Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd

Plenary - Fifth Senedd




1. Cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth 1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport
2. Cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a’r Gweinidog Brexit (yn rhinwedd ei gyfrifoldebau fel Gweinidog Brexit) 2. Questions to the Counsel General and Brexit Minister (in respect of his Brexit Minister responsibilities)
3. Cwestiynau Amserol 3. Topical Questions
4. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad 4. 90-second Statements
Cynnig i Ethol Aelodau i’r Pwyllgor ar Ddiwygio Etholiadol y Cynulliad Motion to Elect Members to the Committee on Assembly Reform
5. Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad: Adroddiad 02-19 5. Standards of Conduct Committee Report: Report 02-19
6. Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad: Adroddiad 03-19 6. Standards of Conduct Committee Report: Report 03-19
7. Dadl Aelodau o dan Reol Sefydlog 11.21(iv): Seilwaith Diwydiannol Hanesyddol 7. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Historic Industrial Infrastructure
8. Dadl ar Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon: Deintyddiaeth yng Nghymru 8. Debate on the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Report: Dentistry in Wales
9. Dadl ar Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu: Cefnogi a Hybu'r Gymraeg 9. Debate on the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee report: Supporting and Promoting the Welsh Language
10. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: Canlyniadau TGAU a Safon Uwch 10. Welsh Conservatives Debate: GCSE and A-level Results
11. Cyfnod Pleidleisio 11. Voting Time
12. Dadl Fer: Gofalu am gartrefi gofal: Sut y gallem wneud mwy i ofalu am gartrefi gofal yng Nghymru 12. Short Debate: Caring for care homes: How we could do more to care for care homes in Wales

Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth
1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport

Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Economi a Threfnidiaeth, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Neil McEvoy. 

And the first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport, and the first question is from Neil McEvoy. 

Trafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus yng Nghaerdydd
Public Transport in Cardiiff

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddarpariaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yng Nghaerdydd? OAQ54424

1. Will the Minister make a statement on public transport provision in Cardiff? OAQ54424

Yes, of course. We continue to invest in a modern and integrated public transport system in Cardiff, which includes local bus services, active travel and the transformational south Wales metro. Integrated public transport is, of course, key to promoting a modal shift from the personal car to more sustainable modes of transport.

Gwnaf, wrth gwrs. Rydym yn parhau i fuddsoddi mewn system drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus fodern ac integredig yng Nghaerdydd, sy'n cynnwys gwasanaethau bysiau lleol, teithio llesol a metro trawsnewidiol de Cymru. Mae trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus integredig, wrth gwrs, yn allweddol er mwyn hyrwyddo newid moddol o'r car personol i ddulliau trafnidiaeth mwy cynaliadwy.

Minister, in the last week, we've seen extreme flooding in areas of Cardiff, no doubt made worse by the concreting of fields for Labour's disastrous local development plan, and the culling of trees and woodland also. Over the summer, roads were closed for building work for Labour's local destruction plan—because that's the correct term really—and the first of thousands of very expensive houses are already being built. But there's no sign of the metro—no sign of it—and there's no extra public transport provision at all, it seems. But there is an extraordinary level of congestion and resulting air pollution right now. Does your party regret giving over our countryside to corporate developers to make a packet, and do you accept that it was highly irresponsible to give the go-ahead to build these houses without any—any—public transport infrastructure in place? 

Weinidog, yn yr wythnos ddiwethaf, rydym wedi gweld llifogydd eithafol mewn ardaloedd o Gaerdydd, a waethygwyd heb os gan y concrit a osodwyd ar gaeau ar gyfer cynllun datblygu lleol trychinebus Llafur, a thorri coed a choetiroedd hefyd. Dros yr haf, caewyd ffyrdd ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu ar gyfer cynllun dinistr lleol Llafur—gan mai dyna'r term cywir mewn gwirionedd—ac mae'r cyntaf o filoedd o dai drud iawn eisoes yn cael eu hadeiladu. Ond nid oes unrhyw arwydd o'r metro—dim arwydd ohono—ac nid ymddengys bod unrhyw ddarpariaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ychwanegol o gwbl. Ond mae lefel anhygoel o dagfeydd a llygredd aer yn sgil hynny ar hyn o bryd. A yw eich plaid yn difaru ildio ein cefn gwlad i ddatblygwyr corfforaethol allu gwneud elw mawr ohono, ac a ydych yn derbyn ei bod yn anghyfrifol iawn rhoi caniatâd i adeiladu'r tai hyn heb sicrhau bod unrhyw—unrhyw—seilwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ar waith?

Can I thank the Member for his question, and just correct him on the assertion that no provision has been made for active travel and integrated travel within the Cardiff area? The metro programme is already being advanced. Rolling stock is on order. Plans are being pursued, with the latest Welsh transport appraisal guidance study concerning the north-west corridor. And, in terms of active travel, I'm pleased to say that we as a Government have awarded £5.5 million to Cardiff Council in the current financial year to help deliver active travel improvements across the city. This includes £2.9 million for eight strategic schemes, and an expansion of the incredibly successful Nextbike scheme.

In addition, we are taking action to combat what I call the 'carbon canyon', which is the concentrated air pollution area in this city. We are identifying means, with Cardiff Council, of reducing the use of the private vehicle within the city, and just this week I have been in discussions with my officials about how we can embark on an unprecedented campaign to replant trees as we face the ash dieback problems. It's my belief that more trees—I'm sure that we would agree entirely—do have to be planted across Wales, and in particular in our urban areas. Now, I'm a passionate believer in careful land management within urban environments that sees more green spaces created, and more trees planted, and that's a key component of 'Planning Policy Wales', which is being adjusted, and I think it's absolutely essential as well that local authorities pay due regard to the need for green spaces. It's not just good for the environment, it's also good for mental health and well-being. 

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn, a'i gywiro ar yr honiad na wnaed unrhyw ddarpariaeth ar gyfer teithio llesol a theithio integredig yn ardal Caerdydd? Mae rhaglen y metro eisoes yn cael ei datblygu. Mae’r cerbydau wedi’u harchebu. Mae cynlluniau ar y gweill, gydag astudiaeth arweiniad ar arfarnu trafnidiaeth ddiweddaraf Cymru yn canolbwyntio ar goridor y gogledd-orllewin. Ac o ran teithio llesol, rwy'n falch o ddweud ein bod ni fel Llywodraeth wedi dyfarnu £5.5 miliwn i Gyngor Caerdydd yn y flwyddyn ariannol gyfredol i’w cynorthwyo i sicrhau gwelliannau teithio llesol ledled y ddinas. Mae hyn yn cynnwys £2.9 miliwn ar gyfer wyth cynllun strategol, ac ehangu cynllun hynod lwyddiannus Nextbike.

Yn ogystal â hynny, rydym yn cymryd camau i fynd i'r afael â'r hyn a alwaf yn 'hafn garbon', sef yr ardal o lygredd aer crynodedig yn y ddinas hon. Rydym yn nodi ffyrdd, gyda Chyngor Caerdydd, o leihau’r defnydd o gerbydau preifat yn y ddinas, a’r wythnos hon, cefais drafodaethau gyda fy swyddogion ynghylch sut y gallwn gychwyn ar ymgyrch ddigynsail i ailblannu coed wrth inni wynebu problemau clefyd coed ynn. Credaf fod yn rhaid plannu mwy o goed—rwy'n siŵr y byddai pob un ohonom yn cytuno'n llwyr—ledled Cymru, ac yn benodol, yn ein hardaloedd trefol. Nawr, rwy'n gredwr cryf mewn rheoli tir yn ofalus mewn amgylcheddau trefol, gan greu mwy o fannau gwyrdd, plannu mwy o goed, ac mae hynny'n rhan allweddol o 'Bolisi Cynllunio Cymru', sy'n cael ei addasu, a chredaf ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol hefyd fod awdurdodau lleol yn rhoi sylw dyledus i'r angen am fannau gwyrdd. Mae'n dda i'r amgylchedd, ac mae hefyd yn dda i iechyd meddwl a lles.

Minister, I hear what you say about public transport, and it's very important that we invest in good models of public transport, especially the experience that people get to make that change from the car on to buses. I was in the village of Creigiau recently, and whilst there are bus stops in the village, it was raised with me that they cannot get bus shelters or dropped kerbs for disability access. Now, I appreciate a lot of that work is undertaken by the local authority, but when you make grants available to local authorities, do you make checks on the overall experience that's available to users of public transport when issuing those grants? It's one thing having a nice new bus that might look nice and shiny on the road, but if there's no disability access at the bus shelter, or if people are expected to stay out in the elements when it's raining and pouring down, people will revert back to their car. So, do you not agree with me that it's important that we look at the overall experience that passengers get, and, where money can be invested, it needs to be invested in bus shelters and dropped kerbs to make disability access the norm rather than an exception?

Weinidog, clywaf yr hyn a ddywedwch am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ac mae’n bwysig iawn ein bod yn buddsoddi mewn modelau da o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, yn enwedig y profiad y mae pobl yn ei gael i wneud y newid hwnnw o gar i fysiau. Roeddwn ym mhentref Creigiau yn ddiweddar, ac er bod safleoedd bws yn y pentref, dywedwyd wrthyf na allant gael llochesi bysiau na chyrbau is y gall pobl anabl eu defnyddio. Nawr, rwy'n deall mai’r awdurdod lleol sy’n gyfrifol am lawer o'r gwaith hwnnw, ond pan fyddwch yn darparu grantiau i awdurdodau lleol, a ydych yn gwirio’r profiad i holl ddefnyddwyr trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wrth ddarparu’r grantiau hynny? Mae cael bws newydd sbon sy’n edrych yn dda ac yn sgleiniog ar y ffordd yn un peth, ond os nad oes mynediad ar gyfer pobl anabl yn y lloches fysiau, neu os oes disgwyl i bobl aros allan pan fydd hi'n arllwys y glaw, bydd pobl yn mynd yn ôl i'w ceir. Felly, onid ydych yn cytuno â mi ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod yn edrych ar brofiad pob teithiwr, a bod angen buddsoddi arian, lle y gellir ei fuddsoddi, mewn llochesi bysiau a chyrbau is fel bod mynediad ar gyfer pobl anabl yn arferol yn hytrach na’n eithriad?

I'd agree entirely with the Member. The experience that a member of the public has at a bus stop is just as important as the experience that they have on the actual bus. And I'm pleased that we've been able to support local government in Wales, in this financial year, with enhanced bus-related infrastructure that includes modern, fit-for-purpose bus stops. The Member will also be aware of the White Paper that was published recently concerning the future of public transport in Wales, specifically bus services and the creation of quality partnerships that will lead to enhanced service provision, and enhanced provision within bus stops and along routes, including, for example, free Wi-Fi not just on buses but potentially at bus stops.

Cytunaf yn llwyr â'r Aelod. Mae profiad aelod o'r cyhoedd mewn safle bws yr un mor bwysig â'r profiad a gânt ar y bws ei hun. Ac rwy'n falch ein bod wedi gallu cefnogi llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru, yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, gyda gwell seilwaith bysiau sy'n cynnwys safleoedd bws modern sy’n addas i’r diben. Bydd yr Aelod hefyd yn ymwybodol o'r Papur Gwyn a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar ynghylch dyfodol trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yng Nghymru, a gwasanaethau bysiau yn benodol a’r gwaith o greu partneriaethau o safon a fydd yn arwain at well darpariaeth gwasanaeth, a darpariaeth well mewn safleoedd bws ac ar lwybrau bysiau, gan gynnwys, er enghraifft, Wi-Fi am ddim, nid yn unig ar fysiau ond mewn safleoedd bws o bosibl.

Busnesau Bach
Small Businesses

2. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i helpu twf busnesau bach yng Nghymru? OAQ54430

2. What plans does the Welsh Government have to assist small business growth in Wales? OAQ54430

Thank you. In line with our economic action plan, we remain committed to supporting small businesses throughout Wales. And the development bank is assisting with its bilingual advice service and financial support for businesses to start and grow. Furthermore, the Business Wales accelerated growth programme provides specialist tailored support for businesses with significant growth potential.

Diolch. Yn unol â'n cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, rydym yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i gefnogi busnesau bach ledled Cymru. Ac mae'r banc datblygu yn cynorthwyo gyda'i wasanaeth cyngor dwyieithog a'i gefnogaeth ariannol i fusnesau allu dechrau a thyfu. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, mae rhaglen cyflymu twf Busnes Cymru yn darparu cefnogaeth arbenigol wedi'i theilwra i fusnesau sydd â photensial sylweddol i dyfu.

Thank you for that. And I do understand your drive and ambition to help small businesses in Wales. But, of course, last week, the shadow Chancellor, for the shadow bench, stated at your conference that he'd introduce a 32-hour week within a decade if Labour come into power. Now, how does this equate with your desire to encourage small business growth, as employers will have limited capacity to employ more staff, but their working hours will reduce? I've been in receipt of a number of telephone calls on this issue, so clarification on what the Welsh Government would do, or how you might manage the situation, will be something that I think small business owners will be raising more and more in the future.

Diolch am hynny. Ac rwy'n deall eich dyhead a'ch uchelgais i helpu busnesau bach yng Nghymru. Ond wrth gwrs, yr wythnos diwethaf, nododd Canghellor yr wrthblaid ar ran meinciau'r wrthblaid yn eich cynhadledd y byddai'n cyflwyno wythnos 32 awr, o fewn degawd, pe bai Llafur yn dod i rym. Nawr, sut y mae hyn yn cymharu â'ch awydd i annog twf busnesau bach, gan mai gallu cyfyngedig a fydd gan gyflogwyr i gyflogi mwy o staff, ond bydd eu horiau gwaith yn lleihau? Rwyf wedi derbyn sawl galwad ffôn ynglŷn a’r mater hwn, felly bydd eglurhad ynghylch yr hyn y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud, neu sut y gallech reoli'r sefyllfa, yn rhywbeth y credaf y bydd perchnogion busnesau bach yn ei godi’n amlach yn y dyfodol.

Well, I'd say, first and foremost, the proposals are ambitious. They are right as well, in my view, but they're not without challenge, which is why a 10-year period has been presented as a transition for a reduction in the working week. What is most important within the UK economy right now is the twin challenge of a lack of inclusive growth—i.e. a lack of fair growth, and regions, therefore, being left behind—and a lack of productivity. And it appears to me, based on international expertise, that the productivity challenge can be addressed through reducing the working week, as we have seen in France, where productivity improved as a consequence of reducing the working week to four days. I believe that we can apply the same model within the UK and we can achieve the same outcomes as France has enjoyed.

Wel, buaswn yn dweud, yn anad dim, fod y cynigion yn uchelgeisiol. Maent yn iawn hefyd, yn fy marn i, ond nid ydynt heb eu heriau, a dyna pam fod cyfnod o 10 mlynedd wedi'i gynnig fel cyfnod pontio ar gyfer cwtogi’r wythnos waith. Yr hyn sydd bwysicaf yn economi'r DU ar hyn o bryd yw her ddeublyg diffyg twf cynhwysol—h.y. diffyg twf teg, a rhanbarthau, felly, yn cael eu gadael ar ôl—a diffyg cynhyrchiant. Ac ymddengys i mi, yn seiliedig ar arbenigedd rhyngwladol, y gellir mynd i'r afael â her cynhyrchiant drwy gwtogi'r wythnos waith, fel y gwelsom yn Ffrainc, lle y gwellodd cynhyrchiant o ganlyniad i gwtogi’r wythnos waith i bedwar diwrnod. Credaf y gallwn ddefnyddio’r un model yn y DU ac y gallwn gyflawni'r un canlyniadau â Ffrainc.

Minister, small business is the backbone of our economy and needs a low tax, red-tape-free environment in order to thrive. However, the biggest barrier to growth currently is poor infrastructure. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, a majority of businesses in Wales have found they're affected by Government making decisions on infrastructure. It's not just the Government's failure to deliver the promised M4 relief road, but it's the state of the road network and poor public transport links. So, Minister, how does your Government plan to address the FSB's concerns over the next 12 months?

Weinidog, busnesau bach yw asgwrn cefn ein heconomi, ac mae arnynt angen amgylchedd treth isel heb fiwrocratiaeth i allu ffynnu. Fodd bynnag, y rhwystr mwyaf i dwf ar hyn o bryd yw seilwaith gwael. Yn ôl y Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach, mae’r mwyafrif o fusnesau Cymru wedi cael eu heffeithio o ganlyniad i’r Llywodraeth yn gwneud penderfyniadau ynglŷn â seilwaith. Mae'n ymwneud nid yn unig â methiant y Llywodraeth i ddarparu ffordd liniaru’r M4 fel yr addawyd, ond â chyflwr y rhwydwaith ffyrdd, a chysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus gwael. Felly, Weinidog, sut y mae eich Llywodraeth yn bwriadu mynd i'r afael â phryderon y Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach dros y 12 mis nesaf?

Well, the FSB report, I think, was incredibly helpful and we'll be considering it very carefully. I would say, in terms of ambitious programmes for infrastructure, the £5 billion rail franchise, the transformational south Wales metro, the north Wales metro, which is making great strides, the development of a south-west Wales metro as well, all demonstrate that this Welsh Government has huge ambition for public transport and the infrastructure that's required to underpin it.

Wel, credaf fod adroddiad y Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach yn hynod ddefnyddiol a byddwn yn ei ystyried yn ofalus iawn. O ran rhaglenni uchelgeisiol ar gyfer seilwaith, buaswn yn dweud bod y fasnachfraint reilffyrdd gwerth £5 biliwn, metro trawsnewidiol de Cymru, metro gogledd Cymru, sy'n gwneud cryn dipyn o gynnydd, datblygu metro de-orllewin Cymru hefyd, i gyd yn dangos bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru uchelgais enfawr ar gyfer trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a'r seilwaith sydd ei angen yn sail i hynny.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Russell George.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Russell George.

Diolch, Llywydd. Can the Minister tell me when Wales can expect to have a reliable rail service?

Diolch, Lywydd. A all y Gweinidog ddweud wrthyf pryd y gall Cymru ddisgwyl gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd dibynadwy?

Wales has a reliable—[Interruption.] Wales has a reliable rail service. However, that service is not without faults, and that is something that Transport for Wales have admitted to. I think if we look at, historically, the problems associated with underinvestment by the UK Government, we'll understand that the lack of decent signalling and the lack of major infrastructure improvements have contributed to a lack of reliability not just today but in many years previous.

Mae gan Gymru wasanaeth—[Torri ar draws.] Mae gan Gymru wasanaeth rheilffyrdd dibynadwy. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'r gwasanaeth hwnnw heb ei feiau, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi’i gyfaddef. Os edrychwn, yn hanesyddol, ar y problemau sy'n gysylltiedig â thanfuddsoddi gan Lywodraeth y DU, credaf y byddwn yn deall bod y diffyg signalau addas a'r diffyg gwelliannau seilwaith mawr wedi cyfrannu at ddiffyg dibynadwyedd, nid yn unig heddiw ond ers blynyddoedd lawer.

Minister, there'll be many people across Wales who will not agree with you that we have a reliable rail service. You have great aspirations, which I would welcome and agree with, but passengers want to know when they can expect a rail service that is reliable now. Passengers want to see improvements now, not just in the future. But this is what you told the people of Wales last year, and I'm quoting you here,

'Let me be absolutely clear: in the coming months and years, we will deliver groundbreaking transformation of transport across the country'.

I'm sure that you will agree that we are not seeing that transformation and we're not seeing an acceptable level of service. This summer, we saw an unacceptable level of delays, cancellations, short-form trains. On the Cambrian line, which serves my own constituency, only 61 per cent of trains arrived on time between June and July, with many others being cancelled. There is a shortage of drivers, resulting in further cancellations, and, according to Transport for Wales's own website, 2019 was going to see an increased capacity on the Valleys lines. However, according to their own statistics, only 81 per cent of trains arrived on time between June and July. Is this the groundbreaking transformation that you had in mind? 

Weinidog, bydd llawer o bobl ledled Cymru yn anghytuno â chi fod gennym wasanaeth rheilffyrdd dibynadwy. Mae gennych ddyheadau gwych y buaswn yn eu croesawu ac yn cytuno â hwy, ond mae teithwyr am wybod pryd y gallant ddisgwyl gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd sy'n ddibynadwy yn awr. Mae teithwyr am weld gwelliannau yn awr, nid yn y dyfodol yn unig. Ond dyma a ddywedoch wrth bobl Cymru y llynedd, ac rwy'n eich dyfynnu chi:

Gadewch i mi fod yn gwbl glir: dros y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd nesaf, byddwn yn cyflawni trawsnewid arloesol ym maes trafnidiaeth ledled y wlad.

Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno nad ydym yn gweld y trawsnewid hwnnw ac nad ydym yn gweld lefel dderbyniol o wasanaeth. Yr haf hwn, cawsom lefel annerbyniol o oedi, canslo, trenau rhy fach. Ar reilffordd y Cambrian, sy'n gwasanaethu fy etholaeth i, 61 y cant o drenau yn unig a gyrhaeddodd ar amser rhwng mis Mehefin a mis Gorffennaf, gyda llawer o rai eraill wedi cael eu canslo. Mae prinder gyrwyr yn arwain at ganslo rhagor o drenau, ac yn ôl gwefan Trafnidiaeth Cymru ei hun, roedd capasiti rheilffyrdd y Cymoedd i fod i gynyddu yn 2019. Fodd bynnag, yn ôl eu hystadegau eu hunain, 81 y cant o drenau yn unig a gyrhaeddodd ar amser rhwng mis Mehefin a mis Gorffennaf. Ai hwn yw'r trawsnewid arloesol a oedd gennych mewn golwg?


Well, let me just repeat some of the groundbreaking measures we've already undertaken as a consequence of us letting this franchise agreement. We have put in orders for £800 million of new trains—more than 130 trains and light rail tram units. Last week, or the week before, I announced £194 million of improvements for stations. Compare that to £600,000 that was spent in the previous 15 years. Halton curve services have begun in the north, and I'm delighted to be able to tell Members today that, next week, I will be detailing how we will be achieving a 10 per cent increase in capacity at the end of this year on the rail franchise network. Members will be interested as well to hear more about the four-carriage trains that are going to be introduced on peak Valleys lines services, which will provide more space for commuters every week. We're going to be introducing—and I'll detail this next week, again—more modern trains with more space and onboard passenger information systems, accessible toilets and free Wi-Fi, and I'll be detailing improved long-distance services between north Wales and Manchester, as well as a much improved journey time between south Wales and north Wales.

But I would add that this has not been a journey without challenge, but much of the challenge relates to the infrastructure that is outdated or is not fit for purpose, and that is not a responsibility of Transport for Wales or the Welsh Government; that remains a responsibility of UK Government. If we are to address that problem, we need to have responsibility for infrastructure and funding devolved to the Welsh Government.

And the Member does pick up on the important point of reliability on the Cambrian line over the summer. Well, of course, much of the problem with the Cambrian line over the summer relates to the signalling equipment that is utilised on the Cambrian line. That is the responsibility not of Transport for Wales but of Network Rail—i.e. UK Government. We are hoping that this will be overcome, but, of course, it's been a challenge not of our making. 

Wel, gadewch i mi ailadrodd rhai o'r mesurau arloesol rydym eisoes wedi'u rhoi ar waith o ganlyniad i osod cytundeb y fasnachfraint hon. Rydym wedi archebu gwerth £800 miliwn o drenau newydd—mwy na 130 o drenau ac unedau tram ysgafn. Yr wythnos diwethaf, neu'r wythnos cyn hynny, cyhoeddais werth £194 miliwn o welliannau i orsafoedd. Cymharwch hynny â'r £600,000 a wariwyd dros y 15 mlynedd flaenorol. Mae gwasanaethau troad Halton wedi cychwyn yn y gogledd, ac rwy'n falch iawn o allu dweud wrth yr Aelodau heddiw y byddaf, yr wythnos nesaf, yn manylu ar sut y byddwn yn sicrhau cynnydd o 10 y cant yn y capasiti erbyn diwedd eleni ar rwydwaith y fasnachfraint rheilffyrdd. Bydd yr Aelodau hefyd yn awyddus i glywed mwy am y trenau pedwar cerbyd a fydd yn cael eu cyflwyno ar wasanaethau brig rheilffyrdd y Cymoedd, ac a fydd yn darparu mwy o le i gymudwyr bob wythnos. Byddwn yn cyflwyno—ac unwaith eto, byddaf yn manylu ar hyn yr wythnos nesaf—trenau mwy modern gyda mwy o le a chanddynt systemau gwybodaeth i deithwyr, toiledau hwylus a Wi-Fi am ddim, a byddaf yn manylu ar wasanaethau pellter hir gwell rhwng gogledd Cymru a Manceinion, yn ogystal ag amser teithio llawer gwell rhwng de Cymru a gogledd Cymru.

Ond hoffwn ychwanegu nad yw hon wedi bod yn siwrnai heb ei heriau, ond mae llawer o'r her yn ymwneud â'r seilwaith sydd wedi dyddio neu nad yw'n addas i'r diben, ac nid yw hynny'n gyfrifoldeb i Trafnidiaeth Cymru na Llywodraeth Cymru; mae hynny'n parhau i fod yn gyfrifoldeb i Lywodraeth y DU. Os ydym am fynd i'r afael â'r broblem honno, mae arnom angen i'r cyfrifoldeb am seilwaith a chyllid gael ei ddatganoli i Lywodraeth Cymru.

Ac mae'r Aelod yn nodi'r pwynt pwysig ynghylch dibynadwyedd ar reilffordd y Cambrian dros yr haf. Wel, wrth gwrs, mae llawer o'r broblem gyda rheilffordd y Cambrian dros yr haf yn ymwneud â'r offer signalau a ddefnyddir ar reilffordd y Cambrian. Nid cyfrifoldeb Trafnidiaeth Cymru yw hynny, ond Network Rail—h.y. Llywodraeth y DU. Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd y broblem hon yn cael ei datrys, ond wrth gwrs, nid ni sydd ar fai am yr her honno.

Well, thank you, Minister. You've referred to the Cambrian line. Well, trains are being pulled off the Cambrian line to be used in other parts of Wales. That isn't the responsibility of Network Rail; that's the responsibility of Transport for Wales and yourself. 

Now, last autumn, we saw huge disruption across the rail network, and we saw at one point the fleet reduced from 127 trains to just 86. Now, we know that we expect autumn weather every year in the way it comes to us, but I would have thought that our rail services would have been reliable enough during the warm and dry period this summer, which hasn't been the case. So, that does bring, of course, the concern for where passengers are going to be left this autumn. So, considering the appalling delays and cancellations over the summer, can you assure the people of Wales, and commuters, that this autumn will not be anywhere near the level of disruption that they saw last year?

Wel, diolch, Weinidog. Rydych wedi cyfeirio at reilffordd y Cambrian. Wel, mae trenau'n cael eu tynnu oddi ar reilffordd y Cambrian i'w defnyddio mewn rhannau eraill o Gymru. Nid cyfrifoldeb Network Rail yw hynny; eich cyfrifoldeb chi a Trafnidiaeth Cymru ydyw.

Nawr, yn yr hydref y llynedd, gwelsom gryn dipyn o darfu ar rwydwaith y rheilffyrdd, ac ar un adeg, gwelsom y fflyd yn lleihau o 127 o drenau i 86 trên yn unig. Nawr, gwyddom ein bod yn disgwyl tywydd hydrefol bob blwyddyn yn y ffordd y daw, ond buaswn wedi disgwyl i'n gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd fod yn ddigon dibynadwy yn ystod cyfnod cynnes a sych yr haf eleni, ac ni ddigwyddodd hynny. Felly, mae hynny, wrth gwrs, yn peri pryder ynghylch sefyllfa'r teithwyr yr hydref hwn. Felly, o ystyried yr achosion gwarthus o oedi a chanslo dros yr haf, a allwch roi sicrwydd i bobl Cymru, a chymudwyr, na fydd lefel y tarfu yr hydref hwn yn agos i'r hyn a welsant y llynedd?

Can I thank Russell George for giving me an opportunity to address this very serious issue? If we go back to the autumn of last year, we'll all recall that there was a very serious problem with what are called 'wheel flats' caused by the lack of wheel-slide protection on trains. It was a unique problem for the rolling stock fleet that we adopted from Arriva Trains Wales. Now, the Member identifies, rightly, that trains were withdrawn from the Cambrian line and many other lines over the summer holiday period, in order to have wheel-slide protection kits fitted to them. Scores of trains over the summer had wheel-slide protection kits applied to them as part of our £40 million upgrade of the existing fleet, which will be in operation while we await the new trains, which will be delivered from 2022 onward. So, I'm pleased to be able to say to Members today that those trains that were not fitted with wheel-slide protection kits last year, which were not operating as a consequence of that or which did suffer from wheel slide, now have that vital kit applied to them.

