WQ93451 (w) Tabled on 11/07/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary confirm where annual letters from Welsh Ministers to the Education Workforce Council can be found for the last 5 years detailing requirements for initial teacher education and, if they are not available, will these letters be published?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 19/07/2024

An overview of Welsh Government’s processes regarding recruitment into initial teacher education (ITE) awarding qualified teacher status (QTS) can be found at https://www.gov.wales/initial-teacher-education-recruitment-process.

This webpage includes the most recent annual letter from my officials to the Education Workforce Council (EWC) regarding the number of ITE placements awarding QTS needed in Wales. The letter can be found here https://www.gov.wales/teacher-training-recruitment-2024-letter-education-workforce-council-ewc.

In previous years HEFCW and thereafter EWC published this annual letter on their websites, as the accreditation body for ITE in Wales (at the time in question). This year, to improve transparency, the ITE recruitment processes webpage was published on gov.wales, and a link to our annual letter to EWC included. This webpage will continue to link to the most current letter from my officials to the EWC.

Welsh Government has no plans to publish the previous years’ letters which were made available by the EWC. My officials will be happy to provide these directly should you require.