WQ89261 (e) Tabled on 06/10/2023

What lessons is the Welsh Government looking to learn from countries such as Finland in minimising or preventing homelessness in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 16/10/2023

As outlined in our Programme for Government and in the recently updated High Level Action Plan to end homelessness in Wales, Welsh Government is committed to moving to a system focused on prevention and rapid rehousing.

Informed by recommendations from the Homelessness Action Group, and drawing on international evidence, guidance has been published to support local authorities to develop rapid rehousing transition plans. This internationally recognised model is underpinned by strong evidence to support the multi-agency approach to preventing and ending homelessness and to help develop Wales specific Housing First principles for those identified as having high or complex needs.

To further our understanding of innovative homelessness interventions across Wales, I have commissioned research to evaluate and assess their success.  This research is based on a case study approach and will include engagement of those with lived experience of current services.

The findings will assist us in identifying best practice, and in the implementation of creative solutions to assist those with the most complex needs to move into suitable settled homes. The evidence generated will also inform future policy and the development of legislation to end homelessness in Wales as set out in our recently published White Paper.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Sian Gwenllian MS, the Plaid Cymru lead designated member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.