WQ93604 (e) Tabled on 31/07/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary outline how much has been spent on procurement in the NHS by financial year over the last 5 years?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care | Answered on 12/08/2024

Spend by health boards, NHS trusts and special health authorities is detailed in the NHS Wales Summarised Accounts, which are laid in the Senedd. They are available on the Senedd website at:

NHS Wales Summarised Accounts 2019-20: gen-ld13422-e.pdf (senedd.wales)

NHS Wales Summarised Accounts 2020-21: agr-ld14491-e.pdf (senedd.wales)

NHS Wales Summarised Accounts 2021-22: gen-ld15322-e.pdf (senedd.wales)

NHS Wales Summarised Accounts 2022-23: gen-ld16138-e.pdf (senedd.wales)

Spend for the most recent financial year will be available following audit of the NHS Wales Summarised Accounts.