WQ92362 (e) Tabled on 27/03/2024

Has the Welsh Government considered a similar scheme for Wales to the Scottish Government’s success of starter farm initiative?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs | Answered on 10/04/2024

We continue to provide support for young farmers and new entrants to enter the sector through programmes such as Farming Connect, Start to Farm (formerly known as Venture) and the Small Grants - Horticulture Start-up scheme.  All eligible farmers, including new entrants, are also able to apply for a range of other agricultural support schemes, as they become available.

In the future, the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme will be available to all types of farms and will support young farmers in the industry to develop sustainable businesses. During the transition to new support, we will take every opportunity consider the impact on young entrants and where appropriate, enhance our support, while considering lessons and best practice from other regions.