


Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. Just a quick intervention on the point around working with community groups, third sector or private sector organisations wanting to, perhaps, take on some of that work. Will you able to commit to ensure that, because of the tight timescales that are there currently, this process will not be delayed, so that we don't see a situation where, potentially, because of the tight timescales, there may be a shutting down of some things with a gap whilst some procurement process takes place—so that we don't see that taking place, that it's a smooth transition if it's required? 

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Ymyriad cyflym ar y pwynt ynghylch gweithio gyda grwpiau cymunedol, sefydliadau'r trydydd sector neu'r sector preifat sydd am ymgymryd â pheth o'r gwaith hwnnw, efallai. A fyddwch chi'n gallu ymrwymo i sicrhau, oherwydd yr amserlenni tynn sy'n bodoli ar hyn o bryd, na fydd y broses hon yn cael ei hoedi, fel nad ydym yn gweld sefyllfa lle bydd rhai pethau'n cau efallai, oherwydd yr amserlenni tynn, gyda bwlch tra bo'r broses gaffael yn digwydd—fel nad ydym yn gweld hynny'n digwydd, a'i fod yn bontio llyfn os oes angen? 

I think that point has come across clearly from a lot of organisations out there who want to see a smooth transition—if they can put together cases to actually run these facilities, they don't want a gap in-between. I think that's been very clear to NRW, and certainly my officials have fed that back as well, based on some of the public concerns raised with us. So, they're very cognisant of that, Sam, but thank you for raising it.

Just to turn to the remaining recommendations in the report—because we've covered a lot of ground in the debate here today and there are a few moments remaining—they focus on specific areas of work, all of which we've accepted. In terms of biodiversity conservation, we are looking at ways to better co-ordinate our funding on that. In terms of developing a new approach to sustainable finance for nature's recovery, based on cast-iron sustainable investment principles, we are working on that. I look forward to coming in front of the committee and talking a bit more about that, because these principles would aim to increase and diversify the available funding to tackle the nature emergencies and the pressures that drive biodiversity loss. And I think it's a recognition, by the way, that we're never going to have enough taxpayer-funded money to do the scale of the challenge in front of us, so we need to look creatively at really good ethical principles behind bringing additional funding into it. 

Agricultural pollution, Llywydd, remains one of the main causes of pollution in Wales, so we do have to work together with all sectors. We're engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders regarding the complex issue of pollution from farmers. We're providing more grant funding to support farmers in this area. We are tweaking and adjusting our way forward on the river summit approach as well to focus very much on the outcomes that we want to see delivered as well. And, in fact, we had the fifth of those summits at the Royal Welsh Show, co-chaired by the First Minister. And, of course, we're undergoing at the moment the review of agricultural pollution regulations as well with the new independent chair. 

I've gone beyond my time there. Can I just close by thanking the committee for its diligent scrutiny and the Members who've spoken today? The points will have been heard not just by me and my officials, but by NRW, as they go through a difficult process of working with the trade unions, and looking at the case for change that they're putting forward, recognising the multiple imperatives of what they're trying to do, but focused on those statutory and legal requirements that they have to help us tackle the climate and nature emergencies. It's not an easy task, but there is no easy task facing any of our public bodies at the moment. Diolch, Llywydd.

Rwy'n credu bod y pwynt hwnnw wedi dod drosodd yn glir gan lawer o sefydliadau allan yno sydd eisiau gweld pontio llyfn—os gallant lunio achosion i redeg y cyfleusterau hyn, ni fyddant eisiau bwlch yn y canol. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n glir iawn i CNC, ac yn sicr mae fy swyddogion wedi bwydo hynny yn ôl hefyd, yn seiliedig ar rai o'r pryderon y tynnodd y cyhoedd ein sylw atynt. Felly, maent yn ymwybodol iawn o hynny, Sam, ond diolch am ei godi.

I droi at yr argymhellion sy'n weddill yn yr adroddiad—oherwydd rydym wedi ymdrin â llawer o bethau yn y ddadl yma heddiw ac mae rhai eiliadau'n weddill—maent yn canolbwyntio ar feysydd gwaith penodol, ac rydym wedi derbyn pob un ohonynt. O ran cadwraeth bioamrywiaeth, rydym yn edrych ar ffyrdd o gydlynu ein harian yn well ar hynny. O ran datblygu dull newydd o ymdrin â chyllid cynaliadwy ar gyfer adfer natur, yn seiliedig ar egwyddorion buddsoddi cynaliadwy cadarn, rydym yn gweithio ar hynny. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ddod gerbron y pwyllgor a siarad ychydig mwy am hynny, oherwydd nod yr egwyddorion hyn fyddai cynyddu ac arallgyfeirio'r cyllid sydd ar gael i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfyngau natur a'r pwysau sy'n arwain at golli bioamrywiaeth. Ac rwy'n credu ei fod yn gydnabyddiaeth, gyda llaw, na fydd gennym fyth ddigon o arian o boced y trethdalwr i gyflawni'r her sydd o'n blaenau'n llawn, felly mae angen inni edrych yn greadigol ar egwyddorion moesegol da iawn i allu dod â chyllid ychwanegol i mewn iddo. 

Lywydd, mae llygredd amaethyddol yn parhau i fod yn un o brif achosion llygredd yng Nghymru, felly mae'n rhaid inni weithio gyda phob sector. Rydym yn ymgysylltu ag amrywiaeth eang o randdeiliaid ynghylch mater cymhleth llygredd gan ffermwyr. Rydym yn darparu mwy o gyllid grant i gefnogi ffermwyr yn y maes hwn. Rydym yn addasu ein ffordd ymlaen gyda'r uwchgynadleddau afonydd hefyd er mwyn canolbwyntio'n iawn ar y canlyniadau yr hoffem eu gweld yn cael eu cyflawni. Ac mewn gwirionedd, cawsom y bumed o'r uwchgynadleddau hyn yn Sioe Frenhinol Cymru, wedi'i chyd-gadeirio gan y Prif Weinidog. Ac wrth gwrs, rydym yn cynnal yr adolygiad o reoliadau llygredd amaethyddol ar hyn o bryd gyda'r cadeirydd annibynnol newydd. 

Mae fy amser wedi dod i ben. A gaf i orffen drwy ddiolch i'r pwyllgor am ei waith craffu diwyd a'r Aelodau sydd wedi siarad heddiw? Bydd y pwyntiau wedi cael eu clywed, nid yn unig gennyf i a fy swyddogion, ond gan CNC, wrth iddynt fynd drwy broses anodd o weithio gyda'r undebau llafur, ac edrych ar yr achos dros newid y maent yn ei gyflwyno, gan gydnabod hanfodion lluosog yr hyn y maent yn ceisio ei wneud, ond gan ganolbwyntio ar y gofynion statudol a chyfreithiol sydd ganddynt i'n helpu i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur. Nid yw'n dasg hawdd, ond nid oes unrhyw dasg sy'n wynebu unrhyw un o'n cyrff cyhoeddus ar hyn o bryd yn hawdd. Diolch, Lywydd.


Llyr Gruffydd, y Cadeirydd, nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl.

The Chair, Llyr Gruffydd, to reply to the debate.

Yn amlwg, dwi eisiau diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu i'r drafodaeth y prynhawn yma. Fyddaf i ddim yn mynd trwy bopeth mae pawb wedi ei ddweud, ond, yn amlwg, mae yna themâu cyson yn dod trwyddo, fel roedd llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr yn ei ddweud.

Clearly, I'd like to thank everyone who's contributed to the debate this afternoon. I won't go through everything that's been said, but, clearly, there are consistent themes emerging, as the Conservative spokesperson said.

NRW have been on an unsustainable trajectory for too long: more and more responsibilities being thrown in their direction, fewer and fewer resources to deliver those. The SLAs, the service level agreements, was an effective way of articulating to Government, to NRW, and to the wider public, 'This is what the Government expects you to deliver for this money'. Moving away from that, I think, leaves us in that limbo, in that grey area where NRW are trying to go from one cut to another, deciding exactly what their priorities are against exactly how much money they have. So, I think it's regrettable that we're unlikely to see movement in that direction soon, but, as I say, as a committee, we will be diligent in looking at whatever models are being used to fund the organisation.

Mae CNC wedi bod ar lwybr anghynaladwy yn rhy hir: mae mwy a mwy o gyfrifoldebau'n cael eu taflu i'w cyfeiriad, llai a llai o adnoddau i gyflawni'r rheini. Roedd y cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth yn ffordd effeithiol o fynegi i'r Llywodraeth, i CNC, ac i'r cyhoedd yn ehangach, 'Dyma beth y mae'r Llywodraeth yn disgwyl i chi ei gyflawni am yr arian hwn'. Rwy'n credu bod symud oddi wrth hynny yn ein gadael mewn limbo, yn nhir neb, lle mae CNC yn ceisio mynd o un toriad i'r llall, gan benderfynu yn union beth yw eu blaenoriaethau yn erbyn faint yn union o arian sydd ganddynt. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod yn anffodus nad ydym yn debygol o weld symud i'r cyfeiriad hwnnw'n fuan, ond fel y dywedaf, fel pwyllgor, byddwn yn ddiwyd wrth edrych ar ba fodelau bynnag a gaiff eu defnyddio i ariannu'r sefydliad.

Fel roedd Delyth yn ei ddweud, un allbwn amlwg yw y sefyllfa staffio ddyrys mae'r corff yn ei hwynebu. Rŷn ni fel Aelodau a fel pwyllgor eisiau deal beth yw blaenoriaethau Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, yn symud ymlaen, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn rhoi cyd-destun wedyn i'r diswyddiadau yma—265 o swyddi sy'n cael eu torri. Beth sy'n cael ei warchod, beth fydd yn cael llai o adnodd, beth fydd yn cael llai o bwyslais arno fe o safbwynt delifro gwasanaethau? Y tristwch, mae'n ymddangos i fi hefyd, yw dwi ddim yn siŵr os yw'r staff eu hunain yn gwybod beth yw'r cynllun ehangach.

Mae yna rai wedi cysylltu â fi yn dweud wrthyf fi, 'Dŷn ni ddim yn gwybod siwd ŷn ni'n mynd i ffitio mewn. Maen nhw dweud wrthym ni bydd yna bosibilrwydd i chi ymgeisio am swyddi pan fydd y broses yma yn rhedeg ei chwrs, ond dwi ddim yn gwybod os dwi'n mynd i ffitio mewn i'r blaenoriaethau, achos dwi ddim yn gwybod beth ŷn nhw'. Felly, mae yna gwestiwn yn fanna, dwi'n meddwl, sydd angen ei ateb.

Wrth gwrs, mae'r rhain yn heriau sydd yn cael eu hwynebu ar draws y sector gyhoeddus yng Nghymru, ac fe'n hatgoffwyd ni dyw awdurdodau lleol ddim yn anghyfarwydd â phwysau tebyg. Ond mae yna impact ddwbl wedyn, onid oes e, pan fo awdurdod lleol yn torri adnoddau llifogydd, a Cyfoeth Naturiol heb adnoddau llifogydd digonol, mae e'n effaith ddwbl, ac felly mae'r impact yn waeth.

Ond ŷn ni wedi clywed sawl enghraifft o ganlyniadau, goblygiadau ymarferol y toriadau hyn, boed yn gynlluniau mynediad yn Nyffryn Gwy i ymateb i lifogydd yn y cymoedd, a'r diffyg staffio yn y cyd-destun yna. Yr impact ar y SSSIs, sydd ddim yn cyrraedd y lefel y dylai nhw fod yn eu cyrraedd, yn sicr, o hynny, a'r effaith ar weithgarwch awyr agored hefyd. Yr ateb, wrth gwrs, yng Nghoed y Brenin, ac mewn mannau eraill, yw i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ymrwymo i beidio â diddymu a chau'r gwasanaeth tan bod yna drefniadau amgen yn eu lle. Dwi'n siŵr y byddai hynny yn diwallu peth o'r gofid.

Mae gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ddyletswyddau a chylch gorchwyl sy'n wahanol iawn i'r cyrff rhagflaenol, y cyrff oedd yn dod o'i blaen hi, ac mae Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 a deddfwriaeth arall wedi golygu bod y rôl Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru efallai'n un sy'n anodd i'w chymharu â rolau y cyrff ddaeth o'i blaen hi. Ond y cwestiwn sydd gyda fi i'w ofyn yw: gyda'r toriadau yma'n digwydd, beth yw'r rôl a'r remit yna sy'n torri trwyddo? Beth fydd ar ôl ar ôl y toriadau yma, ac i ba raddau mae'r Llywodraeth yn gyrru y weledigaeth yna yn hytrach nag efallai ei adael e i fwrdd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i flaenoriaethu yr hyn y maen nhw yn teimlo sydd ei angen?

Dwi'n meddwl fy mod i'n iawn i ddweud bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn rheoli tua 7 y cant o arwynebedd Cymru, felly yn hynny o beth, mae dylanwad y corff jest mor bellgyrhaeddol. Ac nid dim ond mewn cyd-destun amgylcheddol, ond mewn cyd-destun economaidd, cymdeithasol, diwylliannol, addysgiadol, iechyd cyhoeddus, ac yn y blaen ac yn y blaen.

Mae yna sawl neges wedi cael eu cyfleu gan Aelodau fan hyn yn y ddadl yma prynhawn yma. Mae'r pwyllgor wedi cyfleu neges glir ynglŷn â sicrhau bod Cyfoeth Naturiol mewn sefyllfa i weithredu ac i gyflawni ei dyletswyddau'n effeithiol, a dwi'n hyderu'n fawr bod yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, y Llywodraeth, a bwrdd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru'n gwrando'n astud iawn y prynhawn yma.

As Delyth said, one clear output is the complex staffing issues faced by the organisation. We, as Members and as a committee, want to understand what the priorities of NRW are in moving forward, which will then provide a context to these redundancies—265 jobs that are being cut. So, what is to be protected, what will receive less resource, where will the emphasis be cut in terms of delivery of services? The sadness, it appears to me, is that I'm not sure if the staff themselves know what the broader plan is.

Some have been in touch with me, telling me, 'We don't know how we're going to fit in. They're saying that there'll be a possibility for you to apply for posts when this process runs its course, but I don't know but if I'm going to fit in to the priorities, because I don't know what they are'. So, there's a question there that needs to be answered.

Of course, these are challenges faced across the public sector in Wales, and we were reminded that local authorities aren't unfamiliar with similar pressures. But there is a double impact then when the local authority cuts flood resources and NRW makes significant cuts too. It's a double blow and, therefore, the impact is so much worse.

But we've heard many examples of the practical impact of these cuts, be it access plans in the Wye valley or responding to flooding in the Valleys, the impact on the SSSIs, which aren't achieving the levels that they should be achieving, and also the impact on outdoor activity. The solution in Coed y Brenin and in other areas, of course, is for NRW to commit not to close those services until alternative arrangements are in place. I'm sure that would mitigate some of our concerns.

NRW has a remit and duties that are very different to its predecessor bodies, and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and other legislation has meant that the role that NRW plays is one that's difficult to compare to the roles of those predecessor bodies. But the question I would like to ask is: given that these cuts are happening, what is the cross-cutting role and remit? What will be the role following these cuts, and to what extent is the Government driving that vision, rather than leaving it for the board of NRW to prioritise what they feel is necessary?

I think I'm right in saying that NRW manages around 7 per cent of the surface area of Wales, so in that regard, the influence of the organisation is so far-reaching. And not just in an environmental context, but also economically, socially, culturally, educationally, in terms of public health, and so on and so forth.

A number of messages have been conveyed by Members in this debate this afternoon. The committee sent a clear message on ensuring that NRW is in a position to act and to deliver its functions effectively, and I very much hope that the Cabinet Secretary, the Government and the board of NRW are listening very carefully this afternoon.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i dderbyn.

The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed.

Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

7. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: Gwasanaethau offthalmoleg
7. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Ophthalmology services

Detholwyd y gwelliant canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt.

The following amendment has been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt.

Eitem 7 sydd nesaf, felly. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yw hon ar wasanaethau offthalmoleg, a Sam Rowlands sy'n gwneud y cynnig.

Item 7 is next, that's the Welsh Conservatives debate on ophthalmology services. Sam Rowlands is moving the motion.

Cynnig NDM8679 Darren Millar

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn nodi:

a) pryderon a godwyd gan RNIB Cymru bod tua 80,000 o bobl sydd â'r risg uchaf o golli golwg na ellir ei wrthdroi yn aros y tu hwnt i'w dyddiad targed ar gyfer apwyntiad;

b) bod dros 104,000 o lwybrau cleifion yng Nghymru yn aros am apwyntiad offthalmoleg ym mis Ebrill 2024; ac

c) bod Coleg Brenhinol yr Offthalmolegwyr yn amcangyfrif bod disgwyl i'r galw am wasanaethau gofal llygaid yng Nghymru gynyddu 40 y cant dros yr 20 mlynedd nesaf.

2. Yn gresynu:

a) bod y cynnydd mwyaf yn nifer y llwybrau cleifion sy'n aros dros flwyddyn mewn offthalmoleg;

b) bod y gweithlu offthalmig wedi gweld gostyngiad o 2 y cant yn ei weithlu ynghyd â chynnydd o 56 y cant mewn atgyfeiriadau yn ystod y degawd diwethaf; ac

c) nad yw'r system cofnod ac atgyfeiriad cleifion electronig, a lansiwyd gyntaf yn 2021, yn weithredol ledled Cymru o hyd.

3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i:

a) derbyn argymhellion y Strategaeth Glinigol Genedlaethol ar gyfer Offthalmoleg ac ymrwymo i wneud y buddsoddiad angenrheidiol i atal gwasanaethau gofal llygaid rhag chwalu'n ddiymatal ledled Cymru;

b) pennu targedau a therfynau amser ar gyfer gwella ôl-groniadau rhestrau aros, gan sicrhau bod cleifion sy'n aros yn cael neges am eu risg glinigol; ac

c) cyhoeddi amserlen ar gyfer datblygu a chyflwyno'r system cofnod ac atgyfeiriad cleifion electronig.

