WQ94059 (e) Tabled on 19/09/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on how works are progressing at the Diagnostic and Treatment Hub site in Cwm Taf, and will he share any data available on the number of patients already being supported at the site?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care | Answered on 23/09/2024

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board is developing a Strategic Outline Case which will set the strategic and service objectives of the development of a diagnostic and treatment hub.

The site has been developed to enable a temporary diagnostic service to start using mobile MRI services. Since April, an average 90 people have been scanned a week, amounting to 1,664 people by the end of August.

Since the temporary diagnostic service was started, there has been a significant reduction in MRI waits (50%) and feedback has been positive, focusing on ease of access, availability of parking and it being a less imposing site than a hospital.