Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da, bawb, a chroeso i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Hannah Blythyn.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item this afternoon will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales, and the first question is from Hannah Blythyn.
1. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau pontio cyfiawn i weithwyr yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ61526
1. What action is the Welsh Government taking to ensure a just transition for workers in north Wales? OQ61526

Well, through the economic contract, the Welsh Government is helping to ensure that businesses that we support are adopting socially responsible practices. Since 2022, more than 70 businesses have signed up to an economic contract in north Wales, including some major employers with very strong trade union liaison relationships.
Wel, drwy’r contract economaidd, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu i sicrhau bod busnesau yr ydym yn eu cefnogi yn mabwysiadu arferion cymdeithasol gyfrifol. Ers 2022, mae dros 70 o fusnesau wedi ymrwymo i gontract economaidd yng ngogledd Cymru, gan gynnwys rhai cyflogwyr mawr a chanddynt gysylltiadau cryf iawn ag undebau llafur.
I welcome the Welsh Government's commitment to using the levers that we have in Wales to ensure that we do have a just transition and whilst—. I see that the economy Secretary has just come in and whilst I tabled this to the economy Secretary, I recognise that, you don’t have a budget for north Wales, but a keen interest in north Wales matters, as you are the Minister, and obviously, tackling a just transition is a cross-Government action anyway.
We all, of course, very much agree that this is the right thing to be done and in the right way, but it’s important that this is done in the right way, particularly with the workforce and not to it, in order to mitigate negative and potentially distressing consequences. Sadly, we know that’s not always the case, as I’ve witnessed very recently in my own constituency with the announcement that Kimberly-Clark will close two of its mills in Flint, affecting not only 230 Kimberly-Clark employees, but 100 GXO employees too. I know that the Welsh Government did raise concerns with the previous UK Government, prior to the general election, regarding the phasing out of plastic in wet wipes during the consultation period and also that the company’s extremely disappointing decision has pre-empted any regulations actually being enacted. However, I think it does demonstrate that there’s more that we can always do to build on work towards that just transition in practice as well as in principle, and, of course, involving the voice of the workforce through the trade union. So, Cabinet Secretary, can I ask you to update us on any contact perhaps you had during the summer with both the company and the recognised trade union, Unite? And also, can you commit today that the Welsh Government will do all that it can to offer support to all those impacted, including the GXO employees, working closely with the trade union? Diolch.
Rwy'n croesawu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i ddefnyddio’r ysgogiadau sydd gennym yng Nghymru i sicrhau ein bod yn cael cyfnod pontio teg, ac er—. Gwelaf fod Ysgrifennydd yr economi newydd ddod i mewn, ac er imi gyflwyno hyn i Ysgrifennydd yr economi, rwy’n cydnabod nad oes gennych gyllideb ar gyfer gogledd Cymru, ond diddordeb brwd ym materion y gogledd, gan mai chi yw’r Gweinidog, ac yn amlwg, mae mynd i'r afael â phontio teg yn weithred drawslywodraethol beth bynnag.
Mae pob un ohonom, wrth gwrs, yn cytuno’n llwyr mai dyma’r peth iawn i’w wneud ac yn y ffordd iawn, ond mae’n bwysig fod hyn yn cael ei wneud yn y ffordd iawn, sef gyda’r gweithlu ac nid iddo, er mwyn lliniaru canlyniadau negyddol a allai fod yn drallodus. Yn anffodus, gwyddom nad yw hynny’n wir bob amser, fel y gwelais yn ddiweddar iawn yn fy etholaeth fy hun gyda’r cyhoeddiad y bydd Kimberly-Clark yn cau dwy o’u melinau yn y Fflint, gan effeithio nid yn unig ar 230 o weithwyr Kimberly-Clark, ond ar 100 o weithwyr GXO hefyd. Gwn fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi codi pryderon gyda Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU, cyn yr etholiad cyffredinol, ynghylch gwahardd plastig mewn cadachau gwlyb yn raddol yn ystod y cyfnod ymgynghori, a hefyd fod penderfyniad hynod siomedig y cwmni wedi'i wneud cyn i unrhyw reoliadau gael eu deddfu. Fodd bynnag, credaf fod hyn yn dangos bod mwy y gallwn ei wneud bob amser i adeiladu ar waith tuag at y cyfnod pontio teg hwnnw, yn ymarferol yn ogystal â mewn egwyddor, ac wrth gwrs, gan gynnwys llais y gweithlu drwy’r undeb llafur. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a gaf i ofyn ichi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am unrhyw gyswllt a gawsoch dros yr haf, efallai, gyda'r cwmni a'r undeb llafur cydnabyddedig, Unite? A hefyd, a allwch chi ymrwymo heddiw y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud popeth yn ei gallu i gynnig cymorth i bawb yr effeithir arnynt, gan gynnwys gweithwyr GXO, a chan weithio'n agos gyda'r undeb llafur? Diolch.
Yes, absolutely. I’d like to thank the Member for the broad points made about just transitions and also for the specific query regarding Kimberly-Clark. I held a number of meetings over the summer months with various individuals and organisations where the future of the site was discussed. With thanks to our parliamentary friend, the Member of Parliament for Alyn and Deeside, Mark Tami, we have been able to establish direct contact between Kimberly-Clark and a number of other businesses that may be interested in the future of the site. And now that the consultation period has ended, Kimberly-Clark will be able to engage with those interested parties. And my understanding is that they’ll provide further clarity on the future of the site at the end of this year.
I think it’s essential to say that we stand ready to help all workers affected by the announcement, and the Department for Work and Pensions and Careers Wales have been on site. We will be working with the local authority as well to identify opportunities for reskilling the workforce and for directing those affected to alternative jobs. I’m particularly pleased to be heading to Deeside next week with the Secretary of State for Wales and the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, where we'll be making a major announcement regarding jobs.
Yn sicr. Hoffwn ddiolch i’r Aelod am y pwyntiau cyffredinol a wnaed ynglŷn â phontio teg ac am yr ymholiad penodol ynghylch Kimberly-Clark. Cynhaliais nifer o gyfarfodydd dros fisoedd yr haf gydag unigolion a sefydliadau amrywiol lle trafodwyd dyfodol y safle. Diolch i’n cyfaill seneddol, yr Aelod Seneddol dros Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy, Mark Tami, rydym wedi gallu sefydlu cyswllt uniongyrchol rhwng Kimberly-Clark a nifer o fusnesau eraill y gallai fod diddordeb ganddynt yn nyfodol y safle. A chan fod y cyfnod ymgynghori wedi dod i ben bellach, bydd Kimberly-Clark yn gallu ymgysylltu â’r partïon hynny sydd â diddordeb. Ac yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, byddant yn rhoi mwy o eglurder ar ddyfodol y safle ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn.
Credaf ei bod yn hollbwysig dweud ein bod yn barod i helpu’r holl weithwyr y mae’r cyhoeddiad yn effeithio arnynt, ac mae’r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a Gyrfa Cymru wedi bod ar y safle. Byddwn yn gweithio gyda’r awdurdod lleol hefyd i nodi cyfleoedd ar gyfer ailsgilio’r gweithlu ac ar gyfer cyfeirio’r rhai yr effeithir arnynt at swyddi eraill. Rwy’n arbennig o falch o fod yn mynd i Lannau Dyfrdwy yr wythnos nesaf gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Fusnes a Masnach lle byddwn yn gwneud cyhoeddiad mawr ynghylch swyddi.
My thoughts go out to the workers of Kimberly-Clark in Flint as well, as, obviously, you know that my constituency doesn't lie too far from the Flint area and, no doubt, this will have an impact on people locally in the Vale of Clwyd as well in more ways than just in economic senses. But it’s important that, whilst transitioning to a greener economy, we keep people in mind as much as we do the planet. The Institute for Welsh Affairs published a report in July that warned that the transition could exacerbate existing inequalities unless the Welsh Government takes decisive action. Decarbonisation can lead to higher prices for consumers, so it’s important that Government accounts for this, and the report highlights and takes into consideration other metrics of well-being, aside from GDP.
Rhyl West in my constituency is the most deprived part of Wales and people have to choose between heating and eating, and decarbonisation is not at the forefront of their minds. The just transition, therefore, must carry communities within the most deprived sections of our society and not exacerbate existing inequalities. And I’m particularly anxious about this given the alienation of the farming community with the development of the sustainable farming scheme. So, how does the Cabinet Secretary plan to implement a just transition for people in north Wales, ensuring that the cost of decarbonisation will not be the burden of the poorest in society to carry and will not exacerbate existing economic inequalities in the future in north Wales? Thank you.
Rwy'n cydymdeimlo â gweithwyr Kimberly-Clark yn y Fflint hefyd, oherwydd yn amlwg, fe wyddoch hefyd nad yw fy etholaeth i yn rhy bell o ardal y Fflint, a heb os, bydd hyn yn cael effaith ar bobl Dyffryn Clwyd hefyd mewn mwy o ffyrdd nag mewn ystyr economaidd yn unig. Ond mae’n bwysig, wrth drawsnewid i economi wyrddach, ein bod yn ystyried pobl i'r un graddau ag yr ystyriwn y blaned. Cyhoeddodd y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig adroddiad ym mis Gorffennaf a rybuddiodd y gallai’r cyfnod pontio waethygu’r anghydraddoldebau presennol oni bai bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi camau pendant ar waith. Gall datgarboneiddio arwain at brisiau uwch i ddefnyddwyr, felly mae’n bwysig fod y Llywodraeth yn rhoi cyfrif am hyn, ac mae’r adroddiad yn amlygu ac yn ystyried metrigau eraill yn ymwneud â llesiant, ar wahân i gynnyrch domestig gros.
Gorllewin y Rhyl yn fy etholaeth i yw’r rhan fwyaf difreintiedig o Gymru, ac mae’n rhaid i bobl ddewis rhwng gwresogi a bwyta, ac nid yw datgarboneiddio ar flaen eu meddyliau. Mae'n rhaid i bontio teg, felly, gefnogi cymunedau yn y rhannau mwyaf difreintiedig o'n cymdeithas a pheidio â gwaethygu anghydraddoldebau sy'n bodoli eisoes. Ac rwy’n arbennig o bryderus am hyn o ystyried gelyniaethu'r gymuned ffermio gyda datblygiad y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy. Felly, sut y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn bwriadu gweithredu pontio teg i bobl yn y gogledd, gan sicrhau na fydd cost datgarboneiddio yn faich ar y tlotaf yn y gymdeithas, ac na fydd yn gwaethygu anghydraddoldebau economaidd sy'n bodoli eisoes yng ngogledd Cymru yn y dyfodol? Diolch.
I think the Member makes a number of important points. If we look back over history, Wales has had a very painful experience of unjust economic transitions, and so we do recognise the threats as we move towards net zero. It's crucial that we understand the threats but also the opportunities that lie in wait for us, and we embrace them as much as possible. I've been very, very heartened during my discussions with UK Government Ministers over the summer by their determination to have us contribute to the writing of the forthcoming industrial strategy, and to work in partnership on delivering the artificial intelligence action plan, because there are enormous opportunities as we transition towards greater use of technology and towards net zero. That transition, though, provides Wales with huge opportunities around green industries in the future. I know that my friend and colleague Jack Sargeant, as he looks to the future of the skills landscape, is acutely aware of those opportunities and the need to make sure that we are upskilling and reskilling workers who may be affected by the transition to net zero. Of course, many of the main levers rest in the hands of the UK Government, and that's why I'm so keen to work with new Ministers at Westminster to ensure that we get the best possible deal not just in terms of investment in Wales, in the new technologies, new industries, but also in terms of devising the strategy for how we will protect as many workers as possible and exploit as many opportunities in the future.
Credaf fod yr Aelod yn gwneud nifer o bwyntiau pwysig. Os edrychwn yn ôl dros hanes, mae Cymru wedi cael profiadau poenus iawn o bontio economaidd annheg, felly rydym yn cydnabod y bygythiadau wrth inni symud tuag at sero net. Mae'n hollbwysig ein bod yn deall y bygythiadau ond hefyd y cyfleoedd sy'n ein disgwyl, a'n bod yn manteisio arnynt i'r graddau mwyaf posibl. Cefais fy nghalonogi’n fawr iawn mewn trafodaethau gyda Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU dros yr haf gan eu penderfynoldeb ein bod yn cyfrannu at ysgrifennu’r strategaeth ddiwydiannol sydd ar y ffordd, ac i weithio mewn partneriaeth ar gyflawni’r cynllun gweithredu deallusrwydd artiffisial, gan fod cyfleoedd enfawr wrth inni symud tuag at fwy o ddefnydd o dechnoleg a thuag at sero net. Mae’r cyfnod pontio hwnnw, fodd bynnag, yn rhoi cyfleoedd enfawr i Gymru mewn perthynas â diwydiannau gwyrdd yn y dyfodol. Gwn fod fy ffrind a’m cyd-Aelod, Jack Sargeant, wrth iddo edrych ar ddyfodol y dirwedd sgiliau, yn hynod ymwybodol o’r cyfleoedd hynny a’r angen i sicrhau ein bod yn uwchsgilio ac yn ailsgilio gweithwyr a allai gael eu heffeithio gan y pontio i sero net. Wrth gwrs, mae llawer o’r prif ysgogiadau yn nwylo Llywodraeth y DU, a dyna pam fy mod mor awyddus i weithio gyda Gweinidogion newydd yn San Steffan, i sicrhau ein bod yn cael y fargen orau bosibl, nid yn unig o ran buddsoddiad yng Nghymru yn y technolegau newydd, diwydiannau newydd, ond hefyd o ran dyfeisio'r strategaeth ar gyfer sut y byddwn yn diogelu cymaint o weithwyr â phosibl, ac yn manteisio ar gynifer o gyfleoedd â phosibl yn y dyfodol.
2. Pa asesiad economaidd y mae yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'i wneud o berfformiad y sector twristiaeth yng ngogledd Cymru yr haf hwn? OQ61497
2. What economic assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the performance of the tourism sector in north Wales this summer? OQ61497
We closely analyse the performance of the tourism sector, but official statistics for this summer have not yet been published; I believe they're due to be published very shortly. Visit Wales continually engages with stakeholders, and industry feedback from north Wales has shown performance has been variable, with poor weather impacting demand in some sub-sectors.
Rydym yn dadansoddi perfformiad y sector twristiaeth yn fanwl, ond nid yw'r ystadegau swyddogol ar gyfer yr haf hwn wedi’u cyhoeddi eto; credaf eu bod i fod i gael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir. Mae Croeso Cymru yn ymgysylltu’n barhaus â rhanddeiliaid, ac mae adborth gan y diwydiant yn y gogledd wedi dangos bod perfformiad wedi bod yn amrywiol, gyda thywydd gwael yn effeithio ar y galw mewn rhai is-sectorau.
Thank you. Well, first off, I'd like to thank everybody working in this very difficult sector currently. I have been liaising over the past eight weeks with representatives of the hospitality industry, and the picture is most concerning, Minister. One of our country's leading attractions has informed me that their year-to-year visitation to date is lower than last year, reflecting a sharp decline in visitors to Wales over the past 12 months. They are experiencing a trading down-trend in ticket value, mirroring the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on consumer behaviour. And there has been a shift from short stays to day visits, likely due to economic pressures on their households. This pattern has been identified by others in the sector, who also report lower spending by visitors, reduced occupancy levels, international guests down, shorter stays, heavier discounting and offers. Now, Minister, you have announced some sensible measures, coming forward—we just want that to happen—as regards 20 mph. And, by the way, that is having an effect. But, as regards the tourism tax, could you perhaps look at this again? I and many in the industry believe that now is not the time to be introducing a tourism tax. Will you take a commonsense approach to that, and make an announcement very soon about perhaps withdrawing the tourism tax implications, going forward? Thank you.
Diolch. Wel, yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i bawb sy'n gweithio yn y sector anodd iawn hwn ar hyn o bryd. Rwyf wedi bod mewn cyswllt â chynrychiolwyr y diwydiant lletygarwch dros yr wyth wythnos diwethaf, ac mae’r darlun yn peri cryn bryder, Weinidog. Mae un o brif atyniadau ein gwlad wedi dweud wrthyf fod eu nifer o ymwelwyr hyd yma eleni yn is na’r llynedd, sy’n adlewyrchu gostyngiad sylweddol yn nifer yr ymwelwyr â Chymru dros y 12 mis diwethaf. Maent yn ymdopi â thuedd ar i lawr o ran gwerth tocynnau, gan adlewyrchu effeithiau'r argyfwng costau byw ar ymddygiad defnyddwyr. A bu newid o arosiadau byr i ymweliadau dydd, yn ôl pob tebyg oherwydd pwysau economaidd ar eu haelwydydd. Mae'r patrwm hwn wedi'i nodi gan eraill yn y sector, sydd hefyd yn nodi gwariant is gan ymwelwyr, lefelau is o ddefnydd llety, llai o westeion rhyngwladol, arosiadau byrrach, gostyngiadau mwy a chynigion. Nawr, Weinidog, rydych chi wedi cyhoeddi mesurau synhwyrol sydd ar y ffordd—rydym eisiau i hynny ddigwydd—mewn perthynas ag 20 mya. A chyda llaw, mae hynny'n cael effaith. Ond o ran y dreth dwristiaeth, a allech chi edrych ar hyn eto? Rwyf i, a llawer yn y diwydiant, yn credu nad nawr yw’r adeg i fod yn cyflwyno treth dwristiaeth. A wnewch chi ddefnyddio synnwyr cyffredin wrth ymdrin â hynny, a gwneud cyhoeddiad yn fuan iawn ynglŷn â diddymu'r goblygiadau treth dwristiaeth, efallai, wrth symud ymlaen? Diolch.
Can I thank Janet Finch-Saunders for her question and her assessment of the visitor economy? It has been a difficult year, there's no doubt about it, not just in Wales, but across the United Kingdom and further afield. Tourism has been passed to my good friend and colleague Rebecca Evans now, as economy Minister, and Jack Sargeant is also keenly looking at the future of the visitor economy. Indeed, I think Jack will be attending next week's visitor economy forum with business leaders. And one of us, between the three of us, I'm sure will be in attendance at the next North Wales Tourism forum as well, with business leaders to further explore the issues that you've raised today.
I mentioned that this year has been difficult beyond Wales. I've been looking at trends in Europe as well, and it does appear that short-term bookings for holiday lets are down in many, many key areas of Europe that rely on visitors. And that trend of late bookings as well appears to be impacting on profitability. Discounts are being applied at very late notice, and that's when people are realising and they are booking. So, there are trends that are emerging within the visitor economy across Europe that we need to be very, very, very aware of, and this is why I think it’s essential that we work with business leaders to address the threat that those trends pose to the industry.
Now, our ambition is, obviously, to grow tourism for the benefit of businesses and the people of Wales, and we want to develop more all-year round and, crucially, all-weather attractions. We want to make sure that the visitor offer is continually refreshed. I did see Jim Jones’s letter recently from North Wales Tourism, and I thought Jim made a good number of very, very valid points about associated issues impacting on the visitor economy, including the need to invest in town centres to attract visitors in, the need to make sure that services like Avanti West Coast actually operate with fewer cancellations and more punctually. So, I’m looking forward to engaging with businesses in the role of north Wales Minister, but I know that the Cabinet Secretary and the Minister in the economy department are determined to grow the visitor economy.
A gaf i ddiolch i Janet Finch-Saunders am ei chwestiwn a’i hasesiad o’r economi ymwelwyr? Mae wedi bod yn flwyddyn anodd, nid oes dwywaith am hynny, nid yn unig yng Nghymru, ond ledled y Deyrnas Unedig a thu hwnt. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb am dwristiaeth bellach wedi’i drosglwyddo i fy nghyfaill a’m cyd-Aelod, Rebecca Evans, fel Gweinidog yr economi, ac mae Jack Sargeant hefyd yn edrych gyda brwdfrydedd ar ddyfodol yr economi ymwelwyr. Yn wir, credaf y bydd Jack yn mynychu'r fforwm economi ymwelwyr yr wythnos nesaf gydag arweinwyr busnes. A bydd un o'r tri ohonom, rwy'n siŵr, yn mynychu digwyddiad nesaf fforwm Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru hefyd, gydag arweinwyr busnes, i archwilio'r materion yr ydych wedi'u codi heddiw ymhellach.
Soniais fod eleni wedi bod yn anodd tu hwnt i Gymru. Rwyf wedi bod yn edrych ar dueddiadau yn Ewrop hefyd, ac ymddengys bod archebion tymor byr ar gyfer llety gwyliau wedi lleihau mewn llawer iawn o ardaloedd allweddol yn Ewrop sy'n dibynnu ar ymwelwyr. Ac ymddengys bod y duedd i archebu'n hwyr hefyd yn cael effaith ar broffidioldeb. Mae gostyngiadau'n cael eu defnyddio'n hwyr iawn, a dyna pryd y mae pobl yn sylweddoli ac yn archebu. Felly, mae tueddiadau sy’n dod i’r amlwg o fewn yr economi ymwelwyr ledled Ewrop y mae angen inni fod yn ymwybodol iawn ohonynt, a dyma pam y credaf ei bod yn hanfodol ein bod yn gweithio gydag arweinwyr busnes i fynd i’r afael â’r bygythiad y mae’r tueddiadau hynny yn eu hachosi i'r diwydiant.
Nawr, ein huchelgais ni, yn amlwg, yw tyfu twristiaeth er budd busnesau a phobl Cymru, a hoffem ddatblygu rhagor o atyniadau sydd ar agor drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ac yn hollbwysig, ym mhob tywydd. Hoffem sicrhau bod y cynnig i ymwelwyr yn cael ei adnewyddu’n barhaus. Gwelais lythyr Jim Jones o Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru yn ddiweddar, ac roeddwn yn credu bod Jim yn gwneud llawer o bwyntiau dilys iawn am faterion cysylltiedig sy’n effeithio ar yr economi ymwelwyr, gan gynnwys yr angen i fuddsoddi yng nghanol trefi i ddenu ymwelwyr, yr angen i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau fel Avanti West Coast yn canslo llai o drenau a'u bod yn fwy prydlon. Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at ymgysylltu â busnesau yn rôl Gweinidog gogledd Cymru, ond gwn fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a’r Gweinidog yn adran yr economi yn benderfynol o dyfu’r economi ymwelwyr.
I was pleased to be invited by Cruise Wales, along with other north Wales Members, recently to visit their Regent Seven Seas Navigator cruise ship in Holyhead during recess, alongside the Minister responsible for tourism, Jack Sargeant. It was really interesting. I arrived by train as well, using the north Wales line direct there to the port, which was really good. I just think we could do with promoting it a little bit more as well, about how accessible that it is without changing.
It was really clear to see why the cruise industry is so buoyant, with a potential 77,000 passengers visiting Wales this year, which is great news for our local economy and tourism industry. I know the port has received funding from the Welsh Government towards breakwater refurbishment to boost job opportunities, which has been very welcome. But, Cabinet Secretary, may I ask how else the Welsh Government can promote the wide variety of tourism opportunities that this sector brings, and linking it also with rail as well, which is really important?
Roeddwn yn falch o gael fy ngwahodd gan Cruise Wales, ynghyd ag Aelodau eraill o ogledd Cymru, yn ddiweddar, i ymweld â’u llong fordeithio Regent Seven Seas Navigator yng Nghaergybi yn ystod y toriad, ynghyd â’r Gweinidog sy’n gyfrifol am dwristiaeth, Jack Sargeant. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn. Cyrhaeddais ar y trên hefyd, gan ddefnyddio rheilffordd y gogledd yn uniongyrchol yno i'r porthladd, a oedd yn dda iawn. Rwy'n credu y gallem ei hyrwyddo ychydig mwy hefyd, ynglŷn â pha mor hygyrch yw hynny heb orfod newid trenau.
Roedd yn wirioneddol amlwg pam fod y diwydiant mordeithio mor fywiog, gyda 77,000 o deithwyr posibl yn ymweld â Chymru eleni, sy’n newyddion gwych i’n heconomi leol a’n diwydiant twristiaeth. Gwn fod y porthladd wedi cael cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru tuag at adnewyddu'r morglawdd er mwyn hybu cyfleoedd swyddi, sydd wedi’i groesawu’n fawr. Ond Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a gaf i ofyn sut arall y gall Llywodraeth Cymru hyrwyddo'r amrywiaeth eang o gyfleoedd twristiaeth y mae'r sector hwn yn eu cynnig, a'i gysylltu â rheilffyrdd hefyd, sy'n wirioneddol bwysig?
Absolutely. I really must pay tribute to one of our former colleagues in regard to the cruise industry, and that’s Edwina Hart. When she was economy Minister, she did so much to attract the industry to Wales, to grow the sector in Wales. And I’m delighted that Visit Wales have been keenly pursuing all opportunities possible to grow that particular sector. It benefits many parts of Wales that are more remote, and it provides valuable opportunities in terms of employment for many, many people. So, you're guaranteed that the Welsh Government is committed to working with the sector, to grow it, to expand opportunities, and the economy Minister, and the Minister, will, I am sure, be responding to those opportunities with enthusiasm.
Yn sicr. Mae'n rhaid imi dalu teyrnged i un o’n cyn gyd-Aelodau ar fater y diwydiant mordeithio, sef Edwina Hart. Pan oedd yn Weinidog yr economi, gwnaeth gymaint i ddenu’r diwydiant i Gymru, i dyfu’r sector yng Nghymru. Ac rwy’n falch iawn fod Croeso Cymru wedi bod yn mynd ati'n frwd i archwilio pob cyfle posibl i dyfu’r sector penodol hwnnw. Mae o fudd i sawl rhan fwy anghysbell o Gymru, ac mae’n darparu cyfleoedd gwerthfawr o ran cyflogaeth i lawer iawn o bobl. Felly, gallwch fod yn sicr fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda’r sector, i’w dyfu, i ehangu cyfleoedd, a bydd Gweinidog yr economi, a’r Gweinidog, rwy’n siŵr, yn ymateb i’r cyfleoedd hynny gyda brwdfrydedd.
Like my colleagues who have spoken before me, Janet Finch-Saunders and Carolyn Thomas, I was keen to champion the tourism offer in north Wales, whether that’s in my role as a Senedd Member or personally. Those who know me well will know that I’ve spent most of my holidays since the age of eight at a family caravan on Ynys Môn. Much of that part of north Wales is amazing, with Eryri and with Ynys Môn and all around the Llŷn peninsula, but we have so much to offer on our doorstep in north-east Wales as well, and I’m very keen to use my role to facilitate and grow that area and grow support for tourism there. I recently met, during the summer, with the Clwydian Range Tourism Group at the beautiful Maes Mynan park, with epic views out over the Clwydian range. And they were keen—. Obviously, they raised a number of issues that they’re facing, and challenges in the tourism industry in particular. Some related to Welsh Government policies, such as the 182 days, but also in terms of, actually, how we can proactively better champion tourism in that area, and I’m keen to use my role to facilitate things within Flintshire and across the border. So, will the Ministers, perhaps, commit today on how we can work together to see how best we can not only support tourism in north-east Wales, but also shine a spotlight on all that we have to offer?
Fel fy nghyd-Aelodau sydd wedi siarad eisoes, Janet Finch-Saunders a Carolyn Thomas, roeddwn yn awyddus i hyrwyddo’r cynnig twristiaeth yng ngogledd Cymru, boed hynny yn fy rôl fel Aelod o’r Senedd neu’n bersonol. Bydd y rheini sy’n fy adnabod yn dda yn gwybod fy mod wedi treulio’r rhan fwyaf o fy ngwyliau er pan oeddwn yn wyth oed mewn carafán deuluol ar Ynys Môn. Mae llawer o’r rhan honno o'r gogledd yn anhygoel, gydag Eryri, a chydag Ynys Môn ac o gwmpas penrhyn Llŷn i gyd, ond mae gennym gymaint i’w gynnig ar garreg ein drws yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru hefyd, ac rwy’n awyddus iawn i ddefnyddio fy rôl i hwyluso a thyfu’r ardal honno a thyfu cefnogaeth i dwristiaeth yno. Cyfarfûm yn ddiweddar, dros yr haf, â Grŵp Twristiaeth Bryniau Clwyd ym mharc hyfryd Maes Mynan, gyda golygfeydd epig allan dros Fryniau Clwyd. Ac roeddent yn awyddus—. Yn amlwg, fe wnaethant godi nifer o broblemau y maent yn eu hwynebu, a heriau yn y diwydiant twristiaeth yn enwedig. Roedd rhai’n ymwneud â pholisïau Llywodraeth Cymru, megis y rheol 182 diwrnod, ond hefyd, ynglŷn â sut y gallwn fynd ati'n rhagweithiol i hyrwyddo twristiaeth yn well yn yr ardal honno, ac rwy’n awyddus i ddefnyddio fy rôl i hwyluso pethau yn sir y Fflint a thros y ffin. Felly, a wnaiff y Gweinidogion ymrwymo heddiw, efallai, ar sut y gallwn weithio gyda'n gilydd i weld sut y gallwn fynd ati yn y ffordd orau nid yn unig i gefnogi twristiaeth yn y gogledd-ddwyrain, ond i dynnu sylw hefyd at bopeth sydd gennym i'w gynnig?
Well, can I thank the Member and very much agree that north Wales has a huge amount to offer visitors? And, in particular, in north-east Wales, we have the area of outstanding natural beauty—an incredible asset. I was surprised and delighted recently when I arrived into Liverpool international airport, and the first poster I saw stated 'Welcome to John Lennon International: the gateway to north Wales’, with a fabulous image of our region. So, clearly, interactions between the north-west of England and north Wales can bring economic benefits, but also, in terms of bringing overseas travellers into Wales, the role of Liverpool and Manchester airports, and indeed Birmingham international, cannot be overstated.
In response to the point that Janet Finch-Saunders made about the visitor levy, I do hope that that will generate new revenue to develop and enhance local services, and provide an opportunity for the visitor economy to be turbo-charged, and to grow through improving facilities, through improving infrastructure, which will make tourism a success, and in north Wales, that will be particularly important. We do need to improve some of the infrastructure that we have as part of the visitor economy, and we also need to make sure that in some tourism hotspots the growth in the visitor economy doesn't have an adverse impact on the day-to-day operations of communities in those areas. So, the levy does provide an opportunity to pump investment into the visitor economy, into tourism hotspots, as well as those unique and, to some extent, undiscovered gems of Wales.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod a chytuno’n llwyr fod gan ogledd Cymru lawer iawn i’w gynnig i ymwelwyr? Ac yn benodol, yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru, mae gennym yr ardal o harddwch naturiol eithriadol—ased anhygoel. Cefais fy synnu a fy mhlesio yn ddiweddar pan gyrhaeddais faes awyr rhyngwladol Lerpwl, ac roedd neges ar y poster cyntaf a welais yn dweud ‘Croeso i Faes Awyr Rhyngwladol John Lennon: y porth i ogledd Cymru’, gyda llun gwych o’n rhanbarth. Felly, yn amlwg, gall rhyngweithio rhwng gogledd-orllewin Lloegr a gogledd Cymru arwain at fanteision economaidd, ond hefyd, o ran dod â theithwyr tramor i mewn i Gymru, ni ellir gorbwysleisio rôl meysydd awyr Lerpwl a Manceinion, ac yn wir, maes awyr rhyngwladol Birmingham.
Mewn ymateb i’r pwynt a wnaeth Janet Finch-Saunders ynglŷn â'r ardoll ymwelwyr, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny’n cynhyrchu refeniw newydd i ddatblygu a gwella gwasanaethau lleol, ac yn rhoi cyfle i hybu'r economi ymwelwyr, a'i thyfu drwy wella cyfleusterau, drwy wella seilwaith, a fydd yn gwneud twristiaeth yn llwyddiant, ac yn y gogledd, bydd hynny’n arbennig o bwysig. Mae angen inni wella peth o’r seilwaith sydd gennym fel rhan o’r economi ymwelwyr, ac mae angen inni sicrhau hefyd nad yw twf yr economi ymwelwyr mewn rhai mannau poblogaidd i dwristiaid yn cael effaith andwyol ar weithrediadau dydd i ddydd cymunedau yn yr ardaloedd hynny. Felly, mae'r ardoll yn rhoi cyfle i bwmpio buddsoddiad i mewn i'r economi ymwelwyr, i fannau poblogaidd i dwristiaid, yn ogystal â'r ardaloedd unigryw hynny sydd, i ryw raddau, yn drysorau heb eu darganfod yng Nghymru.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Natasha Asghar.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. Welsh Conservative spokesperson, Natasha Asghar.
Thank you so much, Presiding Officer. Cabinet Secretary, welcome back after the summer. Yesterday, I am sure that you are well aware, marked one year since the Welsh Government introduced its extremely controversial 20 mph speed limit scheme. Over the past year, we've seen countless protests, including one on the steps of the Welsh Parliament yesterday, and a record-breaking petition calling for the policy to be axed gaining just under 0.5 million signatures. Over the summer, we saw the Junior Tour of Wales cycling race shortened and re-routed as a result of the 20 mph policy, and, in August, it was revealed by a YouGov poll that Wales still overwhelmingly rejects this 20 mph policy. According to the poll—for anyone who's missed it—seven out of 10 people, or 72 per cent, are opposed to the Welsh Government's flawed policy, with a mere 24 per cent of people in support. More time may have passed, but it's clear that opposition to this policy still very much remains.
And I appreciate that you did a listening programme, Cabinet Secretary, and the new First Minister did a summer listening programme as well, but people are still feeling ignored. They are fed up and they are angry. It was recently revealed that the Welsh councils have received more than 10,500 requests from residents calling for roads to revert back to 30 mph. So, Cabinet Secretary, will this new administration finally have the courage to admit that this policy was indeed a mistake, back-pedal and apply a real commonsense approach? Or were these listening programmes just a cynical attempt to curry favour amongst the public? Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, croeso'n ôl ar ôl yr haf. Rwy’n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol iawn mai blwyddyn i ddoe y cyflwynodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei chynllun terfyn cyflymder 20 mya hynod ddadleuol. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi gweld protestiadau dirifedi, gan gynnwys un ar risiau Senedd Cymru ddoe, a deiseb yn galw am ddiddymu'r polisi yn torri'r record drwy ddenu bron i 0.5 miliwn o lofnodion. Dros yr haf, gwelsom ras feicio Taith Iau Cymru yn cael ei byrhau a’i hailgyfeirio o ganlyniad i’r polisi 20 mya, ac ym mis Awst, datgelwyd gan arolwg barn YouGov fod mwyafrif yng Nghymru yn dal i wrthwynebu'r polisi 20 mya hwn. Yn ôl yr arolwg—i unrhyw un a'i methodd—mae saith o bob 10 o bobl, neu 72 y cant, yn gwrthwynebu polisi diffygiol Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda dim ond 24 y cant o bobl yn ei gefnogi. Efallai fod mwy o amser wedi mynd heibio, ond mae'n amlwg fod llawer iawn o wrthwynebiad i'r polisi hwn o hyd.
Ac rwy’n derbyn eich bod wedi cynnal rhaglen wrando, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a bod y Prif Weinidog newydd wedi cynnal rhaglen wrando dros yr haf hefyd, ond mae pobl yn dal i deimlo eu bod yn cael eu hanwybyddu. Maent wedi cael llond bol ac maent yn ddig. Datgelwyd yn ddiweddar fod cynghorau Cymru wedi cael mwy na 10,500 o geisiadau gan drigolion yn galw am newid ffyrdd yn ôl i 30 mya. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a fydd y weinyddiaeth newydd hon yn ddigon dewr i gyfaddef o'r diwedd mai camgymeriad oedd y polisi hwn, gwneud tro pedol a defnyddio dull synnwyr cyffredin? Neu ai dim ond ymgais sinigaidd i geisio ffafr y cyhoedd oedd y rhaglenni gwrando hyn? Diolch.
Can I thank Natasha Asghar and welcome her back after the summer recess? Welcome back into the role as well. I don't think that we're too far apart on this issue, to be honest. I think that the consensus is that we have to have the right speeds in the right places. That means 20 mph in those heavily built-up areas: areas where you have schools and parks and so forth. I think the difference is that we have a different route to ensure that we have the right speeds in the right places. Whereas we are trying to take a very swift and cost-effective means of reverting back those routes that should never have been changed to 20 mph, the only alternative route, which has been proposed, is to repeal the law and then go through a process that could take many, many years and cost a fortune, which would be to revert back then 30 mph routes to 20 mph. I am absolutely certain that the approach that we are taking will result in a more cost-effective and more timely way of dealing with the frustrations that have been expressed across Wales.
There is something else that needs to be said in regard to this policy. There is an emerging trend that shows that the number of fatalities and serious injuries through a reduction in collisions is going down. Now, I recognise—. Going down. The number of collisions has reduced by 20 per cent. Now, we need to wait for the full trend to emerge. But I am hopeful, and I think everybody in this Chamber should be hopeful, that the trend is downward, that we do see fewer people—. And I know that the Member for North Wales is making objections to this, but, surely, it is important that we all support a policy that is designed to save lives and, at the same time—[Interruption.]—and at the same time—[Interruption.] But that's on all roads. Let's not cherry-pick the statistics here. [Interruption.] All roads, exactly, which includes those that are unrestricted. It includes those roads where people can drive legally at 70 mph. It does not just apply—. Those statistics that you are quoting do not just apply to 20 mph. I am conscious about responding to the Member that hasn't asked the question. Sorry, Natasha.
A gaf i ddiolch i Natasha Asghar a’i chroesawu’n ôl ar ôl toriad yr haf? Croeso'n ôl i'r rôl hefyd. Nid wyf yn credu ein bod yn rhy bell oddi wrth ein gilydd ar y mater hwn, a dweud y gwir. Credaf mai’r consensws yw bod yn rhaid inni gael y cyflymderau cywir yn y mannau cywir. Mae hynny’n golygu 20 mya yn yr ardaloedd adeiledig iawn hynny: ardaloedd lle mae gennych ysgolion a pharciau ac yn y blaen. Rwy'n credu mai’r gwahaniaeth yw bod gennym lwybr gwahanol i sicrhau bod gennym y cyflymderau cywir yn y mannau cywir. Er ein bod yn ceisio newid y llwybrau hynny na ddylai byth fod wedi’u newid i 20 mya yn ôl mewn ffordd gyflym a chosteffeithiol, yr unig lwybr amgen a gynigiwyd yw diddymu’r ddeddf a mynd drwy broses a allai gymryd blynyddoedd lawer a chostio ffortiwn, sef newid ffyrdd 30 mya yn ôl i 20 mya. Rwy'n gwbl sicr y bydd y dull yr ydym yn ei ddefnyddio yn arwain at ffordd fwy costeffeithiol ac amserol o ymdrin â’r rhwystredigaethau a fynegwyd ledled Cymru.
Mae rhywbeth arall y mae angen ei ddweud ar y polisi hwn. Mae tuedd yn dod i'r amlwg sy'n dangos bod nifer y marwolaethau ac anafiadau difrifol yn mynd i lawr yn sgil gostyngiad mewn gwrthdrawiadau. Nawr, rwy'n cydnabod—. Yn mynd i lawr. Mae nifer y gwrthdrawiadau wedi lleihau 20 y cant. Nawr, mae angen inni aros i'r duedd lawn ddod yn amlwg. Ond rwy'n obeithiol, ac rwy'n credu y dylai pawb yn y Siambr hon fod yn obeithiol, fod y duedd ar i lawr, ein bod yn gweld llai o bobl—. A gwn fod yr Aelod dros Ogledd Cymru yn gwrthwynebu hyn, ond mae'n bwysig fod pob un ohonom yn cefnogi polisi sydd wedi'i gynllunio i achub bywydau, ac ar yr un pryd—[Torri ar draws.]—ac ar yr un pryd—[Torri ar draws.] Ond mae hynny ar bob ffordd. Gadewch inni beidio â dewis a dethol yr ystadegau yma. [Torri ar draws.] Pob ffordd, yn union, sy’n cynnwys y rhai heb eu cyfyngu. Mae’n cynnwys y ffyrdd lle gall pobl yrru’n gyfreithlon ar 70 mya. Mae’n berthnasol—. Mae’r ystadegau a ddyfynnwch yn berthnasol i fwy na ffyrdd 20 mya yn unig. Rwy’n ymwybodol fy mod yn ymateb i Aelod gwahanol i'r un a ofynnodd y cwestiwn. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Natasha.
Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. It's all fine; all fair in love and politics, as they say. So, it's hardly surprising, unfortunately, the way things—as you've probably just heard—are experienced that there is genuinely a feeling that this Welsh Labour Government is anti-motorist. Just a quick glance at some of the Government's back catalogue of policies can, indeed, back that up, but it appears as though the Welsh Labour Government's disdain for drivers has spread down the M4 to your colleagues sitting in Westminster now. I just thought politically, previously, that it was pensioners that the London colleagues were indeed punishing, but it seems to be that talk is rife that Keir Starmer’s Government is looking at introducing the pay-per-mile system as part of next month’s budget, which we’ve already been told will be painfully difficult for many people across the United Kingdom. There are legitimate fears amongst many people that introducing a pay-per-mile scheme will have a major impact on those on lower incomes and will punish hard-working families.
I have indeed written to both the UK Government’s Secretary of State for Transport and yourself as well, Cabinet Secretary, seeking answers, and I must put on the record I haven’t had answers from both, not being disrespectful in any way. So, will you please kindly today, Cabinet Secretary, outline what discussions you’ve had with your London counterparts about pay-per-mile being introduced here in Wales, and what assessments you’ve made of the impact that a pay-per-mile scheme will have, indeed, on Welsh motorists?
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'n iawn; teg pob twyll mewn gwleidyddiaeth a chariad, fel maent yn ei ddweud. Felly, nid yw'n syndod, yn anffodus, yn y ffordd y mae pethau wedi digwydd—fel rydych chi newydd glywed mae'n siŵr—fod teimlad gwirioneddol fod Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn wrth-fodurwyr. Bydd cipolwg sydyn ar ôl-gatalog y Llywodraeth o bolisïau'n ategu hynny, ond ymddengys bod dirmyg Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru tuag at yrwyr wedi lledaenu i lawr yr M4 at eich cyd-aelodau o'r Blaid Lafur sy’n eistedd yn San Steffan ar hyn o bryd. Roeddwn i'n arfer meddwl, yn wleidyddol, mai pensiynwyr oedd yn cael eu cosbi gan eich cyd-bleidwyr yn Llundain, ond ymddengys bod y sïon yn rhemp fod Llywodraeth Keir Starmer yn ystyried cyflwyno’r system talu fesul milltir yn rhan o gyllideb y mis nesaf, y dywedwyd wrthym eisoes y bydd yn boenus o anodd i lawer o bobl ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae ofnau dilys ymhlith llawer o bobl y bydd cyflwyno cynllun talu fesul milltir yn cael effaith fawr ar bobl ar incwm is ac yn cosbi teuluoedd gweithgar.
Yn wir, rwyf wedi ysgrifennu at Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Llywodraeth y DU dros Drafnidiaeth ac atoch chithau hefyd, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn gofyn am atebion, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud ar goedd nad wyf wedi cael atebion gan y naill na'r llall, heb fod yn amharchus mewn unrhyw ffordd. Felly, a wnewch chi, os gwelwch yn dda, yn garedig heddiw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, amlinellu pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda'ch swyddogion cyfatebol yn Llundain ynglŷn â chyflwyno cynllun talu fesul milltir yma yng Nghymru, a pha asesiadau a wnaethoch o'r effaith y bydd cynllun talu fesul milltir yn ei chael ar fodurwyr Cymru?
Can I thank Natasha Asghar for her questions regarding the potential for an alternative means of revenue to be raised from motoring? We know that the internal combustion engine will come to an end, and, as a consequence of that, road tax will have to change. Before the UK Labour Government was formed, already in the Department for Transport there was recognition that, unless we want to take a huge hit in terms of revenue at a UK level, there’ll have to be an alternative to road tax. That’s specifically because the internal combustion engine is being phased out and we’re seeing more electric cars with zero road tax being driven. So, the officials were already, in the Department for Transport, looking at alternative means of raising revenue. I have had no discussions with counterparts in Westminster regarding this. It is a reserved matter. But I would welcome from opposition Members any ideas on how that vital revenue that will otherwise be lost could be raised.
A gaf i ddiolch i Natasha Asghar am ei chwestiynau ynglŷn â’r posibilrwydd o ddull amgen o godi refeniw o foduro? Gwyddom y bydd y peiriant tanio mewnol yn dod i ben, ac o ganlyniad i hynny, bydd yn rhaid i dreth ffordd newid. Cyn i Lywodraeth Lafur y DU gael ei ffurfio, roedd yr Adran Drafnidiaeth eisoes yn cydnabod, oni bai ein bod yn barod i golli llawer iawn o refeniw ar lefel y DU, y bydd yn rhaid cael rhywbeth yn lle treth ffordd. Mae hynny'n benodol am fod y peiriant tanio mewnol yn cael ei ddirwyn i ben yn raddol, ac rydym yn gweld mwy o geir trydan yn cael eu gyrru heb unrhyw dreth ffordd. Felly, roedd swyddogion yr Adran Drafnidiaeth eisoes yn edrych ar ddulliau amgen o godi refeniw. Nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau gyda swyddogion cyfatebol yn San Steffan ynglŷn â hyn. Mae’n fater a gedwir yn ôl. Ond rwy'n croesawu unrhyw syniadau gan Aelodau’r gwrthbleidiau ynglŷn â sut y gellid codi’r refeniw hanfodol hwnnw a fyddai fel arall yn cael ei golli.
Okay, thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. In the midst of summer recess, it was revealed the Welsh Government will be giving another £206 million to Cardiff Airport. This extra cash from the public purse comes on top of the hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ cash that’s already been pumped into the airport to date. It appears as though Labour Ministers once again are indeed fleecing the Welsh public to prop up an airport. All the while, I’m sure you can appreciate, Cabinet Secretary, our health service is under immense pressure with all of the health boards in some form of escalated status, our education system is struggling with the worst PISA results in the UK, yet instead of tackling these issues, which really do matter to the people of Wales, the Welsh Government would much rather focus on its never-ending list of vanity projects. That’s how it’s coming across, Cabinet Secretary.
So, today I’m asking you, can you see why this is an extremely bitter pill for the Welsh public to have to bear? And will you today here in this Chamber commit to giving the public a full breakdown of what exactly this £206 million is actually going to be paying for? Thank you.
Iawn, diolch yn fawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yng nghanol toriad yr haf, datgelwyd y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi £206 miliwn arall i Faes Awyr Caerdydd. Daw’r arian ychwanegol hwn o bwrs y wlad ar ben y cannoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd o arian trethdalwyr sydd eisoes wedi’i bwmpio i mewn i’r maes awyr hyd yma. Ymddengys fel pe bai Gweinidogion Llafur unwaith eto'n blingo'r cyhoedd yng Nghymru i gynnal maes awyr. A hynny, rwy'n siŵr y gallwch dderbyn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, tra bo'n gwasanaeth iechyd o dan bwysau aruthrol, gyda phob un o'r byrddau iechyd mewn rhyw fath o statws uwchgyfeirio, a'n system addysg yn ymdopi gyda'r canlyniadau PISA gwaethaf yn y DU, ac eto, yn hytrach na mynd i’r afael â’r materion hyn, sydd o bwys gwirioneddol i bobl Cymru, byddai’n well o lawer gan Lywodraeth Cymru ganolbwyntio ar ei rhestr ddiddiwedd o brosiectau porthi balchder. Dyna sut y mae’n edrych, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Felly, rwy’n gofyn i chi heddiw, a allwch chi weld pam fod hon yn bilsen chwerw iawn i’r cyhoedd yng Nghymru orfod ei llyncu? Ac a wnewch chi ymrwymo yn y Siambr hon heddiw i roi dadansoddiad llawn i'r cyhoedd o beth yn union y bydd y £206 miliwn yn talu amdano? Diolch.
I should state that I’m no longer responsible for the airport. This is a responsibility that’s been handed to my friend and colleague Rebecca Evans, and I know that she is keen to answer questions regarding the future of Cardiff Airport. It is a matter—
Dylwn ddatgan nad wyf yn gyfrifol am y maes awyr mwyach. Mae hwn yn gyfrifoldeb a roddwyd i fy nghyfaill a'm cyd-Aelod, Rebecca Evans, a gwn ei bod yn awyddus i ateb cwestiynau am ddyfodol Maes Awyr Caerdydd. Mae'n fater—
I think, Minister, you have an advantage over the rest of us in this Senedd, because ministerial responsibilities have not been clarified to the Senedd as yet. So, if you can—
Weinidog, rwy'n credu bod gennych fantais dros y gweddill ohonom yn y Senedd hon, gan nad yw'r cyfrifoldebau gweinidogol wedi’u hegluro i’r Senedd eto. Felly, os gallwch—
Okay. Well, it may yet have come back then.
Iawn. Wel, efallai'n wir ei fod wedi dod yn ôl felly.
It may be changing, but, for now, our understanding is that, as requested by Natasha and asked, it needs to be answered by you.
Efallai ei fod yn newid, ond am y tro, ein dealltwriaeth ni yw, yn unol â'r cais a'r cwestiwn a ofynnwyd gan Natasha, fod angen i chi ei ateb.
Yes, thank you, Llywydd. This is a matter that is with the Competition and Markets Authority at the moment. It’s being considered by those experts. But I have to say that Cardiff Airport sustains thousands upon thousands of jobs. It makes a huge contribution to the economy of south Wales. Its loss would undoubtedly impact in terms of employment and in terms of the economy. I hear Members objecting to it. Is the position of opposition Members then to close the airport?
Ie, diolch, Lywydd. Mae hwn yn fater sydd o dan ystyriaeth gyda'r Awdurdod Cystadleuaeth a Marchnadoedd ar hyn o bryd. Mae’n cael ei ystyried gan yr arbenigwyr hynny. Ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud bod Maes Awyr Caerdydd yn cynnal miloedd ar filoedd o swyddi. Mae’n gwneud cyfraniad enfawr i economi de Cymru. Heb os, byddai ei golli yn cael effaith ar gyflogaeth ac ar yr economi. Clywaf Aelodau yn ei wrthwynebu. Ai safbwynt Aelodau’r gwrthbleidiau, felly, yw cau’r maes awyr?
Privatise it.
Ei breifateiddio.
Privatise the airport? We saw what happened when it was privatised, it was being driven into the ground. Precious few passenger airports around the world are purely, purely privately owned. Most passenger airports have a public stake, most passenger airports around the world. And a huge number of airports in their own right do not operate at a profit; they are considered economic magnets that generate work and opportunities for people in those regions.
Preifateiddio'r maes awyr? Gwelsom yr hyn a ddigwyddodd pan gafodd ei breifateiddio, roedd yn cael ei ddinistrio. Ychydig iawn o feysydd awyr teithwyr dros y byd sydd mewn perchnogaeth gwbl breifat. Mae gan y rhan fwyaf o feysydd awyr teithwyr gyfran gyhoeddus, y rhan fwyaf o feysydd awyr teithwyr dros y byd. A cheir nifer enfawr o feysydd awyr yn eu hawl eu hunain nad ydynt yn gweithredu er elw; fe'u hystyrir yn fagnetau economaidd sy'n cynhyrchu gwaith a chyfleoedd i bobl yn y rhanbarthau hynny.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Diolch, Llywydd. Unlike the Tories, who have u-turned on the issue of 20 mph in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, Plaid Cymru's commonsense approach has always been consistent. I'm sure we'll all agree that we all want safer roads for our communities, and speed restrictions should be imposed logically and proportionally. That's why we called for a review of the policy from the outset to better reflect local conditions. We also called for the Welsh Government to engage more closely with councils, so that changes could be communicated to drivers and pedestrians effectively. Now that the Government is in a new listening mode, do you regret, as your predecessor clearly does, that your party did not listen sooner to Plaid Cymru's calls on this matter, and can you tell me how much money would have been saved if you had listened sooner?
Diolch, Lywydd. Yn wahanol i’r Torïaid, sydd wedi gwneud tro pedol ar fater 20 mya mewn ymgais anobeithiol i barhau i fod yn berthnasol, mae ymagwedd synnwyr cyffredin Plaid Cymru bob amser wedi bod yn gyson. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd pob un ohonom yn cytuno bod arnom eisiau ffyrdd mwy diogel i'n cymunedau, ac y dylid gosod cyfyngiadau cyflymder yn rhesymegol ac yn gymesur. Dyna pam y gwnaethom alw am adolygiad o’r polisi o’r cychwyn cyntaf er mwyn adlewyrchu amgylchiadau lleol yn well. Fe wnaethom alw hefyd ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ymgysylltu’n agosach â chynghorau, fel y gellid rhoi gwybod i yrwyr a cherddwyr am newidiadau yn effeithiol. Gan fod y Llywodraeth bellach yn gwrando o'r newydd, a ydych chi'n gresynu, fel y mae eich rhagflaenydd yn amlwg yn ei wneud, na wrandawodd eich plaid ar alwadau Plaid Cymru ar y mater hwn yn gynt, ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthyf faint o arian a fyddai wedi'i arbed pe baech chi wedi gwrando'n gynt?
Well, I'm on record as having spoken about the need to bring people with you on such a policy, such a huge change. So, I have to say that in order to implement change of this nature, you have to comply with three factors. One, you have to make sure that people support it locally within their communities. To do that, you have to listen to people. They have to be part of the process. And the other two factors concern the speed at which traffic is already moving. It has to be nearer the proposed speed limit in order to get full compliance. And then, the third one is that, ideally, you need physical and environmental installation of infrastructure in place to drive down speed limits.
Now, in regard to listening to people, bringing people with us, the former transport Minister has accepted that the implementation was not as good as it should have been, and that's why we conducted the exercise that we've been on, where more than 10,000 people have shared their views on which routes should revert back to 30 mph. And in the coming months, we will see roads revert back, which takes account of what people have said to us.
Wel, rwyf wedi siarad yn gyhoeddus am yr angen i ddod â phobl gyda chi ar bolisi o'r fath, ar newid mor enfawr. Felly, er mwyn rhoi newid o'r fath ar waith, rhaid imi ddweud bod yn rhaid ichi gydymffurfio â thri ffactor. Yn gyntaf, mae’n rhaid ichi sicrhau bod pobl yn ei gefnogi’n lleol yn eu cymunedau. I wneud hynny, mae'n rhaid ichi wrando ar bobl. Mae’n rhaid iddynt fod yn rhan o’r broses. Ac mae'r ddau ffactor arall yn ymwneud â chyflymder y traffig ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n rhaid iddo fod yn nes at y terfyn cyflymder arfaethedig er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl yn cydymffurfio'n llawn. Ac yna'r trydydd, yn ddelfrydol, yw bod angen seilwaith ffisegol ac amgylcheddol wedi'i osod i leihau terfynau cyflymder.
Nawr, o ran gwrando ar bobl, dod â phobl gyda ni, mae'r cyn Weinidog trafnidiaeth wedi derbyn nad oedd y gweithredu cystal ag y dylai fod, a dyna pam y gwnaethom gynnal yr ymarfer a gynhaliwyd gennym, lle mae mwy na 10,000 o bobl wedi rhannu eu barn ar ba ffyrdd a ddylai newid yn ôl i 30 mya. Ac yn y misoedd nesaf, byddwn yn gweld ffyrdd yn newid yn ôl, gan ystyried yr hyn y mae pobl wedi'i ddweud wrthym.
I didn't hear a figure there of how much it would have saved if we'd done it sooner, but we'll move on. The reality is that the Government's record of delivery has been at its best when it does listen to Plaid Cymru. The clear benefits of listening to Plaid were demonstrated when Transport for Wales listened to a number of calls by my colleague Heledd Fychan on the provision of public transport during the National Eisteddfod. The response to the train service was overwhelmingly positive, so I commend Transport for Wales for their organisation.
But smooth and efficient running of public transport should not be the exception; it should be the norm. Unfortunately, this remains frustratingly elusive over large parts of our rail network, where cancellations, delays and overcrowding are an all-too-familiar experience for passengers. But instead of seeking to improve the accessibility of their services, in line with Government's ambition to encourage greater use of public transport, Transport for Wales has introduced measures that will achieve the complete opposite. They include fining individuals who reasonably expected to have an option of buying tickets from a ticket inspector, in imminent cuts to the service on the Heart of Wales line, and proposals to scrap compensation for delays of between 15 and 30 minutes.
Do you agree that rather than penalising passengers who already have had to contend with yet another sizeable fare increase this year, Transport for Wales should concentrate on getting its house in order to provide a more accessible and punctual service?
Ni chlywais ffigur yno o faint o arian a fyddai wedi’i arbed pe baem wedi gwneud hynny’n gynt, ond symudwn ymlaen. Y gwir amdani yw bod hanes y Llywodraeth o gyflawni wedi bod ar ei orau pan fydd yn gwrando ar Blaid Cymru. Amlygwyd manteision clir gwrando ar Blaid Cymru pan wrandawodd Trafnidiaeth Cymru ar nifer o alwadau gan fy nghyd-Aelod, Heledd Fychan, ar ddarpariaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn ystod yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Roedd yr ymateb i’r gwasanaeth trenau yn hynod gadarnhaol, felly rwy'n cymeradwyo Trafnidiaeth Cymru ar eu gwaith.
Ond ni ddylai trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus sy'n rhedeg yn esmwyth ac yn effeithlon fod yn eithriad; dylai fod yn norm. Yn anffodus, mae hyn yn parhau i fod yn rhwystredig o brin dros rannau helaeth o’n rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd, lle mae canslo trenau, oedi a gorlenwi yn brofiadau rhy gyfarwydd o lawer i deithwyr. Ond yn hytrach na cheisio gwella hygyrchedd eu gwasanaethau, yn unol ag uchelgais y Llywodraeth i annog mwy o ddefnydd o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno mesurau a fydd yn cyflawni'r gwrthwyneb. Maent yn cynnwys dirwyo unigolion y byddent, yn rhesymol ddigon, wedi disgwyl cael opsiwn i brynu tocynnau gan arolygydd tocynnau, mewn toriadau sydd ar y ffordd i’r gwasanaeth ar reilffordd Calon Cymru, a chynigion i roi'r gorau i iawndal pan fo trenau rhwng 15 a 30 munud yn hwyr.
Yn hytrach na chosbi teithwyr sydd eisoes wedi gorfod ymgodymu â chynnydd sylweddol arall eto i brisiau tocynnau eleni, a ydych chi'n cytuno y dylai Trafnidiaeth Cymru ganolbwyntio ar gael trefn ar bethau er mwyn darparu gwasanaeth mwy hygyrch a phrydlon?
I actually think it's absolutely right that people who deliberately dodge fares are fined. In many parts of the network now, we do have tap on, tap off functions for paying for travel; there are ticket machines; and in many instances, there are still ticket booths as well. Where people have no valid reason for dodging a fare, I think it's absolutely right that they should be fined. I would imagine all Members in this Chamber would agree. And we are conscious of the need to make sure that everybody has the opportunity to purchase a ticket, whether it be online, whether it be through tap on, tap off, whether it be through a machine or whether it be direct through a TfW official. There's no excuse for committing fraud. They're effectively stealing from the public purse. We know that public finances are stretched, and I believe it's absolutely right that we drive up the farebox, that we increase the amount of revenue that we raise from passengers who are deliberately dodging fares. I make no apology for that.
And in terms of what the Member said about TfW performance during the Eisteddfod, I am truly grateful for those kind comments. The feedback that I've received has been very positive as well, and it does show, I think, part of a broader trend for TfW train services, a trend that is upward. Eighty per cent of TfW trains arrive within three minutes of scheduled time. That's to be welcomed. It now means that TfW is outperforming Avanti, Great Western Railway, CrossCountry, moving up the UK performance table, and we're determined to make sure that that trend continues.
A dweud y gwir, credaf ei bod yn gwbl briodol fod pobl sy'n osgoi talu'n fwriadol yn cael dirwy. Mewn sawl rhan o'r rhwydwaith bellach, rydym yn cynnig dulliau tapio ymlaen, tapio i ffwrdd ar gyfer talu am deithio; mae yna beiriannau tocynnau; ac mewn llawer o achosion, mae'n dal i fod bythau tocynnau hefyd. Lle nad oes gan bobl reswm dilys dros osgoi talu, rwy'n credu ei bod yn gwbl briodol eu bod yn cael dirwy. Rwy'n dychmygu y byddai pob Aelod yn y Siambr yn cytuno. Ac rydym yn ymwybodol o’r angen i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael cyfle i brynu tocyn, boed hynny ar-lein, neu drwy dapio ymlaen, tapio i ffwrdd, neu drwy beiriant neu’n uniongyrchol drwy un o swyddogion Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Nid oes esgus dros gyflawni twyll. Maent i bob pwrpas yn dwyn o bwrs y wlad. Gwyddom fod cyllid cyhoeddus o dan bwysau, a chredaf ei bod yn gwbl briodol ein bod yn codi arian ychwanegol, ein bod yn cynyddu faint o refeniw a godwn gan deithwyr sy’n osgoi talu'n fwriadol. Nid wyf yn ymddiheuro am hynny.
Ac o ran yr hyn a ddywedodd yr Aelod am berfformiad Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn ystod yr Eisteddfod, rwy’n wirioneddol ddiolchgar am y sylwadau caredig hynny. Mae’r adborth a gefais wedi bod yn gadarnhaol iawn hefyd, a chredaf ei fod yn dangos rhan o duedd ehangach ar gyfer gwasanaethau trên Trafnidiaeth Cymru, tuedd ar i fyny. Mae 80 y cant o drenau Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cyrraedd o fewn tri munud i’r amser a drefnwyd. Mae hynny i’w groesawu. Mae bellach yn golygu bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn perfformio’n well na Avanti, Great Western Railway, CrossCountry, gan symud i fyny tabl perfformiad y DU, ac rydym yn benderfynol o sicrhau bod y duedd honno’n parhau.
Diolch yn fawr am yr ateb yna.
Thank you very much for that response.
The problem with accessibility and reliability are, of course, a recurring theme with the bus network, which remains in a precarious position after years of uncertainty and long-term funding arrangements. In the meantime, threats of further closures to routes, which could leave some of our most isolated communities even more disconnected, continue to grow.
We've long been told that the new bus Bill will be the cure to these ills, but the relevant details, especially related to the legislative timetable, are vague to say the least. Given the fact that the Government is now defined more by what it isn't doing than by what it is doing, there are entirely justified fears that this Bill could fall victim to a cull, like the legislation already consumed—the council tax reform and the gender reform Bill.
We've heard a lot over the past few days from Ministers about the Government having a grand plan for the remainder of this Senedd term, but we're still none the wiser as to what that plan actually entails. So, could you confirm once and for all what the plan is for the bus Bill? Will it be delivered before 2026, and if so, will it be introduced before the Senedd for scrutiny?
Mae’r broblem gyda hygyrchedd a dibynadwyedd, wrth gwrs, yn thema sy’n codi dro ar ôl tro gyda’r rhwydwaith bysiau, sy’n parhau i fod mewn sefyllfa ansicr ar ôl blynyddoedd o ansicrwydd a threfniadau ariannu hirdymor. Yn y cyfamser, mae'r bygythiad o gau rhagor o lwybrau, a allai adael rhai o’n cymunedau mwyaf ynysig hyd yn oed yn fwy digyswllt, yn parhau i dyfu.
Rydym wedi clywed ers tro y bydd y Bil bysiau newydd yn ateb i'r gwendidau hyn, ond mae’r manylion perthnasol, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â’r amserlen ddeddfwriaethol, yn annelwig a dweud y lleiaf. O ystyried y ffaith bod y Llywodraeth bellach yn cael ei diffinio fwy gan yr hyn nad yw’n ei wneud na chan yr hyn y mae’n ei wneud, ceir ofnau cwbl gyfiawn y gallai’r Bil hwn gael ei ddifa, fel y ddeddfwriaeth sydd wedi ei hatal eisoes—diwygio’r dreth gyngor a'r Bil diwygio rhywedd.
Rydym wedi clywed llawer dros y dyddiau diwethaf gan Weinidogion fod gan y Llywodraeth gynllun mawr ar gyfer gweddill tymor y Senedd hon, ond nid ydym fawr callach o hyd o ran yr hyn y mae’r cynllun hwnnw’n ei olygu mewn gwirionedd. Felly, a allech chi gadarnhau unwaith ac am byth beth yw’r cynllun ar gyfer y Bil bysiau? A fydd yn cael ei gyflwyno cyn 2026, ac os felly, a fydd yn cael ei gyflwyno gerbron y Senedd fel y gallwn graffu arno?
Yes, it will. We'll be introducing it in the spring. It's a huge piece of legislation. We're seeing at the moment the UK Government intervene in regard to bus services with the better buses Bill. That's looking at empowering local authorities in England. What we'll be doing with our Bill is on a national basis bringing about the opportunity to franchise services and to better plan and integrate bus services with rail services, and to integrate ticketing as well. So, it's a very significant piece of legislation, but we'll be introducing it in the spring. Once it's passed by the Senedd, the hard work begins of actually putting into motion those new contracts that will meet the needs of passengers rather than drive profit motive.
Bydd. Byddwn yn ei gyflwyno yn y gwanwyn. Mae'n ddeddfwriaeth enfawr. Rydym yn gweld ar hyn o bryd fod Llywodraeth y DU yn ymyrryd mewn perthynas â gwasanaethau bysiau gyda'r Bil bysiau gwell. Mae hwnnw'n edrych ar rymuso awdurdodau lleol yn Lloegr. Mae'r hyn y byddwn yn ei wneud gyda'n Bil ni ar sail genedlaethol yn creu cyfle i fasnachfreinio gwasanaethau ac i gynllunio ac integreiddio gwasanaethau bysiau yn well gyda gwasanaethau trên, ac integreiddio tocynnau hefyd. Felly, mae'n ddeddfwriaeth arwyddocaol iawn, ond byddwn yn ei chyflwyno yn y gwanwyn. Pan fydd wedi'i phasio gan y Senedd, bydd y gwaith caled yn dechrau o roi'r contractau newydd ar waith i ddiwallu anghenion teithwyr yn hytrach na chymell elw.
3. Pa arweiniad mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn ei roi i gwmnïau ynni ynghylch cyfraniad cymunedol wrth iddyn nhw ddatblygu prosiectau yn Nghymru? OQ61513
3. What guidance is the Cabinet Secretary providing to energy companies regarding community contribution as they develop projects in Wales? OQ61513
Our policy emphasises the importance of local and community energy generation ownership. We have guidance in place that includes a toolkit to further support this policy, illustrating the steps energy companies should make to ensure community contribution is considered.
Mae ein polisi yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd perchnogaeth leol a chymunedol ar gynhyrchiant ynni. Mae gennym ganllawiau ar waith sy'n cynnwys pecyn cymorth i gefnogi'r polisi hwn ymhellach, gan ddangos y camau y dylai cwmnïau ynni eu dilyn i sicrhau bod cyfraniad cymunedol yn cael ei ystyried.
Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am yr ateb yna. Dwi'n deall y bydd y portffolio yma'n mynd i rywun arall yn y dyfodol, ond am heddiw, mae Llywodraeth Cymru, trwy wahanol ddogfennau megis 'Future Wales: the national plan 2040' ac eraill wedi neilltuo darnau helaeth o diroedd Cymru ar gyfer datblygu cynlluniau ynni, ond cwmnïau rhyngwladol mawr sydd yn cael y cytundebau i'w datblygu yn amlach na pheidio, megis RWE, megis Bute, ac yn eu tro maen nhw'n gallu cael eu masnachu a'u gwerthu i gwmnïau eraill. Ond ein hadnoddau naturiol ni sy'n cael eu defnyddio er mwyn cyfoethogi cyfranddeiliaid y cwmnïau yma. Mae'n ymddangos i mi, o leiaf, fel ein bod ni'n gweld parhad y drefn economaidd echdynnol yma ar draul ein cymunedau, gan olygu bod Cymru'n parhau i fyw mewn tlodi cymharol. Pa gamau y mae'r Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd er mwyn sicrhau bod unrhyw ddatblygiad yma am fod o fudd i'n cymunedau ni yma yng Nghymru ac nid i gyfranddalwyr cwmnïau cyfoethog?
I thank the Cabinet Secretary for that response. I understand that this portfolio will be handed to someone else in future, but for today, the Welsh Government, through various documents such as 'Future Wales: the national plan 2040' and others has designated large parts of Welsh land for the development of energy projects, but it's large multinationals who are being given the contracts to develop these more often than not, such as RWE and Bute, and in turn they can be commercialised and sold on to other companies. But it's our natural resources that are being used to enrich the shareholders of these companies. It appears to me, at least, that we're seeing the continuation of the extractive economic system at the expense of our communities, meaning that Wales continues to live in comparative poverty. What steps is the Government taking in order to ensure that any development here will benefit our communities here in Wales, not shareholders of wealthy companies?
