WQ92416 (e) Tabled on 12/04/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary outline what financial support the Welsh Government provides to households with children suffering from PTSD?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice | Answered on 19/04/2024

Welsh Government provides £1.2 million annually to Traumatic Stress Wales, to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Wales, with or at risk of, developing PTSD or complex PTSD. A priority for Traumatic Stress Wales is to increase the dissemination of evidence-based specialist interventions to prevent and treat PTSD and complex PTSD.

In addition, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) can be claimed by the parent/guardian of a child aged under 16 who has behavioural or mental health issues. The Department of Work and Pensions decision to award DLA is not based on a child having a specific condition such as PTSD, but on the need for personal care or supervision that a child has. It is a detailed assessment process, but a parent can get help making a DLA claim from Citizens Advice (or a welfare rights service).

A parent caring for a child in receipt of a disability benefit may be eligible for Carers’ Allowance if the additional care they provide is at least 35 hours a week and they earn £151 per week or less after tax.