WQ93220 (e) Tabled on 13/06/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary outline what consideration the Welsh Government has given to hydro-electric energy potential in North Wales?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language | Answered on 25/06/2024

We will need a range of renewable technologies of different types and scales to address the climate crisis and reach our energy target to meet the equivalent of 100% of our annual electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2035, and to continue to keep pace with consumption thereafter.  Hydropower is certainly an important part of the mix where the conditions are right. A key consideration for potential hydro schemes can be the physical distance to where the energy can be used.  The cost of grid connection can be an impediment to potential sites unless there’s good demand nearby.

There are a number of schemes already in existence in North Wales – from the large, pumped storage facility at Dinorwig to a range of smaller hydropower schemes. Our most recent Energy Generation in Wales report, for 2022, estimates that there are now 379 hydro projects across Wales generating an estimated 350 GWh of renewable electricity in 2022. Three new hydro projects were commissioned in 2022, with a total capacity of 0.1 MW.

We agree that Wales's waterways have the potential to contribute to our renewable energy generation in Wales and provide support where needed.  Our Welsh Government Energy Service works with the public sector and community enterprises to reduce energy use, generate locally owned renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions. The Energy Service has to date supported 5 projects in North Wales to completion and 7 others to feasibility stage with currently one project, Afon Galedffrwd, at pre-construction phase.  We provided development support of £423,029 and the fund is available to new projects.