Can I thank Mabon for his question? He's right, this is a responsibility that has been handed to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning. However, I can say that in terms of the development work on the energy sector deal, we're working with industry and organisations right across Wales to ensure that community voices are heard throughout the process of putting that deal together. The engagement is being developed further over the coming year. I'm hoping that the concerns that you've raised today will feature very heavily in the work that is being done on the energy sector deal. Capacity within our communities in Wales is an issue that needs to be addressed. I was reading an item, I think it was from Cardiff Business School, recently on the very subject that you were talking about with the extractive nature of energy generation and the use of our land. It is something that the Minister is acutely conscious of, and I'm sure that she'll be responding to those concerns in the not-too-distant future.
A gaf i ddiolch i Mabon am ei gwestiwn? Mae'n iawn, mae hwn yn gyfrifoldeb sydd wedi'i roi i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio. Fodd bynnag, o ran y gwaith datblygu ar y fargen sector ynni, gallaf ddweud ein bod yn gweithio gyda diwydiant a sefydliadau ledled Cymru i sicrhau bod lleisiau cymunedol yn cael eu clywed drwy gydol y broses o lunio'r fargen honno. Mae'r gwaith ymgysylltu'n cael ei ddatblygu ymhellach dros y flwyddyn i ddod. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y pryderon a godwyd gennych heddiw yn cael sylw sylweddol iawn yn y gwaith a wneir ar y fargen sector ynni. Mae capasiti yn ein cymunedau yng Nghymru yn fater y mae angen mynd i'r afael ag ef. Roeddwn i'n darllen eitem yn ddiweddar, o Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd rwy'n credu, ar yr union bwnc yr oeddech chi'n sôn amdano gyda natur echdynnol cynhyrchiant ynni a'r defnydd o'n tir. Mae'n rhywbeth y mae'r Gweinidog yn ymwybodol iawn ohono, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn ymateb i'r pryderon hynny yn y dyfodol agos.
Cabinet Secretary, the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee have not long concluded an inquiry into the green future that is available to us here in Wales and has specifically focused around the community benefit that these opportunities bring. I would urge you and the Cabinet Secretary for economy and energy, who's in her place, to really pay close attention to the recommendations that will be forthcoming in that, because there needs to be a strategy in terms of community benefit. Community benefit can be valued in terms of the skills and jobs and employment opportunities that come, all the way through to the opportunities for cheaper energy bills for those in the locality. But one of the key criticisms brought forward during the inquiry was that the Welsh Government works in silos when it comes to developing strategy for this very opportunity. So, a plea, really, for you and your Cabinet colleagues to park the silos, work across Government departments, because the opportunities that are here in Wales are so great that we really need to maximise those opportunities and turn them into realities for the benefit of all of Wales’s communities.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, nid oes llawer o amser ers i Bwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig gwblhau ymchwiliad i'r dyfodol gwyrdd sydd ar gael i ni yma yng Nghymru ac mae wedi canolbwyntio'n benodol ar y budd cymunedol a ddaw yn sgil y cyfleoedd hyn. Hoffwn eich annog chi ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr economi ac ynni, sydd yn ei sedd, i roi sylw manwl iawn i'r argymhellion a ddaw yn sgil yr ymchwiliad hwnnw, oherwydd mae angen strategaeth mewn perthynas â budd cymunedol. Gellir gosod gwerth ar fudd cymunedol o ran y sgiliau a'r swyddi a'r cyfleoedd cyflogaeth a ddaw, yr holl ffordd drwodd i'r cyfleoedd ar gyfer biliau ynni rhatach i bobl leol. Ond un feirniadaeth allweddol a gyflwynwyd yn ystod yr ymchwiliad oedd bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio mewn seilos wrth ddatblygu strategaeth ar gyfer y cyfle hwn. Felly, dyma ble, mewn gwirionedd, i chi a'ch cyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet. i roi'r gorau i'r seilos, a gweithio ar draws adrannau'r Llywodraeth, oherwydd mae'r cyfleoedd sydd yma yng Nghymru mor fawr fel bod gwir angen inni wneud y mwyaf o'r cyfleoedd hynny a'u gwireddu er budd holl gymunedau Cymru.
I thank the Member and I believe he's right—it's absolutely essential. That was one of the First Minister’s top priorities outlined yesterday. The development of green jobs using new technologies and opportunities with renewable energy means that we have to break down those silos at political and at official level and work across Government. I think it's safe to say that we are doing a huge amount in terms of local ownership and community benefits concerning energy projects. But, of course, more can be done, and that's why we've been allocating funding to some schemes, such as Ynni Cymru, to evolve smart, local energy systems. As part of this work, what we need to do is evaluate its success so that it can then inform broader policy across Government in years to come.
Diolch i'r Aelod ac rwy'n meddwl ei fod yn iawn—mae'n gwbl hanfodol. Dyna oedd un o brif flaenoriaethau'r Prif Weinidog a amlinellwyd ddoe. Mae datblygu swyddi gwyrdd gan ddefnyddio technolegau a chyfleoedd newydd gydag ynni adnewyddadwy yn golygu bod yn rhaid inni chwalu'r seilos hynny ar lefel wleidyddol ac ar lefel swyddogol a gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddiogel dweud ein bod yn gwneud llawer iawn mewn perthynas â pherchnogaeth leol a buddion cymunedol prosiectau ynni. Ond wrth gwrs, mae modd gwneud mwy, a dyna pam ein bod wedi dyrannu cyllid i gynlluniau, fel Ynni Cymru, i ddatblygu systemau ynni clyfar, lleol. Yn rhan o'r gwaith hwn, yr hyn y mae angen inni ei wneud yw gwerthuso ei lwyddiant fel y gall wedyn lywio polisi ehangach ar draws y Llywodraeth yn y blynyddoedd i ddod.
I think there are many reasons why the Cabinet Secretary for north Wales would wish to join me and the community in opposing two enormous solar farms planned for Ynys Môn. Not only is the so-called community benefit negligible, there is the negative impact on tourism. Three thousand six hundred acres is some 15 times the size of the current largest solar farm in the UK. There's the detrimental impact on agriculture and food production in Môn, Mam Cymru—the mother of Wales. The sheer scale of the solar capacity needed—only 10 per cent of it used, though—will have a detrimental impact on grid capacity. I would invite the Cabinet Secretary to join me to see the sheer scale of this plan on Ynys Môn. And can I ask him if he would join me in calling for a moratorium on such enormous solar farms until such time as Government can put together a strategy, which could include smaller pockets of solar, solar on buildings and so on, instead of this extractive and exploitative model of solar farm development?
Rwy'n credu bod llawer o resymau pam y byddai'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros ogledd Cymru yn dymuno ymuno â mi a'r gymuned i wrthwynebu dwy fferm solar enfawr a gynlluniwyd ar gyfer Ynys Môn. Mae'r budd cymunedol fel y'i gelwir yn fychan iawn, ac fe geir effaith negyddol ar dwristiaeth. Mae 3,600 o erwau oddeutu 15 gwaith maint y fferm solar fwyaf yn y DU ar hyn o bryd. Mae yna effaith niweidiol ar amaethyddiaeth a chynhyrchiant bwyd ym Môn, Mam Cymru. Bydd maint enfawr y capasiti solar sydd ei angen—a dim ond 10 y cant ohono'n cael ei ddefnyddio, serch hynny—yn cael effaith niweidiol ar gapasiti'r grid. Carwn wahodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i ymuno â mi i weld maint y cynllun hwn ar Ynys Môn. Ac a gaf i ofyn iddo ymuno â mi i alw am foratoriwm ar ffermydd solar mor enfawr hyd nes y gall y Llywodraeth lunio strategaeth, a allai gynnwys pocedi llai o ynni solar, ynni solar ar adeiladau ac yn y blaen, yn lle'r model echdynnol ac ecsbloetiol hwn o ddatblygu ffermydd solar?
It's very difficult for me to comment on a specific application or a specific proposal. What I would say is that development must be sensitive to the natural environment and to communities, and that people must be engaged at the earliest possibility. I know from my own representations on schemes in my constituency that the value of having early engagement with developers is hugely important. Sam Rowlands and I, and Mark Isherwood, actually visited a community in Coedpoeth last year where, to be fair to the developer there, they engaged proactively and were very responsive to the community, and I think the outcome was quite positive as a result of that. And that shows why, in developing these schemes, which are hugely important in driving down our reliance on other forms of energy, they have to be developed in a sensitive way, with community buy-in as well, community support.
Mae'n anodd iawn imi wneud sylwadau ar gais penodol neu gynnig penodol. Yr hyn y byddwn yn ei ddweud yw bod yn rhaid i ddatblygiad fod yn sensitif i'r amgylchedd naturiol ac i gymunedau, a bod yn rhaid ymgysylltu â phobl cyn gynted â phosibl. Rwy'n gwybod o sylwadau ar gynlluniau yn fy etholaeth i fod gwerth ymgysylltu'n gynnar â datblygwyr yn hynod bwysig. Ymwelodd Sam Rowlands a minnau, a Mark Isherwood, â chymuned yng Nghoed-poeth y llynedd lle'r oeddent, i fod yn deg â'r datblygwr yno, yn ymgysylltu'n rhagweithiol ac yn ymatebol iawn i'r gymuned, ac rwy'n credu bod y canlyniad yn gadarnhaol o ganlyniad i hynny. Ac mae hynny'n dangos, wrth ddatblygu'r cynlluniau hyn sy'n hynod bwysig i leihau ein dibyniaeth ar fathau eraill o ynni, pam fod yn rhaid eu datblygu mewn ffordd sensitif, gyda chefnogaeth gymunedol hefyd.
4. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu gwella gwasanaethau bysiau yn Islwyn? OQ61528
4. How does the Welsh Government plan to improve bus services in Islwyn? OQ61528
In addition to our significant financial support for the industry, we wish to improve bus services by introducing franchising. This will support our aspirations for an integrated public transport system across Wales, including in Islwyn, designed around the people who rely on it.
Yn ogystal â'n cefnogaeth ariannol sylweddol i'r diwydiant, rydym am wella gwasanaethau bysiau trwy gyflwyno masnachfreinio. Bydd hyn yn cefnogi ein dyheadau ar gyfer system drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus integredig ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys yn Islwyn, wedi'i chynllunio o amgylch y bobl sy'n dibynnu arni.
Thank you. Until the 1980s, most bus services throughout the United Kingdom were delivered through publicly owned companies, often run by local and accountable councils. And then Margaret Thatcher’s Government deregulated and dismantled the bus industry and privatised services for profit, leading to the mass sale of bus companies and the collapse of non-profit routes. And in the 20 years that followed the Tory Transport Act 1985, bus ridership outside of London fell by almost 40 per cent, despite an increase in population. So, Cabinet Secretary, as Labour's mayor of greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has successfully brought back bus services into public control with his aptly named Bee Network, what progress is the Welsh Government making with our bus Bill? And what lessons can be learnt from this very successful example that will ensure that the communities of Islwyn get the bus services they both need and deserve?
Diolch. Tan y 1980au, roedd y rhan fwyaf o wasanaethau bysiau ledled y Deyrnas Unedig yn cael eu darparu trwy gwmnïau mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus, a oedd yn aml yn cael eu rhedeg gan gynghorau lleol ac atebol. Ac yna dadreoleiddiodd a datgymalodd Llywodraeth Margaret Thatcher y diwydiant bysiau a phreifateiddio gwasanaethau er elw, gan arwain at werthu cwmnïau bysiau ar raddfa fawr ac at ddileu llwybrau dielw. Ac yn yr 20 mlynedd a ddilynodd Ddeddf Trafnidiaeth 1985 y Torïaid, gostyngodd nifer y bobl a deithiai ar fysiau y tu allan i Lundain bron i 40 y cant, er gwaethaf cynnydd yn y boblogaeth. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, wrth i faer Llafur Manceinion Fwyaf, Andy Burnham, lwyddo i ddod â gwasanaethau bysiau yn ôl i ddwylo'r cyhoedd gyda'i Bee Network, pa gynnydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud gyda'n Bil bysiau? A pha wersi y gellir eu dysgu o'r enghraifft lwyddiannus iawn hon a fydd yn sicrhau bod cymunedau Islwyn yn cael y gwasanaethau bysiau y maent eu hangen ac yn eu haeddu?
We're very keen to learn from all parts of the UK and to learn from other areas of Europe as well in regard how to manage bus services. I would agree that deregulation has been a disaster for communities across Wales, and we are seeking to rectify this with our bus Bill. In terms of the Bee Network, it's an intriguing and creative initiative that we've been looking at as we develop the T network here in Wales, integrating rail and bus services, integrating the timetables, integrating the ticketing. In regard to Islwyn, obviously Islwyn has benefited from the financial support that we've given to the bus industry in a deregulated environment, but we are determined to make sure that, as we pursue through legislation the opportunities that franchising provides, we plan bus services in the interests of the population and the interests of the people that we serve. It's an incredibly complicated piece of legislation, but it's an incredibly exciting one for the people that you serve in Islwyn.
Rydym yn awyddus iawn i ddysgu o bob rhan o'r DU a dysgu o rannau eraill o Ewrop yn ogystal sut i reoli gwasanaethau bysiau. Rwy'n cytuno bod dadreoleiddio wedi bod yn drychineb i gymunedau ledled Cymru, ac rydym yn ceisio cywiro hyn gyda'n Bil bysiau. O ran y Bee Network, mae'n fenter ddiddorol a chreadigol y buom yn edrych arni wrth inni ddatblygu rhwydwaith T yma yng Nghymru, i integreiddio gwasanaethau trenau a bysiau, integreiddio'r amserlenni, integreiddio'r tocynnau. O ran Islwyn, mae'n amlwg fod Islwyn wedi elwa o'r cymorth ariannol a roddwyd gennym i'r diwydiant bysiau mewn amgylchedd wedi'i ddadreoleiddio, ond wrth inni fynd ar drywydd y cyfleoedd y mae masnachfreinio yn eu darparu drwy ddeddfwriaeth, rydym yn benderfynol o sicrhau ein bod yn cynllunio gwasanaethau bysiau er budd y boblogaeth a buddiannau'r bobl a wasanaethwn. Mae'n ddeddfwriaeth gymhleth eithriadol, ond mae'n un hynod gyffrous i'r bobl yr ydych chi'n eu gwasanaethu yn Islwyn.
Cabinet Secretary, the First Minister has stated, of course, that better bus services will be one of her priorities, and as the Welsh Conservatives of course we fully support that. Cabinet Secretary, perhaps more adults would use public transport if the Welsh Government did follow some parts of England's example and put a £2 cap on single bus journeys for working adults. Or, follow the suggestion of my colleague Natasha Asghar and introduce an all-Wales travel card. Cabinet Secretary, will we see these sorts of initiatives in the bus Bill, and do you agree with me that if we want to improve bus services in Wales, we need the service to be everything that a Welsh Labour Government is not—efficient, reliable, and good value for money?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud, wrth gwrs, mai gwell gwasanaethau bysiau fydd un o'i blaenoriaethau, ac fel Ceidwadwyr Cymreig rydym yn llwyr gefnogi hynny. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, efallai y byddai mwy o oedolion yn defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus pe bai Llywodraeth Cymru yn dilyn peth o esiampl Lloegr ac yn rhoi cap o £2 ar deithiau bws sengl i oedolion sy'n gweithio. Neu dilynwch awgrym fy nghyd-Aelod Natasha Asghar a chyflwyno cerdyn teithio Cymru gyfan. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a welwn ni'r mathau hyn o fentrau yn y Bil bysiau, ac a ydych chi'n cytuno, os ydym am wella gwasanaethau bysiau yng Nghymru, fod angen i'r gwasanaeth fod yn effeithlon, yn ddibynadwy, ac yn werth da am arian, yn wahanol i Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru?
The Member makes a valuable point in that it's vital that we do look to best practice elsewhere. Once the Bill has been passed, it will be far easier and more cost effective to introduce some novel schemes such as capped fares. I recently met with the Member for North Wales, Carolyn Thomas, to discuss various ideas and how they could be piloted. The key barrier for us at the moment is twofold. First, we have that deregulated market, which means that operators can cherry-pick the profitable services and leave to councils the responsibility and the financial responsibility to provide services where the market has failed. And then the second challenge we have, obviously, in no small part because of Trussonomics and the disaster that happened under that former Prime Minister, is that public finances are stretched to the limit. I will pursue any pilot scheme, any novel scheme, that is affordable and will drive up patronage. And in passing the piece of legislation that we'll be introducing to this Senedd in the spring of next year, we'll be able to do it in a far more cost-effective way.
Mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig yn yr ystyr ei bod yn hanfodol ein bod yn edrych ar arferion gorau mewn mannau eraill. Ar ôl i'r Bil gael ei basio, bydd yn llawer haws ac yn fwy costeffeithiol inni gyflwyno cynlluniau newydd fel cap ar brisiau tocynnau. Yn ddiweddar, cyfarfûm â'r Aelod dros Ogledd Cymru, Carolyn Thomas, i drafod syniadau amrywiol a sut y gellid eu treialu. Mae gennym ddau brif rwystr ar hyn o bryd. Yn gyntaf, mae gennym y farchnad sydd wedi'i dadreoleiddio, sy'n golygu y gall gweithredwyr ddewis a dethol y gwasanaethau proffidiol a gadael y cyfrifoldeb a'r cyfrifoldeb ariannol i gynghorau ddarparu gwasanaethau lle mae'r farchnad wedi methu. A'r ail her sydd gennym, yn amlwg, i raddau helaeth oherwydd Trussonomics a'r trychineb a ddigwyddodd o dan y cyn-Brif Weinidog, yw bod cyllid cyhoeddus wedi ei ymestyn i'r eithaf. Fe af ar drywydd unrhyw gynllun peilot, unrhyw gynllun newydd, sy'n fforddiadwy ac yn cynyddu defnydd. Ac wrth basio'r ddeddfwriaeth y byddwn yn ei chyflwyno i'r Senedd hon y gwanwyn nesaf, byddwn yn gallu ei wneud mewn ffordd lawer mwy costeffeithiol.
5. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar weithredu prosiectau ffyrdd yn Sir Benfro? OQ61492
5. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the implementation of road projects in Pembrokeshire? OQ61492
We are currently upgrading the A40 between Llanddewi Velfrey and Redstone Cross, and our current list of strategic network improvements is contained in the national transport delivery plan. We will continue to monitor sections of the network that experience congestion and identify solutions aligning with the Wales transport strategy where required.
Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn uwchraddio'r A40 rhwng Llanddewi Felffre a Chroesffordd Maencoch, ac mae ein rhestr gyfredol o welliannau rhwydwaith strategol wedi'i chynnwys yn y cynllun cyflawni cenedlaethol ar gyfer trafnidiaeth. Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro rhannau o'r rhwydwaith sy'n profi tagfeydd ac yn nodi atebion sy'n cyd-fynd â strategaeth drafnidiaeth Cymru lle bo angen.
Cabinet Secretary, you're very much aware of the Newgale coastal adaptation scheme in my constituency, given that we have met to discuss it. As you know, I have concerns regarding Pembrokeshire County Council's proposals, as they would cost millions and millions of pounds to the taxpayer. In the meantime, the local community has put together an alternative plan that could save a lot of money, and it's important that their plan is now properly considered. However, I understand that a recent briefing sent to council members makes a number of inaccurate statements about the community's plans, which is very worrying. I know that your officials were liaising with Pembrokeshire County Council, so can you tell us what the outcomes of those discussions were, and can you also tell us what the Welsh Government is doing to ensure that this process is transparent, and that all information about the proposals is right and accurate?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydych chi'n ymwybodol iawn o gynllun addasu arfordirol Niwgwl yn fy etholaeth i, o gofio ein bod ni wedi cyfarfod i'w drafod. Fel y gwyddoch, mae gennyf bryderon ynghylch cynigion Cyngor Sir Penfro, gan y byddent yn costio miliynau lawer o bunnoedd i'r trethdalwr. Yn y cyfamser, mae'r gymuned leol wedi llunio cynllun amgen a allai arbed llawer o arian, ac mae'n bwysig fod eu cynllun yn cael ei ystyried yn iawn nawr. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n deall bod briff diweddar a anfonwyd at aelodau'r cyngor yn gwneud nifer o ddatganiadau anghywir am gynlluniau'r gymuned, ac mae hynny'n peri pryder mawr. Gwn fod eich swyddogion yn cysylltu â Chyngor Sir Penfro, felly a allwch chi ddweud wrthym beth oedd canlyniadau'r trafodaethau hynny, ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthym hefyd beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod y broses hon yn dryloyw, a bod yr holl wybodaeth am y cynigion yn gywir?
It is absolutely correct that transparency should prevail in consideration of schemes of this nature. I was grateful for the opportunity to meet with Paul Davies and to learn more about the suggestion from the community. As a result of that meeting, my officials then liaised with the council, who provided assurance that the suggested community alternative should be appropriately considered and is appropriately considered before their final decision on the preferred scheme. It will be, obviously, for Pembrokeshire County Council to make the final decision on the appropriate viable solution, but I think it's absolutely essential that the suggestion put forward by the community is given full consideration and that accurate data, accurate information, is provided to elected members.
Mae'n hollol gywir fod tryloywder yn hollbwysig wrth ystyried cynlluniau o'r math hwn. Roeddwn yn ddiolchgar am y cyfle i gyfarfod â Paul Davies ac i ddysgu mwy am yr awgrym gan y gymuned. O ganlyniad i'r cyfarfod hwnnw, cysylltodd fy swyddogion â'r cyngor, a roddodd sicrwydd y dylid rhoi ystyriaeth briodol i'r dewis arall a awgrymwyd gan y gymuned cyn eu penderfyniad terfynol ar y cynllun a ffefrir. Yn amlwg, mater i Gyngor Sir Penfro fydd gwneud y penderfyniad terfynol ar yr ateb ymarferol priodol, ond credaf ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol fod yr awgrym a gyflwynwyd gan y gymuned yn cael ei ystyried yn llawn a bod data cywir, gwybodaeth gywir, yn cael ei darparu i'r aelodau etholedig.
6. Pa asesiad y mae yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'i wneud o ddibynadwyedd gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd rhwng Gogledd Cymru a Llundain? OQ61518
6. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the reliability of rail services between North Wales and London? OQ61518
Well, I do recognise the frustration of Members across the Senedd and of passengers regarding the poor reliability of Avanti West Coast services. The services need to improve, given how vital the connection is between north Wales and London.
Wel, rwy'n cydnabod rhwystredigaeth Aelodau ar draws y Senedd a theithwyr ynghylch dibynadwyedd gwael gwasanaethau Avanti West Coast. Mae angen i'r gwasanaethau wella, o ystyried pa mor hanfodol yw'r cysylltiad rhwng gogledd Cymru a Llundain.
Thank you for your response, Cabinet Secretary. I would agree absolutely that the current service from north Wales down to London is a complete mess. You'll be aware that, only a couple of years ago, there were 14 trains a day moving between London and north Wales; that's now down to five. And on top of that, of the five that exist, one in five of those are cancelled. It's the worst-performing route in the UK by a long stretch, and it's having a massive impact, of course, on local businesses and people's livelihoods as well. So, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on what possible action you may be able to take to support improvements on that particular line. But, in addition, you'll also be aware of proposals for a route from Wrexham to London, with five trains a day at least proposed for that route. I think that's an excellent idea for the largest conurbation in north Wales to have that direct link down to London, so I'd be interested to know whether that's something you'd be likely to support in the future.
Diolch am eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr fod y gwasanaeth presennol o ogledd Cymru i lawr i Lundain yn llanast llwyr. Fe fyddwch yn gwybod, ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, fod 14 trên y dydd yn symud rhwng Llundain a gogledd Cymru; mae hynny i lawr i bump erbyn hyn. Ac ar ben hynny, o'r pump sy'n bodoli, mae un o bob pump o'r rheini'n cael eu canslo. Dyma'r llwybr sy'n perfformio waethaf yn y DU o bell ffordd, ac mae'n cael effaith enfawr, wrth gwrs, ar fusnesau lleol a bywoliaeth pobl hefyd. Felly, hoffwn glywed eich barn ar ba gamau posibl y gallech eu cymryd i gefnogi gwelliannau ar y llinell benodol honno. Ond yn ogystal, fe fyddwch yn gwybod hefyd am gynigion ar gyfer llwybr o Wrecsam i Lundain, gyda phum trên y dydd o leiaf yn cael eu cynnig ar gyfer y llwybr hwnnw. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n syniad gwych i'r gytref fwyaf yng ngogledd Cymru gael y cysylltiad uniongyrchol hwnnw â Llundain, felly hoffwn wybod a yw hynny'n rhywbeth y byddech yn debygol o'i gefnogi yn y dyfodol.
Well, can I thank Sam Rowlands for his question? We've had numerous discussions since he was elected to the Senedd about rail services, not just across north Wales, but from north Wales to London, and we are in agreement that the performance of Avanti West Coast is unacceptable. I've met with Avanti and expressed that view. I've also met with the new UK rail Minister, Lord Hendy, and impressed upon him the need to make sure that we have a role as a Welsh Government in overseeing the future public operator of this important link between north Wales and London, because as things stand, Welsh Government does not have any formal role in specifying or managing or holding to account the operator.
Now, Sam Rowlands is also right when he talks about the reduction in the services that has taken place since COVID. There has been a huge reduction in the number of services, performance has declined and, unfortunately, where they used to operate eight-coach trains before COVID, that number has now fallen to five coaches. And as a consequence of that, overcrowding is a regular occurrence on the service. So, there have to be improvements. And I am very pleased indeed that the new UK Government are holding very regular performance meetings with Avanti West Coast and holding them to account to deliver improvements. I think the model that's been operating in Britain for far too long has failed passengers day in, day out, and that's why I very much welcome the UK Government's approach to publicly owned passenger rail, and I look forward to working in the future with Ministers at Westminster to pursue all opportunities, including, potentially, open access.
Open access is an interesting model, and I'd very much welcome improved opportunities for increased connectivity for the people of north Wales with a Wrexham to London service. But, crucially, there has to be the capacity on the rail lines and existing services cannot be impacted adversely as a result of introducing an open access service. But it is a very interesting proposition from Alstom. I think this would be the first rail operation from Alstom, who are used to just building trains, not actually running them. So, I'm looking forward to seeing more information on what they propose.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Sam Rowlands am ei gwestiwn? Rydym wedi cael trafodaethau niferus ers iddo gael ei ethol i'r Senedd am wasanaethau rheilffordd, nid yn unig ar draws gogledd Cymru, ond o ogledd Cymru i Lundain, ac rydym yn cytuno bod perfformiad Avanti West Coast yn annerbyniol. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod ag Avanti ac wedi mynegi'r farn honno. Hefyd, rwyf wedi cyfarfod â Gweinidog rheilffyrdd newydd y DU, yr Arglwydd Hendy, ac wedi pwysleisio'r angen i sicrhau bod gennym rôl fel Llywodraeth Cymru i oruchwylio gweithredwr cyhoeddus y cysylltiad pwysig hwn rhwng gogledd Cymru a Llundain yn y dyfodol, oherwydd fel y mae pethau, nid oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw rôl ffurfiol i gyfarwyddo neu reoli neu ddwyn y gweithredwr i gyfrif.
Nawr, mae Sam Rowlands hefyd yn iawn pan fo'n sôn am y gostyngiad yn y gwasanaethau sydd wedi digwydd ers COVID. Bu gostyngiad enfawr yn nifer y gwasanaethau, mae'r perfformiad wedi gwaethygu ac yn anffodus, lle'r oeddent yn arfer gweithredu trenau wyth cerbyd cyn COVID, mae'r nifer bellach wedi gostwng i bum cerbyd. Ac o ganlyniad i hynny, mae gorlenwi'n digwydd yn rheolaidd ar y gwasanaeth. Felly, mae'n rhaid cael gwelliannau. Ac rwy'n falch iawn fod Llywodraeth newydd y DU yn cynnal cyfarfodydd perfformio rheolaidd iawn gydag Avanti West Coast ac yn eu dwyn i gyfrif er mwyn cyflawni gwelliannau. Rwy'n credu bod y model sydd wedi bod yn gweithredu yn rhy hir o lawer ym Mhrydain wedi gwneud cam â theithwyr ddydd ar ôl dydd, a dyna pam rwy'n croesawu ymagwedd Llywodraeth y DU at reilffyrdd teithwyr mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weithio yn y dyfodol gyda Gweinidogion yn San Steffan i fynd ar drywydd pob cyfle, gan gynnwys mynediad agored o bosibl.
Mae mynediad agored yn fodel diddorol, ac rwy'n croesawu gwell cyfleoedd ar gyfer mwy o gysylltedd i bobl gogledd Cymru gyda gwasanaeth rhwng Wrecsam a Llundain. Ond yn hollbwysig, mae'n rhaid cael y capasiti ar y rheilffyrdd ac ni ellir effeithio'n andwyol ar wasanaethau presennol o ganlyniad i gyflwyno gwasanaeth mynediad agored. Ond mae'n gynnig diddorol iawn gan Alstom. Rwy'n credu mai hwn fyddai'r gweithgarwch rheilffordd cyntaf gan Alstom, sydd wedi arfer adeiladu trenau yn unig, nid eu rhedeg. Felly, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld mwy o wybodaeth am yr hyn y maent yn ei gynnig.
7. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am gynnydd mewn cydweithio rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU o ran datblygu economaidd yng Nghymru? OQ61516
7. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on progress in joint working between the Welsh Government and the UK Government on economic development in Wales? OQ61516
Yes. Positive and early engagement has taken place with the Prime Minister, with the Secretary of State for Wales and Secretaries of State for business and trade, and also energy. We're all committed to working together on our shared ambitions to deliver growth and jobs in Wales.
Gwnaf. Mae ymgysylltiad cadarnhaol a chynnar wedi digwydd gyda'r Prif Weinidog, gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a'r Ysgrifenyddion Gwladol dros fusnes a masnach, ac ynni hefyd. Rydym i gyd wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda'n gilydd ar ein huchelgais cyffredin i sicrhau twf a swyddi yng Nghymru.
Yes, Cabinet Secretary, after some 14 years of wasted opportunity with a lack of true partnership between UK Government and Welsh Government, we are now into a new era, which I'm sure will, and already has, I think, deliver transformed relationships between our new UK Labour Government and our Labour Government here in Wales. One aspect of delivering on that new reality, Cabinet Secretary, is around our transport infrastructure. I think we have a very good piece of work by Gordon Brown and others looking at the regional disparities in the UK and the need for Wales, Scotland and the north of England to have a lot more investment in all sorts of areas, including transport infrastructure. So, now, Cabinet Secretary, will you work very closely with our UK Labour Government to ensure that we see delivery? We’ve been grossly underfunded for so many years in terms of rail infrastructure. We need to move to an integrated transport system, so I look forward—I’m sure you do—to seeing the results of that new partnership, and a truly integrated transport system in Wales.
Ie, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ar ôl tua 14 mlynedd o wastraffu cyfle gyda diffyg gwir bartneriaeth rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru, rydym bellach mewn cyfnod newydd, a fydd, rwy'n siŵr, ac sydd eisoes wedi sicrhau perthynas drawsnewidiol rhwng ein Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn y DU a'n Llywodraeth Lafur yma yng Nghymru. Un agwedd ar gyflawni'r realiti newydd hwnnw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yw ein seilwaith trafnidiaeth. Rwy'n credu bod gennym waith da iawn gan Gordon Brown ac eraill sy'n edrych ar y gwahaniaethau rhanbarthol yn y DU a'r angen i Gymru, yr Alban a gogledd Lloegr gael llawer mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn pob math o feysydd, gan gynnwys seilwaith trafnidiaeth. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a wnewch chi weithio'n agos iawn gyda Llywodraeth Lafur y DU nawr i sicrhau ein bod yn gweld cyflawniad? Rydym wedi cael ein tanariannu'n ddifrifol ers cymaint o flynyddoedd o ran seilwaith rheilffyrdd. Mae angen inni symud i system drafnidiaeth integredig, felly rwy'n edrych ymlaen—rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi hefyd—at weld canlyniadau'r bartneriaeth newydd honno, a system drafnidiaeth wirioneddol integredig yng Nghymru.
I thank John Griffiths and I agree entirely with him. The work of Gordon Brown is fabulous—fabulous. I had an opportunity to take part in one of the sessions that he hosted. It was a virtual session. He mistook me—because my initials popped up as 'KS' for somebody that resides in Downing Street—at first, but it was a valuable exchange of views on how we can address regional inequalities in the United Kingdom, and, of course, transport infrastructure is hugely important in enabling people to access employment opportunities.
Now, I found it remarkable that, since the UK general election, I’ve met now with the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Wales, on numerous occasions, the Secretary of State for Business and Trade—I’ll meet with him and with the Secretary of State for Wales again next week—I’ve met with the Secretary of State for Transport, the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, the rail Minister, the energy Minister, and the Wales Office Minister, and so far, I can point to a number of valuable outcomes as a result of two Governments working as one. We had the announcement over the summer that we will be increasing the number of services across north Wales by 50 per cent—by 50 per cent—from 2026, as a result of a decision by UK Government over rail infrastructure in north Wales. That’s a huge outcome in a very short space of time. Next week we’ll have an announcement in north Wales regarding job opportunities. We’ve had a commitment to co-create the industrial strategy, to play a full part in implementing the artificial intelligence action plan. We’re going to have a joint Wales rail board later this year, before Christmas—a rail board meeting that will bring together myself and the rail Minister from Westminster. And it won’t take place in London, it’s going to take place in Wrexham. We will then be forming our priorities for rail investment in infrastructure in the coming years. So, already we are seeing huge benefits of two Labour Governments working as one.
Diolch i John Griffiths ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr ag ef. Mae gwaith Gordon Brown yn wych. Cefais gyfle i gymryd rhan yn un o'r sesiynau a gynhaliodd. Roedd yn sesiwn rithwir. Am fod fy llythrennau cyntaf wedi ymddangos fel 'KS', fe wnaeth fy nghamgymryd am rywun sy'n byw yn Stryd Downing ar y dechrau, ond cawsom sesiwn werthfawr o gyfnewid safbwyntiau ynglŷn â sut y gallwn fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau rhanbarthol yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ac wrth gwrs, mae seilwaith trafnidiaeth yn hynod bwysig i alluogi pobl i gael mynediad at gyfleoedd cyflogaeth.
Nawr, ers etholiad cyffredinol y DU, mae'n drawiadol fy mod i bellach wedi cyfarfod â'r Prif Weinidog, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, ar sawl achlysur, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Fusnes a Masnach—byddaf yn cyfarfod ag ef ac Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru eto yr wythnos nesaf—rwyf wedi cyfarfod â'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Drafnidiaeth, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Wyddoniaeth, Arloesi a Thechnoleg, y Gweinidog rheilffyrdd, y Gweinidog ynni, a Gweinidog Swyddfa Cymru, a hyd yma, gallaf bwyntio at nifer o ganlyniadau gwerthfawr o ganlyniad i ddwy Lywodraeth yn gweithio fel un. Cawsom y cyhoeddiad dros yr haf y byddwn yn cynyddu nifer y gwasanaethau ar draws y gogledd 50 y cant—50 y cant—o 2026 ymlaen, o ganlyniad i benderfyniad gan Lywodraeth y DU ynghylch seilwaith rheilffyrdd yng ngogledd Cymru. Mae hynny'n ganlyniad enfawr mewn cyfnod byr iawn o amser. Yr wythnos nesaf fe gawn gyhoeddiad yn y gogledd ynglŷn â chyfleoedd gwaith. Rydym wedi cael ymrwymiad i gyd-greu'r strategaeth ddiwydiannol, i chwarae rhan lawn yn gweithredu'r cynllun gweithredu deallusrwydd artiffisial. Rydym yn mynd i gael bwrdd rheilffordd ar y cyd i Gymru yn ddiweddarach eleni, cyn y Nadolig—cyfarfod bwrdd rheilffordd a fydd yn dod â'r Gweinidog rheilffyrdd o San Steffan a minnau at ein gilydd. Ac ni fydd yn digwydd yn Llundain, mae'n mynd i ddigwydd yn Wrecsam. Yna byddwn yn ffurfio ein blaenoriaethau ar gyfer buddsoddiad rheilffyrdd mewn seilwaith yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Felly, rydym eisoes yn gweld manteision enfawr dwy Lywodraeth Lafur yn gweithio fel un.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Darren Millar.
Finally, question 8, Darren Millar.
8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am ddibynadwyedd trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yng Ngogledd Cymru? OQ61520
8. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the reliability of public transport in North Wales? OQ61520
Yes. The poor reliability of public transport operated by Avanti West Coast is letting down passengers in north Wales. In contrast, the Welsh Government is investing in public transport, improving performance, reliability and quality of our rail services and also continuing to grow the TrawsCymru network.
Gwnaf. Mae dibynadwyedd gwael trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a weithredir gan Avanti West Coast yn siomi teithwyr yng ngogledd Cymru. Mewn cyferbyniad, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn buddsoddi mewn trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, gan wella perfformiad, dibynadwyedd ac ansawdd ein gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd a hefyd yn parhau i dyfu rhwydwaith TrawsCymru.
Thank you for that response, and it is the TrawsCymru network, actually, that I want to refer to. There were some changes implemented on the network from November last year, following a review by consultants commissioned by Transport for Wales. Many of the timetables were changed as a result of that review. Some buses were taken off certain routes and new artificial intelligence systems were installed on buses in order to monitor the focus of drivers on the road. I am being contacted, though, by passengers who are telling me that the timetables are unrealistic, there is insufficient margin for congestion, or the new 20 mph speed limits in some areas, and that, as a result, many people are missing their connections and often passengers, unfortunately, are being left stranded on some routes.
Now, clearly, there does need to be a reliable bus transport system connecting parts of rural Wales to some urban conurbations, but we do need, I think, to review the arrangements on the TrawsCymru network to make sure that passengers are getting the services that they deserve, but also that there is not undue pressure on drivers who are facing the challenges of having to meet these unrealistic timetables. I am told that the AI system—parts of it have been turned off because it’s been a dangerous distraction for some drivers on these routes. So, can you tell me, Cabinet Secretary, what work you will now do in order to make sure that there’s a review of this as soon as possible?
Diolch am yr ymateb hwnnw, ac rwyf am gyfeirio at rwydwaith TrawsCymru mewn gwirionedd. Cafodd rhai newidiadau eu gweithredu ar y rhwydwaith o fis Tachwedd y llynedd, yn dilyn adolygiad gan ymgynghorwyr a gomisiynwyd gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Newidiwyd llawer o'r amserlenni o ganlyniad i'r adolygiad hwnnw. Cafodd rhai bysus eu tynnu oddi ar rai llwybrau a gosodwyd systemau deallusrwydd artiffisial newydd ar fysiau er mwyn monitro ffocws gyrwyr ar y ffordd. Fodd bynnag, mae teithwyr yn dweud wrthyf fod yr amserlenni'n afrealistig, nid oes digon o ystyriaeth i dagfeydd, neu'r terfynau cyflymder newydd 20 mya mewn rhai ardaloedd, a bod llawer o bobl, o ganlyniad, yn colli eu cysylltiadau ac yn aml mae teithwyr, yn anffodus, yn cael eu gadael ar ôl ar rai llwybrau.
Nawr, yn amlwg, mae angen system drafnidiaeth bysiau ddibynadwy sy'n cysylltu rhannau o gefn gwlad Cymru â chytrefi trefol, ond rwy'n credu bod angen inni adolygu'r trefniadau ar rwydwaith TrawsCymru i sicrhau bod teithwyr yn cael y gwasanaethau y maent yn eu haeddu, ond hefyd nad oes pwysau gormodol ar yrwyr sy'n wynebu'r heriau o orfod cyflawni'r amserlenni afrealistig hyn. Dywedwyd wrthyf fod y system deallusrwydd artiffisial—mae rhannau ohoni wedi cael eu diffodd oherwydd ei bod yn tynnu sylw rhai gyrwyr ar y llwybrau hyn, sy'n beryglus. Felly, a allwch chi ddweud wrthyf, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa waith y byddwch chi'n ei wneud nawr i gael adolygiad o hyn cyn gynted â phosibl?
Well, can I thank Darren Millar for his question? TfW, of course, are developing solutions right now to operational issues with specific TrawsCymru routes, including TrawsCymru T3, which operates—. That’s the service that Darren Millar was identifying just now; it’s the route that operates between Wrexham and Barmouth. And what they’re doing is developing solutions that will drive reliability up. We’ve also recently seen the introduction of service improvements to the T2 route linking Bangor to Aberystwyth, and that’s included more evening and Sunday journeys. But if I may, Llywydd, I’ll ask Transport for Wales to examine the concerns raised today by Darren Millar and respond accordingly.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Darren Millar am ei gwestiwn? Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru, wrth gwrs, yn datblygu atebion ar hyn o bryd i faterion gweithredol gyda llwybrau TrawsCymru penodol, gan gynnwys TrawsCymru T3, sy'n gweithredu—. Dyna'r gwasanaeth yr oedd Darren Millar yn ei nodi nawr; dyma'r llwybr sy'n gweithredu rhwng Wrecsam a'r Bermo. Ac maent yn datblygu atebion a fydd yn gwella dibynadwyedd. Rydym hefyd wedi gweld gwelliannau gwasanaeth yn ddiweddar i'r llwybr T2 sy'n cysylltu Bangor ag Aberystwyth, gan gynnwys mwy o deithiau gyda'r nos ac ar ddydd Sul. Ond os caf, Lywydd, rwyf am ofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru archwilio'r pryderon a godwyd heddiw gan Darren Millar ac ymateb yn unol â hynny.
Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary.
Yr eitem nesaf fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyfiawnder cymdeithasol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Sam Rowlands.
The next item will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for social justice, and the first question is from Sam Rowlands.
1. Pa ddiwydrwydd dyladwy y mae adran yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn ei gynnal cyn dyfarnu contractau? OQ61519
1. What due diligence does the Cabinet Secretary's department undertake before awarding contracts? OQ61519

Thank you for the question. In accordance with the UK Cabinet Office single procurement document, due diligence checks are undertaken before awarding our contracts.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Yn unol â dogfen gaffael sengl Swyddfa'r Cabinet y DU, cynhelir gwiriadau diwydrwydd dyladwy cyn dyfarnu ein contractau.
Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. It was revealed over the summer that the Welsh Government had given a research contract to a firm whose sole director is a sex offender who admitted taking part in sexual activity with a child, and this firm, as you will know, is called Laurel Research Consulting, who were awarded a contract last year for a research topic on conversion therapies. But Laurel Research has no clear links in this subject area whatsoever. In recent days, you have cancelled this contract. But it turns out that Laurel Research have other work being undertaken for Welsh Government, including being commissioned for a £135,000 multi-year grant to produce the anti-racist library collections guide. To me, it's deeply concerning that taxpayers' money is being funnelled to a company being run by a sex offender under the auspices of the LGBTQ+ and the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan'. So, I'd like to ask, Cabinet Secretary, why this company has been given such sensitive multiple contracts through the Welsh Government, what you're doing to ensure this type of thing does not happen again, and can you confirm that you've instructed institutions to ignore publications provided by this now-discredited organisation?
Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Datgelwyd dros yr haf fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi contract ymchwil i gwmni y mae ei unig gyfarwyddwr yn droseddwr rhyw a gyfaddefodd ei fod wedi cymryd rhan mewn gweithgaredd rhywiol gyda phlentyn, ac enw'r cwmni hwn, fel y gwyddoch, yw Laurel Research Consulting, a dderbyniodd gontract y llynedd ar gyfer ymchwil ar therapïau trosi. Ond nid oes gan Laurel Research unrhyw gysylltiadau clir yn y maes hwn o gwbl. Yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf, rydych chi wedi canslo'r contract. Ond mae'n ymddangos bod gan Laurel Research waith arall sy'n cael ei wneud i Lywodraeth Cymru, gan gynnwys cael ei gomisiynu gan grant aml-flwyddyn gwerth £135,000 i gynhyrchu'r canllaw ar gyfer casgliadau llyfrgell gwrth-hiliol. I mi, mae'n peri pryder mawr fod arian trethdalwyr yn cael ei gyfeirio at gwmni sy'n cael ei redeg gan droseddwr rhyw o dan nawdd y LGBTQ+ a 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Gwrth-hiliol'. Felly, hoffwn ofyn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pam y mae'r cwmni hwn wedi cael contractau lluosog mor sensitif drwy Lywodraeth Cymru, beth rydych chi'n ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw'r math hwn o beth yn digwydd eto, ac a allwch chi gadarnhau eich bod chi wedi cyfarwyddo sefydliadau i anwybyddu cyhoeddiadau a ddarparwyd gan y sefydliad hwn sydd bellach yn destun gwarth?
Thank you for those questions. I was very concerned when I learnt of the development regarding Laurel Research Consulting, and that's why my officials acted promptly to review contracts with the organisation and took immediate, necessary actions. We were made aware of the issues with Laurel Research Consulting on Monday, 2 September. This research contract was terminated, as you've acknowledged, on 6 September 2024. And also, we are co-ordinating, which I think is crucially important, immediate action for new procurement exercises, whilst a review of existing contracts is already under way.
Diolch am y cwestiynau hynny. Roeddwn yn bryderus iawn pan glywais am y datblygiad ynghylch Laurel Research Consulting, a dyna pam y gweithredodd fy swyddogion yn gyflym i adolygu contractau gyda'r sefydliad a chymryd camau gweithredu angenrheidiol ar unwaith. Cawsom wybod am y problemau gyda Laurel Research Consulting ddydd Llun, 2 Medi. Daeth y contract ymchwil hwn i ben, fel y nodwyd gennych, ar 6 Medi 2024. A hefyd, yn bwysig eithriadol yn fy marn i, rydym yn cydlynu camau ar unwaith ar gyfer ymarferion caffael newydd, tra bod adolygiad o'r contractau presennol eisoes ar y gweill.
2. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i leihau ymddygiad gorfodaethol? OQ61496
2. What action is the Welsh Government taking to reduce coercive behaviour? OQ61496
Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn pwysig iawn.
Thank you very much for that important question.
We want to make Wales the safest place to be a woman. Our Sound campaign addresses behaviours and attitudes directly with men and boys in Wales. Our vision is that it's not for women to change their behaviours, but for abusers to change theirs.
Rydym am wneud Cymru y lle mwyaf diogel i fod yn fenyw. Mae ein hymgyrch Iawn yn mynd i'r afael ag ymddygiad ac agweddau'n uniongyrchol gyda dynion a bechgyn yng Nghymru. Ein gweledigaeth yw mai mater i gamdrinwyr, nid i fenywod, yw newid eu hymddygiad.
Thank you for that response, and I agree entirely with it. In 2015 an offence was brought into law making coercive and controlling behaviour a crime. Coercive control is a pattern of behaviour in which an abuser controls their victim's life, systematically removing their independence and support network, and coerces their victim through verbal intimidation, threats and/or physical abuse. We know of two high-profile victims of coercive control, Ruth Dodsworth and Anna McMorrin. Anna McMorrin told BBC Wales that 'people shouldn't feel stigmatised' and that 'anyone' can be in such a situation and become a victim. Does the Government accept that there is a need for additional support for victims of coercive control?
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr. Yn 2015 cafodd trosedd ei chreu yn y gyfraith i wneud ymddygiad gorfodaethol a rheolaethol yn drosedd. Mae rheolaeth drwy orfodaeth yn batrwm o ymddygiad lle mae camdriniwr yn rheoli bywyd eu dioddefwr, gan ddileu eu hannibyniaeth a'u rhwydwaith cymorth yn systematig, a gorfodi eu dioddefwr trwy frawychu geiriol, bygythiadau a/neu gam-drin corfforol. Rydym yn gwybod am ddwy enghraifft broffil uchel o ddioddefwyr rheolaeth drwy orfodaeth, sef Ruth Dodsworth ac Anna McMorrin. Dywedodd Anna McMorrin wrth BBC Wales na ddylai pobl deimlo stigma ac y gall unrhyw un fod mewn sefyllfa o'r fath a dod yn ddioddefwr. A yw'r Llywodraeth yn derbyn bod angen cymorth ychwanegol ar ddioddefwyr rheolaeth drwy orfodaeth?
Thank you very much for that important question, Mike Hedges, and I think it is important to recognise the courage of women, of survivors who come out and speak in this way about their experience of coercive control. Yes, we have a law, but, actually, are we implementing it in terms of our criminal justice system? I think it's also important to recognise that it's about raising awareness, about reporting and our Live Fear Free campaigns, raising awareness of not just coercive control, importantly, but stalking, harassment, abuse and violence against women in all aspects of life.
I just want to extend my congratulations today, the first chance, to Emma Wools. Now, Emma Wools was successfully appointed as Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales Police recently, and she now joins me as co-chair of the violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence national partnership board. She has a leadership role in policing in Wales, and she's already launched the 'What matters to you—tell Emma' community grant scheme.
So, I absolutely endorse everything that you've said, but I would say I hope some of you saw the interesting feedback about Sound—WalesOnline on 8 September—about our Sound ambassadors reflecting on their own behaviours, recognising the impact they have on their partners and encouraging men to do better, to be a Sound man, a Sound partner, and I quote:
'"I've smashed my phone, I've been suspicious and paranoid." The men who have changed their ways as a national emergency is declared.'
And the Sound campaign—our Welsh Government Sound campaign—has won a UK national award as the best community engagement campaign. So, I urge everyone as well to take forward this important responsibility in terms of raising awareness.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw, Mike Hedges, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod dewrder menywod, goroeswyr sy'n siarad allan fel hyn am eu profiad o reolaeth drwy orfodaeth. Oes, mae gennym gyfraith, ond a ydym yn ei gweithredu mewn gwirionedd yn ein system cyfiawnder troseddol? Rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn bwysig cydnabod ei fod yn ymwneud â chodi ymwybyddiaeth, a rhoi gwybod, a'n hymgyrchoedd Byw Heb Ofn, a chodi ymwybyddiaeth nid yn unig o reolaeth drwy orfodaeth, sy'n bwysig, ond hefyd o stelcio, aflonyddu, cam-drin a thrais yn erbyn menywod ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd.
Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle cyntaf heddiw i longyfarch Emma Wools. Nawr, cafodd Emma Wools ei phenodi'n Gomisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu Heddlu De Cymru yn ddiweddar, ac mae hi bellach yn ymuno â mi fel cyd-gadeirydd bwrdd partneriaeth cenedlaethol trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Mae ganddi rôl arweiniol ym maes plismona yng Nghymru, ac mae hi eisoes wedi lansio'r cynllun grant cymunedol 'Beth sy'n bwysig i chi—dywedwch wrth Emma'.
Felly, rwy'n cymeradwyo popeth a ddywedoch chi yn llwyr, ond hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn gobeithio bod rhai ohonoch wedi gweld yr adborth diddorol am Iawn—WalesOnline ar 8 Medi—am ein llysgenhadon Iawn yn myfyrio ar eu hymddygiad eu hunain, gan gydnabod yr effaith a gaiff ar eu partneriaid ac annog dynion i wneud yn well, i fod yn ddynion Iawn, yn bartneriaid Iawn, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'"Fe chwalais fy ffôn, rwyf wedi bod yn amheus ac yn paranoid." Y dynion sydd wedi newid eu ffyrdd wrth i argyfwng cenedlaethol gael ei ddatgan.'
Ac mae'r ymgyrch Iawn—ymgyrch Iawn Llywodraeth Cymru—wedi ennill gwobr genedlaethol yn y DU fel yr ymgyrch ymgysylltu cymunedol orau. Felly, rwy'n annog pawb hefyd i ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb pwysig i godi ymwybyddiaeth.
As a self-confessed fan of Emmerdale, I was pleased to see that this was recently highlighted in the soap in terms of highlighting the story of Belle Dingle and her partner Tom; Belle was unfortunately the victim of coercive behaviour. So, I’m glad that that was raised on a national scale, and I thank the producers of Emmerdale and ITV for, obviously, highlighting that on a national scale, and I think that that can, obviously, go leaps and bounds in terms of raising that awareness and getting that on the agenda. But I’m interested to know what work the Welsh Government has done on perpetrator-focused interventions and how the Cabinet Secretary is working with the Cabinet Secretary for Education to ensure that young people understand the signs of coercive behaviour, either in themselves or with a partner, and how is the Welsh Government working on perpetrator-focused interventions specifically? Thank you.
Fel ffan hunanaddefedig o Emmerdale, roeddwn yn falch o weld bod hyn wedi'i cael sylw yn ddiweddar yn yr opera sebon trwy stori Belle Dingle a'i phartner Tom; yn anffodus, roedd Belle yn ddioddefwraig ymddygiad gorfodaethol. Felly, rwy'n falch fod hynny wedi'i godi ar raddfa genedlaethol, a diolch i gynhyrchwyr Emmerdale ac ITV am dynnu sylw at hynny ar raddfa genedlaethol, ac rwy'n credu y gall hynny wneud llawer iawn i godi ymwybyddiaeth a chael hynny ar yr agenda. Ond hoffwn wybod pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud ar ymyriadau sy'n canolbwyntio ar y cyflawnwr a sut y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweithio gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn deall arwyddion ymddygiad gorfodaethol, naill ai ynddynt eu hunain neu gyda phartner, a sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio ar ymyriadau sy'n canolbwyntio ar y cyflawnwr yn benodol? Diolch.
Thank you very much, Gareth, and also thank you for drawing attention to Emmerdale. I confess that I don't watch Emmerdale, but, actually, it is important. On a serious level, the media has to take a responsibility. It is through many of our so-called soaps, radio and television, that these stories have been told and they’re powerful in that way, as they are when well-known, important people in public life, as Mike Hedges has said, also reveal that they have been survivors of coercive control.
But I think it’s important that we—just in terms of acknowledging your recognition of this importance—look at how we are acting, not just in terms of this overall campaign, Live Fear Free, our VAWDASV strategy, but that we have a strand of work in our VAWDASV strategy. Indeed the Equality and Social Justice Committee will be aware of this, about how we’re tackling perpetrator behaviour, and I’m very grateful to the committee, actually, for the work that we’ve done. And also I’ve mentioned our new Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales; I have to pay tribute to the north Wales chief constable, Amanda Blakeman, who is absolutely at the forefront. We need women in these leadership positions, I have to say, as well, operationally as well as in political positions, and we have a workstream on tackling perpetrator behaviour and taking action.
Diolch yn fawr, Gareth, a diolch hefyd am dynnu sylw at Emmerdale. Rwy'n cyfaddef nad wyf yn gwylio Emmerdale, ond mewn gwirionedd, mae'n bwysig. Ar lefel ddifrifol, mae'n rhaid i'r cyfryngau ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb. Trwy lawer o'n hoperau sebon fel y'u gelwir, ar radio a theledu, y mae'r straeon hyn wedi'u hadrodd ac maent yn bwerus yn y ffordd honno, fel y maent pan fydd pobl adnabyddus a phwysig mewn bywyd cyhoeddus, fel y dywedodd Mike Hedges, hefyd yn datgelu eu bod wedi goroesi rheolaeth drwy orfodaeth.
Ond rwy'n meddwl ei bod yn bwysig ein bod—o ran cydnabod eich cydnabyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd hyn—yn edrych ar sut yr ydym yn gweithredu, nid yn unig o ran yr ymgyrch gyffredinol hon, Byw Heb Ofn, ein strategaeth ar gyfer trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, ond o ran bod gennym elfen o waith yn ein strategaeth trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Yn wir, bydd y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn ymwybodol o hyn, ynglŷn â sut yr awn i'r afael ag ymddygiad cyflawnwyr, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r pwyllgor am y gwaith a wnaethom. A hefyd, rwyf wedi sôn am ein Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu newydd ar gyfer De Cymru; mae'n rhaid imi dalu teyrnged i brif gwnstabl gogledd Cymru, Amanda Blakeman, sydd ar flaen y gad yn hyn o beth. Mae arnom angen menywod yn y swyddi arweiniol hyn, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, hefyd, yn weithredol yn ogystal ag mewn swyddi gwleidyddol, ac mae gennym ffrwd waith ar fynd i'r afael ag ymddygiad cyflawnwyr a gweithredu.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Joel James.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Joel James.
Thank you, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, why does the Labour Party think that scrapping the winter fuel payment for struggling pensioners is a good idea?
Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pam y mae'r Blaid Lafur yn credu bod cael gwared ar daliad tanwydd y gaeaf i bensiynwyr sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd yn syniad da?
Well, it’s very interesting that we’ve had quite a lot of discussion about this, of course, yesterday with the First Minister, and I’m delighted that we’ve got questions and also a debate this afternoon. I think it is important that we debate this in this Chamber, because what we have to do in terms of this difficult decision that was made by the UK Government because of the fact that your last Government had wrecked our economy, leaving that £22 billion black hole in the public finances—[Interruption.] I said yesterday that I’m going to say this quite a few times, as other Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries will. But the important point, Joel, is that we have to ensure that people in Wales, including pensioners, claim every £1 that they’re entitled to, and, importantly—and this is where I’m working closely with the UK Government—increase the take-up of pension credit, because that will unlock not only access to the winter fuel payment this winter, for many pensioners who aren’t taking it up in Wales, but will also unlock other benefits to them as well.
Wel, mae'n ddiddorol iawn ein bod wedi cael cryn dipyn o drafodaeth ar hyn gyda'r Prif Weinidog ddoe, ac rwy'n falch iawn fod gennym gwestiynau a dadl hefyd y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn trafod hyn yn y Siambr, oherwydd yr hyn sy'n rhaid inni ei wneud o ran y penderfyniad anodd hwn a wnaed gan Lywodraeth y DU oherwydd bod eich Llywodraeth ddiwethaf wedi difetha ein heconomi, gan adael y twll du gwerth £22 biliwn yn y cyllid cyhoeddus—[Torri ar draws.] Dywedais ddoe fy mod yn mynd i ddweud hyn gryn dipyn o weithiau, fel y bydd Gweinidogion ac Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet eraill. Ond y pwynt pwysig, Joel, yw bod yn rhaid inni sicrhau bod pobl yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys pensiynwyr, yn hawlio pob £1 y mae ganddynt hawl iddi, ac yn bwysig—a dyma lle rwy'n gweithio'n agos gyda Llywodraeth y DU—yn cynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar gredyd pensiwn, oherwydd bydd hynny'n datgloi nid yn unig mynediad at daliad tanwydd y gaeaf y gaeaf hwn i lawer o bensiynwyr nad ydynt yn manteisio arno yng Nghymru, ond fe fydd yn datgloi budd-daliadau eraill iddynt hefyd.
I believe that it’s clear to everyone that the scrapping of the winter fuel payment for so many vulnerable old people is not only exceptionally short-sighted but utterly callous. We know that there is a considerable amount of pensioners who live just above the threshold to qualify for pension credit. We know that many people are not claiming pension credit who are entitled to it. We know that fuel prices are predicted to go up by around 10 per cent in October this year. And so, Cabinet Secretary, we know that this policy will undoubtedly cause a large number of pensioners to likely switch off their heating this winter. The fact that Wales has 15 per cent more pensioners as a proportion of the population, compared to England, also means that Welsh pensioners will be disproportionately affected. Therefore, Cabinet Secretary, since the Labour-run UK Government hasn't, what assessment have you made of the impact of winter fuel allowance cuts in Wales, and what additional resources do you now expect to have to find to support Welsh pensioners?
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn amlwg i bawb fod cael gwared ar daliad tanwydd y gaeaf i gymaint o bobl oedrannus a bregus nid yn unig yn eithriadol o anystyriol ond yn gwbl ddidostur. Gwyddom fod nifer sylweddol o bensiynwyr yn byw ychydig bach uwchlaw'r trothwy i fod yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn. Rydym yn gwybod nad yw llawer o'r bobl sydd â hawl iddo yn hawlio'r credyd pensiwn. Rydym yn gwybod y rhagwelir y bydd prisiau tanwydd yn cynyddu tua 10 y cant ym mis Hydref eleni. Ac felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fe wyddom y bydd y polisi hwn heb os yn achosi i nifer fawr o bensiynwyr ddiffodd eu gwres y gaeaf hwn. Mae'r ffaith bod gan Gymru 15 y cant yn fwy o bensiynwyr fel cyfran o'r boblogaeth, o'i gymharu â Lloegr, hefyd yn golygu y bydd effaith anghymesur ar bensiynwyr Cymru. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, gan nad yw Llywodraeth Lafur y DU wedi gwneud hynny, pa asesiad a wnaed gennych chi o effaith toriadau i lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf yng Nghymru, a pha adnoddau ychwanegol rydych chi'n disgwyl gorfod eu canfod nawr i gefnogi pensiynwyr Cymru?
An important follow-up question indeed. I was very pleased to receive a letter from the Rt Hon Liz Kendall MP—she's the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions—only this week, in response to my correspondence, my letter, to her earlier in the summer, to ask the questions about how can we address this in terms of meeting the needs, particularly, of our poorest pensioners in Wales, who are not claiming pension credit. And many of you will be aware that our former Older People's Commissioner, Heléna Herklots, took this as a very strong pension credit campaign. We were involved as a Welsh Government in that. So, we are engaging very closely with the UK Government campaign. We've shared with stakeholders across Wales the pension credit social media messages, we've got our Welsh Government 'Claim what's yours' campaign, encouraging people to contact Advicelink Cymru for help to claim with pension credit. We're putting posters in our doctors' surgeries. It's across the whole of Welsh Government that we're looking to help get this message across.
But I do think also that this is about prevention, about how we support our pensioner households in Wales. And the investment of £30 million this year into our Warm Homes Nest scheme to tackle fuel poverty for homeowners and households renting with private landlords is crucially important. Now, can I just say one other point? Not enough pensioners are taking up our discretionary assistance fund to provide emergency support for households. So, I do urge you to take up, with your constituents, and particularly pensioners, and give them the information, particularly via our 'Claim what's yours' campaign, of discretionary assistance payments, which is something that we in Wales have of course supported and made a priority in our budget.
Cwestiwn dilynol pwysig yn wir. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o dderbyn llythyr gan y Gwir Anrhydeddus Liz Kendall AS—hi yw'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Waith a Phensiynau—yr wythnos hon, mewn ymateb i fy ngohebiaeth, fy llythyr, ati yn gynharach yn yr haf, i ofyn y cwestiynau ynglŷn â sut y gallwn fynd i'r afael â hyn o ran diwallu anghenion, yn enwedig, ein pensiynwyr tlotaf yng Nghymru, nad ydynt yn hawlio credyd pensiwn. A bydd llawer ohonoch yn ymwybodol fod ein cyn Gomisiynydd Pobl Hŷn, Heléna Herklots, yn ei hystyried yn ymgyrch credyd pensiwn gref iawn. Roeddem yn rhan o hynny fel Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, rydym yn ymgysylltu'n agos iawn ag ymgyrch Llywodraeth y DU. Rydym wedi rhannu'r negeseuon cyfryngau cymdeithasol am gredyd pensiwn gyda rhanddeiliaid ledled Cymru, mae gennym ein hymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi' Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n annog pobl i gysylltu ag Advicelink Cymru am help i hawlio credyd pensiwn. Rydym yn rhoi posteri yn ein meddygfeydd. Rydym yn ceisio helpu i gyfleu'r neges hon ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru gyfan.
Ond rwy'n credu hefyd fod hyn yn ymwneud ag atal, ynglŷn â sut rydym yn cefnogi aelwydydd ein pensiynwyr yng Nghymru. Ac mae'r buddsoddiad o £30 miliwn eleni yn ein cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd ar gyfer perchnogion tai ac aelwydydd sy'n rhentu gan landlordiaid preifat yn hanfodol bwysig. Nawr, a gaf i ddweud un peth arall? Nid oes digon o bensiynwyr yn manteisio ar ein cronfa cymorth dewisol i ddarparu cymorth brys i aelwydydd. Felly, rwy'n eich annog i'w hyrwyddo i'ch etholwyr, ac yn enwedig pensiynwyr, a rhoi'r wybodaeth iddynt, yn enwedig drwy ein hymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi', am daliadau cymorth dewisol, sy'n rhywbeth yr ydym ni yng Nghymru wedi'i gefnogi wrth gwrs, ac wedi'i flaenoriaethu yn ein cyllideb.
Cabinet Secretary, you have said, and I quote:
'The decision that the Winter Fuel Payment will no longer be universal risks pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.'
and it does risk hurting vulnerable older people. Yet the reality, as we have seen last week, Cabinet Secretary, is that UK Labour couldn't care less what this Welsh Government thinks. The fact that no Welsh Labour MPs voted to scrap this policy shows that the Labour Party is not interested in Wales. Will you now publicly condemn those Welsh MPs that failed to vote to scrap this policy, which will directly hurt so many vulnerable people in Wales? Thank you.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydych chi wedi dweud, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'Mae'r penderfyniad na fydd taliad tanwydd y gaeaf yn un cyffredinol bellach yn creu perygl o wthio rhai pensiynwyr i dlodi tanwydd.'
ac mae'n creu perygl o niweidio pobl hŷn a bregus. Ond y gwir amdani, fel y gwelsom yr wythnos diwethaf, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yw nad yw Llafur y DU yn malio dim am yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei feddwl. Mae'r ffaith na phleidleisiodd unrhyw AS Llafur o Gymru i gael gwared ar y polisi hwn yn dangos nad oes gan y Blaid Lafur ddiddordeb yng Nghymru. A wnewch chi gondemnio'n gyhoeddus yr ASau o Gymru a fethodd bleidleisio i gael gwared ar y polisi hwn, a fydd yn niweidio cymaint o bobl fregus yng Nghymru yn uniongyrchol? Diolch.
I can't believe the cheek, I would say, that's coming over. Yes, you're now in opposition in Westminster, but you were in power for 14 years of austerity, where you stripped so many of the benefits of pensioners. [Interruption.] Actually, I'm quite happy to quote from Liz Kendall's letter, because she says in her letter, 'As the first step to rebuilding Britain we must fix the foundations of our economy to make the changes our country desperately needs, given our dire inheritance'—dire inheritance—'including the £22 billion black hole in the public finances this year. We've had to make hard choices.'
But also she has accepted in terms of what the Welsh Government is doing to reach out and work with them to raise awareness of pension credit: 'I'm pleased to say that the Department for Work and Pensions'—obviously, it's the UK Government's responsibility, in terms of benefits—'will be directly contacting approximately 120,000 pensioner households, including in Wales, who are in receipt of housing benefit and who have been identified as eligible but not currently claiming pension credit.'
Ni allaf gredu'r haerllugrwydd. Ydych, rydych chi bellach yn wrthblaid yn San Steffan, ond roeddech chi mewn grym am 14 mlynedd o gyni, lle gwnaethoch chi gael gwared ar gymaint o fudd-daliadau i bensiynwyr. [Torri ar draws.] A dweud y gwir, rwy'n ddigon hapus i ddyfynnu o lythyr Liz Kendall, oherwydd mae hi'n dweud yn ei llythyr, 'Fel cam cyntaf tuag at ailadeiladu Prydain, mae'n rhaid inni drwsio sylfeini ein heconomi i wneud y newidiadau sydd eu hangen yn daer ar ein gwlad, o ystyried y sefyllfa enbyd a etifeddwyd gennym gan gynnwys y twll du gwerth £22 biliwn yn y cyllid cyhoeddus eleni. Rydym wedi gorfod gwneud dewisiadau anodd.'
Ond hefyd mae hi wedi derbyn yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i estyn allan a gweithio gyda nhw i godi ymwybyddiaeth o gredyd pensiwn: 'Rwy'n falch o ddweud y bydd yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau'—yn amlwg, cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU yw budd-daliadau—'yn cysylltu'n uniongyrchol â thua 120,000 o aelwydydd pensiynwyr, gan gynnwys yng Nghymru, sy'n derbyn budd-dal tai ac sydd wedi'u nodi fel rhai cymwys ond nad ydynt yn hawlio credyd pensiwn ar hyn o bryd.'
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Sioned Williams.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Sioned Williams.
Diolch, Llywydd. You berate the Tories, rightly, for 14 years of austerity, but the Labour Government are continuing with that flawed and damaging fiscal approach. Two worrying statistics for you as we head into the winter months: the last available excess winter deaths statistics, which were for 2021-22, showed 240 people in Wales died due to living in a poor home. Age Cymru’s latest report, published before the announcement of this cut to the winter fuel payment, shows that only 7 per cent—7 per cent—of those they surveyed currently receive pension credit, while nearly half said they were finding living costs a real challenge. Older people, as we know, are more vulnerable to the cold, are more likely to have conditions and disabilities that mean they need to use more energy to keep warm, and they live in Wales in less fuel-efficient houses, and pay some of the highest rates for their energy. A constituent of mine from the Neath valley got in touch. Her husband has a serious heart condition, which means they have to keep the heating on all day. She described to me how absolutely worried she is about this cut. She’s a former nurse, who worked all her life, and this is how we repay that service. She is not eligible for pension credit. She is claiming everything she can; she’s still not going to be able to keep that house as warm as she wants to. So, what conversations have you had with the Cabinet Secretary for health on how our health and care services will cope with the inevitable increased demand?