Motion NDM8679 Darren Millar

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes:

a) concerns raised by RNIB Cymru that around 80,000 people who are the highest risk of irreversible sight loss are waiting beyond their target date for an appointment;

b) that in April 2024, there were over 104,000 patient pathways in Wales waiting for an ophthalmology appointment; and

c) that the Royal College of Ophthalmologists estimates that demand for eye-care services in Wales is expected to increase by 40 per cent over the next 20 years.

2. Regrets that:

a) the biggest increase in the number of patient pathways waiting over a year was in ophthalmology;

b) the ophthalmic workforce has seen a 2 per cent drop in its workforce alongside a 56 per cent increase in referrals in the past decade; and

c) the electronic patient record and referral system, first launched in 2021, is still not operational across Wales.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) accept the recommendations of the National Clinical Strategy for Ophthalmology and commit to making the investment necessary to prevent the wholesale collapse of eye-care services across Wales;

b) set out targets and deadlines for improving waiting-list backlogs, ensuring patients waiting receive communication about their clinical risk; and

c) publish a timetable for the development and rollout of the electronic patient record and referral system.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. It's a pleasure to open this debate for the Welsh Conservatives. I move the motion in the name of Darren Millar on the order paper. 

'A tidal wave of blindness'—that's a stark warning from a leading doctor on the state of eye care here in Wales. And let's not forget, that's after 25 years of a Labour-run Welsh Government. As it stands, more than 80,000 people in Wales are at the highest risk of irreversible sight loss, with eye care accounting for one in every eight patients languishing on a Welsh NHS waiting list. 

The number of ophthalmology patients waiting beyond their target date has more than doubled in the past five years, and in the last decade, referrals to ophthalmic services have increased by over 50 per cent. But the workforce, of course, has not matched this increase, putting immense strain on health services and on people who are working so hard on the front lines.

It's estimated that 69,000 people in Wales have some form of diabetic retinopathy, with a consultant ophthalmologist in Swansea saying,

'we're filling up clinics faster than we can staff them'.

The RNIB said that demand for eye care services is expected to rise by as much as 40 per cent over the next 20 years, putting even more pressure on a service that's already creaking under the immense strain of lengthy waiting lists and outdated infrastructure.

Members, the numbers are staggering, but it's the personal stories that I'm sure we all hear of in our inboxes and on phone calls that are tragic. Too often, discussions in this place can feel theoretical, removed from the reality of people's lives, but let's not forget that it's decisions made by Ministers in this place that have a harsh effect on the people we are elected to represent. 

A person got in touch with me just this week saying that they're on a list for a cataract operation at a hospital in north Wales. They've been told that the wait for the surgery is two and a half years. That two and a half years can have a massive impact on a person's life. It changes them, not just in that two and a half years, but changes them forever; it means they can get blind when they don't have to, they can lose their sight.

But it's not just about eyesight. The lack of action, we know, on the very treatable gradual loss of sight in so many circumstances sadly has a huge impact on other important areas of our lives. If these issues aren't dealt with quickly, there can be a significant mental health impact on those who are suffering, and their families, of course, and a risk of increased loneliness as people find it more difficult to access spaces that they could go to in the past. We're aware of the physical health impacts due to an increase in trips and falls when people's eyes aren't properly supported, and, of course, there's economic impact for those unable to continue with their work. It just goes to show that a focus on proper eye health care is so important.

Within all this, let's not forget that this loss of sight, many times, is treatable, but people are losing their sight because they're waiting too long on these lists, which is ultimately the responsibility of Labour Ministers in this place. This situation is at a crisis point—let's make no mistake about this. But I'm not convinced that the Labour Party here in Wales understand the importance of the crisis that we're facing here today. 

We read in an interview in today's Western Mail that the Cabinet Secretary was specifically asked, if there was a patient in Swansea waiting for a cataract surgery, why shouldn't they be allowed to get that surgery done in Shropshire, where they would be seen months, or, let's be honest, even years quicker. And for some reason, that question didn't meet with a hugely positive response from the Cabinet Secretary. It seems like there's a reeling back from a commitment we only heard just a week or so ago about colleagues in England working more closely cross-border, rather than embracing the cross-border support that we know is really important. It seems crazy to me. I can't figure this out. Why wouldn't we want to have people in Wales seen more quickly if the opportunity is there to do so?

It's not just about cross-border between Wales and England; there are opportunities being missed in work with other sectors, whether it's charities, the private sector, or others working at the coal face.

I recently visited Specsavers in north Wales, in Broughton, who are working to treat people with eye problems. And at a national level, they want to be able to support, with the training and development of optometrists, as they have done in other parts of the UK. It's organisations like this that can help take the strain off the NHS, and make sure that people are seen as quickly as possible instead of waiting, literally, for years. I've spent time with the RNIB in Llandudno over the summer recess. I had the privilege of walking round the town with a representative from RNIB wearing a set of goggles that enabled me to see things as they saw things around the town. It helped me appreciate the experience that they have. And they're desperate to play an important role in supporting people in the prevention of sight loss.

So, in short, in my view, the Labour Party’s attitude needs to change, to embrace patient choice and the support of others. So, we're calling on the Welsh Government to adopt measures in order to tackle the deep-seated issues that impact eye healthcare in Wales. And to start, Welsh Government should accept the recommendations of the national clinical strategy for ophthalmology and make the investment needed in order to prevent the collapse of eye care services across Wales.

We're also calling for Ministers here to set targets and deadlines for improving waiting list backlogs, and to publish a timetable for development and roll-outs of a electronic patient record and referral system for a truly modern health service. And we believe this can be done by working across sectors and by working across Governments, giving people choice to ensure people in Wales do not suffer unnecessarily on waiting lists. It's a big job, there's no doubt about it. But it has start somewhere, and it has to start now. Anything less would be a sad, unnecessary and continued failure of people in Wales. I encourage all Members to support our motion. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Diolch, Lywydd. Mae'n bleser agor y ddadl hon ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig. Rwy'n gwneud y cynnig yn enw Darren Millar ar y papur trefn.

'Ton fawr o ddallineb'—dyna rybudd llwm gan feddyg blaenllaw am gyflwr gofal llygaid yma yng Nghymru. A gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio, daw hynny ar ôl 25 mlynedd o Lywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru. Ar hyn o bryd, mae dros 80,000 o bobl yng Nghymru yn wynebu'r risg uchaf o golli golwg na ellir ei wrthdroi, a gofal llygaid yw'r rheswm pam y mae un o bob wyth claf ar restr aros GIG Cymru. 

Mae nifer y cleifion offthalmoleg sy'n aros y tu hwnt i'w dyddiad targed wedi mwy na dyblu yn ystod y pum mlynedd diwethaf, ac yn ystod y degawd diwethaf, mae atgyfeiriadau at wasanaethau offthalmig wedi cynyddu dros 50 y cant. Ond nid yw'r gweithlu, wrth gwrs, wedi gweld cynnydd cyfatebol, gan roi straen aruthrol ar wasanaethau iechyd ac ar y bobl sy'n gweithio mor galed ar y rheng flaen.

Amcangyfrifir bod gan 69,000 o bobl yng Nghymru ryw fath o retinopathi diabetig, gydag offthalmolegydd ymgynghorol yn Abertawe'n dweud,

'Rydym yn llenwi clinigau yn gyflymach nag y gallwn eu staffio'.

Dywedodd yr RNIB fod disgwyl i'r galw am wasanaethau gofal llygaid godi cymaint â 40 y cant dros yr 20 mlynedd nesaf, gan roi mwy fyth o bwysau ar wasanaeth sydd eisoes yn gwegian o dan straen aruthrol rhestrau aros hir a seilwaith hen ffasiwn.

Aelodau, mae'r niferoedd yn syfrdanol, ond yr hyn sy'n drasig yw'r straeon personol y mae pawb ohonom, rwy'n siŵr, yn clywed amdanynt yn ein mewnflwch a thrwy alwadau ffôn. Yn rhy aml, gall trafodaethau yn y lle hwn deimlo'n ddamcaniaethol, ymhell o realiti bywydau pobl, ond gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio mai penderfyniadau Gweinidogion yn y lle hwn sy'n cael effaith lem ar y bobl y cawn ein hethol i'w cynrychioli. 

Fe wnaeth unigolyn gysylltu â mi yr wythnos hon yn dweud eu bod ar restr aros am lawdriniaeth gataract mewn ysbyty yng ngogledd Cymru. Cawsant wybod bod amser aros o ddwy flynedd a hanner am y llawdriniaeth. Gall y ddwy flynedd a hanner honno gael effaith enfawr ar fywyd rhywun. Mae'n eu newid, nid yn unig dros y ddwy flynedd a hanner honno, ond am byth; mae'n golygu y gallant fynd yn ddall pan nad oes raid i hynny ddigwydd, gallant golli eu golwg.

Ond mae'n ymwneud â mwy na'r golwg yn unig. Mewn cymaint o amgylchiadau, yn anffodus, fe wyddom fod diffyg gweithredu ar golli golwg graddol y gellir ei drin yn rhwydd iawn yn cael effaith enfawr ar rannau pwysig eraill o'n bywydau. Os na chaiff y pethau hyn eu trin yn gyflym, gall fod effaith sylweddol ar iechyd meddwl y rhai sy'n dioddef, a'u teuluoedd wrth gwrs, a risg o fwy o unigrwydd wrth i bobl ei chael hi'n anos mynd i fannau y gallent fynd iddynt yn y gorffennol. Rydym yn ymwybodol o'r effeithiau ar iechyd corfforol drwy gynnydd mewn cwympiadau pan na chaiff llygaid pobl sylw iawn, ac wrth gwrs, mae yna effaith economaidd i'r rhai nad ydynt yn gallu parhau i weithio. Mae'n dangos pa mor bwysig yw ffocws ar ofal iechyd llygaid priodol.

O fewn hyn oll, gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio bod modd trin colli golwg yn aml iawn, ond bod pobl yn colli eu golwg oherwydd eu bod yn aros yn rhy hir ar y rhestrau hyn, sy'n gyfrifoldeb i Weinidogion Llafur yn y lle hwn yn y pen draw. Heb unrhyw amheuaeth, mae'r sefyllfa hon ar bwynt argyfwng. Ond nid wyf wedi fy argyhoeddi bod y Blaid Lafur yma yng Nghymru yn deall pwysigrwydd yr argyfwng a wynebwn yma heddiw. 

Darllenwn mewn cyfweliad yn y Western Mail heddiw fod cwestiwn penodol i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi gofyn, os oedd claf yn Abertawe yn aros am lawdriniaeth cataract, pam na ddylid caniatáu iddynt gael y llawdriniaeth honno yn swydd Amwythig, lle byddent yn cael eu gweld fisoedd, neu, gadewch inni fod yn onest, flynyddoedd hyd yn oed, yn gyflymach. Ac am ryw reswm, ni chafodd y cwestiwn ymateb cadarnhaol iawn gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'n ymddangos bod yna gefnu ar ymrwymiad a glywsom gwta wythnos yn ôl am weithio'n agosach yn drawsffiniol â chydweithwyr yn Lloegr, yn hytrach na bod croeso i'r cymorth trawsffiniol y gwyddom ei fod mor bwysig. Mae'n ymddangos yn wallgof i mi. Ni allaf ei ddeall. Pam na fyddem eisiau i bobl yng Nghymru gael eu gweld yn gyflymach os yw'r cyfle yno i wneud hynny?

Mae'n ymwneud â mwy na chysylltiadau trawsffiniol rhwng Cymru a Lloegr yn unig; collir cyfleoedd i weithio gyda sectorau eraill, boed yn elusennau, y sector preifat, neu eraill sy'n gweithio ar y rheng flaen.

Yn ddiweddar, ymwelais â Specsavers yng ngogledd Cymru, ym Mrychdyn, sy'n gweithio i drin pobl â phroblemau llygaid. Ac ar lefel genedlaethol, maent am allu darparu cymorth, drwy hyfforddi a datblygu optometryddion, fel y maent wedi'i wneud mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU. Gall sefydliadau o'r fath helpu i dynnu'r straen oddi ar y GIG, a sicrhau bod pobl yn cael eu gweld cyn gynted â phosibl yn lle aros, yn llythrennol, am flynyddoedd. Treuliais amser gyda'r RNIB yn Llandudno dros doriad yr haf. Cefais y fraint o gerdded o gwmpas y dref gyda chynrychiolydd o'r RNIB yn gwisgo set o gogls a oedd yn fy ngalluogi i weld pethau fel y maent hwy'n gweld pethau o gwmpas y dref. Fe wnaeth fy helpu i ddeall eu profiad. Ac maent yn ysu am chwarae rhan bwysig yn cynorthwyo i atal pobl rhag colli eu golwg.

Felly, yn fyr, yn fy marn i, mae angen i agwedd y Blaid Lafur newid, i groesawu dewis cleifion a chefnogi eraill. Felly, galwn ar Lywodraeth Cymru i fabwysiadu mesurau i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau dwys sy'n effeithio ar ofal iechyd llygaid yng Nghymru. Ac i ddechrau, dylai Llywodraeth Cymru dderbyn argymhellion y strategaeth glinigol genedlaethol ar gyfer offthalmoleg a gwneud y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen er mwyn atal gwasanaethau gofal llygaid ledled Cymru rhag chwalu'n llwyr.

Rydym hefyd yn galw ar Weinidogion yma i osod targedau a therfynau amser ar gyfer gwella ôl-groniadau rhestrau aros, ac i gyhoeddi amserlen ar gyfer datblygu a chyflwyno system electronig ar gyfer cofnodi ac atgyfeirio cleifion mewn gwasanaeth iechyd gwirioneddol fodern. Ac rydym o'r farn y gellir gwneud hyn trwy weithio ar draws sectorau a thrwy weithio ar draws Llywodraethau, gan roi dewis i bobl er mwyn sicrhau nad yw pobl yng Nghymru yn dioddef yn ddiangen ar restrau aros. Heb amheuaeth, mae'n waith mawr. Ond mae'n rhaid iddo ddechrau yn rhywle, ac mae'n rhaid iddo ddechrau nawr. Byddai unrhyw beth llai yn parhau'r cam a wneir â phobl Cymru yn ddiangen ac yn drist. Rwy'n annog yr holl Aelodau i gefnogi ein cynnig. Diolch yn fawr iawn.


Rwyf wedi dethol y ddau welliant i'r cynnig, a dwi'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i gynnig yn ffurfiol welliant 1 a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt.

I have selected the two amendments to the motion, and I call on the Cabinet Secretary to formally move amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt.

Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt

Dileu popeth a rhoi yn ei le:

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn cydnabod nad yw amseroedd aros offthalmoleg yn cynrychioli dymuniadau Llywodraeth Cymru na'r cyhoedd yn hyn o beth.

2. Yn nodi bod nifer y llwybrau offthalmoleg a oedd yn aros mwy na dwy flynedd ar ddiwedd mis Gorffennaf 2024 44 y cant yn is na’r uchafbwynt ym mis Mawrth 2022.

3. Yn cydnabod y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud gan Weithrediaeth y GIG a'r rhwydwaith clinigol offthalmoleg i ddiwygio llwybrau offthalmoleg ar draws gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd.

4. Yn croesawu'r diwygiadau i optometreg, sy'n golygu bod optometryddion cymunedol bellach yn gallu rhoi diagnosis, trin, a rheoli mwy o bobl ym maes gofal sylfaenol, gan ddarparu mynediad cyflymach a haws.

Amendment 1—Jane Hutt

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Acknowledges ophthalmology waiting times are not where the Welsh Government or the public wants them to be.

2. Notes the number of ophthalmology pathways waiting more than two years at the end of July 2024 was 44 per cent lower than at the peak in March 2022.

3. Recognises the work being undertaken by the NHS Executive and the ophthalmology clinical network to reform pathways for ophthalmology across primary and secondary care.

4. Welcomes the reforms to optometry, which mean community optometrists are now able to diagnose, treat, and manage more people in primary care, providing faster and easier access.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.

Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.


Wedi ei gynnig. Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Moved. Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Diolch, Llywydd, a diolch i Sam Rowlands am gyflwyno y ddadl amserol yma, ac mi fyddwn ni yn ei gefnogi. Oherwydd fel mae geiriad y cynnig yn awgrymu, mae gwasanaethau offthalmoleg ar y dibyn, a does yna ddim amser i golli er mwyn adfer y sefyllfa. Yn wir, mae’r ffaith bod cyn-lywydd Pwyllgor Cymru Coleg Brenhinol yr Offthalmolegwyr wedi disgrifio’r strategaeth genedlaethol newydd fel

Thank you, Llywydd, and I thank Sam Rowlands for bringing forward this timely debate, and we will be supporting it. Because as the wording of the motion suggests, ophthalmology services are on the brink, and there is no time to lose in order to rectify the situation. Indeed, the fact that the former president of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Wales Committee has described the new national strategy as

'the last chance we have to plan a viable future for eyecare in Wales',

'y cyfle olaf sydd gennym i gynllunio dyfodol hyfyw ar gyfer gofal llygaid yng Nghymru',

a'r llywydd presennol wedi rhybuddio bod yna

and that the current president has warned that there is a

 'tidal wave...of blindness'

 'ton fawr o ddallineb'

yn ein hwynebu yn tanlinellu’r brys yma. Ac wrth edrych ar gyflwr gofal llygaid yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd, yna does yna ddim syndod o gwbl eu bod nhw wedi dod i’r casgliad hwn. Mae tua un o bob wyth o bobl sydd ar restr aros yno oherwydd anghenion offthalmoleg. Hyn, felly, ydy’r arbenigedd gyda’r pwysau mwyaf dwys o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd. O ganlyniad i hyn, mae llai na hanner y cleifion sydd â’r risg uchaf o droi’n ddall yn derbyn eu triniaeth o fewn y dyddiad targed estynedig.

