WQ90396 (e) Tabled on 10/01/2024

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of any confusion caused by the introduction of 20mph?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 18/01/2024

In advance of the coming into force of the 20mph default speed limit on restricted roads, we delivered an extensive communications campaign to explain the change. This included a leaflet delivered to 1,578,337 households and businesses in Wales and border communities. The campaign specifically focused on helping drivers to understand where to drive at 20mph – ‘See Streetlights, think 20mph, unless signs say otherwise’. However, the misinformation that this a blanket and not a default speed limit has served to confuse drivers into thinking that there are no exceptions.

It is estimated that overall the campaign has created 73.9 million opportunities to see through digital, print, television and radio marketing, and out of home advertising. A survey conducted by YouGov immediately prior to the change in default speed limit in Wales, found that of around 1,000 people surveyed, 97% had heard about the change and 3% had not.

Nevertheless, as I acknowledged in my Written Statement: Supporting highway authorities with the implementation of 20mph (25 October 2023), this important change will take time to bed in. The need to allow time to adjust to the change is reflected in the roadside engagement activity we are funding, delivered by the police and their partners from this month, to explain the change and support drivers to comply.