WQ94761 (e) Tabled on 29/10/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the review of the Lôn Fawr/Corwen Road junction on the A494 trunk road and when road safety works there will be completed?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales | Answered on 05/11/2024

The scheme is currently being taken forward through the transport appraisal process (WelTAG) – this is covering consideration of both the junction layout of the A494 with Corwen Road and the narrow section of the A494 north of the junction known as Lon Fawr. Outline plans for local engagement are due for completion in the summer of 2025. Subject to the preferred option outcome, detailed design will follow and will include statutory process requirements and any required land negotiations, meaning work could commence in the financial year of 26/27.