Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd

Plenary - Fifth Senedd




Datganiad gan y Llywydd Statement by the Llywydd
1. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Addysg 1. Questions to the Minister for Education
2. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol 2. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services
3. Cwestiynau Amserol 3. Topical Questions
4. Datganiadau 90 eiliad 4. 90-second Statements
5. Dadl ar Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon: Effaith COVID-19, a'r modd y mae'n cael ei reoli, ar iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru 5. Debate on the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Report: The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales
6. Dadl Aelod o dan Rheol Sefydlog 11.21 (iv): Incwm Sylfaenol Cyffredinol 6. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21 (iv): Universal Basic Income (UBI)
7. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: Gwerth am Arian i Drethdalwyr 7. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Value for Money for Taxpayers
8. Cyfnod Pleidleisio 8. Voting Time
9. Dadl Fer: Yr heriau a’r cyfleon i economi Môn: Cyfle i fwrw golwg eang ar economi Môn, yn cynnwys pryderon difrifol Brexit, yr heriau a’r cyfleon ym maes ynni, a sut i greu cynaliadwyedd cymunedol ac amgylcheddol wrth greu cyfleon economaidd newydd 9. Short Debate: The challenges and opportunities for the Môn economy: An opportunity to take a broad look at the Môn economy, including serious concerns around Brexit, challenges and opportunities in relation to energy, and how to ensure community and environmental sustainability when creating new economic opportunities

Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

Datganiad gan y Llywydd
Statement by the Llywydd

Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Jest nodi ychydig o bwyntiau, cyn cychwyn: cynhelir y cyfarfod hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd ac eraill yn ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, ble bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae  Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rhain wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. A dwi eisiau atgoffa Aelodau fod y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod, ac yr un mor berthnasol i Aelodau yn y Siambr ag ydyn nhw i'r rhai sy'n ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo.

Welcome to this Plenary meeting. I just want to set out a few points, before we start. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Siambr and others joining by video-conference. All Members who participate in proceedings of the Senedd, wherever they may be, will be treated equally. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitute Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and those have been noted on your agenda. And I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting, and apply equally to Members in the Siambr as to those joining virtually.

1. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Addysg
1. Questions to the Minister for Education

Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni'r prynawn yma, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Addysg, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Suzy Davies. 

The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Education, and the first question is from Suzy Davies. 

Adolygiad Annibynnol ar Ddyfarnu Graddau
Independent Review of the Awarding of Grades

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am hynt yr adolygiad annibynnol o'r trefniadau ar gyfer dyfarnu graddau yn haf 2020, a'r ystyriaethau ar gyfer haf 2021? OQ55603

1. Will the Minister provide an update on the progress of the independent review into the summer 2020 arrangements to award grades, and considerations for summer 2021? OQ55603

Thank you, Suzy. The review panel is currently gathering evidence and interviewing stakeholders. I will receive the interim findings, which will include key considerations for 2021, next month.

Diolch, Suzy. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r panel adolygu'n casglu tystiolaeth ac yn cyfweld â rhanddeiliaid. Byddaf yn derbyn y casgliadau interim, a fydd yn cynnwys ystyriaethau allweddol ar gyfer 2021, fis nesaf.

Thank you for that. It's just to raise the point that some in the sector have been contacted only this week, despite the review's findings due to be published by the end of October, so I'm not sure when the interim one is due. What they say does matter if preparations for the summer are to be practicable. Qualifications Wales have got their own summer 2021 stakeholder group to meet between now and December. So, could you tell us how that work and that of the review will relate to each other? And when will schools and colleges know exactly what they need to teach and how pupils' work will be assessed? Because that Qualifications Wales work won't be finished until a third of the way through the academic year. 

Diolch. Rwyf ond yn codi'r pwynt na chysylltwyd â rhai yn y sector tan yr wythnos hon, er gwaethaf casgliadau’r adolygiad, sydd i fod i gael eu cyhoeddi erbyn diwedd mis Hydref, felly nid wyf yn siŵr pryd y mae'r un interim i fod i gael ei gyhoeddi. Mae'r hyn a ddywedant yn bwysig os yw’r paratoadau ar gyfer yr haf yn mynd i fod yn ymarferol. Mae grŵp rhanddeiliaid haf 2021 Cymwysterau Cymru i fod i gyfarfod rhwng nawr a mis Rhagfyr. Felly, a allech ddweud wrthym sut y bydd y gwaith hwnnw a gwaith yr adolygiad yn cysylltu â'i gilydd? A pha bryd y bydd ysgolion a cholegau yn gwybod beth yn union fydd angen iddynt ei addysgu a sut yr asesir gwaith disgyblion? Oherwydd ni fydd gwaith Cymwysterau Cymru ar ben tan un rhan o dair o’r ffordd drwy'r flwyddyn academaidd.

Thank you, Suzy. The interim report from the review body will be made available to me next month, and their final review will be given to me before the end of the year. Clearly, in the interim, Qualifications Wales are indeed carrying out their own piece of work, but they have already given evidence to the review panel, I believe, and they will need to be cognisant of any findings that the independent review panel make to me and any decisions I make as a result of the work of Louise Casella.  

Diolch, Suzy. Bydd yr adroddiad interim gan y corff adolygu ar gael i mi fis nesaf, a bydd eu hadolygiad terfynol yn cael ei roi i mi cyn diwedd y flwyddyn. Yn amlwg, yn y cyfamser, mae Cymwysterau Cymru yn gwneud eu gwaith eu hunain yn wir, ond maent eisoes wedi rhoi tystiolaeth i'r panel adolygu, rwy'n credu, a bydd angen iddynt fod yn ymwybodol o unrhyw gasgliadau a roddir i mi gan y panel adolygu annibynnol ac unrhyw benderfyniadau a wnaf o ganlyniad i waith Louise Casella.

Minister, you know I wrote to you in August, asking for a review of the system, following the results publication, and I am very pleased that the review is taking place. But I am concerned about next summer's examinations or possible examinations. We still don't know what will happen next summer, as of this point. I also know that many teachers and pupils are also concerned about what will happen with examinations next summer. Are you putting into place a plan B, which could be based upon teacher-assessed work again but, this time, moderated to ensure that there is fairness in the system and everyone receives grades that are equal and equivalent across Wales?  

Weinidog, fe wyddoch fy mod wedi ysgrifennu atoch ym mis Awst i ofyn am adolygu'r system, yn dilyn cyhoeddi'r canlyniadau, ac rwy'n falch iawn fod yr adolygiad yn mynd rhagddo. Ond rwy'n poeni am arholiadau, neu arholiadau posibl, yr haf nesaf. Ar hyn o bryd, nid ydym yn gwybod beth fydd yn digwydd yr haf nesaf. Ond gwn hefyd fod llawer o athrawon a disgyblion yn poeni beth fydd yn digwydd gydag arholiadau’r haf nesaf. A ydych yn paratoi cynllun B, a allai fod yn seiliedig ar waith a aseswyd gan athrawon unwaith eto, ond y tro hwn, wedi'i gymedroli i sicrhau bod tegwch yn y system a bod pawb yn cael graddau sy'n gyfartal ac yn gyfwerth ledled Cymru?

Thank you, David. I recognise that practitioners, parents and pupils are concerned about what will happen in the examination series next summer. I have previously said that it is my sincere hope that examinations will be possible, but clearly we have to have contingencies in place if we find ourselves in the situation, for a variety of reasons, where examinations are not possible. As I said, in answer to Suzy Davies, the interim review panel is not just considering the examination series for this last summer, but will be making recommendations for next summer. And, as I said, the interim report will be made available to me in October. 

Diolch, David. Rwy'n cydnabod bod ymarferwyr, rhieni a disgyblion yn poeni beth fydd yn digwydd yn y gyfres o arholiadau yr haf nesaf. Rwyf wedi dweud o'r blaen mai fy ngobaith diffuant yw y bydd arholiadau'n bosibl, ond yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid inni gael cynllun wrth gefn os byddwn mewn sefyllfa, am ba bynnag reswm, lle nad yw'n bosibl cynnal arholiadau. Fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i Suzy Davies, mae panel yr adolygiad interim nid yn unig yn ystyried y gyfres o arholiadau ar gyfer yr haf diwethaf, ond byddant yn gwneud argymhellion ar gyfer yr haf nesaf. Ac fel y dywedais, bydd yr adroddiad interim ar gael i mi ym mis Hydref.

Addysg Ôl-16
Post-16 Education

2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddarparu addysg ôl-16 yn ddiogel yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? OQ55616

2. Will the Minister make a statement on the safe delivery of post-16 education during the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ55616

Thank you, Jayne. We have published guidance for post-16 providers to help them operate safely at this time. Colleges and universities must carry out risk assessments to ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to manage the risks of COVID-19 transmission in their institutions.

Diolch, Jayne. Rydym wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau ar gyfer darparwyr addysg ôl-16 i'w helpu i weithredu'n ddiogel ar yr adeg hon. Mae’n rhaid i golegau a phrifysgolion gynnal asesiadau risg i sicrhau bod mesurau priodol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith i reoli'r risg o drosglwyddo COVID-19 yn eu sefydliadau.


Thank you, Minister. Ensuring our young people are able to physically attend school or college is very welcome, and I know that the Minister and teachers across Wales have worked incredibly hard to ensure this has happened, and continues to happen, even in the difficult and changing circumstances we see. However, one concern that I've received from teachers and pupils is around post-16 education in schools. Those young people who are in school are more likely to work part-time and have social contacts from outside their school. However, the social distancing and guidance is the same as for 11-year-olds. There's a perception that sixth-form classes hold fewer pupils, however, I understand that, in some subjects, in some schools, there are over 30 students in a class. What discussions has the Minister had about the guidance for post-16 students in Wales and what has been learnt, following the first month, which could inform future planning?

Diolch, Weinidog. Mae sicrhau bod ein pobl ifanc yn gallu mynychu'r ysgol neu'r coleg yn gam calonogol, a gwn fod y Gweinidog ac athrawon ledled Cymru wedi gweithio'n anhygoel o galed i sicrhau bod hyn wedi digwydd, ac yn parhau i ddigwydd, hyd yn oed yn yr amgylchiadau anodd a newidiol a welwn. Fodd bynnag, mae un pryder a fynegwyd wrthyf gan athrawon a disgyblion yn ymwneud ag addysg ôl-16 mewn ysgolion. Mae'r bobl ifanc sydd yn yr ysgol yn fwy tebygol o weithio'n rhan-amser a chysylltu’n gymdeithasol â phobl y tu allan i'w hysgol. Fodd bynnag, mae'r canllawiau a’r rheolau cadw pellter cymdeithasol yr un fath â'r hyn ydynt ar gyfer plant 11 oed. Ceir canfyddiad fod dosbarthiadau chweched dosbarth yn cynnwys llai o ddisgyblion, ond mewn rhai pynciau, mewn rhai ysgolion, deallaf fod dros 30 o fyfyrwyr mewn dosbarth. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael ynglŷn â’r canllawiau ar gyfer myfyrwyr ôl-16 yng Nghymru, a beth a ddysgwyd, yn dilyn y mis cyntaf, a allai lywio cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol?

Thank you very much, Jayne, for that. You're right—our sixth forms come in all shapes and sizes, with class sizes that can vary considerably, but it is correct to say that, sometimes, in popular subjects in large schools, sixth-form classes can indeed have a number of pupils. We have been very clear in our guidance to both schools and colleges that we should look to minimise contacts between groups of students at this particular time, and it is really important that practitioners are able to socially distance from their class. 

Clearly, we are keeping under very careful review the operation of both schools and colleges, following the first month, really, of operations. I'm pleased to say that the vast majority of schools have not had a case and, where we have had cases of COVID in pupils or teachers, that's usually a single case in a single institution. We have had cases in our FE colleges, but I'm pleased to say that, working with local test, trace, protect teams, the disruption to learning has been minimised. But, clearly, we're keeping under constant review the guidance to both schools and colleges as a result of the experiences over the last four weeks, and we'll be looking to review guidance in light of what we have learned so far. What's really important to remember is that the advice to date from Public Health Wales is that there is no evidence that schools or colleges are vectors for the virus spreading, and cases that we have seen in schools are a reflection of what we're seeing in our communities.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Jayne. Rydych yn llygad eich lle—mae gennym ddosbarthiadau chwech o bob lliw a llun, a gall maint dosbarthiadau amrywio'n sylweddol, ond mae'n wir, weithiau, mewn pynciau poblogaidd mewn ysgolion mawr, y gall dosbarthiadau chweched dosbarth gynnwys nifer o ddisgyblion. Rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn yn ein canllawiau i ysgolion a cholegau y dylem geisio lleihau cysylltiadau rhwng grwpiau o fyfyrwyr ar yr adeg hon, ac mae'n bwysig iawn fod addysgwyr yn gallu cadw pellter cymdeithasol oddi wrth eu dosbarth.

Yn amlwg, rydym yn parhau i adolygu gweithrediad ysgolion a cholegau yn ofalus iawn, yn dilyn y mis cyntaf, mewn gwirionedd, o weithgarwch. Rwy'n falch o ddweud nad yw'r rhan fwyaf o ysgolion wedi cael achos, a lle rydym wedi cael achosion o COVID mewn disgyblion neu athrawon, achos unigol mewn un sefydliad ydyw fel arfer. Rydym wedi cael achosion yn ein colegau addysg bellach, ond rwy'n falch o ddweud, wrth weithio gyda thimau profi, olrhain a diogelu lleol, fod hynny wedi arwain at gyn lleied o darfu â phosibl ar ddysgu. Ond yn amlwg, rydym yn parhau i adolygu'r canllawiau i ysgolion a cholegau yn gyson o ganlyniad i'r profiadau dros y pedair wythnos ddiwethaf, ac rydym yn bwriadu adolygu’r canllawiau yng ngoleuni'r hyn rydym wedi'i ddysgu hyd yma. Yr hyn sy'n bwysig iawn i'w gofio yw mai'r cyngor hyd yn hyn gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yw nad oes unrhyw dystiolaeth fod ysgolion neu golegau'n fectorau ar gyfer lledaenu'r feirws, ac mae’r achosion a welsom mewn ysgolion yn adlewyrchiad o'r hyn a welwn yn ein cymunedau.

Minister, can I ask you what additional support is in place for learners who have extremely vulnerable people in their households who could be susceptible to COVID? I've got a learner in my own constituency who would like to continue with her post-16 education, but unfortunately her local college has told her that she must attend the college site in order to undertake the A-levels of her choice. As a result of that, she's not able to participate in education at present. Is there advice that you've been able to give to colleges to overcome this particular barrier that some young people are now facing as a result of having siblings or others in their families who may be extremely vulnerable?

Weinidog, a gaf fi ofyn i chi pa gymorth ychwanegol sydd ar waith i ddysgwyr a chanddynt bobl hynod agored i berygl COVID yn eu cartrefi? Mae gennyf ddysgwr yn fy etholaeth a hoffai barhau gyda'i haddysg ôl-16, ond yn anffodus mae ei choleg lleol wedi dweud wrthi fod yn rhaid iddi fynychu safle'r coleg er mwyn dilyn pynciau Safon Uwch o'i dewis. O ganlyniad i hynny, ni all gymryd rhan mewn addysg ar hyn o bryd. A ydych wedi gallu rhoi cyngor i golegau fel y gallant oresgyn y rhwystr y mae rhai pobl ifanc bellach yn ei wynebu o ganlyniad i fod â brodyr a chwiorydd neu eraill yn eu teuluoedd a allai fod yn hynod agored i berygl?

Thank you for that, Darren. We have had regular discussions with both schools and colleges about what reasonable adaptations can be made to support students who may themselves be very vulnerable or feel very vulnerable at this time. It would be important for that student to have a discussion with her college, but if, Darren, you would like to write to me about that particular case, I will make further investigations.

Diolch, Darren. Rydym wedi cael trafodaethau rheolaidd gydag ysgolion a cholegau ynghylch pa addasiadau rhesymol y gellir eu gwneud i gefnogi myfyrwyr a allai fod yn agored iawn i niwed neu'n teimlo'n agored iawn i niwed ar hyn o bryd. Byddai'n bwysig i'r myfyriwr dan sylw gael trafodaeth gyda'i choleg, ond os hoffech ysgrifennu ataf, Darren, am yr achos penodol hwnnw, fe wnaf ymchwiliadau pellach.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr yn gyntaf, Suzy Davies.

Os gallech chi roi eich meicroffon ymlaen, Suzy Davies—iawn, dechreuwch eto.

Questions now from party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Suzy Davies.

If you could turn your microphone on, Suzy Davies—okay, try again.

Sori am hynny.

Sorry about that.

Yes, Minister, I was listening to your response to Jayne Bryant there and that observation that schools and colleges aren't vectors for the spread of COVID. Yet we've seen considerable numbers being sent home from some schools—200 in one case, and over 400 in another. You say you're monitoring what's happening at the moment, but have you learnt anything yet about why further education colleges seem to be doing a better job of minimising face-to-face teaching? They're losing fewer students than schools. Why is that?

Ie, Weinidog, roeddwn yn gwrando ar eich ymateb i Jayne Bryant a'r sylw hwnnw nad yw ysgolion a cholegau yn fectorau ar gyfer lledaeniad COVID. Serch hynny, rydym wedi gweld niferoedd sylweddol yn cael eu hanfon adref o rai ysgolion—200 mewn un achos, dros 400 mewn un arall. Rydych yn dweud eich bod yn monitro'r hyn sy'n digwydd ar hyn o bryd, ond a ydych wedi dysgu unrhyw beth eto ynglŷn â pham yr ymddengys bod colegau addysg bellach yn gwneud yn well o ran sicrhau llai o addysg wyneb yn wyneb? Maent yn colli llai o fyfyrwyr nag ysgolion. Pam hynny?


Thank you, Suzy. As you said, we are keeping in close touch with our local education authorities and our directors of education. And in the case you've just mentioned—400 pupils leaving a school—I myself have spoken to the headteacher in those circumstances to understand why that situation arose. That's why, as I said in answer to Jayne Bryant, we are learning the lessons of these four weeks, where schools have worked incredibly hard to operationalise the guidance that we've made available to them. But clearly, in the light of those experiences, we need to understand what more we can do, how we can improve our guidance in schools, so that they can limit the number of direct contacts, and what other support we can give schools from our TTP teams, to be able to help them make decisions around which students can safely remain in school and not disrupt their education, and which students will, indeed, need to isolate. So, we're looking to review our guidance and, as I said, work closely with our colleagues in Public Health Wales and TTP to ensure that the advice given to headteachers is as good as it needs to be and that we have consistency across TTP teams in Wales.

Diolch, Suzy. Fel y dywedoch chi, rydym yn cadw mewn cysylltiad agos â'n hawdurdodau addysg lleol a'n cyfarwyddwyr addysg. Ac yn yr achos y sonioch chi amdano—400 o ddisgyblion yn gadael ysgol—rwyf wedi siarad â'r pennaeth yn yr amgylchiadau hynny i ddeall pam y cododd y sefyllfa honno. Fel y dywedais yn fy ymateb i Jayne Bryant, dyna pam ein bod yn dysgu gwersi'r pedair wythnos hyn, lle mae ysgolion wedi gweithio'n anhygoel o galed i roi’r canllawiau rydym wedi eu darparu iddynt ar waith. Ond yn amlwg, yng ngoleuni'r profiadau hynny, mae angen inni ddeall beth arall y gallwn ei wneud, sut y gallwn wella ein canllawiau mewn ysgolion, fel y gallant gyfyngu ar nifer y cysylltiadau uniongyrchol, a pha gymorth arall y gallwn ei roi i ysgolion drwy ein timau profi, olrhain a diogelu, er mwyn gallu eu helpu i wneud penderfyniadau i sicrhau y gall myfyrwyr aros yn yr ysgol yn ddiogel, a pheidio ag amharu ar eu haddysg, a pha fyfyrwyr, yn wir, fydd yn gorfod ynysu. Felly rydym yn awyddus i adolygu ein canllawiau, ac fel y dywedais, i weithio'n agos gyda'n cydweithwyr yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a’r timau profi, olrhain a diogelu i sicrhau bod y cyngor a roddir i benaethiaid cystal ag y mae angen iddo fod, a bod gennym gysondeb ar draws y timau profi, olrhain a diogelu yng Nghymru.

Thank you for that. I think it would be helpful as well if colleges within a certain area might be prepared to speak to some of the headteachers in schools within their area about some of the good ideas that they've had.

Further education and higher education have both received over £20 million each from the Welsh Government COVID pot, despite a projected funding gap of more than £400 million for higher education. You signalled in the Welsh Conservative debate last week that that's one of the reasons why you don't support a partial reduction in fees for students who've lost out on the experience they've paid for. But, as we've heard, some students are having to stay in their expensive rooms to log in when they could have done that in a more familiar and cheaper environment at home—a home that many students will be leaving for the first time. None of the £27 million for HE is ring-fenced for student support. What are universities in Wales telling you now about how much of that money is going to unanticipated and speedy emotional and mental well-being support for students, and will they be coming to you for a top-up to the £27 million because of that?

Diolch. Credaf y byddai'n ddefnyddiol hefyd pe bai colegau mewn ardal benodol yn barod i siarad â rhai o'r penaethiaid mewn ysgolion yn eu hardal ynglŷn â rhai o'r syniadau da y maent wedi'u cael.

Mae addysg bellach ac addysg uwch wedi derbyn dros £20 miliwn yr un o bot COVID Llywodraeth Cymru, er gwaethaf y bwlch cyllido a ragwelir o fwy na £400 miliwn ar gyfer addysg uwch. Nodwyd gennych yn nadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yr wythnos diwethaf mai dyna un o'r rhesymau pam nad ydych yn cefnogi gostyngiad rhannol mewn ffioedd i fyfyrwyr sydd wedi colli peth o'r y profiad y maent wedi talu amdano. Ond fel y clywsom, mae rhai myfyrwyr yn gorfod aros yn eu hystafelloedd drud i fewngofnodi pan allent fod wedi gwneud hynny mewn amgylchedd mwy cyfarwydd a rhatach gartref—cartref y bydd llawer o fyfyrwyr yn ei adael am y tro cyntaf. Nid oes ceiniog o'r £27 miliwn ar gyfer addysg uwch wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer cymorth i fyfyrwyr. Beth y mae prifysgolion yng Nghymru yn ei ddweud wrthych yn awr ynglŷn â faint o'r arian hwnnw sy'n cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer cymorth annisgwyl a chymorth emosiynol a lles meddyliol amserol i fyfyrwyr, ac a fyddant yn gofyn i chi ychwanegu at y £27 miliwn oherwydd hynny?

Suzy, you'll be aware that the £27 million additional money that we've made available to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales will be delivered to our institutions by the funding council. I met with the chair and the chief executive of our funding council just yesterday. And in my remit letter to them, emotional and mental health support for students is a priority for me, and I would expect part of that £27 million to be used to support universities deliver robust mental health and well-being support to students at this time, and also, potentially, to use some of that funding to ensure that financial distress that some students may experience is also taken into consideration. Obviously, Welsh students who are residing in Wales and studying—well, wherever they study—are entitled to our support programme. But I recognise that many students would usually supplement their income with part-time jobs, which may prove more difficult to come by at this particular time. So, both financial support and mental health support are a priority for me and a priority for the funding council, and we await bids from Welsh institutions to that pot of money, to ensure that that support is available.

Suzy, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol y bydd y £27 miliwn o arian ychwanegol rydym wedi'i roi i Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru yn cael ei ddarparu i'n sefydliadau gan y cyngor cyllido. Cyfarfûm â chadeirydd a phrif weithredwr ein cyngor cyllido ddoe ddiwethaf. Ac yn fy llythyr cylch gwaith atynt, mae cymorth iechyd meddwl ac emosiynol i fyfyrwyr yn flaenoriaeth i mi, a byddwn yn disgwyl i beth o'r £27 miliwn hwnnw gael ei ddefnyddio i gynorthwyo prifysgolion i ddarparu cymorth iechyd meddwl a lles cadarn i fyfyrwyr ar yr adeg hon, a hefyd, o bosibl, i ddefnyddio peth o'r cyllid hwnnw i sicrhau bod y trallod ariannol y gallai rhai myfyrwyr ei wynebu hefyd yn cael ei ystyried. Yn amlwg, mae gan fyfyrwyr o Gymru sy'n byw yng Nghymru ac sy'n astudio—wel, ble bynnag y maent yn astudio—hawl i'n rhaglen gymorth. Ond rwy'n cydnabod y byddai llawer o fyfyrwyr fel arfer yn ychwanegu at eu hincwm drwy swyddi rhan-amser, a allai fod yn anoddach i’w cael ar yr adeg hon. Felly, mae cymorth ariannol a chymorth iechyd meddwl yn flaenoriaeth i mi, ac yn flaenoriaeth i'r cyngor cyllido, ac rydym yn aros am gynigion gan sefydliadau Cymru i'r pot hwnnw o arian, er mwyn sicrhau bod y cymorth hwnnw ar gael.

Thank you for that. That's a good, strong message there to universities, so I certainly hope they're picking that up, because, at some point down the line, of course, we'll be scrutinising you on the spend of that £27 million, and I'm sure you will want that reassurance in the reports that you get back from universities in due course.

On a related matter—you'll know this—concerns have been raised with me, in my region and elsewhere, regarding some confusion about students living in large, off-campus houses in multiple occupation. Now, some set-ups are clearly single-person households in one building, but others can legitimately say that they're one genuine household of friends, sharing all facilities and costs like a family. This will impact on how the occupants of those buildings can respond to lockdown, and those in the latter situation are certainly at an advantage. I accept that this applies to non-students as well. But can you tell us how far down the road Welsh Government is to allowing solitary students to have a limited extended household in order to keep them sane? And, more generally, what concerns have you brought to the attention of the Minister for Housing and Local Government about what is understood by students to constitute an extended household, bearing in mind that they all have their own families, who may be happy to accept their own child in a bubble but not a whole household of friends?

Diolch. Mae honno’n neges dda a chryf i brifysgolion, felly rwy'n sicr yn gobeithio eu bod yn ei chlywed, oherwydd ar ryw adeg, wrth gwrs, byddwn yn craffu arnoch mewn perthynas â gwariant y £27 miliwn hwnnw, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwch am gael y sicrwydd hwnnw yn yr adroddiadau a gewch yn ôl gan brifysgolion maes o law.

Ar fater cysylltiedig—fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o hyn—mynegwyd pryderon wrthyf, yn fy rhanbarth ac mewn mannau eraill, yn ymwneud â dryswch ynglŷn â myfyrwyr sy'n byw mewn tai amlfeddiannaeth mawr, oddi ar y campws. Nawr, mae peth eiddo yn amlwg yn aelwydydd un person mewn un adeilad, ond gall eraill ddweud yn gwbl onest eu bod yn un cartref dilys o ffrindiau, a’u bod yn rhannu'r holl gyfleusterau a'r costau fel teulu. Bydd hyn yn effeithio ar sut y gall deiliaid yr adeiladau hynny ymateb i gyfyngiadau symud, ac mae’n sicr fod gan y rhai yn y sefyllfa ddiwethaf fantais. Rwy'n derbyn bod hyn yn berthnasol i bobl nad ydynt yn fyfyrwyr hefyd. Ond a allwch ddweud wrthym pa mor bell y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd o ran caniatáu i fyfyrwyr unigol gael cartref estynedig cyfyngedig er lles eu hiechyd meddwl? Ac yn fwy cyffredinol, pa bryderon rydych wedi eu dwyn i sylw'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol ynglŷn â dealltwriaeth myfyrwyr ynghylch beth yw ystyr aelwyd estynedig, gan gofio bod gan bob un ohonynt eu teuluoedd eu hunain, a allai fod yn fwy na pharod i dderbyn eu plentyn eu hunain mewn swigen ond nid aelwyd gyfan o ffrindiau?


Thank you very much for that. Can I assure the Member that I am not just seeking reassurances from individual institutions or the funding council about the levels of support institutions are putting in place for mental health? I met this week with the National Union of Students Wales to understand from them how their members are feeling. I will meet again with them next week, and I will continue to meet with them on a weekly basis so that I can receive reports from them as to how members are feeling. So, there are a number of checks and balances in how we are understanding what is going on on the ground.

I think it’s really important, Suzy, that we make clear that students will not be treated in a less favourable way than permanent residents of Wales. Wales is now their home. Our expectation is that they abide by Welsh regulations and guidance, but we certainly won't be putting additional restrictions in place. Indeed, in some cases, recognising some of the challenges around student accommodation—both on campus and off campus—the ability to share facilities has been made an exception to some of the issues around single households. But, clearly, we will continue to work with the housing Minister to ensure that those students who would be described as a single household are subject to the same consideration when we look at the wider issues related to individuals who find themselves living alone in the pandemic—some who might be vulnerable, some of them who are not vulnerable. But we all need that human contact and, as a Government, we're looking at finding ways in which we can allow that to happen safely, recognising that periods of isolation for those living alone can be particularly challenging.

Diolch yn fawr. A gaf fi hysbysu'r Aelod nad oddi wrth sefydliadau unigol na'r cyngor cyllido yn unig rwy'n ceisio sicrwydd ynglŷn â lefelau’r cymorth y mae sefydliadau yn ei roi tuag at iechyd meddwl? Cyfarfûm yr wythnos hon ag Undeb Cenedlaethol Myfyrwyr Cymru i ddeall ganddynt sut y mae eu haelodau'n teimlo. Byddaf yn cyfarfod â hwy eto yr wythnos nesaf, a byddaf yn parhau i gyfarfod â hwy yn wythnosol er mwyn imi allu cael adroddiadau ganddynt ynglŷn â sut y mae eu haelodau'n teimlo. Felly, mae llawer o wirio a chydbwyso ynghlwm wrth sut rydym yn deall yr hyn sy'n digwydd ar lawr gwlad.

Credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn, Suzy, ein bod yn nodi'n glir na fydd myfyrwyr yn cael eu trin mewn ffordd lai ffafriol na thrigolion parhaol Cymru. Cymru yw eu cartref bellach. Ein disgwyliad yw eu bod yn cadw at reoliadau a chanllawiau Cymru, ond yn sicr, ni fyddwn yn rhoi cyfyngiadau ychwanegol ar waith. Yn wir, mewn rhai achosion, gan gydnabod rhai o'r heriau sydd ynghlwm wrth ddarpariaethau llety i fyfyrwyr—ar y campws ac oddi ar y campws—mae'r gallu i rannu cyfleusterau wedi'i wneud yn eithriad i rai o'r materion sydd ynghlwm wrth aelwydydd un person. Ond yn amlwg, byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda'r Gweinidog tai i sicrhau bod y myfyrwyr y gellid eu disgrifio fel aelwydydd un person yn cael yr un ystyriaeth wrth edrych ar y materion ehangach sy'n gysylltiedig ag unigolion sy’n byw ar eu pen eu hunain yn ystod y pandemig—rhai a allai fod yn agored i niwed, rhai nad ydynt yn agored i niwed. Ond mae angen y cyswllt dynol hwnnw ar bob un ohonom, ac fel Llywodraeth, rydym yn ceisio dod o hyd i ffyrdd o ganiatáu i hynny ddigwydd yn ddiogel, gan gydnabod y gall cyfnodau o ynysu i'r rheini sy'n byw ar eu pen eu hunain fod yn arbennig o heriol.

Llefarydd ar ran Plaid Cymru nawr. Helen Mary Jones.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Helen Mary Jones.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Yesterday, Minister, the First Minister said in response to a question from Adam Price regarding students returning home for Christmas that he wouldn't treat students differently from anyone else. Now, I'm very glad to hear what you've just said to Suzy Davies—that you won't treat them less favourably—but I would suggest to the Government that this is a very distinct group of citizens. There can't be many other groups of citizens that will be moving in such large numbers from one community to another at particular times.

