WQ93225 (e) Tabled on 14/06/2024

What steps is the Cabinet Secretary taking to work with local authorities in north Wales to see empty properties in rural communities refurbished and used as social housing?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning | Answered on 25/06/2024

Through the Social Housing Grant (SHG) programme and Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) we work closely with local authorities to fund housing schemes that meet local housing need and priorities as identified by Local Authorities in Wales. This includes both new build programmes and acquisition of existing properties.

North Wales authorities have received an allocation of £72.3m under SHG programme for 2024-25, which will be used for their strategic housing priorities, and delivered by both their RSL partners and the local authorities.

The TACP was established in 2022 to provide good quality longer-term accommodation for everyone in housing need. In 2022-23, 340 properties were brought back into use as homes under the programme, with a further 240 in the last financial year, which includes 159 in North Wales.

We are also working with local authorities on a number of measures and funding packages to reduce the number of long-term empty homes in Wales including Leasing Scheme Wales, empty homes grant and property loans.