A gaf fi ddiolch i Russell George am roi cyfle imi sôn am y mater difrifol iawn hwn? Os meddyliwn am hydref y llynedd, bydd pob un ohonom yn cofio'r broblem ddifrifol iawn gyda'r hyn a elwir yn 'fannau fflat ar olwynion' a achoswyd gan ddiffyg amddiffyniadau ar drenau i atal olwynion rhag llithro. Roedd yn broblem unigryw i'r fflyd o gerbydau a etifeddwyd gennym gan Arriva Trains Wales. Nawr, mae'r Aelod yn llygad ei le wrth nodi bod trenau wedi'u tynnu oddi ar reilffordd y Cambrian a llawer o reilffyrdd eraill dros gyfnod gwyliau'r haf, er mwyn gosod citiau amddiffyniadau i atal olwynion rhag llithro. Gosodwyd citiau amddiffyniadau i atal olwynion rhag llithro ar lu o drenau dros yr haf fel rhan o'n hymdrech gwerth £40 miliwn i uwchraddio'r fflyd bresennol, a fydd yn weithredol wrth i ni aros am y trenau newydd, a fydd yn cael eu cyflenwi o 2022 ymlaen. Felly, rwy'n falch o allu dweud wrth yr Aelodau heddiw fod y trenau hynny nad oedd ganddynt amddiffyniadau i atal olwynion rhag llithro y llynedd, ac nad oeddent yn weithredol o ganlyniad i hynny, neu drenau â mannau fflat ar eu holwynion, bellach wedi cael y cit hanfodol hwnnw wedi'i osod.


Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu paratoadau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer diwydiant 4.0?

Thank you very much, Llywydd. Will the Minister outline the Welsh Government's preparations for industry 4.0?

Can I thank the Member for his question? He'll be aware of the report that Professor Brown conducted for us on this, which we have now published and we will be responding to it accordingly. But alongside this work, the implementation of the economic action plan continues with the economic contract driving inclusive, fair growth and behavioural change within business settings, and the calls to action designed to futureproof businesses. And as part of the calls to action, we're investing heavily in the industries of tomorrow and in the components of those industries, such as automation and artificial intelligence, which will drive productivity and jobs growth.

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Fe fydd yn ymwybodol o'r adroddiad a gyflawnodd yr Athro Brown ar hyn ar ein cyfer, ac rydym bellach wedi'i gyhoeddi a byddwn yn ymateb iddo yn unol â hynny. Ond ochr yn ochr â'r gwaith hwn, mae'r broses o roi'r cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi ar waith yn parhau, gyda'r contract economaidd yn hybu twf cynhwysol, teg a newid ymddygiad mewn lleoliadau busnes, a'r galwadau i weithredu a gynlluniwyd i sicrhau bod busnesau'n cael eu diogelu at y dyfodol. Ac fel rhan o'r galwadau i weithredu, rydym yn buddsoddi'n helaeth yn niwydiannau'r dyfodol ac yng nghydrannau'r diwydiannau hynny, fel awtomatiaeth a deallusrwydd artiffisial, a fydd yn hybu cynhyrchiant a thwf swyddi.

I look forward to the full response on Professor Brown's report. What he saw was that too many Welsh companies are locked into low-value parts of worldwide chains and, actually, that there's little scope for higher value roles in areas like research and development and international procurement.

Now Professor Brown further argues that the Welsh workforce, as a result, will be exposed to quality-cost competition as companies seek to automate less valuable parts of their chains. We know that automation is happening and that it will accelerate, so the window for taking action to prepare for that is narrowing. So, what preparations are Welsh Government making to provide retraining opportunities, for example, for those who are and will increasingly be affected by automation?

Edrychaf ymlaen at yr ymateb llawn i adroddiad yr Athro Brown. Yr hyn a welodd ef oedd fod gormod o gwmnïau yn Nghymru wedi'u cloi i mewn i rannau isel eu gwerth o gadwyni byd-eang, ac mewn gwirionedd, nad oes llawer o le i rolau uwch eu gwerth mewn meysydd fel ymchwil a datblygu a chaffael rhyngwladol.

Nawr, mae'r Athro Brown yn dadlau ymhellach y bydd gweithlu Cymru, o ganlyniad, yn agored i gystadleuaeth cost ac ansawdd wrth i gwmnïau geisio awtomeiddio rhannau llai gwerthfawr o'u cadwyni. Gwyddom fod awtomatiaeth yn digwydd ac y bydd yn cyflymu, felly mae'r amser i weithredu er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer hynny'n lleihau. Felly, pa baratoadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu gwneud i ddarparu cyfleoedd ailhyfforddi, er enghraifft, i'r rheini yr effeithir arnynt yn awr ac yn gynyddol yn y dyfodol gan awtomatiaeth?

I'm pleased to be able to tell Members today that the implementation of our plans for individual learning accounts has been commenced and this programme is now being rolled out. What it enables individuals in work to do is to have financial support in order to undergo training and retraining specifically to address the challenges that industry 4.0 will present, and the need to ensure that they are fully equipped to take full advantage of the new jobs that will be created in the transition to an automated society. 

Rwy'n falch o allu dweud wrth yr Aelodau heddiw fod y broses o roi ein cynlluniau ar gyfer cyfrifon dysgu unigol ar waith wedi cychwyn ac mae'r rhaglen hon bellach yn cael ei chyflwyno. Yr hyn y mae'n galluogi unigolion mewn gwaith i'w wneud yw cael cymorth ariannol er mwyn cael hyfforddiant ac ailhyfforddi yn benodol er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r heriau y bydd diwydiant 4.0 yn eu cyflwyno, a'r angen i sicrhau eu bod yn barod i fanteisio i'r eithaf ar y swyddi newydd a gaiff eu creu wrth drawsnewid i gymdeithas awtomataidd.

One thing that Professor Brown identifies is that gross value added measures are a very good indication of how prepared an economy is for automation. And the report highlights the sheer scale of the challenge for Wales in particular in preparing the workforce for advances in automation because of a failure to increase our GVA. And if we look at GVA figures by region, then it's very, very uncomfortable reading for you, as Welsh Government, I'm sure. 

London produces 33 per cent more than the UK average. You've been in your role now since 2016. It's very fair now, after that amount of time, to assess how successful the steps you have taken have been in increasing GVA. It's not a good story to tell. So, how prepared can we be for automation when our GVA under your leadership, as economy Minister, is still lagging so far behind?

Un peth y mae'r Athro Brown yn ei nodi yw bod mesurau gwerth ychwanegol gros yn arwydd da iawn o ba mor barod yw economi ar gyfer awtomatiaeth. Ac mae'r adroddiad yn tynnu sylw at faint yr her i Gymru, yn enwedig o ran paratoi'r gweithlu ar gyfer datblygiadau mewn awtomatiaeth yn sgil methiant i gynyddu ein gwerth ychwanegol gros. Ac os edrychwn ar ffigurau gwerth ychwanegol gros yn ôl rhanbarth, maent yn eich gwneud yn anghyfforddus tu hwnt fel Llywodraeth Cymru, rwy'n siŵr.

Mae Llundain yn cynhyrchu 33 y cant yn fwy na chyfartaledd y DU. Rydych wedi bod yn eich swydd ers 2016. Ar ôl cymaint o amser, mae'n deg iawn asesu bellach pa mor llwyddiannus y bu'r camau a gymerwyd gennych o ran cynyddu gwerth ychwanegol gros. Nid yw'n edrych yn dda. Felly, pa mor barod y gallwn fod ar gyfer awtomatiaeth pan fydd ein gwerth ychwanegol gros o dan eich arweinyddiaeth fel Gweinidog yr economi mor bell ar ei hôl hi o hyd?

Well, let's just look at the facts, the figures. Since 2004, Welsh productivity growth has been fourth highest of all the UK regions and nations. The fourth highest. We are coming from an incredibly low base, I would admit that, but since devolution we've performed incredibly well, especially in recent times. If you look at some of the other measurements supplied to the economy, such as gross domestic product, which recently showed Wales outpacing the UK average, we are performing very well indeed. But, of course, we have Brexit looming and that could lead to a contraction in the economy.

Against this backdrop of uncertainty, we are investing in facilities that are designed to drive productivity, such as the advanced manufacturing research centre, which will open in November in Deeside. That facility alone will have a GVA contribution of something in the region of £3 billion and will drive innovation and the diffusion of innovation across the aerospace and automotive sectors in particular. But we're also investing very heavily elsewhere, for example, in the National Digital Exploitation Centre, which, again, is designed to drive innovation and skills development across the Welsh economy. There are a plethora of enterprise hubs and facilities similar to enterprise hubs that we've been able to fund across Wales, designed to encourage and support entrepreneurs to grow their own businesses and to share experience with other entrepreneurs.

I'm confident that with a record number of businesses in existence, with unemployment at a near-record low, with employment at a record high, and inactivity at a record low, the Welsh economy and the Welsh workforce are well placed to meet future challenges. But that's not to say that Brexit will assist. If anything, Brexit is going to be a major challenge that we are going to struggle to overcome, unless we get the financial support through the Kingfisher fund and other funding resources from UK Government.

Wel, gadewch i ni edrych ar y ffeithiau, y ffigurau. Ers 2004, twf cynhyrchiant Cymru oedd y pedwerydd uchaf o holl ranbarthau a gwledydd y DU. Y pedwerydd uchaf. Rydym yn dod o sylfaen anhygoel o isel, rwy'n cyfaddef hynny, ond ers datganoli, rydym wedi perfformio'n anhygoel o dda, yn enwedig yn ddiweddar. Os edrychwch ar rai o'r mesuriadau eraill a ddarparwyd i'r economi, fel cynnyrch domestig gros, a ddangosodd yn ddiweddar fod Cymru'n gwneud yn well na chyfartaledd y DU, rydym yn perfformio'n dda iawn yn wir. Ond wrth gwrs, mae Brexit ar y gorwel a gallai hynny arwain at grebachu'r economi.

Yn erbyn y cefndir hwn o ansicrwydd, rydym yn buddsoddi mewn cyfleusterau sydd wedi'u cynllunio i hybu cynhyrchiant, fel y ganolfan ymchwil gweithgynhyrchu uwch, a fydd yn agor ym mis Tachwedd yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy. Bydd gan y cyfleuster hwnnw yn unig gyfraniad gwerth ychwanegol gros o oddeutu £3 biliwn a bydd yn sbarduno arloesedd ac yn lledaenu arloesedd ar draws y sectorau awyrofod a modurol yn enwedig. Ond rydym hefyd yn buddsoddi'n helaeth mewn mannau eraill, er enghraifft yn y Ganolfan Ecsbloetio Ddigidol Genedlaethol, sydd unwaith eto wedi'i chynllunio i hybu arloesedd a datblygu sgiliau ar draws economi Cymru. Rydym wedi gallu ariannu llu o ganolfannau menter a chyfleusterau tebyg i ganolfannau menter ledled Cymru a gynlluniwyd i annog a chefnogi entrepreneuriaid i dyfu eu busnesau eu hunain ac i rannu eu profiadau ag entrepreneuriaid eraill.

Gyda'r nifer uchaf erioed o fusnesau'n bodoli, gyda diweithdra bron â bod ar y lefel isaf erioed, gyda chyflogaeth ar lefel uwch nag erioed, ac anweithgarwch ar y lefel isaf erioed, rwy'n hyderus fod economi Cymru a gweithlu Cymru mewn sefyllfa dda i wynebu heriau'r dyfodol. Ond nid yw hynny'n golygu y bydd Brexit yn gymorth. Os rhywbeth, bydd Brexit yn her fawr anodd ei goresgyn, oni bai ein bod yn cael cefnogaeth ariannol drwy gronfa Kingfisher ac adnoddau cyllido eraill gan Lywodraeth y DU.


Llefarydd Plaid Brexit, David Rowlands. 

Brexit Party spokesperson, David Rowlands. 

Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, outside of the UK, the European Union is now officially a low-growth economic region. Even the once-mighty German economy is now stagnating because, unlike the UK, where a large percentage of our business base is taken up by small and medium-sized enterprises, Germany's economy is dominated by large multinational corporations and it is heavily dependent on its export markets. Does the Minister not agree with me that should a ludicrous tariff war follow a 'no deal' Brexit the German economy will be far more damaged than that of the UK?

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, y tu allan i'r DU, mae'n swyddogol bellach fod yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn rhanbarth economaidd twf isel. Mae hyd yn oed economi'r Almaen, a fu unwaith mor gryf, bellach yn aros yn ei hunfan oherwydd, yn wahanol i'r DU, lle mae canran fawr o'n sylfaen fusnes yn fentrau bach a chanolig, mae economi'r Almaen wedi'i ddominyddu gan gorfforaethau rhyngwladol mawr ac mae'n ddibynnol iawn ar ei marchnadoedd allforio. Onid yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi, pe ceid rhyfel tariff gwarthus ar ôl Brexit heb gytundeb, y byddai economi'r Almaen yn waeth ei byd o lawer nag economi'r DU?

I'm more concerned with the UK economy rather than the German economy. The German economy has been referred to as a low-growth economy. I always struggle with the idea of a low-growth economy being a poorly performing economy if that low growth is sustainable. It's my firm belief that we shouldn't be chasing, as Greta Thunberg recently put it, this fairytale of eternal high growth. Growth has to be sustainable. And if you look at the market of the EU, it's still a market to which we send the majority of our exports; it is a sustainable market for the UK to be part of. So, whilst we can become obsessed with other economies around the globe, let's just look at our own and focus on what we can do to improve the UK economy and the Welsh economy. We have certain levers here in Wales to improve the Welsh economy, but, ultimately, the UK Government must decide on a course of action that will benefit the economy of Wales and the UK, and that course of action will not lead to any net benefits if the UK Government decide to drive us off a cliff at the end of October.

Rwy'n fwy pryderus ynghylch economi'r DU nag economi'r Almaen. Cyfeiriwyd at economi’r Almaen fel economi twf isel. Rwyf bob amser yn ei chael hi'n anodd deall y syniad fod economi twf isel yn economi sy'n perfformio'n wael os yw'r twf isel hwnnw'n gynaliadwy. Credaf yn gryf na ddylem fod yn dyheu, fel y nododd Greta Thunberg yn ddiweddar, am y chwedl hon o dwf uchel tragwyddol. Mae'n rhaid i dwf fod yn gynaliadwy. Ac os edrychwch ar farchnad yr UE, mae'n dal i fod yn farchnad rydym yn anfon mwyafrif ein hallforion iddi; mae'n farchnad gynaliadwy i'r DU fod yn rhan ohoni. Felly, er y gallwn fod yn obsesiynol ynghylch economïau eraill ledled y byd, gadewch inni edrych ar ein heconomi ein hunain a chanolbwyntio ar yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud i wella economi'r DU ac economi Cymru. Mae gennym ysgogiadau penodol yma yng Nghymru i wella economi Cymru, ond yn y pen draw, mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU benderfynu ar lwybr gweithredu a fydd o fudd i economi Cymru a'r DU, ac ni fydd y llwybr gweithredu hwnnw'n arwain at unrhyw fuddion net os bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn penderfynu ein gyrru oddi ar glogwyn ddiwedd mis Hydref.

I thank the Minister for his answer although, of course, I wouldn't particularly agree with his conclusions. Yesterday evening, Minister, I had a very interesting conversation with an Italian bartender. [Interruption.] I shall say at this moment that I was quite sober when I had this conversation—well, at least I wasn't inebriated. But having holidayed many times and being a lover of the Italian way of life, I expressed my surprise at the fact that, for a country that always seemed in economic turmoil, no more so than now, the way of life seemed far superior to that enjoyed in the UK.

I was extremely surprised by his answer, Minister. He told me that far from being a contented and happy population, there was a huge underbelly of discontent, based mainly on a lack of well-paid jobs and commercial opportunity. This contrasted with the UK where, when he arrived some five years earlier, he said he could not believe the job opportunities and pay levels enjoyed by most of the population. He was talking here of Wales, actually, Minister. By the way, having looked at the continued residency regulations, he had no fears about deportation. He went on to say that a growing number of Italians were completely disillusioned with the EU, and applauded the UK's Brexit vote. They now saw the EU as a stifling influence on the Italian economy and resented the EU's political interventions in the country's affairs.

Whilst I acknowledge that this is just one individual's opinion and experience, does the Minister not think it is time we cut the shackles of the Brussels political ambitions and looked out to a world of high economic growth, where some countries' growth levels are five times that of the EU, and where we already enjoy £300 billion-worth of exports?

Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb er na fuaswn, wrth gwrs, yn cytuno â'i gasgliadau fel y cyfryw. Neithiwr, Weinidog, cefais sgwrs ddiddorol iawn gyda barman o’r Eidal. [Torri ar draws.] Dylwn ddweud fy mod yn eithaf sobr pan gefais y sgwrs hon—wel, nid oeddwn wedi meddwi, o leiaf. Ond a minnau wedi bod ar wyliau yno sawl gwaith a'n hoff o ffordd o fyw yr Eidal, mynegais syndod at y ffaith, am wlad sydd i'w gweld bob amser mewn helynt economaidd, yn enwedig ar hyn o bryd, fod eu ffordd o fyw'n edrych yn llawer gwell na'r hyn sydd gennym yn y DU.

Cefais fy synnu’n fawr gan ei ateb, Weinidog. Dywedodd wrthyf, ymhell o fod yn boblogaeth hapus a bodlon, fod yno gryn dipyn o anfodlonrwydd, yn bennaf oherwydd diffyg swyddi â chyflog da a chyfleoedd masnachol. Roedd hyn yn cyferbynnu â'r DU lle y dywedodd na allai gredu, pan gyrhaeddodd yma tua phum mlynedd yn ôl, y cyfleoedd gwaith a'r lefelau cyflog roedd mwyafrif y boblogaeth yn eu mwynhau. Roedd yn siarad yma am Gymru, mewn gwirionedd, Weinidog. Gyda llaw, ar ôl edrych ar y rheoliadau preswylio parhaus, nid oedd ganddo unrhyw ofnau ynghylch allgludo. Aeth yn ei flaen i ddweud bod nifer cynyddol o Eidalwyr yn siomedig iawn gyda’r UE, ac yn cymeradwyo pleidlais Brexit y DU. Maent bellach yn ystyried yr UE yn ddylanwad cyfyngol ar economi’r Eidal ac yn casáu ymyriadau gwleidyddol yr UE ym materion y wlad.

Er fy mod yn cydnabod mai barn a phrofiad un unigolyn yn unig yw hyn, onid yw'r Gweinidog yn credu ei bod yn bryd inni dorri'n rhydd o hualau uchelgeisiau gwleidyddol Brwsel ac edrych allan tuag at fyd o dwf economaidd uchel, lle mae lefelau twf rhai gwledydd bum gwaith yn uwch na'r UE, a lle rydym eisoes yn mwynhau gwerth £300 biliwn o allforion?

I'm delighted that you've been engaging with the Italians of Cardiff Bay. I imagine, given you're a Brexit member, he only thanked you when you left his bar if you gave him a very big tip. If we look at the Italian economy, we'll see similar trends there as in the UK. You have some high-performing regions within Italy, primarily in the north, and then you have parts of Italy that are really struggling, where young, talented people feel that they have no choice but to leave, and they're primarily in the south. I don't know where your Italian bartender came from in Italy, but of course he chose Wales and he's happy here, and I'm glad that he is here, and long may he stay here because he sounds—based on the experience you had—a very good member of the community and a hard-working person, which is not the way that the Brexit Party portrays foreign nationals on a normal basis.

I think what's important is that we recognise that Wales should be and always has been a very welcoming place to foreign nationals. Whilst we enjoy the company of Italians and many other European citizens here in Wales, many European countries enjoy the presence of British people, and I'm really concerned that the rhetoric that we hear now across the UK, but primarily from some of the right-wing elements of the media, give the impression to the outside world that we are looking inward, that we are no longer welcoming and that we resent the presence of foreign nationals in the UK. That is a very, very dangerous position to be in. And we alone as a Welsh Government cannot combat the impression that I'm afraid is emerging across the globe of the United Kingdom as a little England. We need the UK Government to behave far more responsibly in the messages that it sends out about what sort of country we want to be in the twenty-first century, and I want us to be an internationalist country.

Rwy'n falch iawn eich bod wedi bod yn ymgysylltu ag Eidalwyr Bae Caerdydd. O gofio eich bod yn aelod o Blaid Brexit, rwy'n cymryd na ddiolchodd i chi pan adawoch chi ei far oni bai eich bod wedi rhoi tip mawr iawn iddo. Os edrychwn ar economi’r Eidal, gwelwn dueddiadau tebyg yno ag yn y DU. Mae gennych rai rhanbarthau sy'n perfformio'n dda yn yr Eidal, yn y gogledd yn bennaf, ac yna mae gennych rannau o'r Eidal sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn, lle mae pobl ifanc, dalentog yn teimlo nad oes dewis ganddynt ond gadael, yn y de yn bennaf. Nid wyf yn gwybod o ba ran o'r Eidal y daw eich barman Eidalaidd, ond wrth gwrs, dewisodd Gymru ac mae'n hapus yma, ac rwy'n falch ei fod yma, a boed iddo aros yma am amser maith gan ei fod yn swnio—yn seiliedig ar y profiad a gawsoch—fel aelod da iawn o'r gymuned ac unigolyn gweithgar, ac nid felly y mae Plaid Brexit yn portreadu gwladolion tramor fel arfer.

Credaf mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig yw ein bod yn cydnabod y dylai Cymru fod, a'i bod bob amser wedi bod, yn lle croesawgar iawn i wladolion tramor. Er ein bod yn mwynhau cwmni Eidalwyr a llawer o ddinasyddion Ewropeaidd eraill yma yng Nghymru, mae llawer o wledydd Ewropeaidd yn mwynhau presenoldeb pobl Prydain, ac rwy'n bryderus iawn fod y rhethreg a glywn yn awr ledled y DU, ond yn bennaf gan elfennau asgell dde o'r cyfryngau, yn rhoi'r argraff i'r byd y tu allan ein bod yn fewnblyg, nad ydym yn groesawgar mwyach a'n bod yn gresynu at bresenoldeb gwladolion tramor yn y DU. Mae honno'n sefyllfa beryglus iawn i fod ynddi. Ac mae arnaf ofn na allwn ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru frwydro yn erbyn y canfyddiad sy'n datblygu ledled y byd mai Lloegr fechan yw'r Deyrnas Unedig. Mae angen i Lywodraeth y DU ymddwyn yn llawer mwy cyfrifol o ran y negeseuon y mae'n eu cyfleu ynghylch pa fath o wlad y dymunwn fod yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, ac rwyf am inni fod yn wlad ryngwladolaidd.

Trenau Newydd ar gyfer y Rhondda
New Trains for the Rhondda

3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyflwyno trenau newydd ar gyfer y Rhondda fel rhan o'r fasnachfraint reilffyrdd newydd? OAQ54419

3. Will the Minister provide an update on the roll-out of new trains for the Rhondda as part of the new rail franchise? OAQ54419

Yes, delighted to do so, because Transport for Wales will introduce new light-rail metro vehicles, or tram trains, on the Rhondda line from 2022. These will include free onboard Wi-Fi, power sockets, electronic passenger information, and they'll include air conditioning and increased storage capacity for bikes.

Gwnaf, rwy'n falch iawn o wneud hynny, gan y bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cyflwyno cerbydau metro rheilffordd ysgafn newydd, neu drenau tram, ar reilffordd y Rhondda o 2022. Bydd y rhain yn cynnwys Wi-Fi am ddim, socedi trydan, gwybodaeth electronig i deithwyr, a byddant yn cynnwys systemau aerdymheru a mwy o gapasiti storio ar gyfer beiciau.

But, so far, no toilets. Minister, I wish I didn't have to keep raising the train service in Wales with you, but things are getting worse. Services are being taken off the timetable; carriages are being taken off peak-time services on the Valleys lines. Now, I catch the train regularly and the peak-time experience is more often than not uncomfortable and bordering on unsafe. This is not just my view; it's the view of the train guards that are tasked with placating angry passengers and trying to maintain safety. It's an unacceptable situation that shows no sign of being solved within the next two months either, as rolling stock will not come on stream until early December.

I had a message just this morning from a mother whose child was left stranded on a station and ended up being late for school because of the overcrowding. Minister, someone is going to get hurt unless this situation is resolved. Do you share my concerns about these overcrowding issues, and if not, why not? And what do you have to say to those passengers who have to continue to endure these appalling conditions for at least another two months? And can you note, Minister, I'm asking you here about trains and not stations? 

Ond hyd yn hyn, dim toiledau. Weinidog, hoffwn pe na bai’n rhaid i mi barhau i godi’r gwasanaeth trenau yng Nghymru gyda chi, ond mae pethau’n gwaethygu. Mae gwasanaethau'n cael eu tynnu oddi ar yr amserlen; mae cerbydau'n cael eu tynnu oddi ar wasanaethau brig ar reilffyrdd y Cymoedd. Nawr, rwy'n dal y trên yn rheolaidd ac mae'r profiad ar adegau brig, yn amlach na pheidio, yn anghyfforddus ac yn ymylu ar fod yn anniogel. Nid fy marn i yn unig yw hon; dyna farn gweithwyr trenau sydd â'r dasg o ostegu teithwyr blin a cheisio cynnal diogelwch. Mae'n sefyllfa annerbyniol nad yw'n dangos unrhyw arwydd o gael ei datrys o fewn y deufis nesaf chwaith, gan na fydd cerbydau newydd ar waith tan ddechrau mis Rhagfyr.

Cefais neges y bore yma gan fam a ddywedodd fod ei phlentyn wedi'u gadael mewn gorsaf ac yn hwyr i'r ysgol oherwydd gorlenwi. Weinidog, bydd rhywun yn cael eu brifo oni bai fod y sefyllfa hon yn cael ei datrys. A ydych yn rhannu fy mhryderon ynglŷn â'r materion gorlenwi hyn, ac os nad ydych, pam? A beth sydd gennych i'w ddweud wrth y teithwyr sy'n gorfod parhau i ddioddef yr amodau gwarthus hyn am ddeufis arall o leiaf? Ac a wnewch chi nodi, Weinidog, fy mod yn eich holi ynglŷn â threnau yn y fan hon, nid gorsafoedd?

Of course I share the concerns of passengers, of course I do, but let me give the Member just some detail about what's going to be coming very soon—yes, in December, but that's the soonest that we can get the new rolling stock on the lines with the December timetable change.

Wrth gwrs, rwy'n rhannu pryderon y teithwyr, wrth gwrs fy mod, ond gadewch i mi roi rhywfaint o fanylion i'r Aelod am yr hyn a fydd yn dod yn fuan iawn—ie, ym mis Rhagfyr, ond dyna'r cynharaf y gallwn roi'r cerbydau newydd ar y rheilffyrdd wrth i'r amserlen newid ym mis Rhagfyr.

You've been in charge of the railways a long time now.

Rydych wedi bod yn gyfrifol am y rheilffyrdd ers tro bellach.

Let me give some facts and figures to the Member that she can no doubt, and will no doubt, promote to the media and champion. First of all, by the end of 2022, there are going to be 400 more seats on services from Treherbert to Cardiff in the morning peak, and 300 more seats from Cardiff to Treherbert in the evening peak. Journey times are going to reduce from one hour to 50 minutes, and by December—the end of December—we will have increased capacity by 10 per cent through the introduction of additional rolling stock, which is incredibly hard to source right now, given the state of the industry across the UK and, indeed, further afield.

But the Member raises the important question of toilets on tram trains. You know, you as leader of Plaid Cymru made a statement in support of tram trains. You said that, 

'Plaid Cymru has put forward an exciting vision for the future of Wales’ transport infrastructure, that includes investing in new light rail networks'.

Your economy and transport spokesperson has done so. 

Gadewch i mi roi rhai ffeithiau a ffigurau i'r Aelod y gall ac y bydd, heb os, yn eu cyfleu i'r cyfryngau ac yn eu hyrwyddo. Yn gyntaf oll, erbyn diwedd 2022, bydd 400 o seddi ychwanegol ar wasanaethau o Dreherbert i Gaerdydd yn ystod oriau brig y bore, a 300 o seddi ychwanegol o Gaerdydd i Dreherbert yn ystod yr oriau brig gyda'r nos. Bydd y siwrneiau'n lleihau o un awr i 50 munud, ac erbyn mis Rhagfyr—diwedd mis Rhagfyr—byddwn wedi cynyddu capasiti 10 y cant drwy gyflwyno cerbydau ychwanegol, sy'n anodd iawn cael gafael arnynt ar hyn o bryd, o ystyried cyflwr y diwydiant ledled y DU, ac yn wir, ymhellach i ffwrdd.