Mae’r sefyllfa yn arbennig o fregus yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr, ble dim ond 44 y cant o’r cleifion sy’n derbyn triniaeth o fewn y cyfnod estynedig yma. Mae’r rhestr aros o 42,809 yn uwch nag yn unrhyw le arall yng Nghymru. A dwi'n gweld hynny yn fy mewnflwch ac yn fy ngwaith achos i yn wythnosol. Ac fel y mae ymchwil yr RNIB yn ei ddangos yn glir, bydd y pwysau ar wasanaethau offthalmoleg dim ond yn cynyddu dros y degawdau i ddod, gyda chynnydd mewn achosion glawcoma, dirywiad maciwlaidd a chataractau yn ganlyniad anochel i’r ffaith bod ein poblogaeth yn heneiddio.

Ond fel sy’n gyffredin ar draws sawl rhan o’r sector iechyd, mae’r un hen baradocs niweidiol yn tanseilio ein gwaith paratoadol ar gyfer yr heriau sydd i ddod, sef tra bod y galw ar wasanaethau iechyd yn parhau i gynyddu, mae capasiti y gweithlu yn crebachu, sydd yn dod i’r amlwg o ran y niferoedd staff a’r diffyg gweithredu ar systemau cyfeirio digidol Cymru gyfan.

facing us underlines this urgency. And when looking at the state of eye care in our health service, then there is no surprise at all that they have come to this conclusion. Around one in every eight people who are on a waiting list are there because of ophthalmology needs. This is, therefore, the speciality with the most intense pressure within the health service. As a result, less than half of the patients at the highest risk of going blind are receiving their treatment within the extended target date. 

The situation is particularly fragile in the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board area, where only 44 per cent of these patients are receiving their treatment within this extended period. The waiting list of 42,809 is higher than in any other place in Wales. And I see that in my casework and my inbox on a weekly basis. And as the RNIB's research clearly shows, the pressure on ophthalmology services will only increase over the coming decades, with an increase in cases of glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts an inevitable result of the fact that our population is ageing.

But as is common across many parts of the health sector, the same old pernicious paradox is undermining our preparedness for the challenges ahead, namely that while the demand on health services continues to increase, the capacity of the workforce is shrinking, which is evident in terms of staff numbers and the lack of action on the all-Wales digital referral systems.

I'm very grateful for you taking an intervention. As you'll know, the Stanley Eye Unit is based in Abergele Hospital, which is in my constituency. That hospital is going to have the opportunity to expand its capacity of services in the future, because much of the orthopaedic activity from there is currently being transferred to Llandudno hospital. Would you join me in encouraging the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to help clear its backlog by investing in the Stanley Eye Unit to make sure that it has the capacity to deliver these extra operations that people so desperately need? And will you also join me in encouraging the NHS more widely to use its resources more efficiently by encouraging it to do both eyes, if people need cataract operations, at the same time, rather than in separate appointments, which seems to me to be a nonsense?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i chi am dderbyn ymyriad. Fel y gwyddoch, mae Uned Llygaid Stanley wedi ei leoli yn Ysbyty Abergele, yn fy etholaeth i. Mae'r ysbyty hwnnw'n mynd i gael cyfle i ehangu ei gapasiti o wasanaethau yn y dyfodol, gan fod llawer o'r gweithgarwch orthopedig yno yn cael ei drosglwyddo i ysbyty Llandudno ar hyn o bryd. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi i annog Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr i helpu i glirio ei ôl-groniad trwy fuddsoddi yn Uned Llygaid Stanley i sicrhau bod ganddi gapasiti i ddarparu'r llawdriniaethau ychwanegol y mae pobl eu hangen mor daer? Ac a wnewch chi hefyd ymuno â mi i annog y GIG yn ehangach i ddefnyddio ei adnoddau'n fwy effeithlon trwy ei annog i wneud y ddwy lygad ar yr un pryd, os oes angen llawdriniaethau cataract ar bobl, yn hytrach na mewn apwyntiadau ar wahân, sydd i'w weld yn nonsens i mi?

Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.


Mae'r Aelod dros Orllewin Clwyd yn gwneud pwynt arbennig o bwysig. Mae ysbyty Stanley yn darparu gwasanaeth gwych, ac wrth gwrs mi fyddwn i'n cytuno efo'r angen i ehangu'r ddarpariaeth yno a sicrhau bod mwy yn cael ei wneud. Mae yna gwestiwn ehangach yn fanna o ran y ddarpariaeth iechyd a'r diffyg buddsoddi yn yr isadeiledd sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru o ran gwasanaethau. Felly, dwi'n cefnogi'r sylwadau hynny.

Mae'n werth hefyd, wrth gwrs, gofio bod triniaeth llygaid effeithiol a phrydlon yn allweddol ar gyfer yr agenda ataliol, yn enwedig wrth ganfod cyflyrau iechyd eraill yn gynnar, megis diabetes.

Beth sy'n arbennig o siomedig am hyn i gyd, wrth gwrs, ydy'r ffaith taw Cymru oedd y wlad gyntaf yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol i ddatblygu targedau penodol ar gyfer y categori uchaf o risg dallineb, ac fel y gwnaethon ni sôn yn ystod ein dadl yr wythnos diwethaf, mi rydyn ni fel Plaid o hyd yn annog targedau clir fel sail i waith llywodraethu effeithiol. Ond unwaith eto, dŷn ni'n gorfod wynebu'r realiti o'r Llywodraeth yma yn methu â phriodi eu bwriadau da gyda chanlyniadau cadarnhaol.

Mae'n greiddiol, felly, fod y strategaeth genedlaethol newydd hon yn cynrychioli trobwynt yn ymdrechion y Llywodraeth i fynd i'r afael â'r bygythiad sylweddol i ddarpariaeth offthalmoleg yng Nghymru. Yn hyn o beth, mi rydyn ni'n annog y Llywodraeth i weithredu ar unrhyw argymellion ar hyd targedau a meincnodau clir, a darpariaeth adnoddau sy'n gymesur ac anghenion cleifion a staff, yn unol â'r pwynt ddaru Darren Millar ei wneud.

Gan fod tua dau o bob tri o bobl yng Nghymru sy'n dioddef o golled golwg yn ferched, a bod merched, yn enwedig y rhai o gefndir llai breintiedig, yn fwy tebygol o wynebu rhwystrau wrth geisio derbyn triniaeth, mi rydyn ni hefyd yn galw am bwyslais priodol yn y cynllun gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â hyn, sy'n adlewyrchiad o'r anghydraddoldebau rhywedd ehangach sydd yn ein system iechyd roedd Delyth Jewell yn sôn amdanyn nhw ynghynt. Mi ddylai hyn fynd law yn llaw â'r gwaith ehangach o wella cyflwr y gweithlu, ac mi fyddwn ni'n ddiolchgar am ddiweddariad yn ymateb yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am gynllun Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru i gynyddu cyfleon CPD i staff yn y maes yma.

Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi datgan yn gyson dros yr wythnosau diwethaf ei bwriad i arwain Llywodraeth sydd â ffocws di-baid ar gyflawni. Felly, profwch fod yr uchelgais yma yn fwy na dim ond geiriau gan gefnogi'r cynnig. Diolch.

The Member for Clwyd West makes a very important point. Stanley hospital does provide excellent services, and of course I would agree with the need to expand that provision and ensure that more is done. There is a broader question there in terms of health provision and the lack of investment in the infrastructure that we have in Wales in terms of services. So, I do support those comments.

It's also worth remembering that effective and prompt eye treatment is key for the preventive agenda, especially in the early detection of other health conditions, such as diabetes. 

What is particularly disappointing about all of this, of course, is the fact that Wales was the first country in the UK to develop specific targets for the highest category of blindness risk, and as we mentioned during our debate last week, we as a party are still encouraging clear targets as a basis for effective governance. Once again, however, we must face the reality of the Government not being able to marry their good intentions with positive results.

It is therefore essential that this new national strategy represents a turning point in the Government's efforts to address the significant threat to ophthalmology provision in Wales. In this regard, we encourage the Government to act on any recommendations regarding clear targets and benchmarks, and the provision of resources that are proportionate to the needs of patients and staff, in accordance with the point made by Darren Millar.

As around two out of every three people in Wales who suffer from sight loss are women, and that women, particularly those from less privileged backgrounds, are more likely to face barriers when seeking treatment, we are also calling for appropriate emphasis in the action plan to address this, which is a reflection of the wider gender inequalities in our health system, which Delyth Jewell spoke of earlier. This should go hand in hand with the broader work of improving the state of the workforce, and we would be grateful for an update in the Minister's response regarding the Health Education and Improvement Wales plan to increase CPD opportunities for staff in this area.

The First Minister has consistently stated over the last few weeks her intention to lead a Government that has a relentless focus on delivery. So, prove that that ambition is more than just words by supporting this motion. Thank you.

What strikes me in this Welsh Conservative motion today is the sheer number of people who are at risk of sight loss and how many people are waiting beyond the target and how many of them are waiting beyond the target date for an appointment. And the figures, set out in our motion today and which Sam Rowlands set out in his opening comments I think are pretty shocking. What also strikes me, as detailed in our motion as well, is that the increased demand is expected to be 40 per cent over the next two years. Now, that should, should it not, set alarm bells to the Government that they need to take this issue seriously and that this should be a top priority for the Welsh Government to address.

Now, we know that under this Government here we've got the longest waiting times in the UK, but what our motion sets out today is that the biggest increase in the number of patient pathways waiting over a year was actually in ophthalmology, at the same time as the workforce in this specific area has seen a 2 per cent drop in its workforce, alongside a 50 per cent increase in referrals in the past decade. Now, the Cabinet Secretary—I know he's new to post—may stand up and tell us that the Government's got a plan and are committed to driving down waiting lists, but the sad thing is that we have heard this previously from past health Ministers. In 2001 the electronic patient record and referral system was launched, but guess what? It's still not operational in Wales. Now, the Health and Social Care Committee publishes a termly monitoring report, and that report tracks waiting times against the Welsh Government's own targets—a really valuable document and one that is made publicly available as well. Now, the latest report conducted in the summer shows us that the biggest increase over the last six months in the number of patient pathways waiting over 53 weeks was in ophthalmology—have I said that right? Ophthalmology. It has the highest number of patient pathways waiting, and also the highest number of patient pathways waiting over 53 weeks.

Now, the monitoring report also goes on to give some commentary as well. It says that the Welsh Government have tried introducing some measures, alongside health boards, to address the high ophthalmology waits, such as the eye care measures that were introduced in 2019, where patients are assigned a health risk factor to prioritise those at greatest risk of irreversible sight loss. But the report also states that less than half—48.6 per cent, actually—of high-risk patients are seen within their clinically safe target date, indicating that there's a need for better implementation and awareness. So, I don't really think that that is good enough at all. Now, when the Cabinet Secretary does respond to the debate today, I would like him to address the issue around resource—the resource being allocated to address the shortage here—and also how effective he thinks the community clinics have been in reducing waiting times and providing fast and effective care.

I was pleased that Sam Rowlands mentioned the issue of cross-border; it's particularly important in my own constituency. But I know myself that there is capacity in Shropshire. There's capacity there, but that cannot be used. Why? Because NHS Wales is not prepared to pay for those services. As Welsh Conservatives, we want to see a Welsh Government accept the recommendations of the national clinical strategy for ophthalmology and commit to making the necessary investment to prevent the wholesale collapse of eyecare services across Wales. But also, I think that what is really disappointing is that the Government have deleted our entire motion today. That motion sets out a factual position and then goes on to address what the Government needs to do, and it's disappointing that the Government wasn't able to support our motion as it was.

Yr hyn sy'n fy nharo i yng nghynnig y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig heddiw yw'r nifer enfawr o bobl sydd mewn perygl o golli eu golwg a faint o bobl sy'n aros y tu hwnt i'r targed a faint ohonynt sy'n aros y tu hwnt i'r dyddiad targed am apwyntiad. Ac mae'r ffigurau a nodir yn ein cynnig heddiw ac a nodwyd gan Sam Rowlands yn ei sylwadau agoriadol yn eithaf brawychus yn fy marn i. Yr hyn sydd hefyd yn fy nharo, fel y nodwyd yn ein cynnig hefyd, yw y disgwylir i'r galw cynyddol fod 40 y cant yn uwch dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf. Nawr, oni ddylai hynny ganu larymau i'r Llywodraeth fod angen iddynt fod o ddifrif ynghylch y mater hwn ac y dylai fod yn brif flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru.

Nawr, fe wyddom mai gennym ni yma o dan y Llywodraeth hon y mae'r amseroedd aros hiraf yn y DU, ond mae ein cynnig yn nodi heddiw fod y cynnydd mwyaf yn nifer y llwybrau cleifion sy'n aros dros flwyddyn i'w weld mewn offthalmoleg mewn gwirionedd, a hynny ar adeg pan fo'r gweithlu yn y maes penodol hwn wedi gweld gostyngiad o 2 y cant yn ei weithlu, ochr yn ochr â chynnydd o 50 y cant yn nifer yr atgyfeiriadau dros y degawd diwethaf. Nawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet—rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn newydd i'w swydd—efallai y gall godi i ddweud wrthym fod gan y Llywodraeth gynllun a'u bod wedi ymrwymo i leihau rhestrau aros, ond y peth trist yw ein bod wedi clywed hyn o'r blaen gan Weinidogion iechyd yn y gorffennol. Yn 2001 lansiwyd y system electronig ar gyfer cofnodi ac atgyfeirio cleifion, ond credwch neu beidio, mae'n dal i fod heb ei rhoi ar waith yng Nghymru. Nawr, mae'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn cyhoeddi adroddiad monitro tymhorol, ac mae'r adroddiad hwnnw'n olrhain amseroedd aros yn erbyn targedau Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun—dogfen wirioneddol werthfawr ac un sydd ar gael i'r cyhoedd hefyd. Nawr, mae'r adroddiad diweddaraf a gynhaliwyd yn yr haf yn dangos i ni mai mewn offthalmoleg y gwelwyd y cynnydd mwyaf dros y chwe mis diwethaf yn nifer y llwybrau cleifion a oedd yn aros dros 53 wythnos. Dyna lle mae'r nifer fwyaf o lwybrau cleifion yn aros, a hefyd y nifer fwyaf o lwybrau cleifion sy'n aros dros 53 wythnos.

Nawr, mae'r adroddiad monitro yn mynd rhagddo i roi peth sylwebaeth hefyd. Mae'n dweud bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ceisio cyflwyno rhai mesurau, ochr yn ochr â byrddau iechyd, i fynd i'r afael â'r amseroedd aros hir mewn offthalmoleg, fel y mesurau gofal llygaid a gyflwynwyd yn 2019, lle dynodir ffactor risg i iechyd cleifion er mwyn blaenoriaethu'r rhai sydd â'r risg fwyaf o golli golwg na ellir ei wrthdroi. Ond mae'r adroddiad hefyd yn nodi bod llai na hanner—48.6 y cant mewn gwirionedd—y cleifion risg uchel yn cael eu gweld o fewn eu dyddiad targed diogel yn glinigol, sy'n dangos bod angen gweithredu gwell a gwella ymwybyddiaeth. Felly, nid wyf yn credu bod hynny'n ddigon da o gwbl. Nawr, pan fydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymateb i'r ddadl heddiw, hoffwn iddo roi sylw i'r broblem adnoddau—yr adnoddau sy'n cael eu dyrannu i fynd i'r afael â'r prinder—a hefyd pa mor effeithiol yn ei farn ef y mae'r clinigau cymunedol wedi bod yn lleihau amseroedd aros ac yn darparu gofal cyflym ac effeithiol.

Roeddwn yn falch fod Sam Rowlands wedi sôn am yr agweddau trawsffiniol; mae'n arbennig o bwysig yn fy etholaeth i. Ond rwy'n gwybod fy hun fod yna gapasiti yn swydd Amwythig. Mae yna gapasiti yno, ond ni ellir ei ddefnyddio. Pam? Oherwydd nad yw GIG Cymru yn barod i dalu am y gwasanaethau hynny. Fel Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, rydym am weld Llywodraeth Cymru yn derbyn argymhellion y strategaeth glinigol genedlaethol ar gyfer offthalmoleg ac yn ymrwymo i wneud y buddsoddiad angenrheidiol i atal y gwasanaethau gofal llygaid ledled Cymru rhag chwalu'n llwyr. Ond hefyd, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n siomedig iawn yw bod y Llywodraeth wedi dileu ein cynnig cyfan heddiw. Mae'r cynnig hwnnw'n nodi sefyllfa ffeithiol ac yna'n mynd i'r afael â'r hyn sydd angen i'r Llywodraeth ei wneud, ac mae'n siomedig nad oedd y Llywodraeth yn gallu cefnogi ein cynnig fel yr oedd.


Our eyes and vision are precious. Urgent treatment for so many eye conditions is essential, including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and wet age-related macular degeneration. However, non-urgent eye conditions, such as cataracts, if untreated, can have a significant impact on a person's life, on their ability to do their job and remain independent if not dealt with in a timely manner. Whilst waiting times for surgery are reducing, as the Welsh Government amendment states, they are not where everyone wants them to be.

There have been huge medical improvements in both ophthalmic and optometry services, however a sustainable solution is needed if demands for eye services are to be met in the future, which will only increase with an ageing population. I worked in an ophthalmic department quite a few years ago now, when a cataract extraction was done under general anaesthetic and you could expect to be an in-patient for around 10 days. Now, the surgery is done under local anaesthetic, takes about 30 minutes, and you're back home later that day. Eye care has and must continue to evolve. One area where this has occurred is in primary care, where the Welsh Government has invested significant funding in optometry services. This has enabled health boards to ensure that patients are seen at the right time, by the right person and in the right place, whether that be a specialist secondary service or in a primary care setting. 

Historically, optometrists undertook eye tests and contact lens assessments only. Now, they provide a number of treatments and services, freeing up specialist care, and they have far more clinical responsibility. The professional workforce has ensured that they have upskilled, with higher qualifications being achieved. The transformation of the delivery of services in eye care has been delivered at pace, and must continue to do so into the future. I am pleased that the new Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care is currently considering a national clinical strategy.

