WQ92250 (e) Tabled on 20/03/2024

What action plan does the Minister have in place to address the issue of trainee teaching staff leaving their courses before completion due to a lack of childcare?

Answered by Minister for Mental Health and Early Years | Answered on 09/04/2024

Local authorities have a duty to secure, as far as is reasonably possible, sufficient childcare to enable parents to work or train. To help them fulfil this duty local authorities undertake Childcare Sufficiency Assessments (CSAs) which enable them to assess the supply and demand for childcare for all parents.  The CSAs are undertaken every 5 years and published on local authority websites. The most recent CSAs were completed in 2022. Local authorities also produce actions plans to address any gaps in provision which have been highlighted within their CSA and to report on progress yearly. 

Local authorities receive allocated funding from Welsh Government through the Childcare and Play element of the Children and Communities Grant to help address any identified gaps in their CSAs. Local authorities have discretion in determining how best to use this funding to support their local areas. The Family Information Service provides information for parents/carers on all types of current childcare available within local areas including childminders who may be able to provide flexible childcare options.