Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Galw'r Aelodau i drefn.
I call Members to order.
A'r eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig, a dwi'n galw'r cwestiwn cyntaf—Delyth Jewell.
And the first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, and I call the first question, from Delyth Jewell.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru ar ffracio? OAQ54464
1. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's policy on fracking? OAQ54464

Thank you. This Government has consistently made clear our opposition to fracking, as set out in our programme for government. Following overwhelming public support for the consultation proposals, I made a policy statement last December, setting out fracking will not be supported in Wales and there should be no new petroleum licensing.
Diolch. Mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi egluro ein gwrthwynebiad i ffracio yn gyson, fel y nodwyd yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu. Yn dilyn cefnogaeth enfawr y cyhoedd i argymhellion yr ymgynghoriad, gwneuthum ddatganiad polisi fis Rhagfyr diwethaf, yn nodi na chaiff ffracio ei gefnogi yng Nghymru ac ni ddylid caniatáu unrhyw drwyddedau petrolewm newydd.
I'm glad to hear that, Minister, as I had heard there were concerns amongst some environmentalist groups that the Welsh Government may have been decreasing its opposition due to the announcement that Ineos will open a factory in Wales. Of course, Ineos's main interest in mainland Britain is shale extraction. The investment by Ineos in Bridgend for building its new 4x4 is, of course, very welcome, and I hope people will now feel reassured by your answer that it will not affect the Welsh Government's fracking policy. Now, fracking isn't the only mode of petroleum extraction that's causing concern, however. Recently, an application was made to pursue seismic testing in Cardigan bay, to find locations for potential drilling. That licence was suspended, but that does not prevent similar applications being made in the future. So, could the Minister please give us an update on measures being undertaken by your Government to impose an effective ban on seismic testing, just as you've done with fracking?
Rwy'n falch o glywed hynny, Weinidog, gan fy mod wedi clywed bod yna bryderon gan rai grwpiau amgylcheddol y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru fod wedi lleihau ei gwrthwynebiad yn sgil y cyhoeddiad y bydd Ineos yn agor ffatri yng Nghymru. Wrth gwrs, prif ddiddordeb Ineos ar dir mawr Prydain yw echdynnu nwy siâl. Mae buddsoddiad Ineos ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr ar gyfer adeiladu ei gerbyd 4x4 newydd, wrth gwrs, i'w groesawu'n fawr, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pobl yn teimlo'n dawelach eu meddwl yn awr oherwydd eich ateb na fydd yn effeithio ar bolisi ffracio Llywodraeth Cymru. Nawr, nid ffracio yw'r unig ddull o echdynnu petrolewm sy'n peri pryder, fodd bynnag. Yn ddiweddar, gwnaed cais i gynnal profion seismig ym Mae Ceredigion, i ddod o hyd i leoliadau posibl ar gyfer drilio. Ataliwyd y drwydded honno, ond nid yw hynny'n atal ceisiadau tebyg rhag cael eu gwneud yn y dyfodol. Felly, a allai'r Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni am y camau y mae eich Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i osod gwaharddiad effeithiol ar brofion seismig, yn union fel y gwnaethoch gyda ffracio?
Thank you. So, I do hope that will reassure anybody who's had any concerns. I don't think I've personally been contacted by anybody who's brought that issue to my attention. I was obviously aware of the application around seismic testing and did have conversations with UK Government counterparts to put forward our views on that.
Diolch. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n tawelu meddwl unrhyw un sydd wedi cael unrhyw bryderon. Nid wyf yn meddwl bod unrhyw un wedi cysylltu â mi'n bersonol i dynnu fy sylw at y mater hwnnw. Yn amlwg, roeddwn yn ymwybodol o'r cais ynghylch cynnal profion seismig ac fe gefais sgyrsiau â swyddogion cyfatebol yn Llywodraeth y DU i fynegi ein barn ar hynny.
Minister, according to the United States Energy Information Administration, nearly two thirds of reduction in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the past decade in the US can be attributed to fracking. The United Nations inter-governmental panel on climate change notes that fracking has increased and diversified the gas supply, allowing for a more extensive switching of power and heat production from coal to gas. They also affirm that this is an important reason for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Does the Minister agree, in light of the above, with these organisations that fracking results in fewer carbon emissions?
Weinidog, yn ôl Gweinyddiaeth Gwybodaeth Ynni yr Unol Daleithiau, gellir priodoli bron i ddwy ran o dair o'r lleihad mewn allyriadau carbon deuocsid sy'n gysylltiedig ag ynni dros y degawd diwethaf yn yr Unol Daleithiau i ffracio. Mae panel rhynglywodraethol y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar y newid yn yr hinsawdd yn nodi bod ffracio wedi cynyddu ac wedi arallgyfeirio'r cyflenwad nwy, gan ganiatáu ar gyfer newid mwy helaeth yn y cynhyrchiant pŵer a gwres o lo i nwy. Maent hefyd yn cadarnhau bod hyn yn rheswm pwysig dros leihau allyriadau nwyon tŷ gwydr yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Yng ngoleuni'r uchod, a yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â'r sefydliadau hyn fod ffracio yn arwain at lai o allyriadau carbon?
I'm not aware of the article or the piece of research that the Member refers to. I just reiterate that we've maintained a very robust and unequivocal opposition to fracking. You'll be aware of the consultation that we had last year, and, certainly, public opinion was that switching to energy alternatives that emit far less pollution is both achievable and preferable, and also saw no future in beginning a new fossil fuel industry. All my efforts, and those of my colleagues, are looking at what we can do to bring forward more renewable energy.
Nid wyf yn ymwybodol o'r erthygl na'r gwaith ymchwil y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio atynt. Rwy'n ailadrodd ein bod wedi gwrthwynebu ffracio'n gadarn ac yn bendant iawn. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r ymgynghoriad a gawsom y llynedd, ac yn sicr, y farn gyhoeddus oedd bod newid i ddewisiadau ynni sy'n allyrru llawer llai o lygredd yn gyraeddadwy ac yn well, a gwelwyd hefyd nad oes dyfodol mewn dechrau diwydiant tanwydd ffosil newydd. Mae fy holl ymdrechion, ac ymdrechion fy nghyd-Aelodau, yn edrych ar yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud i gyflwyno mwy o ynni adnewyddadwy.
Minister, it's very welcome to hear that the Welsh Government continues its robust opposition to fracking, particularly the implications that that has for our environment as much as anything else. But, on fracking, there's also deep borehole testing, and some of this work is being done on NRW land as well. Can you, therefore, have discussions with your colleague in the Cabinet who is in charge of planning to ensure that deep borehole applications are also considered as an outlier to fracking, and, as such, whether councils should actually be considering that or not? And will you give guidance to councils in relation to that, because we could end up with a lot of communities being very anxious, very nervous as a consequence of an application, on which we will know nothing will happen because of the robust statement that you've just made?
Weinidog, mae'n galonogol iawn clywed bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau â'i gwrthwynebiad cadarn i ffracio, yn enwedig y goblygiadau y mae hynny'n eu creu i'n hamgylchedd yn gymaint ag unrhyw beth arall. Ond o ran ffracio, ceir profion ar dyllau turio dwfn hefyd, ac mae peth o'r gwaith hwn yn cael ei wneud ar dir Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ogystal. Oherwydd hynny, a allwch gael trafodaethau gyda'ch cyd-Weinidog yn y Cabinet sy'n gyfrifol am gynllunio i sicrhau y caiff ceisiadau ar gyfer tyllau turio dwfn eu hystyried hefyd fel allbwynt i ffracio, ac fel y cyfryw, a ddylai cynghorau ystyried hynny ai peidio? Ac a wnewch chi roi arweiniad i gynghorau mewn perthynas â hynny, gan y gallai arwain at wneud llawer o gymunedau'n bryderus iawn, yn nerfus iawn o ganlyniad i gais y byddwn yn gwybod na fydd dim yn digwydd yn ei gylch oherwydd y datganiad cadarn rydych newydd ei wneud?
David Rees makes a very important point. All petroleum exploration and extraction boreholes require a petroleum licence and planning consents from the local planning authority. Both regimes are devolved, wholly subject to Welsh policy. So, as I've said, our policy objective is to avoid the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels, and that includes shale gas extracted via fracking. I know when I was the planning Minister, we certainly provided advice and guidance to local authorities, but I'm very happy to speak to my colleague Julie James, who's in her seat, to ensure that if we need to update or we need to refresh, we can do that.FootnoteLink
Mae David Rees yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn. Mae angen trwydded petrolewm a chaniatâd cynllunio gan yr awdurdod cynllunio lleol ar bob twll turio sy'n chwilio am betrolewm a'i echdynnu. Mae'r ddwy gyfundrefn wedi'u datganoli, ac maent yn gwbl ddarostyngedig i bolisi Cymru. Felly, fel y dywedais, ein hamcan polisi yw osgoi parhau i echdynnu a defnyddio tanwydd ffosil, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys nwy siâl a echdynnir drwy ffracio. Pan oeddwn yn Weinidog cynllunio, gwn yn sicr ein bod yn darparu cyngor ac arweiniad i awdurdodau lleol, ond rwy'n hapus iawn i siarad â fy nghyd-Weinidog, Julie James, sydd yn ei sedd, i sicrhau, os oes angen i ni ddiweddaru neu adnewyddu cyngor, y gallwn wneud hynny.FootnoteLink
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am reoli argaeau yng nghanolbarth Cymru? OAQ54459
2. Will the Minister make a statement on the management of dams in mid Wales? OAQ54459
Natural Resources Wales is responsible for managing reservoirs in mid Wales, with the Clywedog and Vyrnwy reservoirs falling within their north operational area. I am aware of concerns surrounding the management of these reservoirs, and my officials are working with the Environment Agency and NRW to resolve any issues.
Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli cronfeydd dŵr yng nghanolbarth Cymru, gyda chronfeydd dŵr Clywedog ac Efyrnwy yn dod o fewn eu hardal weithredol yn y gogledd. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r pryderon ynghylch rheoli'r cronfeydd dŵr hyn, ac mae fy swyddogion yn gweithio gydag Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd a Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i ddatrys unrhyw broblemau.
Thank you, Minister, and I am pleased to hear that answer. There is real concern, and there's been ongoing concern for some time now, in regard to the operating rules and agreements of both dams, because water has been topping over both dams, that both of us have mentioned, and this has caused great flooding in large parts of my constituency. So, I would be grateful if we could expedite a review of the operating rules and agreement, and if you could liaise with your officials, Natural Resources Wales, and with the Environment Agency and Severn Trent Water, to bring about that review as soon as possible, because I think we've got to the point now where landowners are feeling absolutely exasperated.
Diolch, Weinidog, ac rwy'n falch o glywed yr ateb hwnnw. Mae pryder gwirioneddol yn bodoli, ac wedi bodoli ers peth amser bellach, ynghylch rheolau a chytundebau gweithredu'r ddau argae, gan fod dŵr wedi bod yn gorlifo dros y ddau argae, fel y crybwyllodd y ddau ohonom, ac mae hyn wedi achosi llifogydd mawr mewn rhannau helaeth o fy etholaeth. Felly, buaswn yn ddiolchgar pe gallem hwyluso adolygiad o'r rheolau a'r cytundeb gweithredu, a phe gallech gysylltu â'ch swyddogion, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, a chydag Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd a Severn Trent Water, i roi'r adolygiad hwnnw ar waith cyn gynted â phosibl, oherwydd rwy'n credu ein bod wedi cyrraedd pwynt yn awr lle mae tirfeddianwyr yn teimlo'n ddig dros ben.
Thank you. I am aware that, I think, you attended the last Clywedog and Vyrnwy liaison group meeting, which obviously my officials attended also. And there's the tripartite agreement between NRW, the Environment Agency and Hafren Dyfrdwy. I know they've already implemented some interim measures, to alter the timings of water releases, for instance, and that's based on downstream indicators. But, clearly, this is work that needs to continue. I think it's really important that the residents are aware of what's going on as well. So, I have asked my officials to attend a further meeting on the matter, along with NRW. I think it would be good if you could attend also; if you haven't had an invitation, then certainly I will make sure that you do have an invitation. And, obviously, I'll be updated following that meeting, to decide on what further action we need to take, if any.
Diolch. Rwy'n ymwybodol eich bod yn bresennol yng nghyfarfod diwethaf grŵp cyswllt Clywedog ac Efyrnwy, rwy'n credu, cyfarfod a fynychwyd hefyd gan fy swyddogion wrth gwrs. A cheir y cytundeb teirochrog rhwng Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd a Hafren Dyfrdwy. Gwn eu bod eisoes wedi gweithredu rhai camau dros dro, i newid amserau rhyddhau dŵr, er enghraifft, ac mae hynny'n seiliedig ar ddangosyddion i lawr yr afon. Ond yn amlwg, mae hwn yn waith sydd angen ei barhau. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod y trigolion yn ymwybodol o'r hyn sy'n digwydd hefyd. Felly, gofynnais i fy swyddogion ddod i gyfarfod arall ar y mater, ynghyd â Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n dda pe gallech chi fod yn bresennol hefyd; os nad ydych wedi cael gwahoddiad, yn sicr fe wnaf yn siŵr eich bod yn cael un. Ac yn amlwg, byddaf yn cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf yn dilyn y cyfarfod hwnnw, i benderfynu ar ba gamau pellach y bydd angen i ni eu cymryd, os o gwbl.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Y cwestiwn cyntaf gan lefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The first question from the Conservative spokesperson, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Thank you, Presiding Officer. This morning, Minister, I met Hope Rescue centre. After meeting them, it highlighted the importance around puppy farming and the regulations around puppy farming. And many of us are aware, obviously, of the BBC programme that shamed, I would suggest, Wales's image around the rest of the UK, and indeed the world, when we saw such images coming out. The Welsh Government have consulted on Lucy's law, and the proposals within Lucy's law that will go some way to tackling some of the abuses in the puppy breeding industry. I understand that the Welsh Government are in the process of considering those consultations. Can you give us an indication today when you might well be coming forward with some proposals? Because we cannot go on periodically seeing such horrendous images on our tv screens, and hearing first-hand accounts, such as I heard this morning, that do shame Wales.
Diolch, Lywydd. Y bore yma, Weinidog, cyfarfûm â chanolfan Achub Hope. Ar ôl eu cyfarfod, tynnwyd sylw at bwysigrwydd ffermio cŵn bach a'r rheoliadau sy'n ymwneud â ffermio cŵn bach. Ac mae llawer ohonom yn ymwybodol, yn amlwg, o raglen y BBC a wnaeth ddwyn gwarth yn fy marn i ar enw Cymru yng ngweddill y DU, a'r byd yn wir, pan welsom luniau o'r fath yn cael eu darlledu. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymgynghori ar gyfraith Lucy, a'r cynigion yng nghyfraith Lucy a fydd yn mynd beth o'r ffordd at fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r achosion o gam-drin yn y diwydiant bridio cŵn bach. Rwy'n deall bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn y broses o ystyried yr ymgynghoriadau hynny. A allwch roi syniad inni heddiw pryd y gallech fod yn cyflwyno argymhellion? Oherwydd ni allwn barhau i weld lluniau mor erchyll ar ein sgriniau teledu, a gwrando ar adroddiadau uniongyrchol, fel y clywais y bore yma, sy'n dwyn gwarth ar Gymru.
Thank you. I think we were all absolutely horrified by the documentary that was aired last week. And you're quite right, we did consult early this year in relation to Lucy's law. I had—and I do not know if Members will have seen the written statement that I've issued around this issue—a meeting, the next day, with the Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales, to see what we could do immediately. I think there are several things we can do. I think we need to make sure that local authorities are aware of—. Obviously, they're the enforcement group that need to go to these puppy farms to ensure that the licence requirements are being upheld. So, I've asked the chief veterinary officer to meet with all 22 local authorities. I've personally written to the chief executives to ask them if they can put forward a representative to attend the meeting with the chief veterinary officer. I've asked the animal welfare group to look at the regulations, alongside the consultation responses in relation to Lucy's law.
The chief veterinary officer has also asked the Royal Veterinary College to look at the programme, because, obviously, there are implications around veterinary surgeons also. And I think it's up to individuals as well, if they come across one of these farms, if they go to buy a puppy—. Because the need for puppies seems to be increasing. People seem to be acquiring, and wanting to acquire, puppies much more than usual. So, I think we need to understand why that is also. There's a piece of work that will be going on, but I absolutely agree with you—it was horrific.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu ein bod ni i gyd wedi ein brawychu'n fawr gan y rhaglen ddogfen a ddarlledwyd yr wythnos diwethaf. Ac rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, fe wnaethom ymgynghori yn gynnar eleni mewn perthynas â chyfraith Lucy. Cefais gyfarfod—ac nid wyf yn gwybod a welodd yr Aelodau y datganiad ysgrifenedig a gyhoeddais ar y mater—y diwrnod wedyn, gyda Phrif Swyddog Milfeddygol Cymru, i weld beth y gallem ei wneud ar unwaith. Rwy'n credu bod sawl peth y gallwn ei wneud. Rwy'n credu bod angen i ni wneud yn siŵr fod awdurdodau lleol yn ymwybodol o—. Yn amlwg, dyna'r grŵp gorfodi a ddylai fynd i'r ffermydd cŵn bach hyn i sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â gofynion y drwydded. Felly, gofynnais i'r prif swyddog milfeddygol gyfarfod â phob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol. Ysgrifennais yn bersonol at y prif weithredwyr i ofyn iddynt gyflwyno cynrychiolydd i ddod i'r cyfarfod gyda'r prif swyddog milfeddygol. Rwyf wedi gofyn i'r grŵp lles anifeiliaid edrych ar y rheoliadau, ynghyd â'r ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad mewn perthynas â chyfraith Lucy.
Mae'r prif swyddog milfeddygol hefyd wedi gofyn i'r Coleg Milfeddygol Brenhinol edrych ar y rhaglen, oherwydd, yn amlwg, ceir goblygiadau mewn perthynas â milfeddygon hefyd. Ac rwy'n meddwl ei fod yn fater i unigolion hefyd, os ydynt yn dod ar draws un o'r ffermydd hyn, os ydynt yn mynd i brynu ci bach—. Oherwydd mae'n ymddangos bod yr angen am gŵn bach yn cynyddu. Mae'n ymddangos bod llawer mwy o bobl nag arfer yn prynu, ac eisiau cael cŵn bach. Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen i ni ddeall pam y mae hynny'n digwydd hefyd. Bydd gwaith yn digwydd, ond rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi—roedd yn erchyll.
Thank you for the agreement on the images; I think any sane person would say the same, Minister. And I offer no criticism of the actions you've taken to date, because they seem to be actions that should be taken: engaging with people who will be involved in the enforcement—local authorities—the profession, i.e. veterinary surgeons, and obviously the puppy-breeding sector itself. I think what people are anxious to understand, given the level of consultation that's gone on around Lucy's law and other proposals that the Government have brought forward, is what timeline the Government is working to to actually implement safeguards and enforcement measures that will bring an end to these horrendous practices? Regrettably, there will always be rogues out there who will always try and circumnavigate the regulations, but, clearly, this is on an industrial scale—this is going on—and, in fact, in the presentation I received this morning, the puppy farm industry sector was calibrated to be about £12 million in Wales alone, which is a huge sum of money, and, when you put that money forward, people will try and beat the regulations. So, what we need to try and understand is that, instead of in six months' time watching the same images or new images on tv or through social media, we have taken action and put the remedial work in place to make sure that we can stamp these practices out. So, on those measures you mentioned to me in you first question, have you a timeline of action in place that will say, 'In two months, in four months, in six months we will be in a far better place'?
Diolch am gytuno ynglŷn â'r lluniau; rwy'n credu y byddai unrhyw berson call yn dweud yr un peth, Weinidog. Ac nid wyf yn beirniadu'r un o'r camau a gymerwyd gennych hyd yma, oherwydd ymddengys eu bod yn gamau gweithredu y dylid eu cymryd: ymgysylltu â phobl a fydd yn ymwneud â'r gwaith gorfodi—awdurdodau lleol—y proffesiwn, h.y. milfeddygon, ac yn amlwg y sector bridio cŵn bach ei hun. Rwy'n meddwl mai'r hyn y mae pobl yn awyddus i'w ddeall, o ystyried faint o ymgynghori a fu ynghylch cyfraith Lucy a chynigion eraill y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi'u cyflwyno, yw beth yw amserlen waith y Llywodraeth ar gyfer gweithredu mesurau diogelu a mesurau gorfodi a fydd yn dod â'r arferion erchyll hyn i ben? Gwaetha'r modd, bydd yna bob amser ddihirod a fydd yn ceisio osgoi'r rheoliadau, ond yn amlwg, mae hyn ar raddfa ddiwydiannol—mae hyn yn digwydd—ac yn wir, yn y cyflwyniad a gefais y bore yma, cyfrifwyd bod sector y diwydiant ffermydd cŵn bach yn werth tua £12 miliwn yng Nghymru yn unig, sy'n swm enfawr o arian, a phan fyddwch yn cael arian o'r fath, bydd pobl yn ceisio trechu'r rheoliadau. Felly, rhag ein bod yn gwylio'r un lluniau neu luniau newydd ar y teledu neu ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ymhen chwe mis, yr hyn y mae angen inni ei wybod yw ein bod wedi rhoi camau ar waith ac wedi rhoi gwaith adfer ar waith i sicrhau y gallwn roi diwedd ar yr arferion hyn. Felly, ar y mesurau y sonioch chi wrthyf amdanynt yn eich cwestiwn cyntaf, a oes gennych amserlen ar gyfer gweithredu a fydd yn dweud, 'Ymhen deufis, ymhen pedwar mis, ymhen chwe mis, byddwn mewn lle gwell o lawer'?
In relation to the actions I've taken following the documentary, obviously that is urgent, and we will do that over the next month or so. Certainly, the group will look at the breeding regulations for me very quickly—I would hope by the end of the year.
In relation to the Lucy's law consultation, I didn't want to get any unintended consequences from that, but, again, I've asked the CVO to look at when we can bring that in much quicker than we'd anticipated due to all the other ongoing work we've got, particularly in relation to Brexit. I am aware that the CVO's office is particularly stretched. So, in relation to a timeline for Lucy's law, I think I will have to write to the Member, but I would hope certainly by the spring.
O ran y camau a gymerais yn dilyn y rhaglen ddogfen, mae'n amlwg fod hynny'n fater brys, a byddwn yn gwneud hynny yn ystod y mis nesaf. Yn sicr, bydd y grŵp yn edrych ar y rheoliadau bridio yn gyflym iawn ar fy rhan—erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn buaswn yn gobeithio.
Mewn perthynas â'r ymgynghoriad ar gyfraith Lucy, nid oeddwn am gael unrhyw ganlyniadau anfwriadol yn sgil hynny, ond unwaith eto, rwyf wedi gofyn i'r prif swyddog milfeddygol ystyried pa bryd y gallwn gyflwyno hynny'n llawer cyflymach nag a ragwelwyd gennym o ganlyniad i'r holl waith parhaus arall sydd gennym, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â Brexit. Rwy'n ymwybodol fod swyddfa'r prif swyddog milfeddygol dan bwysau neilltuol. Felly, mewn perthynas ag amserlen ar gyfer cyfraith Lucy, rwy'n credu y bydd yn rhaid i mi ysgrifennu at yr Aelod, ond yn sicr erbyn y gwanwyn, buaswn yn gobeithio.
Thank you for that indicative timeline, and I look forward to receiving the letter, Minister. One thing that is crystal clear is, sadly, enforcement agencies—and I talk of local authorities here—have been hollowed out over many years, especially in trading standards departments, and whilst we might wish to put regulation in place and laws in place to stamp out this practice, unless they're enforced on the ground, they will be meaningless. In the meeting that the chief veterinary officer will be having with local authorities that you indicated in your first response to me, will the capacity issue be addressed? And will there be an overall assessment of what local authorities can achieve, because I've had it highlighted to me where there is good practice in certain local authorities, and in other local authorities there is no practice at all? And surely what we need is a unified approach so we can get the gold standard across the 22 local authorities that we have here in Wales. So, can you confirm that that will be on the agenda when the chief veterinary officer meets local authority representatives and, above all, the Welsh Government will undertake a piece of work to understand what is required on the enforcement side to make sure that these enforcement rules can be implemented in local authority areas?
Diolch i chi am yr amserlen ddangosol honno, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gael y llythyr, Weinidog. Un peth sy'n gwbl glir, yn anffodus, yw bod asiantaethau gorfodi—ac rwy'n sôn am awdurdodau lleol yma—wedi cael eu torri at yr asgwrn dros flynyddoedd lawer, yn enwedig adrannau safonau masnach, ac er efallai ein bod yn dymuno rhoi rheoliadau a deddfau ar waith a chael gwared ar yr arfer hwn, oni bai eu bod yn cael eu gorfodi ar lawr gwlad, byddant yn ddiystyr. Yn y cyfarfod y bydd y prif swyddog milfeddygol yn ei gael gydag awdurdodau lleol a nodwyd gennych yn eich ateb cyntaf i mi, a fydd capasiti'n cael sylw? Ac a geir asesiad cyffredinol o'r hyn y gall awdurdodau lleol ei gyflawni, oherwydd dywedwyd wrthyf fod arferion da i'w gweld mewn rhai awdurdodau lleol, ond mewn awdurdodau lleol eraill, nid oes gweithredu o gwbl? Ac yn sicr, yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom yw ymagwedd unedig fel y gallwn gael y safon aur ar draws y 22 o awdurdodau lleol sydd gennym yma yng Nghymru. Felly, a allwch gadarnhau y bydd hynny ar yr agenda pan fydd y prif swyddog milfeddygol yn cyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr awdurdodau lleol ac yn fwy na dim, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud gwaith i ddeall beth sydd ei angen ar yr ochr orfodi i sicrhau y gellir gweithredu'r rheolau gorfodi hyn yn ardaloedd yr awdurdodau lleol?
Certainly, the idea of meeting with all 22 local authorities was to find out what they perceive as barriers, for instance, to them being able to enforce. Capacity could be an issue. Obviously, local authorities have had to take some very difficult decisions over the last decade of austerity, but I think we do need to understand what the issues are, and then, I think, from that meeting, we will then decide on what action needs to be taken. So, I'm not saying we would have a review straight away, but, depending on what comes out of that meeting—. I can't remember the date of the meeting, but I think it's within the next month, certainly, that the CVO will be meeting all 22 local authorities, because I want to hear from them the difficulties—if there are difficulties—and what we don't want is a postcode lottery. So, as you say, it's absolutely right that we get some parity across those 22 local authorities.
Yn sicr, y bwriad o gyfarfod â phob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol oedd cael gwybod, er enghraifft, beth y maent yn ei weld fel rhwystrau i orfodi. Gallai capasiti fod yn broblem. Yn amlwg, mae awdurdodau lleol wedi gorfod gwneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn dros y degawd diwethaf o gyni, ond rwy'n credu bod angen i ni ddeall beth yw'r problemau, ac o'r cyfarfod hwnnw, rwy'n credu y byddwn yn penderfynu wedyn pa gamau sydd angen eu cymryd. Felly, nid wyf yn dweud y byddem yn cael adolygiad yn syth, ond, yn dibynnu ar yr hyn a ddaw allan o'r cyfarfod hwnnw—. Ni allaf gofio dyddiad y cyfarfod, ond rwy'n credu y bydd o fewn y mis nesaf, yn sicr, pan fydd y prif swyddog milfeddygol yn cyfarfod â phob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol, oherwydd rwyf am glywed am yr anawsterau—os oes anawsterau—ganddynt hwy, ac nid ydym am gael loteri cod post. Felly, fel y dywedwch, mae'n hollol iawn ein bod yn sicrhau cysondeb ar draws y 22 awdurdod lleol.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Llyr Gruffydd.
The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Llyr Gruffydd.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Minister, back in 2013, when the former rural affairs Minister, Alun Davies, maxed out on the modulation, if you remember, taking the maximum 15 per cent out of pillar 1 into pillar 2, it was touted at the time as something that would lead to, in his words, 'transformational change'. Has it?
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn ôl yn 2013, pan wnaeth y cyn-Weinidog materion gwledig, Alun Davies, wthio modiwleiddio i'r eithaf, os cofiwch, gan symud yr uchafswm o 15 y cant o golofn 1 i golofn 2, cafodd ei ddisgrifio ar y pryd fel rhywbeth a fyddai'n arwain at 'newid trawsnewidiol' yn ei eiriau ef. A yw wedi gwneud hynny?
I think we have seen some change. Is it transformational? I don't think we've perhaps seen the change that we would want in some areas. I don't think you can generalise and say sweepingly—. It's something I'm actually considering whether we take forward, because, post Brexit, I'll certainly be in a position to look at that. But I think it's really important that we work with the farming unions. I know they were unhappy with it back in 2013. It's something that is constantly raised with me and I think we need to look at it in the whole.
Rwy'n credu ein bod wedi gweld rhywfaint o newid. A yw'n drawsnewidiol? Nid wyf yn credu ein bod wedi gweld y newid y byddem yn dymuno ei weld mewn rhai mannau o bosibl. Nid wyf yn credu y gallwch gyffredinoli a dweud yn ysgubol—. Mae'n rhywbeth rwy'n ystyried a ydym yn bwrw ymlaen ag ef mewn gwirionedd oherwydd, ar ôl Brexit, byddaf yn sicr mewn sefyllfa i edrych ar hynny. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn gweithio gyda'r undebau ffermio. Gwn eu bod yn anhapus ag ef yn ôl yn 2013. Mae'n rhywbeth sy'n cael ei ddwyn i fy sylw'n gyson ac rwy'n credu bod angen i ni edrych arno yn ei gyfanrwydd.
So, five years later, you're not sure; you don't know. Maybe that suggests that somebody needs to do a piece of work looking at the use of that particular money, because farmers were, of course, told, at the time, that the money taken out from their direct payments would actually come back to them through the rural development programme. The reality, of course, is very different, because we've seen how the programme budget reduced significantly in 2016, from £956 million, as a result of amending the rate of domestic co-financing provided by the Welsh Government, to what is now a total budget of £828 million for the programme period, of course, which ends next year.
Now, worse still, as of the end of August this year, you've only spent 41 per cent of the total RDP budget. So, having picked the pockets of Welsh farmers on the premise that that money will be maximised in relation to economic development in rural Wales, can you assure everyone that there will be no further erosion of RDP funds by further reductions of the co-financing rate? And do you acknowledge that there is now, at this late stage, a very real risk that your Government will fail to spend the budget effectively and in full?
Felly, bum mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, nid ydych yn siŵr; nid ydych yn gwybod. Efallai fod hynny'n awgrymu bod angen i rywun wneud gwaith i edrych ar y defnydd o'r arian penodol hwnnw, oherwydd wrth gwrs, dywedwyd wrth ffermwyr ar y pryd y byddai'r arian a gâi ei dynnu o'u taliadau uniongyrchol yn dod yn ôl iddynt mewn gwirionedd drwy'r rhaglen datblygu gwledig. Mae'r realiti, wrth gwrs, yn wahanol iawn, oherwydd gwelsom sut y gostyngodd cyllideb y rhaglen yn sylweddol yn 2016, o £956 miliwn, o ganlyniad i ddiwygio'r gyfradd gydgyllido ddomestig a ddarperir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, i'r hyn sydd bellach yn gyllideb gyfan o £828 miliwn ar gyfer cyfnod y rhaglen, wrth gwrs, sy'n dod i ben y flwyddyn nesaf.