Diolch, Lywydd. Rydych yn rhoi pryd o dafod i'r Torïaid, fel y dylid, am 14 mlynedd o gyni, ond mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur yn parhau gyda'r dull cyllidol diffygiol a niweidiol hwnnw. Dyma ddau ystadegyn gofidus i chi wrth i ni wynebu misoedd y gaeaf: dangosodd yr ystadegau diwethaf sydd ar gael ar farwolaethau ychwanegol y gaeaf, sef ar gyfer 2021-22, fod 240 o bobl yng Nghymru wedi marw oherwydd eu bod yn byw mewn cartref tlawd. Mae adroddiad diweddaraf Age Cymru, a gyhoeddwyd cyn cyhoeddi'r toriad hwn i daliad tanwydd y gaeaf, yn dangos mai dim ond 7 y cant—7 y cant—o'r rhai a arolygwyd sy'n derbyn credyd pensiwn ar hyn o bryd, tra bo bron i hanner yn dweud eu bod yn gweld costau byw yn her go iawn. Mae pobl hŷn, fel y gwyddom, yn fwy agored i niwed oerfel, yn fwy tebygol o fod â chyflyrau ac anableddau sy'n golygu bod angen iddynt ddefnyddio mwy o ynni i gadw'n gynnes, ac maent yn byw mewn tai llai effeithlon o ran defnydd o danwydd yng Nghymru, ac yn talu rhai o'r cyfraddau uchaf am eu hynni. Fe gysylltodd un o'm hetholwyr o Gwm Nedd â mi. Mae gan ei gŵr gyflwr difrifol ar y galon, sy'n golygu bod yn rhaid iddynt gadw'r gwres ymlaen trwy'r dydd. Disgrifiodd imi pa mor bryderus yw hi am y toriad hwn. Mae hi'n gyn-nyrs, sydd wedi gweithio ar hyd ei hoes, a dyma sut rydym yn talu'n ôl iddi am y gwasanaeth hwnnw. Nid yw'n gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn. Mae hi'n hawlio popeth y gall ei hawlio; ac mae'n dal i fynd i fethu cadw'r tŷ mor gynnes ag y mae hi eisiau. Felly, pa sgyrsiau a gawsoch gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd ynglŷn â sut y bydd ein gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal yn ymdopi â'r galw cynyddol anochel?
Thank you for that question, and it is important that we look at our Warm Homes Nest scheme, as I’ve already mentioned—£30 million a year to tackle fuel poverty for home owners and households renting from private landlords. Because this is where eligibility, again—. And I think it’s important that we do recognise that there are many people who are not eligible for pension credit, and that’s where we need to reach out to those people. But these eligible households, to access that Warm Homes funding, they can get a bespoke measure of packages to insulate, decarbonise their homes, leading to a reduction, because this is about reducing energy bills, moving people out of fuel poverty.
And also—and I know the First Minister mentioned this yesterday— something not happening in England, we provide funding to the Fuel Bank Foundation, and that’s a fuel voucher and heat fund scheme for those in fuel crisis, for people, not just people who are on prepayment meters, but people who are off grid. So, we have a responsibility—and I hope it’s shared across this Chamber—to actually promote access to these other benefits. And I look forward to actually meeting with the cross-party group—the fuel poverty cross-party group—very soon, and I’m sure the chair, Mark Isherwood, will be pleased about that.
But we have to look again at all the other benefits. We must reach out to ensure that, in our Welsh benefits charter—which is our way of actually developing a compassionate, person-centred delivery of benefits that we’ve got some control of—we can maximise household incomes.
Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw, ac mae'n bwysig ein bod yn edrych ar ein cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd, fel y nodais eisoes—£30 miliwn y flwyddyn i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd i berchnogion cartrefi ac aelwydydd sy'n rhentu gan landlordiaid preifat. Oherwydd dyma lle mae cymhwysedd, eto—. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn cydnabod bod yna lawer o bobl nad ydynt yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn, a dyna lle mae angen inni estyn allan at y bobl hynny. Ond mae'r cartrefi cymwys hyn, i gael mynediad at y cyllid Cartrefi Clyd, yn gallu cael mesur pwrpasol o becynnau i inswleiddio, datgarboneiddio eu cartrefi, gan arwain at ostyngiad, oherwydd mae hyn yn ymwneud â lleihau biliau ynni, a symud pobl allan o dlodi tanwydd.
Yn ogystal—ac rwy'n gwybod bod y Prif Weinidog wedi sôn am hyn ddoe—rhywbeth nad yw'n digwydd yn Lloegr, rydym yn darparu cyllid i'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd, ac mae hwnnw'n gynllun taleb tanwydd a gwres i'r rhai sydd mewn argyfwng tanwydd, i bobl, nid yn unig pobl sydd ar fesuryddion rhagdalu, ond pobl nad ydynt ar y grid. Felly, mae gennym gyfrifoldeb—ac rwy'n gobeithio y caiff ei rannu ar draws y Siambr hon—i hyrwyddo mynediad at y budd-daliadau eraill hyn. Ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gyfarfod â'r grŵp trawsbleidiol—y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dlodi tanwydd—yn fuan iawn, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd y cadeirydd, Mark Isherwood, yn falch o hynny.
Ond mae'n rhaid inni edrych eto ar yr holl fudd-daliadau eraill. Mae'n rhaid inni estyn allan i sicrhau, yn ein siarter budd-daliadau Cymru—sef ein ffordd ni o ddatblygu darpariaeth dosturiol sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn o fudd-daliadau y mae gennym rywfaint o reolaeth arnynt—y gallwn gynyddu incwm cartrefi gymaint â phosibl.
I’m glad you mentioned the Warm Homes programme, because many of the thousands of people across Wales who provide essential, unpaid care to loved ones, saving the NHS and social services millions of pounds, are going to be amongst the hardest hit by this decision by Labour to cut the winter fuel payment. Those aged 65 plus make up the largest proportion of unpaid carers. A Carers Wales report, published in the last few days, shows an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers live in poverty, and nearly one in 10 unpaid carers live in deep poverty, and the rate of deep poverty amongst unpaid carers is 50 per cent higher than amongst the rest of the population. Carers, of course, face increased costs, such as higher energy bills, which further exacerbate their financial difficulties, with many struggling to afford basic necessities, such as heating and food.
Given the cut to the winter fuel programme, and the stark findings of this Carers Wales report, will the Welsh Government make carers allowance a qualifying benefit for the home-efficiency improvements provided by Welsh Government-funded energy efficiency schemes, and will Government ensure that carer-related benefits are not counted as income when assessing eligibility for the Warm Homes Nest programme?
Rwy'n falch eich bod wedi sôn am y rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd, gan fod llawer o'r miloedd o bobl ledled Cymru sy'n darparu gofal hanfodol a di-dâl i anwyliaid, gan arbed miliynau o bunnoedd i'r GIG a'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, yn mynd i fod ymhlith y rhai sy'n cael eu taro galetaf gan y penderfyniad hwn gan y Blaid Lafur i dorri taliad tanwydd y gaeaf. Pobl 65 oed a hŷn yw'r gyfran fwyaf o ofalwyr di-dâl. Mae adroddiad gan Gofalwyr Cymru, a gyhoeddwyd yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf, yn dangos bod 100,000 amcangyfrifedig o ofalwyr di-dâl yn byw mewn tlodi, ac mae bron i un o bob 10 gofalwr di-dâl yn byw mewn tlodi dwfn, ac mae cyfradd tlodi dwfn ymhlith gofalwyr di-dâl 50 y cant yn uwch nag ymhlith gweddill y boblogaeth. Mae gofalwyr, wrth gwrs, yn wynebu costau cynyddol, fel biliau ynni uwch, sy'n gwaethygu eu trafferthion ariannol ymhellach, gyda llawer o bobl yn ei chael hi'n anodd fforddio hanfodion sylfaenol, fel gwres a bwyd.
O ystyried y toriad i'r rhaglen tanwydd gaeaf, a chanfyddiadau llwm yr adroddiad hwn gan Gofalwyr Cymru, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru wneud lwfans gofalwyr yn fudd-dal sy'n cymhwyso ar gyfer y gwelliannau i effeithlonrwydd y cartref a ddarperir gan gynlluniau effeithlonrwydd ynni a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac a wnaiff y Llywodraeth sicrhau nad yw budd-daliadau sy'n gysylltiedig â gofalwyr yn cael eu cyfrif fel incwm wrth asesu cymhwysedd ar gyfer rhaglen Nyth Cartrefi Clyd?
Well, thank you for that also very important question in terms of this cross-Government responsibility that we’ve got. Obviously, this is something on which I’m working very closely with all my colleagues in Welsh Government from health and social care. And carers, obviously, are crucial to this, and I acknowledge that really important report from Carers Wales.
Can I just say one other point that came from the letter from Liz Kendall, which I think is encouraging to us here in Wales? She says, ‘In the longer term, the only way to guarantee greater uptake is to make the whole process'—this is in terms of claiming pension credit particularly, but other credit benefits—'more automatic.' So, the UK Government is going to bring forward the administration of housing benefit and pension credit into more of an automatic process. But, also, from a UK Government perspective, the Warm Homes discount of £150 is also available, but it's not just to those on pension credit, it's to those on housing benefit with high energy costs too. But we will look at the recommendations of the Carers Wales report.
Wel, diolch am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw hefyd ar y cyfrifoldeb trawslywodraethol sydd gennym. Yn amlwg, mae hyn yn rhywbeth rwy'n gweithio'n agos iawn arno gyda fy holl gydweithwyr yn Llywodraeth Cymru yn y maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Ac mae gofalwyr, yn amlwg, yn hanfodol i hyn, ac rwy'n cydnabod yr adroddiad pwysig iawn gan Gofalwyr Cymru.
A gaf i ddweud un pwynt arall a ddaeth o'r llythyr gan Liz Kendall, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn galonogol i ni yma yng Nghymru? Mae'n dweud, 'Yn y tymor hwy, yr unig ffordd o warantu cynnydd yn nifer y bobl sy'n manteisio ar gymorth yw gwneud yr holl broses'—o hawlio credyd pensiwn yn benodol, ond budd-daliadau credyd eraill—'yn fwy awtomatig.' Felly, mae Llywodraeth y DU yn mynd i ddatblygu'r gwaith o weinyddu budd-daliadau tai a chredyd pensiwn yn broses fwy awtomatig. Ond hefyd, o safbwynt Llywodraeth y DU, mae gostyngiad £150 Cartrefi Cynnes ar gael, ond nid i'r rhai sydd ar gredyd pensiwn yn unig, mae yno i helpu'r rheini sy'n cael budd-dal tai gyda chostau ynni uchel hefyd. Ond byddwn yn edrych ar argymhellion adroddiad Gofalwyr Cymru.
Diolch, Cabinet Secretary. The decision to limit the winter fuel payment to pensioners receiving pension credit has, of course, raised wide concerns. The older people's commissioner, Age Cymru, Carers Wales and National Energy Action are among those who have warned about its impact on the ability of older people to keep warm and well at home, and that it would leave many pensioners in need without support this winter. Energy prices remain far above pre-crisis levels and are set to rise further, as you know, by 10 per cent on 1 October, just as people need to be turning their heating on or up. National Energy Action Cymru has also warned that vulnerable households across Wales are weighed down by over £3.3 billion of energy debt, largely built up over the last two years. This is double what it was before the energy crisis and, beyond this winter, analysts suggest that energy prices will not return to pre-pandemic levels this decade. Both the south and north of Wales remain in the top three most expensive regions across the UK. So, what conversations have you had with the UK Government and Ofgem around the introduction of a mandated social energy tariff, along with targeted support to reduce energy debt levels in order to alleviate fuel poverty in Wales?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'r penderfyniad i gyfyngu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf i bensiynwyr sy'n derbyn credyd pensiwn wedi codi pryderon eang wrth gwrs. Mae'r comisiynydd pobl hŷn, Age Cymru, Gofalwyr Cymru a National Energy Action ymhlith y rhai sydd wedi rhybuddio am ei effaith ar allu pobl hŷn i gadw'n gynnes ac yn iach gartref, ac y byddai'n gadael llawer o bensiynwyr mewn angen heb gymorth y gaeaf hwn. Mae prisiau ynni yn parhau i fod yn llawer uwch na'r lefelau cyn-argyfwng ac fel y gwyddoch, mae disgwyl iddynt godi 10 y cant eto ar 1 Hydref, ar yr adeg y mae angen i bobl droi eu gwres ymlaen neu i fyny. Mae National Energy Action Cymru hefyd wedi rhybuddio bod aelwydydd bregus ledled Cymru yn cael eu llethu gan dros £3.3 biliwn o ddyled ynni, sydd wedi cronni dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf i raddau helaeth. Mae hyn ddwywaith yr hyn ydoedd cyn yr argyfwng ynni ac wedi'r gaeaf hwn, mae dadansoddwyr yn awgrymu na fydd prisiau ynni yn dychwelyd i lefelau cyn y pandemig yn y degawd hwn. Mae de a gogledd Cymru yn parhau i fod ymhlith y tri rhanbarth drytaf ledled y DU. Felly, pa sgyrsiau a gawsoch gyda Llywodraeth y DU ac Ofgem ynghylch cyflwyno tariff ynni cymdeithasol gorfodol, ynghyd â chymorth wedi'i dargedu i leihau lefelau dyled ynni er mwyn lliniaru tlodi tanwydd yng Nghymru?
I absolutely agree that we have to move forward in terms of tackling that unacceptable level of debt. As you will know, and across this Chamber, I've called for a social tariff to be implemented. I'm also very concerned about the price rise cap that Ofgem announced in the summer as well. I'm meeting Ofgem to discuss that. I'm also very concerned about standing charges, which you know are now being reviewed at the moment. So, yes, thank you again for putting that on the agenda as part of the way in which we can tackle this. But I think, also, I have engaged—. I want to say that I have engaged with Ed Miliband, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero on this. And I would just say, in terms of sharing his letter, he does say, 'Reducing fuel poverty is a crucial part of our clean power mission. Through our Warm Homes plan, the Government will invest an extra £6.6 billion in energy efficiency funding over this parliament to upgrade 5 million homes and cut bills for families'. Well, I will be meeting with him and his team to see how we can benefit from that in Wales.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr fod yn rhaid inni symud ymlaen a mynd i'r afael â'r lefel annerbyniol honno o ddyled. Fel y gwyddoch, ac ar draws y Siambr hon, rwyf wedi galw am weithredu tariff cymdeithasol. Rwyf hefyd yn bryderus iawn am y codiad yn y cap ar brisiau a gyhoeddodd Ofgem yn yr haf. Rwy'n cyfarfod ag Ofgem i drafod hynny. Rwyf hefyd yn bryderus iawn ynglŷn â thaliadau sefydlog, y gwyddoch eu bod bellach yn cael eu hadolygu ar hyn o bryd. Felly, ie, diolch eto am roi hynny ar yr agenda fel rhan o'r ffordd y gallwn fynd i'r afael â hyn. Ond rwy'n meddwl, hefyd, rwyf wedi ymgysylltu—. Rwyf am ddweud fy mod wedi ymgysylltu ag Ed Miliband, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Ddiogeledd Ynni a Sero Net ynglŷn â hyn. A hoffwn rannu'r hyn y mae'n ei ddweud yn ei lythyr, 'Mae lleihau tlodi tanwydd yn rhan hanfodol o'n cenhadaeth ynni glân. Drwy ein cynllun Cartrefi Cynnes, bydd y Llywodraeth yn buddsoddi £6.6 biliwn ychwanegol mewn cyllid effeithlonrwydd ynni dros y tymor seneddol hwn i uwchraddio 5 miliwn o gartrefi a thorri biliau i deuluoedd.' Wel, byddaf yn cyfarfod ag ef a'i dîm i weld sut y gallwn elwa o hynny yng Nghymru.
3. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r effaith y mae gorlenwi carchardai yn ei chael ar ei gallu i gefnogi carcharorion? OQ61502
3. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact prison overcrowding is having on its ability to support prisoners? OQ61502
Thank you for the question. We welcome the decisive action the UK Government is taking to address the capacity issues in prisons. We will continue to work with the UK Government to support people in custody and assist with their rehabilitation.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Rydym yn croesawu'r camau pendant y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau capasiti mewn carchardai. Byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i gefnogi pobl yn y ddalfa a chynorthwyo gyda'r gwaith o'u hadsefydlu.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. HMP Parc, in my region, is one of the most overcrowded prisons in the country. There have been a string of deaths at the prison in recent months, avoidable deaths at that. The latest official figures show there have been 12 deaths in Parc since the beginning of the year, and many of them self-inflicted. With the prison running at 160 per cent of capacity, the mental health and welfare of the inmates is suffering. However, overcrowding alone cannot be blamed. In recent weeks, the prisons ombudsman released the report into the death of Aaron Nunes. Mr Nunes died of a dental abscess. The ombudsman found that the inexperienced healthcare staff
'failed to identify the seriousness of Mr Nunes' condition and mistakenly considered that he was to blame for his frequent hospital admissions',
with the prison staff
'taking their lead from healthcare staff'.
It was described that his dental care was
'unsafe and subject to a catalogue of failings'.
Therefore, Cabinet Secretary, what discussions have you had with the Cabinet Secretary for health and your UK Government colleagues about the action the Welsh Government can take to improve healthcare at HMP Parc to ensure we have no more unnecessary deaths at the prison?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae CEF y Parc, yn fy rhanbarth i, yn un o'r carchardai mwyaf gorlawn yn y wlad. Bu cyfres o farwolaethau yn y carchar yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf, marwolaethau y gellid bod wedi eu hosgoi. Mae'r ffigurau swyddogol diweddaraf yn dangos bod 12 marwolaeth wedi bod yn y Parc ers dechrau'r flwyddyn, a llawer ohonynt hunanachosedig. Gyda'r carchar yn gweithredu ar 160 y cant o'r capasiti, mae iechyd meddwl a lles y carcharorion yn dioddef. Fodd bynnag, ni ellir beio gorlenwi ar ei ben ei hun. Yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, fe wnaeth yr ombwdsmon carchardai ryddhau'r adroddiad i farwolaeth Aaron Nunes. Bu farw Mr Nunes o grawniad deintyddol. Canfu'r ombwdsmon fod y staff gofal iechyd dibrofiad
'wedi methu nodi difrifoldeb cyflwr Mr Nunes ac wedi camgymryd mai ef oedd i'w feio am ei ymweliadau mynych â'r ysbyty',
gyda staff y carchar
'yn cael eu harwain gan staff gofal iechyd'.
Disgrifiwyd bod ei ofal deintyddol yn
'anniogel ac yn destun cyfres o fethiannau'.
Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd a'ch cyfeillion yn Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y camau y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i wella gofal iechyd yn CEF y Parc i sicrhau na chawn ragor o farwolaethau diangen yn y carchar?
Thank you very much, Altaf Hussain. I know you have taken this up on many occasions and have been part of the Equality and Social Justice Committee’s inquiry on women’s experiences in the criminal justice system as part of your role. The deaths in custody at Parc earlier this year are deeply concerning, and our thoughts must remain with staff and family members affected by deaths. I just want to report that I met Ian Barrow, the head of HM Prison and Probation Service Wales, on 14 August. Ian provided reassurances on the progress made at Parc since the deaths in custody earlier this year, and the appointment of a new director. And I hope you will be able to visit and meet the new director, as other local and regional Members will, I’m sure. My understanding from that meeting is that Parc has made considerable progress since the spring. It’s now much more stable. Also, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to hear that I met with Lord James Timpson this morning, the new prisons Minister and the Minister responsible for probation and rehabilitation, and we’re visiting together—it’s a joint visit—HMP Parc on 30 September.
Diolch, Altaf Hussain. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi wedi codi hyn ar sawl achlysur ac wedi bod yn rhan o ymchwiliad y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ar brofiadau menywod yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol fel rhan o'ch rôl. Mae'r marwolaethau yn y ddalfa yn y Parc yn gynharach eleni yn peri pryder mawr, a rhaid inni barhau i feddwl am y staff ac aelodau teuluol yr effeithiwyd arnynt gan y marwolaethau. Hoffwn ddweud fy mod wedi cyfarfod ag Ian Barrow, pennaeth Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf EF Cymru, ar 14 Awst. Rhoddodd Ian sicrwydd ar y cynnydd a wnaed yn y Parc ers y marwolaethau yn y ddalfa yn gynharach eleni, a phenodi cyfarwyddwr newydd. Ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallwch ymweld â'r cyfarwyddwr newydd a'i gyfarfod, fel yr Aelodau lleol a rhanbarthol eraill, rwy'n siŵr. Fy nealltwriaeth i o'r cyfarfod hwnnw yw bod y Parc wedi gwneud cynnydd sylweddol ers y gwanwyn. Mae bellach yn llawer mwy sefydlog. Hefyd, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn falch o glywed fy mod wedi cyfarfod â'r Arglwydd James Timpson y bore yma, sef y Gweinidog carchardai newydd a'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth prawf ac adsefydlu, ac rydym yn ymweld gyda'n gilydd—mae'n ymweliad ar y cyd—â CEF y Parc ar 30 Medi.
Thank you, Altaf Hussain, for raising this issue. One of the reasons we want to have devolved criminal justice is in order to prevent more people going into prisons, when there must be alternatives if they break the law. I want to ask you two questions about your conversations with the prisons and probation service head for Wales. One, have you had any discussions about how they could increase the provision of speech and language therapists in youth offending teams following the best practice of Neath Port Talbot, because it’s really important that young people who come into the criminal justice system understand what is going on? And if they genuinely cannot understand it, as they have a learning disability or a particular communication difficulty, we really need to question whether or not they are appropriately placed within youth offending. Equally, they need to be able to understand what the courts have said they must not do. So, that's one issue, and those professionals are really badly needed across Wales. Secondly, what discussions have you had about the release from prison of a lot of prisoners because of the gross overcrowding? What efforts have been made by the Ministry of Justice, working with local authorities, to ensure every prisoner has accommodation to go to because, otherwise, they will simply end up back in prison?
Diolch am godi'r mater hwn, Altaf Hussain. Un o'r rhesymau pam ein bod am weld cyfiawnder troseddol yn cael ei ddatganoli yw er mwyn atal mwy o bobl rhag mynd i garchardai, pan fo'n rhaid bod dewisiadau eraill os ydynt yn torri'r gyfraith. Rwyf am ofyn dau gwestiwn i chi am eich sgyrsiau gyda phennaeth gwasanaeth carchardai a phrawf Cymru. Un, a ydych chi wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau ynglŷn â sut y gallent gynyddu darpariaeth therapyddion iaith a lleferydd mewn timau troseddau ieuenctid yn dilyn arferion gorau Castell-nedd Port Talbot, oherwydd mae'n bwysig iawn fod pobl ifanc sy'n dod i mewn i'r system cyfiawnder troseddol yn deall beth sy'n digwydd? Ac os na allant ei ddeall, am fod ganddynt anabledd dysgu neu anhawster cyfathrebu penodol, mae gwir angen inni gwestiynu a yw'n addas eu gosod o fewn y gwasanaeth troseddau ieuenctid. Yn yr un modd, mae angen iddynt allu deall yr hyn y mae'r llysoedd wedi dweud na ddylent ei wneud. Felly, dyna un mater, ac mae gwir angen y gweithwyr proffesiynol hynny ledled Cymru. Yn ail, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch ynglŷn â rhyddhau llawer o garcharorion o'r carchar oherwydd y gorlenwi difrifol? Pa ymdrechion a wnaed gan y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder, gan weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, i sicrhau bod gan bob carcharor lety i fynd iddo oherwydd, fel arall, byddant yn dychwelyd i'r carchar yn y pen draw?
Thank you for that supplementary question, Jenny Rathbone. In fact, the very words that you said, that we need to prevent more people going into prison, were the opening words of James Timpson today. I hope many other Members across this Chamber will meet him. It was an inspiring and really hopeful meeting in terms of his mission and our shared mission to prevent more people going into prison. But, your point about the work you did particularly in terms of speech, language and communication in youth offending teams is very important. We thank your committee for the work you’ve done, because children need that support to thrive and live fulfilling lives away from crime. I hope my letter to you on 30 August actually helped you see the progress that has been made, and we do expect action as a result of the summit that was held. Also, your second point I raised with the Minister for prisons today, about ensuring there is accommodation for prisoners being released in the early release scheme. The 10 September, last week, was the first phase, and in October will be the second phase. I was reassured it had gone well in Wales. There’s been a good cross-Government effort, with Welsh Government housing officials working closely with local government. That’s a responsibility led by the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government.
Diolch am y cwestiwn atodol hwnnw, Jenny Rathbone. Mewn gwirionedd, yr union eiriau a ddywedoch chi, fod angen inni atal mwy o bobl rhag mynd i'r carchar, oedd geiriau agoriadol James Timpson heddiw. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd llawer o'r Aelodau eraill ar draws y Siambr hon yn cyfarfod ag ef. Roedd yn gyfarfod ysbrydoledig a gobeithiol iawn o ran ei genhadaeth a'n cenhadaeth gyffredin i atal mwy o bobl rhag mynd i'r carchar. Ond mae eich pwynt am y gwaith a wnaethoch, yn enwedig ar leferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu mewn timau troseddau ieuenctid, yn bwysig iawn. Diolch i'ch pwyllgor am y gwaith a wnaethoch, oherwydd mae angen y cymorth hwnnw ar blant i ffynnu a byw bywydau boddhaus heb droseddu. Rwy'n gobeithio bod fy llythyr atoch ar 30 Awst wedi eich helpu i weld y cynnydd sydd wedi'i wneud, ac rydym yn disgwyl gweld gweithredu o ganlyniad i'r uwchgynhadledd a gynhaliwyd. Hefyd, codais eich ail bwynt gyda'r Gweinidog carchardai heddiw, ynglŷn â sicrhau bod llety i garcharorion sy'n cael eu rhyddhau yn rhan o'r cynllun rhyddhau cynnar. Y degfed o Fedi, yr wythnos diwethaf, oedd y cam cyntaf, a bydd yr ail gam ym mis Hydref. Cefais sicrwydd ei fod wedi mynd yn dda yng Nghymru. Cafwyd ymdrech drawslywodraethol dda, gyda swyddogion tai Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio'n agos gyda llywodraeth leol. Dyna gyfrifoldeb a arweinir gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai.
4. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y sector celfyddydau a diwylliant? OQ61510
4. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on Welsh Government funding for the arts and culture sector? OQ61510
Diolch, Alun. The Welsh Government will continue to work closely with the arts and culture sectors in Wales to ensure that they receive sufficient funding.
Diolch, Alun. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i weithio'n agos gyda'r sector celfyddydau a diwylliant yng Nghymru i sicrhau eu bod yn cael digon o gyllid.
Daeth Paul Davies i’r Gadair.
Paul Davies took the Chair.
I'm grateful to you for that, Cabinet Secretary. We've seen over recent weeks and months the issues with the national opera and the royal college, who have both been forced by funding cuts to take decisions that are going to have a significant impact on the availability of arts and culture for people across Wales. But we've also seen since 2009 significant cuts in Wales that go beyond that which has been seen in either England or Scotland. The arts council's budget, for example, has been cut by 25 per cent in real terms in that period of time—bigger cuts than have been seen in England and Scotland. In terms of local government funding for the arts and culture sector, we've seen a decline from something over 4 per cent of spending to a little over 2 per cent of spending. So, we've seen cuts from the Welsh Government and from local government that are over and above cuts to other sectors in the last decade or so. This has created the crisis in the arts and culture sector, and I hope that the new Cabinet Secretary will be able to ensure that we reverse these cuts and we ensure that the arts and culture sector is funded properly and on the same basis as other parts of our responsibilities.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am hynny, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rydym wedi gweld dros yr wythnosau a'r misoedd diwethaf y problemau gyda'r opera genedlaethol a'r coleg brenhinol, sydd ill dau wedi cael eu gorfodi gan doriadau cyllid i wneud penderfyniadau a fydd yn cael effaith sylweddol ar argaeledd celfyddydau a diwylliant i bobl ledled Cymru. Ond rydym hefyd wedi gweld toriadau sylweddol ers 2009 yng Nghymru sy'n mynd y tu hwnt i'r hyn a welwyd yn Lloegr neu'r Alban. Mae cyllideb y cyngor celfyddydau, er enghraifft, wedi ei thorri 25 y cant mewn termau real yn y cyfnod hwnnw—toriadau mwy nag a welwyd yn Lloegr a'r Alban. O ran cyllid llywodraeth leol i'r sector celfyddydau a diwylliant, rydym wedi gweld gostyngiad o dros 4 y cant mewn gwariant i ychydig dros 2 y cant o'r gwariant. Felly, rydym wedi gweld toriadau gan Lywodraeth Cymru a chan lywodraeth leol sy'n fwy na thoriadau i sectorau eraill yn ystod y degawd diwethaf. Mae hyn wedi creu'r argyfwng yn y sector celfyddydau a diwylliant, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet newydd yn gallu sicrhau ein bod yn gwrthdroi'r toriadau hyn a'n bod yn sicrhau bod y sector celfyddydau a diwylliant yn cael ei ariannu'n briodol ac ar yr un sail â rhannau eraill o'n cyfrifoldebau.
Diolch yn fawr, Alun Davies. Wales's arts and culture sectors are absolutely critical—they're an integral part of our society and nation's well-being. As you know, the mechanism for funding is direct funding to support the arts and culture sector, the arts council and the arm's-length bodies that we fund particularly, but the responsibility that we take in terms of the arts and culture budget. I think you will have been pleased that I did announce on 5 September an additional £5 million in revenue this financial year, and that was in addition to the £3.7 million additional capital funding package announced in July by my predecessor, Lesley Griffiths, to protect and preserve Wales's national treasures, which is crucial for the national library and for our national museum. But I'm confident now that the Minister for Culture, Skills and Social Partnership will be taking forward the very constructive discussions I've had throughout the summer to address this issue.
Diolch yn fawr, Alun Davies. Mae sectorau celfyddydau a diwylliant Cymru yn gwbl hanfodol—maent yn rhan annatod o les ein cymdeithas a'n cenedl. Fel y gwyddoch, y mecanwaith ar gyfer cyllido yw cyllid uniongyrchol i gefnogi'r sector celfyddydau a diwylliant, cyngor y celfyddydau a chyrff hyd braich yr ydym yn eu hariannu'n benodol, ond y cyfrifoldeb sydd gennym o ran cyllideb y celfyddydau a diwylliant. Rwy'n credu y byddwch yn falch fy mod, ar 5 Medi, wedi cyhoeddi £5 miliwn ychwanegol mewn refeniw y flwyddyn ariannol hon, ac roedd hynny'n ychwanegol at y pecyn cyllid cyfalaf ychwanegol gwerth £3.7 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Gorffennaf gan fy rhagflaenydd, Lesley Griffiths, i ddiogelu a gwarchod trysorau cenedlaethol Cymru, sy'n hanfodol i'r llyfrgell genedlaethol ac i'n hamgueddfa genedlaethol. Ond rwy'n hyderus nawr y bydd y Gweinidog Diwylliant, Sgiliau a Phartneriaeth Gymdeithasol yn bwrw ymlaen â'r trafodaethau adeiladol iawn a gefais drwy gydol yr haf i fynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn.
Cabinet Secretary, over the summer, Caerphilly County Borough Council a raft of potential money-saving measures, including withdrawing funding for Blackwood Miners' Institute and Llancaiach Fawr. This move has sparked complete uproar and protest, as well as a petition calling for a rethink, which has gained more than 10,000 signatures to date. Blackwood Miners' Institute is a vital community asset and has become renowned for being a thriving arts and entertainment venue for a range of events staged there. Indeed, in the past, the miners' institute has hosted the likes of the Stereophonics, Black Sabbath and Coldplay, as well as the place where the Manic Street Preachers held one of their first-ever concerts. And Llancaiach Fawr is an extremely popular Tudor manor house tourist attraction, enticing hoards of visitors every year. Now, both of these sites, Cabinet Secretary, are indeed an integral part of the community's history, and the council cannot be allowed to get away with this. I have raised my concerns directly with the leader of the council, and I sincerely hope that they do reflect on the public outcry and drop these plans. But, Cabinet Secretary, in case they decide to push ahead regardless, is there any scope for the Welsh Government to intervene and save these important sites? Thank you.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, dros yr haf, cyhoeddodd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili lu o fesurau arbed arian posibl, gan gynnwys diddymu cyllid i Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, a Llancaiach Fawr. Mae'r cam hwn wedi sbarduno cynnwrf a phrotestio mawr, yn ogystal â deiseb yn galw am ailfeddwl, sydd wedi cael mwy na 10,000 o lofnodion hyd yma. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, yn ased cymunedol hanfodol ac wedi dod yn enwog am fod yn lleoliad celfyddydol ac adloniant ffyniannus ar gyfer amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yno. Yn wir, yn y gorffennol, mae sefydliad y glowyr wedi cynnal digwyddiadau gan berfformwyr fel Stereophonics, Black Sabbath a Coldplay, yn ogystal â'r man lle cynhaliodd y Manic Street Preachers un o'u cyngherddau cyntaf erioed. Ac mae Llancaiach Fawr yn blasty Tuduraidd sy'n atyniad hynod boblogaidd i dwristiaid, gan ddenu heidiau o ymwelwyr bob blwyddyn. Nawr, mae'r ddau safle'n rhan annatod o hanes y gymuned, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac ni ellir gadael i'r cyngor wneud hyn. Rwyf wedi mynegi fy mhryderon yn uniongyrchol wrth arweinydd y cyngor, ac rwy'n mawr obeithio y byddant yn myfyrio ar y brotest gyhoeddus ac yn dileu'r cynlluniau hyn. Ond Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rhag ofn y byddant yn penderfynu bwrw ymlaen beth bynnag, a oes unrhyw le i Lywodraeth Cymru ymyrryd ac achub y safleoedd pwysig hyn? Diolch.
The situation that has arisen in terms of Blackwood Miners' Institute has been raised with me, and I've discussed it with many Members over the past few weeks—I think Delyth Jewell, Hefin David, Rhianon Passmore, all Members in the region and in their own constituencies. So, it is important it's on the agenda today in terms of questions. It is, obviously, as you know, an issue for Caerphilly county council, and they've just concluded their consultation. Obviously, the local authority has had their representations as well. It's a multi-funded organisation, one of the Arts Council of Wales's multi-funded organisations. They're also, of course—Arts Council of Wales—very engaged with the team at Blackwood Miners' Institute to offer support.
Mae'r sefyllfa sydd wedi codi gyda Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, wedi cael ei godi gyda mi, ac rwyf wedi ei thrafod gyda llawer o Aelodau dros yr wythnosau diwethaf—Delyth Jewell, Hefin David, Rhianon Passmore, pob Aelod yn y rhanbarth ac yn eu hetholaethau eu hunain. Felly, mae'n bwysig ei fod ar yr agenda heddiw o ran cwestiynau. Yn amlwg, mater i gyngor sir Caerffili ydyw, fel y gwyddoch, ac maent newydd orffen eu hymgynghoriad. Yn amlwg, mae'r awdurdod lleol wedi cyflwyno eu sylwadau hefyd. Mae'n sefydliad a ariennir trwy sawl ffynhonnell, un o sefydliadau a ariennir trwy sawl ffynhonnell Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Maent hwy hefyd, wrth gwrs—Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru—yn ymgysylltu llawer â'r tîm yn Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, i gynnig cymorth.
5. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ddiogelu'r celfyddydau a diwylliant yn Islwyn? OQ61525
5. What actions is the Welsh Government taking to safeguard arts and culture in Islwyn? OQ61525
Diolch, Rhianon Passmore. All Welsh Government funding for the arts is channelled through the Arts Council of Wales, under the arm’s-length funding principle. To date, in 2024-25, the Arts Council of Wales has allocated £148,568 of funding to individuals and organisations based in Islwyn.
Diolch, Rhianon Passmore. Caiff holl gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y celfyddydau ei sianelu drwy Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, o dan egwyddor cyllido hyd braich. Hyd yma, yn 2024-25, mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru wedi dyrannu £148,568 o gyllid i unigolion a sefydliadau sydd wedi'u lleoli yn Islwyn.
Thank you. Diolch. Blackwood Miners' Institute is a very much loved and used community venue in Islwyn. Islwyn's proud mining and industrial heritage is represented by the Blackwood Miners' Institute, an arts success story, one of Wales's most vibrant small arts venues, according to many arts organisations, with a 33 per cent increase in box office this year. The heritage of such a facility also can be seen in similar institutions that have been saved for the nation—my office in the restored Newbridge Memo; at St Fagan's National Museum of History, the Oakdale Workmen's Institute—preserved for the nation to celebrate the importance of 'stutes', as they were known throughout south Wales. But this 'stute' is also the beating heart of arts access for all across not just Blackwood, but far beyond across the Valleys and communities of south Wales.
So, Cabinet Secretary, you can understand the concern in Islwyn when Caerphilly County Borough Council began consultation to mothball the Blackwood Miners' Institute at the end of December. We all know that 14 years of Tory austerity cuts to Wales have left our public services and communities at critical breaking point and our local authority finances are very stretched, thus endangering Wales's cultural assets. But there is a national and local consequence to losing arts venues of significant importance not just in the Valleys, but across Wales. What proactive measures, Cabinet Secretary, will the Welsh Government's cultural department consider taking to audit such significant cultural facilities and to instigate conversations with local authorities across Wales about those cultural assets and safeguard Wales's culture for future generations?
Diolch. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, yn lleoliad cymunedol poblogaidd iawn yn Islwyn. Mae treftadaeth mwyngloddio a diwydiannol balch Islwyn yn cael ei chynrychioli gan Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, sy'n stori lwyddiant gelfyddydol, un o leoliadau celfyddydol bach mwyaf bywiog Cymru, yn ôl llawer o sefydliadau celfyddydol, gyda chynnydd o 33 y cant yng ngwerthiant y swyddfa docynnau eleni. Gellir gweld treftadaeth cyfleuster o'r fath hefyd mewn sefydliadau tebyg sydd wedi'u hachub i'r genedl—fy swyddfa yng nghanolfan adferedig Memo Trecelyn; yn Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, Sain Ffagan, yn Sefydliad y Gweithwyr, Oakdale—a'u cadw i'r genedl ddathlu pwysigrwydd 'stiwts', fel y caent eu galw ledled de Cymru. Ond mae'r 'stiwt' hwn hefyd yn ganolog i hygyrchedd y celfyddydau i bawb nid yn unig yng Nghoed-duon, ond ymhell y tu hwnt i hynny ar draws y Cymoedd a chymunedau de Cymru.
Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, gallwch ddeall y pryder yn Islwyn pan ddechreuodd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili ymgynghori ar roi'r gorau i ariannu Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, ddiwedd mis Rhagfyr. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod bod 14 mlynedd o doriadau cyni Torïaidd yng Nghymru wedi gadael ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a'n cymunedau ar ben eu tennyn ac mae cyllid ein hawdurdodau lleol wedi'i ymestyn yn fawr, ac felly'n peryglu asedau diwylliannol Cymru. Ond mae yna ganlyniad cenedlaethol a lleol i golli lleoliadau celfyddydol o bwys arwyddocaol nid yn unig yn y Cymoedd, ond ledled Cymru. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gamau rhagweithiol y gwnaiff adran ddiwylliannol Llywodraeth Cymru eu hystyried ar gyfer archwilio cyfleusterau diwylliannol mor arwyddocaol a chychwyn sgyrsiau gydag awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru am yr asedau diwylliannol hynny a diogelu diwylliant Cymru ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol?
Well, thank you very much, Rhianon Passmore, for raising this beyond the particular concerns that you have got, which are expressed across this Chamber, about Blackwood Miners' Institute, to that more strategic question about the future of our arts and culture in Wales. Because we have to make sure that it is not only sustainable, but resilient for the benefit of future generations and current generations.
So, I would just draw Members' attention again to our draft priorities for culture. There was full consultation on the priorities. It closed on 4 September, and importantly, it included local authorities and they also responded to it. It has a very clear focus on access to culture, its role in placemaking, community well-being and care of historic assets—those are the key principles. So, I hope—and I know the local authorities have responded—that they will also see this in the context of their own cultural assets, like Blackwood Miners' Institute, and prioritise support accordingly.
Of course, we know, I have to say, that local authorities are under incredibly difficult budgetary pressure, and if the Cabinet Secretary for local government was here with me now, she would be nodding, I'm sure, and saying, 'They are under huge pressures and it is about priorities.' It's important that that consultation has taken place and that does help express what local priorities are.
Wel, diolch yn fawr, Rhianon Passmore, am godi hyn y tu hwnt i’r pryderon penodol sydd gennych, a fynegir ar draws y Siambr hon, ynglŷn â Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon, i’r cwestiwn mwy strategol ynglŷn â dyfodol ein celfyddydau a’n diwylliant yng Nghymru. Oherwydd mae’n rhaid inni sicrhau ei fod nid yn unig yn gynaliadwy, ond yn wydn er budd cenedlaethau’r dyfodol a chenedlaethau’r presennol.
Felly, hoffwn dynnu sylw’r Aelodau unwaith eto at ein blaenoriaethau drafft ar gyfer diwylliant. Cafwyd ymgynghoriad llawn ar y blaenoriaethau. Daeth i ben ar 4 Medi, ac yn bwysig, roedd yn cynnwys awdurdodau lleol ac fe wnaethant ymateb iddo hefyd. Mae ganddo ffocws clir iawn ar fynediad at ddiwylliant, ei rôl mewn creu lleoedd, llesiant cymunedol a gofalu am asedau hanesyddol—dyna’r egwyddorion allweddol. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio—a gwn fod yr awdurdodau lleol wedi ymateb—y byddant hefyd yn gweld hyn yng nghyd-destun eu hasedau diwylliannol eu hunain, fel Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon, ac yn blaenoriaethu cymorth yn unol â hynny.
Wrth gwrs, fe wyddom, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, fod awdurdodau lleol o dan bwysau cyllidebol anhygoel o anodd, a phe bai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros lywodraeth leol yma gyda mi nawr, byddai'n cytuno, rwy'n siŵr, ac yn dweud, 'Maent o dan bwysau aruthrol ac mae'n ymwneud â blaenoriaethau.' Mae'n bwysig fod yr ymgynghoriad hwnnw wedi'i gynnal, ac mae'n helpu i fynegi beth yw'r blaenoriaethau lleol.
Cabinet Secretary, it's clear today that Members across the region have raised the same issue and I'm really glad that we've all used our questions to highlight what's going on at the Blackwood Miners' Institute; it is an important institution in the Valleys. Each year, the Blackwood Miners' Institute, as has been said, hosts hundreds of events and classes, gigs, drama, opera, music—everything you can think of is hosted there—as well as, of course, the Manics back in the day, as was pointed out by my colleague.
So, what steps are you going to take as a Welsh Government to work with stakeholders, including the Labour county council, who want to close the institute to save money? This important community asset must be saved. There has been a petition and there are already over 6,000 signatures on it. Do you agree with me that this is not the place, as Alun Davies rightly pointed out earlier, this is not the place to make cuts? These provide a vital service and a lifeline for many.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'n amlwg heddiw fod Aelodau ar draws y rhanbarth wedi codi'r un mater ac rwy'n falch iawn fod pob un ohonom wedi defnyddio ein cwestiynau i dynnu sylw at yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon; mae’n sefydliad pwysig yn y Cymoedd. Bob blwyddyn, mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon, fel y dywedwyd, yn cynnal cannoedd o ddigwyddiadau a dosbarthiadau, cyngherddau, dramâu, operâu, cerddoriaeth—caiff popeth y gallwch feddwl amdano ei gynnal yno—yn ogystal â’r Manics mewn dyddiau a fu, wrth gwrs, fel y nododd fy nghyd-Aelod.
Felly, pa gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd fel Llywodraeth Cymru i weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid, gan gynnwys y cyngor sir Llafur, sy'n dymuno cau’r sefydliad er mwyn arbed arian? Mae'n rhaid achub yr ased cymunedol pwysig hwn. Mae deiseb wedi'i llunio ac mae dros 6,000 o lofnodion arni eisoes. A ydych chi'n cytuno â mi nad dyma’r lle, fel y nododd Alun Davies yn gynharach, yn gywir ddigon, i wneud toriadau? Mae'r rhain yn darparu gwasanaeth hanfodol ac achubiaeth i lawer.
Well, views have now been expressed across the Chamber in terms of the situation with Blackwood Miners' Institute. I think the only thing I would want to add, acting Presiding Officer, is that officers at the Arts Council of Wales are monitoring the situation and keeping the Welsh Government updated on developments.
Wel, mae safbwyntiau wedi’u mynegi ar draws y Siambr bellach ar y sefyllfa gyda Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon. Credaf mai’r unig beth yr hoffwn ei ychwanegu, Lywydd dros dro, yw bod swyddogion yng Nghyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn monitro’r sefyllfa ac yn rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Lywodraeth Cymru am ddatblygiadau.
As we've heard from colleagues, there is a real danger to arts and culture within Islwyn and it's been called 'cultural vandalism' by some, being proposed by the Labour local authority. The Labour cabinet have gone about this cost-cutting exercise in such a ham-fisted way, it beggars belief. The vastly experienced trade union representatives I've spoken with are incredulous as to how the exercise has been conducted. It's clear that the public disagree with the council's plans. I was privileged to take part in a march of many hundreds of people in Blackwood town centre a couple of weeks ago, and was able to address the campaigners afterwards. In the right hands, Blackwood Miners’ Institute and Llancaiach Fawr are not burdens; they are assets.
What guidance does the Welsh Government give to local authorities on how to conduct appropriate and thorough public consultations? And what guidance, expertise and support can you give to local authorities to ensure that these cultural institutions are not lost forever?
Fel y clywsom gan ein cyd-Aelodau, mae’r celfyddydau a diwylliant yn wynebu perygl gwirioneddol yn Islwyn, ac fe’i galwyd yn ‘fandaliaeth ddiwylliannol’ gan rai, yr hyn sy'n cael ei gynnig gan yr awdurdod lleol Llafur. Mae'r cabinet Llafur wedi mynd ati gyda'r ymarfer torri costau hwn mewn ffordd mor drwsgl, mae'n anghredadwy. Mae'r cynrychiolwyr undebau llafur hynod brofiadol y siaradais â hwy yn ei chael hi'n anodd credu'r ffordd y cynhaliwyd yr ymarfer. Mae'n amlwg fod y cyhoedd yn anghytuno gyda chynlluniau'r cyngor. Cefais y fraint o gymryd rhan mewn gorymdaith o gannoedd lawer o bobl yng nghanol tref Coed-duon ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, a llwyddais i annerch yr ymgyrchwyr wedyn. Yn y dwylo iawn, nid yw Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon a Llancaiach Fawr yn feichiau; maent yn asedau.
Pa ganllawiau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu rhoi i awdurdodau lleol ar sut i gynnal ymgynghoriadau cyhoeddus priodol a thrylwyr? A pha ganllawiau, arbenigedd a chymorth y gallwch chi eu rhoi i awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau nad yw’r sefydliadau diwylliannol hyn yn cael eu colli am byth?
Diolch yn fawr, Peredur. Again, additional points of view from across the Chamber on the record today in terms of concerns raised. I think that it is for the Arts Council of Wales, particularly, as our arm’s-length body, to engage with local authorities. I have already mentioned our priorities for the culture draft strategy, which focuses on the role that local authorities can play. I think that the only final point that I would make is that the Arts Council of Wales itself, which has invested significant funding in arts activity in Caerphilly, including Blackwood Miners’ Institute, has provided a detailed response to Caerphilly council’s consultation.
Diolch yn fawr, Peredur. Unwaith eto, safbwyntiau ychwanegol o bob rhan o’r Siambr ar y cofnod heddiw o ran y pryderon a godwyd. Credaf mai mater i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, yn benodol, fel ein corff hyd braich, yw ymgysylltu ag awdurdodau lleol. Rwyf eisoes wedi sôn am ein blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y strategaeth ddiwylliant ddrafft, sy’n canolbwyntio ar y rôl y gall awdurdodau lleol ei chwarae. Rwy'n credu mai’r unig bwynt terfynol yr hoffwn ei wneud yw bod Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ei hun, sydd wedi buddsoddi cyllid sylweddol mewn gweithgarwch celfyddydol yng Nghaerffili, gan gynnwys Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed-duon, wedi darparu ymateb manwl i ymgynghoriad cyngor Caerffili.
6. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gefnogi pensiynwyr a fydd yn colli eu taliadau tanwydd gaeaf? OQ61505
6. What is the Welsh Government doing to support pensioners who will lose their winter fuel payments? OQ61505
Thank you for the question. We are ensuring that people in Wales, including pensioners, claim every pound to which they are entitled. Our 'Claim what's yours' Advicelink Cymru helpline is helping pensioners to find out and access financial support, including pension credit.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Rydym yn sicrhau bod pobl yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys pensiynwyr, yn hawlio pob ceiniog y mae ganddynt hawl iddi. Mae ein llinell gymorth 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi' gan Advicelink Cymru yn helpu pensiynwyr i ganfod a chael mynediad at gymorth ariannol, gan gynnwys credyd pensiwn.
Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. Putting political differences aside, I think no-one in this Chamber can question your commitment to improving social justice in Wales. However, the callous act by the UK Labour Government to remove winter fuel support for an estimated 500,000 pensioners is nothing short of shameful. You have said yourself that it will push people into fuel poverty, and your own party stated that 4,000 pensioners could die because of this decision.
You may blame the previous UK Government, but this is a political choice made by the UK Labour Government. This policy is the single biggest attack on our pensioners in a generation. So, Cabinet Secretary, will the Welsh Government look to implement its own version of the winter fuel support, to make sure that those people who helped build the communities that we all live in are supported this winter?
Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Gan roi gwahaniaethau gwleidyddol o’r neilltu, ni chredaf y gall unrhyw un yn y Siambr hon gwestiynu eich ymrwymiad i wella cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Fodd bynnag, mae’r weithred ddideimlad gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU i ddiddymu cynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf ar gyfer 500,000 amcangyfrifedig o bensiynwyr yn gywilyddus. Rydych wedi dweud eich hun y bydd hynny'n gwthio pobl i mewn i dlodi tanwydd, a dywedodd eich plaid eich hun y gallai 4,000 o bensiynwyr farw oherwydd y penderfyniad hwn.
Gallwch feio Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU, ond dewis gwleidyddol yw hwn a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU. Y polisi hwn yw’r ymosodiad mwyaf ar ein pensiynwyr mewn cenhedlaeth. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru geisio rhoi ei fersiwn ei hun o gynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf ar waith, i sicrhau bod y bobl a helpodd i adeiladu'r cymunedau y mae pob un ohonom yn byw ynddynt yn cael eu cefnogi dros y gaeaf hwn?
Well, thank you, James Evans. I'm sorry, but we can't put politics aside, can we, in terms of why we are in this situation and why the new Labour Government in Westminster is in this situation—this regrettable situation?
Wel, diolch, James Evans. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, ond ni allwn roi gwleidyddiaeth o'r neilltu o ran y rheswm pam ein bod yn y sefyllfa hon a pham fod y Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn San Steffan yn y sefyllfa hon—y sefyllfa anffodus hon?
Political choices.
Dewisiadau gwleidyddol.
No, we can't put politics aside after 14 years of austerity. I remember that 2010 austerity budget—I was actually the finance Minister—and the shock that it was going to have. Cutting benefits, that was one of the main ways that they were going to recoup the money that they wanted to address through their austerity measures.
So, you can’t put politics aside, except that I would say again that I give my commitment today to ensure that we do everything that we can. We have had some good exchanges already about ways in which we can provide emergency support to households, particularly our pensioners. I will refer again to our Welsh benefits charter. We launched it in January. It does actually tell us how we can deliver benefits, governed by the Welsh Government, as a key part of our work to help people. All 22 local authorities have signed up to this, and I believe that we are working towards a coherent and simplified Welsh benefits system as a result of the launch of that charter.
Na, ni allwn roi gwleidyddiaeth o’r neilltu ar ôl 14 mlynedd o gyni. Rwy'n cofio'r gyllideb gyni honno yn 2010—fi oedd y Gweinidog cyllid mewn gwirionedd—a’r sioc y byddai'n ei hachosi. Torri budd-daliadau, dyna oedd un o’r prif ffyrdd y byddent yn adennill yr arian yr oeddent am fynd i’r afael ag ef drwy eu mesurau cyni.
Felly, ni allwch roi gwleidyddiaeth o’r neilltu, heblaw dweud unwaith eto fy mod yn ymrwymo heddiw i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu. Rydym wedi cael rhai trafodaethau da eisoes am ffyrdd y gallwn ddarparu cymorth brys i aelwydydd, yn enwedig ein pensiynwyr. Fe gyfeiriaf eto at siarter budd-daliadau Cymru. Fe wnaethom ei lansio ym mis Ionawr. Mae'n dweud wrthym sut y gallwn ddarparu budd-daliadau, wedi'u llywodraethu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, fel rhan allweddol o'n gwaith i helpu pobl. Mae pob un o’r 22 awdurdod lleol wedi ymrwymo i hyn, a chredaf ein bod yn gweithio tuag at system fudd-daliadau gydlynol a symlach yng Nghymru o ganlyniad i lansio’r siarter honno.
Cwestiwn 7, Darren Millar.
Question 7, Darren Millar.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding—. I can't remember. 'Acting Presiding Officer', I think, is the correct term, isn't it? [Laughter.]
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd—. Ni allaf gofio. Rwy'n credu mai 'Llywydd Dros Dro' yw'r term cywir, onid e? [Chwerthin.]
7. Pa drafodaethau y mae yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch taliadau tanwydd gaeaf? OQ61521
7. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the UK Government regarding winter fuel payments? OQ61521
Diolch yn fawr, Darren Millar. I have written to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Receiving pension credit is the key to unlocking winter fuel payments, and we are working with the UK Government to increase its uptake.
Diolch yn fawr, Darren Millar. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu at yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Ddiogeledd Ynni a Sero Net a’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Waith a Phensiynau. Derbyn credyd pensiwn yw'r allwedd i ddatgloi taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i gynyddu’r nifer sy’n manteisio arno.
Cabinet Secretary, I am not impressed with that response, and neither are people in my constituency up in Clwyd West. Thirty-thousand pensioners in Conwy and Denbighshire are set to lose the winter fuel payment this winter. This is not the change that the Labour Party promised at the last UK general election. It is a cruel cut that will impact many vulnerable people across Wales, including many in my constituency. You've already been asked why the Welsh Government isn't stepping in to establish its own winter fuel allowance payment; you've got the ability to be able to do that. You seem to have plenty of cash for other things that people don't regard as a priority, so why can't you invest funds in this in order to protect the most vulnerable people?
And can you tell us also why you're not sticking up for Wales? You say that you've written to Ministers. Why haven't you been on the phone, demanding a meeting with these Ministers, in order to make sure that there are finances available to protect these vulnerable people in our constituencies this winter? Because, frankly, you're beginning to look more and more like Scrooge at the moment, because of the way that you're treating this situation.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ni wnaeth yr ymateb hwnnw fawr o argraff arnaf, nac ar bobl fy etholaeth yng Ngorllewin Clwyd ychwaith. Mae 30,000 o bensiynwyr yng Nghonwy a sir Ddinbych ar fin colli taliad tanwydd y gaeaf y gaeaf hwn. Nid dyma’r newid a addawodd y Blaid Lafur yn etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf y DU. Mae’n doriad creulon a fydd yn effeithio ar lawer o bobl agored i niwed ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys llawer yn fy etholaeth. Gofynnwyd i chi eisoes pam nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn camu i'r adwy i sefydlu ei thaliad tanwydd y gaeaf ei hun; mae'r gallu gennych i wneud hynny. Ymddengys bod gennych ddigon o arian ar gyfer pethau eraill nad yw pobl yn eu hystyried yn flaenoriaethau, felly pam na allwch chi fuddsoddi arian yn hyn er mwyn diogelu'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed?
Ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthym hefyd pam nad ydych yn codi llais dros Gymru? Rydych yn dweud eich bod wedi ysgrifennu at Weinidogion. Pam nad ydych chi wedi bod ar y ffôn, yn mynnu cyfarfod â’r Gweinidogion hyn, er mwyn sicrhau bod cyllid ar gael i ddiogelu'r bobl agored i niwed hyn yn ein hetholaethau y gaeaf hwn? Oherwydd, a dweud y gwir, rydych chi'n dechrau edrych yn fwy a mwy tebyg i Scrooge ar y foment, oherwydd y ffordd yr ydych chi'n ymdrin â'r sefyllfa hon.
Well, we do have an opposition debate very shortly—and, rightly—on this issue. It is important that you also, hopefully, will take responsibility for ensuring that we do promote the take-up of pension credit. Can I just be very constructive? I'm not going into the politics for one moment. We all have an opportunity in our constituencies, in our surgeries, to encourage people to take up pension credit, because it will unlock access to the winter fuel allowance. And I think what's important is, because there's been a real push for uptake by the UK Government—just to say, finally, acting Presiding Officer, I hope—on 9 September there were statistics that showed there's been a 115 per cent increase in pension credit claims received in the past five weeks, compared to the five weeks before 29 July. So, that is working, but we've got to get that message out this afternoon about the take-up of pension credit, and help people to access it.
Wel, mae gennym ddadl gwrthblaid cyn bo hir—ac yn briodol iawn—ar y mater hwn. Mae'n bwysig eich bod chi hefyd, gobeithio, yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am sicrhau ein bod yn annog pobl i hawlio credyd pensiwn. A gaf i fod yn adeiladol iawn? Nid wyf am drafod y wleidyddiaeth am eiliad. Mae gan bob un ohonom gyfle yn ein hetholaethau, yn ein cymorthfeydd, i annog pobl i fanteisio ar gredyd pensiwn, gan y bydd yn datgloi mynediad at lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf. Ac oherwydd bod ymgyrch wirioneddol wedi'i chynnal gan Lywodraeth y DU i sicrhau bod pobl yn manteisio ar hyn, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig—os caf ddweud i gloi, gobeithio, Lywydd dros dro—yw bod ystadegau'n dangos, ar 9 Medi, y bu cynnydd o 115 y cant yn yr hawliadau a ddaeth i law am gredyd pensiwn yn ystod y pum wythnos diwethaf, o gymharu â'r pum wythnos cyn 29 Gorffennaf. Felly, mae hynny'n gweithio, ond mae'n rhaid inni gyfleu'r neges honno y prynhawn yma am y nifer sy'n manteisio ar gredyd pensiwn, a helpu pobl i gael mynediad ato.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, John Griffiths.
And finally, question 8, John Griffiths.
8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am gynnydd Llywodraeth Cymru o ran ehangu cyfranogiad mewn chwaraeon? OQ61517
8. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the Welsh Government's progress in widening participation in sport? OQ61517
Thank you for the question. Through our continued support for Sport Wales, who, in turn, fund national governing bodies and organisations such as Disability Sport Wales, we're delivering on our programme for government commitments to support and develop participation in sport, from the grass roots to elite level.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Drwy ein cefnogaeth barhaus i Chwaraeon Cymru, sydd, yn ei dro, yn ariannu cyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol a sefydliadau fel Chwaraeon Anabledd Cymru, rydym yn cyflawni ein hymrwymiadau yn y rhaglen lywodraethu i gefnogi a datblygu cyfranogiad mewn chwaraeon, o lawr gwlad i lefel elît.
Thank you for that, Cabinet Secretary. It's very important that we have a more physically active population in Wales for health and well-being and general quality of life. And we know that our more deprived communities are less active than other people here in Wales, and the toll that takes on health and well-being is very marked. In fact, exercise is often referred to now as the miracle pill by those trying to be more preventative in our health sector in Wales. We know from Sport Wales and their activity tracker that our more deprived communities are far less active. So, there is quite a lot of work to be done, and there is an evidence base there to reinforce the need to get our more deprived communities more physically active and enjoying exercise and sport, Cabinet Secretary.
So, with that sort of background, could I ask that Welsh Government redoubles its efforts to work with key partners, national and local, to make sure that everything that can be done is done to address this widening disparity, which is having such a toll on our more deprived communities?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'n bwysig iawn fod gennym boblogaeth fwy corfforol egnïol yng Nghymru ar gyfer iechyd a lles ac ansawdd bywyd yn gyffredinol. A gwyddom fod ein cymunedau mwy difreintiedig yn llai egnïol na phobl eraill yma yng Nghymru, ac mae’r effaith a gaiff hynny ar iechyd a llesiant yn amlwg iawn. Mewn gwirionedd, cyfeirir yn aml at ymarfer corff bellach fel moddion gwyrthiol gan y rheini sy’n ceisio bod yn fwy ataliol yn ein sector iechyd yng Nghymru. Gwyddom gan Chwaraeon Cymru a’u traciwr gweithgareddau fod ein cymunedau mwy difreintiedig yn llawer llai egnïol. Felly, mae cryn dipyn o waith i’w wneud, ac mae sylfaen dystiolaeth yno i atgyfnerthu’r angen i annog ein cymunedau mwy difreintiedig i fod yn fwy corfforol egnïol ac i fwynhau ymarfer corff a chwaraeon, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Felly, gyda’r math hwnnw o gefndir, a gaf i ofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ddyblu ei hymdrechion i weithio gyda phartneriaid allweddol, cenedlaethol a lleol, i sicrhau bod popeth y gellir ei wneud yn cael ei wneud i fynd i’r afael â’r gwahaniaeth cynyddol hwn, sy’n cael cymaint o effaith ar ein cymunedau mwy difreintiedig?
Can I thank John Griffiths for raising this and for demonstrating this throughout his term of serving Newport East, indeed, to promote the opportunities and the benefits of sport, and the outreach of sport, particularly in our most disadvantaged communities, and recognise that the Be Active Wales fund directly supports grass-roots sports? It offers grants from £300 to £50,000 to sports clubs and community organisations, and I know that some of that has reached some communities in your constituency. It's really also good to see—. I visited, with John Griffiths, Dragons Rugby Football Club in the summer, to learn about the community outreach work. And when we were there, it was actually a Barnardo's families day at Dragons outreach, and it actually was bringing young people in. We talked about the links to our 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan' and ways in which girls are getting more involved. I was really impressed. And also, I understand that you're organising a conference on this very subject later this month, to be an active Newport.
A gaf i ddiolch i John Griffiths am godi hyn ac am ddangos hyn drwy gydol ei dymor yn gwasanaethu Dwyrain Casnewydd, yn wir, i hyrwyddo cyfleoedd a manteision chwaraeon, a gwaith allgymorth mewn chwaraeon, yn enwedig yn ein cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig, a chydnabod bod Cronfa Cymru Actif yn cefnogi chwaraeon ar lawr gwlad yn uniongyrchol? Mae’n cynnig grantiau rhwng £300 a £50,000 i glybiau chwaraeon a sefydliadau cymunedol, a gwn fod rhywfaint ohono wedi cyrraedd rhai cymunedau yn eich etholaeth. Mae'n wirioneddol dda gweld hefyd—. Ymwelais â Chlwb Rygbi’r Dreigiau dros yr haf gyda John Griffiths i ddysgu am y gwaith allgymorth cymunedol. A phan oeddem yno, roedd yn ddiwrnod teuluoedd Barnardo's yn adran allgymorth y Dreigiau, ac roedd yn dod â phobl ifanc i mewn. Fe wnaethom sôn am y cysylltiadau â'n 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol' a'r ffyrdd y mae merched yn cymryd mwy o ran. Gwnaeth argraff fawr arnaf. A hefyd, deallaf eich bod yn trefnu cynhadledd ar yr union bwnc hwn yn nes ymlaen y mis hwn, i fod yn Gasnewydd egnïol.
Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
I thank the Cabinet Secretary.
Fe symudwn ni ymlaen nawr i eitem 3, sef cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd. Ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf yn cael ei ateb gan Hefin David ac yn cael ei ofyn gan Laura Anne Jones.
We'll move on now to item 3, questions to the Senedd Commission. And the first question is to be answered by Hefin David and to be asked by Laura Anne Jones.
No. Not here? Right.
Na. Ddim yma? Iawn.
Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 1 [OQ61509].
Question 1 [OQ61509] not asked.
Fe symudwn ni ymlaen, felly, at gwestiwn 2, sydd i gael ei ateb gan y Llywydd.
We'll move on, therefore, to question 2, which is to be answered by the Llywydd.
2. Beth y mae'r Comisiwn yn ei wneud i hysbysu pobl am y newidiadau i'r system bleidleisio a ffiniau etholaethau ar gyfer etholiad nesaf y Senedd? OQ61506
2. What is the Commission doing to inform people about the changes to the voting system and constituency boundaries for the next Senedd election? OQ61506
Rydym wedi sefydlu grŵp prosiect cyfathrebu ar ddiwygio'r Senedd. Mae'r grŵp yn cynnwys arweinwyr cyfathrebu cyrff cyhoeddus sydd â rôl wrth gyfleu'r newidiadau i'r Senedd ac etholiadau'r Senedd yn 2026. Mae hyn yn cynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, y Comisiwn Etholiadol a'r comisiwn ffiniau. Disgwylir i gyrff perthnasol eraill ymuno maes o law, hefyd. Pwrpas y grŵp yw sicrhau cydlyniad o weithgarwch ymgysylltu rhwng sefydliadau partner. Mae hyn yn rhoi sicrwydd bod adnoddau yn cael eu defnyddio'n effeithiol gan ddarparu gwerth am arian ac osgoi dyblygu.
We have established a communications project group on Senedd reform. The group consists of communication leads from public bodies with a role in communicating the changes to the Senedd in 2026. This includes the Welsh Government, the Electoral Commission and the boundary commission, and other relevant bodies are anticipated to join in due course. The purpose of the group is to ensure coherence of engagement activity between partner organisations. This provides assurances that resources are being used effectively, providing value for money and avoiding duplication.
Diolch, Llywydd. Thank you very much for your answer. A lot of constituents who I speak to since the boundary proposals came out are very unsure about what this means for the Senedd election. It's very good that group has been pulled together, but I think it would be far more effective if the Commission went out to speak to schools and those younger people who can actually vote now as well, because you need to engage with 16-year-olds, and also into women’s institutes and different groups to inform them of how the voting system is changing, and how the boundaries are going to change and affect them going forward with their representatives. I’d just be interested to know what wider work within actual communities you are doing. And how can the Commission support Members like myself and others in the Chamber to keep our constituents informed of all the changes that are happening here to our Senedd?
Diolch, Lywydd. Diolch yn fawr am eich ateb. Mae llawer o etholwyr y siaradaf â hwy ers i gynigion y ffiniau gael eu cyhoeddi yn ansicr iawn ynghylch beth y mae hyn yn ei olygu ar gyfer etholiad y Senedd. Mae'n dda iawn fod y grŵp wedi'i sefydlu, ond credaf y byddai'n llawer mwy effeithiol pe bai'r Comisiwn yn mynd allan i siarad ag ysgolion a'r bobl iau sy'n cael pleidleisio nawr hefyd, gan fod angen ichi ymgysylltu â phobl 16 oed, a hefyd gyda Sefydliadau'r Merched a gwahanol grwpiau i roi gwybod iddynt sut y mae'r system bleidleisio yn newid, a sut y mae'r ffiniau'n mynd i newid ac effeithio arnynt wrth symud ymlaen gyda'u cynrychiolwyr. Byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gwybod pa waith ehangach a wneir gennych o fewn y cymunedau eu hunain. A sut y gall y Comisiwn gefnogi Aelodau fel fi ac eraill yn y Siambr i roi gwybod i'n hetholwyr am yr holl newidiadau sy'n digwydd yma i'n Senedd?
You're right to draw attention to the fact that much of the outreach work that the Senedd Commission does involves young people and schools and 16-year-old voters who will have the vote for the first time in 2026. It's important, therefore, that we use what we do currently, use those relationships that we have, to make sure that there is an understanding amongst groups in Wales and young people in Wales about the changes that are about to happen. I suspect that the Members here in the Chamber, many of whom will be putting their names forward for those elections in 2026, will have a leading role in making sure that everybody in Wales is as informed as early as can be of the major significant changes to the electoral system in Wales in 2026. We need to start early to do this, but I'm definitely sure that it will be ramping up as we approach nearer the election. All evidence shows that people become very aware of elections and any changes and voting processes very close to that election day itself. But that doesn't stop us from preparing the way and starting the work early.
Rydych yn iawn i dynnu sylw at y ffaith bod llawer o’r gwaith allgymorth y mae Comisiwn y Senedd yn ei wneud yn ymwneud â phobl ifanc ac ysgolion a phleidleiswyr 16 oed a fydd yn cael pleidleisio am y tro cyntaf yn 2026. Mae’n bwysig, felly, ein bod yn defnyddio’r hyn a wnawn ar hyn o bryd, defnyddio’r cysylltiadau sydd gennym, i sicrhau bod dealltwriaeth ymhlith grwpiau yng Nghymru a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru o'r newidiadau sydd ar fin digwydd. Rwy’n tybio y bydd gan yr Aelodau yma yn y Siambr, y bydd llawer ohonynt yn cynnig eu henwau ar gyfer yr etholiadau yn 2026, rôl arweiniol yn sicrhau bod pawb yng Nghymru yn cael gwybod mor gynnar â phosibl am y newidiadau sylweddol pwysig i’r system etholiadol yng Nghymru yn 2026. Mae angen inni ddechrau gwneud hyn yn gynnar, ond rwy’n bendant yn siŵr y bydd y gwaith yn cynyddu wrth inni nesáu at yr etholiad. Mae’r holl dystiolaeth yn dangos bod pobl yn dod yn ymwybodol iawn o etholiadau ac unrhyw newidiadau a phrosesau pleidleisio yn agos iawn at ddiwrnod yr etholiad ei hun. Ond nid yw hynny'n ein rhwystro rhag paratoi’r ffordd a dechrau’r gwaith yn gynnar.
