Will the Cabinet Secretary ensure that the terms of reference for the child practice reviews in the north Wales safeguarding board are published, following the sentencing of the paedophile Neil Foden?
When we met on 26 November I noted that I cannot see a reason why the Terms of Reference (ToR) should not be published, given that the review has now progressed significantly reducing the risk of any major changes to the ToR. However, this is notwithstanding the fact that it may be subject to some change as the review progresses. The Regional Safeguarding Board are aware of views that publishing the ToR would support public confidence and trust in the process.
I agree that publishing them would provide clarity on what is covered in the CPR. The Welsh Government has no locus to compel the Board to comply with what is an independent process. Publishing them prior to the completion of the review is highly unusual. However, given the complexities the CPR Panel are currently considering their position, and the Regional Safeguarding Board will be providing an updated statement shortly.