Will the Minister provide an update on what measures are being taken to combat antimicrobial resistance in animals and the environment in line with the first UK five year national action plan 2019-24?
Our AMR Implementation Plan (2019-2024), guided by its Delivery Group set ambitious goals for Wales. I am proud these goals, and more, have been delivered through collaborative working of Welsh Government, vets and animal keepers, with help from a range of experts.
In 2020 I made £4 Million of Rural Development Plan funding available, to support the control of (AMR) in animals and the environment. Arwain DGC (Defnydd Gwrthfioteg Cyfrifol) Cymru were successful in their application to deliver several projects. This has resulted in a number of firsts for Wales, receiving both national and international recognition. I would recommend the Arwain website for details of the achievements to control AMR here in Wales.