Mae cwestiwn 3 hefyd yn cael ei ateb gan y Llywydd, ac yn cael ei ofyn gan Rhianon Passmore.
Question 3 is also to be answered by the Llywydd and to be asked by Rhianon Passmore.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd. The Senedd Cymru Welsh Parliament has been celebrating 25 years of existence this year. The next Senedd election in 2026, as voted by this place, will expand with the addition of 36 additional Members—
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae Senedd Cymru wedi bod yn dathlu 25 mlynedd o fodolaeth eleni. Bydd etholiad nesaf y Senedd yn 2026, fel y pleidleisiwyd o'i blaid gan y lle hwn, yn ehangu gyda 36 o Aelodau ychwanegol yn cael eu hychwanegu—
Rhianon, can you ask your question, please?
Rhianon, a wnewch chi ofyn eich cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda?
I'll go straight to the question. That's what we need to do. So, in that regard—
Af yn syth at y cwestiwn. Dyna sydd angen i ni ei wneud. Felly, yn hynny o beth—
No, sorry, Rhianon—can you just ask the question on the order paper?
Na, mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Rhianon—a wnewch chi ofyn y cwestiwn ar y papur trefn?
Oh, right, okay. Sorry. I don't seem to have that in front of me.
O, iawn, o'r gorau. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf. Mae'n ymddangos nad yw hwnnw gennyf.
I have it.
Mae gennyf fi.
Can you read it for me, Llywydd?
A wnewch chi ei ddarllen ar fy rhan, Lywydd?
3. Pa asesiad y mae'r Comisiwn wedi'i wneud o'r lefelau presennol o ddarlledu trafodion y Senedd yn fyw sy'n digwydd ar sianeli teledu a ariennir yn gyhoeddus? OQ61531
3. What assessment has the Commission made of the current levels of live broadcasting of Senedd proceedings on publicly-funded television channels? OQ61531
I can, in your best Welsh.
Gallaf, yn eich Cymraeg gorau.
Pa asesiad y mae'r Comisiwn wedi'i wneud o'r lefelau presennol o ddarlledu yn fyw trafodion y Senedd ar sianeli teledu a ariennir yn gyhoeddus? Dyna oedd y cwestiwn, os caf i'r hawl i ateb y cwestiwn.
What assessment has the Commission made of the current levels of live broadcasting of Senedd proceedings on publicly funded television channels? That was the question, if I could now move on to answering that question.
Diolch, Llywydd. Os gallech chi ateb y cwestiwn, diolch.
Thank you, Llywydd. If you could answer the question, thank you.
Mae gennym, fel Comisiwn, gytundeb y gall darlledwyr a ariennir yn gyhoeddus gael mynediad at ein ffrydiau Senedd.tv, sy’n darlledu trafodion y Senedd yn fyw. Byddwch yn gwybod fod BBC Parliament yn darparu darllediadau byw o gwestiynau’r Prif Weinidog ac uchafbwyntiau trafodion y Cyfarfod Llawn bob wythnos. Mae BBC Cymru hefyd yn darlledu cwestiynau'r Prif Weinidog ar nos Fawrth.
As a Commission we have an agreement that publicly funded broadcasters can access our Senedd.tv feeds, which live broadcast Senedd proceedings. You’ll be aware that BBC Parliament provide live coverage of FMQs and highlights of Plenary proceedings every week. BBC Wales also broadcasts coverage of First Minister’s questions on Tuesday nights.
Diolch. Yesterday, BBC Two Wales carried live coverage of FMQs at 3.45 p.m., an hour and a quarter after. Although Senedd.tv rightly seeks to offer an accessible place where our proceedings can be viewed, it is very important for Wales that one of the world’s most prominent public service broadcasters, the BBC, funded by the taxpayer, supplemented in Wales by S4C, our Welsh language broadcaster, is able to work. So, it’s important that our proceedings are covered on key media platforms, and Wales’s citizens are able to access live coverage of proceedings, where possible. Every single Prime Minister's questions has been broadcast live on the main BBC channels, either BBC One or BBC Two, since 1990. What assessment and what dialogue is the Senedd Commission having with partners to ensure that our Welsh Parliament, central to Welsh democracy, sees questions to the Welsh First Minister broadcast live on one of the BBC's two main channels? Diolch.
Diolch. Ddoe, darlledodd BBC Two Wales ddarllediadau byw o'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog am 3.45 p.m., awr a chwarter yn ddiweddarach. Er bod Senedd.tv, yn gywir ddigon, yn ceisio cynnig man hygyrch lle gellir gweld ein trafodion, mae’n bwysig iawn i Gymru fod un o ddarlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus mwyaf blaenllaw y byd, y BBC, a ariennir gan y trethdalwr, wedi’i ategu yng Nghymru gan S4C, ein darlledwr Cymraeg, yn gallu gweithio. Felly, mae'n bwysig fod ein trafodion yn cael sylw ar blatfformau cyfryngau allweddol, a bod dinasyddion Cymru yn gallu cael darllediadau byw o'r trafodion, lle bo modd. Mae pob sesiwn gwestiynau i Brif Weinidog y DU wedi’i darlledu’n fyw ar brif sianeli’r BBC, naill ai ar BBC One neu BBC Two, ers 1990. Pa asesiad a pha ddeialog y mae Comisiwn y Senedd yn ei chael gyda phartneriaid i sicrhau bod Senedd Cymru, sy’n hollbwysig i ddemocratiaeth Cymru, yn gweld cwestiynau i Brif Weinidog Cymru yn cael eu darlledu'n fyw ar un o ddwy brif sianel y BBC? Diolch.
Thank you for the supplementary. Before I move on, I do need to draw Members' attention to my register of interests in relation to the BBC.
Generally, you make a very important point, of course, that the accessibility and the interest of the people of Wales in their representatives questioning the First Minister is very important. As I said in my original answer, BBC Parliament does show First Minister's questions as live, and it's broadcast after the event, later on, by BBC Wales. We have an ongoing discussion with all our broadcast partners about the potential increase that can be there for our proceedings here in the Senedd. Very often, maybe our timings don't coincide with their timings as broadcasters. But you make an important point, that we need to continue to press our broadcast partners to be adequately reflecting the importance of the questions that are posed here and the answers given, because we are the democratic voice and the platform for the articulation of the views of the people of Wales, and they need to see and hear us. They can see and hear us directly, of course, via Senedd.tv, but as we know—and research does show us this—the vast majority of people in Wales consume any news about us as a Parliament directly through media, and public media outlets in particular. So, we need to redouble our efforts to persuade more of our partners to be broadcasting our work here.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn atodol. Cyn imi symud ymlaen, mae angen imi dynnu sylw’r Aelodau at fy nghofrestr o fuddiannau mewn perthynas â’r BBC.
Yn gyffredinol, rydych chi'n gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn, wrth gwrs, fod hygyrchedd a diddordeb pobl Cymru mewn gweld eu cynrychiolwyr yn holi’r Prif Weinidog yn bwysig iawn. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, mae BBC Parliament yn dangos cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog yn fyw, a chânt eu darlledu yn nes ymlaen gan BBC Wales. Rydym yn cael trafodaeth barhaus gyda’n holl bartneriaid darlledu ynglŷn â chynnydd posibl ar gyfer ein trafodion yma yn y Senedd. Yn aml iawn, efallai nad yw ein hamserlenni yn cyd-fynd â'u hamserlenni hwy fel darlledwyr. Ond rydych yn gwneud pwynt pwysig, sef bod angen inni barhau i bwyso ar ein partneriaid darlledu i adlewyrchu pwysigrwydd y cwestiynau a ofynnir yma a’r atebion a roddir yn ddigonol, gan mai ni yw'r llais democrataidd a’r llwyfan ar gyfer mynegi safbwyntiau pobl Cymru, ac mae angen iddynt ein gweld a’n clywed. Gallant ein gweld a’n clywed yn uniongyrchol, wrth gwrs, drwy Senedd.tv, ond fel y gwyddom—ac mae ymchwil yn dangos hyn i ni—mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl yng Nghymru yn cael unrhyw newyddion amdanom ni fel Senedd yn uniongyrchol drwy’r cyfryngau, a thrwy'r cyfryngau cyhoeddus yn arbennig. Felly, mae angen inni ddyblu ein hymdrechion i berswadio rhagor o’n partneriaid i ddarlledu ein gwaith yma.
Mae cwestiwn 4 yn cael ei ateb gan Joyce Watson ac yn cael ei ofyn gan Hannah Blythyn.
Question 4 is to be answered by Joyce Watson and to be asked by Hannah Blythyn.
4. Beth y mae'r Comisiwn yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael yn weithredol ag aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gweithle? OQ61527
4. What is the Commission doing to actively tackle sexual harassment in the workplace? OQ61527

Thank you for your question. The Senedd Commission is committed to ensuring that the Senedd is an inclusive organisation free from intimidation and harassment. That also includes sexual harassment. This is underpinned by our dignity and respect policy, staff code of conduct and our grievance procedures. The last annual dignity and respect survey was conducted in December 2023. Following a review of the dignity and respect framework, further work has been undertaken to actively tackle sexual harassment in the workplace, including awareness raising, including a review of internet and intranet pages, posters across the Senedd estate and internal news articles and communications. Additional officials have been trained as dignity and respect contact officers and they've been actively promoted with staff as a way to raise any dignity and respect concerns, including sexual harassment. And mandatory dignity and respect training and awareness raising has been delivered to over 96 per cent of Commission staff, including a specific focus on sexual harassment and reinforcing the organisation’s approach to a zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment at work.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae Comisiwn y Senedd wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod y Senedd yn sefydliad cynhwysol sy’n rhydd rhag bygythiadau ac aflonyddu. Mae hynny hefyd yn cynnwys aflonyddu rhywiol. Ategir hyn gan ein polisi urddas a pharch, cod ymddygiad staff a'n gweithdrefnau cwyno. Cynhaliwyd yr arolwg urddas a pharch blynyddol diwethaf ym mis Rhagfyr 2023. Yn dilyn adolygiad o’r fframwaith urddas a pharch, mae gwaith pellach wedi’i wneud i fynd i’r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gweithle, gan gynnwys codi ymwybyddiaeth, yn cynnwys adolygiad o dudalennau ar y rhyngrwyd a'r fewnrwyd, posteri ar draws ystad y Senedd ac erthyglau newyddion a chyfathrebiadau mewnol. Mae swyddogion ychwanegol wedi'u hyfforddi fel swyddogion cyswllt urddas a pharch ac maent wedi cael eu hyrwyddo i'r staff fel ffordd o godi unrhyw bryderon ynghylch urddas a pharch, gan gynnwys aflonyddu rhywiol. Ac mae gwaith codi ymwybyddiaeth a hyfforddiant urddas a pharch gorfodol wedi’i ddarparu i dros 96 y cant o staff y Comisiwn, gan gynnwys ffocws penodol ar aflonyddu rhywiol ac atgyfnerthu dull dim goddefgarwch y sefydliad o ymdrin ag aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gwaith.
Thank you for that comprehensive update. I think we recognise that policies are important, but, ultimately, it's about action and outcomes as well. I know we're all agreed in here that there can be no place for sexual harassment in any workplace.
I want to start by recognising the work that is done by other organisations, such as the Wales TUC, and in particular their excellent toolkit on tackling sexual harassment in the workplace. That helps make clear that sexual harassment at work can take many forms: it can be the physical, the verbal, even virtual and informal, such as WhatsApp messages and groups. We need to educate, but, ultimately, our goal should be zero tolerance and, obviously, an end to such behaviours. For me, it's not just about having the right and proper processes in place when it comes to individual accountability, but organisational accountability too.
Can I ask if the Commission will give consideration to adopting things like the Wales TUC toolkit? In addition, what work has the Commission undertaken to improve our processes here in the Senedd? I think you've already covered some of that, but if there's any more you can tell us, I'd be grateful for that. I think we do very much pride ourselves here on being a progressive Parliament, but there is a risk that we could fall behind on this compared to even, for example, the Houses of Parliament and their independent processes. Do you agree with me that in this place we should not trail, we should be trailblazers?
Diolch am y diweddariad cynhwysfawr. Credaf ein bod yn cydnabod bod polisïau’n bwysig, ond yn y pen draw, mae'n ymwneud â gweithredu a chanlyniadau hefyd. Gwn fod pob un ohonom yma yn cytuno nad oes lle i aflonyddu rhywiol mewn unrhyw weithle.
Hoffwn ddechrau drwy gydnabod y gwaith a wneir gan sefydliadau eraill, megis TUC Cymru, ac yn enwedig eu pecyn cymorth rhagorol ar fynd i’r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gweithle. Mae hwnnw'n helpu i nodi'n glir y gall aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gwaith ddigwydd ar sawl ffurf: gall fod yn gorfforol, yn eiriol, hyd yn oed yn rhithwir ac yn anffurfiol, fel negeseuon a grwpiau WhatsApp. Mae angen inni addysgu, ond yn y pen draw, dylai dim goddefgarwch fod yn nod, ac yn amlwg, rhoi diwedd ar ymddygiad o'r fath. I mi, mae hyn yn fwy na mater o gael y prosesau cywir a phriodol ar waith o ran atebolrwydd personol, mae'n fater o atebolrwydd sefydliadol hefyd.
A gaf i ofyn i'r Comisiwn ystyried mabwysiadu pethau fel pecyn cymorth TUC Cymru? Yn ogystal, pa waith y mae’r Comisiwn wedi’i wneud i wella ein prosesau yma yn y Senedd? Rwy'n credu eich bod chi eisoes wedi sôn am rywfaint o hynny, ond os oes rhagor y gallwch ei ddweud wrthym, buaswn yn ddiolchgar am hynny. Rwy'n credu ein bod yn ymfalchïo’n fawr yma ein bod yn Senedd flaengar, ond mae risg y gallem fod ar ei hôl hi yn hyn o beth o gymharu â Senedd y DU hyd yn oed, er enghraifft, a’u prosesau annibynnol. A ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y dylem fod yn arloeswyr yn y lle hwn, yn hytrach na dilynwyr?
I launched that toolkit, so I'm fully aware of it. There are two things here. First of all, as an organisation, you have to be compliant. The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 establishes a new duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their employees. Officials have reviewed the legislation to ensure the Commission's compliance, and we're confident that the policies and the processes that we have already in place ensure compliance against that new duty. A paper providing evidence and assurance of this is being prepared for the Commission leadership team ahead of the introduction of the Act, which comes into force on 26 October. And then, of course, from that, a plan will be developed to ensure appropriate changes to policy and procedures necessary to enable Members themselves to demonstrate that they are compliant with their duties as employers as well. There is mandatory training for Commission staff, but it's not mandatory for Members and their staff. Nonetheless, I note that a very high number of Members have received that training, and I note that further training for Members and their staff will be offered by the Commission. I would urge all Members of all parties to take advantage of that training.
Lansiwyd y pecyn cymorth hwnnw gennyf i, felly rwy’n gwbl ymwybodol ohono. Mae dau beth yma. Yn gyntaf oll, fel sefydliad, mae'n rhaid ichi gydymffurfio. Mae'r Ddeddf Diogelu Gweithwyr (Diwygio Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010) 2023 yn rhoi dyletswydd newydd ar gyflogwyr i roi camau rhesymol ar waith i atal aflonyddu rhywiol ar eu gweithwyr. Mae swyddogion wedi adolygu'r ddeddfwriaeth i sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth y Comisiwn, ac rydym yn hyderus fod y polisïau a'r prosesau sydd gennym ar waith eisoes yn sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â'r ddyletswydd newydd honno. Mae papur sy’n rhoi tystiolaeth a sicrwydd o hyn yn cael ei baratoi ar gyfer tîm arwain y Comisiwn cyn cyflwyno’r Ddeddf, a ddaw i rym ar 26 Hydref. Ac yna, wrth gwrs, o hynny, bydd cynllun yn cael ei ddatblygu i sicrhau newidiadau priodol i bolisi a gweithdrefnau sy'n angenrheidiol i alluogi'r Aelodau eu hunain i ddangos eu bod yn cydymffurfio â'u dyletswyddau fel cyflogwyr hefyd. Ceir hyfforddiant gorfodol i staff y Comisiwn, ond nid yw'n orfodol i Aelodau a'u staff. Serch hynny, nodaf fod nifer uchel iawn o Aelodau wedi cael yr hyfforddiant hwnnw, a nodaf y bydd y Comisiwn yn cynnig hyfforddiant pellach i Aelodau a’u staff. Carwn annog pob Aelod o bob plaid i fanteisio ar yr hyfforddiant hwnnw.
Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much.
Ni dderbyniwyd unrhyw gwestiynau amserol.
No topical questions were accepted.
Symudwn ni ymlaen at eitem 5, sef datganiadau 90 eiliad. Mae'r un cyntaf gan Lesley Griffiths.
We will move on to item 5, the 90-second statements. The first is from Lesley Griffiths.
Thank you, Chair. On Sunday 22 September, the people of Wrexham and beyond will remember the fateful night 90 years ago when 266 men and boys failed to return home from their shift at Gresford colliery. At 2.08 a.m., a massive explosion in the Dennis section of the colliery caused what is one of the worst mining disasters in our history.
This weekend, there will be a number of events to remember the ninetieth anniversary of the tragic loss of life. On Sunday, a service of remembrance will take place, as it has done for the last 42 years, at the Gresford colliery disaster memorial. I wish to pay tribute to the friends of the memorial, past and present, who have ensured through their considerable efforts that we have this poignant focal point for the families of the miners to remember their loved ones.
We're also fortunate to have the Wrexham Miners Project, led by George Powell, who, in restoring the Wrexham miners rescue station, is securing our mining history. At the rescue station, there is a wall bearing the names of the 266 men and boys who tragically lost their lives, and at 6 p.m. on Saturday, 266 candles will be lit in remembrance, and extinguished at 2.08 a.m.
Sadly, the loss of life 90 years ago was much higher due to a number of miners doubling their shift so they could go and watch Wrexham AFC play Tranmere Rovers the following afternoon. Since 2021, Wrexham players have had '1934' embroidered on the back of their shirts, ensuring the memory is kept alive. It is right that 90 years on we come together to remember the significant impact on so many families of that dreadful night.
Diolch, Gadeirydd. Ddydd Sul 22 Medi, bydd pobl Wrecsam a thu hwnt yn cofio’r noson dyngedfennol 90 mlynedd yn ôl pan na ddychwelodd 266 o ddynion a bechgyn adref o’u shifft yng nglofa Gresffordd. Am 2.08 a.m., achosodd ffrwydrad enfawr yn adran Dennis yn y lofa un o drychinebau glofaol gwaethaf ein hanes.
Y penwythnos hwn, bydd nifer o ddigwyddiadau i nodi 90 mlynedd ers y drasiedi. Ddydd Sul, bydd gwasanaeth coffa'n cael ei gynnal, fel sydd wedi digwydd ers 42 mlynedd, ger cofeb trychineb glofa Gresffordd. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i gyfeillion y gofeb, ddoe a heddiw, sydd wedi sicrhau, drwy eu hymdrechion sylweddol, fod gennym y man emosiynol hwn i deuluoedd y glowyr gofio am eu hanwyliaid.
Rydym hefyd yn ffodus i gael Prosiect Glowyr Wrecsam, dan arweiniad George Powell, sydd, wrth adfer gorsaf achub glowyr Wrecsam, yn diogelu ein hanes mwyngloddio. Yn yr orsaf achub, mae yna wal yn dwyn enwau'r 266 o ddynion a bechgyn a gollodd eu bywydau, ac am 6 p.m. ddydd Sadwrn, bydd 266 o ganhwyllau'n cael eu cynnau er cof amdanynt, a'u diffodd am 2.08 a.m.
Roedd y nifer a fu farw 90 mlynedd yn ôl yn llawer uwch am fod llawer o'r glowyr wedi gweithio shifft ddwbl fel y gallent fynd i wylio CPD Wrecsam yn chwarae yn erbyn Tranmere Rovers y prynhawn canlynol. Ers 2021, mae '1934' wedi'i frodio ar gefnau crysau chwaraewyr Wrecsam, gan sicrhau nad aiff y trychineb byth yn angof. Mae’n briodol ein bod yn dod ynghyd 90 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach i gofio’r effaith sylweddol ar gynifer o deuluoedd ar y noson ofnadwy honno.
Ar ddiwedd mis Awst, fe gollodd Cymru un o dalentau mwyaf amryddawn ei genhedlaeth: y doniol, y ffraeth, a'r diddanwr dihafal, Dewi Pws. Yn enedigol o Dre-boeth ger Abertawe, cymhwysodd fel athro, ond daeth i adnabyddiaeth genedlaethol trwy ei gerddoriaeth gyda'r Tebot Piws ac Edward H. Dafis.
Roedd yn actor penigamp, gan ddod i adnabyddiaeth ehangach drwy chwarae rhan Glyn yn y ffilm Grand Slam, a hefyd ar sawl rhaglen deledu ar S4C—Pobol y Cwm, Teulu'r Mans, Rownd a Rownd, a llawer iawn mwy. Fe ddaeth yn Fardd Plant Cymru yn 2010, ac amlygwyd ei ddawn i drin geiriau yn rhai o'i ganeuon enwocaf, megis 'Nwy yn y Nen', a enillodd Cân i Gymru yn 1971, 'Lleucu Llwyd' ac 'Ysbrydion'. Yn wir, mae geiriau 'Ysbrydion' bellach ar Faen Llog yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, a chafodd Pws ei dderbyn i’r Orsedd gyda’r enw barddol Dewi'n y Niwl hefyd yn 2010.
Roedd o'n dipyn o athletwr gan ei fod yn asgellwr talentog i sawl clwb rygbi, yn cynnwys Pont-y-pŵl. Ond er ei ddoniau di-ri, caiff ei gofio gan y rhan fwyaf am ei hiwmor direidus a’i allu digyffelyb i wneud pobl i chwerthin. Roedd pawb yn gyfartal yn llygaid Pws, ac yntau gyda'r gallu i fagu perthynas gyda phawb o bob cefndir a dod â gwên i’w hwynebau, neu chwerthiniad afreolus, boed yn hen neu'n ifanc.
Mae cyfraniad amhrisiadwy Pws yn edefyn aur sydd yn rhedeg drwy ddiwylliant poblogaidd Cymru dros y tair cenhedlaeth ddiwethaf, a bydd ei ddylanwad yn parhau i lawr y cenedlaethau, ac mae ein meddyliau gyda Rhiannon a'r teulu.
'Ti yw halen y ddaear, ti yw bara y byd, ni ddaw tywyllwch i'th boeni, ti sy’n olau i gyd'.
Diolch, Pws, am ddod â golau a lliw i'r genedl fach hon yr oeddet ti'n ei charu gymaint. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
At the end of August, Wales lost one the most versatile talents of his generation: the funny, the witty, the peerless entertainer, Dewi Pws. Born in Treboeth near Swansea, he qualified as a teacher, but achieved national fame through his music with Tebot Piws and Edward H. Dafis.
He was a wonderful actor, achieving further renown by playing the part of Glyn in the film Grand Slam, as well as several television programmes broadcast on S4C—Pobol y Cwm, Teulu’r Mans, Rownd a Rownd and many more. He became Welsh language children’s laureate in 2010, and his talent as a wordsmith was clear in some of his most famous songs, such as 'Nwy yn y Nen' won Cân i Gymru in 1971, 'Lleucu Llwyd' and 'Ysbrydion'. Indeed, the lyrics of 'Ysbrydion' are now engraved on the Maen Llog gorsedd stone of the National Eisteddfod, and Pws was received as a member of the Gorsedd with the bardic name Dewi’n y Niwl also in 2010.
He was also a talented athlete, playing as a winger for several rugby clubs, including Pontypool. But despite his many talents, he will be remembered by most for his mischievous humour and his unparalleled ability to make people laugh. Everyone was equal in Dewi Pws’s eyes, and he had that ability to forge relationships with people of all backgrounds and to bring a smile to their faces, or to inspire uncontrolled laughter among people, young and old.
Pws’s priceless contribution is a golden thread running through Wales’s popular culture over the past three generations, and his influence will continue to resonate for generations to come, and our thoughts are with Rhiannon and family.
'You are the salt of the earth, you are the bread of the world, darkness will not come to worry you, you are all light'.
Thank you, Dewi Pws, for bringing light and colour to this small nation you loved so much. [Applause.]
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Every year in Wales around 80 children and 180 young people under 25 will receive a cancer diagnosis, and many more live with significant long-term impacts. Cancer remains the biggest killer by disease of children and young people, having a profound impact on the families, devastated by losing a loved one.
Last Friday I was invited by LATCH, the Welsh children’s cancer charity, to witness first-hand the incredible work they do at Wales’s children’s hospital in the Heath. LATCH was established in 1983 by a small group of parents and families, whose children were undergoing treatment for cancer. They wanted to provide mutual support and to raise money to improve the lives of patients.
Over the years, the charity has grown and grown, and today LATCH provides practical, emotional and financial support to around 140 families each year, including free family accommodation on the same premises as the paediatric oncology in-patients; financial grants to support families with the unexpected costs they face when caring for a child with cancer, including mortgage payments when they’re unable to work; as well as clinical research focused on cancers affecting children and funding towards the children’s oncology unit, such as capital projects and training for staff. All of this is in partnership with the health board and it was clear from my visit how well the partnership worked in practice.
So, today I’d like to recognise and give thanks to the fantastic work of everyone working to ensure that children and young people diagnosed with cancer in Wales receive the best possible treatment and support.
Mis Medi yw Mis Ymwybyddiaeth Canser Plentyndod. Bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru bydd tua 80 o blant a 180 o bobl ifanc dan 25 oed yn cael diagnosis o ganser, ac mae llawer mwy yn byw gydag effeithiau hirdymor sylweddol. Canser yw'r clefyd sy'n lladd fwyaf o blant a phobl ifanc, ac mae'n cael effaith ddwys ar y teuluoedd a gaiff eu llorio yn sgil colli anwyliaid.
Ddydd Gwener diwethaf cefais wahoddiad gan LATCH, elusen canser plant Cymru, i weld drosof fy hun y gwaith anhygoel y maent yn ei wneud yn ysbyty plant Cymru yn y Mynydd Bychan. Sefydlwyd LATCH ym 1983 gan grŵp bach o rieni a theuluoedd yr oedd eu plant yn cael triniaeth ar gyfer canser. Roeddent eisiau darparu cefnogaeth a chodi arian i wella bywydau cleifion.
Dros y blynyddoedd, mae'r elusen wedi tyfu a thyfu, a heddiw mae LATCH yn darparu cymorth ymarferol, emosiynol ac ariannol i tua 140 o deuluoedd bob blwyddyn, gan gynnwys llety am ddim i deuluoedd ar yr un safle â'r adran oncoleg bediatrig i gleifion mewnol; grantiau ariannol i gefnogi teuluoedd gyda'r costau annisgwyl a wynebant wrth ofalu am blentyn â chanser, gan gynnwys taliadau morgais pan na allant weithio; yn ogystal ag ymchwil glinigol sy'n canolbwyntio ar ganserau sy'n effeithio ar blant a chyllid tuag at yr uned oncoleg plant, megis prosiectau cyfalaf a hyfforddiant i staff. Mae hyn i gyd mewn partneriaeth â'r bwrdd iechyd ac roedd yn amlwg ar fy ymweliad pa mor dda yr oedd y bartneriaeth yn gweithio'n ymarferol.
Felly, heddiw hoffwn gydnabod a diolch am waith gwych pawb sy'n gweithio i sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc sy'n cael diagnosis o ganser yng Nghymru yn cael y driniaeth a'r cymorth gorau posibl.
Diolch i chi am eich gwaith, am fod yno pan fydd teuluoedd yn derbyn y newyddion gwaethaf posib.
Thank you for your work and for being there when families receive the worst possible news.
Thank you.
Cyn inni symud ymlaen i'r eitem nesaf, mae yna gynnig i ethol Aelod i bwyllgor, a dwi'n galw ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i wneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol.
Before we move on to the next item, we have a motion to elect a Member to a committee, and I call on a member of the Business Committee to move the motion formally.
Cynnig NNDM8663 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Sam Rowlands (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn lle James Evans (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Diben Arbennig Ymchwiliad COVID-19 Cymru.
Motion NNDM8663 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Sam Rowlands (Welsh Conservatives) in place of James Evans (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Wales COVID-19 Inquiry Special Purpose Committee.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
I move.
Rwy'n cynnig.
Felly, y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na, does dim un Aelod yn gwrthwynebu. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No, there is no objection from Members. So, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Felly, symudwn ymlaen i eitem 6, sef dadl ar ddeiseb P-06-1455, 'Amddiffyn adrannau iau Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru rhag cael eu cau'. Dwi'n galw ar aelod o'r pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig—Rhianon Passmore.
So, we'll move on to item 6, which is a debate on petition P-06-1455, 'Protect the junior departments of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama from closure'. I call on a member of the committee to move the motion—Rhianon Passmore.
Cynnig NDM8653 Rhianon Passmore
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi’r ddeiseb P-06-1455 'Amddiffyn adrannau iau Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru rhag cael eu cau’, a gasglodd 10,560 o lofnodion.
Motion NDM8653 Rhianon Passmore
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the petition P-06-1455 'Protect the junior departments of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama from closure’, which received 10,560 signatures.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, temporary Presiding Officer. On behalf of the Petitions Committee, thank you for this opportunity today to introduce the debate. This petition was submitted by Rebecca Totterdell, and closed on 19 June, with 10,560 signatures. The petition reads:
'Protect the junior departments of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama from closure. The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama has provided a junior music and acting programme to students aged from 4 to 18 for the past 25 years. The school currently sees around 300 talented young people through its doors each weekend, and many of those are on bursaries. It is the only such provision in Wales.
Due to financial difficulties the RWCMD is being forced to consult on closing the Young Acting and Young Music programmes at the end of this term. If the closure goes ahead, the RWCMD will be the only Royal School of Music without a junior department.'
The committee is extremely concerned about the impact of funding cuts on the pipeline for progression of talented musicians in Wales, and on our nation's cultural heritage as the land of song. The committee considered this petition on 24 June, and following a staff consultation, the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama confirmed on 19 July that it had taken the difficult decision to stop its regular weekend youth provision for musicians and actors due to significant financial challenges—the junior department. The petitioner said that a full closure of the junior department would mean Wales was the only UK conservatoire without a junior department, and, extensively, the only conservatoire in the world teaching to post-18 conservatoire entry level for our talented students to not exist. This would leave Welsh children at a profound disadvantage to their English and Scottish counterparts. There is also no parity of funding for the college’s junior department in comparison to England and Scotland, and no parity in terms of the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal College of Music, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and the Royal Northern College of Music. Wales must not offer less.
Diolch, Lywydd dros dro. Ar ran y Pwyllgor Deisebau, diolch am y cyfle hwn heddiw i gyflwyno'r ddadl. Cyflwynwyd y ddeiseb hon gan Rebecca Totterdell, a daeth i ben ar 19 Mehefin, gyda 10,560 o lofnodion. Mae'r ddeiseb yn dweud hyn:
'Amddiffyn adrannau iau Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru rhag cael eu cau. Mae Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru wedi darparu rhaglen gerddoriaeth ac actio i fyfyrwyr iau rhwng 4 a 18 oed ers 25 mlynedd. Ar hyn o bryd mae tua 300 o bobl ifanc dalentog yn mynd drwy ei ddrysau bob penwythnos, ac mae llawer ohonynt ar fwrsari. Dyma’r unig ddarpariaeth o’i math yng Nghymru.
Oherwydd trafferthion ariannol mae’r Coleg yn gorfod ymgynghori ynghylch cau’r rhaglenni actio a cherddoriaeth i bobl ifanc ar ddiwedd y tymor hwn. Os bydd y rhaglenni’n cau, Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru fydd yr unig Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Frenhinol heb adran i fyfyrwyr iau.'
Mae'r pwyllgor yn bryderus iawn am effaith toriadau cyllid ar lif datblygiad cerddorion talentog yng Nghymru, ac ar dreftadaeth ddiwylliannol ein cenedl fel gwlad y gân. Trafododd y pwyllgor y ddeiseb hon ar 24 Mehefin, ac yn dilyn ymgynghoriad staff, cadarnhaodd Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru ar 19 Gorffennaf ei fod wedi gwneud y penderfyniad anodd i roi'r gorau i'w ddarpariaeth arferol ar benwythnosau i gerddorion ac actorion ifanc oherwydd heriau ariannol sylweddol—yr adran iau. Dywedodd y deisebydd y byddai cau'r adran iau yn llwyr yn golygu mai Cymru oedd yr unig conservatoire yn y DU heb adran iau, ac yn fwy eang, yr unig conservatoire yn y byd sy'n addysgu ar lefel mynediad conservatoire ôl-18 heb adran iau i'n myfyrwyr talentog. Byddai hyn yn golygu bod plant Cymru o dan anfantais fawr o gymharu â'u cymheiriaid yn Lloegr a'r Alban. Hefyd, nid oes cyllid tebyg ar gyfer adran iau y coleg o'i gymharu â Lloegr a'r Alban, a dim yn debyg i'r Academi Gerdd Frenhinol, y Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol, Ysgol Gerdd a Drama y Guildhall, a Choleg Cerdd Brenhinol y Gogledd. Rhaid i Gymru beidio â chynnig llai.
The college says its decision to stop weekend specialist provision does not mean full closure or complete withdrawal from its work with under 18s. It states that it remains fully committed to providing further opportunities for young people and creating pathways into professional training. Currently, these junior artists who are receiving bursaries from north, mid and west Wales cannot access specialist elite pathways of study in Wales. This scaling back of provision is a blow, and hugely significant for the college’s ability to support learners from poor backgrounds, as they cannot afford to travel to England. The petitioners told us that the royal college students had fought hard against this proposed closure, even while taking their GCSE and A-level exams, and have even demonstrated outside this place. We as a committee commend their commitment to protecting provision for those who follow after them.
This autumn, Senedd Members will be scrutinising the Welsh Government’s draft budget for 2025-26. How we minimise the impact of funding cuts on our cultural institutions in the current economic climate is a critical issue for Wales and for our young people. Last term we debated a similar petition, calling on Welsh Government to increase spending on other important cultural institutions. It is encouraging that, on 5 September, Welsh Government announced a £5 million uplift in revenue funding for culture and other arm's-length bodies, including the Arts Council of Wales. But the royal college of music relies on a different range of funding streams for its financial resilience. Our cultural institutions are vital to our nation’s historical and cultural legacy. And those earlier petitioners argued that every £1 invested in the sector leads to £5-worth of economic growth. And not counting the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama's commercial youth programmes, the junior specialist department youth arts itself was almost 50 per cent bursary students this year.
The economic impact of stifling music development and the nurturing of our young people’s musical talent is of grave concern, as is access to advanced pathways, the very top of the national music plan. As a committee, we wrote to the Finance Committee to highlight this. From the Finance Committee’s July debate on priorities for next year’s budget, we know that the impact of cuts on Welsh culture is actively high on the list for the Welsh public. And as I have said before, unless the Welsh Government steps in to safeguard institutions like the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, then we are at a watershed moment in the regression of Welsh cultural life. This is without the devastating reduction of Welsh National Opera to a part-time outfit.
Our Welsh national cultural institutions and their education programmes are at the heart of our international reputation as a land of song, of poetry and culture. It is reassuring that a full closure of the junior department has been averted. The royal college has pledged that a period of review in 2024-25 will enable collective thinking with young people, staff, stakeholders and external UK advisers, as they explore an ambition to develop a national talent programme for Wales that identifies and nurtures top talent, develops their skills and builds pathways through to professional training. There is strong merit under the national music plan, that missing tier, that there is an independent external review to understand what is the best way forward, and within that, a complementary way with other Welsh cultural organisations to seek support for our young talent. That student voice needs to be heard and listened to. So, I thank the petitioners for bringing a very important issue to Members’ attention, to this place, and I do look forward to today’s debate. Thank you.
Mae'r coleg yn dweud nad yw ei benderfyniad i atal darpariaeth arbenigol ar benwythnosau'n golygu cau'n llawn neu ddiddymu ei waith gyda phlant dan 18 oed yn llwyr. Mae'n dweud ei fod yn parhau'n gwbl ymrwymedig i ddarparu cyfleoedd pellach i bobl ifanc a chreu llwybrau at hyfforddiant proffesiynol. Ar hyn o bryd, ni all yr artistiaid iau hyn sy'n derbyn bwrsariaethau o ogledd, canolbarth a gorllewin Cymru gael mynediad at lwybrau astudio elitaidd arbenigol yng Nghymru. Mae crebachu'r ddarpariaeth yn ergyd, ac yn hynod arwyddocaol i allu'r coleg i gefnogi dysgwyr o gefndiroedd tlawd, gan na allant fforddio teithio i Loegr. Dywedodd y deisebwyr wrthym fod myfyrwyr y coleg brenhinol wedi brwydro'n galed yn erbyn y bwriad i gau, hyd yn oed wrth sefyll eu harholiadau TGAU a Safon Uwch, ac maent hyd yn oed wedi protestio y tu allan i'r lle hwn. Rydym ni fel pwyllgor yn canmol eu hymrwymiad i ddiogelu darpariaeth i'r rhai sy'n eu dilyn.
Yr hydref hwn, bydd Aelodau'r Senedd yn craffu ar gyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2025-26. Mae'r ffordd yr ydym yn lleihau effaith toriadau cyllid ar ein sefydliadau diwylliannol yn yr hinsawdd economaidd bresennol yn fater hollbwysig i Gymru ac i'n pobl ifanc. Y tymor diwethaf buom yn trafod deiseb debyg, yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gynyddu gwariant ar sefydliadau diwylliannol pwysig eraill. Mae'n galonogol fod Llywodraeth Cymru, ar 5 Medi, wedi cyhoeddi cynnydd o £5 miliwn mewn cyllid refeniw ar gyfer cyrff diwylliant a chyrff hyd braich eraill, gan gynnwys Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Ond mae cadernid ariannol y coleg cerdd brenhinol yn ddibynnol ar ystod o wahanol ffrydiau ariannu. Mae ein sefydliadau diwylliannol yn allweddol i waddol hanesyddol a diwylliannol ein cenedl. Ac roedd y deisebwyr cynharach hynny'n dadlau bod pob £1 a gaiff ei buddsoddi yn y sector yn arwain at werth £5 o dwf economaidd. Heb gyfrif rhaglenni ieuenctid masnachol Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, roedd yr adran celfyddydau ieuenctid arbenigol iau ei hun yn cynnwys bron i 50 y cant o fyfyrwyr bwrsari eleni.
Mae effaith economaidd mygu datblygiad cerddoriaeth a meithrin talent gerddorol ein pobl ifanc yn peri pryder mawr, fel y mae mynediad at lwybrau uwch, brig y cynllun cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol. Fel pwyllgor, fe wnaethom ysgrifennu at y Pwyllgor Cyllid i dynnu sylw at hyn. O ddadl y Pwyllgor Cyllid ym mis Gorffennaf ar flaenoriaethau ar gyfer cyllideb y flwyddyn nesaf, gwyddom fod effaith toriadau ar ddiwylliant Cymru yn uchel ar y rhestr i'r cyhoedd yng Nghymru. Ac fel y dywedais o'r blaen, oni bai bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn camu i mewn i ddiogelu sefydliadau fel Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, rydym ar drobwynt yn nirywiad bywyd diwylliannol Cymru. Mae hyn heb ystyried y crebachu dinistriol i Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru.
Mae ein sefydliadau diwylliannol cenedlaethol Cymreig a'u rhaglenni addysg yn ganolog i'n henw da rhyngwladol fel gwlad y gân, barddoniaeth a diwylliant. Mae'n galonogol fod camau i gau'r adran iau yn llawn wedi'u hosgoi. Mae'r Coleg Brenhinol wedi addo y bydd cyfnod o adolygu yn 2024-25 yn ei gwneud hi'n bosibl i ystyried ar y cyd â phobl ifanc, staff, rhanddeiliaid a chynghorwyr allanol y DU, wrth iddynt archwilio uchelgais i ddatblygu rhaglen dalent genedlaethol i Gymru sy'n nodi ac yn meithrin y doniau gorau, yn datblygu eu sgiliau ac yn adeiladu llwybrau at hyfforddiant proffesiynol. Mae'n rhinwedd yn y cynllun cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol, yr haen goll honno, fod yna adolygiad allanol annibynnol i ddeall beth yw'r ffordd orau ymlaen, ac o fewn hynny, ffordd gyflenwol gyda sefydliadau diwylliannol Cymreig eraill i geisio cefnogaeth i'n talent ifanc. Mae angen gwrando ar lais y myfyrwyr a'i glywed. Felly, diolch i'r deisebwyr am ddod â mater pwysig iawn i sylw'r Aelodau, i'r lle hwn, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y ddadl heddiw. Diolch.
I’m pleased, as a member of the Petitions Committee, to say a few words in support of this petition as it’s an extremely important debate. And I don’t confess to be a musician of any kind. However, I have seen the value of music and drama and acting, and how they enrich the lives of so many young people, and we should value that immensely, so I’m happy to speak on this. The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama is absolutely vital in attracting a wide range of talented musicians from across the United Kingdon, and the young Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama sees nearly 100 per cent of its students moving into higher education, all of whom will become great promoters of Welsh culture and art. And as we’ve heard, the closure of the junior department will result in 112 staff suffering redundancy and a loss of 400 students.
If the junior departments close, this will be an incredibly damaging blow to the arts scene here in Wales and threatens the future of an important part of our future cultural offer. It is a jewel in the crown we should be proud of and we should look to preserve. Sometimes things aren’t always about money, they’re about social value and the importance that these things bring. Approximately 50 per cent, as we’ve heard, of these students receive bursaries, with many of them paying minimal or no fee. If the department is to close, then these bursaries will no longer be available. Many of these young and talented young musicians will find that accessing music and drama training will become unaffordable, and this in turn has led to many of these children experiencing anxiety and stress over the future of their aspiring musical careers; it means that much to them.
Music and art are currently already under threat, as we know, in Wales, following severe cuts to the Welsh National Opera, and this further loss will have an incredibly detrimental impact on Welsh art and culture, and I support the petitioners for bringing this forward.
Fel aelod o'r Pwyllgor Deisebau, rwy'n falch o ddweud ychydig eiriau i gefnogi'r ddeiseb hon gan ei bod yn ddadl hynod o bwysig. Ac nid wyf yn honni fy mod yn gerddor o unrhyw fath. Fodd bynnag, rwyf wedi gweld gwerth cerddoriaeth a drama ac actio, a'r ffordd y maent yn cyfoethogi bywydau cymaint o bobl ifanc, a dylem werthfawrogi hynny'n aruthrol, felly rwy'n hapus i siarad am hyn. Mae Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn gwbl hanfodol wrth ddenu ystod eang o gerddorion talentog o bob rhan o'r Deyrnas Unedig, ac mae Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru i'r ifanc yn gweld bron i 100 y cant o'i fyfyrwyr yn symud i addysg uwch, a bydd pob un ohonynt yn dod yn hyrwyddwyr gwych i ddiwylliant a chelf Cymru. Ac fel y clywsom, bydd cau'r adran iau yn arwain at 112 o staff yn wynebu diswyddiadau a cholli 400 o fyfyrwyr.
Os bydd yr adrannau iau yn cau, bydd yn ergyd anhygoel o niweidiol i'r byd celfyddydol yma yng Nghymru ac yn bygwth dyfodol rhan bwysig o'n cynnig diwylliannol yn y dyfodol. Mae'n drysor y dylem fod yn falch ohono a dylem geisio ei gadw. Nid yw pethau bob amser yn gysylltiedig ag arian, maent yn ymwneud â gwerth cymdeithasol a phwysigrwydd y pethau hyn. Fel y clywsom, mae tua 50 y cant o'r myfyrwyr hyn yn derbyn bwrsariaethau, gyda llawer ohonynt yn talu fawr iawn o ffi, os o gwbl. Os yw'r adran yn cau, ni fydd y bwrsariaethau hyn ar gael mwyach. Bydd llawer o'r cerddorion ifanc a thalentog hyn yn gweld bod mynediad at hyfforddiant cerdd a drama yn anfforddiadwy, ac mae hyn yn ei dro wedi golygu bod llawer o'r plant hyn yn profi pryder a straen ynglŷn â dyfodol eu gyrfaoedd cerddorol uchelgeisiol; mae'n golygu cymaint â hynny iddynt.
Mae cerddoriaeth a chelf eisoes dan fygythiad yng Nghymru, fel y gwyddom, yn dilyn toriadau difrifol i Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, a bydd y golled bellach hon yn cael effaith andwyol iawn ar gelf a diwylliant Cymru, ac rwy'n cefnogi'r deisebwyr am gyflwyno hyn.
A gaf innau ategu fy niolch innau i’r rhai ddaeth â’r ddeiseb hon gerbron, ac i’r Pwyllgor Deisebau, wrth gwrs, am gynnig bod dadl ar hyn? Ac mi hoffwn fynegi fy mhryder ein bod ni unwaith eto yn gorfod trafod effeithiau toriadau ar ddiwylliant, a hefyd ar bobl ifanc. Wedi’r cyfan, mae’r gallu i gael mynediad i fywyd diwylliannol, cymryd rhan ynddo, a chyfrannu ato, yn cael ei ystyried yn hawl dynol o fewn y datganiad cyffredinol o hawliau dynol. Ond eto, dro ar ôl tro, rydym yn gweld cyfleoedd i gyfranogi mewn diwylliant yn cael eu cyfyngu oherwydd diffyg cyllid. Mae dirfawr angen trafodaeth arnom fel Senedd ynglŷn ag effaith y toriadau hyn ar, nid yn unig lles pobl Cymru, ond hefyd economi ac enw da Cymru ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol.
Heb os, mae coleg cerdd a drama Cymru dan straen ariannol aruthrol, wedi wynebu toriad o 6 y cant mewn cyllid cyhoeddus yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Maen nhw angen gwneud 10 y cant o arbedion gwariant eleni, sy’n cyfatebu i £1.5 miliwn, ac mae cau y ddarpariaeth dan sylw yn cyfrannu 16 y cant o’r 10 y cant sydd ei angen. Roedd hyn yn rhywbeth roedd y pwyllgor diwylliant yn cydnabod yn sgil trafodaeth ar hyn yn gynharach eleni, ac roedd y Cadeirydd, Delyth Jewell, sydd i ffwrdd ar fusnes swyddogol y Senedd y prynhawn yma, yn awyddus imi hefyd rannu siom y pwyllgor yn deillio o sylweddoli bod cau darpariaeth yn sydyn yn gadael bwlch nad yw’n hawdd i’w lenwi. Yng ngoleuni hyn, mae’r pwyllgor hefyd o’r farn bod rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio ei strategaeth ddiwylliannol i fynd i’r afael â hyn. Mae’n hanfodol ein bod ni’n creu ac yn cefnogi llwybrau cynaliadwy i bobl ifanc ragori ym maes cerdd a drama, a byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe byddai’r Gweinidog yn adlewyrchu ar hyn yn ei ymateb.
Ond yn ôl, rŵan, at fy marn i fel Aelod rhanbarthol, a llefarydd y blaid ar ddiwylliant, yn hytrach na barn y pwyllgor, a does dim dwywaith bod cau’r adrannau iau wedi bod yn ergyd drom i’r bobl ifanc oedd yn cael cyfleoedd a gwersi cerddoriaeth ac actio yno. Dwi wedi cwrdd, neu gyfathrebu dros e-bost, gyda nifer fawr o staff a disgyblion a oedd yn rhan o’r rhaglen, a chlywed yn uniongyrchol beth fydd effaith hyn, nid yn unig arnyn nhw, ond hefyd y rhai hynny sydd wedi cael eu cyflogi gan y coleg. Yn wir, mi welsom ni berfformiadau godidog gan nifer o’r myfyrwyr y tu allan i'r Senedd hon yn gynharach eleni, a chlywed ganddyn nhw pa mor bwysig oedd y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer eu dyfodol nhw. Oherwydd, rhaid cofio, y ddarpariaeth hon gan y coleg cerdd a drama oedd yr unig conservatoire iau yng Nghymru. Drwy ei chau, mae’n golygu mai dyma’r unig ysgol gerdd yn y Deyrnas Unedig heb adran iau. Hoffwn rannu gyda chi felly rai o’r sylwadau a dderbyniais gan nifer, sydd yn crynhoi’r effaith.
May I echo my thanks to those who brought this petition before us, and to the Petitions Committee, of course, for proposing a debate on this? And I would like to express my concern that we are, once again, having to discuss the impacts of cuts in culture, and their impact on young people too. After all, the ability to access cultural life, to participate and contribute to it, is considered to be a human right within the general declaration of human rights. But time and time again, we see opportunities to participate in culture being limited because of a shortage of funding. We gravely need a debate as a Senedd on the impact of these cuts, not only on the well-being of the people of Wales, but also the economy and reputation of Wales on the international stage.
Without doubt, the Welsh college of music and drama is under huge financial pressure at the moment, facing a cut of 6 per cent in public funding in this financial year. They need to make 10 per cent spending savings this year, which corresponds to £1.5 million, and closing the provision that we’re addressing today contributes 16 per cent of the 10 per cent needed. Now, this was something that the culture committee recognised following a discussion on this earlier this year. And the Chair, Delyth Jewell, who’s away on official Senedd business this afternoon, was eager for me to share the disappointment of the committee having realised that the sudden closure of the provision left a gap that isn’t easily filled. In light of this, the committee is also of the view that the Welsh Government must use its cultural strategy to address the issue. It is crucial that we create and support sustainable pathways for young people to excel in music and drama, and I’d be grateful if the Minister were to reflect on this in his response.
But back now to my view as a regional Member and Plaid’s spokesperson’s on culture, rather than the committee’s view, and there’s no doubt that the closure of the junior departments has been a grave blow to the young people who had opportunities and acting and music lessons there. I have met, or corresponded over e-mail, with many staff and pupils who were part of the programme, and I’ve heard directly what the impact of this will be, not only on them, but on those who are employed by the college. Indeed, we saw glorious performances from many of the students outside the Senedd earlier this year, and we heard from them how important the provision was for their own futures. Because we must bear in mind that this provision by the college of music and drama was the only junior conservatoire in Wales. Through its closure, this means that this will be the only music school in the UK without a junior department. I’d like to share with you, therefore, some of the comments I’ve received from many people, which summarise the impact.
Some children have now stopped playing. Some have struggled to find teachers. Some of the staff have formed a co-operative, with Cardiff music service administrating, but so many have fallen away that the chamber work in the afternoon may take a while to build up. Whilst children have also lost the opportunity to use world-class facilities and to interact with Royal Welsh College Music and Drama students and teachers, the loss of such a clear pathway to higher music education cannot be replaced by tutors working with the national music service or teaching the children privately. Our children are also at a massive disadvantage when it comes to auditioning for orchestras like the NCO or the NYO that really help secure places at music college. They even ask on the forms if the children are at a junior conservatoire, as it’s seen as an alternative to private music school. Some families have moved to England, auditioning for specialist music schools like Wells and seeking out scholarships. Another parent said that the consequences of the closure are drastic and the effects will be deeply seen in the future, as a whole generation of the most talented young Welsh artists have been disenfranchised and reduced to the elite few who can afford private tuition. This in turn will further impact on the diversity and cultural richness of emerging art. The Musicians’ Union has also written to us as Senedd Members expressing their concerns about the future of music in Wales, citing some of the other detrimental decisions that have been taken. Cymru gwlad y gân, the land of song, but, unfortunately, this will have an impact.
Mae rhai plant wedi rhoi'r gorau iddi. Mae rhai wedi cael trafferth dod o hyd i athrawon. Mae rhai o'r staff wedi ffurfio cwmni cydweithredol, gyda gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth Caerdydd yn gweinyddu, ond mae cymaint wedi rhoi'r gorau iddi fel y gallai'r gwaith siambr yn y prynhawn gymryd amser i'w ddatblygu yn ei ôl. Tra bo plant hefyd wedi colli'r cyfle i ddefnyddio cyfleusterau o'r radd flaenaf ac i ryngweithio â myfyrwyr ac athrawon Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, ni all tiwtoriaid sy'n gweithio gyda'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol neu sy'n dysgu plant yn breifat gymryd lle llwybr mor glir i addysg uwch mewn cerddoriaeth. Mae ein plant hefyd dan anfantais enfawr o ran cael clyweliadau i gerddorfeydd fel y gerddorfa plant genedlaethol neu'r gerddorfa ieuenctid genedlaethol sy'n help mawr i sicrhau lleoedd mewn colegau cerdd. Maent hyd yn oed yn gofyn ar y ffurflenni a yw'r plant mewn conservatoire iau, gan ei fod yn cael ei ystyried yn llwybr cystal ag ysgol gerdd breifat. Mae rhai teuluoedd wedi symud i Loegr, a chael clyweliadau ar gyfer ysgolion cerdd arbenigol fel Wells ac i geisio am ysgoloriaethau. Dywedodd rhiant arall fod canlyniadau'r cau yn llym ac y bydd yr effeithiau'n cael eu gweld yn ddwfn yn y dyfodol, wrth i genhedlaeth gyfan o'r artistiaid ifanc Cymreig mwyaf talentog gael eu difreinio a'u cyfyngu i'r ychydig elît sy'n gallu fforddio hyfforddiant preifat. Bydd hyn yn ei dro yn effeithio ymhellach ar amrywiaeth a chyfoeth diwylliannol celfyddyd newydd. Mae Undeb y Cerddorion hefyd wedi ysgrifennu atom fel Aelodau o'r Senedd yn mynegi eu pryderon am ddyfodol cerddoriaeth yng Nghymru, gan nodi rhai o'r penderfyniadau niweidiol eraill a wnaed. Cymru gwlad y gân, ond yn anffodus, bydd hyn yn cael effaith.
Mae’n rhaid inni ffeindio datrysiadau o ran diwylliant. Rydym ni wedi bod yn dweud am flynyddoedd erbyn hyn bod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gymryd diwylliant o ddifri. Rydym ni’n gweld effaith y toriadau. Rydym ni’n gweld effaith hyn ar iechyd meddwl hefyd y bobl ifanc sy’n cael eu heffeithio gan hyn. Felly, dim esgusodion sydd eu hangen ond datrysiadau gennym ni fel Senedd. Symptom o broblem ehangach yw cau’r ddarpariaeth hon. Mi hoffwn glywed sut bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i’r afael â chanfod y datrysiadau er mwyn sicrhau dyw drama a cherddoriaeth ddim jest i’r rhai sy’n gallu eu fforddio nhw yma yng Nghymru.
We must find solutions for culture. We have been saying for years now that the Welsh Government needs to take culture seriously. We are seeing the impact of the cuts. We are seeing the impact of this on young people’s mental health who are affected by this too. So, we don’t need excuses; we need solutions from us as a Senedd. This is a symptom of a broader problem; that’s what the closure of this provision is. I’d like to hear how the Welsh Government will tackle the issue and find the solutions to ensure that music and drama aren’t just for those who can afford it here in Wales.
I’m really pleased we’re having the opportunity to debate this petition here today, albeit it’s a bit after the event, because the provision has virtually closed and has gone. It’s a matter of deep regret, I think, that such a valuable, such a jewel in the crown, has actually been closed here in Wales.
I visited the Saturday sessions twice during the period that they were under consultation for being closed and met a lot of the children and parents, who came from a wide variety of backgrounds, very culturally diverse, and, as we know, a large percentage receiving bursaries to actually attend. It was actually heartbreaking, particularly on the last day, because I was there the last Saturday, and people didn’t know what other opportunities there would be. They didn’t have anywhere to go. So, they were saying goodbye to their tutors, who also didn’t really know where they were going to earn their money either. It just seemed so awful that this was happening here in Wales and that this was happening to something that was so important for the hopes and the future of our young people.
So, it’s good that we’re voicing all this here today, and I hope it will be possible for the Ministers to find some way forward to block this gap that has occurred. Because I do think that the consultation period was very short. There wasn’t much time for us to consider it. There were alternatives put forward, and people who worked there, members of the staff, I had quite a few come to see me in my constituency office. We had a little meeting and they had proposals for taking things forward, but it did look as if those alternatives were not really seriously considered. So, I hope that the Minister will be able to say what proposals there are to try to ensure that children can have these opportunities.
The other issue that they were very concerned about, and I was concerned about as well, was what would happen to all the musical instruments there, because they're absolutely fantastic musical instruments—a Steinway piano in every room, virtually, and other musical instruments that had cost thousands and thousands of pounds, mostly by donations from foundations that they'd been brought from. And some of the children had these in their care, and they were learning at home with them because they were not able themselves to afford to buy musical instruments at such a cost. In fact, very few people would be able to do that. So, I wondered whether the Minister would cast any light on how they're being used and what is actually happening to them.
So, I think the other points, really, have all been raised today about the only place that there isn't a junior conservatoire is here in Wales. And also, the other point is that the children were taught in Welsh and in English, which was the only facility that offered this. So, it just makes you think: why on earth did this happen? And I think that we should, as a Senedd, do all we can to highlight the loss that there is, in the hope that we can get some sort of progression and that the Government will do all it can to help.
Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod yn cael cyfle i drafod y ddeiseb hon yma heddiw, er ei bod ychydig ar ei hôl hi, oherwydd mae'r ddarpariaeth bron â bod wedi cau ac wedi mynd. Mae'n destun gofid mawr, rwy'n credu, fod y fath drysor gwerthfawr wedi cael ei ddirwyn i ben yma yng Nghymru.
Euthum i ymweld â'r sesiynau dydd Sadwrn ddwywaith yn ystod y cyfnod pan oeddent yn destun ymgynghoriad ar gyfer cau a chyfarfûm â llawer o'r plant a'r rhieni, a ddeuai o amrywiaeth eang o gefndiroedd, yn ddiwylliannol amrywiol, ac fel y gwyddom, roedd canran fawr yn derbyn bwrsariaethau i fynychu. Roedd yn dorcalonnus, yn enwedig ar y diwrnod olaf, oherwydd roeddwn yno ar y dydd Sadwrn olaf, ac nid oedd pobl yn gwybod pa gyfleoedd eraill a fyddai i'w cael. Nid oedd ganddynt unman i fynd. Felly, roeddent yn ffarwelio â'u tiwtoriaid, nad oeddent yn gwybod yn iawn ble y byddent yn ennill eu harian ychwaith. Roedd mor ofnadwy fod hyn yn digwydd yma yng Nghymru a bod hyn yn digwydd i rywbeth a oedd mor bwysig i obeithion a dyfodol ein pobl ifanc.
Felly, mae'n dda ein bod yn lleisio hyn i gyd yma heddiw, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn bosibl i'r Gweinidogion ddod o hyd i ryw ffordd ymlaen i gau'r bwlch. Oherwydd rwy'n credu bod y cyfnod ymgynghori yn fyr iawn. Ni roddwyd llawer o amser i ni ei ystyried. Cafodd dewisiadau eraill eu cyflwyno, a daeth rhai o'r bobl a oedd yn gweithio yno, ac aelodau o'r staff, i fy ngweld yn fy swyddfa etholaethol. Cawsom gyfarfod bach ac roedd ganddynt gynigion ar gyfer bwrw ymlaen, ond edrychai fel pe na bai'r dewisiadau amgen hynny wedi cael eu hystyried o ddifrif. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn gallu dweud pa gynigion sydd ar y gweill i geisio sicrhau y gall plant gael y cyfleoedd hyn.
Y mater arall yr oeddent yn bryderus iawn yn ei gylch, ac roeddwn i'n poeni amdano hefyd, oedd beth fyddai'n digwydd i'r holl offerynnau cerdd yno, oherwydd maent yn offerynnau cerdd ardderchog—piano Steinway ym mhob ystafell bron, ac offerynnau cerdd eraill a oedd wedi costio miloedd ar filoedd o bunnoedd, yn bennaf drwy roddion gan sefydliadau a oedd wedi eu rhoi. Ac roedd gan rai o'r plant y rhain yn eu gofal, ac roeddent yn dysgu gartref gyda nhw am nad oeddent yn gallu fforddio prynu offerynnau cerdd mor gostus. Mewn gwirionedd, ychydig iawn o bobl fyddai'n gallu gwneud hynny. Felly, tybed a wnaiff y Gweinidog daflu goleuni ar sut y cânt eu defnyddio a'r hyn sy'n digwydd iddynt.
Felly, rwy'n credu bod y pwyntiau eraill wedi cael sylw heddiw am yr unig fan lle nad oes conservatoire iau yma yng Nghymru. A hefyd, y pwynt arall yw bod y plant yn cael eu dysgu yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, sef yr unig gyfleuster a gynigiai hyn. Felly, mae'n gwneud ichi feddwl: pam ar y ddaear y digwyddodd hyn? Ac rwy'n credu y dylem ni, fel Senedd, wneud popeth yn ein gallu i dynnu sylw at y golled, yn y gobaith y gallwn gael rhyw fath o gynnydd ac y bydd y Llywodraeth yn gwneud popeth yn ei gallu i helpu.
Can I start by thanking the petitioners and those that signed the petition that meant that this petition debate came to the floor of the Senedd here today?
For most of this Senedd term I've served as the shadow Minister for culture under Andrew R.T. Davies’s leadership, and I've been very grateful for that because, genuinely, I feel very passionate about our Welsh cultural institutions. It's something that I personally, over the last three and half years, have become very personally invested in, despite the fact, to be blunt, it wasn't really something that I'd had a lot of experience or interfaced with before, because these are genuinely world-class institutions that make a huge difference in communities and in the lives of the people of Wales. But, too often, I've also found the job a little bit depressing, because we’ve often come here, talking about a service closing its doors or a service being downgraded, and this is just, unfortunately, another example of that. We've heard already of the massive impact that the royal college of music and drama was having every day on the lives of young people, transformational differences. I spoke to one parent in the last couple of months who felt that their child could only express and convey themselves and learn social skills through the work that the college had done. So, it's about far more than just the direct work that the royal college of music and drama would do through the junior academy, but, actually, the life skills as well that people pick up along the way.
Unfortunately, we know in last year’s budget that the culture budget was the one that was cut the most by the Welsh Government, and I think that is a shame, because in Wales I think culture is something that matters more. I don't think you quite get it if you live in other parts of the United Kingdom. It is something to be cherished, something to nurtured, and it is a real shame, as Julie Morgan has already said, that we're having this debate almost after the fact, after the time that this has already closed, and therefore it makes it difficult to be able to do much about it at this stage.
I did reach out to the college, knowing that this debate was coming up, to just get a different perspective on things, and I am sympathetic to the position that the college is in. We're talking about 10 years, essentially, of tuition-fee freezes, and, however well intentioned that policy is, and I'm not going to stand here and disagree with the intention of that policy, in any industry, in any business, if your incomes are frozen, that is a real-terms cut then in your ability to be able to provide the same level of service without having to change things internally. And, unfortunately, that leads to the difficult decision that we've seen the royal college take today. And whilst we've seen the royal college themselves come out and talk about some of the other work that is going on—I've got lists here of weekend immersive workshops, national open youth orchestra ensemble residency, holiday courses in production arts—these are all fantastic, but we all know they're not the same as the provision that we're losing by the closing of the junior department, and that's why I think that if we as a Senedd and the Welsh Government feel that this is important, then we need to make sure that this provision is funded. We can talk all the warm words we like about the importance of the junior academy, but, without putting the funding in place to support it, unfortunately the Welsh Government has practically condemned it to close. So, if there are still options at the thirteenth hour to save this, or to put alternative provisions in place in the future, I'd encourage the Welsh Government to look, as Heledd Fychan said, not just at the cultural impact that this would have but at the wider benefit that this brings to society, the pressure it takes off other Welsh Government services, and the good it does in our communities as well. Diolch yn fawr.
A gaf i ddechrau drwy ddiolch i'r deisebwyr a'r rhai a lofnododd y ddeiseb a olygai fod y ddadl hon ar ddeiseb wedi dod i lawr y Senedd yma heddiw?
Am y rhan fwyaf o dymor y Senedd hon, rwyf wedi gwasanaethu fel Gweinidog Diwylliant yr wrthblaid dan arweinyddiaeth Andrew R.T. Davies, ac rwyf wedi bod yn ddiolchgar iawn am hynny oherwydd, o ddifrif, rwy'n teimlo'n angerddol iawn am ein sefydliadau diwylliannol Cymreig. Er nad oedd yn rhywbeth yr oeddwn wedi cael llawer o brofiad o ymwneud ag ef o'r blaen a bod yn onest, mae'n rhywbeth yr ymddiddorais yn fawr ynddo dros y tair blynedd a hanner diwethaf, oherwydd mae'r rhain yn sefydliadau o'r radd flaenaf sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr mewn cymunedau ac ym mywydau pobl Cymru. Ond yn rhy aml, rwyf hefyd wedi gweld y swydd ychydig yn dorcalonnus, oherwydd rydym yn aml wedi dod yma i sôn am wasanaeth sy'n cau ei ddrysau neu wasanaeth sy'n cael ei israddio, a dyma enghraifft arall o hynny, yn anffodus. Rydym eisoes wedi clywed am yr effaith enfawr yr oedd y coleg brenhinol cerdd a drama yn ei chael bob dydd ar fywydau pobl ifanc, gwahaniaeth trawsnewidiol. Siaradais ag un rhiant yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf a oedd yn teimlo na allai eu plentyn ond mynegi a chyfleu eu hunain, a dysgu sgiliau cymdeithasol, drwy'r gwaith yr oedd y coleg wedi'i wneud. Felly, mae'n ymwneud â llawer mwy na dim ond y gwaith uniongyrchol y byddai'r coleg brenhinol cerdd a drama yn ei wneud drwy'r academi iau, ond y sgiliau bywyd y mae pobl yn eu dysgu ar hyd y ffordd yn ogystal.
Yn anffodus, fe wyddom yng nghyllideb y llynedd mai'r gyllideb ddiwylliant oedd yr un a gafodd ei thorri fwyaf gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a chredaf fod hynny'n drueni, oherwydd yng Nghymru rwy'n credu bod diwylliant yn rhywbeth sy'n bwysicach. Nid wyf yn credu eich bod yn deall yn iawn os ydych chi'n byw mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig. Mae'n rhywbeth i'w drysori, rhywbeth i'w feithrin, ac mae'n drueni go iawn, fel y dywedodd Julie Morgan eisoes, ein bod yn cael y ddadl hon yn rhy hwyr, bron, ar ôl iddo gael ei ddirwyn i ben, ac felly mae'n ei gwneud hi'n anos gwneud llawer yn ei gylch ar y cam hwn.
Fe wneuthum estyn allan i'r coleg, gan wybod bod y ddadl hon ar y gweill, i gael persbectif gwahanol ar bethau, ac rwy'n cydymdeimlo â'r sefyllfa y mae'r coleg ynddi. Rydym yn sôn am 10 mlynedd, yn y bôn, o rewi ffioedd hyfforddi, ac er mor dda yw bwriad y polisi hwnnw, ac nid wyf am sefyll yma ac anghytuno â bwriad y polisi hwnnw, mewn unrhyw ddiwydiant, mewn unrhyw fusnes, os caiff eich incwm ei rewi, mae hwnnw'n doriad mewn termau real yn eich gallu i ddarparu'r un lefel o wasanaeth heb orfod newid pethau'n fewnol. Ac yn anffodus, mae hynny'n arwain at y penderfyniad anodd y gwelsom y coleg brenhinol yn ei wneud heddiw. Ac er ein bod wedi gweld y coleg brenhinol eu hunain yn siarad am rywfaint o'r gwaith arall sy'n digwydd—mae gennyf restrau yma o benwythnosau gweithdai trochi, cyfleoedd preswyl ensemble agored y gerddorfa ieuenctid genedlaethol, cyrsiau gwyliau yn y celfyddydau cynhyrchu—mae'r rhain i gyd yn wych, ond rydym i gyd yn gwybod nad ydynt yr un peth â'r ddarpariaeth yr ydym yn ei cholli drwy gau'r adran iau, a dyna pam y credaf, os ydym ni fel Senedd a Llywodraeth Cymru yn teimlo bod hyn yn bwysig, fod angen inni sicrhau bod y ddarpariaeth hon yn cael ei hariannu. Gallwn siarad yr holl eiriau cynnes am bwysigrwydd yr academi iau, ond heb roi'r cyllid ar waith i'w chefnogi, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei chondemnio i gau i bob pwrpas. Felly, os oes opsiynau o hyd ar yr unfed awr ar ddeg i'w hachub, neu roi darpariaethau amgen ar waith yn y dyfodol, hoffwn annog Llywodraeth Cymru i edrych, fel y dywedodd Heledd Fychan, nid yn unig ar yr effaith ddiwylliannol y byddai hyn yn ei chael ond ar y budd ehangach y mae hyn yn ei gynnig i gymdeithas, y pwysau y mae'n ei dynnu oddi ar wasanaethau eraill Llywodraeth Cymru, a'r daioni y mae'n ei wneud yn ein cymunedau yn ogystal. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch yn arbennig i'r deisebwyr am gyflwyno'r ddeiseb, a diolch i Rhianon Passmore am agor y ddadl. Does dim amheuaeth o gwbl am ymrwymiad Rhianon Passmore i fyd gerddoriaeth yng Nghymru.
