WQ93821 (w) Tabled on 11/09/2024

Will the Welsh Government provide an update on the progress of the review of roles and responsibilities of education partners in Wales and introduce arrangements to improve schools, and when will the full report and the recommendations be published?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 16/09/2024

The review of roles and responsibilities of education partners in Wales was concluded in December 2023. A letter from the Professor Dylan Jones, who undertook the review, was published in January 2024 together with a Written Statement setting out the Welsh Government response. 

As outlined in the statement the work has moved on to further stages exploring how school improvement can best be supported across the system. This work continues with our education partners.

Review of roles and responsibilities of education partners in Wales and delivery of school improvement arrangements: letter to the Education Minister

Written Statement: The next stage in the review of school improvement - the roles and responsibilities of education partners in Wales (31 January 2024)