Ond mae'r Aelod yn codi cwestiwn pwysig ynghylch toiledau ar drenau tram. Wyddoch chi, fe wnaethoch chi fel arweinydd Plaid Cymru ddatganiad yn cefnogi trenau tram. Fe ddywedoch chi fod,

'Plaid Cymru wedi cyflwyno gweledigaeth gyffrous i ddyfodol isadeiledd trafnidiaeth Cymru, sy’n cynnwys buddsoddi mewn rhwydweithiau rheilffordd ysgafn'.

Mae eich llefarydd ar yr economi a thrafnidiaeth wedi gwneud hynny.

Not without toilets though. You've still got to have toilets on them. 

Ond nid heb doiledau. Mae'n rhaid i chi gael toiledau arnynt.

Your current leader has talked about the need for light-rail tram trains. Can you identify—? Leanne Wood, can you identify a single light-rail tram-train on-street system on the planet that has accessible—?

Mae eich arweinydd presennol wedi siarad am yr angen am drenau tram rheilffordd ysgafn. A allwch enwi—? Leanne Wood, a allwch enwi unrhyw system drenau tram rheilffordd ysgafn ar y stryd yn y byd sydd â—?


Germany and Munich. Yes, right, Germany and Munich—

Yr Almaen a Munich. Ie, iawn, yr Almaen a Munich—

I've got photographs on my phone. Do you want to see them?

Mae gennyf luniau ar fy ffôn. A hoffech chi eu gweld?

Their trams would not be legal here because of the persons with reduced mobility compliance. They have to have toilets that can be accessible by disabled people. Are you saying that you would run tram-trains in Wales that disabled people could not access? Because that is shameful, if that's your position.

Ni fyddai eu tramiau'n gyfreithlon yma oherwydd y gydymffurfiaeth ar gyfer pobl â phroblemau symud. Mae'n rhaid iddynt gael toiledau sy'n hygyrch i bobl anabl. A ydych yn dweud y byddech yn darparu trenau tramiau yng Nghymru na allai pobl anabl eu defnyddio? Oherwydd mae hynny'n gywilyddus, os mai dyna yw eich safbwynt.

They're not going to have toilets, full stop, though. Disabled—

Ond nid ydynt yn mynd i gael toiledau o gwbl. Anabl—

Surely, when you said that tram-trains should be operating in Wales, you didn't understand what they actually were. That is surely the position, because no single tram-train is currently available with disabled access toilets on board.

We are introducing significant investment so that disabled people are able to access, step-free, every single station on the metro network—every single one. And we are introducing a huge amount of investment to ensure that we have universally accessible toilets at stations within the metro area. Furthermore, Llywydd, it should be noted, because I think Mark Barry got it absolutely right this morning in the Western Mail when he said that there is misrepresentation of this situation concerning toilets. It should be noted that every single new train—more than a 110 of them—every single train on the Wales and borders franchise, and on those metro lines that won't be operating tram-trains, will have fully compliant accessible toilets.

Felly, pan ddywedoch y dylai trenau tram fod yn gweithredu yng Nghymru, mae'n rhaid nad oeddech yn deall beth oeddent mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n rhaid mai dyna'ch safbwynt, gan nad oes unrhyw drên tram ar gael ar hyn o bryd sydd â thoiledau hygyrch i bobl anabl.

Rydym yn cyflwyno buddsoddiad sylweddol fel y gall pobl anabl ddefnyddio, heb risiau, pob un gorsaf ar rwydwaith y metro—pob un. Ac rydym yn cyflwyno llawer iawn o fuddsoddiad i sicrhau bod gennym doiledau sy'n hygyrch i bawb mewn gorsafoedd yn ardal y metro. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, Lywydd, mae'n rhaid nodi, gan y credaf fod Mark Barry yn llygad ei le y bore yma yn y Western Mail pan ddywedodd fod y sefyllfa hon o ran toiledau wedi'i chamgyfleu. Dylid nodi y bydd gan bob trên newydd—mwy na 110 ohonynt—pob un o drenau masnachfraint Cymru a'r gororau, ac ar y llinellau metro na fyddant yn defnyddio trenau tram, doiledau hygyrch sy'n cydymffurfio'n llawn.

What's important, again, in a follow-up to my first question to you about buses, is the overall experience when it comes to the rail network. When I was in an earlier mode of a transport spokesman for the Conservative group, I always remember speaking to Network Rail, saying that a lot of the CCTV cameras that sit in stations are not court compatible, i.e. they cannot be used as evidence against vandalism or any other anti-social behaviour. Can you give a commitment today, Minister, that any CCTV upgrades—and I hope there'll be many CCTV upgrades on stations—will be court compatible, so that if vandalism or anti-social activity does happen at our stations, people will feel the full force of the law and have the consequences?

Yr hyn sy'n bwysig, unwaith eto, i ategu fy nghwestiwn cyntaf i chi ynglŷn â bysiau, yw'r profiad cyffredinol o ran y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd. Yn fy rôl flaenorol fel llefarydd trafnidiaeth ar gyfer grŵp y Ceidwadwyr, rwyf bob amser yn cofio siarad â Network Rail, gan ddweud na ellir defnyddio llawer o'r camerâu teledu cylch cyfyng mewn gorsafoedd yn y llys, h.y. ni ellir eu defnyddio fel tystiolaeth yn erbyn fandaliaeth neu unrhyw ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol arall. A allwch roi ymrwymiad heddiw, Weinidog, y bydd unrhyw uwchraddiadau i deledu cylch cyfyng—a gobeithiaf weld llawer o uwchraddiadau teledu cylch cyfyng mewn gorsafoedd—yn golygu y gellir eu defnyddio yn y llys, er mwyn sicrhau, os bydd fandaliaeth neu ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yn digwydd yn ein gorsafoedd, y bydd pobl yn wynebu grym llawn y gyfraith a'r canlyniadau?

I'll give that undertaking, as part of the £194 million station upgrade. We are keenly looking at improved security, and as part of that we're going to be introducing more CCTV facilities that can be utilised by the police and court prosecutions. But I'll happily provide more information to the Member.

Rwy'n rhoi'r ymrwymiad hwnnw, fel rhan o'r gwaith gwerth £194 miliwn ar uwchraddio gorsafoedd. Rydym yn awyddus iawn i wella diogelwch, ac fel rhan o hynny, byddwn yn cyflwyno mwy o gyfleusterau teledu cylch cyfyng y gellir eu defnyddio gan yr heddlu ac mewn erlyniadau yn y llys. Ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i ddarparu mwy o wybodaeth i'r Aelod.

Mynediad i'r Anabl i'r Rheilffyrdd
Disabled Access to Railways

4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru am wella mynediad i'r anabl i'r rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru? OAQ54423

4. Will the Minister make a statement on how the Welsh Government will improve disabled access to railways in Wales? OAQ54423

Well, as part of our plans for a fully integrated public transport network across Wales, we are fully committed to public transport for disabled people that removes barriers to travel, that empowers people and that promotes rather than inhibits independent living.

Wel, fel rhan o'n cynlluniau ar gyfer rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus cwbl integredig ledled Cymru, rydym wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ar gyfer pobl anabl sy'n cael gwared ar rwystrau i deithio, sy'n grymuso pobl ac sy'n hyrwyddo yn hytrach na chyfyngu ar fyw'n annibynnol.

Tachwedd y flwyddyn ddiwethaf oedd hi pan welwyd llun ohonoch chi yn y papur lleol, The Leader, yn cyhoeddi buddsoddiad i wella mynediad anabl i orsaf Rhiwabon, yn eich etholaeth chi, wrth gwrs. Mae bron i 12 mis ers hynny, a dyw’r buddsoddiad ddim wedi digwydd. Mae etholwyr yn dweud wrthyf i eu bod nhw’n teimlo eu bod nhw wedi cael eu camarwain yn hynny o beth. Felly, gaf i ofyn a ydych chi’n difaru clochdar yn y papurau lleol fod yna fuddsoddiad yn mynd i ddod, pan dyw hwnnw’n amlwg ddim wedi digwydd? Ac a ydych chi yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am y methiant i weithredu ar eich addewid?

It was November of last year when there was a picture of you in the local paper, The Leader, announcing investment to improve disabled access to Ruabon station, in your constituency, of course. It’s almost 12 months since then, and that investment hasn’t yet happened. Constituents tell me that they feel that they’ve been misled in that regard. So, can I ask you whether you regret being vocal in the local papers that there was going to be investment, when that clearly hasn’t happened? And do you take responsibility for the failure to implement your pledge?

Well, quite the opposite. We've made available £10 million as match funding for the UK Government's Access for All programme. We nominated 15 stations for the Access for All programme. We were pleased, of course, that seven of our 15 were accepted, but eight were not—Ruabon was one of them. However, I can tell the Member today that we will be progressing, again, with the latest round of Access for All nominations, and those stations that were not included in the last priority list by the UK Government will be put forward again. But in addition to this, we've also announced that there'll be £15 million of funding available for stations across the Wales and borders franchise to improve accessibility, and we'll be looking at those stations where disabled passengers at the moment face the biggest barriers in terms of accessing services.

Ruabon station I'm more than familiar with because it's my local station, and I was bitterly disappointed, therefore, that the UK Government decided not to utilise the money that we, as a Welsh Government, were putting forward for improved facilities. But I do hope that in the spring, when they put out the call for additional nominations, that they will accept Ruabon station.

Wel, i'r gwrthwyneb. Rydym wedi darparu £10 miliwn fel arian cyfatebol ar gyfer rhaglen Mynediad i Bawb Llywodraeth y DU. Enwebwyd 15 gorsaf gennym ar gyfer rhaglen Mynediad i Bawb. Roeddem yn falch, wrth gwrs, fod saith o'n 15 wedi cael eu derbyn, ond ni dderbyniwyd wyth ohonynt—roedd Rhiwabon yn un ohonynt. Fodd bynnag, gallaf ddweud wrth yr Aelod heddiw y byddwn yn bwrw ymlaen, unwaith eto, gyda’r rownd ddiweddaraf o enwebiadau Mynediad i Bawb, ac y bydd y gorsafoedd na chawsant eu cynnwys ar y rhestr flaenoriaeth ddiwethaf gan Lywodraeth y DU yn cael eu cyflwyno eto. Ond yn ychwanegol at hyn, rydym hefyd wedi cyhoeddi y bydd £15 miliwn o gyllid ar gael i holl orsafoedd masnachfraint Cymru a'r gororau er mwyn gwella hygyrchedd, a byddwn yn edrych ar y gorsafoedd hynny lle mae teithwyr anabl yn wynebu'r rhwystrau mwyaf ar hyn o bryd o ran mynediad at wasanaethau.

Rwy'n fwy na chyfarwydd â gorsaf Rhiwabon gan mai honno yw fy ngorsaf leol, ac roeddwn yn siomedig iawn, felly, fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi penderfynu peidio â defnyddio'r arian roeddem ni, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, yn ei gynnig er mwyn gwella cyfleusterau. Ond yn y gwanwyn, pan fyddant yn galw am enwebiadau ychwanegol, rwy'n gobeithio y byddant yn derbyn gorsaf Rhiwabon.

Minister, many of our railway stations have been inadequate when it comes to disabled access for a considerable length of time now. I know, as you've said, you've been trying to address this. You've just mentioned the list of Access for All stations. Abergavenny station was on the list, I believe, that was put forward by the Welsh Government, and I think was successful following discussions that you had with the UK Government Department for Transport and the hard work of local campaigners, including the local county councillor Maureen Powell—I know all have been in touch with you. I wonder if you could update us on the current status of Abergavenny station. It's clearly an important station locally, for me as the local Assembly Member, but also an important part of the network in Wales as a whole. So, where are we with the upgrade of that station and the implementation of disabled access?

Weinidog, mae llawer o'n gorsafoedd trenau wedi bod yn annigonol o ran mynediad ar gyfer pobl anabl ers peth amser bellach. Fel rydych wedi'i ddweud, rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi bod yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â hyn. Rydych newydd grybwyll y rhestr o orsafoedd Mynediad i Bawb. Credaf fod gorsaf y Fenni ar y rhestr a gyflwynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a chredaf iddi fod yn llwyddiannus yn dilyn trafodaethau a gawsoch gydag Adran Drafnidiaeth Llywodraeth y DU a gwaith caled ymgyrchwyr lleol, gan gynnwys y cynghorydd sir lleol Maureen Powell—gwn fod pob un ohonynt wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â chi. Tybed a allech roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni am statws gorsaf y Fenni ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n amlwg yn orsaf bwysig yn lleol, i mi fel yr Aelod Cynulliad lleol, ond mae hefyd yn rhan bwysig o'r rhwydwaith yng Nghymru yn gyffredinol. Felly, beth yw'r sefyllfa o ran uwchraddio'r orsaf honno a darparu mynediad ar gyfer pobl anabl?


Well, I'd happily write to the Member with details of the work that's been undertaken as we develop plans to make it step-free, and it will be a wholly step-free station. But I'll also happily update Members on the other six stations and the work that's been undertaken to draw down UK Government funding, through the Access for All programme, as soon as progress can be made and I can report back.FootnoteLink

Wel, rwy'n fwy na pharod i ysgrifennu at yr Aelod gyda manylion y gwaith a wnaed wrth i ni ddatblygu cynlluniau i ddarparu mynediad heb risiau, a bydd yn orsaf heb risiau o gwbl. Ond rwyf hefyd yn fwy na pharod i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau am y chwe gorsaf arall a'r gwaith a wnaed i sicrhau cyllid gan Lywodraeth y DU, drwy raglen Mynediad i Bawb, cyn gynted ag y gellir gwneud cynnydd, i mi allu adrodd yn ôl.FootnoteLink

Minister, I've been contacted, obviously, by a number of disabled people for whom access to railways does relate to, often, the availability of toilets, and I'm aware of the comments you made in the answer to the last question. Where the issue seems to arise now is that what you seem to be saying is that, certainly on heavy rail, there will be toilets, but that, as with buses, on light rail, it would be effectively contrary to regulations. It would be illegal to actually do that, therefore it is not legally possible to do. Could I ask, then, that what we actually have is a briefing that sets out clearly what the regulatory framework is and why it is, because at the moment my understanding until now, and I'm sure of others, was that this was a matter of cost or whatever, whereas in actual fact it seems there are other reasons? It's very important that we have an understanding of the basis of the decision making.

Weinidog, mae nifer o bobl anabl wedi cysylltu â mi, yn amlwg, i ddweud bod mynediad i reilffyrdd ar eu cyfer hwy yn ymwneud, yn aml, ag argaeledd toiledau, ac rwy'n ymwybodol o'r sylwadau a wnaethoch wrth ateb y cwestiwn diwethaf. Ymddengys mai'r broblem bellach yw mai'r hyn a ddywedwch, yn ôl pob golwg, yn sicr ar reilffyrdd trwm, yw y bydd toiledau ar gael, ond fel gyda bysiau, ar reilffyrdd ysgafn, byddai hynny i bob pwrpas yn groes i'r rheoliadau. Byddai'n anghyfreithlon gwneud hynny, felly nid yw'n gyfreithiol bosibl gwneud hynny. A gaf fi ofyn, felly, ein bod yn cael briff sy'n nodi'n glir beth yw'r fframwaith rheoleiddio a pham ei fod ar waith, oherwydd ar hyn o bryd fy nealltwriaeth i hyd yn hyn, fel eraill rwy'n siŵr, oedd bod hyn yn fater o gost neu beth bynnag, ond mewn gwirionedd, ymddengys bod rhesymau eraill? Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn deall beth yw sail y broses o wneud penderfyniadau.

There are numerous reasons why toilets can't be fitted to light-rail tram-trains. One of the reasons, of course, is the additional weight and lack of manoeuvrability if you install such facilities. Another includes the risk of discharge on streets from those toilets if you don't carry enough tank capacity. There are also issues with manoeuvrability—the whole point of having those light-rail solutions is you can accelerate and decelerate quicker, that you can go around sharp bends and that you can go up and down steeper inclines. Having somebody in a toilet when you do that can be very dangerous indeed.

But, of course, there's also the challenge of compliance, as Mick Antoniw says, with PRM legislation, and by the end of this year, all of our trains, all of our rolling stock, have to be PRM compliant. We have not been able to identify a single system on the planet that is PRM compatible—not a single system. If one becomes available, if science can be defied and it's possible to put a disabled access toilet into a tram-train, and have it operate safely on-street, i.e. so that the driver can see through the carriageway, then, of course, we would adopt that technical solution. But as of today, there are no such solutions available.

Mae sawl rheswm pam na ellir gosod toiledau ar drenau tram rheilffordd ysgafn. Un o'r rhesymau, wrth gwrs, yw'r pwysau ychwanegol a'r diffyg symudadwyedd os ydych yn gosod cyfleusterau o'r fath. Rheswm arall yw'r risg y bydd y toiledau hynny'n gollwng ar strydoedd os nad oes gennych ddigon o gapasiti yn y tanciau. Ceir problemau hefyd o ran symudadwyedd—holl bwynt cael y rheilffyrdd ysgafn hynny yw y gallwch gyflymu ac arafu yn gynt, gallwch fynd o amgylch troadau cyfyng a gallwch fynd i fyny ac i lawr llethrau mwy serth. Gall fod yn beryglus iawn os oes rhywun mewn toiled pan fyddwch yn gwneud hynny.

Ond wrth gwrs, ceir her hefyd, fel y dywed Mick Antoniw, o ran cydymffurfio â deddfwriaeth pobl â phroblemau symud, ac erbyn diwedd eleni, mae'n rhaid i'n holl drenau, pob un o'n cerbydau, gydymffurfio â deddfwriaeth pobl â phroblemau symud. Nid ydym wedi gallu nodi un system ar y blaned sy'n cydymffurfio â deddfwriaeth pobl â phroblemau symud—dim un system. Os daw un ar gael, os gellir goresgyn gwyddoniaeth a'i bod yn bosibl gosod toiled sy'n hygyrch i bobl anabl mewn trên tram, a sicrhau ei fod yn gweithredu'n ddiogel ar y stryd, h.y. fel y gall y gyrrwr weld drwy'r cerbyd, byddem yn defnyddio'r ateb technegol hwnnw wrth gwrs. Ond ar hyn o bryd, nid oes atebion o'r fath ar gael.

Ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd
The Heads of the Valleys Road

5. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael ynghylch manteisio'n llawn ar adeiladu adrannau 5 a 6 o ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd, yr A465? OAQ54410

5. What discussions has the Minister had about maximising the benefits of the construction of sections 5 and 6 of the A465 Heads of the Valleys road? OAQ54410

We're working with the Valleys taskforce to maximise the economic benefits resulting from the dualling. This includes challenging targets during construction of sections 5 and 6 for training and employment, work packages for local businesses, spend with Welsh companies and engagement with local schools.

Rydym yn gweithio gyda thasglu'r Cymoedd i sicrhau'r buddion economaidd mwyaf posibl o ganlyniad i'r gwaith deuoli. Mae hyn yn cynnwys targedau heriol wrth adeiladu adrannau 5 a 6 ar gyfer hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth, pecynnau gwaith ar gyfer busnesau lleol, gwariant gyda chwmnïau o Gymru ac ymgysylltu ag ysgolion lleol.

Thank you, Minister. My question follows on from a question that I asked the Deputy Minister on this topic in Plenary just before recess. My constituency contains two villages that border the Heads of the Valleys road, both of which suffer from terrible broadband. In fact, I had an e-mail from a constituent in one of those villages just last night saying that the 3MB connection is what they could get on a good day. Those villages are Penderyn and Croesbychan, a hamlet of Llwydcoed. It's my understanding that when the construction process goes ahead, Openreach will be laying new cables alongside the road. And so, what I would ask of you is: would you be willing to have a dialogue with Openreach to see if community benefits can be brought? It seems like the ideal time to actually finally lay good infrastructure to those villages and a cost-effective way of doing so.

Diolch, Weinidog. Mae fy nghwestiwn yn dilyn cwestiwn a ofynnais i'r Dirprwy Weinidog ar y pwnc hwn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn ychydig cyn y toriad. Mae fy etholaeth yn cynnwys dau bentref sy'n ffinio â ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd, ac mae'r ddarpariaeth band eang yn ofnadwy yn y ddau ohonynt. Mewn gwirionedd, cefais e-bost gan etholwr o un o'r pentrefi hynny neithiwr a ddywedai mai cysylltiad 3MB yw'r hyn y gallent ei gael ar ddiwrnod da. Penderyn a Chroesbychan, pentrefan ger Llwydcoed, yw'r pentrefi hynny. Yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, pan fydd y gwaith adeiladu'n mynd rhagddo, bydd Openreach yn gosod ceblau newydd ar hyd ochr y ffordd. Ac felly, yr hyn yr hoffwn ei ofyn i chi yw: a fyddech yn barod i gael trafodaeth gydag Openreach i weld a ellir darparu buddion i'r gymuned? Ymddengys mai dyna'r amser delfrydol i osod seilwaith da ar gyfer y pentrefi hynny o'r diwedd, a ffordd gosteffeithiol o wneud hynny.

I think the Member is absolutely right. Vikki Howells identifies two villages where broadband connectivity is currently poor. We will take up this matter with Openreach on her behalf, but I can assure the Member that, as we progress the A465 supplementary infrastructure along the route, we'll include spare ducts across the A465 that could be utilised for improved broadband services. If I may say so, could I also thank Dawn Bowden for chairing the sub-committee of the Valleys taskforce that is looking specifically at the benefits of the investment in this transport infrastructure?

Credaf fod yr Aelod yn llygad ei lle. Mae Vikki Howells yn nodi dau bentref lle mae cysylltedd band eang yn wael ar hyn o bryd. Byddwn yn trafod y mater hwn gydag Openreach ar ei rhan, ond gallaf roi sicrwydd i'r Aelod, wrth inni fwrw ymlaen â'r gwaith o osod seilwaith atodol yr A465 ar hyd y llwybr, y byddwn yn cynnwys pibelli sbâr ar hyd yr A465 y gellid eu defnyddio ar gyfer gwell gwasanaethau band eang. Os caf ddweud, a gaf fi ddiolch i Dawn Bowden hefyd am gadeirio is-bwyllgor o dasglu'r Cymoedd sy'n edrych yn benodol ar fuddion y buddsoddiad yn y seilwaith trafnidiaeth hwn?

Busnesau Bach yn Sir Benfro
Small Businesses in Pembrokeshire

6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth i fusnesau bach yn Sir Benfro? OAQ54404

6. Will the Minister make a statement on support for small businesses in Pembrokeshire? OAQ54404

Absolutely. In line with our economic action plan, we remain committed to supporting small businesses across Wales. Our Business Wales and the Development Bank of Wales both offer bilingual advice, support and financial support.

Yn sicr. Yn unol â'n cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, rydym yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i gefnogi busnesau bach ledled Cymru. Mae Busnes Cymru a Banc Datblygu Cymru yn cynnig cyngor dwyieithog, cefnogaeth a chymorth ariannol.

Minister, one way that the Welsh Government could better support small businesses in Pembrokeshire is by tackling the various infrastructure issues that they face, including roads, public transport and digital infrastructure. I'm sure you're aware of the recent report by FSB Wales that found that 63 per cent of Welsh businesses have been affected by poor infrastructure. That same report went on to call for greater cross-party working to address those problems. Can you therefore tell us what the Welsh Government is doing to better tackle some of the infrastructure issues in Pembrokeshire, so that small businesses in my constituency can actually compete on a level playing field with other businesses across Wales?

Weinidog, un ffordd y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi busnesau bach yn sir Benfro yn well yw drwy fynd i'r afael â'r amryw broblemau seilwaith sy'n eu hwynebu, gan gynnwys ffyrdd, trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a seilwaith digidol. Rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol o'r adroddiad diweddar gan Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach Cymru, a ganfu fod seilwaith gwael wedi effeithio ar 63 y cant o fusnesau Cymru. Roedd yr un adroddiad yn galw am fwy o waith trawsbleidiol i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau hynny. A allwch ddweud wrthym, felly, beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n ei wneud i fynd i’r afael yn well â rhai o’r problemau seilwaith yn sir Benfro, er mwyn rhoi chwarae teg i fusnesau bach yn fy etholaeth wrth gystadlu â busnesau eraill ledled Cymru?

The Welsh Government is investing very heavily in infrastructure within the Member's region, including investment in the upgrades to the A40—crucially important—with the proposed bypass around the northern side of Llanddewi Velfrey. In addition, the Deputy Minister has already outlined proposals for dealing with some of the hard-to-reach areas concerning digital connectivity. I think it's fair to say that it's our view that there should be a public service obligation pursued for broadband provision, similar to that which exists for the Royal Mail. It's appalling that we live in the twenty-first century and there is no such obligation to provide a basic minimum broadband speed to all premises across the United Kingdom.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n buddsoddi'n helaeth iawn mewn seilwaith yn rhanbarth yr Aelod, gan gynnwys buddsoddi yn y gwaith o uwchraddio'r A40—sy'n hanfodol bwysig—gyda'r ffordd osgoi arfaethedig o amgylch ochr ogleddol Llanddewi Felffre. Yn ogystal, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog eisoes wedi amlinellu argymhellion ar gyfer ymdrin â rhai o'r ardaloedd anodd eu cyrraedd mewn perthynas â chysylltedd digidol. Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud mai ein barn ni yw y dylid sicrhau rhwymedigaeth gwasanaeth cyhoeddus ar gyfer darparu band eang, yn debyg i'r hyn sy'n bodoli ar gyfer y Post Brenhinol. Mae'n warthus ein bod yn byw yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain ac nad oes rhwymedigaeth o'r fath i ddarparu isafswm cyflymder band eang sylfaenol i bob adeilad yn y Deyrnas Unedig.

Gwasanaethau Rheilffordd ar Lein Maesteg
Rail Services on the Maesteg Line

7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud i ehangu amlder y gwasanaethau rheilffordd ar lein Maesteg? OAQ54441

7. Will the Minister provide an update on the work being carried out to extend the frequency of rail services on the Maesteg line? OAQ54441

Yes. A study commissioned by Transport for Wales into enhancing the frequency of rail services along the Maesteg rail line was submitted to the Welsh Government in the summer and officials are currently considering the proposals.

Gwnaf. Cyflwynwyd astudiaeth a gomisiynwyd gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru i wella amlder gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd ar reilffordd Maesteg i Lywodraeth Cymru yn yr haf, ac mae swyddogion yn ystyried yr argymhellion ar hyn o bryd.

That is really good news to hear, because he knows how keen local campaigners have been, and I've been, to chase progress on this. We recognise that this will not be an overnight fix, but to increase the frequency will not only be good for passengers along the north-of-Bridgend line, but actually along the whole of the main line, because it could actually relieve pressure. We're very much looking forward, I have to say, to the introduction of a Sunday service—sometime in the autumn, in December, I understand. This itself will be the reintroduction of a service that we lost probably four or five decades ago, and we've been cut off on Sundays ever since. So, that will be a huge impact as well.

But I wonder: does he have any idea how he will take these studies forward, how he will engage with the local authority, with me and other campaigners on the increased frequency? Because whilst we are looking forward, I have to say, to the new carriages coming in, because all those refurbished carriages—. All those people who know anything about railways have been telling me that those refurbished carriages will not only introduce new and extended capacity, but the quality of them will be quite something, compared to what we've currently got. But having, particularly at peak times, better frequency will be not only good for people in Maesteg, but in Pontyclun, Llanharan, Pencoed and everywhere along the main line.

Mae hynny'n newyddion da iawn, gan ei fod yn gwybod pa mor awyddus y mae ymgyrchwyr lleol wedi bod, ac rwyf innau wedi bod, i sicrhau cynnydd ar hyn. Rydym yn cydnabod na fydd hyn yn digwydd dros nos, ond bydd cynyddu'r amlder nid yn unig yn dda i deithwyr ar hyd y rheilffordd i'r gogledd o Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr, ond mewn gwirionedd, ar hyd y brif reilffordd gyfan, gan y gallai hynny leddfu pwysau mewn gwirionedd. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen yn fawr, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, at gyflwyno gwasanaeth ar y Sul—rywbryd yn yr hydref, ym mis Rhagfyr, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf. Bydd hyn ynddo'i hun yn ailgyflwyno gwasanaeth a gollwyd gennym bedwar neu bum degawd yn ôl, mae'n debyg, ac rydym wedi cael ein hynysu dros y Sul ers hynny. Felly, bydd hynny'n cael effaith enfawr hefyd.