Thank you to the petitioners for putting forward this petition, and thank you to Rhianon Passmore for opening the debate. There can be no doubting Rhianon Passmore's commitment to music in Wales.
To stretch the musical analogy right to its limit, you are a one-man band promoting music here in the Senedd and across Wales. You've even made me sing in a choir here.
I ymestyn y gyfatebiaeth gerddorol i'r eithaf, rydych chi'n fand un dyn sy'n hyrwyddo cerddoriaeth yma yn y Senedd ac ar draws Cymru. Rydych chi hyd yn oed wedi gwneud i mi ganu mewn côr yma.
Cymru: gwlad y gân, gwlad beirdd a chantorion. Môr o gân yw Cymru i gyd. Mae cerddoriaeth yn rhan o'n DNA ni. Ysgrifennodd Gerallt Gymro yn y ddeuddegfed ganrif am ddawn y Cymry i ganu mewn harmoni, a dwi'n gweld e gyda fy mhlant fy hunain. Mae fy nwy ferch i, y ddwy, cyn iddyn nhw siarad, wedi canu. Roedd Greta yn canu 'Clap, Clap, Un, Dau, Tri', ac Esther yn canu 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star', er gwaethaf ein hymdrech ni i'w chael hi i ganu rhyw hwiangerdd Gymraeg. A bore yma, am bump o'r gloch y bore, dyma Esther yn canu'n aflafar iawn, 'Hei, Mistar Urdd'. Nawr, efallai bydd hi byth yn gerddor, ond mae'n dangos bod cerddoriaeth yn bwysig i'r ferch tair blwydd oed yma.
Mae traddodiad a pherfformiad yn rhan bwysig o'n bywyd ni, y Cymry, ac rŷn ni wedi mynd â hwn dros y byd i gyd yn rhyngwladol. Mae ein perfformwyr ni, mae ein cerddorion ni, wedi bod ar brif lwyfannau'r byd. Ond dim hap a damwain yw hyn; mae hwn wedi dod drwy ymdrech, drwy waith caled—ac, yn bwysicach fyth, drwy fuddsoddiad ariannol.
Wales: the land of song, the land of poets and singers. Wales resounds with music. Music is part of our DNA. Gerallt Gymro wrote in the twelfth century about the talent of the Welsh people to sing in harmony, and I see it in my own children. My two daughters, both, before they could talk, they sang. Greta was singing 'Clap, Clap, Un, Dau, Tri' whilst Esther sang 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star', despite all of our best efforts to get her to sing Welsh lullabies. This morning, at five o'clock in the morning, Esther was singing loudly, 'Hei, Mistar Urdd'. Perhaps she will never be a musician, but it demonstrates that music is important to that three-year-old.
Wales's musical tradition is an important part of our lives in Wales, and we have taken that worldwide, internationally. Our musicians, our performers, have been on the world's most prestigious stages. But this didn't happen by accident; this has come about through effort and hard work—and, most importantly, through financial investment.
We can boast as much as we like that Wales is the land of song, but it doesn't happen in a vacuum. The accolade is meaningless if we just rely on the glory of the past, because that's what will happen, if schools like this and musical services are continuing to be depleted within our communities. Wales will be less musical, not more musical, than other nations, if we continue down this road.
We can mourn as much as we like today the loss of this junior school, but let's be very clear: this junior school is closing because of austerity, because of Tory austerity, which has been continued by this Labour Westminster Government. We will not be filled with any hope by Sir Keir Starmer's latest speech that
'things will get worse before they get better'—
darker tones than the 1997 theme tune. And whilst I was researching this debate today, it surprised me that Sir Keir Starmer himself was a junior exhibitioner at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He was there until he was 11 years old and benefited from learning to play the flute, piano, recorder and violin. He benefited from these services, but his very own policies are taking these services away from the children of Wales. They won't be given the same chance.
Over the last few months, like Heledd Fychan and many others here, I've had countless letters and communications from constituents who work in this sector. The Welsh National Opera, the royal colleges—organisations that promote Wales across the world being forced to cut their services.
Gallwn frolio cymaint ag y dymunwn mai Cymru yw gwlad y gân, ond nid yw'n digwydd mewn gwactod. Mae'r clod yn ddiystyr os ydym dibynnwn ar ogoniant y gorffennol, oherwydd dyna fydd yn digwydd, os yw ysgolion fel hyn a gwasanaethau cerddorol yn parhau i gael eu crebachu yn ein cymunedau. Bydd Cymru yn llai cerddorol, nid yn fwy cerddorol, na chenhedloedd eraill, os daliwn ati i fynd y ffordd hon.
Gallwn alaru cymaint ag y dymunwn heddiw am golli'r ysgol iau hon, ond gadewch inni fod yn glir iawn: mae'r ysgol iau'n cau oherwydd cyni, oherwydd cyni Torïaidd, sydd wedi parhau o dan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yn San Steffan. Ni chawn ein llenwi ag unrhyw obaith gan araith ddiweddaraf Syr Keir Starmer
'bydd pethau'n gwaethygu cyn iddynt wella'—
neges dywyllach nag arwyddgan 1997. Ac wrth imi ymchwilio i'r ddadl hon heddiw, roedd yn syndod deall bod Syr Keir Starmer ei hun yn berfformiwr iau yn Ysgol Gerdd a Drama y Guildhall. Roedd yno nes ei fod yn 11 oed ac fe elwodd o ddysgu sut i chwarae'r piano, ffliwt, recorder a'r ffidil. Elwodd o'r gwasanaethau hyn, ond mae ei bolisïau ei hun yn amddifadu plant Cymru o'r un gwasanaethau. Ni fyddant yn cael yr un cyfle.
Dros y misoedd diwethaf, fel Heledd Fychan a llawer o rai eraill yma, rwyf wedi cael llythyrau a chyfathrebiadau dirifedi gan etholwyr sy'n gweithio yn y sector. Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, y colegau brenhinol—sefydliadau sy'n hyrwyddo Cymru ar draws y byd yn cael eu gorfodi i dorri eu gwasanaethau.
Mae cau adran iau y coleg brenhinol yn amddifadu ein pobl ni o fanteision cerddoriaeth a pherfformio.
The closure of the royal college's junior department will deprive our young people of the benefits of music and performance.
It's good for mental health, and, according to recent studies, music making has a variety of other benefits. It improves resting heart rate, motor skills, brain stimulation, and even immune system enhancement. If we want the best for our children in Wales, we should surround their lives with music and music making.
Mae'n dda i iechyd meddwl, ac yn ôl astudiaethau diweddar, mae gan greu cerddoriaeth amrywiaeth o fanteision eraill. Mae'n gwella cyfradd curiad y galon, sgiliau echddygol, ysgogiad ymenyddol, a hyd yn oed yn gwella'r system imiwnedd. Os ydym am gael y gorau i'n plant yng Nghymru, dylem lenwi eu bywydau â cherddoriaeth a chreu cerddoriaeth.
Ers 2018, yn ôl yr elusen Youth Music, mae cyfran y bobl ifanc sy'n ystyried eu hunain yn gerddorol yng Nghymru wedi gostwng i dim ond 9 y cant. A dim ond 11 y cant o rieni plant o dan bum mlwydd oed sy’n credu y bydd eu plant yn cael digon o addysg gerddorol yn yr ysgol. Ac yng Nghymru, gwlad y gân, cofiwch—the land of song—dyw'r mwyafrif o'n pobl ifanc ni bellach ddim yn credu eu bod nhw'n gerddorol: 46 y cant o'i gymharu â 57 y cant yn Lloegr.
Since 2018, according to the charity Youth Music, the proportion of young people who consider themselves to be musical in Wales has declined to only 9 per cent. And only 11 per cent of parents of children under five believe that their children will receive sufficient music education at school. And in Wales, the land of song, remember, the majority of young people no longer feel that they are musical: 46 per cent, as compared to 57 per cent in England.
The experience of the past should show each and every one of us here that austerity is a failed project. The loss of the junior department at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama is proof of this. We need to stop believing in the fantasy economics of austerity. We need to properly fund our arts sector. We need to raise a new generation of musicians and performers in Wales. And when we do that, things will only get better. Diolch yn fawr.
Dylai profiad y gorffennol ddangos i bob un ohonom yma fod cyni yn brosiect sydd wedi methu. Mae colli adran iau Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn brawf o hyn. Mae angen inni roi’r gorau i gredu yn economeg ffantasïol cyni. Mae angen inni ariannu ein sector celfyddydol yn briodol. Mae angen inni feithrin cenhedlaeth newydd o gerddorion a pherfformwyr yng Nghymru. A phan fyddwn yn gwneud hynny, bydd pethau'n sicr o wella. Diolch yn fawr.
It is a tragedy that we are having this debate after the royal Welsh college has already made the decision to close the junior department. And, in a sense, it's an affront to all the people who bothered to sign the petition that the royal Welsh college wasn't prepared to wait and see what solutions could be arrived at. I've no doubt that change was needed and was inevitable because of the financial circumstances, but I feel hugely disappointed that this decision was rushed ahead despite alternative proposals being made.
The abrupt closure is neither in line with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, with its commitment to collaboration, partnership and focus on future generations, nor the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023, which I appreciate the royal Welsh college is not subject to, but nevertheless, in the spirit of collaboration, it's not clever of them to be just marching ahead as if they were the only game in town, particularly as the tutors who put so much of themselves into teaching these young people were making so much effort to come up with alternative solutions, recognising that there was a financial problem and making concrete proposals to reduce the number of weeks of activity by up to half, in order to enable a reformulation of the funding to make it a sustainable proposition in the future. The senior management refused even to engage with their efforts to safeguard the interests of the current junior department and the future prospects of children who have yet to be born.
Rhys ab Owen is absolutely right that music and song are a fundamental part of all human beings' well-being, and it's particularly important that we sing to our children. That's one of the first things we can do. Even before they have the language to communicate in language to us, they, as you said, can sing.
So, two things, really. First of all, I want to absolutely reiterate the contribution that Rhianon Passmore is making to ensure that music remains a fundamental part of the new curriculum in our schools, so that all children get to learn about music and musical instruments, but we have to be realistic that not all schools are going to be able to provide the level of support and expertise that was on offer from the junior department. And it means that there is no pathway for those who really want to take their music seriously as an extracurricular activity and a possible career. So, this is an absolute tragedy.
So, Minister, in your response, I wondered if you could tell us a little bit more about the proposed Saturday academy, to be run by Cardiff and Vale Music Service, which I'm told by the royal Welsh college is going to be run in partnership with teachers who already have experience of the royal Welsh college junior conservatoire. Because, as a local sustainable initiative—. So, is this going to be able to embrace any of these young people who have already worked so hard on their music and their singing, and how will people be able to sign up for it? What is it going to cost? This is something that is not in the paper that has been provided by the royal Welsh college.
And secondly, the royal Welsh college put quite a lot of emphasis on the fact that, in England, there is this national music and dance scheme, which offers Government funding of means-tested bursaries of up to £3,000, as well as in Scotland, which obviously had not been provided by the Welsh Government in the past; this has been funded exclusively by the royal Welsh college. Can the Minister clarify whether the Welsh Government is considering adopting such a scheme in Wales, and if so, what would be the timetable?
Mae’n drasiedi ein bod yn cael y ddadl hon ar ôl i'r coleg brenhinol wneud y penderfyniad i gau’r adran iau. Ac ar un ystyr, mae’n sarhad ar yr holl bobl a drafferthodd arwyddo’r ddeiseb nad oedd y coleg brenhinol yn barod i aros i weld pa atebion y gellid eu trafod. Nid oes gennyf unrhyw amheuaeth fod angen newid, a bod hynny'n anochel oherwydd yr amgylchiadau ariannol, ond rwy'n teimlo'n hynod siomedig fod y penderfyniad hwn wedi'i ruthro yn ei flaen er bod cynigion amgen yn cael eu gwneud.
Nid yw cau'r adran yn frysiog yn cyd-fynd â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, gyda’i hymrwymiad i gydweithio, gwaith partneriaeth a chanolbwyntio ar genedlaethau’r dyfodol, na Deddf Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol a Chaffael Cyhoeddus (Cymru) 2023, er fy mod yn derbyn nad yw'r coleg brenhinol yn ddarostyngedig iddi, ond serch hynny, mewn ysbryd o gydweithio, nid ydynt yn ddoeth i fwrw ymlaen fel pe na bai dewis arall, yn enwedig gan fod y tiwtoriaid sydd wedi rhoi cymaint i addysgu'r bobl ifanc hyn yn gwneud cymaint o ymdrech i ddod o hyd i atebion amgen, gan gydnabod bod problem ariannol a gwneud cynigion pendant i leihau nifer yr wythnosau o weithgarwch hyd at yr hanner, er mwyn galluogi ail-fformiwleiddio’r cyllid i'w wneud yn gynnig cynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol. Gwrthododd yr uwch reolwyr roi ystyriaeth hyd yn oed i'w hymdrechion i ddiogelu buddiannau'r adran iau bresennol a rhagolygon y dyfodol ar gyfer plant nad ydynt wedi cael eu geni eto.
Mae Rhys ab Owen yn llygad ei le fod cerddoriaeth a chân yn rhan sylfaenol o les bodau dynol, ac mae'n arbennig o bwysig ein bod yn canu i'n plant. Dyna un o'r pethau cyntaf y gallwn eu gwneud. Hyd yn oed cyn bod ganddynt iaith i gyfathrebu â ni, fel y dywedoch chi, maent yn gallu canu.
Felly, dau beth, mewn gwirionedd. Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn sôn eto am y cyfraniad y mae Rhianon Passmore yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod cerddoriaeth yn parhau i fod yn rhan hollbwysig o’r cwricwlwm newydd yn ein hysgolion, fel bod pob plentyn yn cael dysgu am gerddoriaeth ac offerynnau cerdd, ond mae’n rhaid inni fod yn realistig nad yw pob ysgol yn mynd i allu darparu’r lefel o gymorth ac arbenigedd a oedd ar gael gan yr adran iau. Ac mae'n golygu nad oes llwybr ar gyfer y rheini sydd am ganolbwyntio o ddifrif ar eu cerddoriaeth fel gweithgaredd allgyrsiol a gyrfa bosibl. Felly, mae hon yn drasiedi lwyr.
Felly, Weinidog, yn eich ymateb, tybed a allech chi ddweud ychydig mwy wrthym am yr academi dydd Sadwrn arfaethedig sydd i'w rhedeg gan Wasanaeth Cerdd Caerdydd a'r Fro, y dywedir wrthyf gan y coleg brenhinol ei bod yn mynd i gael ei rhedeg mewn partneriaeth ag athrawon sydd eisoes â phrofiad o gonservatoire iau'r coleg brenhinol. Oherwydd, fel menter gynaliadwy leol—. Felly, a yw'n mynd i allu cynnwys unrhyw un o'r bobl ifanc hyn sydd eisoes wedi gweithio mor galed ar eu cerddoriaeth a'u canu, a sut y bydd pobl yn gallu cofrestru ar ei chyfer? Faint fydd yn ei gostio? Mae hyn yn rhywbeth nad oes sôn amdano yn y papur a ddarparwyd gan y coleg brenhinol.
Ac yn ail, rhoddodd y coleg brenhinol gryn dipyn o bwyslais ar y ffaith bod yna gynllun cerddoriaeth a dawns cenedlaethol yn Lloegr sy’n cynnig cyllid gan y Llywodraeth ar gyfer bwrsariaethau'n ddarostyngedig i brawf modd o hyd at £3,000, yn ogystal ag yn yr Alban, cynllun nad oedd yn cael ei ddarparu gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn y gorffennol, yn amlwg; cafodd hyn ei ariannu'n gyfan gwbl gan y coleg brenhinol. A all y Gweinidog egluro a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried mabwysiadu cynllun o’r fath yng Nghymru, ac os felly, beth fyddai’r amserlen?
Dwi nawr yn galw ar y Gweinidog Addysg Bellach ac Uwch, Vikki Howells.
I now call on the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Vikki Howells.

Thank you, acting Presiding Officer, and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the debate, and of course also to the petitioners. The number of signatures on the petition is a clear indication of the strength of feeling about this issue, and I know that the decision by the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to stop its regular weekend youth provision for musicians and actors has caused concern and apprehension among parents and learners, and has also impacted on staff.
Culture, the arts and music enrich all of our lives, shape society and provide an insight into our history. The Welsh Government remains committed to ensuring these activities are accessible to children and young people in Wales and, to this end, one of my first meetings has been with the Minister for Culture, Skills and Social Partnership, to discuss the importance of culture and opportunities for engaging young people. And in addition, I will continue the dialogue between Welsh Government and the college as it shapes its own proposals for the future provision of music and drama.
I understand that previous discussions have been positive, with a focus on inclusive and sustainable provision in Wales. If I can turn now to the two specific questions asked by my colleague Julie Morgan: what is being done to engage with these young people? Well, I will say that as part of the wide programme of work set out in the national plan for music education, the national music service is working with key partners, including the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and National Youth Arts Wales, to identify and provide support and signposting for our talented young musicians. This work is focused on ensuring that they have opportunities to experience performing to their best ability, with equal importance and support given to a broad and diverse range of genres of music.
And in relation to the question on the instruments themselves, I note that in its consultation response, the college notes that those learners currently borrowing an instrument will be entitled to apply for an extended loan until the end of August next year, with no hire fee for this extended period. And the college itself states that it remains committed to retaining its instrument collection and making these available for young learners in any future provision. However, I really must state that universities in Wales are autonomous institutions, with responsibility for their own academic and financial affairs, and that does include the decision by the college to close its weekend programme.
Funding for higher education in Wales is allocated from the Welsh Government to the sector via Medr, the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, and each institution is responsible for managing its own budget, which includes funding from Welsh Government along with other sources of income. The college has not made a request for further funding from Welsh Ministers and nor would it be appropriate for them to do so. It really is not the role of Ministers to be involved in the operational detail of activity delivery, nor the routine financial management of an institution. These decisions are clearly a matter for the college, which is run by a team of professionals, overseen by a board of governors with whom accountability lies, and who support this decision. I appreciate that the college, like many other higher education institutions, is facing financial challenges due to a range of external factors, and this is something that I will be engaging constructively about with senior leaders across the sector.
Looking to the future, the college is considering how sustainable provision can be shaped to meet the changing needs of contemporary Wales, to invest in talent from all backgrounds, and provide national and inclusive services that do create those pathways that Members have spoken about so passionately—pathways into professional training. A number of Members raised the issue of the need for alternative provision, and I will say here that I am encouraged by the news of new provision launched by CF Music Education—it’s called Academi—and it covers Cardiff and the Vale from the end of this month. I won't have time to go into further detail, but if Members want to write to me, I'd be happy to share with you what I have there.
But the Welsh Government is, of course, fully committed to supporting music education, and it's funding the national music service with a significant investment, totalling £13 million from 2022 to 2025. This national music service is enabling every child and young person from the age of three to 16 to benefit from opportunities to play a musical instrument, including through schools programmes such as First experiences and Music pathways.
I understand that everyone involved will be keen to hear further detail on future plans. The college intends to undertake a period of review in 2024-25, and this will involve working with young people, staff, stakeholders and external UK advisers to develop a national talent programme for Wales that identifies and nurtures top talent. The college will consider limitations in music and drama education provision where social inequality creates barriers for the young people of Wales.
Finally, I will close by saying that I really do understand the frustration and concerns of learners, parents and staff, but I do also feel assured that genuine consideration is being given to future sustainable and equitable activity, and I intend to maintain communication with the college. I look forward to hearing more detail on these plans. Diolch.
Diolch, Lywydd dros dro, a diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl, ac wrth gwrs, i’r deisebwyr hefyd. Mae nifer y llofnodion ar y ddeiseb yn arwydd clir o gryfder y teimladau ynghylch y mater hwn, a gwn fod penderfyniad Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru i roi'r gorau i'w ddarpariaeth ieuenctid reolaidd ar benwythnosau i gerddorion ac actorion wedi achosi pryder ac ofnau ymhlith rhieni a dysgwyr, a hefyd wedi effeithio ar staff.
Mae diwylliant, y celfyddydau a cherddoriaeth yn cyfoethogi bywydau pob un ohonom, yn siapio cymdeithas ac yn taflu goleuni ar ein hanes. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i sicrhau bod y gweithgareddau hyn yn hygyrch i blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru, ac i’r perwyl hwn, roedd un o fy nghyfarfodydd cyntaf gyda’r Gweinidog Diwylliant, Sgiliau a Phartneriaeth Gymdeithasol, i drafod pwysigrwydd diwylliant a chyfleoedd i ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc. Ac yn ogystal, byddaf yn parhau â’r ddeialog rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a’r coleg wrth iddo lunio ei gynigion ei hun ar gyfer y ddarpariaeth gerdd a drama yn y dyfodol.
Deallaf fod trafodaethau blaenorol wedi bod yn gadarnhaol, gyda ffocws ar ddarpariaeth gynhwysol a chynaliadwy yng Nghymru. Os caf droi nawr at y ddau gwestiwn penodol a ofynnwyd gan fy nghyd-Aelod, Julie Morgan: beth sy’n cael ei wneud i ymgysylltu â’r bobl ifanc hyn? Wel, fel rhan o’r rhaglen waith eang a nodwyd yn y cynllun cenedlaethol ar gyfer addysg cerddoriaeth, mae'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid allweddol, gan gynnwys Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru a Celfyddydau Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru, ar nodi a darparu cymorth a chyfeirio ar gyfer ein cerddorion ifanc dawnus. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn canolbwyntio ar sicrhau eu bod yn cael cyfleoedd i gael profiad o berfformio hyd eithaf eu gallu, gyda'r un pwysigrwydd a chymorth yn cael eu rhoi i ystod eang ac amrywiol o genres cerddorol.
Ac mewn perthynas â’r cwestiwn ynglŷn â'r offerynnau eu hunain, nodaf fod y coleg, yn ei ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad, yn nodi y bydd gan y dysgwyr sy’n benthyca offeryn ar hyn o bryd hawl i wneud cais am fenthyciad estynedig tan ddiwedd mis Awst y flwyddyn nesaf, heb unrhyw ffi llogi am y cyfnod estynedig hwn. Ac mae'r coleg ei hun yn datgan ei fod yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i gadw ei gasgliad o offerynnau a sicrhau eu bod ar gael i ddysgwyr ifanc mewn unrhyw ddarpariaeth yn y dyfodol. Fodd bynnag, mae'n rhaid imi ddatgan bod prifysgolion Cymru yn sefydliadau ymreolaethol, gyda chyfrifoldeb am eu materion academaidd ac ariannol eu hunain, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys penderfyniad y coleg i ddirwyn ei raglen penwythnos i ben.
Dyrennir cyllid ar gyfer addysg uwch yng Nghymru gan Lywodraeth Cymru i’r sector drwy Medr, y Comisiwn Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil, ac mae pob sefydliad yn gyfrifol am reoli ei gyllideb ei hun, sy’n cynnwys cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynghyd â ffynonellau incwm eraill. Nid yw’r coleg wedi gwneud cais am gyllid pellach gan Weinidogion Cymru ac ni fyddai’n briodol iddynt wneud hynny ychwaith. Nid rôl Gweinidogion yw ymwneud â manylion gweithredol gweithgarwch, na rheolaeth ariannol rheolaidd sefydliad. Mae’r penderfyniadau hyn yn amlwg yn fater i’r coleg, sy’n cael ei redeg gan dîm o weithwyr proffesiynol, a oruchwylir gan fwrdd llywodraethwyr sy'n atebol, ac sy’n cefnogi’r penderfyniad hwn. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod y coleg, fel llawer o sefydliadau addysg uwch eraill, yn wynebu heriau ariannol oherwydd amrywiaeth o ffactorau allanol, ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth y byddaf yn ymwneud yn adeiladol yn ei gylch gydag uwch arweinwyr ar draws y sector.
Gan edrych tua’r dyfodol, mae’r coleg yn ystyried sut y gellir llunio darpariaeth gynaliadwy i ddiwallu anghenion newidiol y Gymru gyfoes, i fuddsoddi mewn talent o bob cefndir, a darparu gwasanaethau cenedlaethol a chynhwysol sy’n creu’r llwybrau y mae'r Aelodau wedi siarad mor angerddol amdanynt—llwybrau i hyfforddiant proffesiynol. Mae nifer o’r Aelodau wedi codi mater yr angen am ddarpariaeth amgen, a dywedaf yma fy mod wedi fy nghalonogi gan y newyddion ynglŷn â darpariaeth newydd a lansiwyd gan Addysg Gerdd Caerdydd a’r Fro—fe'i gelwir yn Academi—a bydd yn gwasanaethu Caerdydd a’r Fro o ddiwedd y mis ymlaen. Ni fydd gennyf amser i fanylu ymhellach, ond os hoffai'r Aelodau ysgrifennu ataf, rwy'n fwy na pharod i rannu'r hyn sydd gennyf am hynny o beth gyda chi.
Ond mae Llywodraeth Cymru, wrth gwrs, wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i gefnogi addysg cerddoriaeth, ac mae'n ariannu'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol gyda buddsoddiad sylweddol, cyfanswm o £13 miliwn rhwng 2022 a 2025. Mae'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol hwn yn galluogi pob plentyn ac unigolyn ifanc tair i 16 oed i elwa ar gyfleoedd i chwarae offeryn cerdd, gan gynnwys drwy raglenni ysgolion fel Profiadau Cyntaf a Llwybrau Cerddoriaeth.
Deallaf y bydd pawb sy'n gysylltiedig yn awyddus i glywed rhagor o fanylion am gynlluniau yn y dyfodol. Mae’r coleg yn bwriadu cynnal cyfnod o adolygu yn 2024-25, a bydd hyn yn cynnwys gweithio gyda phobl ifanc, staff, rhanddeiliaid a chynghorwyr allanol yn y DU i ddatblygu rhaglen dalent genedlaethol i Gymru sy’n nodi ac yn meithrin y dalent orau. Bydd y coleg yn ystyried cyfyngiadau i'r ddarpariaeth addysg gerdd a drama lle mae anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol yn creu rhwystrau i bobl ifanc Cymru.
Yn olaf, hoffwn gloi drwy ddweud fy mod yn deall rhwystredigaeth a phryderon dysgwyr, rhieni a staff yn iawn, ond rwyf hefyd yn hyderus fod ystyriaeth wirioneddol yn cael ei rhoi i weithgarwch cynaliadwy a theg yn y dyfodol, ac rwy’n bwriadu parhau i gyfathrebu â’r coleg. Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed mwy o fanylion ynglŷn â'r cynlluniau hyn. Diolch.
Dwi'n galw ar Rhianon Passmore i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Rhianon Passmore to reply to the debate.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd, and I'd like to thank Peter Fox in terms of his comments around the well-being of students; Heledd Fychan in terms of her comments around the cultural strategy and also in terms of the impact on Wales and individuals; Julie Morgan in terms of her very practical points in regard to the instruments, which has been answered, and in terms of the future of these pupils and sustainable teaching; and Tom Giffard on the need for cultural budgetary fairness. Rhys ab Owen, we cannot rely on glories of the past, I like that phraseology in terms of the land of song. And finally Jenny Rathbone, referencing the rights of the child and that ability to deliver for the children of Wales.
I also want to thank the Cabinet Secretary for her response and the green shoots that have been placed in front of us today, but I would actually say, in detail, that that review has to be holistic, and it must take in those external organisations that are involved in terms of that national pathway, in terms of a conservatoire model for Wales. I'd also like to thank the Business Committee for granting time for this important debate, and also Rebecca Totterdell, the petitioner, and all those other campaigners for their efforts, including Elizabeth Atherton, who have raised awareness of this hugely culturally important issue for Wales.
I hope the debate today has been useful in highlighting once again that we must do all that we can to ensure our cultural institutions have the tools that they need to survive and thrive in an uncertain future. We are rightly renowned for the work that we do here in Wales, including the birth of our new national music service, and it is up to all of us now to honour the national music plan in terms of a national framework and plan for our most talented youth across Wales. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a hoffwn ddiolch i Peter Fox am ei sylwadau ynghylch llesiant myfyrwyr; Heledd Fychan am ei sylwadau am y strategaeth ddiwylliannol a'r effaith ar Gymru ac unigolion; Julie Morgan am ei phwyntiau ymarferol iawn mewn perthynas â'r offerynnau, sydd wedi’u hateb, a dyfodol y disgyblion hyn ac addysgu cynaliadwy; a Tom Giffard ar yr angen am degwch cyllidebol diwylliannol. Rhys ab Owen, ni allwn ddibynnu ar ogoniannau'r gorffennol, rwy'n hoffi'r ffordd honno o siarad am wlad y gân. Ac yn olaf Jenny Rathbone, a gyfeiriodd at hawliau’r plentyn a’r gallu i gyflawni ar ran plant Cymru.
Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am ei hymateb a’r blagur gwyrdd a roddwyd o’n blaenau heddiw, ond buaswn yn dweud, mewn gwirionedd, fod yn rhaid i’r adolygiad hwnnw fod yn gyfannol o ran ei fanylder, ac mae'n rhaid iddo gynnwys y sefydliadau allanol sy'n gysylltiedig â’r llwybr cenedlaethol, o ran model conservatoire i Gymru. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i’r Pwyllgor Busnes am roi amser ar gyfer y ddadl bwysig hon, a hefyd i Rebecca Totterdell, y deisebydd, a’r holl ymgyrchwyr eraill hynny am eu hymdrechion, gan gynnwys Elizabeth Atherton, sydd wedi codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r mater diwylliannol hynod bwysig hwn i Gymru.
Rwy'n gobeithio bod y ddadl heddiw wedi bod yn ddefnyddiol i nodi unwaith eto fod yn rhaid inni wneud popeth a allwn i sicrhau bod gan ein sefydliadau diwylliannol y dulliau gweithredu sydd eu hangen arnynt i oroesi a ffynnu mewn dyfodol ansicr. Mae gennym enw da haeddiannol am y gwaith a wnawn yma yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys sefydlu ein gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol newydd, ac mae'n ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom nawr i anrhydeddu’r cynllun cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol fel fframwaith cenedlaethol a chynllunio ar gyfer ein pobl ifanc hynod dalentog ledled Cymru. Diolch yn fawr.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi'r ddeiseb? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to note the petition. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt, a gwelliant 2 yn enw Heledd Fychan.
The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt, and amendment 2 in the name of Heledd Fychan.
Fe symudwn ni ymlaen nawr i eitem 7, sef dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar daliad tanwydd gaeaf. Dwi'n galw ar Joel James i wneud y cynnig.
We'll move on now to item 7, which is the Welsh Conservatives' debate on the winter fuel payment. I call on Joel James to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8651 Darren Millar
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn mynegi pryder dybryd y bydd tua 400,000 o aelwydydd yng Nghymru yn colli hyd at £300 y pen yn dilyn penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i ddod â’r taliad tanwydd gaeaf cyffredinol i ben.
2. Yn nodi ymateb Ysgrifennydd Cabinet Llywodraeth Cymru dros Ddiwylliant a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, y Trefnydd a’r Prif Chwip i WQ93698, lle nododd fod risg y bydd penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i ddod â thaliad tanwydd y gaeaf i ben yn gwthio rhai pensiynwyr i dlodi tanwydd.
3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth y DU i wyrdroi ei phenderfyniad i ddod â'r taliad tanwydd gaeaf cyffredinol i ben.
Motion NDM8651 Darren Millar
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Expresses deep concern that around 400,000 households in Wales will lose up to £300 per person after the UK Government’s decision to end the universal winter fuel payment.
2. Notes the Welsh Government's Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip's response to WQ93698 where she stated that the UK Government's decision to end the winter fuel payment will risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.
3. Calls on the UK Government to reverse its decision to end the universal winter fuel payment.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Thank you, acting Presiding Officer. The decision to remove universal winter fuel payments has blindsided millions of pensioners who have now been put into a state of fear over the affordability of their winter fuel bills, which are predicted to go up by 10 per cent in October. But what is completely perplexing about this situation is that no explanation whatsoever has been offered by our new Labour Westminster Government as to why it is necessary, or why it is so urgent—indeed, so urgent that they have had to invoke special emergency provision measures and bypass parliamentary scrutiny of it. They have claimed rather ludicrously, and without evidence, I should add, that it was to stop a run on the pound.
They've also claimed that there is a £22 billion black hole in public finances, but this has been repeatedly shown to be disingenuous and manufactured by the Labour Party in self-imposing restrictions on UK public spending and backdating inflation-busting public sector pay rises to keep their trade union donors happy. Just 10 weeks before the election was called, the Office for Budget Responsibility audited UK public finances and there was no indication of a £22 billion shortfall. In fact, it would've been a breach of the civil service code if officials had knowingly signed off incorrect public finance estimates.
Quite frankly, it is clear to just about everyone here, including the Cabinet Secretary, that cutting the universal winter fuel scheme in this way is not only exceptionally short-sighted and callous, but it will risk pushing thousands of pensioners into fuel poverty. Over 100,000 will see it cut in my region alone. It creates a sharp cliff edge for those whose income is just above pension credit levels. Those who have 35 years of national insurance contributions and the full state pension are not eligible for pension credit, and now the winter fuel allowance, yet someone with 34 years of contributions is, meaning that those just over the threshold are most likely in danger of fuel poverty. We also know that there are almost 900,000 people who are entitled to but are not claiming pension credit. The reality is that this Labour Government will be taking a vital income away from those who most need it.
However, what is most alarming, as we have discovered, is that the new Labour Government has commissioned no impact assessment whatsoever on the impact of this cut. The Labour Party's own research has estimated that, by scrapping the universal winter fuel payments, excess deaths will increase by almost 4,000 people. So, the real question here is why the UK Government wants to do such a thing. Why would they want to cause such fear in pensioners, many of whom are vulnerable, disabled or suffering from health issues? And why would they want to take a decision that, by their own research, would cause the deaths of thousands? The truth is, acting Presiding Officer, that by cutting winter fuel payments and punishing vulnerable pensioners, they're ultimately paving the way for extremely painful fiscal policies and further tax rises, as we are, in all fairness, being continually warned about by the new Government. They will argue that if vulnerable pensioners have to pay, then so does everyone else.
They have manufactured this financial situation and are punishing pensioners so that they can turn around and squeeze every last penny out of the UK taxpayer, out of businesses and out of entrepreneurs. But as we have seen repeatedly throughout history, they won't use this money for good government, but to swell the state and most probably bung this place another £100 million for the extra 36 politicians that you so want but nobody else does. The fact that, without exception, no Labour MP supported the scrapping of this cut last week clearly shows the contempt and cowardice that they have for our country and our most vulnerable, and with all due respect, Cabinet Secretary, the contempt that they have for you and this Government. I'm sure that many people who voted for them in July are now thoroughly ashamed.
Acting Presiding Officer, there is no logical reason as to why scrapping universal winter fuel allowance should be done. Making older people, some disabled, some suffering from chronic and terminal illnesses who feel the cold more deeply, afraid to turn on their heating in case they get a bill they cannot afford neither makes moral nor financial sense. During this debate, we will undoubtedly hear about the human cost and possibly the increased financial cost of such a policy. I would like to remind Members across this Chamber to take a step back and look at the real reasons as to why the Labour Party have chosen to do this and are choosing to punish vulnerable pensioners. It is but the start of the pain that the Labour Party has in store for us and the Welsh people, and I would urge everyone here to support our motion. Thank you.
Diolch, Lywydd dros dro. Mae’r penderfyniad i gael gwared ar daliadau tanwydd gaeaf cyffredinol wedi amharu ar filiynau o bensiynwyr sydd bellach yn ofnus ynghylch fforddiadwyedd eu biliau tanwydd gaeaf, y rhagwelir y byddant yn codi 10 y cant ym mis Hydref. Ond yr hyn sy’n peri dryswch llwyr ynglŷn â’r sefyllfa hon yw nad oes unrhyw esboniad o gwbl wedi’i gynnig gan ein Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn San Steffan pam ei fod yn angenrheidiol, neu pam fod cymaint o frys—yn wir, cymaint o frys fel eu bod wedi gorfod rhoi mesurau darpariaeth brys arbennig ar waith ac osgoi craffu seneddol. Maent wedi honni, braidd yn chwerthinllyd, a heb dystiolaeth, dylwn ychwanegu, eu bod wedi gwneud hynny er mwyn atal cwymp yng ngwerth y bunt.
Maent hefyd wedi honni bod ganddynt dwll du o £22 biliwn mewn cyllid cyhoeddus, ond mae hyn wedi cael ei brofi dro ar ôl tro i fod yn ffuantus ac yn sefyllfa sydd wedi'i chreu gan y Blaid Lafur wrth iddynt osod eu cyfyngiadau eu hunain ar wariant cyhoeddus y DU ac ôl-ddyddio cyflogau’r sector cyhoeddus yn unol â chwyddiant er mwyn cadw eu rhoddwyr yn yr undebau llafur yn hapus. Gwta 10 wythnos cyn galw'r etholiad, archwiliodd y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol gyllid cyhoeddus y DU ac nid oedd unrhyw arwydd o ddiffyg o £22 biliwn. Mewn gwirionedd, pe bai swyddogion wedi cymeradwyo amcangyfrifon cyllid cyhoeddus anghywir yn fwriadol, byddent wedi mynd yn groes i god y gwasanaeth sifil.
A bod yn gwbl onest, mae’n amlwg i bawb yma bron, gan gynnwys Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fod torri'r cynllun tanwydd gaeaf cyffredinol yn y ffordd hon nid yn unig yn eithriadol o gibddall a dideimlad, ond hefyd ei fod yn creu risg o wthio miloedd o bensiynwyr i mewn i dlodi tanwydd. Bydd dros 100,000 o bobl yn ei golli yn fy rhanbarth i yn unig. Mae'n creu ymyl clogwyn i'r rheini nad yw eu hincwm ond ychydig uwch na lefelau credyd pensiwn. Nid yw pobl a chanddynt 35 mlynedd o gyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol a phensiwn llawn y wladwriaeth yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn, a lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf nawr, ac eto, mae rhywun a chanddynt 34 mlynedd o gyfraniadau yn gymwys, sy’n golygu mai’r rheini sydd ond ychydig dros y trothwy sydd fwyaf tebygol o fod mewn perygl o ddioddef tlodi tanwydd. Gwyddom hefyd fod bron i 900,000 o bobl â hawl i gredyd pensiwn ond nad ydynt yn ei hawlio. Y gwir amdani yw y bydd y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yn mynd ag incwm hanfodol oddi ar y rheini sydd fwyaf o'i angen.
Fodd bynnag, yr hyn sy'n fwyaf brawychus, fel y canfuom, yw nad yw’r Llywodraeth Lafur newydd wedi comisiynu unrhyw asesiad effaith o gwbl ar effaith y toriad hwn. Mae ymchwil y Blaid Lafur ei hun wedi amcangyfrif y bydd cael gwared ar daliadau tanwydd gaeaf cyffredinol yn arwain at bron i 4,000 yn rhagor o farwolaethau ychwanegol. Felly, y cwestiwn go iawn yma yw pam fod Llywodraeth y DU yn dymuno gwneud y fath beth. Pam y byddent yn dymuno achosi cymaint o ofn i bensiynwyr, gyda llawer ohonynt yn agored i niwed, yn anabl neu'n dioddef o broblemau iechyd? A pham y byddent yn dymuno gwneud penderfyniad a fyddai, yn ôl eu hymchwil eu hunain, yn achosi miloedd o farwolaethau? Y gwir amdani, Lywydd dros dro, yw y bydd torri taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf a chosbi pensiynwyr agored i niwed yn paratoi’r ffordd yn y pen draw ar gyfer polisïau cyllidol hynod boenus a chodiadau treth pellach, fel y mae'r Llywodraeth newydd, a bod yn deg, yn ein rhybuddio’n barhaus yn eu cylch. Byddant yn dadlau, os oes rhaid i bensiynwyr bregus dalu, rhaid i bawb arall dalu hefyd.
Maent wedi creu'r sefyllfa ariannol hon ac yn cosbi pensiynwyr fel y gallant wasgu pob ceiniog o bocedi trethdalwyr y DU, busnesau ac entrepreneuriaid. Ond fel y gwelsom dro ar ôl tro drwy hanes, ni fyddant yn defnyddio'r arian hwn i lywodraethu'n dda, ond yn hytrach i chwyddo'r wladwriaeth, ac i roi £100 miliwn arall i lenwi'r lle hwn â 36 o wleidyddion ychwanegol yr ydych chi mor awyddus i'w cael ond nad oes unrhyw un arall mo'u heisiau. Mae’r ffaith nad oedd unrhyw AS Llafur o blaid cael gwared ar y toriad hwn yr wythnos diwethaf yn dangos eu llwfrdra'n glir a'r dirmyg sydd ganddynt tuag at ein gwlad a’n pobl fwyaf agored i niwed, a chyda phob parch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, y dirmyg sydd ganddynt tuag atoch chi a’r Llywodraeth hon. Rwy’n siŵr fod llawer o bobl a bleidleisiodd drostynt ym mis Gorffennaf bellach yn teimlo cywilydd ynglŷn â hynny.
Lywydd dros dro, nid oes unrhyw reswm rhesymegol pam y dylid cael gwared ar y lwfans tanwydd gaeaf cyffredinol. Nid yw gwneud i bobl hŷn, gyda rhai ohonynt yn anabl, a rhai ohonynt yn dioddef o salwch cronig ac angheuol ac sydd felly'n teimlo'r oerfel yn waeth, ac sy'n ofni rhoi'r gwres ymlaen rhag ofn iddynt gael bil na allant ei fforddio, yn gwneud synnwyr yn foesol nac yn ariannol. Yn y ddadl hon, byddwn yn sicr o glywed am gost ddynol, ac o bosibl, cost ariannol uwch polisi o’r fath. Hoffwn atgoffa Aelodau ar draws y Siambr i gymryd cam yn ôl ac edrych ar y rhesymau go iawn pam fod y Blaid Lafur wedi dewis gwneud hyn a dewis cosbi pensiynwyr agored i niwed. Dim ond dechrau’r boen sydd gan y Blaid Lafur ar ein cyfer ni a phobl Cymru yw hyn, ac rwy'n annog pawb yma i gefnogi ein cynnig. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae'r Llywydd wedi dethol y ddau welliant i'r cynnig, a dwi'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, y Trefnydd a’r Prif Chwip i gynnig yn ffurfiol gwelliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn ei henw hi.
The Llywydd has selected the two amendments to the motion, and I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip to move formally amendment 1, tabled in her name.
Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt
Dileu popeth a rhoi yn ei le:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud dewisiadau anodd, fel newidiadau i’r cymhwystra ar gyfer lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf, yn sgil 14 o flynyddoedd o gamreoli economaidd.
2. Yn croesawu’r ymrwymiad i’r clo triphlyg a dull wedi’i dargedu o gyflwyno’r Gostyngiad Cartrefi Cynnes.
3. Yn cytuno bod sicrhau’r incwm mwyaf, meithrin cadernid ariannol a rhoi mwy o arian yn ôl ym mhocedi pobl yn flaenoriaethau ar gyfer lliniaru effaith prisiau ynni uchel, ac yn annog pobl i ddod i wybod mwy am y cymorth ariannol y gallai fod ganddynt hawl iddo drwy Advicelink Cymru..
4. Yn cefnogi’r egwyddor o dariff cymdeithasol er mwyn diogelu’r cwsmeriaid sydd fwyaf agored i niwed, ac yn galw ar OFGEM i ddiwygio taliadau sefydlog.
Amendment 1—Jane Hutt
Delete all and replace with:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises that the UK Government has made difficult choices, such as changes to the winter fuel allowance eligibility, as a result of 14 years of economic mismanagement.
2. Welcomes the commitment to the triple lock and a targeted approach to the Warm Home Discount.
3. Agrees that maximising incomes, building financial resilience, and putting money back into people’s pockets are priorities to help alleviate the impact of high energy prices, and encourages people to find out about the financial support they may be entitled to through Advicelink Cymru.
4. Supports the principle of a social tariff to protect the most vulnerable customers, and calls on OFGEM to reform standing charges.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Dwi'n galw ar Sioned Williams i gynnig gwelliant 2, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan.
I call on Sioned Williams to move amendment 2, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan.
Gwelliant 2—Heledd Fychan
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:
Yn gresynu fod tynnu nôl ar ddarpariaeth gynhwysol y taliad tanwydd gaeaf yn barhad o agenda llymder llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol y DU.
Amendment 2—Heledd Fychan
Add as new point at end of motion:
Regrets that the withdrawal of the inclusive winter fuel payment provision is a continuation of the austerity agenda of the previous UK Conservative Government.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2.
Amendment 2 moved.
Mae Plaid Cymru yn cytuno gyda'r hyn sydd yng nghynnig y Ceidwadwyr heddiw ac fe fyddwn yn ei gefnogi. Rŷn ni'n rhannu'r pryder bod tua 400,000 o aelwydydd yng Nghymru yn mynd i golli cannoedd o bunnau o gefnogaeth yn sgil penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur San Steffan i fedru talu biliau ynni, i dorri biliau ynni—. Sori, fe ddechreuaf i eto.
Mae Plaid Cymru yn cytuno gyda'r hyn sydd yng nghynnig y Ceidwadwyr heddiw ac fe fyddwn yn ei gefnogi. Rŷn ni'n rhannu'r pryder bod tua 400,000 o aelwydydd yng Nghymru yn mynd i golli cannoedd o bunnau o gefnogaeth yn sgil penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur San Steffan, ac rŷn ni'n gwybod bod y biliau hynny yn mynd i godi hyd yn oed yn uwch. Ond rŷn ni hefyd yn galw ar y Llywodraeth honno i newid y penderfyniad hwnnw.
Ond mae'r hyn sydd yn ein gwelliant ni yn ychwanegu at y cynnig hefyd, ac mae hynny'n allweddol i'r ddadl hon heddiw, sef gresynu at y ffaith bod y toriad hwn yn barhad o agenda lymder Llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol San Steffan. Ac mae’n rhaid imi ddweud, rydw i’n anghytuno hefyd gyda’r modd y mae Joel James newydd ailysgrifennu hanes y 14 mlynedd ddiwethaf.
Mae hynny'n bwynt hollbwysig, rŷn ni'n teimlo, achos rŷn ni’n blaid sy'n ymwrthod yn llwyr ag ideoleg a pholisïau llymder. Mae mesurau llymder yn dyfnhau anghydraddoldeb drwy waethygu'r caledi sy'n cael ei deimlo gan bobl ar incwm isel, tra'n caniatáu i'r mwyaf cyfoethog deimlo'r pwysau lleiaf.
Mae disgwyliad oes adeg geni, sy’n ddangosydd allweddol o iechyd gwlad, wedi syrthio ers 2010, a hynny yn sgil llymder, yn ôl y London School of Economics. Mae'n bolisi economaidd gwbl aneffeithiol ac annheg. Mae’n ymwneud ag arbed arian, ydy, ond mae dyled y Deyrnas Gyfunol bob blwyddyn wedi cynyddu o dan Lywodraethau'r Torïaid. Felly, doedd e ddim wedi cyflawni’r hyn yr oedd gwleidyddion fel George Osborne wedi dweud yr oedd yn mynd i’w wneud.
Beth yr oedd yn ei wneud oedd trosglwyddo arian o'r tlotaf i'r cyfoethocaf. Ac wrth i ni fyw gyda lefelau uchel o dlodi plant, gyda banciau bwyd yn rhan o fywyd bellach i filiynau, mae biliwnyddion yr ynysoedd hyn wedi gweld eu cyfoeth yn cynyddu ac yn cynyddu. A'ch plaid chi, ar y meinciau Ceidwadol, oedd penseiri llymder, ac mae'n rhaid i chi gael eich dwyn i gyfrif am hynny.
Ydy, mae'n wir na wnaethoch chi dynnu'r taliad yma oddi ar bensiynwyr—er y gwnaethoch chi ystyried gwneud hynny yn 2017. Ond, fe wnaethoch chi achosi dewisiadau anodd, amhosibl i bensiynwyr—y dewis rhwng bwyta neu gadw'n dwym. Cymerodd Llywodraethau Ceidwadol ers 2010 y dewisiadau anghywir—dewisiadau a wnaeth wanhau'r economi a niweidio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, ac a wnaeth achosi gymaint o doriadau eraill a effeithiodd ar aelodau mwyaf bregus ein cymdeithas.
Mae'n hynod siomedig, ac yn hynod bryderus, gweld Aelodau Seneddol o Gymru, gafodd eu hethol ar ôl addo newid, yn pleidleisio o blaid torri'r taliadau tanwydd gaeaf yma, neu'n dewis peidio ei wrthwynebu drwy ymatal. Am lwfr, am ddigywilydd, am ddiegwyddor. Mae adroddiadau gan Age Cymru, y comisiynydd pobl hŷn a Carers Wales yn dangos bod tlodi yn rhemp ymysg aelodau hŷn ein cymdeithas. Mae'r rheini sydd yn anabl, neu'n byw gyda chyflwr iechyd cronig hyd yn oed yn fwy tebygol o gael eu taro'n galed gan y toriad hwn, yn ôl y mudiadau sy'n ymgyrchu dros eu lles a'u hawliau.
Mae hyd at £300 yn mynd yn bell i helpu gyda chostau ynni dros y gaeaf, yn enwedig gan fod disgwyl i’r bil ynni blynyddol cyfartalog godi bron £150 y mis nesaf. Bydd tynnu'r gefnogaeth yma i ffwrdd ar fyr rybudd fel hyn yn gyrru llawer o bensiynwyr i dlodi tanwydd a llawer yn ddyfnach i ddyled. Gall peidio â chadw eich cartref yn dwym gael canlyniadau difrifol. Nid yw cartref twym jest yn rhywbeth cyfforddus i'w gael; mae'n hanfodol i iechyd, yn enwedig i bobl hŷn. Mae cartref oer yn cynyddu’r risg o strôc, o haint anadlol, o gwympo neu o anafiadau eraill. A gall ladd.
Nododd yr ystadegau diwethaf sydd ar gael fod 800 o excess winter deaths, fel y maent yn cael eu galw, yng Nghymru yn ystod 2021-22. Gellir priodoli 240 ohonyn nhw i gartrefi oer. Y Deyrnas Gyfunol yw’r chweched economi fwyaf yn y byd, ac mae 165 o biliwnyddion yn y wlad. Nid torri cymorth tanwydd i bensiynwyr yw’r ateb i broblemau economaidd, ac ni fyth ddylai fod. Nid yw mwy o lymder yn ateb os ydyn ni am weld tegwch a llewyrch i bobl Cymru, ac mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru sefyll lan drostyn nhw yn wyneb hyn. Felly, fy nghwestiwn i'r Llywodraeth yw hwn: onid ydych chi wedi cael digon o orfod gwneud yn iawn am gamgymeriadau polisi San Steffan? Dangoswch i bobl Cymru eich bod yn rhoi eich cenedl cyn eich plaid.
Thank you, Llywydd dros dro. Plaid Cymru agrees with the contents of the Conservatives' motion today and we will be supporting it. We share the concerns that around 400,000 households in Wales will lose hundreds of pounds' worth of support, following the decision made by the Westminster Labour Government to enable them to pay energy bills—. I'll start again.
Plaid Cymru agrees with the contents of the Conservative’s motion today and we will be supporting it. We share the concerns that around 400,000 households in Wales will lose hundreds of pounds of support, following the decision made by the Westminster Labour Government, and we know that those bills are going to increase even further. But we also call on that Government to overturn that decision.
But our amendment, which adds to the motion, is crucial to this debate today, which is that we regret the fact that this cut is a continuation of the austerity agenda of the previous Conservative Government at Westminster. And I have to say that I disagree too with the way that Joel James has just rewritten the history of the past 14 years.
That is a crucial point, in our view, because we are a party that totally rejects the ideology and policies of austerity. Austerity measures deepen inequality by exacerbating the hardship faced and felt by people on low incomes, while enabling the wealthiest to shoulder the lightest burden.
Life expectancy at birth, which is a key indicator of a nation’s health, has declined since 2010 as a result of austerity, according to the London School of Economics. It’s an entirely ineffective and unfair economic policy. It is about saving money, yes, but the UK debt increased every year under the Conservative Governments. So, it hadn’t achieved what the politicians such as George Osborne had said it was going to achieve.
What it did was it transferred money from the poorest to the richest. As we live with high levels of child poverty, with food banks now a part of everyday life for millions, the billionaires of these isles have seen their wealth go up and up. And it was your party on the Conservative benches that was the architect of austerity, and you must be held to account for that.
Yes, it’s true that you didn’t withdraw this payment from pensioners, although you did consider doing so in 2017. But you did cause pensioners to make difficult—impossible, indeed—decisions, such as between eating or heating. Conservative Governments since 2010 made the wrong decisions—decisions that weakened the economy and damaged public services, and led to so many other cuts that impacted the most vulnerable members of our society.
It is hugely disappointing and hugely concerning to see Members of Parliament from Wales, who were elected on a promise of change, voting in favour of cutting the winter fuel payment, or choosing not to oppose the cut by abstaining. How spineless, how shameless, how unprincipled. Reports by Age Cymru, the older people’s commissioner and Carers Wales have shown that poverty is rife among the older members of our society. Those who are disabled, or who live with a chronic health condition, are even more likely to be impacted by this cut, according to the organisations that campaign for their welfare and rights.
Up to £300 goes a long way to help with energy costs over the winter, especially as the average annual energy bill is expected to rise by almost £150 next month. Withdrawing this support at short notice like this will drive many pensioners into fuel poverty and much further into debt. Being unable to keep your home warm can have serious consequences. A warm home isn’t just a comfortable thing to have; it’s vital to health, particularly for older people. A cold home increases the risk of stroke, of respiratory disease and of suffering a fall or other injury. And it can kill.
The most recent statistics available noted that there were 800 excess winter deaths, as they are called, in Wales in 2021-22, 240 of which can be attributed to cold homes. The United Kingdom is the sixth largest economy in the world, and it has 165 billionaires living in it. Cutting fuel support for pensioners isn’t the solution to economic problems, nor should it ever be. More austerity is not the answer if we want to see fairness and prosperity for the people of Wales, and the Welsh Government needs to stand up for them in the face of this. So, my question to the Government is this: haven’t you had enough of having to make up for policy mistakes made in Westminster? Show the people of Wales that you are putting your nation before your party.
Can I remind Members of the time that the Conservatives called for the end of free prescriptions for all? To quote Darren Millar, it's providing free prescriptions for paracetamol to millionaires. He was completely opposed to universal provision, saying it should be targeted to those who need it.
I have a personal interest. I started to receive my state pension in July. I have never received a winter fuel allowance payment, and now I will not. Do I need it? No. Do Paul McCartney, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Elton John, Sting or Mick Jagger need it? I could go on for the next four minutes naming people who are very wealthy who don't need—[Interruption.] Yes.
A gaf i atgoffa’r Aelodau o’r adeg y galwodd y Ceidwadwyr am roi terfyn ar bresgripsiynau am ddim i bawb? I ddyfynnu Darren Millar, rydym yn darparu presgripsiynau am ddim ar gyfer paracetamol i filiwnyddion. Roedd yn gwbl wrthwynebus i ddarpariaeth gyffredinol, gan ddweud y dylid ei thargedu at y rhai sydd ei hangen.
Mae gennyf fuddiant personol. Dechreuais dderbyn pensiwn y wladwriaeth ym mis Gorffennaf. Nid wyf erioed wedi cael taliad lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf, ac ni fyddaf yn cael un bellach. A oes ei angen arnaf? Nac oes. A oes ei angen ar Paul McCartney, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Elton John, Sting neu Mick Jagger? Gallwn barhau am y pedair munud nesaf i enwi pobl gyfoethog iawn nad oes arnynt ei angen—[Torri ar draws.] Ie.

What about the guy who works in our local ironmonger who's going to find himself £13 over the threshold? He's going to lose that £300. I agree that there's a debating point about people who pay 40 per cent and 45 per cent tax, but with what your Government is proposing, there's no impact assessment, your own figures are saying 4,000 premature deaths, and there's a cliff edge to take this benefit away from pensioners through the coming winter.
Beth am y dyn sy'n gweithio yn ein haearnwerthwr lleol sy'n mynd i fod £13 dros y trothwy? Mae'n mynd i golli'r £300 hwnnw. Cytunaf fod pwynt i'w ddadlau ynghylch pobl sy’n talu treth o 40 y cant a 45 y cant, ond gyda’r hyn y mae eich Llywodraeth yn ei gynnig, nid oes asesiad effaith, mae eich ffigurau eich hun yn dweud 4,000 o farwolaethau cyn pryd, ac mae mynd â'r budd-dal hwn oddi ar bensiynwyr yn creu ymyl clogwyn ar gyfer y gaeaf sydd i ddod.
I'll answer the last bit, because I can, and the rest of it's coming up in the speech. We don't know how many people are going to die this winter. You can't know how many people are going to die this winter, because you don't know what the weather's going to be like this winter. If the weather goes down to -20 degrees C—[Interruption.] If the weather goes down to -20 degrees C, or stays above freezing point, it will have a huge difference.
Fe wnaf ateb y darn olaf am fy mod yn gallu, a daw'r gweddill yn yr araith. Nid ydym yn gwybod faint o bobl sy'n mynd i farw y gaeaf hwn. Ni allwch wybod faint o bobl sy'n mynd i farw y gaeaf hwn, am nad ydych yn gwybod sut fydd y tywydd y gaeaf hwn. Os bydd y tywydd yn mynd i lawr i -20 gradd C—[Torri ar draws.] Os bydd y tywydd yn mynd i lawr i -20 gradd C, neu’n aros uwchlaw’r rhewbwynt, bydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Certainly, Darren. I did give you a mention.
Yn sicr, Darren. Fe wneuthum eich enwi.
You're the chair of the cross-party group on older people. Don't you think you ought to reflect on the views of those organisations representing older people, who are absolutely livid about this cruel decision by the new UK Labour Government?
Chi yw cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar bobl hŷn. Onid ydych chi'n credu y dylech fyfyrio ar farn y sefydliadau sy'n cynrychioli pobl hŷn ac sy'n gwbl gandryll am y penderfyniad creulon hwn gan Lywodraeth Lafur newydd y DU?
Certainly, I will reflect on what they say.
What do people use their winter payment for? Some donate it very kindly to a foodbank; others use it for winter breaks. Data the ONS collected between 2016 and 2018 shows that more than one in five households in Britain where the main householder defined as the person responsible for household finances is over 65 have household wealth of over £1 million. It also shows that one in four people aged over 65—that is, 25 per cent—lived in a household with a total wealth of over £1 million. To people like me, £1 million is a lot of money. I can understand why people on the Conservative benches don't think £1 million is a lot of money. What is £1 million? For many farmers, it's 10 years of basic farm payments. I consider it a substantial amount.
A cut-off point at receipt of pension credit is wrong. That's answering you, Andrew, on this. It would be wrong if everyone eligible for pension credit claimed it. We know many eligible do not. A fairer measure would be the one the Conservatives use for child benefit. All families get child benefit, but dependant on earnings, a child benefit charge is collected via the taxation system. I will again call for all income to be taxed in the same way. We have income tax, we have dividend and we have capital gains, and if you get anything apart from income tax, you pay an awful lot less.
Compare the treatment of pensioners to younger people. Young people have been penalised since the Conservatives came into Government in 2010. Tuition fees have been increased and are currently £9,250 a year, and there's a call for them to be increased. How much interest you're charged depends on which plan you're on: 4.3 per cent on plan 1 or plan 5, 7.3 per cent on plan 2, 4.3 per cent on plan 4, 7.3 per cent if you're on a postgraduate loan plan. You'll pay 9 per cent of your income over the lowest threshold out of the plan types you have. You'll only have a single repayment taken each time you get paid, even if you're on more than one type of plan. For a number of young graduates, the actual tax rate is 29 per cent, not 20 per cent. For postgraduates, it's 6 per cent over the postgraduate loan threshold of £21,000 a year, and becomes 9 per cent when you get paid more.
There's a discussion to be had over the universality of support. There's a balance between ensuring no-one misses out and the cost of provision. Can I just talk about Plaid Cymru's policy on state pensions in an independent Wales? It is not to fund them, in the bizarre belief that England would fund them. I find no country in the world, created following a split up into different countries, where one of the countries funds the state pension of the other country created by the split. Ukrainians do not have their state pensions paid by Russia. Not even the SNP, whose grasp of economics is tenuous, have suggested that this would occur.
Yn sicr, fe wnaf fyfyrio ar yr hyn y maent yn ei ddweud.
Ar gyfer beth y mae pobl yn defnyddio eu taliad gaeaf? Mae rhai yn ei roi, yn garedig iawn, i fanc bwyd; mae eraill yn ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer gwyliau dros y gaeaf. Mae data a gasglwyd gan y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol rhwng 2016 a 2018 yn dangos bod gan fwy nag un o bob pum aelwyd ym Mhrydain lle mae prif ddeiliad y tŷ, a ddiffinnir fel yr unigolyn sy’n gyfrifol am gyllid yr aelwyd, yn hŷn na 65 oed gyfoeth o dros £1 filiwn. Mae hefyd yn dangos bod un o bob pedwar o bobl dros 65 oed—hynny yw, 25 y cant—yn byw ar aelwyd â chyfanswm cyfoeth o dros £1 filiwn. I bobl fel fi, mae £1 filiwn yn llawer o arian. Gallaf ddeall pam nad yw pobl ar feinciau'r Ceidwadwyr yn credu bod £1 filiwn yn llawer o arian. Beth yw £1 filiwn? I lawer o ffermwyr, mae’n 10 mlynedd o daliadau fferm sylfaenol. Rwy'n ei ystyried yn swm sylweddol.
Mae torbwynt ar gyfer derbyn credyd pensiwn yn anfoesol. Mae hynny'n eich ateb chi, Andrew, ar hyn. Byddai’n anfoesol pe bai pawb sy’n gymwys am gredyd pensiwn yn ei hawlio. Gwyddom nad yw llawer o bobl gymwys yn gwneud hynny. Mesur tecach fyddai'r un y mae'r Ceidwadwyr yn ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer budd-dal plant. Mae pob teulu'n cael budd-dal plant, ond yn dibynnu ar enillion, codir tâl am fudd-dal plant drwy'r system drethu. Galwaf eto am i bob incwm gael ei drethu yn yr un modd. Mae gennym dreth incwm, mae gennym incwm difidend ac mae gennym enillion cyfalaf, ac os ydych chi'n cael unrhyw beth ar wahân i dreth incwm, rydych chi'n talu llai o lawer.
Cymharwch driniaeth pensiynwyr â phobl ifanc. Mae pobl ifanc wedi cael eu cosbi ers i’r Ceidwadwyr ddod i rym yn 2010. Mae ffioedd dysgu wedi cynyddu, ac ar hyn o bryd maent yn £9,250 y flwyddyn, ac mae galw am eu codi. Mae faint o log a godir arnoch yn dibynnu ar ba gynllun rydych chi arno: 4.3 y cant ar gynllun 1 neu gynllun 5, 7.3 y cant ar gynllun 2, 4.3 y cant ar gynllun 4, 7.3 y cant os ydych chi ar gynllun benthyciad ôl-raddedig. Byddwch yn talu 9 y cant o'ch incwm dros y trothwy isaf allan o'r mathau o gynlluniau sydd gennych. Dim ond un ad-daliad a gymerir gennych bob tro y cewch eich talu, hyd yn oed os ydych ar fwy nag un math o gynllun. Ar gyfer nifer o raddedigion ifanc, y gyfradd dreth wirioneddol yw 29 y cant, nid 20 y cant. Ar gyfer ôl-raddedigion, mae'n 6 y cant dros y trothwy benthyciad ôl-raddedig o £21,000 y flwyddyn, a daw'n 9 y cant pan fyddwch ar gyflog uwch.
Mae trafodaeth i'w chael ynglŷn â pha mor gyffredinol yw cymorth. Mae cydbwysedd i'w daro rhwng sicrhau nad oes unrhyw un ar eu colled a chost y ddarpariaeth. A gaf i sôn am bolisi Plaid Cymru ar bensiynau’r wladwriaeth mewn Cymru annibynnol? Ni fyddent yn eu hariannu, yn y gred ryfedd y byddai Lloegr yn eu hariannu. Ni allaf feddwl am unrhyw wlad yn y byd, a grëwyd yn dilyn rhannu gwlad yn wahanol wledydd, lle mae un o'r gwledydd yn ariannu pensiwn y wladwriaeth mewn gwlad arall a grëwyd yn sgil y rhaniad. Nid yw Rwsia yn talu pensiwn y wladwriaeth i Wcreiniaid. Nid yw hyd yn oed yr SNP, er mor wan yw eu gafael ar economeg, wedi awgrymu y byddai hyn yn digwydd.
Peter Fox.
Peter Fox.
What on earth was that about?
Beth ar y ddaear oedd hynna?
I can explain it to you, if you can't understand.
Gallaf ei egluro i chi, os na allwch ddeall.
Peter Fox.
Peter Fox.
Diolch, acting Llywydd. We know that leadership requires making difficult decisions, but sometimes those decisions will be wrong. And when we know wrong decisions have been made, it takes courage to stand up for your constituents and stand up against decisions that will, ultimately, harm those constituents. Sadly, we did not see any courage from the Labour MPs here in Wales last week when it came to standing up to Keir Starmer and his political decision to remove the winter fuel payments from up to 400,000 households in Wales. Now, in Monmouthshire an estimated 21,000 pensioners are set to lose out on the winter fuel payment. That payment, brought in by Rishi Sunak, was incredibly important to supporting pensioners through harsh winters, and now we are seeing this vital support being ripped from them in order to help fund things like the massive pay rises to train drivers who already have a great wage. I must say I'm incredibly disappointed by the u-turns that have occurred on either side of the election from Labour MPs. Before the election, the current Prime Minister released a video with the caption ‘Pensioners deserve security in retirement and that is what my Labour government will deliver’. This simply isn't the case, and we can see that now.
Sadly, every Labour MP, including the new MP for Monmouthshire, voted against the interests of Welsh pensioners or abstained, abdicating their responsibility to their constituents. I wonder how many people would have voted for these new MPs if they knew they were having their heating support cut to go toward Labour's pay plans. The decision to scrap the winter fuel payment will do nothing but harm pensioners across Wales. It was a clear political choice. There were many, many other ways that Keir Starmer could have found money before he and the Chancellor decided to make our pensioners pay.
Now, I respect the First Minister's recent remarks where she suggested she is happy to be unpopular with her colleagues in Westminster when needs be. However, words are cheap. We now need to see action. It is only by voting with our motion today that this Senedd can send a message to Westminster that Labour MPs were not able to do: that we believe in supporting our pensioners through difficult winters, and that we will not idly stand by and let Keir Starmer make political decisions to remove support from the most vulnerable.
Diolch, Lywydd dros dro. Gwyddom fod arwain yn golygu gwneud penderfyniadau anodd, ond weithiau, bydd y penderfyniadau hynny'n anghywir. A phan wyddom fod penderfyniadau anghywir wedi’u gwneud, mae’n cymryd dewrder i sefyll o blaid eich etholwyr a gwrthwynebu penderfyniadau a fydd, yn y pen draw, yn niweidio’r etholwyr hynny. Yn anffodus, ni welsom unrhyw ddewrder gan yr ASau Llafur yma yng Nghymru yr wythnos diwethaf o ran gwrthwynebu Keir Starmer a’i benderfyniad gwleidyddol i gael gwared ar daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf hyd at 400,000 o gartrefi yng Nghymru. Nawr, yn sir Fynwy, amcangyfrifir y bydd 21,000 o bensiynwyr yn colli taliad tanwydd y gaeaf. Roedd y taliad hwnnw, a gyflwynwyd gan Rishi Sunak, yn hynod bwysig i gefnogi pensiynwyr drwy aeafau caled, a nawr, rydym yn gweld y cymorth hanfodol hwn yn cael ei ddiddymu er mwyn helpu i ariannu pethau fel y codiadau cyflog enfawr i yrwyr trenau sydd eisoes ar gyflogau sylweddol. Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud fy mod yn hynod siomedig gan y tro pedol sydd wedi digwydd y naill ochr a'r llall i'r etholiad gan ASau Llafur. Cyn yr etholiad, cyhoeddodd Prif Weinidog presennol y DU fideo gyda'r pennawd 'Mae pensiynwyr yn haeddu sicrwydd ar ôl ymddeol a dyna fydd fy llywodraeth Lafur yn ei ddarparu'. Yn syml, nid yw hyn yn wir, a gallwn weld hynny bellach.