Nawr, yn waeth byth, o ddiwedd mis Awst eleni, dim ond 41 y cant o gyfanswm cyllideb y cynllun datblygu gwledig a wariwyd gennych. Felly, ar ôl mynd ag arian o bocedi ffermwyr Cymru ar y sail y câi'r arian ei gynyddu i'r eithaf mewn perthynas â datblygu economaidd yn y Gymru wledig, a allwch roi sicrwydd i bawb na fydd rhagor o erydu ar gronfeydd y cynllun datblygu gwledig oherwydd gostyngiadau pellach yn y gyfradd gydgyllido? Ac a ydych yn cydnabod, ar y cam diweddar hwn, fod perygl real iawn y bydd eich Llywodraeth yn methu gwario'r gyllideb yn effeithiol ac yn llawn?
Well, I certainly don't want to see that and that's the discussion I've had with officials. I met with the head of Rural Payments Wales last week just to discuss this very issue. As you know, it's a seven-year programme. The proposals for the remaining activity under the current RDP have been agreed, last December. The proposals will require a modification to the programme. So, they are obviously subject to European Commission approval. But the message I give out is that we must max this money as much as possible, and I certainly don't want that to be a failure.
Wel, yn sicr, nid wyf am weld hynny a dyna'r drafodaeth a gefais gyda swyddogion. Cyfarfûm â phennaeth Taliadau Gwledig Cymru yr wythnos diwethaf i drafod yr union fater hwn. Fel y gwyddoch, mae'n rhaglen saith mlynedd. Mae'r cynigion ar gyfer gweddill y gweithgarwch o dan y cynllun datblygu gwledig presennol wedi'u cytuno fis Rhagfyr diwethaf. Bydd angen addasu'r rhaglen ar gyfer y cynigion. Felly, maent yn amlwg yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd. Ond y neges rwy'n ei rhoi yw fod yn rhaid i ni wneud y mwyaf o'r arian hwn, ac yn sicr nid wyf am i hynny fod yn fethiant.
We must max this out as much as possible—that doesn't sound like a categoric assurance to me that that money will be used in full and effectively. And, of course, the worry is that if the money is late being allocated then, of course, as is very often in other spheres, it's going to be a case of that money being pushed out of the door in blind panic at the end just in order to make sure that the money's spent.
Now, I've written today to the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, asking that they look at the Welsh Government's handling, and the effectiveness, of RDP funding, especially, of course, in light of comments by National Farmers Union Cymru that their members tell them that, and I quote:
'Opportunities to access RDP funds have been limited for farming businesses, application windows have been sporadic and often under-resourced with applicants turned away. The application and claim process has been complex and costly, with many farmers having to resort to paying advisers and consultants to assist.'
Now these implementation issues, of course, are all firmly under your Government's control, and your 'Sustainable Farming and our Land' proposals are based on quite similar adviser-led approaches. So, will you, as they ask, and as I'm now asking you today, to do—will you urgently commission an independent review of the rural development programme in Wales so that we can learn lessons and have confidence in any new schemes that the Government wish to pursue?
Rhaid inni wneud y mwyaf o hyn gymaint ag sy'n bosibl—nid yw hynny'n swnio fel sicrwydd pendant i mi y defnyddir yr arian hwnnw'n llawn ac yn effeithiol. Ac wrth gwrs, os yw'r arian yn hwyr yn cael ei ddyrannu, fel sy'n digwydd yn aml iawn mewn meysydd eraill, y pryder yw y bydd yr arian hwnnw'n cael ei wthio allan drwy'r drws mewn panig dall ar y diwedd er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr fod yr arian yn cael ei wario.
Nawr, ysgrifennais at Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus heddiw i ofyn iddynt edrych ar y ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n trin cyllid y rhaglen datblygu gwledig, a'i effeithiolrwydd, yn enwedig, wrth gwrs, yng ngoleuni sylwadau gan Undeb Cenedlaethol Amaethwyr Cymru fod eu haelodau'n dweud wrthynt, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
Mae'r cyfleoedd i fusnesau ffermio allu manteisio ar gronfeydd y cynllun datblygu gwledig wedi bod yn gyfyngedig, mae'r cyfnodau ar gyfer cyflwyno ceisiadau wedi bod yn ysbeidiol ac yn aml heb ddigon o adnoddau gydag ymgeiswyr yn cael eu troi ymaith. Mae'r broses wneud ceisiadau a hawlio wedi bod yn gymhleth ac yn gostus, gyda llawer o ffermwyr yn gorfod troi at dalu cynghorwyr ac ymgynghorwyr i'w cynorthwyo.
Nawr, mae'r materion gweithredol hyn, wrth gwrs, i gyd o dan reolaeth eich Llywodraeth, ac mae argymhellion eich 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir' yn seiliedig ar argymhellion dan arweiniad cynghorwyr sy'n eithaf tebyg. Felly, a wnewch chi, fel y maent yn gofyn, ac fel rwyf i'n gofyn i chi ei wneud heddiw—a wnewch chi gomisiynu adolygiad annibynnol ar frys o'r rhaglen datblygu gwledig yng Nghymru fel y gallwn ddysgu gwersi a chael hyder mewn unrhyw gynlluniau newydd y dymuna'r Llywodraeth eu dilyn?
I think it's not the right time to have a review. As you know, we are out to consultation at the moment on 'Sustainable Farming and our Land' and I think people's views around the RDP are something that they can put forward in that consultation, particularly, as you say, when the scheme that we are proposing will use advisers in the way you suggest.
Rwy'n credu nad dyma'r amser iawn i gael adolygiad. Fel y gwyddoch, rydym yn ymgynghori ar hyn o bryd ar 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir' ac rwy'n credu bod barn pobl am y cynllun datblygu gwledig yn rhywbeth y gallant ei gyflwyno yn yr ymgynghoriad hwnnw, yn enwedig, fel y dywedwch, pan fydd y cynllun yr ydym yn ei gynnig yn defnyddio cynghorwyr yn y ffordd rydych chi'n awgrymu.
Cwestiwn 3, Llyr Gruffydd.
Question 3, Llyr Gruffydd.
Mae'n ddrwg gyda fi, Llywydd.
I do apologise, Llywydd.
Gathering my thoughts—.
I gael trefn ar fy meddyliau—.
3. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau cadwraeth tir ffermio yng Nghymru? OAQ54489
3. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to ensure the conservation of farming land in Wales? OAQ54489
Diolch. 'Sustainable Farming and our Land' sets out my proposals for the future of farming in Wales. My ambition is to keep farmers on the land in sustainable farms, producing both food and environmental benefits in a system that enhances the well-being of farmers, communities and the people of Wales.
Diolch. Mae 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir' yn amlinellu fy argymhellion ar gyfer dyfodol ffermio yng Nghymru. Fy uchelgais yw cadw ffermwyr ar y tir mewn ffermydd cynaliadwy, i gynhyrchu bwyd a manteision amgylcheddol mewn system sy'n gwella lles ffermwyr, cymunedau a phobl Cymru.
Denbighshire County Council's scrutiny committee's report into the Llantysilio mountain fire raises a number of questions directed to a number of different agencies. I'm wondering if you could tell me what lessons the Welsh Government has taken from this whole episode and, particularly given that a number of the recommendations in their report refer to Natural Resources Wales, what advice you've given to NRW on their role in working with landowners and other agencies to avoid similar situations in the future.
Mae adroddiad pwyllgor craffu Cyngor Sir Ddinbych ar y tân ar fynydd Llantysilio yn codi nifer o gwestiynau a gyfeiriwyd at nifer o wahanol asiantaethau. Tybed a allech ddweud wrthyf pa wersi y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u dysgu o'r digwyddiad hwn, ac yn enwedig o ystyried bod nifer o'r argymhellion yn eu hadroddiad yn cyfeirio at Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, pa gyngor a roddwyd gennych i CNC ar eu rôl yn gweithio gyda thirfeddianwyr ac asiantaethau eraill er mwyn osgoi sefyllfaoedd tebyg yn y dyfodol.
So, at present I have not had the advice that I've asked for following that report, but, once I do, I will write to the Member or I will share the advice that I give to NRW, whichever is more appropriate.FootnoteLink
Ar hyn o bryd nid wyf wedi cael y cyngor y gofynnais amdano yn dilyn yr adroddiad hwnnw, ond pan fyddaf wedi'i gael, fe ysgrifennaf at yr Aelod neu byddaf yn rhannu'r cyngor a roddaf i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, beth bynnag fydd yn fwyaf priodol.FootnoteLink
The Summit to Sea project in mid Wales has been accused of reflecting the partners' focus on the environment and paying much less attention to the cultural, linguistic, social and economic aspects of sustainable development, which, of course, is fundamental to the development of the whole community. Minister, what can you do to ensure that, when projects like this are set up in the future, better community consultation is entered into before any project is allowed off the ground?
Mae'r prosiect O'r Mynydd i'r Môr yng nghanolbarth Cymru wedi'i gyhuddo o adlewyrchu ffocws y partneriaid ar yr amgylchedd a rhoi llawer llai o sylw i agweddau diwylliannol, ieithyddol, cymdeithasol ac economaidd datblygu cynaliadwy, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn sylfaenol i ddatblygiad y gymuned gyfan. Weinidog, beth y gallwch ei wneud i sicrhau, pan sefydlir prosiectau o'r fath yn y dyfodol, y gwneir gwaith ymgynghori cymunedol gwell cyn y caniateir i unrhyw brosiect gael ei roi ar waith?
I absolutely agree that there are some projects that would, on refection, be better for having that community focus. I'm not aware specifically of the one that you raised with me. I think all those things that you say fall into what I look for when I'm going out to consultation—. So, I've made it very clear that, in Wales, we do have linguistic differences to other countries, so it's very important—. So, 'Sustainable Farming and our Land', for instance, which I just mentioned in my original answer to Llyr Huws Gruffydd—I made that very clear, that all those aspects of sustainable development need to come together. So, I think most things that we do in the community are always more collaborative if you have that initial contact with the community that, sadly, isn't always there.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr fod yna rai prosiectau a fyddai, o'u hailweithredu, yn well o gael y ffocws cymunedol hwnnw. Nid wyf yn ymwybodol o'r un a nodwyd gennych yn benodol. Rwy'n credu bod popeth a ddywedwch wedi'i gynnwys yn yr hyn y chwiliaf amdano wrth ddechrau ymgynghori—. Felly, rwyf wedi dweud yn glir iawn fod gennym wahaniaethau ieithyddol i'r hyn a geir mewn gwledydd eraill yng Nghymru, felly mae'n bwysig iawn—. Felly, 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir', er enghraifft, y soniais amdano yn awr yn fy ateb gwreiddiol i Llyr Huws Gruffydd—dywedais yn glir iawn fod angen i'r holl agweddau hynny ar ddatblygu cynaliadwy ddod at ei gilydd. Felly, rwy'n credu bod y rhan fwyaf o'r pethau a wnawn yn y gymuned bob amser yn fwy cydweithredol os ydych chi wedi cael y cysylltiad cychwynnol â r gymuned nad yw yno bob amser, gwaetha'r modd.
Cwestiwn 4, Nick Ramsay.
Question 4, Nick Ramsay.
Diolch, Llywydd. Will the First—? Will the Minister make a statement—? I was promoting you there.
Diolch, Lywydd. A wnaiff y Prif—? A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad—? Rhoddais ddyrchafiad i chi.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am bolisïau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer cefnogi ffermio? OAQ54478
4. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's policies for supporting farming? OAQ54478
Thank you. The Welsh Government provides substantial assistance to help farm businesses improve their financial and environmental performance. Through 'Sustainable Farming and our Land', the Welsh Government is developing a comprehensive modern agricultural policy, which will encourage resilience, sustainability and prosperity.
Diolch. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cymorth sylweddol i helpu busnesau fferm i wella eu perfformiad ariannol ac amgylcheddol. Drwy 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir', mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n datblygu polisi amaethyddol modern, cynhwysfawr a fydd yn annog cadernid, cynaliadwyedd a ffyniant.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. I think Llyr Gruffydd has pretty much maxed out all the subjects to question you on in farming in the last couple of questions. He's even written to me as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. But with regard to the 'Sustainable Farming and our Land' consultation that Llyr mentioned, that's obviously well under way—been under way for some time. I've had extensive discussions with the National Farmers Union and the Farmers Union of Wales, particularly over the summer—I'm sure you have as well—at the variety of agricultural shows around Wales. I wonder if you could update us on where we are at the moment with that consultation. The farmers I saw have welcomed some of the changes that have been taken on board by the Welsh Government. I think the term 'land managers'—'farmers' is being used more now in the document, which I know is to their liking, and says more about how they're dealing with their particular land management issues. Are you planning any other significant changes? And if you could just give us a general idea of where we are with that consultation and if there's anything else you would like to see from the farming community in Wales in terms of positive suggestions for this consultation, so we can get the best policy in the long run that we can all unite behind.
Diolch i chi am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Rwy'n credu bod Llyr Gruffydd wedi tynnu sylw at y mwyafrif posibl o bynciau i'ch holi ynglŷn â ffermio yn y ddau gwestiwn diwethaf. Mae hyd yn oed wedi ysgrifennu ataf fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus. Ond mewn perthynas ag ymgynghoriad 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir' y soniodd Llyr amdano, mae hwnnw'n amlwg wedi bod ar y gweill—ac wedi bod ar y gweill ers peth amser. Cefais drafodaethau helaeth gydag Undeb Cenedlaethol yr Amaethwyr ac Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru, yn enwedig dros yr haf—rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi wedi'u cael hefyd—yn y sioeau amaethyddol amrywiol ledled Cymru. Tybed a allech roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni ynglŷn â ble rydym arni ar hyn o bryd gyda'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw. Mae'r ffermwyr a welais wedi croesawu rhai o'r newidiadau a gafodd eu hystyried gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n credu bod mwy o ddefnydd ar y term 'rheolwyr tir'—'ffermwyr' yn y ddogfen bellach, a gwn fod hynny'n eu bodloni, ac yn dweud mwy ynglŷn â sut y maent yn ymdrin â'u materion rheoli tir penodol. A ydych chi'n cynllunio unrhyw newidiadau arwyddocaol eraill? A phe gallech roi syniad cyffredinol inni o ble rydym arni gyda'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw ac os oes unrhyw beth arall yr hoffech ei weld gan y gymuned ffermio yng Nghymru o ran awgrymiadau cadarnhaol ar gyfer yr ymgynghoriad hwn, fel y gallwn gael y polisi gorau i bawb ohonom allu cytuno yn ei gylch yn y tymor hir.
Thank you. Certainly, in my discussions over the summer at the Royal Welsh Show and other agricultural shows I attended, it was very clear that the farming unions, in particular, and individual farmers, had welcomed the change in tone perhaps from 'Brexit and our land' to 'Sustainable Farming and our Land'. It is out to consultation—we have until 30 October—so, I'm very grateful to have the opportunity to remind everyone to please bring forward your responses to that consultation. I understand, the last time I asked, which was probably about three days ago, we'd had over 2,000 responses to date. Last year, we had 12,000, so you can see I would really like to get around that number again—particularly individual responses; I'm very interested in people's specific views. So, it's too early, obviously, to say what I expect to come out of that consultation, but what I do want to reiterate is it's a meaningful consultation and I really do want to hear from everybody.
Diolch. Yn sicr, yn fy nhrafodaethau dros yr haf yn Sioe Frenhinol Cymru a sioeau amaethyddol eraill a fynychais, roedd yn amlwg iawn fod yr undebau ffermio yn arbennig, a ffermwyr unigol, wedi croesawu'r newid cywair efallai o 'Brexit a'n tir' i 'Ffermio Cynaliadwy a'n Tir'. Mae'r ymgynghoriad wedi cychwyn—mae gennym tan 30 Hydref—felly, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cyfle i atgoffa pawb i gyflwyno eich ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw os gwelwch yn dda. Y tro diwethaf i mi ofyn, sef tua thri diwrnod yn ôl mae'n debyg, cefais ddeall ein bod wedi cael dros 2,000 o ymatebion hyd yma. Y llynedd, cawsom 12,000, felly gallwch weld y buaswn yn hoffi cael oddeutu'r un nifer eto—yn enwedig ymatebion gan unigolion; mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr yn safbwyntiau penodol pobl. Felly, mae'n rhy gynnar, yn amlwg, i ddweud beth rwy'n disgwyl ei weld o'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw, ond rwyf am ailadrodd ei fod yn ymgynghoriad ystyrlon ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i glywed gan bawb.
5. Sut mae'r argyfwng yn yr hinsawdd, a gafodd ei ddatgan ym mis Ebrill 2019, yn ail-lunio cynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer diwydiant bwyd Cymru? OAQ54492
5. How is the climate emergency, declared in April 2019, reshaping Welsh Government plans for the Welsh food industry? OAQ54492
Thank you. Sustainability is an important consideration in our proposals for a new strategic plan for the food and drink industry, which is under consultation at the current time, closing on 15 October. We will publish a summary of responses, and sustainability will feature in the finalised plan.
Diolch. Mae cynaliadwyedd yn ystyriaeth bwysig yn ein cynigion ar gyfer cynllun strategol newydd i'r diwydiant bwyd a diod, sy'n destun ymgynghoriad ar hyn o bryd, ac sy'n cau ar 15 Hydref. Byddwn yn cyhoeddi crynodeb o'r ymatebion, a bydd cynaliadwyedd yn nodwedd o'r cynllun terfynol.
Well, it will be interesting to see the responses. I think last week we learnt that the state of nature report that was published last week is highlighting a terrifying loss of insects, including 60 per cent of Welsh butterflies and seven species of Welsh bees. Now, the overuse of pesticides, rather than allowing nature to thrive alongside man's and woman's use of the land, is clearly a cause for concern. So, two questions: what plans does the Welsh Government have to reduce the use of pesticides that put at risk the pollination of fruit, vegetables and flowers? And, in the context of the threat of a 'no deal' Brexit, which really raises serious issues about our food security, how does the Government plan to use public procurement to buy more Welsh produce, which would, as a by-product, obviously reduce food miles?
Wel, bydd yn ddiddorol gweld yr ymatebion. Yr wythnos diwethaf, rwy'n credu, cawsom wybod bod yr adroddiad ar gyflwr byd natur a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf yn tynnu sylw at golli pryfed i raddau brawychus, gan gynnwys 60 y cant o loÿnnod byw a saith rhywogaeth o wenyn yng Nghymru. Nawr, mae gorddefnyddio plaladdwyr, yn hytrach na gadael i natur ffynnu ochr yn ochr â defnydd pobl o'r tir, yn amlwg yn destun pryder. Felly, dau gwestiwn: pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i leihau'r defnydd o blaladdwyr sy'n peryglu peillio ffrwythau, llysiau a blodau? Ac yng nghyd-destun bygythiad Brexit heb gytundeb, sy'n creu problemau difrifol iawn mewn perthynas â'n diogelwch bwyd, sut y mae'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu defnyddio caffael cyhoeddus i brynu mwy o gynnyrch o Gymru, a fyddai, fel sgil-effaith, yn amlwg yn lleihau milltiroedd bwyd?
Thank you. Well, in relation to reducing pesticides, that is something that we've been encouraging for some significant time, and working with farmers and other land managers in relation to that. I think the state of nature report, which we're currently considering, was quite stark in parts. Obviously, we have our own report, our own state of natural resources report, so I think we're ahead of the game, but I think it did make very stark reading in parts.
In relation to a 'no deal' Brexit, obviously we continue to say there has to be a deal, and those discussions are ongoing. In relation to public procurement, I have actually said that I do think that is an opportunity, post Brexit, if we are looking for opportunities. Obviously, public sector organisations are responsible for making decisions in relation to the food and drink that is available in their establishments. We've got the National Procurement Service, where we have food and drink framework agreements, but I think there will be more opportunities post Brexit, if we do indeed leave the European Union, for more public procurement. I mentioned that we were out to consultation on the food and drink action plan at the moment. We have the current action plan and that absolutely recognises, and that's now into its sixth year of being—it absolutely recognises the importance of the local food supply chain to the food industry in Wales, encompassing local retail, hospitality, food service, direct retail and, of course, our public services too.
Diolch. Wel, o ran lleihau plaladdwyr, mae hynny'n rhywbeth y buom yn ei annog ers cryn amser, a gweithio gyda ffermwyr a rheolwyr tir eraill mewn perthynas â hynny. Rwy'n credu bod rhannau o'r adroddiad ar gyflwr byd natur, sydd dan ystyriaeth gennym ar hyn o bryd, yn eithaf digalon. Yn amlwg, mae gennym ein hadroddiad ein hunain, ein hadroddiad ein hunain am gyflwr adnoddau naturiol, felly rwy'n credu ein bod ar flaen y gad, ond rwy'n credu bod rhannau ohono'n ddigalon iawn.
O ran Brexit heb gytundeb, mae'n amlwg ein bod yn dal i ddweud bod yn rhaid cael cytundeb, ac mae'r trafodaethau hynny'n parhau. O ran caffael cyhoeddus, rwyf wedi dweud fy mod yn credu bod hwnnw'n gyfle ar ôl Brexit mewn gwirionedd os ydym yn chwilio am gyfleoedd. Yn amlwg, sefydliadau'r sector cyhoeddus sy'n gyfrifol am wneud penderfyniadau mewn perthynas â'r bwydydd a'r diodydd sydd ar gael yn eu sefydliadau. Mae gennym y Gwasanaeth Caffael Cenedlaethol, lle mae gennym gytundebau fframwaith bwyd a diod, ond rwy'n credu y bydd mwy o gyfleoedd ar ôl Brexit, os ydym yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd mewn gwirionedd, ar gyfer mwy o gaffael cyhoeddus. Crybwyllais ein bod yn ymgynghori ar y cynllun gweithredu bwyd a diod ar hyn o bryd. Mae'r cynllun gweithredu presennol gennym ac mae hwnnw'n llwyr gydnabod, ac yn ei chweched flwyddyn bellach o fod—mae'n llwyr gydnabod pwysigrwydd y gadwyn cyflenwi bwyd leol i'r diwydiant bwyd yng Nghymru, gan gwmpasu manwerthu lleol, lletygarwch, gweini bwyd, manwerthu uniongyrchol ac wrth gwrs, ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hefyd.
Minister, obviously people are conscious that the way they eat could have an effect on climate change and the climate change emergency that the Government here and in other parts of the UK have declared. What we do know is that the red meat sector here in Wales is predominantly a grass-based production cycle, which is actually positive for the environment. Have you had any requests from Hybu Cig Cymru about securing funding so that the positivity around what Welsh beef and lamb are to the environment, in the way that they're grass based in the diet they use, can be promoted to the consumer, rather than maybe some of the more intensive systems coming from other parts of the globe that do have a detrimental impact on our carbon footprint?
Weinidog, yn amlwg, mae pobl yn ymwybodol y gallai'r ffordd y maent yn bwyta gael effaith ar newid yn yr hinsawdd a'r argyfwng newid hinsawdd y mae'r Llywodraeth yma ac mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU wedi'i ddatgan. Yr hyn a wyddom yw bod y sector cig coch yma yng Nghymru yn gylch cynhyrchu sy'n seiliedig ar laswellt yn bennaf, ac mae hynny'n gadarnhaol i'r amgylchedd. A ydych wedi cael unrhyw geisiadau gan Hybu Cig Cymru ynghylch sicrhau cyllid fel bod modd hyrwyddo'r agwedd gadarnhaol i'r defnyddiwr ar yr hyn yw cig eidion a chig oen Cymru i'r amgylchedd, yn y ffordd y maent yn seiliedig ar laswellt o ran y deiet a ddefnyddiant, yn hytrach na rhai o'r systemau mwy dwys sy'n dod o rannau eraill o'r byd o bosibl, sy'n cael effaith niweidiol ar ein hôl troed carbon?
I haven't had a specific request for funding from HCC just in relation to that, but you'll be aware we gave HCC—I think it was over £2 million to help in promoting our red meat sector, and, in fact, HCC have been out in Japan as part of the trade mission doing just that. But I think you make a very important point, and I'm questioned a lot about red meat and people's eating habits, and I think it's about a balance. But what I would say to people is, if they want to eat sustainably, the best thing to do is to support our local farmers and food producers.
Nid wyf wedi cael cais penodol am gyllid gan HCC mewn perthynas â hynny, ond fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol ein bod wedi rhoi—rwy'n credu ei fod dros £2 filiwn i Hybu Cig Cymru i helpu i hyrwyddo ein sector cig coch, ac yn wir, mae HCC wedi bod allan yn Japan fel rhan o'r daith fasnach i wneud yn union hynny. Ond rwy'n credu eich bod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn, ac mae llawer yn holi i mi am gig coch ac arferion bwyta pobl, ac rwy'n meddwl ei fod yn ymwneud â chydbwysedd. Ond rwyf am ddweud wrth bobl mai'r peth gorau i'w wneud os ydynt am fwyta'n gynaliadwy yw cefnogi ein ffermwyr a'n cynhyrchwyr bwyd lleol.
6. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol ynglŷn â materion ynni sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol drafft 2020-2040? OAQ54482
6. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Housing and Local Government regarding energy matters that are included in the draft National Development Framework 2020-2040? OAQ54482
Diolch. The Minister for Housing and Local Government and I have taken a fully collaborative approach on energy matters in the national development framework. I have engaged with her throughout its development, and continue to engage as we consider the responses to the current consultation.
Diolch. Mae'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol a minnau wedi mabwysiadu agwedd gwbl gydweithredol tuag at faterion ynni yn y fframwaith datblygu cenedlaethol. Rwyf wedi ymwneud â hi drwy gydol ei ddatblygiad, ac yn parhau i ymgysylltu wrth i ni ystyried yr ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad presennol.
Yn wyneb yr argyfwng hinsawdd yma, mae'n rhaid inni gynyddu faint o drydan rydyn ni'n ei gynhyrchu o ffynonellau adnewyddol. Mae hefyd angen inni gael cefnogaeth y cyhoedd i hynny. Mae'r fframwaith drafft yn adnabod ardal sylweddol o Ynys Môn y dylid ei hystyried yn ardal flaenoriaeth ar gyfer cynhyrchu ynni solar a gwynt. Mae'r ymchwil yn seiliedig ar godi tyrbinau o hyd at 250m o daldra. Os meddyliwn ni am y pethau talaf yn Ynys Môn, dydy Tŵr Marcwis ond yn 106m, simdde'r hen Alwminiwm Môn ddim ond yn 122m. Mae'r tir uchaf yn Môn, Mynydd Twr ar Ynys Cybi, ddim ond yn 220m. Ar dirwedd isel Môn, mae'n berffaith amlwg bod awgrymu tyrbinau o'r maint yma, neu unrhyw beth yn agos at y maint yna, yn gwbl amhriodol. Oes, mae yna le i ystyried y gwynt ar raddfa fach sy'n gweddu i'r tirwedd, ond ydy'r Gweinidog yn sylweddoli mai'r oll sydd wedi digwydd yn fan hyn, mewn difrif, ydy codi ofn a chodi gwrychyn? A wnaiff hi roi sicrwydd y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n tynnu'r bygythiad yna yn ôl? Ond hefyd, efo cymaint o sgôp i Ynys Môn gynhyrchu trydan adnewyddol yn y môr, yn ynni gwynt ac ynni llanw, sydd ddim hyd yn oed yn cael ei grybwyll yn y fframwaith, a ydy'r Gweinidog yn gweld mai dyna'r ffordd orau i allu cynhyrchu mwy o ynni adnewyddol a chael cefnogaeth y cyhoedd i hynny?
Given the climate emergency, we must increase the amount of electricity we produce from renewable sources. We also need public support for that. The draft framework identifies a significant area of Anglesey that should be considered as a priority area for the production of solar and wind energy. The research is based on erecting turbines of up to 250m. If we think about the tallest things on Anglesey, the Marquess’s column is only 106m, the old Anglesey Aluminum chimney is only 122m, the highest land in Anglesey, Holyhead Mountain on Holy Island, is only 220m. Given the low-lying nature of Anglesey, it’s totally obvious that suggesting turbines of this scale, or anywhere near that scale, is totally inappropriate. Yes, there is scope to consider small-scale wind that is appropriate to the landscape, but does the Minister realise that all that’s happened here, if truth be told, is that fears have been raised and people have been angered? Will she give an assurance that the Welsh Government will withdraw that threat? But also, with so much scope for Anglesey to produce renewable energy at sea, both tide and wind, which isn’t even mentioned in the framework, does the Minister see that that is best way of producing more renewable energy and getting public support for that?
I think you raise a couple of important points, which I will come to in a moment. But I think, to start with, I should reiterate we're currently out to consultation, so I think, if people do have those fears, put in their responses and obviously they will be looked at by the Minister for Housing and Local Government as part of the consultation responses.
Last week, I was in Dublin, at the ocean energy conference. Clearly, there is huge scope for innovation. I saw some presentations of energy production that you could only dream about; you would not think it's possible. So, I think that the opportunities around tidal and marine energy are huge and, clearly, Ynys Môn is absolutely at the fore in relation to that. So, taking the public with you, keeping the public confidence is very important, but everybody has to accept that, if you want electricity, we have to look at new ways of delivering it.
Credaf eich bod yn gwneud un neu ddau o bwyntiau pwysig, a dof atynt yn y man. Ond i ddechrau, rwy'n credu y dylwn ailadrodd ein bod yn ymgynghori ar hyn o bryd, felly os yw pobl yn pryderu am hynny, credaf y dylent gyflwyno eu hymatebion a bydd y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol yn edrych arnynt fel rhan o'r ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad wrth gwrs.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, roeddwn yn Nulyn, yng nghynhadledd ynni'r cefnfor. Yn amlwg, mae cyfle enfawr i arloesi. Gwelais gyflwyniadau ar gynhyrchu ynni na allech ond breuddwydio amdanynt; ni fyddech yn meddwl ei bod hi'n bosibl. Felly, rwy'n credu bod y cyfleoedd sy'n gysylltiedig ag ynni'r llanw a'r môr yn enfawr ac yn amlwg, mae Ynys Môn yn bendant ar y blaen mewn perthynas â hynny. Felly, gan fynd â'r cyhoedd gyda chi, mae cadw hyder y cyhoedd yn bwysig iawn, ond rhaid i bawb dderbyn, os ydych am gael trydan, fod yn rhaid inni edrych ar ffyrdd newydd o'i gyflenwi.
Minister, the current proposals within the energy section of the NDF don't include any details about how the energy produced would then be connected to the national grid. I wonder what representations you have made to the Minister for Housing and Local Government on this, and other bodies yourself, in terms of speaking to the national grid yourself as well. If the consultation results clearly demonstrate that there is not support for the proposals in the energy section within the NDF, will you amend or scrap those proposals?
