WQ89542 (e) Tabled on 07/11/2023

What discussions has the Minister had with National Grid regarding the report they have commissioned from the Institution of Engineering and Technology to outline the options for new transmission networks?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 14/11/2023

I met National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) on 13 September to discuss potential new infrastructure in Wales. They have commissioned the Institute of Engineering and Technology to review and update the cost of new transmission networks. I understand the report will be published early in 2024 and will be similar to this existing publication: Electricity Transmission Costing Study (theiet.org)

As you are aware, the UK Government retains full responsibility for energy networks and related decisions. NGET does not habitually provide comparative costs for underground and overhead lines as the cost of any new line varies significantly depending on circumstances. However, undergrounding 400 kv transmission lines adds significant financial cost and must be considered alongside the wider impacts, assessed as part of the consenting process.