When will the Welsh Government be providing an updated evaluation of its Seren Network?
Evaluation is now built into the overall approach of The Seren Academy’s measurement of outcomes. The Seren Academy’s strategic objectives drive the vision for learners, regardless of socioeconomic background, to have the ambition, capability, and curiosity to fulfil their potential and excel in their future educational goals and careers at the highest level. The objectives are measured by a specific outcome. Each identified outcome measure is accompanied by a survey/scale, in which individuals self-report the extent to which they agree or disagree with attitudinal and/or behavioural statements, to evaluate Seren activity.
Each strand of activity within the Seren Academy Delivery Plan has been mapped against an intended outcome(s) to ascertain which survey measurement should be used to evaluate the impact of the activity. Learners from Year 10 to Year 13 complete a start of year and end of year survey, which uses a Likert scale to identify increase in outcome measures, across the course of the academic year.