Weinidog, nid yw'r argymhellion presennol yn yr adran ar ynni yn y Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol yn cynnwys unrhyw fanylion ynglŷn â sut y byddai'r ynni a gynhyrchir yn cael ei gysylltu â'r grid cenedlaethol wedyn. Tybed pa sylwadau a gyflwynoch chi i'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol ar hyn, a chyrff eraill, o ran siarad â'r grid cenedlaethol eich hun hefyd. Os yw canlyniadau'r ymgynghoriad yn dangos yn glir nad oes cefnogaeth i'r argymhellion yn yr adran ar ynni yn y Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol, a wnewch chi ddiwygio neu ddileu'r argymhellion hynny?
I've obviously had discussions with the national grid, and I know that the Minister for Housing and Local Government has herself met with the national grid. Capacity for the grid is clearly an issue and we urge the UK Government to ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is there. Obviously, we're out to consultation on the NDF at the current time, and the Minister will look at all responses and then bring forward the plan in due course.
Yn amlwg, cefais drafodaethau gyda'r grid cenedlaethol, a gwn fod y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol ei hun wedi cyfarfod â'r grid cenedlaethol. Mae capasiti'r grid yn amlwg yn broblem ac anogwn Lywodraeth y DU i sicrhau bod y seilwaith priodol yn ei le. Yn amlwg, rydym yn ymgynghori ar y Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol ar hyn o bryd, a bydd y Gweinidog yn edrych ar yr holl ymatebion ac yna'n cyflwyno'r cynllun maes o law.
7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am berfformiad Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru? OAQ54476
7. Will the Minister make a statement on the performance of Natural Resources Wales? OAQ54476
Thank you. NRW's dedicated staff perform a range of challenging roles, protecting us and our environment 24 hours a day. This was evident again during recent floods. I have every confidence in their ability to manage our natural resources and strongly believe they will achieve the best outcomes for Wales, now and in the future.
Diolch. Mae staff ymroddedig Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn cyflawni amrywiaeth o rolau heriol, gan ein diogelu ni a'n hamgylchedd 24 awr y dydd. Roedd hyn yn amlwg eto yn ystod y llifogydd diweddar. Mae gennyf bob ffydd yn eu gallu i reoli ein hadnoddau naturiol ac rwy'n credu'n gryf y byddant yn sicrhau'r canlyniadau gorau i Gymru, yn awr ac yn y dyfodol.
Thank you, Minister. I don't share your confidence, I'm sorry. I'm in regular contact with anglers on the River Dee, whose catchment area supplies water to 3 million people in north Wales and north-west England. These anglers are our eyes and ears on the rivers, and NRW need them. I'm deeply concerned that they describe a night-and-day difference between their interaction with the former environment agency and NRW. They are increasingly frustrated and feel that NRW has simply lost interest in their reports of pollution, in providing any help to clear fallen trees, and in the health and habitat of fish and other species in the rivers. What can you say to them to start to rebuild trust and confidence in NRW?
Diolch i chi, Weinidog. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, ond nid wyf yn rhannu eich ffydd. Rwy'n cysylltu'n rheolaidd â physgotwyr ar Afon Dyfrdwy y mae ei dalgylch yn cyflenwi dŵr i 3 miliwn o bobl yng ngogledd Cymru a gogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Y pysgotwyr hyn yw ein llygaid a'n clustiau ar yr afonydd, ac mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru eu hangen. Rwy'n pryderu'n fawr eu bod yn disgrifio gwahaniaeth nos a dydd rhwng eu hymwneud â hen asiantaeth yr amgylchedd a Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Maent yn fwyfwy rhwystredig ac yn teimlo bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi colli diddordeb yn eu hadroddiadau ynghylch lygredd, mewn darparu unrhyw gymorth i glirio coed sydd wedi cwympo, ac yng nghynefin ac iechyd pysgod a rhywogaethau eraill yn yr afonydd. Beth y gallwch ei ddweud wrthynt i ddechrau ailadeiladu ymddiriedaeth a hyder yn Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru?
I'm very sorry that you don't share my view of NRW staff. In relation to the specific issue that you raise with me, I will certainly have a discussion with the chair and chief exec at my regular monthly meetings. That's certainly not the impression that I'm given. We've had some significant pollution incidents in our rivers this year, and I've been reassured by the way that NRW have answered those calls to go and investigate them. So, I'm very concerned to hear what you're saying, but I am sorry that you don't share my view of NRW staff.
Mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf nad ydych yn rhannu fy marn ynglŷn â staff Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. O ran y mater penodol rydych yn ei ddwyn i fy sylw, byddaf yn sicr yn cael trafodaeth gyda'r cadeirydd a'r prif weithredwr yn fy nghyfarfodydd misol rheolaidd. Yn sicr, nid dyna'r argraff a roddwyd i mi. Rydym wedi gweld digwyddiadau llygredd sylweddol yn ein hafonydd eleni, a chefais fy nghalonogi gan y ffordd y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi ateb y galwadau i fynd i ymchwilio iddynt. Felly, mae clywed yr hyn a ddywedwch yn peri pryder mawr i mi, ond mae'n ddrwg gennyf nad ydych yn rhannu fy marn am staff Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.
8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch mynd i'r afael â llygredd aer ar hyd yr A470? OAQ54495
8. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's policy on tackling air pollution along the A470? OAQ54495
Thank you. Tackling air pollution to support health, biodiversity and environmental improvements on the A470 and across Wales remains a key priority for the Welsh Government. Speed cameras have been installed on the A470 to enforce 50 mph speed limits, and we will continue to develop additional measures to reduce nitrogen dioxide levels.
Diolch. Mae mynd i'r afael â llygredd aer i gefnogi iechyd, bioamrywiaeth a gwelliannau amgylcheddol ar yr A470 a ledled Cymru yn parhau'n flaenoriaeth allweddol i Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae camerâu cyflymder wedi cael eu gosod ar yr A470 i orfodi terfynau cyflymder o 50 mya, a byddwn yn parhau i ddatblygu camau ychwanegol i leihau lefelau nitrogen deuocsid.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. I'm clearly not a scientist or a traffic engineer, so I'm guided by experts and their knowledge in this and what they've told us about harmful levels and the effect of pollution in those communities along the A470. But understandably, since the speed cameras have gone live, there has been more general discussion around the issue, particularly from people travelling down from the Valleys in places like Merthyr Tydfil. The statement from the economy Minister earlier in the week gave a very good explanation for that, and I think that was helpful. Those kinds of communications to people generally about the need for us to be monitoring speed and emissions are really helpful. But just as importantly, can we do more to help manage the source of pollution, or the pollution problem itself, by, for example, not adding further traffic pressures to specific sections of the A470 due to major developments, and stepping up efforts to keep existing services, like the DWP offices, in our Valleys towns, and not siting them in areas that are already suffering unacceptable levels of pollution and bringing more traffic to those areas when we could disperse that by bringing better jobs closer to home in the Valleys?
Diolch i chi am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Mae'n amlwg nad wyf yn wyddonydd nac yn beiriannydd traffig, felly caf fy arwain gan arbenigwyr a'u gwybodaeth am hyn a'r hyn y maent wedi'i ddweud wrthym am lefelau niweidiol ac effaith llygredd yn y cymunedau ar hyd yr A470. Ond yn ddealladwy, ers i'r camerâu cyflymder ddod yn weithredol, cafwyd trafodaeth fwy cyffredinol ar y mater, yn enwedig gan bobl sy'n teithio i lawr o'r Cymoedd mewn lleoedd fel Merthyr Tudful. Roedd y datganiad gan Weinidog yr economi yn gynharach yn yr wythnos yn rhoi esboniad da iawn am hynny, a chredaf fod hwnnw'n ddefnyddiol. Mae'r mathau hynny o gyfathrebiadau â phobl yn gyffredinol am yr angen i ni fonitro cyflymder ac allyriadau yn ddefnyddiol iawn. Ond yr un mor bwysig, a allwn wneud mwy i helpu i reoli ffynhonnell y llygredd, neu'r broblem lygredd ei hun, er enghraifft drwy beidio ag ychwanegu pwysau traffig pellach ar rannau penodol o'r A470 yn sgil datblygiadau mawr, a thrwy wella ymdrechion i gadw'r gwasanaethau presennol, fel swyddfeydd yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, yn ein trefi yn y Cymoedd, a pheidio â'u lleoli mewn ardaloedd sydd eisoes yn dioddef lefelau llygredd annerbyniol a dod â mwy o draffig i'r ardaloedd hynny pan allem ei wasgaru drwy ddod â swyddi gwell yn nes at adref yn y Cymoedd?
Thank you very much for that question. I too have one of these speed limits in my own constituency, so I'm very well aware—I've had exactly the same. The cameras have just gone live, and as you say, there's much more talk about them. I think the monitoring report that the Minister for Economy and Transport published on 7 October did confirm that, since the introduction of the 50 mph speed limit in June 2018, levels on the A470 between Upper Boat and the Bridge Street interchange have reduced, but of course they still remain above the EU directive limit of 40 μg/cu m. So it's too early to make any firm conclusions, and further monitoring is obviously being undertaken, but we were very reassured that across all of the five sites, we have seen a reduction. I think that now speed cameras are in place, that will encourage people again to adhere to those speed limits, which perhaps hasn't been the case over the last year, since the limits were first introduced.
Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the signs—because I thought it was very important we communicated much more clearly why we were putting those speed limits in place. In the other four sites, they've all had the signage installed now, but unfortunately on the A470 they haven't been able to do that. But we are looking—certainly the Minister's officials are looking to do that as a matter of urgency. [Interruption.] That's good to hear. It's so that people understand why we're doing it, because I think initially there was some confusion over the need for that 50 mph zone. I think the point that you make around thinking about where to site jobs, particularly public sector jobs, shows why it has to be across government, why it's not just the responsibility of the Minister for economy, or myself as Minister with responsibility for the environment. It has to be cross-government, and that's why all Ministers have to look at their policies to make sure we're doing all that we can around air pollution.
Diolch yn fawr i chi am y cwestiwn hwnnw. Mae gennyf finnau un o'r terfynau cyflymder hyn yn fy etholaeth hefyd, felly rwy'n ymwybodol iawn—rwyf wedi cael yr un peth yn union yn digwydd i mi. Mae'r camerâu newydd fynd yn weithredol, ac fel y dywedwch, mae llawer mwy o siarad amdanynt. Credaf fod yr adroddiad monitro a gyhoeddwyd gan Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ar 7 Hydref wedi cadarnhau, ers cyflwyno'r terfyn cyflymder 50 mya ym mis Mehefin 2018, fod y lefelau ar yr A470 rhwng Glan-bad a chyfnewidfa Bridge Street wedi gostwng, ond wrth gwrs, maent yn parhau i fod yn uwch na therfyn cyfarwyddeb yr UE o 40 μg/cu m. Felly mae'n rhy gynnar i ffurfio unrhyw gasgliadau cadarn, ac mae gwaith monitro pellach yn cael ei wneud wrth gwrs, ond roedd yn galonogol iawn gweld gostyngiad ar draws pob un o'r pum safle. Gan fod camerâu cyflymder ar waith bellach, credaf y bydd hynny'n annog pobl i gadw at y terfynau cyflymder hynny eto, rhywbeth nad yw wedi digwydd dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf o bosibl, ers i'r terfynau gael eu cyflwyno gyntaf.
Yn anffodus, oherwydd tywydd gwael, mae'r arwyddion—oherwydd roeddwn yn credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn cyfleu, yn llawer mwy eglur, pam roeddem yn rhoi'r terfynau cyflymder hynny ar waith. Yn y pedwar safle arall, mae'r arwyddion i gyd wedi'u gosod erbyn hyn, ond yn anffodus nid ydynt wedi gallu gwneud hynny ar yr A470. Ond rydym yn edrych—yn sicr mae swyddogion y Gweinidog yn bwriadu gwneud hynny fel mater o frys. [Torri ar draws.] Mae'n dda clywed hynny. Mae'n golygu bod pobl yn deall pam ein bod yn gwneud hyn, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod rhywfaint o ddryswch ynghylch yr angen am y parth 50 mya ar y cychwyn. Credaf fod y pwynt a wnewch ynglŷn â meddwl ble i leoli swyddi, yn enwedig swyddi sector cyhoeddus, yn dangos pam y mae'n rhaid iddo ddigwydd ar draws y Llywodraeth, pam nad yw ond yn gyfrifoldeb i Weinidog yr economi, neu fi fel y Gweinidog sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros yr amgylchedd. Mae'n rhaid iddo fod yn drawslywodraethol, a dyna pam fod angen i bob Gweinidog edrych ar eu polisïau i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu mewn perthynas â llygredd aer.
Minister, I think the people that use or live near the A470 between Upper Boat and Pontypridd will want to know when we're going to move from monitoring, which I welcome, to actual enforcement of the EU directive on nitrogen dioxide. When will we have that assurance that we're achieving this really important reduction in air pollution?
Weinidog, rwy'n credu y bydd y bobl sy'n defnyddio neu'n byw ger yr A470 rhwng Glan-bad a Phontypridd eisiau gwybod pryd y byddwn yn symud ymlaen o'r gwaith monitro, gwaith rwy'n ei groesawu, i orfodi cyfarwyddeb yr UE ar nitrogen deuocsid mewn gwirionedd. Pryd y cawn sicrwydd ein bod yn cyflawni'r gostyngiad gwirioneddol bwysig hwn mewn llygredd aer?
I mentioned there will be obviously further monitoring on the back of the report that the Minister for Economy and Transport published last week. We are expecting levels of compliance to improve significantly, as I said, following the installation of the average speed cameras and the comprehensive signing layout. It is something that we need to continue to work on. What we want to do is achieve compliance in the shortest time possible, so that's why we, for instance, are having continued development and stakeholder engagement on the precautionary retained measures, and in the case of the A470, the measures are a clean air zone, air quality barriers and improved car parking.
Soniais y bydd monitro pellach wrth gwrs yn dilyn yr adroddiad a gyhoeddodd Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth yr wythnos diwethaf. Rydym yn disgwyl i lefelau cydymffurfiaeth wella'n sylweddol, fel y dywedais, ar ôl gosod y camerâu cyflymder cyfartalog a'r cynllun arwyddion cynhwysfawr. Mae'n rhywbeth y mae angen i ni barhau i weithio arno. Rydym eisiau sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth yn yr amser byrraf posibl, felly dyna pam ein bod, er enghraifft, yn parhau i ddatblygu ac ymgysylltiad â rhanddeiliaid ar y mesurau rhagofalus a ddargedwir, ac yn achos yr A470, mae'r mesurau'n cynnwys parth aer glân, rhwystrau ansawdd aer a chyfleusterau parcio gwell.
9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ynghylch a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyflwyno mesurau i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol a chymunedau lleol i chwarae mwy o ran mewn prosiectau ynni? OAQ54460
9. Will the Minister make a statement on whether Welsh Government will bring forward measures to support local authorities and local communities to take a greater stake in energy projects? OAQ54460
We already support communities and local authorities to develop renewable energy projects and encourage collaboration to increase the benefits from involvement in energy production. I have established a working group to develop guidance on shared ownership of energy developments, which will help us understand what further action may be needed.
Rydym eisoes yn cynorthwyo cymunedau ac awdurdodau lleol i ddatblygu prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy ac yn annog cydweithio er mwyn cynyddu'r manteision o gymryd rhan yn y broses o gynhyrchu ynni. Rwyf wedi sefydlu gweithgor i ddatblygu canllawiau ar ranberchnogaeth ar ddatblygiadau ynni, a fydd yn ein helpu i ddeall pa gamau pellach y gallai fod eu hangen.
I thank the Minister for that response, and I recognise the work that is going on, particularly as a Labour and Co-operative Member, around that community ownership. But back in 2017, the UK Energy Research Centre had a look across local authorities throughout the UK, Wales included, and they found that their engagement in energy management was limited, and they had limited capacity, in fact, to get involved in strategic energy management. This is despite great individual projects, including the one in Caerau in my constituency, the geothermal mine water project. But the report went on to make 10 quite radical far-reaching recommendations, including the idea of a local authority statutory duty to develop and implement area-wide, low-carbon plans, mandatory local planning for low-carbon heat and a central energy efficiency fund dedicated to investment in localised energy provision and services. There were 10 quite radical proposals, and we can’t do them all overnight, but I’m really interested in whether she’s had time to look at those and other proposals to see how we can use the power of local authorities and their expertise and might, with some devolution of funding as well to go with it—because that was one of the recommendations—to transform local energy and put power literally in the hands of local people, through co-operative measures, but also through local authorities stepping up to the mark.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am yr ateb hwnnw, ac rwy'n cydnabod y gwaith sy'n mynd rhagddo, yn enwedig fel Aelod Llafur a Chydweithredol, ar y berchenogaeth gymunedol honno. Ond yn ôl yn 2017, cafodd Canolfan Ymchwil Ynni y DU olwg ar draws awdurdodau lleol ledled y DU, gan gynnwys Cymru, a darganfu fod eu hymgysylltiad â'r gwaith o reoli ynni yn gyfyngedig, a chapasiti cyfyngedig oedd ganddynt, mewn gwirionedd, i gymryd rhan yn y gwaith o reoli ynni'n strategol. Mae hyn er gwaethaf prosiectau unigol gwych, gan gynnwys yr un yng Nghaerau yn fy etholaeth, sef y prosiect dŵr mwynglawdd geothermol. Ond aeth yr adroddiad rhagddi i wneud 10 o argymhellion pellgyrhaeddol eithaf radical, gan gynnwys y syniad o ddyletswydd statudol ar awdurdod lleol i ddatblygu a gweithredu cynlluniau carbon isel ardal gyfan, cynlluniau lleol gorfodol ar gyfer gwres carbon isel a chronfa effeithlonrwydd ynni ganolog ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn darpariaeth a gwasanaethau ynni lleol. Roeddent yn argymhellion eithaf radical, ac ni allwn wneud pob un dros nos, ond mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn gwybod a yw wedi cael amser i edrych ar yr argymhellion hynny a rhai eraill i weld sut y gallwn ddefnyddio pŵer awdurdodau lleol a'u harbenigedd, gan ddatganoli rhywfaint o gyllid ochr yn ochr â hynny—oherwydd dyna oedd un o'r argymhellion—i weddnewid ynni lleol a rhoi pŵer, yn llythrennol, yn nwylo pobl leol, drwy fesurau cydweithredol, ond hefyd drwy sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn gwneud yr hyn a ddylent.
Firstly, I’m very pleased that you support the Caerau project—it did come about after some very hard work, I think, by Bridgend County Borough Council, but also the support from our Smart Living programme, which secured a role for Bridgend as a demonstrator in the Catapult energy planning pilot. And, obviously, we supported them, as a Government, to get to that stage. As you say, the report made several recommendations. They absolutely called for the direction that we’ve set out in ‘Prosperity for All: A Low Carbon Wales’. I think the role of local authorities in energy, which was lost after privatisation—I think it’s going to be absolutely key to the future of our energy system. So, we have done a great deal to support local authorities. We’ve brought forward new energy efficiency and generation projects. We’ve also highlighted the very important role that they have to play in low-carbon areas. In relation to the recommendations, we’ve brought forward a variety of actions to support the recommendations. So, for instance, one of them was the introduction of the statutory duty, as you mentioned, to develop and implement area-wide, low-carbon plans over a set timetable. It wasn’t in the final report, but we looked at that and we’ve started carrying out energy planning, for instance, and modelling to ensure specific opportunities and constraints are considered within the context of an ever-evolving energy system.
Yn gyntaf, rwy'n falch iawn eich bod yn cefnogi prosiect Caerau—fe ddaeth i fodolaeth yn dilyn gwaith caled iawn, rwy'n credu, gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, ond hefyd yn sgil y gefnogaeth gan ein rhaglen Byw yn Glyfar, a sicrhaodd rôl ar gyfer Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr fel arddangoswr yn y peilot cynllunio ynni Catapult. Ac yn amlwg, cawsant gefnogaeth gennym ni fel Llywodraeth i gyrraedd y cam hwnnw. Fel y dywedwch, gwnaeth yr adroddiad nifer o argymhellion. Roeddent yn bendant yn galw am y cyfeiriad a osodwyd gennym yn 'Ffyniant i Bawb: Cymru Carbon Isel'. Rwy'n credu bod rôl awdurdodau lleol ym maes ynni, a gollwyd ar ôl preifateiddio—rwy'n credu y bydd yn gwbl allweddol i ddyfodol ein system ynni. Felly, rydym wedi gwneud llawer i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol. Rydym wedi cyflwyno prosiectau effeithlonrwydd ynni a phrosiectau cynhyrchu ynni newydd. Rydym hefyd wedi tynnu sylw at y rôl bwysig iawn sydd ganddynt i'w chwarae o ran carbon isel. Mewn perthynas â'r argymhellion, rydym wedi cyflwyno amrywiaeth o gamau gweithredu i gefnogi'r argymhellion. Felly, er enghraifft, un ohonynt oedd cyflwyno'r ddyletswydd statudol, fel y sonioch chi, i ddatblygu a gweithredu cynlluniau carbon isel ar draws ardal gyfan dros amserlen a osodwyd. Nid oedd yn yr adroddiad terfynol, ond rydym wedi edrych ar hynny ac rydym wedi dechrau gwneud gwaith cynllunio ynni, er enghraifft, a modelu i sicrhau bod cyfleoedd a chyfyngiadau penodol yn cael eu hystyried yng nghyd-destun system ynni sy'n esblygu'n barhaus.
You mentioned earlier the Celtic sea alliance collaboration that you went and signed, which is very welcome. My question, very simply is: this commitment, which will hopefully develop more sustainable energy projects within the Celtic sea—and I understand specifically floating windfarms—what provisions are there within this collaboration to ensure that local communities and local authorities are also involved in the development of this, as well as at a national, country level?
Fe sonioch chi'n gynharach am gydweithrediad cynghrair y môr Celtaidd a arwyddwyd gennych, sydd i'w groesawu'n fawr. Fy nghwestiwn, yn syml iawn, yw: mewn perthynas â'r ymrwymiad hwn, a fydd, gobeithio, yn datblygu mwy o brosiectau ynni cynaliadwy o fewn y môr Celtaidd—ac yn benodol, ffermydd gwynt sy'n arnofio, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf—pa ddarpariaethau a geir o fewn y cydweithrediad hwn i sicrhau bod cymunedau ac awdurdodau lleol hefyd yn rhan o'r gwaith datblygu hwn, yn ogystal ag ar lefel genedlaethol?
As you mentioned, I signed the Celtic sea alliance and I met with colleagues from that alliance last week in Dublin. It was, obviously, a preliminary meeting. Officials will now work very closely with them to ensure we get every benefit we can from that alliance. But clearly, local authorities have a huge role to play here—specific local authorities—and we will work very closely with them as we mature that alliance.
Fel y sonioch chi, rhoddais fy nghefnogaeth i gynghrair y môr Celtaidd a chyfarfûm â chydweithwyr o'r gynghrair honno yn Nulyn yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Cyfarfod rhagarweiniol oedd hwnnw, yn amlwg. Bydd swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda hwy yn awr er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn cael pob budd a allwn o'r gynghrair honno. Ond yn amlwg, mae gan awdurdodau lleol ran enfawr i'w chwarae yma—awdurdodau lleol penodol—a byddwn yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda hwy wrth i ni aeddfedu'r gynghrair honno.
10. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynlluniau i ailblannu coed yng Nghwm Afan ar ôl cwympo coed yn yr ardal? OAQ54499
10. Diolch, Llywydd. Will the Minister provide an update on plans to replant trees in the Afan valley following tree felling in the area? OAQ54499
Thank you. Natural Resources Wales are working diligently to continue felling phytophthora ramorum-infected trees in the Afan valley. They are replanting this area with a more diverse mixture of conifer and broadleaf tree species, and restoring open habitats to these upland areas. This will achieve a more varied, biodiverse and resilient structure.
Diolch. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gweithio'n ddiwyd i barhau i dorri coed a heintiwyd â phytophthora ramorum yng nghwm Afan. Maent yn ailblannu'r ardal â chymysgedd mwy amrywiol o rywogaethau coed conwydd a llydanddail, ac yn adfer cynefinoedd agored ar yr ucheldiroedd hyn. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau strwythur mwy amrywiol, bioamrywiol a gwydn.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. I think it’s important that we understand what plans we have. If we could have a timeline for those works, it would be interesting. Because at the beginning of the decade we saw the deforestation because of the disease. We’ve seen also damage being done to the forestation because of windfarms being built in the Afan valley. The consequences of those are loss of tourism in walking and cycling in the area, and we’re trying to attract that back in. We’re now seeing more tree felling in the area, as a consequence of NRW’s decision to chop more trees down—again impacting upon the tourism offer. We need that offer because it does evolve and develop the economy of those areas. So, a timeline of the plans to replant, and the schedule of where they’re going to be doing it, so that we can understand how we can build upon that local economy would be helpful. If you can get NRW to give us that, it would be nice.
Diolch i chi am eich ateb, Weinidog. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn deall pa gynlluniau sydd gennym. Pe gallem gael amserlen ar gyfer y gwaith hwnnw, byddai'n ddiddorol. Oherwydd ar ddechrau'r ddegawd, gwelsom ddatgoedwigo o ganlyniad i'r clefyd. Gwelsom y difrod a wnaed i goedwigaeth oherwydd bod ffermydd gwynt yn cael eu hadeiladu yng nghwm Afan. Canlyniadau'r rheini yw colli twristiaeth, o ran cerdded a beicio yn yr ardal, ac rydym yn ceisio denu hynny'n ôl. Rydym yn awr yn gweld mwy o gwympo coed yn yr ardal, o ganlyniad i benderfyniad Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i dorri mwy o goed—ac mae hynny, unwaith eto, yn effeithio ar y cynnig twristiaeth. Rydym angen y cynnig hwnnw oherwydd mae'n esblygu ac yn datblygu economi'r ardaloedd hynny. Felly, byddai amserlen o'r cynlluniau i ailblannu, a rhestr o ble y bydd hynny'n digwydd, fel y gallwn ddeall sut y gallwn adeiladu ar yr economi leol, yn ddefnyddiol. Byddai'n braf pe gallech annog Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i roi hynny i ni.
As I said, the felling that’s been undertaken by NRW is not normal commercial harvesting or timber extraction; it is essential work to control the spread of P. ramorum. I can give you an update. Obviously, replanting is under way, as you know, and to date, a total of 745 hectares have been felled, of which 720 hectares have been restocked between 2011 and 2019 in the Afan valley. So, what I will do is I will ask NRW if they are able to provide you with a timeline and schedule as to exactly where they will be restocking, so that you have that information. You make a very important point about tourism, and I do appreciate that forests are inherently part of people's lives as a place to live and work or relax and exercise, so I think it's really important. And I know that NRW are beginning to look at increasing their engagement with local communities and businesses, and encouraging people to share their ideas, views and input on the future of their local forest.
Fel y dywedais, nid cynaeafu pren masnachol arferol yw'r gwaith cwympo coed a gyflawnwyd gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru; mae'n waith hanfodol i reoli lledaeniad P. ramorum. Gallaf roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi. Yn amlwg, mae ailblannu'n mynd rhagddo, fel y gwyddoch, a hyd yn hyn, cafodd cyfanswm o 745 hectar eu cwympo, ac ailblannwyd 720 hectar yng nghwm Afan rhwng 2011 a 2019. Felly, rwyf am ofyn i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a allant roi amserlen a rhestr i chi i ddangos ble yn union y byddant yn ailblannu, fel bod gennych yr wybodaeth honno. Rydych yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn am dwristiaeth, ac rwy'n deall bod coedwigoedd yn rhan gynhenid o fywydau pobl fel llefydd i fyw a gweithio ynddynt, neu i ymlacio a gwneud ymarfer corff, felly credaf eu bod yn bwysig iawn. A gwn fod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn dechrau edrych ar gynyddu eu hymgysylltiad â chymunedau a busnesau lleol, ac annog pobl i rannu eu syniadau, eu safbwyntiau a'u mewnbwn ar ddyfodol eu coedwig leol.
Finally, Suzy Davies.
Yn olaf, Suzy Davies.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Efallai y bydd yn help mawr i rannu'r amserlen gydag Aelodau rhanbarthol hefyd ynglŷn â'r pwynt a gododd David Rees.
Rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi'n cofio, yn sgil cwestiynau blaenorol, y gwnes i ofyn am y posibilrwydd y gallai Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ac ysgolion weithio gyda'i gilydd i blannu rhai coed bach er mwyn i'n plant allu dysgu am wyddoniaeth, natur, hanes Cymru a'r amgylchedd, wrth gwrs—paratoad perffaith ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd. Ar y pryd, doeddech chi ddim yn siŵr a oedd gwaith presennol Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru gydag ysgolion yn ymwneud yn benodol â phlannu coed a dywedoch y byddech yn siarad â'r Gweinidog Addysg. A gafwyd cynnydd ar hyn?
Thank you, Llywydd. It may be helpful if you were to share the timetable with regional Members too on the point that David Rees just raised.
I'm sure you'll recall, arising from a previous question, I asked about the possibility of Natural Resources Wales and schools working together in order to plant some saplings and trees, so that our children can learn about science, nature, the history of Wales and the environment around them of course. It’s perfect preparation for the new curriculum. At the time, you weren't sure whether NRW's work with schools related specifically to tree planting and you said that you would speak to the education Minister on that point. Has there been any progress made in this regard?
I'd be very happy to share that information with regional Members, if NRW are happy to do so.
I can't remember if I've had the specific discussion with the education Minister, but I've certainly had that discussion with NRW, and it's something they are very keen to look at and said they would take forward.
Buaswn yn hapus iawn i rannu'r wybodaeth honno gydag Aelodau rhanbarthol, os yw Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn hapus i wneud hynny.
Ni allaf gofio a wyf wedi cael y drafodaeth benodol honno gyda'r Gweinidog addysg, ond rwy'n sicr wedi cael y drafodaeth honno gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, ac mae'n rhywbeth y maent yn awyddus iawn i'w ystyried ac wedi dweud y byddent yn ei ddatblygu.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
I thank the Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Rhun ap Iorwerth.
The next item is questions to the Minister for Housing and Local Government, and the first question comes from Rhun ap Iorwerth.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y dyraniad cyllid i Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn ar gyfer 2020-21? OAQ54481
1. Will the Minister make a statement on the funding allocation to Anglesey County Council for 2020-21? OAQ54481

Yes. I intend to announce the provisional local government settlement on 26 November, a week after the planned Welsh Government draft budget. This will provide details of the core funding for councils for 2020-21. Alongside the settlement, I will publish early indications of specific grants for the coming financial year.
