WQ94877 (w) Tabled on 07/11/2024

When will the next Act FAST campaign be held throughout Wales?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care | Answered on 15/11/2024

Improvements in stroke services are supported by the National Strategic Clinical Network for Cardiovascular Conditions within the NHS Executive structures. 

The NHS Executive has agreed that NHS Wales is committed to continuing to support a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, FAST/NESA campaign to increase awareness of the signs of stroke and encourage people to dial 999 at the first sign, and opportunities to fund the campaign in Wales are currently being explored.

We are continuing to work closely with NHS England and have access to the resources they have developed in support of the FAST Campaign. This collaboration is essential to ensure consistent messaging to the public about acting FAST if there are any signs and symptoms of stroke.