What is the Cabinet Secretary’s response to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board having a 155-week waiting list for urgent urology procedures?
Our national targets are related to the maximum waits for all pathways,. We are clear however on our expectations that health boards have to plan and manage their local clinical demands to address cancer and clinical urgency as priority, as well addressing the reduction in long waits.
Our national information on urology waits at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board indicate total waits have increased since the start of the recovery plan in this speciality. The health board has indicated it has been concentrating on improving its clinically urgent cancer pathways.
My officials, with support from the NHS Executive, are working and challenging health boards to further review and improve local delivery to meet the needs of all pathways and reduce waits. A recent national urology Get it Right First-Time (GiRFT) clinical review has highlighted a number of recommendations to improve delivery in this area.