Gwnaf. Rwy'n bwriadu cyhoeddi setliad dros dro i lywodraeth leol ar 26 Tachwedd, wythnos ar ôl cyllideb ddrafft arfaethedig Llywodraeth Cymru. Bydd yn darparu manylion am y cyllid craidd i gynghorau ar gyfer 2020-21. Ynghyd â'r setliad, byddaf yn cyhoeddi dynodiadau cynnar o grantiau penodol ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol sydd i ddod.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi. Yn gyntaf, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ymuno â fi i longyfarch Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn ar gael ei farnu'r ail orau yng Nghymru mewn astudiaeth newydd? Mae'r arweinydd o Blaid Cymru, Llinos Medi, a'i thîm yn haeddu pob clod, felly hefyd y cyn prif weithredwr, Gwyn Jones, a'i dîm, ac a gaf i ddymuno'n dda iawn i'w olynydd o, Annwen Morgan, wrth iddi hi ddechrau ar ei gwaith? Ond mae'r llwyddiant yna wedi dod yn wyneb heriau ariannol difrifol iawn. Mi fu'n rhaid i'r cyngor wneud toriadau o ryw £2.5 miliwn eleni, yn dod â chyfanswm y toriadau i ryw £25 miliwn. A'r unig ffordd y llwyddwyd i gydbwyso'r llyfrau eleni oedd efo cynnydd treth cyngor o bron i 10 y cant, fel gymaint o gynghorau eraill. Ond all hynny ddim bod yn opsiwn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf. Does yna'r unlle ar ôl i dorri, ar wahan i addysg a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, ac efo'r gwella sylweddol mewn gwasanaethau plant a'r pwysau cynyddol ar wasanaethau oedolion, allwn ni ddim bygwth y gwasanaethau i'n pobl fwyaf bregus.
Rŵan, efo chwyddiant a chynnydd yn y galw am wasanaethau, mae cyngor Môn angen £6 miliwn yn ychwanegol y flwyddyn nesaf dim ond i sefyll yn llonydd. Mi fyddai cynnydd treth cyngor o 5 y cant, sy'n dal yn ormod, yn dod â rhyw £2 miliwn i mewn, ond ar ben hynny byddai angen £4 miliwn yn fwy arnyn nhw—nid cyllideb fflat, nid rhewi, nid eu hachub nhw rhag toriadau pellach, nid grantiau penodol, ond arian ychwanegol yn y gyllideb graidd. Ydy'r Gweinidog yn sylweddoli mai dyna'r sefyllfa bellach? Ydy hi'n sylweddoli bod gwaith ataliol cynghorau'n arbed arian i gyrff eraill, fel gwasanaethau iechyd, a does yna'r unlle i'w dorri yn Ynys Môn? Rydym ni angen addewid ac rydym ni angen sicrwydd bod yna newid ar fyd.
Thank you very much. First of all, will the Minister join me in congratulating Isle of Anglesey County Council on being judged the second best in Wales in a new study? The Plaid Cymru leader, Llinos Medi, and her team deserve all praise, as well as the previous chief executive, Gwyn Jones, and his team. And may I wish his successor, Annwen Morgan, well as she starts on her work? But, that success has come in the face of serious financial challenges. The council had to make cuts of about £2.5 million this year, bringing the total cuts to about £25 million. And the only way that they managed to balance the books this year was with an increase in council tax of almost 10 per cent, as with many other councils. But that can't be an option for the next year. There’s nowhere left to cut, other than education and social care, and with the significant improvement in children’s services and the increased pressure on adult services, we can't put those services for the most vulnerable in jeopardy.
With inflation and demand for services, the council needs an additional £6 million next year just to remain in the same place. An increase in council tax of 5 per cent, which is still too much, would bring in £2 million, but on top of that there will need to be £4 million in addition—not a flat budget, not a freeze, not saving them from further cuts, not specific grants, but additional funding in the core budget. Does the Minister realise that that’s the situation that we're facing? Does she realise that councils' preventative work is saving money for other services, such as health service, and there’s nowhere left to cut on Anglesey? We need a promise and we need certainty that there will be a change.
Yes, I've some sympathy with what the Member is saying about the situation that local authorities find themselves in across Wales. I just want to start off by saying that I'm very happy to join him in congratulating Ynys Môn. Llinos has done an amazing job there. She's a very inspirational young woman, the sort of person we should be attracting into politics in greater numbers. She's been very lovely to work with on the innovative housing programme, and they've done some splendid work, so I'm extremely happy to join with you in saying that. Congratulations to her and to her team, both the previous and the incoming.
In terms of the overarching pressure, Anglesey, as you know, was one of the people who were on the funding floor last time. They received the additional funding that we had, just to make sure that no council went down below 0.2 per cent, I think it was. We did that because we didn't want people to have huge fluctuations in funding in the teeth of austerity. This is the ninth year of austerity. We make no pretence that any local authority in Wales is doing anything other than making horrible choices about much-needed programmes. I've said this before: we are not cutting 'nice to have' things here. These are to-the-bone cuts, so I absolutely acknowledge that.
We've been working really hard with the Welsh Local Government Association to understand across the piece exactly what we're looking at. I've been working very hard with my colleague the Minister for finance to make sure that we have the best possible settlement, given where we are. I won't repeat all of where we are at the moment, but we have promises of some consequentials, but they are just promises at the moment. We've not yet seen a budget, votes in the House of Commons or anything else. We're obviously in highly volatile times, but we are going ahead and planning as much as we can for the future. We've had a good relationship with the WLGA, a very good meeting with them in both the partnership council and the finance sub-group, an open and transparent conversation about where we are with the funding and where we will be going forward. So, I can't say anything more than that at the moment; we are working very hard to do that.
The other thing I would say—and I know that local government is very interested in this—we are working very hard across the Government to get the specific grants in place as fast as we can, and to make sure that there are no inadvertent cuts in budgets elsewhere as a result of movements across the Government. So, it's a quite complex piece of work, but we hope to present them with an as certain as possible and as early as possible indication of what they'll get, so that they're in the best possible place to plan for the future. But I accept what you are saying: we are absolutely in a situation where people are making really difficult choices about services going forward.
Ie, mae gennyf rywfaint o gydymdeimlad â'r hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ddweud am sefyllfa awdurdodau lleol ym mhob cwr o Gymru. Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddweud fy mod yn hapus iawn i ymuno ag ef i longyfarch Ynys Môn. Mae Llinos wedi gwneud gwaith anhygoel yno. Mae'n ddynes ifanc ysbrydoledig iawn, y math o berson y dylem fod yn denu mwy o'i thebyg i wleidyddiaeth. Mae wedi bod yn hyfryd gweithio gyda hi ar y rhaglen tai arloesol, ac maent wedi gwneud gwaith gwych, felly rwy'n hapus iawn i ymuno â chi i ddweud hynny. Llongyfarchiadau iddi hi a'i thîm, y rhai blaenorol a'r rhai a fydd yn dechrau.
O ran y pwysau cyffredinol, roedd Ynys Môn, fel y gwyddoch, yn un o'r rhai a oedd ar gyllid gwaelodol y tro diwethaf. Cawsant yr arian ychwanegol a oedd gennym er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr nad oedd yr un cyngor yn gostwng yn is na 0.2 y cant, rwy'n credu. Gwnaethom hynny am nad oeddem eisiau i bobl gael amrywiadau enfawr yn eu cyllid yn wyneb cyni. Dyma'r nawfed flwyddyn o gyni. Nid ydym yn honni bod unrhyw awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru yn gwneud unrhyw beth heblaw gwneud dewisiadau erchyll am raglenni mawr eu hangen. Rwyf wedi dweud hyn o'r blaen: nid ydym yn torri pethau sy'n 'braf eu cael' yma. Mae'r toriadau hyn yn torri i'r asgwrn, felly rwy'n cydnabod hynny'n llwyr.
Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed iawn gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru i ddeall yr hyn rydym yn edrych arno yn gyffredinol. Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed iawn gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog Cyllid, i sicrhau bod gennym y setliad gorau posibl, o ystyried ein sefyllfa. Nid wyf am ailadrodd ein sefyllfa ar hyn o bryd, ond mae gennym addewidion o rai symiau canlyniadol, ond addewidion yn unig ydynt ar hyn o bryd. Nid ydym eto wedi gweld cyllideb, pleidleisiau yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin na dim byd arall. Mae'n amlwg ein bod mewn cyfnod cyfnewidiol iawn, ond rydym yn bwrw ymlaen ac yn cynllunio cymaint ag y gallwn ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rydym wedi cael perthynas dda gyda CLlLC, a chyfarfod da iawn gyda hwy yn y cyngor partneriaeth a'r is-grŵp cyllid, sgwrs agored a thryloyw ynglŷn â ble rydym arni mewn perthynas â chyllid a ble y byddwn arni yn y dyfodol. Felly, ni allaf ddweud mwy na hynny ar hyn o bryd; rydym yn gweithio'n galed iawn i wneud hynny.
Y peth arall y buaswn yn ei ddweud—a gwn fod gan lywodraeth leol ddiddordeb mawr yn hyn—rydym yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar draws y Llywodraeth i roi'r grantiau penodol ar waith cyn gynted ag y gallwn, ac i sicrhau na fydd unrhyw doriadau anfwriadol yn y gyllideb mewn mannau eraill o ganlyniad i symudiadau ar draws y Llywodraeth. Felly, mae'n waith eithaf cymhleth, ond rydym yn gobeithio cyflwyno darlun mor bendant â phosibl, mor gynnar â phosibl, o'r hyn y byddant yn ei gael, fel y gallant fod yn y sefyllfa orau bosibl i gynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol. Ond rwy'n derbyn yr hyn a ddywedwch: rydym yn sicr mewn sefyllfa lle mae pobl yn gwneud dewisiadau anodd iawn ynglŷn â gwasanaethau wrth symud ymlaen.
The Welsh Government tells us that its local government funding formula is heavily influenced by deprivation indicators. Anglesey is one of five local authorities where 30 per cent or more of workers are paid less than the voluntary living wage, and prosperity levels per head in Anglesey are the lowest in Wales at just under half of those in Cardiff. Yet, this financial year, Cardiff had a 0.9 per cent uplift, because you indicate Anglesey was in the group with the biggest cuts alongside four others, including Conwy and Flintshire. How will you ensure that a better measurement of those deprivation indicators will not put Anglesey and other affected councils in a similar position again?
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud wrthym fod dangosyddion amddifadedd yn dylanwadu'n drwm ar ei fformiwla ariannu llywodraeth leol. Mae Ynys Môn yn un o bum awdurdod lleol lle mae 30 y cant neu fwy o weithwyr yn cael llai o gyflog na'r cyflog byw gwirfoddol, a lefelau ffyniant y pen ar Ynys Môn yw'r rhai isaf yng Nghymru, ar ychydig o dan hanner lefelau ffyniant y pen yng Nghaerdydd. Eto i gyd, y flwyddyn ariannol hon, cafodd Caerdydd godiad o 0.9 y cant, oherwydd rydych yn nodi bod Ynys Môn yn y grŵp gyda'r toriadau mwyaf ynghyd â phedwar arall, gan gynnwys Conwy a Sir y Fflint. Sut y sicrhewch na fydd dull gwell o fesur y dangosyddion amddifadedd hynny'n rhoi Ynys Môn a chynghorau eraill yr effeithiwyd arnynt mewn sefyllfa debyg eto?
The distribution sub-group of the partnership council works very hard on the indicators across the piece. We have a constant review group working very hard on making sure that the indicators are as they are. The local government family is itself responsible for this, and Anglesey, as many other councils, have seats on both the financial and the distribution sub-group. The leader of Anglesey, who I was just mentioning now, comes to the partnership council meetings; I meet with her very frequently. Anglesey, last year, suffered from a range of less-favourable movements in indicators, such as population projections, secondary school pupil numbers, primary free school meals and children in out-of-work families, and those indicators fluctuate. So, obviously, the distribution works differently according to a range of indicators. I've had this conversation with Members many times; we offer all the time that a local authority who thinks that the measures are not right should come forward and put its suggested adjustments into the distribution sub-group formula, and we work through what that would mean for the local authority family overall. That offer is always on the table, as it is now.
Mae is-grŵp dosbarthu'r cyngor partneriaeth yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar y dangosyddion yn gyffredinol. Mae gennym grŵp adolygu cyson sy'n gweithio'n galed iawn i sicrhau bod y dangosyddion fel ag y maent. Y teulu llywodraeth leol ei hun sy'n gyfrifol am hyn, ac mae gan Ynys Môn, fel llawer o gynghorau eraill, seddau ar yr is-grŵp ariannol a'r is-grŵp dosbarthu. Mae arweinydd Ynys Môn, y cyfeiriais ati yn awr, yn dod i gyfarfodydd y cyngor partneriaeth; rwy'n cyfarfod â hi'n aml iawn. Y llynedd, dioddefodd Ynys Môn o amrywiaeth o symudiadau anffafriol yn y dangosyddion, megis amcanestyniadau poblogaeth, niferoedd disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd, prydau ysgol am ddim mewn ysgolion cynradd a phlant mewn teuluoedd di-waith, ac mae'r dangosyddion hynny'n amrywio. Felly, yn amlwg, mae'r dosbarthiad yn gweithio'n wahanol yn ôl ystod o ddangosyddion. Rwyf wedi cael y sgwrs hon gydag Aelodau sawl gwaith; rydym yn cynnig, drwy'r amser, i awdurdod lleol sy'n credu nad yw'r dulliau o fesur yn iawn gynnig ei awgrymiadau ynghylch addasiadau i fformiwla'r is-grŵp dosbarthu, ac rydym yn gweithio drwy'r hyn y byddai hynny'n ei olygu i deulu'r awdurdod lleol yn gyffredinol. Mae'r cynnig hwnnw bob amser ar y bwrdd, fel y mae yn awr.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau'r arbedion ariannol sydd wedi'u colli o ganlyniad i benderfyniad Llywodraeth Cymru i roi'r gorau i gynigion i leihau nifer y cynghorau yng Nghymru? OAQ54494
2. Will the Minister confirm the financial savings which have been forgone as a result of the Welsh Government's decision to abandon proposals to reduce the number of councils in Wales? OAQ54494
There is no evidence that large councils are more effective or efficient than small councils. Our local government Bill will empower councils, reform and strengthen local democracy, create conditions for improved delivery of local services, and provide a robust framework for authorities to work on a regional basis where there are advantages in them doing so.
Nid oes tystiolaeth fod cynghorau mawr yn fwy effeithiol neu effeithlon na chynghorau bach. Bydd ein Bil llywodraeth leol yn grymuso cynghorau, yn diwygio ac yn cryfhau democratiaeth leol, yn creu amodau ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau lleol yn well, ac yn darparu fframwaith cadarn i awdurdodau weithio ar sail ranbarthol lle mae manteision iddynt o wneud hynny.
The Minister's response seems significantly different from those I recall from her predecessors on similar subjects, but their speeches about suggestions that bigger is better in general are not ones that have led to councils, or councillors at least, wanting to merge. I just wonder, is Welsh Government not able to offer an estimate or some analysis or something to assist in what are the fixed costs of running a council, given that we have a number of really very small councils with significantly high council taxes?
Mae ymateb y Gweinidog yn ymddangos yn dra gwahanol i'r rhai rwy'n cofio eu cael gan ei rhagflaenwyr ar bynciau tebyg, ond nid yw eu hareithiau ynghylch awgrymiadau fod mwy yn well yn gyffredinol yn rhai sydd wedi arwain at wneud i gynghorau, neu gynghorwyr o leiaf, fod eisiau uno. Tybed a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn gallu cynnig amcangyfrif neu ryw ddadansoddiad neu rywbeth i gynorthwyo gyda'r costau sefydlog o redeg cyngor, o gofio bod gennym nifer o gynghorau bach iawn sydd â threthi cyngor uchel iawn?
That's just not how it works. What we believe in is that democracy should be as close to the people as humanly possible, for the decisions to be made as close to the people as is possible. I'm very surprised, given your background, Mark Reckless, that you don't concur with me that that kind of subsidiarity is what we should be looking for in local democracy. So, what we say is that one size certainly does not fit all; it doesn't fit all in any arrangement across Wales. Local authorities work hard to deliver services across a range of different mechanisms and different sizes, and, as I say, there is no evidence at all from anywhere that says that one size of a local authority is always more effective and more efficient than any other size. What we are doing is working very closely with the WLGA and local government leaders, through the local government sub-group of the partnership council, to develop a mechanism to support regional working and collaboration where that's appropriate, to reduce complexity for the authorities delivering different kinds of regional working arrangements, and to ensure that the decisions are made as close to the local people as is possible for effective and efficient democracy.
Nid dyna sut y mae'n gweithio. Rydym yn credu y dylai democratiaeth fod mor agos at y bobl ag sy'n bosibl, er mwyn i'r penderfyniadau gael eu gwneud mor agos at y bobl ag sy'n bosibl. Rwy'n synnu'n fawr, o ystyried eich cefndir, Mark Reckless, nad ydych yn cytuno â mi mai'r math hwnnw o sybsidiaredd yw'r hyn y dylem fod yn chwilio amdano mewn democratiaeth leol. Felly, yr hyn rydym yn ei ddweud yw nad yw un maint yn addas i bawb; nid yw'n gweddu i bawb mewn unrhyw drefniant ledled Cymru. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio'n galed i ddarparu gwasanaethau ar draws ystod o wahanol fecanweithiau a gwahanol feintiau, ac fel y dywedaf, nid oes unrhyw dystiolaeth yn unman sy'n dweud bod awdurdod lleol o faint penodol bob amser yn fwy effeithiol ac effeithlon nag awdurdod lleol o unrhyw faint arall. Yr hyn a wnawn yw gweithio'n agos iawn gyda CLlLC ac arweinwyr llywodraeth leol, drwy is-grŵp llywodraeth leol y cyngor partneriaeth, i ddatblygu mecanwaith i gefnogi gwaith rhanbarthol a chydweithredu lle bo hynny'n briodol, i leihau cymhlethdod i'r awdurdodau sy'n darparu gwahanol fathau o drefniadau gweithio rhanbarthol, ac i sicrhau bod y penderfyniadau'n cael eu gwneud mor agos at y bobl leol ag sy'n bosibl er mwyn sicrhau democratiaeth effeithiol ac effeithlon.
If you believe that larger organisations in Wales, such as Betsi Cadwaladr, Natural Resources Wales and the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust are the types of organisations that we think work best, then wholesale merger has its attractions.
Will the Minister confirm that the costs of reorganising ICT systems, employment and grading terms being equalised, staff movement, changing signs—and I could go on, but I feel like the Deputy Presiding Officer wouldn't let me—would be more expensive than any predicted never mind actual savings, and that in the last reorganisation, where there were mergers in places like Swansea, the costs of merger equated to approximately 5 per cent of the revenue budget?
Os ydych yn credu mai sefydliadau mwy o faint yng Nghymru, fel Betsi Cadwaladr, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru yw'r mathau o sefydliadau sy'n gweithio orau yn ein barn ni, mae manteision i uno ar raddfa eang.
A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau y byddai'r gost o ad-drefnu systemau TGCh, cydraddoli cyflogaeth a graddfeydd, symud staff, newid arwyddion—a gallwn fynd ymlaen, ond teimlaf na fyddai'r Dirprwy Lywydd yn gadael i mi wneud hynny—yn fwy drud nag unrhyw arbedion a ragwelid, heb sôn am arbedion gwirioneddol, a bod costau uno ar adeg yr ad-drefnu diwethaf, lle y gwelwyd uno'n digwydd mewn ardaloedd fel Abertawe, yn cyfateb i tua 5 y cant o'r gyllideb refeniw?
Well, it's a national sport, really, in local government to argue about the costs or savings associated with any reorganisation. What is clear is that if you do a mass reorganisation, those authorities become inward looking as people look to see that their jobs and services are protected. We do not need inward-looking services. We need outward-looking, collaborative, efficient services. So, we agree with the WLGA that working collaboratively together in the way I outlined is the most effective. And as I already said, and Mike Hedges knows from our long association, I don't agree that bigger is always better.
Wel, mae'n gêm genedlaethol, mewn gwirionedd, mewn llywodraeth leol i ddadlau am y costau neu'r arbedion sy'n gysylltiedig ag unrhyw broses ad-drefnu. Yr hyn sy'n amlwg os ydych yn ad-drefnu ar lefel dorfol yw y bydd yr awdurdodau'n mynd yn fewnblyg wrth i bobl geisio sicrhau bod eu swyddi a'u gwasanaethau'n cael eu diogelu. Nid oes arnom angen gwasanaethau mewnblyg. Rydym angen gwasanaethau cydweithredol ac effeithlon sy'n eang eu gorwelion. Felly, rydym yn cytuno â CLlLC mai gweithio ar y cyd fel yr amlinellais yw'r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol. Ac fel y dywedais eisoes, ac mae Mike Hedges yn gwybod hyn o'n cysylltiad hir, nid wyf yn cytuno bod mwy bob amser yn well.
Given that the local government reorganisation in Wales has been firmly kicked into the long grass, Minister, can you advise what action you're taking to encourage and accelerate collaboration between existing local authorities in service provision and back-office function to generate financial savings, please?
O gofio bod y gwaith o ad-drefnu llywodraeth lleol yng Nghymru wedi'i wthio i'r naill ochr, Weinidog, a allwch chi ddweud pa gamau rydych yn eu cymryd i annog a chyflymu'r cydweithrediad rhwng awdurdodau lleol presennol mewn perthynas â darparu gwasanaethau a swyddogaethau corfforaethol i gynhyrchu arbedion ariannol, os gwelwch yn dda?
Yes. So, the forthcoming Bill has a range of arrangements in it for collaborative joint working. It will have a device called a corporate joint committee that will allow a legal entity to be formed between local authorities who wish to work regionally together. There will be four mandatory areas on the face of the Bill as it's introduced, Deputy Presiding Officer, although, obviously, we are in the Senedd's hands then as to where the Bill goes after that through its committee processes and so on.
Local authorities already deliver a range of important services in collaboration and one size does not fit all. So, there's a regulatory collaboration in the south-west of Wales, for example, that doesn't exist elsewhere. There are other arrangements, numerous and varied. The WLGA has been working really hard, assisted by Derek Vaughan who was previously an MEP for Wales, to come to a really good piece of work as an analysis of how that works, and we will be going forward with them in partnership in helping them make those arrangements.
What I would say is that the Bill also includes a whole series of powers for local authorities to voluntarily merge, for example, should they wish to, and to change their voting system and arrangements. But, they are voluntary. So, if two local authorities come together and think that they would be more effective and efficient working together, there is a mechanism by which they could do that, but we are not forcing them down that road because that is not the direction of travel that we think is most effective.
Ie. Felly, mae gan y Bil sydd ar y ffordd amrywiaeth o drefniadau ar gyfer cydweithio. Bydd yn cynnwys dyfais o'r enw cyd-bwyllgor corfforaethol a fydd yn caniatáu i endid cyfreithiol gael ei ffurfio rhwng awdurdodau lleol sy'n dymuno cydweithio'n rhanbarthol. Bydd pedwar maes gorfodol ar wyneb y Bil fel y caiff ei gyflwyno, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ond wrth gwrs, y Senedd fydd yn penderfynu lle bydd y Bil yn mynd ar ôl hynny drwy ei phrosesau pwyllgor ac yn y blaen.
Mae awdurdodau lleol eisoes yn cyflawni ystod o wasanaethau pwysig ar y cyd, ac ni cheir un ateb sy'n addas i bawb. Felly, mae yna gydweithrediad rheoleiddiol yn ne-orllewin Cymru, er enghraifft, nad yw'n bodoli mewn mannau eraill. Ceir nifer o drefniadau amrywiol eraill. Mae CLlLC wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed iawn, gyda chymorth Derek Vaughan a arferai fod yn ASE Cymreig, i greu gwaith da iawn ar gyfer dadansoddi sut y mae hynny'n gweithio, a byddwn yn bwrw ymlaen mewn partneriaeth â hwy i'w helpu i wneud y trefniadau hynny.
Yr hyn y buaswn yn ei ddweud yw bod y Bil hefyd yn cynnwys cyfres gyfan o bwerau i awdurdodau lleol uno'n wirfoddol, er enghraifft, pe baent yn dymuno, a newid eu system a'u trefniadau pleidleisio. Ond maent yn wirfoddol. Felly, os bydd dau awdurdod lleol yn dod ynghyd ac yn credu y byddent yn gweithio'n fwy effeithiol ac effeithlon gyda'i gilydd, mae peirianwaith ar gael a fyddai'n eu galluogi hwy i wneud hynny, ond nid ydym yn eu gorfodi i wneud hynny am nad ydym yn credu mai dyna'r cyfeiriad teithio mwyaf effeithiol.
I now call the spokespeople to question the Minister, and the first this afternoon is Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Leanne Wood.
Galwaf yn awr ar y llefarwyr i holi'r Gweinidog, a'r cyntaf y prynhawn yma yw llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Leanne Wood.
Last month, you issued a written statement saying that you were aware of a number of high-rise buildings constructed within the last 10 to 15 years that have significant defects. Now, I've received correspondence concerning buildings that fall into this category and it's appalling to read stories of young families trapped in unsuitable flats that they can't sell because nobody has taken responsibility for rectifying those defects, to ensure that those properties can then be sold on by families wishing to move on. Minister, what are you going to do to help families in this situation that will help them now?
Y mis diwethaf, fe gyhoeddoch chi ddatganiad ysgrifenedig yn dweud eich bod yn ymwybodol o nifer o adeiladau uchel iawn a adeiladwyd o fewn y 10 i 15 mlynedd diwethaf sydd â diffygion sylweddol. Nawr, rwyf wedi derbyn gohebiaeth yn ymwneud ag adeiladau sy'n perthyn i'r categori hwn ac mae'n warthus darllen straeon am deuluoedd ifanc sydd wedi'u dal mewn fflatiau anaddas na allant eu gwerthu gan nad oes unrhyw un wedi ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am gywiro'r diffygion hynny er mwyn sicrhau y gall teuluoedd sy'n dymuno symud werthu'r eiddo hwnnw. Weinidog, beth y bwriadwch ei wneud i helpu teuluoedd yn y sefyllfa hon a fydd yn eu helpu yn awr?
We have a range of things that we're doing. A number of the questions that are coming up in this session are around what we're doing about building safety and regulation. But we are in a difficulty where some of the private sector landlords have not been able to step forward or, actually, in one really very difficult situation in my own constituency where a range of people have gone bankrupt one after the other and left people in a very parlous situation. We're in extensive correspondence and meetings with the local authority there to see what can be done to alleviate some of the difficulties that you've expressed. We don't have that many in Wales that I'm aware of, but where we do have the problem, it is a serious problem. So, we are looking to see what we can do to assist people with help to stay, for example, or helping them if they get into difficulty with mortgage payments and so on. But it's a very, very difficult problem if somebody goes into what's colloquially called 'negative equity' as a result of the repairs that are necessary.
We are helping people access advice services, so that they can take action against any professional people who provided them with advice that was inaccurate or misleading, which has been the case for some people. But it is a very difficult problem, so I have no easy solution to offer those families, I'm afraid.
Mae gennym amrywiaeth o bethau rydym yn eu gwneud. Mae nifer o'r cwestiynau sy'n codi yn y sesiwn hon yn ymwneud â'r hyn a wnawn mewn perthynas â rheoleiddio a diogelwch adeiladau. Ond rydym wedi cael anhawster lle nad yw rhai o'r landlordiaid sector preifat wedi gallu camu ymlaen, neu mewn un sefyllfa wirioneddol anodd yn fy etholaeth, lle mae amryw o bobl wedi mynd yn fethdalwyr un ar ôl y llall, ac wedi gadael pobl mewn sefyllfa enbyd iawn. Rydym yn gohebu'n helaeth ac yn cyfarfod â'r awdurdod lleol yno i weld beth y gellir ei wneud i leddfu rhai o'r anawsterau rydych wedi'u mynegi. Nid oes gennym gymaint â hynny y gwn amdanynt yng Nghymru, ond lle mae gennym broblem, mae'n un ddifrifol. Felly, rydym yn edrych i weld beth y gallwn ei wneud i gynorthwyo pobl gyda chymorth i aros, er enghraifft, neu eu helpu os ydynt yn mynd i drafferthion gyda thaliadau morgais ac yn y blaen. Ond mae'n broblem anodd tu hwnt os yw rhywun yn mynd i'r hyn a elwir yn gyffredin yn 'ecwiti negyddol' o ganlyniad i'r atgyweiriadau sy'n angenrheidiol.
Rydym yn helpu pobl i gael gafael ar wasanaethau cynghori, fel y gallant roi camau ar waith yn erbyn unrhyw bobl broffesiynol sydd wedi rhoi cyngor anghywir neu gamarweiniol iddynt, fel sydd wedi digwydd i rai pobl. Ond mae'n broblem anodd iawn, felly mae arnaf ofn nad oes gennyf ateb hawdd i'w gynnig i'r teuluoedd hynny.
If there are small numbers of people involved, perhaps, Minister, you'd be prepared to meet with some of the people who've been affected by this, because it is something that's impacting severely on—
Os mai ymwneud â nifer fach o bobl y mae hyn, Weinidog, efallai y byddech yn barod i gyfarfod â rhai o'r bobl yr effeithiodd hyn arnynt, oherwydd mae'n rhywbeth sy'n cael effaith ddifrifol ar—
Just to say on that, actually—I should say that my colleague Vaughan Gething, in his Assembly Member capacity, is bringing some people to meet with me for exactly that purpose very shortly.
Ar hynny, mewn gwirionedd—dylwn ddweud bod fy nghyd-Aelod, Vaughan Gething, yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel Aelod Cynulliad, yn dod â phobl i gyfarfod â mi i'r union berwyl hwnnw cyn bo hir.
Okay, thank you very much. Minister, I think one thing that could happen is that there could be a change in planning law, to ensure that, especially the big developers who've profited from these frauds—and I use that word deliberately—can have their previous records taken into account as material considerations within the planning system. You've been on record as saying that some of these new developments will be the slums of the future. Now, whether you've been referring to the lack of public services to support those developments, or to the poor quality of those developments themselves, I don't think it really matters, because the conclusion that you've reached is one that I agree with.
One of the explanations is that, since the financial crash, smaller firms have disappeared, leaving larger firms dominating the market and making excess profit from a lax planning system and from lax regulation. Do you agree with me that it's time for a windfall tax on these large firms, to pay for the restitution of the defects caused by poor development?
O'r gorau. Diolch yn fawr iawn. Weinidog, rwy'n credu mai un peth a allai ddigwydd yw y gallai fod newid yn y gyfraith gynllunio, er mwyn sicrhau, yn enwedig yn achos datblygwyr mawr sydd wedi elwa o'r fath dwyll—ac rwy'n defnyddio'r gair yn fwriadol—y rhoddir sylw i'w record flaenorol fel ystyriaeth berthnasol o fewn y system gynllunio. Rydych wedi dweud ar goedd mai slymiau'r dyfodol fydd rhai o'r datblygiadau newydd hyn. Nawr, nid wyf yn meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig a oeddech yn cyfeirio at y diffyg gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gefnogi'r datblygiadau hynny, neu at ansawdd gwael y datblygiadau eu hunain, oherwydd mae'r casgliad y daethoch iddo yn un rwy'n cytuno ag ef.
Un o'r esboniadau yw bod cwmnïau llai wedi diflannu ers y chwalfa ariannol, gan adael cwmnïau mwy yn dominyddu'r farchnad ac yn gwneud elw gormodol o system gynllunio lac ac o reoleiddio llac. A ydych yn cytuno â mi ei bod hi'n bryd codi treth ffawdelw ar y cwmnïau mawr hyn, i dalu am unioni'r diffygion a achoswyd gan ddatblygiadau gwael?
