WQ93490 (e) Tabled on 15/07/2024

How is the Welsh Government working to encourage active lifestyles for children and young people?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Social Care and Welsh Language | Answered on 22/07/2024

Schools have a key role in encouraging active lifestyles for children and young people. Extensive consideration has been given to learners’ physical development and the Curriculum for Wales framework, and it includes clear progression in physical literacy and activity which highlights the importance of learners experiencing a range of ongoing, daily opportunities to be physically active.

We are working with Sport Wales to develop professional learning so that teachers have the skills and confidence to deliver engaging physical activities and sport.

Daily Active guidance will support schools to deliver a range of opportunities for children to be active every day, for at least an hour.  This includes active playtimes and active travel to school as well as physical activities and sport.

Outside of school term, Welsh Government fund the Food and Fun programme, a school-based initiative that provides free, enjoyable physical activity opportunities to thousands of children in Wales.