WQ93105 (w) Tabled on 04/06/2024

How much money are individual students able to get through the NHS Wales bursary each year?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care | Answered on 10/06/2024

The following NHS financial support is currently available for eligible students on NHS Wales funded courses (including Medical and Dentistry Students in their bursary years):

  • The cost of tuition fees (currently £9,000)
  • A non-means tested grant of £1,000
  • A means tested bursary. The rates for a 30-week course are shown in the following table:

Living Arrangements

Amount per year


Up to £2,643

Parental Home

Up to £2,207

London (Medical and Dental Students only)

Up to £3,191


Additional allowances are also available (depending on individual circumstances), including extra weeks allowance if courses extend beyond 30 weeks, dependants’ allowance, parent learning allowance, childcare allowance and Disabled Students Allowance. Students may also be able to receive financial assistance with clinical placement/practice costs.

For academic year 2024/25 our eligible Welsh domiciled NHS Wales Bursary Students (including our Medical and Dentistry Students in their bursary years) will also be able to access the full amount of maintenance loan from Student Finance Wales (SFW), should they wish to do so.