WQ92010 (e) Tabled on 13/03/2024

What action is the Welsh Government taking to ensure businesses are not adversely impacted by the workplace recycling regulations?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 21/03/2024

The Workplace Recycling Regulations, come into force on 6 April 2024 and will require workplaces to separate key recyclable materials in the way the majority of Wales’ householders already do.

The Welsh Government is introducing this legislation to improve the consistency of how we manage waste, and the quality and quantity of recycling we collect in Wales. The increase in recycling will lead to significant overall savings to the Welsh economy and the increased capture of a resilient supply of high-quality recycled materials. This will also further reduce waste going to landfill and incineration and reduce carbon emissions. As such the reforms are a key step towards tackling the climate and nature emergency, whilst also laying the foundations for a stronger, greener economy as committed to within our Programme for Government.

Thanks to the efforts of the citizens of Wales, our rate of recycling already saves us around 400,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Rather than adversely impacting workplaces, the regulations will help workplaces to actively play their part in addressing the climate and nature emergency, whilst driving savings to the Welsh economy and supporting individual workplaces to become more resource efficient. To assist workplaces to prepare to comply with the regulations, we have developed a variety of guidance and support tools to help make the changes needed. These include a Code of Practice, sector-specific guides and downloadable signage and resources. We are also running national communications campaign and providing a series of information webinars and case study videos highlighting some of the many businesses that already separate their waste in accordance with the new requirements.

In parallel, we have been working with the waste sector and local authorities to ensure readiness. This will also improve access to compliant services for small producers and for more rural businesses based in communities in which non-domestic waste collections currently already take place on a regular basis.

The Regulatory Impact Assessment also includes a list of measures the Welsh Government is bringing in to address potential barriers workplaces may face. This is supported with work by our partners, such as Business Wales and WRAP, to promote good practice in material separation, bin location, minimising the risk of contamination by visitors and guests, training for staff, and ways in which waste can be reduced and resource efficiency improved to minimise costs.