If a student is in a situation that they are in a university at Christmastime that is subject to a lockdown, does that mean that they can't go home? Everything that you've just been saying to Suzy Davies about the welfare of students and their mental and emotional well-being is very encouraging, but I would suggest to the Government that students do need to be treated differently, and perhaps what we need is a system whereby all students can be tested before they return home for Christmas, so that they could socially isolate when they get back home, if that's what they need to do—if they get a positive test. Otherwise, we will face, potentially, groups of young people or young people on their own over the Christmas holidays, and I know that you would not want to see that any more than I would.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Ddoe, Weinidog, dywedodd y Prif Weinidog mewn ymateb i gwestiwn gan Adam Price ynglŷn â myfyrwyr yn dychwelyd adref dros y Nadolig na fyddai’n trin myfyrwyr yn wahanol i unrhyw un arall. Nawr, rwy'n falch iawn o glywed yr hyn rydych newydd ei ddweud wrth Suzy Davies—na fyddwch yn eu trin yn llai ffafriol—ond byddwn yn awgrymu i'r Llywodraeth fod hwn yn grŵp unigryw iawn o ddinasyddion. Ni all fod llawer o grwpiau eraill o ddinasyddion a fydd yn symud mewn niferoedd mor fawr o un gymuned i'r llall ar adegau penodol.

Os bydd myfyriwr mewn sefyllfa lle byddant mewn prifysgol o dan gyfyngiadau symud dros y Nadolig, a yw hynny'n golygu na allant fynd adref? Mae popeth rydych newydd ei ddweud wrth Suzy Davies am les myfyrwyr a'u llesiant meddyliol ac emosiynol yn galonogol iawn, ond byddwn yn awgrymu i'r Llywodraeth fod angen trin myfyrwyr yn wahanol, ac efallai mai'r hyn sydd ei angen arnom yw system lle gellir profi pob myfyriwr cyn iddynt ddychwelyd adref ar gyfer y Nadolig, fel y gallent ynysu’n gymdeithasol ar ôl cyrraedd adref, os mai dyna fydd angen iddynt ei wneud—os cânt brawf positif. Fel arall, byddwn yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o grwpiau o bobl ifanc neu bobl ifanc ar eu pen eu hunain dros wyliau'r Nadolig, a gwn na fyddech am weld hynny fwy nag y byddwn i.

Thank you, Helen Mary, for that. I want to assure the Chamber and, indeed, I want to assure students and parents that it is a priority for me, and a priority for this Government, to ensure that students who are residing and studying at Welsh universities will be able to return home for Christmas. I say that as a Minister, and I say that as a mum who has just sent my eldest daughter to university on Sunday evening. Believe me, she might have views about coming home for Christmas, but I desperately want her home for Christmas with me.

So, we will be working with our health Minister, working with our individual institutions and, indeed, working with the UK Government to ensure that the circumstances can be put in place to allow that to happen. SAGE, in their advice to the UK Government, is very, very clear that this needs to be worked out on a UK-wide basis because of the student flows across our borders. Individual students will be wanting to cross county and country borders, so, therefore, Governments need to work together on creating the circumstances that will allow that to happen. I discussed this matter with the universities Minister in the UK Government yesterday. I will discuss it again tomorrow with Gavin Williamson, and we are determined to ensure that students, when they want to, will be able to return home. But, clearly, we need to put the circumstances in place where they can do that safely.

Diolch, Helen Mary. Hoffwn roi sicrwydd i’r Siambr, ac yn wir, hoffwn roi sicrwydd i fyfyrwyr a rhieni fod sicrhau y bydd myfyrwyr sy’n preswylio ac yn astudio ym mhrifysgolion Cymru yn gallu dychwelyd adref ar gyfer y Nadolig yn flaenoriaeth i mi, ac yn flaenoriaeth i’r Llywodraeth hon. Dywedaf hynny fel Gweinidog, a dywedaf hynny fel mam sydd newydd anfon fy merch hynaf i’r brifysgol nos Sul. Credwch fi, efallai fod ganddi ei barn ei hun ynglŷn â dod adref ar gyfer y Nadolig, ond rwy’n hynod o awyddus iddi fod gartref gyda mi dros y Nadolig.

Felly, byddwn yn gweithio gyda'n Gweinidog iechyd, yn gweithio gyda'n sefydliadau unigol, ac yn wir, yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau y gellir rhoi'r amgylchiadau ar waith i ganiatáu i hynny ddigwydd. Mae SAGE, yn eu cyngor i Lywodraeth y DU, wedi dweud yn glir iawn fod angen mynd i’r afael â hyn ledled y DU gyfan oherwydd llif y myfyrwyr ar draws ein ffiniau. Bydd myfyrwyr unigol yn dymuno croesi ffiniau siroedd a gwledydd, felly mae angen i Lywodraethau weithio gyda'i gilydd i greu'r amgylchiadau a fydd yn caniatáu i hynny ddigwydd. Trafodais y mater hwn gyda’r Gweinidog prifysgolion yn Llywodraeth y DU ddoe. Byddaf yn ei drafod eto yfory gyda Gavin Williamson, ac rydym yn benderfynol o sicrhau y bydd myfyrwyr yn gallu dychwelyd adref pan fyddant yn dymuno gwneud hynny. Ond yn amlwg, mae angen inni roi'r amgylchiadau ar waith er mwyn iddynt allu gwneud hynny'n ddiogel.

Thank you, Minister. So, what you're telling the Chamber today is that you will be treating students, potentially, differently from other groups of people. If that's the case, I'm very glad indeed to hear it. I fully support your point about trying to develop a UK-wide response to this, because, obviously, we have a lot of cross-border flow. I would put it to you, however, that if the UK Government acting as the Government for England fail to sort themselves out on this, I do hope that there will be a plan B from the Welsh Government.

If I can turn, then, to students who are currently at university but not receiving any direct teaching or only receiving very minimal amounts of face-to-face teaching, there will be some of those students who would wish to return home and to be able to do their remote learning from there. What's the Government's position on that at the moment? For example, if you're, let's say, a student in Aberystwyth whose home is in RCT, is it permissible for that student to come from Aberystwyth to RCT to study for a period of weeks if that's what they feel they need to do, and is it then permissible for them to return to the university when blended learning and face-to-face learning can start again? It is quite a complex situation, I think, for students, and I think they would appreciate more clarity.

I wonder if you can give us a sense as well this afternoon, Minister, because I know you'll have your finger on the pulse with this, as to how much blended learning is taking place, how much actual face-to-face learning are students getting. I don't support, as you know, the Conservative position that would have students having their fees repaid, simply because I don't think our institutions can afford it, but I do think that if students are only getting very minimal or none at all in terms of face-to-face teaching, they ought to be allowed to go home to be with their families, if we can do that safely, in order that they can get that emotional support. Many of them, especially first years, of course, will be self-isolating potentially with people they've never met before, and that's not a happy place for an 18-year-old to be.

Diolch, Weinidog. Felly, rydych yn dweud wrth y Siambr heddiw y byddwch yn trin myfyrwyr, o bosibl, yn wahanol i grwpiau eraill o bobl. Os yw hynny'n wir, rwy'n falch iawn o'i glywed. Rwy’n llwyr gefnogi eich pwynt ynglŷn â cheisio datblygu ymateb i hyn ar sail y DU gyfan, oherwydd yn amlwg, mae gennym gryn dipyn o lif trawsffiniol. Fodd bynnag, os bydd Llywodraeth y DU, gan weithredu fel Llywodraeth Lloegr, yn methu rhoi trefn ar eu hunain mewn perthynas â hyn, rwy'n dweud wrthych fy mod yn gobeithio y bydd cynllun B gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Os caf droi, felly, at fyfyrwyr sydd yn y brifysgol ar hyn o bryd ond nad ydynt yn cael unrhyw addysgu wyneb yn wyneb neu ond ychydig o addysg wyneb yn wyneb, bydd rhai o'r myfyrwyr hynny'n dymuno dychwelyd adref a dysgu o bell oddi yno. Beth yw barn y Llywodraeth ar hynny ar hyn o bryd? Er enghraifft, os ydych, gadewch inni ddweud, yn fyfyriwr yn Aberystwyth a bod eich cartref yn RhCT, a oes gan y cyfryw fyfyriwr hawl i ddod o Aberystwyth i RhCT i astudio am gyfnod o wythnosau os ydynt yn teimlo bod angen iddynt wneud hynny, ac a oes ganddynt hawl wedyn i ddychwelyd i'r brifysgol pan fydd modd i ddysgu cyfunol a dysgu wyneb yn wyneb ailgychwyn? Credaf ei bod yn sefyllfa eithaf cymhleth i fyfyrwyr, a chredaf y byddent yn gwerthfawrogi mwy o eglurder.

Tybed a allwch roi syniad inni hefyd y prynhawn yma, Weinidog, gan y gwn y bydd eich bys ar y pwls mewn perthynas â hyn, faint o ddysgu cyfunol sy'n mynd rhagddo, faint o ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb y mae myfyrwyr yn ei wneud. Fel y gwyddoch, nid wyf yn cefnogi safbwynt y Ceidwadwyr sy’n awyddus i weld ffioedd yn cael eu had-dalu i fyfyrwyr, gan nad wyf yn credu y gall ein sefydliadau fforddio hynny, ond os yw myfyrwyr yn cael fawr iawn o addysg wyneb yn wyneb, os o gwbl, rwy'n credu y dylid caniatáu iddynt fynd adref i fod gyda’u teuluoedd, os gallwn wneud hynny’n ddiogel, er mwyn iddynt gael y cymorth emosiynol hwnnw. Bydd llawer ohonynt, yn enwedig myfyrwyr ar eu blwyddyn gyntaf wrth gwrs, yn hunanynysu gyda phobl nad ydynt erioed wedi cyfarfod â hwy o'r blaen o bosibl, ac nid yw hwnnw'n lle hapus i unigolyn 18 oed fod.


Firstly, with regard to the suspension of face-to-face learning in Aberystwyth, that decision was taken late on Sunday evening; it will be reviewed on Friday and I know it is the sincere hope of the university to be able to move back to a blended learning approach. A quick survey of social media will demonstrate to you that our institutions across Wales are already delivering a blended learning approach, whether that be our medics back doing face-to-face learning in Cardiff University, whether that's engineering students at Trinity Saint David, whether that's history students at Swansea, or, indeed, something that is of particular interest to me, our ITE, our education students at Cardiff Met, who are out and about, actually, doing their learning outside as part of their induction into the university and developing their skills in delivering outdoor learning activities. So, universities are working incredibly hard to deliver that blended learning approach.

What's really important to me, Helen Mary, and I'm sure it is to you, is that it needs to be a quality experience. Lectures that are delivered online need to be good lectures and good experiences, as well as that face-to-face contact. That's why I've received assurances from HEFCW yesterday that they will be monitoring the quality of the blended learning approach very, very carefully. And let me say, blended learning and face-to-face contact is not just important in the context of learning. It is an important part of how universities can check in with the welfare of their students, by having an opportunity to see them face-to-face, and I know a great deal of time, effort and resources have gone in to, for instance, expanding university estates and creating more space to allow that to happen safely. So, for instance, in the case of Aberystwyth, they have actually recommissioned buildings that had previously been mothballed so that they can indeed deliver that face-to-face contact in small tutorial groups, and I know that they're keen to continue to do so as soon as is possible.

Yn gyntaf, o ran atal dysgu wyneb yn wyneb yn Aberystwyth, gwnaed y penderfyniad hwnnw yn hwyr nos Sul; bydd yn cael ei adolygu ddydd Gwener a gwn fod y brifysgol yn gobeithio gallu newid yn ôl i ddull dysgu cyfunol. Bydd cipolwg ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn dangos i chi fod ein sefydliadau ledled Cymru eisoes yn darparu dull dysgu cyfunol, boed yn fyfyrwyr meddygol sydd yn ôl yn dysgu wyneb yn wyneb ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, neu fyfyrwyr peirianneg ym mhrifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant, neu fyfyrwyr hanes yn Abertawe, neu'n wir, rhywbeth sydd o ddiddordeb arbennig i mi, ein haddysg gychwynnol i athrawon, ein myfyrwyr addysg ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd, sydd allan yn dysgu yn yr awyr agored fel rhan o'u cyfnod sefydlu yn y brifysgol ac yn datblygu eu sgiliau'n darparu gweithgareddau dysgu awyr agored. Felly, mae prifysgolion yn gweithio'n anhygoel o galed i ddarparu’r dull dysgu cyfunol hwnnw.

Yr hyn sy'n bwysig iawn i mi, Helen Mary, ac rwy'n siŵr ei fod yn bwysig i chithau, yw bod angen iddo fod yn brofiad o safon. Mae’n rhaid i ddarlithoedd a ddarperir ar-lein fod yn ddarlithoedd da ac yn brofiadau da, yn ogystal â'r cyswllt wyneb yn wyneb hwnnw. Dyna pam fy mod wedi cael sicrwydd gan CCAUC ddoe y byddant yn monitro ansawdd y dull dysgu cyfunol yn ofalus iawn. A gadewch imi ddweud, nid yng nghyd-destun dysgu yn unig y mae dysgu cyfunol a chyswllt wyneb yn wyneb yn bwysig. Mae'n rhan bwysig o sut y gall prifysgolion gadw llygad ar les eu myfyrwyr, drwy gael cyfle i'w gweld wyneb yn wyneb, a gwn fod llawer iawn o amser, ymdrech ac adnoddau wedi’u rhoi, er enghraifft, i ehangu ystadau prifysgolion a chreu mwy o le i ganiatáu i hynny ddigwydd yn ddiogel. Felly, er enghraifft, yn achos Aberystwyth, maent wedi ailgomisiynu adeiladau nad oeddent yn cael eu defnyddio mwyach fel y gallant ddarparu'r cyswllt wyneb yn wyneb hwnnw mewn grwpiau tiwtorial bach, a gwn eu bod yn awyddus i barhau i wneud hynny cyn gynted â phosibl.

Addysg yn y Cartref
Home-educated Learners

3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth i ddysgwyr sy'n derbyn eu haddysg yn y cartref yng Nghymru? OQ55597

3. Will the Minister make a statement on support for home-educated learners in Wales? OQ55597

I have allocated funding of £400,000 to local authorities this year to provide support to home-educating families in recognition of the additional costs that these families may incur when providing resources and opportunities that are typically available free in school. This provision of funding is unique to Wales. 

Rwyf wedi dyrannu £400,000 o gyllid i awdurdodau lleol eleni i roi cymorth i deuluoedd sy'n darparu addysg yn y cartref, gan gydnabod y costau ychwanegol y gallai'r teuluoedd hyn eu hwynebu wrth ddarparu adnoddau a chyfleoedd sydd fel arfer ar gael am ddim yn yr ysgol. Mae'r ddarpariaeth hon o gyllid yn unigryw i Gymru.

I'm very grateful for that response, Minister, and very grateful for the funding that has been made available for home-educated young people. One of the challenges that many of those who have been home educated have faced over the past examination period is that obviously they're not at centres whereby grades could have been provided to them, and as a result, many are having to face the prospect, potentially, of examinations next year. Can you tell us what assurances you can give to the parents of home-educated learners that there will be an opportunity for them to sit their exams next year, so that they won't have to lose out when compared to their peers in terms of being able to have access to the grades that they believe they should have secured this year?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eich ymateb, Weinidog, ac yn ddiolchgar iawn am yr arian sydd ar gael i bobl ifanc sy'n derbyn eu haddysg yn y cartref. Un o'r heriau y mae llawer o'r rheini sy’n derbyn eu haddysg yn y cartref wedi eu hwynebu dros y cyfnod arholi diwethaf, yn amlwg, yw nad ydynt mewn canolfannau lle gallai graddau fod wedi cael eu rhoi iddynt, ac o ganlyniad, mae llawer yn gorfod wynebu'r posibilrwydd o arholiadau y flwyddyn nesaf. A allwch ddweud wrthym pa sicrwydd y gallwch ei roi i rieni dysgwyr sy'n derbyn eu haddysg gartref y byddant yn cael cyfle i sefyll eu harholiadau y flwyddyn nesaf, fel na fydd yn rhaid iddynt fod ar eu colled o gymharu â'u cyfoedion o ran gallu cael y graddau y credant y dylent fod wedi'u cael eleni?


Thank you, Darren, for the recognition of the financial resources that have been made available. As I said in answer to earlier questions, it is my sincere hope that examinations will be able to go ahead next year. However, we know that this virus and the pandemic is unpredictable, so we do need to have other provision in place, and we will need to ensure this time—because we have more time to plan—that the specific needs of children who are not attached to a specific centre have the opportunity to be awarded a grade. So, I know that this is under consideration at the moment.

Diolch, Darren, am gydnabod yr adnoddau ariannol sydd wedi’u darparu. Fel y dywedais wrth ateb cwestiynau cynharach, fy ngobaith yw y bydd modd cynnal arholiadau y flwyddyn nesaf. Fodd bynnag, gwyddom fod y feirws hwn a'r pandemig yn anrhagweladwy, felly mae angen inni gael darpariaeth arall ar waith, a bydd angen inni sicrhau y tro hwn—gan fod gennym fwy o amser i gynllunio—fod anghenion penodol plant nad ydynt yn gysylltiedig â ​​chanolfan benodol yn cael cyfle i gael gradd. Felly, gwn fod hyn dan ystyriaeth ar hyn o bryd.

Minister, home education can be an informed and positive choice for families and children, so the additional funding from Welsh Government is really welcome. But in June, you announced that due to the pressures of responding to the COVID crisis, it wouldn't be possible to proceed with the proposals set out in the consultation on home education statutory guidance and draft database regulations. You wrote reassuringly to the Protecting Home Education Wales organisation explaining that you hoped they would be taken forward by the next Government at the earliest opportunity, and that new or revised proposals would be subject to public consultation. So, could I ask, Minister, would that consultation also take into account any further representations by the Children's Commissioner for Wales or by child and safeguarding organisations on how these proposals—recognising they're primarily focused on educational support—can also assist child safeguarding in Wales?

Weinidog, gall addysg yn y cartref fod yn ddewis gwybodus a chadarnhaol i deuluoedd a phlant, felly mae'r cyllid ychwanegol gan Lywodraeth Cymru i’w groesawu’n fawr. Ond ym mis Mehefin, fe gyhoeddoch chi, yn sgil pwysau ymateb i argyfwng COVID, na fyddai modd bwrw ymlaen â'r cynigion a nodwyd yn yr ymgynghoriad ar ganllawiau statudol ar gyfer addysg yn y cartref a rheoliadau drafft y gronfa ddata addysg. Fe ysgrifennoch chi at sefydliad Diogelu Addysg yn y Cartref Cymru i’w darbwyllo eich bod yn gobeithio y byddai’r Llywodraeth nesaf yn bwrw ymlaen â hwy ar y cyfle cyntaf, ac y byddai cynigion newydd neu ddiwygiedig yn destun ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn, Weinidog, a fyddai'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw hefyd yn ystyried unrhyw sylwadau pellach gan Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru neu gan sefydliadau plant a diogelu ar sut y gall y cynigion hyn—gan gydnabod eu bod yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar gymorth addysgol—gynorthwyo gwaith diogelu plant yng Nghymru yn ogystal?

Huw, I can give you that assurance that any further consultation on these proposals will indeed take into consideration the views of everybody that has something that they feel that they can contribute. It is disappointing that we have found ourselves in the position where we cannot proceed in the way I had intended; it is regrettable indeed. But I should stress that despite the inability at this time, due to pressures of COVID, not to proceed with new legislation, local education authorities still remain under the legal obligation to ensure that all children are in receipt of a suitable education, wherever that education is delivered, and that hasn't changed. We issued guidance to local authorities earlier in the year about how they could continue to fulfil that function and support home-educating families during the pandemic, and we're looking to spread good practice across local authorities in that regard, so that where improvements can happen, and need to happen, there are examples of how that can be achieved.

Huw, gallaf roi'r sicrwydd i chi y bydd unrhyw ymgynghoriad pellach ar y cynigion hyn yn ystyried barn pob un a chanddynt rywbeth y maent yn teimlo y gallant ei gyfrannu. Mae'n siomedig ein bod mewn sefyllfa lle na allwn fwrw ymlaen yn y ffordd roeddwn wedi bwriadu; mae'n anffodus iawn. Ond er gwaethaf yr anallu ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd pwysau COVID, i fwrw ymlaen â deddfwriaeth newydd, dylwn bwysleisio bod awdurdodau addysg lleol yn dal i fod dan rwymedigaeth gyfreithiol i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael addysg addas, ni waeth ble y darperir yr addysg honno, ac nid yw hynny wedi newid. Fe gyhoeddwyd canllawiau gennym i awdurdodau lleol yn gynharach eleni ynglŷn â sut y gallent barhau i gyflawni'r swyddogaeth honno a chefnogi teuluoedd sy'n darparu addysg yn y cartref yn ystod y pandemig, ac rydym yn awyddus i rannu arferion da ar draws awdurdodau lleol yn hynny o beth, er mwyn sicrhau, lle gall gwelliannau ddigwydd, a lle mae angen iddynt ddigwydd, fod enghreifftiau i’w cael o sut y gellir cyflawni hynny.

Iechyd Meddwl Myfyrwyr Addysg Uwch
The Mental Health of Higher Education Students

4. Pa gamau y mae'r Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i gefnogi iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr addysg uwch yng Nghymru? OQ55617

4. What steps is the Minister taking to support the mental health of higher education students in Wales? OQ55617

I have remitted HEFCW to work with partners in the HE sector to address student mental health and well-being. To support this work, I allocated HEFCW £3.5 million last year to support well-being and health in higher education, including student mental health.

Rwyf wedi nodi y dylai cylch gwaith CCAUC gynnwys gweithio gyda phartneriaid yn y sector addysg uwch i fynd i'r afael ag iechyd meddwl a lles myfyrwyr. Er mwyn cefnogi'r gwaith hwn, dyrannais £3.5 miliwn i CCAUC y llynedd i gefnogi iechyd a lles mewn addysg uwch, gan gynnwys iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr.

Thank you, Minister. I know that you are very well aware that I share the concerns raised by other Members about the mental health of higher education students at this very difficult time, and also that the committee has written to all vice-chancellors in Wales to seek assurances about support for students. But what I wanted to ask about today was specifically suicide prevention. I was very grateful to you for meeting with me and James Murray, whose son Ben tragically died by suicide at Bristol university two years ago. Can I ask, following that meeting, what update there is in terms of encouraging universities to embed Papyrus's excellent 'Suicide-safer Universities' guide in their work? Thank you.

Diolch, Weinidog. Gwn eich bod yn ymwybodol iawn fy mod yn rhannu’r pryderon a godwyd gan Aelodau eraill ynghylch iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr addysg uwch ar yr adeg anodd hon, a hefyd fod y pwyllgor wedi ysgrifennu at bob is-ganghellor yng Nghymru i ofyn am sicrwydd ynghylch cymorth i fyfyrwyr. Ond yr hyn roeddwn am ofyn amdano’n benodol heddiw oedd atal hunanladdiad. Roeddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn i chi am gyfarfod â mi a James Murray, y bu farw ei fab Ben mewn amgylchiadau trasig drwy hunanladdiad ym mhrifysgol Bryste ddwy flynedd yn ôl. A gaf fi ofyn, yn dilyn y cyfarfod hwnnw, pa ddiweddariad sydd i’w gael o ran annog prifysgolion i ymgorffori canllawiau rhagorol Papyrus, 'Suicide-safer Universities’, yn eu gwaith? Diolch.

Thank you for that question, Lynne, and also thank you for the opportunity to meet with yourself and Mr Murray, whose testimony was powerful indeed. He outlined, very clearly, the steps that all institutions can take to make them as safe as possible for young people. As you're aware, I gave a commitment, during that meeting, that we would be pursing the issue of Papyrus's advice, to see what steps universities were taking to implement that advice. I would like to reassure all Members that each university, prior to the start of the academic year, have been asked to prepare COVID plans, and one of the questions that we were asking in those plans is what steps they were going to take to support mental health at this time. So, whilst COVID brings new challenges, it is a particularly important aspect of universities' work at this time, recognising that people could feel additional vulnerabilities and additional isolation, worries and anxieties on top of what we would usually see at the start of the academic year. We will continue to monitor their progress via the funding council, and indeed with my regular meetings with NUS Wales.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Lynne, a diolch hefyd am y cyfle i gyfarfod â chi a Mr Murray, ac roedd ei dystiolaeth yn bwerus iawn. Amlinellodd yn glir iawn y camau y gall pob sefydliad eu cymryd i sicrhau eu bod mor ddiogel â phosibl i bobl ifanc. Fel y gwyddoch, gwneuthum ymrwymiad yn y cyfarfod hwnnw y byddem yn mynd i’r afael â mater cyngor Papyrus, i weld pa gamau roedd prifysgolion yn eu cymryd i weithredu'r cyngor hwnnw. Hoffwn sicrhau pob Aelod ein bod wedi gofyn i bob prifysgol baratoi cynlluniau COVID cyn dechrau'r flwyddyn academaidd, ac un o'r cwestiynau roeddem yn eu gofyn yn y cynlluniau hynny yw pa gamau y byddant yn eu cymryd i gefnogi iechyd meddwl ar yr adeg hon. Felly, er bod COVID yn peri heriau newydd, mae'n agwedd arbennig o bwysig ar waith prifysgolion ar hyn o bryd, gan gydnabod y gallai pobl deimlo’n fwy agored i niwed ac yn fwy ynysig, a wynebu pryderon yn ychwanegol at yr hyn y byddem fel arfer yn ei weld ar ddechrau’r flwyddyn academaidd. Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro eu cynnydd drwy'r cyngor cyllido, ac yn wir, drwy fy nghyfarfodydd rheolaidd ag Undeb Cenedlaethol Myfyrwyr Cymru.


Minister, in earlier questions you said that this has to be a UK-wide approach to get students home for Christmas, and I'd agree on that basis, given the cross-border flows that happen with students. The education Minister—the Secretary of State for Education I should say, sorry, in London, highlighted to the House of Commons yesterday that he could see that there'll be a formal suspension of face-to-face lecture time and tutorials, and everything would move online so that a two-week period of isolation could be undertaken by students before they left their universities to head home before Christmas. Is that a course of action you subscribe to?

Weinidog, mewn cwestiynau cynharach, fe ddywedoch chi fod yn rhaid i hwn fod yn ddull DU gyfan o sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn cyrraedd adref ar gyfer y Nadolig, a byddwn yn cytuno ar y sail honno, o ystyried y llif trawsffiniol sy'n digwydd gyda myfyrwyr. Fe wnaeth y Gweinidog addysg—yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Addysg, dylwn ddweud, mae'n ddrwg gennyf, yn Llundain, ddweud wrth Dŷ'r Cyffredin ddoe y gallai weld y bydd amser darlithoedd a thiwtorialau wyneb yn wyneb yn cael eu hatal yn ffurfiol, ac y byddai popeth yn symud ar-lein fel y gallai myfyrwyr ynysu am bythefnos cyn iddynt adael eu prifysgolion i fynd adref cyn y Nadolig. A yw hwnnw'n gam gweithredu rydych yn cytuno ag ef?

Andrew, as you say, it's important that we have a UK approach, if at all possible; that is what has been recommended by SAGE. And, as you said, there are significant cross-border flows of students—Welsh students into England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and vice versa, and therefore a co-ordinated approach, I believe, is best. I will be discussing a range of options with Gavin Williamson when I meet him later this week.

Andrew, fel y dywedwch, mae'n bwysig fod gennym ddull ar gyfer y DU gyfan, os oes modd; dyna sydd wedi'i argymell gan SAGE. Ac fel y dywedoch chi, ceir llif trawsffiniol sylweddol o fyfyrwyr—myfyrwyr o Gymru i mewn i Loegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, a’r ffordd arall, ac felly dull cydgysylltiedig sydd orau yn fy marn i. Byddaf yn trafod ystod o opsiynau gyda Gavin Williamson pan fyddaf yn cyfarfod ag ef yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon.

Addysg Plant a Phobl Ifanc
Children and Young People's Education

5. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i sicrhau nad yw addysg plant a phobl ifanc yn cael ei tharfu arni yn ystod y chwe mis nesaf? OQ55604

5. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to ensure there are no disruptions to children and young people's education during the next six months? OQ55604

I published learning guidance in the summer, which set out our priorities for all scenarios, including blended learning. I have also announced a Recruit, Recover and Raise Standards programme and extra support for A-level students, and I have modified the curriculum requirements to take pressure off schools.

Cyhoeddais ganllawiau dysgu yn yr haf a oedd yn nodi ein blaenoriaethau ar gyfer pob senario, gan gynnwys dysgu cyfunol. Rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi rhaglen Recriwtio, Adfer a Chodi Safonau a chymorth ychwanegol i fyfyrwyr Safon Uwch, ac rwyf wedi addasu gofynion y cwricwlwm i leddfu’r pwysau ar ysgolion.

Thank you, Minister. Unfortunately, in recent weeks we have discovered just how hard it is to keep coronavirus in check. Future outbreaks are sadly inevitable. What we have to do is ensure that those outbreaks do not disrupt a single day of education. Minister, we have seen entire year groups sent home as a result of infections, and while we do everything possible to prevent the infections and stop such actions being necessary, we also have to prepare for the worst. Minister, what actions can you take to ensure a seamless transition from in-person to online learning, and will you ensure that schools are equipped to deliver classes virtually as opposed to providing self-paced learning?

Diolch, Weinidog. Yn anffodus, yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, rydym wedi darganfod pa mor anodd yw cadw rheolaeth ar y coronafeirws. Yn anffodus, mae rhagor o achosion yn y dyfodol yn anochel. Yr hyn y bydd yn rhaid inni ei wneud yw sicrhau nad yw'r achosion hynny'n tarfu ar un diwrnod o addysg. Weinidog, rydym wedi gweld grwpiau blwyddyn cyfan yn cael eu hanfon adref o ganlyniad i heintiau, ac er ein bod yn gwneud popeth a allwn i atal yr heintiau ac i atal camau o'r fath rhag bod yn angenrheidiol, mae'n rhaid inni hefyd baratoi ar gyfer y gwaethaf. Weinidog, pa gamau y gallwch eu cymryd i sicrhau trosglwyddiad di-dor o ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb i ddysgu ar-lein, ac a wnewch chi sicrhau bod ysgolion yn barod i ddarparu dosbarthiadau rhithwir yn hytrach na bod y dysgwyr yn dysgu ar eu cyflymder eu hunain?

Can I thank the Member for the supplementary question? Can I make it absolutely clear to the Member that whilst we have indeed seen disruption to education this term, 1,299 Welsh state schools have not suffered a COVID case to date? So, I think we just need to remember that, and give thanks to those teachers, support staff, governing bodies and local education authorities that are doing everything possible to minimise disruption to children at this time.

The Member will be aware that we have invested significantly in recent years in digital learning, both in terms of the infrastructure for individual schools, the provision of additional pieces of equipment for individual students and connectivity for students who don't have it at home. Just to give you an example of how schools are preparing to deal with disruption, during the month of September so far, since schools started back, we have seen the establishment of 25,000 Google classrooms; that is more Google classrooms set up in the period of one month than we have seen over a period of years. Teachers and schools are taking all steps necessary to be able to move to seamless synchronous and asynchronous learning should disruption happen to an individual group of students so that they can keep learning at this time.

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn atodol? Er ein bod wedi gweld tarfu ar addysg y tymor hwn, a gaf fi ddweud yn gwbl glir wrth yr Aelod nad oes 1,299 o’r ysgolion gwladol yng Nghymru wedi cael achos o COVID hyd yn hyn? Felly, credaf fod angen inni gofio hynny, a diolch i'r athrawon, staff cymorth, cyrff llywodraethu ac awdurdodau addysg lleol sy'n gwneud popeth a allant i sicrhau cyn lleied o darfu â phosibl ar blant ar yr adeg hon.

Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol ein bod wedi buddsoddi'n sylweddol yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf mewn dysgu digidol, o ran y seilwaith ar gyfer ysgolion unigol, darparu darnau ychwanegol o offer ar gyfer myfyrwyr unigol a chysylltedd i fyfyrwyr nad oes cysylltedd ganddynt gartref. Un enghraifft i chi o sut y mae ysgolion yn paratoi i ymdopi â tharfu yw ein bod wedi gweld, ym mis Medi hyd yma, ers i’r ysgolion ailgychwyn, 25,000 o ystafelloedd dosbarth Google yn cael eu sefydlu; mae hynny'n fwy o ystafelloedd dosbarth Google wedi’u sefydlu mewn cyfnod o fis nag a welsom dros gyfnod o flynyddoedd. Mae athrawon ac ysgolion yn rhoi pob cam angenrheidiol ar waith i allu newid i ddysgu di-dor cydamserol ac anghydamserol os ceir tarfu ar grŵp unigol o fyfyrwyr fel y gallant barhau i ddysgu ar yr adeg hon.


Minister, good afternoon. I'm sure you'll join me in recognising the courage and resilience of our children as they return to school in what is a very worrying time for them and their parents. What thoughts have you given to providing more pastoral support and care to children in Wales, particularly in primary schools and nurseries at this time? In recent years, there's been an increasing demand for counselling services amongst schoolchildren, often discussed in this Chamber. Particularly now the COVID-19 pandemic is with us, we are seeing further disrupted children. So, how are you planning to increase counselling capacity in our schools, build resilience and support children? 

Weinidog, prynhawn da. Rwy'n siŵr y gwnewch chi ymuno â mi i gydnabod dewrder a gwytnwch ein plant wrth iddynt ddychwelyd i'r ysgol mewn cyfnod sy'n peri cryn ofid iddynt hwy a'u rhieni. Pa ystyriaeth rydych wedi’i rhoi i ddarparu mwy o gymorth a gofal bugeiliol i blant yng Nghymru, yn enwedig mewn ysgolion cynradd a meithrinfeydd ar yr adeg hon? Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, cafwyd galw cynyddol am wasanaethau cwnsela ymhlith plant ysgol, mater a drafodir yn aml yn y Siambr hon. Yn enwedig gan ein bod bellach yn wynebu pandemig COVID-19, rydym yn gweld rhagor o darfu ar addysg plant. Felly, sut rydych yn bwriadu cynyddu capasiti cwnsela yn ein hysgolion, meithrin gwytnwch a chefnogi plant?

Good afternoon to you, Nick. Like you, I am in awe of the courage and resilience that have been shown by our young people at this time. Supporting them with their mental health and their well-being is important, and that's an important reason why we were determined to reopen schools fully for all children for this academic year and to keep them open, because we understand the impact that lockdown and not being in school has had on many children.

But, clearly, for some children, the return to school, whilst it is a happy one—they could, indeed, have anxieties as a result of the pandemic or the situation that they themselves or their families may find themselves in. That's why I have worked hard with my colleague the Minister for health to provide additional resources for school counselling this year, with a particular emphasis on being able to expand support in the primary sector, not through traditional counselling methods, which are not really appropriate for our younger children, but with a strong focus on family therapy and group work so that our youngest children can also be supported at this time. 

Prynhawn da i chi, Nick. Fel chithau, rwy’n llawn edmygedd at ddewrder a gwytnwch ein pobl ifanc ar yr adeg hon. Mae eu cefnogi gyda'u hiechyd meddwl a'u lles yn bwysig, ac mae hynny'n rheswm pwysig pam ein bod yn benderfynol o ailagor ysgolion yn llawn ar gyfer pob plentyn yn y flwyddyn academaidd hon a'u cadw ar agor, gan ein bod yn deall yr effaith y mae’r cyfyngiadau symud a pheidio â bod yn yr ysgol wedi’i chael ar lawer o blant.

Ond yn amlwg, i rai plant, mae dychwelyd i'r ysgol, er bod hynny’n braf—gallent, yn wir, fod yn bryderus o ganlyniad i'r pandemig neu'r sefyllfa y gallent hwy neu eu teuluoedd fod ynddi. Dyna pam rwyf wedi gweithio'n galed gyda fy nghyd-Aelod y Gweinidog iechyd i ddarparu adnoddau ychwanegol ar gyfer cwnsela mewn ysgolion eleni, gyda phwyslais arbennig ar allu ehangu cymorth yn y sector cynradd, nid drwy ddulliau cwnsela traddodiadol, nad ydynt yn addas ar gyfer ein plant iau mewn gwirionedd, ond gyda ffocws cryf ar therapi teulu a gwaith grŵp fel y gellir cefnogi ein plant ieuengaf ar yr adeg hon.

I just wondered if you could tell us a little bit more about the attendance rates at school, because I think that will give us an indication of how effective schools have been at reaching out to young people who may be feeling very anxious about returning to school and assuring them that they are going to be safe, and that they should be returning to school for their well-being.

Tybed a allech ddweud ychydig mwy wrthym am gyfraddau presenoldeb mewn ysgolion, gan y credaf y bydd hynny'n rhoi syniad inni o ba mor effeithiol y mae ysgolion wedi bod wrth estyn allan at bobl ifanc a allai fod yn teimlo'n bryderus iawn ynglŷn â dychwelyd i'r ysgol a’u darbwyllo eu bod yn mynd i fod yn ddiogel, ac y dylent ddychwelyd i'r ysgol er mwyn eu lles?

Thank you, Jenny, for that. Overall, nationally, attendance rates run at approximately 80 per cent—just over 80 per cent—although there are some significant variations in that. Not surprisingly, those areas with a lower virus transmission are seeing higher levels of attendance. So, we see particularly high levels of attendance in Monmouthshire, in Pembrokeshire and in those areas, as I said, where we see lower levels of transmission. But even in areas of higher transmission, the vast, vast majority of children are continuing to attend school.

Undoubtedly, where there is a case, that can have an impact. Yesterday afternoon I had the privilege and pleasure of talking to the headteacher at Ninian Park Primary School here in Cardiff. They started off the term really, really positively with high attendance. Unfortunately, they had an individual case, which did see their attendance immediately after that case drop. But as of yesterday they were back to attendance in the region of 86 per cent, and that's because the teachers, the headteacher and the governing body had worked really hard to provide the assurance to parents that they needed that even with a case it was safe for their children to be back in school.

We will continue to work with local authorities to ensure that the Welsh Government is supporting them and the teaching profession in providing reassurance. In some cases, we know that parents are being incredibly cautious and trying their very best. It's cold season, so I know that our chief medical officers are working together across the United Kingdom to be able to provide more advice to parents to help them make decisions about when it is right for a child to be sent into school and when a child, perhaps, should be kept at home and get a test, if necessary. I know that teachers are working very hard to have those conversations with parents and to provide the necessary reassurance.

Diolch, Jenny. Yn gyffredinol, yn genedlaethol, mae cyfraddau presenoldeb oddeutu 80 y cant—ychydig dros 80 y cant—er bod rhai amrywiadau sylweddol o fewn hynny. Nid yw'n syndod fod lefelau presenoldeb uwch yn yr ardaloedd lle mae lefelau trosglwyddiad y feirws yn is. Felly, rydym yn gweld lefelau presenoldeb arbennig o uchel yn Sir Fynwy, yn Sir Benfro ac yn yr ardaloedd hynny, fel y dywedais, lle rydym yn gweld lefelau is o drosglwyddiad. Ond hyd yn oed mewn ardaloedd â throsglwyddiad uwch, mae’r rhan fwyaf o blant yn parhau i fynychu'r ysgol.

Heb os, lle ceir achos, gall hynny gael effaith. Brynhawn ddoe, cefais y fraint a'r pleser o siarad â'r pennaeth yn Ysgol Gynradd Parc Ninian yma yng Nghaerdydd. Fe ddechreuon nhw'r tymor yn gadarnhaol iawn gyda phresenoldeb uchel. Yn anffodus, cawsant un achos, a gostyngodd eu lefelau presenoldeb yn syth ar ôl yr achos hwnnw. Ond erbyn ddoe, roedd eu presenoldeb yn ôl i oddeutu 86 y cant, a hynny oherwydd bod yr athrawon, y pennaeth a'r corff llywodraethu wedi gweithio'n galed iawn i roi'r sicrwydd angenrheidiol i rieni ei bod yn ddiogel i'w plant fod yn ôl yn yr ysgol hyd yn oed gydag achos.

Byddwn yn parhau i weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cefnogi hwy a'r proffesiwn addysgu i roi sicrwydd. Mewn rhai achosion, gwyddom fod rhieni'n bod yn hynod o ofalus ac yn ceisio eu gorau glas. Mae'n dymor annwyd, felly gwn fod ein prif swyddogion meddygol yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd ledled y Deyrnas Unedig i allu darparu mwy o gyngor i rieni i'w helpu i wneud penderfyniadau ynglŷn â pha bryd y mae'n iawn anfon plentyn i'r ysgol a pha bryd y dylid cadw plentyn gartref, efallai, a rhoi prawf iddynt os oes angen. Gwn fod athrawon yn gweithio'n galed iawn i gael y sgyrsiau hynny gyda rhieni ac i roi'r sicrwydd angenrheidiol.

Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg
Welsh-medium Education

6. Pa asesiad diweddar sydd wedi'i wneud o'r galw am addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru? OQ55607

6. What recent assessment has been made of the demand for Welsh-medium education in Mid and West Wales? OQ55607

Diolch yn fawr, Helen Mary. Local authority Welsh in education strategic plans outline how demand for Welsh-medium education is met. Our annual monitoring of plans suggests an increase in learners accessing Welsh-medium provision in the majority of Mid and West Wales. New WESP regulations set out a higher expectation of targets, and that is aligned with Cymraeg 2050.

Diolch yn fawr, Helen Mary. Mae cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg awdurdodau lleol yn amlinellu sut y caiff y galw am addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg ei ateb. Mae ein gwaith blynyddol yn monitro cynlluniau yn awgrymu bod cynnydd yn nifer y dysgwyr sy'n cael mynediad at ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg yn y rhan fwyaf o Ganolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru. Mae rheoliadau newydd y cynllun strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg yn nodi disgwyliad uwch o ran targedau, ac mae hynny'n cyd-fynd â Cymraeg 2050.

I'm grateful to you, Minister, for the answer. I know that you will want to join me in congratulating Powys County Council, who have recently put out to tender again to build the 150-place Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng in Welshpool. As someone who grew up in Montgomeryshire and was educated there, albeit a very long time ago, I very much welcome this investment.

I'd like to ask you about the next steps for the new Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant in Llanelli. I'm aware that there are still issues with regard to finding an appropriate site. In the meantime, my inbox is full of people who are concerned about the difficulties of providing distanced learning safely on the existing site. Can I invite you once again, Minister, to reassure the families and the staff at the school that, when a new site is identified, the funding will be available for a new build and that that won't be lost because of the very unfortunate, and we won't rehearse the circumstances, inability to proceed on the original site? 

Diolch ichi am eich ateb, Weinidog. Gwn y byddwch am ymuno â mi i longyfarch Cyngor Sir Powys, sydd wedi gosod tendr eto yn ddiweddar i adeiladu Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng, sydd â lle i 150 o blant. Fel rhywun a fagwyd yn Sir Drefaldwyn ac a gafodd eu haddysg yno, er bod hynny amser maith yn ôl, rwy'n croesawu'r buddsoddiad hwn yn fawr.

Hoffwn eich holi ynglŷn â’r camau nesaf ar gyfer ysgol Gymraeg newydd Dewi Sant yn Llanelli. Rwy'n ymwybodol fod problemau o hyd gyda dod o hyd i safle priodol. Yn y cyfamser, mae fy mewnflwch yn llawn o bryderon gan bobl sy'n poeni am anawsterau darparu dysgu gan gadw pellter gymdeithasol yn ddiogel ar y safle presennol. A gaf fi eich gwahodd unwaith eto, Weinidog, i ddarbwyllo teuluoedd a staff yr ysgol, pan ddynodir safle newydd, y bydd cyllid ar gael ar gyfer adeilad newydd ac na fydd yn cael ei golli oherwydd yr anallu anffodus iawn, heb fynd i ailadrodd yr amgylchiadau, i fwrw ymlaen ar y safle gwreiddiol?

Like you and many other people, Helen Mary Jones, the re-provision of a new school for that community remains a priority for me. I look forward to receiving an application from Carmarthenshire council so that we can proceed with that project.

Fel chithau a llawer o bobl eraill, Helen Mary Jones, mae ailddarparu ysgol newydd ar gyfer y gymuned honno’n parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i mi. Edrychaf ymlaen at dderbyn cais gan gyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin fel y gallwn fwrw ymlaen â'r prosiect hwnnw.

Minister, a report by Estyn earlier this year showed that standards in literacy, numeracy and Welsh second language require improvement in around half of primary schools and all secondary schools inspected since 2017 in Pembrokeshire. Given that Pembrokeshire local government education services are causing concern and require follow-up activity, can you tell us what discussions the Welsh Government has had with the local authority and, indeed, regional consortia about raising standards and improving outcomes, particularly in relation to the teaching of Welsh as a second language?

Weinidog, dangosodd adroddiad gan Estyn yn gynharach eleni fod angen gwella safonau llythrennedd, rhifedd a Chymraeg ail iaith mewn oddeutu hanner yr ysgolion cynradd a'r holl ysgolion uwchradd a arolygwyd ers 2017 yn Sir Benfro. O gofio bod gwasanaethau addysg llywodraeth leol Sir Benfro yn peri pryder ac yn galw am weithredu dilynol, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gyda'r awdurdod lleol, a chonsortia rhanbarthol yn wir ynglŷn â chodi safonau a gwella canlyniadau, yn enwedig mewn perthynas ag addysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith?

Thank you, Paul. Improvements in teaching Welsh as a second language is important right the way across Wales, not only in Pembrokeshire, and it'll be an important part of our reformed curriculum, our professional learning opportunities and our new initial teacher education provision. I myself met with representatives, with my officials and with representatives of Pembrokeshire, prior to the summer recess, to talk about what additional support the Welsh Government can give to that local education authority to help improve standards across the piece. 

Diolch, Paul. Mae gwelliannau wrth addysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith yn bwysig ledled Cymru, nid yn Sir Benfro yn unig, a bydd yn rhan bwysig o'n cwricwlwm diwygiedig, ein cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol a'n darpariaeth newydd addysg gychwynnol i athrawon. Cyfarfûm â chynrychiolwyr, gyda fy swyddogion a chynrychiolwyr o Sir Benfro cyn toriad yr haf i drafod pa gymorth ychwanegol y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei roi i'r awdurdod addysg lleol hwnnw i helpu i wella safonau yn gyffredinol.

Bil Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Cymru)
The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill

7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y dystiolaeth a ddefnyddiwyd i gynnwys Saesneg yn Adran 3(2) o'r Bil Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Cymru)? OQ55588

7. Will the Minister make a statement on the evidence used to include English in Section 3(2) of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill? OQ55588

The Bill is currently being scrutinised by the Senedd and therefore I do not intend to make a stand-alone statement on this matter. Though, as I have already indicated to Members, I am open to discussions and will listen to concerns.

Mae'r Senedd yn craffu ar y Bil ar hyn o bryd ac felly nid wyf yn bwriadu gwneud datganiad annibynnol ar y mater. Er, fel rwyf eisoes wedi’i nodi wrth yr Aelodau, rwy'n agored i drafodaethau ac fe wrandawaf ar bryderon.

I was going to say, 'Thanks, Minister', but I don't think I can now, really, because it's a very simple question about evidence. What I would have appreciated would have been some interaction on the question of evidence so at least we can have a grown-up discussion about this.

I think, having spoken to professionals in the field—this morning, actually—again, one question that comes to my mind is, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' I think what we need to have is an understanding of the Welsh language, the special conditions that it takes to learn a language in immersion circumstances. And I think we really need to pay at least some attention, some real attention, to the so-called figure of a million speakers, which I think is just paying lip service at the moment, because I see no evidence.

I'm disappointed with the lack of engagement with the question. All I was asking for was some evidence, and you clearly have none. Thank you. 

Roeddwn ar fin dweud, 'Diolch, Weinidog', ond ni chredaf y gallaf mwyach, a dweud y gwir, gan ei fod yn gwestiwn syml iawn am dystiolaeth. Yr hyn y byddwn wedi’i werthfawrogi fyddai rhywfaint o sôn am dystiolaeth, fel y gallwn gael trafodaeth aeddfed am hyn, o leiaf.

Ar ôl siarad â gweithwyr proffesiynol yn y maes—y bore yma, mewn gwirionedd—unwaith eto, un cwestiwn sy'n dod i'm meddwl yw, 'Os nad yw wedi torri, peidiwch â'i drwsio.' Credaf mai'r hyn sydd ei angen arnom yw dealltwriaeth o'r Gymraeg, yr amodau arbennig sydd eu hangen i ddysgu iaith mewn amgylchiadau trochi. A chredaf fod gwir angen inni roi rhywfaint o sylw, o leiaf, sylw go iawn, i’r ffigur honedig o filiwn o siaradwyr, nad yw’n ddim ond geiriau gwag ar hyn o bryd, gan na welaf unrhyw dystiolaeth.

Rwy'n siomedig ynglŷn â'r diffyg ymgysylltu â'r cwestiwn. Yr unig beth y gofynnais amdano oedd rhywfaint o dystiolaeth, ac mae'n amlwg nad oes gennych unrhyw dystiolaeth. Diolch.

I can assure the Member, Presiding Officer, that there are plenty of grown-up conversations being had about how we can deliver the targets of Cymraeg 2050. I am perfectly aware of the success of the immersion model in helping children acquire Welsh. My own children have benefited from it. There is nothing currently in the Bill that will prevent immersion from happening, but I am aware of concerns about how the Bill might inadvertently make immersion, or the increase in immersion, more difficult and therefore, as I said, I am willing to listen to those concerns and to engage positively with those people who positively engage with me.

Gallaf roi sicrwydd i’r Aelod, Lywydd, fod digon o sgyrsiau aeddfed yn digwydd ynglŷn â sut y gallwn gyflawni targedau Cymraeg 2050. Rwy’n gwbl ymwybodol o lwyddiant y model trochi yn helpu plant i ddysgu Cymraeg. Mae fy mhlant fy hun wedi elwa ohono. Nid oes unrhyw beth yn y Bil ar hyn o bryd a fydd yn atal trochi rhag digwydd, ond rwy’n ymwybodol o bryderon ynglŷn â sut y gallai’r Bil, yn anfwriadol, wneud trochi neu’r cynnydd mewn trochi yn anoddach ac felly, fel y dywedais, rwy’n barod i wrando ar y pryderon hynny ac i ymgysylltu'n gadarnhaol â'r bobl sy'n ymgysylltu'n gadarnhaol â mi.


Thank you for your answer to Mr McEvoy and also your previous answers to the last couple of questions, because it's all along the same theme. But I think the real barrier to being able to provide and to meet the Cymraeg 2050 target is actually the difficulty of getting Welsh-speaking teachers in play. We need more of them and we need them in all the different areas of Wales. There are some parts of Wales where it's incredibly difficult to get Welsh-speaking teachers. Conversely, we also have young people who are training as teachers who don't yet have Welsh and they're finding it sometimes difficult to find jobs that are non-Welsh-speaking. So, how are you going to address that balance in order to meet the Cymraeg 2050 target? And how can we encourage more people to become Welsh-speaking teachers so that we can not only do immersion learning but actually learning in the non-Welsh schools?

Diolch am eich ateb i Mr McEvoy ac am eich atebion blaenorol i'r un neu ddau o gwestiynau diwethaf, gan fod y cyfan yn ymwneud â’r un thema. Ond credaf mai'r gwir rwystr rhag gallu darparu a chyflawni targed Cymraeg 2050 yw'r anhawster o gael mwy o athrawon sy'n siarad Cymraeg. Mae arnom angen mwy ohonynt, ac mae arnom eu hangen yn yr holl wahanol ardaloedd yng Nghymru. Ceir rhai rhannau o Gymru lle mae'n eithriadol o anodd cael athrawon sy'n siarad Cymraeg. Ar y llaw arall, mae gennym bobl ifanc hefyd sy'n hyfforddi fel athrawon nad ydynt yn siarad Cymraeg eto, ac maent yn ei chael hi'n anodd dod o hyd i swyddi weithiau lle nad oes angen gallu yn y Gymraeg. Felly, sut rydych yn mynd i fynd i'r afael â'r cydbwysedd hwnnw er mwyn cyflawni targed Cymraeg 2050? A sut y gallwn annog mwy o bobl i ddod yn athrawon sy’n siarad Cymraeg fel y gallwn nid yn unig ddarparu addysg drochi, ond dysgu hefyd yn yr ysgolion nad ydynt yn ysgolion Cymraeg?

Thank you very much, Angela. The first thing that we need to do is increase the number of students who are studying Welsh at A-level, because we know that that qualification is often a precursor for people to go on to study Welsh at a higher level and then converting then into teaching Welsh, and we are promoting a Welsh A-level take-up scheme to promote that subject so that more students take it. Within initial teacher education, we are indeed providing opportunities for those students who currently do not have Welsh skills to be able to acquire those skills as part of their initial teacher education, so, even if they don't intend to go and teach in a Welsh-medium school, they can deliver high-quality Welsh lessons within the English-medium sector.

For those teachers who do, indeed, intend to teach through the medium of Welsh, we have provided funding—although, I have to admit that COVID has created some disruption to this programme—that will allow primary school qualified teachers to convert to be able to teach through the medium of Welsh in the secondary sector, because that is where we have particular shortages—in the secondary sector. And, indeed, those wishing to pursue a career teaching through the medium of Welsh continue to attract the highest level of ITE financial incentives if they choose to go to study for a teaching qualification in Welsh. 

Last week, I met with Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to talk about what more they can do, learning from the expertise that they already have in expanding Welsh-medium provision in the HE sector—what more they can do to work with our individual higher education institutions and the Education Workforce Council to ensure that we can increase the number of people who are acquiring those skills necessary to teach Welsh successfully in a Welsh-medium school or in an English-medium school.

I'm pleased to say that we have an uptick in the number of recruits onto ITE this year, but one swallow doesn't make a summer and we need to continue to press on this agenda.

Diolch yn fawr, Angela. Y peth cyntaf y mae'n rhaid inni ei wneud yw cynyddu nifer y myfyrwyr sy'n astudio'r Gymraeg ar lefel Safon Uwch, gan y gwyddom fod y cymhwyster hwnnw'n aml yn arwain at bobl yn mynd yn eu blaenau i astudio'r Gymraeg ar lefel uwch a mynd yn eu blaen wedyn i mewn i addysgu Cymraeg, ac rydym yn hyrwyddo cynllun i annog pobl i wneud Safon Uwch yn y Gymraeg er mwyn hyrwyddo'r pwnc hwnnw fel bod mwy o fyfyrwyr yn ei astudio. Ym maes addysg gychwynnol i athrawon, rydym yn darparu cyfleoedd i'r myfyrwyr nad oes ganddynt sgiliau Cymraeg ar hyn o bryd allu dysgu’r sgiliau hynny fel rhan o'u haddysg gychwynnol i athrawon, felly, hyd yn oed os nad ydynt yn bwriadu mynd i addysgu mewn ysgol Gymraeg, gallant ddarparu gwersi Cymraeg o safon yn y sector cyfrwng Saesneg.

I athrawon sy’n bwriadu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, rydym wedi darparu cyllid—er, mae'n rhaid i mi gyfaddef bod COVID wedi tarfu ar y rhaglen hon i raddau—a fydd yn caniatáu i athrawon ysgolion cynradd cymwysedig newid i allu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn y sector uwchradd, gan mai dyna lle mae gennym brinder penodol—yn y sector uwchradd. Ac yn wir, mae'r rheini sy'n dymuno dilyn gyrfa yn addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn parhau i ddenu'r lefel uchaf o gymhellion ariannol addysg gychwynnol i athrawon os ydynt yn dewis astudio am gymhwyster addysgu yn y Gymraeg.

Yr wythnos diwethaf, cyfarfûm â’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i drafod beth arall y gallant ei wneud, gan ddysgu o'r arbenigedd sydd ganddynt eisoes yn ehangu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg yn y sector addysg uwch—beth arall y gallant ei wneud i weithio gyda'n gwahanol sefydliadau addysg uwch a Chyngor y Gweithlu Addysg i sicrhau y gallwn gynyddu nifer y bobl sy'n dysgu’r sgiliau sy'n angenrheidiol i addysgu'r Gymraeg yn llwyddiannus mewn ysgol cyfrwng Gymraeg neu mewn ysgol cyfrwng Saesneg.

Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod gennym gynnydd yn nifer y recriwtiaid i addysg gychwynnol i athrawon eleni, ond un wennol ni wna wanwyn, ac mae angen inni barhau i roi pwyslais ar yr agenda hon.

Finally, question 8, Rhianon Passmore.

Yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Rhianon Passmore.

Plant sy'n Hunanynysu
Children who are Self-isolating

8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am nifer yr achosion o blant yn Islwyn yn cael eu hanfon adref o'r ysgol i hunanynysu ar ôl cael canlyniad positif mewn prawf ar gyfer COVID-19? OQ55586

8. Will the Minister provide an update on the number of incidents in Islwyn of children who have been sent home from school to self-isolate following a positive test for COVID-19? OQ55586

I understand that, for the week 14 to 18 September, attendance at maintained schools in Caerphilly was running at 77 per cent.

Ar gyfer yr wythnos 14 i 18 Medi, deallaf fod lefel presenoldeb mewn ysgolion a gynhelir yng Nghaerffili yn 77 y cant.

Diolch, Minister. Thank you for that answer. The Welsh Labour First Minister, Mark Drakeford, has stated that keeping schools open was a top priority for the Welsh Government. For the parents and children in Islwyn, it is imperative for their social and mental well-being that they are able to continue their education in school with all the necessary precautions. From Risca Primary School in the primary sector to Blackwood Comprehensive School in the secondary sector, children have had to leave school to self-isolate for a period of time.

From Welsh Government data that I saw on Wednesday, eight out of 10 Welsh children were in school, compared to six out of 10 for the previous week. So, Minister, with attendance rising, how can the Welsh Government reinforce to our communities that, for our children to be educated, there needs to be, on public health grounds, reassurance? When will they be asked to stay away from school and what actions can the Welsh Government take to encourage the ever-increasing rise in school attendance by Islwyn's children?

Diolch, Weinidog. Diolch am eich ateb. Mae Prif Weinidog Llafur Cymru, Mark Drakeford, wedi nodi bod cadw ysgolion ar agor yn brif flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru. I'r rhieni a'r plant yn Islwyn, mae'n hanfodol er eu lles cymdeithasol a meddyliol eu bod yn gallu parhau â'u haddysg yn yr ysgol gyda'r holl ragofalon angenrheidiol. O Ysgol Gynradd Rhisga yn y sector cynradd i Ysgol Gyfun y Coed Duon yn y sector uwchradd, mae plant wedi gorfod gadael yr ysgol i hunanynysu am gyfnod o amser.

O ddata Llywodraeth Cymru a welais ddydd Mercher, roedd wyth o bob 10 plentyn yng Nghymru yn yr ysgol, o gymharu â chwech o bob 10 yn yr wythnos flaenorol. Felly, Weinidog, gyda lefelau presenoldeb yn codi, sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru bwysleisio'r neges i'n cymunedau, er mwyn i’n plant gael eu haddysgu, fod angen sicrwydd ar sail iechyd y cyhoedd? Pryd y bydd gofyn iddynt gadw draw o'r ysgol, a pha gamau y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i annog lefelau uwch o bresenoldeb yn yr ysgol ymysg plant Islwyn?


Can I thank the Member for her question? And can I assure her that this Welsh Liberal Democrat education Minister is taking all necessary steps and actions to ensure that children, whether they be in Caerphilly, or, indeed, anywhere else in Wales, have the disruption to their education minimised?

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn? Ac a gaf fi roi sicrwydd iddi fy mod i fel Gweinidog addysg Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru yn cymryd yr holl gamau gweithredu angenrheidiol i sicrhau cyn lleied o darfu â phosibl ar addysg plant,  yng Nghaerffili, neu'n wir, yn unrhyw le arall yng Nghymru?

2. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
2. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jayne Bryant.

The next item, therefore, is questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services, and the first question is from Jayne Bryant.

Y Cyfyngiadau COVID-19 Diweddaraf
The Latest COVID-19 Restrictions

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r rhai a oedd ar restr warchod gynt yn sgil y cyfyngiadau COVID-19 diweddaraf yng Nghymru? OQ55615

1. Will the Minister provide an update for those who were previously shielding in light of the latest COVID-19 restrictions for Wales? OQ55615

Thank you for the question. Whilst we have seen a rapid increase in cases in some areas, the specific advice to people in the former shielding group has not changed at this point in time. They do not need to take the strict shielding measures at this time. The Chief Medical Officer for Wales is liaising with CMO colleagues across the UK on advice to this group on minimising their risk of harm, and we will be writing to those on the previous shielding patients list in the coming days ahead.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Er ein bod wedi gweld cynnydd sydyn yn nifer yr achosion mewn rhai ardaloedd, nid yw'r cyngor penodol i bobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn flaenorol wedi newid ar hyn o bryd. Nid oes angen iddynt roi camau gwarchod caeth ar waith yn awr. Mae Prif Swyddog Meddygol Cymru yn ymgysylltu â phrif swyddogion meddygol ledled y DU ynglŷn â chyngor i'r grŵp hwn ar leihau eu risg o niwed, a byddwn yn ysgrifennu at y rheini sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol yn y dyddiau nesaf.

Thank you, Minister. I know that the measures put in place by Welsh Government to support the most vulnerable were greatly received. However, I'm now receiving correspondence from those who were shielding asking for further guidance. So, I'm pleased to hear that there will be some correspondence. Those contacting me are not asking to go back into shielding, but that, when announcements are made on any restrictions, communication is also made with those who were shielding. In particular, as the local restrictions are in place, people just want to have comfort that they're doing the safest and the right thing. While I appreciate that we're learning more about the virus all the time, what discussions are you having with others about the communication with those who are most at risk?

Diolch, Weinidog. Gwn fod y mesurau a roddwyd ar waith gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed wedi eu croesawu’n fawr. Fodd bynnag, rwyf bellach yn cael gohebiaeth gan y rheini sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol, ac maent yn gofyn am arweiniad pellach. Felly, rwy'n falch o glywed y bydd rhywfaint o ohebiaeth. Nid yw'r rheini sy'n cysylltu â mi yn gofyn am gael ailgychwyn gwarchod, ond yn hytrach, pan wneir cyhoeddiadau ar unrhyw gyfyngiadau, maent am weld cyfathrebu'n digwydd hefyd gyda'r rheini sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol. Yn benodol, gan fod y cyfyngiadau lleol ar waith, mae pobl yn dymuno cael cysur eu bod yn gwneud y peth mwyaf diogel a’r peth iawn. Er fy mod yn deall ein bod yn dysgu mwy am y feirws drwy'r amser, pa drafodaethau rydych chi'n eu cael gydag eraill ynglŷn â chyfathrebu â'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed?

Thank you for the follow-up question. Of course, we had an opportunity to discuss some of this in the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee earlier this morning. So, as well as a direct contact that we expect from CMO correspondence with people in that former shielded category, we'll use the variety of our channels, and, to be fair, there's been such interest in the former shielded group that I expect we'll get significant pick-up in national and local media when we recommunicate where we are.