Ond tybed: a oes ganddo unrhyw syniad sut y bydd yn bwrw ymlaen â'r astudiaethau hyn, sut y bydd yn ymgysylltu â'r awdurdod lleol, gyda mi ac ymgyrchwyr eraill ar gynyddu'r amlder? Oherwydd er ein bod yn edrych ymlaen, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, at gael y cerbydau newydd, gan fod yr holl gerbydau hynny sydd wedi'u hadnewyddu—. Mae'r holl bobl sy'n gwybod unrhyw beth am reilffyrdd wedi bod yn dweud wrthyf y bydd y cerbydau a adnewyddir nid yn unig yn cyflwyno mwy o gapasiti a chapasiti newydd, ond bydd eu hansawdd yn dda iawn o gymharu â'r hyn sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd. Ond bydd gwella amlder, yn enwedig yn ystod oriau brig, nid yn unig yn dda i bobl ym Maesteg, ond ym Mhont-y-clun, Llanharan, Pencoed ac ym mhobman ar hyd y brif reilffordd.

Huw Irranca-Davies is a fantastic, strong and passionate advocate for improved services on the Maesteg line; of that, there is absolutely no doubt. I'd happily meet with him and the leader of the local authority to discuss how we take forward the study that's been received by my officials. They're working already with the local authority, with Bridgend council, to discuss the findings before proceeding further with this work. But I am delighted to say that the first Sunday service will coincide with the national timetable change, which is 15 December. I can inform Members today that the sale of tickets will begin around eight weeks before journeys, which means that tickets will be available near the end of October for that new Sunday service.

Mae Huw Irranca-Davies yn hyrwyddwr gwych, cadarn ac angerddol dros well gwasanaethau ar reilffordd Maesteg; nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth o gwbl ynglŷn â hynny. Rwy'n fwy na pharod i gyfarfod ag ef ac arweinydd yr awdurdod lleol i drafod sut i fwrw ymlaen â'r astudiaeth a gyflwynwyd i fy swyddogion. Maent eisoes yn gweithio gyda'r awdurdod lleol, gyda chyngor Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, i drafod y canfyddiadau cyn bwrw ymlaen ymhellach â'r gwaith hwn. Ond rwy’n falch iawn o ddweud y bydd y gwasanaeth dydd Sul cyntaf yn cyd-fynd â’r newid cenedlaethol i'r amserlen, sef 15 Rhagfyr. Gallaf roi gwybod i'r Aelodau heddiw y bydd tocynnau ar werth oddeutu wyth wythnos cyn y siwrneiau, sy’n golygu y bydd tocynnau ar gael tua diwedd mis Hydref ar gyfer y gwasanaeth dydd Sul newydd hwnnw.

Minister, you may also recall previous correspondence between us regarding delayed prioritisation of a passing loop for the Maesteg-Bridgend line. The last time that I looked at this, you explained that it was going to be deferred to the 2018-19 budget from the previous year's budget. This has been put back for several years already, so perhaps you can explain the delay. But you may also remember my disappointment about the low priority for the Valleys in my region, including the Llynfi, in the transport proposals they're getting through the Cardiff city deal. I don't think the Government and the city deal working separately convinces me of any strategic vision or delivery plan for this part of my region, and so I'm asking who's responsible for bringing these strands, including on the Valleys taskforce, together so that we get a clear picture for this part of my region.

Weinidog, efallai y byddwch hefyd yn cofio gohebiaeth flaenorol rhyngom ynghylch yr oedi cyn blaenoriaethu dolen basio ar gyfer rheilffordd Maesteg i Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr. Y tro diwethaf i mi edrych ar hyn, fe egluroch chi y byddai'n cael ei ohirio tan gyllideb 2018-19 o gyllideb y flwyddyn flaenorol. Mae hyn wedi'i ohirio ers sawl blwyddyn eisoes, felly efallai y gallwch esbonio'r oedi. Ond efallai y cofiwch hefyd fy siom ynghylch y flaenoriaeth isel i'r Cymoedd yn fy rhanbarth, gan gynnwys rheilffordd Llynfi, yn y cynigion trafnidiaeth a gânt drwy fargen ddinesig Caerdydd. Nid wyf yn credu bod y ffaith bod y Llywodraeth a'r fargen ddinesig yn gweithio ar wahân yn fy argyhoeddi ynghylch unrhyw weledigaeth strategol neu gynllun cyflawni ar gyfer y rhan hon o fy rhanbarth, ac felly rwy'n gofyn pwy sy'n gyfrifol am ddod â'r elfennau hyn, gan gynnwys tasglu'r Cymoedd, ynghyd fel ein bod yn cael darlun clir ar gyfer y rhan hon o fy rhanbarth.


Well, that sort of responsibility should rest in the hands of TfW as delivery partner, but I'm pleased to say that TfW are, with regard to the Llynfi passing loop, already carrying out an early technical assessment of the re-use of that particular loop, and, in addition, improvements at Tondu station. But I'd happily meet with the Member to look at additional services and infrastructure improvements that could be made in her area.

Wel, dylai'r math hwnnw o gyfrifoldeb fod yn nwylo Trafnidiaeth Cymru fel partner cyflenwi, ond rwy'n falch o ddweud bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru, o ran dolen basio rheilffordd Llynfi, eisoes yn cynnal asesiad technegol cynnar ynghylch ailddefnyddio'r ddolen basio benodol honno, ac yn ychwanegol at hynny, gwelliannau yng ngorsaf Ton-du. Ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i gyfarfod â'r Aelod i ystyried gwasanaethau ychwanegol a gwelliannau seilwaith y gellid eu gwneud yn ei hardal.

Finally, question 8, Russell George.

Yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Russell George.

Seilwaith Trafnidiaeth yng Nghanolbarth Cymru
Transport Infrastructure in Mid Wales

8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y gwelliannau arfaethedig i'r seilwaith trafnidiaeth yng nghanolbarth Cymru? OAQ54414

8. Will the Minister make a statement on the planned improvements to transport infrastructure in mid-Wales? OAQ54414

Yes. Our national transport finance plan, which was last updated in May of this year, sets out our transport investment proposals here in Wales.

Gwnaf. Mae ein cynllun cyllid trafnidiaeth cenedlaethol, a gafodd ei ddiweddaru ddiwethaf ym mis Mai eleni, yn nodi ein cynigion ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn trafnidiaeth yma yng Nghymru.

Thank you, Minister. You'll be aware of the real issues around Dyfi bridge in Machynlleth. It's a real pinchpoint on the A487, and you'll be aware, when the bridge is closed, there's a 30-mile round trip for commuters on a diversion. The bridge has been closed again during the recent bad weather, and there is concern that there's not sufficient monitoring taking place. There is CCTV in the area, and I'm also told the flood barrier gates on the trunk road should have been open much earlier than they were. So, there are some real practical issues, I think, that need to be resolved. But also you wrote to me last month to say that the Dyfi bridge project had seen a number of changes to its scope on the development phase, and that you required the final costs before being able to make a decision. I wonder if you could update me on that—because this is particularly exercising people that live in that area of my constituency—in terms of the current situation and the new bridge moving forward.

Diolch, Weinidog. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r problemau difrifol ger Pont ar Ddyfi ym Machynlleth. Mae'n fan gwirioneddol gyfyng ar yr A487, ac fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol, pan fo'r bont ar gau, fod cymudwyr yn wynebu dargyfeiriad o 30 milltir. Bu'r bont ar gau eto yn ystod y tywydd gwael diweddar, ac mae pryder nad oes digon o fonitro'n digwydd. Mae teledu cylch cyfyng yn yr ardal, a dywedir wrthyf hefyd y dylai'r llifddorau ar y gefnffordd fod wedi cael eu hagor yn gynt o lawer. Felly, ceir rhai materion ymarferol go iawn, yn fy marn i, sy'n galw am eu datrys. Ond fe ysgrifennoch ataf hefyd y mis diwethaf i ddweud bod nifer o newidiadau wedi'u gwneud i gwmpas prosiect Pont ar Ddyfi ar y cam datblygu, a'ch bod wedi dweud bod angen nodi'r costau terfynol cyn gallu gwneud penderfyniad. Tybed a allech roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i mi ynglŷn â hynny—gan fod hyn yn peri pryder mawr i bobl sy'n byw yn yr ardal honno o fy etholaeth—o ran y sefyllfa bresennol a'r bont newydd yn y dyfodol.

I do wish to move forward with this project at maximum speed. Can I thank the Member for attending a recent meeting where the Dyfi bridge was discussed and where my officials were able to provide a briefing to Members and also to the local authority? I'll certainly ask officials to examine the potential of improved monitoring at the bridge, and a revised cost estimate for the construction scheme will need to be agreed with the early contractor, as the project has seen a number of changes to scope in the development phase. But once I've received an indication of final costs I will be in a position to determine whether or not to publish the orders for this scheme. I wish that work to be undertaken as swiftly as possible, and I anticipate that I'll be in a position to be able to make a decision by the end of this year.

Hoffwn fwrw ymlaen â'r prosiect hwn cyn gynted â phosibl. A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am fynychu cyfarfod diweddar lle y trafodwyd Pont ar Ddyfi a lle y gallodd fy swyddogion ddarparu sesiwn friffio i'r Aelodau ac i'r awdurdod lleol? Byddaf yn sicr yn gofyn i swyddogion archwilio potensial monitro gwell ar y bont, a bydd angen cytuno ar amcangyfrif cost diwygiedig ar gyfer y cynllun adeiladu gyda'r contractwr cynnar, gan y gwnaed sawl newid i gwmpas y prosiect yn ystod y cyfnod datblygu. Ond pan fyddaf wedi cael syniad o'r costau terfynol, byddaf mewn sefyllfa i benderfynu a ddylid cyhoeddi'r gorchmynion ar gyfer y cynllun hwn ai peidio. Hoffwn pe bai'r gwaith hwnnw'n mynd rhagddo cyn gynted â phosibl, ac rwy'n rhagweld y byddaf mewn sefyllfa i allu gwneud penderfyniad erbyn diwedd eleni.

2. Cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a’r Gweinidog Brexit (yn rhinwedd ei gyfrifoldebau fel Gweinidog Brexit)
2. Questions to the Counsel General and Brexit Minister (in respect of his Brexit Minister responsibilities)

Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Brexit, a dwi'n galw ar Russell George i ofyn y cwestiwn cyntaf. Russell George.

The next item, therefore, is questions to the Brexit Minister, and I call on Russell George to ask the first question.

Porth Brexit Llywodraeth Cymru
The Welsh Government's Brexit Portal

1. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am faint o fusnesau sydd wedi ceisio cymorth a chyngor gan borth Brexit Llywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54438

1. Will the Counsel General make a statement on how many businesses have sought support and advice from the Welsh Government's Brexit portal? OAQ54438

To date, there have been over 37,000 users of the Business Wales Brexit portal, with over 52,500 page views.

Hyd yma, mae dros 37,000 o ddefnyddwyr wedi defnyddio porth Brexit Busnes Cymru, gyda mwy na 52,500 o ymweliadau â’r tudalennau.

Can I thank the Counsel General for his answer? In a response from the economy and transport Minister yesterday, there does appear to be relatively few businesses that have sought business advice from the Welsh Government's official Brexit portal. In what ways is the Welsh Government looking to engage with small and medium-sized businesses particularly, particularly businesses who may not be members of other bodies as well, to help them realise the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings? I wonder how many people are aware—or rather small and medium-sized businesses are aware—that the Brexit portal actually exists also.

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ateb? Mewn ymateb gan y Gweinidog economi a thrafnidiaeth ddoe, ymddengys mai cymharol ychydig o fusnesau sydd wedi ceisio cyngor busnes gan borth Brexit swyddogol Llywodraeth Cymru. Ym mha ffyrdd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio ymgysylltu â busnesau bach a chanolig yn arbennig, yn enwedig busnesau nad ydynt efallai'n aelodau o gyrff eraill hefyd, i'w helpu i ddeall yr heriau a'r cyfleoedd a ddaw yn sgil Brexit? Tybed faint o bobl sy'n ymwybodol—neu yn hytrach faint o fusnesau bach a chanolig sy'n ymwybodol—fod porth Brexit yn bodoli mewn gwirionedd.

I thank the Member for that question. We do all that we can, clearly, to communicate the advice and guidance that is available. As I think the Member's question implicitly acknowledges, there are many businesses, because they don't have full active membership, if you like, of trade associations and so on, that may be harder to reach. We have taken every opportunity, I think, when we meet with the stakeholders with whom we have relationships who are themselves parts of broader business networks—to take the opportunity to make sure they are highlighting the availability of advice in their networks. Clearly, we meet regularly with the representative bodies, but, equally, we’ve met with professional business advisers like lawyers and accountants, to whom perhaps smaller businesses may be quicker to turn for advice. So, we’ve sought to cascade information out through those networks as well, and also, in addition to that, looking at the networks that we have through arm's-length bodies, such as the Development Bank of Wales, Careers Wales and so on, to make sure that they are communicating information to their network of businesses. But I would say that any Members who are happy and keen to disseminate those sources of advice, I would urge you to do so in your own networks and in your own constituencies as well. I thank the Member for the question.

Diolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn. Rydym yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu, yn amlwg, i gyfleu'r cyngor a'r canllawiau sydd ar gael. Fel y cydnabu cwestiwn yr Aelod, rwy'n credu, ceir llawer o fusnesau y gallai fod yn anos eu cyrraedd gan nad ydynt yn aelodau gweithredol llawn, os mynnwch, o gymdeithasau masnach ac ati. Credaf ein bod wedi manteisio ar bob cyfle, pan fyddwn yn cyfarfod â'r rhanddeiliaid y mae gennym berthynas â hwy ac sydd eu hunain yn rhan o rwydweithiau busnes ehangach—i achub ar y cyfle i sicrhau eu bod yn tynnu sylw at argaeledd cyngor yn eu rhwydweithiau. Yn amlwg, rydym yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â'r cyrff cynrychiadol, ond yn yr un modd, rydym wedi cyfarfod â chynghorwyr busnes proffesiynol fel cyfreithwyr a chyfrifwyr, y gallai busnesau llai droi atynt yn gyflymach, efallai, am gyngor. Felly, rydym wedi ceisio rhaeadru gwybodaeth drwy'r rhwydweithiau hynny hefyd, ac yn ychwanegol at hynny, edrych ar y rhwydweithiau sydd gennym drwy gyrff hyd braich, fel Banc Datblygu Cymru, Gyrfa Cymru ac ati, i sicrhau eu bod yn cyfleu gwybodaeth i'w rhwydwaith o fusnesau. Ond buaswn yn dweud y byddai unrhyw Aelodau sy'n barod ac yn awyddus i ledaenu'r ffynonellau cyngor hynny, buaswn yn eich annog i wneud hynny yn eich rhwydweithiau eich hun ac yn eich etholaethau eich hun hefyd. Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn.


2. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cael gyda swyddogion yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ynghylch Brexit? OAQ54436

2. What discussions has the Counsel General had with European Union officials regarding Brexit? OAQ54436

I plan to visit Brussels in the coming weeks for various meetings with the EU institutions, which will build on the meeting with Michel Barnier that the First Minister had in June, and meetings I held in Strasbourg in March. Our Brussels office also maintains good relationships across the EU institutions.

Rwy’n bwriadu ymweld â Brwsel yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf i gael cyfarfodydd amrywiol â sefydliadau’r UE, a fydd yn adeiladu ar y cyfarfod a gafodd y Prif Weinidog â Michel Barnier ym mis Mehefin, a chyfarfodydd a gynhaliais yn Strasbwrg ym mis Mawrth. Hefyd, mae gan ein swyddfa ym Mrwsel berthynas dda â sefydliadau'r UE.

Thank you for that answer, Minister. I noticed yesterday that you said that we needed a referendum before we had a general election. Do you not believe that European officials would appreciate a general election so that we can have a Government that will deliver on the referendum of 2016, and any muddying of the water by yourself or other Welsh Government Ministers when they meet European officials merely clouds the situation and makes it more challenging?

Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Sylwais ddoe eich bod wedi dweud bod angen refferendwm arnom cyn inni gael etholiad cyffredinol. Onid ydych yn credu y byddai swyddogion Ewropeaidd yn gwerthfawrogi etholiad cyffredinol fel y gallwn gael Llywodraeth a fydd yn gwireddu canlyniad refferendwm 2016, a bod unrhyw beth a wnewch chi neu Weinidogion eraill Llywodraeth Cymru i gymhlethu pethau pan fyddwch yn cyfarfod â swyddogion Ewropeaidd yn cymylu’r sefyllfa ac yn ei gwneud yn fwy heriol?

Well, I’m sure the Member doesn’t seek to imply that Welsh Government shouldn’t take any opportunities to stand up for the people of Wales and represent their interests in any context in which they can. There is a real advantage to us in going to Brussels and representing the views of the Welsh Government and Wales. He will know that the Joint Ministerial Committee (EU Negotiations) mechanism exists to provide devolved Governments with the ability to have some oversight over the negotiation process. He will also know, from following the proceedings in the Assembly last week, that the UK Government have decided they won’t share with us the technical papers that they’re sharing with EU institutions, which means that we don’t have as much information about those negotiations as I’m sure he would wish us to have, so we can discuss that in the Chamber here to the extent that’s appropriate. It’s also important to go so we can hear from EU institutions direct what their concerns are, but I will just say very clearly to the Member that we take great care not to undermine the UK Government’s position in any way, but we will always take the opportunity of standing up for the people of Wales and their best interests.

Wel, rwy'n siŵr nad yw'r Aelod yn ceisio awgrymu na ddylai Llywodraeth Cymru fanteisio ar unrhyw gyfleoedd i ddadlau dros bobl Cymru a chynrychioli eu buddiannau mewn unrhyw gyd-destun y gallant. Mae mynd i Frwsel a chynrychioli barn Llywodraeth Cymru a Chymru yn rhoi mantais wirioneddol i ni. Fe fydd yn gwybod bod mecanwaith Cyd-bwyllgor y Gweinidogion (Negodiadau’r UE) yn bodoli i roi’r gallu i Lywodraethau datganoledig gael rhywfaint o oruchwyliaeth dros y broses negodi. Fe fydd hefyd yn gwybod, o ddilyn y trafodion yn y Cynulliad yr wythnos diwethaf, fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi penderfynu na fyddant yn rhannu'r papurau technegol y maent yn eu rhannu â sefydliadau'r UE gyda ni, sy'n golygu nad oes gennym gymaint o wybodaeth am y trafodaethau hynny ag y byddai'n dymuno, rwy'n siŵr, fel y gallwn drafod hynny yn y Siambr yma i'r graddau priodol. Mae hefyd yn bwysig mynd yno er mwyn i ni glywed gan sefydliadau'r UE yn uniongyrchol beth yw eu pryderon, ond rwyf am ddweud yn glir iawn wrth yr Aelod ein bod yn ofalus iawn nad ydym yn tanseilio safbwynt Llywodraeth y DU mewn unrhyw ffordd, ond byddwn bob amser yn achub ar y cyfle i ddadlau dros bobl Cymru a'u buddiannau.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Delyth Jewell.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Delyth Jewell.

Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, why does your newly published Brexit White Paper, ‘A brighter future for Wales', make reference to national identification cards? The document states, and I quote:

‘Some have argued that a national ID card might be a price worth paying to address concerns about so-called "uncontrolled" migration from the EEA.’

Is this the Welsh Government’s view—that you want billions of pounds to be spent on documentation that presumably people will have to pay for, and that would curtail their civil liberties simply to address what you admit are unfounded concerns? If this is not the Welsh Government’s view, and I hope it isn’t, why make reference to ID cards in this document at all?  

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, pam fod eich Papur Gwyn sydd newydd gael ei gyhoeddi ar Brexit, ‘Dyfodol mwy disglair i Gymru’, yn cyfeirio at gardiau adnabod cenedlaethol? Mae'r ddogfen yn nodi, a dyfynnaf:

'Mae rhai wedi dadlau y gallai cerdyn adnabod cenedlaethol fod yn bris gwerth ei dalu i fynd i’r afael â phryderon am fudo ‘heb reolaeth’ o’r AEE.'

Ai dyma farn Llywodraeth Cymru—eich bod am wario biliynau o bunnoedd ar ddogfennaeth y bydd yn rhaid i bobl dalu amdani yn ôl pob tebyg, ac a fyddai’n cyfyngu ar eu hawliau sifil er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r hyn y cyfaddefwch eu bod yn bryderon di-sail? Os nad dyma farn Llywodraeth Cymru, a gobeithiaf nad dyna yw eich barn, pam cyfeirio at gardiau adnabod yn y ddogfen hon o gwbl?

Well, the Member has raised this point before, as have Members of her party, and I will just say that, in relation to a matter as sensitive as this, I think it's—you know, we shouldn’t go out of our way to look for points of division where none exist. The document to which she refers really builds on the principles of 'Securing Wales’ Future', which, obviously, was co-authored with Plaid Cymru, and indeed it further builds on the paper ‘Brexit and Fair Movement of People’, which her party also welcomed. The document does not say that ID cards are the Welsh Government’s policy—it simply says that some have argued that there are benefits to it. But I think she must see that in the context of a broader discussion in that paper, which establishes very clearly that the policy we advocate is within the boundaries, within the parameters, of freedom of movement as exercised by other EU member states.  

Wel, mae'r Aelod wedi codi'r pwynt hwn o'r blaen, yn ogystal ag Aelodau eraill o'i phlaid, ac mewn perthynas â mater mor sensitif â hyn, rwy'n credu—ni ddylem fynd allan o'n ffordd i chwilio am bwyntiau i'n rhannu lle nad oes rhai'n bodoli. Mae'r ddogfen y cyfeiria ati yn adeiladu ar egwyddorion 'Diogelu Dyfodol Cymru', a luniwyd, yn amlwg, ar y cyd â Phlaid Cymru, ac yn wir, mae'n adeiladu ymhellach ar y papur 'Brexit a Thegwch o ran Symudiad Pobl', a groesawyd gan ei phlaid hefyd. Nid yw'r ddogfen yn dweud mai cardiau adnabod yw polisi Llywodraeth Cymru—dim ond dweud bod rhai wedi dadlau bod manteision i hynny. Ond credaf fod yn rhaid iddi weld hynny yng nghyd-destun trafodaeth ehangach yn y papur hwnnw, sy'n sefydlu'n glir iawn fod y polisi rydym yn ei argymell o fewn terfynau, o fewn paramedrau, rhyddid i symud fel y'i rhoddir ar waith gan aelod-wladwriaethau eraill yr UE.

Thank you, Minister. There are many things in the document that we do agree with, but I would urge the Minister to see that language in the context of the Home Office's hostile environment policy. The introduction, or—. Talking about national ID cards isn't the only aspect of this document that would also cause concern to non-UK EU citizens in Wales who are already feeling threatened. The document advocates tracking migrants using national insurance so that their economic activity could be monitored—with a view, I presume, to make it easier to collect evidence that could lead to deportations. The Trefnydd yesterday denied that the document advocated forced deportations. I would ask you how this squares with the inclusion of sentences making reference to the legitimate removal of migrants and benefit tourism. Given that your Government has published a plan to make Wales a nation of sanctuary, which we welcome, and that you've in the past criticised the UK Government for their disgraceful hostile environment policy, do you now believe it was a mistake to include language in this document that has the potential to cause further distress for EU migrants living in Wales?

Diolch, Weinidog. Mae llawer o bethau yn y ddogfen rydym yn cytuno â hwy, ond buaswn yn annog y Gweinidog i weld yr iaith honno yng nghyd-destun polisi amgylchedd gelyniaethus y Swyddfa Gartref. Mae cyflwyno, neu—. Nid siarad am gardiau adnabod cenedlaethol yw'r unig agwedd ar y ddogfen hon a fyddai hefyd yn peri pryder i ddinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru nad ydynt yn dod o'r DU sydd eisoes yn teimlo dan fygythiad. Mae'r ddogfen yn argymell olrhain mudwyr gan ddefnyddio yswiriant gwladol fel y gellir monitro eu gweithgarwch economaidd—gyda'r bwriad, rwy'n tybio, o'i gwneud yn haws casglu tystiolaeth a allai arwain at allgludo. Ddoe, gwadodd y Trefnydd fod y ddogfen yn argymell allgludo gorfodol. Buaswn yn gofyn i chi sut y mae hyn yn cyd-fynd â'r ffaith bod brawddegau sy'n cyfeirio at alltudio mudwyr yn gyfreithlon a thwristiaeth budd-daliadau wedi'u cynnwys. O gofio bod eich Llywodraeth wedi cyhoeddi cynllun i wneud Cymru'n genedl noddfa, rhywbeth a groesewir gennym, a'ch bod wedi beirniadu Llywodraeth y DU yn y gorffennol am eu polisi amgylchedd gelyniaethus gwarthus, a ydych bellach yn credu mai camgymeriad oedd cynnwys iaith yn y ddogfen hon sydd â'r potensial i achosi trallod pellach i fudwyr o'r UE sy'n byw yng Nghymru?


Well, I know the Member has a party conference at the end of the week, but I do think that this is not an appropriate line of questioning to be pursuing. I refer her to the point that I made—[Interruption.] I refer her to the point I made earlier, which is that this policy document builds on the language that we used in 'Brexit and Fair Movement of People', which says, in effect, that jobseekers would be asked to register in order to ensure that people seeking to work do so in a reasonable amount of time, which is what happens in other European countries, and, where that is not the case, or if they don't have a genuine prospect of employment, we should be able to ask them to leave the UK. That is the language in 'Brexit and Fair Movement of People', which your Brexit spokesperson agreed was a pragmatic approach. So, I think it's very important that we shouldn't seek to look for divisions in relation to this issue.

She will also know that, in relation to EU citizens living in Wales, the Government has taken a number of steps in order to support them in seeking to register for settled status within the UK Government scheme, including funding Citizens Advice to provide advice to them, funding a specialist immigration law service, Newfields Law, to deal with complex cases, seeking the extension of digital assistance centres across Wales so that it facilitates EU citizens seeking support, and also working with a range of charities and third sector organisations to raise awareness. 

Wel, gwn fod gan yr Aelod gynhadledd plaid ddiwedd yr wythnos, ond nid yw'r rhain yn gwestiynau priodol i'w holi yn fy marn i. Fe'i cyfeiriaf at y pwynt a wneuthum—[Torri ar draws.] Fe'i cyfeiriaf at y pwynt a wneuthum yn gynharach, sef bod y ddogfen bolisi hon yn adeiladu ar yr iaith a ddefnyddiwyd gennym yn 'Brexit a Thegwch o ran Symudiad Pobl', sy'n dweud, i bob pwrpas, y byddai angen i geiswyr gwaith gofrestru er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl sy'n ceisio gwaith yn gwneud hynny mewn cyfnod rhesymol o amser, sef yr hyn sy'n digwydd mewn gwledydd Ewropeaidd eraill, a lle nad yw hynny'n digwydd, neu os nad oes ganddynt obaith gwirioneddol o gael gwaith, dylem allu gofyn iddynt adael y DU. Dyna'r iaith yn 'Brexit a Thegwch o ran Symudiad Pobl', y cytunodd eich llefarydd Brexit ei bod yn ymagwedd bragmataidd. Felly, credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn peidio â cheisio chwilio am raniadau mewn perthynas â'r mater hwn.

Fe fydd hi'n gwybod hefyd fod y Llywodraeth wedi rhoi nifer o gamau ar waith i gynorthwyo dinasyddion yr UE sy'n byw yng Nghymru i geisio cofrestru ar gyfer statws sefydlog yng nghynllun Llywodraeth y DU, gan gynnwys ariannu Cyngor ar Bopeth i ddarparu cyngor iddynt, ariannu gwasanaeth cyfraith fewnfudo arbenigol, Newfields Law, i ymdrin ag achosion cymhleth, ceisio ymestyn canolfannau cymorth digidol ledled Cymru er mwyn helpu dinasyddion yr UE i chwilio am gymorth, a gweithio hefyd gydag ystod o elusennau a sefydliadau'r trydydd sector i godi ymwybyddiaeth.

Thank you, Minister, and those things are all things that we do welcome, which is why I would really urge you to remove the references to legitimately removing migrants, benefit tourism and ID cards from this document. And, if you were to do that, then my party would be very willing to discuss it further with you and to look at voting for it, if you intend to hold a vote.

I'd like to turn finally to something we have in common. We both want a second referendum with 'remain' on the ballot, and I also have noted, with reverence, that you agree with Plaid Cymru rather than elements of your own party that there should be a referendum before an election. I would welcome that.

We've said we'd be willing to support Jeremy Corbyn to have a first shot at being caretaker Prime Minister to secure an article 50 extension and deliver a referendum—that's only fair, but it doesn't look like he'll have the numbers for that at present. So, Minister, I'd ask you, in these circumstances, would you then support someone else to be caretaker Prime Minister, an elder statesperson perhaps, to go to Brussels to secure that extension—[Interruption.]—or indeed yourself—and then to immediately call a general election? Or would you rather risk no deal than support anyone but Corbyn to be a caretaker PM?

I realise, from comments that are being made from sedentary positions by your colleagues, that this is a Westminster issue, but I'm sure you'll have an opinion on this matter, given your strongly held views that 'no deal' would be a disaster that must be averted at all costs.