Digital technology also plays a very important role, and I think it's fair to say that ophthalmology was behind the curve, and investment is vital in this area if progress is to be made and maintained. Importantly, Wales is the only country in the UK that has a low vision service. This is a service providing advice, support and aids to help people maintain their independence and quality of life. All of these reforms and expansion of different eye services are important and the reform of pathways and a reduction in waiting times must continue to be a priority for our health boards. Diolch.

Mae ein llygaid a'n golwg yn werthfawr. Mae triniaeth frys ar gyfer cymaint o gyflyrau llygaid yn hanfodol, gan gynnwys glawcoma, retinopathi diabetig a dirywiad macwlaidd gwlyb sy'n gysylltiedig ag oedran. Fodd bynnag, gall cyflyrau llygaid nad ydynt yn rhai brys, fel cataractau, os na chânt eu trin, gael effaith sylweddol ar fywyd unigolyn, ar eu gallu i wneud eu gwaith ac aros yn annibynnol os na chânt sylw mewn modd amserol. Er bod amseroedd aros am lawdriniaeth yn lleihau, fel y dywed gwelliant Llywodraeth Cymru, nid ydynt lle mae pawb eisiau iddynt fod.

Cafwyd gwelliannau meddygol enfawr mewn gwasanaethau offthalmig ac optometreg, ond mae angen ateb cynaliadwy os yw'r galw am wasanaethau llygaid yn mynd i gael ei fodloni yn y dyfodol, ac mae'n mynd i gynyddu gyda phoblogaeth sy'n heneiddio. Arferwn weithio mewn adran offthalmig gryn dipyn o flynyddoedd yn ôl bellach, pan gâi cataractau eu tynnu dan anesthetig cyffredinol a gallech ddisgwyl bod yn glaf mewnol am tua 10 diwrnod. Nawr, fe wneir y llawdriniaeth dan anesthetig lleol, mae'n cymryd tua 30 munud, ac rydych chi'n ôl adref yn ddiweddarach y diwrnod hwnnw. Mae gofal llygaid wedi esblygu, ac mae'n rhaid iddo barhau i esblygu. Un maes lle mae hyn wedi digwydd yw mewn gofal sylfaenol, lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi buddsoddi cyllid sylweddol mewn gwasanaethau optometreg. Mae hyn wedi galluogi byrddau iechyd i sicrhau bod cleifion yn cael eu gweld ar yr adeg iawn, gan yr unigolyn iawn ac yn y lle iawn, boed yn wasanaeth eilaidd arbenigol neu mewn lleoliad gofal sylfaenol. 

Yn hanesyddol, dim ond optometryddion a arferai wneud profion llygaid ac asesiadau lensys cyffwrdd. Nawr, maent yn darparu nifer o driniaethau a gwasanaethau, gan ryddhau lle mewn gofal arbenigol, ac mae ganddynt lawer mwy o gyfrifoldeb clinigol. Mae'r gweithlu proffesiynol wedi sicrhau eu bod wedi uwchsgilio, ac yn cyflawni cymwysterau uwch. Mae'r gwaith o drawsnewid y ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau mewn gofal llygaid wedi digwydd yn gyflym, a rhaid iddo barhau i wneud hynny yn y dyfodol. Rwy'n falch fod Ysgrifennydd newydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol wrthi'n ystyried strategaeth glinigol genedlaethol.

Mae technoleg ddigidol yn chwarae rhan bwysig iawn hefyd, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn deg dweud bod offthalmoleg yn arfer bod ar ei hôl hi, ac mae buddsoddiad yn hanfodol yn y maes hwn er mwyn gwneud cynnydd a'i gynnal. Yn bwysig, Cymru yw'r unig wlad yn y DU sydd â gwasanaeth golwg gwan. Gwasanaeth yw hwn sy'n darparu cyngor, cefnogaeth a chymhorthion i helpu pobl i gadw'n annibynnol a chynnal ansawdd bywyd. Mae'r holl ddiwygiadau hyn ac ehangu gwahanol wasanaethau llygaid yn bwysig a rhaid i ddiwygio llwybrau a lleihau amseroedd aros barhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i'n byrddau iechyd. Diolch.


This debate has really highlighted a number of stats and figures about the impact of not treating eye care across Wales, but I want to go on a slightly different tack this afternoon. I want to talk about a service that, actually, if we don’t get on top of this, will be under huge pressure, and that’s our guide dogs across Wales. We all know that if people who are suffering with sight loss don’t get timely treatment, or people lose their sight, they require a guide dog to go about their daily life, and I don’t think we talk about that enough in this Chamber. We’re talking a lot about statistics and the people who actually need the help, but, actually, if we don’t sort this out, there’s going to be a lot of pressure to get more guide dogs coming into the country. A recent survey reported that 2 million people living across the United Kingdom live with sight loss, and, with these figures, a lot of those people rely, as I said, on guide dogs to go about their daily lives safely. The role of these dogs extends far beyond what people think they do. They enhance people’s quality of life, they foster a sense of freedom for those individuals, and they enable them to engage with society, something I think we should all champion in this Chamber.

One of the most striking statistics is that guide dog owners are 80 per cent more likely to leave their homes for social activities compared to those without a guide dog. This increase in social interaction is critical. It not only combats loneliness, which also costs the Government money, but it also promotes mental health and well-being and that’s very, very important at a time in Wales when a lot of people are suffering with loneliness and isolation and issues with their mental health. We need to make sure that everybody across society, even if they have sight loss, has access to get out of their home and engage with society. Just imagine the difference that a loyal guide dog can make, allowing somebody to walk confidently into a cafe, attend a concert, or simply just enjoy a stroll around the park.

In Wales, Guide Dogs Cymru have been instrumental in providing these services. They currently support a huge number of guide dog partnerships across this country and this number is steadily growing, reflecting the increased demand for assistance among those with visual impairments. And what we’re saying in this debate is that we need to address these services to make sure it doesn’t put more pressure on Guide Dogs Cymru. Each year the charity trains approximately 20 new guide dogs, ensuring that more individuals can benefit from this invaluable service. Guide dogs are trained to navigate a variety of environments, from the busy city streets here in Cardiff to the public transport, when it turns up. And they also learn to avoid obstacles and help their owners make safe decisions. This training not only prepares them for the challenges of the outside world but instils confidence in their handlers, and it does state in statistics that 93 per cent of guide dog users report feeling safer while out and about with their dogs. It is essential that we continue to support the work of Guide Dogs Cymru and similar organisations. They rely heavily on donations and volunteers to carry out the vital mission that they carry out. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps to train a guide dog and support those who need them the most. So, I would encourage everybody today to support this motion that we have put forward, because, if we do not support this motion and the eye health of the population of Wales gets worse, charities like Guide Dogs Cymru will need an awful lot more support to help those vulnerable people right across Wales who need a dog to go about their daily lives.

Mae'r ddadl hon wedi tynnu sylw at nifer o ystadegau a ffigurau am effaith peidio â thrin gofal llygaid ledled Cymru, ond rwyf am fynd ar drywydd ychydig yn wahanol y prynhawn yma. Rwyf am siarad am wasanaeth a fydd o dan bwysau aruthrol os na lwyddwn i reoli hyn, sef ein cŵn tywys ledled Cymru. Os na chaiff pobl sy'n dioddef o golli golwg driniaeth amserol, neu os yw pobl yn colli eu golwg, rydym i gyd yn gwybod bod angen ci tywys arnynt i fyw eu bywydau o ddydd i ddydd, ac nid wyf yn credu ein bod yn siarad digon am hynny yn y Siambr. Rydym yn siarad llawer am ystadegau a'r bobl sydd angen yr help, ond os na lwyddwn i ddatrys hyn, bydd llawer o bwysau i gael mwy o gŵn tywys i mewn i'r wlad. Nododd arolwg diweddar fod 2 filiwn o bobl ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig wedi colli eu golwg, a chyda'r ffigurau hyn, mae llawer o'r bobl hynny'n dibynnu, fel y dywedais, ar gŵn tywys i fyw eu bywydau bob dydd yn ddiogel. Mae rôl y cŵn hyn yn ymestyn ymhell y tu hwnt i'r hyn y mae pobl yn ei feddwl. Maent yn gwella ansawdd bywyd pobl, maent yn meithrin ymdeimlad o ryddid yn yr unigolion hynny, ac maent yn eu galluogi i ymgysylltu â chymdeithas, rhywbeth y credaf y dylem i gyd ei hyrwyddo yn y Siambr hon.

Un o'r ystadegau mwyaf trawiadol yw bod perchnogion cŵn tywys 80 y cant yn fwy tebygol o adael eu cartrefi ar gyfer gweithgareddau cymdeithasol o'i gymharu â phobl heb gi tywys. Mae'r cynnydd hwn mewn rhyngweithiad cymdeithasol yn allweddol. Mae'n brwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd, sydd hefyd yn costio arian i'r Llywodraeth, ac mae hefyd yn hybu iechyd meddwl a llesiant ac mae hynny'n bwysig tu hwnt ar adeg yng Nghymru pan fo llawer o bobl yn teimlo'n ynysig ac yn dioddef o unigrwydd a phroblemau gyda'u hiechyd meddwl. Mae angen inni sicrhau bod pawb ar draws y gymdeithas, hyd yn oed os ydynt yn colli eu golwg, yn gallu mynd allan o'u cartrefi ac ymgysylltu â'r gymdeithas. Dychmygwch y gwahaniaeth y gall ci tywys ffyddlon ei wneud, gan ganiatáu i rywun gerdded yn hyderus i mewn i gaffi, mynychu cyngerdd, neu fwynhau cerdded o amgylch y parc.

Yng Nghymru, mae Cŵn Tywys Cymru wedi bod yn allweddol yn y gwaith o ddarparu'r gwasanaethau hyn. Ar hyn o bryd maent yn cefnogi nifer enfawr o bartneriaethau cŵn tywys ledled y wlad ac mae'r nifer yn cynyddu'n gyson, gan adlewyrchu'r cynnydd yn y galw am gymorth gan bobl ag amhariad ar eu golwg. A'r hyn a ddywedwn yn y ddadl hon yw bod angen inni fynd i'r afael â'r gwasanaethau hyn i sicrhau nad ydynt yn rhoi mwy o bwysau ar Cŵn Tywys Cymru. Bob blwyddyn mae'r elusen yn hyfforddi tua 20 o gŵn tywys newydd, gan sicrhau y gall mwy o unigolion elwa o'r gwasanaeth amhrisiadwy hwn. Caiff cŵn tywys eu hyfforddi i lywio amrywiaeth o amgylcheddau, o strydoedd dinesig prysur yma yng Nghaerdydd i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, lle bo'n bodoli. Ac maent hefyd yn dysgu osgoi rhwystrau a helpu eu perchnogion i wneud penderfyniadau diogel. Mae'r hyfforddiant hwn nid yn unig yn eu paratoi ar gyfer heriau'r byd y tu allan ond yn meithrin hyder yn eu defnyddwyr, ac mae'r ystadegau'n dangos bod 93 y cant o ddefnyddwyr cŵn tywys yn dweud eu bod yn teimlo'n fwy diogel wrth fynd allan gyda'u cŵn. Mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn parhau i gefnogi gwaith Cŵn Tywys Cymru a sefydliadau tebyg. Maent yn dibynnu'n fawr ar roddion a gwirfoddolwyr i gyflawni'r genhadaeth bwysig y maent yn ei chyflawni. Mae pob cyfraniad, ni waeth pa mor fach, yn helpu i hyfforddi ci tywys a chefnogi'r rhai sydd eu hangen fwyaf. Felly, hoffwn annog pawb heddiw i gefnogi'r cynnig hwn a gyflwynwyd gennym, oherwydd, os na wnawn hynny a bod iechyd llygaid poblogaeth Cymru'n gwaethygu, bydd angen llawer iawn mwy o gefnogaeth ar elusennau fel Cŵn Tywys Cymru i helpu pobl fregus ledled Cymru sydd angen ci i allu byw eu bywydau bob dydd.

It’s a pleasure to take part in this debate tonight, on a subject of great importance, which constituents raise with increasing regularity. Firstly, I’d like to make it clear that my constituents have received excellent ophthalmology treatment, and I have received no complaints regarding their clinical treatment, but the astronomical waiting times are having devastating consequences, and need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Some of the personal testimonies I’ve heard from constituents waiting for ophthalmology treatments have been deeply distressing, and, in north Wales, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has by far the worst waiting times in Wales for ophthalmology services, with close to 43,000 people assessed as health risk factor R1 waiting for an appointment. That means that over a quarter of all of those in Wales on the waiting list are within a health board that serves just 22 per cent of Wales’s population. As my colleague Darren Millar mentioned, Abergele’s Stanley eye unit—. And people from my constituency are generally referred to that hospital, which provides roughly 40,000 appointments every year, but the hospital is in urgent need of investment to increase capacity. I've met with constituents who have been referred to Abergele Hospital's eye clinic by their local optician and told they have to wait over two years for treatment. Ophthalmology patients in Denbighshire and Conwy are disproportionately elderly, and often have to undertake caring responsibilities for their partner. So, it's frankly unacceptable that, in a developed nation, an elderly woman and sole carer of her terminally-ill partner should have to endure over two years of misery living with cataracts before she receives treatment. It is, quite simply, an affront to human dignity, and it must be addressed as a priority by this Government.

Elderly ophthalmology patients are also regularly being referred to clinics outside of north Wales, which is not an acceptable or sustainable solution for the majority of patients who are elderly and find travelling challenging. There needs to be sufficient investment and thus capacity in their area.

Another aspect of eye health that adds to the importance of swift treatment is that many conditions that affect the eyes are degenerative and continue to worsen if untreated. I've spoken to many constituents living with macular degeneration who are slowly losing their vision while sitting on a waiting list. The RNIB have highlighted that over 80,000 in Wales are the highest risk of irreversible sight loss as they are waiting too long for appointments. I think we can all appreciate how terrifying the prospect of losing our vision would be, and I think we—well, the Welsh Government—need to have some empathy with individuals facing that reality.

The demand on ophthalmology services is also increasing, with a projected 40 per cent rise in demand over the next 20 years. Yet we have seen no plans put forward by the Welsh Government to prepare for this demand. The number of ophthalmology patients waiting beyond their target date has more than doubled in the past five years, and there is little sign that we are moving in the right direction. We are, as the former president of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in Wales said, facing a 'tidal wave of blindness' across the whole country if provision is not improved and waiting times are not brought down. The Welsh Government must evaluate its priorities and recognise the urgency of the situation and implement a plan to rapidly bring down the waiting times and invest in services across Wales to increase capacity with demand. Thank you very much.

Mae'n bleser cymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon heno ar bwnc pwysig iawn sy'n cael ei godi'n fwyfwy mynych gan etholwyr. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ei gwneud yn glir fod fy etholwyr wedi cael triniaeth offthalmoleg ardderchog, ac nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw gwynion ynglŷn â'u triniaeth glinigol, ond mae'r amseroedd aros hirfaith yn arwain at ganlyniadau dinistriol, ac mae angen mynd i'r afael â nhw ar frys. Mae rhai o'r tystiolaethau personol a glywais gan etholwyr sy'n aros am driniaethau offthalmoleg wedi peri gofid mawr, ac yng ngogledd Cymru, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr sydd â'r amseroedd aros gwaethaf o bell ffordd yng Nghymru ar gyfer gwasanaethau offthalmoleg, gyda bron i 43,000 o bobl wedi eu hasesu fel rhai â ffactor risg iechyd R1 wrth aros am apwyntiad. Mae hynny'n golygu bod dros chwarter yr holl bobl yng Nghymru sydd ar y rhestr aros mewn bwrdd iechyd sy'n gwasanaethu dim ond 22 y cant o boblogaeth Cymru. Fel y soniodd fy nghyd-Aelod Darren Millar, uned llygaid Stanley yn Abergele—. Ac yn gyffredinol, mae pobl o fy etholaeth i'n cael eu cyfeirio at yr ysbyty hwnnw, sy'n darparu tua 40,000 o apwyntiadau bob blwyddyn, ond mae angen buddsoddiad ar frys ar yr ysbyty i gynyddu capasiti. Cyfarfûm ag etholwyr a gafodd eu hatgyfeirio at glinig llygaid Ysbyty Abergele gan eu hoptegydd lleol a chael clywed bod yn rhaid iddynt aros dros ddwy flynedd am driniaeth. Mae nifer anghymesur o boblogaeth cleifion offthalmoleg sir Ddinbych a Chonwy yn oedrannus, ac yn aml yn gorfod ysgwyddo cyfrifoldebau gofalu am eu partner. Felly, mewn gwlad ddatblygedig, mae'n annerbyniol fod menyw oedrannus ac unig ofalwr ei phartner sydd â salwch angheuol yn gorfod dioddef dros ddwy flynedd o ddiflastod byw gyda chataractau cyn iddi gael triniaeth. Mae'n sarhad ar urddas ddynol, a rhaid i'r Llywodraeth fynd i'r afael â hyn fel blaenoriaeth.

Mae cleifion offthalmoleg oedrannus hefyd yn cael eu hatgyfeirio'n rheolaidd at glinigau y tu allan i ogledd Cymru, ac nid yw hwnnw'n ateb derbyniol na chynaliadwy i'r mwyafrif o gleifion sy'n oedrannus ac sy'n gweld teithio'n heriol. Mae angen buddsoddiad digonol, a chapasiti felly, yn eu hardal.

Agwedd arall ar iechyd llygaid sy'n ychwanegu at bwysigrwydd triniaeth gyflym yw bod llawer o gyflyrau sy'n effeithio ar y llygaid yn ddirywiol ac yn parhau i waethygu os na chânt eu trin. Rwyf wedi siarad â llawer o etholwyr sy'n byw gyda dirywiad macwlaidd ac sy'n colli eu golwg yn raddol wrth aros ar restr aros. Mae'r RNIB wedi tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod dros 80,000 yng Nghymru â'r risg uchaf o golli golwg na ellir ei wrthdroi am eu bod yn aros yn rhy hir am apwyntiadau. Rwy'n credu y gallwn i gyd ddeall pa mor frawychus yw'r posibilrwydd o golli ein golwg, ac rwy'n meddwl bod angen i ni—wel, Llywodraeth Cymru—gael rhywfaint o gydymdeimlad ag unigolion sy'n wynebu'r realiti hwnnw.

