WQ90866 (e) Tabled on 29/01/2024

What steps is the Welsh Government taking in 2024 to reduce mental health issues amongst young learners in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 02/02/2024

Wellbeing is at the heart of education in Wales, demonstrated through both the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience and our whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.


In March 2021, we published our framework on embedding a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being. The framework, which is statutory guidance, aims to support schools in assessing and reviewing their own wellbeing needs, and developing plans to meet those needs. 


Our draft budget for 2024-25 includes £13.6m funding jointly from the Education and HSS budgets to support implementation of the framework.  In previous years funding has been used to extend and improve access to the school counselling service, which sees around 12,500 pupils per year; enable local authorities to deliver universal and targeted wellbeing interventions, and training for teachers and other school staff, including learners in PRU and EOTAS who we know have higher levels of wellbeing need; and enable local health boards across Wales to ensure national provision of the CAMHS school in-reach service, which sees dedicated mental health practitioners in schools providing consultation, liaison, advice and training.