I think it is important to emphasise the lessons we've learned from the first six months. We do think we've prevented significant harm for people on that shielded groups list, but it comes at a cost. There was a cost in terms of people's mental health and well-being, because many of the people felt lonely, even with the support that was provided. So, shielding isn't an end in itself with no harm that attaches to it; it's always a balance. We also know that the previous approach of having a list of medical conditions doesn't take account of all the evidence of harm from COVID. We know that if you're less well off, you're more likely to suffer more significant harm—that point about health inequalities has been re-emphasised with a vengeance with the first phase of the pandemic. And, also, if you look like me, you're more likely to suffer harm, so the point about ethnic origin isn't taken account of in a medical conditions list. And, equally, if you look like me, and if I were to weigh three or four stone heavier, I'd be at a greater risk again as well. Not all of those things are picked up with a medical conditions list approach, so we're learning from what's happened. We're going to have to apply that, with the advice we get from the chief medical officers, in advising people how best to take care of themselves. But that will definitely involve direct contact with people on that former shielded patients list.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn dilynol. Wrth gwrs, cawsom gyfle i drafod rhywfaint o hyn yn y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon yn gynharach y bore yma. Felly, yn ogystal â’r cyswllt uniongyrchol rydym yn ei ddisgwyl o ohebiaeth y prif swyddog meddygol â phobl yn y categori hwnnw o bobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol, byddwn yn defnyddio ein sianeli amrywiol, ac a bod yn deg, mae cymaint o ddiddordeb wedi bod yn y grŵp o bobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol fel fy mod yn disgwyl y cawn gryn dipyn o sylw yn y cyfryngau cenedlaethol a lleol pan fyddwn yn ailddatgan ble rydym arni.

Credaf ei bod yn bwysig pwysleisio'r gwersi rydym wedi'u dysgu o'r chwe mis cyntaf. Credwn ein bod wedi atal niwed sylweddol i bobl ar y rhestr honno o grwpiau i’w gwarchod, ond nid oedd hynny heb gost. Bu cost o ran iechyd meddwl a lles pobl, gan fod llawer o'r bobl yn teimlo'n unig, hyd yn oed gyda'r gefnogaeth a roddwyd. Felly, nid yw gwarchod yn ddiben ynddo'i hun heb unrhyw niwed ynghlwm wrtho; mae bob amser yn gydbwysedd. Gwyddom hefyd nad yw'r dull blaenorol o gael rhestr o gyflyrau meddygol yn ystyried yr holl dystiolaeth o niwed yn sgil COVID. Os ydych yn llai cyfoethog, gwyddom eich bod yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef niwed mwy sylweddol—cafodd y pwynt ynglŷn ag anghydraddoldebau iechyd ei ailbwysleisio’n ddiamwys yng nghyfnod cyntaf y pandemig. A hefyd, os ydych yn edrych yn debyg i fi, rydych yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef niwed, felly nid yw'r pwynt am darddiad ethnig yn cael ei ystyried mewn rhestr o gyflyrau meddygol. Ac yn yr un modd, os ydych chi'n edrych yn debyg i fi, a phe bawn yn pwyso tair neu bedair stôn yn drymach, byddwn innau hefyd mewn mwy o berygl eto. Nid yw'r holl bethau hynny’n cael eu nodi mewn rhestr o gyflyrau meddygol, felly rydym yn dysgu o'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd. Bydd yn rhaid inni gymhwyso hynny, gyda'r cyngor a gawn gan y prif swyddogion meddygol, wrth gynghori pobl ar y ffordd orau i ofalu amdanynt eu hunain. Ond bydd hynny'n bendant yn golygu cyswllt uniongyrchol â phobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol.

Good afternoon, Minister. Local coronavirus help and support groups, like Feed Newport in Pill, and the ones I set up in Wyesham and Usk, did a fantastic job during national lockdown at protecting vulnerable people, making sure they didn't feel isolated, and delivered food and prescriptions to those who were previously shielding and self-isolating. These vulnerable people are now at risk now the virus is on the rise again. Shielding for extremely vulnerable people was introduced at the start of the pandemic in March and only recently lifted. However, your Government's advice, as you've just stated, is that these people do not need to shield at present. Can you explain a bit more your reasons for that decision, Minister? And in what circumstances would you feel the need to reconsider this advice for those shielding, as it's confusing for people, as outlined by Jayne Bryant? There does need to be more communication and more detailed communication, and I welcome the fact that you're going to send letters out, but also for COVID groups to prepare to help those people shielding again. And, Minister, will you just take this opportunity now to join me in thanking all the fantastic work done by voluntary groups throughout this pandemic in helping those most vulnerable in our society?

Prynhawn da, Weinidog. Gwnaeth grwpiau cymorth a chefnogaeth coronafeirws lleol, fel Feed Newport ym Mhillgwenlli, a’r rhai a sefydlais yn Wyesham a Brynbuga, waith gwych yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud cenedlaethol wrth amddiffyn pobl agored i niwed, gan sicrhau nad oeddent yn teimlo’n ynysig, a dosbarthu bwyd a phresgripsiynau i'r rheini a oedd ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol ac yn hunanynysu. Mae'r bobl agored i niwed hyn bellach mewn perygl gan fod y feirws ar gynnydd eto. Cyflwynwyd gwarchod ar gyfer pobl hynod agored i niwed ar ddechrau'r pandemig ym mis Mawrth, a dim ond yn ddiweddar y codwyd y mesurau hyn. Fodd bynnag, cyngor eich Llywodraeth, fel rydych newydd ddatgan, yw nad oes angen i'r bobl hyn warchod ar hyn o bryd. A allwch chi egluro eich rhesymau dros y penderfyniad hwnnw ymhellach, Weinidog? Ac ym mha amgylchiadau y byddech yn teimlo'r angen i ailystyried y cyngor hwn i'r rheini sy'n gwarchod, gan ei fod yn peri dryswch i bobl, fel y nodwyd gan Jayne Bryant? Mae angen mwy o gyfathrebu a chyfathrebu manylach, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ffaith eich bod yn mynd i anfon llythyrau allan, ond hefyd er mwyn i grwpiau COVID baratoi i gynorthwyo’r bobl sy'n gwarchod unwaith eto. A Weinidog, a wnewch chi achub ar y cyfle hwn yn awr i ymuno â mi i ddiolch am yr holl waith gwych a wnaed gan grwpiau gwirfoddol drwy gydol y pandemig yn cynorthwyo’r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas?

I'm very happy to reiterate the thanks that myself and other Ministers, and other leaders of local authorities in every part of Wales, have given to all those people who've volunteered to help other people out, that's both in combating loneliness and isolation and helping with services, from the specific schemes we've had to delivering pharmacy medication to, if you like, the wider befriending and some form of social contact, albeit not the physical contact that we are used to and value. I know that this is also an issue where families and friends are taking care of each other outside organised activity as well. I have continued to do my mother's shopping, in the main, and to deliver that each week. I can't go into her home, because I present a bigger risk to her than my sister does, who has less contact, and all of those individual calculations about managing risk are taking place in families and communities around the country.

We need to take account, as I said in answer to Jayne Bryant, of the learning from the first six months of the pandemic, of our understanding of the benefits and disbenefits of a medical conditions list, and we will then set that out for people on the former shielded list, but for the country at large, because, whilst we're seeing coronavirus cases rise, we've been very clear that people on the former shielded list should be particularly vigilant in following the advice on restricting the number of contacts they have, because, actually, managing your own contacts, restricting them to as few as you need to have, obeying the rules, and, indeed, having good hand hygiene and following the whole-nation requirements, are especially important for that group of people with a medical vulnerability. But, as I say, it's a more rounded approach we need to take, and that comes from learning not just from the figures, but also from our direct contact with people who were formerly shielded, and I'm more than happy to keep not just the Chamber but the country updated about the changing advice and decisions that we make.

Rwy'n fwy na pharod i ailadrodd y diolch rwyf fi a Gweinidogion eraill, ac arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol ym mhob rhan o Gymru, wedi'i roi i'r holl bobl sydd wedi gwirfoddoli i helpu pobl eraill, wrth frwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd a helpu gyda gwasanaethau, o'r cynlluniau penodol rydym wedi'u cael i ddarparu meddyginiaeth fferyllol i gyfeillio mwy cyffredinol, os mynnwch, a rhyw fath o gyswllt cymdeithasol, er nad y cyswllt corfforol rydym wedi arfer ag ef ac yn ei werthfawrogi. Gwn fod hwn hefyd yn fater lle mae teuluoedd a ffrindiau yn gofalu am ei gilydd y tu allan i weithgarwch wedi'i drefnu. Rwyf wedi parhau i siopa i fy mam, at ei gilydd, a mynd ag ef iddi bob wythnos. Ni chaf fynd i mewn i'w chartref, am fy mod yn creu mwy o risg iddi nag y mae fy chwaer, sy’n dod i gysylltiad â llai o bobl, ac mae'r holl gyfrifiadau unigol hynny ynglŷn â rheoli risgiau'n digwydd mewn teuluoedd a chymunedau ledled y wlad.

Fel y dywedais wrth ateb Jayne Bryant, mae angen inni ystyried yr hyn a ddysgwyd yn ystod chwe mis cyntaf y pandemig, o'n dealltwriaeth o fanteision ac anfanteision rhestr o gyflyrau meddygol, a byddwn yn nodi hynny ar gyfer pobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol, ond ar gyfer y wlad yn gyffredinol, oherwydd, er ein bod yn gweld cynnydd yn nifer yr achosion o’r coronafeirws, rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn y dylai pobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol fod yn arbennig o wyliadwrus a dilyn y cyngor ar gyfyngu ar nifer y cysylltiadau sydd ganddynt, oherwydd mewn gwirionedd, mae rheoli eich cysylltiadau eich hunan, eu cyfyngu i gyn lleied ag sydd angen, cadw at y rheolau, sicrhau eich bod yn dilyn mesurau hylendid dwylo da a dilyn y gofynion ar gyfer y wlad gyfan yn arbennig o bwysig i'r grŵp hwnnw o bobl sy’n agored i niwed yn feddygol. Ond fel y dywedaf, mae angen inni fabwysiadu ymagwedd fwy cyflawn, a daw hynny o ddysgu nid yn unig o'r ffigurau, ond hefyd o'n cyswllt uniongyrchol â phobl sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod yn y gorffennol, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf nid yn unig i’r Siambr ond i’r wlad am y cyngor sy'n newid a'r penderfyniadau a wnawn.


Minister, thank you for your answers to the questions on this already. I think you'll agree with me that one of the major things that has been of assistance to people when they have been shielded is the priority delivery slots that supermarkets have offered to them. My understanding, from speaking to constituents, is that lots of those supermarkets are now bringing those priority slots to an end, at a time when we see coronavirus on the increase in so many of our communities. This is something that concerns not just my constituents, but me as well, so could I ask what discussions have you had with other Ministers around these protected delivery slots and just urge you to take some action on this?

Weinidog, diolch am eich atebion i'r cwestiynau ar hyn eisoes. Credaf y byddwch yn cytuno â mi mai un o'r prif bethau sydd wedi bod o gymorth i bobl wrth iddynt gael eu gwarchod yw'r slotiau dosbarthu siopa blaenoriaethol y mae archfarchnadoedd wedi'u cynnig iddynt. Yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, o siarad ag etholwyr, mae llawer o archfarchnadoedd bellach yn rhoi’r gorau i ddarparu slotiau blaenoriaethol, ar adeg pan fo’r coronafeirws ar gynnydd mewn cymaint o’n cymunedau. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n peri pryder nid yn unig i fy etholwyr, ond i minnau hefyd, felly a gaf fi ofyn pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda Gweinidogion eraill ynglŷn â'r slotiau dosbarthu hyn ar gyfer bobl sy’n gwarchod, a’ch annog i weithredu ar hyn?

That's an important point, I think, from Vikki Howells about the practical support that people have been provided with. The food delivery scheme actually didn't reach huge numbers of people, because they didn't need it. Everyone who needed it had a delivery from the free food scheme, but, once supermarkets had significantly expanded their own online delivery slots and prioritised people on that shielded list, the need for a free food delivery scheme was less than we had originally anticipated. So, that significant expansion in online slots needs to continue, and I'll certainly take this up and have a conversation with my colleague Lesley Griffiths, who has regular contact with supermarket retailers on a range of measures, and it's very helpful you've raised it with me today, because it's certainly something to take forward, as I've not previously had direct intelligence brought to me that there's been a reduction in slots. We absolutely want to see that continue, as we face up to what will undoubtedly be a very challenging winter and autumn.

Credaf fod hwnnw'n bwynt pwysig gan Vikki Howells am y gefnogaeth ymarferol y mae pobl wedi'i chael. Mewn gwirionedd, ni chyrhaeddodd y cynllun dosbarthu bwyd niferoedd enfawr o bobl, am nad oedd ei angen arnynt. Cafodd pawb oedd eu hangen nwyddau wedi’u dosbarthu iddynt drwy’r cynllun bwyd am ddim, ond ar ôl i archfarchnadoedd ehangu eu slotiau dosbarthu ar-lein eu hunain yn sylweddol, a blaenoriaethu pobl ar y rhestr warchod, roedd yr angen am gynllun dosbarthu bwyd am ddim yn llai na'r hyn a ragwelwyd yn wreiddiol. Felly, mae angen i'r cynnydd sylweddol a welwyd yn nifer y slotiau ar-lein barhau, a byddaf yn sicr yn mynd i’r afael â hyn ac yn cael sgwrs gyda fy nghyd-Aelod Lesley Griffiths, sy’n cysylltu’n rheolaidd â manwerthwyr archfarchnadoedd ar ystod o fesurau, ac mae'n ddefnyddiol iawn eich bod wedi dwyn hyn i fy sylw heddiw, oherwydd yn sicr, mae'n rhywbeth i fwrw ymlaen ag ef, gan nad wyf wedi derbyn gwybodaeth uniongyrchol o'r blaen fod gostyngiad yn nifer y slotiau. Rydym yn sicr am weld hynny'n parhau, wrth inni wynebu'r hyn a fydd, yn ddi-os, yn aeaf a hydref heriol iawn.

Y Rhaglen Frechu rhag y Ffliw
The Flu Vaccination Programme

2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y rhaglen frechu rhag y ffliw y gaeaf hwn? OQ55595

2. Will the Minister provide an update on this year's winter flu vaccination programme? OQ55595

Thank you. This winter, with the continued presence, indeed the resurgence, of COVID-19, we want to ensure that more people than ever receive the flu vaccine. That is why we have extended the eligibility criteria. We're working with key partners to maximise the uptake of the flu vaccine, and additional vaccine supply will be available to support anticipated increased demand.

Diolch. Y gaeaf hwn, gyda phresenoldeb parhaus, neu atgyfodiad COVID-19 yn wir, rydym am sicrhau bod mwy o bobl nag erioed yn derbyn brechlyn ffliw. Dyna pam ein bod wedi ymestyn y meini prawf cymhwysedd. Rydym yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid allweddol i sicrhau'r nifer fwyaf sy'n bosibl o frechlynnau ffliw, a bydd cyflenwad ychwanegol o'r brechlyn ar gael i gefnogi'r galw cynyddol a ragwelir.

I thank you for that answer. In his evidence session with the Senedd's health committee last week, Dr Quentin Sandifer from Public Health Wales said that

'in ordinary times, we would aspire to a 75 per cent flu vaccination uptake in eligible groups'

and that would 'maximise the protective effect'. So, clearly, we want to hit at least that this year. So, what, then, is being done to ensure that we achieve that maximum uptake? Has everyone eligible for the free flu vaccination been contacted by the NHS and are the stocks and the logistical arrangements in place to deliver a record number of doses on time? Given the spike that we've seen in coronavirus testing and absences at the start of the new school term and, given the increased danger of having both coronavirus and flu at the same time, where are we in terms of take-up and delivery of the nasal spray flu vaccination in primary schools?

Diolch am eich ateb. Yn ei sesiwn dystiolaeth gyda phwyllgor iechyd y Senedd yr wythnos diwethaf, dywedodd Dr Quentin Sandifer o Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru

mewn cyfnod cyffredin byddem yn anelu at ddarparu brechlyn ffliw i 75 y cant o'r bobl sydd mewn grwpiau cymwys

ac y byddai hynny'n ‘ymestyn yr effaith amddiffynnol i'r eithaf’. Felly, yn amlwg, hoffem gyflawni o leiaf hynny eleni. Felly, beth sy'n cael ei wneud i sicrhau ein bod yn cyflawni'r gyfradd fwyaf sy'n bosibl? A yw'r GIG wedi cysylltu â phawb sy'n gymwys i gael y brechlyn ffliw am ddim, ac a yw'r stociau a'r trefniadau logistaidd ar waith i ddarparu'r nifer uchaf erioed o ddosau mewn pryd? O ystyried y cynnydd a welsom yn nifer y profion coronafeirws ac absenoldebau ar ddechrau'r tymor ysgol newydd, ac o ystyried y perygl cynyddol o gael y coronafeirws a'r ffliw ar yr un pryd, ble rydym arni o ran y niferoedd sy'n manteisio ar y brechlyn ffliw drwy chwistrelliad trwynol a'i ddarparu mewn ysgolion cynradd?


Thank you for those questions. And it is a really important campaign, this year more than ever. In an average flu season, 8,000 to 10,000 people across the UK lose their lives as a result of flu, so this is a significant cause of mortality in normal times. Given the additional risk of corconavirus, it's even more important than ever that we have people taking up the offer of a free NHS flu jab, and indeed for other members of the public to protect themselves, if they can do so.

What we have done is we have, together with other UK nations, procured more of the flu vaccine than ever before—about 50 per cent more. That is to maximise take-up in the at-risk groups, and those people are regularly notified through their healthcare providers and will receive the same notification. We already see, though, positively, evidence of an increase in demand for the NHS flu jab, so that's good news. That does mean, though, that there is a need to make sure that people have ready access, whether in general practice or community pharmacies—our two main delivery systems for the flu jab for adults and adolescents—and it's important that continues.

On the nasal spray for younger children, both pre-school and in early school, we've actually, again, had increased supplies available to us, and that is rolling out within each health board as we speak. So over the coming weeks—. We've had a letter in my own household for our primary school age child to get consent for him to have the nasal flu spray as well during the season.

It's important that we get as much done, as far as possible, before we get into December. So we want as many people vaccinated as possible by November, if at all possible, because flu tends to circulate in larger numbers, in larger volume, from December onwards. So I am confident that the enhanced profile that this campaign has this year will lead to a continuing strong demand for uptake, and if we can have that high level of vaccination within our most at-risk categories, we'll then move to roll out another campaign for over-65s and, then, the over-50s.

But it's been a good start thus far and I do really think that, this year, we have seen a much heightened profile of the flu vaccine campaign. It normally receives a period of interest for a brief period of weeks and then largely rolls into the distance, but I think, with the additional threats of coronavirus, we will see more and more people wanting to take up the offer. 

Diolch am y cwestiynau hynny. Ac mae'n ymgyrch wirioneddol bwysig, eleni yn fwy nag erioed. Mewn tymor ffliw cyfartalog, mae 8,000 i 10,000 o bobl ledled y DU yn colli eu bywydau o ganlyniad i ffliw, felly mae'n achos marwolaeth sylweddol ar adegau arferol. O ystyried risg ychwanegol y coronafeirws, mae'n bwysicach nag erioed i bobl fanteisio ar y cynnig i gael pigiad ffliw am ddim gan y GIG, ac yn wir i aelodau eraill o'r cyhoedd ddiogelu eu hunain, os gallant wneud hynny.

Gyda gwledydd eraill y DU, rydym wedi caffael mwy o'r brechlyn ffliw nag erioed o'r blaen—tua 50 y cant yn fwy. Bydd hynny'n sicrhau bod y nifer fwyaf sy'n bosibl o bobl yn manteisio ar y cynnig yn y grwpiau risg, a hysbysir y bobl hynny'n rheolaidd drwy eu darparwyr gofal iechyd a byddant yn cael yr un hysbysiad. Er hynny, rydym eisoes yn gweld tystiolaeth gadarnhaol o gynnydd yn y galw am bigiad ffliw y GIG, felly mae hynny'n newyddion da. Ond mae hynny'n golygu bod angen sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu cael y pigiad boed mewn practis cyffredinol neu fferyllfeydd cymunedol—ein dwy brif system gyflenwi ar gyfer y pigiad rhag y ffliw i oedolion a phobl ifanc—ac mae'n bwysig bod hynny'n parhau.

Ar y chwistrell drwynol i blant iau, yn y cyfnod cyn-ysgol ac mewn addysg gynnar, unwaith eto mae mwy o gyflenwadau ar gael i ni, ac mae hynny'n cael ei gyflwyno ym mhob bwrdd iechyd wrth inni siarad. Felly, dros yr wythnosau nesaf—. Cawsom lythyr ar fy aelwyd fy hun yn gofyn am ein cydsyniad i'n plentyn oedran ysgol gynradd gael y chwistrell drwynol ar gyfer y ffliw yn ystod y tymor.

Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn gwneud cymaint ag y gallwn cyn dechrau mis Rhagfyr. Felly rydym am i gynifer o bobl gael eu brechu ag sy'n bosibl erbyn mis Tachwedd, os oes modd o gwbl, oherwydd mae'r ffliw'n tueddu i ledaenu'n fwy eang, i fwy o niferoedd, o fis Rhagfyr ymlaen. Felly rwy'n hyderus y bydd y proffil uwch sydd i'r ymgyrch hon eleni yn arwain at alw cyson o gryf am y brechlyn, ac os gallwn gael y lefel uchel honno o frechu ymhlith ein categorïau sy'n wynebu fwyaf o risg, byddwn yn cyflwyno ymgyrch arall ar gyfer pobl dros 65 oed a rhai dros 50 oed wedyn.

Ond mae wedi bod yn ddechrau da hyd yma ac rwy'n credu o ddifrif ein bod wedi gweld proffil llawer uwch i'r ymgyrch brechu rhag y ffliw. Fel arfer gwelir cyfnod o ddiddordeb am gyfnod byr o wythnosau ac yna mae'n tueddu i leihau, ond gyda bygythiadau ychwanegol coronafeirws, rwy'n credu y gwelwn fwy a mwy o bobl yn awyddus i fanteisio ar y cynnig. 

The increase in demand, Minister, is very, very welcome, as is the extension of the eligibility criteria, but, unfortunately, I've got people in my own constituency who have been told they cannot schedule a flu jab appointment with their GPs until a month hence, which is clearly completely unacceptable, particularly for those in those vulnerable categories that you've already referred to. And, of course, it's not just the flu vaccine that some people need to access; there's also the pneumococcal vaccine to protect people against pneumonia, and I'm aware that there are shortages of that vaccine across Wales and, indeed, other parts of the UK at present. What action are you taking to make sure that there is sufficient capacity within the system to be able to meet the request for vaccination from all those who need it?

Weinidog, mae'r cynnydd yn y galw i'w groesawu'n fawr iawn, fel y mae ymestyn y meini prawf cymhwysedd, ond yn anffodus, mae gennyf bobl yn fy etholaeth sydd wedi cael clywed na allant drefnu apwyntiad i gael pigiad rhag y ffliw yn eu meddygfeydd am fis arall, sy'n amlwg yn gwbl annerbyniol, yn enwedig i'r rheini yn y categorïau agored i niwed rydych eisoes wedi cyfeirio atynt. Ac wrth gwrs, nid dim ond y brechlyn ffliw y mae pobl am ei gael; ceir brechlyn niwmococol hefyd i ddiogelu pobl rhag niwmonia, ac rwy'n ymwybodol fod yna brinder o'r brechlyn hwnnw ledled Cymru a rhannau eraill o'r DU ar hyn o bryd. Pa gamau rydych chi'n eu cymryd i sicrhau bod digon o gapasiti yn y system i allu diwallu'r galw am frechiad i bawb sydd ei angen?

There's a mix in terms of the provision. So the UK Government normally procure flu vaccine supplies for across the UK, and that's where we've agreed to have an increased UK procurement exercise, and a range of GP practices also procure their own as well. We are aware of some challenges in supply and those are short-term matters, is our understanding. So, for example, one of the major manufacturers has decided to stagger the release of the flu vaccine this year, which is why some community pharmacies and some practices may experience a delay and a staging in the way they can deliver the vaccine.

In terms of what is and isn't acceptable, I think it's the case, as I said, that because flu circulation tends to take place later in the winter, through December, the important point is to use September, October and November to get as many people vaccinated as possible to provide that level of protection ahead of the peak of the flu season. We'll continue to work with both general practice and community pharmacy. And I would say that if there are real challenges in the supply, as opposed to a staggering of the supply, because the two are different, as ever we'll continue to work on this issue in a constructive way across the UK. It's one of the areas where all four Governments, regardless of political leadership, do have a very grown-up and, I think, effective way of working with each other.

Mae'r ddarpariaeth yn gymysg. Felly mae Llywodraeth y DU fel arfer yn caffael cyflenwadau o'r brechlyn ffliw ar gyfer y DU gyfan, a dyna lle rydym wedi cytuno i gael ymarfer caffael mwy eang yn y DU, ac mae amryw o bractisau meddygon teulu hefyd yn caffael eu brechlyn eu hunain. Rydym yn ymwybodol o heriau yn y cyflenwad a phroblemau yn y tymor byr yw'r rheini yn ôl ein dealltwriaeth ni. Felly, er enghraifft, mae un o'r prif weithgynhyrchwyr wedi penderfynu rhyddhau'r brechlyn ffliw fesul cam eleni, a dyna pam y bydd rhai fferyllfeydd cymunedol a rhai practisau'n profi oedi ac yn mynd ati i ddarparu'r brechlyn fesul cam.

O ran yr hyn sy'n dderbyniol neu'n annerbyniol, rwy'n credu ei bod yn wir, fel y dywedais, oherwydd bod lledaeniad y ffliw yn tueddu i ddigwydd yn ddiweddarach yn y gaeaf, drwy fis Rhagfyr, y pwynt pwysig yw defnyddio mis Medi, mis Hydref a mis Tachwedd i gael cynifer o bobl â phosibl wedi'u brechu er mwyn darparu lefel o ddiogelwch cyn i'r tymor ffliw gyrraedd ei anterth. Byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda meddygon teulu a fferylliaeth gymunedol. A byddwn yn dweud, os oes heriau gwirioneddol yn y cyflenwad, yn hytrach na bod y cyflenwad yn cael ei ryddhau fesul cam, oherwydd mae'r ddau'n wahanol, fel bob amser byddwn yn parhau i weithio ar hynny mewn ffordd adeiladol ledled y DU. Mae'n un o'r meysydd lle mae gan bob un o'r pedair Llywodraeth, waeth pwy yw'r arweinwyr gwleidyddol, ffordd aeddfed ac effeithiol iawn o weithio gyda'i gilydd yn fy marn i.


I feel that Joyce Watson's question is hugely important, particularly in the light of the COVID crisis, where there are figures to show that the take-up of flu vaccines is much reduced amongst the most vulnerable. Perhaps this is because people are fearful of attending surgeries—a fact that may well be the result of doctors being reluctant to engage with all but the seriously ill. The low take-up is particularly worrying given the fact that in the last 14 weeks, the flu killed 10 times as many people as COVID. Is this part of the statistics that would prompt some scientists to say that the lockdown measures could kill 75,000 people? Minister, given the devastating effects lockdowns have on society as a whole, can you assure the people of Wales that the lockdowns will only occur once all available scientific advice is sought and that they will end at the earliest possible date that data no longer supports the lockdown?

Teimlaf fod cwestiwn Joyce Watson yn eithriadol o bwysig, yn enwedig yng ngoleuni'r argyfwng COVID, lle mae ffigurau'n dangos bod y nifer sy'n manteisio ar frechlynnau ffliw yn llawer llai ymhlith y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed. Efallai mai'r rheswm am hyn yw bod pobl yn ofni mynychu meddygfeydd—rhywbeth a allai ddeillio o amharodrwydd meddygon i ymgysylltu â phawb heblaw pobl sy'n ddifrifol wael. Mae'r nifer isel sy'n manteisio ar y brechlyn yn peri pryder arbennig o gofio bod y ffliw wedi lladd 10 gwaith cymaint o bobl â COVID yn ystod y 14 wythnos diwethaf. A yw hyn yn rhan o'r ystadegau a fyddai'n annog rhai gwyddonwyr i ddweud y gallai'r cyfyngiadau ladd 75,000 o bobl? Weinidog, o gofio'r effeithiau dinistriol y mae cyfyngiadau symud yn eu cael ar gymdeithas yn gyffredinol, a allwch chi sicrhau pobl Cymru mai dim ond ar ôl cael yr holl gyngor gwyddonol sydd ar gael y bydd y cyfyngiadau'n digwydd ac y byddant yn dod i ben cyn gynted ag y ceir data nad yw'n cefnogi'r cyfyngiadau?

I'm afraid, I think, that there was a large amount of misunderstanding in the first part of that question. Joyce Watson's question really is important because of the additional risks that we know come, not just in a normal flu season, where, as I've indicated, 8,000 to 10,000 people across the UK lose their lives as a result of the flu and its effects each year, but actually we're in a position where we are already seeing increased take-up. It isn't that there is a reluctance from people to have the flu vaccine this year—far from it. People are keen, not just in Wales, but my understanding, in terms of the sharing of information between all four nations, is that in all four of the nations of the UK people are keen to take up the flu vaccine and are looking to have it early, which is good news for all of us.

When it comes to the restrictions that have been put in place, both the current local measures we have and indeed the fuller lockdown measures that were introduced in March, they're only being introduced on the basis of the information we have available to us: on the medical and scientific information on the spread of the virus, on its impact and its likely impact if measures aren't taken to halt its spread. We will only introduce these measures where there is an evidence base to support them and it will reduce the harm from coronavirus, and we will lift them when the evidence is there that they are no longer a proportionate intervention in the way that people live their lives. 

We're acting now to avoid the sort of harm we saw in the first wave of coronavirus. I do not want to wait until our hospitals are full and I am having to report on significant increased death figures every day before we are prepared to act. Acting now is about avoiding even more draconian impositions on the way people live their lives, avoiding even more significant harm to families and communities across the country.

Ofnaf fod llawer iawn o gamddealltwriaeth yn rhan gyntaf y cwestiwn hwnnw. Mae cwestiwn Joyce Watson yn bwysig iawn oherwydd y risgiau ychwanegol y gwyddom eu bod yn dod, nid yn unig mewn tymor ffliw arferol, lle mae 8,000 i 10,000 o bobl ledled y DU, fel y dywedais, yn colli eu bywydau o ganlyniad i'r ffliw a'i effeithiau bob blwyddyn, ond mewn gwirionedd rydym mewn sefyllfa lle rydym eisoes yn gweld mwy o bobl yn manteisio ar y brechlyn. Nid yw pobl yn amharod i gael y brechlyn ffliw eleni—i'r gwrthwyneb. Mae pobl yn awyddus, nid yn unig yng Nghymru, ond yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf o rannu gwybodaeth rhwng y pedair gwlad, mae pobl ym mhob un o bedair gwlad y DU yn awyddus i fanteisio ar y brechlyn ffliw ac am ei gael yn gynnar, sy'n newyddion da i bob un ohonom.

O ran y cyfyngiadau a roddwyd ar waith, y mesurau lleol presennol sydd gennym ac yn wir y cyfyngiadau symud llawnach a gyflwynwyd ym mis Mawrth, cânt eu cyflwyno'n unig ar sail y wybodaeth sydd ar gael i ni: ar sail y wybodaeth feddygol a gwyddonol am ledaeniad y feirws, ar ei effaith a'i effaith debygol os na chaiff mesurau eu cymryd i atal ei ledaeniad. Ni fyddwn ond yn cyflwyno'r mesurau hyn lle ceir sylfaen dystiolaeth i'w cefnogi a bydd yn lleihau niwed coronafeirws, a byddwn yn eu codi pan fydd y dystiolaeth yno nad ydynt bellach yn ymyrraeth gymesur yn y ffordd y mae pobl yn byw eu bywydau. 

