WQ93187 (e) Tabled on 11/06/2024

What is the Welsh Government doing to increase social mobility?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice | Answered on 19/06/2024

We recognise social and economic circumstances contribute to inequality. We are committed to creating a fairer and more prosperous Wales where everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential. On 18th March, the Welsh Government set out its National Equality Objectives (NEOs) for the next four years. These provide the foundation for our work to eliminate inequality, promote equality, and foster good relations between people.  

A strong start in life is critical to a successful future, so tackling childhood poverty is one of our most important aims.  Our Child Poverty Strategy outlines a set of principles, priorities and objectives to guide our work and national decision making for creating a more equal Wales where every child can reach their potential, no matter their background. 

In our Programme for Government, we committed to invest in the Pupil Deprivation Grant and to continue our long-term programme of education reform, ensuring educational inequalities narrow and standards rise.  The Tackling the Impact of Poverty on Education Programme, delivered by Children in Wales and funded by Welsh Government, supports schools to reduce the cost of the school day and mitigate the impact of poverty upon learner wellbeing and attainment.

We are committed to maximising fairness and eliminating inequality, working in social partnership to create new jobs in the industries of the future, and focussing on the areas where we can make the greatest difference to people and communities.  Our plans for Employability and Skills support are designed to help everyone - particularly those furthest from the labour market - to respond to the work-related challenges they face.