WQ93695 (w) Tabled on 07/08/2024

How many new free childcare places for two-year-old children have so far been created per community or provider in Gwynedd as part of the Flying Start expansion?

Answered by Minister for Mental Health and Early Years | Answered on 15/08/2024

We are making excellent progress in extending the eligibility of Flying Start childcare by rolling out high-quality childcare to two-year-olds across Wales.

Phase 1 of the expansion programme began in September 2022 and has been completed, having delivered all four elements of the programme to 3,178 additional children aged 0-4. This included 772 additional children across Wales who had been offered a Flying Start childcare place. 16 of these offers of additional childcare places in Phase 1 were made in Gwynedd.

Phase 2 of the expansion began in March 2023. Indicative data provided by local authorities suggests that 6,907 additional children across Wales had been offered Flying Start childcare as part of Phase 2 of the expansion in 2023-24. 89 of these offers of additional childcare places in Phase 2 were made in Gwynedd in 2023-24.