Rydym yn gweithredu nawr i osgoi'r math o niwed a welsom yn y don gyntaf o'r coronafeirws. Nid wyf am aros nes bydd ein hysbytai'n llawn a minnau'n gorfod adrodd ar ffigurau marwolaethau sy'n sylweddol uwch bob dydd cyn inni fod yn barod i weithredu. Mae gweithredu yn awr yn osgoi gosod cyfyngiadau hyd yn oed yn fwy llym ar y ffordd y mae pobl yn byw eu bywydau, ac yn osgoi niwed mwy sylweddol eto i deuluoedd a chymunedau ledled y wlad.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth. 

Questions now from party spokespeople. Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Diolch, Llywydd, a gwnaf innau bigo i fyny ar y cwestiynau pwysig yna ynglŷn â brechlyn y ffliw. Gaf i dynnu eich sylw chi at astudiaeth ddiweddar yn yr Eidal sydd wedi nodi perthynas rhwng cyfraddau brechu'r ffliw a chyfraddau symptomau a goroesi coronafeirws? Mewn rhanbarthau lle'r oedd mwy o bobl dros 65 oed wedi manteisio ar y brechlyn ffliw y llynedd, mi oedd yna lai o farwolaethau neu bobl yn gorfod mynd i'r ysbyty oherwydd coronafeirws eleni. Gallwn ni ddim ond dyfalu ar y pwynt yma beth ydy'r rheswm am hynny, ond gan ein bod ni yn eiddgar i gyfyngu ar ledaeniad y ffliw beth bynnag, mi oedd yn fy nharo i y gallai gwneud yn siŵr bod y brechlyn ffliw ar gael i bawb sydd eisiau ei gael o, nid dim ond grwpiau targed, yn fuddsoddiad gwerthfawr iawn, nid yn unig wrth fynd i'r afael â phwysau arferol y gaeaf ar yr NHS, ond hefyd i leihau effaith coronafeirws. Felly, yn ogystal â'r ymrwymiad i gael mwy o bobl i gael y brechlyn, a fyddech yn fodlon ymrwymo i rywbeth pellach, sef ei ehangu fo i bawb gan y gallai hynny fod yn fuddsoddiad da?

Thank you, Llywydd, and I'll pick up on the important questions about flu vaccination. I draw your attention to a recent study in Italy that has noted a relationship between flu vaccination rates and the severity of coronavirus symptoms and survival rates. In regions where more people over 65 had taken up the flu vaccine last year, there were fewer deaths or people having to go to hospital because of coronavirus this year. We can only guess, at this point, at the reason for that, but because we're very eager to restrict the spread of the flu anyway, it strikes me that ensuring that the flu vaccine is available for everyone who wants it, and not just the target groups, would be a very valuable investment, not only in tackling the usual winter pressures on the NHS, but also in reducing the impact of the coronavirus. So, as well as the commitment to encourage more people to get the vaccine, would you be willing to commit to extending it to everyone because that could be a good investment?

Well, first, to plan and to deliver an effective seasonal flu campaign, and this will be our largest ever seasonal flu campaign—we expect to deliver more flu vaccines than ever before to the people of Wales this winter—we need to make choices in advance of the season to be able to do that, and we have chosen to target and to increase significantly the amount of flu vaccine that we procure for the people of Wales and that we then deliver.

The question about whether we should have whole-population coverage in terms of the NHS campaign is rather out of the scope of where we are at present, but it's something that we can consider in the future. It's not currently supported by the joint committee that advises the Welsh Government and all UK Governments on the delivery of vaccination programmes. But, as ever, as the evidence base changes, then we're of course prepared to shift and to change our position, because the objective here is how we protect as many lives as possible, and avoid as much harm as possible, whether that's from COVID, the flu or indeed a range of other infectious diseases and conditions that we know are a regular challenge for how we live our lives today.

Wel, yn gyntaf, er mwyn cynllunio a chyflwyno ymgyrch brechlyn ffliw tymhorol effeithiol, a hon fydd ein hymgyrch ffliw tymhorol fwyaf erioed—rydym yn disgwyl y byddwn yn darparu mwy o frechlynnau ffliw nag erioed o'r blaen i bobl Cymru y gaeaf hwn—mae angen inni wneud dewisiadau cyn y tymor er mwyn gallu gwneud hynny, ac rydym wedi dewis targedu a chynyddu'n sylweddol faint o frechlynnau ffliw rydym yn eu caffael i bobl Cymru, brechlynnau y byddwn yn eu darparu yn sgil hynny wedyn.

Mae'r cwestiwn a ddylem ymestyn ymgyrch y GIG i gynnwys y boblogaeth gyfan ychydig y tu hwnt i gwmpas yr hyn y gellir ei wneud yn ein sefyllfa ar hyn o bryd, ond mae'n rhywbeth y gallwn ei ystyried yn y dyfodol. Nid yw'n cael ei gefnogi ar hyn o bryd gan y cydbwyllgor sy'n cynghori Llywodraeth Cymru a holl Lywodraethau'r DU ar ddarparu rhaglenni brechu. Ond fel arfer, wrth i'r sylfaen dystiolaeth newid, rydym yn barod i addasu a newid ein safbwynt wrth gwrs, gan mai'r amcan yma yw sut rydym yn diogelu cynifer o fywydau â phosibl, ac osgoi cymaint o niwed â phosibl, boed yn sgil COVID, y ffliw neu'n wir, ystod o glefydau a chyflyrau heintus eraill y gwyddom eu bod yn her reolaidd i'r ffordd rydym yn byw ein bywydau heddiw.


Diolch. Mi symudaf i ymlaen. Wrth i fwy o gyfyngiadau gael eu rhoi ar bobl ledled Cymru, mae hi'n bwysig iawn dangos ein bod ni wedi dysgu gwersi o'r cyfnod clo llawn gwreiddiol. A dwi wedi gweld un adroddiad sy'n dweud bod cymaint â 50 y cant o bobl jest ddim eisiau mynd i weld gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol ynglŷn â chyflwr meddygol yn ystod y cyfnod clo yna, achos yn syml iawn doedden nhw ddim eisiau poeni yr NHS. Rŵan, er bod y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon y bore yma wedi clywed bod niferoedd ymweliadau at feddygon ac i adrannau brys, ac yn y blaen, wedi codi erbyn hyn—mae hynny'n beth da—mae Tenovus Cancer Care yn amcangyfrif y gallai fod yna 2,000 o bobl yn byw efo canser heb ddiagnosis yn dal ddim wedi mynd at y meddyg teulu eto o ganlyniad i'r pandemig. Pa sicrwydd allwch chi ei roi i'r bobl hynny—pobl sydd, wrth gwrs, yn teimlo'n fwy nerfus rŵan wrth i'r cyfyngiadau newydd ddod i mewn—fod yr NHS yn dal ar agor i bawb, ac annog y cleifion hynny sydd ar goll yn y system i fynd i chwilio am gyngor meddygol?

Thank you. I'll move on. As more restrictions are imposed on people across Wales, it's very important to show that we have learned lessons from the full original lockdown. And I've seen one report that says that as many as 50 per cent of people just didn't want to see professional health workers in terms of medical conditions during that lockdown because, very simply, they didn't want to bother the NHS. But even though the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee this morning did hear that the number of visits to doctors and A&E departments, and so on, have risen—that's a good thing—Tenovus Cancer Care estimates that there may be 2,000 people who are living with cancer without diagnosis, and still haven't visited a GP because of the pandemic. So what assurance can you give to those people—people who do feel more nervous now, as the new restrictions come into force—that the NHS is still open to everyone, and to encourage those patients who are lost in the system to look for medical advice?

Well I think we've been very clear and consistent about the concern we had for the harm that is caused as a result of non-COVID conditions. That's both the harm that could have been caused if our health and social care system was overwhelmed—and it wasn't; it was under significant pressure in different parts of Wales, but it wasn't overwhelmed—and also the harm caused by non-COVID conditions because people are not undertaking treatment, either because they're opting out of treatment because of the concerns they have, and we definitely saw that, or indeed because it isn't possible because of the system being overwhelmed.

You'll have heard me say on a number of occasions over the past months the concerns we had about the fall in emergency admissions. That's partly because some people didn't really need and don't need—and we discuss this every year—to go into an emergency department, there are other routes for their care, but the much bigger concern was that there are people who really do need emergency care who weren't coming into our health service. And that's not just cancer; stroke, we know that there was a significant fall in people attending the national health service with stroke conditions. Now, I don't believe and there's no evidence to support the view that that meant that, suddenly, there was a significant reduction in the incidence of stroke across Wales. It's about how people were behaving, and their concerns.

We have definitely learnt from the first six months. And so we now have streaming in terms of COVID-light or COVID-green zones, and COVID-red, COVID-positive or COVID-possible zones. That's important to give people confidence, and the way that we manage patients who are coming into our health service through either one of those routes, primarily for hospitals, but also we've had to change the way that primary care has worked. So the ability to consult and to see people virtually, to speak to people on the phone, there's been a significant increase, and that should give people more confidence. But the message from me, and from our whole national healthcare system, is we're open for business, we've learnt from the first six months, and if you have a serious healthcare condition, you should continue to come forward, you should continue to seek advice, support and treatment, whether via primary care or indeed hospital care, because the NHS has certainly not closed up and we look forward to people returning in larger numbers. The case for reform in our healthcare system will be remade about the need to change the way that we work, but that does mean people need to present at the earliest opportunity to allow us to intervene in the least invasive way possible.

Wel, rwy'n credu ein bod wedi bod yn glir ac yn gyson iawn ynglŷn â'r pryder a oedd gennym am y niwed a achosir o ganlyniad i gyflyrau nad ydynt yn rhai COVID. Mae hynny'n cynnwys y niwed y gellid bod wedi'i achosi pe bai ein system iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn cael ei llethu—ac ni chafodd ei llethu; roedd o dan bwysau sylweddol mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru, ond ni chafodd ei llethu—a hefyd y niwed a achosir gan gyflyrau nad ydynt yn rhai COVID am nad yw pobl yn cael triniaeth, naill ai am eu bod yn optio allan o driniaeth oherwydd y pryderon sydd ganddynt, a gwelsom hynny yn sicr, neu'n wir am nad yw'n bosibl oherwydd bod y system yn cael ei llethu.

Fe fyddwch wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud droeon dros y misoedd diwethaf am y pryderon a oedd gennym ynglŷn â gostyngiad yn nifer y derbyniadau brys. Mae hynny'n rhannol oherwydd nad oedd ac nad oes gwir angen i rai pobl—ac rydym yn trafod hyn bob blwyddyn—fynd i adran achosion brys, ceir llwybrau eraill ar gyfer eu gofal, ond y pryder llawer mwy oedd bod pobl sydd angen gofal brys yn peidio â throi at y gwasanaeth iechyd. Ac nid canser yn unig yw hynny; strôc, gwyddom fod gostyngiad sylweddol yn nifer y bobl sy'n troi at y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol oherwydd cyflyrau strôc. Nawr, nid wyf yn credu bod hynny'n golygu'n sydyn fod gostyngiad sylweddol yn nifer yr achosion o strôc ar draws Cymru, ac nid oes tystiolaeth i gefnogi hynny. Mae'n ymwneud â sut roedd pobl yn ymddwyn, a'u pryderon.

Rydym yn bendant wedi dysgu o'r chwe mis cyntaf. Ac felly mae gennym ffrydio yn awr i barthau lle na cheir achosion o COVID neu barthau COVID gwyrdd, a pharthau COVID coch lle cafwyd achosion positif neu achosion posibl o COVID. Mae hynny'n bwysig er mwyn rhoi hyder i bobl, a'r ffordd rydym yn rheoli cleifion sy'n dod i mewn i'n gwasanaeth iechyd drwy un o'r llwybrau hynny, yn bennaf ar gyfer ysbytai, ond rydym wedi gorfod newid y ffordd y mae gofal sylfaenol wedi gweithio hefyd. Felly, bu cynnydd sylweddol yn y gallu i gynnal ymgyngoriadau rhithwir â phobl, i siarad â phobl dros y ffôn, a dylai hynny roi mwy o hyder i bobl. Ond y neges gennyf fi, a'n system gofal iechyd gwladol yn ei chyfanrwydd, yw ein bod ar agor, rydym wedi dysgu o'r chwe mis cyntaf, ac os oes gennych gyflwr gofal iechyd difrifol, dylech ddal i ddod i ofyn am gyngor, cymorth a thriniaeth, boed drwy ofal sylfaenol neu ofal ysbyty yn wir, oherwydd yn sicr nid yw'r GIG wedi cau ac edrychwn ymlaen at weld pobl yn dychwelyd mewn niferoedd mwy. Caiff yr achos dros ddiwygio ein system gofal iechyd ei ail-wneud ynghylch yr angen i newid y ffordd y gweithiwn, ond mae hynny'n golygu bod angen i bobl ofyn am gymorth cyn gynted â phosibl i ganiatáu inni allu rhoi'r driniaeth leiaf ymyrrol sy'n bosibl.

But there are people though who are already in the system and who've faced a journey that's much, much longer than it would have been. And you'll have heard me make repeated calls about the need to structure services in a way that will allow treatments to resume, diagnosis services to resume, and so on, at a much faster rate than they are currently. Again this week I've heard concerns from surgeons—one of the royal colleges—that this isn't happening still to the extent that it's needed.

It might be understandable that the publication of referral-to-treatment data was suspended at the beginning of the pandemic, but here we are now on the last day of September and the last available data was published in March, and those were figures for January. RTT data provides a crucial insight into how long people are in the system, how long they're waiting, across all health boards, all specialities. And with elective services across Wales, we know, decimated by the outbreak, without the data we have no way of knowing the scale of the backlog problems we're facing within NHS Wales. And every statistic is a patient, waiting in pain, quite often. So, now that we're over six months into the pandemic, will you urgently make this data publicly available?

Ond mae yna bobl sydd eisoes yn y system ac sydd wedi wynebu taith lawer hwy nag y byddai wedi bod. A byddwch wedi fy nghlywed yn gwneud galwadau mynych am yr angen i strwythuro gwasanaethau mewn ffordd a fydd yn caniatáu i driniaethau ailddechrau, i wasanaethau diagnosis ailddechrau, ac yn y blaen, yn llawer cyflymach nag ar hyn o bryd. Unwaith eto yr wythnos hon rwyf wedi clywed pryderon gan lawfeddygon—un o'r colegau brenhinol—nad yw hyn yn digwydd i'r graddau sydd ei angen o hyd.

Efallai ei bod yn ddealladwy fod camau i gyhoeddi data rhwng atgyfeirio a thriniaeth wedi'u gohirio ar ddechrau'r pandemig, ond dyma ni bellach ar ddiwrnod olaf mis Medi a chyhoeddwyd y data diwethaf a oedd ar gael ym mis Mawrth, a ffigurau ar gyfer mis Ionawr oedd y rheini. Mae data rhwng atgyfeirio a thriniaeth yn rhoi cipolwg hollbwysig ar ba mor hir y mae pobl yn y system, am ba hyd y maent yn aros, ar draws pob bwrdd iechyd, ym mhob arbenigedd. Ac fel y gwyddom, gyda gwasanaethau dewisol ledled Cymru wedi'u cyfyngu'n aruthrol gan y pandemig, heb y data nid oes gennym unrhyw ffordd o wybod maint yr ôl-groniad rydym yn ei wynebu yn GIG Cymru. Ac mae pob ystadegyn yn glaf yn aros mewn poen yn aml iawn. Felly, gan ein bod bellach dros chwe mis i mewn i'r pandemig, a wnewch chi sicrhau bod y data ar gael i'r cyhoedd ar fyrder?


In health committee this morning, I and the chief executive of NHS Wales, Dr Goodall, provided a range of information about the scale of the backlog that has built up and the range of that backlog. I'll certainly look to see how and when we release information to provide more detail on that. I think returning to publishing RTT figures and percentages would be incredibly unhelpful, because it would give the impression that the NHS is somehow failing, when actually it is about how we're managing to cope with the demand that is coming through and a very different way of working. We're not in a position where we're going to be able to eat into that backlog through the winter. We're still in the mode of surviving the pandemic and maintaining as much activity as possible, but I've been very upfront about the fact that that means that we won't undertake the same level of activity. It would be wholly unrealistic, and set an impossibly unfair task for the NHS, to demand that it both prepares for and manages the pandemic, which is not finished, and eats into the waiting times that have built up. That's not just the picture here in Wales; it's right across the UK, and I'm sure you'll have noticed comments from the Royal College of Surgeons in response to the NHS Confederation report about England and the challenges they face, where they've been sharply critical of an attempt to eat into the backlog when actually their staff haven't had a rest following the first phase of the pandemic.

So, I still believe it will take pretty much a full Welsh Parliament term to get back on top of the activity that has not taken place, about the fact that people wearing additional PPE cannot undertake the same amount of activity as we would have expected in February this year. So, I'll happily go away and look again at how we provide information to inform people about the scale of where we are, not just people who want to read the transcript from this morning's evidence session with the committee, but to see how we do that in a way that is regular and reliable for members of the public and, indeed, of course, elected representatives. 

Yn y pwyllgor iechyd y bore yma, darparais i a phrif weithredwr GIG Cymru, Dr Goodall, ystod o wybodaeth am faint yr ôl-groniad sydd wedi datblygu ac amrywiaeth yr ôl-groniad hwnnw. Byddaf yn sicr yn edrych i weld sut a phryd y byddwn yn rhyddhau gwybodaeth i roi mwy o fanylion am hynny. Rwy'n credu y byddai dychwelyd at gyhoeddi ffigurau a chanrannau rhwng atgyfeirio a thriniaeth yn hynod o ddi-fudd am y byddai'n rhoi'r argraff bod y GIG rywsut yn methu, pan fo'n ymwneud mewn gwirionedd â sut rydym yn llwyddo i ymdopi â'r galw a ffordd wahanol iawn o weithio. Nid ydym mewn sefyllfa lle byddwn yn gallu lleihau'r ôl-groniad hwnnw drwy'r gaeaf. Rydym yn dal i fod yn ceisio goroesi'r pandemig a chynnal cymaint o weithgarwch â phosibl, ond rwyf wedi bod yn agored iawn fod hynny'n golygu na fyddwn yn ymgymryd â'r un lefel o weithgarwch. Byddai'n gwbl afrealistig, ac yn gosod tasg amhosibl o annheg i'r GIG, i fynnu eu bod yn paratoi ar gyfer y pandemig ac yn ei reoli, er nad yw wedi dod i ben, ac yn lleihau'r amseroedd aros sydd wedi datblygu. Nid y darlun yma yng Nghymru yn unig yw hwnnw; mae'n digwydd ar draws y DU, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwch wedi nodi sylwadau gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon mewn ymateb i adroddiad Cydffederasiwn y GIG am Loegr a'r heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu, lle maent wedi bod yn feirniadol iawn o ymgais i leihau'r ôl-groniad pan nad yw eu staff wedi cael seibiant yn dilyn cyfnod cyntaf y pandemig.

Felly, rwy'n dal i gredu y bydd yn cymryd tymor Senedd Cymru llawn i ymdrin â'r gweithgarwch nad yw wedi digwydd, a'r ffaith na all pobl sy'n gwisgo cyfarpar diogelu personol ychwanegol gyflawni'r un faint o weithgarwch ag y byddem wedi'i ddisgwyl ym mis Chwefror eleni. Felly, rwy'n hapus i edrych eto ar sut rydym yn darparu gwybodaeth i roi gwybod i bobl ynglŷn â maint y sefyllfa rydym ynddi, nid dim ond y bobl sydd am ddarllen y trawsgrifiad o'r sesiwn dystiolaeth y bore yma gyda'r pwyllgor, ond i aelodau'r cyhoedd, a chynrychiolwyr etholedig wrth gwrs, allu gweld sut rydym yn gwneud hynny mewn ffordd sy'n rheolaidd ac yn ddibynadwy.

Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies. 

The Conservative spokesperson, Andrew R.T. Davies. 

Thank you, Presiding Officer. Minister, in the news today we've seen the outbreak at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, and tragically eight people have been reported as losing their lives. We send our condolences to the families of the ones who have lost their lives. There are 83 cases of COVID at that hospital. Earlier in the year, we had an outbreak at Wrexham Maelor Hospital. Both hospitals have major accident and emergency departments for their particular areas, of which we have 13 across Wales. Can you highlight today if there are any similarities between the two outbreaks and, if there are similarities, how will you ensure that this doesn't occur in other A&E receiving hospitals? Because as we go into the winter months, obviously we know what winter pressures do, but with the disruption an outbreak like this causes, as well as the tragedy of loss of life and the general upset that it causes, this is something that we want to avoid at the other hospitals across Wales. 

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn y newyddion heddiw rydym wedi gweld y clwstwr o achosion yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg, ac yn drasig dywedwyd bod wyth o bobl wedi colli eu bywydau. Anfonwn ein cydymdeimlad at deuluoedd y rhai sydd wedi colli eu bywydau. Mae 83 o achosion o COVID yn yr ysbyty hwnnw. Yn gynharach yn y flwyddyn, cawsom nifer o achosion yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam. Mae gan y ddau ysbyty adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys mawr ar gyfer eu hardaloedd, ac mae gennym 13 o adrannau o'r fath ledled Cymru. A allwch ddweud heddiw p'un a oes unrhyw debygrwydd rhwng y ddau glwstwr o achosion ac os oes tebygrwydd, sut y gallwch sicrhau na fydd hyn yn digwydd mewn ysbytai eraill sydd ag adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys? Oherwydd wrth inni nesu at fisoedd y gaeaf, mae'n amlwg ein bod yn gwybod beth y mae pwysau'r gaeaf yn ei wneud, ond gyda'r aflonyddwch y mae clwstwr o achosion fel hyn yn ei achosi, yn ogystal â thrasiedi colli bywyd a'r gofid cyffredinol y mae'n ei achosi, mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydym am ei osgoi yn yr ysbytai eraill ledled Cymru.

I think there are differences as well as similarities. So, we picked up the issues in Wrexham Maelor, and we definitely learnt from what happened in Wrexham Maelor, about the need for clear executive leadership and for buy-in across the staff group for the measures that would need to be taken, about prompt isolation and reinforcing enhanced infection prevention and control measures. So, our whole system learnt a lot from what happened within Wrexham Maelor, and those lessons are being applied within the Royal Glamorgan. That is why we are, for example, testing staff who work on that site, it's why a number of wards have been closed, it's why there's an early diversion of activity away from that hospital, to allow the hospital to manage and to recover, and it's why there's been a reinforcement of the need to test patients on admission, whether emergency or elective.

It's also the case that some of the transmission in the Royal Glamorgan, as with Wrexham Maelor, came from transmission within the hospital, whether between patients or staff. What is different, though, about the Royal Glamorgan is that we have a higher reservoir of coronavirus within the surrounding community. So, a number of people have come into the hospital and needed treatment because of coronavirus, and we also know that some transmission has taken place within the hospital itself. There are risks for every hospital and closed environment if coronavirus takes hold within the staff or the group of people who are either being cared for or living within that environment. It's why we continue with our testing programme in care homes. I expect that we'll not just have more information from the health board, but there'll be a continued focus on whether the infection rate peaks, as it did in the Maelor, and recovers, and how long that will last for. So, I'm expecting to have regular updates from the health board themselves about the picture within the Royal Glamorgan each day. And I know that the chief executive of the health board is expecting to make further statements to the press about the measures that have been taken and the action, including, as I said, the diversion of patients away from that site. 

Rwy'n credu bod yna wahaniaethau yn ogystal â thebygrwydd. Nodasom y problemau yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam, ac yn sicr, fe wnaethom ddysgu o'r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam, am yr angen am arweinyddiaeth weithredol glir a chefnogaeth y grŵp staff yn ei gyfanrwydd i'r mesurau y byddai angen eu cymryd, ynglŷn ag ynysu prydlon ac atgyfnerthu mesurau estynedig ar gyfer atal a rheoli heintiau. Felly, dysgodd ein system gyfan lawer o'r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam, ac mae'r gwersi hynny'n cael eu cymhwyso yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg. Dyna pam ein bod, er enghraifft, yn cynnal profion ar y staff sy'n gweithio ar y safle hwnnw, dyna pam y caewyd nifer o wardiau, dyna pam y cafodd gweithgarwch ei ddargyfeirio'n gynnar o'r ysbyty, i ganiatáu i'r ysbyty reoli ac ymadfer, a dyna pam yr atgyfnerthwyd yr angen i gynnal profion ar gleifion wrth eu derbyn, boed yn gleifion triniaeth frys neu driniaeth ddewisol.

Mae hefyd yn wir fod rhywfaint o'r trosglwyddiad yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg, fel gydag Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam, yn deillio o drosglwyddiad o fewn yr ysbyty, rhwng cleifion neu staff. Yr hyn sy'n wahanol, serch hynny, am Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg yw bod gennym gronfa fwy o'r coronafeirws yn y gymuned gyfagos. Felly, mae nifer o bobl wedi dod i mewn i'r ysbyty ac angen triniaeth oherwydd coronafeirws, a gwyddom hefyd fod rhywfaint o drosglwyddiad wedi digwydd yn yr ysbyty ei hun. Mae risgiau ym mhob ysbyty ac amgylchedd caeedig os yw'r coronafeirws yn lledaenu ymhlith y staff neu'r grŵp o bobl sydd naill ai'n derbyn gofal neu'n byw yn yr amgylchedd hwnnw. Dyna pam ein bod yn parhau â'n rhaglen brofi mewn cartrefi gofal. Rwy'n disgwyl y cawn fwy o wybodaeth gan y bwrdd iechyd, ac y bydd ffocws parhaus hefyd ar weld a fydd y gyfradd heintio'n cyrraedd penllanw, fel y gwnaeth yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam, ac yn gwella, a pha mor hir y bydd hynny'n para. Felly, rwy'n disgwyl cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf yn rheolaidd gan y bwrdd iechyd ei hun am y darlun yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg bob dydd. A gwn fod prif weithredwr y bwrdd iechyd yn disgwyl gwneud datganiadau pellach i'r wasg am y mesurau sydd wedi'u cymryd a'r camau gweithredu, gan gynnwys dargyfeirio cleifion o'r safle hwnnw fel y dywedais. 


Thank you for that answer, Minister. As you highlighted, the reservoir in the local community is obviously one issue that does need to be understood, and the transmission into the hospital as well as in the hospital itself. Just this afternoon, we've had information from Public Health Wales that they've become aware of 2,000 test results that they were completely unaware of, and, obviously, when you're trying to understand local data, being able to understand the test results is a critical component of being able to track the virus in communities. Today, I welcome the news, obviously, that Rhondda, for example, and Merthyr have got their own local maps now that show the level of infection rates in those communities—something that I've been calling on you to bring forward for the rest of Wales. So, clearly you have that information. There are two parts to this, if I may seek assurances from you: can you enlighten us more as to these 2,000 results that Public Health Wales have been made aware of, as to why the system didn't alert Public Health Wales to the outcome of those test results, given their importance; and secondly, will you commit to making that data available that Merthyr are highlighting today and Rhondda are highlighting today about infection rates in local communities so that people can understand the prevalence of the virus within their communities?

Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Fel y dywedoch, mae cronfa'r haint yn y gymuned leol yn amlwg yn un mater y mae angen ei ddeall, a'i drosglwyddiad i'r ysbyty yn ogystal ag o fewn yr ysbyty ei hun. Y prynhawn yma, rydym wedi cael gwybodaeth gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru eu bod wedi dod yn ymwybodol o 2,000 o ganlyniadau profion nad oeddent yn ymwybodol ohonynt o gwbl, ac yn amlwg, pan fyddwch yn ceisio deall data lleol, mae gallu deall canlyniadau profion yn elfen hanfodol o allu olrhain y feirws mewn cymunedau. Heddiw, rwy'n croesawu'r newyddion wrth gwrs fod gan Rhondda, er enghraifft, a Merthyr Tudful eu mapiau lleol eu hunain yn awr sy'n dangos lefel y cyfraddau heintio yn y cymunedau hynny—rhywbeth y bûm yn galw arnoch i'w gyflwyno ar gyfer gweddill Cymru. Felly, mae'n amlwg fod y wybodaeth honno gennych. Mae dwy ran i hyn, os caf ofyn am sicrwydd gennych: a allwch ein goleuo ynglŷn â'r 2,000 o ganlyniadau y mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi cael gwybod amdanynt, pam na wnaeth y system dynnu sylw Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru at y canlyniadau hynny, o ystyried eu pwysigrwydd; ac yn ail, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod y data y mae Merthyr Tudful a Rhondda yn tynnu sylw ato heddiw ar gael ynglŷn â chyfraddau heintio mewn cymunedau lleol fel y gall pobl ddeall pa mor gyffredin yw'r feirws yn eu cymunedau?

On the second point, I have already indicated that I am looking to see how we can regularise the provision of that information so that it's not just ad hoc. And we're looking at what Public Health Wales already publish to give people the understanding of what is taking place on a local level. And it's not just the Rhondda area; it's actually the whole of Rhondda Cynon Taf where I think they're producing maps showing the rates that exist, together with Merthyr. I think it would be useful to provide that information on a regular and predictable basis. So, I am already looking at how we do that and to see what is already provided by Public Health Wales.

On your first point, unfortunately this has been a data glitch with lighthouse labs. The data haven't come in to NHS Wales Informatics Service to provide to Public Health Wales, and so Public Health Wales have alerted us to the fact they're awaiting those some 2,000 lighthouse lab test results. It's a matter that has been taken up through our normal management and information arrangements with colleagues in the UK testing programme. As soon as those figures are available, we'll need to make sure we understand where they are and how far back those test results go as well, because we have had some improvement in the turnaround delays in lighthouse lab test results, and so I'll want to understand how that tracks back and changes our understanding of the shifting picture of positive coronavirus cases across Wales. So, it's certainly not ideal, but, as I say, I expect us to resolve that with the people responsible for the lighthouse lab testing programme. 

Ar yr ail bwynt, rwyf eisoes wedi dweud fy mod yn edrych i weld sut y gallwn sicrhau bod y wybodaeth honno'n cael ei darparu'n rheolaidd fel nad ar sail ad hoc yn unig y mae'n digwydd. Ac rydym yn edrych ar yr hyn y mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru eisoes yn ei gyhoeddi i adael i bobl wybod beth sy'n digwydd ar lefel leol. Ac nid ardal Rhondda'n unig; rwy'n credu bod Rhondda Cynon Taf i gyd yn cynhyrchu mapiau sy'n dangos y cyfraddau sy'n bodoli, yn ogystal â Merthyr Tudful. Credaf y byddai'n ddefnyddiol darparu'r wybodaeth honno ar sail reolaidd yn ôl y disgwyl. Felly, rwyf eisoes yn edrych ar sut y gwnawn hynny ac i weld beth y mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru eisoes yn ei ddarparu.

Ar eich pwynt cyntaf, yn anffodus gwelwyd nam yn y data o'r labordai goleudy. Nid yw'r data wedi dod i mewn i Wasanaeth Gwybodeg GIG Cymru i'w ddarparu i Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, ac felly mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi ein hysbysu eu bod yn aros am yr oddeutu 2,000 o ganlyniadau profion o'r labordai goleudy. Mae'n fater a godwyd drwy ein trefniadau rheoli a gwybodaeth arferol gyda chydweithwyr yn rhaglen brofi'r DU. Cyn gynted ag y bydd y ffigurau hynny ar gael, bydd angen inni sicrhau ein bod yn deall ble maent a pha mor bell yn ôl y mae'r canlyniadau hynny'n mynd hefyd, gan ein bod wedi gweld peth gwelliant o ran yr oedi cyn darparu canlyniadau'r labordai goleudy, ac felly byddaf am ddeall sut y mae hynny'n mynd yn ôl ac yn newid ein dealltwriaeth o'r darlun sy'n newid o achosion positif o'r coronafeirws ledled Cymru. Felly, yn sicr nid yw'n ddelfrydol, ond fel y dywedais, rwy'n disgwyl y gwnawn ni ddatrys hynny gyda'r bobl sy'n gyfrifol am raglen brofi'r labordai goleudy.

