WQ94089 (w) Tabled on 20/09/2024

Will the Government make a statement in response to the report in the London Economics: 'The impact of higher education teaching, research, and innovation', which shows disproportion in the distribution of UKRI research funding, with Wales receiving 2.6 per cent of the funding?

Answered by Minister for Further and Higher Education | Answered on 01/10/2024

The 2.6% figure is a long standing and recognised issue. Historically, the Welsh higher education research and innovation community has received funding from EU Structural Funds administered by WEFO. Brexit requires a transition away from these funds and should incentivise institutions becoming more competitive in gaining a greater share of UKRI funding, including increasing capacity and capability to better align with the priorities of the bigger spending Research Councils (EPSRC and MRC). Medr also has a key role to play and has recognised ‘growing internationally acclaimed research and inspiring innovation throughout the sector’ in its strategic plan currently published for consultation.