Diolch, Weinidog, ac mae'r holl bethau hynny'n bethau rydym yn eu croesawu, a dyna pam y buaswn o ddifrif yn eich annog i ddileu'r cyfeiriadau at alltudio mudwyr yn gyfreithlon, twristiaeth budd-daliadau a chardiau adnabod o'r ddogfen hon. A phe baech yn gwneud hynny, byddai fy mhlaid yn barod iawn i'w thrafod ymhellach gyda chi ac i ystyried pleidleisio drosti, os ydych yn bwriadu cynnal pleidlais.

Yn olaf, hoffwn droi at rywbeth sydd gennym yn gyffredin. Mae'r ddau ohonom yn awyddus i gael ail refferendwm gydag 'aros' ar y papur pleidleisio, ac rwyf hefyd wedi nodi, gyda pharch, eich bod yn cytuno â Phlaid Cymru yn hytrach nag elfennau o'ch plaid eich hun y dylid cael refferendwm cyn etholiad. Buaswn yn croesawu hynny.

Rydym wedi dweud y byddem yn barod i gefnogi Jeremy Corbyn i gael y cyfle cyntaf i fod yn Brif Weinidog dros dro i sicrhau estyniad i erthygl 50 a refferendwm—mae hynny'n deg, ond nid ymddengys y bydd ganddo'r niferoedd ar gyfer hynny ar hyn o bryd. Felly, Weinidog, hoffwn ofyn ichi, o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn, a fyddech chi felly'n cefnogi rhywun arall i fod yn Brif Weinidog dros dro, gwladweinydd hŷn efallai, i fynd i Frwsel i sicrhau’r estyniad hwnnw—[Torri ar draws.]—neu chithau, yn wir—ac yna i alw etholiad cyffredinol ar unwaith? Neu a fyddai’n well gennych fentro Brexit heb gytundeb na chefnogi unrhyw un ond Corbyn i fod yn Brif Weinidog dros dro?

O sylwadau a wneir gan gyd-Aelodau o'ch plaid yn eu seddau, rwy'n sylweddoli mai mater i San Steffan yw hwn, ond rwy'n siŵr y bydd gennych farn ar y mater, o ystyried eich barn gref y byddai Brexit 'dim cytundeb' yn drychineb y mae'n rhaid ei osgoi ar bob cyfrif.

Well, firstly, relating to the points that she raised on the document, I wish that she had raised those points before the document had been published; we would have been happy to engage in detail in relation to those in order to seek an agreed position with Plaid Cymru. But, on the broader point that she makes about parliamentary arrangements, I'm not going to be answering questions here about the Welsh Labour position in Parliament. Those are questions for Parliament. I'm happy to answer questions in relation to Welsh Government policy here in Wales. 

Wel, yn gyntaf, o ran y pwyntiau a gododd ynglŷn â'r ddogfen, hoffwn pe bai wedi codi'r pwyntiau hynny cyn i'r ddogfen gael ei chyhoeddi; byddem wedi bod yn fwy na pharod i ymgysylltu'n fanwl mewn perthynas â'r pwyntiau hynny er mwyn ceisio cytuno ar safbwynt gyda Phlaid Cymru. Ond ar y pwynt ehangach y mae'n ei wneud ynglŷn â threfniadau seneddol, nid wyf am ateb cwestiynau yma ynglŷn â safbwynt Llafur Cymru yn Senedd y DU. Mae'r rheini'n gwestiynau ar gyfer Senedd y DU. Rwy'n fwy na pharod i ateb cwestiynau mewn perthynas â pholisi Llywodraeth Cymru yma yng Nghymru.

Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Darren Millar.

Conservative spokesperson, Darren Millar.

Minister, can you clarify what your policy is on Brexit?

Weinidog, a allwch egluro beth yw eich polisi ar Brexit?

I'm very, very happy to do that. I'm normally—. We are normally criticised for providing so much opportunity in the Chamber for describing our Brexit policy, but I'm very happy to do so. Our position here is that we seek to remain—that Wales should remain part of the European Union, and we think the matter should be put back to the people in a referendum so the people can give their opinion, and in that referendum the Welsh Government will advocate they vote to remain members of the European Union.

Rwy'n hapus iawn i wneud hynny. Rwyf i fel arfer—. Rydym fel arfer yn cael ein beirniadu am ddarparu cymaint o gyfle yn y Siambr i ddisgrifio ein polisi Brexit, ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i wneud hynny. Ein safbwynt yma yw ein bod yn awyddus i aros—y dylai Cymru barhau i fod yn rhan o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, a chredwn y dylid rhoi'r mater yn ôl i'r bobl mewn refferendwm fel y gall y bobl roi eu barn, ac yn y refferendwm hwnnw, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn argymell y dylent bleidleisio dros barhau i fod yn aelodau o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd.


I'm very grateful for that response. Of course, you could have outlined three potential responses, because the Labour Party has adopted, it seems to me, three policies. Of course, we all know that Jeremy Corbyn did, and then didn't, want a general election, and then he wants to hold conversations with the EU in order to get a deal that he might or might not support in a second referendum. The Welsh Government's position seems to be that it also wants a general election, but not quite yet, and then it wants to hold a second referendum, and no matter what deal comes back, including if that deal is supported by a Labour Prime Minister, you will campaign against it and to remain in the EU. And then, of course, there's you, as the Brexit Minister for the Welsh Government, who said just yesterday, in contradiction to both the UK Labour line and the Welsh Labour line, that you thought it would be ideal to have a second referendum before a general election, in spite of the fact that, earlier this year, at the Welsh Labour conference, you said that a second referendum isn't the best solution. What a complete and utter shambles your policy actually is. Given the fact that you have a menu of choices that you appear to be putting before the British electorate, how on earth can anybody trust you to deliver anything on Brexit?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eich ymateb. Wrth gwrs, gallech fod wedi amlinellu tri ymateb posibl, gan ei bod yn ymddangos i mi fod y Blaid Lafur wedi mabwysiadu tri pholisi. Wrth gwrs, gŵyr pob un ohonom yr oedd Jeremy Corbyn yn awyddus, ac yna nid oedd yn awyddus, i gael etholiad cyffredinol, a'i fod yn awyddus i gynnal trafodaethau gyda’r UE er mwyn cael cytundeb y gallai ei gefnogi neu beidio â'i gefnogi mewn ail refferendwm. Ymddengys mai safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru yw eu bod hwythau'n awyddus i gael etholiad cyffredinol, ond nid ar hyn o bryd, ac yna maent am gynnal ail refferendwm, ac ni waeth pa gytundeb a ddaw'n ôl, ni waeth a fyddai Prif Weinidog Llafur y DU yn cefnogi'r cytundeb hwnnw, fe fyddwch yn ymgyrchu yn ei erbyn ac o blaid aros yn yr UE. Ac yna, wrth gwrs, ddoe fe ddywedoch chi, fel Gweinidog Brexit Llywodraeth Cymru, yn groes i safbwynt Llafur y DU a safbwynt Llafur Cymru, eich bod yn meddwl y byddai'n ddelfrydol cael ail refferendwm cyn etholiad cyffredinol, er i chi ddweud yn gynharach eleni, yng nghynhadledd Llafur Cymru, nad ail refferendwm fyddai'r ateb gorau. Mae eich polisi'n llanast llwyr. O ystyried bod gennych ddewislen o ddewisiadau yr ymddengys eich bod yn ei rhoi gerbron etholwyr Prydain, sut ar y ddaear y gall unrhyw un ymddiried ynoch chi i gyflawni unrhyw beth mewn perthynas â Brexit?

Well, I'm always happy to provide a platform for the Conservative association of Clwyd West to assess their potential candidate for the next general election, but I would just remind him that I'm not going to engage with the political badinage that he so enjoys. I would just invite him to recall that Boris Johnson was against a referendum and against an election, and is now in favour of an election and voted both for and against Theresa May's deal. So, I think, when he wants to look for confusions and a menu of options, he should look somewhat nearer to home. 

Wel, rwyf bob amser yn fwy na pharod i ddarparu platfform i gymdeithas Ceidwadwyr Gorllewin Clwyd asesu eu darpar ymgeisydd ar gyfer yr etholiad cyffredinol nesaf, ond hoffwn ei atgoffa nad wyf am gymryd rhan yn yr herian gwleidyddol y mae mor hoff ohono. Hoffwn ei wahodd i gofio yr oedd Boris Johnson yn erbyn refferendwm ac yn erbyn etholiad, a'i fod bellach o blaid etholiad ac wedi pleidleisio o blaid ac yn erbyn cytundeb Theresa May. Felly, os yw'n chwilio am ddryswch a dewislen o ddewisiadau, credaf y dylai edrych ychydig yn nes at adref.

I didn't quite catch what position you're taking today, in contrast to the position you had yesterday and the position of the Welsh Government and the UK Labour Party. What I will say is that, unlike the Labour Party, at least my party's got a very clear position, and that is that we want to get Brexit done. We want to deliver Brexit without any more dithering or delay, by 31 October, so that we can move on and focus on people's priorities across the country, like sorting out the mess that you've left in terms of our national health service here in Wales, raising standards in education after a decade of stagnation, and putting more police on our streets. The people of Wales have already voted, of course, on this matter, in June 2016, and, in fact, they already had a second vote as well, because they endorsed that position and the position of party manifestos, both in your party and my party, which said that they would deliver on the Brexit referendum and deliver Brexit. So, they've already had two opportunities to express a view. So, instead of being like a beast with three heads, I think it's about time that the Labour Party got behind the efforts of the UK Government to deliver a Brexit that works for the UK and works for Wales. Will you therefore adopt the position that I think your party needs to take, and that is to work collaboratively with the UK Government to deliver Brexit rather than trying to thwart it?

Ni ddeallais yn iawn beth yw eich safbwynt heddiw, mewn cyferbyniad â'ch safbwynt ddoe a safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru a Phlaid Lafur y DU. Yr hyn a ddywedaf yw, yn wahanol i'r Blaid Lafur, o leiaf mae gan fy mhlaid safbwynt clir iawn, sef ein bod am gyflawni Brexit. Rydym am gyflawni Brexit heb ragor o betruso neu oedi, erbyn 31 Hydref, fel y gallwn symud ymlaen a chanolbwyntio ar flaenoriaethau pobl ledled y wlad, fel datrys y llanast rydych wedi'i wneud o'n gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol yma yng Nghymru, codi safonau addysg ar ôl degawd o ddiffyg cynnydd, a rhoi mwy o heddlu ar ein strydoedd. Mae pobl Cymru eisoes wedi pleidleisio ar y mater hwn ym mis Mehefin 2016 wrth gwrs, ac mewn gwirionedd, maent eisoes wedi cael ail bleidlais hefyd, gan iddynt gymeradwyo'r safbwynt hwnnw a safbwynt maniffestos y pleidiau, yn eich plaid chi ac yn fy mhlaid innau, a ddywedodd y byddent yn cyflawni canlyniad refferendwm Brexit ac yn cyflawni Brexit. Felly, maent eisoes wedi cael dau gyfle i fynegi barn. Felly, yn lle bod fel bwystfil â thri phen, credaf ei bod yn hen bryd i'r Blaid Lafur gefnogi ymdrechion Llywodraeth y DU i gyflawni Brexit sy'n gweithio i'r DU ac sy'n gweithio i Gymru. A wnewch chi, felly, fabwysiadu’r safbwynt y credaf fod angen i’ch plaid ei fabwysiadu, sef gweithio ar y cyd â Llywodraeth y DU i gyflawni Brexit yn hytrach na cheisio'i rwystro?

Might I just gently suggest that I think at the heart of his party's problem is the confusion between a slogan and a policy? Simply repeating 'Get Brexit done' is not going to get anyone anywhere, and if he thinks there is going to be money left to invest in the health service, in schools and in the police service after a 'hard deal' Brexit, I think he's living in cloud-cuckoo-land. 

A gaf fi awgrymu'n garedig fy mod yn meddwl mai'r hyn sydd wrth wraidd problem ei blaid yw'r dryswch rhwng slogan a pholisi? Nid yw ailadrodd 'Cyflawnwch Brexit' yn mynd i wneud unrhyw beth, ac os yw'n credu y bydd arian ar ôl i'w fuddsoddi yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, mewn ysgolion ac yn y gwasanaeth heddlu ar ôl Brexit caled, credaf fod ei ben yn y cymylau.

Dyfarniad Goruchaf Lys y DU
The UK Supreme Court Judgment

3. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cynnal ynghylch Brexit yn dilyn dyfarniad diweddar Goruchaf Lys y DU ynghylch addoediad? OAQ54426

3. What discussions has the Counsel General held regarding Brexit following the UK Supreme Court's recent prorogation judgment? OAQ54426

Parliament has resumed sitting, as it should have been all along. Meanwhile, I continue to take every opportunity to speak up to protect Wales's interests, which are best served by remaining in the European Union. Later on today, I expect to be speaking to the Brexit Secretary, and I will also be attending the Joint Ministerial Council on European negotiations in the coming days.  

Mae Senedd y DU wedi mynd yn ôl i eistedd, fel y dylai fod wedi'i wneud drwy'r adeg. Yn y cyfamser, rwy'n parhau i achub ar bob cyfle i godi fy llais i amddiffyn buddiannau Cymru, sy'n cael eu diogelu orau drwy aros yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Yn nes ymlaen heddiw, rwy’n disgwyl siarad â'r Ysgrifennydd Brexit, a byddaf hefyd yn mynychu Cyd-bwyllgor y Gweinidogion ar negodiadau Ewropeaidd yn y dyddiau nesaf.

This Brexit-created failure in the constitution suggests that when the courts need to intervene, the constitution isn't working, and the truth is it hasn't been working for some time. Therefore, would the Minister agree that we need a written constitution, a reinvigorated federal state that is the United Kingdom, with Wales as an equal partner within that state, with a protected role, and the principle of subsidiarity being core to the new constitution, that meaning decisions made at the relevant level for the nature of that decision being made? Will he support that view, and will the Welsh Government support that view?

Mae'r methiant hwn yn y cyfansoddiad a grëwyd gan Brexit yn awgrymu, pan fo angen i'r llysoedd ymyrryd, nad yw'r cyfansoddiad yn gweithio, a'r gwir yw nad yw wedi gweithio ers peth amser. Felly, a fyddai’r Gweinidog yn cytuno bod angen cyfansoddiad ysgrifenedig arnom, gwladwriaeth ffederal wedi’i hadfywio, sef y Deyrnas Unedig gyda Chymru yn bartner cyfartal o fewn y wladwriaeth honno, gyda rôl warchodedig ac egwyddor sybsidiaredd yn graidd i'r cyfansoddiad newydd, sy'n golygu gwneud penderfyniadau ar lefel sy'n berthnasol i natur y penderfyniadau a wneir? A wnaiff gefnogi’r farn honno, ac a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi’r farn honno?


My personal view is that I agree with much of what the Member has said in his response. It goes to the heart of the fragility of the existing constitutional settlement, I think, when you can see the reliance it has on political parties in Westminster, and the UK Government currently, abiding by unwritten conventions. And in fact, the failure to do so—so frequently in the course of the last few weeks—has exposed significant weaknesses in our constitutional arrangements. It ought not to be the case that the Supreme Court should have to intervene on such a basic matter of constitutional propriety. It should never be the case that any Government should call the rule of law into question, like Boris Johnson has done in relation to the attempted prorogation of Parliament. It really lowers our standing, actually not just within the UK, but internationally, to see that sort of proceeding arrive at the Supreme Court. I absolutely endorse the principles that his question implies, that the constitution of the United Kingdom should be based on two principles—one of equality between the nations of the UK, and the principle of subsidiarity. It it those two principles, by the way, that have secured support within the European Union for membership broadly across the continent, and we would do well to be inspired by those principles here in the UK as well.

Fy marn bersonol yw fy mod yn cytuno â llawer o'r hyn a ddywed yr Aelod yn ei ymateb. Mae'n mynd at wraidd breuder y setliad cyfansoddiadol presennol, yn fy marn i, pan allwch weld sut y mae'n dibynnu ar bleidiau gwleidyddol yn San Steffan, a Llywodraeth y DU ar hyn o bryd, i gadw at gonfensiynau anysgrifenedig. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae'r methiant i wneud hynny—mor aml dros yr wythnosau diwethaf—wedi datgelu gwendidau sylweddol yn ein trefniadau cyfansoddiadol. Ni ddylai fod wedi bod angen i'r Goruchaf Lys ymyrryd ar fater mor sylfaenol o briodoldeb cyfansoddiadol. Ni ddylai unrhyw Lywodraeth gwestiynu rheolaeth y gyfraith, fel y gwnaeth Boris Johnson mewn perthynas â'r ymgais i addoedi Senedd y DU. Mae gweld achos o'r fath yn mynd i'r Goruchaf Lys yn effeithio ar ein henw da, nid yn unig yn y DU, ond yn rhyngwladol. Rwy’n llwyr gymeradwyo’r egwyddorion y mae ei gwestiwn yn eu hawgrymu, y dylai cyfansoddiad y Deyrnas Unedig fod yn seiliedig ar ddwy egwyddor—cydraddoldeb rhwng gwledydd y DU, ac egwyddor sybsidiaredd. Y ddwy egwyddor hynny, gyda llaw, sydd wedi sicrhau cefnogaeth o fewn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd i aelodaeth yn gyffredinol ar draws y cyfandir, a byddai'n dda pe gallem gael ein hysbrydoli gan yr egwyddorion hynny yma yn y DU hefyd.

Effaith Brexit Heb Gytundeb ar Sefydliadau'r Trydydd Sector
The Impact of a 'No Deal' Brexit on Third Sector Organisations

4. Pa asesiad y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o effaith Brexit heb gytundeb ar sefydliadau'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru? OAQ54420

4. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the impact of a no-deal Brexit on third sector organisations in Wales? OAQ54420

We are working closely with the third sector. We commissioned the Wales Council for Voluntary Action to undertake research into the impact of Brexit on the sector, and this has culminated in the 'Empowering Communities in the Context of Brexit' report, which was published by the WCVA on 20 September.

Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r trydydd sector. Comisiynwyd Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru gennym i gynnal ymchwil i effaith Brexit ar y sector, ac mae hyn wedi arwain at adroddiad 'Grymuso Cymunedau yng Nghyd-destun Brexit', a gyhoeddwyd gan Gyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru ar 20 Medi.

Thank you. I'm sure, Minister, that like me you've seen the letter that was sent by numerous third sector organisations, including very many from Wales, to the Prime Minister, warning of the grave concerns about a 'no deal' Brexit. The letter says a 'no deal' Brexit would be detrimental to civil society and the communities that we work with. The uncertainty, the predicted economic shock, the prospect of legal uncertainty, as well as the regression in rights and standards, present a profound risk to the values civil society stands for. Do you recognise the description in that letter? Do you recognise there is a particular risk to our most deprived communities arising from a 'no deal' Brexit? And what more can you do as a Welsh Government to ensure that, should the Tory Government proceed on this reckless course of action, we are as well prepared as we possibly can be?

Diolch. Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi, fel finnau, wedi gweld y llythyr a anfonwyd gan nifer o sefydliadau'r trydydd sector, gan gynnwys llawer iawn o Gymru, at Brif Weinidog y DU, yn rhybuddio am y pryderon dybryd ynghylch Brexit heb gytundeb. Mae'r llythyr yn dweud y byddai Brexit heb gytundeb yn niweidiol i gymdeithas sifil a'r cymunedau y gweithiwn gyda hwy. Mae'r ansicrwydd, y sioc economaidd a ragwelir, y perygl o ansicrwydd cyfreithiol, yn ogystal â'r atchweliad mewn hawliau a safonau, yn creu risg ddifrifol i'r gwerthoedd y mae cymdeithas sifil yn eu harddel. A ydych yn cydnabod y disgrifiad yn y llythyr hwnnw? A ydych yn cydnabod bod Brexit heb gytundeb yn creu risg arbennig i'n cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig? A beth arall y gallwch ei wneud fel Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau, pe bai'r Llywodraeth Dorïaidd yn bwrw ymlaen â'r cam byrbwyll hwn, ein bod mor barod ag y gallwn fod?

I thank the Member for that important supplementary question. When you have organisations like Tenovus, Children in Wales, the Migrants' Rights Network, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions—when you've got bodies like that raising the alarm, which is what they do in that letter, I think it's incumbent on us all to sit up and listen to that. I was in an event organised by Charles Whitmore, who I think was party to the letter, a few months ago, in Belfast, actually. I think the impact of Brexit on civic society, and the role of the third sector, hasn't sufficiently been on the agenda across the UK. We have done what we can here to support third sector organisations, partly through the European transition fund. But I think the reason the letter is so powerful is because these are organisations working on the front line in people's lives, often working with vulnerable people—and we are absolutely concerned about the cumulative effect of a number of detrimental impacts that would flow and impact on them in the context of Brexit. One of the things we are trying to do in relation to securing the resilience of the third sector in the event of leaving the European Union is to include them very directly in the work of designing the replacement for structural funds here. There's a steering group, which is convened by Huw Irranca-Davies, and they have a central role in that. That principle of partnership between the third sector and other sectors, which has underpinned the work we've done during our membership of the European Union, needs to survive as and when we leave.

Diolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn atodol pwysig. Pan fydd sefydliadau fel Tenovus, Plant yng Nghymru, y Migrants' Rights Network, Cyngres Undebau Llafur Iwerddon—pan fydd cyrff o'r fath yn mynegi pryderon, a dyna a wnânt yn y llythyr hwnnw, credaf ei bod yn ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom i wrando ar hynny. Roeddwn mewn digwyddiad a drefnwyd gan Charles Whitmore, a oedd â rhan yn llunio'r llythyr rwy'n credu, yn Belfast ychydig fisoedd yn ôl. Ni chredaf fod effaith Brexit ar gymdeithas ddinesig, a rôl y trydydd sector, wedi cael digon o sylw ar yr agenda ar draws y DU. Rydym wedi gwneud yr hyn a allwn yma i gefnogi sefydliadau'r trydydd sector, yn rhannol drwy gronfa bontio'r UE. Ond credaf mai'r rheswm pam fod y llythyr mor bwerus yw fod y rhain yn sefydliadau sy'n gweithio ar y rheng flaen ym mywydau pobl, ac sy'n aml yn gweithio gyda phobl agored i niwed—ac rydym yn pryderu'n ddirfawr am effaith gronnol nifer o ganlyniadau niweidiol a fyddai'n deillio iddynt yng nghyd-destun Brexit. Un o'r pethau rydym yn ceisio'u gwneud mewn perthynas â sicrhau cydnerthedd y trydydd sector pe baem yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yw eu cynnwys yn uniongyrchol iawn yn y gwaith o gynllunio'r hyn a ddaw yn lle'r cronfeydd strwythurol yma. Mae grŵp llywio ar waith, sy'n cael ei gynnull gan Huw Irranca-Davies, ac mae ganddynt rôl ganolog yn y grŵp hwnnw. Mae angen i'r egwyddor o bartneriaeth rhwng y trydydd sector a sectorau eraill a fu'n sail i'r gwaith a wnaethom fel aelodau o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd oroesi wrth i ni adael.

Trafodaethau gyda'r Gwrthbleidiau
Discussions with Opposition Parties

5. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cael gyda'r gwrthbleidiau mewn perthynas â safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar Brexit? OAQ54434

5. What discussions has the Counsel General had with opposition parties in relation to the Welsh Government’s position on Brexit? OAQ54434

The Welsh Government has been working tirelessly on a cross-party basis since 2016 to protect Wales’s interests. As a result, the National Assembly has passed motions that rule out a 'no deal' exit, support the UK remaining in the EU, and support a second referendum to achieve that aim.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn gweithio’n ddiflino ar sail drawsbleidiol ers 2016 i amddiffyn buddiannau Cymru. O ganlyniad, mae'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol wedi derbyn cynigion sy'n diystyru Brexit heb gytundeb, yn cefnogi parhad aelodaeth y DU o'r UE, ac yn cefnogi ail refferendwm i gyflawni'r nod hwnnw.


Thank you, Counsel General, for that reply. Does he not recognise the potential dangers of using Wales as a political pawn in the games that he's playing with Plaid Cymru? There's a great deal of suspicion about the way in which the Welsh Labour Party is cosying up to Plaid Cymru in advance of the 2021 election, which I think they're anticipating losing and, therefore, are now looking for support from Plaid Cymru. He recently said that

'the UK is a voluntary association of nations'

and that if Brexit goes ahead,

'any sensible government would have to reassess Wales's place in a changed UK',

clearly doffing his cap in the direction of independence. The First Minister has recently said that Wales's support for the union's not unconditional, and, at the Welsh Labour conference this year, there was a fringe meeting called 'Labour for independence' and the former First Minister graced it with his presence and spoke at it. And Vaughan Roderick from the BBC said recently that fringe meeting would never have been allowed a few years ago, and Welsh Labour would not have accepted the invitation to a YesCymru meeting a couple of years ago. Will he commit Labour unambiguously to continuing within the United Kingdom and breaking off this dalliance with Plaid Cymru, which is giving an unnecessary credence to the possibility of independence? 

Diolch am eich ateb, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Onid yw'n cydnabod peryglon posibl defnyddio Cymru fel gwystl gwleidyddol yn y gemau y mae'n eu chwarae gyda Phlaid Cymru? Mae llawer iawn o amheuaeth ynglŷn â'r ffordd y mae Plaid Lafur Cymru yn cwtsho lan at Blaid Cymru cyn etholiad 2021, etholiad y credaf eu bod yn rhagweld y byddant yn ei cholli, ac felly maent bellach yn chwilio am gefnogaeth gan Blaid Cymru. Dywedodd yn ddiweddar mai

'cymdeithas wirfoddol o genhedloedd yw’r DU'

ac os yw Brexit yn mynd rhagddo, y

'byddai’n rhaid i unrhyw lywodraeth synhwyrol ailasesu safle Cymru yn y DU newydd',

gan gyfeirio, yn amlwg, at annibyniaeth. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud yn ddiweddar nad yw cefnogaeth Cymru i'r undeb yn ddiamod, ac yng nghynhadledd Llafur Cymru eleni, cynhaliwyd cyfarfod ymylol o'r enw 'Llafur dros annibyniaeth' a fynychwyd gan y cyn Brif Weinidog a fu'n siarad yno. A dywedodd Vaughan Roderick o’r BBC yn ddiweddar na fyddai cyfarfod ymylol o'r fath erioed wedi cael ei ganiatáu ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, ac na fyddai Llafur Cymru wedi derbyn gwahoddiad i gyfarfod YesCymru ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl. A wnaiff ymrwymo Llafur yn ddiamwys i barhau i fod yn rhan o'r Deyrnas Unedig a rhoi'r gorau i'r fflyrtian hwn â Phlaid Cymru, sy'n rhoi hygrededd diangen i'r posibilrwydd o annibyniaeth?

Well, I'm not sure where this fits in to discussions with the opposition parties. These are debates that all mature parties would expect to have in a devolved context. I've been absolutely categorical: I believe, the Welsh Government believes, that the best future for Wales is as part of a UK that is flourishing and reformed. The pressures that have come from Brexit have exposed fault lines in the UK constitution that my reply to Hefin David's question earlier attempted to draw out. I would just say to him that the biggest threat to the union is the kind of 'no deal' Brexit that he himself is an advocate of. He and others are taking a wrecking ball to the constitution, and those of us who have a much greater commitment to the future of Wales are seeking to do what we can to strengthen the constitution to deal with some of those consequences. 

Wel, nid wyf yn siŵr ble mae hyn yn ffitio i'r trafodaethau gyda'r gwrthbleidiau. Mae'r rhain yn ddadleuon y byddai pob plaid aeddfed yn disgwyl eu cael mewn cyd-destun datganoledig. Rwyf wedi dweud yn gwbl glir: rwy'n credu, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn credu, mai'r dyfodol gorau i Gymru yw fel rhan o DU ddiwygiedig a ffyniannus. Mae'r pwysau yn sgil Brexit wedi datgelu ffawtiau yng nghyfansoddiad y DU y ceisiais eu nodi yn fy ateb i gwestiwn Hefin David yn gynharach. Buaswn yn dweud wrtho mai'r bygythiad mwyaf i'r undeb yw'r math o Brexit heb gytundeb y mae ef ei hun o'i blaid. Mae ef ac eraill yn ceisio dinistrio'r cyfansoddiad, ac mae'r rhai ohonom sydd ag ymrwymiad mwy o lawer i ddyfodol Cymru yn ceisio gwneud popeth a allwn i gryfhau'r cyfansoddiad er mwyn ymdopi â rhai o'r canlyniadau hynny.