Mae'r galw am wasanaethau offthalmoleg yn cynyddu hefyd, gyda chynnydd o 40 y cant yn y galw dros yr 20 mlynedd nesaf. Eto i gyd, nid ydym wedi gweld unrhyw gynlluniau'n cael eu cyflwyno gan Lywodraeth Cymru i baratoi ar gyfer y galw hwn. Mae nifer y cleifion offthalmoleg sy'n aros y tu hwnt i'w dyddiad targed wedi mwy na dyblu yn ystod y pum mlynedd diwethaf, ac nid oes fawr o arwydd ein bod yn symud i'r cyfeiriad cywir. Fel y dywedodd cyn-lywydd Coleg Brenhinol yr Offthalmolegwyr yng Nghymru, rydym yn wynebu 'ton fawr o ddallineb' ledled y wlad gyfan os na chaiff y ddarpariaeth ei gwella ac os na chaiff amseroedd aros eu lleihau. Rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru werthuso ei blaenoriaethau a chydnabod brys y sefyllfa a gweithredu cynllun i leihau amseroedd aros yn gyflym a buddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau ledled Cymru i gynyddu capasiti yn unol â'r galw. Diolch yn fawr iawn.


Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, Jeremy Miles.

I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy’n croesawu’r cyfle i ymateb i’r ddadl hon ac esbonio sut ŷn ni’n gweithio gyda’r gwasanaeth iechyd i leihau amseroedd aros a gwella mynediad at wasanaethau gofal llygad yn y gymuned ac yn yr ysbyty. Rwyf i hefyd yn edrych ymlaen i glywed dadl fer Julie Morgan nes ymlaen y prynhawn yma. Bydd e’n gyfle pellach i drafod sut mae gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn cefnogi pobl ddall a rhannol ddall i fyw eu bywydau’n llawn mewn byd sydd wedi ei ddylunio ar gyfer pobl sy’n gallu gweld.

O dan y gwasanaeth iechyd bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn cael eu gweld gan wasanaethau gofal sylfaenol. Os bydd angen gofal llygaid arnyn nhw, optometrydd fydd yn eu gweld. Mae’r gwasanaeth iechyd yn darparu gofal llygaid amserol o ansawdd uchel i bobl ledled Cymru. Bydd angen i rai gael ymchwiliad neu driniaeth bellach yn yr ysbyty. Rwyf i eisiau pwysleisio o’r dechrau, er bod cynnydd wedi ei wneud i leihau amseroedd aros hir ar gyfer gofal llygaid, mae gwaith i’w wneud o hyd i gael gwared ar y backlog wnaeth gronni yn ystod y pandemig. Rhwng 2023 a 2024, mae’r galw am wasanaethau gofal llygaid arbenigol mewn ysbytai wedi cynyddu oddeutu 13 y cant, a hynny’n bennaf o ganlyniad i effeithiau hir y pandemig.

Er bod gwasanaethau’n gweithredu eto ar yr un lefel ag yr oedden nhw cyn y pandemig, mae backlog o bobl sydd wedi aros yn rhy hir, ac mae rhestr aros gynyddol am wasanaethau llygaid mewn ysbytai, sy’n adlewyrchu iechyd cyffredinol y genedl. Mae nifer y bobl sy’n aros mwy na dwy flynedd wedi, serch hynny, lleihau 44 y cant ers yr uchafbwynt ym mis Mawrth 2022. Ond, i ormod o bobl sy’n cael eu cyfeirio i’r ysbyty, mae’r amseroedd aros yn dal yn rhy hir. Rhaid i ni fynd ymhellach ac yn gyflymach.

Yn 2019, fel y clywson ni yn y ddadl, Cymru oedd y wlad gyntaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig i gyflwyno targedau newydd ar gyfer gofal llygaid mewn ysbytai i flaenoriaethu'r rhai sy'n wynebu'r perygl mwyaf o golli'u golwg.

Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. I welcome the opportunity to respond to this debate and to explain how we're working with the health service to reduce waiting times and to enhance access to eye care in the community and in our hospitals. I also look forward to hearing Julie Morgan's short debate later this afternoon. It will be a further opportunity to discuss how public services support blind and partially sighted people to live full lives in a world that is designed for sighted people.

Under the health service the majority of people will be seen by primary care services. If they need eye care, an optometrist will see them. The health service provides eye care in a timely manner and of a high quality to people throughout Wales. Some will need further treatment in hospital. I want to emphasise from the outset that, although progress has been made to reduce long waiting times for eye care, there is still work to be done in order to deal with the backlog that built up during the pandemic. Between 2023 and 2024, the demand for specialist eye care services in hospitals has increased by around 13 per cent, and that is mainly as a result of the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

Although those services are operational again at the same level as they were before the pandemic, there is a backlog of people who have waited too long, and the increasing waiting list for eye services in hospital reflects the general health of the population. The number of people waiting longer than two years has, however, reduced by 44 per cent since the high-water mark in March 2022. But, for too many people who are referred to hospital, the waiting times are still too long. We must go further and quicker.

In 2019, as we heard during the debate, Wales was the first nation in the UK to introduce new targets for hospital-based eye care to prioritise those facing the greatest risk of sight loss.

We are the only UK nation to even have this target. It's a clinical measure, crucial for the many people who require timely follow-up care. It enables the NHS to identify both new and follow-up patients and prioritise those at greatest risk of sight loss. We've done this at a time when new referrals for treatment have increased considerably in the midst of the toughest financial climate since the start of devolution, while we continue to see regular waves of COVID infections.

Whilst we acknowledge that the latest all-Wales performance figures are not at all where we would want them to be, we are seeing improvements in health boards that have proactively introduced the new optometry pathways. We know, as many Members in the Chamber have said in the debate already, that the demand for eye care services is set to increase at a significant rate over the next 10 years, as our population continues to age. This will continue to challenge timely access to specialist eye care services if we continue to do the same thing. We have long recognised that eye care services need to be delivered differently; we no longer need to just manage these services in hospital.

On the question of resource, which Russell George asked me to address, as part of our work to reduce waiting times and increase access to specialist services, we have committed an additional £30 million every year to move more eye care out of hospitals into primary care optometry services in the community. This not only reduces the demand and increases the capacity in hospital services, but ensures that professionals are seeing the right patients at the right time, and, crucially, in the right place, with care being delivered much closer to home. Primary care optometry pathways in Wales, which use optometrists with additional postgraduate qualifications, are considered to be the most progressive in the UK. It enables optometrists to manage, monitor and treat more people in the community. We have a highly skilled eye care workforce in primary care, which has been, in fact, underused for many years. But they are equipped to meet the challenges of eye healthcare in our ageing population.

The additional optometry clinical pathways have started to have an effect on access for people with acute eye problems in the first instance, with more than 2,000 episodes per month now being seen by independent prescribing optometrists in the community. We absolutely recognise that the transformation reform work that has been undertaken in optometry to improve access has to be replicated in hospital eye care services. In September 2021, we commissioned an independent external review of eye care services in Wales. Since then, we have tasked the NHS executive to work with the ophthalmology clinical and the wider eye care community to determine how the report's recommendations can be turned into practical solutions. As part of this process, we've worked with the Getting It Right First Time team, which has developed individual health board plans to improve the efficiency and productivity of cataract and glaucoma pathways.

Dirprwy Lywydd, cutting waiting times and ensuring that people have timely access to care to save sight is crucially important to us. I'll be hosting a ministerial summit later this month to discuss the new clinical strategy for ophthalmology, which has been developed between the NHS executive and the national ophthalmology clinical implementation network. I want to build on the transformative work that we've developed in primary eye care services, and I'll be working with my colleagues in Government and across the NHS to achieve that.

Ni yw'r unig wlad yn y DU sydd â'r targed hwn hyd yn oed. Mae'n fesur clinigol, sy'n hanfodol i'r nifer fawr o bobl sydd angen gofal dilynol amserol. Mae'n galluogi'r GIG i nodi cleifion newydd a chleifion dilynol a blaenoriaethu'r rhai sydd fwyaf mewn perygl o golli eu golwg. Rydym wedi gwneud hyn ar adeg pan fo nifer yr atgyfeiriadau newydd ar gyfer triniaeth wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol yng nghanol yr hinsawdd ariannol anoddaf ers dechrau datganoli, wrth inni barhau i weld tonnau rheolaidd o heintiau COVID.

Er ein bod yn cydnabod nad yw'r ffigurau perfformiad diweddaraf i Gymru yn agos at ble y byddem yn dymuno iddynt fod, rydym yn gweld gwelliannau mewn byrddau iechyd sydd wedi cyflwyno'r llwybrau optometreg newydd yn rhagweithiol. Fel y dywedodd llawer o Aelodau yn y Siambr yn y ddadl eisoes, fe wyddom y bydd y galw am wasanaethau gofal llygaid yn cynyddu ar gyflymder sylweddol dros y 10 mlynedd nesaf, wrth i'n poblogaeth barhau i heneiddio. Bydd hyn yn parhau i herio mynediad amserol at wasanaethau gofal llygaid arbenigol os byddwn yn parhau i wneud yr un peth. Rydym wedi cydnabod ers tro fod angen darparu gwasanaethau gofal llygaid mewn ffordd wahanol; gallwn reoli'r gwasanaethau hyn mewn mannau eraill yn ogystal ag ysbytai erbyn hyn.

Ar adnoddau, y gofynnodd Russell George i mi roi sylw iddynt, fel rhan o'n gwaith i leihau amseroedd aros a chynyddu mynediad at wasanaethau arbenigol, rydym wedi ymrwymo £30 miliwn ychwanegol bob blwyddyn i symud mwy o ofal llygaid allan o ysbytai i wasanaethau optometreg gofal sylfaenol yn y gymuned. Mae hyn nid yn unig yn lleihau'r galw ac yn cynyddu capasiti gwasanaethau ysbyty, ond yn sicrhau bod gweithwyr proffesiynol yn gweld y cleifion cywir ar yr adeg iawn, ac yn hollbwysig, yn y lle iawn, gyda gofal yn cael ei ddarparu yn llawer agosach at adref. Ystyrir mai llwybrau optometreg gofal sylfaenol yng Nghymru, sy'n defnyddio optometryddion â chymwysterau ôl-raddedig ychwanegol, yw'r rhai mwyaf blaengar yn y DU. Mae'n galluogi optometryddion i reoli, monitro a thrin mwy o bobl yn y gymuned. Mae gennym weithlu gofal llygaid medrus iawn mewn gofal sylfaenol, ac ers blynyddoedd lawer, ni wnaed digon o ddefnydd ohonynt mewn gwirionedd. Ond maent yn gymwys i ateb heriau gofal iechyd llygaid yn ein poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio.

Mae'r llwybrau clinigol optometreg ychwanegol wedi dechrau cael effaith ar fynediad i bobl â phroblemau llygaid acíwt yn y lle cyntaf, gyda mwy na 2,000 o gleifion y mis bellach yn cael eu gweld gan optometryddion presgripsiynu annibynnol yn y gymuned. Rydym yn cydnabod yn llwyr fod yn rhaid ailadrodd y gwaith diwygio trawsnewidiol sydd wedi'i wneud mewn optometreg i wella mynediad at wasanaethau gofal llygaid mewn ysbytai. Ym mis Medi 2021, comisiynwyd adolygiad annibynnol allanol o wasanaethau gofal llygaid yng Nghymru. Ers hynny, rydym wedi gofyn i weithrediaeth y GIG weithio gydag offthalmoleg glinigol a'r gymuned gofal llygaid ehangach i benderfynu sut y gellir troi argymhellion yr adroddiad yn atebion ymarferol. Fel rhan o'r broses hon, rydym wedi gweithio gyda'r tîm Gwneud Pethau'n Iawn y Tro Cyntaf, sydd wedi datblygu cynlluniau byrddau iechyd unigol i wella effeithlonrwydd a chynhyrchiant llwybrau cataract a glawcoma.

Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae torri amseroedd aros a sicrhau bod pobl yn cael mynediad amserol at ofal er mwyn achub eu golwg yn hanfodol bwysig i ni. Byddaf yn cynnal uwchgynhadledd weinidogol yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn i drafod y strategaeth glinigol newydd ar gyfer offthalmoleg, a ddatblygwyd rhwng gweithrediaeth y GIG a'r rhwydwaith gweithredu clinigol cenedlaethol ar gyfer offthalmoleg. Rwyf am adeiladu ar y gwaith trawsnewidiol a ddatblygwyd gennym mewn gwasanaethau gofal llygaid sylfaenol, a byddaf yn gweithio gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau yn y Llywodraeth ac ar draws y GIG i gyflawni hynny.


Galwaf ar Altaf Hussain i ymateb i'r ddadl.

I call on Altaf Hussain to reply to the debate.

Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'm delighted to be the last speaker and talk about what I heard from all of you speakers, who were great. You have so much clinical knowledge that I won't talk about any clinical input in this debate.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n falch iawn o fod yn siaradwr olaf, a sôn am yr hyn a glywais gan bob un o'r siaradwyr, ac roeddech chi'n wych. Mae gennych gymaint o wybodaeth glinigol fel nad wyf am sôn am unrhyw fewnbwn clinigol yn y ddadl hon.

I want to thank my colleagues, especially Sam Rowlands, for tabling such an important, timely debate, and to everyone who took part in the deliberations this afternoon. Tackling the tidal wave of blindness is vital not only for the health of our citizens, but the health of our nation. Thank you, Mabon, for supporting our motion, and I'm thankful to Lesley Griffiths, who raised, really, the issue of retinopathy, which we need to consider. I'm thankful to James, who talked about permanent blindness—why you need to have the guide dogs—and it is a debate for itself, really. What we are talking about here is the blindness that can be restored, so that the patient goes back into the world where he can see the light through light.

So, if we set aside the human cost—indeed, the human tragedy—and look at this in a purely economic light, tackling ophthalmology waiting times and preventing irreversible sight loss will help to reduce the strain on public finances. Accepting the recommendations of the national clinical strategy for ophthalmology and committing to making the investment necessary to prevent the wholesale collapse of eye care services across Wales will help to prevent avoidable disabilities and the need for state support. But, we can't ignore the human cost, and while we have to appeal to the bean counters at the Welsh Treasury, we also have to show that Wales is a kind, compassionate nation that puts the needs of the citizen above all else.

As colleagues have pointed out, we are failing in that duty. The Welsh Government would have us believe that they are finally getting to grips with ophthalmology waiting times and simply ignore the fact that they have been running things for the last 25 years. When I was first elected to the National Assembly for the brief period between 2015 and 2016, I remember pointing out then that people were going blind on waiting lists, yet nothing changed. Nearly a decade later, waits have gone in totally the wrong direction, and if we don't tackle this issue now, things will only get darker. 

Reports out last week point out that half of the world's population will be short-sighted in the next quarter of a century. As Sam pointed out in opening this debate, the personal cost of these waits is horrendous, and he spoke of experience at first-hand of the challenges faced by those with sight loss and how we have a duty to ensure that we not only help them overcome these challenges, but ensure that we do everything in our power to end preventable sight loss.

Russell George, Chair of the health committee, stated that the committee has found that the biggest increase over the last six months in the number of patient pathways waiting over one year was in ophthalmology. It also held the highest number of patient pathways waiting. Russell said that ophthalmology needed a spotlight placed upon it, and I could not agree more.

Gareth Davies highlighted the fact that north Wales has by far the worst waiting times in Wales for ophthalmology services. He talked about the need to expand the services at Abergele Hospital's Stanley eye unit, which Darren also mentioned, which deals with around 40,000 scheduled appointments every year. We are supposed to have a national health service. Your treatment and waiting times should be the same whether you live in Porthcawl or anywhere in north Wales. We must act now to tackle preventable sight loss and stop forcing people to live in the dark when we have the ability to experience the light.

I was in Kashmir over the summer, and there we have mobile clinics visiting communities, as is prevalent in Australia and other far east countries, picking up those with preventable sight loss and providing treatment. If they can do that in the Himalayan foothills, why can't we do so here in Wales? Therefore, I urge you all to support our motion and to reject the Government's amendments. Diolch yn fawr.

Hoffwn ddiolch i’m cyd-Aelodau, yn enwedig Sam Rowlands, am gyflwyno dadl mor bwysig ac amserol, ac i bawb a gymerodd ran yn y trafodaethau y prynhawn yma. Mae mynd i’r afael â'r don fawr o ddallineb yn hanfodol nid yn unig i iechyd ein dinasyddion, ond i iechyd ein cenedl. Diolch, Mabon, am gefnogi ein cynnig, ac rwy’n ddiolchgar i Lesley Griffiths, a gododd fater retinopathi, sy'n rhywbeth y mae angen inni ei ystyried. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i James, a soniodd am ddallineb parhaol—pam fod angen ichi gael y cŵn tywys—ac mae honno'n ddadl ynddi'i hun, mewn gwirionedd. Yr hyn rydym yn sôn amdano yma yw dallineb y gellir ei adfer, fel bod y claf yn mynd yn ôl i'r byd lle gall weld y golau drwy oleuni.

Felly, os rhown y gost ddynol i'r naill ochr—y drasiedi ddynol yn wir—ac edrych ar hyn mewn golau cwbl economaidd, bydd mynd i’r afael ag amseroedd aros offthalmoleg ac atal colli golwg na ellir ei wrthdroi yn helpu i leihau’r straen ar gyllid cyhoeddus. Bydd derbyn argymhellion y strategaeth glinigol genedlaethol ar gyfer offthalmoleg ac ymrwymo i wneud y buddsoddiad angenrheidiol i atal gwasanaethau gofal llygaid rhag chwalu'n llwyr ledled Cymru yn helpu i atal anableddau y gellir eu hosgoi a’r angen am gymorth y wladwriaeth. Ond ni allwn anwybyddu’r gost ddynol, ac er bod yn rhaid inni apelio ar y biwrocratiaid yn Nhrysorlys Cymru, mae'n rhaid inni ddangos hefyd fod Cymru’n genedl garedig a thosturiol sy’n rhoi anghenion y dinesydd uwchlaw popeth arall.

