WQ90646 (e) Tabled on 22/01/2024

Further to WQ90072, what are the payment arrangements for independent contractor engagement in cluster activities for a) GPs, b) pharmacists, c) dentists, d) optometrists, e) nurses, f) advanced care practitioners, g) physiotherapists, h) admins, i) practice managers, j) speech and language therapists, k) dental nurses, and l) healthcare assistants, in the financial directions that support primary care contracts?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 31/01/2024

Primary care contracts relate to dentistry, community pharmacy, General Medical Services (GMS) and optometry. There will be other health professionals and administration staff working within those settings (and employed by the independent contractor).

The reform of primary care contracts supports increased engagement of primary care in clusters and the establishment of Professional Collaboratives:

  • GMS contractors payments are embedded within the Global Sum which is a weighted £ per patient figure - currently £111.40.
  • The current dental contract arrangements do not provide funding mechanisms or contractual requirements for engagement with cluster activity. This is a matter of ongoing discussion as part of contract reform. Individual Health Boards may have provisions in place including funding.