Paratoadau Brexit ar gyfer Sir Benfro
Brexit Preparation Plans for Pembrokeshire

6. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am gynlluniau paratoadau Brexit Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer Sir Benfro? OAQ54405

6. Will the Counsel General make a statement on the Welsh Government’s Brexit preparation plans for Pembrokeshire? OAQ54405

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn gweithio i gynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer effeithiau a goblygiadau niweidiol Brexit, ac yn arbennig Brexit heb gytundeb, ar yr economi, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a chymunedau Cymru, gan gynnwys gweithio gyda'r fforwm cydnerthedd lleol i asesu goblygiadau oedi ym mhorthladdoedd sir Benfro.

The Welsh Government has been working to plan and prepare for the harmful impacts and implications of Brexit, and in particular a 'no deal' Brexit, on the economy, public services and communities of Wales, including working with the local resilience forum to assess the implications of delays at ports in Pembrokeshire.

Weinidog, fel byddwch chi'n ymwybodol mae yna ddau borthladd yn fy etholaeth i—porthladd Abergwaun a phorthladd Aberdaugleddau—y ddau ohonynt yn strategol bwysig i'r economi leol ac, yn wir, i'r economi genedlaethol. Dangosodd adroddiad Pwyllgor Materion Allanol a Deddfwriaeth Ychwanegol y Cynulliad i mewn i effeithiau Brexit ar borthladdoedd Cymru fod Cymru ddim wedi cymryd mantais ar y cyllid oedd ar gael yn y gorffennol, a oedd yn gysylltiedig â'r rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth draws-Ewropeaidd. Yn wir, dywedodd Ian Davies o Stena wrth y pwyllgor mai dim ond mân gyllid a gafwyd, ond dim byd o unrhyw arwyddocad gwirioneddol dros y 15 mlynedd diwethaf. O ystyried bod cysylltedd â phorthladdoedd Cymru yn hanfodol i'w llwyddiant, a allwch chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gwrdd ag argymhelliad 12 y pwyllgor, a wnaeth yn glir y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru wneud ymrwymiadau clir ar ddatblygu seilwaith yn y dyfodol, gan gynnwys priffyrdd? 

Well, Minister, as you will be aware, there are two ports in my constituency—Fishguard and Milford Haven—and both of them are strategically important for the local economy, and, indeed, for the national economy. A report by the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee in the Assembly into the effects of Brexit on Welsh ports showed that Wales hasn’t taken advantage of the funds available in the past that were linked to the trans-European transport network. Indeed, Ian Davies from Stena told the committee that little in terms of funds had been accessed, and nothing of great significance over the past 15 years. Now, given that connectivity with Welsh ports is crucially important for their success, can you give us the latest updates as to what the Welsh Government is doing to meet recommendation 12 made by that committee that made it clear that the Welsh Government should make clear commitments on developing infrastructure for the future, including highways?

Rŷm ni, wrth gwrs, yn cydweithio gyda'r porthladdoedd yn sir Benfro yng nghyd-destun penodol Brexit i sicrhau ein bod ni'n cadw trosolwg o'r impact ar y porthladdoedd o adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Rydym ni wedi bod yn cydweithio, fel y gwnes i sôn yn y cwestiwn, gyda'r fforwm cydnerthedd lleol sydd wedi bod yn trafod cynlluniau i sicrhau llefydd i oedi petasai angen trefniadau gwahanol yn y dyfodol ar gyfer y porthladdoedd hynny. Ond o safbwynt cwestiwn penodol yr Aelod ynglŷn â'r argymhelliad penodol hwnnw, fe wnaf i sicrhau fy mod yn ysgrifennu ato fe gydag ateb.FootnoteLink 

We, of course, are collaborating with the ports in Pembrokeshire in the specific context of Brexit to ensure that we keep an overview on the impact on the ports of Brexit. We’ve been collaborating, as I mentioned previously, with the local resilience forum that has been discussing plans for waiting areas if alternative arrangements were required in the future for those ports. But, as regards the Member’s specific question about that specific recommendation, I will ensure that I write to him with an answer.FootnoteLink

Brexit Heb Gytundeb ac Awdurdodau Lleol
'No Deal' Brexit and Local Authorities

7. Pa asesiad y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o waith cynllunio awdurdodau lleol a pharatoadau ar gyfer y posibilrwydd o Brexit heb gytundeb? OAQ54417

7. What assessment has the Counsel General made of local authority planning and preparations for a potential no-deal Brexit? OAQ54417

Fe'ch cyfeiriaf at y datganiad llafar a gyflwynwyd ddoe gan y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol ar baratoi ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru ar gyfer Brexit heb gytundeb. Fe wnes i, a Gweinidogion eraill, hefyd ddatganiadau llafar ar baratoi rhag ofn na fydd cytundeb.

I refer you to the oral statement given by the Minister for Housing and Local Government yesterday on preparing our public services in Wales for a 'no deal' Brexit. Other Ministers and I also gave oral statements on 'no deal' preparedness.


Back in February, the Wales Audit Office reported that specific and detailed political scrutiny of Brexit preparedness has generally been limited within local authorities in Wales. Unfortunately, in many councils, that still holds true today, with elected members having had very little in terms of Brexit discussions. Is this not something that worries you, particularly as we could be facing a 'no deal' scenario in the not too distant future, as I'm sure you're aware? If so, what guidance is the Welsh Government giving to local authorities to ensure that elected members are having these discussions on the potential local implications within their respective areas and responding accordingly?

Yn ôl ym mis Chwefror, adroddodd Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru mai ychydig o waith craffu gwleidyddol penodol a manwl a wnaed ar barodrwydd ar gyfer Brexit gan awdurdodau lleol Cymru at ei gilydd. Yn anffodus, mewn llawer o gynghorau, mae hynny'n wir o hyd, gydag aelodau etholedig ond wedi cael ychydig iawn o drafodaethau ynghylch Brexit. Onid yw hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n eich poeni, yn enwedig gan y gallem fod yn wynebu senario Brexit 'dim cytundeb' yn y dyfodol agos, fel y gwyddoch, rwy'n siŵr? Os felly, pa ganllawiau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu rhoi i awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod aelodau etholedig yn cael y trafodaethau hyn ar y goblygiadau lleol posibl yn eu hardaloedd ac yn ymateb yn unol â hynny?

Well, I thank the Member for that important question. I was with the Minister for Housing and Local Government this morning at the Partnership Council for Wales, at which the Welsh Local Government Association and several individual councils were represented. He refers to the report in February from the auditor general, which related to a period of research, which somewhat, necessarily, predated that report. 

I think it is fair to say that the quality of scrutiny amongst local councils generally in relation to matters related to Brexit has improved markedly over that period, and he will, perhaps, have seen the follow-up report that the auditor general published on Friday of last week, which commended public services in Wales, local government, Welsh Government and others for continuing to step up the preparation work. And I think it referred specifically to matters relating to the scrutiny of Brexit appearing more frequently in the intervening period on the agendas of cabinet and other scrutiny committees in local councils.

He'll also perhaps recall that, in March, Grant Thornton commissioned a diagnostic review in relation to preparedness and that an update of that review has been requested. And some of the work that we have funded in relation to local government has had a specific focus on scrutiny for the reason that his question implied, because it's an important aspect of democratic accountability in relation to this vital issue.

Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw. Roeddwn gyda’r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol y bore yma yng Nghyngor Partneriaeth Cymru, lle y cynrychiolwyd Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru a sawl cyngor unigol. Cyfeiria at yr adroddiad ym mis Chwefror gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol, a oedd yn trafod cyfnod o ymchwil, a oedd, o reidrwydd, yn rhagflaenu'r adroddiad hwnnw.

Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud bod ansawdd y gwaith craffu ymhlith cynghorau lleol at ei gilydd mewn perthynas â materion sy'n ymwneud â Brexit wedi gwella’n sylweddol dros y cyfnod hwnnw, ac efallai y bydd wedi gweld yr adroddiad dilynol a gyhoeddwyd gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol ddydd Gwener yr wythnos diwethaf, a oedd yn canmol gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, llywodraeth leol, Llywodraeth Cymru ac eraill am barhau i gynyddu'r gwaith paratoi. A chredaf iddo gyfeirio'n benodol at faterion yn ymwneud â chraffu ar Brexit yn ymddangos yn amlach yn y cyfamser ar agendâu cabinetau a phwyllgorau craffu eraill mewn cynghorau lleol.

Efallai y bydd hefyd yn cofio bod Grant Thornton wedi comisiynu adolygiad diagnostig ym mis Mawrth mewn perthynas â pharodrwydd a bod cais wedi'i wneud am ddiweddariad i'r adolygiad hwnnw. Ac mae peth o'r gwaith a ariannwyd gennym mewn perthynas â llywodraeth leol wedi canolbwyntio'n benodol ar graffu am y rheswm a awgrymwyd yn ei gwestiwn, sef ei bod yn agwedd bwysig ar atebolrwydd democrataidd mewn perthynas â'r mater hanfodol hwn.

Amddiffyn Buddiannau Cymru
Safeguarding Wales's Interests

8. Pa drafodaeth y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi ei chynnal gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn ag amddiffyn buddiannau Cymru yn y broses Brexit wedi 31 Hydref 2019? OAQ54443

8. What discussion has the Counsel General held with the UK Government regarding safeguarding Wales's interests in the Brexit process after 31 October 2019? OAQ54443

Er ein bod yn credu mai aros yn yr UE fyddai'n gwarchod buddiannau Cymru orau, rwy'n parhau i bwysleisio pwysigrwydd cynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru yn llawn wrth ddatblygu safbwyntiau negodi'r Deyrnas Unedig mewn perthynas â'i hymadawiad ac unrhyw berthynas â'r UE yn y dyfodol.

While we believe Wales’s interests are best protected by remaining in the EU, I continue to highlight the vital importance of the full involvement of the Welsh Government in the development of UK negotiating positions on withdrawal issues and any future relationship with the EU.

Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol, rwy'n siŵr, o'r rhybuddion—ac mi glywon ni rhai gan y sector amaeth dros yr haf—am y posibilrwydd o aflonyddwch sifil yn sgil set benodol o amgylchiadau a fyddai'n codi yn dilyn gadael heb gytundeb. Gaf i ofyn pa baratoadau a pha drafodaethau ŷch chi wedi eu cael gyda'r awdurdodau perthnasol yng ngoleuni'r fath bosibilrwydd, achos po agosaf ŷn ni'n dod at Brexit heb gytundeb, yna, byddwn i'n tybio, po agosaf ŷn ni'n dod at y posibilrwydd o hynna'n cael ei wireddu?

You’ll be aware, of course, of the warnings—and we heard some from the agricultural sector over the summer—of the possibility of civil unrest as a result of the circumstances arising from a ‘no deal’ Brexit. So, can I ask you what preparations and discussions you’ve had with the relevant authorities in light of those possibilities, because the closer we come to a ‘no deal’ Brexit, then the closer, I would think, we come to that possibility?

Wel, mae'r cwestiwn yn gwestiwn pwysig iawn. Wrth gwrs, mae angen sicrhau bod trafodaethau yn eu lle i ddelio gyda'r math yma o bethau, ble bynnag ac ym mha bynnag gyd-destun wnawn nhw godi. Rwy'n cydnabod y cyfeiriad y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud.

O ran enghreifftiau penodol, sbesiffig does gyda ni ddim gwybodaeth am hynny ar hyn o bryd, ond mae'r broses civil contingencies o gydweithio ar draws y Deyrnas Gyfunol yn ei le, ac mae hwnnw'n un o'r enghreifftiau lle mae'r rhyngweithio ar ei gryfaf gyda'r awdurdodau ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig. Ac fe wnaeth e efallai weld yn ddiweddar ein bod ni wedi cyfeirio at y rheini yn ein papur ar baratoadau cyffredinol, wnaethon ni ei gyhoeddi. Ond rwy'n sicrhau'r Aelod bod hyn wastad yn un o'n blaenoriaethau, i sicrhau bod trefniadau ar y cyd gyda'r local resilience forums a gyda'r gwasanaethau eraill i sicrhau ein bod ni'n cadw llygad ar hyn ac yn barod i ymateb pan fydd y galw yn codi.

That is a very important question. Of course, we must ensure that arrangements are in place to deal with such occurrences, wherever they occur and in whichever context. But I acknowledge the reference that the Member makes.

As regards specific examples, we have no information on that at present, but the civil contingencies process collaborating across the whole of the United Kingdom is in place, and that is one of the examples where the networking is at its strongest across the UK. And he may have seen that we referred to those recently on the general preparedness, which we published in that paper. But I assure the Member that this is always one of the priorities, to ensure that joint arrangements with local resilience forums and the other services are in place to ensure that we monitor this and are ready to respond as the need arises.

Ail Refferendwm ar Brexit
A Second Referendum on Brexit

9. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch cynnal ail refferendwm ar Brexit? OAQ54422

9. What discussions has the Counsel General had with the UK Government about holding a second referendum on Brexit? OAQ54422

In 'A brighter future for Wales', we set out in detail the evidence that shows that Wales’s best interests are protected by remaining in the European Union. I continue to take every opportunity to call on the UK Government to legislate for a second referendum to achieve that aim.

Yn 'Dyfodol mwy disglair i Gymru', nodwyd yn fanwl y dystiolaeth sy'n dangos y byddai buddiannau Cymru yn cael eu gwarchod orau drwy aros yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Rwy’n parhau i achub ar bob cyfle i alw ar Lywodraeth y DU i ddeddfu ar gyfer ail refferendwm er mwyn cyflawni’r nod hwnnw.

Counsel General, in the light of what we now know about everything that has happened on Brexit, what the implications would be for the Welsh economy, do you agree with Jeremy Corbyn's position that it is absolutely right that that choice should now be given back to the people to take a decision in the form of a second referendum?

Gwnsler Cyffredinol, yng ngoleuni'r hyn a wyddom bellach am bopeth sydd wedi digwydd mewn perthynas â Brexit, y goblygiadau i economi Cymru, a ydych yn cytuno â safbwynt Jeremy Corbyn ei bod yn gwbl iawn y dylid rhoi'r dewis hwnnw yn ôl i'r bobl wneud penderfyniad ar ffurf ail refferendwm?


Absolutely. We've been very clear, haven't we, as a party that our position is this matter should be put back to the people. When we speak to Welsh voters here in Wales, we will be advocating that they vote to remain. We advocated that position in 2016. We didn't manage to persuade people then, but I think it is clear in what's happened in the three years since then and the cavalier way in which those people who voted for leave have broken the promises made to the people of Wales in the referendum, that we will continue to advocate the position for 'remain'. We think, as I know that he also feels passionately, that Wales's interests are best served as part of the European Union. 

Yn sicr. Rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn fel plaid, oni wnaethom, mai ein safbwynt ni yw y dylid rhoi'r mater hwn yn ôl i'r bobl. Pan fyddwn yn siarad â phleidleiswyr Cymreig yma yng Nghymru, byddwn yn argymell eu bod yn pleidleisio dros aros. Dyna y gwnaethom ei argymell yn 2016. Ni lwyddasom i berswadio pobl bryd hynny, ond credaf ei bod yn amlwg drwy'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd dros y tair blynedd ers hynny a'r ffordd ddi-hid y mae'r bobl a oedd o blaid gadael wedi torri'r addewidion a wnaed i bobl Cymru yn y refferendwm, y byddwn yn parhau i ddadlau dros 'aros'. Rydym yn credu, fel y gwn y mae yntau hefyd yn credu'n gryf, y byddai buddiannau Cymru'n cael eu gwasanaethu orau fel rhan o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd.

Canlyniad Achos Addoediad y Goruchaf Lys
The Outcome of the Supreme Court Prorogation Case

10. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am ganlyniad achos addoediad y Goruchaf Lys yn dilyn y dyfarniad a basiwyd ar 24 Medi 2019? OAQ54444

10. Will the Counsel General make a statement on the outcome of the Supreme Court prorogation case following the judgment passed on 24 September 2019? OAQ54444

I welcome the unanimous, clear and unambiguous judgment of the Supreme Court. It's only right that Parliament is sitting at such a crucial time for Wales and the United Kingdom and its constitution.  

Rwy'n croesawu dyfarniad unfrydol, clir a diamwys y Goruchaf Lys. Mae'n iawn fod Senedd y DU yn eistedd ar adeg mor dyngedfennol i Gymru a'r Deyrnas Unedig a'i chyfansoddiad.

Thank you, Minister. Following the Supreme Court's ruling, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has apologised to Her Majesty the Queen, but has still not apologised to Parliament or the people of Wales or the United Kingdom. Minister, may I applaud the decisive action of the Welsh Government to act as an intervener in this case, and can the Minister outline the consequences and implications that the judgment will have on the National Assembly for Wales and how it operates within the legal framework of the United Kingdom?

Diolch, Weinidog. Yn dilyn dyfarniad y Goruchaf Lys, mae Prif Weinidog y DU, Boris Johnson, wedi ymddiheuro i’w Mawrhydi y Frenhines, ond nid yw wedi ymddiheuro eto i Senedd y DU na phobl Cymru a’r Deyrnas Unedig. Weinidog, a gaf fi gymeradwyo camau pendant Llywodraeth Cymru i ymyrryd yn yr achos hwn, ac a wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu canlyniadau a goblygiadau'r dyfarniad i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru a sut y mae'n gweithredu o fewn fframwaith cyfreithiol y Deyrnas Unedig?

Well, I thank the Member for highlighting that particular aspect, because the judgment of the Supreme Court expressly refers to the work of the National Assembly in the reasoning that Lady Hale gave in what is an important judgment. It amazes me that some Members in this Chamber still seem to think that intervening in the Supreme Court proceedings was not an appropriate action. The rationale for doing so, I would remind Members, is because we in this Chamber and in committees of this Assembly have spent time passing motions, debating, passing secondary legislation that are predicated on the ability of Parliament to legislate in relation to Brexit, and the Prime Minister's attempt to suspend Parliament had the effect of preventing it from sitting to complete its work. So, we had a very direct interest in the outcome of that judgment, and so I absolutely welcome the clarity of an unanimous 11-justice decision and the beneficial impact that has on our work here in the Assembly. She will know, I know, that the prorogation of Parliament, had it actually taken effect, would have had the effect of causing primary legislation that we required to be passed to protect the interests of Wales to fall. We know now as a consequence of that judgment that not only was the action unlawful but that, in effect, Parliament was never, in fact, prorogued. 

Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am dynnu sylw at yr agwedd benodol honno, gan fod dyfarniad y Goruchaf Lys yn cyfeirio'n benodol at waith y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn yr ymresymiad a roddodd yr Arglwyddes Hale yn yr hyn a oedd yn ddyfarniad pwysig. Mae'n fy synnu bod rhai Aelodau yn y Siambr hon yn dal i ymddangos fel pe baent o'r farn nad oedd ymyrryd yn achos y Goruchaf Lys yn weithred briodol. Buaswn yn atgoffa Aelodau mai'r rhesymeg dros wneud hynny yw ein bod ni yn y Siambr hon ac ar bwyllgorau'r Cynulliad hwn wedi treulio amser yn derbyn cynigion, yn dadlau, yn pasio is-ddeddfwriaeth sy'n dibynnu ar allu Senedd y DU i ddeddfu mewn perthynas â Brexit, ac effaith ymgais Prif Weinidog y DU i ohirio'r Senedd oedd ei hatal rhag eistedd i gwblhau ei gwaith. Felly, roedd gennym ddiddordeb uniongyrchol iawn yng nghanlyniad y dyfarniad hwnnw, ac felly rwy'n bendant yn croesawu eglurder penderfyniad unfrydol yr 11 ustus a'r effaith fuddiol a gaiff hynny ar ein gwaith yma yn y Cynulliad. Fe fydd hi'n gwybod y byddai addoedi Senedd y DU, pe bai hynny wedi digwydd mewn gwirionedd, wedi achosi methiant deddfwriaeth sylfaenol yr oedd yn ofynnol inni ei phasio er mwyn amddiffyn buddiannau Cymru. O ganlyniad i'r dyfarniad hwnnw, gwyddom bellach nid yn unig fod y weithred yn anghyfreithlon, ond i bob pwrpas, na chafodd Senedd y DU ei haddoedi mewn gwirionedd.

Trefniadau wrth Gefn
Backstop Arrangements

11. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cynnal gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y cynigion sy'n dod i'r amlwg ar gyfer dewis amgen i'r trefniadau wrth gefn, 'backstop', ar gyfer ymadawiad y DU â'r UE? OAQ54440

11. What discussions has the Counsel General held with the UK Government on emerging proposals for an alternative to the backstop arrangements relating to the UK's exit from the EU? OAQ54440

Despite a meeting of the JMC(EN) on 12 September and a meeting with James Duddridge MP on 23 September, we've not received any details of the proposals, including the non-papers that have been discussed with the EU. I continue to call for these to be shared with Welsh Ministers, but I plan to have a conversation later today with the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, I hope, on this topic. 

Er bod Cyd-bwyllgor y Gweinidogion (Negodiadau'r UE) wedi cyfarfod ar 12 Medi a chyfarfod â James Duddridge AS ar 23 Medi, nid ydym wedi derbyn unrhyw fanylion ynglŷn â'r cynigion, gan gynnwys y papurau trafod answyddogol a drafodwyd gyda'r UE. Rwy’n parhau i alw am i'r rhain gael eu rhannu â Gweinidogion Cymru, ond rwy’n bwriadu cael sgwrs yn ddiweddarach heddiw gyda’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, gobeithio, ynglŷn â'r pwnc hwn.

I thank the Minister for that response. Indeed, James Duddridge appeared in front of the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee only last week, and he was very courteous and tried to give as much information as he could, but it was clear from his responses that the level of engagement on these critical issues with the Welsh Government—. It was simply not a matter that he deemed important enough to actually pick up the phone, come to a meeting or discuss this with the Welsh Government, and yet, at that time, one of the options that was being mooted, that was being rumoured, was indeed the reintroduction of some sort of customs barrier, some sort of line down the middle of the North sea that would affect not only Liverpool, but places like Milford Haven, and so on. Now we hear that what's on the table is the idea of possible customs posts that are not right on the border but within a few kilometres of the border in Northern Ireland, which goes to the heart, I have to say, of the Belfast agreement and the peace process. So, does it disturb him and the Welsh Government that the UK Government does not take it upon itself to discuss these matters in detail with its devolved partners within the United Kingdom, because the implications are not only for the UK Government; the implications, whether it's on the peace dividend that we currently enjoy, or whether it's on trade and tariff borders and where those impact particularly on ports, will impact all of the devolved nations and regions, not just England? 

Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ymateb. Yn wir, bu James Duddridge gerbron y Pwyllgor Materion Allanol a Deddfwriaeth Ychwanegol yr wythnos diwethaf, ac roedd yn gwrtais iawn a cheisiodd roi cymaint o wybodaeth ag y gallai, ond roedd hi'n amlwg o'i ymatebion fod lefel yr ymgysylltu â Llywodraeth Cymru ar y materion hollbwysig hyn—. Yn syml iawn, nid oedd yn fater yr ystyriai ei fod yn ddigon pwysig i godi'r ffôn, dod i gyfarfod neu drafod hyn gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, ac eto, ar yr adeg honno, un o'r opsiynau a oedd yn cael eu crybwyll, y bu sôn amdanynt, oedd ailgyflwyno rhyw fath o rwystr tollau, rhyw fath o linell drwy ganol môr y Gogledd a fyddai’n effeithio nid yn unig ar Lerpwl, ond ar leoedd fel Aberdaugleddau, ac ati. Clywn yn awr mai'r hyn sy'n cael ei drafod yw'r syniad o orsafoedd tollau posibl nad ydynt ar y ffin ei hun ond o fewn ychydig gilometrau i'r ffin yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, sy'n mynd i wraidd cytundeb Belfast a'r broses heddwch, rhaid i mi ddweud. Felly, a yw'n peri pryder iddo ef a Llywodraeth Cymru nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn ymroi i drafod y materion hyn yn fanwl gyda'i phartneriaid datganoledig yn y Deyrnas Unedig, oherwydd nid ar Lywodraeth y DU yn unig y mae'r goblygiadau'n effeithio; bydd y goblygiadau i'r difidend heddwch yr ydym yn ei fwynhau ar hyn o bryd, neu i ffiniau masnach a thariffau a lle yr effeithiant yn benodol ar borthladdoedd, yn effeithio ar yr holl wledydd a rhanbarthau datganoledig, nid Lloegr yn unig?


The Member makes a very, very important point in his supplementary question. The JMC(EN) exists to provide the UK Government and the devolved Governments an opportunity to come together to seek to agree some aspects of the oversight of these negotiations. It seems to us, fundamental to that, that that should involve, at the very least, a process of sharing sufficient information for that process to be meaningful rather than apparent. And I think the failure to agree to share those non-papers is very, very disappointing in the context of those terms of reference. I can assure the Member that that is a point I made in exactly those terms directly to James Duddridge at the meeting I had with him, and I've subsequently made that point to the Secretary of State himself as well.

In relation to the speculation, I think, that we've seen so far in relation to the possible proposal with regard to Northern Ireland, the Government's position is very clear: if we are going to leave, it is better for us to leave with a deal. So, we wish the UK Government success in seeking to negotiate a deal because that is better than a 'no deal' situation, but what I would say is that it feels to me very late in the day to be making an initial proposal of this sort. I would also say that it's not likely to be productive to do that in the context of setting an ultimatum on a matter that is so important. And so, we would have made those observations had we had an opportunity to engage, as the Joint Ministerial Committee structures suggest we should have.   

Mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig tu hwnt yn ei gwestiwn atodol. Mae Cyd-bwyllgor y Gweinidogion (Negodiadau'r UE) yn bodoli i roi cyfle i Lywodraeth y DU a'r Llywodraethau datganoledig ddod ynghyd i geisio cytuno ar rai agweddau ar drosolwg ar y trafodaethau hyn. Ymddengys i ni ei bod yn hanfodol fod hynny fan lleiaf yn cynnwys proses o rannu gwybodaeth ddigonol er mwyn i'r broses honno fod yn ystyrlon yn hytrach nag yn ymddangosiadol. A chredaf fod y methiant i gytuno i rannu'r papurau trafod answyddogol hynny yn siomedig tu hwnt yng nghyd-destun y cylch gorchwyl hwnnw. Gallaf roi sicrwydd i'r Aelod fod hwnnw'n bwynt a wneuthum yn yr union dermau hynny yn uniongyrchol i James Duddridge yn y cyfarfod a gefais gydag ef, ac rwyf wedi gwneud y pwynt hwnnw wedi hynny i'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol ei hun hefyd.

Mewn perthynas â'r dyfalu a welsom hyd yma ynglŷn â'r cynnig posibl o ran Gogledd Iwerddon, mae safbwynt y Llywodraeth yn glir iawn: os ydym yn mynd i adael, mae'n well inni adael gyda chytundeb. Felly, rydym yn dymuno pob llwyddiant i Lywodraeth y DU wrth geisio negodi cytundeb gan fod hynny'n well na sefyllfa heb gytundeb, ond yr hyn y buaswn yn ei ddweud yw ei bod yn teimlo'n hwyr iawn i fod yn gwneud cynnig cychwynnol o'r math hwn. Buaswn hefyd yn dweud nad yw gwneud hynny'n debygol o fod yn gynhyrchiol yng nghyd-destun gosod wltimatwm ar fater mor bwysig. Ac felly, byddem wedi gwneud y sylwadau hynny pe baem wedi cael cyfle i gymryd rhan, fel y mae strwythurau Cyd-bwyllgor y Gweinidogion yn awgrymu y dylem fod wedi'i gael.

Paratoadau ar gyfer Ymadawiad y DU â'r UE
Preparations for the UK's Exit from the EU

12. Pa baratoadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u gwneud ar gyfer ymadawiad y DU â'r UE? OAQ54409

12. What preparations has the Welsh Government made for the UK’s exit from the EU? OAQ54409

The Welsh Government has worked continuously since 2016 to plan and prepare for Brexit, and to achieve the best possible outcome for Wales. We've particularly focused on preparations for 'no deal', and we published our action plan on 16 September. 

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gweithio’n barhaus ers 2016 i gynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer Brexit, ac i sicrhau’r canlyniad gorau posibl i Gymru. Rydym wedi canolbwyntio'n benodol ar baratoadau ar gyfer Brexit heb gytundeb, a chyhoeddwyd ein cynllun gweithredu ar 16 Medi.

Of course, the UK Government's requirement to seek an alternative deal is only because Labour voted down the previous deal three times in the House of Commons. How do you respond to the statements made earlier this month by the Irish sea south trade director for Stena Line, the port authority at Holyhead, a Mr Davies, who, when asked if there'll be disruption, said, 'Yes, I think there will be for the first day or two just because of uncertainty, but this will be very short term. The traffic flow through Holyhead as it stands, and with the plans in place, I don't foresee any problems. There is the Welsh Government emergency plan on the A55—I don't see it being used myself'? 

