Will the Cabinet Secretary publish teacher intake figures from 2020-21 onwards?
Welsh Government publishes an initial teacher education (ITE) statistical bulletin each year. These bulletins, including academic year 2020-21 and 2021-22, are avaliable on our website: https://www.gov.wales/initial-teacher-education
Further exploration into ITE recruitment data up to academic year 2021-22 can be conducted via the StatsWales website: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Education-and-Skills/Schools-and-Teachers/teachers-and-support-staff/initial-teacher-education
The ITE recruitment data unpinning both the statistical bulletin, and the data available on the StatsWales website, is provided by the Higher Education Statistical Authority (HESA) (https://www.hesa.ac.uk/). Data for academic year 2022-23 is significantly delayed and officials expect this to be provided by HESA later this calendar year. Publication of the ITE statistics will be completed once this has been received and processed accordingly by my officials.
Statistics pertaining to the current academic year (2023-24) are expected to be published next calendar year, should there be no delays by HESA in providing the data.