WQ94638 (e) Tabled on 18/10/2024

Is the Cabinet Secretary measuring the effectiveness of the new teaching method referred to as cueing, introduced by Wales’s new curriculum, and if so, how effective is this method?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 25/10/2024

The Curriculum for Wales does not refer to the teaching of cueing to decode words. References to using pictures and context for reading refer to supporting learners to understand the meaning of words, not to decode them. The statutory guidance expects schools to teach phonics in a systematic and consistent way. As outlined in my Written Statement on 4 October, this guidance is being reviewed to ensure these expectations are clear.

As part of a balanced approach, teachers may use a range of strategies to support learners develop their wider reading skills, including vocabulary-building and comprehension. A range of information regarding the teaching of reading is provided by Estyn, including recent thematic reviews and the Chief Inspector’s Annual Report.