Yn anffodus, pleidleisiodd pob AS Llafur, gan gynnwys AS newydd sir Fynwy, yn erbyn buddiannau pensiynwyr Cymru, neu ymatal, gan ymwrthod â’u cyfrifoldeb i’w hetholwyr. Tybed faint o bobl a fyddai wedi pleidleisio dros yr ASau newydd hyn pe baent yn gwybod y byddant yn colli eu cymorth gwresogi er mwyn ariannu cynlluniau cyflog Llafur. Bydd y penderfyniad i ddiddymu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf yn niweidio pensiynwyr ledled Cymru. Roedd yn ddewis gwleidyddol clir. Roedd llawer iawn o ffyrdd eraill y gallai Keir Starmer fod wedi dod o hyd i arian cyn iddo ef a’r Canghellor benderfynu gwneud i’n pensiynwyr dalu.
Nawr, rwy’n parchu sylwadau diweddar y Prif Weinidog pan awgrymodd ei bod yn barod i fod yn amhoblogaidd gyda’i chymheiriaid Llafur yn San Steffan pan fo angen. Fodd bynnag, mae geiriau'n rhad. Mae angen inni weld gweithredu nawr. Dim ond drwy bleidleisio gyda’n cynnig heddiw y gall y Senedd hon anfon neges na fu modd i ASau Llafur ei hanfon i San Steffan: ein bod yn credu mewn cefnogi ein pensiynwyr drwy aeafau anodd, ac na fyddwn yn gadael i Keir Starmer wneud penderfyniadau gwleidyddol i gael gwared ar gymorth i'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed.
Dwi yn gresynu at rai o'r sylwadau dŷn ni wedi'u clywed y prynhawn yma, yn enwedig, os caf i ddweud, cyfraniad Mike Hedges. Dychmygwch pe byddai llywodraeth Dorïaidd wedi gwneud hyn. Beth fyddai eich sylwadau chi fel Plaid Lafur?
A dwi eisiau mynd nôl i'r rhai dŷn ni i gyd yn eu cynrychioli, a’r ofn sydd yn ein cymunedau ni ar y funud, oherwydd fe wnaiff pobl farw oherwydd y penderfyniad yma. Dŷn ni'n gwybod hynny oherwydd polisïau llymder y Ceidwadwyr, mi fuodd bobl farw oherwydd hynny, a drwy barhau gyda'r polisïau yma o lymder—. Agenda wleidyddol ydy hi. Mi oedd Sioned Williams yn llygad ei lle. Dyna mae hyn yn ei olygu i bobl yn ein cymunedau ni.
Felly, iawn, mi gawn ni bwyntio bys, mi gawn ni chwarae gemau gwleidyddol, ond ein rôl ni yma yn y Senedd ydy ffeindio datrysiadau, a sicrhau bod pobl Cymru yn derbyn yr hyn maen nhw'n ei haeddu. Dwi wedi bod yn atgoffa fy hun yn ddiweddar o'r datganiad cyffredinol o hawliau dynol. Mi oeddwn i'n grybwyll o pan oeddwn i'n sôn am ddiwylliant, ond dwi'n meddwl ei fod o'n bwysig i ni atgoffa ein hunain o beth mae’n ei olygu o ran hawl pobl i safon byw ddigonol, i'w hiechyd a'u ffyniant, a hefyd yr hawl i sicrwydd cynhaliaeth os digwydd henaint. Sicrwydd a’r hawl i safon byw ddigonol. Nid yw'n ddewis, oherwydd dydy o ddim chwaith yn ddewis rhwng bwyta neu allu cynhesu eich tŷ mwyach.
Dŷn ni'n sôn am hanfodion bywyd. Mae un o bob chwe pherson hŷn yng Nghymru yn byw mewn tlodi incwm cymharol. Mae Cymru â chyfran fwy o bobl hŷn na rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig. Dwi'n nodi bod yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi rhannu gyda ni yn ddiweddar gymorth Llywodraeth Cymru i aelwydydd. Mae honno yn rhestr hirfaith o'r gwahanol fath o gefnogaeth sydd ar gael, ond dwi'n mynd nôl at bwynt Sioned, a oedd yn gofyn: mae'n rhaid eich bod chi'n flin bod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru wario'r arian prin sydd gennym ni yn llenwi'r gaps gan Lywodraeth San Steffan—yr hyn y dylai Llywodraeth San Steffan fod yn ei ddarparu i bobl Cymru.
Hefyd, dwi'n pryderu'n fawr—mi soniodd Sioned ynglŷn â’r normaleiddio sydd wedi bod o fanciau bwyd. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth na ddylen ni fod yn normaleiddio. Mae o'n sgandal bod yna fwy a mwy o bobl, mwy o deuluoedd, mwy o bobl hŷn ac ati, yn gorfod dibynnu ar fanciau bwyd er mwyn cael rhywbeth mor sylfaenol â bwyd. Yn y rhestr o gymorth Llywodraeth Cymru i aelwydydd, mae yna gyfeiriad, wrth gwrs, at yr arian i sefydliad banc tanwydd—normaleiddio banc arall. Gwych bod y ddarpariaeth ar gael, ond a gawn ni jest gwestiynu, unwaith eto, pam mae angen, rŵan, fanc tanwydd i fynd i'r afael ag un o hanfodion bywyd? Pam na allwn ni wneud rhywbeth radical fel jest sicrhau bod pobl efo'r hyn sydd ei angen arnyn nhw er mwyn gallu cael bwyd a thŷ cynnes?
Mae yna broblem ideolegol fan hyn. Mae'n hawdd pwyntio bys at benderfyniadau, ond mae o'n rhywbeth mae'n rhaid inni, yma yng Nghymru, ddechrau cael datrysiadau yn ei gylch, ac mi ydyn ni angen i Lywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan rŵan beidio â chario ymlaen efo'r polisïau niweidiol hyn, sydd yn mynd i effeithio ar bobl yn ein cymunedau ni, sydd yn mynd i olygu bod mwy o bobl yn mynd i farw yn eu cartrefi, sydd yn golygu eu bod nhw ofn cynhesu eu tai y gaeaf yma. Felly, bach o reality check, plis, a bach o weithredu gan y Llywodraeth yma a Llywodraeth San Steffan.
I do regret some of the comments that we've heard this afternoon, particularly, if I may say so, Mike Hedges's contribution. Imagine if a Conservative government had done this. What would your comments as a Labour Party have been then?
And I want to return to those people we all represent, and the fear in our communities at the moment, because people will die as a result of this decision. We know that because of the austerity policies of the Conservatives, people did die as a result of those policies, and to continue with those austerity policies—. And a political agenda—that's what it is. Sioned Williams was absolutely right in that regard. That's what that means to people in our communities.
So, fine, we can all finger point, we can play political games, but our role here in the Senedd is to find solutions, and to ensure that the people of Wales do receive what they deserve. I've been reminding myself recently of the universal declaration of human rights. I mentioned it when I talked about culture, but I think it's important that we do remind ourselves of what it means in terms of people's rights to adequate quality of life, to their health and prosperity, and also the right to certainty in old age. That certainty and right to an adequate standard of living. It's not a choice, because it's not a choice between heating and eating any longer.
We are talking about the basics of human life. One in six older people in Wales is living in comparative income poverty. Wales has a higher percentage of older people than other parts of the UK. I do note that the Cabinet Secretary has shared with us recently the Welsh Government's support for households, and there's a lengthy list of the kinds of support available there. But I return to Sioned's point, who asked: surely you must be angry that the Welsh Government has to spend what little money it has filling gaps left by the Westminster Government—what the Westminster Government should be providing to the people of Wales.
I'm also gravely concerned—Sioned mentioned the normalisation of foodbanks. This is something that we should not be normalising. It is a scandal that there are more and more people, more and more families, more older people and so on, having to rely on foodbanks in order to get something as basic as food to eat. In the list of household support from Welsh Government, there is reference to the fuel bank. We are normalising another bank. It's wonderful that the provision is available, but can we just question, once again, why we need a fuel bank in order to tackle one of the essentials of human life? Why can't we do something radical like just ensuring that people have that what they need, so they can have food and a warm home?
There is an ideological problem here. It is easy to point the finger at certain decisions, but it's something that we in Wales have to start finding solutions to, and we need the Labour Government in Westminster now not to continue with these damaging policies, which will impact people in our communities, which will mean that more people will die in their homes, which means that they are afraid to warm their homes this winter. So, let's have a reality check, please, and some action from the Government here and the Government in Westminster.
Today we've come here to show our support for some of the most vulnerable people in our society, our pensioners. The UK Labour Government's decision to remove the winter fuel payments has placed an additional and unacceptable burden on the elderly here in Wales. For pensioners in Brecon and Radnorshire, the removal will mean 23,898 people will lose their support. That support is not just a nice thing to have; for many, it's a matter of survival. Winter fuel payments have long been a vital lifeline for our older people, helping them to heat their homes during the cold winter months. Without it, pensioners face the harsh reality of rising fuel costs. Across the UK, energy bills have increased due to the war in Ukraine, and the cost of everything is rising, and at that time, the Labour Party, who said it's there to support people, has decided to punish pensioners by taking away most of the support they have.
Many pensioners live on fixed incomes, often relying on modest pensions that barely cover the essentials. In Wales nearly one in five pensioners live in poverty, with many already struggling to get the basic needs. They are not all well-off, as some Members think they are; most are struggling and are living week to week. In rural Wales, where rural isolation is already a significant issue, the impact, I think, is even more profound. Rural fuel poverty in Wales is significantly higher than in urban areas. Many elderly residents live off-grid and far from support networks, and it makes it even harder for them to access the support when they need it. Without these payments, our pensioners are at risk of fuel poverty, forced to live in freezing conditions that jeopardise their health and well-being. As has already been said, 4,000 pensioners could potentially die because of this decision, and I think most of them will be in rural areas.
These people are our parents, they're our grandparents, they're our neighbours and our friends. We owe them more than a cold winter at home and empty promises. They built and fought for the communities that we all call home. They deserve to live out their retirement in comfort and security, supported by a country that they have supported their whole lives. What they don't deserve from this Labour Government in Westminster is to live in fear of hypothermia and crippling debt at home.
Today I implore this Welsh Labour Government to take decisive action. We cannot in the Senedd sit idly by while the most vulnerable members of our community in Wales are left to fend for themselves. The Welsh Government must step in where the Labour Government in Westminster has failed. Whether it's through a Welsh version of the winter fuel payments, expanding existing support schemes, or working with local councils to provide direct assistance, we must quickly act to support our pensioners this winter.
The First Minister has said on a number of occasions since taking post she will put Wales first and her party second. This is the time to walk the walk and not talk the talk. I say to Labour Member's today: back our pensioners, back Wales and vote for this motion before you today. Diolch.
Heddiw rydym wedi dod yma i ddangos ein cefnogaeth i rai o'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas, sef ein pensiynwyr. Mae penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur y DU i gael gwared ar daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf wedi rhoi baich ychwanegol ac annerbyniol ar yr henoed yma yng Nghymru. I bensiynwyr ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed, bydd eu dileu'n golygu y bydd 23,898 o bobl yn colli eu cymorth. Mae'r cymorth hwnnw'n fwy na pheth braf i'w gael yn unig; i lawer, mae'n fater o oroesi. Mae taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf wedi bod yn achubiaeth hanfodol i'n pobl hŷn ers amser maith, gan eu helpu i wresogi eu cartrefi yn ystod misoedd oer y gaeaf. Hebddynt, mae pensiynwyr yn wynebu realiti llym costau tanwydd cynyddol. Ar draws y DU, mae biliau ynni wedi cynyddu oherwydd y rhyfel yn Wcráin, ac mae cost popeth yn codi, ac ar yr un pryd, mae'r Blaid Lafur, a ddywedodd ei bod yno i gefnogi pobl, wedi penderfynu cosbi pensiynwyr trwy ddileu'r rhan fwyaf o'r cymorth a gânt.
Mae llawer o bensiynwyr yn byw ar incwm sefydlog, gan ddibynnu'n aml ar bensiynau cymedrol sydd prin yn talu am hanfodion. Yng Nghymru mae bron i un o bob pump o bensiynwyr yn byw mewn tlodi, gyda nifer eisoes yn cael trafferth cael yr anghenion sylfaenol. Nid ydynt i gyd yn gefnog, fel y mae rhai Aelodau yn credu eu bod; mae'r rhan fwyaf yn ei chael hi'n anodd ac yn byw o wythnos i wythnos. Yng nghefn gwlad Cymru, lle mae ynysu gwledig eisoes yn broblem sylweddol, mae'r effaith hyd yn oed yn fwy dwys yn fy marn i. Mae tlodi tanwydd gwledig yng Nghymru yn sylweddol uwch nag mewn ardaloedd trefol. Mae llawer o drigolion oedrannus yn byw oddi ar y grid ac ymhell o rwydweithiau cymorth, ac mae'n ei gwneud hi'n anos byth iddynt gael gafael ar y cymorth pan fydd ei angen arnynt. Heb y taliadau hyn, mae ein pensiynwyr yn wynebu risg o dlodi tanwydd, ac o gael eu gorfodi i fyw mewn amgylchiadau rhewllyd sy'n peryglu eu hiechyd a'u lles. Fel y dywedwyd eisoes, gallai 4,000 o bensiynwyr farw oherwydd y penderfyniad hwn, ac rwy'n credu y bydd y rhan fwyaf ohonynt mewn ardaloedd gwledig.
Ein rhieni yw'r bobl hyn, ein neiniau a'n teidiau, ein cymdogion a'n ffrindiau. Mae arnom fwy iddynt na gaeaf oer yn eu cartrefi ac addewidion gwag. Fe wnaethant adeiladu a brwydro dros y cymunedau y mae pawb ohonom yn eu galw'n gartref. Maent yn haeddu treulio'u hymddeoliad mewn cysur a diogelwch, wedi'u cefnogi gan wlad y maent hwy wedi'i chefnogi ar hyd eu bywydau. Yr hyn nad ydynt yn ei haeddu gan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yn San Steffan yw treulio'u bywydau'n ofni hypothermia a dyledion enbyd yn eu cartrefi.
Heddiw, rwy'n erfyn ar Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru i roi camau pendant ar waith. Ni allwn ni yn y Senedd eistedd yn segur tra bod aelodau mwyaf bregus ein cymuned yng Nghymru yn cael eu gadael i ofalu amdanynt eu hunain. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru gamu i'r adwy lle mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan wedi methu. Boed hynny drwy fersiwn Gymreig o daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf, ehangu cynlluniau cymorth presennol, neu weithio gyda chynghorau lleol i ddarparu cymorth uniongyrchol, mae'n rhaid inni weithredu'n gyflym i gefnogi ein pensiynwyr y gaeaf hwn.
Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud ar sawl achlysur ers dechrau yn ei swydd y bydd yn rhoi Cymru yn gyntaf a'i phlaid yn ail. Mae'n bryd gweithredu, nid siarad. Rwy'n dweud wrth yr Aelodau Llafur heddiw: cefnogwch ein pensiynwyr, cefnogwch Gymru a phleidleisiwch dros y cynnig hwn o'ch blaenau heddiw. Diolch.
Can I firstly say how disappointing it is to see such empty Labour benches today, when we're talking about the winter fuel payment? For many pensioners, cold weather isn't just uncomfortable, it's dangerous. For pensioners, particularly those on low incomes, winter fuel support has been a lifeline. The Labour Government decision to remove the vital benefit will force millions of pensioners to choose between heating and eating; it could kill, as has been said before, 4,000 people, and that figure comes from Labour's own research in 2017.
Ministers say it's about filling a black hole, but the only black hole that we have seen filled recently is the black hole in Keir Starmer's wardrobe filled by a Labour donor. The Government's sums just simply don't add up. Cutting winter fuel support will save around £1.5 billion. Responding to the outcry, the UK Government has said that it will ensure every person entitled to pension credit will get it, but if every person eligible for pension credit got it, it would cost the Government an additional £3.43 billion—more than twice the amount they will save by cutting winter fuel support, so is this really about saving money, or is it about making decisions that hurt those who are least able to fight back? This is not a cost-saving measure that benefits the economy, and it doesn't take into account the hardship it will cause, especially for those on a low income that are just above that threshold for receiving pension credit.
The economic facts are clear, but what we should be talking about today is the human cost. I heard from a pensioner in the Monmouth constituency, a woman in her 70s, who was so worried about paying her heating bills that she was forced to take a part-time job. It is appalling that this lady felt that she had no other option than to do this. One point six million disabled pensioners will be stripped of their payment according to the Government's own figures, so that's seven in 10 disabled people over pension age that will lose their winter fuel payment. More than eight in 10 of those are aged 80 and over.
Only back in May, Monmouthshire's new MP, Catherine Fookes, said that pensioners should not choose between heating and eating, yet, once elected, was happy to sell out our pensioners and strip them of this vital lifeline, putting party before pensioners.
The Welsh Conservative group today are calling for the UK Government to reconsider. We call on Labour's Senedd Members to unite behind us and send a strong message to Westminster that these cuts are wrong, and if they go ahead, a staggering number of pensioners will face a winter of fear, anxiety, and cold days and nights, and, in some cases, death. We need a Government that understands that supporting pensioners is not just an economic responsibility, but a moral one. I urge you all to support our motion today.
A gaf i ddweud yn gyntaf pa mor siomedig yw gweld y meinciau Llafur mor wag heddiw, a ninnau'n trafod taliad tanwydd y gaeaf? I lawer o bensiynwyr, mae tywydd oer yn fwy nag anghysur yn unig, mae'n beryglus. I bensiynwyr, yn enwedig y rhai ar incwm isel, mae cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf wedi bod yn achubiaeth. Bydd penderfyniad y Llywodraeth Lafur i gael gwared ar y budd hanfodol hwn yn gorfodi miliynau o bensiynwyr i ddewis rhwng gwresogi a bwyta; fel y dywedwyd eisoes, gallai ladd 4,000 o bobl, a daw'r ffigur hwnnw o ymchwil Llafur ei hun yn 2017.
Dywed Gweinidogion ei fod yn fater o lenwi twll du, ond yr unig dwll du a welsom yn cael ei lenwi yn ddiweddar yw'r twll du yng nghwpwrdd dillad Keir Starmer a lenwyd gan roddwr i'r Blaid Lafur. Yn syml, nid yw rhifau'r Llywodraeth yn gwneud synnwyr. Bydd torri cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf yn arbed tua £1.5 biliwn. Wrth ymateb i'r brotest, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi dweud y bydd yn sicrhau y bydd pob person sydd â hawl i gredyd pensiwn yn ei gael, ond pe bai pob person sy'n gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn yn ei gael, byddai'n costio £3.43 biliwn ychwanegol i'r Llywodraeth—mwy na dwywaith y swm y byddant yn ei arbed trwy dorri cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf, felly ai mater o arbed arian yw hyn mewn gwirionedd, neu a yw'n ymwneud â gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n brifo'r rhai lleiaf abl i ymladd yn ôl? Nid yw'n fesur arbed costau sydd o fudd i'r economi, ac nid yw'n ystyried y caledi y bydd yn ei achosi, yn enwedig i'r rhai ar incwm isel sydd ond ychydig uwchlaw'r trothwy ar gyfer derbyn credyd pensiwn.
Mae'r ffeithiau economaidd yn glir, ond yr hyn y dylem siarad amdano heddiw yw'r gost ddynol. Clywais gan bensiynwr yn etholaeth Mynwy, menyw yn ei 70au, a oedd mor bryderus ynghylch talu ei biliau gwresogi nes iddi orfod cael swydd ran-amser. Mae'n warthus fod y ddynes hon yn teimlo nad oedd ganddi unrhyw ddewis arall. Bydd 1.6 miliwn o bensiynwyr anabl yn cael eu hamddifadu o'u taliad yn ôl ffigurau'r Llywodraeth ei hun, felly dyna saith o bob 10 person anabl dros oedran pensiwn a fydd yn colli eu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf. Mae dros 8 o bob 10 o'r rheini'n 80 oed neu'n hŷn.
Ym mis Mai, dywedodd AS newydd sir Fynwy, Catherine Fookes, na ddylai pensiynwyr ddewis rhwng gwresogi a bwyta, ac eto, ar ôl cael ei hethol, roedd hi'n hapus i wneud cam â'n pensiynwyr a'u hamddifadu o'r achubiaeth hanfodol hon, a rhoi ei phlaid o flaen pensiynwyr.
Mae grŵp y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig heddiw yn galw ar Lywodraeth y DU i ailystyried. Rydym yn galw ar Aelodau Llafur y Senedd i uno y tu ôl i ni ac anfon neges gref i San Steffan fod y toriadau hyn yn anghywir, ac os byddant yn digwydd, bydd nifer syfrdanol o bensiynwyr yn wynebu gaeaf o ofn, pryder, a dyddiau a nosweithiau oer, a marwolaeth mewn rhai achosion. Mae angen Llywodraeth arnom sy'n deall nad cyfrifoldeb economaidd yn unig yw cefnogi pensiynwyr, mae'n gyfrifoldeb moesol hefyd. Rwy'n eich annog i gyd i gefnogi ein cynnig heddiw.
I am conscious that we have had a lot of speakers and I have limited time, but I did want to say a few words, particularly on this really important subject. We all know that politics is about choices. We are all here in a very privileged position, as elected officials, particularly those in Government, who have levers at their disposal to create better lives and surroundings for the people of Wales. And in the world that we are all living in today where uncertainty and unrest seem to be the norm, creating a stable, secure environment for absolutely everybody should be our main priority, particularly for the elderly, who have worked and contributed to our taxation system their whole lives, and must be supported in their retirement and old age, which, let's be honest, is not exactly the most easy period of one's life.
As many Members may be aware, we have been contacted by organisations such as the Motor Neurone Disease Association who have had considerable concerns about the impact that this payment cut will have on people living with the disease, as it's a cruel condition that sees a gradual breakdown of muscles in the body, and extra heating and comfort is key in helping maintain quality of life at an extraordinarily difficult time. Many diseases are, indeed, not means tested, so when someone on £13,000 who also has M&D, who would have put their heating on for longer, can no longer afford to do so, I really hope the Labour Party cease to try and claim that they are indeed the compassionate ones.
I hear a lot here in this Chamber about the £22 billion black hole. Well, it's interesting that UK Ministers forgot to mention that £9 billion of this is indeed from your Labour Government's decisions down the M4. But then again, it's hardly surprising that Keir Starmer's head is all over the place as his mind is clearly preoccupied with trying to justify why his Lord pals are paying for his work clothes and his wife's dresses. But these are just some of the most recent revelations in a line-up of £76,000-worth of donor goodies since 2019. How very socialist.
For 14 years, the Welsh Conservatives in this Chamber have been blamed and held to account by the Welsh Government for things the Conservative UK Government did down the road, yet during the first opportunity for scrutiny yesterday, the First Minister distanced herself immediately from Keir Starmer and abdicated responsibility. The public are already getting sick of hearing, 'Fourteen years of Tory chaos' as a tagline for the Government who promised change, but I guess you need someone to blame if you're going to be so cruel in Government decision making. I would defy any Member in this Chamber to honestly say that they support pensioners being cold this winter. It's a nasty, unnecessary policy, and, if this is just the start, then I dread what is yet to follow in the next four years. This Welsh Parliament was literally created to make a change for the people of Wales and allow decision making to be closer to home, so I really hope your Government will show some dignity and respect towards the elderly, and step away from party lines by doing something that will actually benefit the lives of 400,000 people across Wales. Thank you.
Rwy'n ymwybodol ein bod wedi cael llawer o siaradwyr a bod fy amser yn gyfyngedig, ond roeddwn i eisiau dweud ychydig eiriau, yn enwedig ar y pwnc pwysig hwn. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod bod gwleidyddiaeth yn ymwneud â dewisiadau. Rydym i gyd yma mewn sefyllfa freintiedig iawn, fel swyddogion etholedig, yn enwedig y rhai yn y Llywodraeth, sydd ag ysgogiadau ar gael iddynt i greu bywydau ac amgylchiadau gwell i bobl Cymru. Ac yn y byd yr ydym i gyd yn byw ynddo heddiw lle mae'n ymddangos bod ansicrwydd ac aflonyddwch yn norm, dylai creu amgylchedd sefydlog, diogel i bawb fod yn brif flaenoriaeth i ni, yn enwedig i'r henoed, sydd wedi gweithio a chyfrannu at ein system drethu ar hyd eu hoes, a rhaid eu cefnogi yn eu hymddeoliad a'u henaint, a gadewch inni fod yn onest, nid dyna'r cyfnod hawsaf ym mywyd rhywun.
Fel y bydd llawer o'r Aelodau'n gwybod, mae sefydliadau fel y Gymdeithas Clefyd Niwronau Motor wedi cysylltu â ni gyda phryderon sylweddol am yr effaith y bydd torri'r taliad yn ei chael ar bobl sy'n byw gyda'r clefyd, gan ei fod yn gyflwr creulon sy'n arwain at chwalu cyhyrau'r corff yn raddol, ac mae gwresogi a chysur ychwanegol yn allweddol wrth helpu i gynnal ansawdd bywyd ar adeg eithriadol o anodd. Nid oes llawer o glefydau'n destun prawf modd, felly pan fydd rhywun ar £13,000 sydd hefyd yn dioddef o glefyd niwronau motor, a fyddai wedi cynnau'r gwres am fwy o amser, yn methu fforddio gwneud hynny mwyach, rwy'n mawr obeithio y bydd y Blaid Lafur yn rhoi'r gorau i geisio honni mai nhw yw'r rhai tosturiol.
Rwy'n clywed llawer yma yn y Siambr am y twll du £22 biliwn. Wel, mae'n ddiddorol fod Gweinidogion y DU wedi anghofio sôn bod £9 biliwn o hwn yn deillio o benderfyniadau eich Llywodraeth Lafur i lawr yr M4. Ond eto i gyd, go brin ei bod yn syndod fod pen Keir Starmer dros y lle i gyd gan fod ei feddwl yn amlwg yn brysur yn ceisio cyfiawnhau pam mae ei ffrindiau ymysg yr Arglwyddi'n talu am ei ddillad gwaith a ffrogiau ei wraig. Ond dim ond rhai o'r datgeliadau diweddaraf yw'r rhain mewn rhestr o roddion gwerth £76,000 gan roddwyr ers 2019. Am sosialaidd!
Ers 14 mlynedd, mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn y Siambr hon wedi cael y bai a'u dwyn i gyfrif gan Lywodraeth Cymru am bethau a wnaeth Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU yn Llundain, ac eto ar y cyfle cyntaf i graffu ddoe, fe wnaeth y Prif Weinidog ymbellhau oddi wrth Keir Starmer ar unwaith ac ymwrthod â chyfrifoldeb. Mae'r cyhoedd eisoes wedi blino clywed 'Pedair blynedd ar ddeg o anhrefn Torïaidd' gan Lywodraeth a addawodd newid, ond mae'n debyg fod angen rhywun i'w feio os ydych chi'n mynd i fod mor greulon wrth wneud penderfyniadau Llywodraeth. Rwy'n herio unrhyw Aelod yn y Siambr hon i ddweud yn onest eu bod yn cefnogi gweld pensiynwyr yn oer y gaeaf hwn. Mae'n bolisi cas, diangen, ac os mai dim ond dechrau yw hyn, rwy'n ofni'r hyn sydd eto i ddilyn yn y pedair blynedd nesaf. Crëwyd y Senedd Gymreig hon yn llythrennol i greu newid i bobl Cymru a chaniatáu i benderfyniadau gael eu gwneud yn agosach at adref, felly rwy'n mawr obeithio y bydd eich Llywodraeth yn dangos rhywfaint o urddas a pharch tuag at yr henoed, ac yn cefnu ar bolisi eu plaid drwy wneud rhywbeth a fydd o fudd gwirioneddol i fywydau 400,000 o bobl ledled Cymru. Diolch.
Dwi'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, Jane Hutt.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Jane Hutt.

Diolch yn fawr. Rwy'n croesawu y cyfle hwn i drafod y materion sy'n ymwneud â thaliad tanwydd y gaeaf, a diolch i'r Ceidwadwyr am gyflwyno'r cynnig.
Thank you. I welcome this opportunity to discuss the issues related to the winter fuel payment, and I thank the Conservatives for putting forward this motion.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
It is important, colleagues, to remember the context within which the changes to the winter fuel payment were made. There is a £22 billion black hole in the public purse, and difficult decisions are now being taken by the new UK Government as a result, as has been said across this Chamber, of 14 years of Tory austerity and economic mismanagement. Energy prices remain significantly higher than they were at pre-crisis level, and it is disappointing that Ofgem have announced an increase to the price cap from October to December, and I shall be meeting them shortly. But, Llywydd, we do need to use all the levers and powers that we have in Welsh Government to support older people across Wales affected by these changes.
Gyd-Aelodau, mae'n bwysig cofio'r cyd-destun y gwnaed y newidiadau i daliad tanwydd y gaeaf ynddo. Mae twll du gwerth £22 biliwn yn y pwrs cyhoeddus, ac mae penderfyniadau anodd yn cael eu gwneud nawr gan Lywodraeth newydd y DU o ganlyniad i 14 mlynedd o gyni Torïaidd a chamreoli economaidd, fel y dywedwyd ar draws y Siambr hon. Mae prisiau ynni yn parhau i fod yn sylweddol uwch na'r lefel cyn yr argyfwng, ac mae'n siomedig fod Ofgem wedi cyhoeddi cynnydd i'r cap prisiau o fis Hydref i fis Rhagfyr, a byddaf yn cyfarfod â hwy cyn bo hir. Ond Lywydd, mae angen inni ddefnyddio'r holl ysgogiadau a phwerau sydd gennym yn Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi'r bobl hŷn y mae'r newidiadau hyn yn effeithio arnynt ledled Cymru.
I can see that Janet Finch-Saunders wishes to intervene on the Cabinet Secretary. Are you accepting the intervention?
Gallaf weld bod Janet Finch-Saunders yn dymuno gwneud ymyriad. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n derbyn yr ymyriad?
Happy to.
Gyda phleser.
Janet Finch-Saunders.
Janet Finch-Saunders.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I did try to intervene when another Member spoke before, but I don't think I was noticed. Anyway, just on the point the Minister's just made, this £22 billion black hole. Where's the evidence of that? Nobody, and I mean nobody—any Minister in the UK Labour Government or the Welsh Labour Government—can actually inform us as Members where this black hole is present. What we do know is that, previously, the Conservative Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, the right honourable at the time, still is actually—he actually maintained that he would support the fuel payment. And, in fact, our economy was, on growth, the fastest growing economy in the G7 and also inflation brought right down. Green shoots were well and truly shooting up. Then people wanted change, and this is what you've got with the Welsh Labour Government. Can I ask you, Minister: will you provide all Members of the Welsh Parliament with a copy of the notes you must have had from the UK Labour Government saying that this £22 billion black hole exists? Because, frankly, my dear, I don’t believe it.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Ceisiais wneud ymyriad pan oedd Aelod arall yn siarad yn gynt, ond nid wyf yn credu bod neb wedi sylwi. Beth bynnag, ar y pwynt y mae'r Gweinidog newydd ei wneud, y twll du gwerth £22 biliwn. Lle mae'r dystiolaeth ynglŷn â hynny? Ni all neb, ac rwy'n golygu neb—unrhyw Weinidog yn Llywodraeth Lafur y DU na Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru—ddweud wrthym fel Aelodau lle mae'r twll du hwn. Yr hyn a wyddom yw bod y Prif Weinidog Ceidwadol, Rishi Sunak, yn flaenorol, y gwir anrhydeddus ar y pryd, ac yn dal i fod mewn gwirionedd—fe wnaeth honni y byddai'n cefnogi'r taliad tanwydd. Ac mewn gwirionedd, ein heconomi ni, o ran twf, oedd yr economi a oedd yn tyfu gyflymaf yn y G7 a chafodd chwyddiant ei ostwng yn helaeth. Roedd yna flagur gwyrdd go iawn. Wedyn roedd pobl eisiau newid, a dyma sydd gennych chi gyda Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru. A gaf i ofyn i chi, Weinidog: a wnewch chi roi copi i'r holl Aelodau o'r nodiadau y mae'n rhaid eich bod wedi'u cael gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU yn dweud bod y twll du hwn sy'n werth £22 biliwn yn bodoli? Oherwydd, a bod yn onest, nid wyf yn credu hynny.
Well, you can believe what you like, Janet Finch-Saunders, but I hope will listen to and believe the next point I'm going to make. This £22 billion hole, which has been revealed—. Also, we recognise that we found out—the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, found out—that the former Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, failed to account for the public sector pay rises that were recommended by the independent pay review bodies. Well, only yesterday we were pleased to have a statement from our Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language where we have made that choice, that choice for 190,000 people to get above-inflation pay rises. Well, Jeremy Hunt, if your Government had won—thank goodness they didn't—where would that money be? That £22 billion hole is there and it's growing. When you look at the—. And also, your Government oversaw deficits in Home Office and defence budgets. But I do also encourage Members on the Conservative side to read the Office for Budget Responsibility report, because last week they gave a very good account of the bleak outlook on public finances that we'll see ahead of us.
Wel, gallwch gredu beth bynnag a ddymunwch, Janet Finch-Saunders, ond rwy'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi wrando ar y pwynt nesaf a wnaf, a'i gredu. Mae'r twll £22 biliwn hwn, sydd wedi'i ddatgelu—. Hefyd, rydym yn cydnabod ein bod wedi darganfod—darganfu'r Canghellor, Rachel Reeves—fod y cyn-Ganghellor, Jeremy Hunt, wedi methu rhoi cyfrif am godiadau cyflog y sector cyhoeddus a gafodd eu hargymell gan y cyrff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol. Wel, ddoe ddiwethaf roeddem yn falch o gael datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg lle'r ydym wedi gwneud y dewis hwnnw, y dewis i 190,000 o bobl gael codiadau cyflog uwch na chwyddiant. Wel, Jeremy Hunt, pe bai eich Llywodraeth chi wedi ennill—diolch byth na wnaethant—lle fyddai'r arian hwnnw? Mae'r twll £22 biliwn yno ac mae'n tyfu. Pan edrychwch ar y —. A hefyd, goruchwyliodd eich Llywodraeth dros ddiffygion yng nghyllidebau'r Swyddfa Gartref ac amddiffyn. Ond rwyf hefyd yn annog yr Aelodau ar ochr y Ceidwadwyr i ddarllen adroddiad y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol, oherwydd yr wythnos diwethaf fe wnaethant roi cyfrif da iawn o'r rhagolygon llwm a welwn yn y dyfodol i gyllid cyhoeddus.
There would be more credibility in this black-hole argument if, actually, the Labour Party had the power of their conviction and put this commitment to maintain the winter fuel allowance in their manifesto. They did it in 2010, they did it in 2015, they did it in 2017, 2019, but mysteriously not in 2024. Why was that?
Byddai mwy o hygrededd yn y ddadl am y twll du pe bai'r Blaid Lafur, mewn gwirionedd, wedi bod â hyder yn eu hargyhoeddiad eu hunain ac wedi rhoi'r ymrwymiad i gynnal lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf yn eu maniffesto. Fe wnaethant hynny yn 2010, fe wnaethant hynny yn 2015, fe wnaethant hynny yn 2017, 2019, ond yn rhyfedd iawn, ni wnaethant hynny yn 2024. Pam?
Of course, until you get in office, as you know, you don't know the situation in terms of your public finances. It was revealed, and indeed the UK Government has been very open about the situation, the financial circumstances. Yes, we await a budget, don't we? We await a budget and of course the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language will be, as we will be as the Cabinet, putting forward what we feel Welsh Government needs, what Wales needs, standing up for Wales in terms of that budget. But I want to go on, Llywydd, to the point about what should we be doing: what levers and powers should we use to support older people across Wales anyway, as well as those who are affected by these changes? Because it is true that receiving pension credit unlocks older people's entitlement to a winter fuel payment.
And we are supporting the UK Government's campaign. I mentioned in response to questions earlier on that actually the UK Government campaign has resulted in a 115 per cent increase in pension credit claims received across the UK in the past five weeks, compared with the five weeks before 29 July. So, we must improve on that take-up. Of course, pension credit is a passport to a range of other support; cold weather payments, in addition to the winter fuel payment.
But there are other routes to help older people, and I'm very grateful that my letter to all of you, MSs and MPs, was mentioned earlier on by Heledd. It outlines all of the benefits that people can access, and I hope you are using that to reach out in your surgeries. Older people may receive help, for example, to pay their council tax, and there are almost 102,000 pensioners who are now in receipt of the council tax reduction scheme, with over 75,000 pensioners paying no council tax at all. [Interruption.] But there are still more who could claim that council tax reduction scheme. So, please, I call on you to help get that access to that entitlement. Also, pensioners can also get housing benefit to help pay their rent; over-75-year-olds may be eligible for a free tv licence. We've got to get money into more people's pockets, and pensioners' pockets, so please just encourage people throughout Wales—not just older people—to contact Advicelink Cymru's 'Claim what's yours' helpline. And it is important to recognise the impact of that helpline, because last year that helpline helped over 36,800 people to claim more than £10.4 million in additional income.
I mentioned earlier on in answers to questions that we're investing £30 million a year into our Warm Homes Nest scheme to tackle fuel poverty. The crucial point about that is also that the Nest scheme provides free energy advice to all householders in Wales, including older people, through that Nest helpline. Energy debt is a big concern for many householders. [Interruption.] I'm going to continue, because I've had two questions already and I'm going to continue with my comments now.
Wrth gwrs, nes i chi ddod i'r swydd, fel y gwyddoch, ni wyddoch beth yw'r sefyllfa gyda'ch cyllid cyhoeddus. Cafodd ei ddatgelu, ac yn wir mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi bod yn agored iawn am y sefyllfa, yr amgylchiadau ariannol. Rydym yn aros am gyllideb, onid ydym? Rydym yn aros am gyllideb ac wrth gwrs bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg, fel y byddwn ni fel y Cabinet, yn cyflwyno'r hyn y teimlwn fod ei angen ar Lywodraeth Cymru, yr hyn sydd ei angen ar Gymru, gan sefyll dros Gymru yn y gyllideb honno. Ond rwyf am fynd ymlaen, Lywydd, at y pwynt ynglŷn â beth y dylem ni ei wneud: pa ysgogiadau a phwerau y dylem eu defnyddio i gefnogi pobl hŷn ledled Cymru beth bynnag, yn ogystal â'r rhai y mae'r newidiadau hyn yn effeithio arnynt? Oherwydd mae'n wir fod derbyn credyd pensiwn yn datgloi hawl pobl hŷn i daliad tanwydd y gaeaf.
Ac rydym yn cefnogi ymgyrch Llywodraeth y DU. Soniais mewn ymateb i gwestiynau yn gynharach fod ymgyrch Llywodraeth y DU wedi arwain at gynnydd o 115 y cant yn yr hawliadau credyd pensiwn a ddaeth i law ledled y DU yn ystod y pum wythnos diwethaf, o'i gymharu â'r pum wythnos cyn 29 Gorffennaf. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni gynyddu'r nifer. Wrth gwrs, mae credyd pensiwn yn basbort i ystod o gymorth arall; taliadau tywydd oer, yn ychwanegol at daliad tanwydd y gaeaf.
Ond mae yna lwybrau eraill i helpu pobl hŷn, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn fod Heledd wedi sôn am fy llythyr atoch chi i gyd, Aelodau o'r Senedd ac Aelodau Seneddol. Mae'n amlinellu'r holl fanteision y gall pobl eu cael, ac rwy'n gobeithio eich bod yn defnyddio hynny i estyn allan yn eich cymorthfeydd. Gallai pobl hŷn gael help, er enghraifft, i dalu eu treth gyngor, ac mae bron i 102,000 o bensiynwyr bellach yn derbyn cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor, gyda dros 75,000 o bensiynwyr heb fod yn talu unrhyw dreth gyngor o gwbl. [Torri ar draws.] Ond mae rhagor eto a allai hawlio cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor. Felly, os gwelwch yn dda, galwaf arnoch i helpu i sicrhau mynediad at yr hawl honno. Hefyd, gall pensiynwyr gael budd-dal tai i helpu i dalu eu rhent; gall pobl dros 75 oed fod yn gymwys i gael trwydded deledu am ddim. Mae'n rhaid inni gael arian i bocedi mwy o bobl, a phocedi pensiynwyr, felly anogwch bobl ledled Cymru—nid pobl hŷn yn unig—i gysylltu â llinell gymorth 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus chi' Advicelink Cymru. Ac mae'n bwysig cydnabod effaith y llinell gymorth honno, oherwydd y llynedd, helpodd y llinell gymorth honno dros 36,800 o bobl i hawlio mwy na £10.4 miliwn mewn incwm ychwanegol.
Soniais yn gynharach mewn atebion i gwestiynau ein bod yn buddsoddi £30 miliwn y flwyddyn yn ein cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd. Y pwynt hollbwysig am hynny hefyd yw bod y cynllun Nyth yn darparu cyngor ynni am ddim i bob deiliad tŷ yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys pobl hŷn, trwy'r llinell gymorth Nyth honno. Mae dyled ynni yn bryder mawr i lawer o ddeiliaid tai. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n mynd i barhau, oherwydd cefais ddau gwestiwn yn barod ac rwy'n mynd i barhau gyda fy sylwadau nawr.
It's a matter for the Minister whether she's accepting an intervention and she has taken two already.
Mater i'r Gweinidog yw derbyn ymyriad ai peidio ac mae hi eisoes wedi derbyn dau.
It is a matter for me. I might indulge you later on. I'm anxious, Llywydd, not to overstep the mark in terms of my time to respond. [Interruption.] I think it's very important—
Mae'n fater i mi. Efallai y gallaf roi cyfle i chi yn nes ymlaen. Rwy'n awyddus, Lywydd, i beidio â mynd dros fy amser i ymateb. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn—
You have more time, Minister.
Mae gennych fwy o amser, Weinidog.
It's very important that our Nest advisers can direct households through Citizens Advice for debt management support, and I think it's also important that we reach out to energy suppliers. They have to support their customers through this difficult time with fair and affordable payment plans and emergency support, where required. And there's more we can do, and we touched on this earlier on this afternoon, to reform energy supply services. We call on Ofgem to introduce a social tariff to protect the most vulnerable householders, and we welcome the UK Government's willingness to consider this. We also look, as I said earlier on, at the unfair issue of standing charges—profoundly unfair on customers on low incomes—and we repeatedly called for urgent reform and a lower standing charge for customers on prepayment meters in October last year. And I was pleased to see Ofgem's discussion paper on this.
Of course, also, the emergency funding for vulnerable people—again, the discretionary assistance fund. Not enough pensioners are taking up this discretionary assistance fund. That's why my letter to you was so important, so that they can reach out and get that emergency help to help with fuel and fuel costs as well. But I do feel that the Fuel Bank Foundation—£5.6 million we've put into this—does actually help pensioners and all people who buy off-grid fuel, which was mentioned this afternoon as well. It has helped almost 155,000 people. So, yes, I'll take your intervention now, because I'm just about to wind up my—.
Mae'n bwysig iawn fod ein cynghorwyr Nyth yn gallu cyfeirio aelwydydd drwy Cyngor ar Bopeth at gymorth rheoli dyledion, ac rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn bwysig ein bod yn estyn allan at gyflenwyr ynni. Mae'n rhaid iddynt gefnogi eu cwsmeriaid trwy'r amser anodd hwn gyda chynlluniau talu teg a fforddiadwy a chymorth brys lle bo angen. Ac mae mwy y gallwn ei wneud, ac fe wnaethom gyffwrdd â hyn yn gynharach y prynhawn yma, i ddiwygio gwasanaethau cyflenwi ynni. Rydym yn galw ar Ofgem i gyflwyno tariff cymdeithasol i ddiogelu'r deiliaid tai mwyaf agored i niwed, ac rydym yn croesawu parodrwydd Llywodraeth y DU i ystyried hyn. Rydym hefyd yn edrych, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, ar fater annheg taliadau sefydlog—sy'n hynod annheg i gwsmeriaid ar incwm isel—ac fe wnaethom alw dro ar ôl tro am ddiwygio brys a thâl sefydlog is i gwsmeriaid ar fesuryddion rhagdalu ym mis Hydref y llynedd. Ac roeddwn yn falch o weld papur trafod Ofgem ar hyn.
Wrth gwrs, hefyd, y cyllid brys i bobl fregus—unwaith eto, y gronfa cymorth dewisol. Nid oes digon o bensiynwyr yn manteisio ar y gronfa cymorth dewisol. Dyna pam yr oedd fy llythyr atoch chi mor bwysig, fel y gallant estyn allan a chael y cymorth brys hwnnw i helpu gyda chostau tanwydd. Ond rwy'n teimlo bod y Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd—rydym wedi rhoi £5.6 miliwn tuag ato—yn helpu pensiynwyr a phawb sy'n prynu tanwydd oddi ar y grid, rhywbeth a grybwyllwyd y prynhawn yma hefyd. Mae wedi helpu bron i 155,000 o bobl. Felly, iawn, fe dderbyniaf eich ymyriad nawr am fy mod ar fin dirwyn i ben—.
Oh, that's very generous of you, Minister. You're clearly proud of a number of schemes you've outlined to the Senedd here today. Are you proud of the policy to remove from 400,000 pensioners the winter fuel payment?
O, rydych chi'n garedig iawn, Weinidog. Rydych chi'n amlwg yn falch o nifer o gynlluniau a amlinellwyd gennych i'r Senedd yma heddiw. A ydych chi'n falch o'r polisi i ddileu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf i 400,000 o bensiynwyr?
Wel, felly, Llywydd, dyma fy natganiad am roi cymorth i bobl hŷn yng Nghymru.
Well, this is my statement regarding support for people in Wales.
It's important that I account for what we are doing as a Welsh Government. I look forward to attending—and I know Mark will welcome me—the cross-party group on fuel poverty next week. It's our colleagues and partners who we need to engage with. I look forward to meeting the new older people's commissioner, Rhian Bowen-Davies, to discuss progress on the pension credit take-up campaign, which was so ably developed by her predecessor. I'll be working with Cabinet colleagues for health, social care, local government and housing to spread the pension credit and Welsh benefit charter campaign. And finally, most importantly, Llywydd, I will be chairing the next inter-governmental meeting on work and pensions with the UK Government.
And we have got to work together at every level of government to support older people and households of all ages. We have to take this action. We have to support those—and I will finally finish on this point—people who have been most affected by 14 years of austerity and Tory economic mismanagement. We've a duty to turn this around at all levels of government and reach out to those most affected by this shameful legacy of the £22 billion black hole. Diolch.
Mae'n bwysig fy mod i'n rhoi cyfrif am yr hyn a wnawn fel Llywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at fynychu—ac rwy'n gwybod y bydd Mark yn fy nghroesawu—y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dlodi tanwydd yr wythnos nesaf. Mae angen inni ennyn diddordeb ein cyd-Aelodau a'n partneriaid. Edrychaf ymlaen at gyfarfod â'r comisiynydd pobl hŷn newydd, Rhian Bowen-Davies, i drafod cynnydd yr ymgyrch i chwyddo'r nifer sy'n derbyn credyd pensiwn, ymgyrch a ddatblygwyd mor fedrus gan ei rhagflaenydd. Byddaf yn gweithio gyda chyd-Aelodau Cabinet dros iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol, llywodraeth leol a thai i ledaenu'r ymgyrch credyd pensiwn a siarter budd-daliadau Cymru. Ac yn olaf, yn bwysicach na dim, Lywydd, byddaf yn cadeirio'r cyfarfod rhynglywodraethol nesaf ar waith a phensiynau gyda Llywodraeth y DU.
Ac mae'n rhaid inni weithio gyda'n gilydd ar bob lefel o lywodraeth i gefnogi pobl hŷn ac aelwydydd o bob oed. Mae'n rhaid inni roi'r camau hyn ar waith. Mae'n rhaid inni gefnogi'r bobl—ac rwyf am ddod i ben gyda'r pwynt hwn—yr effeithiwyd arnynt fwyaf gan 14 mlynedd o gyni a chamreoli economaidd Torïaidd. Mae dyletswydd arnom i newid y sefyllfa ar bob lefel o lywodraeth ac estyn allan at y rhai yr effeithir arnynt fwyaf gan waddol cywilyddus y twll du £22 biliwn a etifeddwyd gennym. Diolch.
Mark Isherwood i ymateb i'r ddadl. Mark Isherwood.
Mark Isherwood to reply to the debate. Mark Isherwood.
Diolch, Llywydd. Thanks. I'll start by thanking Joel James for opening this essential and key debate by referring to this short-sighted and callous decision, which has blindsided millions of pensioners, causing fear about their ability to pay fuel bills this winter and pushing thousands more pensioners into fuel poverty. As he said, Labour is paving the way for extremely painful fiscal policies and tax rises.
I'm grateful to Sioned Williams for confirming that Plaid Cymru will be supporting the motion against the decision taken, calling for this place to call for that decision to be changed. She, of course, pointed out that that decision was a Westminster Labour Government decision and, as she said, warm homes are vital to health. I have to disagree on one point: she described austerity as an ideology, although my dictionary describes austerity as 'not having enough money', and as such it was an inheritance from Blair, Brown and Balls back in 2010.
Diolch, Lywydd. Fe ddechreuaf drwy ddiolch i Joel James am agor y ddadl hanfodol ac allweddol hon trwy gyfeirio at y penderfyniad cibddall a dideimlad hwn, sydd wedi gwneud cam â miliynau o bensiynwyr, gan greu ofn ynglŷn â'u gallu i dalu biliau tanwydd y gaeaf hwn a gwthio miloedd yn fwy o bensiynwyr i dlodi tanwydd. Fel y dywedodd, mae Llafur yn paratoi'r ffordd ar gyfer polisïau cyllidol a chodiadau treth hynod boenus.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i Sioned Williams am gadarnhau y bydd Plaid Cymru yn cefnogi'r cynnig yn erbyn y penderfyniad a wnaed, gan alw ar y lle hwn i alw am newid y penderfyniad hwnnw. Wrth gwrs, fe nododd mai penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur San Steffan oedd y penderfyniad hwnnw ac fel y dywedodd, mae cartrefi cynnes yn hanfodol i iechyd. Mae'n rhaid i mi anghytuno ar un pwynt: disgrifiodd gyni fel ideoleg, er bod fy ngeiriadur i'n disgrifio cyni fel 'bod heb ddigon o arian', ac o'r herwydd roedd yn sefyllfa a etifeddwyd gan Blair, Brown a Balls yn ôl yn 2010.
Sioned Williams a gododd—
Sioned Williams rose—
Perhaps I could just clarify that what I meant when I was talking about austerity is an approach to fiscal policy. That's the shorthand, isn't it? It's austerity fiscal policy. It's about the pretence of saying that you can cut and therefore try and somehow put money back into the economy. Many academics have shown that that's a fallacy. It doesn't work, it takes services away, it decimates services from the people who most need them. And what it does is transfer money from the poorest to the richest.
Efallai y caf egluro mai'r hyn a olygwn pan oeddwn yn siarad am gyni yw dull o weithredu polisi cyllidol. Dyna'r llaw fer, onid e? Polisi cyllidol cyni ydyw. Mae'n ymwneud â'r esgus o ddweud y gallwch dorri a cheisio rhoi arian yn ôl i'r economi rywsut. Mae llawer o academyddion wedi dangos mai cam-dyb yw hynny. Nid yw'n gweithio, mae'n dileu gwasanaethau, mae'n amddifadu'r bobl sydd fwyaf o angen gwasanaethau. A'r hyn y mae'n ei wneud yw trosglwyddo arian oddi wrth y tlotaf i'r cyfoethocaf.
Keynesian economics is a two-sided coin, and, when the economy slows down, you increase spending to stimulate demand and the economy. The reverse of that is that, when an economy is growing, you're supposed to reduce the spending so that, when there's a rainy day, you can ramp up again. That's Keynesian economics. And the failure to do that and the failure to have addressed the atrocious economic state inherited in 2010 would have generated bigger imposed cuts, as happened in those other countries that didn't heed that.
Mike Hedges referred to a policy we abandoned years ago and to the impact of this Labour decision on the wealthy minority but not the vulnerable majority of pensioners.
Peter Fox said that, when wrong decisions are made, it takes courage to stand up for constituents and challenge these, but none of this courage was shown by any Welsh Labour MPs when they voted on this in the UK Parliament. We now need Welsh Labour MSs to show the courage missing then. And as he said, the decision was a clear political choice.
Heledd Fychan rightly says that our role in the Senedd is to find solutions, and we're talking here about the basics of human life. We need Westminster to not continue with this damaging policy.
James Evans pointed out that we have to support some of the most vulnerable people in our society, and that's what we're talking about, because, for many pensioners, this is a matter of survival, with one in five in Wales already living in poverty, and fuel poverty higher in rural areas. As he said, we cannot stand idly by.
Mae dwy ochr i economeg Keynesaidd, a phan fydd yr economi'n arafu, rydych chi'n cynyddu gwariant i ysgogi galw a'r economi. Ochr arall y geiniog i hynny, pan fydd economi'n tyfu, yw eich bod i fod i leihau'r gwariant fel y gallwch ei gynyddu eto ar ddiwrnod glawog. Dyna economeg Keynesaidd. A byddai'r methiant i wneud hynny a'r methiant i fynd i'r afael â'r sefyllfa economaidd erchyll a etifeddwyd yn 2010 wedi cynhyrchu toriadau gorfodol mwy o faint, fel y gwelwyd yn y gwledydd eraill na wnaeth wrando ar hynny.
Cyfeiriodd Mike Hedges at bolisi y gwnaethom gefnu arno flynyddoedd yn ôl ac at effaith y penderfyniad Llafur hwn ar y lleiafrif cyfoethog ond nid y mwyafrif bregus o bensiynwyr.
Dywedodd Peter Fox, pan wneir penderfyniadau anghywir, ei bod yn cymryd dewrder i sefyll dros etholwyr a herio'r penderfyniadau hynny, ond ni ddangoswyd dim o'r dewrder hwn gan unrhyw AS Llafur Cymru pan wnaethant bleidleisio ar hyn yn Senedd y DU. Nawr mae arnom angen i Aelodau Llafur Cymru o'r Senedd ddangos y dewrder a oedd ar goll bryd hynny. Ac fel y dywedodd, roedd y penderfyniad yn benderfyniad gwleidyddol clir.
Mae Heledd Fychan yn dweud yn gywir mai ein rôl ni yn y Senedd yw dod o hyd i atebion, ac rydym yn siarad yma am hanfodion bywyd dynol. Mae angen i San Steffan beidio â pharhau gyda'r polisi niweidiol hwn.
Tynnodd James Evans sylw at y ffaith bod yn rhaid inni gefnogi rhai o'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas, a dyna beth rydym ni'n sôn amdano, oherwydd, i lawer o bensiynwyr, mae'n fater o oroesi, gydag un o bob pump yng Nghymru eisoes yn byw mewn tlodi, a thlodi tanwydd yn uwch mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Fel y dywedodd, ni allwn adael i hyn ddigwydd.
Laura Anne Jones rightly said how disappointing it is to see so many empty Labour benches on this key issue. And as she said, the only black hole we've seen recently is the black hole in Keir Starmer's wardrobe. She pointed out that 1.6 million disabled pensioners would be stripped of their winter fuel payments, and that supporting pensioners is not just an economic responsibility, but also a moral one.
Natasha Asghar said that politics is about choices, and it is, and securing a safe environment for our pensioners should be a priority for everyone. She said, rightly, that this is a nasty policy, and we need dignity and respect shown to our pensioners.
The Cabinet Secretary, Jane Hutt, sadly delivered a politicised point-scoring response, which was frankly heartless. She said that difficult decisions were caused by a £22 billion black hole in the public purse, showing that—dare I say it—this regressive Labour Welsh Government’s only real policy remains to blame everything on others, and particularly the former Conservative Government in the UK. She then sought to divert attention from this uncaring decision by self-praising Welsh Government schemes. Of course we support policies to help people in fuel poverty, but this debate is about a decision that does the opposite. I do, however, thank her very much for agreeing to attend the cross-party group on fuel poverty and energy efficiency, as she's done willingly in the past, and contributed to those meetings, but I will have to point out to her that many of the organisations attending those meetings have expressed deep concerns about the decision, and called for it to be changed.
Earlier this year, Cabinet Secretary, you said you did not believe that the UK benefits system was a compassionate, coherent, person-centred benefit system. A system—dare I say—that did then pay the winter fuel payment to all pensioners who'd reached the state pension age. However, today, she didn't tell us how she would describe the UK benefits system, now she's stated that the Labour UK Government's decision to end the winter fuel payment will risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.
The Labour Prime Minister and Chancellor have justified their decision to scrap winter payments for millions of pensioners on the grounds of a £22 billion black hole left by the Conservatives, so you're clearly doing as you're told and following the Westminster script. However, the UK Treasury has refused to provide key details of this fiscal black hole that Labour claims to have discovered. In reality, when Labour left office in 2010, the UK deficit stood at 10.3 per cent of GDP, but when the Conservatives left office in 2024, this stood at 4.4 per cent of GDP, despite having had to borrow billions to support people and the economy through the pandemic and the global cost-of-living crisis.
Further, a chunk of the claimed black hole is down to political decisions by the UK Labour Government, a point rehearsed by many of my colleagues. Even worse, they now admit that no impact assessment was carried out on a policy that will affect an estimated 500,000 pensioners in Wales alone. No impact assessment: that's not good government under any party.
They're urging pensioners to check if they could be eligible for pension credit to secure the winter fuel payment. They therefore undermine their argument that this is somehow a fiscal decision, with the think tank Policy in Practice stating that if all 880,000 eligible pensioners applied for pension credit, the Treasury could face a bill of £3.8 billion—a point made again by one of my colleagues—and dwarfing the £1.4 billion saving from scrapping non-means-tested winter fuel payments.
Additionally, an estimated 130,000 older people in the UK will miss out because they're just £500 over the income threshold to claim pensions credit, reinforcing the call for action by the Older People's Commissioner for Wales to resolve the issue of the cliff edge, whereby older people who are ineligible for pension credit because of incomes just above the threshold miss out on support entirely. Age UK estimates that 2.5 million pensioners on low incomes, but not low enough to get pension credit, will struggle to pay their bills this winter. Age Cymru have stated that
'cutting the winter fuel payment this winter, with virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision.'
The lack of foresight is also highlighted by the Motor Neurone Disease Association, who have said:
'Means-testing the Winter Fuel Payment will take no account of the unavoidable costs of living with a highly disabling condition like MND. People coping with this devastating condition do not deserve to lose the support they rely on this winter.'
That also applies to hundreds of thousands of other people with other serious conditions. As National Energy Action Cymru have stated, the decision to limit the winter fuel payment to pensioners receiving pensions credit has raised wide concerns about the impact on the ability of older people to keep warm and well at home, leaving many pensioners in need without support this winter.
That is what our motion is about today. I therefore urge all Members to send this message, the message articulated by NEA, Age Cymru, Age UK, MND Association and so many others, to the UK Government by supporting our motion today. Diolch yn fawr.
Dywedodd Laura Anne Jones pa mor siomedig yw gweld cymaint o feinciau Llafur gwag ar y mater allweddol hwn. Ac fel y dywedodd, yr unig dwll du a welsom yn ddiweddar yw'r twll du yng nghwpwrdd dillad Keir Starmer. Tynnodd sylw at y ffaith y byddai 1.6 miliwn o bensiynwyr anabl yn cael eu hamddifadu o'u taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf, a bod cefnogi pensiynwyr nid yn unig yn gyfrifoldeb economaidd, ond hefyd yn un moesol.
Dywedodd Natasha Asghar fod gwleidyddiaeth yn ymwneud â dewisiadau, ac mae hynny'n wir, a dylai sicrhau amgylchedd diogel i'n pensiynwyr fod yn flaenoriaeth i bawb. Dywedodd, yn briodol, mai polisi cas yw hwn, ac mae angen dangos urddas a pharch tuag at ein pensiynwyr.
Yn anffodus, cyflwynodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, Jane Hutt, ymateb gwleidyddol i sgorio pwyntiau, ac roedd hynny'n ddigalon, a bod yn onest. Dywedodd fod penderfyniadau anodd yn cael eu hachosi gan dwll du gwerth £22 biliwn yn y pwrs cyhoeddus, gan ddangos—rwy'n mentro dweud—mai'r unig bolisi go iawn sydd gan Lafur Cymru o hyd yw beio popeth ar eraill, ac yn enwedig Llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol y DU. Yna, ceisiodd dynnu sylw oddi wrth y penderfyniad dideimlad hwn trwy ganmol cynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru. Wrth gwrs, rydym yn cefnogi polisïau i helpu pobl mewn tlodi tanwydd, ond mae'r ddadl hon yn ymwneud â phenderfyniad sy'n gwneud y gwrthwyneb. Fodd bynnag, diolch yn fawr iddi am gytuno i fynychu'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dlodi tanwydd ac effeithlonrwydd ynni, fel y bu'n barod i'w wneud yn y gorffennol, a chyfrannu at y cyfarfodydd hynny, ond bydd yn rhaid i mi dynnu ei sylw at y ffaith bod llawer o'r sefydliadau sy'n mynychu'r cyfarfodydd hynny wedi mynegi pryderon dwfn am y penderfyniad, ac wedi galw am ei newid.
Yn gynharach eleni, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fe ddywedoch chi nad oeddech chi'n credu bod system fudd-daliadau'r DU yn system fudd-daliadau dosturiol, gydlynol sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn. System—rwy'n mentro dweud—a oedd yn talu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf ar y pryd i bob pensiynwr a oedd wedi cyrraedd oedran pensiwn y wladwriaeth. Fodd bynnag, heddiw, ni ddywedodd wrthym sut y byddai'n disgrifio system fudd-daliadau'r DU, a hithau nawr wedi dweud y bydd penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur y DU i ddod â thaliad tanwydd y gaeaf i ben yn creu risg o wthio rhai pensiynwyr i dlodi tanwydd.
Mae'r Prif Weinidog Llafur a'r Canghellor wedi cyfiawnhau eu penderfyniad i ddileu taliadau'r gaeaf i filiynau o bensiynwyr ar sail twll du gwerth £22 biliwn a adawyd gan y Ceidwadwyr, felly rydych chi'n amlwg yn gwneud fel y dywedir wrthych ac yn dilyn sgript San Steffan. Fodd bynnag, mae Trysorlys y DU wedi gwrthod darparu manylion allweddol am y twll du cyllidol hwn y mae Llafur yn honni eu bod wedi ei ddarganfod. Mewn gwirionedd, pan adawodd y Llywodraeth Lafur yn 2010, roedd diffyg y DU yn 10.3 y cant o'r cynnyrch domestig gros, ond pan adawodd y Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn 2024, roedd yn 4.4 y cant o'r cynnyrch domestig gros, er iddynt orfod benthyca biliynau i gefnogi pobl a'r economi drwy'r pandemig a'r argyfwng costau byw byd-eang.
Ymhellach, mae cyfran o'r twll du honedig yn ganlyniad i benderfyniadau gwleidyddol gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU, pwynt a gafodd ei ailadrodd gan lawer o fy nghyd-Aelodau. Hyd yn oed yn waeth, maent bellach yn cyfaddef na chafodd unrhyw asesiad effaith ei gynnal ar bolisi a fydd yn effeithio ar 500,000 amcangyfrifedig o bensiynwyr yng Nghymru yn unig. Dim asesiad effaith: nid yw hynny'n llywodraethu da o dan unrhyw blaid.
Maent yn annog pensiynwyr i edrych i weld a allent fod yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn i sicrhau taliad tanwydd y gaeaf. Maent yn tanseilio eu dadl felly fod hwn rywsut yn benderfyniad cyllidol, gyda'r felin drafod Policy in Practice yn nodi, pe bai pob un o'r 880,000 o bensiynwyr cymwys yn gwneud cais am gredyd pensiwn, y gallai'r Trysorlys wynebu bil o £3.8 biliwn—pwynt a wnaed eto gan un o fy nghyd-Aelodau—sy'n llawer mwy na'r arbediad o £1.4 biliwn o gael gwared ar daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf nad oes angen prawf modd ar eu cyfer.
Yn ogystal, amcangyfrifir y bydd 130,000 o bobl hŷn yn y DU ar eu colled am eu bod ond £500 dros y trothwy incwm i allu hawlio credyd pensiwn, gan atgyfnerthu'r alwad am weithredu gan Gomisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru i ddatrys sefyllfa ymyl clogwyn, lle mae pobl hŷn nad ydynt yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn oherwydd incwm ychydig uwchlaw'r trothwy yn colli cymorth yn gyfan gwbl. Mae Age UK yn amcangyfrif y bydd 2.5 miliwn o bensiynwyr sydd ar incwm isel, ond heb fod yn ddigon isel i gael credyd pensiwn, yn cael trafferth talu eu biliau y gaeaf hwn. Mae Age Cymru wedi dweud
'mae torri taliad tanwydd y gaeaf, heb fawr o rybudd nac unrhyw gamau cydadferol i amddiffyn pensiynwyr tlawd a bregus, yn benderfyniad anghywir.'
Mae'r diffyg rhagwelediad hefyd yn cael ei amlygu gan y Gymdeithas Clefyd Niwronau Motor, sydd wedi dweud:
'Ni fydd gwneud prawf modd ar daliad tanwydd y gaeaf yn ystyried costau byw anochel byw gyda chyflwr sy'n anablu'n fawr fel clefyd niwronau motor. Nid yw pobl sy'n ymdopi â'r cyflwr dinistriol hwn yn haeddu colli'r gefnogaeth y maent yn dibynnu arno y gaeaf hwn.'
Mae hynny'n berthnasol hefyd i gannoedd o filoedd o bobl eraill sydd â chyflyrau difrifol eraill. Fel y dywedodd National Energy Action Cymru, mae'r penderfyniad i gyfyngu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf i bensiynwyr sy'n derbyn credyd pensiwn wedi codi pryderon eang am yr effaith ar allu pobl hŷn i gadw'n gynnes ac yn iach yn eu cartrefi, gan adael llawer o bensiynwyr mewn angen heb gymorth y gaeaf hwn.
Ymwneud â hynny y mae ein cynnig heddiw. Felly, rwy'n annog pob Aelod i anfon y neges hon, y neges a fynegwyd gan NEA, Age Cymru, Age UK, y Gymdeithas Clefyd Niwronau Motor a chymaint o rai eraill, at Lywodraeth y DU drwy gefnogi ein cynnig heddiw. Diolch yn fawr.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad. Felly, gwnawn ni ohirio'r bleidlais tan y cyfnod pleidleisio ar ddiwedd y prynhawn.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is objection. Therefore, we will defer voting until voting time at the end of the afternoon.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt, a gwelliannau 2, 3 a 4 yn enw Darren Millar. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliannau 2 a 3 eu dad-ddethol.
The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt, and amendments 2, 3 and 4 in the name of Darren Millar. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2 and 3 will be deselected.
Yr eitem nesaf fydd dadl Plaid Cymru ar restrau aros yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Dwi'n galw ar Mabon ap Gwynfor i wneud y cynnig.
The next item will be the Plaid Cymru debate on NHS waiting lists. I call on Mabon ap Gwynfor to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8652 Heledd Fychan
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi bod y Prif Weinidog a'i rhagflaenwyr wedi blaenoriaethu torri rhestrau aros yn y GIG.
2. Yn gresynu bod:
a) ystadegau perfformiad diweddaraf y GIG yn dangos bod rhestrau aros yng Nghymru ar eu lefel uchaf erioed; a
b) penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur y DU i gofleidio polisïau llymder fel torri nôl ar y taliad tanwydd gaeaf yn dwysau'r pwysau ar y GIG.
3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i adolygu ar frys ei chynllun i leihau rhestrau aros ac anrhydeddu ymrwymiad Prif Weinidogion y gorffennol a'r Prif Weinidog presennol.
Motion NDM8652 Heledd Fychan
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that the First Minister and her predecessors have prioritised cutting waiting lists in the NHS.
