WQ90179 (e) Tabled on 12/12/2023

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the potential risks posed to Wales by the bluetongue virus?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 20/12/2023

We continue to monitor the situation in the South-east of England very closely and regularly assess the level of risk we face, with regular GB outbreak assessments available on GOV.UK. Whilst Bluetongue Virus (BTV) poses no risk to human health, it can have a significant impact on the health of livestock and trade, and it is important that we take proactive steps to reduce the risk of introducing affected animals into Welsh herds.

Currently, movements of live ruminants to Wales from within the current Temporary Control Zones (TCZ) in England are prohibited and all affected animals have been humanely culled to minimise the risk of onward transmission. There is currently no evidence that bluetongue virus is circulating in Great Britain.

As a result of confirmed cases of BTV in Europe, live sheep and cattle from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany can no longer be imported to GB. BTV post-import testing is taking place on all susceptible animals from high-risk countries.