WQ91669 (e) Tabled on 04/03/2024

What action is the Minister taking to improve compliance with the new 20mph speed limit?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 12/03/2024

I have provided funding to the GoSafe road safety partnership, including for Operation Ugain which launched on 8 January 2024. Operation Ugain delivers roadside engagement across Wales through a partnership between GoSafe, Welsh police forces and Welsh fire and rescue services. It is focused on engaging with communities in areas where the speed limit has changed from 30mph to 20mph to help drivers adjust to the change.

We know from data published by GoSafe that around 97% of drivers observed through Operation Ugain during the past two months are complying with the enforcement threshold for the slower speed limit – behaviours and attitudes towards 20mph are beginning to change.

The national marketing campaign for the 20mph change ran from March 2023, with most of the advertising budget focused around the coming into force date of 17 September 2023 to support the public to be aware of the change.

Of 1,000 adults in Wales questioned in a YouGov Survey in Sept 2023, 97% said they had heard about the speed limit being lowered. We have continued to update the public about key milestones and progress in relation to the change. This includes publicising preliminary speed data from the national roll out and an update on the exceptions review in February 2024.

We continue to work with key stakeholders and public representative groups to share information. Earlier in 2024 we undertook social media advertising to coincide with the launch of engagement with motorists through Operation Ugain with GoSafe and policing partners. GoSafe intend to further amplify these roadside engagement sessions with paid advertising and media work in the coming months.