How is the Welsh Government addressing the rising competition for specialty medical training in Wales, caused by a static number of training posts and an increasing number of graduating doctors?
The Welsh Government has and will continue to invest in the workforce required to support our health system in Wales. £281.98 million was invested in 2023-24, this included an additional £7.14m for medical training places and we will maintain this level for 2024-25. This will support education and training programmes for healthcare professionals in Wales.
Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) produce an annual Education and Training Plan following engagement with stakeholders and health boards which is then submitted to Welsh Government for Ministerial approval. Details of the approved plan for 24/25 which includes an increase in speciality medical training places can be found here:
Education and Training Plan - HEIW (
Over recent years we have significantly increased the number of medical training places in Wales, including speciality training posts. We have provided funding for an additional 55 medical students per year, in addition to the creation of the additional places provided by the C21NW Programme. The new North Wales Medical School will also commence direct intake this Autumn, with student numbers gradually increasing to full capacity of 140 students each year from 2029. This is being delivered alongside increases to specialty training places (3.4% increase in 23/24) and foundation training places (15% increase in 23/24) to ensure alignment across the medical training pipeline.