Wrth gwrs, mae'r angen i Lywodraeth y DU geisio cytundeb amgen yn deillio o'r ffaith bod Llafur wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn y cytundeb blaenorol dair gwaith yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin. Sut yr ymatebwch i'r datganiadau a wnaed yn gynharach y mis hwn gan gyfarwyddwr masnach de môr Iwerddon ar ran Stena Line, awdurdod porthladd Caergybi, sef Mr Davies, a ddywedodd, pan ofynnwyd iddo a fydd tarfu, 'Bydd, credaf y bydd tarfu am y diwrnod neu ddau cyntaf oherwydd ansicrwydd, ond cyfnod byr iawn fydd hwnnw. Nid wyf yn gweld unrhyw broblemau o ran llif y traffig drwy Gaergybi fel y mae pethau, a chyda'r cynlluniau ar waith. Mae cynllun argyfwng gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar yr A55—ni chredaf y bydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio.'?

I thank the Member for that point. I don't think I heard a question, but—

Diolch i'r Aelod am y pwynt hwnnw. Ni chredaf i mi glywed cwestiwn, ond—

'How do you respond to the statement by—?'

'Sut yr ymatebwch i'r datganiad gan—?'

Oh, forgive me. Yes. Well, just to make the obvious point, the initial response is that many people voted against the deal, including Boris Johnson and half the parliamentary Conservative Party, so I think the prospect that we had a deal in the bag that the Labour Party is responsible for scuppering I think is particularly risible. The question needs to be asked what the proposed renegotiation is of the deal that the Prime Minister proposes, because he will find that he has a hardcore rump of European Research Group members who are going to be hard to placate in any version of this agreement.

But I think, on the point about the port of Holyhead, he will know from the statement that the Minister for transport made in the Chamber yesterday that we've been working with the port to ensure that we have plans in place in order to manage disruption as best we can in the event that there are tailbacks. He will also know that we are looking at those in the context of information that has been provided more recently from the UK Government to ascertain that we have arrangements in place. But I would just say to the Member, obviously, we very much hope that the arrangements are not required and that, if they are required, they work effectively, but I think the broader point, which his question misses, is that a huge amount of resource, energy and financial resource is being committed across this Government and other Governments across the UK to prepare for a 'no deal' Brexit, which is perfectly within the gift of his own Prime Minister to rule out.  

O, maddeuwch i mi. Iawn. Wel, i wneud y pwynt amlwg, yr ymateb cyntaf yw bod llawer o bobl wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn y cytundeb, gan gynnwys Boris Johnson a hanner y Blaid Geidwadol seneddol, felly credaf fod y syniad ein bod wedi sicrhau cytundeb a bod y Blaid Lafur yn gyfrifol am ei ddifetha yn chwerthinllyd tu hwnt. Mae angen gofyn y cwestiwn beth yw'r ailnegodi arfaethedig y mae Prif Weinidog y DU yn ei argymell i'r cytundeb, gan y gwêl fod ganddo griw ystyfnig o aelodau o'r Grŵp Ymchwil Ewropeaidd a fydd yn anodd eu plesio ag unrhyw fersiwn o'r cytundeb hwn.

Ond o ran y pwynt ynglŷn â phorthladd Caergybi, rwy'n credu y bydd yn gwybod o’r datganiad a wnaeth y Gweinidog trafnidiaeth yn y Siambr ddoe ein bod wedi bod yn gweithio gyda’r porthladd i sicrhau bod gennym gynlluniau ar waith er mwyn rheoli tarfu hyd eithaf ein gallu os bydd tagfeydd. Bydd hefyd yn gwybod ein bod yn edrych arnynt yng nghyd-destun gwybodaeth a ddarparwyd yn fwy diweddar gan Lywodraeth y DU i sicrhau bod gennym drefniadau ar waith. Ond buaswn yn dweud wrth yr Aelod, yn amlwg, ein bod yn mawr obeithio na fydd angen y trefniadau, ac os bydd eu hangen, eu bod yn gweithio'n effeithiol, ond credaf mai'r pwynt ehangach y mae ei gwestiwn yn ei fethu, yw bod llawer iawn o adnoddau, ynni ac adnoddau ariannol yn cael eu hymrwymo ar draws y Llywodraeth hon a Llywodraethau eraill ledled y DU i baratoi am Brexit heb gytundeb, sy'n rhywbeth y gallai ei Brif Weinidog ei hun ei ddiystyru'n berffaith hawdd.


Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ateb ei holl gwestiynau y prynhawn yma. 

Thank you to the Minister for answering all of the questions this afternoon.

3. Cwestiynau Amserol
3. Topical Questions

Yr eitem nesaf fyddai cwestiynau amserol, ond ni chafwyd unrhyw gwestiynau amserol heddiw. 

The next item would have been the topical questions, but no topical questions were received today. 

4. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
4. 90-second Statements

Felly, yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad, a'r datganiad cyntaf gan Vaughan Gething.

So, the next item is the 90-second statements, and the first statement is from Vaughan Gething.

Thank you, Llywydd. October is Black History Month. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of black people and people of colour for our contribution to our country.

We recognise remarkable people from our past and our present who have made a real difference, sometimes without the recognition that they deserve. In Cardiff South and Penarth, we are lucky to have a number of role models to recognise and celebrate. Two such people are from Butetown: Billy Boston and Betty Campbell. Billy Boston is the son of a west African father and an Irish mother. He was overlooked by the union game. I have no doubt that his colour explains why. He is, however, recognised as one of the greatest ever British rugby league players. There's a statue of him on Wembley Way and in Wigan where he played most of his rugby. Sadly, his home city has not yet provided him the same recognition.

Betty Campbell was the first black headteacher in Wales. I knew her; I didn't always agree with her. But despite our well-advertised differences, her historic achievements are undeniable. Following a public vote on hidden heroines, Betty will be the first woman to be honoured with a statue in the capital city. There are many more figures to learn about and celebrate from across our country. I hope that Members across the Chamber take the opportunity to promote Black History Month, to remember our difficulties and our struggles, because this is not just black history, it is an essential part of the history of Wales and the wider world. 

Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Mis Hydref yw Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon. Mae'n amser i ddathlu cyflawniadau pobl dduon a phobl o liw am ein cyfraniad i'n gwlad.

Rydym yn cydnabod pobl hynod o'n gorffennol a'n presennol sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn, weithiau heb y gydnabyddiaeth y maent yn ei haeddu. Yn Ne Caerdydd a Phenarth, rydym yn ffodus i gael nifer o fodelau rôl i'w cydnabod a'u dathlu. Daw dau unigolyn o'r fath o Butetown: Billy Boston a Betty Campbell. Mae Billy Boston yn fab i dad o orllewin Affrica a mam Wyddelig. Cafodd ei anwybyddu gan gêm yr undeb. Nid oes gennyf unrhyw amheuaeth mai ei liw yw'r rheswm dros hynny. Fodd bynnag, mae'n cael ei gydnabod fel un o'r chwaraewyr rygbi'r gynghrair gorau erioed ym Mhrydain. Mae cerflun ohono ar Wembley Way ac yn Wigan lle y chwaraeodd y rhan fwyaf o'i rygbi. Yn anffodus, nid yw ei ddinas enedigol wedi rhoi'r un gydnabyddiaeth iddo eto.

Betty Campbell oedd y pennaeth ysgol du cyntaf yng Nghymru. Roeddwn i'n ei hadnabod; nid oeddwn bob amser yn cytuno â hi. Ond er gwaethaf ein gwahaniaethau, sydd wedi cael cryn gyhoeddusrwydd, mae ei chyflawniadau hanesyddol yn ddiymwad. Yn dilyn pleidlais gyhoeddus ar arwresau cudd, Betty fydd y fenyw gyntaf i gael ei hanrhydeddu â cherflun yn y brifddinas. Mae yna lawer mwy o bobl i ddysgu amdanynt a'u dathlu ym mhob rhan o'n gwlad. Gobeithio y bydd Aelodau ar draws y Siambr yn manteisio ar y cyfle i hyrwyddo Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon, i gofio am ein hanawsterau a'n brwydrau, oherwydd nid hanes du yn unig mo hwn, mae'n rhan hanfodol o hanes Cymru a'r byd ehangach.

This week has seen the forty-fifth anniversary of the opening of Swansea Sound, Swansea's independent local radio station. I would, first of all, like to congratulate them on their forty-fifth anniversary. For those people living in the area, it's well-known just how important that institution is for our part of south-west Wales, which is Neath Port Talbot, Swansea and Carmarthenshire.

It began broadcasting on 30 September 1974, as the first commercial radio station in Wales, the seventh in the United Kingdom, but the first to broadcast in both English and Welsh. In 1995, the station was split into two separate services because of battles over frequencies, and the two stations are Swansea Sound, which continued as it was previously, and The Wave, aiming at a younger listenership, which probably left me out. 

Swansea Sound has had a large number of presenters over the last 45 years, many of whom have gone on to national broadcasting, both in Wales and in London. It has also had some very long-serving broadcasters, such as Kevin Johns and Steve Dewitt, both of whom are incredibly well-known in the Swansea area.

It's been involved in organising events and campaigns, such as, every Christmas it raises money for charity and it organised an event at the Liberty Stadium for veterans, which was attended by several other Assembly Members from Swansea. The highlight of the Swansea Sound week for politicians is the Sunday morning phone-in with Kevin Johns. I don't think there's any local Member representing that part of south-west Wales who hasn't been on Swansea Sound, and one or two from outside the area. With the opportunity to answer questions from the public as they phone in, it's been a huge success, and I'm looking forward to the next 45 years, but I think somebody else might be making this speech. [Laughter.]

Yr wythnos hon mae’n 45 o flynyddoedd ers agor Sain Abertawe, gorsaf radio leol annibynnol Abertawe. Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn eu llongyfarch ar eu pen-blwydd yn 45 mlwydd oed. Mae'r bobl sy'n byw yn yr ardal yn gwybod yn iawn pa mor bwysig yw'r sefydliad hwnnw i'n rhan ni o dde-orllewin Cymru, sef Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Abertawe a sir Gaerfyrddin.

Dechreuodd ddarlledu ar 30 Medi 1974, fel yr orsaf radio fasnachol gyntaf yng Nghymru, y seithfed yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ond y gyntaf i ddarlledu yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg. Yn 1995, rhannwyd yr orsaf yn ddau wasanaeth ar wahân oherwydd brwydrau dros amleddau, a'r ddwy orsaf yw Sain Abertawe, a barhaodd fel cynt, a The Wave, a anelai at wrandawyr iau, nad oedd yn fy nghynnwys i, yn ôl pob tebyg.

Bu gan Sain Abertawe nifer fawr o gyflwynwyr dros y 45 mlynedd diwethaf, gyda llawer ohonynt wedi mynd ymlaen i ddarlledu’n genedlaethol, yng Nghymru ac yn Llundain. Bu ganddi rai darlledwyr a fu wrthi ers amser maith hefyd, fel Kevin Johns a Steve Dewitt, y ddau ohonynt yn hynod o adnabyddus yn ardal Abertawe.

Mae'r orsaf wedi bod yn rhan o’r gwaith o drefnu digwyddiadau ac ymgyrchoedd, a phob Nadolig er enghraifft, mae'n codi arian i elusen ac fe drefnodd ddigwyddiad yn Stadiwm Liberty ar gyfer cyn-filwyr, a fynychwyd gan sawl Aelod Cynulliad arall o Abertawe. Uchafbwynt wythnos Sain Abertawe i wleidyddion yw'r rhaglen ffonio i mewn ar fore Sul gyda Kevin Johns. Credaf fod pob Aelod lleol sy’n cynrychioli'r rhan honno o dde-orllewin Cymru wedi bod ar Sain Abertawe, ac un neu ddau o'r tu allan i'r ardal hefyd. Gyda'r cyfle i ateb cwestiynau gan y cyhoedd wrth iddynt ffonio i mewn, mae wedi bod yn llwyddiant ysgubol, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y 45 mlynedd nesaf, ond rwy'n credu efallai mai rhywun arall fydd yn gwneud yr araith hon bryd hynny. [Chwerthin.]

This Thursday, on 3 October, we will celebrate the one-hundred-and-sixtieth anniversary of the Pryce-Jones mail order store and the one-hundred-and-fortieth anniversary of the opening of the Pryce-Jones Royal Welsh Warehouse. A celebration organised by the heritage hub for mid Wales at the grade II listed Pryce-Jones Royal Welsh Warehouse in Newtown will mark the life of Sir Pryce Pryce-Jones, who was the pioneer of mail order home shopping.

Pryce-Jones had a draper's shop in Newtown and came up with the idea of dispatching goods to his customers by post using the railway. His drapery business was so popular, he dreamt up the mail order catalogue so that those who couldn't travel to his Newtown shop could buy his goods. I'm told that Queen Victoria and Florence Nightingale were amongst the patrons, and his Welsh flannel was sold to customers around the world.

He is also credited with the invention of the sleeping bag and was the MP for Montgomeryshire on two occasions. Tomorrow we will see two plaques unveiled by the entrepreneur's great-great-grandson, David Pryce-Jones, and the High Sheriff of Powys, David Lloyd Peate, to mark the pioneer's contribution to the heritage of Montgomeryshire and the world birthplace of mail order.

Y dydd Iau hwn, ar 3 Hydref, byddwn yn dathlu 160 mlynedd ers sefydlu siop archebion post Pryce-Jones a 140 mlynedd ers agor Warws Brenhinol Cymru Pryce-Jones. Bydd dathliad a drefnwyd gan y ganolfan treftadaeth ar gyfer canolbarth Cymru yn Warws Brenhinol Cymru Pryce-Jones, sy'n adeilad rhestredig gradd II yn y Drenewydd, i nodi bywyd Syr Pryce Pryce-Jones, a oedd yn arloeswr siopa archebu trwy'r post.

Roedd gan Pryce-Jones siop ddillad yn y Drenewydd a chafodd y syniad o anfon nwyddau i'w gwsmeriaid trwy'r post gan ddefnyddio'r rheilffordd. Roedd ei fusnes dillad mor boblogaidd nes iddo lunio’r catalog archebion post er mwyn i’r rhai na allent deithio i'w siop yn y Drenewydd allu prynu ei nwyddau. Dywedir wrthyf fod y Frenhines Victoria a Florence Nightingale ymhlith ei gwsmeriaid, a châi ei wlanen Gymreig ei gwerthu i gwsmeriaid ledled y byd.

Ef hefyd sy’n cael y clod am ddyfeisio’r cwdyn cysgu a bu’n Aelod Seneddol dros sir Drefaldwyn ar ddau achlysur. Yfory, bydd dau blac yn cael eu dadorchuddio gan or-or-ŵyr yr entrepreneur, David Pryce-Jones, ac Uwch Siryf Powys, David Lloyd Peate, i nodi cyfraniad yr arloeswr i dreftadaeth sir Drefaldwyn a man geni archebu trwy’r post yn fyd-eang.


Today, over 200 people took part in the annual Cycle on the Senedd, and they were joined by cross-party Assembly Members and, indeed, a couple of Ministers too. They did so because they believe that the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, that groundbreaking law passed by this Senedd, can help solve many of the most pressing problems facing Wales. But they also did so because they want to see the ambition of that groundbreaking legislation to make walking and cycling the most natural ways to travel in Wales a reality. And yet, the sad truth is that since we passed that Act, the number of people walking and cycling in Wales has actually declined. They believe that when the active travel Act is really properly funded and backed by a comprehensive evidence-based strategy, we'll see that breakthrough that we need. And these outcomes are vitally important.

More people getting about on foot or bike instead of in cars would help us to achieve all seven of our national goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. It's all about displacing car journeys with walking and cycling, cutting carbon emissions, reducing air pollution, improving health, and promoting equality by providing a much more affordable form of transport. And it helps our economy by reducing congestion and it aids community cohesion by increasing social interaction.

It was inspiring today to see people from all over Wales take part in the ride from the wonderful Pedal Power centre in Pontcanna. I'm delighted that so many Assembly Members of all parties joined us on the steps of the Senedd today, and some on the cycle across Cardiff too, to demonstrate their support for more and better active travel.

This is a real demonstration of their faith that this institution will deliver on the promises made when passing this world-leading piece of legislation, and we look forward to next year's event being even bigger and better and hearing of the progress made on making Wales the best country in which to cycle and to walk too.

Heddiw, cymerodd dros 200 o bobl ran yn nigwyddiad blynyddol Beicio i’r Senedd, ac ymunodd Aelodau Cynulliad trawsbleidiol â hwy, ynghyd ag ambell Weinidog hefyd. Fe wnaethant hynny oherwydd eu bod yn credu y gall Deddf Teithio Llesol (Cymru) 2013, y ddeddf arloesol a basiwyd gan y Senedd hon, helpu i ddatrys llawer o'r problemau mwyaf dybryd sy'n wynebu Cymru. Ond gwnaethant hynny hefyd oherwydd eu bod am weld uchelgais y ddeddfwriaeth arloesol honno i wneud cerdded a beicio yn ffyrdd mwyaf naturiol o deithio yng Nghymru yn cael ei wireddu. Ac eto, ers inni basio'r Ddeddf honno, y gwir trist yw bod nifer y bobl sy'n cerdded a beicio yng Nghymru wedi gostwng mewn gwirionedd. Pan gaiff y Ddeddf teithio llesol ei hariannu'n briodol a'i chefnogi gan strategaeth gynhwysfawr sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, maent yn credu y gwelwn y llwyddiant sydd ei angen arnom. Ac mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn hanfodol bwysig.

Byddai i fwy o bobl symud o gwmpas ar droed neu ar feic yn lle mewn ceir yn ein helpu i gyflawni pob un o'n saith nod cenedlaethol a nodir yn Neddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. Mae'n ymwneud â cherdded a beicio yn cymryd lle teithiau ceir, gan dorri allyriadau carbon, lleihau llygredd aer, gwella iechyd, a hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb trwy ddarparu math llawer mwy fforddiadwy o drafnidiaeth. Ac mae'n helpu ein heconomi trwy leihau tagfeydd ac yn cynorthwyo cydlyniant cymunedol trwy gynyddu rhyngweithio cymdeithasol.

Roedd gweld pobl o bob rhan o Gymru yn cymryd rhan yn y daith o ganolfan hyfryd Pedal Power ym Mhontcanna yn brofiad ysbrydoledig heddiw. Rwy'n falch iawn fod cymaint o Aelodau'r Cynulliad o bob plaid wedi ymuno â ni ar risiau'r Senedd heddiw, a rhai ohonynt ar y daith ar draws Caerdydd hefyd, i ddangos eu cefnogaeth i fwy o deithio llesol gwell.

Dyma arddangosiad go iawn o’u ffydd y bydd y sefydliad hwn yn cyflawni’r addewidion a wnaed wrth basio’r ddeddfwriaeth hon sy’n arwain y byd, ac edrychwn ymlaen at weld digwyddiad hyd yn oed yn fwy ac yn well y flwyddyn nesaf, a chlywed am y cynnydd a wnaed ar wneud Cymru y wlad orau ar gyfer beicio a cherdded.

Cynnig i Ethol Aelodau i’r Pwyllgor ar Ddiwygio Etholiadol y Cynulliad
Motion to Elect Members to the Committee on Assembly Reform

Cynnig nawr i ethol Aelodau i'r Pwyllgor ar Ddiwygio Etholiadol. Galwaf ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i wneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol. Caroline Jones.

Now, a motion to elect Members to the Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform. I call for a member of the Business Committee to formally move the motion. Caroline Jones.

Cynnig NDM7157 Elin Jones

Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.3, yn ethol:

Huw Irranca-Davies (Llafur Cymru), Delyth Jewell (Plaid Cymru), a David Rowlands (Plaid Brexit) yn aelodau o'r Pwyllgor ar Ddiwygio Etholiadol y Cynulliad.

Motion NDM7157 Elin Jones

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 17.3, elects:

Huw Irranca-Davies (Welsh Labour), Delyth Jewell (Plaid Cymru), and David Rowlands (Brexit Party) as members of the Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu'r cynnig? Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Does any Member object? The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

5. Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad: Adroddiad 02-19
5. Standards of Conduct Committee Report: Report 02-19

Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw addroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad, adroddiad 02-19. Dwi'n galw ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Jayne Bryant.

The next item, therefore, is the Standards of Conduct Committee report, report 02-19. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Jayne Bryant.

Cynnig NDM7148 Jayne Bryant

Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru:

1. Yn ystyried Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad—Adroddiad 02-19 a osodwyd gerbron y Cynulliad ar 18 Medi 2019 yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 22.9

2. Yn cymeradwyo’r argymhelliad yn yr adroddiad.

Motion NDM7148 Jayne Bryant

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Considers the Report of the Standards of Conduct Committee—Report 02-19 laid before the Assembly on 18 September 2019 in accordance with Standing Order 22.9

2. Endorses the recommendation in the report.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. As Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee, I formally move the motion.

The committee considered the report from the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards in relation to a complaint made against Leanne Wood AM regarding the use of unparliamentary language. The Standards of Conduct Committee gave the commissioner's report careful consideration, and our report sets out the committee's judgment as to the sanction that is appropriate to this case.

The facts related to the complaint and the committee's reasons for its recommendation are set out in full in the committee's report. The motion tabled invites the Assembly to endorse the committee's recommendations.

Diolch, Lywydd. Fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad, rwy’n gwneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol.

Ystyriodd y pwyllgor yr adroddiad gan Gomisiynydd Safonau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru mewn perthynas â chŵyn a wnaed yn erbyn Leanne Wood AC ynghylch y defnydd o iaith anseneddol. Rhoddodd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad ystyriaeth ofalus i adroddiad y comisiynydd, ac mae ein hadroddiad yn nodi dyfarniad y pwyllgor ynghylch y sancsiwn sy'n briodol i'r achos hwn.

Mae'r ffeithiau a oedd yn ymwneud â'r gŵyn a rhesymau'r pwyllgor dros ei argymhelliad wedi'u nodi'n llawn yn adroddiad y pwyllgor. Mae'r cynnig a gyflwynwyd yn gwahodd y Cynulliad i gymeradwyo argymhellion y pwyllgor.

I may have a reputation for being robust in my response to trolls and bullies online, but I don't normally engage in language that some may consider to be unparliamentary. This is the first time that I've called someone 'an arsehole' on social media, and whilst I can't promise that I won't swear on social media ever again, I can understand why, on receiving a complaint, the standards commissioner felt unable to be seen to be condoning the use by an Assembly Member of what he considers to be an offensive word.

However, this case raises a number of questions. The case that follows this one is arguably similar if you just take this question as an Assembly Member's use of unparliamentary language on social media. But because the Member in that case has chosen to issue an apology to the Llywydd, there is no censure for him. I, too, was offered a chance to apologise in order to avoid a censure, and the committee, in fairness, had a lot of sympathy with my position on this when I addressed them. But it would not be honest or right for me to issue an apology, because this is much more than a case of just swearing on Twitter. I, along with countless other women who are active in politics, regularly receive trolling, abusive tweets and general nastiness on social media on a daily basis. Sometimes, it's co-ordinated; undoubtedly, it's rooted in misogyny. 

Efallai fod gennyf enw am fod yn gadarn yn fy ymateb i droliau a bwlis ar-lein, ond nid wyf fel arfer yn ymroi i iaith y gallai rhai ei hystyried yn anseneddol. Dyma'r tro cyntaf i mi alw rhywun yn ‘arsehole’ ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac er na allaf addo na fyddaf yn rhegi ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol byth eto, gallaf ddeall pam, wrth dderbyn cwyn, fod y comisiynydd safonau’n teimlo na allai gael ei weld yn goddef i Aelod Cynulliad ddefnyddio'r hyn y mae'n ei ystyried yn air sarhaus.

Fodd bynnag, mae'r achos hwn yn codi nifer o gwestiynau. Gellir dadlau bod yr achos sy'n dilyn yr un hwn yn debyg os ystyriwch nad yw'r cwestiwn yn ddim mwy na defnydd Aelod Cynulliad o iaith anseneddol ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Ond oherwydd bod yr Aelod yn yr achos hwnnw wedi dewis cyhoeddi ymddiheuriad i'r Llywydd, nid yw’n wynebu unrhyw gerydd. Cynigiwyd cyfle i minnau ymddiheuro hefyd er mwyn osgoi cerydd, ac roedd gan y pwyllgor, er tegwch, lawer o gydymdeimlad â fy safbwynt ar hyn pan siaradais â hwy. Ond ni fyddai’n onest nac yn iawn i mi gyhoeddi ymddiheuriad, oherwydd mae hyn yn llawer mwy nag achos o regi ar Twitter yn unig. Ynghyd â menywod di-rif eraill sy'n weithgar mewn gwleidyddiaeth, rwy’n aml yn dioddef trolio, trydariadau ymosodol a chasineb cyffredinol ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ddyddiol. Weithiau, caiff ei gydlynu; heb os, mae wedi'i wreiddio mewn gwreig-gasineb.

The context, therefore, where a well-known online misogynist bully, who describes himself as a blogger, issued a snide passive-aggressive tweet, a thinly veiled attack on my colleague Delyth Jewell before she'd even started in her role and before she was in a position to properly defend herself, after I had seen this person issue attack after attack on mostly women, but others, including disabled people, gay people, trans people and so on, usually from a right or far-right perspective, calling people names like feminazi, socialist handmaids, woke, Nietzscheists, virtue-signalling snowflakes—terms that those who pay attention to such matters will know are straight out of the far-right play book. 

These types of attacks are personal, but they are also political, and the timing, after our group had experienced such a horrific loss just that week, well, enough was enough. I decided that the best way to stand up to that bully was to use language that he was sure to understand. It's not language that I would normally use, but sometimes, when standing up to bullies, you have to deploy whatever strategies you deem necessary.

There is something very wrong with an organisation's complaints procedures when the people standing up to a bully, and so often we are women, people of colour or LGBT people calling them out, and then we are the people who get the complaints, and we are the people who get censured.

Take the case of Naga Munchetty. Just last week, Naga was censured by the BBC for questioning Donald Trump's racism. People have to be able to call out and robustly challenge this growing scourge that comes with increased support for far-right parties. Sometimes, panels and procedures don't get it right, and as at the BBC, there are mechanisms in place to reverse poor or wrong decisions, and we have an opportunity to do something similar here. The mechanism exists here through Members' votes. Will we do the same?

I feel I have to make Members aware that this is the third complaint made to the standards commissioner that I'm aware of about me in the last year. Prior to this, I'm only aware of one complaint ever since my election to this place in 2003. Thankfully, the commissioner has deemed that the other two complaints do not warrant any further action.

For one of those complaints, there were 37 separate complainants, all about the same thing, coincidentally after a far-right politician had tweeted the complaints procedure information and encouraged his followers to complain. Well, that little ruse seems to have been seen through and dismissed as vexatious, and I am grateful to the standards commissioner for that. It is dangerous to have far-right politicians in the mainstream almost directing their bands of followers to bully, troll and intimidate people online and to make official complaints, yet that seems to be what's happening.

I don't need to outline the impact of online bullying and trolling, or how it is used to silence women and minorities, because the support statements in the report from Women's Aid and GlitchUK, the charity that's been set up to tackle online abuse, outline all that very well, and I'm grateful to those organisations and everyone else who has written in support on this.

A lot has been said about Members being almost obliged to support the committee's recommendations for a censure, that somehow the committee, the commissioner or the process will be undermined were Members to disagree with the censure recommendation. What is the point of AMs having a vote on this if all we can do is rubber-stamp what a committee has already decided?

I am grateful to the Plaid Cymru group for backing me and the principle that we have to differentiate between those who bully and those who stand up to bullies. I know that there's solidarity from other benches in this Chamber for me as well and I'm very grateful for that. I hope this afternoon that Members will feel able to vote in line with what they honestly believe to be right on this question. Diolch yn fawr.

Y cyd-destun, felly, oedd fod bwli ar-lein adnabyddus sy’n wreig-gasäwr ac sy'n disgrifio'i hun fel blogiwr wedi cyhoeddi trydariad dichellgar, goddefol-ymosodol, a oedd yn ymosod yn eithaf amlwg ar fy nghyd-Aelod Delyth Jewell cyn iddi ddechrau yn ei rôl hyd yn oed a chyn iddi fod mewn sefyllfa i amddiffyn ei hun yn iawn, ar ôl i mi weld y person hwn yn ymosod dro ar ôl tro ar fenywod yn bennaf, ond ar eraill hefyd, gan gynnwys pobl anabl, pobl hoyw, pobl draws ac ati, fel arfer o safbwynt asgell dde neu asgell dde eithafol, gan alw enwau ar bobl fel ‘feminazi’, ‘socialist handmaids’, ‘woke’, ‘Nietzscheists’, ‘virtue-signalling snowflakes’—termau y bydd y rhai sy'n cymryd sylw o faterion o'r fath yn gwybod eu bod yn dod yn syth o eirfa'r asgell dde eithaf.

