WQ92837 (e) Tabled on 14/05/2024

What steps is the Welsh Government taking to incentivise bus travel in Wales?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport | Answered on 22/05/2024

We are investing in and supporting moves to invest in new green zero emission vehicles for use on the local bus services across Wales. Fully electric buses are now in daily service in Cardiff and Newport and we have grant funded fleets of new electric buses in west and north Wales for use on the Welsh Government funded TrawsCymru network.

Decarbonising the bus fleet in Wales by 2035 is an ambitious programme and we are keen to work with key partners to deliver this agenda.

We have looked at a range of ways to incentivise bus travel across the whole of Wales. Last year we funded the Back to Bus campaign, which featured across social, digital, and out-of-home channels throughout Wales. We are investing in new infrastructure to improve facilities for buses and passengers, which includes investment to bus stops across the TrawsCymru network, as well as improved interchanges. We are currently carrying out a major review to identify opportunities for further effective investment.

The “My Travel Pass” scheme for young people aged 16-21 entitles them to a third off bus fares across Wales. The scheme has high take-up rates in the big urban areas across Wales especially Swansea, Cardiff, Newport and Wrexham.

We have also recently introduced combined bus / rail ticketing on the TrawsCymru bus service T1 linking Aberystwyth and Carmarthen, which is proving popular with passengers. Steps are being taken to extend this to other parts of the TrawsCymru network over the next few months.