That's obviously out of competence for the Assembly, but I certainly think that something needs to be done, in terms of remedial impact for some of the pieces of work that we've seen. Only today I met with house builders in Wales to discuss a way forward, and to set out our ambition for better homes, better space standards, better carbon design, better community planning, better placemaking, and that was a relatively consensual meeting around what can be achieved if we work together. I would just like to reiterate at this point, Deputy Presiding Officer, that we are very happy to work with all the builders in Wales, as long as they come along this journey with us, so that we get a sense of place and community back into our planning process.
I will say that we are working very hard on our part L of the building regs, which we'll be coming on to in questions later on in this session, so that we can put a regulatory system in place, which will prevent some of these problems from happening. We're particularly concerned where, for example, fire breaks in cavity walls have been left out because of the speed or competence of the construction methodology used. So, we're working very hard to cover off some of those, but that doesn't help the people who are already in that situation. We are also looking very hard at the new homes ombudsman arrangements in England. I don't yet have enough detail to say whether we'll be able to go along with that, but we're very keen on having a system of that sort, so that people have redress if they do find themselves in those very difficult circumstances.
Mae hynny'n amlwg y tu hwnt i gymhwysedd y Cynulliad, ond rwy'n sicr yn credu bod angen gwneud rhywbeth, o ran yr effaith adferol ar beth o'r gwaith a welsom. Heddiw ddiwethaf cyfarfûm ag adeiladwyr tai yng Nghymru i drafod y ffordd ymlaen, ac i nodi ein huchelgais ar gyfer cartrefi gwell, gwell safonau o ran gofod, cynlluniau carbon gwell, cynllunio cymunedol gwell, creu lleoedd gwell, ac roedd hwnnw'n gyfarfod cymharol gydsyniol ynglŷn â'r hyn y gellir ei gyflawni os gweithiwn gyda'n gilydd. Hoffwn ailadrodd y pwynt, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ein bod yn hapus iawn i weithio gyda'r holl adeiladwyr yng Nghymru, cyn belled â'u bod yn dod ar y daith hon gyda ni, er mwyn inni gael ymdeimlad o le a chymuned yn ôl yn ein proses gynllunio.
Rwyf am ddweud ein bod yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar ein rhan L o'r rheoliadau adeiladu, y byddwn yn dod ati mewn cwestiynau yn ddiweddarach yn y sesiwn hon, fel y gallwn roi system reoleiddiol ar waith a fydd yn atal rhai o'r problemau hyn rhag digwydd. Rydym yn arbennig o bryderus, er enghraifft, lle mae breciau rhag tân mewn waliau ceudod wedi cael eu hepgor oherwydd cyflymder neu gymhwysedd y fethodoleg adeiladu a ddefnyddiwyd. Felly, rydym yn gweithio'n galed iawn i ymdrin â rhai o'r rheini, ond nid yw'n helpu'r bobl sydd eisoes yn y sefyllfa honno. Rydym hefyd yn edrych yn fanwl iawn ar drefniadau'r ombwdsmon cartrefi newydd yn Lloegr. Nid oes gennyf ddigon o fanylion eto i ddweud a fyddwn ni'n gallu cyd-fynd â hynny, ond rydym yn awyddus iawn i gael system o'r fath, fel bod pobl yn gallu hawlio iawn os ydynt yn wynebu'r amgylchiadau anodd hyn.
Okay. Well, I'm encouraged to hear that you're having those conversations, because this isn't just about the past—there are shoddy developments that are getting through planning committees right now as we speak. Just in August, Persimmon received planning permission for a development near the town centre in Bridgend—prime development land. It contained no provision for affordable housing, with, instead, a cash payment equivalent to just £50,000 per affordable house that should have been provided—a development next door to a recently designated air quality management area, with officers acknowledging that the development would make the situation a lot worse. Planning officers insisted that because their local development plan, written in 2013, allocated this land for housing, then that decision overrode the air pollution concerns that weren't known at the time. It took precedence over the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and that, if the committee refused to give permission, the local authority would lose on appeal and have to pay costs. I remember when I was a local authority councillor being threatened with surcharge. Local authority councillors are still being threatened with surcharge, and that is not right. So, can you tell us, with the shoddy developments that are going through planning committees now, what can you do to halt them?
O'r gorau. Wel, rwy'n falch o glywed eich bod yn cael y sgyrsiau hynny, oherwydd mae hyn yn ymwneud â mwy na'r gorffennol yn unig—mae datblygiadau gwael yn mynd drwy'r pwyllgorau cynllunio yn awr wrth inni siarad. Ym mis Awst, cafodd Persimmon ganiatâd cynllunio ar gyfer datblygiad ger canol y dref ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr—tir datblygu o'r radd flaenaf. Nid oedd yn cynnwys unrhyw ddarpariaeth ar gyfer tai fforddiadwy, gyda thaliad arian parod cyfwerth â £50,000 yn unig am bob tŷ fforddiadwy y dylid bod wedi'i ddarparu—datblygiad yn ffinio ag ardal a ddynodwyd yn ardal reoli ansawdd aer yn ddiweddar, gyda swyddogion yn cydnabod y byddai'r datblygiad yn gwneud y sefyllfa'n llawer gwaeth. Oherwydd bod eu cynllun datblygu lleol, a ysgrifennwyd yn 2013, wedi dyrannu'r tir hwn ar gyfer tai, mynnodd swyddogion cynllunio bod y penderfyniad hwnnw'n bwysicach na'r pryderon llygredd aer nad oeddent yn hysbys ar y pryd. Cafodd flaenoriaeth dros Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, a phe bai'r pwyllgor yn gwrthod rhoi caniatâd, byddai'r awdurdod lleol yn colli apêl ac yn gorfod talu costau. Pan oeddwn yn gynghorydd awdurdod lleol, rwy'n cofio cael fy mygwth â thâl ychwanegol. Mae cynghorwyr awdurdodau lleol yn dal i gael eu bygwth â thâl ychwanegol, ac nid yw hynny'n iawn. Felly, gyda'r datblygiadau gwael sy'n mynd drwy bwyllgorau cynllunio yn awr, a allwch ddweud wrthym beth y gallwch ei wneud i'w hatal?
So, we're very much in the space of encouraging all local authorities with plans that are more than five years old, which that sounds like it is, to be in the review process. The whole purpose of the plan-led process is to keep it up to date, so that, as new developments become apparent—zero-carbon building possibilities, air quality issues and so on—the plan takes those into account. They should be living documents, really.
I cannot comment on the individual application—I don't know enough about it—but we are working across Wales with local planning authorities, and with the Welsh Local Government Association planning spokespeople, and actually with our highways colleagues across Wales, to get a shared vision together of what can be achieved inside the planning process. Leanne Wood will know that we've got the national development framework out for consultation at the moment, and we are working very hard on getting the strategic planning layer in place, so that we have as up-to-date a set of plans as is humanly possible, that have as much democratic accountability inside them as possible. Because she's absolutely right: things change over five years—five years is far too long, in a swiftly moving technology environment, for those kinds of decisions to be made. But I can't make any comment on that particular application I'm afraid.
Rydym yn bendant am annog pob awdurdod lleol gyda chynlluniau sy'n fwy na phum mlwydd oed, ac mae'n swnio debyg mai dyna yw hwnnw, i fod yn y broses adolygu. Holl bwrpas y broses a arweinir gan gynllun yw ei gadw'n gyfoes, fel bod datblygiadau newydd yn dod i'r amlwg—posibiliadau adeiladu di-garbon, materion ansawdd aer ac ati—mae'r cynllun yn ystyried y rheini. Dylent fod yn ddogfennau byw, mewn gwirionedd.
Ni allaf wneud sylw am y cais unigol—nid wyf yn gwybod digon amdano—ond rydym yn gweithio ar draws Cymru gydag awdurdodau cynllunio lleol, a chyda llefarwyr cynllunio Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, ac mewn gwirionedd gyda'n cymheiriaid priffyrdd ar draws Cymru, er mwyn rhannu gweledigaeth gyda'n gilydd o'r hyn y gellir ei gyflawni o fewn y broses gynllunio. Bydd Leanne Wood yn gwybod ein bod yn ymgynghori ar y fframwaith datblygu cenedlaethol ar hyn o bryd, ac rydym yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar sicrhau bod yr haen gynllunio strategol yn ei lle, fel bod gennym set mor ddiweddar â phosibl o gynlluniau, sydd â chymaint o atebolrwydd democrataidd o'u mewn ag y bo modd. Oherwydd mae hi'n hollol gywir: mae pethau'n newid dros bum mlynedd—mae pum mlynedd yn rhy hir o lawer, mewn amgylchedd technoleg sy'n symud yn gyflym, i wneud y mathau hynny o benderfyniadau. Ond mae arnaf ofn na allaf wneud unrhyw sylw ar y cais penodol hwnnw.
During the Assembly's summer recess, Government Social Research published a report, 'Leadership development and talent management in local authorities in Wales', carried out on behalf of Academi Wales, the public service's leadership and management development organisation, based within Welsh Government. This said that, among the 22 local authorities in Wales, some have established long-standing leadership development programmes, whilst others are unable to resource the investment in training and development, and that little is known about the rationale, design, implementation, or impacts of the programmes, nor is there sufficient information about the links to be made between local authorities with regard to sharing and replicating approaches to leadership development. How, therefore, do you respond to their recommendations, amongst which are that
'Local authorities should consider developing mechanisms to include the voice of the citizen to inform its workforce planning activities. Local authorities, through the provision of Public Service Boards (PSBs) and Local Wellbeing Plans have an opportunity to ensure that the views and long-term aspirations of citizens are included in the development of a future workforce that has the skills and behaviours to meet the demands of the local community',
and also that
'Academi Wales should consider the support it provides to local authorities to monitor, measure and evaluate the collective impact of leadership development'?
Yn ystod toriad y Cynulliad dros yr haf, cyhoeddodd Ymchwil Gymdeithasol y Llywodraeth adroddiad, 'Leadership development and talent management in local authorities in Wales', a luniwyd ar ran Academi Wales, sefydliad datblygu arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth y gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, sy'n gweithio o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru. Nodai'r adroddiad fod rhai awdurdodau o blith y 22 awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru wedi sefydlu rhaglenni datblygu arweinyddiaeth hirsefydlog, tra bo eraill yn methu darparu adnoddau ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn hyfforddiant a datblygiad, ac nad oes llawer yn wybyddus am resymeg, cynllun, gweithrediad, nac effeithiau'r rhaglenni, ac nid oes digon o wybodaeth am y cysylltiadau sydd i'w gwneud rhwng awdurdodau lleol mewn perthynas â rhannu ac ailadrodd dulliau o ddatblygu arweinyddiaeth. Sut ydych chi'n ymateb felly i'w hargymhellion, sy'n cynnwys y pwynt y dylai awdurdodau lleol ystyried datblygu mecanweithiau i gynnwys llais y dinesydd fel sail i'w gweithgareddau cynllunio'r gweithlu, a bod cyfle i awdurdodau lleol, drwy ddarparu byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a chynlluniau llesiant lleol, sicrhau bod safbwyntiau a dyheadau hirdymor dinasyddion wedi'u cynnwys wrth ddatblygu gweithlu ar gyfer y dyfodol sy'n meddu ar y sgiliau a'r ymddygiad i fodloni gofynion y gymuned leol, ac yn ogystal y dylai Academi Wales ystyried y gefnogaeth y mae'n ei rhoi i awdurdodau lleol i fonitro, mesur a gwerthuso effaith gyfunol datblygu arweinyddiaeth?
I think it was a very good report, and, in fact, it gives me the opportunity to plug the public services summit that I and the First Minister will be addressing tomorrow, which runs over two days in the Liberty Stadium, down in Swansea, with the exact purpose of spreading good practice far and wide in Wales, along the theme of one public service for Wales. Academi Wales is actually an extremely good organisation, and has been praised, and indeed is praised in that report, for its ability to frame the leadership conversation in local government. We've also been working very hard with the WLGA, and indeed with some Welsh European Funding Office funding that we have, to fund leadership possibilities for third-tier and below officers right across local authorities in Wales, so that they have career-enhancing leadership opportunities. And we're very keen on working up, with Academi Wales, opportunities for secondments—both from the Welsh Government civil service, out into operational departments in local government, and vice versa, so that each has a better understanding of how the other works, with a view to enhancing the leadership aspects of that.
In terms of the public voice, we're very much encouraging local authorities to engage with their public in as wide a series of events as possible, both with a view to enhancing public service provision, but with a view to enhancing the officers of the authorities' understanding of how they deliver public services in their particular area.
I don't know if Mark Isherwood was trying to say that he wanted to advocate this, but, just to be clear, I don't—I don't think one size fits all in Wales. So, I don't think you can say, 'This looks like good leadership—you must do it like this.' I think that's very different, depending on where you are, what your authority looks like, what your local population looks like. But we do work very hard with Academi Wales on spreading good practice, right across Wales, and the next two days down in Swansea is a good example of that.
Credaf ei fod yn adroddiad da iawn, ac mewn gwirionedd, mae'n rhoi cyfle i mi hyrwyddo'r uwchgynhadledd ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus y byddaf i a'r Prif Weinidog yn ei hannerch yfory, sydd i'w chynnal dros ddau ddiwrnod yn Stadiwm Liberty, i lawr yn Abertawe, gyda'r union bwrpas o ledaenu arferion da yn eang yng Nghymru, ar thema un gwasanaeth cyhoeddus i Gymru. Mewn gwirionedd, mae Academi Wales yn sefydliad eithriadol o dda, ac fe'i canmolwyd, ac yn wir caiff ei ganmol yn yr adroddiad hwnnw, am ei allu i fframio'r sgwrs am arweinyddiaeth mewn llywodraeth leol. Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed iawn hefyd gyda CLlLC, ac yn wir gyda pheth arian sydd gennym gan Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru, cyllidwyd posibiliadau arweinyddiaeth ar gyfer swyddogion trydedd haen ac is ar draws yr awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru, fel bod ganddynt gyfleoedd arweinyddiaeth sy'n gwella gyrfa. Ac rydym yn awyddus iawn i weithio gydag Academi Wales ar gyfleoedd ar gyfer secondiadau—o wasanaeth sifil Llywodraeth Cymru, allan i adrannau gweithredol llywodraeth leol, ac fel arall, fel bod gan y naill ddealltwriaeth well ynglŷn â sut y mae'r llall yn gweithio, gyda golwg ar wella'r agweddau arweinyddiaeth ar hynny.
O ran llais y cyhoedd, rydym yn annog awdurdodau lleol yn gryf i ymgysylltu â'u cyhoedd mewn cyfres mor eang â phosibl o ddigwyddiadau, gyda'r nod o wella'r ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau cyhoeddus, ond gyda'r nod o wella dealltwriaeth swyddogion yr awdurdodau o sut y maent yn darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn eu maes penodol.
Nid wyf yn gwybod a oedd Mark Isherwood yn ceisio dweud ei fod am hyrwyddo hyn, ond i fod yn glir, nid wyf—nid wyf yn meddwl bod un ateb sy'n addas i bawb yng Nghymru. Felly, nid wyf yn meddwl y gallwch ddweud, 'Mae hyn yn edrych fel arweinyddiaeth dda—rhaid i chi ei wneud fel hyn.' Rwy'n credu ei fod yn wahanol iawn, yn dibynnu ar ble rydych chi, sut un yw eich awdurdod, sut un yw eich poblogaeth leol. Ond rydym yn gweithio'n galed iawn gydag Academi Wales ar ledaenu arferion da ledled Cymru, ac mae'r deuddydd nesaf i lawr yn Abertawe yn enghraifft dda o hynny.
Can I just say, I'm not focused on trying to specify what good leadership looks like, but more how we develop good leadership. And in my professional background, it was a betrayal of people, from the lowest positions to the highest positions, if we didn't have a performance management system in place that was entirely interactive, and which respected people and agreed ways forward, so that they could develop professionally, individually and contribute accordingly.
In developing a similar theme, this week the Auditor General for Wales has produced a report on public services boards, stating they need to start thinking and acting differently and to be given the freedom to work more flexibly. Of course, the boards were set up by the Welsh Government under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to improve the well-being of communities, but he said they're unlikely to realise their potential unless changes are introduced. Again, how would you respond to the recommendations made, which included that the Welsh Government should enable public services boards to develop flexible models of working, including merging, reducing and integrating their work with other forums, such as regional partnership boards, and giving them flexibility to receive, manage and spend grant moneys; improving transparency and accountability by making public services board meetings, agendas, papers and minutes accessible and available to the public; and that public services boards and public bodies should use the findings of an earlier auditor general discussion paper on effective scrutiny to strengthen oversight arrangements in activity? I hope you'll agree with me that this ties in with the first question, because effective management at every level would require this sort of change in management approach.
A gaf fi ddweud, nid wyf yn canolbwyntio ar geisio nodi sut beth yw arweinyddiaeth dda, ond yn hytrach ar sut y datblygwn arweinyddiaeth dda. Ac yn fy nghefndir proffesiynol, byddem yn bradychu pobl, o'r swyddi isaf i'r swyddi uchaf, pe na bai gennym system rheoli perfformiad ar waith a oedd yn gwbl ryngweithiol, ac a oedd yn parchu pobl ac yn cytuno ar ffyrdd ymlaen, fel y gallent ddatblygu'n broffesiynol, yn unigol a chyfrannu'n unol â hynny.
Wrth ddatblygu thema debyg, yr wythnos hon mae Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru wedi llunio adroddiad ar fyrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, gan nodi bod angen iddynt ddechrau meddwl a gweithredu'n wahanol, a chael y rhyddid i weithio'n fwy hyblyg. Wrth gwrs, sefydlwyd y byrddau gan Lywodraeth Cymru o dan Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 i wella llesiant cymunedau, ond dywedodd nad ydynt yn debygol o gyflawni eu potensial oni bai fod newidiadau'n cael eu cyflwyno. Unwaith eto, sut y byddech yn ymateb i'r argymhellion a wnaed, a oedd yn cynnwys y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru alluogi byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i ddatblygu modelau gweithio hyblyg, gan gynnwys uno, lleihau ac integreiddio eu gwaith gyda fforymau eraill, megis byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol, a rhoi hyblygrwydd iddynt dderbyn, rheoli a gwario arian grant; gwella tryloywder ac atebolrwydd drwy sicrhau bod cyfarfodydd, agendâu, papurau a chofnodion byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn hygyrch ac ar gael i'r cyhoedd; ac y dylai byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a chyrff cyhoeddus ddefnyddio canfyddiadau papur trafod blaenorol gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol ar graffu effeithiol i gryfhau'r trefniadau trosolwg yn eu gwaith? Rwy'n gobeithio y cytunwch â mi fod hyn yn cyd-fynd â'r cwestiwn cyntaf, oherwydd byddai rheoli effeithiol ar bob lefel yn gofyn am y math hwn o newid yn y dull rheoli.
Yes, I would entirely agree with you. There was a good report from the auditor on public services boards, and they're relatively new. They are taken into account in the regional working group that the WLGA has, which I mentioned in response to an earlier question. The WLGA is doing some good work alongside its colleagues in health around how we can spread good practice across the public services boards, how we can reduce duplication where there is some with regional partnership boards, and how those two mechanisms can work more effectively together alongside other regional arrangements. It's a piece of work that I hope will be made public towards Christmas of this year, as we come to a conclusion with the WLGA.
But we have been working along the lines suggested in that report for quite some time, and I do agree with Mark Isherwood that there is a dual question there. It's not just about people management—I don't disagree at all with what he said about appraisal systems—it's also about strategic thinking and leadership arrangements that are put in place for those boards. And so, I think this is a good tool in the armoury, if you like, of the improvement of the public services boards, but it is worth remembering that they haven't been there for all that long, and they are still bedding in. We have seen, as the report says, some very good practice across Wales, and it is just a question of how we spread that out.
The Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government jointly attended a conference, or an all-day engagement exercise anyway, on the way that public services boards and regional partnership boards work together. And there were some good learning and outcomes from that that we're taking forward as well.
Buaswn yn cytuno'n llwyr â chi. Cafwyd adroddiad da gan yr archwilydd ar fyrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, ac maent yn gymharol newydd. Fe'u hystyrir yn y gweithgor rhanbarthol sydd gan Gymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru a grybwyllais wrth ymateb i gwestiwn cynharach. Mae'r gymdeithas yn gwneud gwaith da gyda'i chydweithwyr ym maes iechyd o ran sut y gallwn ledaenu arfer da ar draws y byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, sut y gallwn leihau dyblygu lle mae i'w weld yn digwydd gyda byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol, a sut y gall y ddau fecanwaith weithio'n fwy effeithiol ochr yn ochr â threfniadau rhanbarthol eraill. Mae'n waith y gobeithiaf y bydd yn cael ei wneud yn gyhoeddus tuag at y Nadolig eleni, wrth i ni gwblhau'r gwaith gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru.
Ond rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar hyd y llinellau a awgrymwyd yn yr adroddiad hwnnw ers cryn amser, ac rwy'n cytuno â Mark Isherwood fod cwestiwn deuol yno. Nid yw'n ymwneud yn unig â rheoli pobl—nid wyf yn anghytuno o gwbl â'r hyn a ddywedodd am systemau arfarnu—mae hefyd yn ymwneud â meddwl strategol a threfniadau arweinyddiaeth a roddir ar waith ar gyfer y byrddau hynny. Ac felly, rwy'n credu bod hwn yn arf da yn yr arfogaeth, os mynnwch, ar gyfer gwella'r byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, ond mae'n werth cofio nad ydynt wedi bod yno ers cymaint â hynny o amser, ac maent yn dal i ymsefydlu. Fel y dywed yr adroddiad, gwelsom rai arferion da iawn ledled Cymru, a mater o sut y lledaenwn hynny yn unig ydyw.
Mynychodd y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a'r Dirprwy Weinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol gynhadledd, neu ymarfer ymgysylltu undydd beth bynnag, ar y ffordd y mae byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd. A chafwyd gwersi a chanlyniadau da a ddatblygir gennym o hynny hefyd.
Well, appraisal systems are meant to be a snapshot as part of a performance management system. There should be no surprises in an appraisal system. No employee at any level should be either criticised or praised for something they weren't already involved with. So, I hope you will develop that into performance management, as opposed to just appraisal systems.
But the upshot of all this was perhaps exemplified by an e-mail sent to Assembly Members and Members of Parliament covering or representing Flintshire, in August, from the Flintshire social and healthcare overview and scrutiny committee, after they considered the Welsh Government's continuing healthcare consultations for both children and young people and adults, which is out for consultation. They said that members felt the information and changes detailed in the proposed framework would be detrimental to local authorities across Wales, that the framework is not worded clearly in a fashion that would reduce disputes between health boards and their services, where a number of cases are currently in dispute between the county, and that lack of clarity will further impact on this issue, which will have a considerable impact on staff time and resources. They said the new framework would result in even greater financial pressure, and a number of care packages, currently funded by the local health board or jointly with the local health board, no longer becoming eligible for continuing healthcare funding and becoming the sole responsibility of the health board.
And, finally, they said that the framework continues to be unable to reconcile the use of direct payment, as an individual will not be eligible to use a direct payment to fund primary health needs, leading to a clash in the principle of consistency and control. This goes to the core, not only of local authority working, but of the local partnership boards and the regional partnership boards. And I appreciate you can't comment on the outcome of a consultation, but how will you respond to the wider issues that this particular council committee has evidenced?
Wel, mae systemau arfarnu i fod i ddarparu cipolwg fel rhan o system rheoli perfformiad. Ni ddylai system arfarnu ddatgelu canlyniadau annisgwyl. Ni ddylai unrhyw gyflogai ar unrhyw lefel gael ei feirniadu na'i ganmol am rywbeth nad oeddent eisoes yn ymwneud ag ef. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn datblygu hynny'n rhan o'r gwaith rheoli perfformiad, yn hytrach na systemau arfarnu'n unig.
Ond amlygwyd hyn oll efallai gan neges e-bost a anfonwyd at Aelodau'r Cynulliad ac Aelodau Seneddol a gynrychiolai Sir y Fflint ym mis Awst, gan bwyllgor trosolwg a chraffu cymdeithasol a gofal iechyd Sir y Fflint, ar ôl iddynt ystyried ymgynghoriadau gofal iechyd parhaus Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc ac oedolion, sy'n destun ymgynghori ar hyn o bryd. Dywedasant fod yr aelodau'n teimlo y byddai'r wybodaeth a'r newidiadau y manylir arnynt yn y fframwaith arfaethedig yn niweidiol i awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru, nad yw'r fframwaith wedi'i eirio'n glir mewn modd a fyddai'n lleihau anghydfod rhwng byrddau iechyd a'u gwasanaethau, lle mae nifer o achosion yn destun anghydfod â'r sir ar hyn o bryd, ac y bydd y diffyg eglurder yn cael effaith bellach ar y mater hwn, gan effeithio'n sylweddol ar amser ac adnoddau staff. Dywedasant y byddai'r fframwaith newydd yn arwain at fwy fyth o bwysau ariannol, ac na fyddai nifer o becynnau gofal a ariennir ar hyn o bryd gan y bwrdd iechyd lleol neu ar y cyd â'r bwrdd iechyd lleol yn dod yn gymwys mwyach i gael arian ar gyfer gofal iechyd parhaus ac yn dod yn gyfrifoldeb y bwrdd iechyd yn llwyr.
Ac yn olaf, dywedasant fod y fframwaith yn parhau i fethu cysoni'r defnydd o daliadau uniongyrchol, gan na fydd unigolyn yn gymwys i ddefnyddio taliad uniongyrchol i ariannu anghenion iechyd sylfaenol, gan arwain at wrthdaro o ran yr egwyddor o gysondeb a rheolaeth. Mae hyn yn mynd i graidd y gwaith a wneir gan fyrddau partneriaeth lleol a'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn ogystal â gwaith awdurdodau lleol. Ac rwy'n sylweddoli na allwch wneud sylwadau ar ganlyniad ymgynghoriad, ond sut y byddwch yn ymateb i'r materion ehangach y dangoswyd tystiolaeth ohonynt gan y pwyllgor cyngor hwn?
Yes, so, as I say, it's early days for the way that these two boards work together. It's early days for the public services boards. And, obviously, the regional partnership boards are even more recent in their inception. I'm not going to comment on the detail of that. We are aware of different practices across Wales, and one of the things that I said in answering your second point was that we are looking for ways of spreading good practice. So, without commenting on the detail there, it is interesting that, in some areas of Wales, they've not been able to do things via those mechanisms, which, it seems, have been perfectly possible elsewhere in Wales to do. So, we need to do some work with the Welsh Local Government Association, and the two Deputy Ministers have taken forward the work on how those two things hold together. And we will be, of course, taking all the learning from scrutiny committees and scrutiny arrangements from around Wales, to take into account that learning.
There is an issue about spreading good practice in Wales and how slowly good practice has travelled. I do want to commend the WLGA on the work it's been doing over the summer on doing that. And, certainly, I can say, Mark Isherwood, that we will be taking into account the scrutiny findings of all of the committees across Wales in considering how to take those two arrangements forward.
Ie, felly, fel rwy'n dweud, mae'n ddyddiau cynnar o ran y ffordd y mae'r ddau fwrdd yn cydweithio. Mae'n ddyddiau cynnar ar y byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Ac yn amlwg, dechreuodd y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn fwy diweddar hyd yn oed. Nid wyf yn mynd i wneud sylw ar fanylion hynny. Rydym yn ymwybodol o arferion gwahanol ledled Cymru, ac un o'r pethau a ddywedais wrth ateb eich ail bwynt oedd ein bod yn chwilio am ffyrdd o ledaenu arferion da. Felly, heb roi sylwadau am y manylion yma, mae'n ddiddorol nad ydynt wedi gallu gwneud pethau drwy'r mecanweithiau hynny mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru er iddi fod yn gwbl bosibl mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru yn ôl pob golwg. Felly, mae angen inni wneud rhywfaint o waith gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, ac mae'r ddau Ddirprwy Weinidog wedi bwrw ymlaen â'r gwaith ar sut y mae'r ddau'n cyd-dynnu. Ac wrth gwrs, byddwn yn ystyried yr holl bethau a ddysgwyd gan bwyllgorau craffu a threfniadau craffu o bob cwr o Gymru.
Mae cwestiwn yn codi ynghylch lledaenu arferion da yng Nghymru a pha mor araf y mae arferion da wedi teithio. Rwyf am ganmol Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru am y gwaith y bu'n ei wneud dros yr haf ar hynny. Ac yn sicr, gallaf ddweud, Mark Isherwood, y byddwn yn rhoi sylw i ganfyddiadau craffu pob un o'r pwyllgorau ledled Cymru wrth ystyried sut i fwrw ymlaen â'r ddau drefniant.
3. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effeithiolrwydd gwasanaethau archwilio a rheoleiddio awdurdodau lleol? OAQ54483
3. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the efficacy of local authorities' inspection and regulation services? OAQ54483
Local authorities are responsible for inspecting and regulating many different services, both devolved and non-devolved. The Welsh Government sets the statutory frameworks for those in devolved areas, and these are periodically reviewed.
Mae awdurdodau lleol yn gyfrifol am arolygu a rheoleiddio llawer o wasanaethau gwahanol, yn rhai datganoledig a heb eu datganoli. Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n pennu'r fframweithiau statudol ar gyfer y rheini mewn meysydd datganoledig, a chaiff y rhain eu hadolygu o bryd i'w gilydd.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. Following the recent investigation by the BBC that showed the licensing system isn't working and that dogs are being held in disgusting and cruel conditions, your Government has said it's going to review the rules. If you think that the BBC report makes for distressing viewing, you should see some of the stuff on the C.A.R.I.A.D. campaign website. It's absolutely shocking what these dogs are being put through. That this is still going on in Wales, I'm sure everyone agrees, is absolutely shameful.
Now, the media and some politicians have blamed local authorities and vets for the problems, but we have to remember that those truly responsible for these animals being kept in such poor conditions are the puppy farmers themselves. I appreciate that local authorities are strapped for cash, they have an awful lot of priorities on their plate to deal with. It takes a lot of money and resources to properly run a licensing system and an inspection system. It takes additional money to do unannounced inspections, for instance, which don't seem to be happening. So, do you not agree with me that the best way to cease this regulated suffering is to ban puppy farming altogether? I'm a great believer in 'where there's a will, there's a way', and surely Welsh Government should be working with organisations such as C.A.R.I.A.D. to achieve a form of ban that would be effective. So, for the sake of tackling animal cruelty in Wales, an outright ban, I think, is the only solution. Do you agree with me?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Yn dilyn yr ymchwiliad diweddar gan y BBC a ddangosodd nad yw'r system drwyddedu'n gweithio a bod cŵn yn cael eu cadw mewn amgylchiadau ffiaidd a chreulon, mae eich Llywodraeth wedi dweud ei bod yn mynd i adolygu'r rheolau. Os credwch fod adroddiad y BBC yn peri gofid, dylech weld peth o'r stwff ar wefan ymgyrch C.A.R.I.A.D.. Mae'r hyn y mae'r cŵn hyn yn gorfod ei ddioddef yn gwbl frawychus. Rwy'n siŵr fod pawb yn cytuno bod y ffaith ei fod yn dal i ddigwydd yng Nghymru yn gwbl gywilyddus.
