WQ89757 (e) Tabled on 22/11/2023

Will the Minister confirm what measures are in place to enforce local authorities to comply with delivering reformed additional learning needs provision in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 30/11/2023

Local authorities must comply with statutory duties under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 and ALN Code to provide children and young people with ALN with the additional learning provision they require.

All learners with ALN have a right to a statutory individual development plan (IDP). The additional learning provision described in IDPs must be secured, either by the local authority themselves, or by the school, further education institute or local health board.

Local authorities must also make arrangements for avoiding and resolving disagreements related to ALN between individuals and responsible bodies such as schools and further education institutions.  

The Education Tribunal for Wales can make decisions on appeals about ALN and may direct local authorities who fail to meet their obligations under the ALN system.

Estyn provides an important, independent assessment of the quality of education and training provision in Wales. Through their inspection work and thematic activity, Estyn highlights what’s going well and what needs to be improved in the education system.