Fel y mae fy nghyd-Aelodau wedi'i nodi, rydym yn methu yn y ddyletswydd honno. Byddai Llywodraeth Cymru am inni gredu eu bod yn mynd i’r afael ag amseroedd aros offthalmoleg o’r diwedd, ac anwybyddu’r ffaith mai hwy sydd wedi bod yn rhedeg pethau dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf. Pan gefais fy ethol i’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol gyntaf am y cyfnod byr rhwng 2015 a 2016, cofiaf nodi bryd hynny fod pobl yn mynd yn ddall ar restrau aros, ac eto, nid oes unrhyw beth wedi newid. Bron i ddegawd yn ddiweddarach, mae amseroedd aros wedi mynd i’r cyfeiriad cwbl anghywir, ac os nad awn i’r afael â’r mater hwn nawr, bydd pethau'n gwaethygu eto.

Mae adroddiadau a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf yn nodi y bydd hanner poblogaeth y byd yn fyr eu golwg yn y chwarter canrif nesaf. Fel y nododd Sam wrth agor y ddadl hon, mae cost bersonol yr amseroedd aros hyn yn ofnadwy, a siaradodd am brofiad uniongyrchol o’r heriau a wynebir gan bobl sy'n colli eu golwg a sut y mae'n ddyletswydd arnom i sicrhau ein bod nid yn unig yn eu helpu i oresgyn yr heriau hyn, ond hefyd i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud popeth a allwn i roi diwedd ar golli golwg y gellir ei atal.

Dywedodd Russell George, Cadeirydd y pwyllgor iechyd, fod y pwyllgor wedi canfod mai mewn offthalmoleg y cafwyd y cynnydd mwyaf dros y chwe mis diwethaf yn nifer y llwybrau cleifion sy'n aros dros flwyddyn. Dyna hefyd lle mae'r nifer fwyaf o lwybrau cleifion yn aros. Dywedodd Russell fod angen canolbwyntio ar offthalmoleg, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr.

Tynnodd Gareth Davies sylw at y ffaith mai gogledd Cymru sydd â’r amseroedd aros gwaethaf yng Nghymru o bell ffordd ar gyfer gwasanaethau offthalmoleg. Soniodd, ac fe soniodd Darren hefyd, am yr angen i ehangu’r gwasanaethau yn uned llygaid Stanley yn Ysbyty Abergele, sy’n ymdrin ag oddeutu 40,000 o apwyntiadau wedi’u trefnu bob blwyddyn. Mae gennym wasanaeth iechyd gwladol i fod. Dylai eich triniaeth a’ch amseroedd aros fod yr un fath, boed eich bod yn byw ym Mhorthcawl neu unrhyw le yn y gogledd. Mae'n rhaid inni gymryd camau ar unwaith i fynd i’r afael â cholli golwg y gellir ei atal a rhoi’r gorau i orfodi pobl i fyw yn y tywyllwch pan fo'r gallu gennym i weld y golau.

Roeddwn yn Kashmir dros yr haf, ac yno, mae gennym glinigau symudol yn ymweld â chymunedau, fel sy’n gyffredin yn Awstralia a gwledydd eraill y dwyrain pell, gan nodi achosion o golli golwg y gellir ei atal a darparu triniaeth. Os gallant wneud hynny ar odre mynyddoedd Himalaya, pam na allwn wneud hynny yma yng Nghymru? Felly, rwy’n annog pob un ohonoch i gefnogi ein cynnig ac i wrthod gwelliannau’r Llywodraeth. Diolch yn fawr.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly gohiriaf y bleidlais ar yr eitem hon tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is objection. I will defer voting under this item until voting time.

Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

Voting deferred until voting time.

Ac rydym ni wedi cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio hwnna nawr. Oni bai fod tri Aelod yn dymuno imi ganu'r gloch, symudaf yn syth i'r cyfnod pleidleisio.

And that brings us to voting time. Unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, I will proceed directly to voting time.

8. Cyfnod Pleidleisio
8. Voting Time

Dim ond ar eitem 7 y byddwn yn pleidleisio heddiw. Yn gyntaf, galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Os gwrthodir y cynnig, byddwn yn pleidleisio ar y gwelliant a gyflwynwyd i'r cynnig. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 22, neb yn ymatal, 23 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.

We will only be voting on item 7 today. First, I call for a vote on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. If the proposal is not agreed, we will vote on the amendment tabled to the motion. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 22, no abstentions, 23 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.

Eitem 7: Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—Gwasanaethau offthalmoleg. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 22, Yn erbyn: 23, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y cynnig

Item 7: Welsh Conservatives Debate—Ophthalmology services. Motion without amendment: For: 22, Against: 23, Abstain: 0

Motion has been rejected

Galwaf nawr am bleidlais ar welliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 23, neb yn ymatal, 22 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i dderbyn.

I call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, no abstentions, 22 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.

Eitem 7: Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—Gwasanaethau offthalmoleg. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 23, Yn erbyn: 22, Ymatal: 0

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Item 7: Welsh Conservatives Debate—Ophthalmology services. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt : For: 23, Against: 22, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been agreed

Galwaf nawr am bleidlais ar y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio.

I now call for a vote on the motion as amended.

Cynnig NDM8679 fel y'i diwygiwyd:

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn cydnabod nad yw amseroedd aros offthalmoleg yn cynrychioli dymuniadau Llywodraeth Cymru na'r cyhoedd yn hyn o beth.

2. Yn nodi bod nifer y llwybrau offthalmoleg a oedd yn aros mwy na dwy flynedd ar ddiwedd mis Gorffennaf 2024 44 y cant yn is na’r uchafbwynt ym mis Mawrth 2022.

3. Yn cydnabod y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud gan Weithrediaeth y GIG a'r rhwydwaith clinigol offthalmoleg i ddiwygio llwybrau offthalmoleg ar draws gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd.

4. Yn croesawu'r diwygiadau i optometreg, sy'n golygu bod optometryddion cymunedol bellach yn gallu rhoi diagnosis, trin, a rheoli mwy o bobl ym maes gofal sylfaenol, gan ddarparu mynediad cyflymach a haws.

Motion NDM8679 as amended:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Acknowledges ophthalmology waiting times are not where the Welsh Government or the public wants them to be.

2. Notes the number of ophthalmology pathways waiting more than two years at the end of July 2024 was 44 per cent lower than at the peak in March 2022.

3. Recognises the work being undertaken by the NHS Executive and the ophthalmology clinical network to reform pathways for ophthalmology across primary and secondary care.

4. Welcomes the reforms to optometry, which mean community optometrists are now able to diagnose, treat, and manage more people in primary care, providing faster and easier access.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 23, neb yn ymatal, 22 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, no abstentions, 22 against. Therefore, the motion as amended is agreed.

Eitem 7: Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—Gwasanaethau offthalmoleg. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 23, Yn erbyn: 22, Ymatal: 0

Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd

Item 7: Welsh Conservatives Debate—Ophthalmology services. Motion as amended: For: 23, Against: 22, Abstain: 0

Motion as amended has been agreed

And that concludes our voting today. If Members are leaving the Chamber, please do so quietly, before we move on to the short debate.

A dyna gwblhau ein pleidleisio am heddiw. Os oes Aelodau’n gadael y Siambr, gwnewch hynny’n dawel os gwelwch yn dda, cyn inni symud ymlaen at y ddadl fer.

9. Dadl Fer: Cyfle teg—Sicrhau bod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn gallu byw'r bywyd o'u dewis
9. Short Debate: A fair chance—Ensuring blind and partially sighted people can live the life they choose

Symudaf yn awr i'r ddadl fer, a galwaf ar Julie Morgan.

We move on now to the debate, and I call on Julie Morgan.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'd first like to thank Guide Dogs Cymru and the Royal National Institute of Blind People for their expertise in this subject, and to welcome members of Guide Dogs Cymru and some of my constituents to the public gallery, who have come down here to be here for the debate. I would like to give one minute each, Dirprwy Lywydd, to Sioned Williams, Carolyn Thomas, Cefin Campbell and Mark Isherwood.

Every single person in Wales should get the chance to live the life they choose. There should be no barriers, no matter what your age, sex, gender, ethnicity, disability or sexuality. You should be free to live your life as you wish. But it has become increasingly apparent that blind and partially sighted people are facing barriers in living their lives, and this should absolutely not be the case. These barriers can include things that can be easily fixed or prevented if disability groups are consulted with when decisions are made—things that sighted people don't even think about.

I'd like to focus on a couple of different areas during this debate today. The first is how blind and partially sighted people navigate transport and our streets, and the second is access to employment. According to the RNIB, there are around 112,000 people living with sight loss in Wales, and this is expected to double by 2050. Four thousand two hundred people are registered as blind or partially sighted in Wales, but the world around us is not always the safest or the easiest place for blind and partially sighted people. Every day, sighted people take for granted that they can see what is happening around us, being able to see what bus is coming, being able to see a cyclist approaching, or being able to differentiate between the pavement and the road. Now, just take a minute and imagine that you are blind and you have to do all those things, and this is where charities such as Guide Dogs come in. They are the leading providers of training and support for blind and partially sighted people to gain the skills they need to move around independently. They're also passionate about removing barriers so blind and partially sighted people have the confidence and support to live the life they choose. And while doing research for this debate, it has become clear that moving around our streets safely and without fear is something that blind and partially sighted people have particular trouble with.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i Cŵn Tywys Cymru a Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol Pobl Ddall (RNIB) am eu harbenigedd ar y pwnc hwn, ac rwy'n croesawu aelodau o Cŵn Tywys Cymru a rhai o’m hetholwyr, sydd wedi dod i lawr yma i weld y ddadl, i'r oriel gyhoeddus. Hoffwn roi munud yr un, Ddirprwy Lywydd, i Sioned Williams, Carolyn Thomas, Cefin Campbell a Mark Isherwood.

Dylai pob unigolyn yng Nghymru gael cyfle i fyw y bywyd yr hoffent ei fyw. Ni ddylai fod unrhyw rwystrau, ni waeth beth fo'ch oedran, rhyw, rhywedd, ethnigrwydd, anabledd neu rywioldeb. Dylech fod yn rhydd i fyw eich bywyd fel y mynnoch. Ond mae wedi dod yn fwyfwy amlwg fod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn wynebu rhwystrau wrth fyw eu bywydau, ac ni ddylai hyn ddigwydd. Gall y rhwystrau hyn gynnwys pethau y gellir eu hunioni neu eu hatal yn hawdd pe bai pobl yn ymgynghori â grwpiau anabledd pan wneir penderfyniadau—pethau nad yw pobl sy'n gallu gweld yn meddwl amdanynt hyd yn oed.

Hoffwn ganolbwyntio ar un neu ddau o feysydd gwahanol yn y ddadl hon heddiw. Y cyntaf yw'r ffordd y mae pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn defnyddio trafnidiaeth a’n strydoedd, a’r ail yw mynediad at gyflogaeth. Yn ôl yr RNIB, mae oddeutu 112,000 o bobl yn byw gyda chanlyniadau colli golwg yng Nghymru, a disgwylir i hyn ddyblu erbyn 2050. Mae 4,200 o bobl wedi’u cofrestru’n ddall neu’n rhannol ddall yng Nghymru, ond nid yw’r byd o’n cwmpas bob amser yn lle diogel neu hawdd i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Bob dydd, mae pobl sy'n gallu gweld yn cymryd yn ganiataol eu bod yn gallu gweld beth sy'n digwydd o'n cwmpas, yn gallu gweld pa fws sy'n dod, yn gallu gweld beiciwr yn agosáu, neu'n gallu dweud y gwahaniaeth rhwng y palmant a'r ffordd. Nawr, dychmygwch eich bod yn ddall ac yn gorfod gwneud yr holl bethau hynny, a dyma ble y daw elusennau fel Cŵn Tywys Cymru i mewn. Hwy yw prif ddarparwyr hyfforddiant a chymorth i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall allu dysgu'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i symud o gwmpas yn annibynnol. Maent hefyd yn angerddol am gael gwared ar rwystrau fel bod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn cael hyder a chefnogaeth i fyw y bywyd yr hoffent ei fyw. Ac wrth wneud ymchwil ar gyfer y ddadl hon, mae wedi dod yn amlwg fod symud o gwmpas ar ein strydoedd yn ddiogel a heb ofn yn rhywbeth y mae pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn cael trafferth arbennig i'w wneud.

Now, pavement parking is one issue. Eighty-one per cent of people with sight loss said that reducing obstacles on pavements was important to improving their quality of life, and this is something that blind and partially sighted people battle with every day because local authorities do not have the powers they need to deal with the issues. Ninety-five per cent of people with sight loss have been forced to walk onto the roads because vehicles are parked on pavements. Four out of five blind or partially sighted people have reported that this is a weekly occurrence, and, of course, this is a problem for everybody, including people with young children and prams and people in wheelchairs. Many of us are able to see the dangers, like cars and cyclists coming towards us, but that is not the experience for everyone. I am pleased that the Welsh Government has been looking into banning pavement parking but I think it needs to be done as soon as possible.

It's great that, in Wales and Cardiff, we've seen a significant shift towards active travel, but there have been some consequences for blind and partially sighted people. However, I do want to put on the record that Guide Dogs are not against active travel in any way. They see it as very positive, a very positive move, and that it should be celebrated. However, they have raised concerns about the way some of the designs are being implemented, which is putting people with a vision impairment in danger. This should not be the case. Guide Dogs recently commissioned a piece of research with University College London on the challenges that some active travel infrastructure for blind and partially sighted people bring. The findings show the different designs of bus stops, including floating island bus stops and shared bus stop borders, are highly dangerous for people who are blind and partially sighted. The design means that bus users have to cross cycle lanes in order to get to the bus stop or to get onto the bus. The curved side pavements are often narrow, and there's always the risk of a bicyclist coming along the cycle lane. I've had several testimonials from constituents who find these styles of bus stops very dangerous, and I'd like just to read out one of those now.

‘I'm a regular user of buses to and from Cardiff city centre. Catching the bus in Cardiff is difficult as several different buses leave from the same bus stop, so I therefore must ask fellow passengers or passers-by which bus has pulled in. If nobody's around, I must walk across the cycle lane to ask the driver his destination. If the bus is the wrong number, I must walk back across the cycle lane to the pavement. On one occasion, I was halfway back to the pavement when a cyclist zoomed past me. Luckily Jason, my guide dog, stopped abruptly, but the close call left me very frightened and anxious and I was concerned not only about my safety but his. I felt shaken up and disorientated when I was getting myself back to the pavement.’

This is one of the many examples I've received and, sadly, the story is the same for most. In the past few weeks alone, Guide Dogs have heard of several incidents on Castle Street in Cardiff, and one guide dog owner was actually knocked over by a cyclist. The installation of continuous pavements on some high streets is also causing problems. Continuous pavements are where the road is brought to the level of the pavement to allow level crossing. However, tactile paving is not always installed on the pavement either side of the road, so there's no way for blind and partially sighted people to know they're crossing road. One constituent gave an example of Cowbridge Road in Canton, where this does occur, but I know that there are many of these pavements across the city. It is imperative that when our streets are being designed or changed, the experience of disabled people in using these features is considered, because there is usually a practical way of dealing with this, but because we don't consult enough, we don't get those words in early on. 

And, of course, it applies as well to segregated cycle pathways. The only segregation is often a white line down the middle of the path, and if you're blind or partially sighted you don't know you're also sharing your space with cyclists, and it's very common for people to find themselves on the wrong side. This can be very dangerous for both the pedestrians and the cyclists. I'm very passionate about active travel, and I'm so pleased that the Welsh Government has done so much about active travel, as are the disability charities. But the infrastructure must be done correctly, so that disabled people are not disadvantaged or put in danger when trying to navigate it.

And I think I've spoken here in the Chamber before about the challenges that guide dog owners face when getting taxis, and I specifically raised the experience of my constituent Ryan, and his guide dog Jamie, when, first of all, a taxi driver refused to pick them up and then later on that day, a taxi driver asked Ryan to pay more because he had Jamie with him. And guide dog owners are often refused access to shops and other premises because they have a guide dog with them, and this can be debilitating and humiliating. These practices are completely illegal and an offence under the Equality Act 2010.

I do believe that there is not enough awareness of and training under the Equality Act, and what it means in practice. Guide dogs are not pets or accessories; they are professionally trained mobility aids. They are classed in the same way as wheelchairs or any other aid, but 80 per cent of guide dog owners have been refused access to a business or service because of their guide dog, and I know we have people in the gallery today who have experienced that. 

A lack of knowledge of the Equality Act also seeps into blind and partially sighted people's ability to access employment. According to the RNIB, there were 20,000 people with sight loss in Wales within the working age bracket of 18 to 64, and shockingly, only one in four registered blind and partially sighted people of working age are in employment, and that's the same as it was in 1991, so it hasn't gone up at all. 

Job seeking can be particularly stressful for people who are blind or partially sighted, as the whole process is geared up for those who are sighted—from the way that jobs are advertised online, having to disclose an impairment or disability during the application process and not knowing how the employer will react, to dealing with interviews where there is no way to read body language or non-verbal cues. 

And then, when people get the job, employers often have limited knowledge or understanding of how a person with sight loss would do their job, or which adjustments are available. This includes employers who are signed up to the Disability Confidence scheme. Under the Equality Act, employers have a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments for the staff. However, research undertaken by RNIB has found that 23 per cent of employers said they were not willing to make adaptations to employ someone with a visual impairment, despite legal obligations to do so. This is why one third of the people who are not in work said the biggest barrier to them getting a job was the attitude of employers towards their disability.