Nawr, mae'r cyfryngau a rhai gwleidyddion wedi beio awdurdodau lleol a milfeddygon am y problemau, ond rhaid inni gofio mai'r ffermwyr cŵn bach eu hunain sy'n gyfrifol am gadw'r anifeiliaid hyn mewn amgylchiadau mor wael mewn gwirionedd. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod awdurdodau lleol yn brin o arian, mae ganddynt lawer iawn o flaenoriaethau i ymdrin â hwy. Mae gweithredu system drwyddedu a system arolygu yn briodol yn galw am lawer o arian ac adnoddau. Mae gwneud archwiliadau dirybudd, er enghraifft, yn galw am arian ychwanegol, ac nid ydynt i'w gweld yn digwydd. Felly, onid ydych yn cytuno â mi mai'r ffordd orau o roi diwedd ar y dioddefaint rheoleiddiedig hwn yw gwahardd ffermio cŵn bach yn gyfan gwbl? Rwy'n gredwr cryf yn y dywediad 'lle mae ewyllys, mae yna ffordd', a does bosibl na ddylai Llywodraeth Cymru fod yn gweithio gyda sefydliadau megis C.A.R.I.A.D. i sicrhau ffurf ar waharddiad a fyddai'n effeithiol. Felly, er mwyn mynd i'r afael â chreulondeb i anifeiliaid yng Nghymru, rwy'n credu mai gwaharddiad llwyr yw'r unig ateb. A ydych chi'n cytuno?
So, the Minister outlined in her earlier questions a whole range of measures that she has recently announced in this regard, and, of course, we're all deeply disturbed by the accounts of non-compliance in the BBC documentary. It was horrible—absolutely heartbreaking.
My colleague Lesley Griffiths outlined a series of things that she's undertaking in this regard. It is always tempting to think that there's a quick fix for these things, but they always have other consequences, not intended. So, we do need to work through those carefully. I think that Lesley Griffiths has already said in this session, Deputy Presiding Officer, that she will be bringing forward more information to the Senedd as those things work through the system.
Yn ei chwestiynau cynharach, amlinellodd y Gweinidog ystod eang o fesurau y mae hi wedi'u cyhoeddi'n ddiweddar ar hyn, ac wrth gwrs, mae'r hanesion a roddwyd am ddiffyg cydymffurfiaeth yn rhaglen ddogfen y BBC yn peri gofid mawr i ni i gyd. Roedd yn ofnadwy—yn gwbl dorcalonnus.
Amlinellodd fy nghyd-Aelod, Lesley Griffiths, gyfres o bethau y mae hi'n eu gwneud i'r perwyl hwn. Mae'n demtasiwn bob amser i feddwl bod ateb cyflym i'r pethau hyn, ond mae iddynt bob amser ganlyniadau eraill nas bwriadwyd. Felly, mae angen inni weithio drwy'r rheini'n ofalus. Credaf fod Lesley Griffiths eisoes wedi dweud yn y sesiwn hon, Ddirprwy Lywydd, y bydd yn cyflwyno rhagor o wybodaeth i'r Senedd wrth i'r pethau hynny weithio drwy'r system.
I think everybody was disgusted and dismayed in equal measure by what we saw on our screens last week, but my question is very clear: I'm asking now for a moratorium on any new licences whatsoever to do with puppy farming. Because, in accordance with the replies that I've had from both Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire councils, they are overwhelmed at the moment. If they're overwhelmed at the moment with what they've got, then it's fairly clear to me they don't need any more. I know that there's an application in Ceredigion, and I know that there are 4,500 signatories against that application. I would lend my support to that because we cannot carry on allowing licences or allowing authorities to allow licences when, by their own admission, they are overwhelmed.
Rwy'n credu bod pawb wedi ffieiddio ac wedi'u siomi i'r un graddau gan yr hyn a welsom ar ein sgriniau yr wythnos diwethaf, ond mae fy nghwestiwn yn glir iawn: rwy'n gofyn yn awr am foratoriwm ar unrhyw drwyddedau newydd o gwbl sy'n ymwneud â ffermio cŵn bach. Oherwydd, yn unol â'r atebion a gefais gan gynghorau Ceredigion a Sir Gaerfyrddin, maent wedi'u llethu ar hyn o bryd. Os ydynt wedi'u llethu yn awr gyda'r hyn sydd ganddynt, mae'n weddol amlwg i mi nad oes angen mwy arnynt. Gwn fod yna gais ger bron yng Ngheredigion, a gwn fod 4,500 o lofnodwyr yn gwrthwynebu'r cais hwnnw. Buaswn yn rhoi fy nghefnogaeth iddo oherwydd ni allwn barhau i ganiatáu trwyddedau neu ganiatáu i awdurdodau ganiatáu trwyddedau a hwythau, yn ôl eu cyfaddefiad eu hunain, wedi'u llethu.
Yes, and, as I said, Lesley Griffiths, in her earlier answers, set out a number of things. I know she's written to the Wales animal health and welfare framework group to accept their offer of help and request an urgent and immediate review of the dog breeding regulations. Perhaps, given the amount of interest across the Chamber, and the cross-portfolio thing—you've just put a written statement out, I know—I would be happy, and I'm sure you'd agree, to broker a meeting between various Assembly Members and us about the way forward across the two portfolios.
Ie, ac fel y dywedais, nododd Lesley Griffiths lawer o bethau yn ei hatebion cynharach, a gwn ei bod wedi ysgrifennu at grŵp fframwaith iechyd a lles anifeiliaid Cymru i dderbyn eu cynnig o gymorth ac i ofyn am adolygiad brys a heb ymdroi o'r rheoliadau bridio cŵn. Efallai, o ystyried cymaint o ddiddordeb a geir ar draws y Siambr, a'r peth trawsbortffolio—rydych newydd ryddhau datganiad ysgrifenedig, rwy'n gwybod—buaswn yn hapus, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno, i drefnu cyfarfod rhwng gwahanol Aelodau Cynulliad a ni ynglŷn â'r ffordd ymlaen ar draws y ddau bortffolio.
Minister, over many years, I've been becoming quite concerned at the number of cases taken by trading standards against our farmers, who end up in court simply for the case to fall. An allegation that a farmer—this is in north Wales—took an unreasonable time to dispose of carcasses was dropped. A case against three farmers and their management of a flock of Welsh mountain sheep went to court and was dropped. And I know of a farmer taken to court for failing to provide fresh golden-coloured straw for bedding. This was unsuccessful in court too. So, unsurprisingly, there is a feeling that local authorities do seem determined to prosecute in the first instance rather than looking to work more constructively.
Only recently, a farmer in my own constituency was taken to court, over many months of an actual agonising decision—and I can see other Members agreeing with me. The court costs were £100,000, and the case was dropped. This situation has to change, as farmers are unfairly crippled by the cost of combating criminal cases. Will you review the efficiency of local authorities and their inspection regimes to look at a way of perhaps looking at a better way of working more co-operatively with farmers, rather than taking farmers to court using taxpayers' money in terms of court expenses paid for by local authorities, and, indeed, leaving our hard-working farmers, at the end of the day, with massive court costs, only for a failed court case?
Weinidog, dros flynyddoedd lawer, bûm yn pryderu'n fawr ynglŷn â nifer yr achosion y mae safonau masnach wedi'u dwyn yn erbyn ein ffermwyr, sy'n mynd i'r llys, ddim ond i weld yr achos yn cael ei ollwng. Ceir honiad bod ffermwr—yng ngogledd Cymru oedd hyn—wedi cymryd amser afresymol i gael gwared ar garcasau wedi'i ollwng. Aeth achos yn erbyn tri ffermwr a'u rheolaeth o ddiadell o ddefaid mynydd Cymreig i'r llys ac fe'i gollyngwyd. A gwn am ffermwr y bu'n rhaid iddo fynd i'r llys am fethu darparu gwellt ffres euraid i'w anifeiliaid orwedd arno. Roedd yr achos hwnnw'n aflwyddiannus yn y llys hefyd. Felly, nid yw'n syndod fod yna deimlad ei bod hi'n ymddangos bod awdurdodau lleol yn benderfynol o erlyn yn gyntaf yn hytrach na cheisio gweithio'n fwy adeiladol.
Yn ddiweddar iawn, aethpwyd â ffermwr yn fy etholaeth i'r llys, dros fisoedd lawer o boeni ynghylch penderfyniad—a gallaf weld Aelodau eraill yn cytuno â mi. Roedd costau'r llys yn £100,000, a chafodd yr achos ei ollwng. Mae'n rhaid newid y sefyllfa hon, gan fod ffermwyr yn cael eu cosbi'n annheg gan gost ymladd achosion troseddol. A wnewch chi adolygu effeithlonrwydd awdurdodau lleol a'u cyfundrefnau arolygu er mwyn edrych am ffordd well o weithio'n fwy cydweithredol â ffermwyr, yn hytrach na mynd â ffermwyr i'r llys gan ddefnyddio arian y trethdalwyr i awdurdodau lleol dalu treuliau llys, a gadael ein ffermwyr gweithgar, yn y pen draw, i wynebu costau llys enfawr am achosion llys aflwyddiannus?
Well, I've no idea of the detail of the cases that Janet Finch-Saunders is setting out. If you want to write in, that's fine. But, first of all, trading standards is a non-devolved service provided by our local authorities, and, secondly, it's very difficult to make a general statement about the efficacy or otherwise of a prosecution policy off the back of three cases that I've just heard about. So, if you want to write in and tell me the detail of that, I'm happy to look at it.
In general, though, local authorities are very restrained in taking court action because it's a huge use of their resources in constrained circumstances. But I'll be more than happy to look at the specifics of the cases that she raised.
Wel, nid oes gennyf unrhyw syniad ynglŷn â manylion yr achosion y mae Janet Finch-Saunders yn eu disgrifio. Os ydych chi eisiau ysgrifennu ataf, mae hynny'n iawn. Ond yn gyntaf oll, gwasanaeth heb ei ddatganoli a ddarparir gan ein hawdurdodau lleol yw safonau masnach, ac yn ail, mae'n anodd iawn gwneud datganiad cyffredinol am effeithiolrwydd neu ddiffyg effeithlonrwydd polisi erlyn ar sail tri achos rwyf newydd glywed amdanynt. Felly, os ydych am ysgrifennu ataf a rhoi manylion hynny i mi, rwy'n hapus i edrych arno.
Fodd bynnag, yn gyffredinol, mae awdurdodau lleol yn ochelgar iawn rhag rhoi achos llys ar waith oherwydd mae'n ddefnydd enfawr ar eu hadnoddau mewn amgylchiadau cyfyngedig. Ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i edrych ar fanylion yr achosion a nododd.
4. Sut mae polisi cynllunio ar gyfer tai newydd yn ystyried darpariaethau Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015? OAQ54488
4. How does planning policy for new housing take into account the provisions of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015? OAQ54488
National planning policy for new housing has been completely revised to reflect the well-being of future generations Act. 'Planning Policy Wales' puts placemaking at the heart of the planning system and, rather than the building of isolated housing estates, focuses on creating sustainable places that positively contribute towards well-being.
Mae'r polisi cynllunio cenedlaethol ar gyfer tai newydd wedi'i ddiwygio'n llwyr i adlewyrchu Deddf llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Mae 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' yn rhoi lle canolog i greu lleoedd yn y system gynllunio ac yn hytrach nag adeiladu ystadau tai ynysig, mae'n canolbwyntio ar greu mannau cynaliadwy sy'n cyfrannu'n gadarnhaol at lesiant.
In late 2016, Mark Lang made Lansbury Park the subject of a deep place study to try and understand the root causes of the area's relative deprivation. And while there are no easy answers, what resulted was a decision by Caerphilly County Borough Council to adopt a deep place plan to address these multifaceted problems. At Caerphilly public services board's most recent annual conference, held on 5 July, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales praised the work that's been going on at Lansbury Park and emphasised the importance of maintaining access to natural green spaces for the estate's residents. This was specifically mentioned at that conference. It shouldn't just be for wealthier communities to enjoy those green spaces. Does the Minister agree that building new expensive houses on green spaces near communities—for example, like Lansbury Park—jeopardises this and is a hallmark of unsustainable development, in contradiction of the well-being of future generations Act?
Tua diwedd 2016, gwnaeth Mark Lang Barc Lansbury yn destun astudiaeth ddofn i geisio deall achosion gwaelodol amddifadedd cymharol yr ardal. Ac er nad oes atebion hawdd, arweiniodd at benderfyniad gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili i fabwysiadu cynllun dwfn i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau amlochrog hyn. Yng nghynhadledd flynyddol fwyaf diweddar bwrdd gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Caerffili, a gynhaliwyd ar 5 Gorffennaf, canmolodd Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru y gwaith sydd wedi bod yn mynd rhagddo ym Mharc Lansbury a phwysleisiodd bwysigrwydd cynnal mynediad i fannau gwyrdd naturiol ar gyfer trigolion yr ystâd. Crybwyllwyd hyn yn benodol yn y gynhadledd honno. Dylai pobl heblaw'r cymunedau mwy cefnog gael mwynhau mannau gwyrdd. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno bod codi tai drud newydd ar fannau gwyrdd ger cymunedau—fel Parc Lansbury er enghraifft—yn peryglu hyn ac yn nodwedd o ddatblygu anghynaliadwy, yn groes i Ddeddf llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol?
Yes. Well, as Hefin David knows, I'm unable to comment on the specifics of any given planning application, but, in general, I'm very happy to say that I agree with the future generations commissioner about the importance of access to green space for all our communities, particularly those who have less access, actually. And that very much enhances health and well-being, particularly in deprived areas, and that is currently reflected in planning policy, which needs to be reflected in the decisions of planning committees and in the inspectorate's decisions.
Ie. Wel, fel y gŵyr Hefin David, ni allaf roi sylwadau ar fanylion unrhyw gais cynllunio penodol, ond yn gyffredinol, rwy'n hapus iawn i ddweud fy mod yn cytuno â chomisiynydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol am bwysigrwydd mynediad i fannau gwyrdd i bob un o'n cymunedau, yn enwedig y rhai sydd â llai o fynediad, mewn gwirionedd. Ac mae hynny'n gwella iechyd a lles yn fawr, yn enwedig mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig, ac adlewyrchir hynny ar hyn o bryd yn y polisi cynllunio, ac mae angen ei adlewyrchu ym mhenderfyniadau pwyllgorau cynllunio ac ym mhenderfyniadau'r arolygiaeth.
Minister, last week, a planning application for 111 new houses in my constituency, which had previously been approved by the local authority before being called in by the Welsh Government, was subsequently rejected by the inspectorate on the grounds of it contravening the well-being of future generations legislation, which Hefin David has just mentioned. It was rejected on the basis that the development would rely too much on cars, totally in keeping with the legislation.
Now, I'm not asking you to comment in any way on this case, because I know that you're going to say that you can't, and I know how these things work. But I will ask a more general question about this legislation and how it interacts with local planning. Given that the well-being of future generations legislation is having an increasing impact on planning in particular, will you consider better guidance to local planning authorities and perhaps training for councillors and officials involved in the planning process, so that they are fully versed in their obligations under the legislation early on in this process and so that all the complexities and associated costs that we see later on with call-ins and referrals—a lot of that—could be avoided because planning authorities would know full well what their obligations were under that future generations legislation at the very start?
Weinidog, yr wythnos diwethaf, cafodd cais cynllunio ar gyfer 111 o dai newydd yn fy etholaeth, a gymeradwywyd yn flaenorol gan yr awdurdod lleol cyn cael ei alw i mewn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ei wrthod wedyn gan yr arolygiaeth ar y sail ei fod yn groes i ddeddfwriaeth llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol y soniodd Hefin David amdani yn awr. Fe'i gwrthodwyd ar y sail y byddai'r datblygiad yn dibynnu gormod ar geir, yn unol â'r ddeddfwriaeth.
Nawr, nid wyf yn gofyn i chi wneud sylwadau mewn unrhyw ffordd ar yr achos hwn, oherwydd rwy'n gwybod y byddwch yn dweud na allwch, ac rwy'n gwybod sut y mae'r pethau hyn yn gweithio. Ond rwy'n mynd i ofyn cwestiwn mwy cyffredinol am y ddeddfwriaeth hon a sut y mae'n rhyngweithio â chynllunio lleol. O gofio bod deddfwriaeth llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn cael effaith gynyddol ar gynllunio yn arbennig, a wnewch chi ystyried rhoi gwell arweiniad i awdurdodau cynllunio lleol, a hyfforddiant efallai i gynghorwyr a swyddogion sy'n ymwneud â'r broses gynllunio, fel eu bod yn gwbl gyfarwydd â'u rhwymedigaethau o dan y ddeddfwriaeth yn gynnar yn y broses ac fel y gellid osgoi'r holl gymhlethdodau a'r costau cysylltiedig a welwn yn nes ymlaen gyda galw i mewn ac atgyfeiriadau—llawer o hynny—gan y byddai awdurdodau cynllunio'n gwybod yn iawn beth oedd eu rhwymedigaethau o dan ddeddfwriaeth cenedlaethau'r dyfodol ar y cychwyn cyntaf?
Yes, I'm happy to agree with that. Actually, my colleague Ken Skates and I attended a meeting of the housing building federation—I can't remember the exact title; just to confuse poor Ministers, they all have almost identical names—but the housing building federation, only this morning, in which we undertook to work together with the leads for planning and highways in the WLGA to do exactly as Nick Ramsay has just suggested.
So, this is a relatively new planning policy, introduced by my colleague Lesley Griffiths, just as she left that portfolio, inherited by me very happily, and is a step change in the way that we look at planning. I'm delighted to hear it taking effect on the ground, but you're absolutely right that we need to make sure that we have the hearts and minds of all of the people implementing the process, including our builders and developers, on board. And that was the purpose of the meeting this morning that we attended—to make sure that everybody has an unequivocal understanding of where our policy direction lies so that they can be both more effective and efficient in implementing it.
Ie, rwy'n hapus i gytuno â hynny. Mewn gwirionedd, mynychodd fy nghyd-Aelod, Ken Skates, a minnau gyfarfod o'r ffederasiwn adeiladu tai—ni allaf gofio'r union deitl; i ddrysu Gweinidogion, druain, mae gan bob un ohonynt enwau sydd bron yn union yr un fath—ond y ffederasiwn adeiladu tai, y bore yma, lle y rhoddwyd ymrwymiad gennym i gydweithio gyda'r arweinyddion cynllunio a phriffyrdd yn CLlLC i wneud yn union fel y mae Nick Ramsay newydd ei awgrymu.
Felly, mae hwn yn bolisi cynllunio cymharol newydd a gyflwynwyd gan fy nghyd-Aelod, Lesley Griffiths, wrth iddi adael y portffolio yr oeddwn yn hapus iawn i'w etifeddu, ac mae'n newid sylweddol yn y ffordd yr edrychwn ar gynllunio. Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed ei fod yn cael effaith ar lawr gwlad, ond rydych yn llygad eich lle fod angen i ni sicrhau bod calonnau a meddyliau pawb sy'n gweithredu'r broses, gan gynnwys ein hadeiladwyr a'n datblygwyr, gyda ni. A dyna oedd diben y cyfarfod a fynychwyd gennym y bore yma—gwneud yn siŵr fod pawb yn deall ein cyfeiriad polisi'n glir fel y gallant fod yn fwy effeithiol ac effeithlon wrth ei weithredu.
I just wanted to pick up on something that Leanne Wood raised with you earlier, which you didn't directly respond to, so I just wanted to try again and ask for a simple 'yes' or 'no', if possible. I was just wondering whether you could confirm that the well-being of future generations Act should be used as a material consideration by planning committees when making decisions on planning applications, and that local development plans produced prior to this Act shouldn't be given more weight than the requirements of the Act in decisions being made by committees today. 'Yes' or 'no'?
Roeddwn am sôn am rywbeth y gofynnodd Leanne Wood i chi yn gynharach, rhywbeth na wnaethoch ymateb iddo'n uniongyrchol, felly roeddwn am roi cynnig arall arni a gofyn am 'ie' neu 'na' syml, os oes modd. Roeddwn yn meddwl tybed a allech gadarnhau y dylid defnyddio Deddf llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol fel ystyriaeth berthnasol gan bwyllgorau cynllunio wrth wneud penderfyniadau ar geisiadau cynllunio, ac na ddylid rhoi mwy o bwysau i gynlluniau datblygu lleol a gynhyrchwyd cyn y Ddeddf hon na'r hyn sy'n ofynnol yn y Ddeddf mewn penderfyniadau a wneir gan bwyllgorau heddiw. 'Dylid' neu 'na ddylid'?
'Planning Policy Wales' sets that out. 'Planning Policy Wales' is the extant planning policy for Wales, which is what should be taken into account when planning committees make their decisions. It's pretty straightforward stuff.
Mae 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' yn nodi hynny. 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' yw'r polisi cynllunio sydd mewn grym ar gyfer Cymru, sef yr hyn y dylid ei ystyried pan fydd pwyllgorau cynllunio yn gwneud eu penderfyniadau. Mae'n eithaf syml.
Is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?
'Dylid' neu 'na ddylid'?
Thank you. That's all I want.
Diolch. Dyna'r cyfan rwyf ei eisiau.
I thought I'd said 'yes' to start with. The most recent policy is the one that should be considered.
Roeddwn i'n meddwl fy mod wedi dweud 'dylid' ar y dechrau. Y polisi diweddaraf yw'r un y dylid ei ystyried.
Okay, thanks.
O'r gorau, diolch.
Sorry, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Okay. Question 5, David Melding.
Iawn. Cwestiwn 5, David Melding.
5. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i wella safonau diogelwch tân ar gyfadeiladau preswyl yng Nghanol De Cymru? OAQ54490
5. What is the Welsh Government doing to improve fire safety standards on residential complexes in South Wales Central? OAQ54490
The Welsh Government is committed to using existing devolved powers to improve fire safety standards in all high-rise residential buildings in Wales, ensuring residents feel safe and secure in their homes. I am working towards a White Paper setting out proposed reforms ahead of new legislation during the next Assembly term.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio pwerau datganoledig presennol i wella safonau diogelwch tân yn yr holl adeiladau preswyl uchel iawn yng Nghymru, gan sicrhau bod preswylwyr yn teimlo'n ddiogel yn eu cartrefi. Rwy'n gweithio tuag at Bapur Gwyn sy'n nodi diwygiadau arfaethedig cyn y ddeddfwriaeth newydd yn ystod tymor nesaf y Cynulliad.
Minister, this is very important work. You may know that the fire service has issued enforcement notices at Celestia Homes, where there are deficiencies in external blocking and cladding, the compartmentalisation of these buildings is inadequate, and, as a result, leaseholders are now facing very substantial sums of money to put these things right. This housing was built in 2006, and assurances were given by the developers then, Redrow and Laing O'Rourke, that they were of the highest quality, referring specifically to their fire safety excellence. And now, despite the record profits that Redrow have made recently, they're not giving adequate advice, far less support; they are merely allowing these people to face these very considerable charges themselves. Now, this is not adequate. Clearly, where we are with fire safety has been massively informed by Grenfell, and at the very least we need a partnership with those who built these properties and the current residents, and not just a complete shifting of responsibility onto those who are left living there in inadequate housing.
Weinidog, mae hwn yn waith pwysig iawn. Efallai eich bod yn gwybod bod y gwasanaeth tân wedi cyhoeddi hysbysiadau gorfodi yng Celestia Homes, lle y ceir diffygion yn ymwneud â blociau a chladin allanol. Mae'r ffordd y caiff yr adeiladau hyn eu hadrannu'n annigonol, ac o ganlyniad, mae lesddeiliaid bellach yn wynebu symiau sylweddol o arian i unioni'r pethau hyn. Adeiladwyd y rhain yn 2006, a rhoddwyd sicrwydd gan y datblygwyr bryd hynny, Redrow a Laing O'Rourke, eu bod o'r safon uchaf, gan gyfeirio'n benodol at eu rhagoriaeth o ran diogelwch tân. A nawr, er bod Redrow wedi gwneud elw mwy nag erioed yn ddiweddar, nid ydynt yn rhoi cyngor digonol, a llai fyth o gymorth; maent yn gadael i'r bobl wynebu'r taliadau sylweddol hyn eu hunain. Nawr, nid yw hyn yn ddigonol. Yn amlwg, mae'r sefyllfa o ran diogelwch tân wedi'i llywio'n aruthrol gan Grenfell, ac mae arnom angen partneriaeth fan lleiaf â'r rhai a adeiladodd yr eiddo a'r preswylwyr presennol, ac nid symud y cyfrifoldeb yn llwyr ar ysgwyddau'r rhai sy'n dal i fyw yno mewn tai annigonol.
Yes, I completely agree with that. Our first priority is the safety of residents and tenants and we've sought assurances, on all of the buildings that we're aware of, that the appropriate interim safety measures are in place immediately, and a clear plan for long-term mitigation is also put in place as soon as possible. We are working in partnership with the relevant local authorities, fire and rescue services, the building owners and the managing agents. As the law currently stands, building safety is the responsibility of building owners and their managing agents, as enforced through the services. Enforcement powers are with the local authorities under the housing Act and the fire and rescue services under the fire safety Order, as I know David Melding already knows. So, we've been consistent in saying exactly what he's just said—that leaseholders and residents should not be expected to pay to rectify issues that constitute a failure to build to appropriate quality standards or where matters are in breach of building regulations. I am doing an oral statement to the Assembly later on this month to go into that in more detail, but broadly I agree with the proposition he puts forward.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â hynny. Ein blaenoriaeth gyntaf yw diogelwch preswylwyr a thenantiaid ac rydym wedi ceisio sicrwydd, ar yr holl adeiladau rydym yn ymwybodol ohonynt, fod y mesurau diogelwch interim priodol ar waith ar unwaith, a bod cynllun clir ar gyfer lliniaru hirdymor hefyd yn cael ei roi ar waith cyn gynted â phosibl. Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â'r awdurdodau lleol perthnasol, y gwasanaethau tân ac achub, perchnogion yr adeilad a'r asiantaethau rheoli. Fel y mae'r gyfraith ar hyn o bryd, cyfrifoldeb perchnogion adeiladau a'u hasiantaethau rheoli yw diogelwch adeiladau fel y'i gorfodir drwy'r gwasanaethau. Mae pwerau gorfodi gan yr awdurdodau lleol o dan y Ddeddf tai a'r gwasanaethau tân ac achub o dan y Gorchymyn diogelwch tân, fel y gŵyr David Melding eisoes, rwy'n gwybod. Felly, rydym wedi bod yn gyson wrth ddweud yn union yr hyn y mae newydd ei ddweud—na ddylid disgwyl i lesddeiliaid a phreswylwyr dalu i unioni problemau sy'n deillio o fethu adeiladu i safonau ansawdd priodol neu lle mae materion yn torri rheoliadau adeiladu. Rwy'n rhoi datganiad llafar i'r Cynulliad yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn i fanylu mwy ar hynny, ond yn fras rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn y mae'n ei awgrymu.
6. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ynghylch gwella cydweithio rhwng y sectorau tai ac iechyd? OAQ54498
6. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Health and Social Services about improving joint working between the housing and health sectors? OAQ54498
I meet regularly with the Minister for Health and Social Services to discuss housing, health and social care. Joint working between housing and health is essential to delivering 'A Healthier Wales'.
Byddaf yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i drafod tai, iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae gweithio ar y cyd rhwng tai ac iechyd yn hanfodol er mwyn cyflawni 'Cymru iachach'.
Thank you, Minister. I'm sure I'm not alone in this Chamber in finding that the constituents who come to see me with housing problems almost invariably have health issues, usually mental health issues as well. It is therefore absolutely vital that health boards proactively work with housing providers to meet the needs of the communities. In my experience, that work can be patchy and is not sufficiently focused on early intervention. Will you discuss this with the health Minister to try to make sure that all health boards are proactively supporting the housing needs of communities?
Diolch, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr nad wyf ar fy mhen fy hun yn y Siambr hon yn canfod, bron yn ddieithriad, fod gan yr etholwyr a ddaw i fy ngweld ynghylch problemau tai broblemau iechyd, a phroblemau iechyd meddwl hefyd fel arfer. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol gan hynny fod byrddau iechyd yn gweithio'n rhagweithiol gyda darparwyr tai i ddiwallu anghenion y cymunedau. Yn fy mhrofiad i, gall y gwaith hwnnw fod yn dameidiog ac nid yw'n canolbwyntio digon ar ymyrryd yn gynnar. A wnewch chi drafod hyn gyda'r Gweinidog iechyd i geisio sicrhau bod pob bwrdd iechyd yn mynd ati'n rhagweithiol i gefnogi anghenion tai cymunedau?
Yes, I'm very happy to undertake to do that. It's something we do do regularly already. Lynne Neagle will know that we've recently facilitated improved joint working between health and housing by making representatives of the housing sector statutory members of the regional partnership boards. So, that's just gone into effect. It's early days for that but we're working very hard to make sure that that starts to work. And also we have the integrated care fund, which my colleague Rebecca Evans introduced when she was housing Minister, which is now coming into its own, really. We're seeing really innovative proposals coming forward to do exactly that—to take a preventative approach to the housing and health combined needs of the community and to make sure that we have the facilities available to take that forward. But I'm very happy to undertake an ongoing relationship with the health Minister, and, actually, with the Deputy Minister as well. We have discussion about the social care aspects of that on a regular basis.
Gwnaf, rwy'n hapus iawn i wneud hynny. Mae'n rhywbeth a wnawn yn rheolaidd eisoes. Bydd Lynne Neagle yn gwybod ein bod wedi hwyluso cydweithio gwell rhwng iechyd a thai yn ddiweddar drwy wneud cynrychiolwyr o'r sector tai yn aelodau statudol o'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol. Felly, mae hynny wedi dechrau digwydd. Mae'n ddyddiau cynnar ar hynny ond rydym yn gweithio'n galed iawn i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn dechrau gweithio. Ac mae gennym y gronfa gofal integredig, a gyflwynwyd gan fy nghyd-Aelod Rebecca Evans pan oedd hi'n Weinidog tai, ac sydd erbyn hyn yn dechrau cael effaith mewn gwirionedd. Rydym yn gweld argymhellion arloesol iawn yn cael eu cyflwyno i wneud yn union hynny—i fynd ati mewn ffordd ataliol i ddiwallu anghenion cyfunol y gymuned o ran tai ac iechyd, ac i wneud yn siŵr fod y cyfleusterau ar gael gennym i fwrw ymlaen â hynny. Ond rwy'n hapus iawn i gynnal perthynas barhaus gyda'r Gweinidog iechyd, a'r Dirprwy Weinidog hefyd Rydym yn cael trafodaeth am agweddau gofal cymdeithasol hynny yn rheolaidd.
Thank you. And, finally, question 7, to be answered by the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government. Bethan Sayed.
