WQ93234 (e) Tabled on 17/06/2024

What plans does the Welsh Government have to pursue the full devolution of the benefits system, to ensure that benefits assessments are accurate and ethical?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice | Answered on 20/06/2024

The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales welfare sub-group report recognised the devolution of full powers for welfare benefits would be feasible only with a substantial increase in tax and borrowing powers to enable the Welsh Government to take on the related risks and liabilities.

We are however exploring the necessary infrastructure which would be required to prepare for any devolution of the administration of welfare. We are currently commissioning independent research that will provide an evidence-based summary of how the devolution of the administration of social security to the Welsh Government could be taken forward and the potential benefits and consequences of doing so.

I know the current assessment processes for disability and sickness benefits are not fit for purpose and cause anxiety and stress to many people in Wales. This is also recognised by the DWP in their Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper that proposed major reform to the assessment process for Personal Independent Payment. The Welsh Government will be providing a response on the consultation putting forward the views of disabled people in Wales.