Earlier in the response to my questions, you highlighted, and I highlighted to you, the disruption that's been caused by the outbreak at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital to services, and today in the news we're hearing that a million breast cancer screening appointments have been lost because of the COVID outbreak across the whole of the United Kingdom. What's really important is when GPs, obviously, have concerns and refer patients into the health system, people get the diagnostic tests that they require and then the treatment within the NHS. In Neath Port Talbot, there is already a rapid diagnostic centre that is available for such a service, but obviously we need such centres across the rest of Wales. Can you commit today to the rapid expansion of the rapid diagnostic centres, so that GPs do have that option and so that when patients are suspected of having further inquiries required when it comes to cancer procedures, they can get into the system, have the diagnosis and either get the all-clear or progress within the health service, in whatever part of Wales they live? Because we all know that, when it comes to cancer, time is of the essence, and if we do have disruption in the service, as we do because of COVID, then we need to use the best practice that's available to us, and I would suggest that rapid diagnostic centres are one of those avenues that need to be opened up. 

Yn gynharach yn yr ymateb i fy nghwestiynau, fe wnaethoch dynnu sylw, ac fe wnes innau dynnu eich sylw chi at yr aflonyddwch y mae'r clwstwr o achosion yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg yn ei achosi i wasanaethau, a heddiw yn y newyddion clywn fod miliwn o apwyntiadau sgrinio canser y fron wedi'u colli oherwydd y pandemig COVID ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. Yn amlwg, pan fydd gan feddygon teulu bryderon a'u bod yn atgyfeirio cleifion at y system iechyd, mae'n bwysig iawn fod pobl yn cael y profion diagnostig sydd eu hangen arnynt ac yna'r driniaeth o fewn y GIG. Yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot, mae canolfan ddiagnosteg gyflym eisoes ar gael ar gyfer gwasanaeth o'r fath, ond mae'n amlwg fod angen canolfannau o'r fath ledled gweddill Cymru. A wnewch chi ymrwymo heddiw i ehangu'r canolfannau diagnosteg cyflym ar fyrder, er mwyn i feddygon teulu gael yr opsiwn hwnnw ac fel bod cleifion, pan amheuir bod angen archwiliadau pellach arnynt mewn perthynas â thriniaethau canser, yn gallu mynd i mewn i'r system, cael y diagnosis a chael gwybod naill ai nad oes canser arnynt neu symud ymlaen o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd, ble bynnag y maent yn byw yng Nghymru? Oherwydd rydym i gyd yn gwybod, mewn perthynas â chanser, fod amser yn hollbwysig, ac os ceir aflonyddwch yn y gwasanaeth, fel y gwyddom sy'n digwydd yn sgil COVID, mae angen inni ddefnyddio'r arferion gorau sydd ar gael i ni, a byddwn yn awgrymu bod canolfannau diagnosteg cyflym yn un o'r llwybrau y mae angen eu hagor.

Two points: the first is that we have already restarted screening services, as I've previously reported back to Members. The second is: you may not have picked this up, but Tom Crosby has confirmed that there has been agreement within NHS Wales to roll out a national programme of diagnostic centres, following the trials that have been undertaken in Neath Port Talbot and, actually, at the Royal Glamorgan, at the diagnostic hub there as well. So, I will be providing proper detail to Members on the detail of that roll-out programme, but it's a good opportunity to say that the trial that we've been running in Wales has been successful, and we expect that to take place in a national roll-out. So, I think perhaps we're already half a step ahead of the question that's been asked today. 

Dau bwynt: y cyntaf yw ein bod eisoes wedi ailgychwyn gwasanaethau sgrinio, fel y soniais wrth yr Aelodau eisoes. Yr ail yw: efallai nad ydych wedi nodi hyn, ond mae Tom Crosby wedi cadarnhau y cafwyd cytundeb o fewn GIG Cymru i gyflwyno rhaglen genedlaethol o ganolfannau diagnosteg, yn dilyn y treialon a gynhaliwyd yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot, ac yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg mewn gwirionedd, yn y ganolfan ddiagnosteg yno hefyd. Felly, byddaf yn rhoi manylion priodol i'r Aelodau am y rhaglen gyflwyno honno, ond mae'n gyfle da i ddweud bod y treial y buom yn ei gynnal yng Nghymru wedi bod yn llwyddiannus, ac rydym yn disgwyl i hynny ddigwydd yn genedlaethol. Felly, rwy'n meddwl efallai ein bod eisoes hanner cam ar y blaen i'r cwestiwn a ofynnwyd heddiw.

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda
Hywel Dda University Health Board

3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ailddechrau gwasanaethau yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda? OQ55587

3. Will the Minister make a statement on the resumption of services in the Hywel Dda University Health Board area? OQ55587

Yes. We recognise the challenge of delivering essential services and routine surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Management information indicates that treatment activity is around 40 to 50 per cent of that pre the COVID pandemic. Face-to-face out-patient activity is around just over half but it is increasing each month. We continue to see changes in the delivery of services, with virtual review in both new and follow-up out-patient appointments significantly increasing by a factor of 700 per cent, when comparing March 2020 to our current understanding of September 2020 figures. 

Gwnaf. Rydym yn cydnabod yr her o ddarparu gwasanaethau hanfodol a llawdriniaethau rheolaidd yn ystod pandemig COVID-19. Mae gwybodaeth reoli yn dangos bod gweithgarwch triniaeth tua 40 i 50 y cant o'r hyn ydoedd cyn y pandemig COVID. Mae gweithgarwch cleifion allanol wyneb yn wyneb ychydig dros hanner yr hyn ydoedd ond mae'n cynyddu bob mis. Rydym yn parhau i weld newidiadau yn y modd y caiff gwasanaethau eu darparu, ac mae arolygiadau rhithwir mewn apwyntiadau newydd ac apwyntiadau dilynol i gleifion allanol wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol, 700 y cant, o gymharu mis Mawrth 2020 â'n dealltwriaeth bresennol o ffigurau mis Medi 2020.

Minister, I'm pleased, of course, to hear that the resumption of services is actually increasing, but I have been contacted by a constituent who is desperately waiting for her son to receive dental treatment and has been told by the local health board that the approximate waiting time is 81 weeks, despite being added to a priority theatre list. Now, I'm sure you'll agree with me that an 81-week wait is just completely unacceptable. Therefore, can you tell us what discussions the Welsh Government is having with health boards about exploring other avenues for patients to receive treatment, such as outsourcing, so that constituents like mine are not facing an 81-week wait? 

Weinidog, rwy'n falch o glywed, wrth gwrs, fod lefelau ailddechrau gwasanaethau'n cynyddu mewn gwirionedd, ond mae etholwr wedi cysylltu â mi i ddweud ei bod yn aros i'w mab gael triniaeth ddeintyddol ac wedi cael gwybod gan y bwrdd iechyd lleol mai 81 wythnos yw'r amser aros yn fras, er iddo gael ei ychwanegu at restr flaenoriaethol ar gyfer cael triniaeth theatr. Nawr, rwy'n siŵr y cytunwch fod aros 81 wythnos yn gwbl annerbyniol. Felly, a allwch ddweud wrthym pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cael gyda byrddau iechyd ynglŷn ag archwilio ffyrdd eraill i gleifion gael triniaeth, megis rhoi triniaethau ar gontract allanol, fel nad yw etholwyr fel fy un i'n wynebu amser aros o 81 wythnos?

In terms of the specifics, I think it would help—and I'd be happy to look at this—to have the specifics of the matter that the Member raises from his constituent, to understand the detail behind that and to be able to provide a more useful answer about that constituent. I want to be helpful in being able to do so. 

On the broader point about the waits that exist, there isn't huge capacity within the independent sector here in Wales, and the challenge is, as we move through the pandemic, how the independent sector is already looking to maximise the work that it undertakes individually, and, indeed, we still have provision with the independent sector to help us as part of our winter protection plan and the ability to have surge capacity. It will take a significant period of time to recover all of the activity that has been delayed as a result of the COVID pandemic. As I said in answer to earlier questions, the NHS Confederation report for England sets out a very similar picture in that nation about the range of activity and the length of time it will take to recover.

I think that the objective view would be that everyone would understand that that is what has happened, with the significant loss of life that has already taken place and the risk for even more significant loss of life if we don't take measures to ensure that we don't suffer in the next phase of the coronavirus pandemic. But that does have a consequence for the rest of our national health service activity. The objective view may be on the one hand, but if you're somebody who is waiting a long period of time, and living with discomfort, for activity, that may not be of much comfort to you individually. That's why, in terms of recovery, once we get through the survival part of the pandemic and understanding of what we're going to be able to do to provide, hopefully, a vaccine or effective antiviral treatment, we will then have a significant task ahead of us in Wales and in every other UK nation to understand how we successfully recover that. And that's why, as I say, I think it will take pretty much a full Welsh Parliament term to get back on top of that. That's not scaremongering; that's me being straight and honest with people about the level of challenge we can all face up to. 

O ran y manylion, credaf y byddai'n helpu—a byddwn yn fodlon edrych ar hyn—i gael manylion y mater y mae'r Aelod yn ei godi am ei etholwr, i ddeall y manylion sy'n sail i hynny ac i allu rhoi ateb mwy defnyddiol am yr etholwr hwnnw. Rwyf am gynorthwyo gyda hynny.

Ar y pwynt ehangach am yr amseroedd aros, nid oes capasiti enfawr o fewn y sector annibynnol yma yng Nghymru, a'r her o hyd, wrth inni symud drwy'r pandemig, yw sut y mae'r sector annibynnol eisoes yn ceisio gwneud cymaint o waith ag y gall yn unigol, ac yn wir, mae gennym ddarpariaeth o hyd gyda'r sector annibynnol i'n helpu fel rhan o'n cynllun diogelu'r gaeaf a'r gallu i gael capasiti ymchwydd. Bydd yn cymryd cyfnod sylweddol o amser i adfer yr holl weithgarwch sydd wedi'i ohirio o ganlyniad i'r pandemig COVID. Fel y dywedais wrth ateb cwestiynau cynharach, mae adroddiad Cydffederasiwn y GIG ar gyfer Lloegr yn nodi darlun tebyg iawn yn y wlad honno am yr ystod o weithgarwch a'r amser y bydd yn ei gymryd i wella.

Credaf mai'r farn wrthrychol fyddai fod pawb yn deall mai dyna sydd wedi digwydd, gyda'r nifer sylweddol o fywydau a gollwyd eisoes a'r risg o golli cryn dipyn yn rhagor o fywydau hyd yn oed os na chaiff camau eu rhoi ar waith i sicrhau nad ydym yn dioddef yng nghyfnod nesaf y pandemig coronafeirws. Ond mae hynny'n creu canlyniadau i weddill ein gweithgarwch gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol. Efallai mai dyna'r farn wrthrychol, ond os ydych yn rhywun sy'n aros am gyfnod hir am driniaeth, ac yn byw gydag anghysur, efallai na fydd hynny o lawer o gysur i chi'n bersonol. Dyna pam y bydd gennym dasg sylweddol o'n blaenau yng Nghymru ac ym mhob gwlad arall yn y DU i ddeall sut y gallwn adfer hynny'n llwyddiannus ar ôl inni oroesi'r pandemig a chael dealltwriaeth o'r hyn y gallwn ei wneud i ddarparu brechlyn, gobeithio, neu driniaeth wrthfeirysol effeithiol. Ac fel y dywedaf, dyna pam rwy'n credu y bydd yn cymryd tymor Senedd Cymru llawn i ymdopi â hynny. Nid codi bwganod yw hynny; dyna fi'n bod yn ddidwyll ac yn onest gyda phobl am lefel yr her y gallwn i gyd ei hwynebu.

Marwolaethau o ganlyniad i COVID-19
Deaths due to COVID-19

4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am farwolaethau o ganlyniad i COVID-19 o fewn ysbytai yn y gogledd? OQ55618

4. Will the Minister make a statement on deaths due to COVID-19 in hospitals in north Wales? OQ55618

Thank you for the question. Data produced by the Office for National Statistics report that there were 460 deaths involving COVID-19 registered in Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board residents in hospitals by 29 September. Those are the most up-to-date figures I have available to me. 

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae data a gynhyrchwyd gan y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol yn adrodd bod 460 o farwolaethau'n gysylltiedig â COVID-19 wedi'u cofrestru ymhlith trigolion Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr mewn ysbytai hyd at 29 Medi. Dyna'r ffigurau diweddaraf sydd gennyf.

As large parts of the north move into local restrictions tomorrow, of course, we need assurances now from this Government that lessons have been learnt from this summer's outbreak in hospitals, such as Wrexham Maelor. Thirty two COVID-related deaths in six weeks—now, that isn't a criticism of front-line staff who have worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic, but it does raise serious questions about the Welsh Government and senior management's handling of the issue. People need to know why staff on COVID wards were sent back to work on other wards without being tested, why patients admitted to A&E were placed on wards before their COVID test results were back, why patients were released back to the community before their test results were known, why COVID-positive and COVID-negative patients were placed on the same ward. You go into hospital to get better, Minister, but that certainly wasn't the case for some people in Wrexham Maelor over the summer. So, given that Betsi Cadwaladr health board has been under your Government's direct control for the past five years, will you accept your part in this failure, and what steps are you now taking to make sure that that isn't repeated?

Wrth i rannau helaeth o'r gogledd symud i gyfyngiadau lleol yfory wrth gwrs, mae arnom angen sicrwydd yn awr gan y Llywodraeth hon fod gwersi wedi'u dysgu o'r clystyrau o achosion a gafwyd yr haf hwn mewn ysbytai megis Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam. Cafwyd 32 o farwolaethau'n gysylltiedig â COVID mewn chwe wythnos—nawr, nid yw'n feirniadaeth o staff y rheng flaen sydd wedi gweithio'n ddiflino drwy gydol y pandemig, ond mae'n codi cwestiynau difrifol am y ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru a'r uwch reolwyr yn ymdrin â'r mater. Mae angen i bobl wybod pam yr anfonwyd staff ar wardiau COVID yn ôl i weithio ar wardiau eraill heb gael eu profi, pam y gosodwyd cleifion a dderbyniwyd i adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys ar wardiau cyn i ganlyniadau eu profion COVID gael eu dychwelyd, pam y rhyddhawyd cleifion yn ôl i'r gymuned cyn cael gwybod beth oedd canlyniad eu profion, pam y gosodwyd cleifion COVID a chleifion heb COVID ar yr un ward. Rydych chi'n mynd i'r ysbyty i wella, Weinidog, ond yn sicr nid oedd hynny'n wir yn achos rhai o'r bobl yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam dros yr haf. Felly, o gofio bod bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr wedi bod dan reolaeth uniongyrchol eich Llywodraeth dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf, a wnewch chi dderbyn eich rhan yn y methiant hwn, a pha gamau a gymerwch yn awr i sicrhau nad yw hynny'n digwydd eto?


Well of course I have responsibility for the national health service here in Wales, and I'm proud to do so. When the health service gets things wrong, I'm the Minister responsible for the health service, just as when the health service makes a huge difference in saving lives and caring for people in the compassionate way that we've come to expect as a normal everyday reality of what our health service does the overwhelming majority of the time.

As I indicated in answer to Andrew R.T. Davies's questions earlier, we definitely have learned from the outbreak in Wrexham Maelor earlier in the summer, and those lessons are being applied in the Royal Glamorgan at present. It's important we continue to learn as the coronavirus pandemic continues. So, the leadership from Gill Harris in particular, as the nurse director, now acting chief executive until the new chief executive arrives later in the year, was particularly important, as was the way that stakeholders were brought together—not just the leadership team, but also the staff and trade union representatives—and the communications with families.

The risks for this particular virus are real and significant, and every one of these particular outbreaks—whether in a care home, a hospital or in community transmission—highlights the risks and why it's important for our healthcare professionals to adhere to the best infection prevention and control advice, and also why members of the public need to help them in doing so. So, there are, of course, lessons to learn, and I think it may be helpful, in terms of not just the Member's question, but, potentially, in dealing with the committee, to set out and highlight what we think some of those lessons learnt are as we go through the Cwm Taf Morgannwg challenges in the Royal Glamorgan at present, and to understand where we think there is room for improvement and what that means. You'll already see, though, that the chief medical officer's department has already written to all health boards reiterating a range of guidance and advice, and indeed the chief nursing officer has also reiterated the advice and expectations on infection prevention and control across the whole service.

Wel, wrth gwrs, fi sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol yma yng Nghymru, ac rwy'n falch o wneud hynny. Pan fydd y gwasanaeth iechyd yn gwneud pethau'n anghywir, fi yw'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth iechyd, yn union fel pan fydd y gwasanaeth iechyd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr yn achub bywydau a gofalu am bobl yn y ffordd dosturiol rydym wedi dod i'w disgwyl fel realiti arferol bob dydd yr hyn y mae ein gwasanaeth iechyd yn ei wneud am y mwyafrif helaeth o'r amser.

Fel y dywedais wrth ateb cwestiynau Andrew R.T. Davies yn gynharach, rydym yn bendant wedi dysgu o'r achosion yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam yn gynharach yn yr haf, ac mae'r gwersi hynny'n cael eu cymhwyso yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn parhau i ddysgu wrth i'r pandemig coronafeirws barhau. Felly, roedd yr arweinyddiaeth gan Gill Harris yn benodol, fel y cyfarwyddwr nyrsio, sydd bellach yn brif weithredwr dros dro nes i'r prif weithredwr newydd gyrraedd yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn, yn arbennig o bwysig, fel roedd y ffordd y daethpwyd â rhanddeiliaid at ei gilydd—nid y tîm arwain yn unig, ond y staff a chynrychiolwyr undebau llafur hefyd—a'r modd y cyfathrebwyd â theuluoedd.

Mae risgiau'r feirws hwn yn real ac yn sylweddol, ac mae pob un o'r clystyrau hyn—boed mewn cartref gofal, ysbyty neu drwy drosglwyddiad cymunedol—yn amlygu'r risgiau a pham ei bod yn bwysig i'n gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol gadw at y cyngor gorau ar atal a rheoli heintiau, a hefyd pam y mae angen i aelodau o'r cyhoedd eu helpu i wneud hynny. Felly, wrth gwrs, mae gwersi i'w dysgu, a chredaf y gallai fod yn ddefnyddiol, nid yn unig mewn perthynas â chwestiwn yr Aelod, ond wrth ymwneud â'r pwyllgor o bosibl, inni nodi ac amlygu'r hyn y credwn yw rhai o'r gwersi a ddysgwyd wrth inni fynd drwy'r heriau y mae Cwm Taf Morgannwg yn eu hwynebu yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg ar hyn o bryd, a deall lle credwn fod lle i wella a beth y mae hynny'n ei olygu. Fe fyddwch eisoes yn gweld, serch hynny, fod adran y prif swyddog meddygol eisoes wedi ysgrifennu at bob bwrdd iechyd yn ailadrodd amrywiaeth o ganllawiau a chyngor, ac yn wir mae'r prif swyddog nyrsio hefyd wedi ailadrodd y cyngor a'r disgwyliadau mewn perthynas ag atal a rheoli heintiau ar draws y gwasanaeth cyfan.

I've been contacted by ambulance staff in north-east Wales concerned that the lack of ambulance staff testing could contribute to deaths due to COVID-19 in hospitals in north Wales. When I pursued this with the Welsh ambulance NHS trust, the chief executive stated that for asymptomatic ambulance personnel, testing is deemed neither appropriate nor reliable. Their deputy chief executive said, 'If and when the scientific evidence supports repeated testing of asymptomatic individuals, then it will become Welsh Government policy and will be adopted by us at that point'. How, therefore, do you respond to the statement to me by these ambulance staff that although it's of paramount importance that ambulance crews are protected from the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, most ambulance crews have not once been routinely tested, and only symptomatic staff have been given tests? Surely the scientific evidence that necessitates testing for care home staff would apply to ambulance crews, who also work in close proximity to the elderly, the vulnerable and patients with serious underlying health issues who could die in hospital?

Mae staff ambiwlans yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru wedi cysylltu â mi i fynegi pryder y gallai diffyg profion i staff ambiwlans gyfrannu at farwolaethau COVID-19 mewn ysbytai yng ngogledd Cymru. Pan euthum ar drywydd hyn gydag ymddiriedolaeth ambiwlans GIG Cymru, dywedodd y prif weithredwr nad ystyrir bod cynnal profion ar bersonél ambiwlans asymptomatig yn briodol nac yn ddibynadwy. Dywedodd eu dirprwy brif weithredwr, 'Os a phan fo'r dystiolaeth wyddonol yn cefnogi profion mynych i unigolion asymptomatig, bydd yn dod yn bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru a chaiff ei fabwysiadu gennym bryd hynny'. Felly, sut rydych chi'n ymateb i'r hyn a ddywedodd y staff ambiwlans wrthyf, sef, er ei bod o'r pwys mwyaf fod criwiau ambiwlans yn cael eu diogelu rhag trosglwyddiad y feirws COVID-19, nad yw'r rhan fwyaf o griwiau ambiwlans wedi cael unrhyw brawf rheolaidd, ac mai staff sy'n dangos symptomau yn unig sydd wedi cael profion? Does bosibl na fyddai'r dystiolaeth wyddonol sy'n mynnu bod angen cynnal profion ar staff cartrefi gofal yn berthnasol i griwiau ambiwlans, sydd hefyd yn gweithio'n agos at bobl hŷn, pobl agored i niwed a chleifion â phroblemau iechyd isorweddol difrifol a allai farw yn yr ysbyty?

The statements of the chief exec and the deputy chief exec are correct. The current scientific and medical evidence does not support the wholesale testing of asymptomatic ambulance staff. If it did, we would shift our position and make sure that we have the capacity deployed in accordance with that advice. The surveillance testing of care home staff has been something that has provided confidence in the sector, and meant that we have been able to deliver not just the testing for people that go into residential care, in particular when discharged from hospital, but that the staff themselves feel protected and we've been able to understand where outbreaks are taking place. The special vulnerability of care home residents is a different factor to the way that paramedics undertake their jobs and the range of people they come into contact with. It’s also a fact that we don't see the same level of staff change within direct contact when it comes to the ambulance service and dealing with people within the community. That isn't really a comparable position to the regular teams of people that need to care for people in care homes. It is the case that if the evidence changes, we will, of course, be happy to shift our position. There's nothing inconsistent with the current policy decision and the best, most up-to-date scientific evidence and advice.

Mae datganiadau'r prif weithredwr a'r dirprwy brif weithredwr yn gywir. Nid yw'r dystiolaeth wyddonol a meddygol bresennol yn cefnogi cynnal profion cyffredinol ar staff ambiwlans asymptomatig. Pe bai'n gwneud hynny, byddem yn newid ein safbwynt ac yn sicrhau bod y capasiti'n cael ei ddefnyddio gennym yn unol â'r cyngor hwnnw. Mae profion cadw golwg ar gyfer staff cartrefi gofal wedi sicrhau hyder yn y sector, ac wedi golygu ein bod wedi gallu darparu profion i bobl sy'n mynd i mewn i ofal preswyl, yn enwedig pan gânt eu rhyddhau o'r ysbyty, a bod y staff eu hunain yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u diogelu a'n bod wedi gallu deall ble mae achosion yn digwydd. Mae natur arbennig o fregus preswylwyr cartrefi gofal yn ffactor gwahanol i'r ffordd y mae parafeddygon yn gwneud eu gwaith a'r amrywiaeth o bobl y dônt i gysylltiad â hwy. Mae hefyd yn ffaith nad ydym yn gweld yr un lefel o newid staff o fewn cysylltiad uniongyrchol yn y gwasanaeth ambiwlans ac o ymdrin â phobl yn y gymuned. Nid yw honno'n sefyllfa y gellir ei chymharu mewn gwirionedd â'r timau rheolaidd o bobl sydd eu hangen i ofalu am bobl mewn cartrefi gofal. Os bydd y dystiolaeth yn newid byddwn yn hapus i newid ein safbwynt wrth gwrs. Nid oes dim sy'n anghyson â'r penderfyniad polisi presennol a'r dystiolaeth a'r cyngor gwyddonol gorau a diweddaraf.

Unigrwydd Ymhlith Pobl Hŷn
Loneliness Among Older People

5. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â phroblem unigrwydd ymhlith pobl hŷn? OQ55583

5. What action is the Welsh Government taking to tackle the problem of loneliness among older people? OQ55583

The Deputy Minister to respond.

Y Dirprwy Weinidog i ymateb.

We have provided £400,000 to Age Cymru to establish a national telephone befriending service to provide emotional support to older people. We've also worked with local government and the third sector to ensure that wider practical and emotional support is in place, such as digital inclusion and buddy schemes. 

Rydym wedi darparu £400,000 i Age Cymru i sefydlu gwasanaeth cyfeillio cenedlaethol dros y ffôn i ddarparu cymorth emosiynol i bobl hŷn. Rydym hefyd wedi gweithio gyda llywodraeth leol a'r trydydd sector i sicrhau bod cymorth ymarferol ac emosiynol ehangach ar waith, megis cynlluniau cynhwysiant digidol a chyfeillio.

Can I thank the Minister for her response? Many older people, especially those living alone, are suffering from loneliness. Will the Government promote Zoom sessions for those who are living on their own so they can see and talk to their friends when they have access to ICT? And also, can more be done to increase the number of people getting the benefit from Age Cymru's excellent telephone befriender service?

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei hymateb? Mae llawer o bobl hŷn, yn enwedig rhai sy'n byw ar eu pen eu hunain, yn dioddef o unigrwydd. A wnaiff y Llywodraeth hyrwyddo sesiynau Zoom i'r rhai sy'n byw ar eu pen eu hunain er mwyn iddynt allu gweld a siarad â'u ffrindiau pan fydd TGCh ar gael iddynt? A hefyd, a ellir gwneud mwy i gynyddu nifer y bobl sy'n cael budd o wasanaeth cyfeillio dros y ffôn ardderchog Age Cymru?

I thank Mike Hedges very much for that question. I know that many people, including older people, are lonely. There are also many people not confident digitally, don't use the internet and don't have access to the appropriate devices, and that is why we did fund Age Cymru to establish a telephone befriending service, and as I said, we've given them £400,000 for the fund. We feel that the Friend in Need service is an excellent service, as Mike Hedges says, and our Welsh Government officials have worked with Age Cymru to ensure that links are made in each local authority to ensure that what Friend in Need supplies fits in with what the local authorities are doing as well. And then, through Digital Communities Wales, we are coordinating initiatives in local communities for people, including older people, to access skills and to have the motivation and the confidence to take part in Zoom meetings, as Mike Hedges says. But I think he's asked a very important question and we're certainly working on those ends. 

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Mike Hedges am y cwestiwn hwnnw. Gwn fod llawer o bobl, gan gynnwys pobl hŷn, yn unig. Ceir llawer o bobl hefyd nad ydynt yn hyderus yn ddigidol, nid ydynt yn defnyddio'r rhyngrwyd ac nid oes ganddynt fynediad at y dyfeisiau priodol, a dyna pam y gwnaethom ariannu Age Cymru i sefydlu gwasanaeth cyfeillio dros y ffôn, ac fel y dywedais, rydym wedi rhoi £400,000 iddynt ar gyfer y gronfa. Teimlwn fod y gwasanaeth Ffrind mewn Angen yn wasanaeth rhagorol, fel y dywed Mike Hedges, ac mae ein swyddogion yn Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gweithio gydag Age Cymru i sicrhau bod cysylltiadau'n cael eu gwneud ym mhob awdurdod lleol i sicrhau bod yr hyn y mae Ffrind mewn Angen yn ei ddarparu yn cyd-fynd â'r hyn y mae'r awdurdodau lleol yn ei wneud hefyd. A thrwy Cymunedau Digidol Cymru, rydym yn cydlynu mentrau mewn cymunedau lleol i bobl, gan gynnwys pobl hŷn, allu meithrin sgiliau a chael ysgogiad a hyder i gymryd rhan mewn cyfarfodydd Zoom, fel y dywed Mike Hedges. Ond rwy'n credu ei fod wedi gofyn cwestiwn pwysig iawn ac rydym yn sicr yn gweithio i'r perwyl hwnnw.

Deputy Minister, they say that often the loneliest place to be is in a crowd and you will know of the older people's commissioner's report that was issued earlier on care homes and loneliness, isolation, the whole blanket bans that we're having on care homes and how difficult it is with all the lockdowns. Before we go back down that road again, how can the Welsh Government ensure that this time around we can be far more compassionate and more targeted with how we treat each of the individuals that are involved in this scenario? Because we may have people in care homes, but there are an awful lot there who simply find it incredibly difficult to engage with the staff, incredibly difficult to engage with fellow care home residents—people who have got faculties, who do understand what is going on, it's that their bodies are not strong; their minds are absolutely fine. I've had distressing tale after distressing tale told to me of people who just felt so abandoned during the last lockdown and the blanket ban saying, 'You can't see the people you love, that's the end of the discussion', when they were locked up, or felt they were locked up, in their rooms on their own, with very little social contact with anyone.

Ddirprwy Weinidog, dywedant mai'r lle  mwyaf unig i fod ynddo yn aml iawn yw mewn torf ac fe fyddwch yn gwybod am adroddiad y comisiynydd pobl hŷn a gyhoeddwyd yn gynharach ar gartrefi gofal ac unigrwydd, ynysigrwydd, yr holl waharddiadau cyffredinol rydym yn eu cael mewn cartrefi gofal a pha mor anodd yw hi gyda'r holl gyfyngiadau symud. Cyn inni fynd ar y trywydd hwnnw eto, sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru sicrhau y gallwn fod yn llawer mwy tosturiol y tro hwn a thargedu'n well y modd rydym yn trin pob un o'r unigolion sy'n rhan o'r senario hon? Oherwydd efallai fod gennym bobl mewn cartrefi gofal, ond mae llawer iawn o'r bobl yno'n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn ymgysylltu â'r staff, yn eithriadol o anodd ymgysylltu â chyd-breswylwyr yn y cartrefi gofal—pobl sydd o gwmpas eu pethau, pobl sy'n deall beth sy'n digwydd, ond nad yw eu cyrff yn gryf; mae eu meddyliau'n hollol iawn. Rwyf wedi cael un hanes gofidus ar ôl y llall yn dweud wrthyf am bobl a oedd yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u anghofio yn ystod y cyfnod diwethaf o gyfyngiadau symud a'r gwaharddiadau cyffredinol yn dweud, 'Ni chewch weld y bobl rydych chi'n eu caru, a dyna ddiwedd ar y mater', pan oeddent dan glo, neu pan oeddent yn teimlo'u bod dan glo, yn eu hystafelloedd ar eu pen eu hunain, heb fawr ddim cysylltiad cymdeithasol ag unrhyw un.

Thank you, Angela, for that question. Certainly, we're very well aware of this very important issue about how we enable older people in care homes to have access to their loved ones. It's really treading a very difficult line between the protection of the health of the older people in the care homes and the staff and their mental health in terms of having the contact with their loved ones that they need and desire. So, we certainly don't support any blanket bans; we're looking to local authorities to try to approach this on an individual basis and to see where safe visits can be made. We also think it's really important to use all the technology that's available for residents of care homes to keep in touch with their loved ones. We did, of course, provide £800,000 for digital devices for care homes and hospices to enable that to happen, but I absolutely accept the point that there are many residents who won't be able to take advantage of those digital devices. So, we've given guidance about visiting outdoors, and during this very brief period of time—certainly not today—but some time before the winter comes, outdoor visits could still continue. Obviously, it's up to the provider and the local authority, but with our guidance, we want to encourage as much flexibility as possible and we absolutely accept that it's really important for residents of care homes to see their loved ones whenever it's possible for them safely to do so.

Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw, Angela. Yn sicr, rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o'r mater pwysig hwn ynglŷn â sut i alluogi pobl hŷn mewn cartrefi gofal i gael cysylltiad â'u hanwyliaid. Mae'n fater o droedio ffin anodd iawn rhwng diogelu iechyd pobl hŷn yn y cartrefi gofal a'r staff, a'u hiechyd meddwl o ran cael y cysylltiad y maent ei angen a'i eisiau â'u hanwyliaid. Felly, yn sicr nid ydym yn cefnogi unrhyw waharddiadau cyffredinol; rydym yn disgwyl i awdurdodau lleol geisio ymdrin â hyn ar sail unigol a gweld ble y gellir ymweld yn ddiogel. Credwn hefyd ei bod yn bwysig iawn defnyddio'r holl dechnoleg sydd ar gael i breswylwyr cartrefi gofal allu cadw mewn cysylltiad â'u hanwyliaid. Darparwyd £800,000 gennym tuag at ddyfeisiau digidol ar gyfer cartrefi gofal a hosbisau i alluogi hynny i ddigwydd, ond rwy'n derbyn y pwynt yn llwyr fod yna lawer o drigolion na fyddant yn gallu manteisio ar y dyfeisiau digidol hynny. Felly, rydym wedi rhoi canllawiau ynglŷn ag ymweld yn yr awyr agored, ac yn ystod y cyfnod byr hwn—yn sicr nid heddiw—ond am beth amser cyn y daw'r gaeaf, gallai ymweliadau awyr agored barhau. Yn amlwg, mater i'r darparwr a'r awdurdod lleol yw hwn, ond gyda'n canllawiau, rydym am annog cymaint o hyblygrwydd â phosibl ac rydym yn derbyn yn llwyr ei bod yn bwysig iawn i drigolion cartrefi gofal weld eu hanwyliaid pryd bynnag y bo'n bosibl iddynt wneud hynny'n ddiogel.

Iechyd Meddwl a Lles
Mental Health and Well-being

6. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o effaith cyfyngiadau coronafeirws ar iechyd meddwl a lles yng Nghymru? OQ55601

6. What assessment has the Minister made of the mental health and well-being impact of coronavirus restrictions in Wales? OQ55601

There we are. It's normally the other way round.

We continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on mental health and well-being through a range of surveys and other evidence, both in Wales and across the UK. I will be making a detailed statement on our actions to respond to changing mental health needs in the near future. 

Dyna ni. Mae'r ffordd arall rownd fel arfer.

Rydym yn parhau i fonitro effaith y pandemig ar iechyd meddwl a lles drwy amrywiaeth o arolygon a thystiolaeth arall, yng Nghymru a ledled y DU. Byddaf yn gwneud datganiad manwl am ein camau gweithredu i ymateb i anghenion iechyd meddwl sy'n newid yn y dyfodol agos.

Minister, we look forward to that statement, because the longer the coronavirus is with us and the longer we have to adjust our lives, then the more profound the potential impact on mental health and well-being is. But some have been more severely affected because of enforced social isolation and shielding, because of financial loss or job loss, and the ever-present worry of exposure to infection, not least those who work in our health and our care sectors and our retail sectors too. Add to this the daily onslaught of social media and traditional media—this means that even when you relax in the comfort of your own home, the virus seems to seep into your living room too. Clubs and organisations like choirs, rugby, knitting clubs, community bingo, sports and arts, which normally provide a safety net of friends and support for all ages, have fallen quiet, too. So, Minister, as the COVID restrictions threaten to stretch into the months ahead, how can Welsh Government and partners provide resources and support to counter a gathering storm of loneliness and isolation and mental health problems that face us?

Weinidog, edrychwn ymlaen at y datganiad hwnnw, oherwydd po hiraf y bydd y coronafeirws gyda ni a pho hiraf y bydd yn rhaid inni addasu ein bywydau, y mwyaf dwys yw'r effaith bosibl ar iechyd meddwl a lles. Ond effeithiwyd yn fwy difrifol ar rai oherwydd ynysigrwydd cymdeithasol gorfodol a'r angen i warchod, oherwydd colled ariannol neu golli swyddi, a'r pryder parhaus ynglŷn â dod i gysylltiad â'r haint, yn enwedig ymhlith y rhai sy'n gweithio yn ein sectorau iechyd a gofal a'n sectorau manwerthu hefyd. Ychwanegwch at hyn ymosodiad dyddiol y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a'r cyfryngau traddodiadol—mae'n golygu, hyd yn oed pan fyddwch yn ymlacio yng nghysur eich cartref eich hun, fod y feirws fel pe bai'n sleifio i mewn i'ch ystafell fyw hefyd. Mae clybiau a sefydliadau fel corau, rygbi, clybiau gwau, bingo cymunedol, chwaraeon a'r celfyddydau, sydd fel arfer yn darparu rhwyd ddiogelwch o ffrindiau a chymorth i bob oedran, wedi tawelu hefyd. Felly, Weinidog, wrth i gyfyngiadau COVID fygwth ymestyn i mewn i'r misoedd i ddod, sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru a phartneriaid ddarparu adnoddau a chymorth i wrthsefyll y storm gynyddol o unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd a phroblemau iechyd meddwl sy'n ein hwynebu?

Thank you. We'll continue with the implementation of our all-age loneliness and social isolation strategy, which we published in February, but more specifically, we do take account of surveys and evidence from ourselves and partners about the direct impact upon mental health and well-being of loneliness and isolation, which is part of the reality of the measures we've had to take to keep Wales safe and to protect the maximum number of lives. The measures we've taken in local restrictions, where we've had to unfortunately take apart the extended household bubbles—I recognise that there's a consequence to that. So, what we have done in terms of working with partners is both on the immediate response to the pandemic and actually planning for the future. Our work has focused in the immediate stage on access to tier 0 and tier 1 support—that's the low-level intervention and support—and the current improvements include strengthening the core mental health helpline, the launch of the young persons mental health toolkit, and SilverCloud, which is an online cognitive behavioural therapy programme. We're also providing additional funding to the third sector to help fill gaps in this time of provision.

We're also looking ahead to the future and understanding that we expect an increased level of anxiety within the public at large that we may need to do something about, what we're going to be able to do in terms of access to specialist mental health services, but also, we need to actively think about what we're going to be able to do in terms of the mental health and support needs of our staff, in particular front-line health and social care. The impact of what our staff have had to do to keep people alive, safe and well is something that affects some people now, but we all know there's a well-known evidence base that some of that impact won't manifest itself for a period of time. So, during the next stage, the next term of this Welsh Parliament, we're going to need to have planned for and to understand how we can help to support our staff, and that's why we've already introduced additional support mechanisms across Wales for staff within health and social care.

Diolch. Byddwn yn parhau i weithredu ein strategaeth unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd cymdeithasol i bob oed a gyhoeddwyd gennym ym mis Chwefror, ond yn fwy penodol, rydym yn ystyried arolygon a thystiolaeth gennym ni a'n partneriaid am effaith uniongyrchol unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd ar iechyd meddwl a lles, sy'n rhan o realiti'r mesurau y bu'n rhaid inni eu cymryd i gadw Cymru'n ddiogel ac i ddiogelu'r nifer fwyaf posibl o fywydau. Y mesurau rydym wedi'u cymryd mewn cyfyngiadau lleol, lle bu'n rhaid inni, yn anffodus, ddileu swigod yr aelwydydd estynedig—rwy'n cydnabod bod canlyniad i hynny. Felly, mae'r hyn a wnaethom o ran gweithio gyda phartneriaid yn ymateb yn uniongyrchol i'r pandemig ac yn cynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol mewn gwirionedd. Mae ein gwaith wedi canolbwyntio yn y cam uniongyrchol ar fynediad at gymorth haen 0 a haen 1—sef ymyrraeth a chymorth lefel isel—ac mae'r gwelliannau presennol yn cynnwys cryfhau'r llinell gymorth iechyd meddwl graidd, lansio pecyn cymorth iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc, a SilverCloud, sef rhaglen therapi gwybyddol ymddygiadol ar-lein. Rydym hefyd yn darparu cyllid ychwanegol i'r trydydd sector i helpu i lenwi bylchau yn y cyfnod hwn.

Rydym hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at y dyfodol ac yn deall ein bod yn disgwyl lefel uwch o bryder ymhlith y cyhoedd yn gyffredinol y gallai fod angen inni wneud rhywbeth yn ei gylch, a'r hyn y byddwn yn gallu ei wneud o ran mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl arbenigol, ond hefyd, mae angen inni fwrw ati i feddwl beth y gallwn ei wneud o ran anghenion iechyd meddwl ac anghenion cymorth ein staff, yn enwedig staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol rheng flaen. Mae effaith yr hyn y bu'n rhaid i'n staff ei wneud i gadw pobl yn fyw, yn ddiogel ac yn iach yn rhywbeth sy'n effeithio ar bobl nawr, ond gŵyr pawb ohonom fod yna sylfaen dystiolaeth amlwg na fydd rhywfaint o'r effaith honno'n amlygu ei hun am gyfnod o amser. Felly, dros y cyfnod nesaf, tymor nesaf y Senedd hon yng Nghymru, bydd angen inni fod wedi cynllunio ar gyfer ein staff, a deall sut y gallwn helpu i'w cefnogi, a dyna pam ein bod eisoes wedi cyflwyno mecanweithiau cymorth ychwanegol ledled Cymru ar gyfer staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.

Cyfyngiadau Symud COVID-19 yn Rhondda Cynon Taf
COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions in Rhondda Cynon Taf

7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyfyngiadau symud COVID-19 yn Rhondda Cynon Taf? OQ55605

7. Will the Minister provide an update on COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in Rhondda Cynon Taf? OQ55605


Thank you for the question. Following a sharp increase in cases in Rhondda Cynon Taf, new restrictions were introduced on 17 September to reduce the spread of coronavirus and protect public health. Welsh Ministers reviewed these restrictions on 24 September, and at that time we agreed to retain the restrictions for at least another seven days.

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Yn dilyn cynnydd sydyn yn nifer yr achosion yn Rhondda Cynon Taf, cyflwynwyd cyfyngiadau newydd ar 17 Medi i leihau lledaeniad coronafeirws a diogelu iechyd y cyhoedd. Adolygodd Gweinidogion Cymru y cyfyngiadau hyn ar 24 Medi, a bryd hynny cytunwyd i gadw'r cyfyngiadau am o leiaf saith diwrnod arall.

Minister, thank you for that answer. Residents in my constituency will be extremely concerned by the news of the major COVID-19 outbreak at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, which has sadly led to the death of eight patients, with a further six in intensive care, Minister. I'd like to express my sadness and shock at this news, but, of course, our thoughts are right now with their families.

I met with the health board chair today, and support the action being taken by the health board to ensure this outbreak is fully contained. Minister, could you update me on the latest position from the Welsh Government perspective, and in particular, can you give details of the support being provided by the Welsh Government to help control the outbreak? Could you also provide any details of the implications for those who have had operations postponed? And finally, Minister, I'd be grateful for a general update on how the local lockdown in Rhondda Cynon Taf is progressing in respect of infection rates, and with the Royal Glamorgan outbreak in mind, do you see a need for further testing resource to be targeted on RCT?

Weinidog, diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw. Bydd trigolion yn fy etholaeth yn pryderu'n fawr ynglŷn â'r newyddion am y nifer fawr o achosion o COVID-19 yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg, sydd, gwaetha'r modd, wedi arwain at farwolaeth wyth claf, gyda chwech arall yn yr uned gofal dwys, Weinidog. Hoffwn fynegi fy nhristwch a fy syndod o glywed y newyddion hwn, ond wrth gwrs, mae ein meddyliau gyda'u teuluoedd yn awr.

Cyfarfûm â chadeirydd y bwrdd iechyd heddiw, ac rwy'n cefnogi'r camau sy'n cael eu cymryd gan y bwrdd iechyd i sicrhau bod y clwstwr o achosion wedi'i gyfyngu'n llawn. Weinidog, a allech roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i mi am y sefyllfa ddiweddaraf o safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru, ac yn arbennig, a allwch chi roi manylion y cymorth a ddarperir gan Lywodraeth Cymru i helpu i reoli'r achosion? A allech chi hefyd roi unrhyw fanylion am y goblygiadau i'r rheini y bu'n rhaid gohirio eu llawdriniaethau? Ac yn olaf, Weinidog, byddwn yn ddiolchgar am y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y ffordd y mae'r cyfyngiadau lleol yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn mynd rhagddynt o ran y cyfraddau heintio, a chan gadw'r achosion yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg mewn cof, a ydych chi'n gweld angen i dargedu adnoddau profi pellach ar gyfer RhCT?

Thank you for that series of questions. In terms of the actions that the health board are taking, my understanding is they had a meeting with local partners, crucially the local authority, yesterday, where they discussed and agreed the range of measures being taken, and I do think it is a sensible safety precaution to minimise routine care when they are experiencing an outbreak of infection. That does mean that people will have procedures delayed and rescheduled at a later date, but that is in the best interest of those patients—not to admit them onto a sight for routine procedures where we understand there is an outbreak where harm is being caused. And that is a temporary measure while the outbreak is being brought under control.

At this point in time, the chief exec of NHS Wales is in regular contact with the health board to have a proper understanding of the measures that are being taken, and the oversight, as indicated earlier, for the measures and the control measures to understand what is happening, with both the staff testing that's in place, to understand if there's a need to do more. As a result of the staff test results, we get to see where the outbreak actually is, and to see how well contained it is. So, we're learning and applying the measures from the Wrexham Maelor Hospital. 

In terms of your broader point about measures within the community, I think it's important to reflect that whilst we haven't seen the same reduction in cases that we have seen, fortunately, in Caerphilly—and Newport is also making good progress—there is some cautious evidence to think that we may be seeing a plateau. It's still at a very high level, but we'll want to understand if that really is the case, and that will give us some further hope for the future. But the evidence of Caerphilly is that it is possible to see a reduction in rates, and that this is not a one-way escalator to further and further restrictions. We'll continue to measure and weigh whether there is a need to do more to help control the spread of the virus across the RCT area. 

The key point is that it's in the hands of people in their communities to look after each other, and the rules are there for the benefit of everyone. If we get a high level of adherence to that, then we can expect to see a reduction in the spread of coronavirus and the harm that we know it has already caused and is likely to cause. We'll continue to review matters on a regular basis; that includes a provision of testing services. We've actually seen a fall in the number of people taking up the testing services available, so the concern that the health board have is not that we don't have enough access to testing, but that actually there are people who should be getting a test who are not. So, again, it's an appeal for people to use the testing resources that are available within RCT, and we'll continue to review how and where they're provided to make sure they're readily accessible for the communities that need to access them. 

Diolch am y gyfres honno o gwestiynau. O ran y camau y mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn eu cymryd, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, cawsant gyfarfod ddoe â phartneriaid lleol, a'r awdurdod lleol yn fwyaf pwysig, lle trafodwyd ac y cytunwyd ar yr ystod o fesurau sy'n cael eu cymryd, a chredaf fod lleihau gofal rheolaidd yn fesur diogelwch synhwyrol a hwythau'n wynebu clwstwr o achosion o'r haint. Mae hynny'n golygu y bydd llawdriniaethau'n cael eu gohirio a'u hail-drefnu ar gyfer dyddiad diweddarach, ond mae hynny er lles gorau'r cleifion hynny—peidio â'u derbyn ar safle ar gyfer llawdriniaethau rheolaidd lle deallwn fod clwstwr o achosion yn peri niwed. Ac mae hwnnw'n fesur dros dro tra bo'r achosion yn cael eu rheoli.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae prif weithredwr GIG Cymru mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â'r bwrdd iechyd i gael dealltwriaeth briodol o'r mesurau sy'n cael eu cymryd, a throsolwg, fel y nodwyd yn gynharach, ar y mesurau a'r camau rheoli i ddeall yr hyn sy'n digwydd, gyda'r profion sydd ar waith i staff, i ddeall a oes angen gwneud mwy. Yn sgil canlyniadau profion staff, gallwn weld ble mae'r clwstwr o achosion mewn gwirionedd, a gweld pa mor dda y mae'n cael ei reoli. Felly, rydym yn dysgu ac yn cymhwyso'r mesurau o Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam.

Ar eich pwynt ehangach ynglŷn â mesurau yn y gymuned, credaf ei bod yn bwysig ystyried, er nad ydym wedi gweld yr un gostyngiad yn nifer yr achosion a welsom, yn ffodus, yng Nghaerffili—ac mae Casnewydd hefyd yn gwneud cynnydd da—fod rhywfaint o dystiolaeth ofalus dros feddwl y gallem fod yn gweld lefelau mwy gwastad. Mae'n dal ar lefel uchel iawn, ond byddwn eisiau deall a yw hynny'n wir mewn gwirionedd, a bydd hynny'n rhoi rhywfaint o obaith pellach inni ar gyfer y dyfodol. Ond tystiolaeth Caerffili yw ei bod yn bosibl gweld gostyngiad yn y cyfraddau, ac nad yw'n esgyn un ffordd tuag at fwy a mwy o gyfyngiadau. Byddwn yn parhau i bwyso a mesur a oes angen gwneud mwy i helpu i reoli lledaeniad y feirws ar draws ardal Rhondda Cynon Taf. 

Y pwynt allweddol yw mai mater i bobl yn eu cymunedau yw gofalu am ei gilydd, ac mae'r rheolau yno er budd pawb. Os cawn lefel uchel o gydymffurfiaeth â hynny, gallwn ddisgwyl gweld gostyngiad yn lledaeniad coronafeirws a'r niwed y gwyddom ei fod eisoes wedi'i achosi ac yn debygol o'i achosi. Byddwn yn parhau i adolygu materion yn rheolaidd; mae hynny'n cynnwys darparu gwasanaethau profi. Rydym wedi gweld gostyngiad yn nifer y bobl sy'n manteisio ar y gwasanaethau profi sydd ar gael, felly nid yw'r bwrdd iechyd yn pryderu nad oes gennym ddigon o brofion fel y cyfryw, ond yn hytrach, nad yw pobl a ddylai gael prawf yn cael un. Felly, unwaith eto, mae'n apêl ar bobl i ddefnyddio'r adnoddau profi sydd ar gael yn Rhondda Cynon Taf, a byddwn yn parhau i adolygu sut a ble y cânt eu darparu i sicrhau eu bod ar gael yn rhwydd i'r cymunedau a ddylai gael mynediad atynt. 

Minister, it's obviously a very serious event in the Royal Glamorgan. This is September—when we face the pressures of winter in late November, December and January, we could be under more severe pressure yet. Now, I know, throughout Wales, part of the management of the COVID risk has been moving some operations to other facilities—cancer operations, for instance, to the Vale Hospital and in Cardiff to Spire. And cancer treatment is going on, as I understand it—emergency treatment will continue at the Royal Glamorgan, but all other elective care has now stopped. Cancer patients in particular have to be protected from infection—you can have a very bad outcome if they've been operated on and are under immunosuppressant drugs. So, can you assure us that zoning hospitals, or moving certain care to specific sites, is going on and will be a way of ensuring that higher levels of cancer care can be delivered than otherwise when we face these sorts of emergencies?

Weinidog, mae'n amlwg fod y digwyddiad yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg yn un difrifol iawn. Mae'n fis Medi—pan wynebwn bwysau'r gaeaf ddiwedd mis Tachwedd, mis Rhagfyr a mis Ionawr, gallem fod dan bwysau mwy difrifol eto. Nawr, ledled Cymru, gwn mai rhan o'r broses o reoli risg COVID yw symud rhai llawdriniaethau i gyfleusterau eraill—llawdriniaethau canser, er enghraifft, i ysbyty Vale ac yng Nghaerdydd i ysbyty Spire. Ac mae triniaethau canser yn mynd rhagddynt, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf—bydd triniaethau brys yn parhau yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg, ond mae'r holl ofal dewisol arall bellach wedi dod i ben. Rhaid diogelu cleifion canser yn enwedig rhag cael eu heintio—gall arwain at ganlyniadau gwael iawn os ydych wedi cael llawdriniaeth a'ch bod ar gyffuriau imiwnoataliol. Felly, a allwch chi ein sicrhau bod creu parthau mewn ysbytai, neu symud mathau penodol o ofal i safleoedd penodol, yn digwydd ac y byddant yn ffordd o sicrhau y gellir darparu lefelau uwch o ofal canser na fel arall pan fyddwn yn wynebu'r mathau hyn o argyfyngau?


Yes, I'm happy to provide that direct assurance—that is exactly what the health board are planning for with their partners. They've not just worked with the local authority partners about the need to have people leave the hospital to create more space in general terms, but in terms of your broader and more specific point about cancer services, they're already working with other partners too to see what can be moved to make sure that treatment continues as far as possible. So, I'm happy to provide the direct assurance the Member looks for.

Gallaf, rwy'n hapus i roi'r sicrwydd uniongyrchol hwnnw—dyna'n union y mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn cynllunio ar ei gyfer gyda'u partneriaid. Maent wedi gweithio gyda phartneriaid awdurdod lleol ynglŷn â'r angen i gael pobl i adael yr ysbyty er mwyn creu mwy o le yn gyffredinol, ond ar eich pwynt ehangach a mwy penodol am wasanaethau canser, maent eisoes yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid eraill hefyd i weld beth y gellir ei symud er mwyn sicrhau bod triniaethau'n parhau cyn belled ag y bo modd. Felly, rwy'n hapus i roi'r sicrwydd uniongyrchol y mae'r Aelod yn gofyn amdano.

I'm deeply concerned about the outbreak of, and the deaths from, COVID-19 at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital and what this will mean for both patients and staff. My sympathies, obviously, go to all of those who've been affected.

Many elective surgeries have already been postponed during the pandemic, and now the backlog is set to get worse. Emergency patients will now be transferred by ambulance to other hospitals, thereby adding a potentially crucial delay to them receiving life-saving treatment.

I want to know what the Government can do to bring this crisis within the hospital to a swift end and create a safe environment for patients and staff. You can improve on testing. Can you boost testing capacity on site so that we can track and trace the virus better? Can you improve the turnaround time for results so that people get those results quicker? The staff need improvements in testing and faster testing, so what can you do to help with that? Finally, do you have any confidence left in the lighthouse labs now? 

Rwy'n pryderu'n fawr am y clwstwr o achosion a'r marwolaethau o COVID-19 yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg a beth fydd hyn yn ei olygu i gleifion a staff. Yn amlwg, rwy'n cydymdeimlo â phawb yr effeithiwyd arnynt.

Mae llawer o lawdriniaethau dewisol eisoes wedi'u gohirio yn ystod y pandemig, ac yn awr mae'r ôl-groniad yn mynd i waethygu. Bydd cleifion brys yn cael eu trosglwyddo mewn ambiwlans yn awr i ysbytai eraill, gan ychwanegu oedi a allai fod yn dyngedfennol o ran cael triniaeth sy'n achub eu bywyd.

Rwyf am wybod beth y gall y Llywodraeth ei wneud i ddod â'r argyfwng hwn yn yr ysbyty i ben yn gyflym a chreu amgylchedd diogel i gleifion a staff. Gallwch wella'r rhaglen brofi. A allwch chi roi hwb i'r capasiti profi ar y safle fel y gallwn olrhain y feirws yn well? A allwch chi wella'r amser ar gyfer dychwelyd canlyniadau er mwyn i bobl gael y canlyniadau hynny'n gyflymach? Mae staff angen gweld gwelliannau yn y rhaglen brofi a phrofion cyflymach, felly beth allwch chi ei wneud i helpu gyda hynny? Yn olaf, a oes gennych unrhyw hyder ar ôl yn y labordai goleudy bellach?

I think there's a range of things to run through, hopefully to provide some reassurance to the Member and any people watching. When it comes to outbreaks and outbreaks management, you'll have seen from the previous outbreak in Wrexham Maelor that we actually ran the tests through for the staff and for patients when an outbreak had been declared through our Public Health Wales labs, and they provided a very fast turnaround. The tests for an outbreak are prioritised, so they do have very, very fast turnarounds, so you can expect the 90 per cent plus that we achieved in Wrexham to be turned around within a day.

So, we're actually using NHS Wales tests for this, for the management of the outbreak, and that's exactly what they're intended for, with that additional capacity and the surge capacity that exists in our system. That should provide reassurance for staff and, indeed, for people going onto the site as well. If they do still require treatment and that is the right place for them to have their treatment, then they should be tested. Again, they can expect that to happen through Public Health Wales labs as well.

When it comes to the assurance about people being transferred to other sites, then people will be transferred by professionals within our Welsh ambulance service trust, and they can expect to receive a high quality of care. We're in the fortunate position that there are hospitals that are relatively near to the current site for the Royal Glamorgan, and I don't think that there's a basis for people to be concerned that life-saving treatment could be unduly delayed by that transfer. It's, as ever, a balance, in that if people need to be transferred away from that site, it's because there's a risk to those people in otherwise admitting them, and that's the risk that has to be balanced and the judgment that has to be made. I'm confident in the leadership of the health board; I'm confident in the way they have worked with partners to do so. I believe that we can look forward to the outbreak being brought under control. Certainly, there is no lack of testing or the availability for testing on site for people who really do need to get tested, and I think we demonstrated that with the previous response to the Wrexham Maelor outbreak.

Rwy'n credu bod amrywiaeth o bethau i'w trafod, a rhoi rhywfaint o sicrwydd i'r Aelod, gobeithio, ac i unrhyw bobl sy'n gwylio. O ran clystyrau o achosion a rheoli achosion, fe fyddwch wedi gweld o'r achosion blaenorol yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam ein bod wedi cynnal profion ar staff ac ar gleifion pan gafodd y clwstwr o achosion ei ddatgan drwy ein labordai Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, ac fe wnaethant ddarparu canlyniadau'n gyflym iawn. Mae'r profion ar gyfer clwstwr o achosion yn cael eu blaenoriaethu, felly daw'r canlyniadau'n ôl yn gyflym iawn, a gallwch ddisgwyl y lefelau o 90 y cant a mwy a gyflawnwyd gennym yn Wrecsam o ran darparu canlyniad o fewn diwrnod.

Felly, rydym yn defnyddio profion GIG Cymru ar gyfer hyn, ar gyfer rheoli'r clwstwr o achosion, a dyna'n union yw'r bwriad, gyda'r capasiti ychwanegol a'r capasiti ymchwydd sy'n bodoli yn ein system. Dylai hynny roi sicrwydd i staff ac yn wir, i bobl sy'n mynd ar y safle hefyd. Os oes angen triniaeth arnynt o hyd ac mai dyna'r lle iawn iddynt gael eu triniaeth, dylid eu profi. Unwaith eto, gallant ddisgwyl i hynny ddigwydd drwy labordai Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru hefyd.

O ran y sicrwydd ynglŷn â phobl yn cael eu trosglwyddo i safleoedd eraill, bydd pobl yn cael eu trosglwyddo gan weithwyr proffesiynol yn ymddiriedolaeth gwasanaethau ambiwlans Cymru, a gallant ddisgwyl cael gofal o ansawdd uchel. Rydym yn y sefyllfa ffodus fod yna ysbytai sy'n gymharol agos at safle presennol Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg, ac nid wyf yn credu bod sail i bobl boeni y gallai'r trosglwyddiad arwain at oedi gormodol yn y driniaeth achub bywyd. Fel bob amser, mae'n gydbwysedd rhwng trosglwyddo pobl o'r safle hwnnw os oes angen, a'r risg i'r bobl hynny o'u derbyn fel arall, a dyna'r risg sy'n rhaid ei chydbwyso a'r penderfyniad sy'n rhaid ei wneud. Mae gennyf hyder yn arweinyddiaeth y bwrdd iechyd; mae gennyf hyder yn y ffordd y maent wedi gweithio gyda phartneriaid i wneud hynny. Rwy'n credu y gallwn edrych ymlaen at weld y clwstwr o achosion yn cael ei reoli. Yn sicr, ni cheir diffyg o ran profi ac argaeledd profion ar y safle i bobl y mae gwir angen iddynt gael prawf, a chredaf inni ddangos hynny gyda'r ymateb blaenorol i'r clwstwr o achosion yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam.

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am drefniadau llywodraethu a rheoli prosiectau cyfalaf Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr? OQ55602

8. Will the Minister make a statement on Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board’s governance and management of capital projects? OQ55602

Yes, I welcomed the recent Audit Wales report on the redevelopment scheme at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. As recognised in that report, improved governance and assurance procedures for capital projects have been introduced and are now embedded into health board and Welsh Government processes.

Gwnaf, rhoddais groeso i adroddiad diweddar Archwilio Cymru ar y cynllun ailddatblygu yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Fel y cydnabyddir yn yr adroddiad hwnnw, mae gweithdrefnau llywodraethu a sicrwydd gwell ar gyfer prosiectau cyfalaf wedi'u cyflwyno ac maent bellach wedi'u hymgorffori ym mhrosesau'r byrddau iechyd a Llywodraeth Cymru.


That remains to be seen, Minister, because in 2012 the Welsh Government approved a project to remove asbestos and refurbish Glan Clwyd Hospital. The project was completed in 2019, at a cost of £170 million—55 per cent more than the original budget. Now, in the Auditor General for Wales's report, the findings are scathing: the Welsh Government never formally approved the health board's outline business case; auditors issued a 'no assurance' opinion on the health board's arrangements for governing and managing the project; and when approving the business cases, the Welsh Government did not sufficiently consider the risks associated with their advisers; concerns too that project design and costings were underdeveloped. Now, I do appreciate, as you mentioned, that steps have been taken to improve arrangements for approving business cases, but let's be honest, you are and were the Minister responsible. So, what assurances can you provide this Senedd with that you will not allow such bad financial management in this health board again? Thank you.

Cawn weld am hynny eto, Weinidog, oherwydd yn 2012 cymeradwyodd Llywodraeth Cymru brosiect i gael gwared ar asbestos ac adnewyddu Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Cwblhawyd y prosiect yn 2019, ar gost o £170 miliwn—55 y cant yn fwy na'r gyllideb wreiddiol. Nawr, yn adroddiad Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru, mae'r canfyddiadau'n frawychus: ni chymeradwyodd Llywodraeth Cymru achos busnes amlinellol y bwrdd iechyd yn ffurfiol; cyhoeddodd archwilwyr farn 'dim sicrwydd' ar drefniadau'r bwrdd iechyd ar gyfer llywodraethu a rheoli'r prosiect; ac wrth gymeradwyo'r achosion busnes, ni wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ystyried y risgiau a oedd ynghlwm wrthynt yn ddigonol gyda'u cynghorwyr; pryderon hefyd nad oedd cynllun a chostau prosiectau wedi'u datblygu'n ddigonol. Nawr, fel y sonioch chi, rwy'n sylweddoli bod camau wedi'u cymryd i wella trefniadau ar gyfer cymeradwyo achosion busnes, ond gadewch inni fod yn onest, chi oedd, a chi yw'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol. Felly, pa sicrwydd allwch chi ei roi i'r Senedd hon na fyddwch yn caniatáu rheolaeth ariannol mor wael yn y bwrdd iechyd hwn eto? Diolch.