2. Regrets that:
a) the latest NHS performance statistics show that waiting lists in Wales are at a record high; and
b) the UK Labour Government's decision to embrace austerity policies, such as cutting back the winter fuel payment, are intensifying the pressure on the NHS.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to urgently review its plan to reduce waiting lists and to honour the commitment made by past First Ministers and the current First Minister.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Mae'n ddiddorol nodi, onid ydy, fod yna chwech o Aelodau ar y meinciau Llafur bellach wedi dal y portffolio iechyd ar ryw bwynt dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf, yn cynnwys dau gyn Brif Weinidog a'r Prif Weinidog presennol. Mae'n un chwyrligwgan gweinidogol, sy'n cynnwys y disgleiriaf, medden nhw, o rengoedd y Blaid Lafur, ac sydd wedi chwyrlio yn eithaf chwyrn yn ddiweddar. Ond er ein bod ni'n gweld wynebau gwahanol yn mynd ac yn dod dros yr haf, yr un hen stori sydd yno pan fo'n dod at y gwasanaeth iechyd: safonau'n disgyn, amseroedd aros yn ymestyn, staff yn cael eu gwthio i'r pen, ac o du y Llywodraeth, dim byd ond addewidion ailadroddus gwag.
Thank you, Llywydd. It's interesting to note, isn't it, that there are six Members on the Labour benches who have held the health portfolio at some point over the past 25 years, including two former First Ministers and the current First Minister. It's one whirlwind of ministerial change, which includes the brightest, they say, from the Labour Party ranks, and has whirled wildly recently. But although we have seen different faces coming and going over the summer, it's the same old story when it comes to the health service: standards going down, waiting times getting longer, staff being pushed to the extreme, and from the Government, nothing but repeated empty promises.
Daeth y Joyce Watson i’r Gadair.
Joyce Watson took the Chair.
For example, the First Minister's predecessor made the following announcement back in April:
'It's clear that the NHS, and reducing waiting times, is a top priority for the people of Wales, and the same is true for us as a Government.'
Similarly, upon taking office over the summer, the current First Minister pledged a refresh in office, with a relentless focus on addressing the backlog, and yet, since February of this year, NHS waiting lists have hit record highs for five consecutive months, which now account for almost 20 per cent of our entire population. A record-breaking Government for all the wrong reasons.
We all understand the scale of the challenges facing our health service: an ageing population, high rates of long-term sickness and the continued fall-out from the pandemic, to name but a few. They have been well rehearsed by several of the health Minister's predecessors, and I'm sure we'll hear more of the same in his response. But the Government would have far more sympathy from the Welsh public if it was not for their stubborn refusal to learn from their mistakes and for missing so many opportunities to show the necessary vision, dynamism and drive to chart a better future for our NHS.
This was on full display last week, as the First Minister asserted that cutting waiting lists could be achieved in lieu of structural reform. It typifies this Government's habit of placing the horse firmly before the cart, of fixating on the outcomes without actually plotting a credible path to get there. By suggesting that health board executives are at fault for high waiting lists, the First Minister has yet again demonstrated this Government's aptitude for apportioning blame to everyone but themselves.
It is for this reason that we have brought this motion before the Senedd today, to urge the new health Minister to finally break the cycle of failure and ducked responsibilities, by revising the Government's strategy for tackling NHS waiting lists, because anything less would represent a continuation of the tired policies and empty platitudes that have led us to this point.
Plaid Cymru is clear about the bold action required to put the NHS back on its feet. So, if this Government is serious about driving lasting improvements in our health system, it needs to listen up to what a refreshed approach truly looks like. It means investing properly in the preventative agenda to keep people out of hospital, rather than stripping away funding from public health programmes to prop up the false economy on which our overburdened front-line services currently teeter. It means working constructively with the royal colleges to tackle deep-rooted issues of staff retention, rather than castigating them as part of the problem, as the previous health Minister did in a recent committee hearing. It means harnessing technological innovations to bring care closer to home, rather than allowing hospital beds to be overloaded by patients who are fit enough to be discharged. It means developing a strategy to fix the foundations of the NHS estate through more ambitious use of the Senedd's borrowing powers, rather than letting our crumbling health infrastructure fall into further disrepair. And it means demanding a fair funding deal for Wales from Westminster, rather than timidly acquiescing to the outdated Barnett formula that falls well short of the needs of our population.
The people of Wales are crying out for this Government to show that it is capable of a change of direction from the current trajectory of chronic decline in our health system. Give them a reason to believe by supporting this motion.
Er enghraifft, fe wnaeth rhagflaenydd y Prif Weinidog y cyhoeddiad canlynol yn ôl ym mis Ebrill:
'Mae'n amlwg bod y GIG, a lleihau amseroedd aros, yn brif flaenoriaeth i bobl Cymru, ac mae'r un peth yn wir amdanom ni fel Llywodraeth.'
Yn yr un modd, ar ôl dod i'w swydd dros yr haf, addawodd y Prif Weinidog presennol adfywiad yn y swydd, gyda ffocws di-baid ar fynd i'r afael â'r ôl-groniad, ac eto, ers mis Chwefror eleni, mae rhestrau aros y GIG wedi bod yn uwch nag erioed am bum mis yn olynol, ac maent bellach cymaint ag 20 y cant o'n poblogaeth gyfan. Llywodraeth sy'n torri record am yr holl resymau anghywir.
Rydym i gyd yn deall maint yr heriau sy'n wynebu ein gwasanaeth iechyd: poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio, cyfraddau uchel o salwch hirdymor a chanlyniadau parhaus y pandemig, i enwi ond ychydig. Maent wedi cael eu hailadrodd droeon gan nifer o ragflaenwyr y Gweinidog iechyd, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwn yn clywed mwy o'r un peth yn ei ymateb. Ond byddai gan y Llywodraeth lawer mwy o gydymdeimlad ymysg y cyhoedd yng Nghymru oni bai am eu gwrthodiad ystyfnig i ddysgu o'u camgymeriadau ac am golli cymaint o gyfleoedd i ddangos y weledigaeth, y ddeinameg a'r ysfa angenrheidiol i gynllunio dyfodol gwell i'n GIG.
Cafodd hyn ei arddangos yn llawn yr wythnos diwethaf, wrth i'r Prif Weinidog honni y gellid torri rhestrau aros yn lle diwygio strwythurol. Mae'n nodweddiadol o arfer y Llywodraeth hon o osod y ceffyl yn gadarn o flaen y cert, o ganolbwyntio ar y canlyniadau heb gynllunio llwybr credadwy i gyrraedd yno. Trwy awgrymu mai swyddogion gweithredol byrddau iechyd sydd ar fai am restrau aros uchel, mae'r Prif Weinidog unwaith eto wedi dangos tueddiad y Llywodraeth hon i feio pawb ond nhw eu hunain.
Dyma'r rheswm dros gyflwyno'r cynnig hwn gerbron y Senedd heddiw, i annog y Gweinidog iechyd newydd o'r diwedd i dorri'r cylch o fethiant ac osgoi cyfrifoldeb, trwy adolygu strategaeth y Llywodraeth ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â rhestrau aros y GIG, oherwydd byddai unrhyw beth llai na hynny'n barhad o'r polisïau blinedig a'r ystrydebau gwag sydd wedi ein harwain at y pwynt hwn.
Mae Plaid Cymru'n glir ynglŷn â'r camau beiddgar sydd eu hangen i roi'r GIG yn ôl ar ei draed. Felly, os yw'r Llywodraeth hon o ddifrif ynglŷn ag ysgogi gwelliannau parhaol yn ein system iechyd, mae angen iddi wrando ar beth yn union y mae dull newydd o weithio yn ei olygu. Mae'n golygu buddsoddi'n iawn yn yr agenda ataliol i gadw pobl allan o'r ysbyty, yn hytrach na dileu cyllid o raglenni iechyd cyhoeddus i gynnal yr economi ffug y mae ein gwasanaethau rheng flaen sydd wedi'u gorlethu yn gwegian arni ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n golygu gweithio'n adeiladol gyda'r colegau brenhinol i fynd i'r afael â phroblemau cadw staff sydd wedi'u gwreiddio'n ddwfn, yn hytrach na'u beirniadu fel rhan o'r broblem, fel y gwnaeth y Gweinidog iechyd blaenorol mewn gwrandawiad pwyllgor yn ddiweddar. Mae'n golygu harneisio datblygiadau technolegol i ddod â gofal yn nes at adref, yn hytrach na chaniatáu i welyau ysbyty gael eu gorlenwi gan gleifion sy'n ddigon iach i gael eu rhyddhau. Mae'n golygu datblygu strategaeth i drwsio sylfeini ystad y GIG drwy ddefnydd mwy uchelgeisiol o bwerau benthyca'r Senedd, yn hytrach na gadael i'n seilwaith iechyd sy'n dadfeilio waethygu ymhellach. Ac mae'n golygu mynnu cytundeb ariannu teg i Gymru o San Steffan, yn hytrach nag ildio'n llywaeth i fformiwla Barnett hen ffasiwn sy'n bell o allu diwallu anghenion ein poblogaeth.
Mae pobl Cymru yn crefu ar y Llywodraeth hon i ddangos ei bod yn gallu newid cyfeiriad o'r llwybr presennol o ddirywiad cronig yn ein system iechyd. Rhowch reswm iddynt gredu hynny trwy gefnogi'r cynnig hwn.
The four amendments to the motion have been selected. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2 and 3 will be deselected. I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to move formally amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt.
Mae'r pedwar gwelliant i'r cynnig wedi'u dewis. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, bydd gwelliannau 2 a 3 yn cael eu dad-ddethol. Rwy'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol i gynnig gwelliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt, yn ffurfiol.
Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt
Dileu popeth a rhoi yn ei le:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1) Yn nodi:
a) bod y Prif Weinidog a'i rhagflaenwyr wedi blaenoriaethu torri rhestrau aros yn y GIG; a
b) bod nifer y bobl sy'n aros mwy na dwy flynedd am driniaeth wedi lleihau 67% ers yr uchafbwynt ym mis Mawrth 2022.
Amendment 1—Jane Hutt
Delete all and replace with:
To propose that the Senedd:
1) Notes:
a) the First Minister and her predecessors have prioritised cutting waiting lists in the NHS; and
b) the number of people waiting more than two years for treatment has fallen by 67% since the peak in March 2022.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
I now call on Sam Rowlands to move amendments 2, 3 and 4, tabled in the name of Darren Millar.
Rwy'n galw nawr ar Sam Rowlands i gynnig gwelliannau 2, 3 a 4, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar.
Gwelliant 2—Darren Millar
Dileu pwynt 2b) a rhoi yn ei le:
bydd penderfyniadau gwariant fel torri taliadau tanwydd gaeaf i bensiynwyr yn arwain at effaith andwyol ar GIG Cymru;
Amendment 2—Darren Millar
Delete point 2b) and replace with:
spending decisions such as cutting winter fuel payments to pensioners will lead to an adverse impact on the Welsh NHS;
Gwelliant 3—Darren Millar
Ychwanegu is-bwynt newydd ar ddiwedd pwynt 2:
ar dri achlysur, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi torri'r gyllideb iechyd mewn termau real: yr unig lywodraeth yn y Deyrnas Unedig i wneud hynny erioed;
Amendment 3—Darren Millar
Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:
on three occasions, the Welsh Government cut the health budget in real terms: the only government in the United Kingdom to have ever done so;
Gwelliant 4—Darren Millar
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:
Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod yr holl gynnydd o 20 y cant mewn cyllid canlyniadol Barnett ar gyfer iechyd yn cael ei wario ar GIG Cymru.
Amendment 4—Darren Millar
Add new point at end of motion:
Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure the full Barnett consequential 20 per cent uplift for health is spent on the Welsh NHS.
Cynigiwyd gwelliannau 2, 3 a 4.
Amendments 2, 3 and 4 moved.
Well, diolch yn fawr iawn, acting Presiding Officer. I move the Welsh Conservative amendments in the name of Darren Millar.
It's incredible, isn't it? Wales has a new First Minister and apparently a new Cabinet in place, but we have the same old problems with the NHS waiting lists in Wales. And, of course, this new Cabinet's only been here a matter of weeks, but there's not a great deal of light at the end of the tunnel when we look at waiting lists at the moment. And I think there's a lot to say about Welsh Labour that they reward the person who's given us the longest NHS waiting lists on record by making that person the First Minister of Wales. But it's not just about the First Minister and her role in this place. As Mabon ap Gwynfor pointed out, there is a plethora of health Ministers sat amongst the Labour benches and 25 years of Labour mismanagement have led us to this point that we're at today: consistently missed targets and seemingly zero plan for fixing the state of the health service here in Wales.
We heard some lovely warm words from the First Minister yesterday, and I'm sure they were reassuring to us all in this place, but those are words we've heard repeated time and time again by a bevy of Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries who, seemingly, have only made the situation worse. And what I find saddest of all is that we've kind of got used to this being the way it is; this is just the way it is in Wales, we have long waiting lists and we have a health service that, unfortunately, isn't always there when we need it, and that makes me saddest of all. And that is not acceptable, that is not how the health service has to be or should be here in Wales.
Again, we've heard, as already outlined, a First Minister who seems happy to pass the buck onto NHS managers and chief executives of health boards, and clearly, they have a significant role to play—health boards have a big job to do to work through these waiting lists—but a First Minister and a Government must not abdicate its responsibility, first and foremost, in this place, elected by the people of Wales to see these services delivered well, and currently, they don't seem to be taking that responsibility. I do hope that we hear a different tone from the new Cabinet Secretary and I hope he'll be willing to take on that responsibility for the performance of our health service, rather than passing the blame elsewhere. Because we know that, as always, sadly, it's patients and hardworking staff who are left at the sharp end; they're the ones languishing in pain on waiting lists or working under serious pressure without the full support that they need. As our amendments point out in front of us here today, let’s not forget that the Welsh Government is the only Government in Great Britain to have ever cut the health budget. It’s this Welsh Government that refuses to spend the full 20 per cent Barnett consequential uplift that it has on health.
Talking of British Governments, of course, it seems like we should be in a land of flowing milk and honey with a new British Labour Government at the other end of the M4. This doesn’t seem apparent just yet. But it’s interesting, isn’t it? One of the first things that Keir Starmer instigated when he came in as Prime Minister was a review of the NHS in England, with the recently released Darzi report. Unfortunately, there is no sign of a similar report being instigated here in Wales, and that’s despite every major metric being worse in the Welsh health service than it is in England.
We have heard already about the number of people on a waiting list in Wales—at least one in five people. And we know that over 23,000 people in Wales are waiting on those waiting lists for more than two years. We on these benches would certainly have welcomed Lord Darzi casting an eye over the Welsh NHS and making a judgment on the failures of Labour’s last quarter of a century in charge. I would be interested to understand from the Cabinet Secretary whether this is something that he is seeking, as Sir Keir Starmer has sought for the NHS in England—an independent report by someone like Lord Darzi to outline where those failings have been taking place.
We have only just finished a debate in this place, to compound issues, on the impact of the winter fuel payments being slashed. That is going to provide no help whatsoever to the health of our older people here in Wales, and will certainly compound the issues when it comes to waiting lists. We know that, according to the Department for Work and Pensions, the equality analysis of this policy of slashing this means that 1.6 million disabled people across the UK will lose their payments—71 per cent of those who were entitled to it. That’s going to make a significant impact across the UK, but certainly here in Wales as well.
So, in terms of the motion here today laid by Plaid Cymru—and, of course, we are grateful to them for bringing this debate forward—we are happy to support their motion. But we are also seeking support for our amendments in this place today, so I call on all Members to support our amendments as well. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd dros dro. Rwy'n cynnig gwelliannau'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn enw Darren Millar.
Mae'n anhygoel, onid yw? Mae gan Gymru Brif Weinidog newydd a Chabinet newydd ar waith, mae'n ymddangos, ond mae gennym yr un hen broblemau gyda rhestrau aros y GIG yng Nghymru. Ac wrth gwrs, dim ond ers ychydig wythnosau y mae'r Cabinet newydd hwn wedi bod yma, ond nid oes llawer iawn o olau ar ben draw'r twnnel pan edrychwn ar restrau aros ar hyn o bryd. Ac rwy'n credu ei fod yn dweud llawer am Lafur Cymru eu bod yn gwobrwyo'r sawl sydd wedi rhoi rhestrau aros hiraf erioed y GIG i ni drwy wneud y person hwnnw'n Brif Weinidog Cymru. Ond mae'n ymwneud â mwy na'r Prif Weinidog a'i rôl yn y lle hwn. Fel y nododd Mabon ap Gwynfor, mae llu o Weinidogion iechyd yn eistedd ar feinciau Llafur ac mae 25 mlynedd o gamreolaeth Lafur wedi ein harwain at y pwynt yr ydym wedi ei gyrraedd heddiw: targedau wedi'u methu'n gyson a dim cynllun, mae'n ymddangos, ar gyfer datrys cyflwr y gwasanaeth iechyd yma yng Nghymru.
Clywsom eiriau cynnes hyfryd gan y Prif Weinidog ddoe, ac rwy'n siŵr eu bod yn gysur i ni i gyd yn y lle hwn, ond mae'r rheini'n eiriau a glywsom dro ar ôl tro gan nifer o Weinidogion ac Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet sydd, mae'n ymddangos, ond wedi gwaethygu'r sefyllfa. A'r hyn sydd dristaf yn fy marn i yw ein bod fel pe baem wedi dod i arfer â'r sefyllfa fel y mae; dyma fel y mae pethau yng Nghymru, mae gennym restrau aros hir ac mae gennym wasanaeth iechyd sydd, yn anffodus, heb fod yno bob amser pan fydd ei angen arnom, ac mae hynny'n fy ngwneud i'n drist iawn. Ac nid yw'n dderbyniol, nid dyna sut y dylai'r gwasanaeth iechyd fod yma yng Nghymru.
Unwaith eto, fel yr amlinellwyd eisoes, clywsom Brif Weinidog sy'n ymddangos yn hapus i drosglwyddo'r baich i reolwyr y GIG a phrif weithredwyr byrddau iechyd, ac yn amlwg, mae ganddynt ran sylweddol i'w chwarae—mae gan fyrddau iechyd waith mawr i'w wneud i weithio drwy'r rhestrau aros hyn—ond rhaid i Brif Weinidog a Llywodraeth beidio ag ymwrthod â'u cyfrifoldeb, yn gyntaf oll, yn y lle hwn, wedi'u hethol gan bobl Cymru i weld y gwasanaethau hyn yn cael eu darparu'n dda, ac ar hyn o bryd, nid yw'n ymddangos eu bod yn ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb hwnnw. Rwy'n gobeithio y clywn gywair gwahanol gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet newydd ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn barod i ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb hwnnw am berfformiad ein gwasanaeth iechyd, yn hytrach na throsglwyddo'r baich i rywle arall. Oherwydd fe wyddom, fel bob amser yn anffodus, mai cleifion a staff gweithgar sy'n cael eu gadael ar y pen dwfn; nhw yw'r rhai sy'n dioddef mewn poen ar restrau aros neu sy'n gweithio dan bwysau difrifol heb y gefnogaeth lawn sydd ei hangen arnynt. Fel y noda ein gwelliannau yma heddiw, gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio mai Llywodraeth Cymru yw'r unig Lywodraeth ym Mhrydain erioed i fod wedi torri'r gyllideb iechyd. Y Llywodraeth hon yng Nghymru sy'n gwrthod gwario'r codiad canlyniadol Barnett llawn o 20 y cant y mae'n ei gael ar iechyd.
Wrth siarad am Lywodraethau Prydain, wrth gwrs, mae'n ymddangos y dylem fod mewn gwlad yn llifeirio o laeth a mêl gyda Llywodraeth Lafur newydd ym Mhrydain ar ben arall yr M4. Nid yw hyn i'w weld yn glir eto. Ond mae'n ddiddorol, onid yw? Un o'r pethau cyntaf a roddwyd ar waith gan Keir Starmer pan ddaeth yn Brif Weinidog oedd adolygiad o'r GIG yn Lloegr, gydag adroddiad Darzi a ryddhawyd yn ddiweddar. Yn anffodus, nid oes arwydd fod adroddiad tebyg yn cael ei roi ar waith yma yng Nghymru, a hynny er bod pob metrig pwysig yn waeth yng ngwasanaeth iechyd Cymru na'r hyn ydyw yn Lloegr.
Rydym eisoes wedi clywed am nifer y bobl sydd ar restr aros yng Nghymru—o leiaf un o bob pump o bobl. Ac rydym yn gwybod bod dros 23,000 o bobl yng Nghymru yn aros ar y rhestrau aros hynny am fwy na dwy flynedd. Byddem ni ar y meinciau hyn yn sicr yn falch pe bai'r Arglwydd Darzi yn bwrw golwg dros GIG Cymru ac yn ffurfio barn ar fethiannau chwarter canrif diwethaf Llafur wrth y llyw. Hoffwn ddeall gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a yw hyn yn rhywbeth y mae'n gofyn amdano, fel y mae Syr Keir Starmer wedi gofyn amdano ar gyfer y GIG yn Lloegr—adroddiad annibynnol gan rywun fel yr Arglwydd Darzi i amlinellu ble mae'r methiannau hynny wedi bod yn digwydd.
I waethygu pethau, rydym newydd orffen dadl yn y lle hwn ar effaith torri taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf. Nid yw hynny'n mynd i roi unrhyw help o gwbl i iechyd ein pobl hŷn yma yng Nghymru, ac yn sicr bydd yn gwaethygu'r problemau gyda rhestrau aros. Fe wyddom, yn ôl yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, fod y dadansoddiad cydraddoldeb o'r polisi o dorri hyn yn golygu y bydd 1.6 miliwn o bobl anabl ledled y DU yn colli eu taliadau—71 y cant o'r rhai a oedd â hawl iddynt. Mae hynny'n mynd i gael effaith sylweddol ar draws y DU, ond yma yng Nghymru hefyd yn sicr.
Felly, o ran y cynnig yma heddiw a osodwyd gan Blaid Cymru—ac rydym yn ddiolchgar iddynt am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon wrth gwrs—rydym yn hapus i gefnogi eu cynnig. Ond rydym hefyd yn gofyn am gefnogaeth i'n gwelliannau ni yn y lle hwn heddiw, felly galwaf ar yr holl Aelodau i gefnogi ein gwelliannau ni hefyd. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Mi welsom ni yr wythnos diwethaf—ac rŷn ni wedi clywed cyfeiriad ato fo yn barod—yr Arglwydd Darzi’n cyhoeddi ei adroddiad damniol o’r gwasanaeth iechyd yn Lloegr, adroddiad a oedd yn gosod yn glir sut oedd blynyddoedd maith o esgeuluso ac anwybyddu’r problemau sylfaenol—a gadewch inni gofio bod hynny gan y ddwy blaid yn San Steffan—wedi arwain at wasanaeth a gweithlu yn Lloegr oedd ar eu gliniau. Ond beth sy’n bryderus inni yng Nghymru, wrth gwrs, ydy’r ffaith bod gymaint o’r problemau allweddol y gwnaeth yr Arglwydd Darzi fwrw goleuni arnyn nhw, fel arwyddion clir o ffaeleddau Llywodraethau Llafur a Cheidwadol, un ar ôl y llall, wrth ymdrin â’r gwasanaeth iechyd yn Lloegr, hefyd yn disgleirio’n llachar iawn, iawn yma yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd ni hefyd.
Ydy, mae Keir Starmer yn iawn i ddweud bod y sefyllfa yn Lloegr yn drychinebus—11 y cant, dros 10 y cant, o boblogaeth Lloegr ar restrau aros. Ond yng Nghymru, wrth gwrs, mae’r ffigur yn 20 y cant. Yn Lloegr, mae yna heriau mawr, mawr o ran triniaeth ganser—34 y cant yn methu â chael triniaeth o fewn 62 diwrnod. Ond yma, mae’r ffigur yn 43 y cant sydd yn methu derbyn y driniaeth yn yr un amser. Felly, ydy, mae’r gwasanaeth iechyd yn Lloegr yn bell iawn o fod yn batrwm o’r hyn y dylem ni fod yn ceisio ei efelychu yma yng Nghymru, ac mae yna ddioddef enbyd wedi bod yn y gwasanaeth dros y ffin, a hynny o ganlyniad i danfuddsoddi dros y blynyddoedd. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae yna wahaniaeth mawr yn agweddau Keir Starmer ac Eluned Morgan, onid oes? Dydyn ni ddim wedi clywed eto gan y Gweinidog iechyd newydd yng Nghymru, ond mae yna wahaniaeth mawr, mawr rhwng beth rydyn ni’n ei glywed yn agwedd Keir Starmer ac Eluned Morgan.
Mae Keir Starmer, drwy gomisiynu’r gwaith ac ymateb yn y ffordd y mae wedi’i wneud i waith yr Arglwydd Darzi, yn trio rhoi ffocws ar beth gellir ei wneud yn y cyfnod o’n blaenau ni i ddatrys rhai o’r problemau yn Lloegr. Wrth gwrs, mae yna gymhelliad gwleidyddol i'r gwaith yn beio'r Llywodraethau aeth o'i flaen o; mi fyddai rhywun yn naïf iawn i beidio â gweld hynny. Ond dwi'n gobeithio hefyd bod yna ymgais ddidwyll yma i geisio mynd at wraidd y cwestiynau rŵan. Ond tra bod Keir Starmer yn gallu beio ei ragflaenwyr Ceidwadol, y gwir amdani, wrth gwrs, ydy bod Eluned Morgan yn methu â beio unrhyw un heblaw ei rhagflaenwyr a hi ei hun, fel Gweinidogion iechyd Llafur yng Nghymru. Ac os ydy'r gwir yn rhy anodd i'w glywed ar ôl 25 o flynyddoedd mewn grym, mae o'n codi cwestiynau difrifol am awydd y Llywodraeth yma i wella y sefyllfa i gleifion.
Mi fydd Aelodau'n cofio bod Plaid Cymru wedi galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i alw argyfwng iechyd yma yng Nghymru, a hynny am reswm da: er mwyn codi lefel y difrifoldeb. A'r galwadau hynny'n sicr yn cael eu hadleisio gan weithwyr o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd, ac yn sicr gan gleifion, ond, eto, doedd yna ddim parodrwydd gan y Llywodraeth bryd hynny i gydnabod difrifoldeb y sefyllfa. Os nad ydy hi'n argyfwng, mewn difrif, sut mae disgrifio'r sefyllfa? A sut gall Llafur ddisgrifio'r sefyllfa yn Lloegr fel argyfwng pan fo'r sefyllfa yng Nghymru ar gymaint o fesurau hyd yn oed yn waeth? Mae'n rhaid bod Gweinidogion yn gallu gweld bod angen newid. Ac ym merw'r ymgyrch etholiad cyffredinol, mi gawson ni'r olygfa ryfeddol yna o'r Gweinidog iechyd ar y pryd—y Prif Weinidog erbyn hyn—yn gafael mewn placard yn galw am foderneiddio'r gwasanaeth iechyd, ac Aelodau Llafur yn fan hyn yn clodfori cynlluniau Keir Starmer i drawsnewid y gwasanaeth iechyd yn Lloegr, tra ar yr un pryd yn mynnu bod popeth yn iawn yma yng Nghymru, ond bod yna rywun yn mynd i wneud gwyrth o foderneiddio—rhywun heblaw'r Gweinidog ei hun, mae'n ymddangos.
Dwi am orffen efo ystadegyn sy'n mynd i sobri pawb. Ydych chi'n gwybod faint o bobl oedd yn aros dros flwyddyn am eu hapwyntiad cyntaf yn 2012? Tri chant ac un deg chwech. Y ffigur cyfatebol ar gyfer Cymru rŵan ydy 74,000. Y tu ôl i bob un o'r ystadegau yna mae yna berson mewn poen, neu sydd yn poeni am gyflwr ei iechyd, neu'n poeni am gyflwr iechyd anwyliaid, neu sydd yn gweld ei iechyd yn dirywio ymhellach tra ei fod yn aros. Mae yna gymaint o ddyletswydd ar y Llywodraeth i bob un sy'n aros yn hirach na'r amseroedd targed, a chyfrifoldeb ar y Gweinidog iechyd newydd, yn syml iawn, i weithredu'n wahanol i'w ragflaenwyr.
We saw last week—and we’ve heard reference to this already—Lord Darzi publishing his damning report on the health service in England, a report that set out clearly how long years of neglect and ignoring the fundamental problems—and let’s remember that that happened under both parties in Westminster—had led to a service and workforce in England that is on its knees. But what is concerning for us in Wales, of course, is the fact that so many of the key problems that Lord Darzi shed light on, such as clear signs of the failures of Labour and the Conservatives, one after the other, in dealing with the NHS in England, also shine a very bright light on the situation in our own health service too.
Yes, Keir Starmer is right to say that the situation in England is disastrous—11 per cent, more than 10 per cent, of the population of England on waiting lists. But in Wales, of course, the figure is 20 per cent. In England, there are major challenges in terms of cancer treatment, with 34 per cent failing to receive treatment within 62 days. But here, the figure is 43 per cent who don’t get that treatment in the same timescale. So, the health service in England is far from being a model of what we should be emulating here in Wales. There have been great problems in the service over the border, and that is as a result of underinvestment over a number of years. But there is a major difference in the attitude of Keir Starmer and Eluned Morgan. We haven’t heard from the new health Minister in Wales, but there is a major difference between what we hear in Keir Starmer’s words and those expressed by Eluned Morgan.
Keir Starmer, through commissioning this work and in responding in the way that he has to the work of Lord Darzi, is trying to put a focus on what can be done in the ensuing period to resolve some of the problems in England. Of course, there is a political motive in blaming previous Governments for those failings; one would be very naive not to recognise that. But I also hope that there is a sincere effort to try and get to the heart of these issues now. But whilst Keir Starmer can blame his Conservative predecessors, the truth of the matter is that Eluned Morgan can't blame anyone other than her predecessors and herself, as health Ministers in Wales. And if the truth is too difficult to stomach after 25 years in power, it does raise serious questions about the desire of this Government to improve the situation for patients.
Members will remember that Plaid Cymru had called on the Welsh Government to call a health crisis here in Wales, and that was for a very good reason: in order to raise the level of gravity. And that was echoed by staff within the health service, and certainly by patients, but, again, there was no willingness from the Government at that point to recognise the gravity of the situation. If it's not an emergency, then how can the situation be described? And how can Labour describe a situation in England as a crisis when the situation in Wales in so many ways is so much worse? Ministers surely must see that change is necessary. In the heat of the electoral campaign, we had that incredible sight of the then health Minister—the now First Minister—holding a placard calling for the modernisation of our health service, and Labour Members here praising Keir Starmer's plans to transform the health service in England, whilst simultaneously insisting that everything is fine here in Wales, but that someone will actually carry out a miracle of modernisation—someone other than the Minister herself, apparently.
I'm going to close with a statistic that will be sobering for us all. Do you know how many people were waiting over a year for their first appointment in 2012? Three hundred and sixteen. The corresponding figure for Wales now is 74,000. Behind each of those statistics, there is an individual in pain, or someone who's concerned about the state of his or her health, or is concerned about the health of loved ones, or who sees their health deteriorating further whilst they wait. There is a real duty on Government for everyone waiting longer than the target times, and a responsibility on the new health Minister, quite simply, to work differently to his predecessors.
I'd like to welcome the new health Secretary to his post; I'm sure he'll do a great job. This is difficult work. I'm glad that we are having this debate. But the idea that we can simply get away with saying, 'Bold action is required', without saying what that bold action is, is really not advancing human knowledge. Of course, I completely agree with you, we need to have much more effort on the preventative agenda, but that's not going to resolve the current situation. That is a very long burn. That is going to be seen in a healthier nation in 10, 15, 20 years. And, obviously, it is a major challenge to try and ensure that there is more money going into the preventative agenda, but that has to then come from the secondary sector, which is what this motion is about. So, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here.
I think, Sam Rowlands, you are being unfair to Eluned Morgan. You are not giving her her due for the heavy lifting that she has done on this issue, whilst she was health Minister—turning up on unannounced visits in the emergency departments, turning up in the dedicated surgical units supposed to be doing the elective work on a production-line basis. And that is why, in the Labour motion, it acknowledges that the waiting lists have gone down by two thirds. That's very significant. But, obviously, that is no consolation to the individual who's waiting in discomfort for a bed to have an operation.
Hoffwn groesawu'r Ysgrifennydd Iechyd newydd i'w swydd; rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn gwneud gwaith gwych. Mae hwn yn waith anodd. Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod yn cael y ddadl hon. Ond nid yw'r syniad y gallwn fodloni ar ddweud, 'Mae angen gweithredu beiddgar', heb ddweud beth yw'r gweithredu beiddgar hwnnw yn golygu rhyw lawer. Wrth gwrs, rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi, mae angen inni gael llawer mwy o ymdrech ar yr agenda ataliol, ond nid yw hynny'n mynd i ddatrys y sefyllfa bresennol. Mae hwnnw'n fater hirdymor iawn. Caiff hynny ei weld mewn gwlad iachach ymhen 10, 15, 20 mlynedd. Ac yn amlwg, mae'n her fawr i geisio sicrhau bod mwy o arian yn mynd tuag at yr agenda ataliol, ond mae'n rhaid i hynny wedyn ddod o'r sector eilaidd, a dyna hanfod y cynnig hwn. Felly, nid wyf yn deall yn iawn beth rydych chi'n ceisio ei ddweud yma.
Rwy'n credu, Sam Rowlands, eich bod yn bod yn annheg ag Eluned Morgan. Nid ydych yn cydnabod y gwaith mawr a wnaeth ar y mater hwn, tra oedd hi'n Weinidog iechyd—yn gwneud ymweliadau dirybudd ag adrannau brys, yn mynd i unedau llawfeddygol penodedig sydd i fod i wneud y gwaith dewisol ar sail llinell gynhyrchu. A dyna pam y mae'r cynnig Llafur yn cydnabod bod y rhestrau aros wedi gostwng dwy ran o dair. Mae hynny'n arwyddocaol iawn. Ond yn amlwg, nid yw hynny'n gysur i'r unigolyn sy'n aros mewn anghysur am wely i gael llawdriniaeth.
Thank you, Jenny, for taking the intervention. I mentioned the First Minister in my contribution because, under her watch, we had the highest ever level of people on waiting lists in Wales. That, for me, is not success. If you define that as a success, we have very different measures of success.
Diolch, Jenny, am dderbyn yr ymyriad. Soniais am y Prif Weinidog yn fy nghyfraniad oherwydd, o dan ei goruchwyliaeth hi, roedd gennym y lefel uchaf erioed o bobl ar restrau aros yng Nghymru. I mi, nid yw hynny'n llwyddiant. Os ydych chi'n diffinio hynny fel llwyddiant, mae gennym ffyrdd gwahanol iawn o fesur lwyddiant.
Nobody’s saying we have arrived, but what we're saying is we have made progress.
This is a really, really difficult issue, for several reasons. As is demonstrated in Saving Lives in Cardiff, you cannot be admitted to hospital for an operation unless there is a bed for you to recuperate in. That simply wouldn't be ethical. And the Darzi report highlights that 13 per cent of people in English hospitals are there long after their secondary care has been completed, and the need for them to move back into the community. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that there isn't a similar figure happening in Welsh hospitals. I happen to know that there are several hundred people in the Heath hospital in Cardiff who don't medically need to be there, but it is extremely difficult to move them on, for ethical reasons. That's in a health board that has the lowest ambulance waiting times because of its whole-system approach to bed management. They are freeing up space on the wards in the hospital as soon as possible so that another patient can be admitted, either from the emergency department or from the waiting list.
The reason this is so difficult is because we don't have the community health and social care services that we need, and that is the challenge that we absolutely have to crack. But it is not something that we're going to be able to do easily. I recently had a meeting with the the person in charge of the community nursing service—something that I'm absolutely passionate about—that I visited in Cwm Taf just before the lockdown. I've seen just how amazing it is and how efficient it is, using the latest technology to allocate people according to the needs of the individual. But we have hugely expanded the number of community nursing teams, hugely—particularly in North Wales, you'll be interested to know—but it is not nearly enough, and we still have lots and lots of people who don't need to be in hospital, some of whom are admitted because the services don't exist in the community to prevent them having to come into hospital. This is something I am personally dealing with at the moment, and I can tell you just how complicated it is.
One of the reasons it's so complicated, and one that's going to be really difficult to resolve, is you have the health service, who are focusing on getting people out of hospital as soon as they no longer need to be there, and you have the local authority, who is having to assess every single individual case to work out whether they really need to be paying for the social care that that individual may need. This is really complicated stuff, because most of the people who are stuck in hospital are over 80, and even in a young population like Cardiff I can recall the previous chief executive saying the average age of people in hospital is 85. And that's in Cardiff; it would be more than that in other parts of Wales. So that is the dilemma we face. How we're going to do that without the extra money to double-run services, setting up new ones and having to maintain the existing ones, is really, really complicated, and anybody who thinks this is just easy and it's just a failure of will is for the birds.
Nid oes unrhyw un yn dweud ein bod wedi cyrraedd, ond yr hyn a ddywedwn yw ein bod wedi gwneud cynnydd.
Mae hwn yn fater anodd iawn am sawl rheswm. Fel y dangoswyd yn Saving Lives in Cardiff, ni allwch gael eich derbyn i'r ysbyty i gael llawdriniaeth oni bai bod gwely i chi wella ynddo. Ni fyddai hynny'n foesol. Ac mae adroddiad Darzi yn nodi bod 13 y cant o bobl mewn ysbytai yn Lloegr yno ymhell ar ôl i'w gofal eilaidd gael ei gwblhau, a'r angen iddynt symud yn ôl i'r gymuned. Nid oes unrhyw reswm o gwbl i amau nad oes ffigur tebyg yn digwydd yn ysbytai Cymru. Rwy'n digwydd gwybod bod cannoedd o bobl yn ysbyty'r Mynydd Bychan yng Nghaerdydd nad oes angen meddygol iddynt fod yno, ond mae'n anodd iawn eu symud ymlaen, am resymau moesol. Mae hynny mewn bwrdd iechyd sydd â'r amseroedd aros byrraf am ambiwlans oherwydd ei ddull system gyfan o reoli gwelyau. Maent yn rhyddhau lle ar y wardiau yn yr ysbyty cyn gynted â phosibl fel y gellir derbyn claf arall, naill ai o'r adran achosion brys neu o'r rhestr aros.
Y rheswm pam y mae hyn mor anodd yw oherwydd nad oes gennym y gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol cymunedol sydd eu hangen arnom, a dyna'r her y mae'n rhaid inni ei datrys. Ond nid yw'n rhywbeth y gallwn ei wneud yn hawdd. Yn ddiweddar cefais gyfarfod gyda'r person sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth nyrsio cymunedol—rhywbeth rwy'n gwbl angerddol yn ei gylch—yr ymwelais â hwy yng Nghwm Taf ychydig cyn y cyfnod clo. Rwyf wedi gweld pa mor anhygoel a pha mor effeithlon ydyw, gan ddefnyddio'r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf i ddyrannu pobl yn unol ag anghenion yr unigolyn. Ond rydym wedi ehangu nifer y timau nyrsio cymunedol yn aruthrol—yn enwedig yng ngogledd Cymru, fe fyddwch yn falch o wybod—ond nid yw'n agos at fod yn ddigon, ac mae gennym lawer iawn o bobl o hyd nad oes angen iddynt fod yn yr ysbyty, gyda rhai ohonynt yn cael eu derbyn am nad yw'r gwasanaethau'n bodoli yn y gymuned i'w hatal rhag gorfod dod i'r ysbyty. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth rwy'n ymdrin ag ef yn bersonol ar hyn o bryd, a gallaf ddweud wrthych pa mor gymhleth ydyw.
Un o'r rhesymau pam ei fod mor gymhleth, ac un sy'n mynd i fod yn anodd iawn ei ddatrys, yw bod gennych chi'r gwasanaeth iechyd, sy'n canolbwyntio ar gael pobl allan o'r ysbyty cyn gynted ag y daw'r amser pan nad oes angen iddynt fod yno mwyach, ac mae gennych chi'r awdurdod lleol, sy'n gorfod asesu pob achos unigol i weld a oes gwir angen iddynt fod yn talu am y gofal cymdeithasol y gallai fod ei angen ar yr unigolyn hwnnw. Mae hyn yn gymhleth iawn, oherwydd mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r bobl sy'n gorfod aros yn yr ysbyty dros 80 oed, a hyd yn oed mewn poblogaeth ifanc fel un Caerdydd gallaf gofio'r prif weithredwr blaenorol yn dweud mai 85 yw oedran cyfartalog pobl yn yr ysbyty. A hynny yng Nghaerdydd; byddai'n uwch na hynny mewn rhannau eraill o Gymru. Felly dyna'r broblem sy'n ein hwynebu. Mae'r ffordd y gwnawn hynny heb yr arian ychwanegol i redeg gwasanaethau dwbl, sefydlu rhai newydd a gorfod cynnal y rhai presennol, yn gymhleth iawn, ac mae unrhyw un sy'n credu bod hyn yn hawdd ac mai mater o ewyllys ydyw yn cyfeiliorni'n fawr.
Hoffwn i siarad yn benodol ar y rhan o'n cynnig sy'n gresynu penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur y Deyrnas Gyfunol i barhau â pholisïau llymder ac effaith hynny ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol. Mae llymder yn niweidiol i iechyd pobl. Mae tlodi yn gwneud pobl yn sâl. Darllenwch unrhyw nifer o astudiaethau ar effaith hirdymor polisïau llymder y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd flaenorol ac rydych yn siŵr o ddod i’r un casgliad. Mae mesurau llymder yn uniongyrchol gyfrifol am hybu anghydraddoldebau iechyd sy’n costio £322 miliwn y flwyddyn i’r gwasanaeth iechyd yng Nghymru, ac yn fwyaf niweidiol i gyd, wrth gwrs, am achosi 190,000 o farwolaethau ychwanegol rhwng 2010 a 2019.
Byddech yn disgwyl mai blaenoriaeth unrhyw blaid sydd â diddordeb mewn adfer seiliau drylliedig ein system iechyd, sy'n credu mewn cyfiawnder cymdeithasol, sy'n ymfalchïo yn eu daliadau sosialaidd fel plaid Aneurin Bevan, fyddai sicrhau bod y dogma trychinebus hwn yn cael ei daflu'n syth i fin sbwriel hanes. Ond mae’r hyn yr oeddem ni i gyd yn ei ofni drwy gydol ymgyrch yr etholiad cyffredinol wedi dod i’r amlwg erbyn hyn, achos mae'n ymddangos fod Plaid Lafur Keir Starmer yr un mor gaeth i bolisïau llymder â’u rhagflaenwyr Torïaidd. Wedi’r cyfan, un o’u gweithredoedd cyntaf mewn grym oedd ailgadarnhau yr ymrwymiad i’r cap dau blentyn a'r cap ar fudd-daliadau, yr hyn sy'n bennaf gyfrifol am waethygu lefel uchel tlodi plant yng Nghymru, yn ôl y cyn-Brif Weinidog, Mark Drakeford, a disgyblu’n llym y lleisiau prin hynny sydd â’r dewrder i sefyll yn erbyn y brad hwn yn erbyn y mwyaf bregus yn ein cymdeithas.
Doedd hyd yn oed George Osborne, pensaer llymder, ddim wedi tynnu’r lwfans tanwydd gaeaf oddi ar bensiynwyr, ac mae disgwyl iddyn nhw fyw ar bron hanner yr isafswm cyflog. Mae'n fesur a fydd, fel yr asesodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn gywir, yn gwthio mwy fyth o bensiynwyr Cymru i dlodi tanwydd dyfnach ac, wrth gwrs, yn dwysáu’r pwysau ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal. Mae’r ffaith bod y penderfyniad hwn wedi’i wneud heb asesiad effaith yn tanlinellu ei fod yn amlwg mai llymder, ymhell o fod wedi’i eni o ryw fath o bragmatiaeth amharod, yw egwyddor arweiniol Starmer mewn Llywodraeth. Mae’n ddewis gwleidyddol; roedd e'n wir yn nyddiau Cameron, Clegg ac Osborne, ac mae’n wir nawr.
I’d like to speak specifically to the part of our motion that regrets the decision made by the Labour UK Government to continue to apply austerity policies, and the impact that this has on our national health service. Austerity is damaging to people’s health and poverty makes people ill. Read any number of studies on the long-term impact of the previous Conservative Government’s austerity policies and you're bound to come to the same conclusion. Austerity measures are directly responsible for exacerbating health inequalities that cost the NHS in Wales £322 million every year, and most damaging of all, for causing 190,000 additional deaths between 2010 and 2019.
One might expect that the priority of any party that is interested in rebuilding the foundations of our stricken health service, that believes in social justice, that takes pride in its socialist beliefs as the party of Aneurin Bevan, would be to ensure that this disastrous dogma is immediately consigned to the dustbin of history. But what we had all feared throughout the general election campaign has now come to pass, because it appears that Keir Starmer’s party is as enamoured of austerity policies as their Conservative predecessors. After all, one of their first actions on gaining power was to reconfirm their commitment to the two-child benefit cap and the cap on benefits, the main cause of high levels of child poverty in Wales, according to the former First Minister, Mark Drakeford, and harshly reprimanding those few voices brave enough to stand up against this betrayal of some of the most vulnerable in our society.
Even George Osborne, the architect of austerity, hadn’t taken the winter fuel payment away from pensioners, and they're expected to live on almost half the level of the minimum income. It's a measure that will, as correctly assessed by the Cabinet Secretary for social justice, drive even more pensioners in Wales deeper into fuel poverty and, of course, will intensify the pressure on our health and care service. The fact that this decision was made without an impact assessment underlines that it's clear that austerity, far from being driven by an unwilling pragmatism, is the guiding principle of Keir Starmer’s agenda in Government. It's a political choice; this was true in Cameron, Clegg and Osborne’s day, and it's true now.
Given Keir Starmer's continued refusal to scrap the outdated Barnett formula and replace it with a funding arrangement that truly reflects the needs of our population—and the First Minister's refusal to speak up for the people of Wales when the Labour Prime Minister makes decisions that harm our citizens; she told us very clearly yesterday that wasn't her job, although Barnett reform commands cross-party support across this Senedd—it’s clear that Labour's choice in Westminster to pursue austerity will have dire implications for Wales and our ability to properly fund and fix our NHS.
Even if the meagre consequentials that will derive from Labour’s plans for the ring-fenced NHS services are passed on in full by the Welsh Government, they'll still be insufficient to meet the £1.5 billion of additional spending required from 2024-25 to 2027-28 to simply meet current demand. So, I'd like to hear from the Cabinet Secretary what he plans to do about that. Meanwhile, non-ring-fenced areas of the Welsh budget, which include social care, vital to getting waiting lists down, as you rightly pointed out, Jenny, are now facing a real-terms reduction of £683 million over the next five years. The First Minister shows no appetite to challenge her Labour counterpart in Westminster on austerity measures, which worsen health inequalities, which literally kill—no inclination to insulate Wales from the worst excesses of Westminster—we are tired of this—or to push, for example, for social care reform, which would result in crucial funding to do the same in Wales. Indeed, the much vaunted special relationship of two Labour Governments on both sides of the M4 simply seems to mean an entrenchment of the failing status quo for Wales of underinvestment in our vital health and social care services and an entrenchment of the health inequalities and ill health caused by austerity measures, which however Labour want to spin it, duck it or deny it, is a political choice.
O ystyried bod Keir Starmer yn parhau i wrthod cael gwared ar fformiwla Barnett, sydd wedi hen ddyddio, a rhoi trefniant ariannu newydd ar waith sy'n adlewyrchiad go iawn o anghenion ein poblogaeth—a gwrthodiad y Prif Weinidog i siarad o blaid pobl Cymru pan fo Prif Weinidog Llafur y DU yn gwneud penderfyniadau sy’n niweidio ein dinasyddion; dywedodd yn glir iawn wrthym ddoe nad dyna oedd ei gwaith, er bod cefnogaeth drawsbleidiol ar draws y Senedd hon i ddiwygio fformiwla Barnett—mae'n amlwg y bydd dewis Llafur yn San Steffan i fynd ar drywydd cyni yn arwain at oblygiadau enbyd i Gymru a'n gallu i ariannu ac atgyweirio ein GIG yn briodol.
Hyd yn oed os bydd yr ychydig gyllid canlyniadol a fydd yn deillio o gynlluniau Llafur ar gyfer gwasanaethau’r GIG sydd wedi'u clustnodi yn cael eu trosglwyddo’n llawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, byddant yn dal yn annigonol i dalu am yr £1.5 biliwn o wariant ychwanegol sydd ei angen rhwng 2024-25 a 2027-28 i ateb y galw presennol yn unig. Felly, hoffwn glywed gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet beth y mae'n bwriadu ei wneud ynglŷn â hynny. Yn y cyfamser, mae elfennau o gyllideb Cymru nad ydynt wedi’u clustnodi, gan gynnwys gofal cymdeithasol, sy’n hanfodol er mwyn lleihau rhestrau aros, fel y nodwyd gennych yn gywir ddigon, Jenny, bellach yn wynebu gostyngiad mewn termau real o £683 miliwn dros y pum mlynedd nesaf. Nid yw’r Prif Weinidog yn dangos unrhyw awydd i herio ei Phrif Weinidog Llafur yn San Steffan ar fesurau cyni, sy’n gwaethygu anghydraddoldebau iechyd, sy’n lladd, yn llythrennol—dim awydd i amddiffyn Cymru rhag creulondebau gwaethaf San Steffan—rydym wedi cael llond bol ar hyn—neu i wthio, er enghraifft, am ddiwygio gofal cymdeithasol, a fyddai’n arwain at gyllid hollbwysig i wneud yr un peth yng Nghymru. Yn wir, ymddengys mai'r cyfan y mae'r berthynas arbennig honedig rhwng y ddwy Lywodraeth Lafur ar bob pen i’r M4 yn ei olygu yw ymwreiddio’r status quo ffaeledig yng Nghymru o danfuddsoddiad yn ein gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol hanfodol ac ymwreiddio’r anghydraddoldebau iechyd a'r afiechyd a achosir gan fesurau cyni, sydd, ni waeth sut y mae Llafur am ei sbinio, ei osgoi neu ei wadu, yn ddewis gwleidyddol.
Fel rŷn ni wedi clywed yn huawdl iawn yn barod gan nifer o siaradwyr, mae pob rhan o Gymru'n dioddef o ganlyniad i anallu cyson y Llywodraeth hon i leihau rhestrau aros, sydd erbyn hyn wedi cyrraedd lefelau cwbl anghynaliadwy. Ond yn anffodus, ein plant a’n pobl ifanc yn aml sy'n dioddef waethaf. Mae'r ystadegau diweddaraf yn rhoi darlun truenus i ni o’r sefyllfa. Ar hyn o bryd, mae 8,241 o bobl ifanc dan 18 oed wedi bod yn aros ar restr ers dros flwyddyn, a 1,278 arall wedi bod ar restr aros am ddwy flynedd a mwy. Mae'r sefyllfa'n arbennig o ddifrifol yn ardal Betsi Cadwaladr, lle mae 62 y cant o bobl dan 18 oed yn gorfod aros yn hirach na dwy flynedd. Chwedeg dau y cant—mae e'n gywilydd.
Mae arolwg diweddar gan y Coleg Brenhinol Pediatreg ac Iechyd Plant wedi cadarnhau goblygiadau niweidiol yr oedi ar y grŵp oedran arbennig hwn. Dywedodd y mwyafrif o baediatregwyr yng Nghymru eu bod yn gweld plant yn cael eu heffeithio'n negyddol iawn gan amseroedd aros am driniaeth, ac yn teimlo’n rhwystredig nad oes ganddyn nhw’r lefel briodol o gapasiti i ymateb i’r galw. I ormod o lawer o’n plant a phobl ifanc, mae'r hyn a ddylai fod y cyfnod mwyaf hapus, y cyfnod mwyaf iach yn eu bywyd, yn cael ei ddifetha gan ansicrwydd arosiadau hir am driniaeth.
Ac mae iechyd meddwl, wrth gwrs, yn faes pryder penodol. Does dim dwywaith bod gan y cyhoedd hyder isel yn ein gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl, a dyw hyn ddim yn syndod o gwbl pan ystyriwn ni’r graddau y mae pobl ifanc yn cael eu gadael lawr yn y maes hwn. Fel mae pawb yn gwybod, pobl ifanc ar gyfartaledd a brofodd y dirywiad mwyaf yn eu lles meddyliol o ganlyniad i COVID, ac eto mae amseroedd aros ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymorth iechyd meddwl sylfaenol lleol dipyn yn hirach ar gyfer plant Cymru o'i gymharu ag oedolion. Hefyd, dim ond 57 y cant o blant a phobl ifanc Cymru sy’n gallu dechrau ymyriad therapiwtig o fewn 28 diwrnod yn dilyn asesiad. Ar ben hyn, mae'r prosiect iechyd meddwl amenedigol diweddar yng Nghymru wedi canfod nad oedd 61 y cant o weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol wedi cael unrhyw hyfforddiant ar iechyd meddwl babanod. Ystyriwch y peth o ddifrif.
Rwy’n siŵr eich bod yn cytuno bod sicrhau darpariaeth effeithiol ac amserol o ofal iechyd yn gynnar mewn bywyd yn allweddol i'r agenda ataliol. A dweud y gwir, mae cynaliadwyedd y gwasanaeth iechyd yn ei gyfanrwydd yn dibynnu’n llwyr arno wrth edrych i’r dyfodol.
Mae’r rhestrau aros annerbyniol o hir ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc yn dangos, felly, pa mor ansefydlog yw sylfeini’r dull sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio gan y Llywodraeth hon o ymdrin ag ymyrraeth gynnar, a pham y dylai diwygio ei strategaeth ar gyfer mynd i’r afael â rhestrau aros fod yn gwbl angenrheidiol ac yn flaenoriaeth frys ar gyfer rhagolygon iechyd cenedlaethau’r dyfodol.
As we've heard very eloquently already from a number of speakers, all parts of Wales are suffering as a result of this Government's persistent inability to reduce waiting lists, which have now reached unsustainable levels. But unfortunately, it's our children and young people who are losing out and suffering the most. The latest statistics paint a very sorry picture in this respect. At present, there are 8,241 young people under the age of 18 who have been on a waiting list for over a year, and a further 1,278 who have been on a waiting list for over two years. The situation is particularly severe in Betsi Cadwaladr, where 62 per cent of people under the age of 18 are having to wait longer than two years. Sixty-two per cent—it's shameful.
A recent survey by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has corroborated the detrimental implications of these delays on this particular age group. The majority of paediatricians in Wales reported seeing children negatively impacted by longer waiting times for treatment, and that they felt frustrated that they don't have the appropriate level of capacity to meet demand. For far too many of our young people, what should be the happiest and healthiest period of their lives is being blighted by the debilitating uncertainty of prolonged waits for treatment.
And mental health, of course, is a particular area of concern. There can be no doubt that there are low levels of public confidence in our mental health services, and this is entirely unsurprising when we consider the extent to which young people are being let down in this area. And as we all know, young people experienced the largest average deterioration in their mental well-being as a result of the COVID pandemic, and yet waiting times for local primary mental health support services are disproportionately longer for Welsh children as compared to adults. Also, only 57 per cent of Welsh children and young people are able to start therapeutic interventions within 28 days following an assessment. Furthermore, the recent perinatal mental health project in Wales has found that 61 per cent of health professionals had not received any training on infant mental health. Consider that fact.
I'm sure that you will agree that ensuring effective and timely provision of healthcare early in life is instrumental to the preventative agenda. And truth be told, the future sustainability of the health service as a whole is entirely dependent on this agenda as we look to the future.
The unacceptably long waiting lists that we see for young people and children therefore demonstrate to us how unstable the foundations of this Government’s approach to early intervention are, and why a revision of this strategy for tackling waiting lists is so urgently needed, and it should be a matter of priority to safeguard the prospects of our future generations.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Miles.
Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd dros dro. Dwi'n croesawu'r cyfle i ymateb i'r ddadl hon yn enw Plaid Cymru am un o'r pethau pwysicaf i ni ac i'r cyhoedd, sef torri amseroedd aros. Dwi'n edrych ymlaen, ar ôl wythnos yn y swydd, i weithio gyda'r gwasanaeth iechyd i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn dal i ddarparu gofal gwych ac amserol i bobl Cymru.
Mae mwy o staff nag erioed yn gweithio yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Maen nhw'n gweithio'n galed bob dydd, gan newid bywydau ac achub bywydau, a hynny'n aml o dan amgylchiadau anodd iawn. Nhw yw curiad calon y gwasanaeth iechyd. Roeddwn i'n falch o weld y Prif Weinidog yr wythnos diwethaf yn cyhoeddi dyfarniad cyflog sy'n uwch na chwyddiant i bob aelod staff ar gontractau 'Agenda ar gyfer Newid', ac i feddygon a deintyddion. Mae'n dangos cymaint rŷn ni'n ymddiried yn eu gwasanaeth a'r staff, a'r gwerth rŷn ni'n rhoi arnyn nhw.
Bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl sydd yn cael eu gweld gan y gwasanaeth iechyd yn cael gofal o ansawdd da yn brydlon. I'r mwyafrif, mae hynny'n golygu gofal sylfaenol gan eu meddyg teulu, nyrs, fferyllydd, ffisiotherapydd, deintydd neu optegydd, efallai. Bydd angen i rai gael ymchwiliad neu driniaeth bellach yn yr ysbyty. Ar hyn o bryd, 22 wythnos yw'r amser aros ar gyfartaledd ar gyfer triniaeth wedi'i chynllunio. Yn anffodus, mae llawer o bobl yn aros yn hirach na hyn, yn bennaf o ganlyniad i effaith pandemig COVID-19. Mor fuan ar ôl degawd o gyni, mae wedi taflu cysgod hir dros y gwasanaeth iechyd.
Er bod gwasanaethau wedi adfer, i raddau helaeth, i'r lefel cyn y pandemig, mae dal gyda ni amseroedd aros hir a rhestr aros gynyddol, sy'n adlewyrchu iechyd cyffredinol y genedl. Mae ein gwaith i leihau amseroedd aros yn cael effaith. Mae arosiadau hir o fwy na dwy flynedd wedi gostwng 67 y cant ers y lefel uchaf ym mis Mawrth 2022, ac mae arosiadau hir am brofion diagnostig wedi gostwng bron i draean. Erbyn hyn, tua 3 y cant o'r bobl ar restr aros sy'n aros mwy na dwy flynedd, o gymharu â bron i 10 y cant ym mis Mawrth 2022, dros ddwy flynedd yn ôl. Mae hyn wedi digwydd o dan amgylchiadau anodd. Mae atgyfeiriadau newydd ar gyfer triniaeth wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol. Rŷn ni yn y sefyllfa ariannol anoddaf ers dechrau datganoli, rŷn ni'n dal i weld tonnau rheolaidd o heintiau COVID, ac mae oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal ar lefelau uchel iawn. Mae'r rhain yn amgylchiadau anodd i unrhyw wasanaeth iechyd, ond y gwir yw bod yn rhaid inni fynd yn bellach ac yn gyflymach.
Thank you, acting Dirprwy Lywydd. I welcome the opportunity to reply to this debate in the name of Plaid Cymru on one of the most important issues for us and for the public, namely cutting waiting times. I look forward, after a week in post, to work with the health service to ensure that it continues to provide excellent and timely care for the people of Wales.
There are more staff than ever working in our health service. They are working hard every day, changing lives and saving lives, and that is done very often in very difficult circumstances. They are the beating heart of the health service. I was pleased to see the First Minister last week announcing a pay settlement that is above inflation for all 'Agenda for Change' staff, and for doctors and dentists. It shows how much we trust and appreciate the service of the staff and the value we place on those staff.
The majority of people seen by the health service will receive good-quality care in a timely manner. For the majority, that means primary care from their GP, a nurse, a pharmacist, physiotherapist, a dentist, or even an optician, perhaps. Some will need further treatment in hospital. At the moment, the average waiting time is 22 weeks for planned treatment. Unfortunately, many people wait longer than this, mainly as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. So soon after a decade of austerity, it's cast a long shadow over our health service.
Although services have been restored, to a great extent, to pre-pandemic levels, we still have lengthy waiting times and an increasing waiting list, which reflects the general health of our population. Our work to reduce waiting times is having an impact. Long waits of over two years have reduced by 67 per cent since the high point in March 2022, and long waits for diagnostic tests have reduced by almost a third. Now, around 3 per cent of people on waiting lists are waiting longer than two years, compared with almost 10 per cent in March 2022, over two years ago. This has happened in difficult circumstances. New referrals for treatment have increased significantly. We are in the most difficult financial situation since the beginning of devolution, and we still see waves of COVID infection, and delayed transfers of care are at a very high level. These are very difficult circumstances for any health service, but the truth of the matter is that we must go further and more swiftly.
Over the summer, as part of the First Minister's listening exercise, the public told us clearly how much they value the NHS, but they were clear they wanted to see waiting times come down. We heard first-hand from them about a friend, about a family member, or about their own experience of waiting for a bed in a hospital, about having an operation cancelled at short notice, about trying to live a normal life while in pain. These stories are difficult to hear because this is not the level of care that we want from our NHS.
Our planned care recovery plan has driven the reduction in waiting lists to date. We've provided almost £900 million extra for the NHS this year and last. Some of this is being used to increase capacity, to reduce the backlog. But my view is that, whilst short-term measures are essential, they will not be enough on their own. In parallel, we need to change the way we deliver services to ensure we have a sustainable health service for the future. We will support the NHS to adapt to the pressures it faces. That means digital transformation, it means looking at the way out-patient departments work, it means continuing our programme of reforms to move care out of hospitals and into local communities, closer to people's homes.
While services have, as I said, returned to their pre-pandemic operating level, there is still too much variation across Wales in terms of productivity and performance. As part of our work to reduce waiting times, we are targeting that variation specifically, whether that's in theatre productivity, day-case activity, or procedure times, so that we can increase activity levels to those recommended by the royal colleges, which Members have referred to today. In May the national planned care programme set out objectives to improve productivity and efficiency, using best practice, technology and a move towards longer working days. This recognised that many of our pathways are overcomplicated, they are difficult for people to understand, and can result in multiple appointments in different hospitals. So, pathways will be streamlined to remove unnecessary steps and, wherever possible, the NHS will introduce a one-stop approach to reduce the number of appointments needed.
Tomorrow we will publish a new waiting times bulletin that provides data about how individual health boards are performing in a format that is accessible. It will help us identify good performance and where health boards need to do more to learn from those that are making the best progress. But we also need to maintain our focus on prevention, a principle that we've already heard referred to in the Darzi report, which has featured in this debate, in order to improve the underlying health of our country. The UK Government's ban on paid-for junk food advertising online and before the watershed is an important step in the work to tackle the obesity epidemic, and I look forward to the introduction of a strengthened UK tobacco and vapes Bill that will support our ambitions of a nicotine-and-smoke-free Wales.
More than 6,000 procedures were cancelled at the last minute last year, many because of ill health. Empowering and supporting people to make meaningful changes to their lifestyle, such as giving up smoking, losing weight and taking gentle exercise means they're often fitter and better prepared for the planned treatment and more likely to recover faster.
Llywydd, this is my first week in my new job as health Secretary, and cutting waiting times is at the top of my to-do list. This morning I met with NHS chairs. I attended a ministerial cancer summit, experiencing the commitment of our clinical teams to improving cancer outcomes specifically. They were both an opportunity for me to set out our priorities as a Government, to ensure faster access to care and treatment. I want to build upon the good work that is already under way. I will highlight good practice, but be clear in my expectation that all parts of the system must learn from those parts making the best progress. And I will work with my colleagues across the Government and across the NHS to achieve that.
Dros yr haf, fel rhan o ymarfer gwrando’r Prif Weinidog, dywedodd y cyhoedd wrthym yn glir gymaint y maent yn gwerthfawrogi’r GIG, ond roeddent yn dweud yn glir hefyd eu bod am weld amseroedd aros yn gostwng. Clywsom yn uniongyrchol ganddynt am ffrind, am aelod o’r teulu, neu am eu profiadau eu hunain o aros am welyau mewn ysbytai, am lawdriniaethau'n cael eu canslo ar fyr rybudd, am geisio byw bywyd normal a hwythau mewn poen. Mae’r straeon hyn yn anodd eu clywed am nad dyma’r lefel o ofal yr ydym am ei weld gan ein GIG.
Mae ein cynllun adfer ar gyfer gofal a gynlluniwyd wedi ysgogi'r gostyngiad yn y rhestrau aros hyd yma. Rydym wedi darparu bron i £900 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer y GIG eleni a'r llynedd. Mae rhywfaint o'r arian hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gynyddu capasiti, i leihau'r ôl-groniad. Ond yn fy marn i, er bod mesurau tymor byr yn hanfodol, ni fyddant yn ddigon ar eu pen eu hunain. Ar yr un pryd, mae angen inni newid y ffordd yr ydym yn darparu gwasanaethau er mwyn sicrhau bod gennym wasanaeth iechyd cynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol. Byddwn yn cefnogi’r GIG i addasu i’r pwysau sy'n ei wynebu. Mae hynny’n golygu trawsnewid digidol, mae’n golygu edrych ar y ffordd y mae adrannau cleifion allanol yn gweithio, mae’n golygu parhau â’n rhaglen o ddiwygiadau i symud gofal allan o ysbytai ac i mewn i gymunedau lleol, yn nes at gartrefi pobl.
Er bod gwasanaethau, fel y dywedais, yn ôl ar yr un lefelau gweithredu â chyn y pandemig, mae gormod o amrywio ledled Cymru o hyd o ran cynhyrchiant a pherfformiad. Fel rhan o’n gwaith i leihau amseroedd aros, rydym yn targedu’r amrywio hwnnw’n benodol, boed hynny yng nghynhyrchiant theatrau, gweithgarwch cleifion allanol, neu amseroedd triniaethau, fel y gallwn gynyddu lefelau gweithgarwch yn unol â'r hyn a argymhellir gan y colegau brenhinol, fel y nodwyd gan yr Aelodau heddiw. Ym mis Mai, nododd y rhaglen genedlaethol ar gyfer gofal a gynlluniwyd amcanion i wella cynhyrchiant ac effeithlonrwydd, gan ddefnyddio arferion gorau, technoleg a symud tuag at ddiwrnodau gwaith hirach. Roedd hyn yn cydnabod bod llawer o’n llwybrau’n or-gymhleth, maent yn anodd i bobl eu deall, a gallant arwain at apwyntiadau lluosog mewn gwahanol ysbytai. Felly, bydd llwybrau’n cael eu symleiddio i ddileu camau diangen, a lle bynnag y bo modd, bydd y GIG yn cyflwyno dull un stop er mwyn lleihau nifer yr apwyntiadau sydd eu hangen.
Yfory, byddwn yn cyhoeddi bwletin amseroedd aros newydd sy’n darparu data ynglŷn â sut y mae byrddau iechyd unigol yn perfformio mewn fformat sy’n hygyrch. Bydd yn ein helpu i nodi perfformiad da a lle mae angen i fyrddau iechyd wneud mwy i ddysgu gan y rheini sy’n gwneud y cynnydd gorau. Ond mae angen i ni hefyd gynnal ein ffocws ar atal, egwyddor yr ydym eisoes wedi clywed cyfeirio ati yn adroddiad Darzi, sydd wedi cael sylw yn y ddadl hon, er mwyn gwella iechyd sylfaenol ein gwlad. Mae gwaharddiad Llywodraeth y DU ar hysbysebion bwyd sothach ar-lein y telir amdanynt a chyn y trothwy naw o'r gloch yn gam pwysig yn y gwaith o fynd i’r afael â’r epidemig gordewdra, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gyflwyno Bil tybaco a fêps cryfach ar gyfer y DU a fydd yn cefnogi ein huchelgeisiau ar gyfer Cymru ddi-nicotin a di-fwg.
Cafodd mwy na 6,000 o driniaethau eu canslo ar y funud olaf y llynedd, llawer ohonynt oherwydd afiechyd. Mae grymuso a chefnogi pobl i wneud newidiadau ystyrlon i'w ffordd o fyw, fel rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu, colli pwysau a gwneud ymarfer corff ysgafn yn golygu eu bod yn aml yn fwy ffit ac wedi'u paratoi'n well ar gyfer y driniaeth a gynlluniwyd ac yn fwy tebygol o wella'n gynt.
Lywydd, dyma fy wythnos gyntaf yn fy swydd newydd fel Ysgrifennydd iechyd, ac mae lleihau amseroedd aros ar frig fy rhestr o bethau i’w gwneud. Y bore yma, cyfarfûm â chadeiryddion y GIG. Mynychais uwchgynhadledd weinidogol ar ganser, gan brofi ymrwymiad ein timau clinigol i wella canlyniadau canser yn benodol. Roedd y ddau ddigwyddiad yn gyfle imi nodi ein blaenoriaethau fel Llywodraeth, i sicrhau mynediad cyflymach at ofal a thriniaeth. Hoffwn adeiladu ar y gwaith da sydd eisoes ar y gweill. Byddaf yn tynnu sylw at arferion da, ond rwy'n dweud yn glir fy mod yn disgwyl i bob rhan o’r system ddysgu o’r rhannau sy’n gwneud y cynnydd gorau. A byddaf yn gweithio gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau ar draws y Llywodraeth ac ar draws y GIG i gyflawni hynny.