Diolch. Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 7, i'w ateb gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol. Bethan Sayed.
7. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau amodau gwaith priodol mewn cwmnïau preifat sy'n darparu gwasanaethau ar ran llywodraeth leol? OAQ54471
7. How does the Welsh Government ensure appropriate work conditions in private companies that provide services on behalf of local government? OAQ54471

Fair working practices should be the norm across both the public and private sectors. While local authorities are responsible for their contracts, we have been working with them through the code of practice on ethical employment in supply chains and the two-tier code to remove unfair working practices.
Dylai arferion gweithio teg fod yn norm ar draws y sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat. Er mai awdurdodau lleol sy'n gyfrifol am eu contractau, rydym wedi bod yn gweithio gyda hwy drwy'r cod ymarfer ar gyflogaeth foesegol mewn cadwyni cyflenwi a'r cod dwy haen i ddileu arferion gwaith annheg.
Thank you for that reply. As you will know, Neath Port Talbot council—as did many other councils at the time—they spun off their leisure services to Celtic Leisure, and many of us warned at the time that eventually working conditions would spiral because of that. What we've seen recently, therefore, is Celtic Leisure saying that, if people don't agree to changes in their terms and conditions, they will be sacked and re-employed on weaker conditions. Now, this is something that we should all be appalled at and I know that Unison has said that it will take strike action. Neath Port Talbot council gave £1.5 million to Celtic Leisure to prop up their services in the local community. What are you going to do as the Welsh Government to say this is unacceptable, this doesn't go in line with the ethics, and to support the trade union in that particular area?
Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw. Fel y gwyddoch, mae cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot wedi trosglwyddo'u gwasanaethau hamdden—fel y gwnaeth llawer o gynghorau eraill ar y pryd—i Celtic Leisure, a rhybuddiodd llawer ohonom ar y pryd y byddai amodau gwaith yn gwaethygu oherwydd hynny yn y pen draw. Yr hyn a welsom yn ddiweddar, felly, yw Celtic Leisure yn dweud, os nad yw pobl yn cytuno i newidiadau yn eu telerau ac amodau, byddant yn cael eu diswyddo a'u hailgyflogi ar amodau gwannach. Nawr, mae hyn yn rhywbeth y dylem i gyd arswydo yn ei gylch a gwn fod Unsain wedi dweud y bydd yn cychwyn streic. Rhoddodd cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot £1.5 miliwn i Celtic Leisure gynnal eu gwasanaethau yn y gymuned leol. Beth a wnewch fel Llywodraeth Cymru i ddweud bod hyn yn annerbyniol ac yn anfoesol, ac i gefnogi'r undeb llafur yn hynny o beth?
I thank the Member for her question. I'm aware of this particular—. I'm aware of what you refer to, and my understanding is that the proposal has now been withdrawn and that negotiations are ongoing with the trade unions, and I would encourage those negotiations to continue, particularly with Unison, representing the workforce there. Clearly, as set out within our code of practice on ethical employment, we would expect to level up, not to level down, in these aspects. That is something that, clearly, as chair of the workforce partnership council, I will be discussing in further detail with members there to ensure that we make sure that code of employment is implemented and enforced right across local government, moving forward.
Diolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r—. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r hyn y cyfeiriwch ato, ac rwy'n deall bod y cynnig wedi'i dynnu'n ôl bellach a bod negodiadau'n mynd rhagddynt gyda'r undebau llafur, a hoffwn annog y negodiadau hynny i barhau, yn enwedig gydag Unsain, i gynrychioli'r gweithlu yno. Yn amlwg, fel y nodir yn ein cod ymarfer ar gyflogaeth foesegol, byddem yn disgwyl cyrraedd lefel uwch, nid lefel is, yn y pethau hyn. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y byddaf yn ei drafod yn fwy manwl, wrth gwrs, fel cadeirydd cyngor partneriaeth y gweithlu, gydag aelodau yno i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud yn siŵr fod y cod cyflogaeth yn cael ei weithredu a'i orfodi ar draws llywodraeth leol wrth symud ymlaen.
Thank you very much, Deputy Minister.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Weinidog.
Item 3 on the agenda this afternoon is topical questions, and two have been selected. The first topical question, to be answered by the Minister for Economy and Transport, is from Dawn Bowden.
Eitem 3 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau amserol, ac mae dau wedi'u dewis. Daw'r cwestiwn amserol cyntaf, sydd i'w ateb gan Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth, gan Dawn Bowden.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gwymp Triumph Furniture ym Merthyr Tudful? 349
1. Will the Minister make a statement regarding the collapse of Triumph Furniture Ltd in Merthyr Tydfil? 349

Yes. This is clearly a deeply disappointing statement and series of events that have led to the company's collapse. Our thoughts are, clearly, with the employees and their families at this difficult time, and we'll seek to work with the administrator to do all we can to minimise the impact on the local community and the wider economy.
Gwnaf. Mae hwn yn amlwg yn ddatganiad a chyfres o ddigwyddiadau hynod o siomedig sydd wedi arwain at gwymp y cwmni. Mae ein meddyliau, yn amlwg, gyda'r gweithwyr a'u teuluoedd ar yr adeg anodd hon, a byddwn yn ceisio gweithio gyda'r gweinyddwr i wneud popeth yn ein gallu i leihau'r effaith ar y gymuned leol a'r economi ehangach.
Thank you for that response, Minister. The closure of this company with the loss of 250 jobs is clearly bad news for my constituency, but it's certainly very bad news for those individuals and their families and the local economy of Merthyr Tydfil. Unfortunately, this comes on the back of other job losses, including those at Hoover, and on the proposed move of 250 Department for Work and Pensions jobs out of Merthyr Tydfil. But can I thank your officials for their recent meetings with the company? Clearly, despite attempts at finding a solution, the company's problems were too big to be able to turn around on this occasion.
Clearly, the priority now must be to get as much support as possible in to those people who, I understand, are now dependent on the Redundancy Payments Service for the payment of their redundancy money. So, can you assure me that the Welsh Government and your partners are acting as quickly as possible to assist staff, particularly as I know that some of those redundant workers already live hand to mouth? I know that sounds dramatic, but for many that is actually the reality of their daily lives, even though they are working.
Beyond that, we also need to learn more about the lessons from this situation, so can I ask you to help us to understand the exact causes of the catastrophic collapse in orders since July of this year and to what extent that could have been mitigated? I know my colleague Gerald Jones MP had been in contact with the Department for Work and Pensions regarding the loss of their orders with the company, and it would be good to know why the DWP, apparently without consultation, suspended orders valued at around £400,000 to Triumph Furniture, leaving a big hole in their order book and a major cash-flow problem. Was this linked to a UK Government moratorium on public sector contracts, and, if so, who is taking responsibility for the consequences of that action?
The company have also said that many of their orders from the private sector had dried up because of the uncertainties over Brexit. Do we know how many other companies may face a similar predicament? We must surely look at the whole situation around Brexit and the impact it's having on the general business climate and a reluctance by companies to invest in new equipment and so on. I fear that, with the economy slowing down, we are going to see much more of this as our manufacturing base in the Valleys is hit hard by future uncertainty, so I would welcome a detailed statement from the Government on how it seeks to address this within its economic strategy.
Finally, Minister, can I thank all those many local partners who are now, I know, already working in response to this dreadful situation and trying to help redundant staff? Their efforts are appreciated as we all try our best for these redundant workers in the weeks and months ahead.
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Mae cau'r cwmni hwn a cholli 250 o swyddi yn amlwg yn newyddion drwg i fy etholaeth, ond mae'n sicr yn newyddion drwg iawn i'r unigolion hynny a'u teuluoedd ac i economi leol Merthyr Tudful. Yn anffodus, daw hyn ar ben colli swyddi eraill, gan gynnwys y rhai yn Hoover, a'r bwriad i symud 250 o swyddi'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau o Ferthyr Tudful. Ond a gaf fi ddiolch i'ch swyddogion am eu cyfarfodydd â'r cwmni yn ddiweddar? Yn amlwg, er gwaethaf ymdrechion i ddod o hyd i ateb, roedd problemau'r cwmni'n rhy fawr i allu eu datrys y tro hwn.
Yn amlwg, rhaid mai'r flaenoriaeth yn awr yw cael cymaint o gymorth ag sy'n bosibl i'r bobl sydd, yn ôl yr hyn rwy'n ei ddeall, yn ddibynnol yn awr ar y Gwasanaeth Taliadau Diswyddo i dalu eu harian diswyddo. Felly, a allwch fy sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru a'ch partneriaid yn gweithredu cyn gynted ag sy'n bosibl i gynorthwyo staff, yn enwedig gan fy mod yn gwybod bod rhai o'r gweithwyr a ddiswyddwyd eisoes yn byw o'r llaw i'r genau? Gwn fod hynny'n swnio'n ddramatig, ond i lawer dyna realiti eu bywydau bob dydd mewn gwirionedd, er eu bod yn gweithio.
Y tu hwnt i hynny, mae angen inni hefyd ddysgu gwersi o'r sefyllfa hon, felly a gaf fi ofyn i chi ein helpu i ddeall union achosion y gostyngiad trychinebus a fu yn nifer yr archebion ers mis Gorffennaf eleni ac i ba raddau y gellid bod wedi lliniaru hynny? Gwn fod fy nghydweithiwr, Gerald Jones AS, wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau ynghylch colli eu harchebion gyda'r cwmni, a byddai'n dda gwybod pam y bu i'r adran honno, heb ymgynghori mae'n debyg, atal archebion gwerth tua £400,000 i Triumph Furniture, gan adael twll mawr yn eu llyfr archebion a phroblem fawr o ran llif arian. A oedd hyn yn gysylltiedig â moratoriwm gan Lywodraeth y DU ar gontractau'r sector cyhoeddus, ac os felly, pwy sy'n cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ganlyniadau'r gweithredu hwnnw?
Mae'r cwmni wedi dweud hefyd fod llawer o'u harchebion o'r sector preifat wedi diflannu oherwydd yr ansicrwydd ynghylch Brexit. A wyddom faint o gwmnïau eraill a allai wynebu sefyllfa debyg? Mae'n rhaid inni edrych ar y sefyllfa gyfan o ran Brexit a'r effaith y mae'n ei chael ar yr hinsawdd fusnes yn gyffredinol ac amharodrwydd cwmnïau i fuddsoddi mewn offer newydd ac yn y blaen. Gyda'r economi'n arafu, ofnaf y byddwn yn gweld llawer mwy o hyn wrth i'n sylfaen weithgynhyrchu yn y Cymoedd gael ei tharo'n galed gan ansicrwydd ynglŷn â'r dyfodol, felly buaswn yn croesawu datganiad manwl gan y Llywodraeth ar sut y mae'n ceisio mynd i'r afael â hyn o fewn ei strwythur economaidd.
Yn olaf, Weinidog, a gaf fi ddiolch i bob un o'r partneriaid lleol niferus sydd yn awr, rwy'n gwybod, eisoes yn gweithio mewn ymateb i'r sefyllfa druenus hon ac yn ceisio helpu staff sydd wedi colli eu swyddi? Gwerthfawrogir eu hymdrechion wrth i bawb ohonom geisio gwneud ein gorau dros y gweithwyr di-waith hyn yn yr wythnosau a'r misoedd i ddod.
Dirprwy Lywydd, can I share Dawn Bowden's thanks to the partners that have been working tirelessly since the announcement was made in supporting the affected workers? Can I also thank Dawn Bowden for recognising the efforts that were made by my officials in trying to save and restructure the company? I really do recognise the closure of Triumph Furniture will have a major impact on the economy of Merthyr and the surrounding area as well.
Now, Dawn Bowden raises a number of important questions, primarily the issue of redundancy payments and how swiftly they can be progressed and processed and also the role that Brexit has played in the company's collapse, as well as other factors, namely the loss of a single major contract. With regard to redundancy payments, I'll be writing to the UK Government's Redundancy Payments Service to ask if claims can be processed in a similarly swift fashion that took place with regard to Thomas Cook, where employees were given redundancy payments swiftly. I think that from what Dawn Bowden said today, and from what I have also been able to ascertain, many, many employees are living hand to mouth and therefore urgently need support. And I will be writing today regarding that matter.
In terms of Brexit and other factors, well, if we deal with the question of the DWP order first, this is a question that needs to be directed to the UK Government and something that we will certainly be taking up. I know that Members of Parliament, primarily Gerald Jones, are raising this question as well in Westminster. I wish to understand the extent to which the loss of this single major order contributed to the dramatic, swift collapse of the business. But there is no doubt whatsoever that Brexit has continued to play a part. Indeed, in the company's own accounts, continuing uncertainty on Brexit was noted, as was the falling value of the pound. The pound has fallen still further as the likelihood of us crashing out of the European Union increases. So, essentially, the idea of 'get it done' has done in this company. I fear that many other companies will face collapse in a similar vein.
Dawn Bowden asks what assessments and what response the Welsh Government is planning on making towards those businesses that are likely to face very grave difficulties in the coming weeks. Well, I can tell Members today that we've carried out an assessment across all 22 local authority areas of jobs that are considered to be at medium to high risk of loss in the event of us crashing out of Europe. In parts of Wales, the risk is as high as 30 per cent of jobs being categorised as medium to high risk. That is a terrible situation to be in. Therefore, I must stress to Members that no amount of preparation by this Government or by the UK Government will mitigate fully against the consequences of Britain crashing out of the European Union.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, a gaf fi rannu diolch Dawn Bowden i'r partneriaid a fu'n gweithio'n ddiflino ers i'r cyhoeddiad gael ei wneud i gefnogi'r gweithwyr yr effeithiwyd arnynt? A gaf fi ddiolch hefyd i Dawn Bowden am gydnabod yr ymdrechion a wnaed gan fy swyddogion i geisio arbed ac ailstrwythuro'r cwmni? Rwy'n cydnabod y bydd cau Triumph Furniture yn effeithio'n fawr ar economi Merthyr a'r cyffiniau.
Nawr, mae Dawn Bowden yn gofyn nifer o gwestiynau pwysig, yn bennaf mater y taliadau diswyddo a pha mor gyflym y gellir bwrw ymlaen â hwy a'u prosesu a hefyd y rôl y mae Brexit wedi'i chwarae yng nghwymp y cwmni, yn ogystal â ffactorau eraill, sef yn benodol, colli un contract mawr. Gyda golwg ar daliadau diswyddo, byddaf yn ysgrifennu at Wasanaeth Taliadau Diswyddo Llywodraeth y DU i ofyn a ellir prosesu hawliadau mewn modd yr un mor gyflym â'r hyn a ddigwyddodd gyda Thomas Cook, lle y rhoddwyd taliadau diswyddo i gyflogeion yn gyflym. O'r hyn a ddywedodd Dawn Bowden heddiw, ac o'r hyn y gallais innau hefyd ei ganfod, rwy'n credu bod llawer iawn o weithwyr yn byw o'r llaw i'r genau ac angen cymorth ar frys oherwydd hynny. A byddaf yn ysgrifennu heddiw ynghylch y mater hwnnw.
O ran Brexit a ffactorau eraill, wel, os ymdriniwn â chwestiwn archeb yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn gyntaf, mae hwn yn gwestiwn y mae angen ei gyfeirio at Lywodraeth y DU ac yn rhywbeth y byddwn yn sicr yn mynd ar ei drywydd. Gwn fod Aelodau Seneddol, Gerald Jones yn bennaf, yn gofyn y cwestiwn yn San Steffan hefyd. Rwyf am ddeall i ba raddau y cyfrannodd colli'r un archeb fawr hon at gwymp dramatig a sydyn yn y busnes. Ond nid oes amheuaeth o gwbl fod Brexit wedi parhau i chwarae rhan. Yn wir, yng nghyfrifon y cwmni ei hun, nodwyd yr ansicrwydd parhaus ynghylch Brexit, yn ogystal â'r gostyngiad yng ngwerth y bunt. Mae gwerth y bunt wedi gostwng eto wrth i'r tebygrwydd ein bod yn mynd i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd heb gytundeb gynyddu. Felly, yn y bôn, mae'r syniad o 'weld Brexit wedi'i wneud o'r diwedd' wedi rhoi diwedd ar y cwmni hwn. Ofnaf y bydd llawer o gwmnïau eraill yn wynebu cwymp tebyg.
Mae Dawn Bowden yn gofyn pa asesiadau a pha ymateb y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ei roi i fusnesau sy'n debygol o wynebu anawsterau difrifol iawn yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf. Wel, gallaf ddweud wrth yr Aelodau heddiw ein bod wedi cynnal asesiad ar draws pob un o'r 22 o ardaloedd awdurdodau lleol o swyddi yr ystyrir eu bod yn wynebu risg canolig i uchel o gael eu colli os byddwn yn gadael Ewrop heb gytundeb. Mewn rhannau o Gymru, mae'r risg mor uchel â 30 y cant o'r swyddi sy'n cael eu categoreiddio fel risg ganolig i uchel. Mae honno'n sefyllfa ofnadwy i fod ynddi. Felly, rhaid i mi bwysleisio wrth yr Aelodau na fydd unrhyw waith paratoi gan y Llywodraeth hon na chan Lywodraeth y DU yn llwyr liniaru'r effaith ar y canlyniadau pe bai Prydain yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd heb gytundeb.
I associate myself with comments that others have made in regard to our thoughts being with those who were employed at Triumph. Can I ask the Minister—? There have been some suggestions that the financial situation has been caused by delays in new Government contracts affecting profit and sales. I would be grateful if you could comment on that. We have seen a string of, unfortunately, companies fold across south Wales in recent months, and I wonder what steps the Welsh Government is taking to improve transport connectivity in order that companies across south Wales can maintain a competitive edge in comparison with competitors in other parts of the country. I wonder what discussions you have also had with colleagues in the Bank of England and the Treasury to take steps—in conjunction, of course, with the Welsh Government—in mitigating the effect of finances on medium and large manufacturing companies.
Rwy'n ategu'r sylwadau a wnaed gan eraill o ran ein bod yn meddwl am y rhai a gyflogwyd yn Triumph. A gaf fi ofyn i'r Gweinidog—? Cafwyd rhai awgrymiadau bod y sefyllfa ariannol wedi'i hachosi gan oedi mewn perthynas â chontractau newydd gan y Llywodraeth gan effeithio ar elw a gwerthiannau. Buaswn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech wneud sylwadau ar hynny. Yn anffodus, rydym wedi gweld cyfres o gwmnïau'n mynd i'r wal ar draws de Cymru dros y misoedd diwethaf, ac rwy'n meddwl tybed pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i wella cysylltedd trafnidiaeth er mwyn i gwmnïau ledled de Cymru allu cynnal mantais gystadleuol o gymharu â chystadleuwyr mewn rhannau eraill o'r wlad. Tybed pa drafodaethau a gawsoch chi hefyd gyda chydweithwyr ym Manc Lloegr a'r Trysorlys i gymryd camau—ar y cyd, wrth gwrs, â Llywodraeth Cymru—i liniaru effaith trefniadau ariannol ar gwmnïau gweithgynhyrchu canolig a mawr.
Can I thank Russell George for his comments and his questions? First of all, the media have reported that the collapse of the company was—in part at least, if not largely—due to the loss or the delay in securing Government contracts. That regards the contract, as far as I'm aware, with the Department for Work and Pensions, as the Welsh Government have no contractual relationship with Triumph Furniture. Again, I would stress that these are questions that need to be directed to the UK Government for answer.
Insofar as connectivity is concerned, Dawn Bowden herself chairs a sub-group of the Valleys taskforce, looking at the Heads of the Valleys road and how we can maximise the economic benefits from improved transportation links within the Valleys communities, and I'm sure that Dawn is making good progress in that regard.
And, insofar as finance and rescue and restructuring support is concerned, I have asked the Development Bank of Wales to utilise as much of the funding that it has available to it for that very purpose. But I'd also say, Dirprwy Lywydd, that we now need the UK Government to step forward with hard cash to back up the Kingfisher programme, which is looking at those businesses that are at risk right now and will be at risk as we leave the European Union.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Russell George am ei sylwadau a'i gwestiynau? Yn gyntaf oll, mae'r cyfryngau wedi adrodd bod cwymp y cwmni—yn rhannol o leiaf, os nad yn bennaf—yn deillio o golli, neu'r oedi cyn sicrhau contractau Llywodraeth. Hyd y gwn i, mae hynny'n ymwneud â'r contract â'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau gan nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw berthynas gontractiol â Triumph Furniture. Unwaith eto, hoffwn bwysleisio bod y rhain yn gwestiynau y mae angen eu cyfeirio at Lywodraeth y DU i'w hateb.
O ran cysylltedd, mae Dawn Bowden ei hun yn cadeirio is-grŵp o dasglu'r Cymoedd sy'n edrych ar ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd a sut y gallwn sicrhau'r manteision economaidd mwyaf posibl o gysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gwell yng nghymunedau'r Cymoedd, ac rwy'n siŵr bod Dawn yn gwneud cynnydd da ar hynny.
Ac o ran cymorth ariannol ac achub ac ailstrwythuro, rwyf wedi gofyn i Fanc Datblygu Cymru ddefnyddio cymaint o'r arian sydd ar gael iddo i'r union berwyl hwnnw. Ond hoffwn ddweud hefyd, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fod angen i Lywodraeth y DU roi arian go iawn yn awr i gefnogi'r rhaglen Kingfisher, sy'n edrych ar fusnesau sy'n wynebu risg ar hyn o bryd ac a fydd mewn perygl wrth inni adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd.
Minister, another week, another announcement of hundreds of job losses in the south-east. It was only last month that we were discussing the closure of Orb steelworks in Newport, and, in June, we discussed the closure of Quinn Radiators. Today, with the closure of Triumph Furniture, that brings the total job loss number over just these four months to 912, just from three closures. That isn't normal, Minister, and it shouldn't be happening. I am yet to hear any sort of definitive explanation from the Welsh Government about the common causes behind all of these closures. I know you've spoken today about some of the reasons why you think this company has folded, but it would be good to hear your analysis of the common causes behind all of these closures. In any case, this obviously can't go on.
I was also glad to hear on this occasion that immediate action was taken by the Welsh Government and the UK Government to support the Triumph workers, and I would urge all affected workers to make use of the support that's available to them. But the Welsh Government must now pull out all the stops to prevent further job losses happening as the Christmas period nears, and to put in place an action plan for the south-east industrial economy. Minister, will you therefore commit today to convening an emergency economic summit to analyse what's going wrong with the Welsh Government's industrial strategy, and to identify potential economic weak points so that you can take action to defend workers and to prevent further loss of skills from the south-east economy?
Weinidog, wythnos arall, cyhoeddiad arall am golli cannoedd o swyddi yn y de-ddwyrain. Y mis diwethaf yn unig, roeddem yn trafod cau gwaith dur Orb yng Nghasnewydd, ac ym mis Mehefin, buom yn trafod cau Quinn Radiators. Heddiw, gyda chau Triumph Furniture, daw hynny â chyfanswm y nifer o swyddi a gollwyd dros gwta bedwar mis i 912, o gau tri chwmni yn unig. Nid yw hynny'n normal, Weinidog, ac ni ddylai fod yn digwydd. Nid wyf eto wedi clywed unrhyw fath o esboniad pendant gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â'r achosion cyffredin sy'n sail i'r holl gau. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi siarad heddiw am rai o'r rhesymau pam y credwch fod y cwmni hwn wedi mynd i'r wal, ond byddai'n dda clywed eich dadansoddiad o'r achosion cyffredin sy'n sail i fethiant pob un o'r busnesau hyn. Beth bynnag, mae'n amlwg na all hyn barhau.
Roeddwn hefyd yn falch o glywed ar yr achlysur hwn fod Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU yn rhoi camau ar waith ar unwaith i gefnogi gweithwyr Triumph, a hoffwn annog pob gweithiwr yr effeithir arnynt i wneud defnydd o'r cymorth sydd ar gael iddynt. Ond rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru roi pob gewyn ar waith yn awr i atal colli rhagor o swyddi wrth i gyfnod y Nadolig agosáu, a rhoi cynllun gweithredu ar waith ar gyfer economi ddiwydiannol y de-ddwyrain. Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymrwymo heddiw felly i gynnal uwchgynhadledd frys ar yr economi i ddadansoddi beth sy'n mynd o'i le gyda strategaeth ddiwydiannol Llywodraeth Cymru, ac i nodi mannau gwan economaidd posibl er mwyn i chi allu rhoi camau ar waith i amddiffyn gweithwyr ac i atal rhagor o sgiliau rhag cael eu colli o economi'r de-ddwyrain?
Can I thank the Member for her questions and say that her party has consistently warned of the consequences of Brexit? Those consequences are now coming to pass, and there is a common cause: it is Brexit. That is absolutely and abundantly clear. It is not because of the Welsh Government's industrial strategy; quite the opposite, actually. We've got more than 250,000 businesses in existence in Wales now, a record number of businesses headquartered in Wales, and unemployment is at an all-time low, inactivity likewise. There is significant churn in the economy, but there is a trend right now because of Brexit that jobs, particularly in manufacturing, are being lost, and are at risk of being lost. Therefore, directly to the Member's question, if there is a common cause, that common cause is surely Brexit. There are other factors at play within the economy. Let's be realistic. There are other factors. For example, the transition to automation is causing difficulties for many businesses, which is why we developed the economic action plan and made one of the key calls to action digitisation and automation and artificial intelligence, to make sure businesses are futureproofed. It's why we ensured, through the economic contract, that businesses need to be able to demonstrate they're investing in the skills of their workforce in order to take advantage of industry 4.0 rather than be left behind. So, whilst there are other factors, the Welsh Government is addressing those within the economic action plan. The big challenge that neither the Welsh Government nor the UK Government under any party—let's be realistic; under any party—can fully deal with and mitigate is a 'no deal' Brexit. That would be catastrophic for the country.
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiynau a dweud bod ei phlaid wedi rhybuddio'n gyson am ganlyniadau Brexit? Mae'r canlyniadau hynny bellach yn dod yn amlwg, ac mae yna achos cyffredin: Brexit yw hwnnw. Mae hynny'n hollol amlwg ac yn gwbl eglur. Nid yw hyn yn digwydd oherwydd strategaeth ddiwydiannol Llywodraeth Cymru; i'r gwrthwyneb yn hollol, mewn gwirionedd. Mae gennym fwy na 250,000 o fusnesau yng Nghymru bellach, y nifer uchaf erioed o fusnesau â'u pencadlys yng Nghymru, ac mae diweithdra ar y lefel isaf erioed, ac anweithgarwch yn yr un modd. Ceir gwrthgiliad sylweddol yn yr economi, ond mae tuedd ar hyn o bryd oherwydd Brexit i swyddi gael eu colli neu fod mewn perygl o gael eu colli, yn enwedig ym maes gweithgynhyrchu. Felly, i ateb cwestiwn yr Aelod ar ei ben, os oes achos cyffredin, does bosibl nad yr achos cyffredin hwnnw yw Brexit. Mae ffactorau eraill ar waith yn yr economi. Gadewch i ni fod yn realistig. Mae yna ffactorau eraill. Er enghraifft, mae'r newid i awtomeiddio yn achosi anawsterau i lawer o fusnesau, a dyna pam y datblygwyd y cynllun gweithredu economaidd gennym a pham y gwnaethom un o'r galwadau allweddol i weithredu ar ddigido ac awtomeiddio a deallusrwydd artiffisial, i sicrhau bod busnesau'n cael eu diogelu ar gyfer y dyfodol. Dyna pam y gwnaethom sicrhau, drwy'r contract economaidd, fod angen i fusnesau allu dangos eu bod yn buddsoddi yn sgiliau eu gweithlu er mwyn manteisio ar ddiwydiant 4.0 yn hytrach na chael eu gadael ar ôl. Felly, er bod ffactorau eraill yn bodoli, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi sylw i'r rhai sydd yn y cynllun gweithredu economaidd. Yr her fawr nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru na Llywodraeth y DU o dan unrhyw blaid—gadewch i ni fod yn realistig; o dan unrhyw blaid—yn gallu mynd i'r afael â hi na'i lliniaru'n llawn yw Brexit heb gytundeb. Byddai hynny'n drychinebus i'r wlad.
My colleagues and I would like to put on record our sympathy with the 252 employees of Triumph Furniture. It's deeply sad that a family business that has been in existence for over 60 years has ceased trading, and I'd like to compliment Merthyr Tydfil council, who are reportedly working with local employers to host a recruitment day for the workers affected. Such a rapid loss of employment in these numbers can have a real adverse effect on a community, and it is reassuring the council are working proactively to help. With the business losing hundreds of thousands of pounds of profit in public sector sales in recent months, a restructuring or sale of the business would have been essential, and we regret to learn that the attempts to secure additional funding for a restructuring were not successful. It does appear that problems came to light too late for Welsh Government intervention.
We also note that uncertainty around Brexit would have had an effect. We urge our colleagues across the Assembly to make sure that we have a Brexit sooner rather than later so that businesses know their future and can adjust accordingly. Will the Minister confirm that some of the companies that were mentioned earlier with a loss of jobs explicitly said that it was nothing to do with Brexit that caused their collapse? Housing transactions remain stable—[Interruption.] It's a fact that housing transactions remain stable, from the data we have available to us, which would suggest that demand for furniture should also remain stable, but a company that loses contracts worth hundreds of thousands of pounds of profit is always going to face a serious challenge. Triumph did previously enter administration, but at that time were able to be rescued and were able to change their focus. It is deeply unfortunate that the company did not have time to make changes in this instance. Can I ask the Minister to confirm that the usual interventions when a company fails will be put in place in this instance? Again, I would like to finish by saying that the real cost is the human cost to the employees, and I will reiterate that my colleagues and I have the deepest sympathy with the 252 workers affected.
Hoffai fy nghyd-Aelodau a minnau gofnodi ein cydymdeimlad â'r 252 o weithwyr Triumph Furniture. Mae'n drist iawn fod busnes teuluol sydd wedi bodoli ers dros 60 o flynyddoedd wedi rhoi'r gorau i fasnachu, a hoffwn ganmol cyngor Merthyr Tudful, y dywedir eu bod yn gweithio gyda chyflogwyr lleol i gynnal diwrnod recriwtio ar gyfer y gweithwyr yr effeithiwyd arnynt. Gall colli gwaith mor gyflym mewn niferoedd o'r fath gael effaith wirioneddol andwyol ar gymuned, ac mae'n galonogol fod y cyngor yn gweithio'n rhagweithiol i helpu. Gyda'r busnes wedi colli cannoedd o filoedd o bunnoedd o elw mewn gwerthiannau sector cyhoeddus yn y misoedd diwethaf, byddai wedi bod yn hanfodol ailstrwythuro neu werthu'r busnes, ac mae'n drueni gennym glywed na lwyddodd yr ymdrechion i sicrhau cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer ailstrwythuro. Mae'n ymddangos bod problemau wedi dod i'r amlwg yn rhy hwyr i Lywodraeth Cymru allu ymyrryd.
