WQ90049 (e) Tabled on 05/12/2023

Further to the First Minister's answer to OQ60395, what work will the Minister undertake alongside Live Fear Free colleagues to ensure that an updated local support providers database is created?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 12/12/2023

The Live Fear Free helpline maintains a database of local and national support services available in Wales and will regularly signpost callers to these services, whenever it is appropriate and safe to do so.

My officials have been in touch with the Live Fear Free service and have confirmed that an up-to-date list of services is in place and is regularly updated.

I would encourage agencies to get in touch with the VAWDASV team, either directly at vawdasv@gov.wales, or through Buffy Willams MS and her local networks, so that their details can be circulated to Live Fear Free helpline colleagues.

This work does not sit in isolation but features heavily across the workstreams in our VAWDASV Blueprint, where we seek to understand and develop a picture of what services are available in Wales, both for those working with survivors but also with those who abuse.

Next week, we will launch the first of our service mapping surveys across Wales, with a focus on prevention services.  Further surveys will follow, to cover other aspects of VAWDASV service provision.

A key aim of this mapping work will be to improve our ability to share information between agencies across all sectors and with the public, to help ensure that those who need these services are aware of them and able to access them.