I call on Mabon ap Gwynfor to reply to the debate.
Galwaf ar Mabon ap Gwynfor i ymateb i’r ddadl.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd dros dro, a diolch i bawb sydd wedi ymateb i'r ddadl yma. Dwi am gychwyn fy sylwadau clo drwy groesawu'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet newydd dros iechyd i'w swydd, a dymuno'r gorau iddo fo. Dwi'n edrych ymlaen i gydweithio efo fo yn y rôl honno. Ond mae arnaf i ofn i ddweud bod yr ymateb ddaru inni ei gael heddiw ddim yn sioc ond hefyd yn siom, oherwydd nad ydym ni wedi gweld unrhyw fath o weledigaeth.
Well, thank you very much, Llywydd dros dro, and thank you to everyone who has responded in this debate. I want to begin my closing comments by welcoming the new Cabinet Secretary for health to his post, and wishing him the very best. I'm looking forward to working with him in that role. But I'm afraid to say that the response we've received today wasn't a shock but it was also disappointing, because we haven't seen any kind of vision being set out.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
Os gwnaf i gyfeirio at ambell i sylw ddaru i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet eu gwneud cyn fy mod i'n mynd ymlaen, ddaru ichi ddechrau eich cyfraniad drwy ddweud mai un o'r pethau da roedd yr NHS yn eu gwneud oedd darparu gofal amserol, ond dyna'r union bwynt: dydy o ddim yn darparu gofal amserol i gannoedd o filoedd—dros 0.5 miliwn—o bobl yng Nghymru sydd ar restrau aros am fisoedd a blynyddoedd. Dyna'r union bwynt yn y cynnig yma o'n blaen ni. Ddaru ichi hefyd sôn am gamau pwysig sydd wedi cael eu cymryd dros yr haf, sef bod yna ddyfarniad wedi bod ar gyfer dyrchafiad tâl i weithwyr yn y sector iechyd. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae hynna wedi bod yn llwyr ddibynnol ar San Steffan. Rŵan, pe baech chi'n cytuno efo'r cynnig yma, efo Plaid Cymru, a mynnu newid trefn ariannu Cymru, newid Barnett a'r camau eraill, yna fuasech chi ddim wedi gorfod aros tan yr haf ar gyfer y dyfarniad yna. Mi fuasech chi wedi gallu ei wneud o llawer iawn yng nghynt. Ond, am ryw reswm, rydych chi'n aros i San Steffan i weithredu.
Ddaru ichi sôn fod Cymru wedi bod yn dioddef o dan gysgod hir llymder yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac mae hynna'n berffaith wir. Mae 14 mlynedd o lymder wedi effeithio yn andwyol ar ein gallu ni i ddarparu gwasanaethau iechyd o safon yng Nghymru. Ond, yn anffodus, mae eich Llywodraeth chi eich hunain yn Llundain, o dan Keir Starmer a Rachel Reeves, yn parhau â'r polisi llymder yna, a Sioned wedi ei gwneud hi'n glir, fel bod pawb yn gwybod, mae hi'n amlwg i bawb fod polisi llymder sydd wedi ei weithredu ac am barhau o dan Lywodraeth Llafur yn niweidio iechyd pobl, ac am wneud y rhestrau aros yna yn hirach. Ac unwaith eto, ddaru ichi sôn am y sefyllfa ariannol anodd mae Cymru yn ffeindio ei hun ynddi, ond eto rydych chi'n gwrthod sefyll i fyny i'ch meistri yn Llundain a mynnu setliad teg i Gymru.
Ac yn olaf, ddaru ichi sôn ar y diwedd am bwysigrwydd yr elfen ataliol yna, ac mi ydyn ni i gyd, wrth gwrs, yn cytuno mai dyna ddylai'r flaenoriaeth fod, ond y Llywodraeth yma, eich Llywodraeth chi, sydd wedi torri rhaglenni ataliol o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd a llywodraeth leol, sydd yn arwain at yr argyfwng yma. Felly, allwch chi ddim ei chael hi y ddwy ffordd. Wrth gwrs, dydy o ddim yn syndod clywed yr hyn mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi ei ddweud, yn trio paentio rhyw ddarlun bod ein rhestrau aros yn torri mewn rhai elfennau, ac yn trio paentio rhyw ddarlun bod bob dim yn iawn. Dyna rydyn ni'n ei gael gan y Llywodraeth hon, dro ar ôl tro. Yn hytrach na chymryd cyfrifoldeb, mae'r Llywodraeth yma yn pwyntio'r bys at bawb arall ac yn beio pobl eraill. Rydyn ni wedi clywed y Prif Weinidog yn beio'r rheolwyr iechyd, rydyn ni wedi clywed Gweinidogion yn y Llywodraeth yma yn beio pobl Cymru, yn beio pobl Cymru am gael y deiet anghywir, yn beio pobl Cymru am fod yn ordew, am beidio edrych ar ôl eu hunain, yn beio pobl Cymru am fynd i A&E oherwydd gwahanol resymau, yn hytrach na chymryd cyfrifoldeb am eich methiannau eich hunain.
Dwi ddim yn sicr, o glywed yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet na'r Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet blaenorol, a ydych chi'n deall go iawn impact y rhestrau aros yma. Os gwnaf i roi un enghraifft—cymydog i fi sydd yn etholwr—roedd e'n glaf yn aros am benglin newydd. Roedd e ar y rhestr aros am ddwy flynedd. Oherwydd hynny, roedd o'n rhoi pwysau ymlaen. Roedd o'n methu cerdded, roedd o'n rhoi pwysau ymlaen ac yn mynd yn ordew; roedd o felly yn gorfod mynd i weld ei feddyg yn amlach. Oherwydd ei fod o'n methu cerdded, oherwydd ei fod o'n mynd yn ordew, roedd ei iechyd meddwl wedi cael ei effeithio yn andwyol, oedd felly'n golygu ei fod yn gorfod mynd eto i mewn i'r gwasanaeth iechyd. Un claf yn gorfod mynd at y gwasanaeth iechyd sawl gwaith oherwydd eich bod chi wedi methu â sicrhau bod o'n cael triniaeth.
Roeddech chi'n dweud yn eich cyfraniad chi, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet—eich dyfyniad chi—
If I refer to some of the comments that the Cabinet Secretary made before I continue, you started your contribution by saying that one of the good things that the NHS does is providing timely care, but that's the exact point: it isn't providing timely care to hundreds of thousands—over 0.5 million—of people in Wales who are on waiting lists for months and years. That's the exact point that we're making in the motion in front of us. You also spoke about the important steps that have been taken over the summer, namely that there has been a decision made on a pay award for workers in the health sector. But, of course, that has been entirely dependent on Westminster. Now, if you agreed with this motion, with Plaid Cymru, and were to demand a change to the funding system in Wales, and a change to Barnett, then you wouldn't have had to wait until the summer for this pay award. You would have been able to do it much sooner. But, for some reason, you wait for Westminster to take action.
You mentioned that Wales has been suffering under the long shadow of austerity over the past few years, and that's entirely correct. Fourteen years of austerity have had a detrimental impact on our ability to provide quality health services in Wales. But, unfortunately, your Government in London, under Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves, are continuing with that austerity policy, and Sioned made it clear, so that everyone understands, it is clear to everyone, that austerity policies that have been implemented, and will continue under the Labour Government, will be harmful to the health of people and will make those waiting lists longer. And once again, you mentioned the difficult financial situation that Wales finds itself in, but once again you're refusing to stand up to your masters in London and demand a fair settlement for Wales.
And finally, you mentioned at the end the importance of the preventive element, and we all, of course, agree that that is what the priority should be, but it's this Government, your Government, that has cut preventive programmes within the health service and local government, which leads to this crisis. So, you can't have it both ways. Of course, it's no surprise to hear what the Cabinet Secretary has said, trying to paint a picture that our waiting lists are being cut in some elements, and trying to paint some picture that all is rosy. That's what we get from this Government, time and time again. Rather than taking responsibility, this Government points the finger towards everyone else and blames other people. We've heard the First Minister blaming managers in the health service, we've heard Ministers in this Government blaming the people of Wales, blaming the people of Wales for having the wrong diet, blaming the people of Wales for being obese, for not looking after themselves, blaming the people of Wales for attending A&E for different reasons, rather than taking responsibility for your own failings.
I'm not sure, from hearing the Cabinet Secretary or the previous Cabinet Secretaries, whether you understand truly the impact of these waiting lists. If I give you one example—a neighbour of mine who is a constituent—he was a patient waiting for a knee replacement. He was on the waiting list for two years. Because of that, he was putting weight on. He couldn't walk, he was putting weight on, he became obese, which meant that he had to go and see his doctor more often. Because he couldn't walk, because he was becoming obese, his mental health was impacted detrimentally, too, which meant that he had to again go into the health service. One patient having to turn to the health service several times because you had failed to ensure that he received timely treatment.
You said in your contribution, Cabinet Secretary, that—I quote—
'we need to change the way we deliver services'.
'mae angen inni newid y ffordd yr ydym yn darparu gwasanaethau'.
Ydych, mi ydych chi'n gwneud hynny. Y canlyniad i'r claf yma, fy nghymydog i, oedd ei fod o wedi gorfod mynd yn breifat i gael gwasanaeth ar gyfer pen-glin newydd. Dyna ydy gwaddol 25 mlynedd o Lywodraeth Llafur, ein bod ni'n gweld preifateiddio ein gwasanaeth iechyd—gwasanaeth iechyd dwy haen ar gyfer rhai sydd yn gallu fforddio a phawb arall sydd ddim. Dyna ydy record Llafur yng Nghymru. Dyna pam mae'n rhaid inni fynd i'r afael â'r rhestrau aros yma. Mae'n rhaid inni weld rhaglen ar waith, wedi cael ei osod gennych chi, clir, sydd yn dangos camau ar sut rydych chi'n mynd i'r afael â'r rhain. Dyna pam rydym ni wedi rhoi'r cynnig yma ymlaen heno ac yn gobeithio ac yn gofyn i bawb ei gefnogi. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Yes, you're doing that. The result for that patient, my neighbour, was that he had to go privately to access a service for a knee replacement. And that's the legacy of 25 years of Labour Government, that we're seeing privatisation in our health service—a two-tier health service; one for those people who can afford it and another tier for those people who can't. That's the Labour record in Wales. That's why we need to tackle these waiting lists. We need to see a programme being set out by you, a clear programme that does demonstrate the steps in terms of how you will tackle these waiting lists. That's why we've put forward this motion, and I hope and we ask everyone to support it. Thank you very much.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad, felly fe wnawn ni ohirio'r bleidlais.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There are objections. We will therefore defer voting.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Os nad oes yna dri Aelod yn dymuno i fi ganu'r gloch, fe fyddwn ni'n symud yn syth i'r bleidlais. Ac mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar eitem 7, sef dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar daliad tanwydd y gaeaf. [Torri ar draws.]
Unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, we will move immediately to voting time. The first vote is on item 7, the Welsh Conservatives debate on the winter fuel payment. [Interruption.]
Yes, I think I'm having—. Lesley Griffiths wants to intervene.
Iawn, rwy'n credu fy mod yn cael—. Mae Lesley Griffiths am ymyrryd.
Yes. I'm having difficulty registering to vote. I'm still trying.
Ydw. Rwy'n cael trafferth cofrestru i bleidleisio. Rwy'n dal i geisio.
Okay. I'll pause a few seconds.
Iawn. Fe oedaf am ychydig eiliadau.
It's fine. I've done it now. Thank you.
Mae'n iawn. Rwyf wedi llwyddo bellach. Diolch yn fawr.
Yes. [Interruption.] Prif Weinidog. I think we're all a bit rusty after a few weeks away.
Can I just check that everybody other than one person is now ready to vote?
Iawn. [Torri ar draws.] Brif Weinidog. Credaf fod pob un ohonom braidd yn rhydlyd ar ôl ychydig wythnosau i ffwrdd.
A gaf i wneud yn siŵr fod pawb heblaw am un unigolyn bellach yn barod i bleidleisio?
Iawn. Fe symudwn ni i'r bleidlais, a fe wnaf i alw am bleidlais lafar os oes parhau o ran y broblem gan Jenny Rathbone. Fe wnawn ni edrych ar y cynnig, felly, y cynnig o dan eitem 7. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 23, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi ei wrthod.
Okay. We will move to the vote, and I will call for an oral vote if problems persist for Jenny Rathbone. We will now vote on the motion under item 7. I call for a vote on the motion without amendment. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, no abstentions, 24 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Taliad tanwydd gaeaf. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 23, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 7. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Winter fuel payment. Motion without amendment: For: 23, Against: 24, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Awn ni felly at bleidlais ar welliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 24, neb yn ymatal, 23 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 1 wedi ei gymeradwyo.
We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 24, no abstentions, 23 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Taliad tanwydd gaeaf. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt : O blaid: 24, Yn erbyn: 23, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 7. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Winter fuel payment. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt: For: 24, Against: 23, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Pleidlais ar welliant 2 nesaf, yn enw Heledd Fychan. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid naw, neb yn ymatal, 38 yn erbyn. Gwelliant 2 wedi ei wrthod.
A vote on amendment 2 next, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour nine, no abstentions, 38 against. Therefore, amendment 2 is not agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Taliad tanwydd gaeaf. Gwelliant 2, cyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 38, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant
Item 7. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Winter fuel payment. Amendment 2, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan: For: 9, Against: 38, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been rejected
Pleidlais olaf, felly, o dan yr eitem yma, ar y cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio.
We'll now vote on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM8651 fel y'i diwygiwyd:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud dewisiadau anodd, fel newidiadau i’r cymhwystra ar gyfer lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf, yn sgil 14 o flynyddoedd o gamreoli economaidd.
2. Yn croesawu’r ymrwymiad i’r clo triphlyg a dull wedi’i dargedu o gyflwyno’r Gostyngiad Cartrefi Cynnes.
3. Yn cytuno bod sicrhau’r incwm mwyaf, meithrin cadernid ariannol a rhoi mwy o arian yn ôl ym mhocedi pobl yn flaenoriaethau ar gyfer lliniaru effaith prisiau ynni uchel, ac yn annog pobl i ddod i wybod mwy am y cymorth ariannol y gallai fod ganddynt hawl iddo drwy Advicelink Cymru.
4. Yn cefnogi’r egwyddor o dariff cymdeithasol er mwyn diogelu’r cwsmeriaid sydd fwyaf agored i niwed, ac yn galw ar OFGEM i ddiwygio taliadau sefydlog.
Motion NDM8651 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises that the UK Government has made difficult choices, such as changes to the winter fuel allowance eligibility, as a result of 14 years of economic mismanagement.
2. Welcomes the commitment to the triple lock and a targeted approach to the Warm Home Discount.
3. Agrees that maximising incomes, building financial resilience, and putting money back into people’s pockets are priorities to help alleviate the impact of high energy prices, and encourages people to find out about the financial support they may be entitled to through Advicelink Cymru.
4. Supports the principle of a social tariff to protect the most vulnerable customers, and calls on OFGEM to reform standing charges.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 24, neb yn ymatal, 23 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio wedi ei dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 24, no abstentions, 23 against. And therefore the motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Taliad tanwydd gaeaf. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 24, Yn erbyn: 23, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 7. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Winter fuel payment. Motion as amended: For: 24, Against: 23, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed
Cyfres bleidleisio nesaf ar eitem 8, sef dadl Plaid Cymru ar restrau aros yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio a gyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 23, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Mae'r cynnig heb ei ddiwygio wedi ei wrthod.
The next vote will be on item 8, the Plaid Cymru debate on NHS waiting lists. I call for a vote on the motion without amendment tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, no abstentions, 24 against. Therefore, the motion without amendment is not agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Rhestrau aros y GIG. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 23, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 8. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting lists. Motion without amendment : For: 23, Against: 24, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Y bleidlais nesaf ar welliant 1, ac, os derbynnir gwelliant 1, bydd gwelliannau 2 a 3 yn cael eu dad-ddethol. Gwelliant 1, felly, yn enw Jane Hutt. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 24, neb yn ymatal, 23 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 1 wedi ei gymeradwyo. Gwelliant 2 a 3 yn cael eu dad-ddethol.
The next vote is on amendment 1. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2 and 3 will be deselected. Amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 24, no abstentions, 23 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed. And amendments 2 and 3 are deselected.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Rhestrau aros y GIG. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 24, Yn erbyn: 23, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 8. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting lists. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt : For: 24, Against: 23, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Cafodd gwelliannau 2 a 3 eu dad-ddethol.
Amendments 2 and 3 deselected.
Gwelliant 4 sydd nesaf i bleidleisio arno, yn enw Darren Millar. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 15, neb yn ymatal, 32 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae gwelliant 4 wedi ei wrthod.
I call now for a vote on amendment 4, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 15, no abstentions, 32 against. Therefore, amendment 4 is not agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Rhestrau aros y GIG. Gwelliant 4, cyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar: O blaid: 15, Yn erbyn: 32, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant
Item 8. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting lists. Amendment 4, tabled in the name of Darren Millar: For: 15, Against: 32, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been rejected
Y bleidlais olaf ar y cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio.
The final vote is on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM8652 fel y'i diwygiwyd:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi:
a) bod y Prif Weinidog a'i rhagflaenwyr wedi blaenoriaethu torri rhestrau aros yn y GIG; a
b) bod nifer y bobl sy'n aros mwy na dwy flynedd am driniaeth wedi lleihau 67% ers yr uchafbwynt ym mis Mawrth 2022.
Motion NDM8652 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1) Notes:
a) the First Minister and her predecessors have prioritised cutting waiting lists in the NHS; and
b) the number of people waiting more than two years for treatment has fallen by 67% since the peak in March 2022.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 24, neb yn ymatal, 23 yn erbyn. Mae'r cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio wedi ei dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 24, no abstentions, 23 against. The motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Rhestrau aros y GIG. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 24, Yn erbyn: 23, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 8. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting lists. Motion as amended: For: 24, Against: 23, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed
Dyna ddiwedd ar y pleidleisio am y prynhawn yma, ac fe fydd y ddadl fer yn cychwyn mewn munud. Os wnaiff pawb sy'n gadael adael yn dawel.
That concludes voting for this afternoon, and we will shortly move to the short debate. If those leaving the Chamber could do so quietly.
Fe wnaf i ofyn i Heledd Fychan i gyflwyno'i dadl. Heledd Fychan.
I will invite Heledd Fychan to speak to the topic she's chosen. Heledd Fychan.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Mi hoffwn ddweud fy mod i’n rhoi munud o fy amser i Peredur Owen Griffiths, Tom Giffard a Sioned Williams, a diolch ichi am fod yn barod. Mae’n rhaid i mi ddweud, dwi yn mynegi siom nad oes gennym ni'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros y Gymraeg na chwaith y Gweinidog gyda chyfrifoldeb am ddiwylliant yma ar gyfer y ddadl yma, ond gobeithio y byddan nhw’n gwrando nôl oherwydd, yn sicr, mae'r rhain yn bwyntiau y byddwn i’n gobeithio y byddai’r Llywodraeth yn gwrando arnyn nhw a chymryd sylw.
Felly, teitl y ddadl fer hon ydy ‘Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Rhondda Cynon Taf 2024: Sicrhau Gwaddol i’r Gymraeg yn y Cymoedd’. Ac mae yna gwestiwn i ddechrau efo: ‘Yr Eisteddfod orau erioed?’ Dyna oedd y cwestiwn ofynnodd Tudur Owen, dyna oedd y cwestiwn ar dudalen flaen y cylchgrawn Golwg, a dyna oedd y cwestiwn ar wefusau nifer fawr wnaeth fynychu Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Rhondda Cynon Taf ym Mhontypridd fis diwethaf. Efallai eich bod chi wedi sylwi cyn lleied o gwyno oedd yna, a phenawdau negyddol. Mae hynny, gobeithio, yn dweud y cyfan ynglŷn â pha mor llwyddiannus oedd yr Eisteddfod. A heb os, fel rhywun sydd yn mynychu’r Eisteddfod yn flynyddol, ac fel rhywun sydd bellach yn byw ym Mhontypridd ac a fynychodd yr Eisteddfod bob diwrnod eleni ym mhob tywydd, roedd hi’n Eisteddfod lwyddiannus dros ben. Roedd tref Pontypridd a pharc Ynysangharad yn llawn bwrlwm a chroeso i’r miloedd ddaeth i gefnogi, a phwrpas fy nadl fer heddiw yw adlewyrchu ar a dathlu’r llwyddiant, ynghyd ag ystyried sut y gallwn ni fel Senedd gefnogi’r gwaddol o ran y Gymraeg yn y Cymoedd ac, yn ehangach, gefnogi rôl yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac Eisteddfod yr Urdd fel rhan o’r targed cyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 a chynyddu hefyd defnydd o’r iaith.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. I'd like to start by saying that I'll give a minute of my time to Peredur Owen Griffiths, Tom Giffard and Sioned Williams, and thank you for being willing to contribute. I will express my concern that we don't have the Cabinet Secretary for the Welsh language nor the Minister with responsibility for culture present for this debate, but I hope that they will be listening back to it, because these are points that I hope that the Government will listen to.
So, the title of this short debate is 'The 2024 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in Rhondda Cynon Taf: Securing a Legacy for the Welsh Language in the Valleys'. And there is a question to begin with: 'The best Eisteddfod ever?' That was the question posed by Tudur Owen, that was the question on the front page of Golwg, and that was the question on the lips of many of those who attended the National Eisteddfod in Pontypridd in Rhondda Cynon Taf last month. Perhaps you will have noticed how little complaint there was, and how few negative headlines there were. That says it all in terms of how successful it was. And without a doubt, as someone who attends the Eisteddfod every year and as someone who now lives in Pontypridd, and attended this year's Eisteddfod everyday in all weathers, it was a hugely successful Eisteddfod. The town of Pontypridd and Ynysangharad park were a hive of activity, with a warm welcome for the thousands who came to support, and the purpose of my short debate today is to reflect on and celebrate their success, as well as consider how we as a Senedd can support the legacy in terms of the Welsh language in the Valleys, and, more widely, support the role of the National Eisteddfod and Urdd Eisteddfod more widely as part of the target of achieving a million Welsh speakers by 2050 and also increase use of the language.
Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn ddiolch i bawb fu’n gyfrifol am lwyddiant yr wŷl, yn staff yr Eisteddfod, yn staff a swyddogion cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf, y pwyllgor gwaith lleol dan arweiniad yr anfarwol Helen Prosser, y fyddin o wirfoddolwyr fu’n codi arian ac yn harddu’r ardal, heb sôn am yr holl dasgau eraill angenrheidiol er mwyn creu Eisteddfod lwyddiannus—hefyd, wrth gwrs, yr holl hyfforddwyr, cystadleuwyr, stondinwyr a phawb fynychodd, ynghyd â busnesau’r ardal a weithiodd mor galed i sicrhau croeso cynnes i bawb. Chwaraeodd pawb eu rhan yn effeithiol.
A pheidied neb â diystyru faint o dasg oedd hon. Wedi’r cyfan, doedd dim Eisteddfod Genedlaethol wedi bod yn ardal Rhondda Cynon Taf ers 1956, ac yn 1893 y bu hi ddiwethaf yn ardal Pontypridd. Golyga hyn nad oedd mwyafrif pobl yr ardal erioed wedi profi eisteddfod y tu hwnt i eisteddfod ysgol, a doedd ganddyn nhw ddim syniad beth i’w ddisgwyl. Ac yn naturiol, felly, er bod yna gynnwrf mawr ymhlith nifer, roedd yna nerfusrwydd ymhlith rhai ac, i fod yn gwbl onest, cryn dipyn o negyddiaeth hefyd, gyda nifer o bobl leol yn poeni am weld eu parc lleol yn cau am gyfnod o’r gwyliau haf, yn poeni am draffig yn fwy na dim, ac yn meddwl nad oedd yr Eisteddfod yn berthnasol iddyn nhw gan nad oedden nhw'n siarad Cymraeg.
Fwy nag unwaith yn y misoedd yn arwain at yr Eisteddfod, cefais fy nhemtio i roi ambell i grŵp Facebook lleol ar mute oherwydd hyn. Hyn a hyn gall rhywun geisio rhesymu gyda rhai o’r lleisiau mwyaf amlwg ar blatfformau o’r fath sy’n hoffi styrio. Ond dwi’n falch na wnes i, oherwydd braf oedd gweld, wrth i’r Eisteddfod agosáu, y rhod yn dechrau troi, wrth i bobl weld y parc yn trawsnewid i faes Eisteddfod ac wrth i fwy o fanylion am yr Eisteddfod gael eu rhannu. Mi ddylech fod wedi gweld y sylwadau yn ystod yr Eisteddfod, ac yn dilyn yr Eisteddfod, ar yr union dudalennau hyn, gyda rhai o’r sceptics mwyaf ymhlith y rhai oedd yn canmol yr wythnos i’r cymylau, a hyd yn oed yn mynegi gobaith y byddai’r Eisteddfod yn dychwelyd yn fuan i’r ardal. Yn wir, ar ôl yr holl bryderon am draffig, y gwir amdani ydy bod y negeseuo ynglŷn â defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ynghyd â’r ddarpariaeth effeithiol o drenau a bysus gwennol wedi gweithio’n rhagorol a bod y traffig wedi llifo’n well na mewn wythnos arferol. ‘Bring back the Eisteddfod’ oedd ple nifer wrth i’r traffig ddychwelyd yr wythnos ganlynol.
Ac i fod yn deg, nid dim ond y rhai hynny oedd ddim yn gwybod beth oedd Eisteddfod oedd yn poeni. Wn i ddim faint o eisteddfodwyr pybyr fu’n dweud wrthyf i am eu pryder a fyddai’r Eisteddfod yn medru ffitio o fewn parc Ynysangharad. Yn wir, mi o'n i yn eu plith. A dwi’n falch iawn o ddweud fod ein pryderon wedi bod yn ddi-sail, gyda nifer yn rhyfeddu o weld faint o ofod oedd yna a pha mor dda gwnaeth yr Eisteddfod lenwi parc Ynysangharad. Mi weithiodd hefyd fod rhai o adnoddau’r parc wedi’u hymgorffori fel rhan o’r Eisteddfod, megis y lido, y parc chwarae a chanolfan Calon Taf. Oes Eisteddfod arall wedi cael pwll nofio iawn yna—dwi ddim yn sôn am bwll dŵr neu bwll o fwd—fel rhan o’r arlwy? Wrth gwrs, roedd yna sialensau: doedd Maes B a’r maes carafannau ddim yn y parc, ond fe weithiodd y datrysiadau a roddwyd mewn lle, a phob clod i’r trefnwyr am hynny.
Gyda mwyafrif o Eisteddfodau’r blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi bod mewn caeau ar gyrion trefi neu’n bell o bobman, roedd Eisteddfod eleni yn teimlo’n wahanol gyda thref Pontypridd yn rhan o’r maes. Roedd y defnydd o’r llyfrgell fel canolfan groeso, a’r defnydd o’r Muni ac YMa wedi gweithio’n wych, a rhaid canmol hefyd ymdrech yr ardal gwella busnes ym Mhontypridd dan arweiniad James Payne o ran hyrwyddo busnesau’r dref, ynghyd ag ymdrech y busnesau eu hunain. Braf iawn oedd gweld llefydd fel Zucco’s, Café Royale, Cortile Coffee, Janet’s a Prince’s yn orlawn o bobl—gymaint felly fel bod rhai wedi rhedeg allan o fwyd yn ystod yr wythnos a gorfod cau eu drysau—ynghyd â thafarndai a bariau’r dref. Gwelais i ambell i Weinidog yng Nghlwb y Bont, ac mi fyddwch chi'n ymwybodol bod y clwb wedi wynebu heriau lu dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn sgil llifogydd dinistriol 2020 ac yna COVID. Ond fel a ddangoswyd yn glir o ran y miloedd ddaeth i gefnogi yn ystod yr Eisteddfod, mae Clwb yma o hyd.
Yn dilyn yr Eisteddfod, cadarnhaodd y cyngor gyfanswm y bobl a ymwelodd â chanol tref Pontypridd yn ystod cyfnod wyth diwrnod yr Eisteddfod: 186,012 oedd cyfanswm yr ymwelwyr a gofnodwyd yn y dref, sy’n cynrychioli cynnydd enfawr o 119,747 o gymharu â’r wythnos flaenorol, a chynnydd tebyg, o 115,554, o gymharu â’r un wythnos y llynedd. A'r diwrnod prysuraf oedd dydd Gwener 9 Awst, gyda ffigwr o 39,155 o bobl yn ymweld â'r dref. Felly, mae'r rhain yn ffigurau sy'n dangos bod pobl wedi dod i Bontypridd.
First of all, I’d like to thank everyone responsible for the event’s success: the Eisteddfod staff, staff and officials at Rhondda Cynon Taf council, the local working group under the leadership of the legendary Helen Prosser, the army of volunteers who raised funds and prepared the site, not to mention all of the other vital tasks to put on a successful Eisteddfod—also, of course, the many instructors, competitors, stallholders and everyone who attended, as well as the businesses in the area, which worked so hard to ensure a warm welcome to everyone. Everyone played their part effectively.
And no-one should underestimate the scale of the task. After all, the National Eisteddfod hadn’t been held in the Rhondda Cynon Taf area since 1956, and it was last held in the Pontypridd area in 1893. This meant that the majority of people in the area had never experienced an eisteddfod other than a school eisteddfod, and they had no idea what to expect. Therefore, naturally, although there was excitement amongst many, there was also nervousness among some, and, to be entirely honest, some negativity too, with a number of local people concerned at seeing their local park closing for a period during the summer holiday. They were also worried about traffic and, more than anything, they had the opinion that the Eisteddfod wasn’t relevant to them as they didn't speak Welsh.
More than once in the months leading up to the Eisteddfod, I was tempted to put some Facebook groups on mute because of this. One can only do so much to reason with some of the most prominent voices on such platforms that enjoy stirring the pot. But I’m glad that I refrained, because it was wonderful to see, as the Eisteddfod approached, the tide starting to turn, as people saw the park being transformed into an Eisteddfod maes and as more details about the Eisteddfod were shared. And you should have seen the comments during the Eisteddfod itself, and afterwards, on these very same websites, with some of the greatest sceptics amongst those praising the event to the skies, and even expressing hopes that the Eisteddfod would return to the area very soon. Indeed, after all of the concerns about traffic, the truth is that the messaging on using public transport, together with the effective provision of trains and shuttle buses, worked wonderfully well, and traffic flow was actually better than during an usual week. 'Bring back the Eisteddfod' was the plea amongst many as traffic returned the following week.
And, to be fair, it wasn’t just those who were unfamiliar with the Eisteddfod who were concerned. I don’t know how many regular attendees told me of their concerns as to whether the Eisteddfod would fit in Ynysangharad park. Indeed, I was one of them. And I’m very pleased to state that our concerns were baseless, with many amazed to see how much space there was and how well the Eisteddfod filled Ynysangharad park. It also worked well that some of the park’s resources were incorporated into the Eisteddfod, such as the lido, the play area and the Calon Taf centre. Has any other Eisteddfod ever had a real swimming pool there—I'm not talking about large puddles or mud baths—as part of the provision? Of course, there were challenges: Maes B and the caravan park weren’t located in the park itself, but the solutions put in place worked, and all praise to the organisers that this was the case
With the majority of previous years’ Eisteddfods held on sites on the outskirts of towns or far from everywhere, this year’s Eisteddfod felt different, with the town of Pontypridd part of the maes. Using the library as a welcome centre, and using the Muni and YMa, worked excellently, and we must also praise the efforts of the business improvement district in Pontypridd, led by James Payne, for promoting the town’s businesses, as well as the efforts of those businesses themselves. It was great to see venues such as Zucco’s, Café Royale, Cortile Coffee, Janet's and Prince's packed with people—so much so that some of them ran out of food during the week and they had to close their doors—and the town’s pubs and bars. I saw some Ministers in Clwb y Bont during the week, and youll be aware that Clwb y Bont has faced a host of challenges over the past few years following the devastating floods of 2020 and then the COVID pandemic. But, as demonstrated by the thousands who came to support it during the Eisteddfod, Clwb is yma o hyd—still here.
Following the Eisteddfod, the council confirmed how many people had visited Pontypridd town centre during the eight days of the Eisteddfod. The total number of visitors recorded in the town was 186,012, which represents a huge increase of 119,747 compared to the previous week, and an increase of 115,554 as compared to the same week last year. And the busiest day was Friday 9 August, with 39,155 people visiting the town. So, these are figures that demonstrate that people came to Pontypridd in their droves.
A’r hyn sydd wedi bod yn braf imi ers yr Eisteddfod yw bod nifer o’r rhai a fynychodd wedi dychwelyd i Bontypridd yn dilyn yr Eisteddfod, fel petaen nhw wedi darganfod neu ailddarganfod cyfoeth yr arlwy diwylliannol sydd ar gael yno, ynghyd â’r llefydd bwyta, siopa a’r farchnad. Dyma ydy’r gwaddol barhaol i’r busnesau lleol. A gobeithio felly bydd mwy o drefi ledled Cymru, ynghyd â’r Eisteddfod, yn gweld bod modelau gwahanol yn medru gweithio, ac y bydd yr Eisteddfod ym Mhontypridd yn fodel posibl i’r dyfodol.
Efallai fydd rhai Aelodau yn cofio imi alw am Eisteddfod am ddim ym Mhontypridd. Er na fu’r alwad honno’n llwyddiannus, roeddwn yn falch bod y Llywodraeth wedi ariannu tocynnau am ddim i filoedd o deuluoedd lleol, oedd yn cynnwys cost teithio ac arian tuag at fwyd, a braf oedd gweld cynifer yn manteisio ar hynny. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth sydd wedi digwydd mewn amryw o Eisteddfodau Cenedlaethol ac Eisteddfodau’r Urdd erbyn hyn, a hoffwn weld ymrwymiad gan y Llywodraeth hon i barhau i ariannu. Pam? Oherwydd, o’r hyn dwi wedi’i weld, mae o’n bolisi sy’n gweithio os ydyn ni eisiau sicrhau bod pobl sydd erioed wedi bod mewn Eisteddfod yn mynychu pan fydd yr Eisteddfod yn dod i’w hardal nhw a chael cyfle i brofi cyfoeth yr arlwy.
Yn wahanol i rai o’r cynlluniau tocynnau am ddim, gallai rhai dderbyniodd tocyn eleni fod wedi fforddio prynu tocyn. Mi oedd yna gyfle i unrhyw un â phlentyn yn mynychu ysgol yn Rhondda Cynon Taf i gael tocyn. Yn gall iawn, roedd y mwyafrif o’r tocynnau hyn wedi eu rhoi ar y penwythnos cyntaf, gan olygu bod nifer wedyn wedi dychwelyd a phrynu tocyn eu hunain nifer o weithiau dros yr wythnos. Roedd rhai ohonynt yn rhieni oedd wedi mynychu ysgolion Cymraeg eu hunain ond efallai heb ddefnyddio’r iaith ers hynny, ac roedd nifer fawr hefyd yn siaradwyr Cymraeg newydd neu heb ddim Cymraeg o gwbl. A’r hyn wnaeth eu rhyfeddu oedd y croeso, p’un a oeddent yn siarad yr iaith ai peidio. Mi oeddwn i wrth fy modd gweld ffrindiau fy mab 11 oed yn ysu i ddod nôl i'r maes bob dydd a chael modd i fyw. Maen nhw'n edrych ymlaen yn barod, er mai 11 ydyn nhw, at fynd i Faes B mewn cwpwl o flynyddoedd. Felly, dwi'n meddwl bod hynny wedi bod yn llwyddiant.
Ond mae'n rhaid i ni hefyd sôn ynglŷn a beth mae gwaddol fel hyn yn ei olygu a rôl y Senedd. Mae'n rhaid i ni hefyd sicrhau, pan fydd Eisteddfod yn dod i ardal, fod yna wedyn gyfleoedd i bobl ddysgu Cymraeg, defnyddio'u Cymraeg neu gael mynediad i addysg Gymraeg. Felly, mi fydd Bil y Gymraeg ac Addysg (Cymru) yn un arwyddocaol, oherwydd mae yna benderfyniadau sydd wedi niweidio'r Gymraeg wedi cael eu gwneud gan gyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf: lleihau nifer yr ysgolion Cymraeg yn ardal Pontypridd o ddwy a hanner i ddwy, gyda chau Ysgol Pont Sion Norton a gwrthod galwadau rhieni i wneud ysgol newydd yn ardal Glyn-coch yn ysgol Gymraeg, gan olygu bod plant yn ardal Ynys-y-bwl a Glyn-coch yn gorfod teithio heibio amryw o ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg er mwyn cyrraedd addysg Gymraeg. Nid dewis gwirioneddol yw hyn i deuluoedd heb geir chwaith, gan olygu bod rhai rhieni wedi gwneud y dewis yn barod i symud eu plant o addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg i Saesneg oherwydd y pellteroedd i ysgol ag addysg Gymraeg.
Yn ail, mae'n rhaid i ni hefyd edrych ar sut mae mentrau iaith yn cael eu hariannu a sicrhau bod ganddyn nhw'r adnoddau i barhau gyda’r gwaith pwysig maen nhw'n ei wneud mewn ardaloedd ledled Cymru o ran hyrwyddo’r iaith a chreu cyfleoedd i’w defnyddio. Maen nhw’n gwneud gwyrthiau o ran cefnogi cynlluniau strategol y Gymraeg mewn addysg ledled Cymru, ond mae eu rôl nhw'n ehangach na hynny, ac yn aml mae’n anodd cadw staff a recriwtio oherwydd bod y cyflogau maen nhw'n gallu'u cynnig yn isel, tra bod, ar yr un pryd, costau wedi cynyddu. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y gallwn fel Senedd edrych arno fel rhan o’r gwariant sy’n cefnogi targedau 2050.
Ac yn drydydd, dwi'n meddwl bod yn rhaid i ni, fel Senedd, edrych ar rôl yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac Eisteddfod yr Urdd o ran cefnogi 'Cymraeg 2050' a sicrhau ein bod ni’n cydweithio’n agosach â’r ddau gorff a chydnabod y cyfraniad mae eu gwaith yn ei wneud o ran dyfodol y Gymraeg. A nid dim ond hynny; mae angen hefyd cydnabod gwerth economaidd y ddau sefydliad, ynghyd a’u rôl o ran hyrwyddo Cymru’n rhyngwladol. A dylai hyn, felly, ddylanwadu ar fuddsoddiad y Llywodraeth ynddynt.
I gloi, felly, fy ngobaith yw bod dadl fer heddiw, a'r Eisteddfod ei hun, yn gyfle i esgor ar drafodaeth ehangach o ran potensial ein heisteddfodau teithiol o ran sicrhau parhad i'r Gymraeg fel iaith fyw, y tu hwnt i’r dosbarth neu’r gwaith, a hefyd i ddechrau trafodaeth am y pethau y gallwn ni fel Senedd eu gwneud i gefnogi hynny. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed cyfraniadau eraill, ynghyd â’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
And what has been wonderful for me since the Eisteddfod is that a number of those who attended have returned to Pontypridd after the event, as if they had discovered or rediscovered the cultural wealth available there, as well as all of the restaurants, shops and the market. That is the legacy for local businesses. I hope, therefore, that more towns across Wales, as well as the Eisteddfod, will see that that other models can succeed, and that the Pontypridd Eisteddfod will be a possible model for the future.
Perhaps some Members will remember that I called for free entry to the Eisteddfod in Pontypridd. Although that call was not successful, I was pleased that the Government funded free tickets for thousands of local families, which included travel costs and a contribution towards food costs, and it was wonderful to see so many taking up that offer. This is something that has happened in a number of National Eisteddfods and Urdd Eisteddfods by now, and I’d like to see a commitment by this Government to continue to fund this provision. Why? Well, because, from what I have seen, it is a policy that works, if we want to ensure that people who have never been to an Eisteddfod attend when the Eisteddfod comes to their area so that they have an opportunity to experience the wealth of provision.
In contrast with other free or discounted ticket schemes, some of those who received such a ticket this year could have afforded to buy a ticket. There was an opportunity for anyone with a child at a school in Rhondda Cynon Taf to access tickets. Very sensibly, the majority of those tickets were allocated for the first weekend, which meant that many people then returned and bought their own tickets a number of times during the week. Some of them were parents who had themselves attended Welsh-medium schools but perhaps hadn’t used the language since then, and many were also new Welsh speakers or had no Welsh at all. And what impressed them was the welcome, whether they spoke the language or not. I was delighted to see my son’s friends, at 11 years of age, desperate to go to the maes every day and delighting in the chance to wander around. They're already looking forward, although they are 11 years of age, to going to Maes B in a few years' time. So, I think that's been a success too.
But we also have to mention what such a legacy means and the Senedd's role in this regard. We must ensure that, when the Eisteddfod goes to a particular area, there are then opportunities for people to learn Welsh, to use their Welsh or to access Welsh language education. So, the Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill will be significant, because there have been decisions made that have been damaging to the Welsh language by Rhondda Cynon Taff council in recent years: decreasing the number of Welsh-medium schools in the Pontypridd area from two and a half to two, with the closure of Ysgol Pont Sion Norton and the rejection of parents’ calls to make a new school in the Glyncoch area a Welsh-medium school, which means that children in the Ynysybwl and Glyncoch areas will have to travel past a number of English-medium schools to access Welsh-medium education. This isn’t a viable or genuine option for parents who don’t have a car, which means that some parents have already taken the decision to move their children from Welsh-medium education to English provision because of the distance that they would have to travel to get to a Welsh-medium school.
Secondly, we must look once again at how the mentrau iaith are funded and ensure that they have the resources to continue with the important work that they do in areas across Wales in terms of promoting the language and creating opportunities to use it. They work wonders in supporting the Welsh in education strategic plans across Wales, but their role is wider than that, and it is often difficult for them to retain and recruit staff because the wages that they are able to offer are low, while costs have simultaneously increased. And this is something that we, as a Senedd, can look at as part of expenditure on supporting the 2050 targets.
Thirdly, I think that we, as a Senedd, have to look at the role played by the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol and Urdd Eisteddfod in terms of supporting 'Cymraeg 2050', and ensure what we collaborate more closely with both bodies and recognise the contribution that their work makes in terms of the Welsh language’s future. And not just that; we must also recognise the economic value of both organisations, as well as their role in promoting Wales on the international stage. And this, therefore, should influence the level of investment they receive from the Government.
To conclude, therefore, my hope is that today’s short debate, and the Eisteddfod itself, provides an opportunity to spark a wider discussion on the potential of our touring eisteddfods in ensuring the survival of the Welsh language as a living language, beyond the classroom or workplace, and also to spark a debate on what we, as a Senedd, can do to support this work. I look forward to hearing Members’ views, as well as those of the Cabinet Secretary.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i ti, Heledd, am y ddadl yma. Mae’n hynod o bwysig ein bod ni'n gweld beth ydy gwaddol yr Eisteddfod. Rydw i jest eisiau siarad ychydig bach am y gwaddol diwylliannol, ac yn benodol y gwaddol corawl, gan fy mod i’n aelod o gôr. Dwi wedi syrffedu pobl drwy ddweud hynny, ond dwi’n mwynhau canu yn y côr, ac mae’n un o’r pethau sy’n rhoi pause imi yn ystod yr wythnos er mwyn gallu helpu efo iechyd meddwl a bob dim felly sy’n digwydd o fod yn rhan o ganu a chydganu efo pobl.
Yn ystod yr wythnos, mi oedd yna ddegau o gorau wedi cystadlu. Roedd yn ffantastig o ran arlwy corawl yr Eisteddfod yma. Un o’r cystadlaethau mwyaf bendigedig, dwi’n meddwl, yn yr Eisteddfod yma am y tro cyntaf oedd y gystadleuaeth gorawl ar gyfer corau nad oedd erioed wedi cystadlu yn yr Eisteddfod o’r blaen. Roedd 13 neu 14 o gorau wedi cystadlu, ac roedd o’n ffantastig.
Mae canu corawl, wrth gwrs, yn rhoi cymaint o bleser i bobl, ond mae hefyd yn help efo iechyd meddwl. Mae’n help i gymunedau ddod at ei gilydd. Rydw i’n meddwl ei bod hi’n deg i ddweud 'diolch yn fawr' i’r Eisteddfod am greu'r gwaddol corawl yna. Diolch hefyd i’r holl arweinwyr, i’r cyfeilyddion ac i’r cantorion am ddod at ei gilydd a pharatoi’n drylwyr ar gyfer yr Eisteddfod.
Yr her i’r Gweinidog heddiw, rili, ydy: sut mae’r Llywodraeth yn mynd i gefnogi diwylliant llawr gwlad, yn enwedig ar ôl y pethau yr oeddem yn eu clywed yn y dadleuon heddiw ynglŷn â cholli llefydd fel y miners’ institute yn Blackwood, a’r pethau eraill sydd yn digwydd ar lawr gwlad? Felly, yr her i’r Gweinidog a’r Cabinet ydy: sut maen nhw’n cefnogi ein diwylliant llawr gwlad ni, ac yn benodol y corau hefyd? Diolch.
Thank you very much, Heledd, for this debate. It’s extremely important that we do consider the legacy of the Eisteddfod, and I want to just talk a little about the cultural legacy, and particularly the choral legacy, because I am a member of a choir. I’ve probably bored people by going on about that, but I do enjoy my activities with the choir, and it is one of the things that gives me pause during the week, so it can help with mental health and all sort of other things that stem from being involved in singing and singing alongside others.
During the week, of course, there were dozens of choirs that competed. It was fantastic in terms of the Eisteddfod's choral activity. One of the most wonderful competitions in this Eisteddfod was the competition for choirs that had never competed before. There were 13 or 14 choirs involved in that competition. It was fantastic.
Choral singing, of course, does give people so much pleasure, but it’s also of assistance with mental health and it brings communities together. I do think it’s fair to say 'thank you very much' to the Eisteddfod for creating that choral legacy. Thank you to all the conductors, the singers and the accompanists for coming together and preparing thoroughly for the Eisteddfod.
The challenge for the Minister, really, today is how the Government is going to support grass-roots culture, particularly after what we heard in today’s debates about losing facilities such as the Blackwood Miners’ Institute and the other things that are happening on the ground. So, the challenge for the Minister and for the Cabinet is how they can support our grass-roots culture, particularly our choirs. Diolch.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Heledd Fychan am ddod â'r ddadl hon heddiw i'r Senedd. Mae'n ddadl amserol, dwi'n credu, nid dim ond am y ffaith ein bod ni wedi cael Eisteddfod lwyddiannus yn Rhondda Cynon Taf dros yr haf, ond rŷn ni wedi gweld digwyddiadau mawr dros yr haf hwn ar draws y byd. Yn enwedig, roeddwn i'n gwylio’r Olympics a’r Paralympics, ac roedd hynny’n gwneud imi feddwl pan fydd dinas neu dref neu wlad am gael y Paralympics neu’r Olympics yn eu gwlad nhw, maen nhw wastad yn siarad am y legacy. Beth fydd legacy yr Olympics hyn? Gallwn ni wneud yr un peth, rydw i’n credu, o ran yr Eisteddfod. Wrth gwrs, mae’r sgêl yn wahanol, ond mae’r pwynt yr un peth.
Os ydym ni’n mynd i gyrraedd targedau 'Cymraeg 2050', y ffordd rŷn ni’n mynd i wneud hynny yw nid dim ond yn sir Gaerfyrddin ac Ynys Môn, ond mewn llefydd fel Rhondda Cynon Taf, Pen-y-bont ac Abertawe, ac yn y blaen. Felly, mae’n bwysig ein bod ni, bob amser y bydd yr Eisteddfod yn mynd i lefydd lle nad yw pobl fel arfer yn siarad Cymraeg, yn gofyn i’n hunain beth fydd effaith yr Eisteddfod hon nid dim ond am yr wythnos y mae’r Eisteddfod yno, ond yr effaith y bydd yr Eisteddfod hon yn ei chael yn yr hir dymor, ar ôl i’r sioe fynd? Beth fydd yr effaith am y blynyddoedd i ddod, o ran yr iaith Gymraeg, o ran y bobl sy’n mynd i’r Eisteddfod a’r gymuned ei hun? Mae hynny'n rhywbeth dwi’n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn sôn amdano. Diolch.
Thank you very much, Llywydd, and thank you also to Heledd Fychan for bringing forward this debate at the Senedd. It’s a very timely debate, I think, not just because of the fact that we’ve had a very successful Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf over the summer, but we saw major events throughout the summer. I watched the Olympics and the Paralympics, and that made me think that when a city or a town or a nation wants to host the Paralympics or Olympics in their country, they always talk about the legacy: what will the legacy of the Olympics be? I think that we can do the same about the Eisteddfod. Of course, the scale is different, but the point is the same.
If we’re going to hit those targets of 'Cymraeg 2050', the way that we’re going to do that is not just in Carmarthenshire or in Ynys Môn, but in places such as Rhondda Cynon Taf and Bridgend and Swansea, and so on. So, it’s important, every time the Eisteddfod goes to those places where people don’t perhaps usually speak Welsh, that we ask ourselves what the impact of this Eisteddfod will be, not just during the week that the Eisteddfod is held, but the impact that the Eisteddfod is going to have in the long term, after the event leaves town and for the years to come. It's about the impact on the Welsh language, the people who attend the Eisteddfod and the community itself. That's something that I hope the Minister will mention in response. Diolch.
Diolch o galon, Heledd. Roedd hi yn wythnos i’w chofio. Rydw i'n sicr o’r farn taw dyna’r Eisteddfod orau sydd wedi bod erioed, efallai ar wahân i ambell i un arall, fel Eisteddfod Castell-nedd. Ond, beth sy’n wych, dwi'n meddwl, yw roedd yn profi pa mor fuddiol a pha mor bwysig, yn enwedig o ran y Gymraeg, yw’r model teithiol. Rŷn ni’n gwybod bod yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac Eisteddfod yr Urdd wedi gorfod ystyried yn ddiweddar a ydyn nhw’n medru parhau â hynny oherwydd costau—oherwydd nad ydyn nhw’n cael, efallai, digon o gyllid i sicrhau’r seilwaith sydd ei angen er mwyn teithio’r Eisteddfod. Mae’n hanfodol bwysig, dwi’n meddwl. Ac rŷm ni yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot yn edrych ymlaen, wrth gwrs, at groesawu Eisteddfod yr Urdd y flwyddyn nesaf—Eisteddfod Dur a Môr, a fydd yn cael ei chynnal ym mharc Margam. Mae rhaglen wych, wrth gwrs, fel rydw i’n cofio ti’n sôn, o ddigwyddiadau nawr yn y gymuned yn dod â phobl ynghyd i godi arian. Ac mae'n rhaid imi hefyd ganmol yr Urdd. Maen nhw wedi hysbysebu nawr am ddwy swydd—swyddogion fydd yn estyn mas tu hwnt i'r ysgolion Cymraeg fyddai efallai, a'r cymunedau Cymraeg fyddai, wrth gwrs, yn gyfarwydd â'r Eisteddfod, i weithio'n ddwys gydag ysgolion ail iaith ac ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg, er mwyn eu tynnu nhw i mewn hefyd. Felly, dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig, ydy, i sicrhau'r ymdeimlad yna o berthyn—bod y Gymraeg yn perthyn i bawb—ond hefyd fod pawb yn gweld bod yr iaith yn rhywbeth y tu hwnt i'r ystafell ddosbarth, yn rhywbeth i'w mwynhau, a hefyd yn agor pob math o ddrysau ar gyfleon. Felly, ydy, mae'n bwysig i barhau â'r model teithiol yna.
Thank you, Heledd. It was a week to remember. I’m certainly of the view that that was the best Eisteddfod that there’s ever been, apart from a few others, such as the one held in Neath, perhaps. But what’s wonderful is that I do think it proved just how beneficial and how important, particularly in terms of the Welsh language, the travelling model is. We know that the National Eisteddfod and the Urdd Eisteddfod have recently had to consider whether they can continue to travel around the country because of costs, because they perhaps don’t receive sufficient funding to provide the necessary infrastructure to travel around the country. I think it’s crucially important. In Neath Port Talbot, we’re looking forward, of course, to welcoming the Urdd Eisteddfod next year—the steel and sea Eisteddfod, which will be held in Margam park. There’ll be a wonderful programme of community events, as I remember you mentioning, bringing people together to raise funds. But I must also praise the Urdd. They have now advertised for two posts—officials who will reach out beyond the Welsh-medium schools that might be, and, of course the Welsh-speaking communities that would be familiar with the Eisteddfod, to work intensively with second language and English-medium schools in order to draw them in too. So, I think it is important, yes, to ensure that feeling of belonging—that the Welsh language belongs to everyone—but that everyone understands that the language is something beyond the classroom, something to be enjoyed, and also that it opens all kinds of doors to opportunities. So, yes, it's important to continue with that travelling model.
Yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet nawr i gyfrannu i'r ddadl. Y Trefnydd, felly, Jane Hutt.
The Cabinet Secretary now to contribute to the debate. The Trefnydd, Jane Hutt.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Llywydd, a gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod, Heledd Fychan, am gyflwyno ei dadl yma yn y Senedd heddiw? Mae'n gyfle i drafod a rhoi ffocws ar waddol Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Rhondda Cynon Taf, a gafodd ei chynnal ym Mhontypridd eleni, a'i heffaith hirdymor ar y Gymraeg. Ond mae hefyd yn gyfle imi ddiolch yn ffurfiol, ar y record, i bawb fuodd yn trefnu'r ŵyl. Diolch i staff yr Eisteddfod, arweinydd cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf, Andrew Morgan, y cannoedd o wirfoddolwyr, y pwyllgor gwaith, y fenter iaith, Trafnidiaeth Cymru a'r holl bartneriaid lleol am Eisteddfod wych eleni. Dyma ganlyniad blynyddoedd o gydweithio, a dwi'n ddiolchgar iawn iddyn nhw i gyd.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. May I thank the Member, Heledd Fychan, for introducing this short debate in the Senedd today? It's an opportunity to discuss and put a focus on the legacy of the National Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf, which was held in Pontypridd this year, and its long-term impact on the Welsh language. But it's also an opportunity for me to formally thank, on the record, everyone who was involved in organising the festival. I'd like to thank the Eisteddfod staff, the leader of RCT council, Andrew Morgan, the hundreds of volunteers, the executive committee, Transport for Wales, the menter iaith and all the local partners for an excellent Eisteddfod this year. This is the result of years of collaboration, and I am very grateful to them all.
As we look back on this year's Eisteddfod, I think it's important that we also look forward, as you have done in your contributions. And I think, Heledd, you've made these points very clearly, and Sioned and others. We must do this looking forward, to make sure we use every opportunity possible to ensure that the Eisteddfod stamp is on Rhondda Cynon Taf for years to come. But also that the enthusiasm that was evident during the Eisteddfod week helps us to give the Welsh language a renewed energy in the area.
Welsh Government and Eisteddfod officials had been discussing the legacy of the 2024 Eisteddfod months before the Eisteddfod arrived at Parc Ynysangharad, and it was good to hear from the Eisteddfod last week that work in the area was continuing. The executive committee is now focusing on how to maximise on the goodwill shown towards the Welsh language. And before I respond to all the Member's points about the legacy and the Welsh language, I want to share with you a few additional highlights about the Rhondda Cynon Taf Eisteddfod, because this year's Eisteddfod offered an opportunity to show Pontypridd and the Valleys at their best, and what is possible by working together. The people of Ponty and the whole county have made Wales proud. Raising the energy and spirits of our towns can be a challenge since the pandemic, but Pontypridd's welcome was warm and enthusiastic, from the stall holders at the market, to staff at Clwb y Bont and the local bus drivers. Can I say that I absolutely enjoyed this Eisteddfod? And as I got on the train and stepped off at the station and walked across the bridge, there was a protest going on, which was great, in the town centre—it was all part of the hwyl and the business of the Eisteddfod.
The 2024 Eisteddfod broke several records: the greenest Eisteddfod ever, with over 100,000 train journeys taking place, with Transport for Wales's, as has been acknowledged, faultless service to thank for this; the largest number of tickets sold since pre COVID; the highest number of volunteers registered; and also the highest number of members in the Eisteddfod choir. Da iawn, Peredur. And I hope Rhondda Cynon Taf all realise what they've managed to do, because hosting the Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf has given confidence to Rhondda Cynon Taf to embrace Wales's culture and language.
The Eisteddfod delivered an unforgettable cultural experience for thousands of people in the county, with the Welsh language at the heart of it. And through Welsh Government funding, almost 15,000 people received free tickets and food vouchers to attend. I think the inclusivity of that was something quite remarkable, and I felt it and experienced it with the people all around us when we were there. Fifteen thousand people, many of whom now have experienced, and will experience, Welsh as a living, dynamic, fun language for the first time. It’s very difficult to know the long-term difference that this positive experience will have on local people, but I'm almost certain that more and more people will want to be involved in Welsh activities in the county in the future, and that also makes a difference as we think about Welsh language education in the area. I hope more families will consider sending their children to Welsh-medium schools, building on the county's progress already, because they've seen Welsh as a contemporary and living language. I know that officials are currently looking at the second-year annual reports of the Welsh in education strategic plans, and the local authority is making significant progress.
It was great to see hundreds of children and young people taking part in the Eisteddfod, and those from all schools, regardless of their linguistic background and the language category of their schools. I also know that the number of council staff who've decided to learn Welsh has increased dramatically. Another small but tangible example of a positive impact on Welsh is that many businesses in the area continue to use Welsh signs on their doors and windows. An example that I'm sure the Member will be aware of already, and which you know, is at Zucco’s café, which has added 'Ni’n siarad Cymraeg tipyn bach' under the sign on the door, and that shows more and more people willing to try to use however much Welsh they have, but that's because of the Eisteddfod. Small things, of course, but precious little things. It means we're changing attitudes and encouraging more and more people to come with us on our Cymraeg 2050 journey.
I’m also pleased that the Eisteddfod has forged strong partnerships this year with a large number of local organisations. One of these partnerships was the Bryncynon strategy. The partnership was special for many reasons, both for introducing the Welsh language to new audiences and also for including all parts of the Rhondda Cynon Taf community in the Eisteddfod. The Bryncynon strategy is responsible for foodbanks in the area. As part of their work with the Eisteddfod, local people and the foodbank users wrote a recipe book featuring Welsh recipes, and this is the kind of collaboration that's important. It's the collaboration that goes beyond what's likely to happen anyway. It's important that the Eisteddfod collaborates with traditional and new partners, so that everyone sees and hears the Welsh language around them.
And as I talk about Welsh as a community language, it is timely that I highlight the report of the Welsh communities commission, which was published on the Eisteddfod maes. But the commission also announced the second phase of their work, which is to look closely at the situation of the Welsh language across the rest of Wales and beyond. While this work goes beyond the work of the Eisteddfod, the commission's work will help us to strengthen the Welsh language in areas such as Rhondda Cynon Taf, and the Welsh language, of course, belongs to everyone, wherever they live.
Wrth inni edrych yn ôl ar yr Eisteddfod eleni, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni hefyd yn edrych ymlaen, fel rydych chi wedi ei wneud yn eich cyfraniadau. Ac rwy'n meddwl, Heledd, eich bod chi wedi gwneud y pwyntiau hyn yn glir iawn, a Sioned ac eraill. Rhaid inni wneud hyn gan edrych ymlaen, i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn defnyddio pob cyfle posibl i sicrhau bod stamp yr Eisteddfod ar Rondda Cynon Taf am flynyddoedd i ddod. Ond hefyd fod y brwdfrydedd a oedd yn amlwg yn ystod wythnos yr Eisteddfod yn ein helpu i roi egni newydd i'r Gymraeg yn yr ardal.
Roedd Llywodraeth Cymru a swyddogion yr Eisteddfod wedi bod yn trafod gwaddol Eisteddfod 2024 fisoedd cyn i'r Eisteddfod gyrraedd Parc Ynysangharad, a braf oedd clywed gan yr Eisteddfod yr wythnos diwethaf fod gwaith yn yr ardal yn parhau. Mae'r pwyllgor gwaith yn canolbwyntio nawr ar sut i wneud y gorau o'r ewyllys da a ddangoswyd tuag at y Gymraeg. A chyn imi ymateb i holl bwyntiau'r Aelod am y gwaddol a'r iaith Gymraeg, hoffwn rannu ychydig o uchafbwyntiau ychwanegol am Eisteddfod Rhondda Cynon Taf, oherwydd roedd yr Eisteddfod eleni yn cynnig cyfle i ddangos Pontypridd a'r Cymoedd ar eu gorau, a'r hyn sy'n bosibl drwy gydweithio. Mae pobl Ponty a'r sir gyfan wedi ennyn balchder Cymru. Mae codi egni ac ysbryd ein trefi yn gallu bod yn her ers y pandemig, ond roedd croeso Pontypridd yn gynnes a brwdfrydig, o stondinwyr y farchnad, i staff Clwb y Bont a'r gyrwyr bysiau lleol. A gaf i ddweud fy mod wedi mwynhau'r Eisteddfod hon yn fawr? Ac wrth imi fynd ar y trên a chamu i ffwrdd yn yr orsaf a cherdded ar draws y bont, roedd yna brotest yn digwydd, a oedd yn wych, yng nghanol y dref—roedd y cyfan yn rhan o'r hwyl a busnes yr Eisteddfod.
Torrodd Eisteddfod 2024 sawl record: yr Eisteddfod wyrddaf erioed, gyda dros 100,000 o deithiau trên wedi digwydd, diolch i wasanaeth di-fai Trafnidiaeth Cymru, fel sydd wedi cael ei gydnabod; y nifer fwyaf o docynnau wedi'u gwerthu ers cyn COVID; y nifer fwyaf o wirfoddolwyr wedi cofrestru; a hefyd y nifer fwyaf o aelodau yng nghôr yr Eisteddfod. Da iawn, Peredur. Ac rwy'n gobeithio bod Rhondda Cynon Taf i gyd yn sylweddoli beth y maent wedi llwyddo i'w wneud, oherwydd mae cynnal yr Eisteddfod yn Rhondda Cynon Taf wedi rhoi hyder i Rondda Cynon Taf gofleidio diwylliant ac iaith Cymru.
Rhoddodd yr Eisteddfod brofiad diwylliannol bythgofiadwy i filoedd o bobl yn y sir, gyda'r Gymraeg yn ganolog iddo. A thrwy gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru, derbyniodd bron i 15,000 o bobl docynnau a thalebau bwyd am ddim i'w mynychu. Rwy'n credu bod cynwysoldeb hynny yn rhywbeth eithaf rhyfeddol, ac roeddwn i'n ei deimlo ac yn ei brofi gyda'r bobl o'n cwmpas ni pan oeddem ni yno. Pymtheg mil o bobl, gyda llawer ohonynt bellach wedi profi, ac yn mynd i brofi'r Gymraeg fel iaith fyw, ddeinamig, hwyliog am y tro cyntaf. Mae'n anodd iawn gwybod beth fydd y gwahaniaeth hirdymor y bydd y profiad cadarnhaol hwn yn ei gael ar bobl leol, ond rwyf bron yn sicr y bydd mwy a mwy o bobl eisiau cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau Cymraeg yn y sir yn y dyfodol, ac mae hynny hefyd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth wrth inni feddwl am addysg Gymraeg yn yr ardal. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd mwy o deuluoedd yn ystyried anfon eu plant i ysgolion Cymraeg, gan adeiladu ar gynnydd y sir eisoes, oherwydd eu bod wedi gweld y Gymraeg fel iaith gyfoes a byw. Rwy'n gwybod bod swyddogion yn edrych ar yr ail flwyddyn o adroddiadau blynyddol y cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg, ac mae'r awdurdod lleol yn gwneud cynnydd sylweddol.
Roedd yn wych gweld cannoedd o blant a phobl ifanc yn cymryd rhan yn yr Eisteddfod, a phlant o bob ysgol, ni waeth beth fo'u cefndir ieithyddol a chategori iaith eu hysgolion. Gwn hefyd fod nifer staff y cyngor sydd wedi penderfynu dysgu Cymraeg wedi cynyddu'n aruthrol. Enghraifft fach arall ond diriaethol o'r effaith gadarnhaol ar y Gymraeg yw bod llawer o fusnesau'r ardal yn parhau i ddefnyddio arwyddion Cymraeg ar eu drysau a'u ffenestri. Un enghraifft y bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol ohoni eisoes, rwy'n siŵr, ac y gwyddoch amdani, yw bod caffi Zucco wedi ychwanegu 'Ni'n siarad Cymraeg tipyn bach' o dan yr arwydd ar y drws, ac mae hynny'n dangos bod mwy a mwy o bobl yn barod i geisio defnyddio cymaint o Gymraeg ag sydd ganddynt, ond mae hynny oherwydd yr Eisteddfod. Pethau bach, wrth gwrs, ond pethau bach gwerthfawr. Mae'n golygu ein bod yn newid agweddau ac yn annog mwy a mwy o bobl i ddod gyda ni ar ein taith Cymraeg 2050.
Rwyf hefyd yn falch fod yr Eisteddfod wedi meithrin partneriaethau cryf eleni gyda nifer fawr o sefydliadau lleol. Un o'r partneriaethau hyn oedd strategaeth Bryncynon. Roedd y bartneriaeth yn arbennig am sawl rheswm, am gyflwyno'r Gymraeg i gynulleidfaoedd newydd a hefyd am gynnwys pob rhan o gymuned Rhondda Cynon Taf yn yr Eisteddfod. Strategaeth Bryncynon sy'n gyfrifol am fanciau bwyd yn yr ardal. Yn rhan o'u gwaith gyda'r Eisteddfod, fe wnaeth pobl leol a defnyddwyr y banciau bwyd ysgrifennu llyfr ryseitiau sy'n cynnwys ryseitiau Cymraeg, a dyma'r math o gydweithio sy'n bwysig. Dyma'r cydweithio sy'n mynd y tu hwnt i'r hyn sy'n debygol o ddigwydd beth bynnag. Mae'n bwysig fod yr Eisteddfod yn cydweithio gyda phartneriaid traddodiadol a newydd, fel bod pawb yn gweld ac yn clywed y Gymraeg o'u cwmpas.
Ac wrth i mi sôn am y Gymraeg fel iaith gymunedol, mae'n amserol fy mod yn tynnu sylw at adroddiad comisiwn cymunedau Cymru, a gafodd ei gyhoeddi ar faes yr Eisteddfod. Ond fe gyhoeddodd y comisiwn ail gam eu gwaith hefyd, sef edrych yn fanwl ar sefyllfa'r Gymraeg ar draws gweddill Cymru a thu hwnt. Er bod y gwaith hwn yn mynd y tu hwnt i waith yr Eisteddfod, bydd gwaith y comisiwn yn ein helpu i gryfhau'r Gymraeg mewn ardaloedd fel Rhondda Cynon Taf, ac mae'r Gymraeg, wrth gwrs, yn perthyn i bawb, ble bynnag y maent yn byw.
Llywydd, i gloi, dwi am orffen drwy gydnabod bod gennym ni waith i'w wneud, ond mae wedi bod yn braf iawn cael cyfle i edrych yn ôl dros brysurdeb Eisteddfod 2024 a sôn am yr holl bethau positif. Mae sicrhau gwaddol yr Eisteddfod yn hollbwysig, ac mae'n wir i ddweud bod pobl Rhondda Cynon Taf wedi croesawu'r ŵyl gyda breichiau agored, ac mae'n braf iawn gweld nad ydy'r gwaith yna wedi dod i ben. Mae bwrlwm yr ŵyl wedi creu diddordeb mawr.
Llywydd, to conclude, I want to finish by acknowledging that we do have work to do, but it has been wonderful to look back at the buzz of the 2024 Eisteddfod and to discuss all of the positives that came from it. Ensuring the legacy of the Eisteddfod is crucially important, and it's true to say that the people of Rhondda Cynon Taf welcomed the festival with open arms, and it's wonderful to see that that work hasn't come to an end. The buzz of the festival has created great interest.
I'm very proud of this good working relationship we've got with the Eisteddfod. I wish all staff and volunteers well as we move towards the 2025 Eisteddfod in Wrexham.
Rwy'n falch iawn o'r berthynas waith dda sydd gennym gyda'r Eisteddfod. Rwy'n dymuno'n dda i'r holl staff a gwirfoddolwyr wrth inni symud tuag at Eisteddfod 2025 yn Wrecsam.
Pob lwc i bawb yn Wrecsam gyda'r gwaith paratoi.
Good luck to everyone in Wrexham with the preparatory work.
Diolch yn fawr, a diolch i bawb a gyfrannodd at y ddadl yna. Daw hynna â'n gwaith ni am heddiw i ben.
Thank you very much, and thank you to everyone who contributed to that short debate. That brings our work today to an end.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:24.
The meeting ended at 18:24.