WQ93775 (w) Tabled on 21/08/2024

How many courses or educational opportunities will be available through the medium of Welsh for prisoners who speak Welsh a) in the prisons estate in Wales; and b) who have been placed outside the Welsh prisons estate, as part of the strategy of providing learning and skills opportunities in Government prisons?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 03/09/2024

The Welsh Government works closely with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) to ensure the learning and skills provision in Welsh prisons meets the needs of the individual learner. We aim to deliver courses through the medium of Welsh where there is demand, employing Welsh language speaking teachers and translating course material. Prisoners wishing to develop Welsh language skills are offered accredited courses and we also support learning through more informal options such as Welsh Language Clubs delivered by Welsh speaking peer mentors.  From April 2023 to August 2024 over 300 learners in the Welsh Estate started a Welsh language essential skills course.

In England, on-line Welsh language courses are available to prisoners and the HMPPS Welsh Language Scheme commits HMPPS to go beyond its statutory obligations and provide services in Welsh wherever possible.