WQ90135 (e) Tabled on 11/12/2023

What discussions has the Minister had with local councils with regard to people being placed in temporary accommodation for more than six weeks?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 19/12/2023

Our approach to reducing the length of time people stay in accommodation was emphasised in a Written Ministerial Statement published on 9 August.

The Welsh Government remains committed to supporting local authorities to help find sustainable, long-term homes for people experiencing homelessness, and officials are working closely with local authorities in this regard. Prevention remains the focus and priority to reduce the flow of people needing temporary accommodation. 

Our overall aim is to reduce dependency on temporary accommodation and work with local authorities to drive down usage in a manageable way, therefore avoiding the risks of a sudden removal of this type of provision. This aligns with our approach to Rapid Rehousing across Wales, and is supportive of our high-level action plan and ultimate ambition to end homelessness as set out in our recently published White Paper on ending homelessness in Wales.