WQ93121 (e) Tabled on 05/06/2024

What justification does the Welsh Government have for falling behind on its 2021 target to build 20,000 low-carbon social homes for rent by 2026, where according to calculations reported by Channel 4 the actual figure in 2026 will be closer to 14,000 homes?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning | Answered on 17/06/2024

The Welsh government hasn’t fallen behind with its 2021 target to build 20,000 low-carbon social homes for rent by 2026.  Social housing is a remains key priority for this Government, and it is why we have provided record levels of funding for social housing, with more than £1.4bn allocated in the first four years of this term.

The Channel 4 report assumes average delivery rates will remain the same through the Senedd term.

This assessment is overly simplistic and critically fails to take into account the impact of increased investment.

When setting the 20,000 target we did not set an annual target of 4,000, this is not appropriate. We have been very clear that to do so would not recognise that increases in investment will take time to show in the data.

We have a healthy pipeline of housing schemes, both new builds and acquisitions, that will contribute to the delivery of the target. We work closely with partners to overcome challenges due to current market conditions in order to maintain the development programme and deliver much needed homes in Wales.