Mae'r mathau hyn o ymosodiadau yn bersonol, ond maent hefyd yn wleidyddol, ac roedd yr amseru, ar ôl i'n grŵp brofi colled mor erchyll yr wythnos honno, wel, digon oedd digon. Penderfynais mai'r ffordd orau o wrthsefyll y bwli oedd defnyddio iaith yr oedd yn sicr o'i deall. Nid yw'n iaith y buaswn fel arfer yn ei defnyddio, ond weithiau, wrth wynebu bwlis, mae'n rhaid i chi ddefnyddio pa strategaethau bynnag y bernwch eu bod yn angenrheidiol.

Mae rhywbeth o'i le'n fawr ar weithdrefnau cwyno sefydliad pan fo'r bobl sy'n gwrthsefyll bwli, ac mor aml, menywod, pobl o liw neu bobl lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol, trawsryweddol yw’r rheini ohonom sy’n tynnu sylw atynt, a ni wedyn yw'r bobl sy'n cael y cwynion, a ni yw'r bobl sy'n cael ein ceryddu.

Ystyriwch achos Naga Munchetty. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cafodd Naga ei cheryddu gan y BBC am gwestiynu hiliaeth Donald Trump. Mae’n rhaid i bobl allu tynnu sylw at y malltod cynyddol hwn a ddaw drwy’r cynnydd yn y gefnogaeth i bleidiau asgell dde, a’i herio’n gadarn. Weithiau, nid yw paneli a gweithdrefnau yn ei gael yn iawn, ac fel yn y BBC, mae mecanweithiau ar waith i wyrdroi penderfyniadau gwael neu anghywir, ac mae gennym gyfle i wneud rhywbeth tebyg yma. Mae’r mecanwaith yn bodoli yma drwy bleidleisiau Aelodau. A wnawn ni yr un peth?

Rwy'n teimlo bod yn rhaid i mi wneud yr Aelodau'n ymwybodol mai dyma'r drydedd gŵyn y gwn i amdani a wnaed i'r comisiynydd safonau amdanaf yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Cyn hynny, nid wyf ond yn ymwybodol o un gŵyn a wnaed ers fy ethol i'r lle hwn yn 2003. Diolch byth, mae'r comisiynydd wedi barnu nad yw'r ddwy gŵyn arall yn gwarantu unrhyw gamau pellach.

Cafwyd 37 o achwynwyr unigol yn achos un o'r cwynion hynny, pob un yn ymwneud â'r un peth, a thrwy gyd-ddigwyddiadol, wedi i wleidydd asgell dde eithafol drydar gwybodaeth am y weithdrefn gwynion ac annog ei ddilynwyr i gwyno. Wel, mae'n ymddangos bod yr ystryw bach hwnnw wedi'i ganfod a'i ddiystyru fel un blinderus, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r comisiynydd safonau am hynny. Mae'n beryglus cael gwleidyddion asgell dde eithafol yn y brif ffrwd yn cyfarwyddo eu criwiau o ddilynwyr fwy neu lai i fwlio, trolio a dychryn pobl ar-lein ac i wneud cwynion swyddogol, ac eto mae'n ymddangos mai dyna sy'n digwydd.

Nid oes angen i mi amlinellu effaith bwlio a throlio ar-lein, na sut y caiff ei ddefnyddio i dawelu menywod a lleiafrifoedd, oherwydd mae'r datganiadau cymorth yn yr adroddiad gan Cymorth i Fenywod a GlitchUK, yr elusen a sefydlwyd i fynd i'r afael â cham-drin ar-lein, yn amlinellu hynny i gyd yn dda iawn, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r sefydliadau hynny a phawb arall sydd wedi ysgrifennu i ddangos cefnogaeth ar hyn.

Mae llawer wedi cael ei ddweud am yr Aelodau bron yn gorfod cefnogi argymhellion y pwyllgor ar gerydd, y bydd y pwyllgor, y comisiynydd, neu'r broses yn cael eu tanseilio rywsut pe bai'r Aelodau’n anghytuno â'r argymhelliad i geryddu. Beth yw pwynt rhoi pleidlais i ACau ar hyn os mai'r cyfan y gallwn ei wneud yw amenio’r hyn y mae pwyllgor wedi'i benderfynu eisoes?

Rwy’n ddiolchgar i grŵp Plaid Cymru am fy nghefnogi a’r egwyddor fod yn rhaid i ni wahaniaethu rhwng y rhai sy’n bwlio a’r rhai sy’n gwrthsefyll bwlis. Gwn fod rhai ar feinciau eraill yn y Siambr hon yn fy nghefnogi hefyd ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am hynny. Gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau’n teimlo y gallant bleidleisio yn unol â’r hyn y maent yn credu’n onest sy’n iawn ar y cwestiwn hwn y prynhawn yma. Diolch yn fawr.


I have very many speakers who've asked to contribute to this 15-minute debate. I have enough speakers to last an hour. Most of you can expect not to be called in this debate, which was scheduled for only 15 minutes. Andrew R.T. Davies.

Mae gennyf lawer iawn o siaradwyr sydd wedi gofyn am gael cyfrannu at y ddadl 15 munud hon. Mae gennyf ddigon o siaradwyr i bara awr. Gall y mwyafrif ohonoch ddisgwyl peidio â chael eich galw yn y ddadl hon, a drefnwyd i bara 15 munud yn unig. Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. I rise as a member of the standards committee and speak to the report, obviously, that's laid before the Assembly this afternoon. It is, without question, unparliamentary language that the report refers to. I have a huge amount of sympathy for the situation that Leanne presented to the committee—that she and other Members across all parties face here. Only this week, for example, in the renaming of this institution, I've been told to go back to England, the place where I'll feel more at home than Wales, because I'm not Welsh because I don't speak Welsh. There's a mute button on my social media. I can mute people. I do not use unparliamentary language on social media. That's not to say it might not happen in the future, because that spark might go on and, one night, one day, something might be said that will really enrage me.

But it is a fact that this report, and I think the Member agrees with this fact—that none of the facts are contested in the report, and the report is accurate. Each Member in this process is afforded that opportunity. It is a fact that it is a cross-party committee that has brought this report to the Chamber, and Plaid Cymru's Member on that committee supported wholeheartedly the report. So, it is a little surprising to see that, as a group, now, you are dissenting from the Member's position, which she took in that committee meeting. That is a statement of fact. [Interruption.] Well, if I could just finish, I'd be grateful, as I didn't interrupt when you were standing.

I think the points you made on the wider issues of trolling, and also the abuse that politicians and members of society across the board face, is something that is a phenomenon in the modern age. Twenty or 25 years ago, there wasn't social media, there wasn't the intrusion into our homes, where you can switch your phone on and get that abuse in your home. No-one should have to put up with that. But it is a fact that this institution set up a standards procedure that is clearly defined and that has a commissioner at its heart, who presents a report. That report then comes to the committee with the outcome of the standards commissioner's investigation. That's what we're discussing here this afternoon. I appreciate the Member used the term that is in question here—the word—and I am trying to avoid using it because I do not believe that it is right to use it in this Chamber. Frankly, if it isn't right to be used in this Chamber, then clearly it's not right to be used on a platform when engaging with members of the public.

It is a fact that the complainant in this particular case is not the blogger that you referred to—I don't know whether there is an association with the blogger—but a third party. The Member cited the blogger in this particular instance, whom the word was used against, but the complainant was a third party—it was not that individual. I don't know who the complainant was because we weren't privy to the name; it was not released.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n codi fel aelod o'r pwyllgor safonau ac yn siarad wrth gwrs am yr adroddiad sydd wedi'i osod gerbron y Cynulliad y prynhawn yma. Yn ddiau, mae'r adroddiad yn cyfeirio at iaith anseneddol. Mae gennyf lawer iawn o gydymdeimlad â'r sefyllfa a gyflwynodd Leanne i'r pwyllgor—sefyllfa y mae hi ac Aelodau eraill o bob plaid yn ei hwynebu yma. Yr wythnos hon, er enghraifft, gydag ailenwi'r sefydliad hwn, dywedwyd wrthyf am fynd yn ôl i Loegr, lle byddaf yn teimlo'n fwy cartrefol nag yng Nghymru, gan nad wyf yn Gymro am nad wyf yn siarad Cymraeg. Mae botwm distewi ar fy nghyfryngau cymdeithasol. Rwy'n gallu distewi pobl. Nid wyf yn defnyddio iaith anseneddol ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Nid yw hynny'n dweud na allai ddigwydd yn y dyfodol, oherwydd efallai y bydd y fflach honno'n digwydd a rhyw noson, rhyw ddydd, efallai y caiff rhywbeth ei ddweud a fydd yn fy ngwylltio go iawn.

Ond mae'n ffaith bod yr adroddiad hwn, a chredaf fod yr Aelod yn cytuno â'r ffaith hon—nad oes yr un o'r ffeithiau'n cael eu cwestiynu yn yr adroddiad, a bod yr adroddiad yn gywir. Rhoddir y cyfle hwnnw i bob Aelod yn y broses hon. Mae'n ffaith mai pwyllgor trawsbleidiol a ddaeth â'r adroddiad hwn i'r Siambr, ac roedd Aelod Plaid Cymru ar y pwyllgor hwnnw'n cefnogi'r adroddiad yn llwyr. Felly, mae'n syndod braidd eich bod chi, fel grŵp yn awr, yn anghydweld â safbwynt yr Aelod, y safbwynt yr oedd hi'n ei arddel yn y cyfarfod pwyllgor hwnnw. Datganiad o ffaith yw hwnnw. [Torri ar draws.] Wel, buaswn yn ddiolchgar, os caf fi orffen, gan na wneuthum dorri ar draws pan oeddech chi'n siarad.

Rwy'n credu bod y pwyntiau a wnaethoch ar faterion ehangach yn ymwneud â throlio, a hefyd y cam-drin y mae gwleidyddion ac aelodau o'r gymdeithas yn eu hwynebu yn gyffredinol, yn rhywbeth sy'n ffenomen yn yr oes fodern. Ugain neu 25 mlynedd yn ôl, nid oedd cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn bodoli, ni cheid y fath ymyriad yn ein cartrefi, lle y gallwch roi eich ffôn ymlaen a chael camdriniaeth o'r fath yn eich cartref. Ni ddylai fod yn rhaid i neb ddioddef hynny. Ond mae'n ffaith bod y sefydliad hwn wedi sefydlu gweithdrefn safonau sydd wedi'i diffinio'n glir ac sydd â chomisiynydd yn ganolog iddi, comisiynydd sy'n cyflwyno adroddiad. Daw'r adroddiad hwnnw gerbron y pwyllgor wedyn gyda chanlyniad ymchwiliad y comisiynydd safonau. Dyna'r hyn a drafodir gennym yn y fan hon y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n derbyn bod yr Aelod wedi defnyddio'r term sydd dan sylw yma—y gair—ac rwy'n ceisio osgoi ei ddefnyddio am nad wyf yn credu ei bod hi'n iawn i'w ddefnyddio yn y Siambr hon. A bod yn onest, os nad yw'n iawn i'w ddefnyddio yn y Siambr hon, yna mae'n amlwg nad yw'n iawn ei ddefnyddio ar blatfform wrth ymgysylltu ag aelodau o'r cyhoedd.

Mae'n ffaith nad yr achwynydd yn yr achos penodol hwn yw'r blogiwr y cyfeirioch chi ato—nid wyf yn gwybod a oes cysylltiad â'r blogiwr—ond trydydd parti. Dyfynnodd yr Aelod y blogiwr yn yr achos arbennig hwn, y blogiwr y defnyddiwyd y gair yn ei erbyn, ond trydydd parti oedd yr achwynydd—nid yr unigolyn hwnnw. Nid wyf yn gwybod pwy oedd yr achwynydd oherwydd ni chawsom wybod ei enw; ni chafodd ei ryddhau.

Don't you think they've got mates?

Onid ydych chi'n credu bod ganddynt ffrindiau?

I'm just making the point that it was a third party. [Interruption.] Well, I don't know whether the person was a mate or not, but it could have been someone not associated at all. But that's an important consideration that this Chamber needs to reflect on.

There are three things that need to be reflected on with this report that's before us today. One: is the report contested for its accuracy? No, it's not. Two: is that word, associated with this report, suitable to be used in this context, in the Chamber or on a public platform that is Twitter? I would suggest not. The third and final outcome is: do we need to do more about trolling and social media activity in general? Of course we do. But we shouldn't mix the two together with the report that is before the Senedd this afternoon, and the wider issues that this report and publicity around issues that are raised in this report, which are raised on a time-by-time basis and that come up virtually every day of the week now.

I do hope that the Senedd will have the confidence to endorse this report, which has gone through full scrutiny, cross-party support and the rigour of the standards commissioner's office and investigation—which this Assembly itself, and the Members within this Chamber, elected to establish—and the rules that govern his investigations.

Rwy'n gwneud y pwynt mai trydydd parti ydoedd. [Torri ar draws.] Wel, nid wyf yn gwybod ai ffrind ydoedd ai peidio, ond gallai fod wedi bod yn rhywun nad oedd yn gysylltiedig o gwbl. Ond mae honno'n ystyriaeth bwysig y mae angen i'r Siambr hon ei hystyried.

Ceir tri pheth y mae angen eu hystyried gyda'r adroddiad hwn sydd ger ein bron heddiw. Un: a oes her i gywirdeb yr adroddiad? Nac oes. Dau: a yw'r gair, sy'n gysylltiedig â'r adroddiad hwn, yn addas i'w ddefnyddio yn y cyd-destun hwn, yn y Siambr neu ar blatfform cyhoeddus sef Twitter? Buaswn i'n awgrymu nad ydyw. Y trydydd canlyniad, a'r un terfynol, yw: a oes angen i ni wneud mwy ynglŷn â throlio a gweithgaredd cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn gyffredinol? Wrth gwrs fod angen gwneud hynny. Ond ni ddylem gymysgu'r ddau gyda'i gilydd gyda'r adroddiad sydd gerbron y Senedd y prynhawn yma, a'r materion ehangach y mae'r adroddiad hwn a chyhoeddusrwydd ynghylch materion a godir yn yr adroddiad hwn, a godir ar sail achosion unigol ac sy'n codi bron bob dydd o'r wythnos bellach.

Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Senedd yn ddigon hyderus i gymeradwyo'r adroddiad hwn, a aeth drwy broses graffu lawn, cefnogaeth drawsbleidiol a thrylwyredd swyddfa ac ymchwiliad y comisiynydd safonau—y pleidleisiodd y Cynulliad hwn ei hun, a'r Aelodau yn y Siambr hon, o blaid ei sefydlu—a'r rheolau sy'n rheoli ei ymchwiliadau.

The refusal of any Assembly Member to accept the findings of the standards committee is completely reprehensible, because it means that the code of conduct becomes obsolete. We would, in fact, practice being a ruleless Assembly. We must remember that the whole of the Assembly voted to introduce this code of conduct. I also find the comments on social media with regard to the standards commissioner totally unacceptable. Sir Roderick simply gathers evidence and decides whether he believes the behaviour of a Member breaks the rules contained in the code of conduct guide. It is the standards committee—

Mae i unrhyw Aelod Cynulliad wrthod derbyn canfyddiadau'r pwyllgor safonau yn gwbl wrthun, oherwydd mae'n golygu bod y cod ymddygiad yn darfod amdano. Mewn gwirionedd, byddem yn Gynulliad di-reol. Rhaid inni gofio bod y Cynulliad cyfan wedi pleidleisio o blaid cyflwyno'r cod ymddygiad hwn. Mae'r sylwadau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ynglŷn â'r comisiynydd safonau yn gwbl annerbyniol i mi hefyd. Casglu tystiolaeth a wna Syr Roderick a phenderfynu a yw'n credu bod ymddygiad Aelod yn torri'r rheolau sydd wedi'u cynnwys yng nghanllawiau'r cod ymddygiad. Y pwyllgor safonau—


Will the Member take an intervention?

A wnaiff y Aelod dderbyn ymyriad?

—that decides whether to agree with this finding. Yes, of course.

—sy'n penderfynu a ddylid cytuno â'r casgliad hwn. Iawn, wrth gwrs.

The only question I have is, procedurally, the committee brings a report to this Assembly in the same way as any other committee would do, so that the Assembly as a whole can come to a decision. Surely you have to recognise that we're all within our right to vote whichever way we wish to vote on this.

Mae'r unig gwestiwn sydd gennyf yn ymwneud â'r ffaith bod y pwyllgor, o ran y weithdrefn, yn cyflwyno adroddiad i'r Cynulliad hwn yn yr un modd ag y byddai unrhyw bwyllgor arall yn ei wneud, er mwyn i'r Cynulliad cyfan ddod i benderfyniad. Does bosibl nad oes yn rhaid i chi gydnabod bod gan bob un ohonom hawl i bleidleisio pa ffordd bynnag y dymunwn bleidleisio ar hyn.

Well, of course. There was an opportunity for the Assembly Member to talk to the committee and to explain her views, and we took those views into account before we made a decision. But it's the standards committee that decides whether to agree with his findings and, if so, set the level of sanctions that it feels are appropriate. It is also important to note that the Member agreed with the factual content of Sir Roderick's report. By refusing to accept these sanctions, a Member is ignoring the decision of a cross-party committee—in this case, a committee that included a Plaid Cymru Member who agreed to the sanctions being imposed. Whilst I am willing to accept that there was a level of provocation from the person who was subject of the comments, and there is no doubt that there was extreme provocation from that person, provocation cannot be a defence for breaking the Assembly's code of conduct, particularly on social media. The committee was satisfied that the language used was inappropriate conduct for an Assembly Member, and it took into account the provocation aspect of the case in setting the level of sanction imposed. Refusal to accept such sanctions leads to anarchy in the Assembly procedural rules. I urge the Assembly to endorse the report.

Wel, wrth gwrs. Roedd cyfle i'r Aelod Cynulliad siarad â'r pwyllgor ac egluro ei barn, ac ystyriasom y sylwadau hynny cyn inni wneud penderfyniad. Ond y pwyllgor safonau sy'n penderfynu a ddylid cytuno â'i ganfyddiadau ac os gwneir hynny, hwy sy'n pennu lefel y sancsiynau sy'n briodol. Mae hefyd yn bwysig nodi bod yr Aelod wedi cytuno â chynnwys ffeithiol adroddiad Syr Roderick. Drwy wrthod derbyn y sancsiynau hyn, mae Aelod yn anwybyddu penderfyniad pwyllgor trawsbleidiol—yn yr achos hwn, pwyllgor a oedd yn cynnwys Aelod o Blaid Cymru a gytunodd y dylid gosod y sancsiynau. Er fy mod yn barod i dderbyn bod lefel o gythruddo ar ran y sawl a oedd yn destun y sylwadau, ac nid oes amheuaeth bod y person hwnnw wedi cythruddo'n eithafol, ni all cythrudd fod yn amddiffyniad am dorri cod ymddygiad y Cynulliad, yn enwedig ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Roedd y pwyllgor yn cytuno bod yr iaith a ddefnyddiwyd yn ymddygiad amhriodol gan Aelod Cynulliad, ac fe ystyriodd gythrudd fel ffactor yn yr achos wrth bennu lefel y sancsiwn. Mae gwrthod derbyn sancsiynau o'r fath yn arwain at anarchiaeth yn rheolau gweithdrefnol y Cynulliad. Rwy'n annog y Cynulliad i gymeradwyo'r adroddiad.

There is an attempt to make this debate about one word used by Leanne Wood. It is, after all, the simplest thing to do, but then it is simpler to arrest someone who steals a loaf of bread than ask why they are hungry. It is simpler to jail a woman moved to violence than address decades of coercive control. It is simpler to censure a woman of colour than listen to her call out everyday racism on tv. And that is what happens every day, because it is simpler not to rock the boat, not to lift the lid, to say that the system must be respected. It would be simpler to just say that Leanne should not have used that word, give her a slap on the wrist and then move on. That's what most people want to happen. It would be simple and wrong. When you are dealing with people, prejudice and politics, systems don't always fit. You need to inject a bit of judgment and humanity. You also need to be able to take the long view. So, it isn't Leanne's choice of words that I want to focus on today, it's the double standards at play, the context of the situation and the words, the attitudes and the actions that prompted her anger.

'"Women's rights and international development". God help @Plaid_Cymru".

These are the words that really give context to today's debate. This is the ancient, entitled, misogynistic attitude that runs like a torrent through the heart of this discussion, and through the heart of Welsh politics. The world view has not shifted as much as we would like to pretend in this place. It has not shifted in this place as much as we often pretend. As recently as last year, an Assembly Member, not a blogger or a commentator, but an elected Member, produced a sexist, deeply insulting video about a woman he works with. A councillor in my own borough, who actually chaired the safer communities committee at the time, repeatedly referred to refugees as 'rapefugees' on Facebook; 5,000 refugees died in the Mediterranean the same year he made those remarks, hundreds of women and children fleeing persecution. The friends and colleagues of the Prime Minister say he has a woman problem. He refers to Muslim women as 'letterboxes', an intervention that preceded a 375 per cent rise in Islamophobic incidents. The Prime Minister used the death of Jo Cox to make a flippant point about Brexit, an outburst that moved MPs to tears, not because they are women or weak, but because they mourn their friend and feel genuine fear for their own safety. The Prime Minister's own words are being used in death threats against women MPs.

Can I tell you the two things that connect the Prime Minister, the councillor and that Assembly Member? They are all men and none of them were censured. And are we really getting ready to censure Leanne Wood for a one-word outburst—a politician whose opinions on gender issues and immigration have earned her death threats and daily abuse that require police intervention? Really? She’s the bad guy in all this? Here’s the third difference between Leanne’s one-word offence and that of the three men I mentioned: hers was an entirely instinctive response, a human response to someone known for sexist views who is attacking a new, young, female colleague shortly after the death of a much-loved friend and colleague. It was not a planned intervention designed to provoke outrage, hatred or division.

The lesson here seems to be that as long as you invest money and focus-group your intolerant language, and choose a message carrier in trousers, then you’re free to say what you like, unchecked by the authorities. It simply does not make sense, measured against anything and everything we claim to hold dear in this Assembly. If the result of the policy is nonsensical, then surely we should not shrug and blame the process—we should change the policy and the process to match the reality being faced by too many women. And can I say to Andrew R.T. Davies: most of the abuse I get online is not even repeatable here or—[Interruption.] No, I haven’t got time. Here or any anywhere else.

Ceir ymgais i wneud y ddadl hon yn ddadl ynglŷn ag un gair a ddefnyddiwyd gan Leanne Wood. Wedi'r cyfan, dyna'r peth symlaf i'w wneud, ond wedyn mae'n haws arestio rhywun sy'n dwyn torth o fara na gofyn pam eu bod yn llwglyd. Mae'n symlach carcharu dynes a gafodd ei gwthio i gyflawni trais yn hytrach na mynd i'r afael â degawdau o reolaeth drwy orfodaeth. Mae'n haws ceryddu dynes o liw na gwrando arni'n cwyno am hiliaeth feunyddiol ar y teledu. A dyna sy'n digwydd bob dydd, oherwydd mae'n haws peidio â siglo'r cwch, peidio â chodi'r caead, a dweud bod yn rhaid parchu'r system. Byddai'n symlach dweud yn unig na ddylai Leanne fod wedi defnyddio'r gair hwnnw, rhoi slap ar ei llaw a symud ymlaen. Dyna beth y mae'r rhan fwyaf o bobl eisiau ei weld yn digwydd. Byddai'n syml ac yn anghywir. Pan fyddwch chi'n ymdrin â phobl, rhagfarn a gwleidyddiaeth, nid yw systemau bob amser yn addas. Mae angen i chi chwistrellu ychydig o farn a dyngarwch. Mae angen hefyd i chi allu edrych yn eang ar y mater. Felly, nid ar ddewis Leanne o eiriau yr hoffwn ganolbwyntio heddiw, ond y safonau dwbl sydd ar waith, cyd-destun y sefyllfa a'r geiriau, yr agweddau a'r gweithredoedd a ysgogodd ei dicter.

"Hawliau menywod a datblygiad rhyngwladol". Duw a helpo @Plaid_Cymru".

Dyma'r geiriau sy'n rhoi cyd-destun go iawn i'r ddadl heddiw. Dyma'r hen ymagwedd wreig-gasäol gan rai sy'n teimlo bod ganddynt hawl i'w lleisio, ac sy'n rhedeg fel cenllif drwy galon y drafodaeth hon, a thrwy galon gwleidyddiaeth Cymru. Nid yw'r farn fyd-eang wedi symud cymaint ag yr hoffem esgus ei bod yn y lle hwn. Nid yw wedi symud yn y lle hwn gymaint ag yr ydym yn esgus ei bod yn aml. Mor ddiweddar â'r llynedd, cynhyrchodd Aelod Cynulliad, nid blogiwr na sylwebydd, ond Aelod etholedig, fideo rhywiaethol, hynod o sarhaus am un o'r menywod y mae'n gweithio gyda hi. Cyfeiriodd cynghorydd yn fy mwrdeistref i, a oedd yn gadeirydd y pwyllgor cymunedau diogelach ar y pryd, dro ar ôl tro at ffoaduriaid fel 'rapefugees' ar Facebook; bu farw 5,000 o ffoaduriaid ym môr y Canoldir yn yr un flwyddyn ag y gwnaeth y sylwadau hynny, cannoedd o fenywod a phlant yn ffoi rhag erledigaeth. Mae ffrindiau a chydweithwyr Prif Weinidog y DU yn dweud bod ganddo broblem menywod. Mae'n cyfeirio at fenywod Mwslimaidd fel 'blychau post', ymyriad a ragflaenodd gynnydd o 375 y cant yn y nifer o ddigwyddiadau Islamoffobig. Defnyddiodd Prif Weinidog y DU farwolaeth Jo Cox i wneud pwynt gwamal am Brexit, ffrwydrad a achosodd i ASau golli dagrau, nid oherwydd eu bod yn fenywod neu'n wan, ond am eu bod yn galaru dros eu ffrind ac yn teimlo ofn gwirioneddol am eu diogelwch eu hunain. Mae geiriau'r Prif Weinidog ei hun yn cael eu defnyddio mewn bygythiadau i fywydau Aelodau Seneddol benywaidd.

A gaf fi ddweud pa ddau beth sy'n cysylltu'r Prif Weinidog, y cynghorydd a'r Aelod Cynulliad hwnnw? Dynion ydynt i gyd ac ni chafodd yr un ohonynt eu ceryddu. Ac a ydym o ddifrif yn paratoi i geryddu Leanne Wood am ffrwydrad un gair—gwleidydd y mae ei barn ar faterion rhyw a mewnfudo wedi peri iddi gael bygythiadau i'w bywyd a chael ei cham-drin yn feunyddiol gan alw am ymyrraeth yr heddlu? O ddifrif? Hi yw'r drwg yn hyn i gyd? Dyma'r trydydd gwahaniaeth rhwng trosedd un gair Leanne a'r tri dyn y soniais amdanynt: ymateb cwbl reddfol oedd ei hun hi, ymateb dynol i rywun sy'n adnabyddus am ei safbwyntiau rhywiaethol ac sy'n ymosod ar gyd-Aelod newydd, ifanc, benywaidd yn fuan ar ôl marwolaeth ffrind a chyd-Aelod annwyl iawn. Nid oedd yn ymyriad wedi'i gynllunio ar gyfer ysgogi dicter, casineb neu raniadau.

Mae'n ymddangos mai'r wers yma yw, cyhyd â'ch bod yn buddsoddi arian ac yn rhoi eich iaith anoddefgar gerbron grŵp ffocws, ac yn dewis negesydd mewn trowsus, rydych chi'n rhydd i ddweud beth bynnag y dymunwch, heb ei rwystro gan yr awdurdodau. Yn syml, nid yw'n gwneud synnwyr, o'i fesur yn erbyn unrhyw beth a phopeth yr honnwn ei fod yn annwyl i ni yn y Cynulliad hwn. Os nad yw canlyniad y polisi yn gwneud synnwyr, ni ddylem godi ysgwyddau a beio'r broses—dylem newid y polisi a'r broses i gyd-fynd â'r realiti y mae gormod o fenywod yn ei wynebu. Ac a gaf fi ddweud wrth Andrew R.T. Davies: nid yw'r rhan fwyaf o'r gamdriniaeth a gaf ar-lein yn rhywbeth y gallaf ei ailadrodd yma hyd yn oed, nac—[Torri ar draws.] Na, nid oes gennyf amser. Yma nac yn unman arall.


I've asked twice for an intervention.

Rwyf wedi gofyn am ymyriad ddwywaith.