This should not be happening. We want blind and partially sighted people to live fulfilling lives. We need greater awareness and education in every area of the Equality Act and how to implement it, and we need to ensure that there's a simpler process for people to take action if organisations do not comply with the law. We need to ensure that statutory guidance for every aspect of our street design is fully inclusive. And above all, we need to utilise the lived experience and knowledge of disabled people.

We need to do better. I think we have achieved a lot. Disabled people themselves are able to ensure that we know what they need, and I think it's up to us now to make sure that we do incorporate that in all our thinking. And I know that we are capable of doing that in Wales. Diolch.

Nawr, mae parcio ar balmentydd yn un broblem. Dywedodd 81 y cant o bobl sy'n dioddef o golli golwg fod lleihau rhwystrau ar balmentydd yn bwysig er mwyn gwella ansawdd eu bywyd, ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth y mae pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn brwydro yn ei erbyn bob dydd gan nad oes gan awdurdodau lleol y pwerau sydd eu hangen arnynt i fynd i'r afael â’r materion hynny. Mae 95 y cant o bobl sy'n dioddef o golli golwg wedi cael eu gorfodi i gerdded ar y ffordd am fod cerbydau wedi'u parcio ar balmentydd. Mae pedwar o bob pump o bobl ddall neu rannol ddall wedi dweud bod hyn yn digwydd yn wythnosol, ac wrth gwrs, mae hyn yn broblem i bawb, gan gynnwys pobl â phlant ifanc a phramiau a phobl mewn cadeiriau olwyn. Mae llawer ohonom yn gallu gweld y peryglon, fel ceir a beicwyr yn dod tuag atom, ond nid dyna’r profiad i bawb. Rwy’n falch fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ystyried gwahardd parcio ar balmentydd, ond rwy'n credu bod angen gwneud hynny cyn gynted â phosibl.

Mae’n wych ein bod, yng Nghymru a Chaerdydd, wedi gweld symudiad sylweddol tuag at deithio llesol, ond arweiniodd at rai canlyniadau i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Fodd bynnag, hoffwn nodi nad yw Cŵn Tywys yn erbyn teithio llesol mewn unrhyw ffordd. Maent yn ei ystyried yn gam cadarnhaol iawn y dylid ei ddathlu. Fodd bynnag, maent wedi nodi pryderon am y ffordd y mae rhai o’r cynlluniau’n cael eu rhoi ar waith, sy’n rhoi pobl ag amhariad ar eu golwg mewn perygl. Ni ddylai hyn ddigwydd. Yn ddiweddar, comisiynodd Cŵn Tywys ymchwil gyda Choleg Prifysgol Llundain ar yr heriau y mae rhywfaint o'r seilwaith teithio llesol yn eu hachosi i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Mae'r canfyddiadau'n dangos gwahanol gynlluniau safleoedd bws, gan gynnwys safleoedd bws arnofiol ac ymylon safleoedd bws ar lwybrau cyd-ddefnyddio, yn hynod beryglus i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Mae'r cynllun yn golygu bod yn rhaid i ddefnyddwyr bysiau groesi lonydd beiciau er mwyn cyrraedd y safle bws neu fynd ar y bws. Mae'r palmentydd ochrau crwm yn aml yn gul, ac mae perygl bob amser y bydd beiciwr yn dod ar hyd y lôn feiciau. Rwyf wedi clywed sawl enghraifft gan etholwyr sy'n ystyried y mathau hyn o safleoedd bws yn beryglus iawn, a hoffwn ddarllen un ohonynt nawr.

'Rwy'n defnyddio bysiau i ac o ganol dinas Caerdydd yn gyson. Mae dal y bws yng Nghaerdydd yn anodd gan fod sawl bws gwahanol yn gadael o'r un safle bws, felly mae'n rhaid imi ofyn i gyd-deithwyr neu bobl sy'n cerdded heibio pa fws sydd wedi cyrraedd. Os nad oes unrhyw un o gwmpas, mae'n rhaid imi groesi'r lôn feiciau i ofyn i'r gyrrwr i ble mae'r bws yn mynd. Os nad dyna'r bws cywir, mae'n rhaid imi groesi'r lôn feiciau eto yn ôl at y palmant. Ar un achlysur, roeddwn hanner ffordd yn ôl at y palmant pan wibiodd beiciwr heibio i mi. Yn ffodus, stopiodd Jason, fy nghi tywys, yn sydyn, ond fe gododd y digwyddiad ofn arnaf a'm gwneud yn bryderus iawn, ac roeddwn yn bryderus nid yn unig am fy niogelwch i, ond ei ddiogelwch ef. Roeddwn yn teimlo'n sigledig ac yn ddryslyd wrth anelu'n ôl at y palmant.'

Dyma un o’r nifer o enghreifftiau a ddaeth i law, ac yn anffodus, yr un yw’r stori i’r rhan fwyaf. Yn yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf yn unig, mae Cŵn Tywys wedi clywed am sawl digwyddiad ar Stryd y Castell yng Nghaerdydd, a chafodd un perchennog ci tywys ei daro gan feiciwr. Mae gosod palmentydd di-dor ar rai strydoedd mawr hefyd yn achosi problemau. Palmentydd di-dor yw'r mannau lle daw'r ffordd i lefel y palmant er mwyn creu croesfan. Fodd bynnag, nid oes palmant botymog wedi'i osod bob amser ar y palmant y naill ochr a'r llall i'r ffordd, felly nid oes unrhyw ffordd i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall wybod eu bod yn croesi ffordd. Rhoddodd un etholwr enghraifft ar Heol y Bont-faen yn Nhreganna, lle ceir palmant o'r fath, ond gwn fod llawer o’r palmentydd hyn ar draws y ddinas. Pan fydd ein strydoedd yn cael eu cynllunio neu eu haddasu, mae'n hollbwysig fod profiad pobl anabl o ddefnyddio’r nodweddion hyn yn cael ei ystyried, oherwydd fel arfer, mae ffordd ymarferol o ymdrin â hyn, ond gan nad ydym yn ymgynghori digon, nid ydym yn clywed y sylwadau hynny'n ddigon cynnar.

Ac wrth gwrs, mae hefyd yn berthnasol i lwybrau beiciau wedi eu harwahanu. Yr unig arwydd o arwahanu yn aml yw llinell wen ar hyd canol y llwybr, ac os ydych chi'n ddall neu'n rhannol ddall, ni fyddwch yn gwybod eich bod hefyd yn rhannu eich gofod gyda beicwyr, ac yn fynych bydd pobl yn croesi i'r ochr anghywir. Gall hyn fod yn beryglus iawn i gerddwyr a beicwyr. Rwy’n teimlo'n angerddol iawn ynglŷn â theithio llesol, ac rwy'n hynod falch, fel y mae'r elusennau anabledd, fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud cymaint ynglŷn â theithio llesol. Ond mae'n rhaid i'r seilwaith gael ei wneud yn gywir, fel nad yw pobl anabl o dan anfantais neu'n cael eu rhoi mewn perygl wrth geisio defnyddio'r seilwaith hwnnw.

Ac rwy'n credu fy mod wedi siarad yma yn y Siambr o’r blaen am yr heriau y mae perchnogion cŵn tywys yn eu hwynebu wrth gael tacsis, a soniais yn benodol am brofiad fy etholwr Ryan, a’i gi tywys Jamie, pan wrthododd gyrrwr tacsi eu codi, yn gyntaf oll, ac yna yn ddiweddarach y diwrnod hwnnw, gofynnodd gyrrwr tacsi i Ryan dalu mwy am fod Jamie gydag ef. Ac yn aml, gwrthodir mynediad i siopau a safleoedd eraill i berchnogion cŵn tywys am fod ganddynt gi tywys, a gall hyn fod yn nychus ac yn fychanol. Mae’r arferion hyn yn gwbl anghyfreithlon ac yn drosedd o dan Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010.

Ni chredaf fod digon o ymwybyddiaeth o'r Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb, na digon o hyfforddiant yn ei chylch, a’r hyn y mae’n ei olygu’n ymarferol. Nid anifeiliaid anwes nac ategolion yw cŵn tywys; maent yn gymhorthion symudedd sydd wedi'u hyfforddi'n broffesiynol. Cânt eu dosbarthu yn yr un modd â chadeiriau olwyn neu unrhyw gymorth arall, ond gwrthodwyd mynediad i fusnes neu wasanaeth i 80 y cant o berchnogion cŵn tywys oherwydd eu ci tywys, a gwn fod gennym bobl yn yr oriel heddiw sydd wedi cael profiad o hynny.

Mae diffyg gwybodaeth am y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb hefyd yn treiddio i allu pobl ddall a rhannol ddall i gael cyflogaeth. Yn ôl yr RNIB, roedd 20,000 o bobl ag amhariad ar eu golwg yng Nghymru yn y grŵp oedran gweithio o 18 i 64, ac yn syfrdanol, dim ond un o bob pedwar o bobl o oedran gweithio sydd wedi’u cofrestru’n ddall neu rannol ddall sydd mewn cyflogaeth, yr un fath ag ym 1991, felly nid yw wedi codi o gwbl.

Gall chwilio am waith fod yn arbennig o anodd i bobl ddall neu rannol ddall, am fod y broses gyfan wedi’i chynllunio ar gyfer pobl sy'n gallu gweld—o’r ffordd y caiff swyddi eu hysbysebu ar-lein, y gofyniad i ddatgelu amhariad neu anabledd yn ystod y broses ymgeisio heb wybod sut y bydd y cyflogwr yn ymateb, i ymdopi â chyfweliadau lle nad oes unrhyw ffordd o ddarllen iaith y corff neu giwiau dieiriau.

Ac yna, pan fydd pobl yn cael y swydd, ychydig iawn o wybodaeth neu ddealltwriaeth sydd gan gyflogwyr yn aml iawn o sut y byddai unigolyn ag amhariad ar eu golwg yn gwneud eu swydd, neu ba addasiadau sydd ar gael. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyflogwyr sydd wedi ymuno â chynllun Hyderus o ran Anabledd. O dan y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb, mae dyletswydd gyfreithiol ar gyflogwyr i wneud addasiadau rhesymol ar gyfer y staff. Fodd bynnag, mae ymchwil a wnaed gan yr RNIB wedi canfod bod 23 y cant o gyflogwyr wedi dweud nad oeddent yn fodlon gwneud addasiadau i gyflogi rhywun ag amhariad ar eu golwg, er gwaethaf rhwymedigaethau cyfreithiol i wneud hynny. Dyna pam y dywedodd traean o’r bobl nad ydynt mewn gwaith mai’r rhwystr mwyaf iddynt rhag cael swydd oedd agwedd cyflogwyr tuag at eu hanabledd.

Ni ddylai hyn fod yn digwydd. Rydym eisiau i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall fyw bywydau boddhaus. Mae angen mwy o ymwybyddiaeth ac addysg am bob rhan o’r Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb a sut i’w rhoi ar waith, ac mae angen inni sicrhau bod proses symlach i bobl allu gweithredu os nad yw sefydliadau’n cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith. Mae angen inni sicrhau bod canllawiau statudol ar gyfer pob agwedd ar gynllun ein strydoedd yn gwbl gynhwysol. Ac yn anad dim, mae angen inni ddefnyddio profiad bywyd a gwybodaeth pobl anabl.

Mae angen inni wneud yn well. Rwy'n credu ein bod wedi cyflawni llawer. Gall pobl anabl eu hunain sicrhau ein bod yn gwybod beth sydd ei angen arnynt, a chredaf mai mater i ni nawr yw sicrhau ein bod yn ymgorffori hynny yn ein holl syniadau. A gwn fod y gallu gennym i wneud hynny yng Nghymru. Diolch.


Can I ask all four speakers to keep to their time please, because we have got just literally that time left? Carolyn Thomas. 

A gaf i ofyn i'r pedwar siaradwr gadw at eu hamser os gwelwch yn dda, oherwydd yn llythrennol, dim ond yr amser hwnnw sydd gennym ar ôl? Carolyn Thomas.

I would like to thank Julie Morgan for tabling this important short debate. I am a frequent rail user and often see Transport for Wales companions wearing a blue tabard helping passengers with disabilities use the rail service. I would like to mention how valued it is having staff on platforms to help passengers on and off the trains, and with information. They also radio ahead to the arrival station.

It was raised with me at an event in the Senedd by the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association that there are issues with gaps between the train and platform. I know that the new trains being introduced by Transport for Wales are level boarding, so that will be completely seamless, getting on and off. However, in places where they have older stock, there can sometimes be significant gaps still, and I've had reports of guide dogs falling down those gaps. It's also important to make sure that platforms have adequate tactile servicing, so that blind and partially sighted people know when they are approaching danger, such as the platform edge and stairs, but also where the train is expected to stop and the doors open. These are simple things that can be done to make the world of difference. Thank you.

Hoffwn ddiolch i Julie Morgan am gyflwyno’r ddadl fer bwysig hon. Rwy’n defnyddio’r rheilffordd yn aml, ac rwy'n aml yn gweld gweithwyr Trafnidiaeth Cymru mewn tabard glas yn helpu teithwyr ag anableddau i ddefnyddio’r gwasanaeth rheilffordd. Hoffwn nodi pa mor werthfawr yw cael staff ar blatfformau i helpu teithwyr ar y trenau ac oddi arnynt, ac i ddarparu gwybodaeth. Maent hefyd yn cyfathrebu â'r orsaf gyrchfan ar eu rhan.

Mewn digwyddiad yn y Senedd gan Gymdeithas Cŵn Tywys y Deillion soniwyd wrthyf fod problemau gyda bylchau rhwng y trên a’r platfform. Gwn fod y trenau newydd sy’n cael eu cyflwyno gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn rhai â mynedfa ar lefel y platfform, felly bydd mynd ar y trenau hynny ac oddi arnynt yn brofiad cwbl ddi-dor. Fodd bynnag, mewn mannau lle mae ganddynt drenau hŷn, weithiau gall fod bylchau sylweddol o hyd, ac rwyf wedi clywed am achosion lle mae cŵn tywys wedi cwympo i'r bylchau hynny. Mae hefyd yn bwysig sicrhau bod gan blatfformau arwynebau botymog digonol, fel bod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn gwybod pryd y maent yn agosáu at berygl, megis ymyl y platfform a’r grisiau, ond hefyd lle disgwylir i’r trên stopio ac i’r drysau agor. Mae'r rhain yn bethau syml y gellir eu gwneud i wneud byd o wahaniaeth. Diolch.


Diolch, Julie, am ddod â'r ddadl bwysig yma ger ein bron, a diolch am y cyfle i gyfrannu.

Thank you, Julie, for bringing forward this important debate, and thank you for the opportunity to contribute.

While marvelling at the Paralympic Games this summer, I was reminded of my latest foray into the sporting arena—a hotly contested game between my office and Llanelli's visually impaired bowls club, down at the Selwyn Samuel Centre in Llanelli. Now, to paraphrase that famous line of sporting commentary, 'Our boys took one hell of a beating' and left me reeling from a masterful performance from the home team.

Now, defeat aside, it was a brilliant morning, with 15 or so club members present of all ages and all types of visual impairment. It really did strike me how crucial sports can be in bringing people together, offering not only a sporting activity, but crucially, that opportunity to socialise, share experiences and forge friendships, and to prove that any disability or visual impairment doesn't have to be a barrier to getting involved in sport.

So, we are looking for a rematch—revenge, hopefully—but can I just thank the bowls club for the wonderful welcome we had? And it just shows how marvellous a job they are doing, and let's hope Welsh Government and third sector bodies can support this kind of activity, moving forward. Diolch.

Wrth ryfeddu at y Gemau Paralympaidd dros yr haf, cefais fy atgoffa o fy ymddangosiad diweddaraf ar y maes chwarae—gêm hynod gystadleuol rhwng fy swyddfa a chlwb bowls Llanelli ar gyfer pobl ag amhariad ar eu golwg, i lawr yng Nghanolfan Selwyn Samuel yn Llanelli. Nawr, i aralleirio'r sylwebaeth chwaraeon enwog, 'Fe gafodd ein bechgyn ni uffern o grasfa' ac roeddwn i'n gwegian yn sgil perfformiad meistrolgar gan y tîm cartref.

Nawr, er inni golli, roedd yn fore gwych, gyda thua 15 o aelodau'r clwb o bob oed â phob math o amhariad ar y golwg yn bresennol. Sylweddolais pa mor hanfodol y gall chwaraeon fod i ddod â phobl ynghyd, gan gynnig nid yn unig gweithgaredd chwaraeon, ond yn hollbwysig, cyfle i gymdeithasu, rhannu profiadau a meithrin cyfeillgarwch, ac i brofi nad oes yn rhaid i unrhyw anabledd neu amhariad ar y golwg fod yn rhwystr rhag cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon.

Felly, rydym yn chwilio am ail gêm—cyfle i ddial, gobeithio—ond a gaf i ddiolch i'r clwb bowls am y croeso bendigedig a gawsom? Ac mae'n dangos pa mor wych yw'r gwaith a wnânt, a gadewch inni obeithio y gall Llywodraeth Cymru a chyrff y trydydd sector gefnogi'r math hwn o weithgarwch, wrth symud ymlaen. Diolch.

It's now 21 years since I first attended a Guide Dogs Cymru event here, highlighting the need to make shared streets and outdoor public places more accessible for people living with a vision impairment. More recently, their campaign for safer streets has also emphasised that although active travel measures should never put pedestrians at risk, many cycle routes have been installed on footways without any clear delineation between the cycle and pedestrian footways, and it called on the Welsh Government to introduce much more robust checks before funding is allocated to new active travel routes.

Working with Wales Council of the Blind, Vision Support and RNIB Cymru, they've also given evidence to the cross-party group on disability, highlighting the paucity of habilitation training and support for vision-impaired children and young people. Only early involvement of blind and partially sighted people in the design and delivery of services will enable them to live the life they choose.