Nodwn hefyd y byddai ansicrwydd ynghylch Brexit wedi cael effaith. Anogwn ein cyd-Aelodau ar draws y Cynulliad i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn cael Brexit yn gynt yn hytrach nag yn ddiweddarach fel bod busnesau'n gwybod beth fydd eu dyfodol a gallu addasu yn unol â hynny. A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau bod rhai o'r cwmnïau y cyfeiriwyd atynt gynnau a oedd wedi colli swyddi wedi dweud yn glir nad oedd a wnelo Brexit â'u cwymp mewn unrhyw fodd? Mae prynu a gwerthu tai yn parhau'n sefydlog—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n ffaith fod prynu a gwerthu tai yn parhau'n sefydlog o'r data sydd ar gael i ni, a byddai hynny'n awgrymu y dylai'r galw am ddodrefn aros yn sefydlog hefyd, ond mae cwmni sy'n colli contractau gwerth cannoedd o filoedd o bunnoedd o elw bob amser yn mynd i wynebu her ddifrifol. Mae Triumph wedi mynd i ddwylo'r gweinyddwr o'r blaen, ond ar y pryd roedd modd eu hachub ac roeddent yn gallu newid eu ffocws. Mae'n anffodus tu hwnt na chafodd y cwmni amser i wneud newidiadau yn yr achos hwn. A gaf fi ofyn i'r Gweinidog gadarnhau y bydd yr ymyriadau arferol pan fydd cwmni'n methu yn cael eu rhoi ar waith yn yr achos hwn? Unwaith eto, hoffwn orffen drwy ddweud mai'r gost go iawn yw'r gost ddynol i'r gweithwyr, ac ailadroddaf fod fy nghyd-Aelodau a minnau'n cydymdeimlo'n fawr â'r 252 o weithwyr yr effeithir arnynt.
There will be severe problems for many of the families, I’m in no doubt, as a result of the announcement as a result of the collapse of the company, but we stand ready to help every single one of those employees and every family that is affected by the announcement. I can assure the Member that our ReAct programme will be deployed, and it has a strong record of supporting individuals that are impacted by job losses, not just in terms of finding work, but also in terms of support for their emotional integrity and their family well-being as well. Jobcentre Plus and Careers Wales will both be at hand to assist people who are made redundant as a consequence of the collapse.
I met with social partners on the EU exit working group earlier this week—representative bodies from employers, trade unions and the third sector. We discussed at length the current problems that many businesses face because of Brexit, and the unanimous view was that, whilst uncertainty was indeed causing great difficulty for many employers, we should in no way end that uncertainty if it means driving off a cliff edge. And instead, those social partners on the EU exit working group warmly welcomed the clarity that this Welsh Government has given in saying that we would fight to remain in the EU if we were offered a second referendum.
Nid oes gennyf unrhyw amheuaeth y bydd yna broblemau difrifol i lawer o'r teuluoedd o ganlyniad i'r cyhoeddiad yn sgil cwymp y cwmni, ond rydym yn barod i helpu pob un o'r gweithwyr hynny a phob teulu yr effeithir arnynt gan y cyhoeddiad. Gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod y caiff ein rhaglen ReAct ei rhoi ar waith, ac mae ganddi hanes cadarn o gefnogi unigolion yr effeithir arnynt yn sgil colli swyddi, nid yn unig o ran dod o hyd i waith, ond hefyd o ran cefnogaeth emosiynol a'u lles teuluol hefyd. Bydd Canolfan Byd Gwaith a Gyrfa Cymru wrth law i gynorthwyo pobl sy'n colli eu swyddi o ganlyniad i'r cwymp.
Cyfarfûm â phartneriaid cymdeithasol ar y gweithgor ymadael â'r UE yn gynharach yr wythnos hon—cyrff cynrychiadol o blith cyflogwyr, undebau llafur a'r trydydd sector. Trafodasom yn faith y problemau presennol y mae llawer o fusnesau'n eu hwynebu oherwydd Brexit, ac er bod ansicrwydd yn bendant yn peri anhawster mawr i lawer o gyflogwyr, y farn unfrydol oedd na ddylem roi diwedd ar yr ansicrwydd hwnnw mewn unrhyw ffordd os yw'n golygu gyrru oddi ar ymyl clogwyn. Ac yn hytrach, roedd y partneriaid cymdeithasol hynny ar y gweithgor ymadael â'r UE yn croesawu'n fawr yr eglurder y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i roi drwy ddweud y byddem yn ymladd dros aros yn yr UE pe baem yn cael cynnig ail refferendwm.
Minister, I heard all my colleagues who put the question—virtually, my speech is there. News that 252 jobs have been lost by Triumph Furniture in Merthyr Tydfil is a devastating blow to the workers and their families. My thoughts go out to them at this difficult time. Triumph Furniture provided highly skilled jobs and exported their produce around the world, not only Europe. It is a real loss to Merthyr Tydfil, which was recently ranked near the bottom of the league table ranking for economic competitiveness in the United Kingdom. I know the Department for Work and Pensions has said that the Jobcentre Plus rapid response service will be working alongside the Welsh Government, Careers Wales and local employers to provide tailored support. So, can I ask what assistance you will provide to these workers so they can seek new employment? And can you also confirm that prompt action will be taken to help those affected today so that their skills and talents are not lost, but can be redirected to contribute to growing the economy of Merthyr Tydfil? Minister, you’ve been saying Brexit is the main cause of this. This company has been trading since 1946, and all over the world it’s got a name. We have to protect our brand—UK brand and UK produced. Have you put any strategy in place for other companies in Wales, not to face the similar fate that this company is facing at the moment? At least we should be prepared, because the people of Wales have voted Brexit and we must make sure that these companies are protected by law in this Chamber and by the British Government. Thank you.
Weinidog, clywais fy holl gyd-Aelodau a ofynnodd y cwestiwn—dyna fy araith i fwy neu lai. Mae'r newyddion fod 252 o swyddi wedi'u colli gan Triumph Furniture ym Merthyr Tudful yn ergyd drom i'r gweithwyr a'u teuluoedd. Rwy'n cydymdeimlo â hwy ar yr adeg anodd hon. Darparodd Triumph Furniture swyddi medrus iawn ac allforiwyd eu cynnyrch o gwmpas y byd, nid yn unig i Ewrop. Mae'n golled wirioneddol i Ferthyr Tudful, a raddiwyd yn ddiweddar yn agos at waelod y gynghrair ar gyfer cystadleurwydd economaidd yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Gwn fod yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau wedi dweud y bydd gwasanaeth ymateb cyflym Canolfan Byd Gwaith yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â Llywodraeth Cymru, Gyrfa Cymru a chyflogwyr lleol i ddarparu cymorth wedi'i deilwra. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn pa gymorth y byddwch chi'n ei ddarparu i'r gweithwyr hyn er mwyn iddynt gael gwaith newydd? Ac a allwch hefyd gadarnhau y bydd camau buan yn cael eu cymryd i helpu'r rhai yr effeithir arnynt heddiw fel nad yw eu sgiliau a'u doniau'n cael eu colli, ond y gellir eu hailgyfeirio i gyfrannu at dyfu economi Merthyr Tudful? Weinidog, rydych chi wedi bod yn dweud mai Brexit yw prif achos hyn. Mae'r cwmni hwn wedi bod yn masnachu ers 1946, ac mae ganddo enw ym mhob rhan o'r byd. Rhaid inni ddiogelu ein brand—brand y DU a chynnyrch y DU. A ydych wedi rhoi unrhyw strategaeth ar waith fel na fydd yn rhaid i gwmnïau eraill yng Nghymru wynebu tynged debyg i'r hyn y mae'r cwmni hwn yn ei wynebu ar hyn o bryd? Dylem fod yn barod o leiaf, oherwydd mae pobl Cymru wedi pleidleisio o blaid Brexit, a rhaid inni wneud yn siŵr fod y cwmnïau hyn yn cael eu hamddiffyn gan y gyfraith yn y Siambr hon a chan Lywodraeth Prydain. Diolch.
No amount of protection will prevent every single business in Wales from being burned in a ‘no deal’ Brexit. Businesses will suffer. Anybody in industry will tell you that a ‘no deal’ Brexit is dangerous for our economy. We will do our upmost to protect workers during the coming months. We are ready to deploy more than 500 people across the Development Bank of Wales, Welsh Government and Business Wales to assist businesses. But the danger of a ‘no deal’ Brexit is real and will impact on every single community across Wales and across the United Kingdom. And I must say that when we talk about economic competitiveness, our competitiveness will not be improved through a race to the bottom in terms of labour costs. Competitiveness will be improved as a consequence of investing in higher skilled jobs, in the development of systems that enable us to compete more competitively in the age of automation. That is precisely where we are going to be focusing our investment.
Ni fydd unrhyw fesur o ddiogelwch yn atal pob busnes yng Nghymru rhag cael ei losgi mewn Brexit heb gytundeb. Bydd busnesau'n dioddef. Bydd unrhyw un ym myd diwydiant yn dweud wrthych fod Brexit heb gytundeb yn beryglus i'n heconomi. Byddwn yn gwneud ein gorau i ddiogelu gweithwyr yn ystod y misoedd nesaf. Rydym yn barod i neilltuo mwy na 500 o bobl ar draws Banc Datblygu Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a Busnes Cymru ar gyfer helpu busnesau. Ond mae perygl Brexit heb gytundeb yn real a bydd yn effeithio ar bob cymuned ar draws Cymru ac ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig. A phan soniwn am gystadleurwydd economaidd, rhaid i mi ddweud na fydd ein gallu i gystadlu yn gwella drwy ras i'r gwaelod o ran costau llafur. Bydd cystadleurwydd yn gwella o ganlyniad i fuddsoddi mewn swyddi sgiliau uwch, a datblygu systemau sy'n ein galluogi i gystadlu'n fwy cystadleuol yn oes awtomeiddio. Dyna'n union ble y byddwn yn canolbwyntio ein buddsoddiad.
Thank you. The second topical question this afternoon is from Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch. Daw'r ail gwestiwn amserol y prynhawn yma gan Rhun ap Iorwerth.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gyhoeddiad Marco Cable Management eu bod yn cau eu safle ar Ynys Môn? 347
2. Will the Minister make a statement on the announcement by Marco Cable Management that they are to close their site on Anglesey? 347

Our deepest sympathies go to everybody affected by this worrying news. This is a deeply uncertain time for the workers at Marco Cable, for their families and, I think, also for the wider Anglesey community, but we will work closely with everybody concerned during the consultation period to explore every available option to assist and support people.
Rydym yn cydymdeimlo'n ddwys â phawb y mae'r newyddion pryderus hyn yn effeithio arnynt. Mae hwn yn gyfnod ansicr iawn i'r gweithwyr yn Marco Cable, i'w teuluoedd ac i gymuned ehangach Ynys Môn hefyd yn fy marn i, ond byddwn yn cydweithio'n agos â phawb sydd ynghlwm wrth hyn yn ystod y cyfnod ymgynghori i archwilio pob opsiwn sydd ar gael i gynorthwyo a chefnogi pobl.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Roeddwn i'n wirioneddol siomedig o glywed y newyddion yma. Rydym ni'n sôn am swyddi da efo cwmni roeddem ni'n meddwl oedd â phresenoldeb cynaliadwy yn Llangefni, a does yna ddim llawer iawn ers oeddwn i'n trafod efo Marco y posibilrwydd o ehangu. Rŵan, rydym ni'n sôn am golli swyddi a dwi'n meddwl mwy na dim heddiw am y 40 o staff sy'n wynebu colli eu swyddi, a'u teuluoedd nhw. Er bod yna sôn am gynnig swyddi iddyn nhw yn safle arall y cwmni yn West Bromwich, (1) ni fydd yna ddim llawer yn gallu neu'n dymuno symud, a (2) dydyn ni ddim eisiau i bobl orfod gadael eu cymuned. Felly, dwi'n gofyn am sicrwydd ar sawl lefel: yn gyntaf, y bydd popeth yn cael ei wneud i weld a oes modd cefnogi'r cwmni i newid ei feddwl, wrth gwrs; bod pob cefnogaeth yn cael ei roi, os methu yn y pwynt cyntaf yna, i reolwyr fyddai'n dymuno mynd â'r busnes ymlaen eu hunain mewn rhyw fodd; bod popeth yn cael ei wneud i helpu'r rhai sy'n colli eu swyddi i ddod o hyd i gyflogaeth newydd; ac y bydd pob ymdrech yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau y defnydd gorau o'r safle ar gyfer gweithgaredd economaidd ar frys.
Thank you very much. I was genuinely disappointed from hearing this news. We’re talking about good jobs with a company that we thought had a sustainable presence in Llangefni, and not much time has passed since I was discussing with Marco the possibility of expansion. Now, we’re talking about the loss of jobs, and I think more than anything today we’re thinking about the 40 staff who are facing job losses and their families. Even though mention has been made about this site in West Bromwich offering jobs, (1) not many will be able to or will desire to move and (2) we don’t want people to have to leave their communities. So, we’re asking for certainty on several levels: first of all, that everything is done to try to support the company in changing its mind; that every support is given to managers who would want to take the business forward in their own way; that everything is done to help those who lost their jobs to find new positions; and that all effort will be made to ensure the best use of the site for economic activity as a matter of urgency.
This was a company that was rooted on Anglesey. It was established in 2003 in Llangefni and later became a part of the Atco International group. Such a common story—and isn't this yet another example of what happens when indigenous companies sell up to companies that have no real attachment, then, to a community? There's also the inherent threat of being at the mercy of external investors—something that can be so valuable, of course, to the Welsh economy, but it leaves us very vulnerable. We saw with Rehau in Amlwch, didn't we, recently, another company that had been a very, very good employer locally deciding to pull out at a whim. Now, this vulnerability is something that should be of huge concern to us. We've had announcement after announcement after announcement of major job losses, not just on Anglesey, but throughout Wales. Please, Minister, tell us what the Government is planning to do to stem this flow.
Roedd hwn yn gwmni a oedd wedi'i wreiddio ar Ynys Môn. Fe'i sefydlwyd yn 2003 yn Llangefni ac yn ddiweddarach daeth yn rhan o grŵp ATCO International. Stori mor gyffredin—ac onid yw hon yn enghraifft arall o'r hyn sy'n digwydd pan fydd cwmnïau cynhenid yn gwerthu i gwmnïau nad oes ganddynt unrhyw ymlyniad gwirioneddol tuag at gymuned? Ceir y bygythiad cynhenid hefyd o fod ar drugaredd buddsoddwyr allanol—rhywbeth sy'n gallu bod mor werthfawr, wrth gwrs, i economi Cymru, ond mae'n ein gadael yn agored iawn i niwed. Gwelsom gyda Rehau yn Amlwch yn ddiweddar, oni wnaethom, gwmni arall a fu'n gyflogwr hynod o dda yn lleol yn penderfynu tynnu allan ar fympwy. Nawr, mae'r gwendid hwn yn rhywbeth a ddylai beri pryder enfawr i ni. Rydym wedi cael cyhoeddiad ar ôl cyhoeddiad ar ôl cyhoeddiad ynglŷn â cholli swyddi ar raddfa fawr, nid yn unig ar Ynys Môn, ond ledled Cymru. Os gwelwch yn dda, Weinidog, dywedwch wrthym beth y mae'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu ei wneud i atal y llif.
The Member raises a series of important points and questions. On the last point that he raised, I think it's worth recognising that, whilst we have lost many jobs in recent times, we have also led to the creation of many jobs as well. And it is deeply, deeply disappointing that Marco have decided to consult on closure, but the Welsh Government has invested in new businesses and existing businesses that have helped to drive down economic inactivity to the average that the UK stands at, which is unprecedented. We've been able to create a record number of jobs in our country as well. Therefore, whilst I would say that the loss of 40 jobs is incredibly, incredibly damaging for the community, we have that track record of creating alternative employment and we will deploy all of our resources to the area, to the community, to ensure that alternative employment there is secured. However, I would share and echo the Member's point that very few of the people who could be affected—and I will say 'could be affected'—by the closure will likely choose to move to West Bromwich, nor should they have to. It's always been my view that you shouldn't have to move out of your community if you're striving to move up in the world. Therefore, we'll be working with the local authority and with other stakeholders to identify other opportunities. We will be deploying the usual and successful methods of supporting individuals, with the help of Careers Wales and Jobcentre Plus.
Until the announcement, as the Member rightly identified, we had been supporting Marco for some time with plans to expand and extend their current premises, which are owned by us, the Welsh Government, so this news was a surprise and was in no way expected. But I'm pleased to say that my officials are moving quickly to respond to this news. Just this morning, my officials met with the vice president for HR of the company, along with the representative of the Isle of Anglesey County Council. My officials have also made the Department for Work and Pensions aware of the situation. They've been informed of the development, and our understanding is that the DWP had not themselves been formally notified by the company. I can assure the Member that we will be opposing the closure of the business, but we will prepare for the worst nonetheless. We have until March 2020 to identify alternative opportunities for the 40 individuals that could be affected by this announcement, but our hope is that we would still be able to turn around the fortunes of the company and to keep it on Anglesey.
Mae'r Aelod yn nodi cyfres o bwyntiau a chwestiynau pwysig. Ar y pwynt olaf a gododd, credaf ei bod yn werth cydnabod, er ein bod wedi colli llawer o swyddi yn ddiweddar, ein bod hefyd wedi arwain at greu llawer o swyddi yn ogystal. Ac mae'n hynod o siomedig fod Marco wedi penderfynu ymgynghori ynglŷn â chau, ond mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi buddsoddi mewn busnesau newydd a busnesau sy'n bodoli'n barod sydd wedi helpu i ostwng lefelau anweithgarwch economaidd i gyfartaledd y DU am y tro cyntaf erioed. Rydym wedi gallu creu'r nifer uchaf erioed o swyddi yn ein gwlad hefyd. Felly, er y buaswn yn dweud bod colli 40 o swyddi yn anhygoel o niweidiol i'r gymuned, mae gennym hanes da o greu swyddi eraill a byddwn yn defnyddio ein holl adnoddau yn yr ardal, yn y gymuned, i sicrhau bod gwaith arall i'w gael yno. Fodd bynnag, buaswn yn rhannu ac yn adleisio pwynt yr Aelod mai ychydig iawn o'r bobl a allai gael eu heffeithio—a dywedaf 'a allai gael eu heffeithio'—gan y cau a fyddai'n dewis symud i West Bromwich yn ôl pob tebyg, ac ni ddylent orfod gwneud hynny ychwaith. Fy marn i erioed yw na ddylech orfod symud o'ch cymuned os ydych yn ymdrechu i gamu i fyny yn y byd. Felly, byddwn yn gweithio gyda'r awdurdod lleol a chyda rhanddeiliaid eraill i nodi cyfleoedd eraill. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r dulliau arferol a llwyddiannus o gefnogi unigolion, gyda chymorth Gyrfa Cymru a'r Ganolfan Byd Gwaith.
Tan y cyhoeddiad, fel y nododd yr Aelod yn gywir, roeddem wedi bod yn cefnogi Marco ers peth amser gyda chynlluniau i ehangu ac ymestyn eu safle presennol, sy'n eiddo i ni, Llywodraeth Cymru, felly roedd y newyddion hwn yn syndod ac yn gwbl annisgwyl. Ond rwy'n falch o ddweud bod fy swyddogion yn symud yn gyflym i ymateb i'r newyddion. Y bore yma, cyfarfu fy swyddogion ag is-lywydd adran adnoddau dynol y cwmni, ynghyd â chynrychiolydd o Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn. Hefyd, mae fy swyddogion wedi hysbysu'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau ynglŷn â'r sefyllfa. Maent wedi cael gwybod am y datblygiad, a'n dealltwriaeth ni yw nad oedd y cwmni eu hunain wedi rhoi gwybod i'r adran yn ffurfiol. Gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod y byddwn yn gwrthwynebu cau'r busnes, ond byddwn yn paratoi ar gyfer y gwaethaf er hynny. Mae gennym tan fis Mawrth 2020 i ddod o hyd i gyfleoedd amgen i'r 40 unigolyn y gallai'r cyhoeddiad hwn effeithio arnynt, ond ein gobaith yw y byddem yn dal i allu newid ffawd y cwmni a'i gadw ar Ynys Môn.
Thank you very much, Minister.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Weinidog.
Item 4 are the 90-second statements, and the first of the three this afternoon is Huw Irranca-Davies.
Eitem 4 yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad, a'r cyntaf o'r tri y prynhawn yma yw Huw Irranca-Davies.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. The state of nature report gives the clearest picture to date of the states of species across land and sea, and it sounds the alarm for the natural world. One in six species in Wales risk extinction. Butterfly numbers have fallen 52 per cent since 1976, and across the UK there are 40 million fewer birds compared to 50 years ago. Thirty per cent of land-dwelling mammals are at risk of disappearing altogether, and as the Assembly's lapwing champion, I'm devastated that breeding populations have fallen from 14,000 pairs in 1970 to just 700 today. And, across the world, biodiversity is under increasing threat. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services report in May warned that 1 million species globally are at risk of extinction.
But it's not all doom and gloom. When we invest in land, in nature, it can flourish. Conservation success stories are in the report. Species like bitterns and large blue butterflies have been saved through concerted action. But time is short. The chair of IPBES has warned that the window for action to restore ecosystems is expected to close over the next decade. So, we need to strengthen protection of our natural world, undertake species recovery projects, ensure our best sites are well managed, improve environmental standards, and ensure future land management payments drive ecological recovery and more. There's a growing movement demanding this change, and as policy makers, it falls to us to enable the recovery of species and tackle the climate emergency. And the time to act, as the report says, is now.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae'r adroddiad ar gyflwr byd natur yn rhoi'r darlun cliriaf hyd yma o gyflwr rhywogaethau ar draws y tir a'r môr, ac mae'n seinio rhybudd i fyd natur. Mae un rhywogaeth o bob chwech yng Nghymru mewn perygl o ddiflannu. Mae nifer y gloÿnnod byw wedi gostwng 52 y cant ers 1976, ac ar draws y DU ceir 40 miliwn yn llai o adar o gymharu â 50 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae 30 y cant o famaliaid sy'n byw ar y tir mewn perygl o ddiflannu'n gyfan gwbl, ac fel hyrwyddwr y gornchwiglen yn y Cynulliad, mae'n dorcalonnus fod poblogaethau nythu wedi gostwng o 14,000 o barau yn 1970 i ddim ond 700 heddiw. Ac ar draws y byd, mae bioamrywiaeth dan fygythiad cynyddol. Ym mis Mai, rhybuddiodd y Platfform Polisi Gwyddoniaeth Rhynglywodraethol ar Wasanaethau Bioamrywiaeth ac Ecosystemau (IPBES), fod 1 filiwn o rywogaethau yn fyd-eang mewn perygl o ddiflannu.
Ond nid yw'n ddu i gyd. Pan fyddwn yn buddsoddi mewn tir, mewn natur, gall ffynnu. Ceir hanesion am lwyddiant cadwraethol yn yr adroddiad. Mae rhywogaethau fel aderyn y bwn a glöyn byw y glesyn mawr wedi'u hachub drwy weithredu cyfunol. Ond mae amser yn brin. Mae cadeirydd IPBES wedi rhybuddio bod disgwyl y bydd y cyfnod pan allwn weithredu i adfer ecosystemau yn dod i ben dros y degawd nesaf. Felly, mae angen i ni gryfhau ein hamddiffyniad o fyd natur, cynnal prosiectau adfer rhywogaethau, sicrhau bod ein safleoedd gorau yn cael eu rheoli'n dda, gwella safonau amgylcheddol, a sicrhau bod taliadau rheoli tir yn y dyfodol yn gyrru adferiad ecolegol, a mwy. Mae'r mudiad sy'n mynnu'r newid hwn yn tyfu, ac fel llunwyr polisi, ein cyfrifoldeb ni yw galluogi gwaith i adfer rhywogaethau a mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng hinsawdd. A nawr yw'r amser i weithredu, fel y dywed yr adroddiad.
Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day. Across our country, and across the world, people’s mental well-being is deteriorating. That includes those who, in theory, are amongst the more advantaged, namely our students. All Assembly Members bar one have signed the student mental health pledge, supported by Time to Change and Mind Cymru. It is our duty to ensure that those starting the most exciting, but the most stressful time of their lives have the mental health protection they need and are not deterred from seeking help because of the stigma attached to mental illness.
The 500 per cent increase in the number of first-year students disclosing mental health conditions is alarming. Our universities and colleges have instituted a wide range of student support services, frequently delivered by their commendable peers. The loneliness of being away from home for the first time can be overwhelming, the expectation of making new friends too daunting. More seriously, if they are being bullied or blackmailed, there is specialist help available.
The revenge porn helpline highlights that criminals are targeting freshers, who spike their drinks and then use compromising photos to blackmail them. It is essential that people are not too embarrassed to seek help. Paying the ransom blackmailers demand is not a solution. At the most serious end of the problem, student suicide can only be combated by specialist health services working closely with universities and colleges.
Yfory yw Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd. Ledled ein gwlad, ac ar draws y byd, mae lles meddyliol pobl yn dirywio. Mae hynny'n cynnwys y rheini sydd, yn ddamcaniaethol, ymhlith y bobl fwyaf breintiedig, sef ein myfyrwyr. Mae holl Aelodau'r Cynulliad ond un wedi llofnodi'r adduned iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr a gefnogir gan Amser i Newid a Mind Cymru. Mae'n ddyletswydd arnom i sicrhau bod y rheini sy'n dechrau ar y cyfnod mwyaf cyffrous yn eu bywydau, ond y cyfnod sydd hefyd yn achosi'r straen mwyaf, yn cael yr amddiffyniad iechyd meddwl sydd ei angen arnynt ac nad ydynt yn cael eu rhwystro rhag ceisio cymorth oherwydd y stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â salwch meddwl.
Mae'r cynnydd o 500 y cant yn nifer y myfyrwyr blwyddyn gyntaf sy'n datgelu cyflyrau iechyd meddwl yn frawychus. Mae ein prifysgolion a'n colegau wedi sefydlu ystod eang o wasanaethau cymorth i fyfyrwyr, gwasanaethau a ddarperir yn aml gan eu cyfoedion clodwiw. Gall unigrwydd bod oddi cartref am y tro cyntaf fod yn llethol, gyda'r disgwyl iddynt wneud ffrindiau newydd yn rhy frawychus. Yn fwy difrifol, os ydynt yn cael eu bwlio neu eu blacmelio, mae cymorth arbenigol ar gael.
Mae'r llinell gymorth pornograffi dial yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod troseddwyr yn targedu glasfyfyrwyr, gan sbeicio eu diodydd a defnyddio lluniau amheus ohonynt wedyn i'w blacmelio. Mae'n hanfodol nad yw pobl yn teimlo gormod o embaras i ofyn am gymorth. Nid yw talu'r hyn y mae blacmelwyr yn gofyn amdano yn ateb. Ar y pen mwyaf difrifol i'r broblem, yr unig ffordd o fynd i'r afael â hunanladdiad ymhlith myfyrwyr yw drwy wasanaethau iechyd arbenigol sy'n gweithio'n agos gyda phrifysgolion a cholegau.
Thank you very much. And, then, finally, Jack Sargeant.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Ac yn olaf, felly, Jack Sargeant.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd. As my colleague Jenny Rathbone said, tomorrow is World Mental Health Day, and I'd like to put on record my thanks for the superb work your office is doing around that. Last week, the charity Samaritans hosted a breakfast briefing and I thank my colleague from across the benches, Dai Lloyd, for supporting that. The theme is suicide prevention this year, and the findings from that briefing were very clear. There has been a significant increase in suicides across the UK. Suicide rates across the UK in young people have been increasing as well. The suicide rates for young females is now at its highest rate ever on record, and across the UK men still remain three times more likely to take their own lives than women.
I recently worked with Cardiff City FC, Swansea City AFC, Wrexham AFC, and Newport County AFC on this issue of suicide prevention, and to raise awareness of the 84 men who commit suicide every week. Now, since then, and based on the 5,185 men who commit suicide every year, as outlined in the report, that figure has now increased to almost 100 men a week. I know, from a personal experience, the impact of suicide, and I know what impact it has on family members and friends and communities. So that's why, tomorrow, I'll be thinking about everyone affected, and that's why I'll continue to work for better mental health support for all. After all, the levels of support we offer should never end. It's a matter of humanity; it's a responsibility for us all. Diolch.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Fel y dywedodd fy nghyd-Aelod, Jenny Rathbone, yfory yw Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd, a hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch am y gwaith gwych y mae eich swyddfa'n ei wneud ar hynny. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cynhaliodd elusen y Samariaid frecwast briffio a diolch i fy nghyd-Aelod o'r meinciau gyferbyn, Dai Lloyd, am gefnogi hwnnw. Y thema eleni yw atal hunanladdiad, ac roedd canfyddiadau'r briff hwnnw'n glir iawn. Bu cynnydd sylweddol yn nifer yr achosion o hunanladdiad ledled y DU. Mae cyfraddau hunanladdiad ledled y DU ymhlith pobl ifanc wedi bod yn cynyddu hefyd. Mae'r cyfraddau hunanladdiad ar gyfer menywod ifanc ar eu cyfradd uchaf erioed erbyn hyn, ac ar draws y DU mae dynion yn dal i fod deirgwaith yn fwy tebygol o gyflawni hunanladdiad na menywod.
Yn ddiweddar, bûm yn gweithio gyda chlybiau pêl-droed Dinas Caerdydd, Dinas Abertawe, Wrecsam, a Chasnewydd ar atal hunanladdiad, ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r 84 o ddynion sy'n cyflawni hunanladdiad bob wythnos. Nawr, ers hynny, ac yn seiliedig ar y 5,185 o ddynion sy'n cyflawni hunanladdiad bob blwyddyn, fel yr amlinellir yn yr adroddiad, mae'r ffigur hwnnw bellach wedi codi i bron 100 o ddynion yr wythnos. O brofiad personol, rwy'n gwybod beth yw effaith hunanladdiad, a gwn am yr effaith y mae'n ei chael ar aelodau o'r teulu a ffrindiau a chymunedau. Dyna pam y byddaf yn meddwl yfory am bawb yr effeithir arnynt, a dyna pam y byddaf yn parhau i weithio er mwyn sicrhau gwell cymorth iechyd meddwl i bawb. Wedi'r cyfan, ni ddylai fod diwedd ar y lefelau o gymorth a gynigiwn. Mae'n fater dyngarol; mae'n gyfrifoldeb i bawb ohonom. Diolch.
Thank you very much. And that brings today's Plenary proceedings to a close.
So we'll now proceed to have a break, before the Committee of the Whole Assembly meets to consider Stage 2 of the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill. The bell will be rung five minutes before we reconvene, but I would urge Members to be in the Chamber as I intend to start Stage 2 at 3.45 p.m. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. A daw hynny â thrafodion y Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw i ben.
Felly, awn ymlaen yn awr i gael egwyl, cyn i Bwyllgor y Cynulliad Cyfan ymgynnull i ystyried Cyfnod 2 y Bil Senedd ac Etholiadau (Cymru). Cenir y gloch bum munud cyn inni ailgynnull, ond buaswn yn annog yr Aelodau i fod yn y Siambr gan fy mod yn bwriadu dechrau Cyfnod 2 am 3.45 p.m. Diolch.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 15:36.
The meeting ended at 15:36.