WQ93027 (e) Tabled on 28/05/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary outline how the Welsh Government is working with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to reduce waiting times for gastroenterology appointments for people newly diagnosed with Crohn's or colitis?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care | Answered on 31/05/2024

I have been very clear of my expectations for each health board to continue to bring long waits down for each speciality both at the outpatient stage and for the total treatment pathway. We are not able to comment on direct waits for newly diagnosed Crohn’s or colitis patients, as national data is only by speciality level.

My officials with the support of the NHS Executive staff are working with each health board to assess and target solutions at each speciality level currently not delivering against national expectations and require additional support to reduce waits further.

Gastroenterology for Cardiff and Vale is one such area where the health board will need to demonstrate how they will improve waits. This is part of the national work to increase productivity and efficiency to deliver the national waiting times commitments.