WQ93542 (w) Tabled on 18/07/2024

When will the Welsh Government review The National Health Service (Welsh Language in Primary Care Services) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2019 with a view to strengthening the basic rights of patients who wish to use the Welsh language?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Social Care and Welsh Language | Answered on 25/07/2024

In line with the Mwy na geiriau plan 2022-27 we will be undertaking a survey with primary care providers to understand the impact of the Welsh language duties. The findings of the survey will be used to guide initiatives aimed at improving and expanding services in Welsh including whether the 2019 regulations need to be reviewed. The intention is to start the survey toward the end of 2024.

In addition, complementary qualitative research will be carried out to:

  • Understand language duty implementation and Active Offer delivery in primary care.
  • Explore the impact of Welsh language duties on delivering the Active Offer in primary care settings.
  • Assess challenges and/or facilitators related to duty implementation and support needed.
  • Identify any good practice examples in the form of case studies.