Well, when the project was agreed in 2012, I wasn't a Minister in the Government. It's important to make that factual point of accuracy. Actually, the characterisation of the report is partial from the Member. The comments I made in direct answer at the outset come from the conclusions of the Wales Audit Office report itself. It recognised weaknesses at the time, it recognised that the rationale for that was a desire to see the remedial work undertaken, it also recognises there is a significantly better clinical environment for patients and staff to work in as a result of the work that's been undertaken, and it also recognises there are improvements in the process and in the governance arrangements for capital projects, not only within Betsi Cadwaladr for north Wales, but, indeed, across the service as well. That is a more honest and rounded review of the report, rather than the partial version provided by the Member in her second question.

Wel, pan gytunwyd ar y prosiect yn 2012, nid oeddwn yn Weinidog yn y Llywodraeth. Mae'n bwysig gwneud y pwynt ffeithiol hwnnw er cywirdeb. Mewn gwirionedd, mae'r modd y mae'r Aelod yn disgrifio'r adroddiad yn unochrog. Mae'r sylwadau a wneuthum mewn ateb uniongyrchol ar y dechrau yn dod o gasgliadau adroddiad Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru ei hun. Roedd yn cydnabod gwendidau ar y pryd, roedd yn cydnabod mai'r rhesymeg dros hynny oedd awydd i weld y gwaith unioni'n cael ei wneud, mae hefyd yn cydnabod bod amgylchedd clinigol llawer gwell i gleifion a staff weithio ynddo o ganlyniad i'r gwaith a wnaed, ac mae hefyd yn cydnabod bod gwelliannau yn y broses ac yn y trefniadau llywodraethu ar gyfer prosiectau cyfalaf, nid yn unig o fewn Betsi Cadwaladr ar gyfer gogledd Cymru, ond ar draws y gwasanaeth hefyd. Mae hwnnw'n arolwg mwy gonest a chyflawn o'r adroddiad, yn hytrach na'r fersiwn unochrog a roddodd yr Aelod yn ei hail gwestiwn.

3. Cwestiynau Amserol
3. Topical Questions

Yr eitem nesaf nawr fydd y datganiadau 90 eiliad, gan nad oedd yna unrhyw gwestiynau amserol wedi cael eu cytuno.

The next item is the 90-second statements, and that's because no topical questions had been accepted.

4. Datganiadau 90 eiliad
4. 90-second Statements

Felly, y datganiad 90 eiliad cyntaf y prynhawn yma yw'r un gan Mike Hedges.

So, the first 90-second statement today is from Mike Hedges.

Daeth David Melding i'r Gadair.

David Melding took the Chair.

Diolch, Llywydd. At approximately this time each year, Senedd Members from all parties don pink items as part of the Wear it Pink for breast cancer campaign. These photographs end up on social media and in local papers. This year, due to the pandemic, we cannot take part in an event in the Senedd, but I do not wish to miss the opportunity to show my support for the breast cancer campaign. I think it is very important. 

While we have a COVID pandemic, breast cancer has not gone away. Since launching in 2002, Wear it Pink has raised over £33 million for breast cancer research, which I believe is a remarkable achievement. I urge everyone to support Wear it Pink and help to make possible life-saving breast cancer research and life-changing support for those affected by the disease. 

Each year in Wales, around 3,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and over 550 women die of the disease. That's why I'm encouraging everyone today to support breast cancer awareness day. We cannot dress up and meet with breast cancer survivors, but we can show our support for breast cancer charities, and I'm trying to do that today.

Diolch, Lywydd. Tua'r adeg hon bob blwyddyn, bydd yr Aelodau o'r Senedd o bob plaid yn gwisgo eitemau pinc fel rhan o ymgyrch Gwisgwch Binc canser y fron. Mae'r ffotograffau hyn yn mynd ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac i bapurau lleol. Eleni, oherwydd y pandemig, ni allwn gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad yn y Senedd, ond nid wyf am golli'r cyfle i ddangos fy nghefnogaeth i ymgyrch canser y fron. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn.

Er bod gennym bandemig COVID, nid yw canser y fron wedi diflannu. Ers ei lansio yn 2002, mae Gwisgwch Binc wedi codi dros £33 miliwn ar gyfer ymchwil canser y fron, sy'n gyflawniad ardderchog yn fy marn i. Rwy'n annog pawb i gefnogi ymgyrch Gwisgwch Binc a helpu tuag at ymchwil sy'n achub bywydau i ganser y fron a chymorth sy'n newid bywyd i'r rhai y mae'r clefyd yn effeithio arnynt.

Bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru, mae tua 3,000 o fenywod yn cael diagnosis o ganser y fron ac mae dros 550 o fenywod yn marw o'r clefyd. Dyna pam rwy'n annog pawb heddiw i gefnogi diwrnod ymwybyddiaeth canser y fron. Ni allwn wisgo pinc i gyfarfod â goroeswyr canser y fron, ond gallwn ddangos ein cefnogaeth i elusennau canser y fron, ac rwy'n ceisio gwneud hynny heddiw.

Thank you. Now, with particular pleasure, I call Elin Jones, the Presiding Officer. 

Diolch. Nawr, gyda phleser arbennig, galwaf ar Elin Jones, y Llywydd.

Radio Bronglais yw gorsaf radio ysbyty Bronglais, yn darlledu drwy'r dydd, bob dydd, a'r wythnos yma mae Radio Bronglais yn dathlu ei phen-blwydd yn 50 oed. Dechreuodd yr orsaf yn 1970 pan gyflwynodd aelodau o glwb ieuenctid Bow Street raglen geisiadau ar nos Sul i'r cleifion. Ers hynny, mae'r orsaf wedi mynd o nerth i nerth. Agorwyd stiwdio barhaol gyda chefnogaeth y loteri yn 2001, ac ers 2013 mae Radio Bronglais yn ffrydio dros y we i bedwar ban y byd.

Mae'r orsaf yn cael ei rhedeg gan dîm mawr o wirfoddolwyr ac yn cynnig platfform i dalent newydd lleol. Y mwyaf adnabyddus o'r rhain, siŵr o fod, yw Aled Haydn Jones, a gyfrannodd yn gyntaf i'r orsaf pan oedd e'n ddisgybl 14 oed yn ysgol Penweddig. Mae Aled bellach newydd ei benodi yn bennaeth ar BBC Radio 1. O Radio Bronglais i Radio 1. Da iawn ti, Aled, mae Aberystwyth yn browd iawn ohonot ti.

Mae'r orsaf wedi'i henwebu am lith o wobrau ar hyd y blynyddoedd. Mae rhai o'r cyfweliadau anoddaf, ac yn sicr rai o'r rhai hiraf, dwi wedi eu cael erioed wedi bod ar Radio Bronglais. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r orsaf yn cael ei gwerthfawrogi gan gleifion a staff yr ysbyty.

Yn nwyster y pandemig iechyd yma, dewch inni ddiolch a dathlu cyfraniad pob radio ysbyty, ac yn benodol dymuno pen-blwydd hapus i Radio Bronglais.

Radio Bronglais is ysbyty Bronglais's radio station. It broadcasts all day, every day, and this week it is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. The station was established in 1970 when members of Bow Street youth club presented a Sunday evening requests show for patients. Since then, the station has gone from strength to strength. A permanent studio was established with lottery support in 2001, and since 2013 Radio Bronglais has been streaming live online to all corners of the globe.

The station is run by a large group of volunteers and provides a platform for new local talent—the best known being Aled Haydn Jones, whose first contribution to the station was as a 14-year-old pupil at ysgol Penweddig. Aled has just been appointed head of BBC Radio 1. From Radio Bronglais to Radio 1. Well done, Aled, Aberystwyth is very proud of you.

The station has been nominated for multiple awards over the years. Some of the most challenging, and certainly some of the longest, interviews that I have faced have been on Radio Bronglais. And, of course, the station is appreciated by patients and hospital staff alike.

In the maelstrom of this health pandemic, let us celebrate and thank every hospital radio station, and wish Radio Bronglais a very happy birthday.


Diolch yn fawr. There'll now be a break for 10 minutes to allow changeover in the Chamber. 

Diolch yn fawr. Bydd egwyl am 10 munud yn awr i ganiatáu ar gyfer newid staff yn y Siambr.

Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 15:30.

Plenary was suspended at 15:30. 


Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 15:39, gyda David Melding yn y Gadair.

The Senedd reconvened at 15:39, with David Melding in the Chair.

Order, order. The Senedd is back in session.

Trefn, trefn. Dyma ailddechrau trafodion y Senedd.

5. Dadl ar Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon: Effaith COVID-19, a'r modd y mae'n cael ei reoli, ar iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru
5. Debate on the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Report: The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales

We move to item 5, which is a debate on the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee report on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales, and I call the chair of the committee to move the motion. Dai Lloyd.

Symudwn at eitem 5, sef dadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon ar effaith COVID-19, a'r modd y mae'n cael ei reoli, ar iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, a galwaf ar gadeirydd y pwyllgor i gyflwyno'r cynnig. Dai Lloyd.


Cynnig NDM7401 Dai Lloyd

Cynnig bod Senedd Cymru:

Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon ar ei Ymchwiliad i effaith Covid-19, a'r modd y mae'n cael ei reoli, ar iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 8 Gorffennaf 2020.

Motion NDM7401 Dai Lloyd

To propose that the Senedd:

Notes the report of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee:  Inquiry into the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales, which was laid in the Table Office on 8 July 2020.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Dwi'n falch iawn o gael agor y ddadl yma heddiw ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon ar COVID-19.

Cyn imi siarad am ein canfyddiadau, hoffwn dalu teyrnged i ymrwymiad ac ymroddiad pawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at y gwaith o sicrhau bod ein gwasanaethau rheng flaen yn parhau i weithredu o dan amgylchiadau anodd dros ben. Er y byddwn yn meddwl yn awtomatig am y sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, rhaid cydnabod hefyd ymdrechion diflino cynifer o sectorau a phroffesiynau eraill, a hynny'n aml y tu ôl i'r llenni.

Mae'r cyhoedd hefyd wedi aberthu llawer, ac mae angen cydnabod hynny. Cafodd teuluoedd a chyfeillion eu gwahanu, a chafodd y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed eu hynysu oddi wrth eu rhwydweithiau cymorth ehangach. Mae eu hymdrechion i gadw at y cyfyngiadau symud wedi atal y feirws rhag lledaenu'n sylweddol. Yn anffodus, rydyn ni'nawr yn wynebu heriau tebyg eto, ac rydyn ni'n gofyn i bobl Cymru ddangos yr un ysbryd eto i gyd-ymdrechu i helpu i ffrwyno'r feirws llechwraidd yma unwaith eto.

Pan gadarnhawyd yr achos cyntaf o'r coronafeirws yng Nghymru ym mis Mawrth eleni, ychydig iawn ohonom, gredwn i, oedd yn sylweddoli y byddai'r feirws yn cael effaith mor ddinistriol a hirhoedlog arnom ni i gyd. Mae wedi bod yn greulon ac yn ddidostur ac mae wedi cipio cyfeillion ac anwyliaid oddi arnom. Fel pwyllgor, roeddem yn teimlo ei bod yn bwysig ystyried effaith y coronafeirws, a'r modd y cafodd ei reoli, ar y gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Rydyn ni wedi ystyried ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru a chyrff cyhoeddus perthnasol, yn ogystal â’r effaith ar staff, cleifion ac eraill sy'n cael gofal neu driniaeth yn y gymuned neu mewn lleoliadau clinigol. Ein diben wrth ymgymryd â'r gwaith hwn oedd ceisio helpu i ddangos beth weithiodd yn dda a beth na weithiodd cystal, a hynny er mwyn dysgu gwersi a'u cymhwyso'n gyflym, efo'r cynnydd yn y gyfradd heintio sy'n digwydd nawr.

Rydyn ni wedi cael tystiolaeth gan amrywiaeth eang o weithwyr proffesiynol ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, cyrff cyhoeddus a rhanddeiliaid, ac rydyn ni'n parhau i wneud hynny. Cynhaliwyd arolwg o staff rheng flaen, cleifion, gofalwyr, a'r rhai sy'n derbyn gofal neu driniaeth, i ddeall yr effaith y mae'r pandemig wedi ei gael arnynt. Hefyd, roedd gwahoddiad agored i unrhyw rai a oedd yn dymuno rhannu eu profiadau efo ni. Hoffem ddiolch i bawb a roddodd o'u hamser i gyfrannu at ein gwaith.

Mae ein hadroddiad yn cynnwys 28 o argymhellion, ac mae 21 ohonynt wedi'u derbyn yn llawn, a hoffwn ddiolch i'r Gweinidog yn fawr am ei ymateb manwl. Ni fydd gennyf amser i ymdrin â phob argymhelliad, ond byddaf yn ceisio ymdrin â rhai o'r negeseuon allweddol, gan droi yn gyntaf at gyfarpar diogelu personol, PPE. Nawr, yn ystod dyddiau cynnar y pandemig, rhoddwyd cryn dipyn o sylw i'r pryder ynglŷn â sicrhau cyflenwad digonol a pharhaus o gyfarpar diogelu personol. Roedd llawer o'r dystiolaeth gynnar a gawsom yn tanlinellu ofnau a phryderon staff rheng flaen ynghylch cyfarpar diogelu personol priodol. Yn ôl arolwg a gynhaliodd Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, nid oedd 67 y cant o feddygon yng Nghymru yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u diogelu'n llawn rhag COVID-19 yn y gwaith, ac roedd 60 y cant ohonyn nhw wedi gorfod prynu eitemau o gyfarpar diogelu personol yn uniongyrchol, neu wedi derbyn cyflenwadau fel rhodd allanol, oherwydd nad oedd y gwasanaeth iechyd yn gallu caffael cyflenwadau digonol.

Dywedodd y Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol hefyd fod nifer fawr o'u haelodau, yn enwedig timau nyrsio cymunedol, wedi ffonio am eu bod yn poeni nad oeddent yn gallu cael gafael ar gyfarpar diogelu personol. Dywedodd fod 74 y cant o staff nyrsio wedi dweud eu bod yn poeni am brinder cyfarpar diogelu personol, a bod dros hanner wedi teimlo dan bwysau i ofalu am glaf heb amddiffyniad digonol. Yn wir, dywedodd y Gweinidog iechyd wrthym fod y sefyllfa yn peri pryder gwirioneddol i'r Llywodraeth hefyd ar y pryd.

Mae'r sefyllfa hon wedi gwella, ac rydyn ni'n falch iawn o hynny, ond ni allwn orffwys ar ein rhwyfau. Mae angen sicrwydd arnom y bydd cyflenwadau PPE yn parhau, yn enwedig o gofio'r cynnydd yn y gyfradd heintio'n ddiweddar. Gwnaethom, felly, argymell y canlynol: rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd ati ar fyrder i gyhoeddi strategaeth i sicrhau cyflenwad gwydn o gyfarpar diogelu personol; i gasglu ynghyd lefelau digonol o gyfarpar diogelu personol priodol ar gyfer unrhyw achos yn y dyfodol; i adolygu’r cyfarpar diogelu personol y mae wedi’i gasglu ynghyd i sicrhau ei fod yn parhau i fod o ansawdd digonol a’i fod yn addas at y diben; i gyhoeddi strategaeth ar gyfer sicrhau gwydnwch y trefniadau dosbarthu; i weithio gyda phartneriaid i sicrhau bod canllawiau ar gyfarpar diogelu personol yn cael eu diweddaru yng ngoleuni’r cyngor gwyddonol diweddaraf, a chyfathrebu’r cyngor hwn yn glir i’r staff. Dyna argymhelliad 1. Dwi'n falch iawn o ddweud bod yr argymhelliad hwn wedi’i dderbyn a bod cynllun strategol ar gyfer caffael cyfarpar diogelu personol ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn cael ei ddatblygu.

Thank you very much, acting Deputy Llywydd. I'm very pleased to open this debate on the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee's report on the COVID-19 outbreak.

Before I turn to our findings, I'd like to pay tribute to the commitment and dedication of everyone who has contributed to the work of keeping our front-line services operating in the most difficult of circumstances. Whilst our thoughts turn automatically to the health and social care sector, we must also recognise the tireless efforts of so many other sectors and professions, often behind the scenes.

The public has also made huge sacrifices, and we need to recognise that. Families and friends were separated, and the most vulnerable were isolated from their wider support networks. Their collective efforts in adhering to the lockdown rules significantly suppressed the spread of the virus. Sadly, we now face similar challenges, and we are asking the Welsh public to show the same collective spirit to help curb this insidious virus once again.

When the first case of coronavirus in Wales was confirmed in March 2020, very few of us, I imagine, realised that the virus would have such a devastating and long-lasting impact on us all. It's been cruel and ruthless and it's stolen the lives of friends and loved ones. As a committee, we felt that it was important to consider the impact of coronavirus, and its management, on health and social care services in Wales. We have considered the response of the Welsh Government and relevant public bodies, as well as the impact on staff, patients and others receiving care or treatment in clinical settings or in the community. Our purpose in undertaking this work was to seek to identify what worked well and what didn't work so well, in order to learn lessons and to apply them quickly to any rise in infection rates.

We've taken evidence from a wide range of professionals in health and social care, public bodies and stakeholders, and we continue to do so. We carried out a survey of front-line staff, patients, carers, and those receiving care or treatment, to understand the impact of the pandemic on them. We also issued an open invitation to anyone who wished to share their experiences with us. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to our work.

Our recommendations include 28 recommendations, and 21 have been accepted in full, and I'd like to thank the Minister for his detailed response. I won't have time to address every recommendation, but I will try to cover some of the key messages, turning first to personal protective equipment. Now, in the early days of the pandemic, a great deal of coverage focused on concerns regarding the adequate and continuous supply of PPE. Much of the early evidence we received reflected the fears and concerns of front-line staff about the availability of appropriate PPE. According to a survey carried out by the British Medical Association, 67 per cent of doctors in Wales did not feel fully protected from COVID-19 at work, and 60 per cent had had to purchase items of PPE directly, or had received supplies as a donation, because the NHS had not been able to procure adequate supplies.

The Royal College of Nursing also reported that many of their members, particularly community nursing teams, had called because they were distressed at being unable to access PPE. It said that 74 per cent of nursing staff had raised concerns about shortages of PPE, with over half having felt pressurised to care for a patient without adequate protection. Indeed, the Minister for health told us that the situation was a very real concern for Government at the time.

This position has improved, and we welcome this, but we cannot afford to be complacent. We need assurance on the continuity of PPE supplies, particularly in light of the recent rise in infection rates. We therefore made the following recommendations: the Welsh Government must, as a matter of urgency, publish a strategy for securing a resilient supply of PPE; stockpile sufficient quantities of appropriate PPE for any future outbreak; keep under review the PPE that it has stockpiled to ensure that it remains of adequate quality and is fit for purpose; publish a strategy for ensuring the resilience of distribution arrangements; work with partners to ensure that guidance on PPE is kept up to date in light of the most recent scientific advice, and communicate this advice clearly to staff. That's recommendation 1. I am very pleased to say that this recommendation was accepted and that a strategic plan for the procurement of PPE for health and social care is being developed.

O gofio bod Cymru, yn draddodiadol, yn dibynnu’n gryf ar gyflenwadau o Tsieina a gwledydd eraill yn Asia, mae’n hanfodol ein bod yn cefnogi cynhyrchwyr yng Nghymru i ddatblygu ein cyflenwad cartref ein hunain. Gwnaethom argymell felly fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn adolygu ei systemau i sicrhau bod y mecanweithiau ar waith i alluogi gweithgynhyrchwyr yng Nghymru i ymateb yn gyflym wrth gyflenwi cyfarpar diogelu personol priodol pe bai unrhyw achosion yn y dyfodol. Dyna argymhelliad 2. Wrth dderbyn yr argymhelliad hwn, roedd y Gweinidog yn cydnabod rôl bwysig busnesau Cymru yn y gwaith o gryfhau ein gallu i wrthsefyll ail don o COVID-19. A dywedodd y bydd y cynllun caffael PPE ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn gyfuniad o gyflenwadau lleol a rhyngwladol.

I droi at gartrefi gofal rŵan, roedd cynnal profion mewn cartrefi gofal yn fater dadleuol, a chafodd Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig a Llywodraeth Cymru eu beirniadu, fel rydym ni'n gwybod, am fethu â chynnal digon o brofion mewn lleoliadau gofal. Mae ffigurau’r Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol yn dangos y bu 663 o farwolaethau oherwydd COVID-19 yng nghartrefi gofal Cymru.

Yn ôl Fforwm Gofal Cymru, roedd y drefn o ryddhau cleifion o’r ysbytai i gartrefi gofal wedi cyfrannu’n sylweddol at y ffaith bod yr haint wedi lledaenu mor frawychus o gyflym mewn cartrefi gofal. Dywedodd Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru ei bod yn pryderu nad oedd hawliau pobl hŷn wedi’u diogelu’n ddigonol. Roedd nifer y marwolaethau yn gysylltiedig â COVID mewn cartrefi gofal yn peri pryder mawr i ni. Rydym ni'n credu bod agwedd gychwynnol Llywodraeth Cymru tuag at gynnal profion mewn cartrefi gofal yn ddiffygiol ar y dechrau, ac roedd ei hymateb i’r argyfwng cynyddol yn rhy araf wedyn. O ganlyniad, roedd nifer y marwolaethau mewn cartrefi gofal yn cyfrif am 28 y cant o’r holl farwolaethau cysylltiedig â choronafeirws yng Nghymru.

Roedd argymhelliad 9 yn ein hadroddiad yn galw ar i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod pob claf sy’n cael ei ryddhau o’r ysbyty yn uniongyrchol i gartref gofal wedi cael prawf, yn unol â’r arfer gorau diweddaraf, i sicrhau bod preswylwyr a staff yn cael eu diogelu cystal ag y bo modd. Cafodd yr argymhelliad hwn ei dderbyn mewn egwyddor. Dywedodd y Gweinidog fod yn rhaid cael canlyniadau’r profion cyn rhyddhau cleifion o’r ysbyty. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am y sicrwydd hwn ac am dderbyn ein hargymhelliad.

I droi at brofi, olrhain a diogelu yn olaf, cyn imi orffen ar y dechrau yma, hoffwn sôn am y strategaeth profi, olrhain a diogelu—system olrhain cysylltiadau Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae gan y rhaglen profi ac olrhain o dan y strategaeth nifer o ddibenion allweddol, gan gynnwys: gwneud diagnosis o'r clefyd; cadw golwg ar iechyd y boblogaeth; olrhain cysylltiadau; a pharhad busnes, gan alluogi gweithwyr allweddol i ddychwelyd i’r gwaith yn gyflymach ac yn fwy diogel.

Mae nifer o dystion wedi tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd dychwelyd canlyniadau profion yn gyflym er mwyn sicrhau llwyddiant y strategaeth profi, olrhain a diogelu. Fel y dywedodd Syr David King, aelod o SAGE Annibynnol, mae’n hanfodol bwysig bod canlyniadau’r profion ar gael yn gyflym.

Dwi'n dyfynnu: 'Os daw’r canlyniad bum niwrnod ar ôl cynnal y prawf, ac mae’r person hwnnw’n dal yn crwydro o amgylch ei gymuned, dychmygwch faint o bobl y gall eu heintio yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw.'

Rydym ni'n cytuno y bydd cyflymder y profi, yr amser mae’n ei gymryd i brosesu canlyniadau, a chywirdeb y canlyniadau hynny yn hanfodol i lwyddiant y strategaeth profi, olrhain a diogelu. Po hiraf yw’r amser prosesu o’r dechrau i’r diwedd, o gasglu sampl i roi canlyniadau i unigolion, po fwyaf yw’r oedi ar yr adeg pan mae’r clefyd ar ei fwyaf heintus, neu po fwyaf tebygol yw hi y bydd pobl—[Anghlywadwy.]

[Anghlywadwy.]—argymell felly fod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru, gan weithio gydag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, geisio sicrhau bod canlyniadau pob prawf yn cael eu dychwelyd o fewn 24 awr. Dyna argymhelliad 19, a chafodd yr argymhelliad hwnnw hefyd ei dderbyn mewn egwyddor.

Clywsom hefyd y byddai cefnogaeth y cyhoedd yn allweddol i lwyddiant y strategaeth. Mae angen i bobl fod yn barod i fod yn onest wrth rannu manylion am eu symudiadau a'u cysylltiadau, a hunanynysu os gallent fod mewn perygl, a hynny er budd y gymuned ehangach. Gwnaethom argymell, felly, fod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru, gan weithio gyda’i phartneriaid, sicrhau ei bod yn cyflwyno negeseuon cyhoeddus clir, a’u hailadrodd yn gyson ar lefel genedlaethol a lleol, yn tanlinellu cyfrifoldeb unigolion i hunanynysu os oes ganddynt symptomau a phwysigrwydd gofyn am brawf ar unwaith. Dyna argymhelliad 25, a derbyniwyd yr argymhelliad hwnnw.

Wrth gwrs, os bydd y broses o olrhain cysylltiadau yn llwyddiannus, mae’n bosib y bydd yn rhaid i bobl hunanynysu sawl gwaith, ac mae hyn yn bryder arbennig i bobl sydd mewn swyddi cyflog isel, gan na fyddant yn gallu fforddio aros gartref o'r gwaith. Yn ôl y canllawiau presennol, mae gan unrhyw un sy'n hunanynysu hawl i dâl salwch statudol, sef £95 yr wythnos, ond nid yw hwn yn gyflog cynaliadwy nac yn gyflog byw. Mae’r demtasiwn i anwybyddu symptomau a chyngor a mynd i’r gwaith yn bryder gwirioneddol, felly, ac yn faes y mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru roi sylw brys iddo, yn enwedig o ystyried nad yw trefniadau tâl salwch statudol wedi’u datganoli. Rydym felly wedi galw ar i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd ati, fel mater o frys, i holi Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig am y trefniadau tâl salwch statudol ar gyfer gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol ac eraill yng Nghymru sy’n gorfod hunanynysu. Rwy’n croesawu’r ffaith bod y Gweinidog yn derbyn yr argymhelliad yma a’i sicrwydd ei fod yn parhau i dynnu sylw Gweinidogion y Deyrnas Unedig at y pryderon am effaith ariannol hunanynysu.

I gloi, hoffwn gydnabod bod maint yr her sy’n wynebu Llywodraethau a’u partneriaid wrth iddynt ymdopi ag effeithiau COVID-19 wedi bod yn ddigynsail hollol. Gwnaed ymdrechion aruthrol yn gyffredinol a llwyddwyd i gyflawni gwyrthiau. Yn anffodus, mae cyfraddau heintio yn codi unwaith eto. Rhaid inni ddefnyddio'r profiad a gawsom a’r cyfan a ddysgwyd wrth frwydro yn erbyn y don gyntaf o'r clefyd i sicrhau bod unrhyw fesurau newydd a gyflwynir i reoli'r feirws yn effeithiol yn amserol ac yn gymesur. Diolch yn fawr.

Given that Wales has traditionally been reliant on supplies from China and other Asian countries, it is vital that we support manufacturers in Wales to develop our own homegrown supply. We therefore recommended that the Welsh Government review its own systems to ensure that the mechanisms are in place to enable manufacturers in Wales to respond quickly in supplying appropriate PPE in the event of any future outbreaks. That's recommendation 2. In accepting this recommendation, the Minister acknowledged the important role of Welsh businesses in strengthening our resilience to withstand a second peak of COVID-19, and said that the PPE procurement plan for health and social care will blend local manufacture and international supply.

Now, in turning to care homes, testing in care homes proved to be a controversial issue, with both the UK and Welsh Governments coming under criticism, as we know, for lack of testing in care settings. The Office for National Statistics figures show that there had been 663 COVID-19 deaths in Welsh cares homes.

According to Care Forum Wales, the practice of discharging hospital patients to care homes played a major role in enabling the infection to spread at such an alarming rate in care homes. The Older People's Commissioner for Wales said that she had concerns that older people’s rights may not have been sufficiently protected. The number of COVID-related deaths in care homes was a source of great concern to us. We believe that the Welsh Government’s initial attitude in terms of testing in care homes was deficient at the outset and their response was too slow thereafter. As a result, the number of deaths in care homes accounted for 28 per cent of all coronavirus-related deaths in Wales.

Recommendation 9 in our report called for the Welsh Government to ensure that all patients being discharged from hospital directly into a care home have been tested, in accordance with latest best practice, in order to ensure that residents and staff have maximum protection. This recommendation was accepted in principle. The Minister said that there had to be test results available before patients could be discharged from hospitals. I'd like to thank the Minister for this reassurance and for accepting our recommendation.

In turning to test, trace and protect finally, before I finish this first part, I'd like to talk about the test, trace and protect strategy—the contact tracing system of the Welsh Government. The test and trace programme under the strategy has a number of key purposes, including: diagnosing the disease; population health surveillance; contact tracing; and business continuity, enabling key workers to return to work more quickly and more safely.

A number of witnesses have highlighted the importance of the timely return of test results to secure the success of the TTP strategy. As Sir David King, a member of Independent SAGE told us,

'the turnaround time after testing is critically important. If you get the test result five days after the test is made, and that person is still wandering around in their community, imagine the number of people infected during that period.'

We agree that the speed of testing, the turnaround of testing results, and the accuracy of those results will be critical to the success of the TTP strategy. The longer the end-to-end turnaround time, from sample collection to the reporting of results to individuals, the greater the delay at the point when the disease is most infectious, or the greater the likelihood of—[Inaudible.]—.

[Inaudible.]—recommend therefore that the Welsh Government, working with Public Health Wales, should seek to ensure that every test result is returned within 24 hours. That is recommendation 19, and that recommendation was also accepted in principle.

We also heard that public support would be crucial to the success of the strategy. People must be willing to be honest in sharing details about their movements and their contacts, and to self-isolate if they are at risk for the benefit of the wider community. We recommended, therefore, that the Government, working with its partners, should ensure that they present clear public messaging and to rehearse those consistently at a local and national level, highlighting individual's responsibility to self-isolate, if they have symptoms, and the importance of seeking a test immediately. That's recommendation 25, and that was accepted.

Of course, if contact tracing is successful, people could be asked to self-isolate multiple times and this is a particular worry for people in low-paid employment who cannot afford to take time off work. According to the current guidance, anyone who is self-isolating is entitled to statutory sick pay, which is £95 a week, but this is not a sustainable wage or a living wage. The temptation to ignore symptoms and advice and to attend work is therefore a very real concern, and it's an area that requires urgent attention from the Welsh Government, particularly given that arrangements for statutory sick pay are not devolved. We've therefore called on the Welsh Government, as a matter of urgency, to pursue with the UK Government the arrangements for statutory sick pay for social care workers and others in Wales who do have to self-isolate. I welcome the fact that the Minister has accepted this recommendation and his assurance that he continues to raise concerns with UK Ministers about the financial impact of self-isolation. 

In closing, I would like to acknowledge that the scale of the challenge facing Governments and their partners in dealing with the effects of COVID-19 has been unprecedented. Enormous efforts have been made across the board, resulting in many significant achievements. Unfortunately, infection rates are on the rise once again. We must use the experience that we have and everything that we learnt in battling the first wave of the disease to ensure that any new measures introduced to control the virus are effective, timely and proportionate. Thank you very much.


I welcome the opportunity to contribute in this debate today. I appreciate I wasn't on the committee at the time of this review that was undertaken, or this inquiry that was undertaken, but I'd just like to pay tribute to my predecessor, Angela Burns, for the work that she did in her time on the committee, and also the Chair of the committee, the staff and the other Members who have produced a very detailed and concise piece of work, with some key recommendations, to say the least on it. And the Government, by and large, has engaged with those recommendations, although, as a politician of some 13 years standing, you're always a bit reticent when you hear 'agreed in principle' because, regrettably, that very often doesn't get delivered, and many, if not all of these recommendations, if taken in their entirety, would add hugely to an improved offer, an improved response, now that some months after this report was published we're seeing what many would call the second wave of COVID hitting many of our towns and cities and communities the length and breadth of Wales.

I think, in the report, as almost like a third person coming to it, reading it from cover to cover, t