Mae 21 mlynedd bellach ers imi fynychu digwyddiad Cŵn Tywys Cymru yma am y tro cyntaf, lle amlygwyd yr angen i wneud strydoedd a rennir a mannau cyhoeddus awyr agored yn fwy hygyrch i bobl ag amhariad ar eu golwg. Yn fwy diweddar, mae eu hymgyrch dros strydoedd mwy diogel hefyd wedi pwysleisio, er na ddylai mesurau teithio llesol fyth roi cerddwyr mewn perygl, fod llawer o lwybrau beicio wedi’u gosod ar droedffyrdd heb unrhyw linellau clir rhwng y llwybrau beicio a llwybrau cerddwyr, ac maent wedi galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno archwiliadau llawer mwy trylwyr cyn dyrannu cyllid i lwybrau teithio llesol newydd.

Gan weithio gyda Chyngor Cymru i'r Deillion, Vision Support ac RNIB Cymru, maent hefyd wedi rhoi tystiolaeth i'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar anabledd, gan dynnu sylw at brinder hyfforddiant sefydlu a chymorth i blant a phobl ifanc ag amhariad ar eu golwg. Dim ond drwy gynnwys pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn gynnar yn y broses gynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau y bydd modd iddynt fyw y bywyd y dewisant ei fyw.

Diolch, Julie Morgan, am ddod â'r ddadl bwysig yma i'r Senedd.

Thank you, Julie Morgan, for bringing forward this important debate in the Senedd.

I'd like to draw attention particularly to the situation of young people who are blind or partially sighted, because we in Wales have prided ourselves, haven't we, on leading the way when it comes to children's rights, and the Welsh Government is bound, of course, to give due regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 23 says that

'a child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence and to play an active part in the community.' 

But we know, and as you've outlined, really, many young people with sight impairments are not being supported to live as autonomously and independently and freely as they're entitled to, as they have the right to do.

Article 26 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also enshrines this right, and it was a programme of government commitment to incorporate the UNCRPD into Welsh law. So, can I ask the Cabinet Secretary to let us know where we are with that important work? As chair of the cross-party group on human rights and a member of the Equality and Social Justice Committee, I've heard concerning evidence that Welsh Government is not resourcing or prioritising that work sufficiently. Diolch.

Hoffwn dynnu sylw’n benodol at sefyllfa pobl ifanc ddall neu rannol ddall, gan ein bod ni yng Nghymru yn ymfalchïo, onid ydym, yn y ffaith ein bod yn arwain y ffordd ar hawliau plant, ac mae rhwymedigaeth ar Lywodraeth Cymru, wrth gwrs, i roi sylw dyledus i Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn. Dywed erthygl 23

'fod gan blentyn ag anabledd hawl i fyw bywyd llawn a gweddus gydag urddas a, chyn belled ag y bo’n bosibl, annibyniaeth ac i chwarae rhan weithredol yn y gymuned.'

Ond fel rydych chi wedi'i amlinellu mewn gwirionedd, fe wyddom fod llawer o bobl ifanc ag amhariad ar eu golwg yn cael eu hamddifadu o gefnogaeth i fyw mor ymreolaethol ac annibynnol ac mor rhydd ag y mae ganddynt hawl i'w wneud.

Mae erthygl 26 yng Nghonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau Pobl ag Anableddau hefyd yn ymgorffori’r hawl hon, ac roedd yn ymrwymiad yn y rhaglen lywodraethu i ymgorffori’r confensiwn yng nghyfraith Cymru. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet roi gwybod i ni ble rydym ni arni gyda’r gwaith pwysig hwnnw? Fel cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar hawliau dynol ac aelod o'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, rwyf wedi clywed tystiolaeth sy'n peri pryder nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi digon o flaenoriaeth ac adnoddau i'r gwaith hwnnw. Diolch.

Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol i ymateb i'r ddadl. Jeremy Miles.

I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to reply to the debate. Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i Julie Morgan am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw. Mae'n fater pwysig, fel ŷn ni wedi clywed, sy'n cyffwrdd bywydau cymaint o bobl ledled Cymru. Mae hefyd yn amserol, yn dilyn y ddadl yn gynharach heddiw am wella gwasanaethau iechyd, fel na fydd pobl yn colli eu golwg oherwydd cyflyrau sy'n gallu cael eu trin.

Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you to Julie Morgan for bringing forward this debate today. It's an important issue, as we've heard, that touches the lives of so many people across Wales. It's also very timely, following the earlier debate on improving health services, so that people don't lose their sight because of treatable conditions.

Losing eyesight can have a deep effect on the well-being of a person. The 'Time to Focus' report, which was launched by the charity, Fight for Sight, vividly illustrates the personal impact and the wider costs of sight loss. It reveals that seven out of 10 people feel like some area of their life is limited by their eye condition, and almost a quarter think their sight loss has a negative impact on their personal relationships; one in five said it limits their ability to develop those relationships. This shows us that there are far-reaching consequences from both a quality-of-life perspective and also a financial perspective, particularly for people of working age with sight loss.

Gall colli golwg gael effaith ddwys ar les unigolyn. Mae adroddiad 'Time to Focus', a lansiwyd gan yr elusen Fight for Sight, yn nodi effaith bersonol a chostau ehangach colli golwg. Mae'n datgelu bod saith o bob 10 o bobl yn teimlo bod rhyw agwedd ar eu bywydau wedi'i chyfyngu gan gyflwr eu llygaid, ac mae bron i chwarter yn credu bod colli eu golwg yn cael effaith negyddol ar eu perthnasoedd personol; dywedodd un o bob pump fod colli eu golwg yn cyfyngu ar eu gallu i ddatblygu'r perthnasoedd hynny. Mae hyn yn dangos i ni fod yna ganlyniadau pellgyrhaeddol o safbwynt ansawdd bywyd a hefyd o safbwynt ariannol, yn enwedig i bobl o oedran gweithio sy'n colli eu golwg.

The RNIB estimates nearly one in five people will experience permanent sight loss in their lifetime, with one in three experiencing some sight loss in their lifetime. In Wales, an estimated 3.5 per cent of the population are living with sight loss that impacts their daily lives. I want to assure Members that we are committed to making Wales a more inclusive country for people with sight loss. Central to this is developing accessible, responsive and citizen-centred services that meet the needs of blind and partially sighted people in Wales. It's essential that barriers are removed in all aspects of life to enable blind and partially sighted people to fully participate, in the way that Julie Morgan was setting out in her contribution.

Our commitment is embodied in the low-vision service, where more than 8,000 assessments are performed every year by optometrists and dispensing opticians on our high streets. Wales is the only UK nation to provide this service in primary care, close to people's homes, and often within people's homes, which supports people who are sight impaired or severely sight impaired. The service provides low-vision aids to people who need them, signposts to other services, and provides information about daily living and eye conditions, aimed at maintaining a person's independence.

I am, however, aware of the concerns expressed by RNIB regarding the number of visual rehabilitation specialists who support visually impaired adults. It is vitally important that blind and partially sighted people can access rehabilitation services. We've been working with the Wales Council of the Blind to explore solutions to this. As we've heard already, active travel is a key enabler to ensure blind and partially sighted people can live the life they choose. The Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales recently met with RNIB to discuss how we can make streets and public transport safe and accessible for blind and partially sighted people in Wales.

Under the Equality Act, as Julie Morgan pointed out, public authorities have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to the built environment, to ensure the design of new infrastructure is accessible to all. In our guidance, we ask local authorities to ensure that under-represented groups are involved throughout the design process for active travel infrastructure. The active travel board is re-establishing the inclusive active travel group on which the RNIB is fully involved.

Practical matters, such as pavement parking, can, as we've heard, act as a significant, and, of course, a physical barrier to people who are blind and partially sighted. Most journeys start with walking or wheeling, even if that's just the journey from your front door to the car. Pavements and footpaths are an essential infrastructure for people making journeys to local amenities, public transport and more, and it's important that people are considerate when parking their cars. Obstructing pavements and paths so that pedestrians have no option but to enter the carriageway to continue their journey is clearly dangerous, and a particular issue for the most vulnerable in our communities, and we are engaged and working with local authorities to explore how we can support them to tackle this problem.

Bus services are also important for enabling blind and partially sighted people to live their lives freely and independently. The Department for Transport is introducing new accessible information regulations for bus operators that will apply across Great Britain. We fully support these changes, which will provide consistent audible and visible information for bus passengers, and we will work with stakeholders to ensure that these are complied with in Wales. We are looking at a range of options to make bus travel across Wales easier and more accessible by simplifying fares and the ticketing system, including combined bus and rail tickets. Our White Paper 'One Network, One Timetable, One Ticket' sets out our vision for transforming bus services in Wales. We are looking at a range of reforms, including the franchising of bus services, which will allow local authorities to create new municipal bus companies. Our mandatory concessionary bus pass scheme for people aged 60 and over and disabled people already enables free travel on local bus services and some rail services.

Rail services themselves are a lifeline for blind or partially sighted people and we’ve made an £800 million investment in new trains, which will have facilities to support everyone in accessing the railway. We agree that stations should be accessible, with all platforms fitted with tactile paving, and we are transforming station facilities on the core Valleys lines, including installing tactile paving, improved audio passenger information systems and, crucially, step-free access.

The rail network in Wales beyond the core Valleys lines is the responsibility of the UK Government and we will work constructively with it to improve station facilities. Transport for Wales offers passengers an assisted travel service to support them throughout their journey, from helping with luggage, reserving a space for assistance dogs, guidance around stations and support in making connecting services.

As I mentioned earlier this afternoon, the Welsh Government has reformed primary care ophthalmic services to improve access to eye health services. As part of the reform, health boards must conduct an eye health needs assessment every three years to ascertain the needs of the public when delivering eye services in both primary and secondary care. Central to this exercise are the needs of blind and partially sighted people. Taken together, the needs assessment, combined with delivery on a cluster footprint, will ensure that local population needs, and in particular the needs of blind and partially sighted people, will be fully considered and delivered against.

In closing, Dirprwy Lywydd, I would like to emphasise how much I welcome this debate. From a Welsh Government perspective, we remain unequivocally committed in our efforts centred on ensuring that blind and partially sighted people can live the life they choose.

Mae'r RNIB yn amcangyfrif y bydd bron i un o bob pump o bobl yn colli eu golwg yn barhaol yn ystod eu hoes, gydag un o bob tri yn colli rhywfaint o'u golwg yn ystod eu hoes. Yng Nghymru, amcangyfrifir fod 3.5 y cant o'r boblogaeth yn byw gyda cholli golwg sy'n effeithio ar eu bywydau bob dydd. Hoffwn roi sicrwydd i'r Aelodau ein bod wedi ymrwymo i wneud Cymru’n wlad fwy cynhwysol ar gyfer pobl sy'n colli eu golwg. Yn ganolog i hyn mae datblygu gwasanaethau hygyrch, ymatebol sy’n canolbwyntio ar y dinesydd ac sy’n diwallu anghenion pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yng Nghymru. Mae'n hanfodol fod rhwystrau'n cael eu dileu ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd er mwyn galluogi pobl ddall a rhannol ddall i gyfranogi'n llawn, yn y ffordd a nododd Julie Morgan yn ei chyfraniad.

Mae ein hymrwymiad wedi’i ymgorffori yn y gwasanaeth golwg gwan, lle mae mwy nag 8,000 o asesiadau’n cael eu cynnal bob blwyddyn gan optometryddion ac optegwyr cyflenwi ar ein strydoedd mawr. Cymru yw’r unig wlad yn y DU i ddarparu’r gwasanaeth hwn mewn gofal sylfaenol, yn agos at gartrefi pobl, ac yn aml yng nghartrefi pobl, ac mae'n cefnogi pobl ag amhariad neu amhariad difrifol ar eu golwg. Mae'r gwasanaeth yn darparu cymhorthion golwg gwan i bobl sydd eu hangen, yn cyfeirio pobl at wasanaethau eraill, ac yn darparu gwybodaeth am fywyd bob dydd a chyflyrau llygaid, gyda'r nod o gynnal annibyniaeth unigolion.

Fodd bynnag, rwy'n ymwybodol o’r pryderon a fynegwyd gan yr RNIB ynghylch nifer yr arbenigwyr adsefydlu gweledol sy’n cefnogi oedolion ag amhariad ar eu golwg. Mae’n hanfodol bwysig fod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn gallu cael mynediad at wasanaethau adsefydlu. Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Chyngor Cymru i'r Deillion i archwilio atebion i hyn. Fel y clywsom eisoes, mae teithio llesol yn alluogwr allweddol i sicrhau bod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn gallu byw y bywyd y dymunant ei fyw. Cyfarfu Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru â'r RNIB yn ddiweddar i drafod sut y gallwn wneud strydoedd a thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn ddiogel ac yn hygyrch i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall yng Nghymru.

O dan y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb, fel y nododd Julie Morgan, mae dyletswydd ar awdurdodau cyhoeddus i wneud addasiadau rhesymol i’r amgylchedd adeiledig, er mwyn sicrhau bod cynllun seilwaith newydd yn hygyrch i bawb. Yn ein canllawiau, gofynnwn i awdurdodau lleol sicrhau bod grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn cael eu cynnwys drwy gydol y broses gynllunio ar gyfer seilwaith teithio llesol. Mae’r bwrdd teithio llesol yn ailgynnull y grŵp teithio llesol cynhwysol sy'n cynnwys yr RNIB.

Gall materion ymarferol, fel parcio ar balmentydd fod yn rhwystr sylweddol, fel y clywsom, ac wrth gwrs, yn rhwystr corfforol i bobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o deithiau'n dechrau gyda cherdded neu olwyno, hyd yn oed os nad yw'n hwy nag o ddrws eich tŷ i'r car. Mae palmentydd a llwybrau troed yn seilwaith hanfodol i bobl sy'n teithio i amwynderau lleol, trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a mwy, ac mae'n bwysig fod pobl yn ystyriol wrth barcio eu ceir. Mae rhwystro palmentydd a llwybrau fel nad oes gan gerddwyr unrhyw ddewis ond mynd ar y gerbytffordd i barhau â’u taith yn amlwg yn beryglus, ac yn broblem arbennig i’r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau, ac rydym yn ymgysylltu ac yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i archwilio sut y gallwn eu cynorthwyo i fynd i’r afael â’r broblem hon.

Mae gwasanaethau bws hefyd yn bwysig i alluogi pobl ddall a rhannol ddall i fyw eu bywydau yn rhydd ac yn annibynnol. Mae'r Adran Drafnidiaeth yn cyflwyno rheoliadau gwybodaeth hygyrch newydd ar gyfer gweithredwyr gwasanaethau bysiau a fydd yn berthnasol ledled Prydain. Rydym yn llwyr gefnogi’r newidiadau hyn, a fydd yn darparu gwybodaeth glywadwy a gweladwy gyson i deithwyr ar fysiau, a byddwn yn gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau y cydymffurfir â’r rhain yng Nghymru. Rydym yn edrych ar amrywiaeth o opsiynau i wneud teithio ar fysiau ledled Cymru yn haws ac yn fwy hygyrch drwy symleiddio prisiau tocynnau a’r system docynnau, gan gynnwys tocynnau bws a thrên cyfun. Mae ein Papur Gwyn 'Un rhwydwaith, un amserlen, un tocyn' yn nodi ein gweledigaeth ar gyfer trawsnewid gwasanaethau bysiau yng Nghymru. Rydym yn edrych ar amrywiaeth o ddiwygiadau, gan gynnwys masnachfreinio gwasanaethau bysiau, a fydd yn caniatáu i awdurdodau lleol greu cwmnïau bysiau newydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Mae ein cynllun gorfodol ar gyfer tocynnau teithio consesiynol i bobl 60 oed a hŷn a phobl anabl eisoes yn galluogi teithio am ddim ar wasanaethau bysiau lleol a rhai gwasanaethau trên.

Mae gwasanaethau trên eu hunain yn achubiaeth i bobl ddall neu rannol ddall, ac rydym wedi buddsoddi £800 miliwn mewn trenau newydd, a fydd â chyfleusterau i gynorthwyo pawb i gael mynediad at wasanaethau rheilffyrdd. Rydym yn cytuno y dylai gorsafoedd fod yn hygyrch, gydag arwynebau botymog ar bob platfform, ac rydym yn trawsnewid cyfleusterau gorsafoedd ar linellau craidd y Cymoedd, gan gynnwys gosod palmentydd botymog, gwell systemau gwybodaeth sain i deithwyr, ac yn hollbwysig, mynediad heb risiau.

Cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU yw’r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru y tu hwnt i linellau craidd y Cymoedd, a byddwn yn gweithio’n adeiladol gyda hi i wella cyfleusterau gorsafoedd. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cynnig gwasanaeth teithio â chymorth i deithwyr i’w cefnogi ar hyd eu taith, o gynorthwyo gyda bagiau, cadw lle ar gyfer cŵn cymorth, arweiniad o gwmpas gorsafoedd a chymorth gyda chysylltu gwasanaethau.

Fel y soniais yn gynharach y prynhawn yma, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi diwygio gwasanaethau offthalmig gofal sylfaenol i wella mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd llygaid. Fel rhan o’r diwygio, mae'n rhaid i fyrddau iechyd gynnal asesiad o anghenion iechyd llygaid bob tair blynedd i nodi anghenion y cyhoedd wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau llygaid mewn gofal sylfaenol a gofal eilaidd. Yn ganolog i'r ymarfer hwn mae anghenion pobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Gyda’i gilydd, bydd yr asesiad o anghenion, ynghyd â chyflawni ar batrwm clwstwr, yn sicrhau bod anghenion y boblogaeth leol, ac yn enwedig anghenion pobl ddall a rhannol ddall, yn cael eu hystyried a'u diwallu'n llawn.

I gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn bwysleisio cymaint rwy'n croesawu'r ddadl hon. O safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru, rydym yn parhau i fod wedi ymrwymo’n llwyr yn ein hymdrechion i ganolbwyntio ar sicrhau bod pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn gallu byw y bywyd y dewisant ei fyw.


Diolch, bawb. Daw hynny â busnes heddiw i ben.

Thank you all. That brings today's proceedings to a close.

Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:32.

The meeting ended at 18:32.