WQ91548 (e) Tabled on 27/02/2024

What action is the Minister taking to promote awareness and education about headache and migraine in educational institutions?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 07/03/2024

In November 2022 we published the Neurological Conditions Quality Statement.  This sets out Welsh Government’s vision for good quality services for people of all ages living with neurological conditions in Wales, including the outcomes and standards we expect NHS organisations to achieve in delivering services for people with Neurological Conditions. This was co-produced with the Neurological Conditions Implementation Group (NCIG) and the twenty plus third sector partners represented in the NCIG by the Wales Neurological Alliance, this includes representatives from The Migraine Trust.

The All-Wales Headache Toolkit was launched in February 2023. It was developed in partnership with the NCIG and funded through the Bevan Commission Planned Care Innovation Programme. The toolkit supports the implementation of an All-Wales approach to improve headache diagnosis and management in primary care, improving awareness and education of clinicians, including GPs, to manage people living with Migraine using the NICE recommended treatment regimens and improving the patient journey. 

Under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 local authorities and governing bodies must make arrangements to ensure their functions are exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in school or another place of learning. This includes supporting children with healthcare needs.

To support this, our ‘Supporting Learners with Healthcare Needs’ guidance contains both statutory guidance and non-statutory advice to support learners and ensure minimal disruption to their education. It also emphasises the need for a collaborative approach from education and health professionals, placing the learner at the centre of decision making. Quick guides for staffparents and young people have also been published.

This statutory guidance requires local authorities and education settings in Wales to have a healthcare needs policy in place which should seek to ensure that pupils with any medical condition are properly supported. The guidance sets out minimum standards of expected practice for local authorities, governing bodies, headteachers, teachers and support staff when supporting learners with healthcare needs, although roles may differ between education settings.

In terms of the workplace, all employers are responsible for the putting in place procedures when an employee is unwell, including those ready to return to work following a period of absence due to any illness. By law the employers must make reasonable adjustments, if needed, to support their employee’s. Our In-Work Support Service provides rapid access to occupational support to people with mental and physical health conditions.  The service plays a vital role in helping people to retain employment by aiming to prevent people from becoming absent from work due to a mental or physical health condition, and to help those on a sickness absence to return to work more quickly.