WQ89399 (e) Tabled on 19/10/2023

Will the Minister provide an update on the progress of the plan for carbon emissions assessment in tenders and contracting?

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 30/10/2023

Net zero carbon status by 2030: public sector route map, published in July 2021 set out a series of actions and milestones, including actions public sector buyers can take to drive emissions reduction in both tendering and contract management.

In respect of action at the tender stage we have introduced a pre-qualification criterion that requires suppliers to have a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP). CRPs detail the carbon footprint and environmental management systems suppliers have in place to reduce their emissions, and which will manage the emissions arising from the activities associated with the contract for which they are tendering. The Welsh Government published a Welsh Procurement Policy Note (WPPN) 06/21 in September 2021 entitled Taking Account of Carbon Reduction Plans, which provides guidance for the public sector and commits Welsh Government to require CRPs for all contracts over £5m.

In respect of action on emissions reduction in the planning and management of contracts, Welsh Government has published guidance in WPPN 12/21 Addressing CO2e in supply chains (Dec 2021) which advises the Welsh public sector on the actions they can take to address CO2e in both current contracts and how to plan for emissions reduction in future contracts.

Welsh Government also supports Welsh public sector bodies to understand their emissions profile through the provision of a spend analysis system that allows them to rank their spend and suppliers by emissions and so to prioritise action on emissions reduction actions.

Business Wales offers a wide range of advice and support on green policies, practices and resource efficiency for Welsh businesses. Decarbonisation Advisers are available to support businesses to adopt or improve environmental strategies, and work with businesses towards creating a resource efficient and resilient business. The Green Growth Pledge is part of the specialist sustainability support available through Business Wales and is open to all Welsh SMEs regardless of their industry sector. It provides a practical way for businesses to demonstrate their positive impact on the people and places around them and join a growing community of forward-thinking organisations.

In addition, Business Wales Tendering Advisers help businesses become ‘fit for tender’ recognising the importance of preparing carbon reduction plans, improving policies and practices that will improve their chances of winning public and private sector contracts, sub-contracting work on larger public-sector projects and securing places on public sector frameworks.