WQ90438 (e) Tabled on 11/01/2024

What discussions has the Minister had with UK Government on Wylfa being selected as a potential Nuclear Power site?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 19/01/2024

As lead Minister for the regeneration of former nuclear facilities in Wales, the Minister for Economy has engaged actively with Andrew Bowie MP, Minister for Nuclear and Networks and his team, including as recently as 8 January 2024.

The Minister has pushed for collaboration and detail on the UK Government’s plan for future development at Wylfa and Trawsfynydd with a focus on the benefits for the citizens of the region and Wales. We are disappointed that, to date, no clarity has been provided. We will continue to push the case directly, and via Cwmni Egino, with the UK Government and Great British Nuclear for Welsh based investment. We note the release of three nuclear policy documents by the UK Government last week and will be providing full responses to these highlighting our strengths.