WQ92347 (e) Tabled on 22/03/2024

How is the Minister working with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board to tackle tuberculosis?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care | Answered on 09/04/2024

It is important to recognise that Wales remains a low incidence TB country. Rates of TB in Wales have decreased by 27% over the past 10 years but we have seen a slow-down in the reduction of TB cases and an increase in case numbers in 2023 compared to 2022. This was not unexpected as we are aware of similar trends across the UK and elsewhere in Europe. The reasons for the increases are multi-factorial but are likely to be partly as a result of changes to health-seeking behaviour and access to health services during the Covid pandemic.

TB is a global problem and many countries have high rates of TB compared to Wales. Individuals coming to Wales are screened for active TB in certain circumstances, for example their length of stay in Wales. A significant challenge is posed by latent TB, where the infection lays dormant and is undetected through typical active TB screening (ie. a chest x-ray) but can re-activate into active TB many years later. Sixty percent of newly diagnosed TB cases in Wales in 2023 were in people born outside the UK compared to 70% in 2022. There was an increase in cases in Wales from those born in the UK in 2023 compared to 2022.

Our Respiratory Disease quality statement sets out that health boards should have a nominated clinical and corporate lead for tuberculosis and a local plan for prevention and control, to ensure services can deal with complex case management and respond to any incidents or outbreaks: https://www.gov.wales/quality-statement-respiratory-disease-html

The current trend in TB case numbers in Wales poses a significant challenge to our aim of eliminating TB, in line with the World Health Organisation’s sustainable development goals. Last year, I approved the establishment of a Welsh Government-led TB Elimination Oversight Group, to help re-invigorate the drive to eliminate TB and oversee our progress.