WQ92936 (e) Tabled on 20/05/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary outline how the Welsh Government ensures that National Resources Wales carries out the appropriate maintenance of storm drains in North Wales?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs | Answered on 31/05/2024

The Welsh Government provides funding to Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) including Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to carry out works which reduce the risk of flooding to communities. This year we will provide NRW with £24.5m revenue funding. This money will be used to maintain NRW’s network of assets, improve warning and informing systems, support operational planning and delivery, raise community awareness and support flood incidence response.

Furthermore, watercourses may be situated on privately owned land. Anyone who owns land or property which either contains or is next to a watercourse - such as a storm drain - is a riparian landowner. The principles of riparian ownership have been established in common law for more than 200 years.

Natural Resources Wales have produced a guidance document which explains to landowners how riparian ownership works, and how it might affect them. In February 2024 the then Minister for Climate Change published a written statement on this issue. I would urge your constituents to consult NRW’s guidance document for further detail on their rights and responsibilities.